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.Copy Rights in all forms rest with the author, publisher, and printer
Halern Brohe with his residential and working-place as 502/B-2, Saddar,
Hyderabad, Pakistan, Postal Code -71000. EMAIL as, Phone No: 0092-0221-781193, and what else!
The Brief of the SEEDS
SEEDS - What it is! Opening paragraph, THE NAME, says it could not be held back
any longer.
A book? Yes and No. It has no chapters; its every paragraph is a book.
Autobiographical? Yes and No. South Asian in vein? Yes and No. Philosophical? Not
quite so. Humorous? Yes and No. Witty? Yes and No. �aiths oriented? Yes and Na.
Personal? Very, but too impersonal. Poetical? History based? Politically inclined? Yes
and No. Racial? Psychological? Logical? Literary? Social? Malicious? Gracious?
Scientific? Down to the earth? Up in the heavens? Name the category and it is yes
and No! Done in all abandon, it escapes and defies defining. It is beyond me. I have
not come across a book that unfolds a mind this bare! Nor I have seen this format
before. SEEDS is a life long affair of a mind with the abstract in the concrete and
the concrete in the abstract.
It is left half way: the tired soul that throws away its body and walks off in protest!
A book or not, it is terrific even as a class by itself! Sui generisf.
Non-English words are phonetically based, explained as Annexture.
'Incorrigible!' is the Foreword, a personal letter from a Canadian. 'SEEDS' is like
that; last things done first.
Halim Brohe
February 9, 2005

Biographical sketch of Halim Brohe

Born as Abdul Halim Broheon August 05, 1936; did Bachelor of Arts with Philosophy that they

called here B.A(Honors) Philosophy; did Law and practiced, with least interest, and often off and
,... on, more than 22 years; married in 1962; ran a shop, sold cement, and published in 1967, as
Haleme Brahviea Law book, SECURITY PROCEEDINGS IN CRIMINAL LAW; the same year, 1967,
as Haleem Abdul Aziz, published NOTHING IN PARTICULAR and NOTHING IN EARNEST, and a
quite a number of Booklets including THE DECAYED. SOLO, 0 BARTENDER! By 1968, as Abdul
Haleem Brohe, Sinthde Writings also mixed up in the lot. All own publications as Brohe Publications
Hyderabad as Sense and Nonsense Mixed up, or either, is not the forte of us Asians.
Contributed write-ups, as Abdul Haleem Brohe to Karachi and Lahore based English dailies, - Dawn,
Star, The News, Frontier Post, 'lnd to Hyderabad and Karachi based Sinthde dailies. Joined
Administration of University of Sindh Jamshoro Pakistan in 1980 at the first step of the ladder
of administrative officers, almost always an Officer on Special Duty with no duty assigned.
Published ROMAN EGLISH FOR SINTHDE and, noticing the fax pa, published ROMAN SCRIPT
FOR ALL LANGUAGES. The Administration, noticing its own fax pa, terminated job in 1992 and, on
second opinion, repeated the fax pa by recalling in 1994. Now my Script is christened as HALIM
BRO�E'S PHONETICS. Superannuated in 1996 as an officer still at the same step of that funhy
ladder, returned to Abdul Halim Brohe and came down to be Halim Brohe as a writer of no
consequence in whatever goes by the name of English Literature in South Asia. No academics, no
social or official status. Just the SEEDS!
PERSONAL: Four daughters, married; Rabia Thebo in the USA, Armaghan Soomro in Canada, Sana
Memon and Romana S�'likh in Karachi Pakistan. Myself in Hyderabad Pakistan. Self employed, if
employment includes sitting idle.
Halim Brohe
Residence and working place:
502/B-1 Saddar Hyderabad. Pakistan
PC: 71000 Phone: 92-0221- 781193
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The Mess of the Scripts
..,he inabili1y of a script to accommodate and do justice to the phonetics of the
words n;f other scripts has caused confusion in deciphering the history of mankind.
It has done damage to the straight flow of historical facts, and has resulted in as
many interpretations of facts as the available straight jackets of the scripts.
Presently we are concerned with English and French, as these are the scripts that
would matter for a long time to come.
What do the linguists know as alphabet of a script is inadequate for the phonetics.
The alphabet is to be enlarged to encompass all the phonetics.
Library of Congress USA, like many other organizations, has its own code of
denomination of different phonetics, which requires the readers to have the code
on his tips. How many English read people have that code on their tips? Almost zero
percent! To know that code is to study an another scripts. This blockade of reading
phonetics must be removed to break the monopoly of the academicians and teachers
of the languages. There shouldn't be any codes or systems of denoting different
phonetics through different signs on the letters. That system is too complicated for
typists and computer
Operators, besides having nothing to do with laymen like I.
I have tried to include in English as many phonetics as I possibly could, using only
the English alphabets, and without any special technique of working on computers.
All the phonetics is in simple plain English letters.
But mine is not the last word on this issue. The monopoly of the expert academicians
must be broken. The fraudulent scholarly imposition must be undone.
..... t had a chance meeting with a person from the Library of Congress USA. I listened
to her insistence that there wcs no need for a new script as their working code was
the final word on phonetics. That was like asking me to give up English and take to
their code instead!
Halim Brohe
Sunday, 20 February 2005


The Name:
The Name of the book is Seeds: It is full to the brim with the points. counterpoints
and half-points; with the ends and dead ends; with the sudden stops and full stops;
the colons, semicolons. and the hyphens without the next following ones to pick the
thread of the narration.
The haphazard presentation reflects my inability to give a proper format to the
mess an overwhelmed mind is. The name is Seeds because it is overflowing with
fillers, incoherent and unwarranted; and the name is Seeds because it is a bid to rid
the mind of the burden it carries, and a goodbye, the final adieu, to the mind.
The book is a Mess, but the mind cannot hold it back longer. It is the throw up of
the mind to set the body right, the body that wants to eat some sumptuous food,
and go to Sleep.

Raised Hands:
I saw a man looking solemnly at the clear sky with hands raised high at it.
"What do you that for?" I asked.
"We have to go up there to Him when we die." The man said.
... May be you go up there when you die", I said, "I have yet to see anyone go up. All I
have seen is the people going six and a half feet down in the ground!"

£ Run, Run!
Mother had no say in the house; I ignored her like the staff assigned to the house
did. I -was a cripple in body and mind; mother wanted me strong in both. 'Run Halim,
Run!' I misbehhved and slighted her as the only words that mattered in the house
were of father who insisted "Use a wheelchair, Halim, lear'h to use a wheelchair!"

The Journey:
'I was alone on the platform. I boarded the train with my briefcase that I noticed
when I placed it on my lap in the train. The train moved, speeded, and then stopped.
It was the dead end. No way ahead! No train was to arrive or depart! I took to
footing along the rails, getting down weaving the way by the bridges that the rails
crossed over and the train had crossed, - I saw a town where cooked fish was on
display for sale in some shops. A person accosted me with a self-introduction. I
wondered. He was a lawyer from the past that no longer mattered. I :esumed walk
and was put on a trial as the accused and much threatened by a peop'.i. unknown to
me. I don't remember the outcome. Nor I remember the accusations.'
That was a dream I saw and had narrated to Sona a few days before was forcibly
\ent to the USA in 2002, ostensibly for good, due to my attitude of not to be a
party to the divorce of Armaghan. On my return I told Sana the details of what had
transpired there. She said, "I remember your dream. That was it. That journey in
the train! footing back, and the threats, - the journey is over."
Halim Brohe
Primitive Society Knew Only The Concrete; They Knew Of White Things And Black
Things But Couldn't Conceive Of Whiteness Or Blackness, They Could Count Fifty
Sheep, But Couldn't Conceive Fifty As Such. They Needed To Have That Many
Lambs Or Cow Heads Or Stones To Count. So They Say. And They Say People Have
Progressed Over Millennia from the Concrete to the Abstract. Point. Thus They
Shut Close Any Further Probe in the Matter. This, Again, Is About My Hudj
Experience, Taking A Toll of Your P.atience and taxing Your Mind with Irrelevdncies.
Haleem Uncle Is A Pest, You Would Say To Yourself. You Can Kill A Pest with On�
Stroke of Your Loafer, But That Will Deprive you of the Enjoyment of Having A
Pest for A Friend. If Humans Have' Progressed' From Concrete To Abstract, And
They Pat Their Back On That '·Achievement', Why Have They Stopped At Whatever
Level They Have Arrived By Now? Why Don't They Proceed Further In That
Direction to Eliminate Concrete Altogether and Get at the Absolute Abstraction?
Nor You Hear or Read about Their Efforts in That Direction. Why? No Hypothesis
or Theory or Natural Law Is Exclusively Abstract. Recall the Newton's Laws of
Motion. Each Of Them Has A Concrete Base For The Mind That Conceives It.' A
Body At Rest Continues To Be At Rest Unless Some Outside Force Acts On It'
Makes The Mind, - Be It Absolutely Unconscious - Perceive The Concrete. I Hope
You Do Get My Point. I Don't. Theory of Relativity, Abstract Par Excellence,
Depends -Subconsciously or Unconsciously - On A Peep of the Mind into the
Concrete. Photons I Myself Have Seen Like Many A Person with Defective Sight
Like Mine. Abstract cannot rid itself of the Concrete, And Concrete cannot rid
itself of the Abstract; they stay together at and In Every Point All over And •
Everywhere. There Was A Time When Geometry Defined The Point As Something
That Has Neither Length Nor Breadth Nor Thickness, Thereby Making It So
Abstract That It Could Only Be Non-Existent. That was also what they had done
With the Line, Defining It as Something That Has Only Length but No Thickness.
Deprive A Thing Of All Its Concrete Attributes And The Thing Ceases :ro Be; And
Deprive A Thing Of All Its Abstract Attributes And The Thing Ceases To Be. The
Abstract And The Concrete Are Equally Two. Two. Not.' One'. Two. Yes, Two - The
Number The Numerical String Begins With. I Have Overlooked 'Prepositions' As
They Tend To be more abstract than they are Worth. In Fact They Don't Suit My
Culinary Taste. And I Have Made an Extraordinary Use of the Capital Letters to
make this write-up Look Philosophical. I Hope You Are Impressed. Totem Poles,
Didn't They - And Don't They Still Invoke Abstract Ideas In The People Who
Believe I:, Them? Worship Of The Bygone DeaJ, - Doesn't It Invoke The Abstract
Idea Of The Dead Still Being Helpful? So, My Dear, Where Do We Draw Line
Between The Concrete And The Abstract? And Why At All? Why Can't We - The
Mankind - Put Up With the Two Together? Two Is the Key, Not One. You Are Lucky
To Have Such An Absurd Haleem For An Uncle. With Zero Known, God Would Not
Be an Enigma Today.

Nak Av_rroo Nay Pottay Attia
Ttoe Bhe "akky�a Nay Mare Kaym Gumya!
Juaynay Urpun Kuryo Thevo M*uanay
Soch*oo Chh*o Kay M*uay A Chh*o Kuryo!
Ratt Thin Praym N*oo Jo Rurrvanoo Hutt*oo
Thhuc Guy*oo Aymbe Jay Thhuvano Hutt*oo!
A Jo Jalim Tturrpay Chhay "' uy*a
Anay Ayk Thun Munay D'boanoo Utto!
Ha'!hh M*ay Hathh Lue Lithda M*ay!
Soch*oo Chh*oo Re i<ay A M"' ay Chh"' oo Kury*oo!

The Wall!
You come by an alley and step into it. Your step becomes a walk that turns into leaps,
and you tal<e to run. Life is all about the alleys that are a s1 raight run, each of
which is the darkness that gets darker the deeper you go in; and the deeper you go
in, the faster you run until, at your fastest glory yo.ur face bangs into a wall! With
your body writhing in pieces and face battered, you find yourself no more in the
fluid that you fail to assume as your blood, in the scattered pieces of the body you
v,ere a while ago.
Moral: Only an idiot would lo.Jk into it for a moral!

Nu M "' ag*oo Ghorra Garre,
Nu M"' ag*oo Bu"' gla Marre,
Yay !Ji.ayray Kis Kam Kay!
Thayna Huay Thil Thay.
Buf hlay M*ay Thi I Kay.
Piyur M*ay Suotha Nuh "' e!

Learn the Way I Learn:

Ibrahim Qureshi, a very respectft.11 and reliable friend of mine very lovingly agreed
to my staying in his under-construction house during the then approaching winter.
Next day, on my arrival there. his servants shoved me out telling me there was
neither a cot nor any space on the floor for me to sleep. That was September lost
He fed me lunch at my present residence daily since the third day of Eid, telling me
he had consulted the other party who had sternly asked him not to give me food or
shelter. ·md he was at loss to know what to do. I accepted his food all the day=. He.
was not at fault. The long rope I rode on gallantly had run out its length in February
December 1 ·. 2004

Halim Brohe
The Goose:
The goose that lays golden eggs gets killed if it lays an egg or two at untrustworthy
places. I laid I my golden eggs publicly at wrong places and trusted them to the
wrong people who tried to make me think like them, adopt their way of life, and
become one of them. They pounced on me, but I slipped away from all the modes of
their pressure including their insistence that I was their national treasure. They
persisted and resorted to influence me through the finer things that I couldn't
spurn, - women. I let myself be killed for laying golden eggs at wrong places and
trusting them to Mary, Maria, and Dorothy..

Existence or non-existence:
"Existence or non-existence was not then. The bright region was not, nor the space
that is beyond. What encompassed? Where? Under who's protection? Where? What
water was there - deep, unfathomable? Death or immortality- was not then. There
was no distinction between night and day. That one breathed, windless by itself.
Other than that there was nothing beyond." Thus 'I' wrote in the Rig-Veda some
millennia ago. Now 'I' say�. "We all are illusions of one another's mind, a deception
contrived by 'I'. 'I' is encompassed in appearance, not in reality that changes
continuously the complexion of that which 'I' takes for reality. My skin is older,
though 'I' is the same that it was thirty or fifty or sixty years ago; every piece -
physical, physiological, psychical, - every thing is the same to 'I' in space, a
contrivance of'!'.'I' does not look at 'I' in duration exclusively; 'I' is encompassed in
the illusion of dimensions of space. Duration and space are two different things,
though'I' is imprisoned in the illusions of'time and space'.'I' takes it as the same 'I'
that it was years and decades ago, oblivious of the continuous transformation that it
has been through all this and that while. 'I' will not concede that it is not the same
'I' it w� a moment before this moment!"

You can't b� jealous of a person who, you know, as smaller than you are; you can be
jealous only of a person who you, subconsciously, accept as your superior in talents
or status or both. You, you, and you, - you all must know that I have blurted out
every idea that came to my mind to every one I came across. Whatever you say,
someone will always be there to say, 'That is what so and so had said!'

Hinthe: English:
Kubera Kubir
Kubera Ttayre Jhoprre Your Hut - Kubera -
Gui Kutiya Kay Pas! Is Adjacent To The Abattoir!
Kurun Gay So Bhurun Gay They Shall Pay Who Deal In That!
Tt'm Kiy"' oo Bhuay U'thas! Must You Be Depressed!
Kuber Yayh Mun Mushkra, O' Kabir, Mind Of Yours Is The Buffoon
Kuh*oo Tto Manay Ros! That Just Won't Heed,

Ja Marg Sahib Milay, It Won't Move A Step Ahead On The Path
Ttuh*a Nu Chalay Kos! That Leads To The Owner!
Chultte Chuke Thaykk Kay, Kabir Looked At The Flour-Grinding ;
Thiya Kubira. Roi And Cried;
Thoe Put Bhettur Aikay, Once in-between The Two Grinding-Stones.
Sabitt Guya Nu Koi! There is no escape but to lose your sameness!
Chultte Chuke Thaykk Kay Kabir Looked At The Flour-Grinding
Thiya Kubira Kkil! And Laughed;
Rakkun Hara Rakkay Savior Saves
Jo Guya Kulei S*ug Mil! Who Holds On To Him!
Uttuay Ka Bhula Nu Bolna, Excessive Talk Is Not Proper,
Uttuay Ke Bhuile Choop; Nor Excessive Silence; 0

Uttuay Ka ,Bhula Nu Bursuna Too Much Rain Is Not Good,

Uttuay Ke Bhule Nu Thdoop! Nor Intense Sunshine!
B'ra Dh*oodhun M*uay Chulya I We.s In Search For A Bad Man
B'ra Nu Milya Koi; No Bad Man I Could Find;
Jo Kkoja Upnnay Ap Ko I Searched Within
M'jh Say B'ra Nu Koi! And Found None Worse Than I!

Hurt me:
Name a person who hurt me and went away without limping! There is none! Your
womanhood or glamorous life or whatever does not matter in my life. You don't
feature in my life even as an interlude, despite my desperate need for your body.
Hurt me a little more and I will bury you both in the same grave!

In war and fight a person uses the instrument he wields in his job or profession;
butcher stabs the knife, blacksmith strikes the hammer, and a writer writes. Who
to have for an enemy is your choice. You have taken all the care to choose the wrong
one. Next time choose with care.

Angry with God!

Terry said, •My opinion about you is that you are angry with God."
After a few minutes he said, "Read Job in the Bible." We were on the phone and in
between I had spoken with Raj Black, a Canadian visitor. The night before they had
visited me for a laugh.·
I Read Job, Ayub, in the Bible, and wondered!

The Rope: This is what happens when the long rope that you get to gallop ahead in
your furious frenzy, suddenly runs out of its length:

There comes in every relationship a moment - a crucial point in time - when your
face bangs into the wall that you in your joyful stride didn't know about! With your
Halim Brohe
face defaced, heart bleeding, and mind bogged out of proportions in all the non­
possible directions, you grope for the anchors that turned out to be your fantasies.

Hinthe: English:
Vuktt Kurtta Huay Purvurish Burs*o Duration fosters for long
Hathisa Aykthum Nuh*e Hotta! An accident and a chance!

Let your phone be one-way:

Let your phone be one way, only receiving calls and disabled to send any, and you will
know that it had always been you who had been ph'.)ning people and no one had called
you to say hello to you! Try this for a month or two, and discover for your ridiculous-.
self., how unconcerned are those are about you who you are so much concerned
about! It was only Sajjad Shaikh, Muzafar Talpur, and Terry Wily who rang me once
or twice during the month or two; all other calls were from Jamoo and Fahima from
USA. Now I know people better.

Your worth, value, and whatever else that makes you important in job, - stat�s,
finance, authority or reputation as a writer, - is measured by the magnitude of the
intrigues and conspiracies that work against you. It is the well-worked out
conspiracies and intrigues to bring you down that assure you of the power your

words, written or spoken, wield; it is the number of ;·he intrigues and conspiracies
against you that shows ot�ers the strength of the metal you are made of. Your fall
or collapse is beside the point ..

Non- interference:
, We keep away from interfering in the affairs and lives of others hopefully that
they will reciprocate by non-interference in our affairs and lives; but all our no�­
interference in their matters goes waste as they don't give up their business of
pouring their lives into ours. The only way to keep ou'. lives unpolluted from their
interference is to hit them hard.

Why don't you dislike your habits! Why do you dislike the habit� of others! Why do
you dislike my habits of smoking and drinking whisky? Why Jon't you dislike your
habit of not smoking and not drinking? Must you hate my habit of taking. rio bath at
all? Why don't you hate your habit of taking a bath every day or Se\'.eral times a day?
Why don't you find something wrong with. your habit ·of taking pleasure in social
activities instead of finding fault with my habit of staying alone? Why must you ask
me to explain my habits when I don't ask. you to explain. yours ? Why_ don't. you dislike
your habit of finding fault with my habits and of _not d•slik1ng your habit of taking
your habits for a package of model? Why don't you abhor your habit of imp'Osing
your habits on others expecting them not to justify their ha�1ts? Why don't you give
up your habit of taking the habits of others as nuisance? Why don't you despise your
habit of absolute punctuality instead of despising others for taking their day

God originates:
God doesn't create; he originates. He is not a creator; he is an originator. He had not
created Adam, the world and the universe; he had originated Adam, the world and
the universe.

Habits again!
You make us listen to your views about us, and refuse to listen to our' views about
you. You ignore your habit of ignoring our disgust with your habits, and ignore your
disgusting habit of showing disgust for our habits. You admire your habit not to let
us talk about the way you think and behave, and how small, petty, and ridiculous you
are; but you admire your habit of telling us that we are damn fools in every walk of
life. With no regard for our re3ard fol' you, you regard us as unworthy of your
regard. Don't you know that you are our tormentors? You are the jokers who have
taken their jokes seriously.
January 14, 2005,

The Chil.d Within!

There is a child in every person that breaks through all the barriers of age and
responsibilities to live for as l?ng a while it likes. Don't kill it, whatever your age may
be. Remember always that you are that child whatever your age may be. That is what
Saba said when she wrote 'It is never too late to enjoy your childhood'.

Hell Within!
With the passage of survival, the hell within us swells up unnoticed, - as it is life we
live, not survival. Life is the garb to be lived in; survival is nude, without a mask.

We Resided In Shuhanne Or Shuhivanne Parro In Thathoo. Father Was D.S.P.
There. In The Back Street Of Our House Resided In The Next Lane A Hinthoo
Family With Moist Eyes. I Did Not Know Why The Moist Eyes, But The Copper Color
Girl That Stood At The Door And Looked At Me Playing In Dust And Dirt Made Me
Waver In My Play. Her Moist Eyes And Solemn Face Spoke Of The Distress In Her
House. I Was Too young To Know And Feel The Effects Of The Migration And The
Consequences On The Migrating Families. Those Were The Days When Hinthooz
Were Departing For India.

Halim Brohe
Financially and socially no bodies, but blessed cs a couple, was my idea of marriage. I
write to you to be with you for a while. Do come to see me waiting with a big hug for

The Polish lady:

Sarah, the polish lady who was yeur domestic help when I was �ti, you last time.
often comes to my mind. Once, while you people were away for a while, I asked her
to let me have the kitchen for a few minutes to make myself a cup of tea. She asked
if she could do that for me. Surprised, I said I would be thankful, as I was likely to
make a mess with the kitchen appliances. I had taken her for some nose-up
American, but her few words told me she was not. She made the tea in a jiffy and,
while taking tea a� the counter, I asked her where she was from. She said Poland. I
told her about whatever I knew of the Poland anrj.. Polish people. She asked me if I
had been to Poland and wondered I could know so much about her land and people
without having been there. Then she spoke a lot, t�ars rolling down, about her kith
and kin and their fateful lot. I listened to her, as I knew what she was talking about.
On your arrival I forgot everything about her, -or probably I said something to you
about her. Next day in the airport lobby waiting for 'the plane, fhappened to see a
person who appeared to have no one to talk to.. For no rea.�on, our eyes met twice,
and we just shook hands. We spoke about this and that and he said he had come to
attend the funeral of his mother ·and was going back to Poland. I did not mention to
him about your domestic help who had mumbled something like that. We were
together only a minute or two and joined different queues for different exits to our
planes. He kept on looking at me, - as if he had much to say.
Halim December 31, 2004

I take in a stride all the 'religions', 'religious books', ' revelations', and all their 'gods'
the way I take the 'scripts', 'languages', 'poetry', 'history', 'psychology', 'philosophy',
'logic', 'Indici', 'Sindh', 'Kurds', 'Brohe', 'books', 'fiction', ··society', and 'several other
things'. I happen to have a tongue, a skull, and a hand to write by. The unknown is the
only being my mind knows of.
I refer frequently to Bible and to Biblical affairs only because they tolerate my
words and me. I refrain from referring to Koran because they don't tolerate my
words and me, and I am scarred of physical violence. Job is Ayub, Jonah is Younus,
Hazrat is Mr., - so on and so forth.
I don't mind people having their own faiths, but they take exception to my being
different from them. Terry is like me. We always have hearty laughs at what and
the way I say about almost everything including Bible and the Christians, and at
what he says about me generally. We don't try to mould each other. Victor Xaviar, a
Christial'.I Fundamentalist, continues to be a friend who offers me tea to keep my

mouth shut from talking rw:>nsense. Likewise ·there are several Muslims - including a
few Fundamentalists - w'1o love my nonsense.
There were two bearded Pathans, with strict veiled wives, �n ouri group on Hludj.
Without knowing who or what they were, or their knowing wHo or what I am, lthey
loved and liked me so well that they always carried my baggage and luggage before
they moved theirs. They kept distance from thos� among us who ,disliked my
nonparticipation in some of the pilgrimages that they did and the rituals they all
made. It was only on our journey back that they introduced themselves to me as
Pesh Imams of two mosques in Sohr9b Goth Karachi. I was amazed! I don't have the
addresses of the mosques. The only deed I did for them was I gave them two of the
three copies of the Koran that I was given by Saudia after the Hudj:I often miss
those two Pesh Imams I don't recall what city it was where I informed my wife that
two veiled women had been following me from a distance for some time. She talked
to them and told me they were the wives of those two Pesh Imams who had asked
them to keep me in sight while both of them were away to get their seats confirmed
on the plane. My wife, like all others, forgets the petty matters that get to the
warehouse in my soul.
As against the vehement arguments of several molana type members of our group,
the leader of our group at l4ast once settled a too touchy 6hariat matter involving a
member of the group, on myl opinion as against them all. THe member, unknown to me
as I to him, was relieved of the tension that had left him unnerved and helpless. I
had intervened igno ,. ing the interruptions of my wife not to poke my nose in that
Sharae matter.
Moral of the tale: Things dp happen, this way or that way.

Halim Brohe
December 13, 2004

Aleem wrote back:


Tho Juv*a Thil*o Na Gghum Grief of two young hearts
Thooriy*a Sumjh*ay Chhay! Absence knows!
Kon Yath Kuraychhay, Who misses you
Hiddkiy*a Sumjh*ay Chhay! Hie ups remind you!
Ttumay Pottay Kattil Chho, ' You are my killer
Ttumay Ay Vatt Kaym Jann*o! You wouldn't know!
Sh"'oo Kam H*oo Thhiyo Thevano, Why I went mad
Bayrriy*a Sumjh ay Chhav! My chai�ed tfeet know!
Mathhay Say U'ttray Se Walking down the stairs
Chhay Jiyaray Roopare! What a person!

Halim Brohe

Buthun Ne Nuzakutt N*oo, How fragile she is

Serrihy*oo Sumjh*ay Chhay! The stair-steps Know!
Am Tto Praym Nugur M*ay People do visit garden
Phool*o Ne S'nthurtta Jova! To enjoy beauty of the flowers
Phool Kon Ttorray Chhay, Who will pluck a pluck a flower
Darkhe SumJhay Chhay! The flowers already know!
Jhann Nay Kurledoo Ghur The woman that is mine
Puhilevar Hiya M*a Thanish! The first in my life
Anay Mare Akk*o Na She is known to me
Ruttun Sumjh*ay Chhay! As Carved on my eyeris!

The Drain:
The Russian police officer in the Book BLACK MARBLE always referred to the dead
people as 'gone down the drain'.

Universal book-preface:
"Lucky break, how I became a writer (Extract) by Roald Dahl: My end-of-term
reports from this school are of some interest. Here are just four of them copied
out word for word from the original documents: Summer Term, 1931 aged 14)
English Composition. "I have never met a boy who so persistently writes the exact
opposite of what he means. He seems incapable of marshalling his thoughts on
paper." Easter Term 1931 (aged 15). English Composition. "A persistent muddler.
Vocabulary negligible, sentences ill-constructed. He reminds me of a camel." Summer
Term, 1932 (aged 16). English Composition.
"This boy is an indolent and ill-literate member of the Class." Autumn Term, 1932
(aged 17). English Composition. "Consistently idle. Ideas limited." (And underneath
this one, the Archbishop of Canterbury had written in red ink, "He must correct the
blemishes on this Sheet.") Little wonder that it never entered my head to become a
writer in those Days." Thus wrote Roald Dahl.

"Run! Run!"
That was a movie, - FORRESTER. 'Run, Forrester, Run!' were the magical words that
made Forrester hurriedly remove the shackles free his crippled legs, get up from
the chair, and break into a run than the toughs who were pursuing him faster than
the wheelchair could on wheels. His 9 irl friend prompted him with 'Run, Forrester,
Run!' to make him move his wheelchair faster to get away from the toughs of the
locality who wanted to beat him; his mother wanted him to be on his feet, - that was
the childhood of Forrester. Crippled in the legs the boy Forrester gave u p the chair
to take to running as a hobby and won the highest award of the fastest runner in
the U.S.A.

Two dogs were fighting over a bitch or booty. Like humans, each wanted to tear
apart and suck the blood of the other.

Brothers, sisters, and their mother, - that is a unit; father is the intruder, the
outsider. He doesn't matter. He doesn't count. Mother and her name do matter,
Father and his name don't. Children belong to mother, not to father. That father is
a damn fool who thinks his children belong to him. This hard fact, discovered always
too late by father, unhinges his psychological moorings and he, dragging the chains
that had tethered him securely to the pegs and stakes of the moorings, becomes an
apparition to him.

Professional Teaching:
Professional teachers are read only by the teachers and referred to and mentioned
as writers in the magazines of their own departments only. Their profession
incapacitates them from originality, scientific or literary.

Silence of the Lamb!

"You are selfish, self-centered, self-seeker, wishing others ill-will, cunning to the
core in living off them who have to carry you on their shoulders." That was what
made me silent for all the times to come. Known already if it was, I should have been
told long before.

Man and the Maker: The difference is of the length of patience. Maker, the
infinite, has infinite patience; mar, a nonentity, has no patience. I had none.

He, who has reasons to hate others, has reasons to hate himself.

He was a sweeper in our house, an employee since years. He had recently married
when a theft happened in our house. I gave his name to the police as the suspect.
The police beat him mercilessly. His newly wed wife prayed and even touched my
feet to get Bholoo relieved, but I spurned her and shook her away when she touched

-· my feet. He was not the thief. Police let him go. He was not a thief. Years after
that I begged his wife to forgive me. They continued to be nice to me.

In Sana lives deeply buried the theme of the euphonic symphony on which throbs
the heart of the Eternal and Infinite in all Its forms and expressions. Sana is the
phenomenal expf".eSsion of Nature. What to the earthlings is the Debatable is the
Halim Brahe
Serene to her. For her the Controversial is the Existence per ·,e. She is the amazing
awe reborn a new. She is the Soul Self-deciphered.
Her pen-picture would be, a gypsy contemplating the Past, Present, and Future in the
Halim Brohe
January 2, 2005

Exparte orders and decisions

The decisions fallowing the 'exparte orders' under all the laws, including Civil and
Criminal Procedure Codes, must state point by point and issJ'- by isue that the
applicant or complainant or petitioner or appellant or whatever else he,1she be, has
proved his matter beyond reasonable doubt. Absence of the other party doen't
warrant the credibility of the first party. Laws be suitably ammended to let the
judge or magistrate or officer or the presiding o·fficer get at the truth. 'Appeal' or
'review' to set aside an order for 'ex-parte' decision be done away with, with no
exception to a new rule, to be included in the Civil and Criminpl Procedure Codes,
that the absent e or/and his lawyer loses the right of appea�ance. These small
ammendments in the procedures will make lawyers responsible for their personal
appearance and the practice of frequent adjounments will come to a stop, with a
great opening for the horde of lawyers that waste ·their time in the bar-rooms or
verandah of the courts.
Abdul Halim Brohe
Email: abdulhalimBroh�

The Night!
Last night at about 8 PM I was picked by Sulem Sunae and taken· to M'zufur's house
in Jamshoro where I found all my friends gathered to welcome the New Year I had
forgotten about. We broke into laughter that reached its peak at exactly midnight
and continued till 3 in the morning. It was I who did most of the talking, took to
singing, then to dancing, !ead them all through the longest nonsense mirth and
happiness filled nonsense laughter that they or I ever had in our lives! It was a
strange phenomenon that suddenly happened to us all! No one was surprised to find
me not drinking while all were all taking the best of all the Scotch whiskies that
Sulem had arranged for me. On the contrary they laughed their heads oft when told
that I have not touched the lady alcohol in the last the last four months! Funniest of
all was the fact that the people gath�red there were in their late twenties or early
thirties and none of us felt any difference in age! It was the greatest and happiest
experience-I ever had in 73 years, - an experience that made me sorry for them
who, nearer to me in relations, had missed to enjoy my approach to life. I pity them
for having lost me forever!
I wish you all a very happy future with your progeny and their progeny.
Halim Brohe
January 1, 2005

Sense and nonsense:
Jabar Junejo, a Professor of Sinthde in the University of Sinthd, said viciously to
me, - in 1987, "We wil! not let you have a place in the History of Sindhi literature." I
had said, "I don't want to be mentioned in any history. I prefer to be a myth."

Society: A horde of people herded t')gether to pull cne another's leg and bite away
one another's ear to make themselves all look alike.
God! What is better? To know Him, or pray to Him without knowing Him? I know
Him, therefore I do not pray to Him. I talk to Him often, all the while.
Logic: You may be logical without knowing Logic, and you may be illogical d,.!spite
your Doctorate in the Logic.
Breaking the news: Every chi Id breaks the toy he loves; every person destroys the
persons who love him.

Non-Information Technology:
Arabic versus whatever the Other Language

"How are you?"

"Sh' kr Huay Kh'tha Ka!"

"How are the kids?"

"Masha Ullah!"

"How is the job?"

"Ulhumth Ullah!"

"Going abroad?"
"Insha Ullah!"

"Any promotion due?"


"Sacrificed some animal?"

"Fe Subel Ulallah!

"Phe Uman' llah!"

Godot: Why wait for Him for our salvation? Why not wait for the barbarians for
our annihilation? Any way, the consequence would be the same!
Past: It is for repentance, to cry over spilt milk.

Halim Brohe
Old Age: The odyssey into the past!
Person: Like a banker, gives you an umbrella to take it �way when it begins to rain.
Suicidal: Keeping on trying to come up to the expectations of others.
Deeds: No one gets anything in the measure of his deeds; every one gets from what ;

is planted in him as.his Fate.

Bible: The com!Jlete text of the Tales in indirect voice. ..
Koran: Index, in �he direct voice, to tr,e morals of the tales in the Old Testament.
Bible includes Old Testament and New Testament. It should incluae Koran as the
Index to the two. They don't accept Koror, as a Revelation, so they are justified in
not including Koran in the Bible, which is incomplete without an Index.

Kitchen! (

Is It Possible For A Woman To Stay Away From Kitchen, That Also For More Than
Seventeen Married Years, Having Lost Three Sons As Dead, And Six Alive With One
Of Them As Nasty As I? Impossible! The Woman Would Enter the Kitchen Come
What May. My Mother Had That Predicament. She Had To Enter the Kitchen Often
For Me Who Was A Constantly Nagging Child in the Family.

"Ask Her," Father Would Say To His Social Friends, "If She Knows The Where
About o·; The Kitchen In The House!"
"I Don't Have To Know," Mother Would Reply Jocundly, "As I Get All The Three
Meals On The Tobie. May God Bless Mama Misttre Who Cares So Much For Us!"
That Was A Patent Jcke of Father's we All Knew About, In The Presence Of Every
Fresh Stock of the New Arrivals of His Friends. Laughter Naturally Followed, And
We Family Members, Including I, Laughed The Loudest. But Was That A Joke?
Mother Did Not Forget Or Forgive Father's Behavior In Sukkur. She Carried in Her
Bosom the Scars of His Words; "Misttre will stay. If you don't want him in the
kitchen, go To Hyderabad or wherever else you want to go." Mother did Not Enter
Kitchen Thereafter, Except When Someone like Me Became A Nuisance! Misttre
Carried an Expressionless Face while Mother Replied and we laughed. We Would
Laugh, But Father Was Callous To The Core.

"And Ask Her," Father Would Continue, "If She Knows What We Are Having For
tinner!" And Mother Would Say, "Why Should I Know When We All Know That
Mama Misttre Is There In The Kitchen To Get Us The Best! I will only mess up the
Things!" More Laughter Would Follow. I Wish I Were Conscious Of What Emotional
Undercurrent Was The1·e In Mother's Mind! My Mere Awareness Would Have Made
Lot Of Difference to the Quantum and Quality of the Laughter of All. My Rebuking
Face Would Have N.ade Father Shut Up. But I Simply Had Forgotten That Sukkur

"And Ask Her", Father Would Persist, "If She Recalls When She Cooked The Last
Time!" And Mother would say, "How Would I recall, and why should I Bother My
Head on That, As I Don't Recall Since How Long Mama Misttre has been with us!
The Children and I Have Been Getting All Our Meals done and Ready on A Platter.
So Why Would I Bother About Such Things!"
Horror, Now That I Think Of That! My Lord! How Dee.ply She Had Suffered! And
Father Still Capitalized On Her Helplessness! "May God Bless �ama Misttre,"
Mother Would Continue·, "I Don't Know What We Would Be Doing Without Him!"
Even I, Who Had Known All, Couldn't Guess That Her Every Word Was Seeping
From The Stab Wound In Her Heart! All The While Misttre, r.arrying An Uneasy
Smile, Would Avoid Looking At Her. That Was Father's Way Of Keeping Mother
Jovial Through His Casual Or Formal Gatherings, Parties, Dinners And Functions.
Mother Carried On And On And Made His Day By Entertaining The Gatherings With
Her Witty Off-The-Cuff Repartees. Those Were the Years betw�en 1950 and mid
1960s. She Died In May 1967. Father's Attitude Of Degrading Her By Telling Her
To Pack And Go Wherever She Liked If She Couldn't Put Up With Misttre Having
Run The Kitchen And the Pantry, and continuous presence of Misttre in the house,
Was The Cancer Of Which She Died. Had father removed the presence of Misttre
from the house, mother would have recovered from tho-r last stage of cancer, but
father did not. Misttre stayed away from mother, but owned the kitchen. Father
Survived Her By Eleven Years During Which, I Know, Suffered Much More
Humiliation, Insults, And Taunts Than Mother Had.

Suhur Imthath ridiculed me in the Sinthdology for what I wrote in the STAR, and
now she looks up to me to write more. She is great. She repents having done
Masters in Sinthde. She was not at fault. Those days were such! She doesn't recall
she had ridiculed me in the Sinthdology in presence of her favorite friend Afroz
Khoja. Great! How convenient. it is for the women to forget the wrongs they do the
men who have no way but to suffer the ridicule!


You ridiculed me, laughed at me and humiliated me over what I wrote for the STAR
in 1985. I didn't change my views and opinions that stood as a rock. You were very
· boyish then. Very boyish! You didn't let me speak. You only laughed at what you took
for my follies. Now you encourage me in my follies. You s.ay 'Hulem is unique.' I
remind you of your 'Yeah' to my request to write something about me when I am

He Had Asked Me To Get Out From His House, and I Went Away. He Continued To
Love Me Intensely, but He wanted A broken-down Halim, Not the Halim Who Had
· Let the Buses of Official Glamour Pass By! He Later Wished Me Back With Him But
That was elevating those who had conspired privately to abandon me. And I didn't go
to his house even when He Died. Keep Ten Dead Bodies In Your House, - I Won't-
Halim Brohe
Enter The House If A Scoundrel Would Feel Elevated That Halim Has Now Come
Down! That Backfired as I Stood Away From His House And its Uncouth Lot.

And What Else Happened Through Those Years, Months, And Days? At The
Breakfast Table Father Would Take Out His Wallet, Pull Out A Few Bills And.
Extending His Hand To Misttre, Ask Mother, "Tell him What You Want For The
Meals", And Mother would say, "We Will Eat Whatever Mama Misttre Brings And
Cooks For Us". And Father, Giving the Bills to Misttre, And Getting up For Office,
Would Say To Mnther, "You Never Know What To Ask For. You have never done
that." This was the routine no one noticed at the Breakfast Table. It Is Baffling To
Mark That father never Gave A Hint Of His Awareness Of The Lifelong Protest
writ large since 1949-50 on the demeanor Of Mother! At The Meals, She Never
Picked Any Fault with A Dish or A Course. She Helped Us with Our Meais, Trying To
Please Us with Whatever Mistrre Laid on the Table without A Remark about the
Cooking. She was not sullen, nor stubborn; she had been robbed of her placemer,t
and moorings.
Father Had Made Her Hate the Kitchen by Offering Her the Option to go elsewhere
if She didn't like to give Up the Kitchen to Mis"!"tre. That Hatred Lasted Her
Lifetime; the Woman in Her, Had been hurt that b!ldly. Mother, Helpless Before
Her Children, Had To Force Herself To Enter The Kitchen When One Of Us, Mostly
I, Became Too Nasty With A Demand At Odd Hours. Once, Arriving late In the
Night, I Demanded A Glass of Milk And She, As If Fed up With Her Life, Entered
the Kitchen and, Pouring Milk in the Glass, Said To Me, "It Is You Who Makes Me
Insult Myself!"
For Father nothing out of ordinary had happened. Forgetting the days when she
cooked meals for all, He Let Misttre Be His favorite Over And Above His Sons,
Daughters, And Wife Till His Death when He Was ousted out by the people of his
own mentality as he had Outlived His Agenda of Destroying Me And Was Of no
Further Use In The Scheme Of Things.

Yasmin, then and now!

Only because Misttre, confined to kitchen to avoid mother and I, had no way to
appease mother, kept Yasmin in the kitchen on her baby seat and pampered her to.
get some foothold in the mind of some members of the house, mainly mother and
her mother, Yasmin grew up with the grown up opinion that Misttre had mcthered
her! Today she is the vainest person among us all, most up-nosed, the most I know all
and I know, I know, disliked and laughed at by all! Why does her mother keeps away
from her? Why is she an outsider to the persons who she grew with? Has she
recei11ed Jamoo at the airport once? She buys people with her dollars. 'Afroz rings
and comes to me only when she needs money' were her words to me.

What r:ght she has to be with Shafiq, son of Apa Ttaj, when Apa Ttaj is in a Old
Peoples' Home! It was Afroz who, as his mother-in law, stayed and lived with him,
rendering his mother redundant to him. With his mother away, she should have
stayed away from his daughter, but no. Shafiq didn't hate his mother till Afroz took
to staying with them. Meekest ore the most cunning; otherwise they won't last a day.
She has settled her sons in the USA by explc,iting the financial resources of her
son-in-law Javed through her daughter; and Javed has been exploiting his brother
Waheed! Hers' is a vicious circle.

Mother and I:
I Didn't Care Then, - I Had Become Oblivious Of The Past That I Resurrected
Later When The Time For Begging Her Pardon Was Past. Mother had died; and
Misttre had Father for A Ply to Undo Me. They, who were away from the country,
spoke as if they had· All Their Facts Right! Well Fed, They Fed Poisonous Reptiles
And Took Me For A Liar Who Had Been To The USA With The Agenda to Take
Advantage of Their Affluence!

Second opinion: The people who have faith in prayers look up to the same doctor
for 'second opiniorl.
Instead of letting people think the way they like, the absurd, like me, takes upon
himself to argue and convince them to think the way he thinks.
Was she? Only because she was not like you! She had a home and a husband for her
world to the exclusion of all and everything.
Philosophy - The peak of snobbery!
Philosopher - The biggest of the snobs!
God and Fate - Synonymous!
Angel - Conscience gnawing at the roots of intelligence!
Faith - Immense and intense faith in the immutability of God and His immunity to
prayers may make a person a snob. It has done me in.
Nature - The basic nature is immutable. Tamed with compulsions and threats, the
tamed lion, given freedom, reverts to its origin.
Life - All our life we strain ourselves to transform the basic nature of others; that
is how we place our necks on the guillotine.
Friends - It takes time to learn not to take friends for granted. I took a lifetime.
Frustrations: All are the product of their frustrations; I am the fruit of mine.
God: Stay in touch with God, the only friend by your side in your lonesome years.

Why don't the women die?

Halim Brohe
Why do the mothers-in-law of only the women die? Why don't the mothers-in-law of
the men die? Two of my daughters have lost their mother-in- law, but none of my
sons-in-law have lost his mother-in-law!

The fly and the lizard:

I swatted the fly for its mistake of coming within my sight. The lizard I c!abbered
had made the same mistake. I do not swat or clobber lions or alligators.

Revelation: Unconsciousness, Id, unfolding itself.

Dogma: My dogma is orthodoxy, yours is heterodoxy.

Call it a day! Proceedings of the Judgment Day over and all souls sent to Paradise
or sentenced to Hell, God will have nothing to do unless every soul meets the
Judgment Day on the day it shades its body. The proceedings of the Judgment Day
are continuous since all eternities and shall continue through infinities.

No escape!
A table cannot become a horse or a camel an airplane; a mouse cannot become a fox
or an elephant a dog. Force a donkey to become a horse or vice versa, all you get is a
mule, neither a donkey nor a horse. There is no escape from origin. No one would
murder if murder were not in the origin.

Money matters:
Do not let me owe you anything because I do not know when I part with my body. I
will not be available to you when the Day of Judgment comes to pass, for I will be
untraceable. You will not know if I am in the Hell or Paradise or among you for next

Who is what:
A human is a humanitarian, not a vegetarian; a Muslim is a Muslim only to hate non­
Muslim; a Sindhi is a Sindhi only to hate non-Sindhis; an immigrant is an immigrant
only to dislike non-immigrants; a Jew is a Jew only to hate non-Jews; so on and so

Iqbal and I
We the two first sons of the two brothers Abdul Aziz Karam Khan Bro he and Haji
Abdul Rahman Karam Khan Brohe, sons of Karam Khan Brohe, are exclusively
responsible for uprooting our paternal heritage from our families. We both married
immigrant women, he in the sequence of a clandestine love affair, and I had gambled
with fate. The glamour prone wives made us oblivious to our growing loss of
manhood, domestic life, psychological equilibrium, and mental balance, since the first
day of our marriage. Taking advantage of the love of their fathers-in-law, slighted,
insulted, abused, cursed, and disowned husbands except for social status, society,
and personal glamour. Their ways were discreet for both of us to notice. They made
us lose our placement in our paternal relatives and involved us with their own
paternal relatives, and surrendered our placement in the house as spouses except
for their social image of a model wife. Iqbal was pushed outdoors as he couldn't
confine to a corner in the house, and I was pushed to a corner where I put up with
some writing material. Iqbal was not allowed peace outside his house as his wife
always arrived there to rebuke, insult, and accuse him of his ways that were the only
outlets left to him by her. I was not allowed peace in the corner as I was provided
with various kinds of irritants like lights off, no smoking, eat now, drink now, sleep
now, get up now, change clothes now, and innumerable others. Salim and others were
asked to keep Iqbal awoy from them so that he may improve. The people, male ·c_nd
female alike, whose look or face or demeanor or behavior showed slightest warmth
for me, were disliked, hated and - whenever I left the house, - were asked not to
provide me food and shelter so that I may learn to behave and return to wife. Iqbal
had no outlet, got cancer and died of heart attack. Pouring out my psychosis on
paper saved me from going mad enough to be put in a mental hospital. Writing down
and speaking about all that bothered me saved me from cancer. Iqbal had kept h,s
mouth shut except to Mir Ralsool Bux Khan Talpur who knew all. Him I kno·w in
These two marriages gave us two cousins a corrupt progeny. Both the women
preferred to move with, and own the culture of, their own brothers and sisters.
Each created wedges between her husband and his brothers and sisters. Both
abhorred their mothers-in-law, ond separated their husband from their rnother.
Each had· to reconcile under social duress - status and influence of the family of the
husband - to have her daughters married to non-immigrants. And each tried her
best to push her sons-in-law and their children to move with and adopt the culture
of her brothers and sisters. Halim Brohe December 30, 2004

But how could that be?

To say that God made Satan is blasphemous. God is ALL-GOOD. He couldn't make
Satan. We have had enough of that nonsense.
The architect: I am not the architect of my fate. How can I mend, or amend your
fate? For blessings, go elsewhere. Mine are futile. Go to the rich and the mighty.
They wiJI bless you with money and power.
Care: What your dog needs is a companion, not food. For food he, like you, can go
elsewhere. That is why people keep or give up wives.

Last time you were here for a few minutes, you wanted to know what method -
deduction or induction - I was used to. I mumbled and said a few words. These two
are not the only aspects of 'thinking process'. Third one - the basic one - is 'initial
generalization' - call it 'first phase of awareness born of consciousness'. The other
Halim Brohe

two - deduction and induction - follow each other step-by-step, till the induction
reaches the possible point of exhaustion and the deduction reached at that point
becomes the 'law'. I will be clearer when I explain orally. Do wonders with the ideas
that are afloat.
8th December 2004

Mother often said, 'Halim doesn't want food. All that he wants is love.' Mother told
me she had said that often to my wife. It is funny. that I revolted against mother.
Since last three months I have despe,·ately tried to revive in me the Will to Survive
Independently that has been dead too long, but I have failed. for me the road to
nowhere is �he only course. No. I won't attempt to kill myself. I won't disappoint
God. I shall live on the roads. I will let God put me through all the experiences He
has scheduled for my body. God says, 'Don't put me to test'. I won't.
December 09, 2004.

For Abeer and Bilawal:
By God! The last time I asked God about the whereabouts of my wife, He said, "How
would I know? You are enough of a headache for me to bother about the affairs of
other Gods. And oh! There are so many of Us!" He used U capital, funnyman!

Carrot and stick!

It is the carrot and stick method of zoologists that has made me whatever I am
today, - a great phi'osopher! 'Carrot in the mouth and a stick in the ass' does
wonders to a person!
And you call me Nana! And why don't you two do !iomething? After all you are the
Mayors of the town!
December 09, 2004

Shut in:
I have been shut in self and surroundings too long. Now I want open space with no
horizon in sight.
December 10,2004
Close the door, and the window opens! Shut the window, and the ventilator opens!
Shut the ventilator, and a hole appears in the wall! Fill the hole, and the roof cracks!
Repair the roof, and the house goes poof!
Moral of the Tale: No way!
December 15, 2004

Thanks to the non-sticky fry pan that Romana got for us, I have discovered new
ways of cooking meals for me! Now I know what and how to cook when to satisfy my
long forgotten culinary taste. It is a very handy thing that solves all the cookery
problems. I know God will lets me cook meals for Him that He will test - now that
we know Him for All Wise - on some angel before eating, lest the food be poisonous.
Ask Zulfiqar and Hayat not to forget, in their haste, burying the non--sticky fry pan
beside me. The non-sticky one has so stuck on me!
December 16, 2004

A short story that I narrate ad nauseam:

In a flowery corner of a blooming garden, a small worm opened its ey�s, and looked
around. 'Such a beautiful world!' he said to himself, 'So many colors! And all so
beautiful! I must sing its praise!'

Spotting an old worm nearby, he said to him, 'Let us sing a song in the praise of the
world, for my heart tells me to rejoice in its beauty.' The old one said, 'Be quiet.'
The young one said, 'Oh, how colorful the world is! So wonderful and beautiful! And
so many colors!' The old one said, 'Keep your quiet.' The young one said, 'But how
ravishing the colors are in the pride of their colors! And so plenty! And all
blossoming gorgeously in the color of the Sun! Let us sing a song to the praise of the
world. Join me in the song that my heart sings in praise of the world.'

The old one kept his quite, and the young one sang alone. He sang and sang and song,
and, when old, he knew and shut up.

Moral: Old ones want the young to be old in their youth as well.

Corollary of the Moral: Keep the old ones at arms length, and have long bamboo poies
for your arms.

PS: This is a free translation of a small poem of Abual Ala, a Persian poet. Because it
is a free translation, it is for free. You don't have to pay for it.
December 14, 2004

-. Dance little lady, dance!

Dancing Wu Li Masters is a book by Gerry Zugov, a journalist. He accompanied a
mathematician friend to a vacation spot where top-class physicists and
mathematicians were to gather and read and discuss their papers. The journalist
had nothing to do with mathematics or any of the sciences, a� had nothing else to
do. He sat with them through all the their meetings, listening to all their blah which
Halim B1ohe
was in such an absolute mathematical language that the journalist, like us common
lot, was not supposed to be acquainted with to make out what they were discussing
or talking about. He observed them for a day or two, listening to their blah. Then
suddenly he felt he did know what they were discussing and talking about! He sat
with them all through their readings and discussions that lasted quite a few days.
Later the journalist wrote whatever he had made out from the proceedings, and
sent copies of his write-up to each of the participants of that rendezvous of theirs,
- more than 90 that included mathematicians from all over the giobe - requesting
for comments. They all conceded that he had made no mistake in understanding and
conveying their mathematical and scientific blah in common English language,
accessible to common people.
It is a small paperback book. Rabia and - probably Romana also - had read the .book.
Buy the book and read it. You will know what are mathematics and physics all about.
Reading it and shaking hands with mathematics and physics was a wonderful
experience for Rabia and me. I am not sure about the srelling of the last name of
the journalist.
Moral of the Tail: Wag it.

Aleem is the passport to hotmail. After almost lifelong trials and errors, I settled
with the decision to confine my emails to my five grandchildren, two daughters,
their husbands, one sister, and two brothers. Terry Wiley, a Christian missionary.
and Muzafar Talpur, a lecturer in the department of philosophy of the Sindh
University, have been the only exceptions. Terry is more of gentlemen than a
missionary and Muzafar is the crow I have let sit on my ass too long now. The only
similarities between the two is that Muzafar has a bedridden mother and Terry has
a bedridden religion to care for, and are not available to me except on email.
Now I have to wonder about your taste in reading. Bhai Sahib - Aleem is senior to
me by one month - forgot to inform you that I am a nuisance who writes only to
while away time. Anyway, I will be with you till you know me better and consign me to
your junk folder. Improving nonsense is a lifelong process.
Halim December 15, 2004

Good old days:

In the good old days when tuberculosis was incurable, there lived in Scotland a boy
of 18, who was told that he had tuberculosis and had only a year to live. The boy
went to his grandmother who lived in a forest to pass his days with her in a hut. Now
the boy had the bad habit of awakening too early for the morning to have dawned,
so he always went into the forest to see how the dawn awakened the trees, birds,
worms and other living things. The boy wrote all about this and them with a loving
amazement dai!y in his journal that he had the bad habit of carrying with him since

childhood and wrote with regularity. As the days passed by, he knew the trees,
plants, leaves, birds, worms, and other living things, each personally. He watched
them all and wrote about them regularly with love, affection, and underlying wonder.
The boy died in two and a half years, and the journal, published later as The Journal
of a Disappointed Man, became a book of the naked-eye observations in Zoology and
Moral of the story: Tuberculosis is good for zoology and botany.
PS. I had read the book in mid 50s It must be with www. Amazon. I do not recollect
the name of the boy.
Halim, -
Moral of the tale for the grand children: So why don't you put on a H,jab? Aren't you
ashamed of such a nana!
Halim Brohe
December 11, 2004.

What names?
What exactly is a name? The unknown had formed, out of the ground, - He "1ad
formed the man out of the ground, - all the beasts of the field and all the birds of
the air. He brought them all to the man to see if the man would know their names
and, whatever the man called each living thing, was to be its name. The man gave
names to all the livestock, the birds of the air, and all the beasts of the field. Now,
why did the unknown ask the man to name them all? And how could the man know
the names, and in what language? Obviously, a name is an instinct, and the man was
called upon to know the instincts of each living thing so that the man knew the
instincts of all the livestock, the birds of the air, and all the beasts of the field.
Tlius the man was called upon to know all the instincts of all the beasts and the
birds and of all that moved on the ground; - and all that moved on the ground
included the man! All the tales in all the holy books are the exposition of all the
beasts and the birds and all that moved on the ground; and all that moved on the
ground includes the man. The man was not asked to name himself, that is, to identify
his own instincts, as he was supposed to know himself. Hence the phrase, 'know
thyself'. The man who defies the instincts of man, as exposed repeatedly as
examples, in all the tales of all the holy books is unworthy of the title of man.
Knowing and respecting instincts is the first lesson the unknown expects of the man.

Human rites:
"Are you a vegetarian?"
"No. I am a humanitarian. I want infant limbs done rare with French Fries on the
side, and a double-peg of Scotch with bourbon."

Introducing Mr. Harry!

Back in 1975, I wrote and published 'MR. HAIRY', one of my most nonsensical
stories, which I thought no one enjoyed or read. I republished the absolute
Halim Brohe
nonsense as 'MR. HARRY' but no one read it. I gave up the expectation of getting
applause from any quarters. I forgot the story as a great nonsense on my part. In
2001, Badar Samejo of Pano Aqil, a young friend of mine since 1985 and often
contacted by my family to counsel me to improve me to their taste and return to
house, said something that I still wonder at. He said that the nonsense story Mr.
Harry that I wrote many years ago depicted my life as I came to live it. I looked at
him vacantly, as I did n0t know that. He said I had taken a peep into my future! I did
not know. He said he had read that sto,y as one of ultra nonsense humor stories, but
he had re-read that recently and found that I have live:d my past, present, and
future in that nonsense."
He was an average student of English Literature in the University where I was an
officer.of a sort. His fath�r. a nice person, had died while I was alfo!ay at USA. His
brother Qamar is an officer in Customs. He has two other brothers - Shams, and
Najam. They all are a great home. I wonder that, of all the people, Badar pointed at
something out of the blue in that perfect nonsense!
I have changed the name of that nonsense story to 'MR. HARRY'. As the story is a
bit longish, I send it in a separate email. Entertain yourself on its mirth.
December 17, 2004

The Paper:
The Headline Said, 'World Famous Writer Mr. Harry Disappears! London in Panic!
World Economy In Disarray As The Chief Detective Announces World Wide Search
For The Remains Of The Author If He Be Dead!' As A Mark Of Respect For The
Author, The Paper Carried A Photograph Showing Mrs. Harry Holding The Chief
Detective By His Neck With Her Left Hand, Fingers Groping And Nails Digging
Deeper Into The Neck For The Throat, And Her Right Hand Having Gone Up In One
Backward Swing Held Aloft Her Head At That Instant, And Another Photograph
Showing That Aloft Held Hand Come Down In One Swing And Well Landed On The
Wrist Of Her Left Hand To Lend Further Strength To The Efforts Of The Fingers
Of Her Left Hand.

"Remains Must Be Found Even If My Husband Not Be Dead!" A Boldly Bordered Box
Quoted Mrs. Harry.

"He Was Already His Remains When Supposedly Alive," The Paper Quoted Her In
Another Box.

The Will:
"Harry Was Just As Useless A Handyman In The House As A Writer Could Possibly
Be", Said Mrs. Harry, Sobbing And Already With A Black Hat For The Headgear
Preparatory To Dress In Full Mourning Black At Few Minutes Notice, "But He Must
Have Left A Will. Mr. Holmes, Please Help Me Locate the Last Will of My Husband
before the Chief Detective Finds His Remains. He Wrote Almost Every Minute Of

The Day And Night All the Forty Years We Were bonded In what that Ridiculous
Priest Had Called The Blissful Marital Union. I Wond1::r Whatever Happened to the
Blissful Marital Union of That Funny Priest! I Hear He Too Is Absconding Leaving In
His Will His Flock of the Faithful at the Mercy of His Wife!"

The Chief:
"Mr. Holmes", The Chief Said, Dabbing With Some Tissue Papers The Nail Marks On
His Neck, "The Motive Is The Will. The Murderer Is the Person, Who stands to gain
By the Will, So What Else I Am Waiting for To Arrest Mrs. Harry?"

"For The Surfacing Of The Remains Of Mr. Harry", Holmes Said, "Without That
Piece of evidence No British Court Of Law Will You Hang Her. And If Any Court
Does, It Will Let the Hangman Do It, Not You. She Is As Innocent As Denmark
Cream And Holland Butter. I Don't Know What Misfortune Entangled Me in the
Apron of Mrs. Holmes."

"Mrs. Holmes Is A Great Lady," The Chief Said, "She Is Member Of All The NGOs
That Have Mushroomed In The Old Country."

"That Makes Her the Mother of All the NGOs," Holmes said, And Me the Father of
That Lot. O' Chief, How I Wish Mrs. Holmes, The Great Lady You Opine Her To Be,
Had Married Her Equal In Her Line Of Greatness And Had Spare.d Me To Marry
One Of The Lesser Ones Like This Plain Murderer Mrs. Harry! How Ecstatic It Must
Have Been To Be Murdered By Her! The Bruises on Your Neck Remind Me of the
Fate That Awaited Me but mistakenly Passed On To You!"

"Ah Holmes!" The Chief Smiled, "You Almost conceded that She Is the Murderer!"

"But It Will Be the Hangmcin Who Will Hang Her!" Holmes Snarled. "Not You, You
Nosey Chief!"

