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a two-day workshop

This workshop suggests how to work better with others through analyzing decision making
styles, how to use creative techniques and conflict resolution skills.  Evaluate your
partnerships and personal effectiveness.


Unit 1: Decision making styles

Identify several styles of decision making through a simulation

Identify your style using the FIRO-B inventory*
Identify how styles interact and affect others

Unit 2: Skills for decision-making

Creative vs. systematic problem solving

How to correctly identify/frame a problem solving statement
Consensus simulation

Unit 3:  Conflict resolution skills

Feedback (how to tell others what you think)

Assertive disagreements
Handling power plays, impasses, passive resistance and manipulation
Dealing with difficult behavior in others

Unit 4: Evaluate your partnership's effectiveness 

Your perception of goals, roles and expectations

Understanding and blending different perceptions
Project outcomes and perceptions
Elements of trust and how to build on them
Summary simulation activity using skills from units 1-3

Unit 5: Explore personal skills in a partnership setting 

Identify your personality style and its impact on the team
How personality styles interact in a customer situation
Partnership problem solving exercises


At the end of the training, the participant will be able to:  

Identify the different types of decision-making and the most effective use of
2. Build trust as part of your partnership with customers.
3. Identify how the styles interact and affect others.
4. Practice using different types of decision-making techniques.
5.  Use conflict reduction techniques to find real solutions to productivity issues.
Apply decision-making and conflict reduction techniques in a customer-
service environment.
Evaluate your partnership's effectiveness in terms of goals, roles and
8.  Use personal skills to facilitate communication.

* What's the FIRO-B?

The acronym stands for Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation--Behavior. The FIRO-B is
used to uncover the ways you behave towards others and how you want them to behave towards you.
There are three scales: Inclusion, or how much contact you like and want from others, Control, which is
how much power or dominance you want and expect, and Affection, which is the amount of closeness,
warmth and sensitivity you want and prefer. Each of the three scales has two parts: the expressed
behavior, which is what you do, and the wanted behavior, which is what you want others to do. The FIRO-
B is frequently used for team building, management development, and couples counseling. The
questionnaire has 54 items and takes about 15 minutes to complete. It's particularly effective for
leadership development in combination with the MBTI.
'Soft Skills' - The People Skills Workshop

Many people given the role of team leader or manager are ill-equipped to lead a team of people
effectively. (To read more about this click here) This workshop is designed specifically to give
participants the foundational skills to get the most out of their team without stressing out or becoming
overwhelmed with the sheer variety of situations they face on a day-to-day basis.

Course content:

 How to gain and maintain rapport and why it's important

 Guiding and coaching skills to improve performance
 Reading subtle feedback and adapting accordingly
 Understanding and using different motivational triggers to get the best from each person
 Respecting and treating people as individuals - making each feel valued
 Controlling your own emotional state
 Encouraging, receiving and acting upon feedback without taking it personally
 How beliefs affect your behavior and why they're important
 Developing influencing and persuasion skills
 Reflective listening to ensure understanding
 Asking good, insightful questions.
 Getting to the root cause of problems quickly and easily
 Dealing with difficult situations
 Find out how communication is systemic and that WHATEVER you do (or don’t do) has an
effect on others. Then how to make sure that effect is positive
 Understand the deeper structure of language and use it to effect positive changes.
 How to make sure the people you’re considering employing in your team will be compatible.
 Understand the "meta messages" you communicate without words and make sure they match
with what you say.

What is PeopleSavvy ? ®

PeopleSavvy is a powerful approach to understanding and improving internal and external


business relationships. Over the last 25 years we've tested hundreds of approaches to improving
these relationships. We've found that four key areas have the greatest impact. These are:
 Trust: the foundation of all relationships 
 Motivation: what a person desires to have, do or be 
 Behavior: how a person behaves to fulfill his or her motivation 
 Communication: how a person communicates his or her motivations 

Human capital is a critical asset and becoming an increasingly scarce resource. Soft skills are
often the hardest to put into practice. We've developed an approach that helps people learn how
to adapt and create positive impact at all levels within an organization.  


A recent Chief Executive Magazine survey of 750 senior leaders confirmed that people skills
were the most important drivers of leadership success at both the CEO and executive team level.

Further research has confirmed that the development of these skills often is overlooked as
executives climb the organizational ladder. This lack of people savvy in an organizations' upper
leadership not only contributes to senior leadership failure but also escalates employee turnover,
erodes commitment to company goals and hinders overall organizational performance.

Business Challenge

Leaders expect business relationships to result in positive outcomes that satisfy their needs. This
expectation requires executives who can build long-term relationships in any leadership
situation, ensuring outcomes that create benefits for all stakeholders.


PeopleSavvy Leaders teaches people skills that enhance both the company wide internal and

external personal relationships.

Key Content

The following are content highlights of PeopleSavvy Leaders:


 Learn how to make a memorable positive impression in those crucial first few seconds
 Learn three critical elements to move beyond simple rapport to deep trust
 Discover the one preventable thing that always kills the trust you've worked so hard to
 Gain tools to read the symbols in an organization to understand it's culture at a deeper
 Learn what to listen for and how to use what you hear to build more effective
 Develop critical skills to identify anothers' style and influence perception

Target Audience

PeopleSavvy Leaders is for executives in the corporation in which building internal and external

relationships is crucial. It is most effective for executives where interpersonal interactions make
or break the success of the company.


PeopleSavvy Leaders participants will be able to:


 Create effective relationships that produce more profitable business for the entire
 Build internal and external relationships and loyalty by recognizing and respecting the
interpersonal differences between individuals
 Accomplish organizational goals through effective use of people

PeopleSavvy Leaders is a 1-day classroom based learning experience.


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