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A ZWEIHÄNDER Expansion for Armor & Injuries by Location
Broken Fingers / Writing & Development

jeff heising
Cuts & Bruises / Advising & Consulting

Gouged Eyes / Layout & Art

Added Cruelty / Additional Consulting & Writing

mariusz malinowski

This game product is powered by ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG ™, a trademark of Grim & Perilous
Studios LLC, in the USA and other countries. Used with permission. Original text content of ZWEIHÄNDER
Grim & Perilous RPG is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0
Unported License. ZWEIHÄNDER Logo, content and original artwork are copyright © 2009–2019, Grim &
Perilous Studios, LLC unless otherwise specified. ZWEIHÄNDER Inventory, Encumbrance & Armor Sheet
created by Jeff Heising, with art by Dejan Mandic.


For some, combat can be the most fun, exciting and Depending on the amount of detail and realism you
rewarding aspect of roleplaying games. It is often the want for wearing different armor types in your game,
main factor of how we judge a game. Roleplaying itself there are two options that can be used dealing with
is basically the same from game to game. We work Qualities. Characteristics of both options are;
through social situations with a few skill checks; who’s
attending the Barons party, finding clues of the city’s  If a Character is wearing any other armor type
crime syndicate or agreeing on a price to guard the besides cloth on any part of their body, they
caravan to the next town. More importantly, we look immediately lose the benefits of the Natural
at the mechanics of combat to help decide how we are Quality.
going to spend our Saturday night. How detailed the
combat is, how it flows, what options do we have to  The Dangerous Quality is referred to if a specific
make it interesting and unique. Does it bring us to the body part is struck and is not protected by armor.
edge of our seats?
The two options follow.
Also important and a big part of the fun and draw of
a game is the customization of Player Characters. This I. If someone is wearing a single piece of armor that
definitely holds true in ZWEIHÄNDER. There are has the Heavy Quality, they are considered to be
many professions, skills, talents, spells, weapons and wearing Heavy armor.Taken from ZWEIHÄNDER
armor to choose from to make every character unique. Revised Core Rulebook, page 374.
There are also optional rules for weapon damage, II. If someone is wearing three or more pieces of
multiple attacks and piecemeal armor. This supplement armor with the Heavy Quality, than the Heavy
is going to expand on the rules covering piecemeal Quality is in effect. While wearing one or two
armor and the injuries that affect those areas. The pieces of armor with the Heavy Quality, that
few paragraphs that detail those rules from the core individual is unaffected by the Heavy Quality for
rulebook will be repeated here so all of the information purposes of using Coordination to Dodge attacks.
is in one booklet. The injury tables have been expanded It is still prohibited to use the Incantation skill
to cover each hit location, head, arms, body and legs. while wearing a single piece of armor with the
There are a number of options to use throughout this Heavy Quality. Note, each arm and leg are counted
booklet and it is suggested to use the last option in all as one piece, so a humanoid would wear six pieces
the areas that have choices. Of course, feel free to use of armor to cover their body.
the options that best fit you and your group.

Combat in ZWEIHÄNDER is quick and deadly

Brida Scarious, a local Watchwomen was
and the expanded rules contained here will not slow
issued leather armor when she signed up
down combat on any level.. There are no additions
with the town Watch. She made a little coin
rolls needed to use any of the options that follow. At
recently at a gaming house and decides to buy
character creation and anytime after that individual
a mail haubergeon to further protect herself on
pieces of armor are changed out there will be some
her patrols. Mail haubergeon has the Heavy
book keeping that needs to be done.
Quality but since it is the only piece of Heavy
armor worn Brida is unaffected. She will still be
For simplicity and all-around fairness it is suggested
able to Dodge attacks with a Coordination test.
that any options used for the Player Characters will
also be used for any opponents they are dealing with.

Dangerous: Clothing or armor of this Quality cannot I. Always refer to the encumbrance value of the
adequately protect you from harm. Should you suffer heaviest type of armor, as stated in ZWEIHÄNDER
an Injury during this time without wearing a suit of Revised Core Rulebook, page 374.
armor, you begin to Bleed (as mentioned in Chapter
8: Combat). II. As an alternative, you can use the Inventory &
Encumbrance Sheet at the end of this supplement.
Heavy: Armor of this Quality prohibits the use of the It uses the alternative Encumbrance system in
Incantation Skill to cast Magick and Coordination in ZWEIHÄNDER Revised Core Rulebook, page 375.
order to Dodge attacks. You are allowed to fill the appropriate slots and not
count them as Encumbrance. Any items over the
Natural: Armor of this Quality adds a +10 Base allowed slots are considered Overage with normal
Chance to Dodge attacks. Encumbrance values.
III. As a third choice you can use the table below (Table
ENCUMBRANCE A: Individual Armor Encumbrance) to calculate
total Encumbrance Values for each individual piece
Encumbrance is what you carry with you and if you of armor worn. This chart is a slightly modified
carry too much it can negatively affect you in the form version of the armor encumbrance system used in
of Overage. Overage will lower your Initiative and Ballers II, a bloodblitz campaign supplement in the
your Movement, so it is important to track and to Grim & Perilous Library, used with permission by
stay within your Encumbrance score. There are three writer Mariusz Malinowski a.k.a. ”Baller”. The only
options to pick from for Encumbrance; modifications made were to call out ‘right’ and ‘left’
arm and ‘right’ and ‘left’ leg as individual areas.

Bloodblitz Encumbrance: When determining the Encumbrance of piecemeal armor, simply use the chart below and add
up the numbers for the pieces of armor that you wear. Use the tens digit for your final Encumbrance score.

Table A: Individual Armor Encumbrance

Fur or Hide 3 4.5 4.5 12 3 3 30 3
Quilted 2 3 3 8 2 2 20 2
Leather 3 4.5 4.5 12 3 3 30 3
Brigadine 4 6 6 16 4 4 40 4
Ringmail 5 7.5 7.5 20 5 5 50 5
Mail 5 7.5 7.5 20 5 5 50 5
Scale 7 10.5 10.5 28 7 7 70 7
6 9 9 24 6 6 60 6
Full Plate 7 10.5 10.5 28 7 7 70 7

Draxan Varcona, a Pit Fighter is getting ready

for his next duel at the Tratus Arena. He first In the ZWEIHÄNDER Revised Core Rulebook, page
puts on his Mail Haubergeon [Body, with Enc. 374, it states that it may be a good idea for a player to
value of 20]. Next are his Leather Gaiters [Both make an (Easy +20%) Warfare Test to determine where
Legs, with Enc. Value of 6]. Draxan’s right arm the least protected body part of an enemy is. To keep
will be protected by Full Plate Spaulder [Right the flow of combat moving it is suggested to skip this
Arm, with Enc. value of 10.5], while his Left option unless the opponent is wearing a robe or full
Arm will rely on his shield [Left Arm, with mantle/body cloak to conceal their armor.
Enc. value of 0]. The last piece to be donned
is his Munitions Plate Aventail [Head, with Difficulty ratings taken from ZWEIHÄNDER Revised
Enc. value of 6] Then we add all of the body Core Rulebook, page 374;
areas up 20+6+10.5+0+6=42.5. Then take
the tens digit from this total to get your final  Head: (Arduous -30%) Combat-based Skill Test
Encumbrance Value. In this example, Draxan’s  Arms: (Challenging -10%) Combat-based Skill Test
Encumbrance Value for his armor would be 4.
 Body: (Standard +/-0%) Combat-based Skill Test
 Legs: (Hard -20%) Combat-based Skill Test
Whether it takes place in theatre of the mind or on a
battle grid, we like to envision what the combat looks REVISED DAMAGE
like as we are fighting. With this system it is very easy
to see where you hit, and call that out to the group
to further the narrative. There are two options for Following is the revised Damage Threshold Chart that
determining hit location. will be used to track the different body areas. It contains
the To Hit location die rolls and the corresponding
I. Flip your attack roll to see which body location body areas (Table C: Revised Damage Threshold
was hit. For example, if you roll a 36% Combat Chart).
Skill Test to hit, flipping it will give you a 63. You
hit your opponent in the body. Fans of that other
game will be very familiar with this method.
II. Use the ‘units’ or ‘ones’ die to determine the location
of the hit, as mentioned in the ZWEIHÄNDER
Revised Core Rulebook, page 374. For example, if you
roll a 29% Combat roll to hit, the ‘units’ die is 9. You
hit your opponent on the right leg. Arms are hit on
a 2-4. We will use two numbers for the dominant
hand and one number for the off hand. Make sure
to make a note of which is your dominant hand
in the Background section of your character sheet.
All opponents will be considered right-handed unless
specifically called out. In the case of creatures that do
not fit an upright bipedal form, use common sense.