The Desk:
"This Is The Writing Desk My Late Husb and Wrote On, Glued To It Last Forty
Years Writing And Never Letting Anyone Know What He Did With The Royal1ies He
Received From Vurious Publishers." Mrs. Harry, As Always, Was Saying, "In Those
Matters He Didn't Take Even Poor Little Me in Confidence!"

"This Is Not The Desk Mr. Harry Was Glued To For Forty Years," The Chief
Announced, Having Already Gone All Over Tlie Desk With A Magnifying Glass And A
Microscope Coupled With A Telescope, "As It Has No Sign Or Mark Of Glue Smear.
The Seat of the Trousers He has run away In, Would Prove Me Right."

Halim Brahe
"May Be He Sat Glued To The Chair While Working On The Desk," Holmes
Interposed, Browsing Through The Papers In The Drawers On The Right Side Of

The Desk, "The Wi II And The Trousers Must Be Somewhere In The Drawers Of The

"Pray Mr. Holmes", Said Mrs. Harry, "If You Must Browse Through The Drawers On
The Right Hand Side Of My Husband, Pray Search Through The Drawers On The
Left Side Of The Desk As He Had His Right Hand On His Left Side."

Even So, The Search Produced Nothing except Hundreds Of Drafts That Could
Have Served Only As Specimen for Writing A Will. Mrs. Harry Began To Sob. • •'
"How Long You Will Go on Sobbing, My Dear?" Holmes Asked. "Why Don't You Try
Crying for A Change Which, I Am Told, Enhances The Beauty Of The Widows Who
Are Not Certain About The Demise Or Otherwise Of Their Husbands!"

The Police:
The Police Meanwhile Had Rounded Up All the Publishers in the U.K. And elsewhere
Who All Denied Having Published Any Book Of Mr. Harry. Some Of Them Refused
To Have Had Anything To Do With Him, And Some Went All The Way To Say 'Pooh,
Pooh' To The Very Suggestion Of The Name Of Mr. Harry. One, with A Philosophical
Bent of Mind, Conceded to His Own Non-Existence while Proving the Non-Existence
of the Author. Postal Authorities Came Up With The Information That They Had
Never Handled Any Correspondence Between The Famous Author And Any Publisher;
and The Banks Laid Bare Their Ledgers And Vouchers Before The Police To See For
Themselves That The Great Author Had No Account With Any Of Them As He
Didn't Trust Any Of Them With His Money.

"Mr. Harry Was A Noble Soul Who Had Been Reduced To Keeping Himself Confined
as Glued to His Writing Desk by Mrs. Harry Who Had Spread Herself All Over the
House." Mr. Holmes explained At the Summing Up. "He Neither Absconded Nor Was
Murdered. He Just Withered Away Sitting All By Himself On That Chair Allotted
To Him By Mrs. Harry, And Vanished As Dissipated Into Thin Air, Alas, Again All By

"And the Writings He Kept On Writing All Those forty Years!" Asked Mrs. Harry
Happily, Now Officially Recognized as the Widow of the Well-Known Author.

"All That He Was Trying To Produce During All Those Forty Years Was His Will
Which He Never Could Finalize To His Satisfaction As He Had No Assets To
Deprive You Of, Mrs. Harry, To Settle Score With You." Holmes Said Menacingly.
"And As I Don't Want To Share His Fate And Trousers," Holmes Added A Snarl For

French Fries, "I Prefer To Stay Married With Mrs. Holmes And Be At War With
Her Hereafter As Always!"

The Paper:
It Said, 'At The Time Of Our Going To The Press, Mrs. Harry Was Seen Holding
With Her Both Hands Mr. Holmes By His neck, Her Finger Nails Digging Deeper And
Deeper In His Throat To Reach At His Windpipe Which Ostensibly Appeared To
Have No Wind.' It Carried A Photograph Showing A Smiling Mrs. Holmes By The
Side Of The Chief Detective Who, Obviously Down Cast, Looked With Gloom At His
Hands That Held Most Reverently The Bowler Hat Of Mrs. Holmes, And Appeared
Wondering How Could The Bowler Hat Be Hers!

Dr. Watson:
That Is I, The Biographer-cum-sidekick of Sherlock Holmes, The Greatest of the
Detectives. I Feature Nowhere in This Episode, Being Threatened By Mrs. Holmes
with Dire Consequences.
The End.
December 1 �, 2004
What a wonderful treat! I enjoyed reading your writing, its' very funny ahd very
energetic. Keep it up bhaijan. I am sure it feels great to write like this. Sarah

.. Dustbin:
In my happiness to have discovered a reader, I sent you, and to some others also on
the list, something that was about the phenomenon that I am. You want me to pu1
you on my list, and I hurriedly sent some material to all the addressees that
included you. That done, I re-read your email, found myself pondering about the
words 'To List', and discovered myself inept doing that, as I had not pondered
before. I had only one list on my machine and had no idea about 'To List'. I gave up
pondering and looked into the Addresses, Add to List, Remove from List, and all that
nonsense, and discovered that I can hav� many Lists on my machine. Well, I now
have two lists on my computer, both very short and crisp, equally faulty.
Moral: One should practice pondering before faking to pondering.
PS Don't be disappointed. I am a good entertainer. And I won't bother you with long
emails, - my short emails do that for me.
P.S. 2: In 'MR. HARRY', you meet the harried one.
Moral in the name: You are more likely the antonym of your name.
Halim, the rude.

Don't hurryl
Jamoo Says: "Don't hurry. Take your time. Develop and re-write your interpretation
of the scriptures. Send me the synopsis and I will contact the publishers." To him I
Halim Brohe

said, "Yes", but it is beyond me. I am too tired. And I am very hungry. I Want To Eat
and go to sleep on some pavement.

Worship yourself:
Worship your Allah ritually, punctually, and regularly as you have successfully thrown
off your husband whom you have transformed into a eunuch of your choice. Hold
formal worship as you have set your mother in a separate place to set an example
for your husband to keep his mother away from you. Go Mecca to pray there for the
return of your son who gave you up for he could no longer put up with you. Do not
hav-: any photograph of �he husband and son in the house; do not let their names
referred to in your presence. Do have photo of some pup hung in the house.

Sons and mothers!

Sons don't return to the mothers who separate sons from their mothers!

Sons and Fathers!

Mothers, who separate sons from fathers, do lose their sons.

And you, who have owned properties through maneuvers. shall crawl on your bellies
and eat the dust!

Helping Hands:
Shanta, a domestic help somewhere, did all that is G'jratte in this book. From
Ibrahim Baloch Jamshorai, a technician in a x-ray laboratory and a recent
acquaintance, I borrowed four or five of his Siraiki translations of the four. or five
Rubai of Omur Khayam. Rahmat Chughtai of the Southern Sui Gas gave me the Farsi
that is here. From night watchman, a Molvi tribal from N.W.F P., I received the
Pushto. Ahmed Ali Brohe of the Sociology department in the University of Sindh did
the Brahe for me. I was at the computer while they dictated. Much help from them
and others got lost. Murtaza Agha is an asset, a Gqdly help, in keeping my computer
working. I am the thinker, writer, typist, proofreader, errand boy, printer,
publisher, agent. seller, �hopkeeper, financier, carrier, and -at the receiving end of
all that I do!

The Hasty One: God did not complete the man. Barber does the rest of the job.

Jamoo, Th:re is an impression that I won't change. The implication is that I won't
improve. Have others thought that they too don't change! I am asked to forget the
past. J')o we live today to forget it tomorrow? Do we live tomorrow to forget that
day after? Why live at all if all that we live through is to be lost as not to have lived

through? Past, present and future are all ·tr. be dragged along in the retrospect that
is known as death of the body, the scul shedding its skin.

Music Was In My Genes. To This Day I Repent Why I Didn't Pick Some Instrument
To Play Through Life, - Some Handy Instrument Like Violin Or A Trumpet; Playing
Sticks Would Have Done, - father Recommended That, - But I Was A Vain Child,
Not Inclined To Groom Myself for A Healthy Social Life. I Already Knew That I
Should Know something About Some of the Musical Instruments; but The Thought
That I Should Own An Instrument To Play with Ease To Keep Me Company Didn't
Come To My Mind. People have abandoned me, but That Instrument Won't Have. I
Knew That I Should Be Wary Of The high Volume Of The Instrument That I May
Play Or Listen To; and That Every Good Composer Has A Hearing Aberration,
Howeve, Slight Or Insignificant. It is In the Nature Of things. Some Sort Of
Mental Aberration Is Necessary To Be Inventive or original In Science, Literature,
Art, and Music.

The Nerves!
You have to have nerves of steel. Owned for nothing, you own nothing.
Tremendous increase in the number of the people taking to social, moral, and
religious rituals shows that more people will be there to gag individual thinking
behavior. Social and religious taboos will make the emergence, spread and application
of new ideas and research more difficult than ever before in the history of mankind.
You won't hear what you listen to as the words mutilate and create an is�ue where
there is none. You won't see what you look at or ignore to have your own perception
that has nothing corresponding out there in the space-time web. Science related
taboos would have stalled further research in the sciences. Medical taboos spread
by medical practitioners in league with the pharmaceutical and media interests
would have suppressed individual liberties and banished common sense. Those who
reject and oppose their attitude would be dismissed as lepers.

Bad Manager:
"You are a bad manager of your affairs,".said Hayat, my son in law. He doesn't know
that I did not have any affairs to manage except with a woman or two that I
botched up.

What the helll

Some one has to be in Hell, so what if that someone happens to be me? Hell is
expected to have some dwellers, so what is funny or strange if I am one of them?
And why should you object if I choose to be in Hell? Is that democratic to put me in
Paradise when I vote for Hell? I like fire, not snow. Don't you see I am such a
weakling and I need warmth, not cool breeze? Beside, I want to meet the American
Halim Brohe
workers there if Hell is under repairs or some extension work is in progress. Or
there is a board hung on the door of Hell that 'Dogs and Halim not allowed!

Epil ogue-Prologue:
I am one of the innumerable unfinished short stories that abound with the would­
be-authors. I am the prologue with no epilogue in sight. Even a phrase like 'a cup of
tea' has an infinite tale buried within. We say a few words and assume the listener
to be aware of all that buried information. All gets lost in a spoken or written
phrase or a sentence.

Father kicked me with his shoe and I urinated under the cot I had run under to save
myself. Mother had complained to him that I had torn a textbook. I did urinate, but
mother insisted that there was already some water under the cot. She was
protecting my reputation as A Tarzan!

Choked Gutter!
The person who for a few rupees opens a choked gutter in my washroom is more
itnportant to me than the ruler of the coun -try to who I have no reason to look up for
any favor.

A Tale of Two Ears:

In 1989 - on my first visit to the USA - Yasmin had my ears examined by a very
competent doctor who examined my ears thoroughly with much more concern than
patients expect from doctors. She referred me to a technician whq tested my
hearing in her beehive cubicle with much more concentration than usually expected.
The doctor later got me the hearing aid that I couldn't get familiar with, as I was
not explained enough about how to use it. I should have stayed with Yasmin at least
15 days to get used to it and get acquainted with some 'hows' and when. Yasmin must
have spent a fortune on all that. The doctor and the technician were Europeans /
Americans and the hearing aid the costliest and the best available then and now. In
the USA the Aid ha9 been tried, by mistake or chance, on my left ear only and I had
Okayed it. I as o iayman naturally assumed that the instrument was exclusively for
my left ear, not for my right ear.
Later,. 'lS it caused irritation in my left ear besides raising all sort of sounds over
and above voices. I dumped it away as of no use to me. On my next visit to the USA,
I had left it behind as lost. I had a feeling that Yasmin had felt disappointed in me.
Waste of so many dollars!
Yesterday Hayat, my son-in-law, asked me to use his nephew's ear aid to see if it
worked with me. I tried that on my right ear and-it was marvelous! I could get voices
without other sounds raised! Then he asked me to find the piece that Yasmin had
got me way back. I found it. He took me to a shop for a cell for a trial to see if it
worked. The shopkeeper put the proper cell and I used it there and then on my right
ear. Lo, I got the voices raised above all that noise of sounds! I am well equipped
now with a hearing aid, - and back in the USA with Yasmin in 1989.
Let Yasmin know that her dollars went waste on me.

Hayat introduced me to a site whereby I can send free messages to cellular phones
all over the world.
December 21, 2004
In a week the site was declared taxed!
The house is to be whitewashed ("Only to remove the spots and patches"), like the
last winter in the last days of December and early days of January to make its
teeth sparkling white to greet you with a wide grin! Great days for me to collapse
again with Aleem expected to salvage me! Happy days with happier days ahead!
Morals of the tale:
1. Houses receive with a grin; hearts receive with warmth.
2. Hearts are not white washed· Hearts don't grin.
3. "Thou shall not whitewash thy houses in summers': said the lord God to Moses.
"Then, my lord," asked Moses, "What are the summers for.'"
--... God said, "For visiting Muree and Nathiagali via Lahore, Rawalpindi and Islamabad,
and for going to other places. Then Moses knelt on the ground and said, "O' lord,
Thy wish shall be done!"
Halim, the Fuss.
December 27, 2004

"How I Miss O' Bartender, The Lips Which Winked At Me! How I Miss, O'
Bartender, The Eyes Which Drank Of Me! How I Miss, O' Bartender, The Breasts
That Heaved For Me! Do You Remember O' Bartender How Nauseating Your,
Attitude Was To Me? The Suspense Was Chilling, That Look of Hers was killing, and
won't you Realize, O' Bartender, How Very Badly Your Teeth Need A Filling? With
Her One Foot on My Heart, She Now Leans On Another Man! Call It Proper, Call It
Fair, But Do Ask Her To Let My Heart Alone!

"I Can't Live Without Her. I Love Her and I Want Her, - Dead or Alive. Preferably
Dead," As Then She Will Not Open Her Mouth To Make This Demand And That
Demand As The Live Women Do. Live Cartridge Is Also Deadly To Play With, But
Not Deadlier than·A Live Woman is. It Is All Touch and Go: You touch and She Goes.
Having Already Been Often Touched, A Married Woman is invariably well versed
With the Technique of Getting Touched. I Have Enough Influence with the Dead
Halim Brohe
Husbands To Cheat Them on Their Widows: Dead, They Should Better Be Deprived
As Well. Getting Touched Is A Highly Technical Thing, Whereas Touching Requires
No Technique. Once A Womo�, Always A Woman, - As Long As You Go With Her As
A Man. Cease To Be A Man, Arid Lo, You Find Her No Woman!"

History and Myth:

"I don't want to be in any history. I prefer to be a myth: in the history you live fifty
or so years: as a myth I am mighty for ever."

Now The Man - The Sum-Total Of The Instincts That The Unknown Made Him -
Named The Woman Eve, - Not An Instinct At All For She Was Not Made By God out
of the ground. Her Misdeed Of Accepting The Counsel Of An Instinct To The Doom
And Damnation Of The Man Reduced Her To The Position Of A Carrier Receptacle
For The Offspring Of Man For A Fixed Time. Therefore the Man - The Sum-total
of the Instincts That the Unknown Made Him - Disowns Her as His Exclusive
Possession. She is a chattel, a property. Thus The God Set Man And Women
Independent Of Each Other. Eve is neither defined As Wife or as Woman; nor is
Adam Defined as Husband or Man. And It Is So.

Buayt'i'hay Buaytthay Rovane R' tt Huay Ganda Thavane!
Umn*ay Kava Hathh Mulya Buthhe Luker*oo Kkovane!
Par U'ttrn*e Soch*oo Log - Soch*oo Log - Soch*oo Bayrre D'bavane!

Woman was not called!

Lord God Did Not Call the Woman. He Called The Man, "Where Are You?" The Man
Said, MI heard you. I Am Naked. I hid from you." Thereupon He Was Asked, "Who
Told You that you Are Naked? Have You Eaten from the Tree That I commanded
you not to eat?"' Thus Shame Transpires from What A Mun Does In Following the
Counsel of the Woman. This Much Is Apparent. And True. The Man Was Ashamed
That He Had Followed The Counsel Of The Woman, And The Woman Shamelessly
Made A Scapegoat Of The Man As A Party To The Conspiratorial Whispers Of The
Instinct That Was The Serpent. The Man Said To God, ·The Woman, That You Put
Here With Me, Gave Me some from the Tree, and I Ate it." This Was The simple
Reply Of The Man, - Simple And Plain As The Man Is. The Woman Played Her
Conspiratorial Silence.

Chief Executive:
My Suspicions That The Chief Ministers Allotted On Nominal Rates Urban Lots Only
Either To Strangers Or To Those Who They Hated Proved Correct When One Of
Them Denied In The Assembly That He Had Allotted Any Such Lot To His Relatives
And Favorites. That Makes Me Record My Call on A Chief Minister of A Province:

"I N�"!d A Few Plots Urgently To Sell Them And Invest The Money In Buying More
Lots Tt .Sell Them Quick To Come To You Again For More Lots."

"Do I know you?"

"We Have Been Friends Since We Wore Diapers And Sucked On Honeyed Soothers.
You Know the Vicious Cycle of Money Making That Gets You Sucked into Making
More Money. Well, I am caught in it!"

"That Would Be Precisely Why I Can't Give You the Lots."

"The Cycle of Money Making Being Vicious?"

"No. That makes you squarely eligible For the Lots. It is your being My Friend That
Disqualifies You from Getting the Plots. It Rather Disqualifies Me from Allotting
Lots to you.

"Only because I Am Your Friend!"

"That Precisely Is the Reason, Dear Friend. There is more Than Friendship Involved
in Bossing over A Province. There Are Principles That Get Involved. I Can Weep For
You, Really Cry like A Baby, But the Lots I Must Give To Strangers or To Them Who
I hate."

"And What About My Being A Close Relation of Yours?"

"That Would Be an Extra Reason Why I Must Refrain From Giving You Even A Single
Plot. O' Friend, How I Wish We Were Strangers To Each Other! O', How I Wish I
Hated And Despised You!"

At That Moment A Man hurried Into the Room with Twenty Applications and asked
The Chief Minister Rudely To Allow the Allotments. "Do I know you?" Asked the
Chief Minister. "No; you don't," The Man Retorted, "And you won't ever will!" The
Chief Minister Endorsed The Applications And The Man Was Gone. I Couldn't
Restrain Myself Any Longer.

"This Is The Height Of Deceit And Hypocrisy," I Shouted, "Don't I K:1ow That Man
To Be A Cousin Of Yours And Mine? I Didn't Know That You Would Stoop So Low As
To Fool Me Into Believing That You Allotted Lots Only To Strangers Or To Them
Who You Hated? Couldn't You Dismiss Me With A Simple No If You Didn't Want To
Oblige Me? Was It Necessary To Take Me for A Dupe and Make Me Listen To Your
Sermons on the Principles Involved in Your Job? Now That I Know You Better, I Will
Halim Brahe
Never See You Again!" I Got Up From the Chair Furiously Angry. "Not Even At Your
Funeral with Your Eyes Closed!" I Added, Seething With Rage.

Heaving A Sigh Of Relief, The Chief Minister Said, "Now That I Hate You,
Stranger, - Despise You Already, - Let Me.Endorse Your Twenty Applications."

Munawar, I Have A Dirty Feeling That I Have Offended You In My Last Email. Any
Way, One Thing Is Certain: I Cannot Keep Myself to Myself at My Expense. Here Is
A Piece for you and Me To Know Me.

The Wall:
"Look At That Wall!" I Said.
Those Fools Looked At That Wall.

"Now Take A Look at All the Four Walls!"

And Those Fools Looked at the Four Walls, All Polished With Emulsion or Mate
Finnish Or Plastic Coated.

"These Walls Are You People!" I Said. "All Nicely Dressed, Dandily Attired as Would
Have Been Said In the Good old days and old English, now both dead!" I Said. "I Am
the Debris, - The Bricks and The Bujre and The Rorre and The Dust and The Mud
Etc, all That Is Concealed in These Capti·1ating Glamorous Surfaces of the Walls
that you are! I Will Stay the Dust That I Am. And You Will Become What I am!"

'I' Is Great. Its Farcical Attribute Body Is Involved In The Disgustingly Deceitful
Crowd That Calls Itself 'Society' And Is Nurtured On The Malicious Loathing And
Abhorrence of That Crowd's Great Swindlers Who Are Acclaimed As 'Successful In

Garb of a smile!
But For My Hatred For Myself, I Wouldn't Have Been Anybody; But For My Use As
A Conduit For The Society, I Would Already Have Belonged To The class of 'They
Also Wrote'. Why Don't They Write Instead Of Working as a fake of the society? I
Have Said Inadvertently What I Wouldn't Have Said If I Had Thought Twice. I Am
Great while Starved of Listeners. I have been hated and despised For Whatever I
Am. To Those Who Love Me The Hatred And Malice Of The Society Comes
Concealed In The Garb Of A Smile Permanently Stuck On Its Face; To Me It Comes
In The Form Of Backbiting. Nature Doesn't Give Any Thing for Free; it fleeces For
the Tiniest Grace It Bestows. There Is Nothing For Me To Be Grateful To The
Nature; It Has Fleeced Me To The Bones. My Handicaps Are A Touch of Vertigo,
Defective Hearing, And My Frankness That the People mistakenly take For 'Blunt

Corruption of the souls!

Those Who on their lips Have 'Give And Receive Gifts From One Another For It
_Enhances love And Attachment Among You That God likes: Are The People Who
Lay The Foundation Of Corruption In The Society. They Are The Corrupt That
Sugar Their Words With References To This And That Book And Decorate Their
Words With The Sayings Of This Or That 'Authority' Without Letting People To
Look Into Intentions. They Are the Precursors of Corruption in Society. All People
Are Alike, Scoundrels Covered With A Thin Veil For Others To Take For Talent. Do
they give gifts to their subordinates? Or only to the higher and the highest
reachable in society only!

I Perceived Mirages And Conceived Fantasies Only Because My Eyes, Ears, And The
Mind Had Aberrations That Manipulated All Phenomenal Attributes So
Magnificently That I Assumed Their Reality. I Had Too Many Bad Habits To Have
One More Beside. I Had A Worried Wish Though. I Was the Idiot That I Am Now. I
Have No Horizons To look at. I Do Look At Myself For A While Only To Assure
!. Myself That Soon I Will Be An 'Also Was', Later A 'Had Been', And Much Later The
'Wind That Blew Yonder There Over The Horizons Of space-time'!

Art of Stealing!
Kh'shhal Was A Pet-Orderly Of Father At Karachi. Father Had Recruited Him in the
FBI and He Worked As Father's Valet and Major Domo. Whenever Father Found
Some Currency Nqtes Missing From His Wallet, He Always Accused Mother Of The
Theft. Mother Swore Once or twice that She Had Not Taken the Money, but father
ignored Her Words, Which Was More Insulting than the Accusation. Mother
Stopped Denying the Accusations. Mother Told Me That, But I couldn't do anything,
- May Be I Also Ignored Her Problem. I Had Not Heard Father Accusing Mother Of
The Theft As I Rarely Visited Father At Karachi. Mother Told Me That Kh'shhal
Stole The Money Only When She Was With Father At Karachi. She Usually Stayed
Back At Hyderabad. Mother Said She Had Stopped Denying The Accusations As
Father Wouldn't Believe Her Any Way. Kh 'shhal Stole Money Only When Mother
Was At Karachi, And Father Took That For A Proof Against Mother, - His Viewpoint
Was Why The Mone�· Disappeared Only When Mother Was With Him! Father Was
the Earning Member and Mother Was A Domestic Wife. She Had No Say in the
Household Affairs. She Had Been An Easy Prey For Misttre Who Had Usurped Her
Place In The House And Kh 'shhal Took Advantage Of The Habit of Father To
Accuse And Degrade Mother In Every Petty Matter. I Knew Mother Well, I Knew
Halim Brohe

Father Well, And I Knew Misttre And Kh'shhal Well. And Kh'shhal Was First To Be
Informed Of Father's Death I Don't Know By Who. He Informed Me of the Death.
I Have Experienced As A Son, A Husband, A Father, A father-in-law, - All That A
Person Experiences In Life, - But I Have Said Whatever I Had To Say, I Have
Written Whatever r Wanted To Write Or Could Write About. I Have Nothing Left
up My Sleeves. A Petty Matter Here And A. Petty Matter There is Not A Matter to
Worry About. However Much A Person Might Disclose Himself, There always is The
Self That the Person Conceals From Himself and Disclosure. I Am A Human, Not A

"Hark! Those drumbeats Again! See how they harmonize With the Beats of My
Heart! She Danced Her Way into My Life, - She Pulled Me Out Of My Childhood and
told Me She Was Mine! She Was Not To Be Mine, Bartender, She Was Not To Be
Mine, - I could tell it from the Winds. The Winds, Bartender, The Winds! Willy-nilly
Blowing? Hell, You Silly Bartender, - I Know From Where These Come And Where
These Go. I am becoming more and choosier With Age. I Would Like God To Be Just,
Not kind and Forgiving; And I Would Like Myself Grilled, Not Just Baked. I Would
Like To Be Punished For My Sins, - I Would Hate To Be Forgiven. Already
Humiliated as Dust, I won't like to be forgiven and further humiliated.

"A Transplanted Family Is the Devil Incarnate for the Natives Who Are the Run of
the Mill. Have You Noticed, Bartender, That People Are Very Short On Patience! It
is not that The Chicken Now Takes More Time To Get Cooked than Before, It is only
that we now prefer The Broilers to the Layers. We Have Lost Patience, Bartender;
We Have Lost Everything Worth Losing! I Call That The Progressive Devilment Of
The Raw In Us. The Animal in Us Is Awakening. Som�day We Will Eat the Chicken
Raw, - The Day Kids Will Tear Us Older Apart To Eat Us Raw. Won't That Be A
Gr-eot Day, Bartender!

"I stood alone On the Threshold of Life. Pity You Weren't There. You Missed A
Sight! Time Stood Still as A Woman Came Across A Leaf, Wore It, Called It Her
Dress, And Time Began to Move; Then the Woman Saw Plenty, And the Woman Put
On Plenty, And the Woman Cried For More and more. And as the woman for more
and more, time came To a Stand Still. Time Stays Still Now That the Leaf Again Is
Itching! With An Eternity Traversed and An Eternity Ahead, I Find Myself Caught
in the Great Mire of Time - Like the Lone Bead on the Neck of A Skeleton!"

Now I Know What Lonesomeness Is! Lonesomeness Is Horrible. I never wondered at
you; I Now Suffer Every Moment you have lived In the USA. I Pity the Way You
Alleviate Your Lonesomeness by Being Nice to All the People in the World. The
People who took you there bothered more About Your Financial and Social Status
than With What Actually Was Your Problem - Lonesomeness. You Were Penniless,
Living In A Basement, - But What You Ne·eded Most Was Somebody who - Equally
Penniless If So- Could Sit with you and just be around. Because You Live Well, Move
Well and Socialize Well, - All Only to Alleviate Your Lonesomeness, - They Assume
You to Be Living a Human's Life like Them. Apa Taj Is Alone, However Much She May
Socialize with Her Old People's Home Companions. You Too Are Getting Older, - And
Lonesome; That Is Why You See Some 'Touch' In Whatever I Write.

Sinthde: English:
Pay*a Har GulayM*ayPay*a I GarlandMyself!
Thilthar Ayo Al My Lover Has Come!
P'nuhul Patte Jhatte, He Looked At Mel
M*oos*a L*ovu Bburochul latte! Has Given Me His Heart!
Haay Thdurrkay Thdurrkay Chhatte! My Heart Beats Faster!
M*ookkay K'rb K'hayo a Love Has DoneMe In!
Pay*a Har Gulay M*ayPay*a I Garland Myself/
Thilthar Ayo Al My Lover Has Come!

Life gone down the drain:

I Shall Not Earn By The Labor Of My Hand Or By The Labor Of My Intellect; Nor
By The Labor Of My_ Mind. I Took S_eventy Years To Learn That. Of What Use Is
This Learning to Me at This Age! Having made me suffer this long, the unknown must
have some thing up His sleeve for me, though I don't trust He has a shirt on Him.

Woman and the Serpent:

Appearance Of The Woman Had Reduced The Former Counselor Of The Man To The
Position Of One Of The Instincts Of The Man; - The Favorite Pet Valet Of The
Bachelor Had Lost His Say To The Newly Arrived Wife Of The Owner Of The
House. Jeeves of P.G. Wodehouse Had Lost the Hold on the life and living of Birdie
as P.G. Wodehouse Got Birdie Married. Jeeves Must Now Upset the Apple cart of
P.G. Wodehouse. That Is the Serpent. The Mean and Cunning Instinct, Nouned as
Serpent the Servant, Raised Misunderstanding and Misconceptions in the Family,
and The Man and The Woman Did Fall Apart. And The Woman, As Always, Is The
Target And The Medium Through Which The Former Pet VC1let Strikes His Venom
To Dislodge The Woman By Proving To The Man That The Woman Is Unworthy Of
His Ear.

The Words:
For The Woman, The Man Who Had filled Her Womb with A Child, Was Not Worth
A thankful Mention. Father Didn't Matter. It Was The Bringing Forth A Man That
Mattered For The Woman. Later She Gave Birth to His Brother Abel. Nowhere It
Comes Down That the Man Gave Birth to His Brother Abel. Cain And Abel Were
Brothers Because The Man Lay With The Woman, And Cain Was The First Son. And
Halim Brohe
The Woman Thanked God, Not the Father. And Thus God Settled That The
Offspring Of Woman Are Exclusively her children, - Not of the Man She Lives
With. Born of a woman, children couldn't belong to the man.

Born of the Same Womb:

Abel Kept the Flocks, and Cain Worked the Soil. When Cain Brought Some Of The
Portions Of The Fruits Of The Soil As An Offering To The Lord, Abel Brought Fat
Portions From Some Of The Firstborn Of His Flock. The Lord God Looked With
Favor on the Offerings of Abel, And Ignored Cain and His Offerings. That Left Cain
Very Angry, His Face Downcast. And Then God Said To Cain, "If You Do What Is
Right, Will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is Right, Sin Is Crouching
1• At Your Door, Desiring Tc Have You, But You Must Master It." How Simple! God,
Thus, Declared His Disapproval of the Offerings from the Produce of the Land. Now
Cain, The Agriculturist, Said To Abel, The Brother, "Let Us Go Out To The Field",
And While They Were II" The Field, Cain Attacked His Brother Abel And Killed Him.
Thus the Agriculturist Killed the Live-Stockist, The Industrious. Cain Said, "Am I
the Keeper of My Brother Abel to Know Where He is?" Thus The Ones Who Have A
Hold On The Ground Will Resort To Murder And Will Deny It. Stay Away From The
Agriculturists Even If They Be Your Blood Relations, For They Shall Resort To
Murder If Treated Below What They Take For Their Dignity.

The Helper:
The Serpent Was Craftier Than Any Of The Wild Animals God Had Made. God
doesn't say that; He Did Not Say That. The Fact As It Runs Is That The Serpent
Said To The Woman, "Did God Really Say, 'You Must Not Eat From Any Tree In The
Garden'.'" Whose Words? Woman's, Naturally. The Woman Said To The Serpent,
"We May Eat Fruit From The Trees In The Garden, But God Did Say,' You Must Not
Eat Fruit From The Tree That Is In The Middle Of The Garden, And You Must Not
Touch It, Or You Will Die.'" - How Could the Woman Know Of A Dialogue between
God and The Man before God Had Made the Woman? And God surely knew that The
Woman was at mischief. The Craftiest of the Wildest Beasts - Serpent - Had
Approached the Woman, Not the Man. "You Will Not surely die," The Serpent Said
to the Woman. "For God knows that when you eat Of It Your Eyes Will Open, And
You Will Be like God, Knowing good and Evil" The Woman's Own Words! Not even Of
the Serpent! And When The Woman Saw That The Fruit Of The Tree Was Good For
Food And Pleasing To The Eye, And Also Desirable For Gaining Wisdom, She Took
Some And Ate It. She Also Gave Some to the Man, Who Was With Her And He Ate
It. Words of the Woman Again! Not Of The Man! The Man Must Have Maintained A
Silence as All Men do when Their Women Lie To Save Themselves At The Cost Of
the Prestige of the Man. Then The Eyes Of Both Of Them Were Opened, And They
Realized They Were Naked; So They Sewed The Fig Leaves Together And Made
Coverings For Themselves. Thus God Calls Upon Man To Open His Eyes To The Lies
That His Woman Is Capable Of. The Woman Says Her Man Was With Her When
• ,i.

1• Seeds
She Ate Of The Tree And She Offered Some To Him Who Also Ate. All Woman's
Words! Not A Single Word From the Man or The Serpent! Serpent Is the
Whispering Mind of the Woman That Corrupts That of Her Man Whoever He is. The
Woman Thus Makes Her Man A Party. To The Malicious Conspiracy That She Makes,
With Her Man Meekly Standing By To Support Her With the Cunning Silence Of
Unconcern. Thus Stood Adam when God Came To Announce His Decrees of Curses.
And God Doesn't Curse. He doesn't have to. He Decrees.

The Scriptures:
The Scriptures Are Not For The well being Or the Salvation of the Humanity: These
are for you to know and understand yourself. The Unknown Tells You What Is, What
You Are, And What The Heavens And The Earth Mean. Scriptures Tell You What Is
Life, What Is Death, And What Is in-between. Scriptures don't bless you; they
merely explain what you must know.

It Is All the 'Formations' Of the Unknown, Not His 'Creations'. It Is All That He Has
Made, Formed, That Are Perceived And Conceived By The Mind, Not 'Creations'. The
Word 'Creations' Is A Misconception of Human Mind. All that He Made or Formed
Are Separate From Him. Thus He Set Himself Apart From His Formations, - From
Whatever He Formed and Made. I Have Blundered By Putting Creation In This Book
Where The Word Shculd Be Formation or Made.
A Creature, However Different Or deformed It Is From Its Creator, Surely Takes
In Some way - In Feature Or Habit Or Attitude -To Its Creator. Do I look a rough
or nice sketch of what you take my 'creator'? If my Maker is distantly like me, well,
- well?

The Innate Nature:

Reading Or Reciting The Scriptures And Praising The Unknown, God, Allah Or
Jehovah Is Not The Purpose, - It Would Be Ludicrous If It Were. The Purpose Is
To Know What The Unknown Explains Through The Scriptures, - He Tells You What
Your Innate Nature Is, And That You Cannot Rise Above That Innate Nature Of
Yours. What The So Many Proper Nouns, that You Take For Prophets and Semi­
Prophets, are narrated to have done in the Scriptures Are.the expositions of Your
Innate Natures that you must accept as Your Legitimate Instincts. Those Who Try
To Shun, Or Preach to Shun, Or Appear To Have Shunned Those Innate Natures,
narrated in the tales of the scriptures, Are liars, cheats, and Frauds. All The
Scriptures Are Alike And The Same. Parenthesis in the Scripts are the
manipulations done by the interpreters and publishers, and are Not Scriptures.

Learn the way I learnl

Arrival of my daughters, their husbands, and their children, I always took to be
exclusively to meet me. I therefore always sat on the on the steps of the house till
Halim Brohe
their arrival, right from the moment they informed me of their departure from
Karachi, about three hours distance! How ridiculous it was all! But then I had nothing
else to J')!

The Ground:
The Unknown Speaks of the Ground Thus - The Ground that Appeared Is He: A
River Watering the Garden Flowed from Eden - From There it was separated Into
four Headwaters. The Name Of The First One Is The Pishon; It Winds Through
The Entire Land Of Havilah, Where There Is Gold That Is Good; Aromatic Resin
And Onyx Are Also There. The Name of the Second River Is the Gihon; it winds
Through the Entire Land of Cush. The Name Of The Third River Is Tigris; It Runs
Along The East Side Of Assure. And The fourth River Is Euphrates. Thus the
Unknown Discloses the Gold within Him along the River Havilah. Hence the
Importance of the Area for the Jews Who Know the Dictates, Of the Unknown,
That We Have Ignored To Discover and Respect. The Gold That Is Good Is Good
for The formed-Ones, The Made-Ones, But Is The Part And Parcel Of The Unknown
As Borne Of The Ground That Is He. Then He Decided To Make A Suitable Helper
for The Man for, He Said, It Is Not Good For The Man To Be Alone.

"Please Bartender, Please Don't Intervene In The Affairs Of God, - Or Whatever
Noun You Call Him By. I Call Him the Unknown. Don't Bother Him with Your day-to­
day Errands of Doing and Undoing this and that. If He Thinks He Is the Supreme
Thinker, Let Him. If He Really Is The Supreme Thinker, So What! If He Is Our
former or Mentor or Maker, Let Him Be. If His Thinking Is faulty, Where Do We
Come In!

"Pray Tell Me Why Does the Thought of Death Scare Us into Worshipping Him! Nay
Bartender, Nay: We should be On the Run from Him! My God is my intellect, which
points at the Aristotelian logic as the path to take. I Go By Logical Analysis, Not By
the After Effects of the Traumatic Thoughts of Death and Its Aftermath. You Say
He Is All Knowing. If That Be, Of What Use I!. His All Knowing If He Doesn't Tell
Us What He Knows Already! I Won't fall On My Knees. I Won't Bow. I Refuse To
Worship Him. I Won't Let Him Hold Me A Hostage. Except for Death, What
Concern Do We Have With Him? Give Up Death, and you won't need Him. I Have
Given Up Death and Him."

Do I Believe In God! Not In the One that The People Have Conceived With A Set of
Attributes That They Falsely Attribute to Themselves: Good, Kind, forgiving,
Gracious, Provider of food, Mighty, Knowing, Etc. I Have faith In The Unknown That
Is Beyond Any Attribute Ever Conceivable, An Ever Present Enigma, And To Be So
Always, Unfathomable. He Is Not God, Nor Allah, Nor Eeshwar. Nor Jehovah Nor
Whatever, - Nor The Potter Of Omur Khayam, Or The Being With B Capital, - All

These Are Grammatical Nouns That Denote All The Possible And Impossible
Attributes Of The Unknown As Grammatical Adjectives. The Unknown Is Not
Approachable For Errands and Demands, Or For Instructions � ,,veyed through
Prayers, Neither for Hows and Whys and Whens. He Is Oblivious Of The Existence,
And The Existence Doesn't Include Him. He Is THE UNKNOWN!

Space People:
When We Are Gone for enough Long, Our Bodies Will Be Part Of The Great Mass
Of the ground Known As The Earth. That will be the dea�-end For Our Bodies.
What, Therefore, Should The Bodies Be Involved In Before The Instincts Leave
The Bodies? Nothing except Space. It Is The Spatial People Who Have Done-In
Those Who, Like Us Two, Belong To Time. We Belong To Time, And We Have Been
Done-In By The People Of Space. The People Who Take Space For The Only Reality
Take Pomp, Dignify, Money, Mansions, Parties, Functions, Dresses, Stages, Daises,
Social Attainments, Financial Status, Luxury, Fame, - All That Is There In The
Outer Space, - For Real And Greatly Consequential. And they justify Their
Viewpoint Variously as High Finance Principles, Dignified Living, Politics, Intelligence,
Acumen, Spatial Interpretation of Religion, And \Yhat Not. We, Who Belong To
Time, Are Bothered, Harassed, and pressurized By the Spatial Ones. We Want Tc
Be Left Alone Tc Ourselves, But They Won't Let Us Alone.

Time People:
Whatever Is Happening Outside In Space Ripens Whatever Is Inside Time; Body Is
Ripening The 'I' In Me, You, And Us All. We Will Be Miserable If We Evaluate
Ourselves In Terms Of Space. We Don't Change Our Attitude; We Stay Whatever
We Are. We Suffer And Let Our Self, The 'I' In Us, Ripen. We don't look At the
Eyes; We Know the Person behind the Eyes. The Spatial Perfec7ionists Are the
Devastators of the People of Time; They Gnaw away the 'I' In Them. The Attributes
Of The People Of Space Are Extension, Object, And The World; The Attributes Of
The People Of Time Are Duration, Subject, And The 'I'. Humanity, Thus, Is Divided
In Two Classes: They and us. We Let Them Live, But They Won't Let Us Live; We
Want To Be Left Alone, But them Persist in Their Efforts to Transform Us into
Their Mould. They Expect Us To Take Them For Normal And Ourselves The
Abnormal, - And They Get Away With That Because Our Bodies Breath In The
Space At Their Mercy. We Don't Flinch, Nor Wince, Nor Lcwer Ourselves, And We
Stand Firm Because We (;an't Do Otherwise, - Because We Have No Way Out. We
Don't Let Ourselves Be Mended And Altered, - Rather We Prefer A Second Round
Of Humiliation in the Space.

Is 'What Writer Have Influenced You' A Legitimate Query When What Matter The
Most In A Person's Life Is The Type Of The Nose A Woman Has! No. It Is the Nose
Halim Brohe
of the Woman - The Shcpe of Her Nose - That Has Made Me Evolve My Philosophy
Take to Various Garbs. It Is the Shape of the Nose That Makes the Man done in! I
will be buried with the memories of the nose of many girls without their knowing

What A Scoundrel I Was. Then there was the nose of a girl, - by that time I was
too old, and she said, 'Why didn't you tell me then!'

What Writers Have Influenced Me! None. I Have Read, Liked And Disliked Several
Writers In Different Periods And At Different Stages Of My Life, But I Have Not
Owned Influence Of Any One On Me. I Find Fault With Every Person I Come In
Touch With Personally Or Through Any Medium Including Writings. As An Employee
In The University I Maintained My Love, Respectful Attitude, And Regard for
Professor Elias Abrro Who Was Neither A Writer Nor Quoted Any, Ridiculed
Literature As So Many Stories, And Disliked Writers As The Persons Who Had
Nothing Better To Do. He Was A Great Person. He Spoke the Least Possible Words.
He Was An Economist Par Excellence, - Without Having Written A Booklet. Our
Liking for Each Other Was Mutual. For Him I Was Brohe Sahib Who Had Not
Written A Word, And For Me He Was Sir. Between Us Two, Not A Word off the
Desk was mentioned.

"The Last Time I Was Here, I Was Not Here. I Had Walked Away Leaving My Body
On This Stool Here To Entertain Itself On Your Liquor And To Humor You At My
Expense. My Body Is A Friend of Mine, Bartender. At 73 I Miss Women the
Way You Miss A Buss or A Plane. I No More Miss Them As Women Or Even Persons,
- I Miss Them As The Instinct That Would Conspire With Conspirators Against All
Other Protective Instincts To my doom: I Miss Them As Adam Does the Eve And
The Serpent. When The World Gets Fully Taken Over By The Non-Government
Organizations And Ultimately By A Single Non-Government Organization That Owns
All The Other Organizations, The World Will Have Fully Nationalized To The
Satisfaction Of Pubilious Syrus, Plato The Greek, Carl Marx the Jew, and the USA
the Bald Eagle.

Now Read:
Have you read P'ranas or R.ig-Veda? HavG you read bible? No! Have you read the'
chapter Job? No! Have you read Genesis? �o! Why? Have you read Koran? No; you
have not, and you won't. You are too religious to read other religious books. Your
religion forbids you. Funny! Is that a religion that commands you to stay away from
other religions! Ikruh is summing up - Read - Read In The Name Of Allah the
Unknown. M'humuth Was Not Illiterate - Or What They Call U'm"' e - He Knew Words
And Numbers For, Otherwise, He Would Have Messed The Business Of His Wife. It
was later that the persons who, for their personal aggrandizement and hold onto
power, had to have the Koran misinterpreted and, - to stall doubts of the· people, -
insisted that M'humuth was U'm"' e! How else the persons in power could show their
innocence about the misinterpretations that served their own purposes!
Explaining A Scripture in However Elegant Form is neither A Scripture nor Its
Addenda. Keep Away From the Professional Exponents of the Scriptures. Read, -
Ikruh, - All the Scriptures and you shall know what you are. Was it possible for
M'humuth not to have read or heard Bible quoted at length? That is what M'humuth
tells you, - Read! Read Job and Jonah - Ayub and Younus, - and you shall know God!

Koran says, accept Torah, Zaboor, and New Testament as Holy Scriptures; and you
say, "but these have changed!" Koran says, read and have faith in those books that
came earlier; and you say, "But those are no more the same!" So you know better
than Koran and argue -with God! Have you read or seen the 'unchanged' Torah, the
'unchanged' Zaboor, and the 'unchanged' Bible that you disobey Koran and tell God
that 'But these books have changed!' Is the English or Hinthe or U'rrthoo or a
Bangla translation of the Koran a 'changed' Koran? When the Bible was translated
into English, the Roman Church propagated that the Bible no more is the same! Every
religion is a coterie of Pundits, M'las, Priests, - all illiterate jokers!

"And What Faults Are Ignoble, Bartender, When You Know Yourself As Human!
Human or Whatever, A Creation Reflects the Mentality and The Acumen of the
Creator. It Is Not A Reflection, Bartender, It Is Refraction. He Is Not the
Creator, - Couldn't be, - A Creator Presupposes A Cr.eator of the Creator, Ad
Infinitum to Ad Nauseam. So Where Would You Place Yourself, 0 Ye Bartender, If
You Took A Second-Look At Yourself And Him! He - Behind The Curtain - Is We;
And On This Side Of The Curtain We Mortals Are He. Mortality And Immortality
Are Illusionary Toys For The Thinkers On Both Sides Of The Curtain To Play The
Guessing Game To Humor Him. Someday, Bartender, He Will Come Down To My
Terms, or I Will Have Gone Up To His Terms. He Is A Great Fellow, - Uke Us Two, -
Down To Earth!

Chance/ Accident:
Nature, The Unknown that I Call It, Doesn't Countenance an Accident or A Chance.
You shall not be welcome in the house where You as A Guest, Or As the Only Guest,
Or A Regular Visitor, See A piece of Crockery Break. If Glassware Received As A
Gift from A Friend or Relative Suddenly Cracks or Breaks in your house, Your
Relations with That Person Change Drastically for worse. Losing a cap means you will
be insulted by the people who had honored you with the cap. Something catching
fire accidentally in a house foretells quarrels in the family.

Halim Brohe
Opit,ions Are Like Clothes; you change them frequently or often. Mine Are like
Underclothes; I Change Them Once A Year When the City Begins To Stink, Or the
Police Calls.

All Penal Laws Will Have To Be Scrapped As Invalid and Untenable. Another Set Of
Principles Will Have To Be Installed As The Foundation Of The Penal Law To
Restrain People From Committing Heinous Crimes Like Murder, Rape, Kidnapping,
Etc. When You Do A Murder, All That You Keep At Stake with Law Is Your Own
.,,. Neck. Is That Sufficient A Deterrent to Make You Give Up Murder! Definitely Not!
You murder With the Attitude of Come What May because you know that only Your
Own Neck Is At Stake, No One Else's. Would You Dare Think Doing A Murder If
You Know That The Neck Of Your Own Father Or A Brother Or A Son Is At Stake?
Certainly Not! Would You Rape A Woman if you know that Your Own Sister or A
Daughter Will Be Rapped In Your Presence? Surely Not! Would .You Break Someone's
Bone if you know that The Very Same Bone of Your Brother or A Son Would Be
Broken As Violently In Your Presence? No. You Won't Dare Do Murder Or Rape Or
Break A Bone If Such Were The Principles On Which The Penal Law Rested. Law
Forgets That The Victim Has Some Very Close Relatives Who, Though Suffered
Much More Agony Than The Victim, Get Nothing Except A Silly notion of
Satisfaction Of Justice Done When You Are Hanged..Justice Should Be Done
Mercilessly, And A_ Crime Be Penalized Ruthlessly. A Deterrent Should Be A
Deterrent, Not A Showpiece, Not A Fulfillment Of Some Cooked Up Abstract
Principle Of Law, And Not As An Offered Satisfaction To The Injured Party. The
Penal Laws That Are Not Deterrents Are Barren Of Their Purpose. Penal Law Is Not
To Be A Luxurious Concept of Justice; it has to be A Down To Earth Practical
Matter of Give And Take. English Lawmakers Were Windbags Of Verbosity; And
They Passed On Their Verbosity To India. Carlyle Was Already A Nuisance in
English Literature.
That way, if the laws do change acc_ordingly, you will only have to kill my brother if
you want your brother dead!


"Knock who?"
"Knock Knock."
"Come In."




The Two-Room House I Reside In Is A Part of the Ground Floor of A Building, and
Both the Rooms happen to be Along the Road That Lacks A Pavement. Therefore
What Separates My Two-Room Residence from the Awfully Busy Road Is the Wall
with One Door ond Four Windows. The Comfortable three Steps Leading To My Door
Are So Inviting That I Would Prefer To Knock On My Door For Any Information
About Anyone In The Neighborhood Or On The Mars. Thus I was to have had
enough of the Knocks on the Door: -

- 1.
"Ismail.:' The Stranger Said, Beaming Joyously At His Monosyllable Self­
Introduction and Offering His Right Hand for A Warm Handshak_e.
"So?" I asked, holding back my right hand firmly from Reflexive Extension.

"Ismail". The Man Repeated His Monosyllable. "I Am Ismail". He Added, Taking Me
for A Dumb.

"So?" I Repeated My Monosyllable, Resisting the Urge to Let Go My Right Hand.

"You Are Me." He Disclosed With A Touch of Jub:lation Added to His
Beaming Joy.

"I Am Doing Nothing Of The Sort," I Said Viciously, With A Touch Of Contempt For
A Better Measure.

"Isn't You Mr. Ghulam Haider?" Said the Man, His Offered Hand Getting Droopy,
And the Joyous Beam Fading on Its Way To Abandor. His Face.

"I Am Not Him," I Said Sternly, "I Don't See Possibility Of My Becoming He In
Near Future or Ever. I Would Hate To Be Someone Who Exp�cts You This Late In
The Evening."

"Doesn't He Live In This House?" He Asked.

"How Dare He Would Live With Me In My House With Him Expecting A Visitor At
This Unearthly Hour?" I Asked Furiously.

"Would You Please Guide Me to His House?" He Said.

"I Have Not Taken To That Profession yet," I said, "Besides I Don't Know Who He
is and where He lives. Nor Would I Care To Know."

I Looked For His Right Hand That Was Nowhere about Him. I Slammed Shut The
Door, Took The Thickest Black Marker From A Drawer, Opened The Door Again And
Halim Brahe
Wrote On Its Outside, 'I Am Not Expecting You. Nor I Know Who Ghulam l-laider
Js, Where I-le Resides, And Why Should I-le Be Expecting You At This I-lour. This
I-louse Is Mine, Not l-lis.'

"Which One Is Mr. Junejo's House?" Asked the Stranger.

"Am r supposed to know that?" I Asked.

"He Is A Well-Known Land Landlord from Matiari," The Stranger Said, "And Resides
in This Locality."

"If I Were Him," I Said, Holding On To My Cool, "I Would Let It Be Known In
Matiari That I Reside Here While I Lived Somewhere Else Hiding From The Likes
Of You Who
Would Know No Better Than Knock On His Door At Odd Hours."

· '
I Thought You Might Guide Me To His Residence," He Said.

"Do I Look the Type That Knows the Whereabouts of Anybody's Residence?"

Holding Fast Onto My Cool, I Slammed Shut The �oor, Reached In The Drawer For
The Blackest Marker In. The World, Opened The Door Again And, Finding Him
Staring At My Door, Wrote On The Door, Furiously 'No Junejo, The Supposedly
Well ,Known landlord Of Matiar( /..'esides l-lere! Nor I Am Aware of l-lis
Whereabouts. Nor Of What I-le Is Up To! I Slammed Shut �e Door On His
Starring Face And, Finding Myself Outside, Opened The Door Again And Sneaked In
Shutting The Door Stealthily.

"I Am Sorry To Disturb Yo� At This Hour," The Stranger Said, "But I Have Come
From Nawabshah And Want To Know Which One Is The House Of Dr. Karim Bux,
The ENT Specialist."

"Why don't you go Up the First Floor or to one of the Apartments In The Back Of
My House to Ask about Your Silly ENT Specialist?" I Said In One Go and Slammed
Shut the Door on Him.

The Next Day My Door Carried, In The Blackest Marker Ever Invented, The Words,
'I Am Not Aware If There Is Any ENT Specialist Of Yours In This locality Or
Elsewhere Who Goes By The Name Of Dr. Karim Bux. Nor I Know Why I-le Goes By
That Name if I-le has some other!'

The Door of My House, Thus, Carries Also the Following Instructions with the
Blackest Marker:

'I Don't Know Who He is and Which One Is His House, Whoever He might be. '
'No. I Am Not He. This Is My Residence, Not His.'

'No. He doesn't reside here. Never Heard of Him as living here, or alive elsewhere!
No One ,:,,, the .Locality Does. No One Anywhere Ever did. '

'How Could I Be He or He Be Me?'

'This House Is Mine. God Gave This House to Me. And I Am Not What You Take Me

'No. I Am Not A Tenant. I Own This Place. '

'I Know the Locality as I Know the Palm of My Right Hand. I am lefty. '

'Please Spare Thi� Door. I Got It Installed to Do My Own Knocking. '

'Why don't you knock the Next Door? They have recently put on a New Knocker.
They Have A Buzzer Tool'

A writer likes the books of the authors that confirm his ideas or pattern of thought
• and writing; they don't influence him. He gets satisfaction that others too confirm
his ideas, thought and pattern without an influence from them. Reading a book of
any other writer would influence an idiot of a writer only.
This is February 12, 2005, and I am reading Stephen Leacock first time in my life. I
had only heard some people say that I wrote somewhat the way he writes. I had not
cared to know about him or his books. I am amazed to read that he was a Canadian,
wrote in early 19 th century, and died in 1944; and that he wrote, thought, and felt -
and lived also - exactly the way I have! He died in 1944, - I was 10 then·. He is the
person who confirms me the most. I know that he has influenced me retrospectively,
- without his books and his person.

The Word Religion Is Misleading: It Doesn't Represent Faith Per Se; It Represents
A Conglomerate Of All That Unexplained Material In The Humans They Refuse To
Part With And, In The Process, They Part With The Faith That Is Per Se. As the
Transition from Particular to the Abstract.was not possible then, The particulars
appeared In Various Garbs of religions. In The Middle East there was No Faith But
That Of Abraham Who Represents the Attributes and The Adjectives of Sacrifice
and Unqualified trust In the Unknown That He Addressed As God. Thus, Abraham
Halim Brahe
Is The Source Of Faith, And The Jews With Their Jehovah Are The Legitimate
Inheritors Of That Faith, - And M'humuth Only Explained That To The Christians
As They Had Deviated From The Faith Of Abraham. M'humuth Had No One Else To
Address To. The Jews and The Christians were The Only People There. The Jews
That Understood His Thought and Philosophy, Joined Him In His Approach; for
Them And M'humuth, New Faith was not installed, nor t,ad Christ done so. Only
Those among the Jews and Christians,"who Had Taken Ch,:ist For The Founder Of A ...
New Faith, Were To Be Brought Back To The Mainstream Faith Of Abraham.
With the arrival of every messenger from the Unknown, people of all the religions
have panicked that their own religion is in danger of replacement! Idiots don't
understand that a religion is a separation from Faith of Abraham, that religions are
the scattering of that Faith, and that taking pride in their religion is- the infidelity
that God warns you against again and again through His messengers!
All the messengers, including those armed with a book, remind you of the past
messengers; none commands you to forget the past. All ask you to respect the past;
none directs you to give up the past. All preach Faith; none �dvises dissent. All say
'Stay in Faith! none says' Take a diversion'. Neither Moses, nor Christ, nor M'humuth
installed a religion of their own to disintegrate Faith of Ibrahim; �t is their
followers who misunderstood, misunderstand, and refuse to give up infidelity.
M'humuth, like Christ, belonged to the Faith that Abraham conveyed, and he
belonged to the society that later came to known as Jews. Moses did not call his·'
follower a Jew. Christ doesn't call his follower a Christian. For M'humuth, a Muslim is
the keeper of the Faith of Abrahati1. M'humuth is the last because he summed up all
the past and the future.
Index is the last compilation of a book. Koran is the Index to the morals extracted

Hinthe: English
Chushm"'a U'ttaro Remove the specs
· Chushma U'ttaro Remove the goggles
Phir Thakko Yaro And take a look, Friends
Th'ny"" a N"" ue Huay The World Is new
Chuhira P' ran""a! This Face Is old!
Kuhitta Huay Joker So Says The clown
Sara Zuman"" a All That the life Is
At-hde Hukekutt Is partially true
Athda Fusan"" a! The Rest of it is A Tale!
Upnay_ Pur H "" uskur Ridiculed Self
Jug Ko Husaya To Make People Laugh At!
Bun Kay Ttumasha Masquerading A Funny Sight
Maylay M"" ay Aya! Appeared In A Village Fair!
Hinthoo Nu Muslim Neither A Hindu Nor A Muslim
Poorub Nu Putchhum Neither Western Nor Eastern



MuzhJb Huay Upn*a My Faith Is To Lc;iugh
Husn*a '-lusan*o! And Spread The Laugh�er!
Kuhitta luay Jokur Says The Clown
Sara Zum.Jn*a All That Is life
·Athde Hukekutt Is only partially true
Athda Fu::;an*a! And the Rest of it is only A Tail!
Thdukay Pay Thduka Shoving And Pushing
Raylay Pay Rayla Ever More People Swarming In
Huay Bherr Ittn*e Huge Are The Crowds
Pur Thil Huay Ukayla! Yet I Am Lonesome!
Gghum Jub Suttaay When Grief Bothers
Sete Bujan*a Do Whistle
Pur Mushkrcy Say But To A joker
Thil Nu Lugan*a! Do not Trust Your Heart!
Kuhitta Huay Jokur So Says the Clown
Sara Zuman*a All That you know as life
- Athde Hukekutt
Athda Fusan*a!
Is only partially true
Most of it is a fairy Tale!

Change of Formal Faith:

A Person Gives Up Faith Only Under Imminent Danger to His Family, Not By .
Conviction. Do You Really Believe That Your Ancestors Had Accepted The Faith Of
The Invaders Simply By Conviction That It Was Better To Belong To A Faith Than
To Have No Faith At All! And That the Faith of the Invaders Was the Best of All
the Other Faiths! And Do You Really Think That They Had Accepted The Faith Of
The Invaders Without Seeing Human Throats Cut, Women Raped, And Cornered To
Meet The Same Fate Repeatedly If They Didn't Join The I!1vaders In Their Faith!
That rs· What the Invading Army does To the Vanquished Even Now. Does That in
Any Way Tally with Your Present Experience! You In The Last Six Decades Saw
Non-Faith Girls And WomE}n Kidnapped, Raped, Beaten Blue, _And Produced Through
The Most Vulgar And Rapist Police Force Before The Magistrates And Judges Of
Questionable Character To Swear That They Had Opted For The· Faith And Had
Married The Faithful Custodian Of Their Own Free-Will, - And Much Latei' Seen
The Children Of The Un_holy Wedlock Proudly Claiming, 'We Are Grateful To �llah
That We Were Born M'sulman! · That Exactly I� The F�te, The Faith-Girls And_
Women, With The Throat,; Of Their Faith-Males Cut, Met With In India In The
Wake Of The Partition.

