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FURTHER DFTAT S REGARDING MAIN TOPICS OF PROGRAMME No. 02/2020(1cem No.1, 19) ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CIVIL),ASSISTANT ENGINEER (CIVIL) IRRIGATION (DIRECT RECRUITMENT) IRRIGATION (DIRECT RECRUITMENT FROM DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATES, OF IRRIGATION (Category No.08.4/2019,084/2019) Mechanics of Solids ani Structural Amalysis Chnerpr of streei and strain, Bending moment and chant fren, Stresses in hears, Deflection of beans, Theory uf culuunis, Tiss analysis, Displaccasenl respunse-of statkcally determinate siractiral sems ining energy methods, Principle nf viruuid) werk, Stutloally lnchetrm| nati srmenies, Strrin Energy methoes, Moving toads and. intlience lines, Arches, Slope Defloaiua Metiod, Mount Disuibuuos Moibud, Clipeyrous thisran (tice Munem Faustian), Kans methuiel sf anualyals. Fluid Mechanics and Water Resaurces Engineering Finit Sewics- Find pressure, finoyancy and tloaarinn, Tid Kitematies, Poymamice at thie flow, How through orillee und notches Flow darousli pipes, Boundary bayer, Drage ard Lif on immersed bodies. Hydraulic machines flee thenugh vanew (moving and stationary) Aopulse oud reeclion Tuvbkies. Cestritugal Pumps, Opes clinuel How, Unilora Clow, Hydraulic Jorg, Gradually varied flow, Dimerdunal analysin andl mocked wth. Hydrologic cycle, Precipltarion, Infiltration and Evaporatlnn-measucement and elaca analysis. Runulf-cumponciis wid cumpatatiun, Uydruyraph, Unit Uydiugieaplt aad Stlydsuiraph. Trrigation types and methorls-Soll water plant reintinnships, Frequency of irrigation, Competation of crop water requirement, Sueam tlow measurement -Stage-dischage curve Meandering of rivers, river triining, works, Surface water systems: diversion and storage systema, retervolr - estimation of eineage ripaciry and yield nf resacvoirs - reserynir sollimeiiuliva -seful Ife uf reservole Grouidwater - Aquifer lye did peuperiics - Steady fadial law into a well. Estimation of yield af an open well. Surveying and Levelling, Quantity Surveying and Valuation ‘Basics of Surveying, Levelling and Conearing, Area and Volume Competarion, Theowiolite Surecy, Muss Diayrut, Lrugulugon ‘Theory of Errors, Liccuoaic Distuece Mowsuccmca, “Toral Station Survey, Ginhal Positioning Systems, Remote Sensing. Gengraphical Information Syscen JAnatysis at res - Date hoo and schevle of rates, Analysis of rates tor various item of work, Dewilled speci(icouon, Types of Estimate, Detailed estimate aechuding quanulica, abraract and preparation of various items af works, Preparation of bar bending schedules for -variows RCC works, Valuation: Methods of valuation, Depreciatiqg, Foeation of rent, Building materials, Construction Techrwlagy, Cansiruction Management, (Consuwotiun Matirid — Vitiler, Morar. fron und Sieh Suucural steel, Modem uauucrials, Concret—Acmixtures, Making af concrete, Brapenies nf concrete, Mix prnpertinning, Balksing consmiction- Fownduthons, Com-eftective constnetion, Masonry, Lintels and arches, Floors and Vnoring, Roofs and maf cowerimys Dunes, wintlowy ant) ventiletoes, Finishing ‘works, Tall Buildings — Steel anc Concrete frame, Prefabricated ennerrnecrion, Slip form coutreciivg. Vertical irumpurtaion — Suir, Levoluy, Esculotury und Kamps. Building firllores ancl Rerrnfiting, tallures in RCC ara Steel strucnaren, Conmucion Pliuiig aid Scheduling Coustuction dispuws and setthemern, Lihics by Comuracion, Comaruction wiley, Principles of muterialy munajement, Quality management practices, Constrnction incedures, Environmental Engineering ‘Woter sources and dienond, Quoweity catluiadeu, Population lu ucastiog, Quality of waver, Water treaiment- Whyrical methods, Chemicil methods. Quilyn of wdirmemation tank, Hoceniainr, claritiocenlanr, titers, Menitrane