A simple example table (Table B: Example Creature

Hit Location ) can be found opposite, on page 7.

Table B: Example Creature Hit Location

Bog Behemoth Cephalopod 01-20 (1-2) 21-00 (3-0)
Chimæra Quadruped 41-70 (5-7) 01-10 (1) 81-00 (9-0) 71-80 (8) 11-40 (2-4)
Low Orx Biped 11-40 (2-4) 41-80 (5-8) 01-10 (1) 81-00 (9-0)
Silverback 11-40 (2-4) &
Quadruped 41-80 (5-8) 01-10 (1)
Warg 81-00 (9-0)
Snake Serpentes 11-90 (2-9) 01-10 (1) 91-00 (0)

Note: Hit locations from the first option are in black, and hit locations from the second option are in red parentheses.

Table C: Revised Damage Threshold Chart

__ Arm
__ Arm
R. Leg
L. Leg

Table C1: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Fur or Hide Table C2: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Quilted
Fur or Quilted 1 None 2 11 gc
1 None 3 6 gc
Aketon Arms, Body & Legs 9 gc
Cloak Arms, Body & Head 5 gc
Leggings Legs 2 gc
Chaps Legs 1 gc
Gambeson Arms & Legs 8 gc
Cape Arms & Body 4 gc
Doublet Body 4 gc
Mantle Body 2 gc
Arming Cap Head 10 ss
Hood Head 5 ss

Table C3: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Leather Table C4: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Brigandine
Leather 2 None 3 20 gc Brigandine 3 None 4 33 gc
Gaiters Legs 4 gc Jack Body 13 gc
Buff Coat Arms & Body 14 gc Surcoat Arms, Body & Legs 29 gc
Jerkin Body 8 gc Cuisses Legs 7 gc
Capeline Head 1 gc Barbute (Metal) Head 7 gc

Table C5: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Ringmail Table C6: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Mail
Ringmail 3 None 5 28 gc Mail 4 None 5 65 gc
Doublet Arms & Body 20 gc Hauberk Arms, Body & Legs 58 gc
Nasal Helmet Chausses Legs 13 gc
Head 3 gc
Byrnie Arms & Body 46 gc
Trousers Legs 5 gc
Hauergeon Body 26 gc
Coif Head 7 gc
Table C7: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Munitions Plate
ARMOR ENC. Table C8: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Scale
5 Heavy 7 88 gc NAME VAL.
Plate MOD

PARTS Scale 5 Heavy 7 77 gc

Breastplate Body 35 gc COVERED

Pauldrons Arms 26 gc Coat Arms, Body & Legs 69 gc

Schynbalds Legs 17 gc Tunic Body 35 gc

Aventail Head 10 gc Ridge Helmet Head 8 gc


Table C9: Revised Damage Threshold Chart, Full Plate ARMOR CONDITION
There are three options for tracking armor condition.
Full Plate 6 Heavy 7 179 gc
PARTS I. Armor damage is not normally tracked in the
standard rules. There are specific Traits, Talents or
Breastplate Body 72 gc other occasions where the GM may decide that
Spaulders Arms 54 gc the integrity of your armor has been compromised.
Greaves Legs 36 gc It will then gain the Ruined! Quality. See below
for the description of the Ruined! Quality.
Bascinet Head 17 gc
II. In this option, receiving a Grievous Injury will
confer the Ruined! Quality to the piece of armor of
the affected area. See below for the description of
01-10 (1) the Ruined! Quality. Make a note of this on your
character sheet.
III. The third option has three levels of damage a piece
of armor can take. They are Dangerous, Ruined!
and Destroyed!. When an Injury is suffered the
first time, the Dangerous Quality is conferred to
that piece of armor. If that armor location is Injured
again while still having the Dangerous Quality,
11-30 (2,3) 31-40 (4)
it is now considered Ruined! If the armor is not
repaired and receives a third Injury, it is Destroyed!
41-80 (5,8) and cannot be repaired. Any of the current damage
Qualities should be noted on your character sheet.

Dangerous: The Dangerous Quality is conferred by

receiving a Injury or other occasions where the GM
may decide that the integrity of your armor is in a state
of disrepair. Armor that has acquired this quality will
suffer a -1 (to a minimum of 1)to its Damage Threshold
and cannot adequately protect you from harm. Should
you suffer an Injury during this time with your
armor damaged, you begin to Bleed (as mentioned in
Chapter 8: Combat of ZWEIHÄNDER Revised Core
Rulebook). Fixing Dangerous Quality armor requires
91-00 (0) an appropriate tradesman who can fix it, who must be
paid three days wages. Alternatively, if you can make a
successful Tradecraft Test after three days of repair, you
81-90 (9) may fix it yourself.
Ruined!: The Ruined! Quality is conferred by specific
Traits, Talents or other occasions where the GM may
decide that the integrity of your armor is in a state
of disrepair. Armor of this Quality does not add to

Damage Threshold. Fixing Ruined! Quality armor Black Cataract (Head)

requires an appropriate tradesman who can fix it, who Your eye has grown over with glaucoma or suffered major
must be paid six day’s wage. Alternatively, if you can trauma in a fight or accident. As a result, you have difficulty
make a successful Tradecraft Test after six days of repair, making out distances and depth. It’s not to say that you
you may fix it yourself. If you attempt to trade or sell cannot see, but you face extreme hardship, unable to discern
Ruined! items, they have no value whatsoever unless it between friend or foe at times.
is made of metal. Ruined! Metal armor is worth 1/10 Effect: Whenever you miss with Attack Actions using
of its original value since it can be remelted or reforged. a ranged weapon, you must re-roll the result with the
same Difficulty Rating. If it is a success, you strike a
Destroyed!: Armor that has been damaged the third random ally who is Engaged with your target.
time without being repaired is Destroyed!. It crumbles
or falls off of your body to the ground. It cannot be Bleeder (Arms)
repaired and has no value whatsoever unless it is made Your blood doesn’t easily clot. This means you bruise like a
of metal. Destroyed! metal armor is worth 1/10 of its peach when hurt, and spurt like a stuck pig whenever you
original value since it can be remelted or reforged. are injured.
Effect: Whenever you are treated with the Heal Skill, a