_It Is the Same People Who in Turkey, Iran, And Iraq Are Known As Kurd and In the
Indian Balochistan and Eastern India as Brahvi. In The Ancient India Kurd and
Brahvi Were Included In The Dravida People - The People Who Subsequently Were
Known As Dravidian Races, - The Aryans Entered India Much Later From Western
Halim Brohe
North. That Dravida Area In The Southern Most India Is The Tamil-Nadu, And The
Brahvi-Kurd Language Has Sufficient Words Of Tamil To Prove The Link.
Between 1946 And 1949 Following Events Took Place without a Reason or Rhyme.
Kamal Pasho of Turkey Banned Kurdish Language in Turkey. Whoever Spoke Kurdish
Was Punished With Death. Kurdish People Were Forced To Emigrate from Turkey.
Kurds Entered Iran And Iraq And Were Kilied By Iranian And Iraqi Regimes. Israel
Came Up On the World Map. Khan Of Kolat, A Bangulzai Brohe And The Ruler Of
Ka!at, - the Titular Chief Of Kolat And Accepted As Such By All The Tribes And
Clans As Their Sardar, - Issued A Farman/ Message To All Brohe Tribes To Give Up
Brohe Language, Stop Introducing Themselves Brohe, Adopt Balochi Language And
G:ve Up Their Brohe Identity. Thus the West and East Alike Chose the Kurdish and
Brohe, The Same People arid The Same Language, For Total Annihilation during the
same period.
Let Us Go A Few Millennia Back In the History. Hebrew Had Many Dialects in the
Days of Jesus. Aramaic, The Dialect Of Hebrew In Use By The Immediate Family/
Tribe/ Clan Of Jesus, Is Said To Be Obsolete Since Long. That Dialect - The One
In Use By The Tribe Of Jesus, Whether It Was Aramaic Or A Dialect Of Aramaic -
Is Not Obsolete. It Is the Language Known as Kurdish in the Middle East and As
Brohe in South Asia. It Is Also Spoken By Two Different People Inhabiting The
Area Between Andhra Pradesh And Assam On The Southeast Coast Of Bharutt;
Those Two People Have Different Names For Their Tribes And The Language
Although It Is The Same Language.
The Dialects of Their Language Are: Northern Kurdish, Zaza, Gurani, Southern
Kurdish, southeastern Kurdish, Luri, Armenian, And Some More. The Language Is
The One, Derived From The Same Source, - Southern India. Syriac, An Aramaic
Language Of The Now Semitic Group, Was Used In Early Christian Writings But
Was Largely Superseded By Arabic After The Spread Of Islam. It Was Closely
Related to Hebrew, and is still spoken By Small Groups in the Middle East. I Read A
Work of Fiction - THE WORD by Irving Wallace -, Which Book Confirmed the
Germs I Had Of All This.
Is Berwaris - Kurd! - Brohe! -What!

What Sindhi
The Sindh That M'humuth bin Qasim Invaded Was What In 19th And 20th
Centuries Was Known As Kolat In Particular, And Balochistan Generally; Not At All
The Area That The British, Much L.ater, Separated From Bombay Presidency For
Administrative Purposes And Baptized As Sinned And Included In It Also An
Adjacent Part Of Balochistan. The Language Spoken in the Si.ndh That Muhummad
bin ·Kasim Invaded, Was Brahvi That at That Time Was Known as Sindhi, And the
Area Wherein the Language Prevailed Was Known as Sindhi. I repeat; The Sindh
the Arabs Knew of Was the Area Tha·t Was Known As Sindh with the language
known then as Bralivi. Brahvi Of Today - Known In the Past as Sindhi - Is the Branch
of the Kurd Language. One Omur Sindhi, FA Member of the Committee that Met


with Kemal Pasha of Turkey, Was From the Sindh which now is Kolat. The Sindh
That The Arabs Had Been Enchanted To Invade And Own Was A Brahvi Speaking
And Buddhism Practicing Area In Which, Although The Buloch Tribes Were
Manifold, The Official And Customary Language - And The Only Language With Its
Own Sc.ript - Was The Sindhi That Later Came To Be Called Brahvi . Raja Dahir, The
Ruler of Sindh, Was A Brahvi Speaking Budhist . The Original Script - Sindhi, That
later Was Called Brahvi, - Lays Buried In The Mound The Sindhi 'think-tanks' Are
Scratching Their Bald Heads Over Whether It Is Mohun Jo Daro Or Muon Jo Doro!

And To Humor Me, - Much against His Philosophy of Life and Conscience, - Jamoo
Wrote: "Haleem .... You Truly Have Mastered The Words To Express Yourself Clearly
And Precisely...I Do Not Have That Knack...AII I Could Ever Write With Any
Conviction Were Them Love L�tters And Send Them To Them Girls In Town ... They
Did Not Need Literate Person ...T�em Cheap -Poetry Was Enough For That Kind
Of Girls ...Your Analyses Of Me Is Perfect And Expressed Exceptionally Wall... Of
Yourself, I Agree·... Read Somewhere Recently ... Poets And Emotional Writers Live
Short Lives And Die Ec;ir.lier And Are More Likely To Commit Suicide Than Other
People...Haleem Bhai, I.Have· Seen You Commit Suicide Many Times And Seen You
Die Too, Many A Ti"mes...Did Not Understand Then . Now I Know ...That Is Why I Do
Not Want To Miss This Opportunity To Tell You That I Am Glad You Are My
Brother...Thank You Mother, Thank You father, Thank You Almighty ...
About That Writing ... I Will Sit Down Tonight And Do It." It Was His Supreme
Sacrifice Only To Keep Me Happy .

The Missed the Point:

You Missed the Point.·Do You Know My Father Invested Exactly the Way You Have
Been Investing! Do You ��ow Mother And I Asked Him To Stop Investing But He
Argued :he Way You Do! Do You Know Mother Pretended Innocence And I
Unwittingly"Chose To Take My Qwn Way Away from His, As He Wouldn't Know He
. Was Incorrigible And Wouldn't Give Up His Way! As � father, Your Father Was
Much Bigger Because He Made His Sons Big And Listened To His Wife As The Only
Person He.Could Trust. My Father Was A Much Smaller Person because He Trusted
All Except His Wife . and Sons. . At 58 With Money and Status in His Pocket He
Counted Success, As Yo� Do Now, I� Terms Of Status and Public Image. At 63,
With No Money In His Pocket And No Status To Display Except A 'Had Been So And
So', He Discovered To His Repentance That Th� Priorities Of Life Lay elsewhere. It
Was Too Late, And The Damage Had Been Done.
Your Wife And Son �re Sensible That They Are Keeping Their Professional Pursuits
Separate From Yours. My Mother. Was Illiterate And Had No Alternative; And
Father Used His� And Public Image To Force Me To Be On The Run All His
Life. I Can Point Many More Simijarities between .You and My Father. This Is My
Give-Up Letter . .I Can ·Foresee Your "fut�r-e: How And When You Will Borrow\Money
. . . . .
·Halim Brohe
From Your Wife On The Promise Of Return And Won't Return, And Hew And When
You Will Be Humiliated By Who. You Have Chosen The Super Highway Of My Fathgr,
Not The Small But Serene Path Of Your Father. I Don't Wish Your Wife the Fate
. -
of My Mother, Nor Your Son the Fate of Mine.

Hello Uncle, I Just Shared This Piece with Baba and My Friends Too.;·· And They All
Love It. Hats. Off To You Sir!!! Whenever I Read Something of Urs, It Always
Makes Me Stop And Think. It Is Amazing To See Someone So Solid In His
Philosophy Of Life And Yet Present It With A Tinge Of Humor. This Flavor Of
Sharp Humor In Ur Writing Is What Makes lt So Alive And Different. Life Is
Always ·Difficult Btu Sm People Just Don't Stop Living ... Ever. And Its Great To
know someone like That. Rgds Your Daughter Amna.

History of Mankind:
"From Any Single Instance in Your Past, You Can Deduce the Whole History of
Mankinr.l. Equal Rights Will Have to Vanish to Make the Strong i� Physique to Rule
over the Weak. A Day Will Dawn When I Will Not Be Here In This Old Tavern Of
Yours, - I Have Repeatedly said that Since I Was 60, - Won't You Ask Me,
Bartender, When Will That Day Dawn! It Won't Dawn. Death doesn't dawn; it sets.

I Persisted To Be A Nuisance Thus: 'Jamoo, I Am At It Again! Your Attitude to Life
Has All Along Been Wrong: Saintly, - Yes. But Not Human. Mine Has Been Right;
Satanic Yes, But Human All Right. Yours Has Been Artificial, Mine A Supernatural.
There Is No More A Reason To B'e Dumb Any More. We All know that you do know
All, Have an Analytic Mind, Know People, and Are thoroughly aware. Of the
Intentions of the People around And About You. Sana, Who Had Traveled With You
from Hyderabad to Karachi, Said, "Chacha Jamoo understands all and knows
everyth:ng! He Only Acts the Way He is behaving!" Man, Have Faith In The
Unknown, Complete Faith, And Trust Him. Be Open With Whatever You Are Within,
Put Yourself In His Care, And B� free! No Need To Keep Yourself Enclosed in an
Artificial Jacket To Be At War With You! Doesn't He Know What Is Artiflcial And
What Is The Real Jamoo! Don't Belittle Him! Don't Degrade Him! He Won't Like
The Self-Suffering And Misery-Prone Artificially Made Souls, However Saintly
They Are. If Scoundrels We Are, Let Him Have Us for Scoundrels. He Knows the
Stuff you are made of. Mine Is A Happy Soul Ever since I Have Given My Dirty Self­
Up To Him to accept it for whatever it is worth. Be Happy With The Exposition Of
Your True Self To Him, Not With The Planning To Humor Him! Don't Take Me for an
Oracle, But Do Unveil and Reveal Yourself to Him! Do We Admire Veiled Women
That He Will Like a veiled Jam*oo! Don't Hit Back, But You as A Graceful and self­
respecting Person Has Every Right to Stay Away From the Ones for Who You Have

Outlived Your Utility. Giving Them Another Chance To Hit You Agai� Taki11g You
for A Fool Is To HumiUate Your Soi.JI That Is Dearer to the Unknown than Your
Body. Halim'

Pick Up! ·
Halim Bhai Has Arrived! English.
In G'jratte you would say," Halim Bhae Huayz Uraevdl
Halim .Bhae �ve Guya! This Is G'jratte.
Tumaro Bhae Ka Giyos? This Is G'jratte.
Where Ha$ Your Brother English.
Vayur Has Your Bruthur G'an? PHONETICS.
Tumaro Bf:,ae Kiy*:achhay? G'jratte.
Where Is Your Brother.; Eng_lish.
Vayur Iz Your Bruthur? English In PHONETICS.

Women in Life:
Women Don't Mean Much to A Mp.n, Yet They Set the Direction _A Man
takes in his Life. On The Last Day of My Job in th.e Univ.ersity·, I Rang A
Woman to Tell Her, · I Always Loved You All ·These Years·When You Hated
Me for Writing against W,hat You People Propagated in Your Official Publi­
cations!' That Lady Said,· "Really! I am so happy!" That .Was All. Since my
experience with Another Madam, I am scarred of the women I trust.

Robbed Of Sincerity And Faithfulness, My Only Assets, By The Deception
Of A Madam who blackmailed Me for RE;!asons Not known To me, I Contem­
plated Revenge. I Had No Patience To Wait For" G�9 To Take A Lifetime -
His, Not Mine - To Take A Decision In My Matters; He Is Too Lazy .In
The Matters That Aren't His Personal Concern. And now I contemplate,
Who And .What I Am To Take Revenge?· And, why ·not let God do the dirty
job in His lifetime?

We people:
"The World Is Full Of Broken People. Splints, Casts, Miracle Drugs, And Time
I Can't Mend Fractured Hearts, Wounded Minds, Torn Sprits." And Again, "Changing
The Way You Live Means Changing The Way You Tliink. Changing How You Think
Means Changing What You Believe About Life. That Is, Hard, Sweetie." And Yet
Again, "When We Make Our Own Misery, We Sometimes Cling to It even when
we want so bad To Change, Because the Misery is something we know. The Misery_
Is Comfortable." All This Is From Dean Koontz. Dr. Fahima Kulbanne, My Niece,
Gave Me A Copy.

Hinthe: English:
Sahib Ka Ghur Thoor Huay God Is Far Off
Juaysay Lumbe Kkujoor! As Top of the Date Tree!
Churrhay Tto Chakkay Praym Rus Climb, Taste the Juice,
Giray Tto Chikna Choor Or Perish in the fall!

Halim Brahe
· Offering:
"Why do some people put their dead to pyre?"
"What else you suggest?'.'
"Why don't they bury them? The way we do."
"And make God wait a century for the dead to become dust? We are a big
botheration for God. We hinder His work of making new bodies. Pyre is a big help to
God in the making of new bodies. They put their dead to fire, make a quick work of
their dead, and offer God the dust of the dead to make a quick work of making more
and more bodies. They. help God; we obstruct His work."

You Can Stand Apart From Your Body. Try It. Get up Leaving Your Body on the Chair
You Are sitting In, And Move To The Corner Of The Room To Look Back At Your
Body. That Is How Death Will Come to You; That Is What Has Been Maligned As
Death; That Is Death. Leaving Your Body, You See Your Death Mourned Or Laughed
At, Accompany Your Coffin To The Cemetery, S�e Your Body Buried And Later Hear
Your Heirs Come To One
Another's Neck On The Dollar You Left On The Table.
Enjoy It All. Death as an Entertainment for the Sum-Total of the Instincts That
Your Body Had Exhausted as Outlived Its Utility, The Body Had Stayed Abandoned
On That Chair.

The People I love and The People I Hate Are Known To Me. The People Who Love
Me and The People Who Hate Me are not known To Me. To What Set of People I
should belong? The-People I kriow about, or The People I don't know about! The Damn
Fool That I Am, I A� Close To The People I Know About, And Not To The People I
Don't know About!

Funny East!
O' Ye Faithful of the Funny East! Heed not what is said to you about the Dead!
Etnul.ate The. Ways, Attitude, And The Life Of Your Wife And The sisters-in-law,
For They indeed Are The Ones Who Cut The Trunk Of The Tree On Which Sits
Perched The Man! You Funn}: People of the East, Don't Bring In Your Funny God in
This Matte�, - Him You Will Find Speaking With A Double Tongue! Madame Curie,
. Supposed To Have Discoyered Radium By Chance, Had Her Husband Working In The
Same Laboratory. Obviously the Husband Had Done the Discovery, Not the Madame.
No Woman Can Plan A Thing except her looks.

·During The Period Revealed by the Puranas, In the Area of Bahawalpoor in the
Punjab Lived A People Known by the Name of Suthdra. This Is Important For Record
Because Som·e Suthdra People Living In The Larkana Area Of. Present Sindh Have A
Notion That They Originally Came From Nowhere And Have Ever And Always
54 .,.,
v Seeds
Through All Antiquities Lived In Larkana With Present Sindhi As Their language All
Through Those Ages! Their Origin Is Siraike, Not Sindhi.

The Image!
D�n·t Shout! Don't Let The Neighbors And The People In The Street Know We Are
Having A Quarrel! The Image as A Well-Mannered Amicable Couple and Respectable
Members of Society Must Be Maintained At The Cost Of the Souls That Are
Writhing In Pain to Shout Out! Move About In All Social Honors! Suffocate And
Strangulate Your Inner Urges To Act Human! Be A Social Angel, Not A Social

The Garden!
In The Middle Of the Garden Were the Tree Of LHe and The Tree Of Knowledge
of Good and Evil. The Tree Of Life in the Garden of Eden Was Not forbidden To
God Made The Earth And The Heavens, But No Shrub Or A Plant Of The Field Had
Sprung Up, For He Had Not Sent Rain On Earth And The:e Was No Man To Work
The Ground! But Streams - The Unknown Himself Is the Water - Came Up From· the
Earth and watered - His Breathless Breathe - The Whole Surface of the Ground
Thence Breathes Breathlessly.
He Formed Man To Work The Ground - The·Ground That Appeared Is The Unknown
Himself - And He Made The Man From The Dust Of The Ground And Breathed Into
His Nostrils The Breath Of Life, - The Unknown Breathed As The Breathless; And
The Man Became A Living Being. Thus the Unknown Made the Man with the Dust of
the Ground, - The Ground That Appeared On the Earth Is the Unknown Himself.
And Thus the Body of the Man is made Of the Components of the Vnknown Himself,
But Not of What the Man Breathes, For the Unknown Breathes Breathl�ssly.
Body of the Man Is the Unknown Himself; 'The Soul' In Man Is the Formation, a
Make, By the Unknown. That Is Why The Body - Made Of The Dust And Water - Is
Called Back To The Unknown; That Is Why All That Is Made Of Dust And Water
Goes Back To The Unknown. The Dust And The Water Are The Parts And The Parcel
Of The Unknown.

In The Times Reflected By Puranas, There Were A People Known As Dravida Who
Were Settled On The Eastern Coast Of The Present Tamil-Nadu Area haa, Between
300 And 700 AD, Their Settlements On The Southern Coasts Of The Area Of
Present Anthdrapradesh, The Area That Is To Be Explored For The Key - Brohe
Script - To The Script Of Mohan Jo Durro.

Halim Brahe

The Painter:

And Mother Loved Jamoo. She Would Often Sing, 'Bayta J'ma J'ma, Thhorre Ag La
Thay! Ag Lathay Ttu*Bakoo lathay, lathay Thhorra Pan*e! H'ka Bhur Kay Agay Rukk
Thay Piy*oo Bun Kur Rane! Bayta J'ma J'ma Thhorre Ag Lathay!' She Won't Care He.
Was Jamoo, Not J'ma! But She was hurt inside. Her Mind had been Through the
Sufferings That Jamoo Went Thrpugh In Adolescence and Much Later Again in
Youth. Her Mind had gone Through the Contortions That Appeared Much Later On
the Face of Jamoo in A Painting, v\lhich A Painter Drew For Him in the US. He
Didn't Remember The Name Of The Painter, - Only That 'She Said She Was A
Painter And Would Draw Me For $80. I Paid Her and She Drew Me without A Word
about Me. That Is It.' He Is That Precise. I Had Spotted the Painting, - Hung
Inconspicuously behind the Entrance Docfr of His Apartment, - As If Hid There To
Conceal from Visitors. I Was Stunned! The Painting Depicted His Mind on His Face!
It Was Obvious That It Was A Depiction Of The Worst (?ays He Had Been
Through! I �ried Inside, But Laughed And Said, 'How Could She Drqw You This Way!
He Said He Hardly Had Spoken to Her, nor she asked for information, but She Drew
Him That Way! He Said, 'T Don't Know How. I was not only broke then, I was passing
through the Worst Humiliation That A Person Can Imagine. I Was N<Jt Welcome In
Any Company; and I J:lad No Friends. I was accused by all of having done this and
that, - All Those Sort of Things That Break A Man! I Lived In A Basement Of A
Sikk Friend On A Rent Of $50 And Had To Fend For My ·Next Meal. I Tried Very
Hard For Some Job, But Couldn't Get One. Any Way, You Are the Only Person Who
Has Seen Me in the Painting. No One Accepts or Agrees with Me that it is me. They
Just Ignore It.' On My Next Visit To The USA He Told Me That Saba Had Asked
Him to keep The. Painting For Her.

I Have Not Used Thayvunagre Letters, But The Thayvunagre Approacr Had Much
To Do With The System I Conceived. The Most Important Feature of Thayvunagre
Is That It Is Based On Vowel-Rotations That Make the �eading and Writing Logical.
I Have Not Kept The Vowels Aside From The Letters, And Have Included Th.em In
The Glossary Of Letters Calling Each Item On The Glossary A Unit, I Hav1::: Made
Extensive Use Of Those Units Th11t Feature In Thayvunagre And Other Scripts As
Vowels. It Is Better To Call All Items On The Glossary As Units For Further
Expansion Of The_ Glossary, Presently There Is No Script. Including PHONETICS
And Thayvunagre, That Represents All The Sounds Or Voices, Articulations,
Intonations, Pronunciations, And Nuances That A Script Must Include To Be
Wholesome. It Is Not A Matter of Coining A Script for This Language or That
Language; it is A Matter of Accommodating in One and A Single Script All the
Possible Sounds That A Human Ear Catches. The Core Of The Whole Matter With
Me Is To Have A Script That Uses The Least Number Of Units And Yet
Accommodates The Articulations Of All The Voices And Utterances. That Is the

Ideal I am at. What My Script Is At Pains to Provide Is the Equivalents of All the
Types of Sounds and Variations Thereof.

The Waiting Room:

I collapsed and taken to a hospital where I stayed six days; that is what they say. In
fact I had been called away to meet THE UNKNOWN, was made to wait in His
Waiting-Room, and in the evening of the Sixth day I was informed that I may go
back and He will send for _me later. Later! Why later! I have every right to ask why
did He make me wait six days if he had to send me back home to send for me later?
Didn't He know how many people he could see in a day and how many people his
underlings had collected to do the wait in the Waiting Roc..11! And will He surely see
me, or will again be sent home to be. sent for later! I This much is certain: His
office-record is a mess, - in ruins. I didn't see a lady secretary running hither
thither between the Waiting Room and His personal office. I doubt if He has any. I
don't believe He will remember - or any of His underlings will remind Him - to send
for me again.

My PHONETICS Is Not Based On The 'Letters And Vowels Distinction' That Has
Been In Use Of Other Scripts. Nor It Recognizes Such A Division in Any Form. It
Is Based On The System Of Units, Each Unit Representing A Sound That Is
Complete In Its Pronunciation/ Articulation. Thus U Is A Unit, Chh Is A Unit, S Is
A Unit, Ch Is A Unit, Sh Is A Unit, Th Is A Unit, 0 Is A Unit, Chh Is A Unit, Th Is
As Much A Unit As Thh, So On. It Is Sound / Pronunciation / Articulation Based .
System, With Each Unit Representing The Smallest Iota Of A Sound/ Pronunciation
/ Articulation. As A Sindhi Primary Class Student In The Ram Swamy School,
Ranchore_ Lines Karachi, I Tried With The Help Of Father To Decipher The Boxed
Column 'Roman Hindi' That Appeared Regularly In The Illustrated Weekly Of India.
Father Had Surprised Us By Informing Us In One Of His Lighter Moments. T,hat
There Was Hindi In The Illustrated Weekly Of India. Then He Read A Column to us,
and thereafter we took To It Every Week with Relish. We Picked Up English
Alphabet Only To Read Hindi In The Weekly. In 1985, During My Posting As OSD In
The Department Of Sindhology With Mehtab Rashdi As It Director, I Began
Working On A Breakthrough For The Sindhi Script Which Had Been In Vogue Since
1884 In The Province Of Sindh With The Blessings Of The British Government. My
Efforts Had the Blessings of Mehtab Rashdi and Mazhurul Haque Siddiqui the Vice
Chancellor. We Received Many Supportive Letters from Abroad. The Letters From
Local · Scholars' Condemning Me And My Efforts Provided Many An Occasion for
Mehtab to Laugh And She Enjoyed Asking Me To Take These Things In A Stride,
Always Reminding Me That "Didn't We Agree That You Will Be Condemned And
Denounced By Them All!' But I Was Not For That. I Was Writhing For Revenge!
Weight Of The Heavy Weight Protagonists Of The British Blessed Sindhi Alphabet
Finally Told On The Nerves Of The Common Sense, Broke The Backbone Of The

Halim Brahe
Progressive Administrative Attitude And Within A Year I Was Transferred As OSD
I11 The Finance Wing. Till Then I Had Been Working Without A System, Rhythm or
Rhyme. Dr. Ismail Shaikh, Son Of Dr. Ibrahim Shaikh, Had Given Me A Book 'Hindi
In Thirty Days', An Inc:!ian Publication, For A Few Days. The Book Gave Me The Idea
Of A 'Mechanical §cript That Was Written The Way The Words Of Any Language
Was Spoken, ·And Was Read The Way It Was ·Written, Without Going Wrong Or
Making A Mistake· An·ywhere, Whatever Be The Language, Known Or Absolutely
Unknown To The Writer.' In 1990, Working As Manager SU Press In The Old
Campus, I Published - Printed In Some Small Press - My First Booklet HALIM
BROHE'S ROMAN SINDHI Keeping In View Only, The Damn Fool That I Was,
Sindhi Alphabet, And Distributed The Book Free Of Cost. I Continued Working
through Cyclostyled Pamphlets. I was alone, condemned As Anti Sindhi, A Bigot
Brohe, An Agent of Anti Sindhi Elements, and God Knows Of What Else. I Got Fed
up With The Sindhi Speaking People who, as Mazhar had said, preferred their
annihilation to change of their attitude'. I Had Had Enough of Them. I published my
ROMAN SCRIPT FOR ALL THE LANGUAGES. Zafar Abassi, With Experience As A
School Teacher, tried to teach Roman In His Own Setting With Whatever Financial
Aid I Could Provide, But The Book Flopped Because It Had The Manufacturing
Defect Of Addressing The Sindhi Speaking Readers, The Very People Who Hated
My Name And Face. So Much for His Experience as schoolteacher. In 2003 My
Daughter Romana Gave Me A Book That Had 235 R'bae Of Omur Khuyam In English.
I Translated All The 235 R'baez In Roman Hindi And Published The Book Within
Two Months With Only 250 Copies. Finding Something Amiss, Redid The book And
Published 250 Copies More, And Found The Book again Full Of Proof And Spelling
Mistakes! Publishing A Book Was expensive, and Very Bothersome For A Lone
Worker Like me; but Worth Doing. I Got An Admirer In Ibrahim Baloch, A
Technician In An x-ray Laboratory; He Had Imbibed The Soul Of PHONETICS For
All The Languages By Reading My Omur Khuyam! The British-Made Sindhi Script Has
Been Dying Pretty Fast. It Is Too Late To Salvage Sindhi Script In Whatever Form
It May Be. Sindhi Spoken in the British Province of Sindh is also to disappear sooner
than the Sindhi Speaking People Can Imagine.

Bona People:
Bona People, A Dravidian People Like P*uayru*Mar And Brahvi, Originally Belonged
To South Indian Tamil-Nadu Area. With The Prehistoric Movement Of The South
Indio.n Peoples Upwards North, Bana People Moved Through G'jratt Area Into
Present Sindh Province Area And Much Later, Under The Pressure Of The Arabs,
Had Moved Back By 700 AD To Their Cultural Axis In The Northern Tamil-Nadu
And Southern Andhra Pradesh. Most of the People Taken For Aryans Are of
Dravidian Origin. Laila Bona, a teacher in the Sindh University, was daughter of a
subordinate of my father. Her father got a bullet shot in her arm. Mother visited
him often. They were a godly family. She married and went abroad. Later I knew
who Bona people were.

The Widow:
The lady was superbly beautiful! All smiles and full of perfume! She let me down by
one sentence, "I only wanted to meet you once to hear your voice. There was nothing
more to it, and you took me for your lady-fair!' She is a widow now, mother of so
many children, but I love her. I am made that way. She was a nice girl, nicely
disappointed in me.

"If I Were A Woman, Bartender, I Would Have Married A Person Who r Know Has
A Bewitching Wife. It Is Better To Be Married To Her Husband Than Not Be
Related To Her At All! Certainly I Am the Only Man with Right Feelings, Correct
Attitude, And On the Spot! I Fell Headlong In Love With A Lady Who I Later Came
To Know For Having Already Fallen Headlong In Love With Someone Else. What Is
This Headlong Falling In Love with Someone Else! Who Is This Detestable
Omnipresent Someone Else! Why With Him And Not With Me? A Little of Me and
thee and Then No More of Thee and me· ! So Do Let Me Cry For A While if I Do Get
To Cry. I Miss A Lady - I Wish I Were the Lips That Had Touched Her Lips Ever! I
Wish I Were the Lips That Had Hovered On Her Face Ever!"

The Impatient:
People have w�ited more Than Two Thousand Years for the Arrival of Jesus, and
That Silly Woman Didn't Wait A Few Minutes for Me!

Words, Words, Words, - Spoken Or Written, - I Throw Them Up To The Winds,
The Way I Threw Hundreds Of Slips To The Winds On The Super Highway That I
Had written Laboriously For The Proposed English-Sindhi Dictionary. The Vice
chancellor Ansari had proposed the dictionary to me with his commitment that there
will be no third person in it. I had done 18000 words when he proposed to bring in a
whole lot of dead duds like him in it. I revolted, gave up and, threw up the slips in
the hard wind that was blowing on the super highway. I Did My Doing And The
Nature Did Its .Own. Fate Takes Its Course; Fate Is That Sullen. It All Boils Down
To This, - That I Deserve The Fate I Am Fated To. I Don't Pity Myself. I Am Fated
To Be Unfortunate, Wanting To Give Up Myself And The four-dimensional space­
time I Am Caught In, But Not Doing It; Wanting To Be Rid Of The Umbilical Cord
That Holds Me Tied To That Machine. Mr. Ansari, later chairman of University
Grant Commission, a dullard to the core,· later managed through SU syndicate to get
his date of birth bring forth a few years to stay in service longer than due. And God
wanted me to experience such people!
Words Are Ether-Like, Vaporous: They Dissipate the Moment Spoken Or Written,
Eventually from the Dictionary Also, As No More Existing; the Way Ether
Disappeared From Scientific Lingua.


Halim Brohe

'Take care of yourselfI'

All the People I Like Ht1ve Their Own Physical Bodies To Take Care Of. Couldn't We
All Have One Body? You say, "Take Care Of yourself'. :r
have been Through the
Drawers and Under the Table. I Find Myself Missing! Let the Dog Stay at Its Place.
Don't Let It Get Amused To You. Make Him Stay Put Where He Belongs.

Hinthe: English:
Kh'tha Purustt Worshiper!
H"' a Vo Nuh*e Kh'tha Purustt! She Is Not A Worshiper Of God
Jao Vo Bayvufa Suhe! Nor Sincere Either!
Jis Ko H"' o Then Vo Thil Uzez With your Faith dearer to you
Uske Gule M*ay Ja*ay Kiy*oo! Must you Pass By her home!

Nature Looks After Its Handicapped with Care. A good joke. It cripples us only to
shower Its Grace!

I Am Digging A Grave for others to fall in myself. I Have A Mind That May Improve,
Or Deteriorate Further, Depending On The Improvement Or Deterioration Of The
People Who Have Time Enough To Waste Looking At It. People Prefer 'Buttering' To
Hard Facts, Which Is Better Than No Attitude To Either. I Often Wonder at the
Madhouses That Don't Have Me for an Inmate. Kuber The Bhugutt. Conversed With
God, And Omur Khuyam The Astronomer, Lamented The Plight Of Those Who Raise
Their Hands In Vain At The Skies Expecting An Altered Destiny; Both Announce
Univocally. " Tf:,e Future Is Buried In The Past'. But Idiots won't listen; The Obscene
Won't Heed! I Don't Raise My Hands To The Skies; I Use My Hands To Dig My
Grave, And I Am At It, Ever And Always!

Graspable, ThC\Ugh metamorphic, 'I' is fettered In the Body till it rids itself of the
Body it is encompassed in. Since I Am Chopped Off To Neurotic And Psychotic Size
By The Elite Class Of Society, I Am Convinced That The Abnormal Is The Normal
That The Society Condemns Or Ignores As The Abnormal.

Society Is The Abnormal, Its Taboos Are A Set Of The Abnormal, Its Ritu'lls
Abnormal, Its Dictates Are Abnormal And It Is All Abnormal And Abounds In
Abnormalities. Because It Has At Its Command The Brute Force That It Calls Social
Equilibrium To Which Every Component Of Society Responds 'Positively', It
Terminates The 'I' Of The Individuals Who Part Their Thinking From That Cf The
Society. The 'I' In Me Is Terminated..

You shall know!
Nearer To the Grave, What Matters Most Is the Lamentation over the Sufferance
of Deprivation of Own Body. To Starve And Divest Body of Its Essence Is To
Suffocate 'I', Ritualistically called The 'Soul'. The Future Already �longs To The
Past! Old Age Is A Great Time To Have A Girl / Boy Friend. God Is Only an
Intervention, Religion Only an Interruption. Nature doesn't give you anything For
Free; it .fleeces you for the Smallest Grace It Bestows on You. There Is �othing
For Me To Be Grateful To Nature. I Have Paid. I Have Been Fleeced For That.

Hinthe: English:
:,. Akhre bar! Last word!
Chulo Ik Fuaysla Let Us Settle
Bahum Yay Kurl*ay! Once for All;
Ki Hum M*ay How long
Fasla Must we
Kittna Ruhayga! Not touch each other!

What big ones!

None Of The big ones - Babar, Akbar, Hamayoon, Shah Johan, Aurangzeb, And
Others are On Record To Have Done Hudj Or U'mrah. Mahmood Of Ghizni Came All
The Way From Ufgghanisttan To Invade Hindustan seventeen Times For Women
And Wealth, But Didn't Do U'mrah Or Hudj Even Once. None Of His Likes -
Abdaleez, Khiljeez, And Ghoreez - Is On Record To Have Done U'mrah Or Hudj!
And They Are Counted As Great Musalmans! If They Were, Why Don't You Follow
Their Example! How And Where Do We Small People Come In For Hudj Or U'mrah?
For Those Greats, The Later Invented Two Rituals Were Not Compulsory, - U'mrah
was not heard of till much after the Partition of India - And We The Petty People
Have Made It A Job To Do The U'mra and Hudj! Only A Fool Would Come all the way
on a horseback From Ufgghanisttan to Dwarka in Katthiyavarr to Demolish Idols, -
Only A Human Would travel hundred times much longer a distance To Kiss A Copper
Color Girl Of His Choice! They All Were Humans, Not Angels.
Likewise, Richard the Lion and his comrade Princes who fought Muslims through
Crusades, none of the Kings of Great Britain, none of the Presidents of the U.S.A.
are known to have paid a ,isit to the holy shrines in Jerusalem. It is all funny.
None of they were the idolaters or infidels that you are!

Hinthe: English:
Kuliy*a! Buds!
Male Avutt Thaykk Kay Spotting the Gardener
Kuly*a Kur*ay P'kar! The Buds Cried,
Phoolay Phoolay Ch'n Liyay Flowers He Has Plucked All
Kul Ko Humare Bar! Tomorrow Will Be We!

Halim Brohe
Who Has Seen Tomorrow That You Speak of Tomorrow! Yesterday is buried;
tomorrow will bury today; And the Day After will hl.!ry Tomorrow as a yesterday.
This Way And That, You Will Son,eday Find Yourself Buried, With All Those Buried
Days Saying Boo To You! If You Are A Muslim, A Hindu will kill you; if A Hindu, Some .,,,-A
Muslim will kill you; if A Native, A Settler will kill you; if An Invader, A Nationalist
Will Kill You: Else, God Will Kill You.

Hinthe: English:
Ae*na · Mirror
Kiya Koe Nue Batt Has Something New
Nuzur Ae Huay Appeared
Hum M*ay! On My Countenance!
Aena Hum*ay Why The Reflection
Thaykk Kay In The Mirror
Huayran Sa. Is Astonished!
Kiy*oo Huay! -Why!
Sen*ay M*ay Juiun Heart Burning!
Akk*o M*oy Ttoofo,1 Sa Eyes So Watery!
Kiy*oo Huay! -Why!
Is Shuhur M*ay In This City
Hur Shukhs Every Person ..
Purayshan Sa Is Perturbed!
Kiy*oo Huay! -Why!

You see Every Thing, including a vacuum and a distance, in Space. You Don't See
Duration Working All Through Continuously on· Every Thing, Including the vacuum
and distance. You honor Man as the Substance you are made of. Nowhere In any of
the Religious Books God Tells you of the 'Substance' He is made of. Of What Use or
Importance Is His Telling You That He· has made you 'from A Drop of Sperm: -
Would That Be News to A Teenager? - Heraclitus had told you about 'Water' three
Millennia Ago! 'Of Clay and Dust'! - Don't You Know Body As Clay. And Dust? He Must
Tell You of What Substance He is made of, - Substance, Not Attributes and
Adjectives and All That Nonsense of How Nice and kind He Is. If He Doesn't Tell
You the Name - The Noun - Of the Substance HE is made, HE tells you nothing. Why
don't you read the many millennia old scriptures that continue to be around? Latest
books and latest writers only confirm them.

Hinthe: English:
Jhoot! Lies
Kubhe Aj Today
Kubhe Kul Tomorrow


Kubhe Purs*o! Day After!

Uaysay He And
Bettay Burso*! Years Went By!
Humare S'nttay He He Just Doesn't
Nuh*e Sajna! Care for Me!

Boited or grilled!
"How Would You Like To Be Accounted For In the History?" I Asked M'zufur, "As A
Socrates Whose Wife Often Beat Him With Her Kitchen Roller? Or As A Plato who
had always been haunted and often imprisoned By the Tyrant bionysus? Or As an
Oscar Wilde Who Spent His Last Years in Prison And Had No One at the Gate To
Receive Him on His Release? Or What? As Bruno or Copernicus Who Got Their
Houses and families Burnt? Or As A Galileo Who Had To Recant His Support to
What Copernicus Said Or Wrote? What future Do You Or I Lo?k for? You And I
Will Be Dust When The Dust Storm Gathers To Suffocate All. Don't We Aspire To
Be One Of Those Greats Who Got Lost In That Dust Storm? You May Or May_Not,
But I Do. forget What Is forthcoming, forget What Has Passed By; Live The Way
The Day Calls On You! Can you? I can't!"

Dig! Dig!
Why Don't You Dig A Grave for Others for '/ourself to Fall In? It Will Save You the
Trouble and Expenses of Digging A Grave for You Later!

Tough, Very Tough!

'Changing The Way You Live Means Changing The Way You Feel And Think. Changing
how you feel and Think Is To Change What You Believe In About Life. And That Is
Tough. Very tough.' Dean Koontz.

I Open a can!

- Explode A Nuclear Bomb on the Roof and it will go unnoticed. Open A Can of Beer or
A Bottle of Whisky and A Shout Will Come Loud from the Kitchen, Are You at It

Already? Isn't it too early?" The Bomb Wasn't Too Early! Not Early Enough To Have
Hit the Kitchen Already!

Why Is It That What You Say Is 'No Argument' And What I Say Is 'An
Argument'? Why Do You Take Your Words for A Talk and My Reply as A Shout?
Only because you don't have A Cogent Reason To Support What You Say, You
Dismiss Mine and me as 'Argumentative'. What Sort Of Souls You Carry Concealed
in Your Bodies?

The Scriptures!

Halim Brohe
I Have Observeci Others And Myself Taking Refuge In The Bodies Of The Infidels
From The Rancor Of The Women Of Faith. Every Ufgghan - In-eluding Muhimooth
Gghuznuve The Idol-B!"eo.ker - Ignoring The Biggest Statue Of B'thda Right Under
His Nose - Made A Strai�ht Run For The Temple In Katthiyavarr. And they all wer-e
really great for they lived Up To Their Instincts. So What Wrong Do I do if I Do As
Solomon Did?
Why Shouldn't I do as the God's Loved-Ones did?
Why Shouldn't I like and Love My Neighbor's Wife as David did? And Why· Shouldn't .
I Kidnap Her as D,lvid did?
It is In the Natu1·e of Man to take interest In the Woman That .Attracts His
Attention Even If He Has 500 Women of His Own with Him.
Why Shouldn't I Love And Like The Idolaters As Solomon Did? Why Shouldn't I
Prefer Their Company in Bed, if I Like Their Bedding with me, to that of the Women
of Faith?
Why Shouldn't-I do as the.. God's Loved-Ones did? And The Scriptures Say - And I
Know For Certain - That God Loved Them All! Why Did He Love Them? And For
What? Simple, - For Being Humans! And For Not Trying To Play Angels! They Were
Humans, And God Loved Them For So. And The Damn Fools Require Of Us Damn
Fools To Act Angels! What Nonsense! So What Would Be Wrong If I Do What They
All Did To Your _Applause"?
M'humuth Didn't Take A Wife Durin3 The LifeTime Of Khutheja, And After Her
Demise There Was A Beeline Of Thz Women He Took To His Bed. So Why
Shouldn't I Take His Attitude To Life For My Own! Ule Had Fatimah During
LifeTime Of M'humuth. After The Death Of M'humuth The Women Ule Took To Bed
Cannot Be Counted On Fingers Of Fifty Men. So What Would Be Wrong If I Do
What Ule Did To Your Applause?
One Of The Brothers - Abil Or Cain Or Whatever - Killed The Other For Possession
Of Worldly Things. So What Right You Have To Doubt My Word When I Tell You
That A Person Born Of My Mother Is After My Blood! Ishmael, Though Older, Was
Bor-ne Of A Slave; Isaac, Though Younger, Was Borne Of A Wife; So Of The Two,
Who Is Honored By The God Who Loved David And Solomon? So Why I Am Shouted
Down When I Say There Is A Difference In Quality Between The Ones Born While
The Mother Had Hay Days And The Ones Born When The Mother Had Been Sick Or
Was Reduced To The Life Of Slavery 6ven Though In The Same House!

"Let Us No More Talk about Myself, Bartender. I Am Not A Good Subject. You Are
A Liability if you are A Subject, and you are A National Responsibility if you are The
Ruler! Take A Look at the Politico-Social Conditions in the Joint That You Take For
Your Domain. Religion Is A Different Thing, - Religious People Begin Bothering You
If You Are Not Already Bothered About It. Religion Is To Be Distorted And
Further Distorted To Enable The Common Man To Understand The Government, -
And Who Can Do That Well Than The Government! The Succession Of The
� Seeds
Governments Is The Procession Of Gods To Misinterpret And Re-Misinterpret The
Scriptures, And That Precisely Was The Reason For Invention Of Parenthesis In
The Interpretation Of The Scriptures. Remove The Parenthesis And Let The Bare
Text Stare At You Blankly, - The Way You Remove The Skirts And See The Garters
Denying You Blandly The Sight Of The Flesh And The Bones! Always By the Same
Door! You Hear the Great Arguments and then you insist that I leave By the Same

Jam*oo, One Of Us Two Brothers Is The Thesis And The Other An Antithesis, -
One Of Us Is The Theory And The Other The Antimony. You Seek Peace; I Give In
To the Whispers of the Unknown. You Say Forget the Past; I say In the Past Sits
Crouched the Future. And Who Are We Two if Not the Consequences of The Past!
Who Are We Two if not In the Consequence of the Past that we lived through? You
Were Thwarted By Nature at Every Step You Took In Any Direction; I Was Let To
Have My Way in Any Direction I Chose, Right or wrong. I Remember Every Bit of It,
- Of Your Past and mine. You Were The Gambler Who Lost Everything Every Time
He Played The Game, However Honestly He Played; I Owned The Gambling Den And
Got Away With My Share In Whatever the gamblers Lost. By Forgetting The Past
All You Forget Is The Painful Scars That You Carry Within; By Forgetting The Past
I Forget The Painful Scars That My Conscience Carries, To Help Me Feel Secure In
The Love That I Do Not Deserve, And Bask In The Womb Of The Unknown. You
Lose Nothing By Forgetting The Past Except The Pain In The Neck; By Forgetting
My Past I Lose Everything Except My Cunning And Mean Filthy Self. Be whatever
you are; and I Will Be Whatever I Am. Your Attitude of Forgetting the Past
Guarantees My Security; My Refusal To Forget My Past Guarantees My Love for you
and For Those Who I Hurt In The Past. In My Condemnation of Myself Lays My ..
Salvation; In Your Approval of Yourself Lays Your Salvation. I Am Not At War With .;.
Myself Or With Any One Else, Nor I Am The Battleground; I Don't Entertain
Revenge Or Settling Scores. I Only Want To Stay Away From The Incorrigible
Mischievous Lots As, Bitten More Than Twice And Thrice, I Don't Want To Be
Bitten Again By The Same Lots. Halim

Nizamanis Came From Kutchh, And Are Kutchhe With Kutchhe As Their Language.
The Ancestors of Abros Were Known As Uberaz or Ubheraz in Southern India.
Facial Features And The War-Like Traditions Of Soomraz Of Present Sindh,
Rajistan, Gujrat, Marwar, Bikaner, And Katthiyavarr Make It Certain That They
Have A Lineage Common With The Samurai Of Japan, Yet It Has Been Ingrained In
The Minds Of The People Who Take Themselves For Sindhi·:, Including Soomraz
Themselves, Without Iota Of Any Proof That The Soomroz Came To Be So Cnlled
Because They Happened To Have Come From S'mayr, The Ancient Semitic Fold In
Iraq! They Are Not Aware That There Are No Soomraz Anywhere In The Area
Halim Brohe
Between The Western Borders Of The Balochistan And Iraq, And That Had The
Soomraz Come .From Iraq, There Would Still Be Some Pockets Of Soomroz In Iran
Or Iraq Or Turkey Or Syria. The Soomroz Are Of The Same Lineage As The
Samuraiz Of Japan As The Same Features Of The Soomroz With The Same Warlike
Traditions Are There From Lasbela And Present Sindh, Through Rajistan And
Beyond, Gradually Shading More Into Samurai Up To The Eastern Borders Of
Bharuttu. Daudpotaz Are From Daudpottia that was In the Punjab.

"It Is My Firm Opinion, Bartender That A Man Should Love Once, Marry once, and
Die once. I Don't Approve Of Those Who Die Again And Again. And Hark My Words,
Bartender, That A Gentleman should love once and marry Her. To Love One And
Marry Another Is Un-Gentlemanly; - It Is Like Taking A Sex-Arousing Pill Before
Taking Wife To Bed! Take the Pill or Sleep With the Wife. It Is Better To Love And
Perish With One Than Love One And Prosper With Another. 0 for the pills,
bartender, 0 for the pills!"

The Helper!
The Unknown Forbade The Man From Partaking Of 7he Tree Of Knowledge That
Imparted The Distinction Between The Good And The Evil, But Did Not Forbid Him
The Fruit Of The Tree Of Life. It Is The Body, The Dust And The Clay And The
Water, That Are 'Holy', Not 'The Soul'. 'Soul' Doesn't Exist. The Unknown Itself Is
Revealed To The Man In The Dust And The Clay And The Water And The Ground,
And The Instincts That It Describes To The Man Through The Symbolic Nouns And
Names Of The Bodies That We Mistakenly Take For Holy Or Spiritual. But For
Adam, A Part And Parcel Of The Reality, None Of The Beasts And The Birds And
All That Moved On The Ground - All A Part And Parcel Of The Reality - Could Be
Suitable As A Helper To Rule Over The Heavens And The Earth, - The Artificiality.
The Unknown Caused The Man To Fall Into A Deep Sleep; And While He Was
Sleeping, He Took One Of The Man's Ribs And Closed Up The Place With Flesh.
Then He Made A Woman From The Rib He Had Taken From The Man, And Brought
Her To The Man. The Man Said That The Woman Is The Bone Of his Bones And
Flesh Of his Flesh; She Shall Be Called 'Woman', For She Was Taken Out Of him.
Fle�h Is the Instincts. The Man Adam Is the Sum Total of the Instincts That Are
the Reality, The Part And Parcel of the Unknown. Woman Is Not the Reality; She Is
the First contrivance Of the Artificiality that the man was to Rule. In Modern
Psychological Terms She Would Be the Counter-Ego, The Artificiality That Hinders,
Thwarts, Hampers, Obstructs, and impedes The Ego. For This Artificiality That The
Man Made, he Shall Leave His Father And Mother And Be United With His Woman
To Become One Flesh with her. The Man And His Woman Were Both Naked, And
They Felt No Shame, For The Man Was The Reality And The Woman a contrivance
made from him.

_Protector - Mother was my protector. Father, like others, was his own protector.

-survival Is For The Fittest, Bartender, - And The Meekest Is The Fittest, Hitting
Below The Belt Is The Mark Of Gallantry. Always Loose Your Temper Slightly
Before The Expectations Of Others, And Hit Hard Below The Belt, - And In The
Absence Of A Belt Don't Search For The Belt Under The Underclothes If You Are
Not Prepared For A Surprise If The Man Happens To Have No Under-clothes As A
Prelude To The Symphony. Hit Hard below the Place Where the Belt Should Have
Been. Don't Refuse A Drink - Never Refuse A Drink."

On The Earth And In The Heavens Absolutely Nothing Is Prohibited To The Man
And The Woman, - Every Seed Bearing Plant On The Face Of The Whole Earth And
Every Tree That Has Fruit With Seed In It, - All Theirs Por Food. Every Green
Plant is Food To All The Beasts Of The Farth And All The Birds Of The Air And All
The living That Move On The Ground. Thus absolutely nothing is forbidden To the
Man and Woman Except That _the Man Has To Stay Away From the Knowledge of the
Good and Evil; and Thus Man Is Forbidden To Have an Inquiring Mind.

�h Day.:
His work finished, He rested On the Seventh Day and Blessed the Seventh Day as
Holy. The Unknown Had Not Let the Rain on Earth Yet.

"And Remember, Bartender, That A Lady Should Have No Principles. A Lady With
Principles Is Like A Lady With A Stick, - Not A Good Sight, You Will Agree. Why
Arm an Arm? You Don't Load A Tank On A Tank, Or A Gun On A Gun, - Or You Do!
Maybe you are In the Artillery. I don't, - I am not In the Artillery. My Maiden
Speech Turned Out To Be No Maiden At All, - It Faltered Like Any Other Maiden at
the Knees of Her Lover! We All Do Falter, Don't We? O' Ye Bartender, I Once
Loved A Girl Many Years Younger To Me. She Was the Sweetest. I Would Have
Lived A Happy Life with Her, and would have died A Happy Death in Her Embrace!
She Was My Bride, but She Was Not To Be My Bride! God And Wine, - You Have To
Worship One Of The Two. You Can't Have The Best Of The Both, - And You Can't
Have None Of Them Either. Either Do Your Prayers or Give In To Wine. You Can't
Have the Best of the both, and you can't have none of them either."

1 st Day:
The Unknown Begins with Telling You What You Already Take For Granted.
In The Beginning the Unknown Made the Heavens and The Earth.
Halim Brohe

Who Was the Unknown? Who made it? Out Of What? How could The Unknown be
already there to have made The Heavens and The Earth? And Out Of What? And
what it is made of? Was it made or formed, and formed of what and who?
The Earth was formless and Empty, Darkness was Over the Surface of the Deep,
and The Spirit of the Unknown was hovering Over the Waters.
The Earth was formless and empty. And It Was Earth Through the Heavens that
were notfling but the. Earth. And What Were The Waters Over Which The Spirit Of
The Unknown Hovered! Why the Waters Are Not Mentioned Along With the Earth!
Earth Is the Thing, Not Water!
And The Unknown Said, "Let There Be Light," And There Was Light.
There was No Light Till Then! The Unknown Saw That The Light Was Good, -He
Didn't Know Then That The Light Would Be Good, - And He Separated The Light
From The Darkness. It Is His Way Of Telling Us That Light Is Good. The Unknown
Called The Light The Day, And The Darkness He Called Night. He Tells Us What We
Already Know. And There Was Evening And Morning, The First Day. The First Day A
Human Opens His Eyes!

2nd Day:
The Unknown Tells You What You Are! Not What He Himself Is! The Unknown
features nowhere in the Scriptures. It Is You Who Are Addressed.
Hark! In Describing Himself, He Describes You: Not Himself. He Has No Reason To
Describe Himself to you; He Has Every Reason to Describe You to You for You Have
Gone Astray. He Has Not Misled You: You Have Misunderstood And let Him Down.
And The Unknown Said, "Let there be An Expanse between the Waters to Separate
Water from Water". He Tells Us What We See. So the Unknown-Made the Expanse
and separated The Water under the Expanse from the Water above It. The Rains in
the Clouds! And It Was So. The Unknown Called the Expanse the Sky. And There
Was Evening And There Was Morning. The Second Day. All This Is Human
Knowledge. Nothing New to Humans. You Awaken To The Day And Night, The
Separation between Day And Night. The Unknown God Only Tells You What You Are.
The Second Day! Hark! The Third Is To Follow Yet!

3 rd Day:
And The Unknown Said, "Let The Water Under The Sky Be Gathered To One Place,
And Let Dry Ground Appear." And It Was So. The Unknown Called the Dry Ground
the Land, And the Gathered Waters He Called the Seas. And The Unknown Saw It
Was Good, He Didn't Already Know It Would Be Good! What Nonsense! He Knew You
Would Take It That Way! The Unknown Tells You What You Are, What You Think,
What you know, and what you bc,ieve in.
Then God Said, "Let the Land Produce Vegetation: Seed Bearing Plants and Trees 011
the Land That Bear Fruit With Seed in It, According To Their Various Kinds." And
It Was So. The Land Produced Vegetation Plants Bearing Seed According To Their
Kinds And Trees Bearing Fruits With Seed I It According To Their Kinds. And God
Saw It Was Good. And There Was Evening And There Was Morning - The Third
Day." The Unknown tells you what you know At the Outset. He Tells You What You
Take For Granted.

Hinthe: English:
An*a, Jan*a! Arrival and Deearture!
Jen*a Yuh*a Arrival Here
Murn*a Yuh*a Departure Here
Is Kay Siva But For This
Jana Kuh*a! Where Else To Go!
Je Chahay Jul> Whenever You Decide
Hum Ko Avaz Tho To Give Me A Call
H*um Hu*ay Vuh*e I Am Here
H*uM Hu*ay Juh*a! Where I Am!
Mayray Vay Gett These Verses of Mine,
Jevun S*ugett Verses Of Life,
Kul Bhe Koe Somebody Else,
Th'h'raay Ga, Wi 11 repeat the same,
Jug Ko Husanay Buhiroopiya To amuse the world,
Roop Buthul Phir Aayga! Will Arrive Donning Another Mask!
Soorug Yuh"' e Paradise Here,
Nurug Yuh*a Hell Here,
Is Kay Siva Jana Kuh*a! Where Else To Go!
Kul Kkayl M*ay In The Play Tomorrow
H*um H*o Nu H"' o I May Or May Not Be,
Gurthish M"' ay Ttaray The Planets
Ruha*Ygay Sutha! Shall revolve ever and always!
Bhoologay Tt'm You Shall Forget,
Bhool"' ay Gay Vo They Shall Forget'
Pur Hum Tt'mharay But I Shall Be Yours,
Ruh"' aygay Sutha! Ever and always!
Ruh*aygay Yuh"'e Here shall always be
Upnay Nishan The Marks Of Our 'Been'!
Is Kay Siva Jana Kuh"' a! Apart From This Where To Go!

.. "I Would Thank You Bartender, For the Wine you offer only if it doesn't leave Me
Thirsting for more! And I Would Appreciate the Service Here If Only the
Waitresses Here Don't Make Me Thirst for Them. Where Is the One with the
Elegant Neck? How Is the Elegance of Her Neck? How Is Your Throat? Last Night
You Spoke Hoarsely To Me. Where Is the One with Vulgar Lips? How Are The Hips
Of The One Who Never Let Them Get Better Of Her Lips? Do Her Hips Still Dance
About Her After All That Eternity She Has Been On My Mind? Why, Bartender,
My Looks. Looks Change. Flowers Bloom to Go to dust, and Beauties Bloom to Go to
Lust. The Breasts of the Maiden Were Never Ever drooping. - Once They Were
Headed High Like Vain Heads, - And You Want Me to Sober up When All I Want Is
an Encore! The Best Things In Life Are Prohibited To Thee And Me; Thee For
Rhythm And .Rhyme, Otherwise The Best Things In Life Are Prohibited To You And
Me. And You Cannot Marry A Woman To Create A Good Impression on Her. She
Marries You With The Impression That You Are An Upright Man And Will Guard
Her Person Against Any Outrage, - And After Marriage You Make Advances To Her!
Man Indeed Is A Filthy Being; Woman The Gutter A Man. Throws His Filth In, And A
Wife A Private Gutter To Be Kept Clean And Neat As Long The Man Has

Light and The Darkness:

The Beginning Separates the Unknown from What He Made. The Unknown Is tne
Spirit that hovers over wh�t we know For the Heavens and The Earth. The Unknown
Is the Spirit that lives in whaJ we know For the Heavens and . The Earth; Hovering
Over is living in. He Is The Heavens And The Earth, Formless And Empty, Darkness
Over The Surface Of The Deep. It Was All Darkness Then.. Dar.kness Is the
Unknown, The Spirit That Hovered· Over All, and. The Truth. Light Is Secondary;
Neither The Spirit. Nor The Truth. Light is Falseh9od, - good for man, - Darkness
the Truth.
The Unknown Created Light From The Darkness That Abounded, An� Saw That The
Light Was Good. He Separated light From the Darkness that He Is, The Eternal
Truth. That Was the First Day.
Water Is One, The Unknown Truth That Is The Heavens And The Earth. He the
Unknown made the Expanses that are Between the Water and the Water That Is.
the Heavens and The Earth. Such Was the Second Day.
The Water under the Sky He Gathered At One Place To Let the Dry Ground Appear.
Thus He Gathered Himself at A Place To Let the Dry Ground Appear. Thus the Dry
Ground Was He the Unknown. And Thus the Unknown Is the Water and The Dry
Ground, Not tlie Water and The Earth. The Earth Is A Formation, Like the Heavens,
That God made. The Dry Ground Is Not A Formation. The Dry Ground Is He; the
Earth Is Not He. Thus He Is the Water, The Spirit, And the Dry Ground. He Is the
Land and The Seas; the Land Produced Vegetation, Seed-Bearing Plants, and the
Trees That Bear Fruit With Seed in It. It was so as it was He, Not Made by Him.
This Was the Third Day.
·And God Said,H - The Word 'Said' Is A Breath, - A Breath Of The Unknown Is THE
The Unknown. And God blessed them, The Man and The Woman He Had Made In His
Own Image. The Image Is His Formation, Not He, Nor His Alike, not like Him in any
way or form. His Own Image is The Reflection of His Perception. The Unknown Has
No Image. The Unknown Is the Unknown. He Is the Reality; His Image Is the
Appearance in F.H. Bradley's Terminology.

Halim Brohe
There Were The Lights, A Necessity To Set The Day, The ·Falsehood, Apart From
Night, The Truth, To Let Them Serve As Signs To Marl< Seasons And Days And
Years, And To Be Lights In The Expanse Of The Sky To cSive Light On The Eartli.
He Made Two Great Lights - The Greater Light To Govern the Day and The Lesser
Light To Govern the Night. He Set Them In The Expanse Of The Sky To Give Light
On The Earth, To Discern The Day From The Night, And To Separate Light From

Darkness. And He Made the Stars. And This Was the 4 th Day, - the Day the
Unknown Made Himself as the Darkness, Away From the Light the Falsehood.
The Water, - The Unknown Darkness That Is The Darknes:,, - Teemed With The
Living And The Birds Flew Above The Earth Across The Expanse Of The Sky. He
Made The Great Living Things Of The Sea And Every Living And Moving Thing With
Which The Water Teems According To Their Kinds, And Every Winged Bird
According To Its Kind. He Blessed Them: Be Fruitful And Increase In Number And
Fill The Water In The Seas, And Let The Birds Increase On Y'he Earth. And This
Was the 4th Day.

And To the Woman He said, "I Will Increase Your Pains in Childbearing; With Pain
You Will Give Birth to Children. Your Desire Will Be For Your Husband, And He Will
Rule over you." The Desire to Own Exclusively A Man as A Husband Shall Always Be
There, With No Man Trusting Her To Be Her Exclusive Possession. That Is The
Curse; That Is The Mistrust the man has for The Woman, Planted by her misdeed.
Woman Nouns the Mistrust and Deception; the Husband-Wife Relationship Not an
Instinct. The Man Or The Woman Confined To one Spouse Is An Illus1ion, A Fantasy,
A Deception Of The Eye Of The Mind, And A Fraud Played By The Deviousness Of
The Low Born Of The Society.

Curse On the Man Goes Too high and too Far. He Is Cursed - Though Ht? Is the Part
And Parcel of the Unknown - He Is Not To Reach out His Hand to the Tree Of Life;
Eat Therefrom and to live forever. He Shall Work The Accursed Soil And Have The
Mean And A Cunning Woman For His own; And Both Shall Produce Thorns And
Thistles For Him. He Shall Eat the Plants of the Field, Sex with the Lowly Women,
and shall eat By the Sweat of His Brow. The Sweat Of The Brow I!; What Is
Written As His Fate On His Brow, Not The Perspiration That Appears Af ter A Toil
On His Brow.
To Sum up: Because He Owns A Cunning Woman as His Woman and Works on the
Land That produces thistles And Thorns, And Shall Have Lowly Women Here And
There, His Offspring Will Be the Thistles and Thorns. And He Shall, To Keep Him
Happy with His Wants, Stay Away From the Woman. He shall survive On the
Misdeeds and Malfunctions of the Woman He Has Taken For His Exclusive Woman.
God Drove Him Out Of the Garden Of Eden and Guarded the Tree 01' Life by
placing on the East A Cherubim And A Flaming Sword, Flashing Back And Fol'th.


Someone Wrote, 'All People Are Alike, - It Is Only Their Habits That Confuse Us'.
Likew:se It Is Tomorrow That Confuses Us. Have Any Of Us Seen Tomorrow That
We Hope, Aspire, Expect, and Worry About! For That Matter, Have We Seen- the
Next Hour, The Next Minute, Or the Next Moment, That we panic about! We Look
Ahead To Tomorrow To Do This And That; And The Day After We Find That
Whatever Happened Had Happened The Way We Had Nothing To Do With! We
. Believe Our Future Is In Our Grasp and, With the Present Gone Into Past, Find that
The Future Is Only an Ugly Fantasy.

