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Justine Kaye B.

Porcadilla December 21, 2018

STS- BF (1:30-3:00 p.m.)

“Save and Protect Biodiversity”

Accordingly, the word “biodiversity” is a contraction of biological diversity which means

the “totality of animal, plant, and microbial species in a specific natural environment.”

Biodiversity is very important since it plays a major role in the lives of people all over the world,

serving as a source of food, medicines and many other materials needed to sustain human life.

Simply saying, it mirrors our relationships with the other living species, an ethical view with

rights, duties, and education. However, according to the American Journal of Botany, the arth's

biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate, even faster than the last mass extinction 65 million

years ago.

With a few simple habit changes and positive actions, I believe that I can help reduce

adverse impact on the environment and encourage local biodiversity. At home, I can do

composting since it reduces the amount of waste going into landfills and the space needed to

hold that waste. I can also follow the 5R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Replenish, Recover),

conserve the use of water, use environmental friendly products, replant trees, and learn as much

as I can about nature and share my knowledge with others.

All in all, preserving biodiversity not only provides our surrounding organisms with

protection and the resources needed to survive, but also sustains our expectations of a high

quality of life in the future. Together, we can be stewards of the environment by aiding in the

recovery of species at risk and preventing other species from becoming at risk. Our micro-efforts

will surely create a macro-effect towards saving and protecting biodiversity.

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