DRAWBACKS caregiver suffers an additional -20 Base Chance, unless

they expend an additional bandage during treatment.
There are additional drawbacks under a number of
the Grievous Injury descriptions. If at any time a Bum Leg * (Legs)
character gains a Drawback, the GM and player After bones being broken, tendons cut and muscles crushed,
should take some time at the end of the session to your body cannot maneuver wearing heavy cumbersome
discuss it. Drawbacks will often affect a character armor anymore.
mentally and physically and this should show in the Effect: If wearing armor with the Heavy Quality,
characters actions. ZWEIHÄNDER is about how Encumbrance points are doubled for the purpose of
the world affects the characters and Drawbacks from determining overage.
Grievous Injuries can be a major game changer. Try to
see Drawbacks as a character trait, something to add Cat Got Your Tongue * (Head)
flavor to your characters personality. They should not Battle has taken jaw, teeth or tongue. You barely have a
be seen as a negative or something to sulk about but a voice to speak with.
new challenge to overcome. Effect: You must flip to fail all Skill Tests which rely
on your voice.
A list of all Drawbacks, old and new that may arise
from being injured in combat are listed below for easy Crop Ear (Head)
reference. New Drawbacks are listed with a red asterisk An unfortunate accident or a result of birth or disease has
(*). left you partially deaf. You are barely able to hear and must
rely on your other senses to process the world around you.
Bad Ticker (Body) Speech is difficult and you’re often misunderstood or even
You suffer from a debilitating sickness or an injury that ridiculed as you converse with others.
never healed fully, which makes your blood stir slowly. It is Effect: You must flip the results to fail all Skill Tests
slowly eating away at your precious humanity bit-by-bit, that rely on hearing.
and inevitably will lead to your doom.
Effect: Whenever you fail to Resist against Stress, Fear Dunderhead (Head)
or Terror, you gain 3 additional Corruption. You are socially awkward and don’t get along well with
others. You often stammer, lose focus and find it hard to
compel others to listen to you. As such, you are perceived as
being socially inept at times, or haughty without reason.
You may even have a brain trauma! You decide.

Effect: Whenever you suffer mental Peril, move Manikin Joint * (Arms, Legs)
one additional step down the Peril Condition Track Either your elbow is wrecked or your knee blown out, one
negatively while suffering 1 Corruption. of your joints no longer listens to your will. From a crude
board and bandage to an elaborate contraption of hinges,
Frequent Seizure * (Body, Head) rods and straps, your joint is held from straight to bent as
Maybe the result from a head trauma or a devastating back you want.
injury it seems at the most inopportune time your body locks Effect: This joint must be locked in place by splint or
up and does not respond. device in order to use it. While locked in place all Skill
Effect: You fall into fits of shaking and frothing under Tests with this arm/leg become worse by one step on
tense situations. When you suffer from Stress, Fear or the Difficulty Rating Chart.
Terror, you must roll a chaos die, 1d6 for Stress, 2d6
chaos dice for Fear and 3d6 chaos dice for Terror. If any Ne’er Do Well (Head)
are a face “6” you fall to the ground Helpless for 1d10 You are feckless, irresponsible and prone to idleness. It
+1 minutes. doesn’t mean that you are completely useless, however, you
are unreliable when the chips are down.
Hobbled Gait * (Legs) Effect: You cannot Assist others’ Skill Tests.
Your lower body has suffered a devastating injury. You find
yourself staying on your horse or wagon, the bar stool even. Open Hand * (Arms)
You quite often need something to support yourself to walk. Through broken finger and ripped tendons your hand
Combat is difficult but you are not ready to lie down and sometimes let loose on its own.
die just yet. Effect: Whenever you suffer from Stress, Fear or Terror
Effect: You must spend an additional AP to perform you immediately drop what is in your hand. In addition
any Movement Action. when you suffer from Bleeding or an Injury you must
pass a Toughness test or drop what is in your hand.
Light Load * (Arms, Body, Legs)
An after effect from a disease or a major wound to your Pain Killer (Body, Legs)
spine taken in battle, your body can no longer carry extra You escape the stresses of your daily life , the memories of
weight that it used to. past battles– and the horrors of what’s out there – by self-
Effect: When determining your encumbrance limit it medicating.
is [BB] + 0 instead of [BB] + 3. Effect: Work with your GM to select a single Addiction
your Character begins play with.
Limited Mobility * (Arms)
Through age, hard work in the fields or damage inflicted Partial Paralysis * (Body)
thru combat your arm does not have its youthful range of Through deadly combat your spine has been brutalized.
motion anymore. Your mind may be as quick as ever but your body resists
Effect: You suffer a -20 base chance to all Skill Tests your commands.
with this arm. If you decide to triple the amount of Effect: You permanently suffer from the Stunned
time required to try a task, you will only suffer a -10 Condition and thus begin your turn always with one
base chance. less AP. Note that you cannot be further stunned.

Limp Wrist * (Arms) Restless Sleep * (Body)

With broken bones and severed tendons, your wrist is the By sight, this old battle wound has healed. Unfortunately it
weakest link. Heavy exertion and a delicate touch is no still stabs you with shocking pain in the dark hours of night.
longer your forte. Effect: You cannot rest to recover from Peril in rural
Effect: You must flip to fail all Agility Skill Tests that environments, unless you take a dose of tobacco before
use this hand. resting.

Rigid Spine * (Body) step. For instance, if you are corpulent, you are now
Your back has taken quite the abuse, you feel the weight of husky. Once you reach frail (or are already frail), reduce
the world pressing down on you. your Brawn by 9%.
Effect: When determining your Initiative and
Movement, use [PB] + 1 for Initiative and [AB] + 1 Veteran’s Arm * (Arms)
for Movement. Through some horrific accident or a mortal injury in
battle, your arm has been severed or torn off at the elbow.
Sanguine Temperament (Head) Shouldering a backpack is about all it is useful for now.
You are rather outgoing, but also jittery and have a hard Effect: You cannot use two-handed weapons or attempt
time sitting still. You may suffer from ‘jimmy leg’, and are any Skill Tests that must use two hands or arms. You
unable to keep a steady hand in the thick of battle, unless may still Climb, Swim, Ride a horse, etc. Furthermore
concentrating you cannot equip a shield to this arm.
Effect: You cannot Load or Take Aim without spending
an additional Action Point. In addition, whenever you Veteran’s Boot (Legs)
use the Special Action of Wait, you lose 1 Action Point. Perhaps lost during an unfortunate carriage accident,
during an intense battle, or in the jaws of a rabid animal,
Sour Stomach (Body) you are missing a foot. In its place is a wooden boot, which
You have pains in your stomach that make it difficult to keep you must strap onto your leg to stand up straight. It makes
down ‘rich’ food. This also means other kinds of substances a characteristic ‘CLUD’ sound as you walk, which has
can have a poor effect on your health, and keep you confined earned you a number of embarrassing nicknames.
to the water closet. Effect: You cannot Charge, Maneuver or Run with
Effect: After taking a dose of Laudanum, a Movement Actions without spending an additional
Delirient or consuming a substance the GM Action Point.
sees as being hard on your stomach, you
cannot recover to Unhindered on the Peril Veteran’s Eye (Head)
Condition Track (only to Imperiled) for the You have lost an eye. It may have been from a
next 24-hours. childhood prank gone wrong, an abnormality
from birth or the ‘devil’ made you gouge it out.
Split Face (Head) Regardless, you may have a glass bead where
Whether you took the haft of an axe to the face, it once was, wear an eye patch over the empty
your nose was broken in a fight or was born with socket or simply let its hollowed-out recess go
a deformity, you have a poor sense of smell. uncovered.
Effect: You must flip the results to fail all Skill Effect: Reduce the Distance for all ranged
Tests which rely on smell and taste. weapons you use by -3 (to a minimum of 1).