Sherlock and the killings:

"Pakistan," Sherlock Holmes, The Greatest Of The Detectives, Said, "The Land Of
The Pompous Prime Ministers With Pump-Shoe Policies Who Due To Their Ir.note
Nature, Invariably Discover Themselves Knee Deep In Trouble With Women,
Spouses, And The People,_ In That Order. With The People Also Having Spouses
Of Either Sex, I Often Have Wondered How They Come To Have Their Knees Still
About Them!" He Fell Silent. After Deep Logical Induction, He Finally Said,
"Someday, Watson, I Will Solve That Mystery," And On Second Thought, Added,
"Provided The Knees Are Still Around Them By Then!"

The PM:
"This Is A Matter Of Life And Death, Mr. Holmes," Said The Prime Minister Of
Pal<istan, a Country Assured comfortably Of A Promising Past And A Long Bye-Gone
Security. "You Will Have to Employ Your Deductive and Inductive Faculties at Full
Steam as the Matter is more sensitive than you might take it. But Alas, Mr. Holmes,
It Will Be Diesel You Will Have To use To Make Your Faculties Work on As We No
Longer Have gas Even To Run Our Diesel Engines On."

"Shoot Sir, Shoot!" Sherlock Said, Alighting His Pipe Filled To The Brim With The
Best contraband Tobacco That Ever Came From Virginia Without Virginians Knowing,
"And Please Shoot Straight!" Sherlock Prompted.

The PM:
"Shoot!" Cried the Amazed Prime Minister. "How Can I do that? I Have Not Shot A
Cow in My Ufe!"

"The Oxford You Had Been To Was A Medieval Age Oxford, Mr. Prime Minister."
Sherlock Said. " And the English ,Spoken today is On the Threshold of the Medieval
Age of Haiti and Ethiopia. Pray Speak Your Mind without Inhibitions That Blocked
the Minds of Your Cave-Dweller Ancestors." The Prime Minister Paled, Then Took To
Yellow That Became Him Better. "The People of Pakistan Are Getting Themselves
Killed for No Reason At All, Mr. Homes." The Prime Minister Now Relieved Of
Halim Brohe
Shooting the Cow, Said in His world-renowned Monotone. "They Have Taken To Kill
Themselves in Encounters, Counter Encounters, At Money-Counters of Business
Places, and Even at Tangents in Their Vehicles!"

"I Am At Loss To Locate The Mystery You Have Commissioned Me For," Sherlock

"You See No Problem for me in the People of Pakistan Taking to Get Killed,
Murdered, and butchered!" Said the PM, looking around for moral support for his

"Problem I Do See, Mr. Prime Minister", Sherlock said, but Where Is the Mystery I
Am Expert at Unraveling!"

The Prime Minister Gallantly Hid His Perturbation To Appear Only Confused For The
Benefit Of The Press, And ReceivE;d Thereon A Loud Solo Applause From Someone
Who Requested Sherlock For Anonymity. "My Administration, Mr. Holmes," The
Prime Minister Said In The Same Vein For He Had None Other, Or Was Short Of
Veins For Budgetary Constraints, "Is As Neat As The Contraband Scotch." He
Paused For An Applause Per Item On The Agenda, Copy Of Which Had Already Been
Given To The Press A Day Earlier For Thoughtful Provocative Deliberations Keeping
In View National Interests. "Your Assignment, Mr. Holmes," The PM Proceeded With
His Monologue In His Exclusive Monotone, "Is To Find Why The People Of Pakistan
Have Taken To that. Do That, Get Paid Your Fees, and Pay No Commission of
Whatever Denomination except To Those who expect it."

"In A Democratic Set-up You Have To Refrain From Restraining The People From
Their Right To Get Killed The Way They Like," Said A Politician Bitten By The
Democratic Bug, And Looked At Sherlock As If Sherlock Was That Bug, Which
Sherlock Wasn't.

"Death Is Fascinating As The Love At First Sight," Said A Businessman Awaiting A
Burst From Klashinkov.

"Would That Be A Religious Political System if No Religious Sect Is Up In Arms
against All Other Religious Sects?" Shouted Someone on Loudspeaker. Sherlock
Looked At Me. Lest You Forget, I Am Dr. Watson Whose Ancestors Had
Contributed Their Due Share To The Efforts Of Inquisition.


"Enough Of Sniffing," Sherlock Said, Elbowing Me Out Of the Arena, "We go back
To the Cabinet of the Pump-Shoes."

"It Is A Matter Of Great Pride For You And Your Predecessors, Mr. PM.," Sherlock
Said, Concentrating On Filling His Pipe With The Best Virginian Tobacco That Was
Ever Chewed By The One-Legged Dutch Pirat s Sailing The High Seas Between
Europe And Americas. "While The People Of Advanced Countries Including Japan,
Britain, France, U.S.A., And Haiti Are Still Debating Whether Or Not To Legalize
Euthanasia, The People Of Pakistan Have Already Entered The next Century By
Practicing Euthanasia In Right Earnes1 On Country Wide Scale! It is A Case of
Mass-Scale Social Practice."

10 Baker Street London:

"What is Euthanasia, Sherlock?" I asked.
· "Write the word Euthanasia on the school black-board," he said, taking a long pull on
his pipe, "and take a good look at the word. It has Asia as its last part, so how would
we Europeans know what it is!"

6th Cay:
The Sixth Day Was Longish. The Land -The Unknown Darkness - Is To Produce
Living Creatures According To Their Kinds: Livestock, Creatures That Move Along
the Ground, And the Wild Animals, Each According To Its Own Kind. Wild Animals
Were Made According To Their Own Kinds, The Livestock According To Their Kinds;
And All the Creatures That Move Along the Ground According To Their Kinds.
He made the man To Rule Over The Fish Of The Sea And The Birds Of The Birds
Of The Air, Over The Livestock, Over All The Earth, And Over. All That Move Along
The Ground, - That Was Him. He Handed Over All, Not A Part of Himself, To the
Man To Do What He Could. Man And Woman Were To Be Fruitful And Increase In
Number, Fill The Earth And Subdue It, and Rule Over The Fish Of The Sea And The
Birds Of The Air And Over Every Thing Living That Moves On The Ground.
And Then God Blessed Them, The Man and The Woman! Whose Blessings He soL1ght
to bless then, with! Hence the Unknown Blessed Them with His Spirit. Body is made;
Spirit Is the Unknown That Breathes Eternally with Neither A Beginning nor The
End. He Gave every Seed-Bearing Plant And Every Tree Th'lt Has Fruit With Seeds
In It. They Will Be Ours for Food, And To All The Beasts Of The Earth And All The
Birds Of The Air And All That Move On The Ground, All That Has The Breath Of
Life. He Gave All Green Plant for food. This Was the Sixth Day, the last working
day. Thus were the Heavens and The Earth Completed in Their Entire Vast Array.

Halim Brohe
Man, woman, and God:
He Took the Man, Not the Woman, To the Garden; Woman, Later Proved
Untrustworthy, Was Not Then. And The Man, The Trustworthy, Was Told; "You Are
Free To Eat From Any Tree In The Garden; But You Must Not Eat From The Tree
Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil, For When You Eat Of It, You Will Surely Die." Thus
Man knows good and Evil Only In Death, Not Before; thus He Forbids Knowledge of
Good and Evil on Man, and thus Man Is Called Upon Not To Indulge in knowing what
is good or evil. Garden Of Eden Is the Heavens and The Earth: Eat Of Whatever Is
To Your Liking, But Indulge Not In the Distinction between the Good and Evil. The
Inquiring Mind Thus Is Forbidden To Man. Yet The Man Enquires And Queries.
Hence The Consequences That Befall Man.

Koe Nuve Vatt Jo Am*ay Nuzur Ave! Thurpun Jove Humanay Huryan Thhue Guyo!
A Shuhir M*ay Hur Budhay Manus Purayshan Kaym Huay!
Huya M*ay Purrano Akky*a M*ay A*Thdy*oo Kaym Huay!

Teaching Is A Temperament: It Is Not A Profession That Could Be Assessed Or
Weighed And Valued In Terms Of Degrees, Diplomas, Research, Training, Or
Experience. The Certificates, Testimonials, Degrees, Diplomas, - Etc, Including
Those In Education, - Fall Flat If The Person Is Not A Teacher By Temperament. I
Am A Teacher by Temperament, Not By Profession. This Is Self-Justification. I
Hold No Degrees or Diplomas.

Decimal Was Discovered By Bharutti Pundits Who Had The Audacity To Take That
To The Semites Who, Tired Of Waiting For The Infidels As Religion Had Not Been
Invented Yet, Nor was In Sight Over The Horizons Of The Sands, Welcomed The
Decimal To Promptly Export It To The West.

It Would Be Worthwhile For The USA To Import and Experiment on the Arabian
Sands and Export the Invented Religion as Made in Arabia. Or The USA Has
Already Done That!

All Things Get Lost, And Beautiful Things Get Lost Beautifully, - Without A Trace!
Newton's Third Law Of Motion Is Self Evident And self-explanatory: A Body In
Motion Continues To Be In Motions Till It Takes A Couple Of Imodium Tablets To
Harness Its Stomach And Catches Some Sleep.


I Often Wonder. Father Did Not Sit With Us for Our Company, Nor hugged us, nor
Spoke to Us about This or that, except To Me, about the Incidents and Happenings
That Happened In His Postings as A Police Officer. He did not gather us Near
except When He Called Us Individually To Thrash Us on Our Behavior or
Wrongdoing. And Still I Miss Him and Feel Sorry I Couldn't Keep Him Happy with
Me. I Crave For A Second Life with Him.

What Is Happiness? A Lady Died Today. Her Sons And Daughters Are Lamentin:3
That She Didn't See Happiness Even For A Day In Her Life. You, Jamoo, Know Her
as Wife of Aman - Amanullah Agha - brother-in-law Of Salim. Argumentative That I
Am, I said: "What do you mean By Happiness? By Happiness, if you mean She Got No
Occasion in Her Life to Dance on A Drumbeat on the Marriages of Her Daughters
and Birthdays of Her Grandchildren, She Surely Didn't See Any Happiness. You All
Must Know That Any Fool Can Dance To The Tunes Of The Drums And The Dhol Or
Dholak Or Shahinai, - Any Fool Can - And Only Imbeciles Of The Highest Order Do
It On Regular Scheduled Basis On The Pettiest Betrothal Pretexts In Their
Families. Dholak in This House On Such And Such A Date And A Dholki in That
House On Such And Such A Date Can Be Worked Out Very Glamorously By All Those
Fools And Imbeciles Who Have Neither Morals Nor A Worthy Core In Their Seeds.
Apa Mahroz - Mrs. Aman - Achieved the Achievements That Were Great when
considered Against the Odds She Had To Face. She Married Away Her Four
Daughters to the Persons None Of Who Can Be Called A Wrong Choice. That Was
The Achievement, - And There-In Lay Her Happiness. If She Didn't Dance, So
What? Any Hired Dancer Would Have Done That. Look At The Way She Lived With
Her Almost Always A Sicl� Husband, - Money Less, - And Achieved What Her Highly
Educated And Finarually Secured Relatives Have Been Busy To Bury Their Past
With A Dance On A Marriage, A Party In A Club, Or ON Tete-a-tetes With The
People Who Matter Socially. Apa Guljan Worked Hardest To Get Her Sons Nicely
Educated, and Saw No Happiness In The Sense Of Dancing To The Tunes Of The
Drums Or The Shahinais; She Had Achieved What Only A Mother Could Do. I Am
Happy That I Have No Achievement That May Be Attributed To Me When I Am
Gone. I will go As the Nonentity That Had Lived A Happy Life. Happiness Is an
Achievement, How So Ever Small, - Not A Dance to the Tune of A Drum or A Flute
That Any Fool Do.

The Unknown:
And The Unknown Knew That The Man Would Know Him If Not Forbidden forehand,
So He Forbid Him That He Shall Not Eat Of The Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good
And Evil In The Garden Of Eden, That Is, While On The Earth And The Heavens.
And Yet The Man Aggressed And Ate Of That Tree And Knew Him As The One And
Halim Brohe
The Same as the Good And The: Evil. There is No Satan but A Made one; - Satan Is
Not A Part of the Unknown.

Writers who went down the drain!
Of The Cunning and Mean, You will find many in the Category of Professional
Writers and Publishers. They Are mean, - As Mean as I Am. They scavenge On the
Minds of the People, Keeping Their Own Mind as A Model and, Armed With Such A
Filthy Model, They Don't Make A Mistake. Theirs Is The Temperament To Kill The
Person Who Is A Writer By Temperament.

There is No Knowledge but Of Good and Evil; to know any Of the Two Is To Know
the Both, For Indeed Both Are the Same, Not to be bifurcated To Place One part
Against the Other. The Unknown Separates Himself from the Models He Makes
That Include the Angels with Satan among Them. Whatever The Unknown Made Was
Good. Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, And See No Evil Is Misinterpretation Of The
Scriptures. The Correct Interpretation is, speak neither good nor Evil, Nor Hear
good or evil, and See neither good nor evil. That Is the Dictate of the Unknown to
Man for the Man to Live Normally. Slightest Indulgence In Praise Or Criticism Is
Forbidden To Man, - Both Are Known To Be Equally Repented Later.

The Smoke!
To them who ask you to give up smoking, say, "Keep your advice handy to you till, -
without smoking a cigarette, - you 9et to be 70. I will still be around but, alas, you
will have gone long before!"

What is so special about angels that you strive to be one? What would be wrong if
you stayed the human that you proudly say you were made despite the protests of
the angels?

Inventive Writing:
Inventing A New Mode of Writing Is the Only Creative Activity in Literature: None
Other Activity in Literature Can Be Called A Discovery or An Invention in
Literature. Writing Novels, Stories, Poems, Poetize, Essays Etc Are A Run of the
Mill, Not Worth A Mention in the History of Literature. A Literary Work of
Historical or Social Value May Be Of Valuable to History or Sociology, But Not To
Literature if it doesn't come Up With A New Opening in Literature. How To Tell The
People, Who Would Otherwise Guillotine You, That It Is The One And The Same
God Who You Have Sawed Into Two As God And Satan? How Would You Tell the
People that The God Who Heals Your Broken Limb Is the Same Who Broke It? How
Would You Tell The People Who, otherwise Would Suck Your Blood, That The One
Who Broke Your Limb And The One Who Healed Your Broken Limb Is The Same
One? How Would You Ask The People, Who Otherwise Would Skin You, To Take The
Satan Or God As the Same One? Mark Twain Discovered A Way To Convey This
Eternal Truth To The People Without Getting Himself Hanged Or Guillotined,
Through His Short Story That He Named As THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER.
The:-e is No Satan; and there is No God if you divest Him of the Powers That You
Attribute To Satan. And, Consequently, There is No Satan if you divest Him of the
Powers of God. You cut A Conceptual Being, Name One part as God and The Other as
Satan and pat Your Back! You Are Jokers, Buffoons, And Idlots! Bernard Shaw­
Discovered A New Way Of Conveying Faith In Literature Through His Long-Short
Story BLACK GIRL IN SEARCH OF GOD: That Was Not His Attempt To Justify
Christianity; That Was Only His Discovery Of A Method As To How A Faith Could
Be Conveyed To People Through Literature. But People Are Idiots: They Mistook
The Booklet As A Preaching Of Christianity And Came Up With Such Worthless
SEARCH OF GOD, Each Justifying some or other Religion! They, The Duffers That
They Were, Took It For A Religious Debate And Took His Stance As A Challenge To
Their Own Religions!

Eesistance to write:
Writers, with Writing as Their Temperament, Write To Satisfy Their Urge to
write. They Would Write Even Though No One read them; and they won't write On A
Demand or For A Purpose. Theirs Is A Big-Self Available to Them for Exploration.
And When They Get Read, The Readers are Surprised at the Newness of the
Experience and The Language they were not aware of!

It Is the Aberration of the Senses of the Body and The Resultant Aberrated Mind
That Knows Invention First Hand. Every 'Religious' Book Speaks Of From What God
Or Allah Made You, - Dust, Clay, Or A Drop Of Water; But No Such A Book
Discloses Of What Substance God Or Allah Is Made Of: Narrating His Attr"butes
And Adjectives Is No Reply To The Query. Why This Veil? Or His_Inability!

The normal:
Normalcy Scorns the Normal. All 'Religions' Let You Catch, Slay, And Eat All Those
Living Things That Are Easy Pray For The Humans, - Chicken, Birds, Fish, Goat,
Sheep, Cow, All Submissive, Tame, Meek And Docile Living Things; Not Those That
Would Set Humans Behave If Humans Misbehaved With Them, - Crocodile, Shark,
Lion, Cheetah, Tiger, Etc. Have You Thought Of Frying A Crocodile or A Shark?
Religions Teach You to Take Advantage of the Docility of the Livings Things That
Trust you, - Pamper Them, Feed Them, Slay Them, And Eat Them! And Not To Go
Anywhere Near Those Alive Things That Would Eat You Raw!

Halim Brohe
Life Is rne Point at Which 'I' Picks Up A Story, and Death Is the Point at which the
'I', RipeneJ In Experience, Walks Away Dropping the Body Halfway.

"Ever Had A Look at Yourself, Bartender? You Don't Appear To Have Thrown Much
Of A Glance At Your Wife, - And You Already Have Offspring? Tell Me Bartender,
How Do Wives Manage These Matters? That Might Be A Tall Order, So Tell Me
Only How Does Yours Do It? On The Pretext of Forgiving Me, God Has Been
Forgiving Many A Rascal. Now Don't Make A Wry Face. I Have A Right To Have A
Wry Face for I Indeed Have Lived A Wry Life. Life Is A Name Given To Countless
Temptations Cuddled Together In My Heart, All-Crying To Snuggle Into Her Lap
And Hover On Her Lips! Not That, O' Bartender, Not That! My Life Is A Single
Temptation Stretched And Spread over My Life Span!

"A Small Child Held My Little Finger and led me through The Best Years of My Life.
Marooned that I Now Am, I Wish She Now Holds My Hand if only To Console Me!
Such A Hug-Able Heart She Had, O' Ye Stingy Bartender, That Don't Think I
Didn't See You Withholding That Last Drop Of Wine From My Glass! He Laughs
Best Whose Laugh Lasts, and He Coughs Best Whose Cough Gets Lost. War Is A
Must, Bartender; War Is A Must! The Snake Needs Shedding Its Skin, Humans
Need Shedding Their Brave. So We Must Have A War, Bartender, Nothing Short Of
A World War! For Us, O' Bartender, It Is Only A Matter·of How We Arrange Our
Temptations to Make Our Lives Appear Pleasing to others!"

Jamoo Said To An Inquiring M'sulman, "I Have Bought This Chicken, Laid For You As
Your Lunch, With My Honestly Earned Money And Is Hulal Whether A Ttukber Was
Made On It Or Not." The M'sulman Didn't Eat The Chicken. He Preferred A
Ttukber-Done Chicken that had been bought by ill-gotten Money! That M'sulman
Will Go To Paradise And Jamoo Will Be Put In Hell! What A Kkoprre We Have
Invented For God to Work With! M'sulmans, Who buy Hulal meat from The Jews
Who are Prohibited from eating Camell Funny!

Dr. Rafia:
An Incident Is Of Great Importance To Me, Though Dr. Rafia Pooh Poohs It. It Was
Official. She Was A 20 Grader and I Was A 17 Grader, and there were Many 18
Grade Officers and Teachers in the Library. She argued With the VC ·and got Me
Put Up As the Incharge Librarian with Her Powers during Her Leave I Don't
Remember For How Many Months.
The Very Next Day I Deprived Her Of The Official Post That Was Delivered To
Her At Her Place, And The Next Day I Asked The Gardener To Be On Duty At The
Library, Not At Her Residence As He Was On The Office Staff, Not On Her
Personal Staff! She Shouted In The House, "This Brohe, - I Had Trusted Him, - And
He Has Pounced On My Rights!" And Ahmad Miya, Her Husband, Said, "You Wanted
A Replacement That Didn't Manipulate Things. You Selected Him. Now Why Do You
Condemn Him if you find Him What You Want Your Replacement to be!"
And When The Officers Argued With Me About The Arrangement Of Books On The
Shelves And Said, "You Do Not Know Anything About Library. We Have Masters In
Library Science. We Know How to classify Books On The Shelves. You Are Only
Disturbing the Arrangement!"
"The Only Book You People Have Mastered Is That Of Dewey Or What Ever Is His
Name," I retorted, "Which Is Not Applicable To The Books In A Language Other
Than English, And Is Outdated Even For The English Libraries. All The Masters In
The Library Science, Confined To Dewy Or Dewey Or Whatever, Are Duffers!" And
On A Repartee From A Baloch Officer As To What I Thought Of The PHDs In
Library Science, I Said, "They Are Bigger Duffers." Dr. Rafia Was The Only PHD In
The Library Science In The University, - That Was How I Behaved As Incharge
Librarian! Except for Mr. M'humuth Ishaq Leghary, Huzoor bux Qureshi, Ggh'lam
Rasool Chandio clerk, and sweepers, all were a sore for me. I got nameplates for the
doors of the officers. As each plastic letter cost Rs.3/-, I had to cut short the
names to reduce the expenses. Abdul Halim Brohe had to be A.H. Brohe, Huzoor Bux
Qureshi had to be H.B. Qureshi, so on. M'humuth Shafi Brohe insisted that
M'humuth must stay complete as it is although Shafi be reduced to S. I looked at
hi.m, and so did others who kept quite. I di°d what did. On the door of M'humuth
Ishaq Leghary, the plate said M.I. Leghary below which I wrote with a chalk, 'Yes,
you are a Leghary'. He rubbed off my writing. I made it my habit to write 'Yes, You
are Leghary' e4very time the writing was rubbed off. After a few days he sensed it
must be I, and we had a good laugh. The plate with M.I. Leghary always prompted me
to write 'Yes, you Are Leghary, so what!' M'humuth Shafi Brohe didn't forgive me
M.S. Brohe. I think I had no plate for me.
Without any permission or approval from any quarters, or information to them, and
without asking for any expenditure or facility, I erected doors to provide silence to
the reading rooms, made a door in a wall of the auditorium, moved the huge
reception counter to a side. I simply was mad.
When, On The Expiry Of The Leave, Dr. Rafia Entered The Library And Was To
Enter Her Room, That Baloch Officer Accosted Her And, Asking Me To Wait And
Listen, Quoted My Words About My Opinion About The Masters And PHDs In The
Library Science. She Listened and, asking Me To come Along, Entered He.r Office
Room. She Opened Her Tiffin, Laid Sandwiches before me, and said, "Eat". I
Produced From My Pocket And Laid Before Her The Already Typed Two Letters Of
Handing Over And Taking Over Of The Charge Of The Library. She glanced At the
Papers and, saying, "I am not relieving you. You will stay here With the Whole
Charge with you." I Said I Could Not as I Was A Misfit, But She Refused To Accept
the Papers. I Got Up and walked to the Planning Office from Where I had been
called To the Library.

Halim Brohe
I Had Just Told G.H. Khaskayle That Madam Had Refused To Relieve Me And I Have
Returned, When The Door Flew Open And Madam Walked In Fury! I Had Walked.
Madam Had Arrived In Her Car. She Said To Khaskely, "Ask Him. What Wrong I
Have Done To Him That .He Walked Off On Me! Ask Him if I Have Not Done
Everything for Him! And He Just Got up And walked Off!" Khaskayle And I Sat
Dumb. And Then She Broke Into Crying! I Sat With My head lowered. Khaskayle ,
i..ooked Everywhere Except At Her.
She Went Away. I Stayed In The Planning, - Naturally On The Release Orders
Issued By Madam. I thereafter often apologized, but Madam Always dismissed me
with "Why Don't You Forget Those Petty Things!" Petty Things! My Irresponsible
· ,··
And Roguish Behavior A Petty Thing!

I Keep Forgetting the Use of the Word Communities. One could say that The
Ancient Area, Now Known as South Asia constituted Of the Cultural Communities
That, Much Later in the History, Came to Be Equated with Tribes. That Was The
Reason Why The Many Incursions Of The Northern Communities Into Southern
Cultural Communities Were Taken For Aggressions Against Culture And Nothing
More. The Physique of the People Also Mattered, But That Physique was also used
As an Element of Cultural Heritage. The People Of That Area - South Asia - Knew
That the Women beyond the Northern Mountains Were �eautiful, So They Called
Those fairy like Women And The Southerners Wove Many Stories With A Hero
From Anywhere But A Heroin Always From The North.

The Greeks:
Darius Had Not Ventured To Enter the Area Himself. He Did It Through Scylax
Who Passed Through A River That Was Known As Hinthoo That Had No Attributes
To The Water Flow That The Funny People Of The succeeding er.'lS took For Indus.
Alexander The Great, Appearing On The Scene Much Later, Left Greeks To Govern
Balochistan Area.

The Moryans:
Chandra Gupta Morya Proclaimed That' Any Person Who Doesn't Belong To Any Of
The Cultures Of Our Land Is A Foreigner, And Need Not Be Proceeded Legally, And
Be Hanged Or Killed By Any Person belonging To Our Cultural Heritage.' The
Proclamation Made the Greek Governors Give up Their Authorities and Abscond into
Oblivion, but that is also onry the Recent Past, The Immemorial Past Had a Life of
Its Own. Chandra Gupta Morya thus Gave The People The Concept Of What Was
Local/Our Own And A Foreigner. Before the Morians Came to the fore, A Foreigner
couldn't be differentiated from a Local. Thus, What Was A Local? A Thayse?
Anybody who belonged To the Cultural Core of Muha Bharutta Was a Local, A
Thayse, A Native, And a Hinth'sttane.

The Journey:
It Is A Long Journey, - A Journey Going Back To The Womb! All the Greeks,
Including the Greek Governors Appointed by Alexander the Great were either Killed
or £:?isappeared, And the Concept of Who Was a Foreigner Was Born! That Was the
Beginning. Every Non-South Asian Was A Foreigner And Every One Who Belonged
To This Area, Whatever Be The Cultural Pattern, Was A Sudeshi, Thayse, own, Very
Own! There Were No Revelations, Which Were Simply Not Possible, No Revealed
Books, Or Letters That Just Couldn't Be There, No Relative Or Relation Of A Deity
That Could Be As Low In Taste As To Own A Person For Its Representation. It Was
All Nonsense and was not even presented Or Exposed As Such.

The Havoc:
That Was The Mult!tude Of The Cultural Entities That Led The Populace Of The
Area Of The South Asia, Having No Idea What Havoc Other People Could Cause To
Their Social Order. They took Christian And Later Muslim Nomenclature For A
Culture And Accommodated Them Among Themselves. There Were No Religions,
None Could Be There, None Could Be Possible, But the Jews, Christians, and M'slims
Took Upon Themselves To Superimpose Their Living Style on Other Cultural Units.
They Thereby Attempted To Become the Fifth and The Foremost of the Four
Working Clans that were alre::idy there, - Bruhmun, Kkuttre, Vuayshu and Shoothru.
It Was All Cultural Juxtaposition That Initiated the Upsetting the Cultural
Equilibrium of the People of South Asia.

Adam, The Noun, Is The Sum-Total of All The Instincts The Unknown Knew Before
He Knew Eve, The Female Behavior Of The Ready-Ear For Conspiracy And Trusting
A Conspirator Against The Dominance Of The Male Instincts, Is The Contrivance
That Sums Up All That Is Made From Adam As His Helper. The Serpent is The
Instinct of Conspiracy. The Male Instinct Of Killing Even A Brother For Possession
Of Property He Explained By The Nouns Abel And Cain; The Two Nouns Of Abel And
Cain Therefore Represent The Possession Instinct That Describes That The
Brothers Born Of The Same Mother Do Kill Each Other, Or One Another, For The
Possession Of Worldly Things Like Property. The Instinct Of Jealousy Present Even
Among Brothers Born Of The Same Father He Nouned As Brothers Of Joseph; The
Nouns Of Joseph And His Brothers, Therefore, Represent The Instinct Of Jealousy
Among Stepbrothers Who Let A Stepbrother Joseph Rot In A Well. The Instinct
Of Greed He Nouned As David who, With Five Hundred Or E-o Wives Of his Own,
Took Into Possession The Only Wife Of A Poor Neighbor; David, Therefore, Nouns
The Greed Instinct. The Episode of Lot Nouns Motherhood of the Daughters of Lot
That Recognizes Male Only As an Instrument of Reproduction and Motherhood in
the Female. And, Thereby, Nouns the Female Hate For All Other Relations with
Male. The Only And All That The Ancient Books, - Including The 'Revealed' Ones, -
Describe Is The Instincts, Not Bodies Or Persons. Bodies Are Like Grammatical
Halim Brohe
Nouns, The Names of the Receptacles that whither away when it exhausts The
Instincts that it is.

Language Of Instructions May Or May Not Be The Language The Child Is At Ease
In, But The Language Of Education Presently Is English While It Reigns The World.
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology And, For That Matter, All The
Physical Sciences Have Their Own Languages And Their Own Scripts, Sanctity Of
Which Stays As Their Languages And Scripts Grow.

"Don't Look At My Face if you don't like it. I don't like it either, but I Don't Look At
It to Dislike It Either. My Short And Precise Life Is Now Drifting Swiftly In Her··'
Direction, - You Know Who. Bottom Is Rising In The Glass And I Am Becoming More
And More Shallow: Some Day I Will Be The Bottom, - With Nothing Underneath, -
Not An Undergarment Either. My Future Is Bright, Bartender, Provided I Die Early.
I Belong To A People Who Would Rather Have My Name In Their History Than Have
Me Alive Among Them, - And They Have So Few Dead That They Hardly Have A
History To Boast About. I Have Learned To Live All By Myself, So I Live With Her,
- You Know Whom. Please Bartender, Please Bury Me Deep When I Die, For You
Never Know What A Dead Man Decides To Do When, - And Please Don't Bother
About A Tombstone. I Know Your Lot And I Hate You All. Now Listen To Me
Attentively and Watch My Mouth Carefully because lhis Very Mouth Is About To
Spill the Idea That Will Force Our Discourse to an Abrupt Halt. To Die In the
Embrace of One's Love Is To Give Her the Satisfaction of A Martyr! Halt!"

Children Will Attack and Pounce upon Their seniors in Age like the Birds attack
people the Novel THE BIRDS Later Made into A Movie With th� Same Name, By
Alfred Hitchcock. That Was A Symbolic Novel, Authored by Daphne De Moire Who
Had Seen the Future. The Attacking Children Will Pounce On All Their Seniors And
reed On Their Flesh And Blood The Way The Birds Do In The Novel And The Movie,
Without Consideration Of Blood, Parental, Family, Kinship, Community, Or Any Other
Relationship. Parentage, Ancest!"''y r Lineage Or Clan Wot!ld Be Mec>ningless To Them.
The Author Had Not Dared .To Write What She Had Felt And, Through A Fictional
Novel She Depicted The Truth That, She Knew, Waited Around The Corner To
P"lu:.ce On Humans In The Future. Race, Matriarch, Patriarch, Fraternal, Humane, -
..... :,ese And Other Such Words Would Mean Nothing To Them. They Will Just Roam
Around In The Groups Of Their Age And Pounce On The Flesh And Blood, Even
Bones, Of The Humans Weaker Than They, To F�II Their Bellies.
My Lord! They Will Attack, Kill, And Eat Their Own Father, Mother, Brother,
Sister, And Their Own Infants With The Same Relish The Way We Now Want To
Eaf Raw Our fathers-in-law. They Will Be the He-Cats Who Relish Their Own Breed
And, For That, Would Fight the She-Cat Off. They Will Be Like Young Ones Of the
Scorpions that feed On the Body of the Very Mother Scorpion That Carried Them
in Her Body and Gives Them Birth. Older And The Weaklings Have Had Their Days.
The Future belongs To the Younger and Healthier Ones. The Meek, for who Jesus
Held the Brief, Will Know the Barb�rians for Their Jesus.
After All, What Have the Older or Elders Given To Their Posterity except Sermons
To Respect the Older and The Elders? And What Have The Elders Or The Older
'/ Represented Except Own Image Of Rascality Hooded In What Went By
'Respectability', 'Manners', 'Morality' And 'Honor', - The Toothless Preambles And
Resolutions, All Are Now Drummed Up And Trumpeted As Enforced Through UN
Resolutions And The Blah Of Senior Citizens Organizations To Neither Any Effect
Nor To Any Avail! Mushrooming Of Senior Citizens Organizations in Various Garbs
Is A Sign of Weakness and Indicates Loss of Say in Worldly Affairs. Take A Back
Seat and Relax Awaiting the Arrival of the Future that is Around the Corner!

Short Stories:
Innumerable Short Stories! These Were the Unaccountable Mysterious Stories,
Narrated since Billions of Years. Who Were the Narrators? They Were Many, Or
One? Who Knows! Were There Listeners? Who Knows! A Great Grandfather Picked
Up One .Of The Stories Halfway And Left It Halfway From Where Some
Grandfather Picked It And Lived Through Leaving It Halfway For Some Father To
Pick Up And Live Through To N.1rrate Further Ahead. The.Story �ather Picked Up
Halfway Was Left For The Offspring And The Progeny To Pick Up And Narrate To
The Offspring Of The Progeny To Narrate Likewise Further Ahead Through
Thus the Story, Spread Over Eternities Multiplied By Eternities, Is Picked Up By
The Successors For Further Narration When The Predecessors Hurry Away Yonder
Beyond The Horizons! A Futile Timeless Task! A Very Painful Errand for You and Me,
As For the Bygones and The Forthcoming. None Knows· the Beginning and The
Winding up of the Story. This Much Is Certain That Each Story Has Its Own Virtual
Space And Duration. Life Is The Virtual Point At Which One Picks Up A Story, And
Death The Virtual Point At Which The Virtual 'I' Walks Away Dropping Its Body And
The Story. Each Listen To A Different Story As Virtually Living Through, And Each
Narrates A Different Story Leaving It Halfway For Virtual Future To Pick It For
Virtual Continuation.

South Asia:
Are The Laws Creations Of The Rich To Protect Their Properties Against
Appropriations By The Poor, Or Of The Poor To Restrict The Expanses Of The Rich
From Making Inroads Into The Interests Of The Poor? Whether The Good In Man
Is Due Only To The Strictures Of Society, Or It Is The Society That Tends To
Halim Brohe
Negate The Good �n Man? Is It The State That Be Valued Supreme, Or The
· ·
Welfare Of The Individual values The Most?
Such Were the Questions Asked by Socrates the Athenian in the Fourth Century
BC. In This Twentieth Ce11tury AD Not, Soul Stirs To Pose To The Historians Of
India The Query Whether It Was The Indus Civilization Which In Its Expanses
Created Harpa, Kalibangan, Muan Jo Daro, And Lothal, Or It Was The Lothal
Civilization With Its Activating Nucleus At Halar In Karnataka In Present Bharutta
That Unfolded Itself Into Muan Jo Daro, Harpa, And Kalibangan?

Status quo:
The Term Indus Civilizati?n Has Been So Ext_ensively Used With Reference To The
Qualitatively Different Archaeological Sites Of South Asia And In Relation With
The Civilization Of South Asia As A Whole That It Now Amounts To A Heresy To
Question The Validity Of Its Application To Any Archaeological Site In South Asia.
Even An Attempt At A Probe Into Its Definition Has Come To Be A Taboo 'Nith The
Indian Historians Who Defend The Status Quo With Arguments The Syllogistic
Basis Of Which Leaves a logical mind Amazed And Confounded.

Socrates Was Persecuted As The Corrupter Of The Young And A Defiant Of His
Country's Gods: And A Person Who Today Calls Upon Indian Historians For A Fresh
Interpretation Of The Facts Already On Record Is Accused Of Having A ' Negative
Approach'. In The Present Province Of Sindh Such A Person Is Hounded By The
Plagiarists Who Have Thrived And Prospered On The Clerical Toils Of Their
Subordinates, Whose Every Page Has Been Published At Government Or What They
Call Semi-Government Expense, Have Prospered On The Royalties From Government
And Semi-Government Literary Organizations, Keep Aside Their Large Salaries,
Pensions, And Gratuities As If They Received None, And Live day-to-day Life On
The travelling and dearness allowances That Keep On Coming To Them From The
Government And Semi-Government Educational And Literary Establishments that
Feed them And Provide Vehicles To Them So That The allowances they get Remain
Unscathed By Any Expense. Consequently, The People Of The Area Of The Present
Province Of Sindh Have Been Duped Into Believing Seriously That The Highly And
Greatly Eulogized Ancient Indus Civilization Is The Gift Given To The World By The
Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh And, For That, To Point At The River That
Flows Through The Area Named As Indus And Sindhoo.

The Chance happening:

The People Of The Area Were Never Told That The Names Indos And Indus Came
1 To Be Applied To The River In Their Area Only In Consequence Of Two Chance
Navigation Of Scylax And Nearchus Not Earlier Than C. 400 B. C. Had The Two
Launched In And Flowed flotilla Through Chanab Or Ravi Or Satlaj Or Biyas,
They Would Have Arrived The Same Delta On The Indian Ocean As All The five
Rivers Poured Into The Same Delta Through The Same Course Of Water; And
Which Would Then Have Been Accordingly Named As Chanab Or Ravi Or Satlaj Or
,Biyas And Not Indus Or Indos.
But for That chance Happening In The History, The River That Flows Through The
Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh Would Have Carried The Name Of Chanab,
Satlaj, Or Ravi, Or Biyas And, - Yes, - What 'Then Would Have The Indus Civilization
Been Confined To?

There Was A Time Which Lasted Till Around 1947 When The Aryans Were
Supposed To Be The Civilized Ones Who Dislodged Dravidians The Supposedly
Barbarians. While That Absurd Notion Prevailed, It Was A' Negative Approach' To
Conceive Of The Bare-Back Horse Rider Aryan As The Usurper Barbarian And The
Settled farm-Dwel!er Dravidian As The Civilized Deprived-One. Today tlie
' Negative Approach' would be Of the One who insists that The Aryans Were the
Civilized Ones.

In The Matter Of Redefining The Term' Indus Civil'ization' In Terms Of The
Quality Of The Civilization Established Along The Course Of The Indus Throu9h
And Beyond N. W.F.P And Limiting Its Application To The Areas Which It Would
Thus Connote, The Vistas Are Not The Wilderness Of Abstract Emotionalism
Sticking To Some Or Other Area, People, Or A Dogma. It Is The Hard Core
Material Of The facts Of Archaeological Research Which Constitutes The Vistas
And It Would Therefore Be Not A Heterodoxy Or A Negative Attitude To Put
forth Squarely The Question from Where The People Could Have Trickled Into The
Areas Denoted By Muan Jo Daro, Kalibangan, And Harpa When There Were
Supposedly No People In The South Asia Except In So�thern India.

The Indian Historians Have Been Handicapped In Their Quest for Truth By Their
Habit Of Reading, Collecting, And Referring To Only That Matter Which Confirms
Their Three-fold Dogma And Their Assumption That The World Of Research And
Discovery Stopped Spinning Round Its Axis Since The Concept Of Indus Civilization
Was Warped Around Various Civilizations Of India. These Two Handicaps Of Theirs
Have Rendered Their Approach To Facts So Devoid Of Logic That They Explode In
Rage At The Very Mention Of A Doubt About The Validity Of The Applicability Of
The Term Indus Civilization To Muan Jo Daro, Harpa, And Kalibangan, Accusing The
Doubter Of Having Sold His Soul To Satan And Of Attempting To Upset The Apple
Halim Brohe
cart, Lea!t Realizing That The Apple cart Since Long Had Taken Ori To A Different
Path ..

The Core:
The Summing Up Of the Archaeological Research Findings Is Very Simple. The
Areas l\low Comprised Within The States Of Gujrat, Maharashtra, Utarpradesh,
And Rajistati Are Thickly Clustered With The Early Stone A!e Sites With Some
Individuc•i Sites In The Kutch: The Rest Of South Asia Is Barren Of The Sites
Except For Two Solitary Cluste�s In The Valleys Of Soan And Biyas. It Was Long
Thought Possible To Divide South Asia's Early Stone Age Into Northern And
Southern Cultural Spheres Which Was B�ed On A Suggestion Of A Possibility Of A
People From Central Asia To Have Made Inroads Into The Two Northern Valleys,
But I� Has Come To Be Accepted That The Soan And Biyas Sites Are Not Different
From Those In The South India And Particularly From Those In Madras Area. As It
Would Be Abs�rd To Assume That The Void-Bound Pocket Of The Soan And Biyas
Sites Were Responsible For Transferring Its Cultural Sameness To The Sites In
South Asia, Archaeologists Have Concluded That The Soan And Biyas Sites Were
The Elongation Transplants Of The South Indian ·sites. This Point Alone Suffices
For Acceptance that The Indus Civilization in Its Proto-Formative Stage on the
Most Northern Banks of the Indus Was South Indian and Therefore Proto­
Dravidian in Origin. But there is more In Store with the Archaeologists. The Pattern
Of The Sites Of The Early Stone Age Continues Through The Middle Stone Age ,..
Wherein In The North The Biyas Sites Disappear As Replaced In The Farther
Northern West By The Sites At Sanghao, Ak Kapral,., And Kara Komar With No Sign
Of Any People Approaching From North Or north-west, And Wherein Clusters Of
Sites Appear In Rajistan, Maharashtra, Andrapradesh, And Karnataka, And The
Sites In Kutchh And Kathiavar. The Same Pattern Of The Appearance Of The Sites
In The Early Stone Age And The Middle Stone Age Continues Through The Late
Stone Age: In The North Tashkarghan Replaces Al Kaprak, Dar-E-Kir, And Kara
Kan,ar; In The South Thick Clusters Of Sites Appear In The Western And Northern
Areas Of Karnataka With An Ostensible Futuristic Tendency Of Moving Into
Maharashtra Area; Thick Clusters Of Sites Appear In The north-western Areas Of
Maharashtra With An Obvious Futuristic Tendency To Break Through Into The
Western Areas Of Gujrat; Sites In Gujrat Area Appear In Thick Clusters In Its
Western Part On The Land-Outlet Of Kathiavar With Their Concentration Taking
An Oblong Form Of Amoebic Movement Up To Lang-haj, The Forerunner Of Hinglaj,
And Then Erupting Into Hydra-Like Tentacles Reaching Far Into The Areas
Presently Included In The Province Of Sindh And The State Of Rajistan; Sites In
Rajistan Take A Turn For Concentration In Its north-western Areas Covering The
south-eastern Areas Of The Punjab And With Sites Appearing All Along Its north­
western Borders Poised As If To Take A Plunge For Farther North And West; Sites
In Kutchh Thin Aw'ly With Appearance Of Sites In The Area Of The Present
Province Of Sindh; And The Sites In The Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh

Appear With Their Weight Thrown On The Southern Area Along The Sea Coast. It
Was Thus, To Put It Bluntly Interrupting The Narration, The People From South
India Who Were First To Arrive In The Areas Whii:h Came T Be Denoted Later By
Such Names As Amri, Chanhu Daro, Kot Diji, Muon Jo Daro, Etc. In The Area of the
Present Province of Sindh; As Jalilpur, Harpa, And Rupar in tr.� Punjab; And As

.. Several Sites Lying Between Kot Diji and Kaliban, Including Kalibangan in Rajistan. It
Was Thus That The People From South India Came To Be The First People To Have
Arrived In Balochistan By Crossing Through The Coastal Area Of The Present
Province Of Sindh. And All This Had Already Taken Place Whe".I There Were No
People In_Or Around The North Or West Or Northern West Of South Asia, And All
This Had Taken Place Without Anything To Do With The Indus Or Indus Civilization
Or With Anything Emanating From The Indus Or Indus Valley. It Was A Clean, Pure,
And Absolutely Unadulterated Proto-Dravidian Cultural Transplant From South India
Much Before A Watercourse·- Later Baptized As Indus Or Sindhco In The N.W.F.P.
-: Had Attracted Any People, And Much Before The Area Of The Present Province
Of Sindh Had Any Possibility Of Ever Emerging Out Of The Sea That Much Later
Started Receding Only To Present A Seepage That Lasted Centuries After Muon Jo
Daro Had Expired. The Fact That The People From South India Were The First
People To Have Entered ·Balochistan, And The Contention That They Crossed Into
Balochistan Through Southern Areas Of The Present Province Of Sindh, Are
Supported By Archaeological Finding That The Earliest Of The Dead Of India
Include Those Who Have Been Discovered As Buried In The Karachi Area In·The
Present Province Of Sindh, And Also In Makran, Lasbela, And Kolat Areas Of

Balochistan. Thus It Was The Lothal Civilization With Its Activating Factors At
Halar In Karnataka Which Had Moved, Reached, And Brought About The Maturity,
Through Infusion from No Source Other Than South Indian Karnataka Area, Of Its
Own Such Nuclei As Kali, Chiri-damb, Nindovi,·i, Hadi, Nal, Etc, In Balochistan; Amri,
Muon Jo Daro, Chanhoo Jo Daro, Kot Diji, Etc, In The Present Province Of Sindh;
Jalilpur, Harpa, And Rupar In The Punjab; And Kalibangan In Rajistan. All This
Movement, Scattering, And Settlement Of The People From South India Had Taken
Place Much Earlier, And It Was Much Later Between 2800 And 2100 BC That The
People From Central Asia, Moving Through Iran And Ufgghanisttan, Entered
Northern Balochistan And Approached- Western Areas Of The Present Province Of
Sindh Through Southern Balochistan And Thereby Came Upon Already Fully
Matured South Indian Halar-Lothal Civilization In The Kolat, Lasbela, And Makran
Areas Of The Southern Balochistan Of Today; And At Amri, Chanhoo, Kot Diji, And
Muon Jo Daro In The Present Area Of The Province Of Sindh. Later Between 2100
And U�OO BC, When These People Entered Jalilpur, Harpa, And Kalibangan And
Approached Rupar, They Came Upon Already fully Matured South Indian Hclc,r­
Lothal Civilization At These Places. Thus These People From Central Asia, Whc­
Entered South Asia Through Iran And Then Via Ufgghanisttan, Brought Nothing To
Add To The South Indian Culture Which Was Well Trenched In All Its
Wholesomeness In Southern Balochistan, The Areas That Later Became The

Haltm Brohe
Present Province Of Sindh, Rajistan, Southern-East Punjab, And Rupar. The Potter's
Wheel And The Land-Measuring Wheel Of Which The Indian Historians Are In The
Habit Of Crediting The Immigrants From West And Northwest Of India, Was
Already Available As In Use With The People At Muon Jo Daro And Kot Diji Etc
From South India. With Wheat, Rice, And Bajra Available In South And Central -.. j
India, When There Still Were No People In Ufgghanisttan, Only An �mbecile Idiot
With Free Funds Of Semi Government Institute At His Disposal Would Attribute
Chaki to The Immigrants Into India From Western And noi'th-western Areas, And
At Which Only Fools Would Applaud, - And The Coffers Of The Universities In
Pakistan And Specially In Sindh, Were Filled To The Brim With These Nastiness.
Therefore, In The Fitness Of Things, And To Set The Record Right By
Synchronizing It With The Archaeological Findings, All The Archaeological And
C ·.tural Herit�ge Dating Up To 2100 BC In The Southern Balochistan, And Dating
Up To 1600 BC In The Areas Of The Present Province Of Sindh, The State Rajistan,
And At Jalilpur, Harpa, And Rupar Ought Be CJlled By Its Proper Entitlement Of
Dravidian Culture And Halar-Lothal Civilization, And Such Unnecessary And Anti
History Terms As Pre-Harpa And Post-Harpa Be Discarded A:> Irrelevant, Devoid
Of Connotation, Of No Factual Or Historical C�nsequence, Smacking Of Bias,
Prejudice, And Propagation Of Misinformation By The People Who Had Bellies To
··fill. The-Fact That Lethal Was The Lifeline Of Harpa Is Confirmed Beyond Doubt
By The Fact That Lothal Survived The Death Of Muon Jo Daro And Harpa By More
Than 300 Years. Further, As The Indus Features Nowhere In The History Of South
Asia Till After The Arrival Of The Aryans Who, As Late As 900 BC, Settled On Its

Bank.; In The N.W.F.P. Area And Later Moved Farther In The North And Then
north-east Along The Banks, The Application Of The Term Indus Civilization Ought
Be Restricted In Time To Their Arrival On The Banks Of The Indus Ir The N.W.F.P.
Area And, Thereafter. Area-Wise To The Area Adjacent To The Indus In The
N.W.F.P. And Farther North And Northeast: Its Application To -:-he Area Of rhe
Present Province Of Sindh Acquired Usage, Albeit Counterfeit, In 517 BC When
Scylax, Under Orders Of Darius To Explore The River, Entered The Indus In The
· N.W._F.P. Area And Passed Through The Area Which Now Is In The Present Province
Of Sindh, And Again In 325 BC When Nearchus, Under Orders Of Alexander,
Entered The Indus In The N.W.F.P. Area And Sailed With His Flotilla Through The
Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh With Alexander Keeping Pace With Him On
The Land Up To Larkana, And Becomes Dubiously Meaningful Since Much Later
When, After The Arabs Conquered The Area In 680-700 AD, The Area Started
Ingratiating Cultural Factors Of The North And north-west And The Presently
Known Middle-East. The Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh Had Received
Hinduism - As It Received Jainism And Buc'hism - Through Gujrat In The East, And
Not Directly From The Indus ';ivilization Of The North.

Who you!
"Are You A Vegetarian?"
-"No. I Am A Humanitarian. I Want Infant Limbs Done Rare y\/ith French Fries On
The Side, And A Double-Peg Of Canadian Whiskey With A Touch Of Dutch Rum."

.., Hinthe: English:

R'tt huay Pagul Hon*ay Ke Times To Go Mad!
Buaytthay Buaytthay Sit Idle
Ron�ay Kel And To Cry!
R'tt Huay Pagul Times For Us
Hon*ay Ke! To Go Mad!
Hum Ko Kuaysay What Hands
Hath� Milay! We have,
Sub Raykka*ay All the Lines
Kkon*ay Ke! Lead To Deprivation!
Par Uttur Kur Getting off Across
Soch*ay Log They conspire to Hatch
Sazush Nau' A Plan
D'bon*ay Ke! To Drown the boat!
Murn*ay Vala The dead
Mute Ka Is Of Clay
Urthhe Chanthe The Cortege Is Silver
Son*ay Ke! And Of Gold!
81-Jaytthay Buaytthay Sit Idle
Ron*ay Ke! And To Cry!
R'tt Hl!ay Pagul Times For Us
Hon*ay Ke! To Go Mad!

I had published a book ORRAH in 1975, - 2000 copies. In 1986-87 a book of
Fuhimetha Riyaz was published in India - PAKISTAN: CULTURE AND LITERATURE.
The book mentioned 'ORRAH' as a landmark in Pakistani Literature. In 2002 Mujeth
M'l*a, a photographer by profession and a liar by choice, and Ggh'lam Muhummuth
Bh'to came to me, took me to Besant Lodge To Photograph me, and later asked me
for a preface To a Collection of my articles that they had gathered to publish.
M'zufur knew it all anrl was hopeful. Just before the book appeared, a food­
Department officer Ggh'lam Nube M'gghul published a book named as 'ORRAH'. I
told Molve Mujeth, Gghulam Muhummad Bh'to, M'zufur, and a few others that my
name Won't appear as the writer of the novel 'ORRAH' in the collection. M'l*a
Mujeth published the book, beginning with my novel 'ORRAH' as the first article of
the collection, Without mentioning the name 'ORRAH' and· devastating the whole
book with misplacement of sentences, phrases, paragraphs, and chunks. Later, on my
query, Mujeth M'llo said, 'The name ORRAH was left out in the first few copies, but
Halim Brohe l
does appear in all other copies.' Till this day I have not, and none has, seen a copy
that carries the name ORRAH in the collection. M'l*a Mujeth brought a medical
practitioner to me to convince me to address a gathering on the 'Collection· he had
published! I declined. M'zufur says they are inefficient.

Officers· and relatives:

Relatives oblige offi�ers; officers don't oblige relatives.

Have You Observed A Lizard from the Viewpoint Than That of A Zoologist!
You Wouldn't Have. No One Would Have Except From the Viewpoint of A Husband.
_ Lizard Is A Couple - A Man and A Woman - In One. Hit It With A Loafer Or
Whatever Is Handy And The Body - That Is The Mah - Dies, $ut The ·Tail - The
Woman - Stays Alive And Keeps Moving! And �ave You Looked At A Lizard from the
Viewpoint of A Child! You must if you haven't already.
Spotting A Lizard in the House, One of My Daughters Would Excitedly Inform Her
Sisters Loudly, "See; Who has come! Lizy!" And The Sisters Would Gather All
. Transformed i11to·A Big Welcome, To Watch the Lizy! I Had Ignored.My Daughters
Welcoming Lizy Till I, In My Frustration With Having Too Many Lizards In The
Garage., Filled Shut With Wet Cement A Hole That A Lizard Had Entered To Escape
My Rage. The Incident Happened Much Later, And Still Much Later I Felt the
Horror of My Doing That! The Lizy I Buried Alive In The Hole Is Still Aliv� In That
Hole, Waiting Excitedly - Like My Children - To Welcome Me With. A Shout To Her
Sisters, "See, Who Has Come! Halim!"

Prologue: "
I Am A Story without A Prologue, with No Epilogue in Sight! I Am One of the
Innumerable Unfinished and Unhappy ·short Stories That Abound With Innumerable
Authors! The Way I Babble in Writing and Speech, I Should Call Myself A Character
in °A Fable. No Mistake on Any One's Part, No Reason for Any to Regret. One .Is
Merely The 'I' With A Body To Experience Through. The Bodies That Experience
And the ' Instincts' As Their Attributes - Grammatical Adjectives.

Hinthe: English:
Kuh*a thaykka thha tt'mh*ay? When did I see you last?
Jage Jage Ukky"o Kay 5upn*o M*ay Dreaming With �yes Wide Awake!
Janay Kuh"" a Thaykka Huay! I recall Where I Saw You Last!
Jumn*a Ki_naray Kubhe On The Banks of Jumna Perhaps!
Gopiy*o Ke Tole M"'ay! In The Group of Beautiful Girls!
Sav�n Kay S"' ug Kuh "' e Moving With the Rainy Clouds
Bhege Bhege Chole M*ay! In dripping Brassieres!
Kuh*a Kuh"' a Dh*oodha Huay! I Have Looked For You!
Kuh*a Kuh*a Poochha Huay! I Have Sought You!
Jan"ay Kuh*a Thaykka Huay Where did I See You Last!
Kuh*a Thaykka Huay Tt' mh*ay! It is Beyond Me!

J See.ds
I Lost Much of Vocabulary since I Took To Computer. Its Thesaurus Is Workable,
But It Depri_ves The User Of The Vastness Of The Intricacies Of The Language
And, Thereby, Of The Incentive For Knowledge, Information And. Inventive
Approach. I Love the Beauty of the Sentences like the Candies I Cherished As A·
Kid. Did I Then? No. A Tiny Bit Of Whatever I Write Makes Something In Me
Dance Its Way Up There - Somewhere - To Shout To The P�ople That Someone
Somewhere Liked That Tiny Bit Of Mine This Much And That Much! A Tiny Bit Of A
Word In A Beautiful Sentence Washes Off - Washes Away - All The Scars Of

Hatred And Dislike That The ':t' Gathef'S I� The Dur-0tion Caiculated As An Eternity,
A Unit Of The Phenomenal Attribute Of The Duration.

Drop dead:
Death Is A Part. O'f Culture,· Not Of The Religion. It Is. As Much An Ingredient .Of
Culture As Birth. We Are Born, Brought Up, Get Old, And Die, - All A Culture; Not A
Religion Which Itself Is A Culture. Ritualistically Religious Are Buffoons:_ They
Humor God, Allah, Or Om, Or Whatever All Their Lives, Without A self-as�urance
of Their Permanent Moorings After Death! Instinct Is the Core; Society· Is the
Cover, The Fro_nt; Thin, But A Strong Veil. Can You Let Your Body Lay Where You
Are And Move Away From It! I Can Do That And Have Often Done It. Standing
Aloft Their Heads Like A Halo, I Have Seen People Shedding Tears Oh My Dead
Body As If I Were L>ead!

"I Made Your Childhood A Hell. I Was Abusive, Irresponsible, Financial Liability On
The Household. I Never Took You on Picnics or Outings or Camping. I Never Let You
Move with Your Friends and attend Their Parties. I Didn't Care About Your
Education. I Ordered You Around In the House As If I Was the Master and you and
Your Were My Surfs. I Never Gave You Pocket Money. I Held You All
Hostages to My Whims. And I Concede To Much More Than What You Forget To
Accuse Me Of. But Since Your Marriage, - So Many Years Ago! - You. Have Been On
Your Own; Seeing Very Little, or Not At All. All So Mf!-ny Years I Have Never
Interfered In Your Life, Never Advising, Never Suggesting and Never Passing A·
Hint Either. So Tell Me What Wrong I Have Done During All These Years That You
Have Picked Up My Past To Thrash Me With! I Am Not Explaining Away My
"I only say that The Liberties the Children Enjoy and Take for Their Rights Today -
Since You Became A Mother - Were not possible then. Read The Newspapers Of
Those Days - 1970s - If You Do Care To Know, But I Know You Won't Because You
Fear Losing The F:_njoyment Of Basking In The Warmth Of Holding Me Responsible
For Not Getting As A Child The Liberties That Your Children Demond As 0� Right.
1970s 'A/ere The Worst Socially, Especially For The Urban Families That Had Girls..
Don't Rely On What I Say.

Halim Brahe

"Keep On Cursing Me. Of Your Children, I Am Sure, You Are Much More Concerned
With The Security, Social Contacts And The Reputation Of Your Daughter Than
With The Same About Your Sons. I �ever Said It Was My Money That Paid. for
Your Mother'.s Visits abroad or Within the Country. I Never Asked Her Not To Go
Any Place within the Country or Abroad. I Never Restrained Her Movements, or
asked Her to Refrain from Doing Whatever She Did. I Never Said I Lived Off My
Own Money And Not Hers. I didn't do any Of the Things and, Before You Say It, I
Concede I Couldn't Dare Do That. These Fae rs Therefore Must Be Taken As
"I Made Mistakes, Blundered A Lot, But Never Lied Deliqerately Or Even Under
Pressure, Nor Ever Concealed Or .Kept To Myself Any Thing I Knew About; And
·Never Deceived Any Of The Family. None Of You Made A Mistake, Nor Blundered,
But All Of You Lied And Deceived And Kept Silence On Matters To Withhold Truth
From Not Only Me But From One Another Also. And For You All I Am The
Scapegoat Till I Am· Sacrificed At Your Altar.
"With Four Daughters and. A ·wife, No Male Member Other Than Me, My Voice
Natur:-ally Weighed Heavily and Loud on Your Ears, Appearing f. Shout or An Order
o·r Even A Bark! Even A Whisper from Me Offended Your Hearing.
"A Male by Nature Is Not Tidy In Home. He Throws His Clothes Around, Takes Off
Hls Shoes, Dllmps Himself on The Most Comfortable Chair Nearest To Him, and
Spreads Himself. These Aren't the Habits of Women; they keep the House Tidy
Every Minute of the Day As If Expecting A Visitor or- An Inspection. My
Living iri the Home, Without My Knowing It, Was that of an Outsider. I don't know if
You, With Two Sons and A Daughter, Have Pondered Over This Aspect of the Family
Life· that we had while you were growing up. Instead Of Pitying Me for Denying
Myself the Life of A Male, You Have Been Cursing Me! Over The Years, As You
Grew, The State Of Fed-up Of me Gave Way To Dislike And Then To Hatred For
· me; However Least I Spoke, It Appeared Much To You. And That Hatred Spread
Further·.And Further Finally to My Appearan�e and Presence in the House.
"You Had Firm Opinion That I Was The Worst Father, The Worst Husband And The
Most Loathsome Person Imaginable. You Had Not Seen Any Other Male from That
Close Quarter till you got married. After Your Marriage, On Discovering in Your
Husband A Reflection of Me, you did get uneasy, but recovered quickly and settled
in your Married Life. Did You Notice That I Never Slept on the Sofa the Way Your
Husband Slept in Our Home and In Your House! I Know You �re Depressed. Every
One Alive Has To Get That.. I Don't Interfere In The Husband-Wife Relations Of A
Daughter, Expecting Some Decency In them To Learn Not To Interfere In My
Relations With My Wife; But they Continued their interference in my married life
always to the. peril of my living as a male in the house. Whatever you may take
yourself Fvr, �n Angel or Intellectual, You and Me Are A Zero on the Left of the •

. ,...'
Revelations Are A Shortcut To The Unknown; That Is True, Whatever Else They
are. R.evelafons Are So Many Abstract Cultural Philosophies, Cultures That Hover
Over Ideas with nothing to· do With the Life That the People Llved. Neither Moses,
Nor Jesus, Nor M'humuth Changed Or Altered Their Names Or Dress Or Claris
After Revelations. Nor Did They Change Their Customs or Way of Life. They Lived
the Way They Lived Before Revelations. Revelations Are The Philosophies Without
The Western Mode Of Reasoning, - The Conclusions Based On And Drawn From The
Abundance Of Examples And Samples Wi_thout Resort To Justifications.

