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Semester Spring 2021 Introduction to Psychology (PSY101)

Assignment No.01

Question :1

You have read about Eric Erikson theory in lecture 11 of your course in detail. Following are
few scenarios related to the stages of development presented by Erikson. You are supposed to
read them in detail and identify the correct stage of development discussed in each scenario.
After that justify your selection giving at least four points:

Scenario Stage (1*5) Justification (3*5)

Nawazish is a 1 year old Basic Trust Vs Mistrust This stage start at birth
baby. Her parents are the (Oral sensor stage) Continues to around 18
only support which she has. 18 months of age. In this
At this stage, Nawazish stage the child is unware from
world in which they living.
feels afraid when a stranger He just know about them his
is present in the room but primary caregiver. He did
she becomes stable as soon trust his primary caregiver
as she sees either of her beacsuse know them. When a
parents. stranger is present in the
room she feel threatened from
them. Because she not know
them.But when she looks
stranger with his parent she
feel secure because they will
be able to trust others
relationships. When she look
around the world, she meets
with other persons his
threatend will be change into
secure environment.
Kareem is a 10 years old industry vs inferiority In this stage children enter
boy. He has several friends into a great society. If they
of the same age. Kareem succeed navigating this stage.
has recently won a race for They will be able to develop a
his school and feels that great significant role in a
this achievement has society. They will become
increased his self-esteem. hard worker, fertile and
contributing member of the
society. If they not suucceed
in this stage they maay
develop low self esteem.
They will become dull, lazy
and unproductive member of
the society.
Dawood is a 19 years old Intimacy Vs Isolation during this stage, the Major
young man. He is opposite position centers on
extremely popular amongst forming sex, loving
his friends. Dawood has relationships with others
decided to become a people with a good outcome
psychologist because the make complete of this stage
rest of his class was opting can outcome in happy
for to become engineers, relationships and a sense of
doctors and lawyers. In undertaking to do, safety, and
order to become care within a relation. In this
independent, Dawood even stage people begin to share
started earning and stopped ourselves personally with
take financial support from other persons.
his parents.

Ayesha is a 45 years old Adulthood generativity vs. we give back to our society
woman. She is a mother of stagnation through making our boys and
3 children. She also runs a (middle adulthood) girls, being with a tendency to
small NGO where she produce at work, and
helps other poor women by becoming taken part with in
providing them with group activities and
opportunities for learning organizations . through
and making their lives generativity we deelop a
better. sense of being a part of the
bigger picture . good outcome
leads to feelings of usefulness
and hard things to be done,
while unsuccessful person
results in not deep sense of
being mixed in the earth .

Farhan is a 60 years old Ego integrity Vs. despair This stage begins around at
man. He is now retired from age 65 and ends at death. it is
his job and spends most of during this time that we
his time gardening at his contemplate our
accomplishments and can
home. He often develop integrity if we see
contemplates on his past and ourselves as leading a
feels satisfied with susseccful life.
what he has achieved.

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