Two-Handed Trouble * (Arms) Veteran’s Hand (Arms)

Muscles cut and bones crushed, using both hands in unison Whether it was lopped off at the hands of a vicious
is a physical and mental challenge. mercenary or somehow torn asunder in the complex cogs
Effect: When using two-handed melee or ranged of a war machine, you lost use of your hand long ago. In
weapons the difficulty rating becomes worse by one its place is an iron prosthesis, clumsy to attach and difficult
step on the Difficulty Rating Chart.. to use. A webbing of leather straps adorns your arm, from
wrist to elbow.
Uncontrolled Retching * (Body) Effect: You cannot hold weapons which are two-
Your abdomen has been pierced, sliced or pummeled, either handed and must flip the results to fail any Skill Test
way it is now difficult to keep food down. Water and bread requiring use of both hands.
are the least offensive.
Effect: You slowly become emaciated, deathly thin and
withered. Immediately move your build type down one

Veteran’s Leg (Legs)

With a characteristic shuffling, you draw your lame WHEN INJURY
leg behind you. Attached at the knee cap with a Barber
Surgeon’s contraption, the cheap prosthesis grants you the
ability to walk (albeit at a slow, deliberate pace). Every Injury has a specific penalty you’ll incur and
Effect: You must reduce your Movement by 3 and then suffer until you’re Recuperated. Some Injuries
cannot Run. can inflict permanent harm. The GM will randomly
determine which Injury the defender suffers from
Weak Lungs (Body) (referenced by the new tables contained in this
You have suffered a terrible injury at some point, making it expansion). The kind of Injury is solely dependent on
difficult to breath. You may have fallen on a fencepost as a where the defender is on the Damage Condition Track.
youth and grown up with the use of only one lung. Perhaps In addition, Characters also gain 3 Corruption for
you were stabbed by a vicious rival and now exhibit an Moderate Injuries, 6 Corruption for Serious Injuries
audible wheezing. and 9 Corruption for Grievous Injuries. Treatments of
Effect: Whenever you suffer physical Peril, move Injuries are covered in Chapter 9: Hazards & Healing
one additional step down the Peril Condition Track of ZWEIHÄNDER Revised Core Rulebook.
negatively while suffering 1 Corruption.
DETERMINING Both Moderate and Serious Injuries must be treated

INJURY successfully to begin Recuperation. You may only be

treated in this manner once every 24 hours, no matter
When a defender’s Damage Condition Track drops whether it is successful or not. If you are suffering from
to Moderately Wounded, Seriously Wounded or multiple Injuries, each must be treated individually.
Grievously Wounded, they are at risk of suffering an The more Injuries you’re currently suffering from the
Injury. In some cases, particular Talents or other Traits worse the Difficulty Rating of the Heal Test gets:
may make said Injuries more (or less) severe. Note that
you are never at risk of suffering Injuries if you move  One Injury: (Routine +10%) Heal Test
up the Damage Condition Track; only when you move
 Two Injuries: (Standard +/-0%) Heal Test
down the Damage Condition Track.
 Three Injuries: (Challenging -10%) Heal Test
When a Character’s Damage Condition track drops to
Lightly Wounded, there is no risk of Injury. Once the
Condition Track drops to Moderately Wounded, they If you are treated with a successful Heal Test, you
must immediately roll a 1D6 Chaos Die. If the result begin Recuperation. A Critical Success has the same
is face ‘6’, they suffer a Moderate Injury. When the results as above while reducing the Recuperation time
Damage Condition Track drops to Seriously Wounded, by 3 days. Both Failure and Critical Failure means you
they must immediately roll 2D6 Chaos Dice. If the cannot begin Recuperating until undergoing successful
results show one or more face ‘6’, they suffer a Serious treatment, while Critical Failure also indicates that
Injury. When the Damage Condition Track drops your wounds now suffer from Infection.
to Grievously Wounded, they must immediately roll
3D6 Chaos Dice. If the results show one or more face
‘6’, they suffer a Grievous Injury, and once they reach
Slain!, they’re dead. Grievous Injuries require surgery before Recuperation
begins. Successful surgery also allows you to avoid any
permanent effects it may confer. However, you must
undergo this surgery within a number of hours equal
to your [BB] of suffering a Grievous Injury or else its

effects are permanent. As before, if you are suffering

from multiple Injuries, each must be treated individually. INJURY TABLE
The more Injuries you’re currently suffering from, the
worse the Difficulty Rating of the Heal Test gets:
 Brawling weapons will use the Crushing weapons
 One Injury: (Routine +10%) Heal Test tables.

 Two Injuries: (Standard +/-0%) Heal Test  Use the Movement Adjustment Table for all Leg
 Three Injuries: (Challenging -10%) Heal Test
 If you need to determine right or left for feature on
If you are treated with a successful Heal Test, you the Head or Body roll a 1d6. 1-3 will be the right
may begin Recuperation and don’t suffer from the side and 4-6 will be the left side.
permanent effects of a Grievous Injury. A Critical
Success has the same results as above while reducing  If you use option 3 for armor condition tracking
the time to Recuperate by 3 days. Both Failure and refer to page 9 for specific details of armor taking
Critical Failure means you cannot begin Recuperating damage.
until undergoing successful treatment, while Critical  Arrows and bolts are considered broken when they
Failure also indicates that your wounds now suffer from inflict an Injury unless they are made of a special
Infection. Until fully recuperated, your movement will material.
be modified by the Movement Adjust Table located at
the end of this supplement.

While undergoing Recuperation, you still suffer
from any penalties your Injury conferred on you.
Recuperation requires a certain number of days before
the effects are lifted and the Injury disappears. Total
recovery is based on the severity of the Injury:

 Moderate Injury: 1D10+1 days to Recuperate

 Serious Injury: 2D10+2 days to Recuperate
 Grievous Injury: 3D10+3 days to Recuperate
Note that if you elect to remain bedridden while
Recuperating, you reduce the time to Recuperate by
one additional day you remain in bed (to a minimum
of 1 day to Recuperate). This means that if you require
6 days to Recuperate and you spend the first 3 days in
bed, you are fully Recuperated.

Table D: Bladed Weapons Injuries, Head

1 Haircut or Helmet Ding Ignore injury and as a bonus you will not need a haircut for a while.
2 Grazed Cheek Succeed at a Toughness test to use any skill that relies on your voice.
3 Grazed Brow Succeed at a Toughness test to use any skill that relies on your vision.
Ripped Out Earring/Cut
4 Succeed at a Toughness test to use any skill test that relies on your hearing.
5 Beard Trim / Chin Cut Flip to fail any skill test that relies on your Fellowship.
6 Helmet / Head Bash Reduce your Initiative by 3.


Skill tests that rely on your vision are considered Challenging (-10%). With the exception of
1 Grazed Eye
Ranged attacks; Medium range is considered Hard (-20%) and Long range is Arduous (-30%)
2 Scalped / or 5 if Helmet May not use any Reactions.
3 Jaw Slashed Flip to fail any skill test which relies on your voice.
Only slightly rattled,you must succeed at a Resolve test each Turn or be Stunned. In
4 Helmet Thrown Off / or 6
addition, your helmet is throw 3 yards in a random direction.
5 Head Trauma Cannot use Special Actions in combat.
6 Skull Fracture Flip to fail all skill tests.


Status: You may only Move as you are in pain.
1 Severe Concussion Drawback: Ne’er Do Well
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Intelligence.
Status: You cannot see as you’re blinded.
2 Mutilated Eye Drawback: Black Cataract
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Perception.
Status: You cannot hear as you’re in pain.
3 Mutilated Ear Drawback: Crop Ear
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: You cannot smell as you’re in pain.
4 Mutilated Nose Drawback: Split Face
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: Unconscious.
5 Cerebral Contusion Drawback: Dunderhead
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Intelligence.
Status: Incapacitated
Effect: You are Bleeding
6 Punctured Artery
Drawback: Frequent Seizure
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table E: Bladed Weapons Injuries, Arms

1 Grazed Hand Ignore injury and as a bonus you now have an X scar marked on the top of your hand.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. All melee weapon attacks with
2 Ripped Off Fingernail
this hand are considered Challenging (-10%).
3 Grazed Forearm You cannot use a choke hold.
4 Minor Cut to Elbow All ranged weapon attacks with this hand are considered Challenging (-10%).
5 Upper Arm Grazed Double the penalty to climb or swim for Movement Actions.
6 Grazed Shoulder It will cost you 1 Ap to draw, pick up, swap or give a weapon to an ally.


