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1.Arachnid-an arthropod of the class Arachnida, such as a spider or

2.Condemn-express complete disapproval of; censure.
3.Crustacean-an arthropod of the large, mainly aquatic group Crustacea, such as
a crab, lobster, shrimp, or barnacle.
4.Intolerance-unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ
from one's own.
5.Toddle- (of a young child) move with short unsteady steps while learning to
6.Ruthlessness-the quality of lacking pity or compassion for others.
7.Lithe- (especially of a person's body) thin, supple, and graceful.
8.Sprawling- spreading out over a large area in an untidy or irregular way.
9.Indignation- anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair
10.Sunblock- a cream or lotion for protecting the skin from the sun and
preventing sunburn.

11.Sun-visor- a small screen above a vehicle's windscreen, attached by a hinge

so that it can be lowered to protect the occupants' eyes from bright sunlight.

12.Fondness-affection or liking for someone or something.

13.Praise-express warm approval or admiration of.


1.Ample-enough or more than enough; plentiful.

2.Camphore-a white volatile crystalline substance with an aromatic smell and bitter taste,
occurring in certain essential oils.


4.Nanophotonics- study of the behaviour of light.

5.Rural- in, relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town.
1.Mocked-teased, made to feel silly.
2.Credibility-valued as true or real or worthwhile.
3.Ironic-happed in a way that was unexpected.
4.Consulting-work with businesses when they need a problem solved.
5.Entrepreneurs-someone who starts a business, assuming all the risks and rewards.

1.Fled-to have run away from danger.
2.Lugged-carry or drag (a heavy or bulky object) with great effort.
3.Indifferent-having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.
4.Diligent-having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.
5.Industrious-diligent and hard-working.(Synonym of Diligent)
6.Bough-a main branch of a tree.

1.Pharaohs- a ruler in ancient Egypt.

1.Stride-walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction.

1.Brittle-chard but liable to break easily.
2. aphid-a small bug which feeds by sucking sap from plants; a blackfly or greenfly. Aphids
reproduce rapidly, sometimes producing live young without mating, and large numbers can
cause extensive damage to plants.


1.Entreat-ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something.

2.Implore-beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something.
1.depicted: shown, as in a movie
2. instantaneous: Happens in an instant.
3.Traverse: Travel or cross.
4.Disorting: Twisting or pulling out of shape
5. deceive:Trick
6.Tyke: a small child, especially a cheeky or mischievous one.

7.Chortled: laugh in a noisy, gleeful way.

1.Tabby: a grey or brownish cat mottled or streaked with dark stripes.
2.Get-up: a style or arrangement of dress, especially an elaborate or unusual one.
3.Enrage: To make someone very angry.
4.Uneasy: causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable.
5.Clutch: grasp (something) tightly.

1.Envisage: contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future or
2.Contemplate: look thoughtfully for a long time at something.
3.Conceive: Create an embryo by fertilizing and egg.
4.Aberation: A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an
unwelcome one.
5.Fare: Go to travel.
6.Gad: to be on the go without specific purpose —usually used with about.


1.Gene Therapy: new technique that puts genetic material into cells to help fix a
2.Ulcers: open sore.
3.Amputations: Surgical removal of limbs
4.Preclinical:in a laboratory, before the stage of treating patients in hospitals.
5.Post-dramactic: stress
1.sceptical: not easily convinced.
2.Disorted: twisted so it is no longer accurate.
3.Credible: able to be believed.
4.Urban myths: stories that are not true.
5.Sqaudering: wasting.
1.Chasm: a big fault or wound.
2.White hot: super emotional and heated.
3.Torrent: a big flood, as in of emotion.
4.Dispossesing: taking something from someone.
5.Glorify: praise and worship.
1.Looting: stealing
2.Dismayed: cause someone to feel upset or distressed.
3.Kin: family and other people you feel a close connection with.
4.Recession: period of economic decline
5.Maelstrom: violence or upheaval.
1.Hormone: type of chemical messenger made by the body.
2.Burden: heavy load
3.Resonances: the quality of sound
4.Mojo: charm or magic
5.Faeces: poo
1.Paralympic: athlete with a disability
2.Underdog: a competitor who is not expected to win
3.Impairments: levels of damage of difficulty
4.Dettered: discouraged
5.Prolonged: longer than usual
1.Debut: first look
2.Compassion: sympathy, feeling
3.Iconic: classic, famous renowned

 any measurable things or effects that provides scientific evidence of past or

present technology.
5.Forerunner: came before the next thing
1.Implicated: shown as being involved
2.Cognition: mental process of thinking and learning
3.Erosion: wearing or eating away from something
4.Palpitations: feeling or having a fast or pounding heart
5.Stimulant: substance that raises levels of nervous activity in the body
1.Sacred: regarded with great respect by a certain group
2.Rigorous: extremely careful
3.Capitulation: surrender
4.Irrevocable: in a way that cannot be changed or undone
5.Concedes: admits or agrees

1.Seam: the fold, line, or groove made by sewing together or joining two edges or two

2.Dormant: not active but capable of being active


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