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 senior citizen 

- old person
 law-enforcement officer - policeman
 undertaker - a person or firm whose job it is to dispose of the bodies of people who have died
(The direct German translation of the term undertaker is Unternehmer. It is interesting that the
German word means businessman or entrepreneur; it has not taken on the euphemistic
meaning of the English counterpart.)
 collateral damage - this is the term given to the unintended damage incurred in a military
action; for example,  the killing of civilians in bombing attacks on strategic city targets.
 pro-choice - describes person who is a supporter of a woman's right to have an abortion
(opponents of abortion call themselves pro-life)
 white meat - the meat that comes from the breast of a chicken
 adult movie - pornographic movie
 economical with the truth - someone who is economical with the truth is a liar
 tired and emotional - drunk
 person with a visual impairment - a blind person
 substance abuser - a drug addict
 downsizing- reducing the size and wages bill of a company by sacking employees
 Where can I wash my hands? - Where is the toilet?

1. He's light-fingered - the person is a thief / steals things

2. She's been doing time - she has been in prison
3. She passed away / kicked the bucket - the person has died
4. No longer with us / pushing up daisies – the person is dead
5. Public conveniences - public toilets
6. I'm just going to powder my nose - some people use to say that they are going to the toilet
7. Down and out / A down-and-out - person who is homeless
8. She's in the family way - pregnant
9. She had a baby - she gave birth to a new child
10. He made an honest woman of her - a man has married a woman

1. Because of budget cuts at the company, my mother's job was terminated without prejudice.
Because of budget cuts at the company, my mother's job was eliminated. The writer wanted to make it
clear that the mother was not to blame for the loss of her job

2. Sadly, the neighborhood where we used to live is now said to be in transition. Sadly, the
neighborhood where we used to live is now said to be a less desirable place to live. The writer is trying
not to say that different kinds of people are moving in, probably causing property values to decline.

3. To her great embarrassment, Eileen's mother called her pleasingly plump. To her great
embarrassment, Eileen's mother called her slightly overweight. Probably Eileen's mother thinks her
daughter is more than slightly overweight and actually
4. Moe's Pre-Owned Vehicles was the newest business in town, and apparently it was extremely
successful in these hard financial times.

5. Every Tuesday night we put out our recycling bins for the sanitation engineers to pick up on
Wednesday mornings.

6. The general explained that many civilian casualties resulted during the platoon's efforts to
neutralize the target.

7. Mary Lou was expecting again, which pleased her son and her parents enormously.

8. During this summer's heat wave we suddenly had no electricity in my apartment, and the
whole city experienced a disruption in service.

9. According to his defense attorney, the accused robber's statement in court was not completely

10. The town instituted the use of school buses to enforce its new commitment to a policy of

1. I’m afraid Mrs Wild passe away last night - died

2. Excuse me, where’s the nearest public convenience - toilet
3. Senior citizens are entitled to free bus travel - old age pensioners
4. Sadly, my grandmother is no longer with us - dead
5. In the middle of the exam I had to answer a call of nature - go to the toilet
6. His hat had seen better days was very - shabby
7. We had to have our dog put to sleep - killeed

He’s fat and ugly. He is overweight and unattractive

I’m going to vomit. I’m going to lose my lunch.
She’s a terrible cook.
You were drunk last night.
This worki s very careless.
Grandpa can hardly work.

(a) We were obliged to dispense with Miss Farr's services last month.
(b) He has been asked to leave the country due to his involvement with activities incompatible with his
diplomatic duties here.
(c) The state has an obligation to assist the less privileged members of the community
(d) The estate agent says the house needs some attention
(e) The ambassador said the talks were likely to have a negative outcome
(f) Tourists are advised to avoid the less salubrious parts of the city.
(g) Mr West has shown insufficient effort in the execution of his duties

(a) Your representative lied to us.

(b) The talks were a waste of time,
(c) He's always late for work.
(d) Your product is very badly-made.
(e) Our relations with your country are awful
(f) It would be stupid to go on strike now
(g) You owe us money
(h) We were very angry with your letter

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