You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. You must pass a Toughness test
1 Back of Hand Slashed
in order to hold anything in this hand. Test before each combat.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. You can not use this hand at all,
2 Thumb Sliced
even to hold something.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. You can not use a shield with this
3 Forearm Pierced
hand or perform a choke hold.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. You can not use any combat
4 Elbow Slashed
actions at all with this hand.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. Flip to fail all Combat, Brawn
5 Bicep Gashed
and Agility tests.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand. Suffer all the ill effect of #5 Bicep
6 Shoulder Sliced
Gashed. You can not carry a backpack, rucksack or shoulder bag.


Status: You cannot use this hand as you are in pain.
1 Wrist Slashed Drawback: Bleeder
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Combat.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
2 Bicep/Tricep Tendon Cut Drawback: Two-handed Trouble
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Combat.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
3 Forearm Tendon Cut Drawback: Limp Wrist
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this hand as you are in pain.
Effects: You lose 1D6-1 fingers. For every finger lost, you permanently lose 1% Agility. If you
4 Fingers Removed lose all fingers, you gain the listed Drawback.
Drawback: Veteran’s Hand
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
5 Shoulder Ligaments Cut Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
6 Upper Arm Cleaved Drawback: Veterans Arm
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table F: Bladed Weapons, Body

Ignore injury and as a bonus you can look cool and lick the blood of your wound like Bruce
1 Grazed Stomach
Leigh, in Enter the Wyrm.
2 Grazed Chest You are Stunned and only have 2 AP per turn.
3 Stinging Cut to Groin You must add 1 additional AP to all Movement Actions.
4 Grazed Ribs It is difficult to catch your breath, you can not use Inspiring Words or Litany of Hatred.
5 Cut Armpit You must add 1 additional AP to any Load or Take Aim Actions.
6 Grazed Collarbone Reduce your encumbrance by 3.


1 Slashed Abdomen Standard Agility and Willpower Tests are now Hard (-20%).
2 Jarring Cut to Ribs Flip to fail all Tests that use your voice or breath.
3 Sliced Chest Flip to fail all Ranged Attack Tests.
4 Slashed Back Your encumbrance is halved.
5 Slashed Side You must pass a Resolve Test to do any Action other than Hustle.
6 Punctured Armpit You can not use this arm.


Status: Incapacitated.
1 Lower Side Thru & Thru Drawback: Restless Sleep
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
2 Heavy cut to the Ribs Drawback: Bad Ticker
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: You can do nothing but hold your guts in.
3 Abdomen Sliced Drawback: Sour Stomach
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: Unconscious.
4 Collar Bone Broke Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Willpower.
Status: Unconscious.
5 Lung Punctured Drawback: Weak Lungs
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Willpower.
Status: Unconscious.
6 Crippling Stab to the Spine Drawback: Partial Paralysis
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.

Table G: Bladed Weapons Injuries, Legs

1 Grazed Foot Ignore injury, but unfortunately your boot and shoe laces are cut and will need to be replaced.
2 Calf Grazed Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
3 Scraped Shins Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
4 Grazed Knee Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
5 Minor cut to Thigh Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
6 Grazed Buttocks Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.


Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
1 Sliced Foot
You cannot Run or Charge.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
2 Punctured Calf
As number 1, also you must add 1 AP to Get Up, Hustle, Maneuver and Take Cover.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
3 Slashed Shin
You must flip to fail all Reaction Tests.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
4 Sliced Knee
You are Knocked Prone and cannot take any Movement Actions on your own.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
5 Gashed Thigh
You cannot use any Reactions.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
6 Flat of Blade to Groin
You are Defenseless and Stunned.


Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
1 Punctured Thigh Drawback: Bum Leg
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use any weapon with an Encumbrance Value of 2 or more, as you’re in pain.
Effect: You lose 1D6-1 toes. For every toe lost, you permanently lose 1% Brawn. If you lose all
2 Maimed Foot toes, you gain the listed Drawback.
Drawback: Veteran’s Boot
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use any weapon with an Encumbrance Value of 2 or more, as you’re in pain.
3 Heavily-Cut Calf Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
4 Slashed Knee Drawback: Manikin Joint
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
Effect: You are Bleeding.
5 Pierced Artery
Drawback: Veteran’s Leg
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
6 Cut Achilles Tendon Drawback: Hobbled Gait
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.

Table H: Crushing or Brawling Weapons Injuries, Head

1 Close Call Ignore injury, you quickly pull back as the blow misses your face by a hair.
2 Cheek Smack You must pass a Resolve test in order to use your voice for any action.
3 Brow Blow You see stars and must take Aim for any Attack Actions.
4 Ear Ringer You must flip to fail any skill test that relies on your hearing.
5 Chin Chomp You must flip to fail any skill test that relies on your voice.
You are Stunned . Also, you must roll a 1d6 chaos die. If you roll a face “6” you fall prone on
6 Helmet / Head Blow
the ground for 1 minute.


1 Black Eye You must flip to fail all skill tests that rely on your vision.
2 Neck Jammer You are always considered surprised during combat.
3 Tooth Extractor You must flip to fail all skill tests that rely on your voice.
You must flip to fail all skill tests that rely on your hearing. Also loss of your equilibrium – 1
4 Ear Smash
Agility Bonus.
5 Head Wallop You must flip to fail all skill tests under Perception , Intelligence and Will Power.
6 Skull Cracker You must flip to fail all skill tests.


Status: You cannot see as you’re blinded.
1 Eye Burst Drawback: Black Cataract
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Perception.
Status: You cannot talk as you’re in pain.
2 Jaw Breaker Drawback: Cat got your Tongue
If you already have this Drawback, you can no longer speak.
Status: You cannot smell as you’re in pain.
3 Nose Bashed Drawback: Split Face
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: You cannot hear as you’re in pain.
4 Ear Clobber Drawback: Crop Ear
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: You may only Move as you are in pain.
5 Skull Fracture Drawback: Frequent Seizure
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Intelligence
Status: Unconscious.
6 Thorgrim Head Smash Drawback: Dunderhead
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Intelligence.

Table I: Crushing or Brawling Weapon Injuries, Arms

Ignore injury, the weapon pushes your arm around, spinning you in a circle. The only thing
1 Arm Push
injured is your ego, as you look the fool. Fight on!
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in your hand. You must flip to fail all one-
2 Knuckle Rap
handed melee and ranged attack actions with this hand.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in your hand. You can not use Chokehold,
3 Forearm Strike
Dirty Tricks, Disarm, Splinter Shield and Stunning Blow Perilous Stunts with this arm.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in your hand. You must flip to fail all
4 Funny Bone Blast
Ranged Attack Actions with this arm.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in your hand. You can not climb, swim or
5 Bicep Slap
use the Drive Skill.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in your hand. It will cost 1 additional Action
6 Shoulder Bruise
Point to do anything with that arm.


You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
1 Hand Smash
You can not hold anything in this hand.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
2 Wrist Whack
You can not use this hand for any skill test falling under Combat, Brawn or Agility.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
3 Deep Bruise to Forearm You can not use a shield in this hand, also you can not perform the Perilous Stunts; Choke
Hold, Dirty Tricks, Disarm, Splinter Shield and Stunning Blow.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
4 Elbow Crunch
Your lower arm hangs limp at your side, you can not use that hand for anything.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
5 Severe Bruise to Upper Arm This arm is useless and you must add 1 Action Point to use any Combat action with your
other arm.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
6 Should Dislocated This arm hang limp at your side, totally useless. Suffer all the ill effects of Severe Bruise, in
addition you can not carry a backpack, rucksack or shoulder bag.


Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
1 Forearm Shattered Drawback: Two-Handed Trouble
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
2 Wrist Crack Drawback: Limp Wrist
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Combat.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
3 Upper Arm Fracture Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this hand as you are in pain.
Effect: You lose the use of 1D6-1 fingers. For every finger smashed, you permanently lose
4 Broken Fingers 1% Agility. If all your fingers are smashed, you gain the listed Drawback.
Drawback: Open Hand
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
5 Elbow Blast Drawback: Limited Range
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Combat.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
6 Shoulder Decimated Drawback: Veteran’s Arm
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table J: Crushing or Brawling Weapon Injuries, Body

Ignore injury, the light blow to the chest prompts a couple of deep coughs from you but
1 Chest Knock
nothing more. Fight on!
You must add 1 Action Point to all movement actions. Also for first round only you are
2 Groin Thump
If your condition is lower than Unhindered on the Peril Condition Track you are Stunned
3 Abdomen Poke
and have 1 less Action Point each turn.
4 Rib Jab It is difficult to catch your breath. You can not use Inspiring Words or Litany of Hatred.
5 Collar Bone Strike You can not carry a backpack, rucksack or shoulder bag.
All Attack actions with two-handed weapons will be one step lower on the Difficulty Rating
6 Back Wallop


1 Side Crusher You must flip to fail all Perilous Stunts tests.
2 Groin Stinger You must pass a Resolve test to do any Action during combat.
3 Gut Basher You must flip to fail all Ranged Attack actions.
4 Chest Slam You are Stunned. Also you are knocked Prone for Damage taken/3 turns.
5 Lung Pounder You must flip to fail all tests that use your voice or breath.
6 Back Cudgeling You must flip to fail all Combat and Brawn Tests. Also for the first turn only you are Prone.


Status: Incapacitated.
1 Heart Stopper Drawback: Bad Ticker
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
2 Lower Back Bludgeoning Drawback: Pain Killer
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
3 Abdomen Impact Drawback: Uncontrolled Retching
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: Unconscious.
4 Crushed Ribs Drawback: Weak Lungs
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Willpower.
Status: Incapacitated.
5 Buttock Lambasting Drawback: Rigid Spine
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.
Status: Unconscious.
6 Broken Back Drawback: Partial Paralysis
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.

Table K: Crushing or Brawling Weapon Injuries, Legs

1 Toe Swat Ignore injury, besides the blood blister at the end of your big toe, all is well. Fight on!
2 Shin Scraped Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
3 Knee Slug Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
4 Thigh Bruising Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
5 Hamstring Slap Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
6 Hip Blow Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.


1 Broken Toes Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.You can not Run, Charge or Maneuver.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.You must pay 1 additional Action Point
2 Ankle Jolt
for all Movement Actions.
3 Calf Deep Bruise Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You must flip to fail all Perilous Stunts.
4 Knee Wallop Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You must flip to fail all Reaction Tests.
5 Thigh Slap Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You can not use any Reactions.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.You are Prone and can not get up on
6 Hamstring Hammering
your own.


Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
1 Broken Femur Drawback: Bum Leg
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use any weapon with an Encumbrance Value of 2 or more, as you’re in pain.
Effect: Once a Maimed Foot has undergone a failed surgery, you lose 1D6-1 toes. For every
2 Foot Crushed toe lost, you permanently lose 1% Brawn. If you lose all toes, you gain the listed Drawback.
Drawback: Veteran’s Boot
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use any weapon with an Encumbrance Value of 2 or more, as you’re in pain.
3 Calf Crunch Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
4 Knee Shattered Drawback: Manikin Joint
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
5 Hyper-extended Knee Drawback: Veteran’s Leg
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.
Status: Unconscious.
6 Dislocated Femur to Hip Drawback: Hobbled Gait
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.

Table L: Gunpowder Weapons, Head

1 Helmet Knock/Hair Graze Ignore injury, minor ricochet off helmet, an inch or so lower and it would have been your eye.
2 Ear Graze You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use any skill that involves hearing.
3 Forehead Graze You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use any skill that involves sight.
4 Cheek Graze You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use any skill that involves your voice.
5 Chin Graze You must pass a Toughness Test or be Stunned, loose 1 Action Point this turn. Test each turn.
6 Neck Graze You must pass a Toughness Test or be Defenseless this turn. Test each turn.


1 Impact to Skull Standard tests are now considered Hard (-20%) for Intelligence based skills tests.
Skill test that involves your vision, including Combat skills will be Challenging at Short
2 Stinging Temple Graze
range, Hard at Medium range and Arduous at long range.
3 Earlobe Blasted Off You must flip to fail any skill tests that involves your hearing.
4 Cheek Thru & Thru You must flip to fail any skill test that involves your voice, including casting spells.
5 Chin Pierced You must flip to fail Fellowship based skill tests.
You must flip to fail Inspiring Words, Litany of Hatred and Incantation skill tests unless you
6 Shot Lodged in Neck g
pay 1 additional AP.


Status: Unconscious.
1 Neck Pierced Thru Drawback: Sanguine Temperament
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Will Power.
Status: You cannot hear as you’re in pain.
2 Ear Destroyed Drawback: Crop Ear
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: You cannot smell as you’re in pain.
3 Nose Shot Off Drawback: Split Face
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: You cannot talk as you’re in pain.
4 Mouth Shattered Drawback: Cat got your Tongue
If you already have this Drawback, you can no longer speak.
Status: You cannot see as you’re blinded.
5 Eye Ruined g Drawback: Veteran’s Eye
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: Unconscious.
6 Skull Fracture Drawback: Dunderhead
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Intelligence.

Note: A g symbol means the shot is still lodged in place. A successful Heal test will remove the shot with no penalty to
the victim. A failed Heal test will result in the shot being removed but the Patient will suffer 1d10+1 Physical Peril. A
critical failure is the same as failure but the patient will suffer 2d10 +2 physical Peril. If the injury is Grievous, removing
the shot is part of the surgery.

Table M: Gunpowder Weapon Injuries, Arms

Ignore injury, your knuckles on this hand are badly scraped. Ignore the calls of 'knuckle-
1 Knuckles Grazed
dragger'. Fight on!
You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use a two-handed melee or ranged weapon. Roll
2 Wrist Scratched
before each encounter.
3 Forearm Nicked You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use Called Shot or Take Aim.
4 Elbow Scraped You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use a Thrown weapon.
5 Grazed Bicep You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use Perilous Stunts.
6 Shoulder Grazed You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use Reactions.


You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
1 Hand Thru & Thru
You must flip to fail Melee Attack actions unless you pay 1 additional AP.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
2 Wrist Tendons Damaged
You must flip to fail Ranged Attack actions unless you pay 1 additional AP.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
3 Forearm Bone Fracture g You must flip to fail Dodge, Opportunity Attack and Parry unless you pay 1 additional AP.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
4 Funnybone Hit, Not Funny You must flip to fail all Attack Actions unless you pay 1 additional AP. Also you are
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
5 Upper Arm Thru & Thru
You must flip to fail all tests that uses this arm unless you pay 1 additional AP.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand.
6 Shoulder Muscle Shredded You must flip to fail all tests that uses this arm unless you pay 1 additional AP. Also you are
immediately Stunned.


Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
Effect: You are Bleeding
1 Forearm Artery Punctured
Drawback: Bleeder
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this hand as you are in pain.
2 Finger Shot Off Drawback: Two-handed Trouble
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this hand as you are in pain.
3 Wrist Mangled Drawback: Limp Wrist
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
4 Elbow Shattered Drawback: Manikin Joint
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Combat.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
5 Shoulder Tendons Severed Drawback: Open Hand
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
6 Tricep Splayed Open Drawback: Limited Mobility
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table N: Gunpowder Weapon Injuries, Body

Unfortunately your belt buckle was hit and shatters. Your belt and everything on it falls to
1 Belt Buckle Shot
the ground, Spend 1 turn gathering all of your gear.
2 Hip Grazed You must pass a Toughness tests or lower your Initiative by 3.
You must pass a Resolve test to use Cast Magick, Inspiring Word, Litany of Hatred and
3 Chest Graze
4 Right Side Graze You must pass a Toughness test to use your right arm.
5 Left Side Graze You must pass a Toughness test to use your left arm.
6 Collar Bone Graze You must pass a Toughness test each Turn during combat or be Stunned.