meatment techniques, Disinfection methods. Distibuuon of water, Pumps, Lardy Couns amctlead uf aaulyeds Waste waters Sanirres, Characterietics, Oxygen demand, Design at sewers, Cirrilar sewers, Parual flow and full ow conditions. Sewer apyurtenauces, Disposal of wastewater, Suse Phelps equation, OAyjen suit curve, ‘Treatment methods, Aefible anil anaerobic metbudls, Design of warlous treatment unite-Sereening, Grit chamber, Sedimentation tank, Activated Stdye prucess, ‘Lrickling fllwr, Rutaing biclugical cuntuctur, Sepiie tanks, fenloulf unk, Oridation ditches, Ouitaiinn poads, Upflmw anaemhic sudge hlanker reacmrs, Shurige digestion, Sludge drying bed. Air pollmion-sourees, effects on human, Consol of ai pollu, Ads quality Leyialutioes, ‘Design of Structures Limit saute method ul design, Analysis of ninfurced recuanyulir boums, Shear sorematl ul BC beam, Design nf shear reinforcement, Band and development length, Cumailment nf reimforcemest, Design lor vorsiow, Design uf cue way slab, Conulever slab. Couinuous: slab (detailing only), Lwu way shales, Limit stair of serviceability, OeMectiun, Cracking, Stair ceases -design & detailing. Colnmns-etfective lengthtesign of axially loaded short columns with rocumgular Ues wid helical ceinluecome, (Colmes subjerrer in compression, Lintxsial hencting, anil biavial hending, Design of slender columns, Design af wall'stip footing- design of footings, Design of cnntilever resaining ‘wall withnun surcharge, esign principles nt counter torr reraining wall, Clrewlar siahs simply supponed, fed ud paitially ined subjecuad wo wel Design of waier banks, Desige philusophy and requirments, joints, 1S cade recummondatinns, Pre-sireswel. concres, Concept nt prestiessing, marerials and methods of prestiessing, Prestressing systems, insses of peestress, Auulysis of prestressed bese (revuaugular dud acuuus) uf stages ul uuaates and szeview Steel aud steel strucuues — Bole and welded conmecuans, Tyuslon members, Couprrssion member, Beams, Hoof tnses, Purties ‘Timber wrucureys columns, composite beams (conceprs oniy) Geotechnical Enginevring, Major nil depneits nt India, Classification and three phase ayitem of snil, Permeshiliey nt sul, Pilnciple of elfecuive sues, Shear chucucterlsties uf voll, Cousalldaden Clereaylal's theory of ane-dimensionil consoliilation only) and Compaction. Stability of Latte slopes-Swedish Circle Method and Triction circle method, Saresses in subevoll due w fogded ureay uf verivus shapes, Boussineng’y formula, Newerarks chan Later arth presaireRankine's and Canlamh! thenttes Dearing capacity of wil, Estimation of uaggeitude of wliluniuit, Sile liwestigaion, Suamdkarc) Penetration Test and Mate load tee, Design ot shallow, deop and machine foundatinns, Groaned innproweittent techniques. ‘Transportation Engineering and Urban Planning Clemificaian aod alioment of highways, Geomeic dewyin uf highwars, Properties uni) ‘esting af pavement material, CAR method af flexthle pavement design, Chostmiction and mdiulenance of pavemtots, Design ul maways, lodways and apons, Traffic churacterisucs- “Traffic viwdies ond analysis, Traffic control devices. Airport charvcteristice- Aircrali Component parts. Site selection, Terminal ares planning- Alipmit marking andl lighting, Tratfic royulallon rules, Lipbway capacity, Kalle safety, Lully favors oud prevenllve measures for trate ncckdents, Basie diagrams af traffic flaw theory. Railways geometric design of tacks, callway operation contra, Maintenance. Alignment, Veutiiition ond drainage uf tunnels, types uf harbours and docks. Goals and objectives of planning: Components af planning, Reginnal planning, Thenries nt turbaicnion Suudy of Url Forms. Zumug, Derelupuic of mew wens Town Development Plan, “Twn planning acts.

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