The Other Kind:

Solomon, The Son of David, Nouns the Meile Attributes and Adjectives of the
Preference for the other Kind Of Women. Muhimooth Gghuznuve Didn't· Come T-0
Katthiyavarr to Break Idols: Only A Fool Would Do That Which Surely He Wasn't.
He Came For The Women Of The Other Kind, - And That Makes Sense.

o· Bartender!
"Introduce Me to A Waitress and I Will Be At Peace with myself. You, Bartender,
Please Do Die A Beautiful Death. Die In The Embrace Of The Woman You Love If
You Happen To Have An Embrace, - For Want Of A Woman A Female Of Any Of The
Many Species Will Do. Why It Is, O' Bartender, That only A Female of the ,?pecies
Does the Doing? The Man Who Elevated His Wife To Be His Mother Wasn't So
• Much Of A Fool As He Appeared To You And Me And To Them: The Wife Who
Never Lets You Near Her Bed Deserves A Le�son In Womanhood, And He Gave Her
The Lesson That Went Home. Mine Deserves Compliments for Throwing Me into the
Lap of the One I love."

· Socrates:
Socrates Wrote· Nothing. His Method, As That Of Any Father, Was Personal
Discussion. And Like the Sons Avoiding Their Fathers, Athenians Avoided Him. The
Streets Bore A Deserted Look. So Socrates Would Go Everyday To The Market
Place In Search Of New Arrivals To Get Them Into :>ersonal Discussion With Him.
He Often Would Tease Them into Argumenfs with Him. It Was This Method Of His
Due To Which Athens Lost Much Of Its Trade And Commerce With The World,
Resulting In The Collapse Of The Greek Empire. Where Is Plato? This Method Of
Personal Discussion Of Socrates Caused Irreparable Damage To The Greek Prestige
That Went An All Time Low On Gallop Polling Counts From Which It Was Never To
Recover. This Method Of Personal Discussion, Invented By Socrates That
Discouraged Foreign Investment In Greece, Is Known In The Western Philosophy As
The Method Of Discourse. With The Foreigners Avoiding Greece, Socrates
Resorted To His Great Skill And Created A Hoard Of Imaginary Persons With Who
He Conversed And Discussed Personally With His World Renowned Personal Charm
And Understanding. He Would Give His Imaginary People Equal Chance To Assail
Halim BrcJhe
Him, and would Often Argue On Their Behalf. He Was Not The Type Who Would Go
On Listening To Any One -. His Imaginary Pe�ple Included - For A Moment Longer e
Than · What His Respiratory System Required Him To Take Breath For. He Would
Listen Only To Interrupt, And Would Interpolate 0Aly To Tease His Imaginary
Persons Into Further Arguments To Let Them Fall Into Some Logical Pit That He
Would Always Be Careful To Have Dug Up Already. Where Is Plato?· Socrates
Always Kept A ·spade Handy As He Wouldn't K11ow When It w·ould Become Handy.
Once He Won An Argument For·One Of His Imaginary Persons, And Kept To Himself
For Quite A Few Days To The Amazement �f His Wife Who Went On Laughing
Hysterically As If Socrates Was No Philosopher. That Was When He Found the
Spade Handy. He Would Never Lose And Wouldn't Let His Imaginary People Lose.
Plato .Is Coming. Virtue Is Carnal Knowledge. Love Is Kisses And Necking. Intimacy in
Bed Is the Highest Form of Friendship. Good Is Tasty. Ideal·Is To Be Slept W!th.
Plato Should Have Been Here By Now. Justice Should Not Only Be Done, But Should
Manifestly Be Seen To Have Been Done With, - Which Prompted Him To Use The
Spade To Make His Wife Stop Laughing At Him: That Made Him Conclude That
Justice Could Hardly Be Done As His Wife Turned Out To Have More Relatives ·Than
He Could Cope With. And Here Comes Plato, Late As Usual!

As A Contemporary of Dionysus the Tyrant of Syracuse, Plato Had To Curse His
Times Sooner Or Later. His Birth was rejoiced, and His Death· was mourned
immediately After ·an Involuntary Burst of Laughter. He Was Not Haunted For
Nothing; Having. Succeeded Socrates The Dead, He Knew He Was Only Preceding
Aristotle The Impatient. Sandwiched Between the Two Giants, He Would Have Felt
Li�e A Giant if Dionysu� the Tyrant had not sneaked Into the Sandwich. Dionysus
Called It Platonic Love; Plato Called Him Names and cursed Him. With One Giant
Preceding Him, Another About To Succeed Him and With Dionysus the Tyrant on
His Lap, Was He To be blamed For the Ideas the Sort Of, W,bich He ,Was Getting?
And For That, Was He To Be Blamed For Philosophizing in A Gymnasium? He Was
Growing, And Elsewhere Dionysus was growing; -By the Time He Had Grown .Into A
Handsome Youth, His Handsome Youth had already been marred By the News That
Dionysus Had Also Grown Into A Hand�ome Youth. And Then Some Fool Broke the
Alarming News of the Birth of Aristotle! This Was No Occasion. Aristotle Could
Have Waited. It Was His Travels That Acquainted Him with Dionysus the Tyrant of
Syracuse who's Anger Brought A Touch of Romance to His Countenance. He Did
Have A Countenance. He· Would Look At A Thing for Hours without Doing the
Looking. He Shouldn't Haye Traveled, As That Precisely Was What Prompted
·Aristotle to Grow Faster. Unless He Grew, H� Couldn't Travel. He Had To Get
Grown To Travel Later. That Was the Dilemma. Every Time Dionysus Winked He
Found Plato on His Lap. He Sent Plato Into Seclusion And Thought Of Con.�ulting
Some Ophthalmologist And, Getting Another Idea, Dropped That Ophthalmologist
From His Mind So Suddenly That The Ophthalmologist Broke
One Of His Two Legs.
. .
l Seeds

Dionyst.:s Winked Again, °found Plato on His Lap Again, Sold Him in the Slave Market

and called The Ophthalmologist Who Came Limping. That Raised A Host Of
Philosophical Questions: Why Did Dionysus Sell Plato In The Slave Market? Wasn't
There Some V�getable Market? How Much Dionysus got From the Sale? In Cash or
Kind? Wasn't It Barter System Then? Was It A Cow He Got? Was It A Bull He
Sought? Couldn't Plato Fetch A Little More? Wasn't He Worth A Little Boar?
Philosophy Is the History of Metaphysical Questions, and This Incident Alone Was
Enough To Confound the History of Philosophy. Thus Plato ·was sold in the Slave
Market and was told His Value in A Whisper. Plato Blushed. Who Bought Him and
woul�n't put Him to Work? Was He A Dandy, Was She A · Cnndy, or was it /,
Turbaned Turk? Himself A Poet In Youth, He In His Ripe Years Had ·A Low Opinion
Of The Poets: He Had Assessed Himself Correctly, Or Dionysus Had Made Him See
The Daylight. Every -Part of His Philosophy Is Linked Up With Every Other Part of
His Philosophy, and He Is All Mixed Up In All Of That. Hence His Later Feelings Of
Being In A Thick! In Gorgias He Clears The Ground, In Theaetetus He Grapples
With The Sophists On The Ground To Teach Them That Truth Is Not What They
Took It For And That They Should Better Clear The Gro.und Next Time If It Came
To Grappling Again, And In The Sophists He Tells Them There Is To Be No Next
Time. Sophists Should Have Cleared the Ground in-the First Instance. A Myth in His
Philosophy Indicates A Weak Joint in His Philosophy, and The Res-t of His Joints
Were All Aching. Though A Loyal Disciple Of Socrates, Plato Wasn't Merely A
Plagiarist; When Socrates Said· "Virtue Is Knowledge", Plato Did Ask, "Isn't It
Teachable By Family Planners?" And When Socrates Said, "Prudence Is The Pill",
Plato Did Say, "What The Heck!" Plato Criticized Socrates Severely, Telling Him
Point .Blank That Syllogistically Systematic Thought Was Not Bor� Of The
Argumen�s At The Street Corners, That It Was Born Of Domestic Disputes, And
That Socrates Could Go And Tell Mrs. Socrates That Plato Said So! Naturally He
Came To Be Known As Pinto the Fearless. Plato Abandoned Socrates, Don't Ask How
And Why; A Man In Hurry, And With A Worry, He Was To Jump And Fly. rfe Would
Jump At an Idea And fly away from Dionysus. Concepts And Definitions, Weren't
They Airy Words? Wasn't It Better To Watch the Birds? He Packed His Ideas and
took To Traveling. A�istotle Was Getting Close On H·m. He Therefore Had No Time
To Sit And Gaze Into Space Except When Dionysus Made A Move, And Dionysus
Wouldn't Stop Moving. He Had A Hunch that He Was Only Preceding Aristotle, But
He Believed No Hunches. Dionysus, With His Sudden Moves, Had Made Plato Short
Of Time, Breath, And Temper. His Dialogues Are an Attempt at Not Slipping Away
From Scientific Exposition into A Myth. He Kept on Slipping. He Should As Well
Have Bought Himself New Shoes. He Was All Shook Up B•, The Time He Had
Polished His Own Ideas Into Ideals, - And Then People Be9an Bringing Their Ideas
To Get Them Polished. He Refused. In His Ideal State Everything Was Ideal Except
The Stote. People insisted that while He Was At It, He Polish Their Ideas Too.
Republic Turned Out To· Be Much Less than His Expectations. Things Were Letting
Him down That Fast. He Wouldn't Know Where He Stood, - Or Even Sat! People

Halim Brohe
Offered Money that He Didn't Know What to Do. He Panicked and, Taking off the
Shoes, Broke into A Run. He Was A Brainy Man, - Used To Getting Ideas All The
While, One Of Which Landed Socrates In Prison, - Socrates Was A Friend Indeed, -
And Another Had Socrates Swallow Poison, - Socrates Was A Friend In Need. Plato
Had No Time. "Knowledge Is Perception", Some Greek Said I!'l The Market Place;
And Plato Retorted, "Yes. ThC1t Is What Protegoras Thought, And We All Know
What He Is, - Dead!" Aristotle Later Found the Flaw in His Logic; - Protegoras Was
Not Yet Dead. Aristotle Shouldn't Have Mentioned the Supposed Dead; He should
have thought Of the Bereaved Family. To The Questions What Is Knowledge And
What Is Truth? He Added His Own One of "Yes, What could they be!" Dionysus Had·
Spoiled Him. Plato Would Pick Up Theories of Others Only To Prove Them Wrong.
Aristotle would have hurried if The History Had Not Kept the Two Philosophers
Apart. Meanwhile, Plato Had His Hunches To go by. An Artist Through And T�rough,
Plato Saw Dramatic Talent In Socrates, assigning Him The Central Male Role in the
dramas, Plato Wrote Dramas, Financed And Staged Them Under The Banner Of
Plato Productions, Took All The Earnings Himself Sharing The Credit With Socrates
Who Preferred A Pupil To A Parasite. His Life Can Be Summed Up In One Sentence
That Can Be Written In Greek Only. A Man Of Principles, He Soon ·Withdrew To
Avoid Getting His Ideas Crushed Under The Feet Of Aristotle Who Had Alexander
The Great For A Pupil. The Great Politidan That Plato Was, He Soon Realized That
His Ideal State Was Not Possible In Athens, - Athenians Knew Him Too Well For
That, - So He Went To Dionysus Twice To Prick His Conscience Twice ·which Proved
To Be A Mistake. He Didn't Intervene In Active Politics Thereafter. Thanks To
Dionysus, Rest of His �ife Was Serene, Quiet, and happy. He Died Peacefully �t The
Age Of eighty-two As Dionysus Was Busy Elsewhere.

Hinthe: English:
S'no Je S'no! Listen to it!
Tturana Humara The rhythm of mine
Zumanay Say Niyara Different r,·om theirs
Ki Juaysay Sittara Like a star
Chumuktta H'va! Shimmering!
Hur Bol Piyara Each word a loving one
Ki Juaysay Ho Ttara . As if a star
Ukayla Gugun M*ay Alone in the sky
Thumuktta H'va! Shinning!
S'no Je S'no! Listen! Please do!
Humare Bhe S'no! Do listen!
Uje Muhirb*a 0 you generous one!
Humare Rhe S' no! Do listen to me also!


We have fooled ou_rselves Over Many Millennia with Symbols, Totems and Words
That Duped us Into Accepting Them for Immuta�le Principles of Wisdom and
Virtue. A Wide Variety Of Religions, Creeds, Philosor.,1es And Faiths Played Their
Part On our Minds Since Over many millennia And Mutilated Further The Instincr
That Is The Core Of us, Each a Farce Within itself With The Word Faith For Icing
its Top! In Consequence the Instinct, The Sole Expression of Nature, Stands lost to
us and we have accepted The Adjectives of 'Society' for our 'Instincts'.

Wild Run!
Wild big leaps in the dark that assured him that th_e space was a promise to lead
into eternity, he suddenly hit the wall that, breaking the bridge of his nose, and
transformed his face into a heap of mauled up flesh and bones, he discovered his
madness. Those in whom he sought sympathy knew him as mad!

The Summing Up Of the Archaeological Research Findings Is Very Simple.

Early Stone Age:·

The Areas _Now Comprised Within The States Of G'jratt. Muha Rashtru, U'ttur
Pruthaysh. And, Rajiu Asttan Are Thickly Clustered With The Early Stone Age Sites
With Some Individual Sites In The Kutch. The Rest Of South Asia Is Barren Of
The Sites Except For Two Solitary Clusters In The Valleys Of Soon And i3iyas. It
Was Long Thought Possible To Divide South Asia's Early Stone Age Into Northern
And Southern Cultural Spheres Which Was Based On A Suggestion Of A Possibility
Of A People From Central Asia To Hav� Made Inroads Into The Two Northern
Valleys. But it has come to be accepted that The Soon and Biyas Sites are not
different from those in the South India and Particularly from Those in Anthdru
Pruthaysh Area. As It Would Be Absurd To Assume That The Void-Bound Pocket Of
The Soon And Biyas Sites Were Responsible For Transferring Its Cultural Sameness
To The Sites In South Asia, Archaeologists Have Concluded That The Soon And
Biyas Sites Were The Elongation Transplants Of The South Indian Sites. This Point
Alone Suffices For Acceptance that The Muha Bharuttu Civilization in Its Proto­
Formative Stage on the Most Northern Banks Was South most Muha Bharittiyun
and Therefore Proto-Dravidian in Origin. But there is more In Store with the
Archaeologists. The Pattern Of The Sites Of The Early Stone Age Continues
Through The Middle Stone Age Wherein In The North The BiyC1S Sites Disappear
As Replaced In The Farther Northern West By The Sites At Sanghao, Ak Kaprak,
And Kara Komar With No Sign Of Any People Approaching From North Or north­
west, And Wherein Clusters Of Sites Ar,pear In Rajiu Asttan, Muha Rashtru,
Anthdru Pruthaysh, And Kurnu Tuku. And The Sites In Kutchu And Katthiyu '/arr.
The 5ame Pattern Of The Appearance Of The Sites In The Early Stone Age And
The Middle Stone Age Continues Through The Late Stone Age. In The North,
Halim Brohe
Tashkarghan Replaces Al Kaprak, Dar-E-Kir, And Kara Kamar. In The South Thick
Clusters Of Sites Appear In The Western And Northern Areas Of Kurnu Tuku With
An Ostensible Futuristic Tendency Of Moving Into Muha Rashtru Area. Thick
Clusters Of Sites Appear In The northwestern Areas Of Muha Rashtru With An
Obvious Futuristic Tendency To Break Through Into The Western Areas Of G'jratt.
Sites In G'jratt Area Appear In Thick Clusters In Its Western Part On The Land­
Outlet Of Katthiyu Varr With Their Concentration Taking An Oblong Form Of
Amoebic Movement Up To Lu*ayglaj, The Forerunner Of H*inglaj, And Erupting Into
Hydra-Like Tentacles Reaching Far Into The Areas Presently Included In The
Province Of Sindh And· The State Of Rajiu Asttan. Sites In Rajiu Asttan Take A
Turn For Concentration In Its northwestern Areas Covering The south-eastern
Areas Of The Punjab And With Sites Appearing All Along Its north-western
Borders Poised As If To Take A Plunge For Farther North And West. The Sites In
Kutchu Thin Away With Appearance of Sites in the Area of the Present Province of
Sindh. And The Sites In The Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh Appear With
Their Weight Thrown On The Southern Area Along The Sea Coast.

Southern Muha BharuttLyuns:

It Was Thus, To Put It Bluntly Interrupting The Narration, The People From South
India Who Were First To Arrive In The Areas Which Came To Be Denoted Later By
Such Names As Amri, Chanhu Daro, Kot Diji, Muon Jo Daro, Jalilpur. Harpa, Rupar
and, by several other names, lying Between Kot Diji and Kali Bun, Including Kali
B*ugun in Rajiu Asttan. It Was Thus That The People From South India Came To Be
The First People To Have Arrived In Buloch Asttan By Crossing Through The Coastal
Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh. And All This Had Already Taken Place
When There Were No People In Or Around The North Or West Or Northern West
Of South Asia, And All This Had Taken Place Without Anything To Do With The
Indus Qr Indus Civilization Or With Anything Emanating From The· Indus Or Indus
Valley. It Was A Clean, Pure, And Absolutely Unadulterated Proto-Dravidian Cultural
Transplant From South India Much Before A Watercourse - Later Boptized As
Indus Or Sindhoo In The N.W.F.P. - Had Attracted Any People, And Much Befbre
The Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh Had Any Possibility Of Ever Emerging•
Out Of The Sea That. Much Later Started Receding Only To Present A Seepage
That Lasted Centur_ies After Muan Jo Daro Had Expired. The Fact That The People
Frotr. South India Were The First People To Have Entered Buloch Asttan, And The
Contention That They Crossed Into Buloch Asttan Through Southern Areas Of The
Present Province Of Sindh, Are Supported By Archaeological Finding That The
Earliest Of The Dead Of India Include Those Who Have Been Discovered As Buried
In The Karachi Area In The Present Provi.,c� Of Sindh, And Also In Makran,
Lasbela, And Kolat Areas Of Buloch Asttan. Thus It Was The Lothal Civilization
With Its Activating Factors At Halar In Kurnu Tuku Which Had Moved, Reached,
And Brought About The Maturity, Through Infusion From No Source Other Than
South Indian Kurnu Tuku Area, Of Its Own Such Nuclei As Kali, Chiri-damb,
. .
Nindoviri, Hadi, Nol, Etc, In Buloch Asttan; Amri, Muon Jo Daro, Chanr:io Jo Daro,
Kot Diji, Etc, In The Present Province Of Sindh; Jalilpur. Harpa, And Rupar In The
Punjab, And Kali B*ugun In Raji� Asttan. All This Movement. Scattering, And
Settlement Of The People From South I,idia Had Taken Place Much Earlier. And It
Was Much Later Between 2800 And 2100 BC That The "People From Central Asia,
Moving Through Iran And Ufgghan_isttan. Entered Northern Buloch Asttan And
Approached Western Areas Of The Present Province Of Sindh Through Southern
Buloch Asttan And Thereby· Came Upon Already Fully_ Matured South Indian Halar­
Lothal Civilization In The Kolat, Lasbela, And Makran Areas Of The Southern Buloch
Asttan Of Today; And At Amri, Chanhoo, Kot Diji, And Muon Jo Daro In The Present
Area Of The Province Of Sindh. Later Between 2100 And 1600 BC, When These
People Entered Jalilpur. Harpa, And Kali B*ugun And Approached Rupar, They Came
Upon Already Fully Matured South Indian Halar-Lothal Civilization At These Places.
Thus These People From Central Asia, Who Entered South Asia Through Iran And
Then Via Ufgghanisttan, Brought Nothing To Add To The South Indian Culture
Which Was Well Trenched In All Its ¼nolesomeness In Southern Buloch Asttan,
The Areas That Later Became The Present Province Of Sindh, Rajiu Asttan,
Southern-East Punjab, And Rupar. The Potter's Wheel And The Land-Measuring
Wheel Of Which Tlie Indian Historians Are In The Habit Of Crediting The
Immigrarits From West And 1-Jorthwest Of India, Was Already Available As In Use
With The People At Muan Jo Daro And Kot Diji Etc From South India. With Wheat,
Rice, And Bajra Available In South And Central India, When There Still Were No
People In Ufgghanisttan, Only An Imbecile Idiot With Free Funds Of Semi
Government Institute At His Disposal Would Attribute Chaki to The Immigrants
·Into India Fro111 Western And norih-western Areas,. And At Which Only Fools
Would Applaud, - And The Coffers Of The Universities In Pakistan And Specially In
Sindh, Were Filled To The Brim With These Nasties. Therefore, In The Fitness Of
Things, And To Set The R�cord Right By Synchronizing It With The.Archaeological
. Finding�. All The Archaeological And Cultural Heritage Dating Up To 2100 BC In The
Southe ...ri Buloch Asttan, And Dating Up To 1600 BC In The Areas Of The Present
Province Of Sindh, The State Rajiu Asttan, A.nd At Jalilpur, H�rpa, And Rupar
Ought BP. Called By Its Proper Entitlement Of ()ravidian Culture And Halar-Lothal
Civilization, And Such Unnecessary And Ar,ti History Terms As Pre-Harpa And Post­
Harpa Be Discarded As Irrelevant, Devoid Of Connotation, Of No Factual" Or
Historical Consequence, Smacking Of Bias, Prejudice. And Propagation Of
Misinformation By The People Who Had Bellies To Fill. The Fact That Lothal WCJ.S
The Lifeline Of Harpa Is Confirmed Beyond Doubt By The Fact That Lothal
Survived The Death Of Muon Jo Daro And Harpa By More Than 300 Years. Further,
As The Indus Features Nowhere In The History Of South Asia Till After The
Arrival Of The Aryans Who, As Late As 900 BC, Settled On !ts Banks In The
N.W.F.P. Area And Later Moved Farther In The North And Then north-east Along
The Banks, The Application Of The Term Indus Civilization Ought Be Restricted In
Time To Their Arrival On The Banks Of The Indus In The N.W.F.P. Areo. And,

Halim Brohe
Thereafter, Area-Wise To The Area Adjacent To The Indus In The N.W.F.P. And
Farther North And Northeast: Its Application To The Area Of The Present
Province Of Sindh Acquired Usage, Albeit Counterfeit, In 517 BC When Scylax,
Under Orders Of Darius To Explore The River, Entered.The Indus In The N.W.F.P.
Area And Passed Through The Area Which Now Is In The Present Province Of
Sindh, And Again In 325 BC When Nearchus, Under Orders Of Alexander, Entered
The Indus In The N.W.F.P. Area And Sailed With His Flotilla Through The Area Of
The Present Province Of Sindh With Alexander Keeping Pac� With Him On The Land
Up To Larkana, And Becomes Dubiously Meaningful Since Much Later When, After
The Arabs Conquered The Area In 680-_700 AD, The Area Started Ingratiating
Cultural Factors Of The North And north-west And The Presently Known Middle­
East. The Area Of The Present Province Of Sindh Had Received Hinduism - As It
Received Jainism And Budhism - Thro�gh G'jratt In The East, And Not Directly
From The Indus Civilization Of The North.

My young ones stretched their arms to reach their fists on my nose across the
fence, reminding m� of how I had behaved with my parents.
"Did you behave well with your fa1 her that you expect us to behave well with you?" I
was quiet. It was USA. It was her house. I was on a visit, and a guest with them. She
had spoken on behalf of others also.
Back in Pakistan, I wondered. She will have to be quiet w�en her son Haji, now nine,
· asks her the same in about forty years.

"Run, Halim, run!"

"Run, Forrester, run!" The girl said to the boy And the boy ran from the toughs that
would have beaten him. "Run, Halim, run!" Is what THE UNKNOWN says to me not to
be a witness to what is to befall them who are, from the other side of the fence,
looking hardest at me waiting for 11,f doom! The unknown is the greatest planner who
knew that what I took for my ardent job for my young ones would stretch its arms
to hit my face across the fence. Sightless and completely blind in both the eyes, -
the way I had behaved with my parents - the closed lids shut since birth, - and with
nothing you could only run wildly in the pitch dark in the direction your blindness
took you to. I ran as fast as I could; or you could; or anybody else could, including
the fastest of the wilaest animals.

'Always begin c:it the beginning·, so says someone to the little girl Alice, or to
someone else, in the book Alice in. the Wonderland. I have therefore moved away
from the food not cooked or bought by me. Do not expect me to participate in the
food ycru get here. I wa_nt to be with you every moment that you are here. Therefore
bring !iomething for me to eat while we eat. Joining you in food made in the house

I •

.r has always made me give up this first step.' Thus I wrote and, as usual, had to part
from the beginning.

Sana: 0

It is a misfortune of the children that their originality is traced somehow, however

wrongly, to their parents, resulting in a great_ injustice to the children. The
originality of the parents is not traced, except perhaps in the case of Jesus, to
their children. My soul laments this misfortune of my children, and it will not forgive
me for marring the absolutely perfect originality of Sana, one of my four of my
daughters, by writing 'I introduce' for her. Her pride that she is my daughter is of
no solace- to me. I feel guilty of the intrusion of _'I introduce' in her book. She
surpasses me by far in the originality that comes after a great effort to be Gt
patience, of which I don't hav� an iota or idea. She has planted in me a seed about
the fruit of which I was not aware.

You are right till you know you were wrong all along. I condemn myself for ignoring
Sana all her childhood. A.nd here is she now for me to fill The Coffers Of my
Autobiography. She didn't speak much, suffering by herself. She doesn't speak at
all, she cries inside.
"I 'knew, but you did not know; and I knew you did not kn�w. I was too small then. I
was hungry and wanted some food to eat, but mother would not stay at home. She
was always in a hurry to go somewhere. I hanged onto her, cried and wept to make
her stay with me. I was small, and I needed mother; but she wouldn't stay. Romana
and Armaghan some how managed, but I couldn't. I needed mother's care and
something to eat. People often asked why I was so small, weak, and pale, and mother
would say, 'Because she is jealous, burning inside in her jealousy. You did not notice
her preference of outings to her· home, but I watched her because. I needed a
mother. Hurriedly she would cook something, ask us to eat quickly because she
always·had to go somewhere. My life has been so." I recalled she had tried to kill.
herself with lot of the pills that I took for my hypertension.

Y9u Regard Your Inner -_ Self More Than All the Lofty Principles and Canons That the
Society Expects You to Adhere and Solemnly Brag About. If You Feel Uke Doing
Something, You Do It; If You Feel Like Getti"lg Away From Something, You Do That.
You Don·t Weigh Your Feelings Or Actions On The Scale Of The Principles You Brag
About Publicly And Socialll You Feel And live Like A Person, A Human; Not Like A
Non-Human Solid Rock Of Principles, Honesty, And Truthfulness. It Is For the 'I' in
you that Your Body Lives, Not For the Principles the Society Imposes on the Body.
You Are At Ease with Yourself_ You Care For Your Own 'I'. You Don't Burden
Yourself w1tli Frustrations about Contradictions in Your Behavior, Conduct,
Attitude, Or Principles. Nothing Else Matters for You, - Least the Other People. You

Halim BrohC'

Stay F:ee Of All The Hard· And Fast Rules When It Comes To 'Feed'Your Body. You
live a double life; a false one for the society, and a concealed one for your body.

Life does not have 'principles'; Life Is Principle-Less. What We Take For Principles
Are Our Fraudulent Appearances We Get Away With. What Our Elders Inculcated
In Us As Principles Were Their Fraudulent Appearances They Got Away With. A
Principle Is an Apparition, and that is what you would be as a Person of Principles.

Not' a novel!
An Autobiography Is a fiction If It Doesn't Pickup And Break Through The
Inhibitions That you deliberately Conceal Or are 'N.ot Aware Of. Picking on the
Selected Inhibitions ·Render·s the Autobiography to A Fantasy, .A Self-Justifying
Device. An Autobiography,. If Anything; Is A Curse. There is . No Hell out There.
Neither Up there as. a permanent abode, nor Down Here on the Soil That you Take
for Burial Ground. There is no Hell. Neith�r Within Nor Without; It Is Buried In
The Survival That you T�ke For The Life you Live, - As The Others Do, And 'All did,
- Nothing Exceptional About It!

Fcite sealed! ·
Your Autobiography'Published Is your Fate Sealed; 1'1ow you May Cower Or Quail, Or
Whatever, you are Hooked! You are No More the person who lived the
autobiography. Fully exposed you Walk Naked the Remains of Life with No Piece of
Towel for Cover, No Place to Hide, And No Roof for Shelter. This Is What Happens
when you sit On Judgment as Your Own Judge. Horrible! A curse If your
Autobiography Is Anything! It Is In The Confession That' Is Dormant in you; It Is
In The 'I' That Awaits Exposure. It is neither A Faith. Nor a Religion nor A Culture
for the Growth of the Mores. It Is The Unconfessed Confession· That Is The
Inferno Looki�g At The 'I', Eyeball To Eyeball! Exposed fully. To the Mili�u through
autobiography, you bury yourself �ong before your Overdue Death only To Sit as A
Judge on your Conduct.

It i� for the L.ack of a Catalyst that you don t indulge in Self-Exposure through
Autobiography. Living A Farce of A Life and putting Ori A False Appearance Is A
Joy till the Moment of Reckoning with A Catalyst. Approaching Death Becomes
Meaningless and Ineffective, and Faith
A big joke! f)f Mental or Emotional Ability you are left with None Except that it
tells On the Physical Body. All That Confronts Thereafter Is the Reqret That you
wrote and pu"11ished the life you had not lived, and The Catalyst, as witr all, was the ;
Aberration of Mind!

W�.y .)o The People Who Have Scripts That Are Written From Right To Left Have
Almos• No Share In The Scientific Inventions? They Have Only Made · Big' or
'Small·, Or Modified, Or Made Varieties of the Things made by the other people.
the people with the scripts that are written from left to right? Why do the people

- with their scripts written from left to right have N.uch More Share in Scientific
Inventions, produced More Philosophers, More L;terature Inclined, and Logic
Oriented than the other People, the people with. the scripts written from right to
The Scripts That Are Written From Right to Left are brazenly illog·,cal. They are a
hurdle, a hindrance, and the stumbling block in the progress of human thought and
its application. It is the script, coupled with the Language it uses, That Sets the
Different Standards Of the 'Inventive Ability' In the Various Lingu1st1c Groups.
'Mind, With Thought As Its Unit', Sets The Standard Of The 'Inventive Ability' In
People. The scripts that are written from left to right have Taken To Set Their
Schoolbooks on the Devnagri System of Vowel Rotations, On Which I Have Set
PHONETICS for All the Languages.

The Big Why about Delhi!

Why Has It Always Been So That The Person Who Ruled Delhi Was Accepted As
The Legitimate Ruler Of India, And Any One Who Ruled Over Whole Of The Rest
Of India Except Delhi Was Treated A Traitor? Babar, Hamayoon, Aurangzeb, And
All The Following Lots Had Their Writ Restricted To Delhi And Its Surroundings;
But Only Because They Had Delhi As Their Base, The Historians Accepted Them As
The Rulers Of India! Tre Writ of Aurangzeb Didn't Extend To Beyond That of Delhi
and Its Surroundings, Yet He Was the De Facto King of India for the history.
Bahadur Shah Zafar, The Last And The Most Handicapped Of The Moghals and
Confined To The Red Fort In ,Delhi, Beyond Which His Writ Didn't Prevail, - His
Writ Didn't Prevail Even In His Residential Quarters, - Was The De Facto Ruler Of
India Although Whole Of India Had Been Usurped Ar:d Ruled By The Britisn! The
Question Is, Why? Bengal Never Accepted The Writ Of The Rulers Of Delhi, Nor
Did Maharashtras, Nor Did Most Of The Areas That Were Considered As Included
In India, But Still, Why The Person Who Had Delhi Was Accepted The De Facto
King Of India And Others Dismissed As Traitors! The British Took Over The
Contro; Of Whole Of India, But Couldn't Claim To Be The Rulers Of India Only
Because Bahadur Shah Zafar Was Holding On To The Throne Of Delhi In The Lal
Kila! .Clive Had To Remove Bahadur Shah Zafar From That Powerless And Merely A
Symbolic Throne Of Delhi And Sit On That Thr :ine In Lal Kila In Delhi To Proclaim
The British As The Rulers Of India Before The World Acknowledged The British As
The Rulers Of India! There is and has always been something With Delhi. Even If
You Rult> Over Whole Of India, You are A Traitor If You Don't Rule Delhi! So where
do Pakistan, Bargladesh, Bhutan, Siri Lanka, Nepal, And Others Stand Whom All Go
without Delhi in Their Geographical or Physical Nomenclature! Allaudin Khilji or
Halim Brohe

Mahmood Ghaznavi or M'humuth of Ghaznavi or whatever and others didn't matter

As Delhi Stood Intact. The Earth Rotates around the Sun, But South Asia Surely
Rotates Around Delhi. You Simply Can't Run Away From Delhi. Could Haroons
Establish Dawn In Delhi without the Blessings of the Congress and The Brirish?
Certainly Not! We Are Indians However Much We May Deny Or Defy The Word.
The People In England Are Known As The English, The People In France Are Known
As The French, And The People In Spain Are Known As The Spanish, So Why -
Shouldn't The People In Hindustan Be Known As Hindi, or Hindu Or Hindusi"oni? Why
Are You Allergic to the Word Hind? And How Long Would You Hold On to That
PrejudiGe? You Are Hindu By Culture, Whatever else You are By Your .Absurd
Notions Including What You Take For Your Faith. You will return To Delhi whatever
you are. Without Delhi You Are Nobody. And With Delhi as Your Axis You �on't
Need To Have USA or Europe for Your Financial or Social Salvation! Stay Away from
Delhi, and ·you are dog gone! The Last sixty Years of Antagonism with Delhi Have
Made You Jokers on International Scene. If I Were the Ruler of Any Country in
South Asia, I would hand Over the Reins of the Government to Delhi. That Is
Exactly What rs To Happen, - I will do that for you.

The Westerners Were Too Objective, And The Easterners Too Subjective. The
Objectivity Of the westerners misdirected the subjectivity of the Easterners. Now
Is the Time For T�e subjectivity of the easterners to misdirect the objectivity of
the westerners!

The Serpent:
So the Lord God To the Serpent, "Because You Have Done This, Cursed Are
You Above All the Livestock and All the Wild Animals! You Will Crawl on Your Belly
and You Will Eat Dust All the Days of Your Life. And I Will Put Enmity Between You
And The Woman, And Between Your Offspring And Hers: He Will Crush Your Head,
And You Will Strike His Heal." It Is Not an Incident; It Is a Pointer to You and me
and Him and To Them. Serpent Is One Of The Livestock And All The Wild Animals -
which The Serpent Already Is. And Because All The Birds And Beasts And The
Animals Are Mere Nouns For The Instincts - Name Of Each Of The Birds And The
Beasts And Animals A Mere Noun For The Instinct It Connotes - The Serpent Is
The Noun For The Instinct It Connotes. The Serpent Is the Denotation of the
Instinct That the Serpent Connotes. And What Instinct Does the. Serpent Connote?
A Wonder of All the Wonders! What Had the Serpent Done? He had nor featured
Before the Arrival of the Woman on the Scene. The Arrival Of The Woman Had
Deprived -Robbed -The Serpe.nt Of The Attention That The Man Gave To All The
Instincts Nouned By The Birds And The Beasts And The Animals. Man Now Gave His
Hearing to the Woman, - And Kept His Hearing Away From the Lowly and Mean
Instinct That Nouned the Serpent. He Now Gave Ear To the Woman, Not To the
Lowly Mean Instinct That Nouned the Serpent.

Father Had A Home, A Pension, And A Neurotically Acceptable Circle of Friends. He
Supported My Wife in Her Social Pursuits All Over the Globe to Which They Found
Me No Party. I Declined, Fell Lower, Came Crashing Down And Found Myself
Scribbling Nonsense That I Call My Literature. Father Expected Me to Contribute
to House Expenses; A Just And Legitimate Expectation. The Only Way I Could, Was
By Asking My Wife, - And that I Couldn't Do As I Was A Sore In Her Eyes Due To
My Financial Lethargy and antipathy for her extreme indulgenc_e in social activities.
The House Those Days Was A Funny Place! Mother Had Died. She Had Died Since
Long. Father Didn't Need My Money, But His Repulsion to My Presence in the House
Had Always Agitated His Mind and He Desired To Break Me for Shattering His
Dreams. Misttre Was His Moral Support Against Me . Father Knew About My
Financial Handicaps, A�d He Cornered Me With His Demand which he Conveyed To
Me Through Others, Himself Ignoring To Look At Me. I Came To Know Much Later
That My Wife Had Paid Rs.200/00 A Month To Misttre Without Informing Father
Or Me. She Was Pleasing God By Keeping Us In The Dark.

�ince A Body, - your, his and mine, - Is Passing Through A Permanent, Unbroken,
And Constant Change And Transformation, Objects Outside it Appear To It As
Moving And �hanging, Although The Objects Outside The Body Are Static And On
The Hold! It Is Only The Body Itself That Is In The Flux, Undergoing A Constant
And Continuous Transformation - That It conceives outside objects as Moving And
flying Past. Same way you, he and I conceive the transformation in outer objects, -
siting static in a moving train and watching fly past the outer objects. We three are
outer bodies.

"Season has changed; Fortunes wiII also change. Seasons Are Nature's Diapers. You
Said That Day That Even Good Friendship Come To End. Yes. Things Do Change.!
Talk Repentance, But I Don't Repent; I Just Walk Away! Don't Feel Sorry For Me
When Our Paths Part. You Have A Long Life to Live; You Have To Struggle for
Survival. There Are Vultures All Around, Gathering And Getting 1'-learer! There
never was A Life That Had No Vulture Concealed Within and others waiting their
pick! Any Way, It Is You And Your Life; Live It To The Full. To Your Heart's
Content; Sorrowful, Or Happiness-Filled!

If Prayers Wer.e Effective, No Mother Would Have Los. t A Child in Her Lifetime.
Who are this and That Who Keep On asking yoi..: and him and me, And Whosoever He
Me'?ts. To Pray for Him or To Remember Him in Prayers! Why Would Allah accept
. yo1Jr or his or my errand upsetting His Own· Decision Based on His Infinite Wisdom
and Judgment?

Halim Brohe
Asking God To Do This Or That is to tell Him, "I Am Wiser Than You. I am better
informed than you are. My computer is faster and more reliable than your media is.
Your Infi,nite Wisdom has lost touch with the latest developments in information
technology. You make mistakes and mess up things. Now do what I tell you; better ...
still, let me do it. Your Infinite Wisdom has aged; it has decayed."

"Do Mothers Blackmail Their Children?" Asked Tony, Aftab of the Navy.
I Looked At Him. Blank. "Mothers Do," He Said, "The Son That Gets Happy Landings
In Jobs, And Is Well Off, Is Pestered By His Mother's 'You Got Those Things
Because I Prayed For You' Repeatedly. The Thing Is, If Her Prayers were that
Effective, Why It Didn't Work For Her Other Sons! Is It Not Blackmail!" I Looked
At Him. He Had Made A Slight Mistake. It Is Not The Prayers Of A Mother Or Any
Other Person That Blackmail People Or Persons; It Is The Prayer, The Prayer per
se, asking God to do this and that, make God do errands for you, Thcit Is The Source
Of Blackmail!
.Sy asking God to give me quick Relief From The Extreme Bouts Of Asthma,
Prostrate, And Heart-Ailmei1tS, My Friends Informed God That I VJas not well, - A
Fac_t God Was Not Aware Of. That also made God Realize that He had done
something unworthy of Him, he must give me fast recovery, and Improve His

Parental and Maternal :

Mother Never Stayed A Night in Her Parental Home or With A Brother or The Only
Sister. She Visited Her Mother Very Rarely, - She Had Stayed A Night with Her
Sister When Their Mother Died. I Didn't See Mother Visit Her Parental Home
Probably More Than Twenty Times In My Lifetime. Probably I inherited from
mother The Same Streak of Not Letting Those Daughters Stay with Us Who Came
To Us for Refuge and Support after A Quarrel with Their Husbands. Wife Liked,
Loved, And Supported Those Daughters Who Came To Her To Get Rid Of Their
Husbands On Her Philosophy That 'Who Will Help Them If We Didn't!' She Sided
with Them against Their Husbands And I Ruthlessly Shut My Mind on Them to Make
Them Return To Their Husbands.

The Principles On Which The Foundations Of Punjablogy Be Laid Must Include 1)
When God Said 'K'n', The First Things That Appeared With The Word 'Fuyukoon' ...
Were The Punjab, The Punjabe Language, And The Punjabez; 2) Punjabe Language Is
The Mother Of All The Languages Of The World Including The Sanskritt; 3)
Hurrupuh Civilization Is The Oldest, At Least Twenty Thousand Years Old, That
Had Made All The Discoveries And Inventions Attributed falsely To Western
Civilizations; 4) Punjabez Were The Greatest Of The Intellectua!s Known World
1 Over As 'think-tanks' Whose Ideas Were Stolen By The Westerners; 5) The Script
Of fhe Punjabe Was Arabic - And That Continues To Be So - Th�t Can Be Read In
The Hurrupuh Excavations But Has Been Deliberately Ignored By The Westerners
Who Are Biased Against Punjabez; 6) There Never were - And There Is None - Any
Non-Punjabe People Or A Person In The Punjab And, Theref .Jre, It Is To Be
Punjablogy, Punjabe Uthube Board, Punjabe Language Authority, And The Punjab; 7)
Ravi Is The Greatest, The Most Ancient, The Most Beautiful, The Biggest, The
Largest and The Holiest River In The World And The Universe And The Heavens!

Accident and chance:

Nature Can't Afford Accidents And Chances: It Is A Mere Unfolding Of It-Self Or
Its-Self, - A Slave to Itself With No Liberty Or Discretion. This Is The 'In The
Beginning There Was Nothing ..........' Sort Of Thing for What Happened Thereafter.

Hinthe: English:
Gghulutt Wrong
Yay Baisay Na U'meth,yay All this is the Consequence
Urbabay Huvus Huay Of the inability of your lovers
Gghalib Ko B'ra Kuhittay Ho Who Speak Small of Ggholib.
Utchha Nuh*e Kurttay! - Tut Tut, That Is Not Fa,r l

0 Bartender:
"I Am Already Forlorn and Dejected, Bartender. The More Indifferent She Is To
Me, fhe More She Fascinates Me; She Is In Trouble, Bartender! Don't Be
Indifferent To Me, Bartender. Terribly Mad About Her, I Feel Like A Bomb That
May Explode Any Time; You Are In Danger, Bartender! That Waitress over There is
The Apple of My Eye, and This Waitress on My Lap Has Made Me Heave A Sigh. I
Wonder, O' Bartender, That You Tend the Bar in Such A Scheme of Waitresses!

Inventions and discoveries:

If All Gets Lost, How Will Your Posterity Know That The Air Plane Was Invented By
Kasitn Bb'ghyo, Computer By Ibrahim Joyo, Rocket By Dr. Nubi Bux Buloch,
Motorbike By Dr. Ggh'lam Ali Viana, And The Greatest Invention Of All Was Done
By Taj Joyo Who Discovered The Method Of Mending The Punctures Of The Bicycle
Tubes! All Such Sindhi Heritage Must Be Saved At All Costs and expenses Of Sindhi
Jthube Board, Sindhology Of Jamshoro, Sindhi Language Authority, And Other
Such Things Where These Sindhi 'think-tanks' Have Or Had A Say! And Yes, How
Else Will The Posterity Know That It Was Jubar Joonnayjo Of Buthen Who Had
Discovered Mohun Jo Thurro And, To His Surprise, Had Found Himself Missing From
It! The Moment Recorded the Height of His Socio-;)sychometric self-inflicted
Fortitude! John Marshall Should Have Taken A Secor,d look at Him and Himself.
The Genes of These Sindhi 'think-tanks' have multiplied many times, with no bone
broken. since 1845, the year the British commissioned the genes to make Sindhi

Halim Brahe
Armag�an and h"er mother forced me to put my signature as a witness to 'Fayaz had
signed- before me' on a ridiculous stamp paper purporting to be an 'agreement to
divorce', which Armaghan had got drafted and typed by some fool of a lady lawyer
for Rs.500/00. There was no signature of Fayaz, or of Armaghan. Though promised
that I will not be asked to participation any further, they forced me to take that
paper of no legal consequences to Fayaz to obtain his signature on that paper. I
asked Bhabhi Hamida to take the paper to Fayaz for his signature. I thought any
fool would know the paper was for a dustbin, - but not Fayaz who pronounced 'I did
not expect this from Halim!' Because I was carried away by the loudest cries of my
wife, - and her shouts from the windows - that 'these Thebos will tr.urder Rabia!' in
the dead of night, I rang Zulfiqar to ask Khan Thebo to divorce Rabia. Zulfiqar did
that. Khan did not divorce Rabia. I was the wrongdoer, not Zulfiqar. But Khan, being
a Thebo, dropped relations with Zulfiqar. Armaghan and Rabia are the moulcs of
their mother. Sana was sensible who served Hayat and his mother well, but she had
no other way to stop her apartment become a permanent boarding house for five
sisters of Hayat. Romana was thoughtful. Hayat and Zulfiqar, and their wives and
kids, are my only friends.

Hinthe, G'jratte, English, Farse:

'Kuho Kis Ka_run H'e Vay Lurrae!' Hinthe
"Thue Thhavano Balum Thuyo Hurjae!" G'jratte
'Booge Ina Iz Khattiri Chhe Jh*ug Khurthun?' Farse.
'Why\This Wrangle between lovers!' English
'U' c-_'�a Balum HQga Hurjae!' Hinthe
'E Nufur Kkeinara Khosh Tturu Oo Usthhu Urj'ae!' Farse
'May Be Her Lover Has Cheated On Her!' English

"How Do the Writers Write?"
I Don't Know. I write the Best of my Nonsense when Drunk And larer, in my sober
hours, Edit The write-up To The Best Of My Ability Which, I Discover Later, Is
Much Inferior To The One I Wrote when Drunk!

The person who doesn't drink has a hold on his senses and intellect all the twenty­
four hours and therefore is mean and cunning, a liar and a great success in worldly
affairs, something that a person given to drink cannot afford.

She rang and asked me on phone to tell her mother that Zulfiqar is to be asked to
move '1er resi9nat1on application in the secretariat at Karachi. I conveyed the
message with details to Zulfiqar, who has expressed to my wife his inability to do
., that errand. Zulfi has done right. She deserves and should have expected that .

Who is she!
Who is she!
Kuon Huay Yay Kuh*a Say Ae Huay!
Yay Tto Upne Nuh*e Purae Huay!
Kuayse Chunchul Shurer Uor Jhoote
Phir Bhe Thil Ko Mayray Yay Bhae Huay!
Hathh*o M*ay Hathh Lay Liya Mu*aynay
Sochtta H*oo Yay Kiya Kiya Muan*ay
Kiy*oo Yay Sur Thurth Lay Liya Muayn*ay!

Who ish�
Thaykk Kur Y*oo Vo M's�'raya Kiy*oo!
M'skraya Tto Pas Aya Kiy*oo!
Nak Ittna Uor Ap Ittna Sa!
Phir Bhe Mayre Nuzur Ko Bhaya Kiy*oo!
Jis Ko Urpun Kiya Thiya Muayna*ay
Sochtte H*oo Yay Kiya Kiya Muan*ay!
Kiy*oo Yay Sur Thurth Lay Liya Muan*ay!

What have I done!

Ratt Thin Ishk Ka Jo Rona Thha
Ho Guya Vo Jo Y*oo Bhe Hona Thha
Yay Jo Zalim Tturrup Ruha Huay Yuh*a
Isn*ay Ik Thin M'jhay D'bona Thha
Hathh*o M*ay Hathh Lay Liya Muayn*ay

And what have we done!

"c::ochtta H*oo,
Yay Kiya Kiya Muayn*ay!"
"Sochtte h*oo,
Kiy*oo Yay Sur Thurth
Lay Liya Muayn*ay!"

The Only Way To Get into Your Good Books Is To Ask You for A Favor. Well, Here
It Is. Yes, I Confess That I Too Have An Agenda, - A Proof Confirming The Theory
For Our American Relatives To Rejoice. An Acerbic Person Is Unable To Conceal His

Halim Brohe

. "'."he Curs�s Are No Curses; Those Are Merely Their Description of what they were
a,ready. The curses are only reminders to them and others.

Hinthe: English:
Ukay/a Alone
U's Kay Th'shmun Hu*ay B'hott, He has many enemies
Athme Utchha Hoga! He Must Be A Nice Person!
Vo Bhe Mayre He Tturuh Like Me He Must Also Be
Shuhir M*ay Ttunha Hoga! Alone In the Town!

God is �n the Heavens, and All is well On the Earth. The Ruler is On the Throne, and
All is well In the Country. A Lover Of Truth, the Ruler Strives To Get At The
Ultimate Truth; Hence His Secret Service. Education Is A Must for the Ruler:
Hence He Is In Rigorous Pursuit of the Intellectual As Well as Worldly Pursuits. He
has to have the courage to announce His Opinion so that the People think the Way
He does. Example: Any Ruler. Politics Is All-Right If You Don't Hurt His Feelings.
Note: He Is All Feelings; No Flesh Or Blood. Give Me A Country to Rule, And I Will
Run Amok! The Psychologist ,?totes How People Do Think, The Ethical States how
People Ought To Think and the Ruler Proves the Futility of Thought. There is No
Fun in Being A King. Why, Th� People Might Ask the Ridiculous Question where and
With Whom the Sovereignty Rests! Nothing Like Being A Ruler; You Get All The
Privileges Of A King With The Perks Of Not Being Questioned About Where And In
Who Rests The Sovereignty! People See Your Muscles And Vamoose, - To Be
Followed In Time By Your Muscles. Once A Ruler, Always A Ruler; You Stay Put
While People Wait For The Person Who Gets Better Of You, - And You Know He
Won't Come Forth. O' God, Give Me A Country to Rule over and the know-how To
Pass It On To My Children! O' God, You Know How Much I Lov_e the Security of My
Children and Family! O' God Give Me A People Who Follow Me like A Lamb! O' God,
Give Me A Lamb! I Am the Ruler. I can't get off. I Have To Get the People A Better
Man Firstly. Meanwhile, I Stink. My Definition Of A Better Man Is Very
Accommodating, - Accommodating Only He Who Takes Better Of Me. The Way I
Long For Him, I Have the Inkling He may be Around the Corner. I Want To See His
Gait, - Mainly To Blast Him before He Takes the Turn and appears At the Corner.
That Is Why I Have Demolished All the Corners in the Country. I Hold the Better
Person Responsible for Not Coming forth. What Is Hold_ing Him Back? What Is
Making Me Stuck with the People? And What Is A Better Man? A Hypothetical Man
Who Doesn't Come Forth! In These Days of Steel Cold Facts, What Place Is There
For A Hypothetical Man? And, For That Matter, for A!1Y Othe:r Person? Chorus:
"No, No, No Place!" Aristotle The Logician Is To Be Outfoxed, Aristotle The Ethical
Is To Be Put To His Shame, And Aristotle The Man Is To Be Acknowledged for His
Loyalty To The Ruler. Orders Of The Day Are 'Drown The Fact In The Glut Of
Counter Facts, And Kill The Story In A Heap Of Variations On The Theme'. Neat
And Clean Mllrders. No Blood Shed. Did That Sophist Thrasymachus Identify
Justice with the Interests of Those in Power? Chorus: "He was In the Pay of A
Foreign Power!" My Doings Are Based On The Love Of The Country, Yours At The
Instance Of The Aliens; Mine Are Locally Financed, Yours Foreign Financed; I Unite.
You Disrupt; I Develop, You Destroy. Security Of The Country Is At Stake. There is
A.Conspiracy To Disintegrate the Country. Tne Enemy Is To Strike Any Moment.
Don't Be Misled By Others. What I am here. for? Students Must No+ Indulge,In
Politics: Their Time Is Precious, They Should Keep To Their Studies: They Are The
Citizens Of Tomorrow, Not Today: And What Is A _Tomorrow If Not An Absurd
Extension Of Today! Politicians Are Either Agents of the Aliens or Temperamentally
Destructive. Religious Clerics Are Too Orthodox To Keep Step With The Fast
Progress Of The Modern World. To The Agriculturists I Have Assigned A Target of
Agricultural Produce. The Lazy Merchant and Business Communities, Provided With
Hurdles to Jump Over, Are at Liberty to Sneak under the Hurdles. Unions Are Given
More Saying in Proposing Charters to Let the Working Class Tackle the Unions. The
Lousy Influential ·class I Have Kept Busiest Of All By Assigning Them No Target.
With Employees Already Barred From Non-Employment Activities, I Find Myself
The Only Person With All The Rights Of Citizenship And The Privilege To Contest
Election With The Word Election Deprived Of rts Connotations. Of All The

Deprivations, Deprivation Of The Connotations Is In'The Finest Taste Of Us Rulers.

And What Is A Connotation if not what The Ruler takes for! The Fact That You Are
A Person, - A Matter Discussed In Its Entirety By F.H. Bradley In His Discourse On
'Appearance' In His Book ' Appearance And Reality', - Has Nothing To Do With
Whether You Are A Person Or Not. Anybody, Almost Anything, Can Have Two Ears,
Two Eyes, Two Legs. And Two Hancls. Chorus: "It Is Not Difficult To Have Them in
Pairs. It Is Difficult To Hav� Them In Singles."

Jan"' 'ly Kuaysay Supn"' o M"' ay Kko Gue Ukky"' a - Hinthe
My Eyes Are Consumed By the Dreams I Am Not Aware Of! - English
G�ya Karun Kayva supn"'o M"' ay Khoe Gue Ukky"' a! G'jratte
Kh'tha Khubur Chhe Mae Ma Uz Kh'vab P'r Sh'thun
Ma Kh'baythar B'thum Chhe Mae Ma Thur Kh'vab B'thu! Farse
M"'uay Tto H"' oo Jage Mayre So Gue Ukky"'a! Hinthe
How Have My Eyes Taken To Sleep while I Am Awake! English
H*oo Tto Jago S"' oo Soe Gue Ukky"'a! G'jratte

The gulp!
An Alcoholic Gulp Disintegrates And Dissipates the Inhibitions That Otherwise
Cloud the Mind to Clog and clout The Mental Processes. With Those Clogs and Clouts
Halim Brohe_
Gone, with a gulp of whiskey, The Mind gets as frer: as vapor. It Stays Sober Only
To Disown The Ones Who Love Him For Whatever he is worth.

Arrogance Is the Beginning of the unlucky time. You �on't speak Of A Home. but you
do have A Home. The House I Live In is Not Mine, But It Is Has Been My Home.
Father Didn't Care To Have A 'Home' - He Preferred Official Residences - And
What We took For Our Home Was His Official Residence Till his Last posting.
There after we didn't have a home. The place we call our home clutters-us - silently,
noiselessly, - with tre lonesomeness that finally bites into our sinews leaving us
dead. I was the most arrogant pers�n in the family, - now broken into pieces.

"I Stood Tiptoe Up On A Hill, And Then Slipped All The Way Down Onto Her Lap.
You, Bartender, - You That Day Accused The World Of Being Too Round To Let You
Stay At A Place. You complained that you were always slipping_Away From Where
You Are! You Would Have Grown Roots, Bartender, If The World Had Not Been
Round! I Am Unfolding My Mind To You As If You Were She, But Then She Is So
Far Away And You So Very Near! Too Very Near To Let The Air Carry Away Your
Bad Breath!

"It Is My Eyes that have distressed me. Two Sore Holes Dug In My Skull, - These
Have Led Me from One Blind Alley inro Another. I Am Wary of Them. Eternally
Hungry, They Won't Wander Away From That Pretty face! As A Child I Knew Not'
What To Look At, And In Youth I Know What To Look At Other Than That
Enchanting Face! As A Child I Knew Not What to Look At, And In Youth I Know
What Else To look at! As A Child I Had No Eyes, and In Youth I Have No Sight for
Any Other Face! Despite My Youth, O' Bartender, I Am Old Enough To Know That I
Will Have To Give Up My Sight To Take My Eyes Off That Face.

"The Face That Would Put One To Daydreaming Is Of The Woman Who Was Not To
Be Mine. You Would Be Amazed, O' Bertender, At The Number Of The Women Who
Were Not To Be Mine!

"The Shore of My Mind Is A Lonely Shore! Alone I Roam It To While Away The
Eternities! Alone I Play With Its Lonely Sands, To Build Castles to Undo Them, To
Pity Poor Me and To Mock at the Divine Schemer! Stop the Winds from Stirring the
Sands! Stop the Blowing of the Winds if you can! But You Are No Use, Bartender,
and Of No Use Is Your Wine! Seeking Hands force A Dip :n the Sand, Only To Come
Out Full of the Sand! I Am Not If She Is Not, - Yet I Would Have Baffled Watson
-And His Watsonians!"


Till death does them apart!

Father Was SP Hyderabad And I Was Schooling Or Whatever. One Day Early
Morning I Heard From Someone That Apa Taj Had Arrived From Karachi. I Was
Surprised And Happy. In An Hour or Two I Found Mother Missing And Later. Found
_Mother Agitated. But Her Agitation Didn't Register With Me. I asked About Apa,
But Mother Ignored My Query. Later In The Day Mother Told Me That Apa Had
t � .
Quarreled With Hunef. Her Husband. And Had Come To Live With Us, But Mother
Had Not Let Her Sit, Took Her To The Railway Station. Made Her Boar·d The Next
Train To Karachi With An Orderly, And Had Returned To ihe House. Apa Didn't
Want Hunef's Valet Rusoolo Commanding the Personal Effects of Hunef and wanted
Him Out. That Was the Issue. Apa Was Forced To Resume Her Married Life with
Hunef. Just as Mother Had Been Forced By Nature Not To Part with Father. Much
Later. A Long Time After That. Mother was informed that Afroz Had Arrived At
Ae's House after A Quarrel with Bashir, Her Husband. Mother Immediately Went
To Ae··s. Called A Tta*ga, And Sent Afroz That Very Hour To Tando Yousuf. back to
Bashir. i'hat Was How Mother Kept the Marriages of Her Daughters Going Till
Death Them �part From Their Husbands.
I had to keep shut the door of the house to force the last two daughters to stay
put with their husbands. My wife was all for their divorce, yet. kept a smile on her
face for their husbands tc keep intact her 'popularity in the society', painting me as
'the culprit' who hates presence of daughters in our house.

"You Were Going Waste. You Lost Yourself. You took Yourself For Too Old. You left .,.
everything to the Winds. You Were Scattered. You had lost The Incentive to Write.
I Saw All That, Decided To salvage you. and For That I Have Come Thus Far. No
One Takes A Look at Your Intrinsic Value. They All Look At Your Face and Body only.
You Are Great!·You are great because you are The Precursor of My Doom."
"Why Salvage Me when there Are Others Who Would Welcome the Way you have
salvaged me? Why Choose Me?"
"You Said It Is All Fated. You Said It :s All Fate And We Are Nonentities. I Have
Come Thus Far. I Will Be With You All Along to see you whatever comes to your
mind. Keep writing if you want me with you."
She had An 'Agenda'.

Dread the day:

Dread the day when your knocker on your door doesn't knock for a day or two or a
·. week or a month. no knocker ,:rmounces a visitor, phone doesn't ring t.o stir you with
a hope to have a word with someone. any one. And Dread the days when there is no
mail, postal or inter-net. Dread the day when sitting on your doorsteps. you wish you
had stayed inside, and in the house you wish you had stayed on the footsteps. Dread
the day when you know you were better off without a house and watched the people
you wish they knew you and wished you a 'hello'! Dread the days!