1 Near Groin Impact You are Stunned.
2 Abdomen Thru & Thru You can not eat and drink normally. Suffer 2d10 + 2 physical peril each day.
You must roll a d6 chaos die at the end of each minute of heavy action (combat, chase, etc) if
3 Spine Shock
you roll a face 6, you are paralyzed for one minute.
4 Ribs Broken You must flip to fail all tests that involve your voice or breath.
5 Chest Punctured g You must flip to fail all Combat and Brawn skill tests.
6 Armpit to Back Pierced Your Encumbrance limit is halved.


Status: Incapacitated.
1 Bullet Lodged in Hip g Drawback: Restless Sleep
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Agility.
Status: Incapacitated.
2 Sternum Pierced Drawback: Bad Ticker
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
3 Gut Penetrated g Drawback: Uncontrolled Retching
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
4 Collar Bone Break Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
5 Spine Sting Drawback: Frequent Seizure
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated.
6 Lung Shot Drawback: Weak Lungs
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table O: Gunpowder Weapon Injuries, Legs

Ignore Injury, you almost stumble as the bullet stings your ankle but catch yourself luckily.
1 Ankle Graze
Fight on!
2 Calf Slashed Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
3 Knee Impact Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
4 Thigh Grazed Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
5 Hamstring Shock Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
6 Buttocks Scrape Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.


1 Foot Thru & Thru Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You cannot Climb or Jump.
2 Calf Punctured Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You cannot Dodge or Maneuver.
3 Bullet Lodged in Knee g Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You cannot Charge or Run.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You cannot make Attacks of
4 Thigh Thru & Thru
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You are Prone. You cannot stand on
5 Hamstring Tendons Cut
your own.
Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31. You are Prone and Stunned. You
6 Double Thigh Pierced
cannot stand on your own.


Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
1 Achilles Tendon Severed Drawback: Bum Leg
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Agility.
Status: You cannot use any weapon with an Encumbrance Value of 2 or more, as you are in
2 Foot Devastated
Drawback: Veteran’s Boot
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
3 Shin Blasted Open Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
4 Knee Shattered g Drawback: Manikin Joint
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: Incapacitated.
Effect: You are Bleeding
5 Femoral Artery Puncture
Drawback: Veteran’s Leg
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
6 Femur Bone Fractured g Drawback: Hobbled Gait
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table P: Missile Weapon Injuries, Head

You ignore the injury, the arrow/bolt skims the top of your head, knocking off anything not
1 William Tell
strapped on.
You must pass a Toughness Test or be Stunned, loose 1 Action Point this turn. Test each
2 Neck Graze
3 Ear Nicked You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use any skill that involves hearing.
4 Cheek Sting You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use any skill that involves your voice.
5 Brow Graze You must pass a Toughness Test in order to use any skill that involves your vision.
Besides a helmet, anything worm on you head; earrings, necklace, nosering, eye patch, mask,
6 Adornment Removed
etc. is cut and falls off. You cannot use the Resist action.


1 Neck Thru & Thru  You must flip to fail Perilous Stunts
2 Check & Tongue Skewered  You must flip to fail all tests that involve your voice or breath.
3 Temple Slash You must flip to fail Intelligence base skills.
4 Nape of Neck Sliced You must flip to fail Brawn based skills.
5 Earlobe Severed Special Actions take one additional AP.
6 Skips off Skull You must flip to fail Willpower based skills.


Status: Incapacitated
1 Spine Pierced  Drawback: Ne’er Do Well
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Will Power.
Status: Unconscious
Effect: You are Bleeding
2 Carotid Artery Cut
Drawback: Sanguine Temperament
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Perception.
Status: You cannot talk as you’re in pain.
3 Throat Penetrated  Drawback: Cat got your Tongue
If you already have this Drawback, you can no longer speak.
Status: You cannot hear as you’re in pain.
4 Ear Ruptured  Drawback: Crop Ear
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: You cannot see as you’re blinded.
5 Eye Punctured  Drawback: Veteran’s Eye
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Perception.
Status: Unconscious
6 Skull Fractured Drawback: Frequent Seizure
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Intelligence

Note: A  symbol means the missile is still lodged in place. A successful Heal test will remove the missile with no penalty
to the victim. A failed Heal test will result in the missile being removed but the patient will suffer 1d10+1 Physical
Peril. A critical failure is the same as failure but the patient will suffer 2d10 +2 physical Peril. If the injury is Grievous,
removing the missile is part of the surgery.

Table Q: Missile Weapon Injuries, Arms

You ignore the Injury.. The projectile grazes your bicep and will leave you with a barbed wire
1 Barbed Wire Scar
scar, minus the barbs. Fight on!
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must flip
2 Thumb Graze
to fail all Combat tests that involve two-handed melee or ranged weapons.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You cannot
3 Wrist Lacerated
use Called Shot or Take Aim with this arm.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You cannot
4 Forearm Shave
use a Thrown weapon.
5 Bicep Tear You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach.
6 Tricep Nicked You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach.


Pierced Through You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must
Center of Hand flip to fail Melee Attack actions with this hand.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must flip
2 Impaled Wrist to Elbow 
to fail Ranged Attack actions with this hand.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must flip
3 Forearm Pierced 
to fail Dodge, Opportunity Attack and Parry with this arm.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must flip
4 Elbow Rived
to fail all Attack Actions with this arm. Also you are Stunned.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must flip
5 Humerus Bone Hit
to fail all tests that uses this arm.
You immediately drop whatever you are holding in this hand just out of reach. You must flip
6 Bicep Pierced 
to fail all tests that uses this arm. Also you are immediately Stunned.


Status: You cannot use this as you are in pain.
1 Forearm Pinned to Body  Drawback: Bleeder
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Combat
Status: You cannot use this hand as you are in pain.
2 Wrist Thru & Thru  Drawback: Limp Wrist
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
3 Elbow Splintered Drawback: Manikin Joint
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Combat.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
4 Shoulder Impaled  Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
5 Bicep Tendons Severed Drawback: Open Hand
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.
Status: You cannot use this arm as you are in pain.
6 Tricep Skewered  Drawback: Limited Mobility
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 9% Brawn.

Table R: Missile Weapon Injuries, Body

You ignore the Injury. Through luck or will of the gods, the arrow/bolt bounces off a metal
1 Button Deflects Missile
button from your clothing/armor. Fight on!
2 Hip Sting You must suffer a -3 to your Initiative.
3 Side Slice You must pass a Resolve test in order to use any Agility based skills.
You must pass a Resolve test to use Cast Magick, Inspiring Word, Litany of Hatred and
4 Chest Scrape
5 Armpit Sting You must suffer a -3 to your Encumbrance.
6 Shoulder Grazed You must flip to fail all skill tests with this arm.


You do not get to roll 1d10 to add to your Initiative score for purposes of your placement on
1 Hip Cracked 
the Initiative ladder.
2 Abdomen Side Thru & Thru  You must flip to fail Melee Combat Actions.
Roll 1d6 chaos die, if face 6 is rolled you can do nothing this turn as you clutch the wound
3 Chest Pierced 
and grimace in pain.
4 Back Lacerated Your Encumbrance is halved.
5 Armpit Sliced It will cost you 1 additional AP to do or use anything two-handed.
6 Scapula Stricken You must flip to fail all Combat and Brawn based skills.


