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QUIZ- Four types of essays 

Choose the right answer:  

1. ​This type of writing explains things.  

* narrative  

2. This type of writing tries to persuade the reader to think about 

something in a new way or to take a certain action.  


3. This type of writing tells a story.  

*narrative *persuasive *expository *descriptive  

4. This type of writing uses the five senses to give specific details to the 
*expository *narrative *descriptive *persuasive/argumentative 
5.You have written an article on "How To Find the Best Deals While 
Shopping Online." What type of writing is it?  

6. You wake up one morning and are feeling blue. You write a poem to 
convey a sense of your glumness. What type of writing is it?  


7. You have just finished writing a science-fiction novel. What type of 
writing is it?  


8. You write a personal experience article about being trapped on 

Mount Everest for five days and how you survived. You send the article 
to a magazine to see if they will accept it for publication. What type of 
writing is it?  

*expository *narrative *descriptive *persuasive 

9. You read a news story on the front page of the paper about an 
earthquake in another country. It gives the facts about where, when, 
who, what and how. What type of writing is it?  

*descriptive *narrative *expository *persuasive  

10. You write a business letter to a company telling them about your 
latest projects. What kind of writing is it?  

*expository *descriptive *persuasive *narrative  

11. You read an article in the paper about some questionable practices 
at the company for which you work. You disagree with the article and 
write a letter to the editor of the paper with your opposing viewpoint. 
What type of writing is it?  
*argumentative *narrative *expository *descriptive  

12. You have a big exam for world history on Friday. You realize you 
haven't done any of the reading assignments. You spend all night 
reading several chapters from the textbook. What kind of writing is in 
your textbook?  

*descriptive *persuasive *expository *narrative 

13. You have lived an interesting life so far, so you write your 
autobiography. What type of writing is it?  

*expository *descriptive * persuasive *narrative  

14.You have just been hired as the restaurant critic for your local 
newspaper. For your first assignment, you visit a new restaurant and 
discover what you consider to be the best seafood in the area. You 
write a critique telling the readers to check out this new restaurant. 
What type of writing is it?  

*expository *persuasive * narrative *descriptive  

​ u go on a hiking trip across Europe. Throughout your journey, you keep a 
j​ournal in which you describe the scenes, people, buildings, plants, animals and 
everything else you encounter. What type of writing is it?  

*descriptive *persuasive *expository *narrative 

1.expository 2.persuasive 3.narrative 4.descriptive 
5.expository 6.descriptive 7.narrative 8.narrative 
9.expository 10.expository 11.argumentative  
12.expository 13.narrative 14.persuasive 15.descriptive  

Determine which style of writing is being used and 

I walked through the soundstage where many of the old westerns had
been filmed. I even sat right where I remember seeing Jackie Cooper sit.
I was hooked. I wanted nothing more than to be an old cowboy. Of
course, old cowboys don’t exist anymore do they? Still, I wanted to be
one. My goal now was to find out all that I could to become one – even if
it didn’t make my mom and dad all that happy about my choice.

Narrative / descriptive / expository / persuasive

This style of writing is being told from the first person’s perspective.
There isn’t very much description being given and, at this point, there
is no persuasion going on nor are there facts being presented in a
non-biased way as to make it an expository style of writing. This style
of writing is a clear example of a narrative.
Sewing a button hole on a piece of garment tends to bring a wave of fear
to many but it shouldn’t. If you have the correct tools, such as a proper
button hole foot pedal for your sewing machine, this process will be
easy. Look in your case of sewing foot pedals and locate the pedal that
looks like that displayed in figure 2 on this page. Once you locate the
proper foot pedal, you will remove the current pedal and secure the new
foot pedal in place.

Narrative / Descriptive / Expository / Narrative

In this style of writing the author is giving the reader instructions. No
persuasion is going on nor is it over descriptive or narrative. The
writer is merely giving the reader facts on how to do something, i.e.,
sew a buttonhole. It is up to the reader to follow those instructions as
relayed or use them in a different way as they see fit.

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