Halim Brohe

However dread you may, these are yours when you have done all that you did, and
you have said all you said; you are no one, not even alon":! Dread the day you
will be alone, and dread the day you will have nothing to do but to know why you did
what you did, why you said what you said, and why you were what you were!
tread the day when you will know that all that you had done all your life was a folly
an� a calculated lie, and that all you liv.ed was as a cheat for you alone, with malice
for all and consideration for none. Dread the summing up by others of the life that
you believed you had lived as a conscientious person! Dread every day of the life you
have lived, for each of the days will condemn you to the miseries that you took for a
lifelong applause!
Dread the ones you own, and dread the ones who owned you; and dread them each
from the day one each were born, for the process of ripening discards the now over­
ripened seeds which you had taken for a shelter. And dread most the day you will be
not be among the mourners that had nailed nails in your soulOwhile alive, and in your
coffin when dead!

Why me, the complete one!

You, THE UNKNOWN, - I address you directly; without an intermediary; for no
intermediary is possible, and the possible ones are unreliable. I have labored all life
getting nothing that is attributable to me, except the madness I am known for.
Only to make yourself complete in all the experiences, you made me experience for
you the starvation of the body and the suffocation of my mind. Knowing well that
despite my horrid experience added to your mega experience will leave you as
incomplete as at the beginning of Time-Space, you made me a Scapegoat. You are
incomplete, and shall always be so.
You made me cripple me as an infant, inapt as a child, coarse and impolite as a
youngster, irresponsible and foolish as a young man, imprudent and selfish in the
middle age, and mad in the old, with the word 'mad' tattooed on my forehead!
You made me disobedient, naughty, and rebellious. What other experiences, what
more experiences, you expect my body and mind to suffer to add to the experiences·
that you still look for in the sufferings of the bodies that you continue to make and
mould? How long the experience with my body is to continue? How long is my mind to
mangle and mash in to a pulp to satisfy your thirst for the 'horrible and ruacabre
experiences that enrich you? I have had enough of you THE UNKNOWN from a
·,d.stance. I want to return to you. I want another body to live all over again with the
instincts that are not human, - not a part of you; I want to be a thing, - a scoundrel,
- a woman, - something not born of you, - something that can lie, cheat, steal, fool,
and lives shamelessly!

Nachay Ray Gore!

Nachav Ray Gore Jh*igo!
Dhol dajay Dhum Dhum


Payul Bajay Chhum Chhum!
Tta Thhuya Gore Jh*igo
Re Nachay Ray Gore Jh*igo
R� Nachay Ray Gore!
Aj Bulum Chore Chore A!

) --­ Koe Tt'jhay Thaykk Nu Lay
Haay Ray Tt' jhay Thaykk Nu Lay .Koe!
Laykay Jiya! Thaykay Jiya!
Bun Kay Sujun! Kurlay Lugun!
Nuoyno Say A!
Thil M*ay Sumaja!
Nachay Ray Gore Jh*igo
Dhol Bajay Dhum Dhum
Payul Bajay Chhum Chhum
Tta Thh�ya Gore Jh*igo
Nachay Ray Gore Jh*igo
Re Nachay Ray Gore!
Chhote Se Mu*ay Chh'e M'e
Ray Sujun Chh'e M'e Ray!
Ttoo Mayra M*ay Ttayre H'e
Ray Sujun Ttayre H'e Ray!
Naz*o Pali Mu*ay H*oo Kali
Bun Kay �ulum!
Bun Kay Sunum!
Thil M*ay Sumaja!
Nachay _Ray Gore Jh*igo
Dhol Bajay Dhum Dhum
Payul Bajay Chhum Chhum
Tta Thhuya Gore Jh*igo
Nachay Ray Gore Jh*igo
Re Nachay, Ray Gore!

Official Chachas:
It Was Probably 1949 Or 1950. I Was In Sukkur Where Father Was Posted As SP.
I Asked Mother For Something, - I Don't Remember What. Mother Was Quiet, -
She Kept Quiet. I Repeated Whatever I Had Said. And Then She Said, "You know
what has happene,:P" I Had Been There Only For A Montr. or Two, Pretending
Preparation for My Matriculation Examination. She said, "Do You What vour Father
Said to Me today?" I Said, "No." She Said, "I Asked Him To Remove Mama Misttre
From. Service, Or transfer him Somewhere Else If He is Inducted In The Police
Department. And Your Father Said Misttre Wilt stay, And, If I Don't Like His stay,
I may go elsewhe_re, anywhere, To Hyderabad or wherever I Liked. This Is What I
am In This House. I Don't Know Where To Go. I Have No Place to Go To." Misttr�
Halim Brohe
·Had Discover.ed Father's Achi1les Heels, The Culinary Tastes, British from Top to
Bottom. Father Wanted·Most Modern Layouts Of Dinning Table, Lavishly Adorned,
With The Mo�t Sumptuous Dishes, Absolutely British In Taste, And Misttre knew
all that as he Had Been A Table Boy In the Mess of the Military Academy in
Dherathoon.. Father Wanted To Please Everyone· That Was His Senior or Equal in
Rank, File and Status; And He. Did That through Their Culinary Appetites.· Of
Whisky and Wine,,And Brandy, Misttre Knew Enough To Fool Around With the
Sahibs and our official Chachas who belonged To the Upper Echelons of

Money- wise:
I Was Not Money-Oriented. I Couldn't Earn. Whatever Money I Had In My Pocket
Or With Me, And I Always Had some, Was Either Borrowed Or Given Td ·Me By
Others. Even My Legitimate Income from Law Practice Appeared to Me as
Borrowed. Over T!-ie Years I Had Lost The Will To earn and Spend Money. I felt
that All the People, Who Had Given Me Money for Whatever, Would someday
demand it back! My Body Developed Its Own Resistance and My Mind Went Blank
whenever An Occasion Came To Pay money, Even For A Cup of Tea. I Let Others Pay,
Watching Them Remorsefully, Wondering How Lucky They Were T') Have Their Own
Money1 But I Needed Money; I Had To Have It. Earn I Couldn't, So Hesitantly,
With Almrst A Certainty Of an excuse or A Rebuke, I Lived On Beggary. I>

Someone Inside Me, - N9w I Know It Was The 'I' In Me, - That Whispered That . .
The Mone_y On My Person Was Not Mine, That It Had Been Earned By Others, And
that It Would Be Misappropriation To Spend It. Huyatt, Zulfiqar, Wife, Yasmin,
Sarah, Jarnoo, Apa Taj, Mother, - I Remember Every Fiver Bill That Apa Taj Gave
Me Daily To See A Movie When I Was With Her At Karachi Waiting For My Matric
Result. I Took the Money and asked For It Shamelessly. All This Lifelong Beggary -
Living On Doled Out Money And Favors - Was Taking Heavy Toll On My self,
Conscience, Men1al Setup, And Behavior Without Conscious Awareness. And Then
Suddenly I Revolted Against Myself, and pushed all those Away From Me Who Had
Doled Out Money to me and had done Me Favors. 'Keep Away From Me,' Were the
Words that I Hurled At All That Were In No Mood to Disown Me. This Way-out
Had Not Appeared To Me Suddenly; It Had Always Been Within Me Disturbing My
Mental, Psychical, And Physical Equilibri-um. It Had Been·There, But I Took It For
My New Discovery When I Became.Aware Of tt. And What Did I Do Immediately
Next! I Asked Jamoo to Pay for A Web-site for Me!

"I am not normal." I Said. "I Have Never Been Normal. Things That People Take
Normally Miss Me. I Don't See Or Hear Or Keep Concern With The Things That
Matter To The Normal People."



"If You Wer� Normal," Romana Said, "You Wouldn't Be What You Are. You Would Be
Different. You Would Be Like Others, The Common Lot. You Are Different Because
You Are Not Normal The Way People Are. If You Saw,·Heard, Felt and Reacted the
Way Other. People Do, You Wouldn't Be What You Are. You Are Different Because
You See Differently, Hear Differently, Think Differently, Feel Differently And
React Differently. You Told Us That Most Of The Great Musicians Had Defective
Hearing. You Do Catch A Flying Photon. That Is What Einstein Had Done Long
before He Came Up With His Theory That the Light Is Made Of Particles. You. Like
Him, Have Physical And Mental Aberrations. There is nothing Wrong with You
Except That You Have Been Up Against Unassailable Odds. Live On. Live Your Life as
It Comes To You. Don't Bot.her About Others cind Other Things."

Eat, man, eat!

A Hindoo Was' Eating Beef With Relish. Another Hindoo Said to Other Hindooz,
·Halim has spoiled Him. He Is No More A Hindoo." ·

A Muslim Refused To Partake of Meat. Another Muslrm Said to Other Muslims, �He
Has Given In To Halim's View of Life. He Is No More A Muslim."

The Worshiper:
·I Received the Book Today, About an Hour Ago. It Is A .:..ouvenir All Right; not
because it has The Signature of the Author, But because it has A Covering Letter
from You. A Word From You, Written Or Spoken, Is Much More Valuable A Souvenir
For Me Than ·The Books Of All The Writers Of The World Signed By Them All
Inner Love For A Nonentity Like Me Is Of Far More Importance Than The
Prestigious Ownership Of The Signed Tokens 0� All The Most Famous Persons Put
Together. Don't Get Cowed Down By the Big, Bigger, And the Biggest Images of the
Famous or Well-Known. A Worth-Reading Writer Is To Be Read, Not admired or
Worshipped. His Work Is To Be Appreciated His Labor Admired, But He as A Person
Is Of No Importance At AIJ. A Cobbler That Mends Shoes Better than Other
Cobblers Is Just A Better Cobbler than Other Cobblers are, Not A Better Person
than All the Other Cobblers are.
Writing Is The Skill Of The Author Like The Cobb.ling Of A Cobbler; Some Are
Better At Their Skill Than Others, And Some Are Among The Best At Their Skill.
Writing Is The Skill Of The Writers, Like Mending Shoes Is The Skill Of The
Cobblers; Their Skill Is To Be Appreciated And Admired, But The Best Among The
Cobblers Is Not To Be Worshiped For His Person. A Writer 1-das His Skill And
Workmanship Just As A Cobbler Has His Own; Sot!!e Are Be-tter At Their
Worrmanship, And Some Have The Best Workmanship; Their Workmanship Is To Be
Appreciated Without Any Consideration Of Or Regard For Their Persons.
As Persons They, The Writers and The Cobblers Alike, Are As Immaterial as A
Person in Any Job is. You Don't Get A 'Mended Shoe' Signed By The Best Cobbler
Halim Brohe

For A SE>uvenir, So Why Get A 'Written Book' Signed By The Best Of The Writers_!
What Incentive Will Be Left In You to Excel Your-Writing if you Begin.worshipping
this and That Person for His Writings? You Have To form the Attitude of_ Finding
Faults in the·Writings of All the Best, Well-Known, Famous, And Popular Writers if
you want To Excel Them All. A Cobbler Has To Keep A Critical Eye On The Skill And
Workmanship Of The Bes.t Of The Cobblers He Has A Mind To Compete With And
Excel In The Cobbling Skill.
Taking Someone For Best Or Favorite Writer Puts A Full Stop To Your Own
Progres� In That Field. H(?wever Much Important The Occasion Or The Moment
Appeared To You, Without Conscious Awareness In the Beeline Moving At Snail's.·
Pace Towards The A1Jthor, you Had Felt Small Till You Got 'Happy' After The
Aut�or Signed The Book which you, like others in the beeline, had bought. You Are
Not Small; not that small. You. Can Better Him at His Skill. And what is his skill? You
will know him as the Propaganda that was sold through the glamour media of
s·uspense. So Much For Today, And In One-Go, With My Infuriated Temper! I don't
want to tire you."

Khayam: ,
The More I Read Him, The More I Am Convinced It Was Unnecessary To Have Such
A Long Procession Of Prophets, Pious Men, Gods, Goddesses, Saints, Etc. Omur
Khayam Weighed heavier Than the Entire Firmament He Explained And threw in the
Dustbin That Is the Firmament. Firmam.ent is the pot; Wine Is the Potter.

Define Nothingness, - The Definition Must Exclude What Nothingness Is Not. The
Words Nothing, Non-existent, Non-existence, And Zero Don't Define It. The Words
· re the Words I Have Coi"ned To
Nothingarian, tJothingarianism and Nothingistn A
Name My Phi osophy of Nothingness. Is It beyond Humanity to Define
Nothingness? Is It beyond Human Mind to �erceive or Conceive Nothingness? The
Unknown Is Not Elusive; Human Mind Is The Wrong Mode, - Made To Know Only
What Is, Not What Is Not; Adapt Only at Knowing Existence, Not The Non­
Existence. For Human Mind, The Word Nothingness Is Only Proverbial,
Corresponding To Which Nothing Is Possible.

A Ritualistic Social And The Other A Prostitute
By Physical Needs, Not By Profession;
Prefer the One with Physical Needs,
Not the Ritualistic Social;
Unless You Opt For Repentance Later, •
For Your Fate as A Writer!

Zero is the only number in the infinite numerical galaxy that by itself is the Finite
and Infinite. Added preceding any numerical or number of numerical, zero renders
the entire succeeding numerical galaxy to the .infinitesimally smallest and non­
existent Nothing. And succeeding any single infinitesimally small number of
numerical galaxies, the quantum of the zeros takes the preceding number to
Infinity. God is Zero; the most finite of all the finite, and the most infinite of al!
the infinite. The One is misconception; He is The Zero, the 0.
The Semites/ Arabs Had No Zero in Their Numerical. Theirs' Began with One. And
therefore when it came To Create Creator, They Called Him One. That Was How
Monotheism Began With The Semites ..Jews Had One Jehovah, Christians Had One
God, And Muslims Had One Allah. Much Later Pundits from India - Arya Varta -
Introduced the Semites to zero. If The Semites Already Had Zero In Their
Numerical At The Time They Were Creating Their Creator, They Would Have
Named The Cre(ltor As Zero, And Would Have Attributed To The Creator The
Attributes And The Adjectives Of Zero In Mathematics, That Is, As Nonentity.
Indians of the Arya Varta Already Had Zero In Their Numerical; They Therefore
Didn't Bother To Define the Creator. They Simply Began With The Characteristics
/ Adjectives/Connotations, Like Lakshmi, Kale, Indra, Etc.

"How did you know I am a Sinthdi speaking?"
"You look a Sinthdi."
"Do I look that fool!"

Nothingness, That Is Zero, Cannot Be Denoted And, Therefore It Is All
Connotatior.s That Sums Up the Existence. There is nothing To Denote as the Sum­
Total of All the Connott.:tions. Denotation is neither applicable nor relevant In The
Matter Of how The Existence Came Into Being.

Unlike Islam, Christianity or Judaism, Hinduism is not a breakaway religion. It Is the
Sum-Total of Al! The wisdom inherent in the cultures of the ancient Maha Bharutta.
The moderns call it the Spirit of Western Philosophy with Much More Reliance on
Mathematics and Astronomy.

Respect thy women:

"Your Wife Often Comes Here."
"Does she!"
"Every Hair Turned Silver!"
"Has it!"
"Haven't You Noticed!"

Halim Brahe
"No. I Don't Look At Her. I Regard Her My Mother And Sister. I Am a South Asian.
- And A M'sulman At That!"

Licensed I
Never Ever Call A Person 'Mad'.
By Calling A Person 'Mad', You Give That Person the License To Say and Do
Whatever That Person May. You Thereby Award Absolute Immunity And Complete
Exemption To That Person's Conduct. I Have Enjoyed With Delight The Fruits Of
That Immunity And Exemption To The Complete Satisfaction Of The Frustrations
Of My Heart - Call It My Soul If You Like, Or My Mind, Or Whatever, For We Are
As Deep In Rituals As You In That Far Off Rich Land.
On the suggestion of God knows who in what they call family, I visited two
psychiatrists in the Civil Military Hospital Hyderab·ad to have my-self examined.
Much later in USA I WO$ examined by Dr. Nusrat Baloch with who I had the
opportunity to meet over a two weeks without knowing she had retired as the head
of the psychiatrist wing of the UK. Much later in Hyderabad, she told me that
Yasmin had insisted that I am mad, outright mad, and had as-ked her to ignore me. It
was wonderful! And on her insistence that she is a professional· psychiatrist with a
long experience, had examined me over two three weeks, and had found me above
genius, Yasmin had argued with her on phone for a lonq time, insisting that Halim is
insane. I liked it. The two CMH psychiatrists I had visited earlier had also
expressed a very high opinion of me. And what was their opinion about my wife had
to visit them following my visits? Well, well, well. And what must be the opinion of
Dr� Nusrat Baloch about Yasmin �he Normal? Well, well, well!
Thus beware you who are unlike Y�smin! You all are mad, mad, and mad! YCJu Shall
Knock the Doors, and None Shall Open On You!

Ritualistic Identity!
You Announre Your Ritualistic Identity Loudly And Insistently Only Because You
Think You Thereby Get A Right To Despise And Express Your Hate For The Others
Who Have Other Ritualistic Identities.

Dogs Will Speak Human Language and Humans Will Take to Barking: Both Will Be At
Ease when The Conversation Barrier Is Removed.

Introducing the Blind Man:

Since childhood, and later in adolescence, I had enjoyed reading politics, poetry,
novels, biographies, history, geology, tectonics, philosophy, psychology, sciences,
logic, religions, cartoons, facts, pathos, bathos, fiction, detective stories, humor,
wit, - all type of nonsense - all cursorily, but had not studied English or any other
language as such. I was barren of English verb, idiom, and composition. Roget's
Thesaurus was not known then, and I had hated grammar and mathematics.
Computers were not heard of then. I was raw, - so raw indeed that I couldn't tell
passive voice from active, a noun from a pronoun, or an adverb from an adjective.
.English typewriters were the only machines available then. I didn't have the touch
method, but I had often used it as n lawyer. Law practice in English has notliing to
do with English as such. And I never had a friend or an acquaintance that spoke
English with me. On the contrary the circle I moved in was so awed by my knowledge
and information that my bad English was not noticed. I was crude par excelience,
but always carried the day with my nonsense.
By 1�66, inner compulsions forced me to erupt into typing all my inner nonsense in
my bad �nglish on an old English typing machine. I typed whatever came to my mind,
and furiously. without a thought that anyone will read it or I will publish any bit of
it. In the summer that year Zubeda Sharif, a Lecturer of English in Government
· Girls College looked into my papers in my absence and left a message that she would
like to publish it all if I don't intend to. She had not pointed any defects. In
February 1967,.without knowing anyth'ng about printing processes that were very
complicated then, and without knowi�g what proof reading meant, and that proof
reading was a serious technicat work, I got NOTHING IN PARTICULAR published.
No one pointed out any proof mistake or a flaw in English that abounded, no one
spoke about 'knit' where there should have been 'spin', - the book was hailed as a
'great book .of abstract. ideas!' That made no sense, and I continued with fooling
around with my 'English', coming up with NOTHING IN EARNEST same year in
November. In 1968-69 I published quite a few small pamphlets namely THE
DECAYED, SOLO, O'BARTENDER, and a few others filled with my nonsense, all in
'English' with a serious pamphlet UNION OF ISLAMIC STATES sandwiched
somewhere in between; a long story in Urdu 'If you have loved, don't marry and some
other pamphlets in Urdu. There after I took to writing short stories in Sindhi also,
beginning with IN SEARCH OF GOD. The nonsense gathered and I was happy with
my popularity as I distributed all my publications free to whosoever asked - or not
asked - for it.

In 1986 I saw an XT (Extended Technology) in a house and later with Mushtaq

Mahesar, a lecturer in Electronics in Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology (MUET), that offered much more tedium than an English typewriter. I
hod become a well-known writer of Sindhi and, funny thing is, of English also among
Sindhis, as they didn't know English from Greek.

By 1988 AT (Advanced Technology) Computers appeared that offered some use. I

was past 56-57 when I saw and touched a computer in the Department of Physics. I
did my own learning and used computer for whatever nonsense I had in my core,
blundering with spelling, grammar, and composition, all. Spellers were weaker or were
not there at all. I rewrote some of my earlier writings, but had lost much that had
appeared in English papers. Funnier still, none on the staff of English newspapers
and magazines pointed out any defect in any of my writings! It was only in 2002
when I read 'lnd re-read the Annotation that Romana, my daughter, had contributed
to 'TlY book OMAR KHAYAM that made me know that I had the ability to convey
Halim Brohe
'what I mean' across to the readers despite my much defective Engli:.h! The
Annotation, a single paragraph, was so beautiful that I took more than a year to
know that she had pointed out exactly what nonsense English I write! But I had
already damaged my supposedly next publication SEEDS. I have taken to the Speller
seriously and trying to be my own editor. It is as if I am writing denovo, all over
I am the blind man who talked nonsense to the deaf.
December 26, 2004

The Blind Man:

"Hark! Those Drumbeats Again! See how they harmonize With the Beats of My
Heart!" I Strained My Ears.

"She Danced Her Way into My Life, Pulled Me Out Of My Childhood And Said She
Was Mine! She Was Not Mine, Bartender, She Was Not To Be Mine! I could tell it
from the Winds!" I Assumed It Was His in-laws He had taken For the Winds.

"The Winds, Bartender, The Winds! I don't know where they come from and where
they go! And Now My Wife Has Shut the Door on Me and The Winds!" He Was A
Decent Looking Fellow who, but For His Decency, Would Have Looked Almost
Indecent. I looked For the Winds. He Was Sobbing Now.

"I Bear A Forlorn Look as there is No Other Look for Me to Bear. I Have Taken To
Drinking since My Wife Deserted Me Taking the Key of the Apartment with Her. By
Temperament She Is A Hermit with the Whole World as Her Hermitage. All That I
Want Is the Apartment Key, but I Will Have None of That Nonsense of Going to
Her on My Knees to Get Them Fractured Again." I looked At the Crutrhes That He
Had Set By His Side.

"I Am Visiting the Last of the Pubs and Torsos in London, Bartender. With Me Gone,
The World Will Have Disappeared As If By A Wave Of A Magic Wand, Fort Belong
To A Wife Who Prefers To Have My Name For Her Widowhood Than For A Marital
Status, - She Has So Few Dead In Her Family That She Hardly Has A Family Tree
To Goad About Or Water Or Cut l'i-1e Dead Trunks From." I Wondered My
Own Family Tree That Had Blossomed Upside Down.

"My Present Depression Is In Consequence Of Three Handicaps, Bartender, - My

Pluto Is In Sagittarius, My Wife absconding With the Key of the Apartment, And I
Stay Drunk. My Jupiter in Aquarius Has Given Me A Pain In The Neck, - Only the
Neck Is Not Mine. I Lost Mine when She Last Held It To Strangulate Me. The One
You See Me with Is A Borrowed One, - The Throat As Well As the Wife." That Was
When I Noticed the Woman on His Lap.

"Very Painful Forty Five Years, Out Of the Total Seventy Three, Have Devastated
Me into Enough of A Wreck and A Ruin to Be Taken Over By Archaeologists. I Am A
Good Site for the Dustbin of the Archaeologists, but I Am A Sight All Right.
Suffering Has No Face, Bartender, - It Has Only A Very Hideous Form." I Looked
Hitr. up Closely. He Was an Archaeological Site All Right.

"Bartender, I Am Fade up Of Life. I Mean My Life, Not the Wild Life of which the
lady, who I loved wildly, was The Part And Parcel! Nor Of My Wife for No Sane Man
Would Be Fed up With the Life of His Wife while the Wife be around to be fed up
of him." Mine Had Also Absconded With The Key Of The .Apartment, But I Had To
Attend The Customers And Had t-Jo Time To Bother Aqout The Key.

"Take A Deeper Look into My Eyes, Bartender, and tell i,.e if you find them Vacant
of Love of the Things that you love! Weep For Me That Am Married to Her!
Whoever Tofd You, O' Bartender, That You Could Marry Your Love and Have Her
Love Too! Consult Your Wife, Bartender, and Take.Her Scowls for the Gospel Truth
Once A Wife, Never Again A Woman for What Goes For Her Husband. I Have
Suffered th e Great Sufferings. But.the Greatest of AH I have not suffered, - I
Have Not Seen the Face of Suffering .. God Be Praised, O' Ye Silly-Bartender, For
He Is the Most Merciful. He Has Saved Me from the Sufferings of Sight." That
Made Me look At the White Cane He had set On the Counter.

"Ninety Percent of the Liquor Drinkers Won't Need the Drink if they got rid Of
Their Wives to 9et married To the Wives of Others. I Have Observed My Wife
Looking At Me As If I Were A Damn Idiot To Have Married Her! Just That One
Faux Pas, a gamble, Of My Heart Threw· Me Into The Lap Of This Greek Goddess Of
_Wine Whatever Is Her Name Though She Hardly Needs One. A Goddess I$ Known
By The Beautician She visits, not By The Way She Keeps The House To Meet Her
Likes, all The Home-Breakers! In The Heavens I W!II Be an Incomplete Man,·
Bartender, As I Will Not Have Suffe.r�d the Sufferings of Sight!" I Looked At The
Goddess Of Wine On His Lap, - A Waitress That Worked For My Joint And
Wouldn't Let Me Have A Lap Full.

"You Would Be Losing Your Hair Fast, Bartender. Within A Few Years You-Will Be A
�ight To look at. The Department Of Tourism Will Advertise Your Baldness and
... People Will Visit the Country To Look You Up To Catch A Glimpse of Your Head. The
Country Will Earn Foreign; xchange and You Will Become A National Monul!'ent.
Your Head will be nationalized and you Will Starve While the Cou�try, Alas,
Prospers!" With Only four Senses, He Was A Better PhilosoP.her Than The Most of
the Greeks I Had Managed To Skip in Greece.

"When Do I Get To God to Discuss with Him His Own Doings? Half The Time Would
Be Lost Laughing At His Doings, And The Rest In Making Him Understand The Joke
Halim Brobe

In Thetn, - And Then A Lifetitne To Make Him Take The Jokes·sportingly! My Four
Senses Are Sharper than the Five Of The M(?St for He,·the Most Democratic,
Makes Us _All Suffer Equally. The Sum Total Of Your Sufferings, Brother
Bartender, Is Neither More Nor Less Than Mine For He, The. Most Economical that
He is, Must Have Withheld,My Sight For Some'Deaf Or Dumb For He Is The Great
Equalizer that He is!" I Had My Own Problems To Discuss With God, And This Guy
Appear�d To Be The Rlght One To Lead Me Into Some· Rigmarole With Him.

"Praise Be To God for the Pleasing Notes That I Hear, But What About the Cries of
S_orrow That I hear! You Step On A Heart at Every Step. My Satisfied Stomach
Implies Thousands That Go Hungry All The Time! The Mouthful In Your Mouth '.1:s
The Mouthful Denied To Many_, - As If Snatched From Their Mouths! And what are
you and I? Small Toads Hopping From A Wish to Wish and From A Hope to Hope!
This Weedy Soil, - Cut Off A Wish or satisfy It, Thousands Take Its Place! Weed
Out A Hope Or Let It Come To Pass, Thousands Take Its Place! We Humans Are the
Mocked-At, but He is praised as The Most Merciful, The Most Benevolent! At Every
Step you are made to feel, - At Every Step You Are Made To Weep, - And the Four
Senses of Us Blind Ones deceive us!" I Wondered Where and how He Got So
Acquainted With God Who I Had Not Known, Nor Seen, As He Had Not Frequ�nted
The Joint I Kept Well Stocked Expecting Him Any Day! TJ:iough, I Concede, There
Were Some Pubs In The Neighborhood That Were Equipped better With-Much
Vulgar Waitresses.

"Suffering Is Universal, Bartender. Pleasure and Happiness Are the Fleeting

Momef'.ltS To Accentuate the Permanence of Sorrow and Sadness. What you take To
the Grave Is the Sorrow and ·Sadness, Not Pleasure and Happiness·. What Am I if
Not A Walking Grave li�e You and others� Man Is All Cunning and Meann�ss for He
Has His Intellect _To Justify His Viciousness. The Snake Charmer Charms The Snake
To Make It Harmless,· and The Man Charms And Sharpens His Intellect To Sting
And Stab The Intellect Of Others To Paralyze Their Mind: And God Be Praised for
He Has Savec;I Me the Sufferings of Sight! He Be Praised for I Do Not See His
Mercy!" He Was Enjoying Having The Waitress On His L�p All Right, But Had The
Cheek To Profess His Blindness In The Matters Of Sufferings!

"I Prefer To Be Fool.ed. By One Bartender At A Time, So I Prefer Dictatorship. In

D�mocracy You Allow Yourself To Be fooled By Many A Waitress, Including You,
Though You Are A Man, - But Of What Consequence?_Besides, Chaos Is Better Than
Stalemate; Chaos Shuffles Up A People And Is The Best Form Of Running The
Racket That You Call Government; And Dictatorship Is The Chaos At Its Highest
Peak With Lava Boiling Underneath seething An Outlet To Erupt!" I Wondered At
My Sneaking in Into His Monologue, Especially when I Had no skirt on me!

Halim Brahe
Funny Ethnicity!
You have read only Shah Latif or Firdosi or Ghalib, and formed opinion that he is the
greatest Poet in the worldl Have you ·studied other religions that you call yours the
exclusive truth!

Keep handy!
Religious Rituals, - What Are These Supposed To Be! Religion Is A Mind's concern
Not A Physical Exercise. Why This Extreme Indulgence, Witi, Punctuality
·unctuated, Ir, Reli�ious Rituals! Ward Off the Dark Clouds from Your Eyes and
Take A Look at the Spouses. You Will Discover A Spouse Taking To Serious
Indulgence In Religious Rituals Only When The Spouse Is Unable, Or Doesn't Wanr,
To Respond To The Physical Needs, - The Physical Needs, The Instinct, - Of The
Spouse. How To Keep the Spouse Away From the Bed or The Room or even Sight!
Take Up Religious Rituals Solemnly And Announce That The Holiness Of The
Sanctity Of The Rituals Would Be Marred If The Spouse Came Anywhere Near Or

Hinthe: English:
Chui Hut Puray! Keep away!
Nu Chhayrr Don't Play On Me,
Uay Nighuttay Bathay Bhuhare. 0 you Morning Breeze!
Rah Lug Upn"' e! Be On Your Way!
Tt'jhay Utthkayliy"' a Soojhe Hu"' ay You Are In A Lighter Mood
H"' um Bayzar Buaytthay Hu"' ay! And I Am all Fade up!

Soofe and Soofeizm:

Self is the 'I' In A Body. It Is Fettered In A Body Till It Ripens To Its Full Capacity
And Rids Itself Of The Now Fossilized Body. There is No Sillier notion than 'I Am
Whatever I Am', which Is The Extreme Form Of self-assertion And Insistence On
Person.'.11 Existence, Concealed in The Darkest Veils Within Veils Of Pseudo­
Humbleness. Eastern Soofism is a Fraudulent Maneuver to Ensnare the Innocents
fed on the Babble That Come From Nowhere!
'I am whatever I am! What nonsense! Shouldn't you keep your mouth shut on the
issue if you are intellectually incapable to know and explain HOW and WHY and
WHEN! Short of words, short of \nformation, short of common sense, - Why do you
call on others to give up the sense!

Hinthe: English:
Soorutt! The Face!
Chui Hut puray Keep away
Hum Dur guay, You scared me!
Kuayse S<.,orutt huay How horrifying a face

Ttayre!· Is your!
Father sa1d that often, to al/I

Omur Khuyam:
The First And Forel)1ost Existentialist In The History Of Written Word Is Omur
Khuycm. He Is the Existentialist Par Excellence, The Very Source And Fountairihead
o·f Exi_stentialism, and The Most Side tracked And Ign<;>red One! He Was Not the
'subject Matter . 6f the ·Dis.course for the Western Literature and The Western
Philosophy; �So Their Failure :To trace him -in the W�stern Literature:and Philosophy
May Be Condoned. But I;n No Case India Can Be Condoned Where Practically Every
Poet, Writer, Thinker, PhilosoP.her · Arid Every Idea Is Nof Only Born Of The
PhHosophy 0� Omur Khuyam, But Is o·lJtright And Straight Thi�f Of The V�ry
Language And The Words Of Omur Khuyam. Shakespeare Was A Thief Of The Very
Words,'Language, And The Ideas Of Omur Khuyam, but . that ' can be condoned; not
Gghalib, Ikbal, . G'lzar, Furak, . Thaggh, And Tlwusands More, who thrived On The
Theft. Of The Ideas and Sentences
· of Om_u r Khuyam Who Lived And Died The very
. N�xt Door!. r,

India Has Deli_berately Kept Shut Omu� Khuyam On Its People Because The People
Would Have Laughed At The Indian talent for plagiarism. Ikbal Or Gghalib Or G'lzar
Didn't Even Mention U'mur Khuyam In Any Of Their poetry or prose, Although
What�ver ·They .Wrote Was Literal Translation Of Omur Khuyam. They thrived as
poets on what had. been described more beautifully by Oinur Khuyam. None. of the
Indial'IS Translated Omur Khuyam From Farse Into Hinthe Or U'rrthoo in r·ight
aft/tude,.in ·the form and soul of Omur Khuyam, - And They All Had, - Each Of
Them, - Farse o ·n Their Tips! They Held the soul of Omur Khuyam in chains, <:1way
from peo.ple: They -didn't let peop;e· know That 'Once Upon A Time· There Was A
Person, Omur Khuyam, Who Had Said All And Everything, In The very Words And
The Very Sentences, That Were Used By Us All To Be In The limelight T,'/1 We Had
lived-off his soul In The history of mankind! What is that 'WAITING FOi::. THE
BARBARTANS' Of That Small-Titr.e Jewish Homosexual Clerk In Some
Inconspicuous Egyptian Irrigation Department, if Not Omur Khuyam at His Best?
And What. Is That 'WAITING FOR THE GODOT' other than Omur Khuyam in
crudest Form? The Indian Writer: - And That Includes Poets, Thinkers,
Philos�phers, - Were Not Only Plagiarists But Were Also Scoundrels; They All were
silent partners in the conspiracy To Keep Omur Khuyam Buried TII They Had Reaped
The Seasons And Were Gone! Hinduism Should Particularly Be Ashamed Of Its
Attitude To Omur Kht.iyam For He Was The First Philosopher Who explained Their
Ancient Thought In his Rhythmical System That Couldn't Be reasoned out in The
Western Logical Method. I Don't Denounce Persia, Or The Westerns. But I Do Curse
The Indians - Hindooz And The M'usulmans Alike - For Keeping ·A Tight Lid Not Only
on His Person, But Also On What He Said And Why, and In Reference To What! The
World Is A Stage on Which We Appear. To Do and speak Our Piece, - Was That
Shakespeare? That Was Omur Khuyam! We Are The Puppets The Strings Of Which
Halim' Brohe

Are In The Hands Of The Puppet-Master. - Was That Shakespeare Or G'lzar? That
Was Omur Khuyam! Every Bit Of Our Life Is Depicted By Omur Khuyam. - And Every
Bit Stolen And Used By ,Scoundrels To Satisfy Their Own -�hallow N_eeds'!' I Didn't
Know Ikbal and Gghalib were Plagiarists. or ·could be, qut I now .know that they -
Knowing Farse Better than·the Eu.ropeans - Were malicious and mean.'

Kinza and I
"You Have Read Novels Since Years - How Old Are You No.w? Sixteen-Is No Age, But
You Have Read Books And Novels Since Years. It Is .High Time You Discovered Some
Purpose in Your Reading. Keep Qn Reading, - Don't Give Up The Habit,.- Keep It Up,-:
But How Long You Wi!I Read No�els Wit�out Knowing Why You Read Them Except
To Keep Yourself Busy! Now, Let ·.us_ Get Down To Discover-ing �ome Purpose. The
Condition A Priori Is That You Won't Stop Reading. Right?
"Take A Decision In Your Mind That Hence
. forth You Shall Pickup A Novel not Only
To Read The Story It Narrates, but also to know, discover for yourself, How The
Writer Has Written The Book, What Is -His Modus Operandi That The Reader
Reads The Story Without Noticing How The Writer Has Arranged The Sequence Of
The Happenings And The Manner Of His Presentation In A Book Form! That rs All.
"How To Write A Novel Or A Shor.t Story Is Not Ar1 Academic Issue Or A Question
On Which Any Treatise Is Required. It Is A Petty Clerical Job Of frranging The
Happenings In An Ord�r That Makes The Narration Of The Story So Readable That
The Reader Doesn't Observe The Steps Of The Writer. Every Vvriter Has A Fixed
Pattern of Writing A Book, - The Reader Has Only To Locate the Patterr.i. The Story
Narrated in the Novel 'rs the· Filler, Not th� Substance of the Novel._Yictor Hugo
Gave You A Good Story, But the Pattern He Used Was Already In Vogue; He
Therefore Was A Storyteller, Not A Groundbreaker in Literature. Bernard Shaw Is
A Groundbreaker In His A BLACK GIRL IN SEARCH OF GOD As The Booklet Gave
A New Mode Of Writing Thitherto Unknown I_n Literature. Mark Twain in His THE
MYSTERIOUS STRANGER Gave A Mode of Expressing the Most Controversial and
Touchy Thought In Such A Plain matter-of-fact narration that None Raised an
"Have nn Eye for the Mode - The Modus Operandi - Of the Writer. Not the Story
That the Writer narrates. Done!"

Affair of Heart:
It Is An Affair Of The HEart, Not Of The Mind. Wisdom shall surface In the
Eleventh Year of the Publication of This Book. This Has Always Been So With Me, -
Condemnation Preceding The Appreciation! I Am Obliged To None But To My
Attitude To Life For Taking Omur Khuyam And His Likes For The Confirmation Of
The Existence As The Process That Has A Long Way To Go To Complete The
Unknown. There have been too many of them for the Existence to Cope With, Yet

the Existence Dons A Pretentious·. Vei I of a Being That Is Complete in itself and
perfect in its own perfection!
Meanwhile, My Likes And I Are At Stake. Aren't We All Doing the Wait! We are.

• For what? But ·aren't we!

Obliging the employ �f the Master:

The. Man Had Obliged God In Obeying The Offer Of The Woman To Eat Of The
Fruit Of The Forbidden Tree. That Is the Nature of the Man. He would oblige the
employ Of the Master, And the. Woman He Had Obliged He Described to God as
' The Woman· You Put Here With Me/' qbli.9ing the employ of the master is to serve
the Master.
The Man Had Been Asleep When 'God HaC: Made A Woman Out·.of His Rib and had
filled The Gap with His Flesh. The Woman Was Not the Choice of the Man.
God said' To the Woman, "What is this you have done?" The Man had not done it;
Woman Heid. And She Said, "The Serpent Deceived Me, and I Ate." Deceptively
Simple �eply of A. Woman when caught As A Conspirator. The Serpent and the
woman are The Whispers, The Breathe of the Schemer, and The Traitor to the
wellbeing and good fate. Undo a household, throw a kingdom in the dustbin of the
Annals of History, tear apart an etnp:re, - such shall ·be their lot! And The Whispers
Shall Crawl On Their Bellies And Will Eat Dust And There Shall Always Be Enmity
Betw.een The whispers.
And for man who listens to whispers! Through Painful Toil He shali eat Of the
Acc•Jrsed Ground All the Days of His Life. The Accursed Land Will Produce Thorns
and ThistlE;S for Hi�. He Will Eat the Plants of the Field. By The Sweat Of His Brow
He Will .Eat His Food Until He Returns To The Ground From Which He Was Taken,
to the dust That He Is. The Mc.n Who Gives Ear to His. Woman shall toil On the
Accursed Ground That Wi II Produce. Thorns And Thistles.
And for the Woman Who Has Ear Por The Whispers And Joins In A Conspiracy! She
is the tool That .The co-conspirators Shall torture ever more, And There Shall Be A
·_ Lasting Enmity Between Them And their Offspring. And It Is ,?o:

Paternal and maternal Uncles!

In Mid 1960s, - She·Died In 1967, - mother Had Suddenly Come Forth With The
Words, "All The Well-Placed People, - Of The Status Of Your Father, - Officers
And The Elite, - Are The Brothers Of Your Father, - That Is Why You Address
Them As 'Chacha' - Your Father's Brothers; And All The People From Lower And
The Lowest Class, - Like Gardener, The Cook, The Orderlies, - Are My Brothers, -
That Is Why You Order Them Around As·· Mama', - Your Mother's Brothers! It is so
from the First Day of Our Marriage. I Knew My Place In The Family And Kept It
Because I Couldn't Just. Run Away From The House, - And I am Happy With The
Lots Of His Brothers That He Showered On Me Wherever His Postings Took Him."
She Went On And On Laughing, And We All, - Her Sons, A Few Domestic Helps, A
Few Friends Of Father's, And Father Himself, - Went On Laughing :4long Too! And
Halim Brohe
Hers' Was A Hearty Laughter· Too! She Made Us Laugh Oft-en, Too Often. W�
Enjoyed Such Moments with Her·. Much Ldtter· My �ind. Resurrec;:ted · Her. She: Had
Wept Through And Through All .Without Letting Any One, Know That Her Heart
Bled; She Had No One To Turn To For Sympathy Arid Solace." She Had None · Sni
Could Call Her Own .. Not me �ven, .Her Eldest s
· on! And The Son S�e Confided _:the

"Knoweth Thy Lord? Asketh Thy Lord'to .No Avail! Not' Lord th�· God, - He· is
.controv�rsial, - But Lord the Byron, - �ord Byron . is The .Only Lord the l;nglish
Speaking People· Are 0� Sp�aking Terms·With. As To How I Lost My Bad Breathe
and A Kingdom Implies How I Got. �he Kingdo� ·and Th� Bcid Bre.athe I.n The First
Place .

"A Person Is Not Loved In A Vacuum, - He Only Loves In A Vacuum. No Woman In

Isolation .1.s Beautiful, Nor Is fotelligible; She Be.comes Interlig.ible Only When
Loved. And No Man Is Loved In Isolation, - He .Is Loved Only When Spotted By A
Woman. � And Espied By A Woman He Is Pe�secuted By The Woman.

"And, Bartender, There is A W?rld of Difference between Spotting A _vV,,

Chasing A Woman, And Pursuing A Woman! You Spot A Woman To Outrage. �er, You
Chase A Woman To Enrage Her, And . You- Follow A Wom�n To Encoufoge Her,·- And
So.It Happens That You Turn Out To Be The One Who is F.ollowed, Chased,·Parsued,
Married And Confounded!
"Once I Got knee-deep· In Love With A Woman, - A Mammal, - A Female Member Of
The Class Mammillae, - And We Got Married, Thanks. God, To Different Members Of
That Accursed Class Mammillae! That Was A Close Escape.

"Life Is Too Short, Bartender; To Have Many Turns, - So It Makes Them Quite·
Startling Ones. And Then This Bold Lady Came Thumping Her Feet As If I Were A
Mouse She Would Scare Away with the Thumping! For A Moment I Forgot I Was A
Mouse, - But Realiiing That I Had Forgotten The Right Thing, I Stayed, - And She
Has Stayed In My Heart Ever Since! My Heart Since Then Is A Maternity Home;
With Entry Denie� fo Men And Dogs, Women Of My Choice Enter To Tarry A While
To Do A Little Knitting And Lot Of Gossiping Only To Keep Me Away A Longer

"Talk Sense and you will be A Dead Sensible. I Am Very Choosy about My Death,
Bartender. The Last Time I Died on A Moonlit Night, I Had Almost Spoiled the
Night. T�e Irony Of Fate Is That An Otherwise A So So Woman Would Li:t A Night
_More Beautiful Than The Moon would! You Never Know God; Bartender, You Would
Never Know Him, - And What Woul� He Have To Do With You Or You With Him? He
Gave Me The Right Type Of Heart To Keep Me Deprived Of The Right Type Of.
Women, -And He.Blessed M_e· Wi�h A Wrong Type Of Woman Only ·To. Deprive .Me Of
The R'ight Ty�e Of Opportuni+tes. And Would I Ha·ve· Known. God ·rf I Were A.
. . ..
:'Metqphysics rs.The Scien�e. Of Being, And Aeronautics·+s The 5{:ience Of _Boeing,
And How Worthless A Talk If :ts To Say T�at ·Logk: Is Goncerr.ied With.-Pheno·mei1a!
· ·some Men·Pr:efer Bl6_nde.s, And I Am With Them. O_thers. Prefer SrunE:ttes· and. they
• 0. • ... • • • •

· find 'm� with th�m: And yet there are .others w�o At On? 1ime·Prefe·r A $1onde and
· -At Another Time A Br.unette, - So·.. Help Me Bartender!. You· Must:_1::fove Noticed, O'
:· Yo_u Hair-Splittin"g"Bartender:, That I·H"qv� Not Ment19ne.d Tl:le On�s Who. Pr'e.fer To
Hciv� A Blonde And A Br.unette . At·The··s�me Time,. -·I Am Not .-With.Them As I
Wouldn't ·Know What-W-�uld They T . ake-Me F.or, - A Blonde Or A Brun�r"te!

"I Arn L[ke · A Pia_no Whose Onfy ·Keys . Are ��p�· And -Di�may, Joy And Gloom; .

Happiness And so·'. row, And She L(k� 'A. Naug�ty CroJd Is Striking "The Ke.y_s With
Her P.layful Fingers With -No Concern. for The· Tone Or The Tur:ie And·. Rhythm Or ·

Rhyme! And I Meanwhile Am -Be1ng ·Torn Within! I. Am .So.Id .To Her;- · Hea�t, Braio,
. . . .
. . .
Kidneys, All,:. All Including My Lungs And Liver!
. . .
·"BetV,!een Yo·u And Me, _And Over This Clunky-Clank Bowl· · Of ·Wine, Tell Me
-�qrtender, In One Gp, Why Do These Wives Always Sneak In Unannounced To Catch
. . .
Us Off Our Wits?·I Don't Remember The Couch Behind Which I Once Hid, But I Do
-Miss T�e Girl With Who I Had To· Sneak Behi°nd That· Couch!
. . · ·
. .
. . .
"I/ Agree With You, Bart.ender, Although You Have Not ·Said So, That Life Is Too
. Long To �<ive _So Few Tu�r.s! In Our AduJterous· Soci-ety Ther� �s Klot A Wife,
Including Mine, With. Whose:Nc:ime Would Be Muttered In. The ?Ome Breath, -
A�d Mine· �as Th� Habi:t. Of Barkiryg At The yYrorg . Tre�i · F
· o�give My Quer..y; _but is
. · ··
it My .Fault if I Happen To Be the WronQ'Tree! · ·. · . ··.-. .

"Oh Bartender, How Much t love _ you! And_ How Much I Love .Yoyr Ways! The Way
· he Keeps Me On The Bait Is The Way You Kee!)' -Me On.The Wait, And The Way
· Way You Attend The Profitable Ones. I Am
She �ttends The Obvi_�us . On�s .Is The
�ooked Here.And. There; �qually and Evenly; (?"Ye Infatuating Bartender!

"The Whole Universe Might . Have A Little Sense if I Relied It into A in the
Hollow.of My Hands and p·laced it At the Feet of My- fair Lady. She Is Not Fair, I
,Concede, but_I Co�cede Only To Cor:itradict. My Fair lady Is the Fafrest of All. The
Coarse Skin, 1:he Hoarse Voice,.That �oyish Look;Those Crude Manners, - Oh, ·How
I Love Them! Dc;>wn With the Aesthetics-of the Aes.the.tician$! Down With It! Lovers
of the Coarse Skin, Unite! Lovers of the Hoarse Voice, \Jnite! Lover.s of That Boyish
Look, Unite! Never Mind the Details, Unite! You Have Nothing t� Lose but the Chains
of Your· Aesthetic Se-nse! Even Otherwise, Bartender, Unity Is Good. United We
Halim_ j3rohe.
Stand;· Div.ided· We· .Stand Apa;t; Divideq We, Unit.�d .We Multiply Fast.
Divided We ·Last, Unjt. ed W'?I Fast: Dividetl We Survive· long; l,!ni.ted We Multiply
And - 'God Knows By ·What Logi-c - Perish Fast! o··ve the·Seeke-�s �f Truth, Look
under ThY. Bed before· Thee· Leap On · lier! O' Ye·Se�kers of Truth, Un�er That Very
Betj. Thee ShaM Find the. Truth with .A Dagger in Its• Hand! Fear Not, o·:· vou
Bartender, For Thee sh all Di. e By.A Difterent' Mecha,'.;ism, -:. A.Ballistic Missile!. .
. .
·· "Someday You Will Fin'lMe lying t>ead In A Gutter. Instead Of Ho�ping, fro;
· Affgir to':Affqir,
. f Shou' ld As Well· be· A-f:rog. A Distinguisheq ·Mark of A Trained
Lover Is the Iriabiiity. To ·Restrain tpe·Tendency to Mate. I D0n't ·Knqw Why,'But·I
Now-�ee Yo�rMoil<:>tonous Life·Co'miog ,:ro An Abrupt End, - May Be Bec�use I· Must
Be ,Le!]ving Now. So ·We Meet_· Tomo,rrow, Hearty and Chatty,'- You Hearty and I
chatty i By�:."
. .· . >
' .. .
Ah�Qd ta the p�st! ..
. M'noo, Th�t Is Wi.iheth Shaikh, Settled In The us, Heard S'nel!' M'noo ·Saw A

Strang·er. Looking At Him:. 'I im Not S'nel," M'no0 Told Him. The s · Lqo�ed
At Him.Closely
. And Sc:ii?, :'Y r
. ou .��e A .Look-Ali'ke Qf S'nel .. ,�Y. GrandS(?n. Am A
Hiranunthane' from· India'. M'noo Told Him That His �w-� Grandfather Was A ·
K;nthu� Hiranunfhane Wbo Hod Acfopted Islam For. Faith. A Few Words Betw�en
The Two· Inforihed 80th That Their· Grandfathers. Were Real Br�thers. The
h.iranunt11ane Invited· M'n. o9· To . Th'bue . Where . He Had Business; An.d M'noo
· Probably Visited· ��im ·There. That Hiranu nthane And S'nel Or S 'nayl Incident Is :i:n
Our Core And That �ore In bs Keeps Calling Ori.Us To Get Back To Ou� Roo:ts .. And
We Wili Get Back To O�r Roots; there is No dther'Way. We �Are Hindustani', Hiriduz
By Nationality, Whatever Be Ou·r Faith, - Islam, Ch ris. tianity, Jain, . Budhist,
Hinduizm, What�ver.. I Have No, Faith, No Nationality, And No Identity. I Am the, .
· Faceless One ·with ··No Place 1n the World! • · ·

Ringlets in the ·Voice! ·

• 'How Do You Know Who I am!"

· "Your yoice Has A .Quality of Small Ring)ets rin�ing somewhere far .Off."
"You Don't Have To Tell Me who you are."
"Who am I?"
".A woman. Any."

"You Soomraz Were Washerwomen Before You Came Here From Rajistcin!" Father
Would Say That To Mother In Presence Of His FriendSi Arid Mother Would Reply,
"W<;, Were Dry Cl.eaners In Rajistan!"
Father would say, "There were No Dry Cleaners then!" And Mother. would retort,
"And What About you people? You Brahve Were Up There On the. Mountains with

·Your Donkeys That You·Reople Rode"In Search Of Water of Which Ther:e was
You PeopJe Had No Water To Wash Yourself after Reliev!ng yourself and you had
Grate Your �ottom on the Mountain To Clean It! And Her'e You Have Put On A
As If You Are an,Engli�hman!" Such . Encounters .Were Many And Were Alright
The Close Circles Of F�mily Fri�nds; Thes� Encounter:,s Lef.t An Impression
Mother Was A ,Toliy:And A .Happy Go Lucky·Person Who D·ian't Take Anyth
Seriously, Of Whiih Father Took .Al( ·The Advan-tag�s That Came His-Way. Behin
That Laughing Fai.e OfMo'
. ther.'s·there W� A B�e�dinfHeart .She Hid From.
People She Lived. With Ancl From The Sqciety She .Moved In. I Say"'I yvas A
Fool T��� Tnat I Joined -. �l�ays. [?iq - T�e ·LQu_ghter :Every Time It Broke forth!.
But Of What �se Is .This Belated-Repent�nc:e t9·Mother! There Would Be Some,

I ·. Aleem one of them, _Who Would -Say, "L�t. The Byg·one�- Be Bygo��s!"· Without
. k1owing that 'The. Bygqne-WQ�I� Com� To Them in Another Ga�bt' . · .
J. • • • . . • • ', : • l
·There would be 5ome Th�t'Woultj-Say, "I�- It N�c�s�ry. to Wash Yqur Dirty Linen
in.Public?" Without Knov.itng "fhat � Dirty 1:..inen, Vnless ·Washed In Public, _Stays
Dirty For I1 Is'Th� Privacy That MQkes.rt'Dirfy. ' . . .. · .
And there dould_ be·some that would �ay,/Lies! All Lies!" With_o ut A Retort From
Any One, "Why; When WereYou Bor.n-In The f:amily That You Sp_eak So·
Authorita1ively Of The F�ily! Had You _Se_e� Cur Mother .Thc:t You Speak· Only Of
Our Fathf-1" Who Hate.d To -S.e� You ir. '.His Last Da.ys!'· And Knowing Th!]t They Kneel
On .The [round Five Times A �ay To' Appease Allah·Who They Wrong'· That Often A
At,d ThE're Would Yet Be Who Would Say, "Thes�_Ar.e Allegations! These Are
All Hi� False Accusation� 1'? Justify His Own Failings!''- Trey Are.The. O�es Who A
. re
Not Av,are.That It Would Be A Greater Failing If The Moutbs Are Kept Shut And
The. Li.':I Kept Heavily On The Past. .
in On� Of The Usual Fatnily Gatherings In The Family, Mother Said, "Your Father
L.ike� The Sons Of Others And Dislikes His Own; Appreciate� D�awing Rooms Of
Others And Ignores Ours, Prefers Wives Of Othe-rs To His Own: How Ccin We Help
It I· He Has Such A Taste!" All Laughed,. Including father-And we her tons. I Now
Kno-.v That Wos No Joke. She Had Hurled 1-{er Frustrations at we Idiots.

Hi the: English:
I Jjriba Experience
I ·• tihur Tt'm N*ay Ishk Kiya You - Uttihur - Were In Love!
It tchh Hum Bhe S'n*ay Kiya Hal H'va! Do Share With Us Your Experience!
',e Nuya Uhisas Mila, You Experienced Something New
a Sub Juaysa Uhival H'va! Or It Was Th_e Usual!

The People You Like And Love, Hurt You. The people you ignore and dislike don't hurt
you. You trust your money, confidence, secrets, love, and reputqtion to the people
you like; they hurt you. You do not trust your money, confidence, secrets, love, and
Hallm Brohe

reputation to the pe9ple. you ignore or dislike; · they do not hurt y0u. There ·is
something wrong .vith you. There is something wrong with your_ taste of choosing
'who to like ond· who to stay away from . . . .
Instead of liking.and· trus·fing the people you ·like., why don't you like t_he people· who
like you? There is somethir;ig.wrong with you. AH Your Life you look.For. the People ·
you Like, Not For the People W!io Like You. You Meet And Move About. Wi:th The "
Peo·pie You Uk�, And Also Trust -Them. Beyond Limits, - And -You ·Are Oblivious Of
The People W�o Like You. E"!erything is wrong with you.· _
It Is th� �eopie· You _Like That- Cheat on You and Hurt You, Rob you and Let: you
clown. The!y·; t_he P�ople · Yo
. � Like, Are A Sore, For They Want 'Y'.ou To . Change .
Yo1J'rself To Suit .Their· Tastes; They P_revajl · On You Because You · Like Th�m; 'fhey
Demand An 'I_mproved form/versior.i ot' Y,ou'; They Are The Pe·�p le yv'it h An
· Agenda .
It Is The People Ypu:like . A�d Love Who· ,Want ·To Improve·You, Imp.os�.Their O�n
Conce�t Ot Improvemen.t . on · '1-ou, Prevail .On You. To Fit-Jn Ir'\- Th"eir. :scheme Of.
Things And,, �her_eby-, U_nh_itge Your Mind_ From If� -Mo9ri-ngs By M1?SSl!')g ,up Tne · .·
Sub�tance �t Is Made ·of. They Boggle Your Minc:1-, Co.nfos� And �onfound Y9u, And:·.
Yet You. - And Betqvs�_Of An Th·Q� - Han�er for Th�jr. Company..
• T�e People Who_ Uke'You.Accept Y(?U for. �hatev .er Y?u_-Are..They Uke You the Way
you are; they Like ypu desp"ite Yoµr ShoHcomings, - D,espite Whatever. Is-Conveye�
To Them ab·out You · to- Poisot"l Their· Mind.· Th� ·pe·opl� Who :Like You, Even',hough
You Ignore or Dislike.Them, .Are p. ·Del�h+ Fo� They "L[ke You In Your, Totality
Along With What_ you .know As You" Defects,. Shortcomi_ngs. They. Want Vou- To Be
· As You Ar�; They Don't W.ant, An. �mproved Form/Versiol'.l Of Vo.u; th·ey
Wouldn't· Have Liked Yp·u If Yo.u Had ·Been .Slightly' Differe_nt Whatever . You
. . ..
Are; They Are The Very P.eople Who Do,{t·Have An Agenda, · . . · · ·
The People Who Like And_ Loy_e You; don.'t burf'you. It is t�e people you lo�e whd ryurt
you. You rrus�· the peopl_e-you like,.and: get hurt ·by. them: Those whp .love you do not
hur-:-. you; they go All The Way ·To help. you, ··bµ Take ·their loving help For
Granted �nd dismiss them.You prefer:,those who you like. And you get.h!,lrt!

Offspring belong To the Woman, No.t To the Mar:i; That Is the.Dictate of God.
Woman Is Not an Instinct, as God Had Not Made.Her of the Gr.our1d, N�r He
Breathed in Her His Breath! God N}ade Her from the Man while the Man Was fo
De-eo Slumber, UN-Aware anc:f unwise .

The Word!
The Unkn9wn Had Planfed A Garden in the East, In Eden; and th�re He Put the Man
He had made.Yes, made is The Word: Not the Creation. He had made The Man, Not
Created Him. The Unknown Made. All Kinds Of Trees Grow Out Of The Ground -
Trees That Were Pleasing To The Eye And Good For Food. .I

· 136
Tr e Kumball
"Oh '\Jo, Baba! I Have Come To Mother To Take Rest Here, Not To Teach Or To

"I don't want to teach or learn either. I Want Only To Narrate A Small Dream I
Saw Last Night. Listen To Me and forget. It is okay if you don't want to hear it."

"Okay. Tell Me."

"I Saw your mJther and I Sitting Here In This Room And, On A Knock I Open The
Door. A Boy, JCAvayth Memon, Gives Me Three Shirts Of The Same Quality And Size
Of Different Colors And Patterns And Requests Me To Select One For Myself. I
Ask Him To Give The Gift To Someone Who May Be Of Some Help To Him In His
Job In ·The University, But The Boy Insists That I Take The Shirt As He Had
Bought One For Me. I Ask Your Mother To Select One For Me. She Selects One.
The Boy, Very Happy Now, Goes Away. That Is All That I saw In the Dream."

"Baba, You Are To Get A Choice in Life, - Option Will Be Yours to Choose One, and
you will offer that option to Mother. That Is the Interpretation of the Dream you

"That Is If It Was A Dream", I Said, "It Was Not A Dream. This Is What Actually
Happened Last Night. Your Mother Is A Witness."

"Oh Baba! You are always teaching or Learning!" She Protested, "I Hqve Come To
Rest Here, Not To Discuss!"

"Now I Know Why You Always Hanged On To TI,at Blanket, With Red And Black
Squares, We Called Kumbal. Mentally and physiologically We Two are the same!"

i The Books!
This Is A Prelude. You Always Have A Jaundiced View of the World! The World -
Including All That You Perceive Or Conceive Of - Is There Only As Your Idea. The
Moment You Are No More, It Will Be No More. It Is A Book That Gets Shut the
Moment You Are No Mor�; It is shut if you are not there; and With You as No More,
The Book shuts. You read your Book, of none other. Snatch away The Book to kill
him; or put the light off. "Put the Lights Off!' I heard the words all my life; from
father, and then from wife.