Status: Incapacitated
1 Chest Penetrated  Drawback: Bad Ticker
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 3% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated
2 Side Skewered  Drawback: Restless Sleep
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 3% Agility.
Status: You cannot move as you are in pain.
3 Abdomen Gored  Drawback: Uncontrolled Retching
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: Incapacitated
4 Sternum Strike  Drawback: Light Load
If you already have this Drawback, you permanently lose 6% Brawn.
Status: Unconscious
5 Lung Punctured  Drawback: Weak Lung
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 9% Brawn.
Status: Unconscious
6 Clavicle Lanced  Drawback: Frequent Seizure
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 9% Brawn.

Table S: Missile Weapon Injuries, Legs

Ignore Injury. A very near miss. You feel the fletching of the projectile skim the side of your
1 Fletching Kiss
leg. Fight on!
2 Foot Scratched Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
3 Shin Grazed Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
4 Knee Sliced Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
5 Thigh Nicked Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.
6 Buttocks Grazed Refer to the movement adjustment table on page 31.


1 Ankle Sliced Refer to the movement adjustment table below. You cannot Charge, Get Up or Run.
Refer to the movement adjustment table below. You cannot use Chokehold, Stunning Blow
2 Calf Skewered 
or Takedown.
Refer to the movement adjustment table below. You cannot Charge, Get Up, Maneuver, or
3 Knee Punctured 
Run. Also you must use 1 additional AP to Hustle.
4 Hamstring Ruptured Refer to the movement adjustment table below. You cannot Assist, Dodge or Parry.
5 Thigh Intruded  Refer to the movement adjustment table below. You are Prone and cannot get up on your own.
Refer to the movement adjustment table below. You are Prone and cannot get up on your
6 Hip Slashed
own. You are also Stunned for 1 minute.


Status: Incapacitated
1 Thigh Mauled Drawback: Bum Leg
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 3% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
2 Ankle Shattered Drawback: Pain Killer
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 3% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
3 Foot Thru & Thru  Drawback: Veteran’s Boot
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
4 Calf Mutilated Drawback: Light Load
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 6% Agility.
Status: You cannot use Movement Actions as you are in pain.
5 Knee Thru & Thru  Drawback: Manikin Joint
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 6% Agility.
Status: Incapacitated
6 Upper Leg Tendons Cut Drawback: Hobbled Gait
If you already suffer from this Drawback you lose 9% Brawn.
Table T: Movement Adjustment Table for Leg Injuries
Move B C G M B C G M B C G M
4 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 2
5 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 4 3 2 4 3
6 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 3 2 4 4
7 6 6 6 6 5 4 6 5 4 3 5 4
8 7 6 7 7 6 5 6 6 4 3 6 5
9 8 7 8 8 6 5 7 7 5 4 6 5
10 9 8 9 9 7 6 8 8 5 4 7 6
11 9 9 10 9 8 7 9 8 6 4 8 7
12 10 10 11 10 8 7 10 9 6 5 8 7
13 11 10 12 11 9 8 10 10 7 5 9 8
14 12 11 13 12 10 8 11 11 7 6 10 8

Note: Movement penalty leaves after recovery of an Injury. B = Bladed, C = Crushing & Brawling, G = Gunpowder, M = Missile

All good tales must eventually come to an end.
Whenever a foe descends beyond the grievous threshold
they are slain. Currently there are two options to use to
describe their death.

I. Use the Slain! charts from

Rulebook, page 369-370. Use the
appropriate chart by weapon type. The
GM will need to pick a description
that matches the location that was hit
II. Let the player describe the grim
demise of their opponent.

UPGRADED ARMOR Note: A matched dice roll indicates an additional quality.

An odd match indicates the armor is Castle Forged. An
FOR FOES even match indicates the armor is Maker’s Mark.
The Bestiary is written that if foes wear armor, they
Table U1: Upgraded Armor for Foes, Underling
wear the same type of armor on all body locations.
There may be a time when you want to highlight an D100 UNDERLING ARMOR UPGRADE
encounter with Howling Marauder underlings, a 01-70 Upgrade Body
Grendel warband or even a Draugr Boss. This will 71-95 Upgrade Body & Head
bring Piecemeal armor full circle when the PC’s come
Cuir Bouilli or Steel
face to face with opponents that are wearing ungraded
types of armor protecting their most vital areas. The 96-00 1-3 Body
4-5 Head
characters will be faced with the decision to go for 6 Body & Head
a called shot, to hit the more vulnerable areas, or an
easier attack where their foes are better protected.
Table U2: Upgraded Armor for Foes, Normal
With one or two rolls you can upgrade an individual D100 NORMAL ARMOR UPGRADE
opponent to further challenge your group. An armor
01-50 Upgrade Body
upgrade moves that piece of armor one step up the
Damage Threshold Modifier. 51-85 Upgrade Body & Head
Cuir Bouilli or Steel

86-95 1-3 Body

4-5 Head
Looking to upgrade a Draugr Boss with 6 Body & Head
piecemeal armor, we roll a 53 on Table U2: Mithril
Upgraded Armor for Foes. The Draugr wears 1-3 Body
mail armor normally. Now, thanks to the table, 96-00
4-5 Head
she now has a Munitions Plate helmet & 6 Body & Head
Table U3: Upgraded Armor for Foes, Boss
01-40 Upgrade Body
41-70 Upgrade Body & Head
Table V: Armor Damage Threshold Modifiers
Cuir Bouilli or Steel
ARMOR 71-83 1-3 Body
4-5 Head
Clothing 0 6 Body & Head
Fur or Hide 1 Mithril
Quilted 1 84-93 1-3 Body
4-5 Head
Leather 2 6 Body & Head
Brigandine 3 Meteoric Iron
Ringmail 3 1-3 Body
Mail 4 4-5 Head
6 Body & Head
Munitions Plate 5
Scale 5
99-00 1-5 Body
Full Plate 6
6 Shield
Zweihander Inventory, Encumbrance & Armor Sheet

Light Source__________
__________ Perfect________ Fleeting Shadows________ Total Darkness________

Head__________ Arrow
Neck__________ Bolts
__________ ______
Upper Body__________

Belt 4 days
1 one-handed
handed weapon or Food Water 3 days
2 smaller weapons ______ Days Skin 2 days
Right Weapon__________
__________ 1 day
Left Weapon__________
__________ Bandoleers (4 slots)
1 Slot__________
__________ Vest (6 slots)
2 Slot_________
_________ Robe (8 slots)
3 Slot__________
__________ Right Side Left Side
____________ ____________
Lower Body__________
__________ ____________ ____________
Feet__________ ____________ ____________
Plus small weapon_________
weapon ____________ ____________
Instead of Bag, Sack or Pack
Shoulder Bag (8 slots 1&2) 1 Two-handed
handed Weapon_______________
Rucksack (16 slots 1-4)
1 or 2 One-handed
handed Weapons______________
Backpack (24 slots 1-6)
1 ______________

1 (1 enc.) 2 3 (2 enc.) 4 5 (3 enc.) 6

_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
_______________ _______________ _______________ _______________
________ _______________ _______________

Unharmed Lightly Wounded Moderately Wounded Seriously Wounded Grievously Wounded Slain!

Add BB+
Roll * Area Armor Type DTM Qualities Material Mod DTM +6 +12 +18
01-10(1) Head
11-30(2,3) __Arm
31-40(4) __Arm
41-80(5-8) Body
81-90(9) R Leg
91-00(0) L Leg
*Percentile is your attack roll flipped. Or parenthesis is the units or ones die of your attack roll. Assign dominant & off hand.
34 | NOTES
NOTES | 35
Within this book you’ll find an assortment of expanded rules
for hit locations, injuries, drawbacks and piecemeal armor
for use with the ZWEIHÄNDER Grim & Perilous RPG.
Add more gory detail to your grim & perilous games with

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