India Is A Cultural Core That The Indians Need Not Call Religion, For That Cultural
Core Doesn't Have An Inherent Fallacy; They Call It Thdurum - Honor. They Took
To The Word 'Hindu Religion' In Consequence Of The Confusion That The Muslims,
Halim Br:,he
Christians, And The Jaws Worked Up, to scatter Faith, By Calling Their Own Modes
Of Faith As Religions.

It Is The 'I' Involved With The Body That Makes The Body Framed For You As You.
The 'I' Is To Be Enriched By The Experiences Of The Body That Is castaway As

La Duree:
Duration Is The Single Long Process That You Live Through Calling It Life That You
Met1sure In the Spatial Terms Of Hours, Days, Months, Years, Decades, Centuries,
Millennia, Etc. Duration, - Once You Get Its Feel of It, - Is A Beautiful Process with
'La Duree' As Its Smallest Unit, A Word Coined by a Frenchman, Henri Bergson.
You Need Some One to Talk to because you talk A Hellish Lot and you don't get
listened to. Then It Dawns On You That The Only Serious Listener You Could Own Is
Yourself, Provided only that The Distance Between You And Yourself Stays

Mind, the Menacel

I Am At Ease with the People Who Do Not Know Me Personally. They Take Time To
Find Me Out To Get Away From Me. Every Opinion Is Merely An Opinion, - Ether
Like, Airy; Likely To Change Any Moment Without A Reason Or Rhyme; Not Likely,
But Certainly. 'Dislike' Or 'Hatred' Precedes the Reasons for the Hatred and
Dislike. Mind Hates or Dislikes A Person first, and then Cooks Up the Reasons for
That. Mind Lil<es· or Loves A Person first, and later Cooks Up the Reasons for That.
Feeling Precedes the Reasons for That Feeling. I Have Been In And Out Of Dislike
Or Hatred And Love Or Adoration Hundred Times A Day All My Life. And What A
Life It Was! Ridiculous! Once, Introducing Zubeda Metlo To A Group Of
Acquaintances, I Said," This Is Zubeda Metlo. She is A Nice Lady, - Till I Change
My Opinion About Her." Every One Laughed Heartily, Including she. Today She· Is
One Of The Persons I have Hated and liked many a time The Most. I Want To Stay
the Way I am, and I Don't Expect Any Person to Become like Me. You Must Stay the
Way You Are, Without Expecting Me to Become like You. We will correspond; I Will
Do My Bia� and You Will Say Your Piece, Without expecting To 'Change' Each other
or Other's Tastes or Liking. If You Have Not Done Already, Do Waste Your One
And A Half Hour To See 'Someone Up There Lik�s Me', A Movie Of Paul Newman,
From 1950's, - And Later Let Your Parents See It. {It Won't Matter For Me If You
Don't. We Have Agreed To Ignore My Blah. Haven't we!) I Wish My Parents and I
Had the Insight of That Movie!

Fine Dusti
I Have No Bondage, - Neither Religious Nor Cultural, - Certainly Not Marital. I Am
an Existence, - Poised To be disintegrated and Dissipated into, I hope, fine dust. I
Qead Byron Cursorily, And Was Amazed At The Beauty With Which He Describes
The Parents And Grand Parents Of Don Juan.

Culinary Tastes!
Carrying Netting, Everyone Is In The Deep Waters To Net Me To Cook Me For His
Next Meal; I Go Deeper In The Waters To Escape The Netting. On The Other Side
Of The Waters The Salvation Awaits Me To Pat My Back And Throw Me Back In
The Deep Waters. That Will Be A Great Swim-Back through the Netting: A While
with the Salvation and A Journey Back to the Back-And-Forth.

The Followers Of M'humuth, believing firmly that the Christians had deviated from
the right path, Were Increasing In Number While He Was Upholding And Preaching
The Faith Of Ibrahim, And Counseling The Christians To Return To it. Christianity
Had Taken Roots In Europe That Was Rich In Trade And Commerce, And Was
Attracting Jews To The Business-Links That As Christians They Would Avail On
Equal Basis On The Commercial Routes And Adventures In Moneymaking. The Lure
of Prosperity Was A Powerful Incentive for the 'Jews to Abandon ·the Faith of
Ibrahim. M'humuth Had A Small Following In Numbers In The Beginning, But With
Time The Number Of Followers Increased At A Faster Pace And The Jews Of
Social Status And Wie l ding Political Power Joined Him In His Philosophy Of The Call
On The Christians To Return To The Rightful And The Only Faith That The Unknown
Had Decreed For All. When The Number Of The Followers Of M'humuth Increased
Manifold And he And His Followers Became A Social And A Political Power, The
Already Rich Businessmen Among The Jews Saw Their Opportunity Of Exploiting
M'humuth's Status For Their Business And Began Joining Him As His Friends And
Followers Of His Thought. Of That M'humuth Cannot Be Said To Be Unaware, But
He Had To Own Them All. The self-seekers received A Jolt when M'humuth called
On the Jews to Accept Jesus Also As A Prnphet. Instead Of Taking This As For A
Way Out To Continue T:1eir Participation In The Businesses And Commerce With
The Christians Without Giving Up The Faith Of Ibrahim And To Return To The
Original Faith, The Jews Rose In Antagonism Against M'humuth And His Followers.
Tho;e Rich And. Powerful Jews Who Had Joined M'humuth Only To Exploit Their
Comradeship With Him For The prosperity Of Their Business, And Had Always

' Behaved As The Comrades-In-Arms For M'humuth And His Followers, Came Out
Openly Wi•h Comradeship Of. The Multitude Jews Who Had. To Have Nothing With
Jesus. Instalhtion Of Jesus As A Prophet By. The K'ran Was An Excuse For The
Exploiters Amo �g The Followers Of M'humuth who Had Not Yet Established A
'Different Direction' For :rhe Sulatt, But Now He Had To Collect His followers On A
Common Ground To Save Them From The Armed Aggressions Of The Jews As Well
And From The Conspiracies Of The Exploiter Jew Businessmen Some Of Who Eyed
the Leadership Of His Followers. There Is No Word 'Islam' In The Koran, Nor A
Declaration That The Koran Is The Book Of Yet Another - The Third or the fourth
I 139
Halim Brohe
- Revealed Religion, Nor A Deviation From Any Article Of The Faith Of Ibrahim. His
Only Call Of The Koran To his followers, the Christians, and the Jews is To Return
and unite in the Faith of Ibrahim. It Is Immaterial If It Was Isaac Or Ishmael
Who Ibrahim Tool< To Sacrifice, - The Basic Point Is, It Was Ibrahim Who Had
Obeyed His God And Had Done The Sacrifice.
The Comrade-Followers of M'humuth Had To Face The Two Pronged Antagonism
From The Christians And The Jews, and The Antagonism Of The Jews That Was
Hurting The Faith Of Abraham Was Fast Negating The Very Foundations Of The
Faith Of Abraham. Koran Is The Faith Of Abraham Reconfirmed With A Call On
M'humuth And His Comrade-Followers To Pursue The Matter No Further than UI­
Koran As The Failure Of The Jews In Perseverance With The Efforts Of M'humuth
Was Gaining Momentum.
For the Followers Of Muhummad In His Thought and Philosophy That There Is No
Faith But That Of Abraham, Koran is the summing up As The Last Sanctuary: the
summing up! The Koran had to be revealed with a warning that this, as the summing
up, is the last Book; for which the time had ripened.

If drunk!
"You Are Quarrelling Because You Are Drunk."
If not drunk!
"Couldn't You Get Whisky Today That You Want Some Reason to Raise A Quarrel?"

'Heart Has Its Reasons That Reason doesn't know.' Some body, - Schopenhauer, -
Dead Since Long, Wrote in A Preface to His Book 'The World as will and Idea' . His
Times Ignored Him. He Continues To Be Dead For The Purposes Of Philosophy. Mind
Has Its Own Rhythm for Its Logic.
Miss A Key On The Piano, Or Harmonica Or Any Other Instrument That Works On
The Keys, Or Miss A Beat On The Drum Or The Ttubla Or Any Instrument That
Needs Beats, Or Miss A Touch On A Guitar Or A Sitar or any instrument that needs
a touch on wires, And The Tune As A Whole Collapses For The Sensitive Mind!
AristotP.lian Logic is For the Clowns, Jokers and Buffoons. 'Logical Steps' Is A
Buffoonery. Mind Is The Anvil That Points Out That 'Something Is Amiss',
Instantly 'Feels' Th�t 'Something Is Amiss' Somewhere With Reasoning Or An
Argument Or A Sermon Or A Point Of View Or Discussion Or Whatever.
No Scientist Arri-.,es at His Discovery or Hypothesis or Theory by Taking Logical
Steps. It Is Only When The Theory Or Hypothesis Or Discovery is Proved To The
Surprise Of The Multitude, That The Multitude Demands A 'Logical Proof'. Mind Is ..
the Initiator, Originator, and The Prophetic Revelation.
Logic Is an Artificial Science of the So Many Logicians who Succeeded Aristotle as ?
His Exponents or Improved upon His Logic.
Rhythm Of Mind Is To The Inventor, Creator, Or Discoverer Of A Hypothesis Or A
Theory, What Logic Is To The dun,mies. Logic Is the Superfluous Study That Comes

Handy For Explaining A Discovery, Invention, Idea, Concept, Or A Creation To The

mentally handicapped who Need A hold on every step of A Stair. For logicians, an
invention or a discovery is a superfluous record '()f th�steps that must have been
followed, one by one, by the inventor .or discoverer. History is the superfluous
record for the dumb to know why happened what, after the happening of what had

Sin! What Sin?

It is for the messengers of God to say Amen, Not for you and me.
I get caught and lost In the Web of My Mind. Muzhub / Religion Is Only A Cultural
Unity, A Unity Immune To Reason And Logic, - It Won't Listen To Common sense!
People Ring Bells In The Mundirs And Think That The Creator Is Pleased! Bukvas!
Humbug! Others Say' Amen' To Whatever .the Priest Says in the Church and Think
the Salvation Is Done! Another Bukvas! Another Humbug! Yet Others Fall Prostate
Five Times A Day And Think Themselves Absolved of All the Sins without �othering
about What Sins!
History Of Humanity Begins With Betrayal, Murder, And Lies, - Read The Orthodox
Books Of Humanity That Are Expected To Be Misread And Misinterpreted! Or
Listen to the People who are make believes For N,oney!
There is No Sin. Sin Is Simply Impossible. Don't Dub Your Instincts as Your Sins.
You Are Humans., And Only An Idiot Of A Human Will Not Behave As A Human.
Respect Your Instincts and be A Perfect Person.
You People name your maker Differently, Attributing To him Your Own Whims,
Adjectives, Attributes, And Feel Great in Dying for Him Who Really Is Only A
Blown-Up Balloon of Your Own Self! It Is All Cultural Farce, A Cultural Unity That
Sucks-In and usurps The Liberties of the Minorities and Individuals. Did M'humuth·
or Abu Bukur or Omur or Osman Change Their Name or Dress when they declared
Their Allegiance to Faith? No. They Didn't. Did They Take To Hate Their Non-Faith
Relatives? No. Beard was in vogue as the razor was not as sharp and handy then. I
wonder how they clipped their nails then!

"Every One Has An Agenda, Huleme, 11 So Said Arshad Choudhry, "No One Is
Without An Agenda. You Must Know That. You Must Know The Agenda Of The
Persons Who Come To You Or Meet You."
"And What Do You Think My Agenda is?" I Asked.
"I have not thought about that", He Said, "But Agenda Is the Rule." I Kept Quiet.
What Agenda I Could Possibly Have In Visiting the U.S.A. And, Specially, While
staying with his Family? I Was Baffled. But Now I Know What an Agenda Is.
There are short-term and there Are long-term Agendas, But the Most
Fascinating People Are Those Who Have the Life-Long Agenda! A Life Long Agenda
has some long-term agendas and a :,umber of Small-Term Agendas. The person with
an agenda is the entertainer who disposes Off As Offal The Person Who Has
Halim Brohe
Outlived His Use In The Agenda, and Heaves A Sigh Of Relief At The Lessening Of
The Burden Of Putting Up With a No More Useful Person. The Life-Long Agenqa
People, Therefore, Have To· Be Very Careful About Their Each Step. They Must Not
Overestimate or Underestimate A No More Useful Person: Overestimgted, the
person continues To Be A Burden for Longer Time than His Use; and
Underestimated, He Might Spoil the Broth of the Life-Long Agenda!
Arshad Is the Only Person I Have Met Who Knows Every Human Mind except His
Own! I Am Not His Father Or A Brother Or A Son, But I Know He Is Getting
Shocking Jolts Already Because He Had Stayed Oblivious Of The Agenda Of His
To0-Closed Ones! How Would He Know the Agenda of the Woman He Married, The
Children She Would Blackmail Him over With Threats of His Admonishment if they
deviate From Her Dictates! With His Own Dictates Dispersed In The Wind, He Is
Already A Simple No Body In T�e House He Takes For His home! He won't concede.
The House of I Know doesn't concede.

Hi:,the: English:
Is Roz Vo Shub M*ay Don't get lost in the
U'lujh Kur Nu Ruhi Ja! Rotation of Day and Night!
Ki Ttayray Zum*a Vo Muk*a There await many a realm
Uor Bhe Hu*ay! Beyond time and space!

Getting lost!
Saba said, "Trying to get lost?"
I smiled sheepishly. I had really tried that!

My Great-Grand Father Was Kh'shhal Khan Bu*g'lzue, - The Suffix Of Zue
IndicGtes That The Person Had An Ufgghan Woman As A Mother Or Grandmother
Or A Great Grandmother Somewhere Up There In The Family Tree. He Lived In
Isplinje, A Hutment in the Mountains near Kolpoor in Balochistan. He Had Only One
Son, Karam Khan. That Karam Khan, - My Grand Father, Came To Hyderabad With
His Mother Girano Who. Is Said To Be As White in skin As Milk, With Her Hair
Equally Matching. She Is Buried In the U'methun Bhuryo Kubristtan Of Hyderabad
Cantonment, The Place Where We All Are Buried Except My Grand Mother Jeje
Sar*a Who Is Buried In Junagurrh Where She Had Gone To Be With Her Daughter
Mrs. M'humuth Moosa Memon Of Lakko, Who At That Time Was With The
Junagarrh State As Chief Engineer. Karam Khan Bu*g' lzue Brohe Became A
Soobaythar, - A Police Sub-Inspector, - In Hyderabad And Resided In The
Residence That Is The Official Residence Of The Inspector Of Police Headquarters
in Hyderabad. He Married Jeje Sar*a, My Grandmother From A Siraike Speaking
Boohurr·Buloch Family Of Th'abo, - Two Watercourses, - Which In 2004 Is The
Citizens' co-operative Housing Society. She Couldn't Speak A Language Other Than
Siraike And He Spoke Brahu'e. Because they had resided In the �rmy Area,


They Were Acquainted With Hindustani. Thus The Language Of The Family Became
Hindustani which later was called U'rrthoo in Pakisttan and Hinthe in. Bharutt. They
Had Four Children; Two Sons _And Two Daughters. During His Service He Had Been
Posted In Shikarpoor For Sometime Where He Lived In Kirre Utta M'humuth, An
Exclusive Putthan M' hula,· Where The Residence He Lived In As A Guest Of The
Grand Father Of Dr. Imtiaz Ufgghan Of Archaeology Department Of MUET, Is Still
Known As 'Soobaythar Jo Ghur'.
During An Ailment That Wouldn'� Go Away, Karam Khan Bought A Small House _In
The Street Opposite Saddar Jamiya Musjith And Had To Mortgage The House For
Medical Expenses. He Died Leaving the House in Mortgage.

Muha Bharuttul
History Of South Asia Is Enchanting; With A Touch Of Mystery, - It Requires A
Nose Of A Detective To Sniff Out The South Asian Hi�tory From The Manipulations
By The Bigotry Of The People Who Settled In South Asia. It Was Not South Asia, -
It Was Muha Bharuttu. What Presently Is Known As South Asia For None But The
Political Considerations, Is A Great Conglomerate Of The Innumerable Cultures And
Components/ Shades Th£reof. It Extended Over A Huge Mass of Land with
Undefined Borders. +t Included The Present Ufgghanisttan And The Seven Limbs
That Now Form SARAC, That Is, Bharutt, Bhoottan, Nepal, Sire L *uka. Pakisttan,
B*agla Thaysh, Ttibutt. The Land, Whole of It, Was A Cultural Entity, Not A
Political One, and As A Whole.Was Known To All Its Component Cultures as Muha
Bharuttu. Bruhimun, Kkuttre, Vuayshu and Shothru Were the Classification
According To the Work.or The Labor the Individuals Did. Neither That
Classification, Nor Any Member of Any Class Thereof, Had A Taboo. There Were
Unities And Discords Among The People Depending On The Affinities And
Diversities Of The Cultural Phenomena. Thus Tribes were formed; Reformed,
Grouped and Regrouped, Resulting in Conflicts and Warfare between Them during
Which People Frequently Changed the Allegiance while the Conflict Continued. That
Was Part Of The Game Of The Cultural Co-Existence. It Was All Culture There,
Then and Around. Their Bickering, Quarrels, Conflicts, And Even Warfare Were
What Constituted And Continues To Represent Cultural Co-Existence. It Was A
Natural and A Down To Earth Liv�ng and Co-Existence of Humanity. There was No
Foreign Element to Disturb That Equilibrium. Because It Was All A Homogeneous
Cultural Extension over All That Huge Mass of Land, They Had No Foreigner among
or Up Against Them. Plato And Aristotle Were Born Many Millennia Later, But It
Can Be Said That In Muha ·sharuttu Aristotle Prevailed And There Was No Place
For The Blah Of Socrates Or Plato.

U'h*u Muay K•oo Vudde Soch Sumujh U*i Vechar Nal Tthahvinn Sh'roo Ketta!
Zinthuge Dday U'h*u Muaydde Purayshaniy*a Vich Uzafa Ketta!
Us*a Huliyay Vu*aythay Hu*oo Bugghuayr Upnne Chahutt U*i Eho Jjannunn Thay Ttu

Halim Brohe
UsatiiG Avinn U*i V'jooth Kiy*oo Thhiya!

They Don't Take Me for What I Am. They Want Me To Improve Myself To 'Think
And Do And Write' The Way That Suits Their Taste. They W<.mt Me To Become
Like Them, Behave ljke Them, Change My Tastes to Theirs, Feel like Them, And Be
What They Expect Me To Be. They Don't Let Me Be I. I Haven't Changed. I Am
Stubbornly the Same That I Was. I Want To Talk-For I Know I Am Not Wrong, But
I Don't Want To Be Public Property. I Don'<t. Tell A Lie Deliberately or Deliberately
Conceal A Fact. I Know The Maker Who Made Time-Space Mirage For My Body To
Live In, and Made My Destiny To Live Through Other Bodies Since Past And Future
Eternities. I Admire the Way I Keep the People Away From Polluting· the 'I' In Me.
You Hate, dislike, and disown My Ideas, and abhor a.nd loathe Me, ·Womc;m, but In
Not Too Far A Future You Will see what Kind Of A Pot The Potter Had Made For
You To Disown!

Hinthe: English:
Hisab Kittab Merchant
Nuh*e Jinsi Suvab Akhrutt I don't aspire To cash
Ke Arzoo M'jh Ko! Good deeds On the Last Day!
Vo Suothagur H*oo Mu*ay Nay I am the merchant who has
Nu fu Thaykka Huay Envisioned prof it
Khus(lray M*ay! In loss!

The Housel
'I Want To Sell The House', Father Sai�.

'Sell It', I Said.

'Don't You Want To Know Why?' He Asked.

'I Don't Have To Know That', I Said, 'It Is Your House. You May Sell it or Do with it
whatever you lik�'.

" 'Isn't it yours also?' He Asked.

'No', I Said, 'It Is Yours In Your Lifetime. Only 22 Percent Of It Will Be Mine If It
Continues To Be Your Property After You; Not Till Then, And Not One Percent More
If All The Heirs are Alive'.

'I Am Disappointed in You sons. You Will Fight Over Its Ownership, Possession, And
Sell It Away Like Goondas. I Have Decided To Sale it Right Away and Spend the
Money on My Needs.'


f 'Because We Will Act Like Goondas Tomo:1row, You Will Act Like A Goonda Today!
Do It. Why Ask Me? You Don't Need My Permission.'

'I Will Transfer It to Haje Najumdin Surayval or Your Cousin Salim So That the
h,use stays In the Family.'

'Do That. Do Whatever You Want To Do. Why Do You Bother Me with Whatever
Goes In Your Mind? It Is Only A Matter of A House, A Property of fiscal. You Can
Ask Me To Vacate It Today, And I Will Vacate It This Minute. Discuss These
Matters, If You Must, With Others. Count Me Out. Now, May I go?'

Mayray Thil Ke Nuzur Ko Tthokr*ay Khana Nuh*e Atta!
Ttumuna Ik Nuay S*Chay M*ay Dhul Jaay Tto Utchha Ho!
Kise Soorutt, Luge Thil Ke Buhil Jaay Tto Utchha Ho!

How Could t Be Distr1herited From That Which I Had Not Yet Inherited! A Muslim
Could Will Away Only One-Third Of His Property, Not The Whole; And Father Had
Been Humored Into Making A So Called 'Will' Whereby He Was Supposed To Have
Put Me On The Ground Floor Along With Two. The other Three he had put On the
First Floor. As If He Had A Right to Our Placements in the House after His Death!
That Funny 'Will' Was a Piece of Toilet Paper of No Legal Consequence That Misled
All Those Funny Inheritors into Wrong Galleys. In Fact Father Had Died Intestate,
And All The Inheritors Had Inherited Their Share In The Plot Of The House, Not
In The Mulba That Stood As The Construction On The Plot. The Ones Who Were
Placed On The Ground Floor By That Funny Toilet Paper Sot Over enthusiastic
About Maintaining The ' Sanctity' Of That 'Toilet Paper Will' And, The Ones Who
That Toilet Paper Placed On The First Floor 1.Jere Too Blind In Rage Against Me To
See The Truth For Themselves. I Had No Concern, For I Had No Ambitions in That
Direction. Hatred for Me Prevailed All Over. It Is Not Too Late Though; If Laws
Have Limitations, The Unknown Knows No Limitations!

Hinthe: English:
Such Huay Hum*e Ko Ap Kay You are right therein
Shikvay Buja Nu Thhay! I shouldn't co.n;,lain!
Bayshuk Sittum Junab Kay Surely your excesses
Sub Thosttana Thhay! Are all friendly!

Mind Is Organic, - Like Amoeba It Withdraws At The Touch Of An Idea Foreign To
It. It Is A Whole; It Can't Be Bifurcated Or Divided Or Partitioned Or Initiated
Halim Brahe
From Outside. It Has Its Own Initiations, Its Own Directions: It Revolts Against
External Intrusion however Lofty That Intrusion may be; or succumbs To
Annihilation on External Intrusion however Insignificani That Intrusion May Be. Its
Doings Are Supposed To Be Foolhardy, Intentions Diabolic, Thoughts Malicious,
Words Poisonous, Utterances Brazenly Rude, Behavior Contemptuous, Manners
Crude, - Scars Within Scars And Scars Over Scars, - Neither Of Importance Nor
Of Consequence, Having Given Up Almost All And Every Thing! By A Delicate Thread
'I' Hangs onto the World, as One That Doesn't Talk About One's Body or 'I', Health,
Or�Mind. Both - 'I' And Mind - Are Fine; Only Fed up Of Each Other. One is ordained
to be so and such. Ordained By What? Not By The Ones One Carries As Concepts
Since Many Millennia Culminating In Prophets, Each Announcing His Own Form Of
God Or Creator Or Maker Or Potter Or Whatever, And Naming Him By A Different
Name. Can A Pot Reconstruct, Resurrect, Conceive or Even Imagine Its Maker?
Could there be An Intermediary where there is neither The 'Other Party' nor An

Ik Jhote .Se Ttusali Vo M'jhay Thaykay Chulay!
Mayra Thil Laykay Chulay!
Upn*ay Bemar Ko Tt'm Poochhnay Aay Thhay Mugur!
Le Na K'tchh Thi I Ke Khubur!
B'jh Nu Jaay Yay Thiya Y*oo Ki Julay Nu Julay!
Mayra Thil Layi,ay Chulay!
Ttayray Vath*o Kay Suharay Pay Jiyay Jaay*Gay Hum!
Suhittay Jaay"" Gay Sittum!
Raz Yay Ttayray Siva Uor Koe Jan Nu Lay!
Mayra Thil Layi<ay Chulay!

Hinthe, Farse:
In Hinthe It Is: Murn*ay Vala Mute Ka, Urthhe Chanthe Sonay Ke!
In Farse It Is: Oo Kke M'rth Uz Khak Jorb'th, Jinazay She B'th Misle Sona Chanthel.
In English it is: The deceased is earthen: carried in the box of silver!

It Is The Versatility That Matters, - Leonard Da Vinci Gave The Concepts Of
Bicycle And Helicopter, Depicted A Baby In The Womb, Drew Sketches With
Mathematical Precision, - And That He Was The Precursor Of Gray's Anatomy Or
Of Whoever Else's Work Took To Anatomize First, Only Shallow People Wont'
Concede. See, How Silly The People Are! They Don't Let the Other Silly People Stay
on the Path of Versatility!
No. That Was Not 'Whole Year' Cut Off From Your Entire Past. Duration Continues
All Along Transforming Qualitatively the 'I' In You Continuously. The Stay in Italy
Was Not the Period Cut Off From the Duration That Is 'I' In You. The Stay In
Italy, - That You Say Changed You Entirely, - Was Not A Separa
te Affair Not A
Unit On Its Own. Nothing Else Could Have Been A Better Period. You
Do Get Away
From Whatever Gets To Mould You in Another Mould; This You Know
For Certain
because you never did that. I Was A Sissy, Fearing Father And Wife And
All, Denounced Continuously At Every Step By The Society Th�t Had Not
'Known Me
Personally, But Had Been Well Fed With Vicious Words Whispered With Malice.
so happens; The Bulk Is the Past Now.

Hinthe, Farse:
In Hinthe It Is: Hum Ko Kuaysay Hathh Milay.' Sub Raykka*ay Kkonay Ke.I
In Farse It Is: Muru Chhittor Thisk Mi/aosh'th, Ttumam Luker Burae Bue Thethun

The Beds and the cots!

Father Had Retired From The Police And Had Joined FBI On Contract Basis, Based
At Karachi. Misttre Was With Us at Hyderabad. I Had Done, So To Say, Lew And
Was Supposed To Be Practicing. Jamoo Was Elsewhere, I Don't Recall Where;
Knowing Myself Well, I Am Sure I Must Not Have Cared To Know His Whereabouts.

All The Sisters Were Away. Myself And Mother Slept In The Open Space Of The
House And I Left The House In The Morning leaving The Cots And The Beds In The
Open, Without Caring That Mother Had To Roll The Beds, Carry Them In The
Rooms, And Move The Cots Away Before The Blazing Sun And Raining Hot Dust
Spoiled Them! Funny Thing Is It Never Came To My Head Or Mind That Removing
The Beds And The Cots Was My Job, Not Mother's! It Never Crossed My Mind
That I Should Help Mother In Doing the Task That Was Beyond Her Strength! No.
I Didn't Care! All Those Years My Mind Was A Closed Circuit, - Now I Do Remember
The Miseries That Appeared On Her Plump And Chubby Face when Folding The
Heavy Beds And Removing The Cots! And All That Time She Had A Smoldering
Cancer In Her Womb Of Which None In The Family Was Aware! Not Even Father!
We Were A, Careless, And A Callous Lot of Family with Mother as the only
human In It! The Days passed by. After My Marriage �y Wife, Though Belatedly,
Because Of Her Social Co-ordination With Father's Western Style Of Social
Priorities, Took Notice Of Mother's Frequent Mention Of The Burning The
Stomach, Took Her To Dr. Umena Daughter Of Kazi Akbar Who Informed My Wife
That Mother Had Cancer In its Last Stages. My Wife Told Me, but I Had No Mind
That Could Grasp the Importance of Such Things. Then She Told Father That
Mother Was Almost Dying! And What Did He Do! He Went About Telling His Friends
That Mother Had Cancer And He Couldn't Help It! Ayub Bux Uvan, Who Probably
Was Still The Director Of The FBI, Gave Him Rs. 10,000.00 On The Tarmac Of
Karachi Airport And, Father Told Me Later, He Had Cried Right There On The
Airport Tarmac, Unable To Holdback His Grateful Tears! The Point To Ponder Is, -
Why It Didn't Occur To Any One - Including me - In The Family To Listen To What
Mother Had Been Saying In Undertones Since Years! We Were A Weird Family.
Halim Brohe
Where Had Sara Nee R'bena Gone? Father Had Trusted Apa Taj With The Care Of
Sara. I Don ' t Believe My Wife Or Anyone Else Could Have Given Her A Hus�and
Better Than Ajaz Or A family Better Than She Now Belongs To, But I Do Believe
That What father Did Was An Infringement Of The Rights Of The Legitimate
Ones. I Looked the Idiot that I Was, But Unconsciously I Was All Ears and Eyes,
And Well Equipped with A Mind That Grasped, Analyzed, And Assimilated.

Mukamay G'fttugoo Kiyo Huay
Ugur Mu*ay Kemiyagur H*oo!
Yayhe Sozay Nufs Huay
Uor Mayre Kemiya Kiyo Huay!

Nuvaay S'buhu Gahe Nay
Jigur Kh*oo Kurdiya Mayra!
Kh'thaya Jis Khutta Ke Vay Suza Huay
Vo Khutta Kiyo Huay!

"No. A Humanitarian. I Will Have an Infant's Limbs Done With Lot of Sausage, With
Kidneys on the Side. No Liver Please. And A Tin of Beer."

Saray juha*a say utchhal

'Saray Juhan Say Utchha Hindustan Humard, - Ikbal, - Said That. And What Else
He Said? In His' Nuya Shivala', He Says,' 0 Bruhumun, Tt'mharay B'tt Kub Kay
P'ran*ay Ho Ch'kay Hu*ay Uor O M'/*a logo Tt'mharay J*ug Vu Juthu/ Ka Fulsufa Kub
Ka Fursootha Ho Ch'ka Huay,· Ub Tt'm Yay P'ran*ay Uor Fursootha Batt*ay Bhool Kur
Ayk Nuya Shiva/a Bunao Uor U'ske Pooja Kuro,· Uor Vo Nuya Shiva/a Huay Hindustan!
The Poem Is Available In Every Collection Of His Poetry, But No Body Has Noticed!
I Don't Have Tlie Poem With Me At The Moment, But I Have Made No Mistake.

Sinthde: English:
Nu Kkupun! We won't have them!
Punahger Nu Kkupun! Won't have Immigrants from India
And they are here!
Punjabe Nu Kkupun! We won't have Punjabez!
And they are here!
One-Unit Nu Kkupay! We Won't have One-Unit!
What else is this!
Tturbayla Dam Nu Kkupay We won't have Turbela Dam!

It is here!
Military H'koomut Nu Kkupay! W� won't have Military Rule!
What e se you have!
Punjabe Ofisur Nu Kkupun! We won't have Punjabe Officers!
What else you are!
U'rrthoo Nu Kkupay! We won't have Urdu!
Now you call it old Sinthde!
*Ugrayze Nu Kkupay! We won't have English!
And you want jobs!
He Nu Kkupay We won't have this
Hoo Nu Kkupay! And we won't have that!

I look forward to their demand, ·Halim Brohe as President of Pakistan is not

acceptable!" The day will be when I will be!

"Where Is Your Library?" He Asked.
"Right where we are." I Said. "This table is My Working Place."
"I Mean the Books You Refer for Your write-ups And Articles."
"All That I Need for My Working Is Here On This Table." I Explained.
"All That I See Here Is A Dictionary," He Said. "What Is That Other Book?"
"Another Dictionary."
"And Those Two Books?" "Computer Books."
"You Don't Have A Library?"
"This Is All I have." I Said. "Call It Library or what yoi.J Will. I Work here and I Call
It My Working Table."
"I Will Show You My Library Some Day." He Said. "You will like it."
'Someday' Arrived the Next Day.
I Looked At The Books That Were The Walls Of The Room, Section Wise, Arranged
By Dewy Or Dewy Or Whoever Wrote The Bible For The Librarians: History,
Geography, Literature, Oriental Languages, English, All Sort Of Dictionaries And

II What Not. A Huge Writing Table with A Few Books Welcomed the Learned Owner
at the Door; A Bed, With Two Pillows, Right In The Middle Of the Room Was A
Welcome Relief to Whosoever Needed A Nap after Huge Intellectual Indulgence.
I The Twenty By Twenty Room Was A Wonder for Me. I Felt Depraved And Wronged.
I Didn't Have These Facilities. He Was One Of God's Chosen Ones! And I Was One
Of The Condemned, Condemned To Work in Adverse Conditions, With No
Expectation Of Reward, Not Even A Release From The Ever-Mounting Anxieties.
I Boarded A Rickshaw to Head for Home. The Depression Stayed Only A Few
Minutes. By The Time I Got Down From the Rickshaw near My Place, I Was Smiling
To Myself. It Had Come To My Mind That I Was Inventive Because I Don't Have A
Librarv To Restrict My Thoughts To The Suggestions That The Books On The
Shelvi:.s Offered To Their Owners. I Realized That I Was Lucky To Have No
Halim Brohe
Library, Small Or Large, For My Own Or Available To Me For My Work, which Left
My Thoughts And Imagination To Catch Ideas In Their Wanderings. That Is Why I
Have Been original As a Writer While Those With Libraries And Other Such
Facilities are What They Call themselves Research Scholars! And It Is Anxiety That
Breeds, Fosters And Nurtures Creativity In A Writer, Not The Feeling Of well
Don't Own Or Visit Libraries, Unless You Want To Belong To Those Research
Scholars, that Fossil Wing In Literature Which Is Neither Read, discussed, and
talked about by readers, Nor Mentioned in a literary circle. Their omnipresence is
only In the Reference List Annexed to the Research Articles of Other Research
Don't Retain Books For Keep. Buy Second Hand, Read them fast, and Pass Them On
To Others for A Read. Retaining A Book with You Will Cause You To Care For Them
and Burden Your Mind with A Dead load Yet. Retain Ideas and Pass On the Dead
load of the Book to Others Who Read, Not To Those Who Retain Them in Numbers.
Read As Many Books as You Can. That Will Take Care Of Your Grammar and
Composition. Buy and Retain Dictionaries, Not Grammar and Composition Books. For
Non-English Words _And Phrases, Refer The Dictionaries Of The Languages Of
· Those Words. Don't rely On the English Dictionaries for the Import and
Pronunciation of Non-English Words and Phrases. Buy Dictionaries of As Many
Branches of Information and Knowledge as You Come By, Even If You Don't Foresee
Their Immediate Use. that is what my son-in-law Zulfiqar does!
And Don t Read A Book Twice. You won't hke an Author To Repeat His Say to You All
Over Again! Once Read Is'Ef)Pugh Of A Book And Its Author: Reading A f!ook Over
Again Is Getting Ideas By Rote, The Antitheses Of Ideas And Invention. Don't
Crave To Meet With Authors. They Are Nobodies Apart From The Books They
Wrote, Nonentities For Their Readers. As Persons, They Are Fallible As all Humans.
Grasp the Idea and Le't go Of the Writer.

Vufa, Jufal
Kuh*a Ttuk Jufa H'sn Val*o Ke Suhittay!
Juvane Jo Ruhitte Tto Phir Hum Nu Ruhittay!
Koe Nuksh Uor Koe Thevar Sumjha
Zumana H'a Hum Ko Ch' p · -- � ·ttay Ruhittay!
Zumana Burray Shuok Say S'n Ruha Thha
H*um He So Guay Thastt*a Kuhittay Kuhuttay!
Buttattay Hu*ay As*oo Ki Ub Thil Nuh*e Huay
Jo A*soo Nu Hottay Tto Thurya Nu Buhittay!

Steal across!
Thubay Pa*oo M*oo Phayr Kur Jan*ay Valay
Yay Nalay Nuh*e Bayusur Jan*ay Valay!



M*uay Khuyal H*oo Kise Uor Ka!
M'jhay Sochtta Koe Uor Huay!

The Dreams I Am Certain About:

The Place Where To Your Surprise You find Your Shoes Missing Would Be Where
You Will Be Maligned As A-Parasite Who Had Misappropriated Or Exploited The
People To Who Belongs The Place Or The House Or The Cot you sat on.

Kuhan..,e: (

Hum Nay S'ne Thhe Ayk Kuhane!

Ayk Sufur Huay Yay Zinthugane!
Kis Ko Puglay Tto Kuhitta Huay Upn*a!
Char Thin Ka Yay Jhoota Huay Supn*a!
U'n Ka Phoo l *o Say Rishtta He Kiya,
Jin Ke Kismutt He Kant*o Kay Bech Pule Ray!
Na Janay Kithdur
Aj Mayre Nao Chule Ray!
Chule Ray Chule Ray
Mayre N*ao Chule Ray!

Must You Hate A Language, Culture, Script, Attitude, Custom, Achievement, Faith,
Ritual, Or A Habit, That Is Not Yours?

Th' nya Humaray Piyar Ke
Y*oohe Juvan Ruhay!
Mu*ay Bhe Vuh*e Ruh*oo
Mayra Sajun Juh*a Ruhay!

Food and Sleep!

Of All The Things In Life, The Two Things I Have Hated Most Are Food And Sleep.
I Want To Eat Only When I Can't Stay Hungry Any Longer; And I Want To Sleep
Only When I Can't Stay Awake Any Longer! But These Fools, Mental Underlings,
With Time Schedules for Every Thing, Force Me to Keep to Their Senseless
Schedules! Since Childhood I Have Been Crying, Shouting, Quarrelling, Arguing,
Explaining, And Requesting To Let Me Have My Way In such Petty Matters Of
When Should I Eat And When Should I Sleep. I Got My Way In This Matter Only
When, At 70, I was carried to and confined in a hospital due to my physical collapse.

Halim Brahe

Why don't you feed the clock if the clock is hungry at 2 PM? I will eat when I get
hungry. Why don't you let the clock go to sleep if it is 10 PM and the clock is sleepy?
I will sleep when I am sleepy.

What is this clock that dictates to me my hunger and sleep, my getting up from bed
and going back to bed, my presence in the house or out elsewhere, my morning tea
when and my evening cup when? Who is this clock that chimes its· bell to let
everyone know I am not synchronizing my movements with the movements of its

I am a human, not a clock. I do smoke and drink and womanize, the clock doesn't.
Accursed is the father for taking sons for a clock, and accursed are the wives for
taking husbands for a clock!

Girl next door!

Ik Chutt'r Nar
Burre Hoshiyar!
Kurkay Si*ghar
Mayray Mun Kay Th'var M*ay
Gh'sutt Jatt! Hum Murutt Jatt!
H*um murth zatt Murutt jatt!

Slow down! Ahisttal

Aj kuray so kul kur Today! No. Tommorow.
Kul kuray so purs*o, Tomorrow! No. Day after, yes.
Ittn*e j11lthe kiya purre huay Why hurry?
Jen*a huay burs*o! Life is long enough!

Hurry up! Ubhel

Kul kuray so aj kur Tomorrow! No. Today.
Aj kuray so ub, Today! No. Do Right now!
Kon jan*ay kul kiya hovay Who knows
H*um murj*aay kub! When dies v.1ho?

up, uP, and UPI

Where To Begin, What To Begin With, And How To' Begin Do Not Matter When You
Have Collected Yourself To Expose Yourself Fully To The Milieu. 'Why Do You Put
Down In Writing Your Own Exposition', Becomes Meaningless When Weighed Against ).

The Guilt, Accumulated In Bits All Through Your Life And Is Too Heavy To Retain
Within Without Going To A Madhouse Or Exploding Out In The Street. You Need A
Catalyst To propel you into an Autobiography.

Seeds ..'•
Ho Jaay Nu Th'nya Kuh*e Burbath Humare!
Huay Tt'm Ko Kusum Rukkna Zura Yath Humare!
Loota Huay Ji say Tt' mnay Vo Ghur Bhool Nu Jana!
Yay Piyar Ke Batt*ay Yay Sufur Bhool Nu Jana!

I Fly a t A Tangent a t Anything That Creates an Iota o f Doubt in My Mind Result in
Uncontrollable Anxiety. They Can't Put Up With An Eccentric, - That Is Typical
Bigot Mentality. I Am Not an Angel, But I Do Say Things That Hap�en. I Make
· Things Happen. I Am Always proved right In the End, - After the foll of The

Yay Th'ny'*a huayl

Muayn*ay Thaykke Jug Ke Rett
Met Sub Jhootay Purr Guay!
Mayra Balum Ittna Thosh
Ki Tt'm S*ug Nuaina Lurr Guayt"
Ik Thil Th'kk Zumanay Bhur Kay
Hum Tto Bhurosay Ray Rusya -
Hu*ay Ub Tt' mharay Thur Kay!
Moray Bholay Bhalay Thil Pay
Bulum Kiya Jathoo Kurguay
Mett Sub Jhootay Purrguay!
Mother liked the song. She liked Rajkapoor. I reminded her of him, or of him to me!

Unless A Man Knows Where He is originally From, And What His Origins are, He
Won't Behave.

The days of Concealment!

Thil Ke Batt Chh'pan*o,y Valay
Thaykk Kay Y*oo Shurmanay Valay!
Mustt Ghuta Sub Raz S'naay Ray!

His Grace!
As D.S.P. Shikarpoor Father Packed All The Crockery And Cutlery Of The Official
Residence And Got That Delivered At Kkokkrapar To The Migrating Hindu D.S.P.
Shikarpoor From Whom Father Had Taken The Charge. Father Made All The
Arrangements To See That The Migrant Was Well Boarded And Looked After In
The Train.


Halim Brahe
But you must know Hinthe!
Vo Upn*e Yath Thilan*ay Ko
Ik Ishk Ke Th'ny*a Chhorr Guay!
Julthe M*ay Lipistik Bhool Guay
Roomal P'rana Chhorr Guay!
Aashik Jo H'ay Thhay Hum U'npur
Thin Ratt Lugattay Thhay Chukur!
Sub K'tchh Tto Buttaya Hum N*ay Mugur
Pit Jan*ay Ka Kisa Chhorr Guay!
Ttulvar U'tthakur Humnay Kuha
Kurtte Ho Hum*ay Tt'm Kiy*oo R'sva!
Tho An*ay M*ay Bhe Jo Bik Nu Suka
Pettul Ka Vo B'ntha Chhorr Guay!
M'flis Thhay Y*oo Tto Junabi Mujn*oo Bhe
S'nttay H*uay Jub U'nke Muott Ae!
Pakit Say Nu Nikle Ik Pae
Luayla Ka Vo K'tta Chhorr Guay!

In The First Century BC, Pubilius Syrus Wrote, Money Alone Sets The Entire World
In Motion. Carl Marx Was A Much Late An Entrant.

I give up! Kafe h'va!

Ub Ki Is U'mr M*ay Bhe At this age also
Jen*ay Ka Nu Unthaz Ayo, I am inapt at living,
Zinthuge Chhorr Thay Petchha Give up for good
Mayra, Mu*ay Baz Ayo! I give up life!
Payul Sooy Gett Jugaay Tt'hiray Nuaynun M*a Kajul M'skaay!

Dhulke More Thdane Ch'nurya!

There is nothing wrong with it. You are mad that you try to straighten it.

"Why Do You Make Mistakes For Which You Later Have To Apologize! Why Don't
You Keep Your Mouth Shut till You Think Out What to Say! Must You Say Whatever
Comes to Your Mind or Mouth! Must You Write Whatever Comes to Your Pen!" That
Was Father To Me. He Didn't Know He Had A Freak for A Son.

Oora Ma Chiragghthuth'm
Ale M*a Soch Khurth'm E Chikhar Khurth'm Ma!
Ee Thurthi Sura Chf:turu Griftt'm Ma! Farse
Shao Roz Buroe Mohubutt Girya Khurth·�
All.e Khoo Sh'th Ma Che Kar Khun'm
E Zalim Thil Khe Lurza M'na
E Yuk Roz Mura Khuttum M'na! Farse

Lone 1iness, - It Is A Living Thing, - A Heaving Amoeba-Like Huge Monster That
Entangles Me To Swallow Me! To Annihilate Me! Its Watchful Eyes Are on Me - Like
A Spider's Watching A Free Flying Fly nearby the Spinned Web. No Web Goes
Wcste. No Loneliness Is To Go Unfed. The 'I' In Me Is the Food it survives on. I
shall be caught In the Web - Unaware - In the Heaving Web. Way Out? None! The
Monster Is Already Nibbling On the 'I' In Me.

Escape, ':" It is Hinthel

Hulal Kiyo Huay Huram Kiya Huay! Hur Vo Shuay Hulal Huay Tt' m Pur Uor Tt' mharay
Liyay Jo Tt'mn*ay Chore Nuh*e Ke Ya M'ftt Nu Le, Chahay Vo Shurab Ho, Shubab
Ho, Soour Ho, Gaay Ho, Bhayrr Ho, Bukre Ho! M'jhay Thaykko, - Huram Kkatta H*oo,
Huram Petta H*oo, Huram Sotta H*oo, Uor Huram He Patta H*oo!

The Only Companion I Have Right Up To The Moment Of Departing From My
Physical Body Is Loneliness, - Lonesomeness. I Greet It with Open Arms. I Do that
By Temperament For I know Old Age Is A Great Age For Having A Friend, Male Or
Female, When God Is Only An Intervention And Religion Only An Interruption. I
Learn To Laugh at What I Say and Do. I wonder At the Mess I Am Capable of Doing
at Every Step. I Am A Bundle of Feelings and All That Goes With That like
Emotions, Sensations, And Passions. I Take Life As It Comes To Me. I Do That
without Any Awareness. Only Yesterday I discovered that tomorrow won't come!
The scary Feeling and the Hideous Fear Within is a big bluff!

You people on the dais!

You Have Lied A Lot, Fooled Lot Of People, Spoken As Socially Successful. You Are
Shallow In Thought, Absurd As Persons, and Formal In Actions. And You Wait For
Applause for Saying A Phrase Taken Out Of Context From Often Spoken Speeches
Of The Socially Acceptable. Option! You have none!

In Hinthe It Is: Buaytthay Buaytthay Ronay Ke, R'tt' Huay Pagul Honay Ke!
Halim Brohe
Ke Ma
In farse It Is: Shishsttu Shishttu Girya Koo, Mosum Ittur Usttu
In English It is: Sit idle, and cry; such are the days!

Consideration par excellence:

Of The Usual
M'zufur. It is Very C�nsiderate Of You To Use your full name In Place
pet name that Might Have Confused Me As To Who Among So Many pets You
Be. Please In future Always Write Mir M'zufur Ali Khan Talpur Along With Your
Residential Address, Official Address, And Telephone Numbers Of Both The Places
Along With Email Addresses And The Postal Code Numbers. The Addressee Will Be
Further Facilitated In Locating Which pet You Are If You Also Add A Complete List
Of The Names Of Your Relatives, Friends. Neighbors, Ancestors, Descendants, And
A Chart Of Your Family Tree As Attachment. The Recipient Will Be At Ease if you
also Add, As A Separate Attachment. Names of Three Persons who recommend that
The Letter Be Read. For The Purposes Of The Security Of The Addressee, Please
Always Send A Copy To The Station House Officer Of The Police Station Of Your
As Well As That Of The Addressee.

The Throw up!

Truth Is The Lie That Is Agreeable To Your Digestive System; and
Falsehood Is the Lie That Your Digestive System throws up! "

A Miracle.Is Happening Every Moment. Every Moment Is the Miracle of which We
Become Aware only when it salvages us From A Sure Death or A Deadly Situation. I
Hqd Almost Died, - With Few Minutes Between Death And Me - And I Was Pulled
Back To Life by a people who Had Suddenly Appeared Right At That Moment In The
Dead Of The Night. Admitted and cared for in the hospital all along till brought
back home. To All and Me. It Was A M:racle. I Wondered. That Episode - Personal
Experience - Confirmed My Absolute Faith In The Unknown So Complete That -
Here Comes The dilemma - I Began To Take The Unknown For Granted In Every
Thing, Not Caring For Anything Or Anybody Or Whatever! This, I Realized, Was
Vanity As, Instead Of Be:�oming Docile And Humble, I Had Made The Unknown
Liable To Look After Me! I had become shallow and conceited. Extreme And Intense
Faith In The Unknown Made Me Take His Doings 'For Granted', And Made Me Get
Out Of My Skin. Then Came The Fear That I Had Already Lost The Unknown By My
Attitude Of Taking Him For Granted, For Only Underlings Are Taken 'for Granted',
Not The Unknown Or God Or Allah Or Kh'tha Or Bhugvan Or Brahma, Or Whatever.

• 156
Ayk Jhile Huay - Sirf Ayk Hulka Sa, Borek Sa, Purtha Huay, - Pagul Uor Geniyus Kay
Bech Jism*ay Say Vo Ayk Thoosray Ko Pagul Sumujh Kur Ttukttay Uor Ghoorttay
Ruhittuy Hu*ayl

The Dream:
Most Of the ll'ings That I Have Written About In This Book And Elsewhere �ave
Come To Me 1n My Dreams. In A Dream I saw the sudden darkness has awakened me
instantly with the lights gone off, and I wake up!
Now, now, how could I dream of waking up from deep sleep the instant light goes off
and wake up from the sleep in the dream! And next instant I foul)d my self wide­
awake wondering about the quality of the dream!
It is settled. The Unknown is the Darkness who said, 'Let There,'.Be Light!' And
There Was Light! Light Is What He Made; Darkness Was Already There!

Whatever Else I May Not Be, I Am A Very Good Astrologer: I Know_ What Is In
Store For Me And For Them, - And I Laugh!

Upn*e Tto Juasay Ttuaysay,
Uaysay Nuh*e Tto Vuaysay,
Kut Jaayge!
Ap Ka Kiyo Hoga! Junabay Vale!

Every Man Has A Mini-Philosopher in Him That Convi11ees A Woman of the Man's
Superiority to He"!
If I Give Up Alcohol, I Won't Write Any More. Misfortune Fo:'ows Me In The
Matter Of Money; It Refuses To Come My Way As My Lei/1 ttm:ne Earning.
Money doesn't grow on trees! Who told you that! Where else does it grows?

The row!
We Had A Row, - Apa Taj and me. I Had Advanced To Hit Her. Mother Suddenly
Came In Between Us Two and got My Blow on Her Wrist! Because I Was Not Calming
Down And Was Aggressing Against Apa Taj, The Only Way Mother Was Left With
Was To Say, "Halim Has Hit Me!" I Had Not Hit Her, I Knew I Had Not Hit Her,
Couldn't Have Done That In My Most Aggressive Temper, But The Words Of
Mother Paralyzed My Body And Mind. Everyone In The Family believed That I Must
Have Done So, And I Couldn't Say That Mother Had Used That Ply To Save Apa Taj
From My Physical Attacks! I Became The Villain In The Family, Exactly Like - Muc:h
Halirr. Brohe
Afterwards As A Father- I Was Depicted A Villain In What Was Then My fomily
For Absolutely No Part Of Mine In Whatever made my wife bleed from nost.!
Mother gave me up to save Apa; my wife gave up husband to please daughter
Armaghan, - she wouldn't have done that for Sana or Romana.

Jamoo and. I Looked after the Lands That Father Had Bought With Whatever He
Received From Government on His Retirement;Jamoo Constructed A Two Room
Accommodation they're Without Considering Wind and Light Directions. Then I
stepped in. I Had Nothing to Do with That Accommodation. I Was Interested In
Planting, Sowing, Goading And Watering From The View Point Of Reaping, And
Father Was Interested Only In Telling The Workers About His Career As A Sub­
Inspector In Police. On The Complaints of Our Neighbors that I Beat Their
Workers for Theft of Our Water. Father Asked Me to Stop Visiting the Lands. I
Got Away From the Lands and Jamoo Took over Completely. He Loved Goats, Sheep,
Cows, Dogs, Horses And Every Animal, Bird, And Insect That He Spotted, And They
All Loved Him Immensely! They Were All His Friends! He Had That Magical Touch
Of Fathers' Who Was Loved By All The Birds And Animals And Loved Them All! I
was Off the Scene. Latter, When Father Required Jamoo To Account For Expenses,
Jamoo Was At Great Loss; He Had Not Maintained Accounts, Nor Had I, But He
Now Was The Man On The Spot And Was Rigorously Examined And cross-examined
By Father And Chacha M'rttuza. Jamoo Did Not Mention Me As Responsible For The
Expenses I Had Incurred On My Whimsical Philosophy About Cultivation Etc., And
Faced The Ordeal Alone! And I kept on moving in the House As If I Was an Angel!
To This Day I Believe My Whimsical Philosophy of How to Run the Lands Was Right.
But That Was Not the Issue Then. Father Wanted To Let Chacha M' rttuza Know
That His Sons Were Responsible For Mismanaging The Lands, And That He Himself
Had No Failings. Jamoo was insulted and humiliated As the Accused, - He Suffered
All That In Silence. I Remember Every Bit of That Episode. I Do Suffer Now, - I
Could Have Stopped All That Nonsense By Intervening And Telling Father That He
Had Messed Up All Things By Hating And Despising His Sons And Not Trusting
Them, But I Didn't Do That Then. Jamoo Took All the Blames keeping A Stub�orn
Silence, and I Moved About In Silence. O' Lord! Punish Me When I Get To You, -
Not Only With The Repentance Here!

Blind and deaf!

I was born half-blind and half-deaf. I Had A World of Own to Live Within. I did not
hear or listen. Sight mutilated what I saw, and hearing mutilated what I heard, into
What I wished to see and hear to make An Issue of. Senses had no use for me. I
perceived by only my mind, and only what I conceived, which had nothing
Corresponding out There In the Space and Time. Hatred for ;-ituals is The
F. Jndation Stone of Thought.

Silence Is the Best Form of Expression; the only form of expression.

The Hands!
"Look At These Hands", I Said To Mother Once, - I Was In College Then, - "These
I Hands Won't Feed You A Meal Or A Piece Of Bread, But I Assure You That These
Hands Will Give You A Name. People Will Know You When I Am Gone." I Was That
Arrogant Then, - Shallow, Vain And A Big Brag, - The Unknown Shall Make Me
Recant. That Is His Way. When My Wife Retired And I Looked Up To Father For
Support, I was surprised to Knew He Had Retired Long Before Her. I Didn't Know
He Would Betray Me That Way! His Death Was A Further Betrayal Of The Trust I
Had In Him!

Hinthe: English:
Sujtha Prostration
Jo Mu*ay Sur If ever my forehead
Bu Sujthu H'va Kubhe Touched the ground;
Tto Zume*e Say Cried the ground
Anay Luge Sutha! So often,
Ttayra Thil Tto Huay ' Don't you know already
Sunum Ashna To whom you kneel!
� Tt'jhay Kiya Milay Ga What else you expect
Numaz M*a'y! To get by kneeling!'

Did I Get Afroz Married To Bashir! I am accused of that. No False Accusation At
All! Yes, I Did do it if Giving In To Father's Suggestion Ts A Deceit! He Asked Me
'If We Should Say 'Yes' To The Marriage Proposal From Those Rues Of Tando
Yousuf, - He Wouldn't Have Asked Me If He Hadn't His Mind Set On It - And I
Said Yes Because Mother Wanted Me To Say Yes To The Proposal. She Had Been
Under Tension since Long and asked Me To Get Father Agree To Marry Afroz To
Basher For That Was The Only Proposal For Her, With No Other Proposal In Sight.

The Meek!
In 2000 I was in the USA. I had been sent to stay away from here. In the USA the
sweet-tongued relatives - distant ones - very sweetly ignored me from putting me on
to some job. Then a ticket was hurriedly given to me and I arrived in Karachi. I hate
them all for I now know them. The meekest among you is the most cunning among
you. She will fleece you with a smile on her face.

Feed Mel
The Food, Luxurious Living, Gifts, Etc., That I Accept, Serve My Body Only, Not My
Conscience. My Conscience Is Unshakable. All The Things That My Body Receives
Halim Brohe
And Accepts Go Unnoticed By My Conscience. The Potter Made Me Like That. I Am
Glad That I G) by the Dictates of My Heart, not of the head. Reason and Logic
Pollute Consciet,ce. I go By the Likes and Dislikes of My Heart.

Bahadur Shah Zafar Lamented the Degeneration and Slavery of thP -'eople of
Hindustan, Not For Islam or Muslims. His Entire Poetical Work Is A Long swan song
On the Subjugation of Hindustan by the British. He Didn't Ask the British for A
Separate Land for Muslims. Therein Are Lessons, But No One Would Heed. He Was
Too Helpless To Do Anything for Hindustan with All the Mental Degeneration that
had seeped Into the People of His Times.

Haleem ....Two Simultaneous Thoughts Come To Mind ... Haleem Changes
Frequently...Like Everyone Else Shades His Skin Too...You Dress Deferent You Are
Beaten Back To 11 Islamic'Uniformity11 ... Hence When They Do Not Understand
Something They Wanna Change It.. Shoot It. Remember That Story Of The Panjabi
Who Got Into A Cussing Match With An English Speaking Person.-:.Cussing Went
Back And Forth In English... Finally The Punjabi Concluded With "·More Over Tuadi
Pa*N Nu Yahwa*N" ...You Are A Person That All Have Failed To Assimilate. .You
Don't Fit In The Mainstream Society... And There Are Many Of You...I Am Sure
Some Have Killed·'fhemselves.. Some Have Lived Life Of Hermit...You Keep Getting
Up And Facing 'Em Again And Again... If People Do Not Understand You It Is Their •
Loss... Other Than Physical Body You Also Have Your Personality... Why Destroy The
Body For Them Idiots...
Second Thing Is You Have Finally Become What Had To After 70 Years Of
Living...It Is No Joke... As When People Tell Me To Dye My Hair Cause I Will Look
Younger, I Say, I Have Come To Look This After So Many Years. This Look Is My
Achievement And So Is My Person And Thoughts And Behavior And All That Have
Become 68 Years With Me. I Would Not Disguise And Deceive ...That Comic Had
Said 11 I Am What I Am And That Is Exactly What I Am, I Am Popeye The One Eyed
Sailor Man. Reminds Of That Slogan/Poetry That Dawn Paper Office Had Painted
Outside Its Office...1111 Stand Upright, Declare Thy Thought ,Be Bold .... Something
Somethirg Something....Go For The Stars ,Declare Thy Thought, Haleem Bhai, And I
Will Be Cheering You All The Way. Naqar Khaney Me*N Tooti Ki Awaz... A Crowd Of
One... But This One Stronger Than Them AIL.This One Is Your Brother....Go For It....
Phi Amaan Allah

He Was Abdullah Khan Soomro, - My Maternal Grandfather. He Had Many Buildings
Of His Own In What Then Was Known As West Kutcha And Later As Garre Kkatta.
I May Be Wrong, But I Have The Impression He Had Shifted To Hyderabad After
Winding Up A Lucrative Fish-Business In Khuayrpoor Nathhun Shah. Dr. Alam
Soomr::, Told Me that The Family Had Its Moorings in A Village near Rannepoor, and
Sujath Shaikh says that Village Is About 37 Miles from His Lands.

The last she spoke!

The Last Time Mo�her Came To Me In A Dream, She Said, �See, If You Don't Give

l Up Your Stubbornness, I Will Go To Buthen," She Had Nothing To Do With Buthen,

But She Didn't Visit
. Me Again In Any Dream. I Knew What Stubbornness She
Referred To, But I Was Too Stubborn Even For The Dead, And Mothe • Knew It;
She Knew Me Too Well For That, And I Believe She Did Not Want Me To Give Up
My Stand; Or May Be She Wanted Me To Go Back To Salvage Fath ,r From The
People That Had Entangled Him! I Have Enquired about Soomroz i· Buthen, but have
not been there. Someday I Will Be Told All. The Way I Was Told About Father.

'You ore fortunate!'

I will bury you and Your Fate. I don't let An Insult Pass by Me without Noticing It. I
Entertain It. With my eyes real shut, I am awake!

In 1947-48 Father Was Police Inspector Karachi And, In One Of The Outhouses Of

The Bungalow Lived- A Washerm0:n With His Family; Gu"' ga Was His Daughter No.2.
She Was Senior :rn Age "fhan Apa Ttaj And I. I Hated Her The Most. Apa Ttaj Knew
More Than I, But She Didn't Divulge. Matter was not mentioned In the Family. I Let
the Hatred Stay and grow Big in My Mind. She Was A Go between Father and The
Eldest Daughter of His Immediate Officer. Pa Ttaj and Mother Knew For Certain,
But I Had My Hunches. I pestered them, and they had to Divulge.

. Why?
I am a Jew only to hate non-Jews, I am a Christian only to hate non-Christians, I am
a Muslim only to hate non-Muslims, I am an Indian only to hate non-Indians, I am
this only to hate non-this, I am that only to hate non-that, so on and on! So?

"Here, man, see these fingers of mine and set them right. See what is wrong with
them that that tnese some how manage to touch wrong keys at the wrong time to
upset my computer to stop or stall it� operation every time I need it urgently. I
have not brought the computer. There is no. need to examine my mute computer. Its
motherboard and fatherboard are okay and fine. Do something about my fingers to
make them behave as the fingers should!"
M'shubur of the Innovative Computers Hyderabad set my fingers right. With the
computer at peace with my fingers, my worry is not to disturb the setting of my
fingers. M'shubur won't be around for long as I am already 73.

Halim Brohe

The family and II

I had to keep shut the door of the house to force the last two daughters to stay
put up with their husbands. Wife, with her philosophy of 'If we don't support our
daughters, who will.' was all for the divorce, but kept a smile on her face for their
husbands to keep intact her 'social image in the society', painting me as 'the culprit'
who hated daughters and all!

"You Were Going Waste. You Had Lost Yourself. You Had Taken Yourself For Too
Old. You had left everything to the Winds. You Had Decided To Give-up Everything
for Good: You Had Lost the Incentive to Write. You Were Getting Scattered. I Saw
all that and decided to salvage you, and For That I_ Have Come Thus Far. No One
Takes A Look at Your Intrinsic Value. They All Look At Your Face and Body only. You
Are Great! You are great because you are The Precursor of My Doom."

"Why Salvage Me when there are others who would welcome The Way You Have
Done For Me? Why You Chose Me?"
"You Said It Is All Fated. You Said It Is All Fate And We Are Nonentities. I Have
Come Far. I Will Be With You All Along to see you do not give up Writing. Keep
writing if you want me with you."
She had An 'Agenda'.

That Box Camera!

You made me obstinate, stubborn, headstrong, - you made me all that to see how I
fair to contribute to the riches of your experience! Mother had no money, but I
wanted a BOX CAMERA - that was in 1945-46. We were in Ae's house and it was a
very hot day, Sun glaring at its high at Noon. I laid myself on the bare floor in the
Sun and refused to get up unless I got the camera. From forenoon to afternoon, I
lay on that platter of the hot ground perspiring without taking a glass of water or
any thing to eat. By afternoon, mother got me RS. 40/00 from somewhere and I got
up to buy my first BOX CAMERA. You made me that way. Mother had no way. You
wanted that experience of my mother and I added to your treasure of experience.
Yo•J made us that way. You had made us that way to collect our experiences in your
innumerable caskets that I curse stay vacant and empty. The curse of the mortal,
always at sufferance, hits harder than that of the immortal who has only his ego to
fill with disgusting injustice.

The portrait:
Ttusver Ttayre Thil Mayra Buhila Nu Sukayge!
Mu*ay Batt Kur*ooga Tto Vay Khamosh Ruhayge!
Senay Say Lugal*ooga Tto Yay K' tchh Nu i<uhayge!
Aram Vo Kiya Thayge Jo Tturrpa Nu Sukayge!
Vay Akk*ay Hu*ay Tthuhire H'e Chunchul Vo Nigah*ay!


Yay Hathh Hu*ay Suhimay H'ay Uor Mustt Vo Bah*ay!

Purchhae* Tto Insan Kay Kam A Nu Sukayge!
In Ho*To Ko Fuyaz Mu*ay K'tch Kuhi Nu Suk*ooga!
Is Z' If Ko Bhe Hathh M*ay Mu*ay Lay Nu Suk*ooga!
Yay Ttayre Tturuh M 'jh Say Tto Shurma Nu Sukayge!

One day...l
Some one pulled or pushed something on the table and I saw a photograph hid under.
I took the photograph and, showing to none what I had in my hand, sang' Ttusver
ttayre thi/ mayra buhi/a nu sukaygel' All those present laughed, except the chemist
in whose office we had gathered. Later Mehtab Rashdi, Director of Sindhology,
asked me whose photograph I had in my hand that made me sing and create an
uproar.of laughter in the Museum of Sindhology. I told her it was her's. She knew I
had told no one.

Jup ray prett ke malal

Ram Ka Nam Pusunth Ho
Thooje Rah Nu Koe!
Mu*ay N*ay Kate Soe
Jo Mu*ay N*ay Thhe Boe!

Purtha! The Veil!

Gghalib Ghalib
Thur Purtha U'nh*ay Behind The Veil
Gghuayr Say Huay The Eyes Correspond
Rubtt i Nihane! With Those of the they!
Zahir Ka For society
Yay Purtha Huay Ki The Veil Is She
Purtha Nuh*e Kurttay! Doesn't wear A Veil!

Umbilical Cordi
I am waiting For the Umbilical Cord To Be Cut. I Will Do It Myself. I Will Have To
Be My Own Mother If I Have To Find A Way Out Through Suicide. Surgery Was
The First Profession Of Women, - The first mother On Earth Had To Cut The
Umbilical Cord To Set Herself Free Of the Child. The Child Took That For Its Own
Freed�m. - And Thus Women Are The Foremost Runners Of The Social Freedom to
·. all women to undo man that was previously done by each woman on her own!
I wrote about the first profession of women in a speech for the vice chancellor Mr.
Mughal of the Sindh University for his address to the medical doctors in the LMCH,
expecting that he will strike off my sentences. But he read the whole of it. As
expected, none of the doctors take notice of the speec�. They, like other employe
of tre Government run academic institutions, are the ornaments to decorate their
audi'!"oriums to impress the dignitaries with a galaxy of the stars that died
Halim Brohe
thousands of year ago but continue to be visible. For how and why, consult a
physicist or an astrvnomer. i
Heart Beats!
Tayra Jhoomna Mutchulna
Yay Nuzur Buthul Buthul Kay!
Mayra Thil Thdurruk Ruha Huay
Ttoo Luchuk Su*Mbhul Su*Mbhul Kay!
Kuh*e R'k Nu Jaay Zalim
Ise Morr Pur Zumana!
Huay Kule Kule Kay Lub Pur
Ttayray H sn Ka Fusana!
Mayray G'lsitt*a Ka Sub K'tchh,
Ttayra Sirf M'skirana!
Yay Kk'lay Kk' lay Say Gaysoo
U'tth*ay Juaysay Buthliy*a Se!
Yay Jh'ke Jh'ke Nigah*ay
Gr*ay Juaysay Bijliy*a Se!
Ttayray Natchttay Kuthum M*a,y
Huay Buhar Ka Fusana!
Huay K1Jle Kule Kay Lub Pur
Ttayray H'sn Ka Fusana!

It Is Only Through Marriage That A Man Knows He Is Better Off Without A

The Only Difference is that Your Approach Is Through Social Faith, and Mine Is
Through Destiny. Why Don't You Accept Your Destiny! Why Don't You Accept
Willingly the Doings of the God that you have coined To Be Your God! Why Do You
Expect Him To Listen to you and Go By Your Whims, Advises, Demands, Needs, And
Dictates! Who knows more and better? You? Or the Coined-One of yours?"

Sana, a daughter of mine, writes:

For A General Writer It Is Necessary That He Should Think / Feel Ahead Of
Reader's Standard Of Reading But He/ She Should Not Be Brilliant Enough So That
His Life Becomes Miserable For Himself And His Loved Ones.
After Innocence Of Childho.od When My Senses Came To Feel Difference Of Life, I
Saw Baba Writing On Different Topics In Different Languages Such As Sindhi,
Urdu And English Without Considering About Time And Health. He Always Wrote All
His Writings With Full Devotion And Inner Feeling Without Thinking That Whether
His Writings '-lave Some Commercial Value Or Not. Every Time, After Working on

Each Book I Find Him Excited to Get H·is Subject 'Qook Published. Most Of Time
Baba Incurred./ Wested His Owri Portion Of Money Which He Sa·,ed After Ignoring
His Persennel Requirements. And Every Time, I saw Baba Dis'tr·ibuting His Writings
Among Peeftl..WitheUl Charging A Penny, Even If They Throw These Books In Their
Litter Bins Or Net. '
As Already Mentioned Above That Writing Is Saba's Soul Food And He Cannot Live
Without It So After Finishing Old Task 9f ftualishing Etc In Which He Suffered
Financial Losses And Have To Listen Nonsense Remarks From Family fAembers. He
Again Starts Working On His New Project With New Courage. Again Work Of
Writing And Publishing Starts With sa·me Spirit And This Cycle Is Still Going On.
As I Already Mentioned About That leing A Extra Brilliant Person His Writings/
Thoughts And Ideas Are �ot Understood By The People At That Time And
Generally After 15 To 20 Years When Any Other Writer Copies The Same Idea The
People Understand It And Praise The Ideas Which Were Given By Baba 10 To 15
Years iack And At That Time The Subject Old Books Cannot Be Traced. The New
Idea Of Cooperation Between India And ·Pakistan Which Is Now Days A Hot
Favorite Issue Was Heard By His Children Back 10 To 15 Years Back From Baba. The
Same Is With The Idea Of Writing Of Sindhi In Roman Scr·ipt, Baba Had Given It
Years Before And According To Him If Sindhi People Have To Increase Their
Standard They Should Quit Present Script Of Sindhi And Write It In Roman Script
�o It Can Be Read And Understand By All Around The World And The Opens New
Path For Us. But Like Other Ideas, People Are Not Understanding It Now But Time
Will Prove It Later But Then Also Baba Will Get Nothing And Someone Else Will Be

The Beneficiary As Always Happened In Baba's Life But It Doesn't Matter For Him
And He Will Remain Same And He May Busy In Writing New Ideas Without Caring
That What Happened Wi� Previous Writings And This Process Will Perhaps End
With His Life. I Am Again{Stuck With My A_bove Said Experience That A Writer
Should Be lrilliant To Some Extent Otherwise His Fate Will Be The Same As Of
My Baba That Is Living Miserable Lonely Life With Low Life Standard.

Sana Hayat.

Oorq Ma Chiragghthuth'm
Ale M*a Soch Khurth'm E Chikhar Khurth'm Ma!
Ee Thurthi Sura Chhuru Griftt'm Ma!
Shao Roz Buroe Mohubutt Girya Khurth'm
All� Khoo Sh'th Ma Che Kar Khun'm
E Zalim Thil Khe Lurza M'na
E Yuk Roz Mura Khuttum M'na!

'Tomorrow' Confuses one. Has one Seen 'Tomorrow' That one Hope,;, Aspires,
Expects And Worries About? For That Matter, Has one Seen The Next Hour, The
Halim B_rohe
Next Minute Or The Ne.xt moment That one Awaits Or Panics About? One Looks
Ahead To Tomorrow To Do This And That, And Looks Behind Only To Find That
Whatever Had Happened Had Just Happened The Way one Had Nothing To Do
With, For, Or About! one Believes one's Future Within one's Own Grasp And, With
The Present Gone Into The Past, Knows The Future Was A Farce That Served Only
As A Fa�ade For A Charade. The Truth Of All The Truths Is That The Future
Already Belongs To The Past!

Color of life:
Sorrow is the color of life,
And happiness the patches on that;
A laugh here and a laugh there,
Laughter all around;
A dinner here and a reception there,
A seat on the dais or that of the chief,
Red-carpet reception leading to the place of honor
The patches that life has for its colors!
Honored by the ordinary
Abhorred by the rest!

Of the two women, •
One pious and the other a prostitute
Not by profession but by physical needs;
Prefer the one with physical needs,
Rather than the pious one;
Unless .you are fated
. • o repent later!

Body In The Society, - Graspable, Though Metamorphic.

The Day-setl
Hinthe English
Ayk Thin Uaysa Hovayga A Day WiII Come
Koho Kalio Ka N*ah! No One W;II Belong To Anyone! •
Ghur Ke Nare Ko Kuhvay House Wife Is A Far Cry
Ttun Ke Nore J*ah! You won't be you!

My Readers Are The Cushions That �bsorb My Temper. It Is Funny That I Find No
Trace Of Hatred For Me In Their Letters. I Get Into Tantrums, Go Berserk, Get

Seeds ·

,,. Out o -: My Skin, And Do Things That Only Befit Me, None Else, Yet No Hatred
From My R�aders! They Look At Me With Awe!

Kiy*oo Thathi Gghum Hum*e Nay Ttulub Ke! B'ra Kiya!
Humsay Juh*a M*ay Kishttuay Gghum Kiya Uor Nu Thhay!

The Flashback That We See In The Movies And TV Plays Is So Routine In Daily
Occurrences That We Don't Notice It. Every Sentence - Nay, Every Word - Has As
·Deep Past And A History As Any Happening. Immediately After My Marriage,
Father Gave Me His Brand New Corolla To Drive My Wife To A Family For Lunch.
We _Were There When jamoo, Spotting The Car, Came In To Say Hello, And Left. In
A Moment Or Two He Returned With A Longer Face Than He Usually Has, And Said,
'I Reversed The Jeep And Hit The Corolla. Now Father Will Raise Hell, But Don't
Worry. I Will Talk To Father.' I Dropped Wife Home And Spent The Rest Of The
Day And The Evening With. Denters And Spray-Painters To Get The Car As New As
It Had Arrive� From The Factory. Jamoo Had Already Told Father That He.Had
Run The Jeep If,ltO The Car When I Arrived And Father Had Already Announced To
Mother There And Then That Jamoo Was Protecting Me, That I Had Hit The Car
And Had Asked Jamoo To Take The Blame Himself, - And That We Were Making A
Fool Of Him. Jamoo Swore, But Couldn't Convince Father. Funny Thing Was That
Father Examined The Car Very Closely But Couldn't Locate Where The Car Had
Received The Hit. He Disgraced Both Of Us: This Was His Way To Keep Us Away
From The Car To Have It For Himself. He Was Older In Age, Not Elder By

The Carl
·why Don't You Take.The Car?" Father Asked Mother When He Saw Her Asking
One Of Us To Bring A Victoria For Her Ride To Somewhere She Was Going. "Will
You Let Me Take It?" She Asked Father, And Then Said To Us, ·My Days Have
Br_ightened. But How Long! Let Us See!" Then To Father She Said, "Anyway, Order
The Driver To Drop Me There."

Don't Look At The Clock Or Calendar. Recall The Feelings Of Depression That You
Passed Though_ What You Call The Entire Last Year. That Was Not Entire Last Year,
- That Was The Duration You Passed Through, - The Duration That Is The Part And
Parcel Of Your Being, The

A Sherlock Holmes Mystery:

Halim Brahe
The Day Wls Foggy. Sherlock Holmes Had To Be Sure The Days Stood So All
T'.1rough The Story As Clear Daylight Would Have Exposed The Cul_prits In The
First Act Leaving Nothing For Him To Probe In The Se'cond Act..

" What.Else We Have Hired Sir Arthur Cannon Doyle For!" Sherlock Asked Me When
He Caught A Glimpse Of The Sun. "Clear D·aylight Is As Fatal To Detection As Mrs. ...
Homes To My Domestic Peace,'' He Had Often Opined Joking Advantage Of The
Out-Of-Hearing Range Of Mrs. Holmes. London Had To Be Busy As Usual As The
People Otherwi�e Would Have Raised Eyebrows At ·The Perfectly Normal Behavior
Of T�e Culprits Before Sherlock Holmes Had Seen Through The Vicious Game And
H_ad Identified The Culprits.

Doctor Watson:
Doctor Watson, That Is I, Is The Man Who Made History By Catapulting Sherlock
Holmes Into The Literary H1story Of England As The.Greatest Detective Known To_
Crime �etection Yet. I Am No Medical Doctor Though.If I Were, I would- rather be
In the Company of A Female Nurse than.Be With A Whodunit.·

The Phone Rang Hysterically Like A Giggling Virgin in the Middle Ages England.
Middle Aged Virgins Of England, Themselves A Giggling Mystery And A Matter Of
Glee For Sherlock And I, Are Not The Subject Of The Present Mysterious
Incident. "Someday, Watson, I Will Solve The Mystery Of Their Giggling And Our
,Glee," He Had Promised Threateningly.

The phone:
I picked the hearing piece Of the Phone as They Came In Two Pi_eces Then. The
Other Piece had to be talked into and didn't matter Much. "Is I"' You, Sherlock?"
� The Businesslike Voice of the Prime Minister of the Privatized Estates of Pakistan
Came Soft and Mellow."Am I supposed to be?" I Mellowed Back, "I Am Dr.Watson
of the Behaviorist School Of Psychology. Who is misbehaving?"

The guns:
"The Guns Have Disappeared, Mr. Watson!" The Prime �inister of Pakistan
Exclaim�d without a sign of exclamation. "And The Privatized Estates of Pakistan
Has To Hire the Services of Mr.Holmes to Locate the TTs for the Police who are ii'

idling At the Police Stations Hauling-In none. Where the hell is "">r. Holmes is?" He
Almost Hurt His Throat And Damaged the Mouthpiece of His Own Phone with A
Shout in His Soft and Mellow Voice.

"Couldn't be anywhere except where The Hell would be." I Said.

"And Where Would the Hell be?" He Asked with A Remorseful Softness mixed With
A Touch of Mellowness.

"Where·Els� but Where Mrs. Holmes would be?" I Whispere;d.

"Get' Mf? to Him." He Sai.d In A Loud and Clear Whisper That Only the Prime
Minister of Paki.stan Could Afford On State Expenses. I Looked At Sherlock who
had bee.n listening On the Contrived Piece. Getting A Nod from Him, I Put Down The
hearing piE;ce To Listen their .talk On the Mouthpiece. Science Was That
Compl.icated Then .

.The Hell:.
"The.Gu�s Have Disappeared, Mr. Holmes," The Prime Minister Said, "Specially The
Tis That The Police Traditionally Recover From The Persons They Have A Weak
Case o·r No Case Against. Now How Would The Police Function If They Don't Have
TTs To Plant On People!"

"What About The TT Trotting Young Men In Pakistan?" Sherlock Asked. "Why Don't
the Police Borrow Tis from them?"

"What TI Trotting Young. Men, Mr. Holmes?" The Prime Minister �houted Softly.
"There Are Young Men Alright In Pakistan, But None Of Them Is Trotting TTs Any
• More! Yo1:1 Will Have To Come To Pakistan To Locate For Us All Those TTs That
Have Disappeared Unless Of Course-You Deduce Their Whereabouts Sit1 ing There
In 10 Baker Street London, In Which Case You Will Get No Travel Or Dearness
Allowance. Rules Are Rules: Deduction I Believe Cqsts Much Less Than Induction on
the Spot."

On A Nod From Sherlock I Picked Up A Calculator, Did Caltulation, And Returned

The Nod And The· Calculator To Him. "I Will Be There With My Entourage,"·
. .
Sherlock Said, ''.That Will Include A Parrot and A Dr. Watson." He Hung Up .

"Why ,:he Parrot,.Sherlock?" I Asked.

"Benaz;ir Had A Dervish;" He Replied "So The Least Nawaz Is Entitled To Is A

Parrot. And the Least I Am Entitled To Is A Dr. Watson."

We Arrived At _The Islamabad Airport Amidst much Fanfare, And Were Taken In A
Procession That Included Women With Their Noses Covered With Scarves.

"Why have they covered The Noses, Sherlock?" I Asked.

Halim Brohe

"Won't You Cover Your Nose If You Don't Have One?" He Admonished.

"All Pakistan Police Has Been Routinely Planting TTs On Persons Whose Persons_ And
Belongings It Has Traditionally Desired To Lay Its Hands On," The Prime Minister
Said, "But I Am Told That There Are No TTs In The Police Treasuries At All! Now,
Mr. Holmes. How Could That Be?"

"Yes," Sherlock said thoughtfully, "How Could All Those Sisters And daughters And
O+her Belongings of the people Disappear!"

"I Am Referring To The TTs," The Prime Minister Said As Stiffly As The S�·ftness
Of An Industrialist Would Allow Him, "Not To What The Police Does With The

"So What Is the Difference?" Sherlock Said Philosophically.

The convict:
"I Had Identified The TT In The Police Station As The One Recovered From Me By
The Police In the Presence Of Their Erstwhile Eyewitnesses," Said A Convict, "But
That Was So Long Ago With My Grown Up Daughter In Their Custody! She must be
A middle-aged Woman now!"

"Enough", Said Sherlock, And We Got Up.

The police:
"We Had But That TT That We Planted On A Brother Who Had A Sister That
Looked Like Him," The Police Station House Officer Said, "So Who Cared About The
TT While The Sister Was With Us! We didn't See the TT a,:td The Brother Again.
May Be He Is With Someone with Who We Differ In Taste."

"I Have A Look-Alike Sister," Sherlock Said to Me Aside, "So Let Us get away
before they discover me as her look-alike!" We Got Up And Were Gone.

"Enough Is Enough", Sherlock Said.

Drop Scene Came Fast As Sherlock Too� the Floor immediately After the Prime

"There were No TTs in the Country." Sherlock Said. "All That The Pakistan Police
Had Was One Piece Of TT Which They Planted On A Person, Received Back As
.. Seeds
Recovered From Him In The Presence Of Their Erstwhile Eyewitnesses, And Passed
on with their erstwhile eyewitnesses On To Some Other Police Station For A
Hurried Similar use, and to Pass On To The Next Police Station. That Is How The
Police In Pakistan Worked Till They Lost That TT. And They Really Worked
Distressingly Handicapped. Given The Handicap, Scotland Yard Would Have shut its
shutters and joined All Pakistan Police!"

"Do You Mean That All That The Police In Pakistan Had Was The Same One Piece Of
TT Which The Police Planted And Recovered From All Those Countless Arrests
Made By The Police-All Over The Country In The Last Sixty And So Years?"

"I Do," Sherlock Said, "unless English Language Has Planted Different Meaning On
Its Words To Recover The New Meanings From The Words In Presence Of The
Erstwhile Eyewitnesses Of The Pakistan Police."

"And Where Is That TT Now?" Asked the Prime Minister, wondering wonderfully
for media coverage.

"With What Else Are the Taliban Fighting in Afghanistan?" Retorted Sherlock.

"With One TT!'.' Exclaimed the Prime Minister to the Amazement of All.

"What Else With?" Asked Sherlock Sharply. "Pakistan Police Planted the TT on A
Talib and, Before they could gather From the Police Treasury Their Wits and
Officially Designated Erstwhile Witnesses to Swear Its Recovery from Him, He Had
Crossed the Border into Afghanistan. And You Call Them Borders!"

Back In London I Asked Sherlock, "Doesn't It Defy Common Sense How One And
The Same Piece Of TT Could 1-:1ve Been Used So Frequently, And Often
Simultaneously, Against Countless Individuals Of The Multitude By Each Of The So
Many Police Stations Of Pakistan?"

"It Does Defy Common Sense," Sherlock Said, Sucking Away At His Pipe And Blowing
Out The Spiraling Smoke, "But Common Sense Matters Where Common Sense
Prevails. They Didn't Ask Me About The Countless Pistols. Revolvers, Mousers, Sags,
Rockets, Bombs, Hand-Grenades, Ballistic Missiles, And l he back-ups That The
Police Has In Abundance In Its Armory, - Not To Mention The Chemical Weapor.s
Which The Police Has Loaned To The Us For Planting On Sadam Husain!"

Halim Brahe·
Study Your Books, As A Good Student Should. Respect The Baoks. That Are Offered
Or Suggested By The Faculty. Don't Argue.With Them; A Question Here And A
Query Their Would Naturally Be The Style Of Education In The Us. But Don't Take·
Any Issue Too Far With Your Guides, Teachers, Or Your Colleag�es In The Class.
Keep A Journal, A Hefty One, And Take Down Notes On The Points That Raise A
Doubt Or ·Appear Illogical Or·Out-Of-The ·Blu� Dur:ing The Course Of Studies. The
Journal, If Kept By You As Your Very Personal Friend,� And Cal: It A Friend For To
It You Will Be Confiding Your Doubts, Su�picions, Criticism, t>isapproval'.s,
Thoughtful Analysis, - Will Be Of Abundant Use To You When You·Get To· Do �our
Own Research And Expected To Expound Theories Of Your Own. Don't Let My
Words Or Ideas About History Writing Or How To Study History Prevail On You�
Studies So That You May Get Through Your AcadeMic Studies In The Best Possible
Way To The Complete Satisfa�tion Of Your Faculty. I Had Thrown My Academic
Career To The Winds Because I Had No Patience For My Teachers And The Books
They Expected Me To Devour. I Had A Good Analytic Mind, A Bit Too Good.A.Mind
To Be A Good Student; That Made My Past An.d Future Go Down Th� Drain, And.My·
Present A Ludicrous Experiel')ce. Have Patience,.Lot Of Patie'1ce; Be Like The:m·AII
While They All Are Alike. Wait Till You Have Done Your Doctorate, And Then Come
Up With All That You Have Saved Up Your· Sleeves In The Journal. One More Poi11,t:
How Does One Get To Know The Present Without Knowing How It Emerged �rom
The Past! Did It Arrive And Thrive In A Vacuum! Much Pressed For Time, You Will.
Find 1t A Tedious And An Unwarranted Task To Take A Look Into The Past To
Witness The March Of Humanity From The Times Unknown To The Present Times.

All This Is To Go In·to Your Journal, Not To The Classes You Attena.

Sa Re Ge Ma Pa Tl,a Ne Sal
In 1985, I Publish ed An Article - South Asian Musical Notes - In The Star Of Dawn

Alice in Wonderland!
If I Were A Child In Italy, I Would Feel Like Alice In Wonderland. Fine Ar:-ts And
The Sculptor Aside, Its Geographical Location Would Send One Swooning.. Rightly
Or Wrongly, Italy Always Recalls The Color Blue To My Mind. I D.on't Know Why I
Have Always Carried The Impression That It Is All Blue There:

Chunthun Guya Bithaysrre
Sub Koe Kuhay Pilas!
J*oo J*oo Choolhay Jh*okiya
Tt*oo Tt*oo U'tthay Bas!

Uncertainty! . ' .

Dr: Fahima Kulbanne Ggve Me A Few Books. Life Is Uncertain .:. Eat Desert First Is .
The Title Orie Of The Books That Reads Like 'Life Is .Uncertain - Eat Wife First .
• "!"hE? Mr�.. . ��d I.Are 01.d t'Jow, - Li.k�ly To_ Go 'Away In A Cerrt:ury Or Two. - Or In A
·Millennium Or Two If Some ErrandHeld Us ·sack. Our .Minds Don't Function With
T�e Agili,ty O��-Tongu�s Lash ·out h Other.. T" he· Be�f. Oc�upcitidn In uie Is
Nose Pickin�. · · · ·· · ·

South Asian Studies:

The University Of MinnesotaHad· A.Cell .For South Asian Studies That Had
Published· Two Books� 91'.le OfThe Books Was A Historical A:tlas Of South Asia,
A Wonderful �oolt T _ hey'Didn't Bring Out Second Edition Or A Print. Get ·H�ld Of
That Book, .: You Will W
. on�er At· Th� Way It Traces Through ·Maps The Complete
History Of South Asia From Th� �arliest Antie�t Days OfH'utnani_ty. To·The 80s, - .
How Wha! P�o·ple Moved F.rom·Wh�t Areas To Where,How They Came To. Be Kn0:wn
As What From What. Et.c . iJ: Had Studied The Book Thoroughly. I Have Inhaled The
· Atmos.pher'e Yqu .Have· Surrounded Yourself With. You Have Sel�cted �he Best Of
The Sub)ects: Myself A _Crooked Person, IHave Doubted Every Word Written Or
Spoken· About As 'TheHisto_ry'. Th�re·.rs A Bit Of A. Detectiy.e Ang A Spy In Me.·
Bias, Prejudic�, And Propaganda,.- These Three Are The ·Factors That A Researcher
;. Has To Guard Against. Not Jo Be Your Viewpoint \3/hile Wor�ing For A
Degree·. Carry On With Your :studies whole-heqrtedly._ It Will Be As A Ph.D.., - May
Be Much After That, - Thof You Come Up Face To Face WithHi.story·As Such. As A
Student Now, And Also During Your .Do,ctorate, You Will Have To Go By The
Guidelines Planned For You.By.Your Teachers And The Guides. Trus� To Your Journal
The Dittum - Rather A Canonic Law -ThatHistory Tends:To Become Reliable Only
After AHundred Years Of TheHappening, - May Be Never. That Canonic Law Is
Also As Old As The Canonic Laws {)f The: Yore, Obsolete Now. Histories, Sine� The
First Person Took To Writing A l-:lappening,Have Been Written For Relishing The
Aggrandizement Of Those Who Mattered T . o The Writers. In The Guise Of
Historical Truth The Readers Are Fed With What They Should Take For The Truth,
Not Wh'1tHas OrHad Bee.n The· Truth ..

Umbilical Cordi
I Am Waiting For T�e Umbilical Cord To
. Be Cut. I Will Do It Mysel\I Will Hav. To
Be My Own Mother If I H�ve To Find ,A Way Qut Through Suicide. Surgery'\A'Js
The First Profession Of Women, - First Mother On EarthHad To Cut The Umbilical
Cord To SetHerself Free Of Her Child. The Child T�ok That For Its Own Freed9m,
- And Thus Women Are The Foremost Runners Of The Social Freedom!

Halim Brohe

Grand!·. ' .
"Wha Do You Wanr Us To Ask God For You In'Our Prayers To.All·ah?" The Parents
Z�lfikar. And·My Daughter Romana, Proceeding On U'mra, Asked Six And A Half
Year Old Abeer. The Son Replied, "Nothing. I Am Fine."

Whcit next?
I •

. No .One Has :Se.en Any One Go Up; All Seen Everyone Going Seven And .A Half
Feet Down In The Earth·. Who Saki What, Dreamt What, And Wrote What Is Of No

Information Technology!
A 'Prayer' Is 'Information To Ged'. That He Has Done Something Silly, Or That He
Must Do Somethi�g He Has Ign(?red, Or He Must Mend And Amend His Doings; It
Is Ri9iculous· To Act As His Advisor On Personal Ass.istant. If He Needs An Office
Secretary, Let. Him Advertise The Post. To ,1sk Him To Do Or Undo Something And,
For That T� PrQy, Is 'To Inform Him You Are Wiser Than He.

The Dreams. "ga(nl

The Woman Who Plays. The Magician Or A Chess Player Against A Novice You; Is
The Woman That Will Rule Your Legitimate Rights For Thirty Years! All Those
Thirty Years She Will Act The Supreme Human Being As The Centrifugal Force.
Wait Thirty Years, And She Will Fall Apart Into The Tatters That She Originally •
Belonged To!

Lose sense for a while!

To Lose The Senses Often Is To Get The Feel Of The Things; And Losing Sense
'Once In A While Is Human, - To Be What A Human Is. It Is Unearthly To Be In
Control Of The Senses All The Twenty-four Hours; It Is Absurd.

Ordinary people:
Italy Is A University Lavishly Replete With Great People. I Wonder How Ordinary
People Could Stay Ordinary There! Michgel Angelo Or The Painter Raphael, And A
Thol!sand Others - Could They Be Ordinary, Stay ,Ordinary, And Die Ordinary Like
Us Run-Of-The Mill People!

Sigmund Freud Laid The Foundations Of Psychoanalysis, Laid Bare The Layers Of
Mind And Enriched It With Terminology, But It Is Carl Jung Who Is Consulted And
Followed By The Clinical Psychiatrists In The Treatment Of The Neurotics And The
Psychotics. The Us Education Authorities And The Medical Councils Have Lagged Far
Behind In Updating Their Courses And Medical Approaches. They Continue To Have
Freud On Their Courses And Agendas While The Psychiatrists World O,er,
Including Tnose In The Us, Have Taken To Jung Since Lqng. I May Be Wrong, But I
Have Made My Point.

Thil Ka Thiya B'jh Sukay.Na, Yay A.9 Ttoo Kuayse Lugae!
Ttoo Bhe Juliya Is Biruh M*ay Mu*ay Bhe Buch Nu Pae!

· Smal! People Don't Have Familial Ro.ots.

Hera Ttiha Nu Kkoliyay, Jh*i Kkote Hoi Hat!
Kus Kur Banthdo Garithdre, U'tth Kur Chalo Bat!

, Fuayz!
Kufus U'thas Huay Yaro, Suba Say K'tch Tto Kuho!
�· Kuh*e Tto Buhiri Kh'tha, Aj Zikiri Yar Chulay!
Jo Hum Pay G'zre So G'zre, Mugur Shubi Hijr*a!
Humaray Ushk Ttayre Akibutt, S4v*arttay Chulay!

Thum Bhur .Ko R'ke Hoge Buhar!

Jattay Jattay Y*oo He, Pul Bhur Ko Khiz*a Tthuhire Huay!

"About ·space, O' Bartender don't bother About the Intriguing Intricacies of the
Finite and Infinite when you can always "!'easure it With A Tape! It Is the Exact
Distance between Her Lips and mine! Why Was That, -·O' Ye Bartender·,.:. That r
Sought The Smell Of Her Perspiring Body More Th�n The Fragrance·Of The
Perfume She Wore? Many A Hot Day I . Buried My Face In Her Armpits And It" Was
Heavenly! Lend Me One of Your Shoulders, O' Ye Br.other, For Orie qt My Heads to
Lean. On To Cry Its Heart Out! The Lap That I Buried My Face In To Cry Is No_
More Mine, Those Soft Lips Murmuring' Stop, Pray St�p' Are No More Mine! Weep
For Me That My Heart Bleeds! Weep For Me That I Weep Alone! It Is A Long
Quest, Brother, and A Lo�g Quest Indeed!"

"I Love You.", "I Love Her.", "I Love Him.", "I Love Them.", A°nd If1 The Same Vein,
• "I Hate You.", "I Hate Her.", "I Hate Him.", "I Hate Them.", "I'Don't Like Him", "I
Don't Like Her.", "I Don't Like Them.", "I Dislike Her.", "I Dislike Them." - This Is
How We Express Our He.artfelt Feeiings, Sentiments, Emotiohs And Q_ther
Conditions Of Our Minds. These Are The Words We Use To Express Ourselves.
These Are The Terms We Use In The Affairs Of Our Heart. It Is The Word "I".
That Rules The Central Core Of The Cultural Roost ' 1 f Our Mind. Why Has This
Halim .Bro he •
Nord "I" Taken The Upper Most P.lace In.Our Minds? Only �e�ause We Hav� Let'It.
Do-So Throug·h Our .Hahit 0'.ler·The So· Many Millenn_ia Without Realizi".lg The Worth
And Value Of ·,.M�·,. ..
All"Th�ollgh These Millenni,a We ·Have Been Thin.king And F�eling
Wi:rh.Ups)d.e [?own Mfnds� Witliout't:.Jot(cing Who Loves Or Hates Me I� '!'ore
Imp�rt.o;nf :thQ.n Who.I L"ve Or Hate! But _Not Onl.y I, You To·o Were Born Upsid�
Do�.! .
· L.ub Pur .Huay �fulkhiyay, Vurn*a. Fuayz!.
Hum .
. ttulkhiyay. 'Ku lam Pur v·*oohe;Moi� Zuro Nu Thhay!

Venom!. . .
·They forgot On� Thing Thoug�; The Instincts- In Me Db Have. The Instinct Of

Assurance Of Sexual Satisfaction Of 'The Spouse - Absolutely Nothing Else - Is .
The Condition A Priori Of Marriage; The Spouse That Fails Or Fal.ters In That
Shouldn't Have Th� Rig�t To Accuse The Other Of Seeking Other Avenues.
Insti�ution of Marriage - one woman-one man - is a force; let the law demolish' it.
The number of the men that gets kicked away from bed of their wives far exceeds
the number of the women that get beaten up, mauled and killed by their husbands.

The Mqn Who Quarrels Or Is Angry With A Woman Is A Foo): It Is Like Chinaware
Breaking Itself Into Pieces By Hitting A Wall Or Throwing Itself. On A Rock. Man
�nd Woman Are Made Of Different Material, - Without Common Between
The Two. Woman Is Klot Huma�; She Is A Thing.

Women Are Puppets; Take As.Many To Bed As You Do, Replacing Any Or All As
Often As You Get ·Fed up With. Take A Woman For A Business Or A Do�estic
Partner, Or A Ccnsulta_nt, Or An Advisor, And You Are Doomed. It Is The Woman In·
Your Bed That Brings Your Downfall From The Grace.

Mistrust And Distrust Are The Foundation Of Marriage; The Unknown Had Made A
Man From Whom A Woman Was Made. No Bondage Of Marriage is Men1ioned. All
That I� Spoken Of Is A Helper and a Companion.
That Nizamanisl
His name is Rashid· - Rusheeth Nizamanni - was a lawyer, a brother of Rauf
Nizamani, - he received from me in all Rs. 18000/00 in installments for a plot· :,

Mominabad Karachi. He avoided contact with me on my several visits to him. The
peopre who asked him for Final Papers for me were asked by him to keep away.
Ibrahim Memon, the Additional Advocate General Sindh is dead. I have no way but
to demand my money this way. If he doesn't, I will keep repeating this demand this

Now Adam, the sum total of the instincts that the unknown had made h:m of, named
his wife Eve, - named? No, but that can wait. She, unlike Adam, did not represent an
instinct, for The unknown had Made her out of Adam to provide him with a
companion and a helper. She was neither Adam, nor one of the instincts that had
been introduced to Adam. She had to be different from Adam who was made by the
unknown from the ground. Adam did not know her as an instinct. And she is not.

The Fall:
The fall of the man, among other things, is the narration of how a valet brings about
distrust between a man and a woman to regain the upper hand in the affairs he lost
since her arrival. Her arrival had rendered the services of the valet insignificant,
and his presence redundant. It is the narration of how the valet always proceeds by
gaining the confidence and the ear of the woman, and succeeds to gain her trust by·
throwing in whispers a hint or two to plant seeds of mistrust in her mind about the

. of the man in matters in which the man is adamant.
To sum up; it is the narration how the valet destroys the man through the woman by
gaining her confidence, how he hurts the interests and the trust of the man through
that acquired confidence, and how the woman trusts the information and accepts
advice from the valet. It explains how she puts, always after the complete
destruction of the man, the blame squarely on the valet. How the enmity continues
through the offspring of the vnlet and the woman. Why one of the offspring of the
woman crushes t.he head of the offspring of the valet, And why the offspring of the
valet bite at the heels of the offspring the woman.

International Affairs:
( International Affairs, Moving Towards Unilateral Internationalization, are Working
Through Administrative Units That Still Carry Their Flags As So Many Countries On
The Geographical Map Of The World. The Borders Between The Countries Have
Since Long Disappeared In Truth. These Countries Run Their Affairs Through
Agents Provocateurs Whose Job It Is To Flush And Bring Out In The Open The
· People Who, As A Menace To The Internationalization Purposes, Are To Be
Eliminated By The Coterie That Is Trusted With Power To help Internationalization.

Go by!
You Go By Appearance - Space, That Which Occupies Space, - Not By The Reality
That Changes The Complex Of That Which You Take For Reality. My Skin Is Older,
Halim Brohe

I Am The Same That I Was When I Was Ten Years Ago; Every Piece - Physical,
Physiological, Psychical, Psychiatrist, - Everything Is The Same, - that is when you
look at me in space. What About When You Take A Look At Me In TIME Excluding
Entirely -Space Or The Dimensions Of Space?

What nonsense!
In The Beginning There Was Nothing, Neither Time r..Jor Space, - That Was Many A
Zillions Of Years Ago Before Even Time Was Born! Neither Vacuum Nor Stillness!
Now, 0 you funny linguistics, try a hand at defining Nothingness1

With Neither Length, Nor Breadth or Thickness, The Point Did not Exist. Thus,
There Was No Point in Time from Which Time could Began to let Duration begin and
run its course.

More of nonsense!
There was no there either, nor here; these presuppose time and space, - the twins
that were not there yet!
There was no mind either- there couldn't be, - for the mind is the sum total of the
things it encompasses. And there was nothing to be encompassed!
Possibility And Impossibility Prevailed. With Time-Space Twins not there, where
could the Possibility and Impossibility be! •
Bang Ben!
Time Couldn't Precede Space, nor could Space the Time. Time-Space Twins are for
the idiots; it is Flux-Duration Twins that is the key to the whole matter. How Could
the Unknown be where there Was No Place For Nothingness To Be In, with no where
or ther�

Depth in· the Point!

There Was Neither Length Nor Breadth, Nor Thickness, Nor Depth! Newton Didn't
Include 'Depth' In His Definition Of The 'Point', - And That Was Where He Hurt
Himself. With The Word 'Neither Depth' Added To Hid Definition Of The Word
'Point', Newton Had Solved The Mystery Of Existence! He Had Once For All
Confirmed Solipsism Scientifically, The Word So Simple And Yet So True!

Ether that was!

The Word 'Incest' Will Have Disappeared the Way the Way the Word 'Ether' Did
·From Human Lingua.
Learn by rote!
They· Speak Of Linkages Of Universities. None Speaks Of The Linkage Of 'Faith'
With Money. Every Prophet Had Money In Mind And Sight.


Package deal!
Will You Please Let Me Be Myself For A While! You Don't Want To Listen To Me,
Nor Do I Want To Listen To Myself, - I Don't Like The Quality Of My Voice, - But I
Don't Panic The Way You do At The Suggestion Of Listening To Me! Having
Squandered Immense Lot On My Writings And Wasting An Equal Lot Of Myself On
Talking, I Still Have An Immense Lot . To Write And Talk About. I Have Done What I
Could, Leaving The Rest To The Unknown To Keep Itself Busy When I Am Gone.
Remember Always That People Hate Me, - Jealousy, Bias, Prejudice, Bigotry, - All I
Have Seen . In Naked Form. Everyone Out There Has Tried - Since Early 1960z - Nay
- Since My Adolescence - To Improve Me To his or her horrid taste. I Would Kill
-Myself Rather Than Change The Way I Think, The Mode I Express Myself In, And
Bought Over Or Harassed Into Doing What I do not want to do. I Am Not Lamenting
My Lot. All This Had Been Destined. I Accept Fate. I Am Nobody. I Really Let Down
People Because I do not fathom myself. I am either hated ex-;remely or loved
intensely. I am not ignored. It is not my writings that matter to people; it is my
person they Hate Or Love. I Just Cannot Belong To Any Outsider To The 'I' In Me.
The Problem With Them Is That I do not Belong To Any Country Or Language Or
Ethnicity Or A Group, Religion, Culture, Civilization, Or Philosophy, - or to a person
even. I discard them all as a package And I Deal With Each And All Of Them Taking
Them For The Tentacles That My Body Is Entangled-In In The space-time

Won't you be!

I am a recluse, not given to society. Why! Won't you be if you would make W'Jrds
without hearing, would see without looking, would notice the obvious, and have a mind
that plays tricks on itself!

The Great Disintegration!

I Had Already Reconciled A Great Loss In My Life. About My Chemical Composition,
I Am 10% Physically Han'dicapped, 10 % emotionally handicapped and, consequently,
80 % socially handicapped. Some Persons, Including You, Have A Soft Corner For
Me. And I Dare Say There Is No Interpretation Of Any Religion Or A Religious
Book That does not Reduce The Religion And The Religious Book To The Status Of A
Farce And A Fraud to disintegrate people that are one.

People Want Me To Become One Of Them. I Cannot Do That. I Am Not Made Of
Thar Stuff. And I Curse Myself. I DO NOT Want To Be Forgiven. I Want To Be
Punished For Every Wrong That I happ�n to have done knowingly or without my
knowledge. I Want The 'I' In Me To Return To The Unknown As Neat And Clean As
- As What! - A Newborn Baby! And For That I Need To Be Punished. Like An Over­
Ripened Rotten Olive Fallen Apart From Its Ma·:·ured Seed, : Want To Go Back To
Halim Brohe
The Soil And Belong To It For A While To Be Born anew With A Fresh Set Of
Attributes. I Am Too. Tired To Take Another Round Of Life With The Present Set
Of Attributes, - A Demon In Thought And Deed. I Am Cleansing Myself By Telling
You What A Demon Lives In Me Who Supposedly Was A Son To His Parents, A
Parent To His Children, And A Relation Of A Sort To Many More Who Mistakenly
Took Him For A Human. I Am Teaching You To Hate him, Dislike him, And Abhor The
Set Of The Attributes That Is he. DO NOT Waste Your Piety On him. Don't Look
At him. Look At The Life he Lived in me And Learn To Abhor The Abhorrence That
Is I.

Don't Drink Aftf?·r Sunset!'

I Was Blind In Mind and thought. I Was Reckless. I had neither Talent nor
Efficiency. Daydreaming Had Consumed Me. The Wish To Die Was Too Strong In
Me, - Daydreaming Had Developed In Me The Desire To Die For The Instant Fame
Tha� Would Have Satisfied My Megalomania Without Efforts In Any Direction. I
Found Myself without A Way to Fend in Any Direction. Inefficiency and Lack of
Talent Had Taken Its Toll on My Will to Survive. Everyone Around Had Wanted An
Improved Form Of Me, And That Had Not Been, - I Took Refuge In Daydreaming
Finding It Beyond Me To Give Up Smoking, Drinking, Writing. Day Dreaming Was
The Refuge against Do As They Did, Live As They Lived, Like What They Liked, and
Dislike What They Disliked. It was a refuge against Cheat, And Take Lies for The
Gospel Truth, Give Up Myself And Assume Another Personality, and Own Their
Mutilated Dogmas For My Thoughts. Against Be A Devil Inside But Kee·p An
Innocent Angelic Smile On My Lips And Countenance, Tell Lies To Humor People And
Make The Listeners Happy To Prove Myself A Worthwhile Company. Daydreaming
was a refuge against what I couldn't do and was Beyond Me for My Survival.
Daydreaming gave me A World Of My Own Wherein I Lived As Myself; But I Got
Impatient And Fed up With Myself When I Had Lived Too Long In That fast track
World Of Daydreaming And Time was up for Funeral.
Dr. Fahima, Much Later, Said To Me, ·I Have Accepted You For Whatever You Are.
You don't have to improve yourself to be with us in the US. You Are Welcome.'
Jamoo, A Teetotaler And Given To Islamic Ideas, Accommodated Me With My
Habits. Sana once Said, 'I Pray To Allah that He May Never Give You Money!' When
had his Allah Given Me Money That He Would Heed Her Prayers! She thought that
The Lack or Dearth of Money Would Make Me Quit Drinking. I Had Quit Visiting
Her With Her First Tirade io Make Me Quit Drinking, But Had Picked Up The
Thread Of Visiting Her. Now it was over. I Had Asked Her To Buy Hersel-f A New
Father and forget About Me. She asked Kumur Sumayjo To Restrain Me from Taking
Drinks in the Daytime. Kumur did not tell me. After a few months he said Laughing,
'Doesn't She know that you don't drink After Sunset!'
I do not Know Where All This Is To End, Or There Will Be An End Or Not. Live The
Life As It Comes To You And Pass On To The Next World If There Is Any. If
Th re Is None, You Can Always Return To This One.
, e


And now again I am with Sana. She said she knew all along, since childhood, what and
why I was what I had been.

Why not you, the incomplete. one!

Those who stay away from social contacts and give up society altogether are
accused of Escapism; and those who mingle, mix and become part of the people and
society are hailed as the very epitome of normalcy. This is the e�act opposite of
what actually is. The persons who stay away from society and its contacts, confining
themselves to their work or job or labor or assignment are the normal people for
they do not need as outsider - a component of society - to complete their
personality for them. Those who need society - personal contacts - to become
corriplete persons are the incomplete handicapped ones. They need to be the
psychotherapeutically treated to make them understand that a person is complete
by oneself as a unit; the, great works, scientific or artistic, have been done by the
persons who have either stayed away from society or defied it frontally.

I did not cry for the first few days and my eyes would not open despite the
available treatments. Mother made a lot of joke about how the first time 'I cried no
infant had cried before. And my eyes recovered with time. Alive ones don't let their
dead die dumb and blind; they are brought back to life to die later as dead in soul.
It is a tremendous punishment.
Mental growth deteriorates as the infancy wears and tears as the experience
accompanying aging process erodes the innocence. Terry Wiley is-of the opinion that
I am angry with God; he wants me to love God instead. At 70, I am of the view that"
it is better to understand THE UNKNOWN than to love him; between loving it and
understanding it, I prefer to understand it. It is Terry's job to love his God, and it
is mine to know him far better or worse. Heretic! We all are heretics. I am a heretic
all right; Terry will be a worse heretic if he discovered that God is not worth loving.
I grew into adolescence, the wrong side of the things that God made.

If A Few Animals Of A Kind Perchance Gather At A Place, They will take Their
Togetherness For 'A Society', And They Would Define Themselves As A Social
Community. The Animals Would Naturally Fight Among Themselves; Some Using
Their Teeth, Others Using Their Cunnings, And Result In The Groups That Will
Define Them In Their Political Treatises As Political Animal. Some Of The Animals
! Would Naturally Eat All The Loot In One Go, Some Would Waste What They Don't
Eat, Some Would Keep Aside A Portion For Next Hunger, And They All Will
Describe Themselves As Economical Animals In Their Textbooks, And So On. This
Simile, Not A Simile Though, Is Applicable To All The Organic And Living Things,
Halim Brohe

Including Humans Who Perchance Gathered At Spots, Grew Into -Sig Farces, Each
Farce Later Hailed Itself As The Society, Claiming To Be Better Than Others. Deep
Down In the Whole Mound of Those Farces Lays Burred As Extinct the Instinct
That Is the Sole Expressi·on of Nature.

Society Is The Composite Conglomerate Of The Innumerable Types Of Colors And
Shades; An Out-Stretched Stereotype Phenomenon That Includes The People
Including The One Loves Or Hates Or Knows Nothing About. Though A Phenomenal
Subjective Extension Of The 'I', It Surrounds On� For The Kill. Society Is The
Composite Of Inter-Overlapping Values That Stings Body Tq Replace 'I', With Body
To be Devoured By Vultures. One It Unwittingly, Ill Fated, To·Undo qne To
Replace The 'I'. One With An Abandoned Or A Replaced 'I' Is Another One. With
The ·T Displaced Or- Replaced, Or Altogether Given Up, One Is Ritualistically 'Dead'.
Body Is The Sore That One Enriches To Enrich The 'I'. To Starve And Divest Body
Of Its Essence Is To Suffocate 'I', Ritualistically Called The 'Soul'.

"I Saw That You Were Going Waste. You Had Lost Yourself. You Had Taken Yourself
For Too Old. You Had Left Everything To The Winds, You Had Given up Everything
For Good, You Had Lost The Incentive To Write, And That You Were Scattered. I
Saw All And Decided To Salvage You; and For That I Have Come Thus Far."
"Why Salvage Me When There Are Others Who Would Welcome you to salvag�
them. Why Me?"
"You Said It Is All Fated. You Said It Is All Fate And We Are Nonentities. I Have
ComeTh1,1s Far. I Will Be With You All Along If You do not Stop Writing. Keep To
Writing if You Want To Retain Me."
"No One Has Taken A Look At Your Intrinsic Value. They All Look At Your Face Only
And Get Infatuated To Be One With Your Body. I Am One Of Them. You Are Great!
. You Are Great Because You Are The Precursor Of My Doom."
She Had An 'Agenda'.

I Did All The Talking, - Spoke, Discussed, Refuted, Rebutted, Debated, Argued And
Quarreled, - I Would Not Shut My Mouth, - Never Could, - Taking Every Point, -Any
Point, - So Seriously As If The World Was At Stake! I Took Every Discussion To
The Point Of No Return, - Ad Nauseam For Those Present. Now I Know Why. I did
not want The Listeners To Discover My Deafness and Blindness! And When I Could
No Longer Conceal My Deafness and Blindness Any Longer, I Declared, "No
Arguments! No Discussions! No Comments! No Suggestions! Accept My Ideas, My
Behavior, My Manners, My Doings and Me as I Am, Or Stay Away From Me!" I
Became Immune To What Others Said or opined. I Was Right In Practically
Everything I Said. I Was A Loner and preferred To Be So. Of Humiliations,

Deprivations, Blames, Accusations, And Allegations I Had Received More Than My

Share and shall receive Well Whatever More Comes My Way. All My Life I Have
Not Been Able To Earn My Living Despite_ My Efforts That Appeared Senseless To
Others; And They Were Always Right. �y Hearing And.Eyesight Were Defective
Since My Infancy And Childhood, But No One. Noticed That. Neither Did I.

It Has No Attributes, Absolutely No Attributes Attributable To Anything In
Existence Or Non-Existence. It Is The Bare Instinct, The Instinct Without Having
Any Attribute Of The Things In Existence Or Non-Existence. It Is Not The
Creator, An Attribute Coined By The Farces Within Farces. It rs· Neither The Laws
. Of Nature, Nor The Sum-Total Of All The Laws Of Nature. Instinct.Has A far­
fetched Synonym In The Word Character, A Too far-fetched Word To Be The Only
Attribute The Nature Has, For Nature Has Only One Attribute, The Instinct; Bald,
Balder Than The American Eagle. Instincts As Described In The Books And
Elucidated By Theoreticians Are The Farcical Expressions Of The Farces Doled Out
To Farces To Amass The Farces. Thus, Instinct Is The Only An·d Exclusive Absolute
Character Of Nature.

The Word 'Human' And Its Connotations Are the self-imposed Deceptive Concepts
That Have Distorted And Mutilated The Basic Instincts That are all Animal and
therefore exclusively human. One Knows that The Only Thing That Matters In Life
Is the Satisfaction of the Basic Needs of One's Own Physical Body; nothing Else
Matters. This Dawns Gradually as One Grows Older. Getting nearer t� Death, The
Only Thing that you Becomes Aware Of, is your· lamentation that your Carcass
Wasted Its Life in the Pursuit of Mirages and Shadows of Contorted Images in
obliging the society. You carry to the grave the regret that K1iowledge, Wisdom,
Piety, Grace, Holiness and Virtue were the bald Farc�s on which the social taboos
guillotined your Instincts. You go to the grave cursing. the Human society, A Fake,
for imposing on you its farces. You go to the grave with the conviction that anything
that did not lead To the Satisfaction of your Body was A Sham and Charade And,
Therefore, Absurd in Substance.

The Scoundrel!
Jamoo Is The Person I Hurt The Most. He Says, 'It Is Over And A Bygone. Don't
Cry. I Don't Blame You; I Don't Blame Anyone. Blaming Anyone Is Past Me. Relax.
Now Tell Me What Else You Want? You As A Writer Must Have A Pocket Tape
Recorder, A Few Pens, And Some Proper Stationary Too. You Never Know When You
'Want To Erase Something And Have To Write On. I Know Of A Store That.Will
Cate_r To All Your N�ds'. And What Had I Done! I Had Hid His Stamp Book Under
A Carpet. I Had Been Jealous Of His Prize Possessions That Included Old �nd
Ancient Coins. He Had �ollected Every Possible Stamp That He Could Get From
Halim Brohe
Anywhere And Had Pasted Them All; Each Nicely, Pr�perly, Scientifically And At Its
Proper Place In/, Stamp Collector's Book. I Forget What A Stamp Collector Is
Called, - The Word Escapes Me; Whatever, Jamoo Was That Par Excellence. And I
Was.Jealous! I Hid The Book Under The Huge Drawing Room Carpet. I Continue To
Be As Cunning And Mean As I Was Then; - Still I Don't Concede That I Stole The
. Book! I Was Fourteen Or Fifteen, - And I Was That Cunning At That Age! People,
weak in maths, don't don't calculate how much more cunning I must be now at 70!


All India Congress wanted the British to quit India, a'n� the British had agreed to
that. All that needed was to workout a Constitution that would replace the British
Rule, as India included the British-made provinces Ol1d the states with allegiance to
the British Rule. There were several proposals under consideration . Such was the
situation when the British got involved in the War of 1939.

· Indian· National Army:

S'bash Chunthru Bos, Too Skeptical Of The Promises Of The British, Was Of The
View That The Only Way To Rid India Of The Presence Of The British Was To Help
The Japanese Throw The British Out Of India. His ·Declaration Of War Against The
British Occupation Of India, Coming On The Heels Of Quit India Movement,
Captivated The Ambitions Of The Raw Youth That Included Me. I remember how I
Admired His Indian National Army and With What Zeal I Read about Him and
Captain shahnawaz and others! The INA as It Was Called Comprised Of All the
Shades of the Nationalities of r'ndia. It Symbolized Indian Unity At Its Excellence
And Appealed Directly To The Inner Core Of The Indian Youth That Had Enough Of
Talks Between Indian National Leaders And The British Government
Representatives About The .freedom Of India. Patience with Talks had run out af.d
Indian� Wanted the Action That INA Promised. Nettaje S'bash Chunthru Bos
Revolted, Formed His Indian National Army, Joined Japan Against The British Much
Against The Will Of The Congress And The Wisdom Of Ganthde That Of All The
Colonial Powers The British Had Behaved The Best With Its Colonies And Japan The
Worst. Ganthde, With His Deep Insight Into The Stuff That The History Of The
Colonizing Powers Was Made Of, Opted To Wait For The British To Get Done With
The War, And He Took The Congress Along In That Attitude Without Being Critical
Of The Intents Of Nettaje S'bash Chunthru Bos. But How Were The Masses Of
India, Excited Into The Frenzy Of Taking Up Arms Against The British, To Be :r
Pacified Into All That long Wait The Congress Called For? There Would Have Been
No All India M'slim 1.eague If All India Congress And The British Had Not Wanted
It, And There Would Have Been No Temporary Partition Settled Upon If The
Congress And The British, Taking Jenna Into Confidence, Had Not Wanted It. All
This Became Necessary Only Because The INA Of Nettaje S'bash Chunthru Bos
Had Swayed, And Continued To Sway Indians Into Abandoning Pacifistic Congress
Policy And Taking To INA Because Japan Was Nearer And Had Reached The
Outskirts Of India Promising Freedom Any Day. With Congress, People had to wait;
With INA, Freedom was At the Door. Congress Called For Peace and A Long Wait,
While INA Called on the People to Come Out On the Roads and Devastate the
British Administrative Machinery. They Incited Indians Not To Join The British
Armed Forces; Congress Had The Handicap Of Keeping Its Mouth Shut On This
Issue. Obviously The Corigress Was Losing Popular Support While INA Was Gaining
Sympathy And Support Of The People. I, A School Going Boy Then, Was Infatuated
By Nettaje S'bash Chunthru Bos And His INA Ar,d Hcd Failed To Notice Nehru Or
Ganthde As People Of Any Importance. The Whys? The British, Who Had Stayed
On As the Rulers of India All Through the World War Effort, Couldn't Be
Dismissed As Having Gone on Their Knees before the Congress. With The Religious
Fanaticism Already Surfaced In India, Their Stay In India Would Have Had All The
Moral Justification That If They Quit India, The =rwo Fanatic Sets Would Continue
To Run A Bloodbath. No Historian Appears To Have Probed Into Why The British
Chose To Vacate India And Patronized Delhi, Not Karachi, As The Symbol Of The
Last Mark Of The Seal Of Their Presence In The British India. The Point to Ponder
Is What Had the British done that they had To Wait To Undo It?

The Strategy:

• Ganthde Was the Social Sage, but Congress Was the Political Arm That Had to
Ward off the Imputations against Its Ethics vis-a-vis National Freedom. It
Appeared To The People That. The Congress Had Bartered Freedom Of India For
Some Unspecified Political Gains. It Was A Herculean Job For The Congress To
Maintain Its Base In The Masses, And For The British It Was The Matter Of Life
And Death Of The British Empire. With The Collapse of All India Congress, The
British were to be deprived Of the _Major Source of Recruitment and Food for
Their Armies. The British And The All India Congress Had To Co-operate To Do
Something To Dismantle The Indian National Army To Put An End To The
Charismatic, Enchanting And Infatuating Popularity Of The Person And Policy Of
Nettaje S'bash Chunthru Bos. The Only Option Open To Them Was To Create
Discord In The Personnel Of The INA, And That Discord, However Unpalatable To
All India Congress With Its Multitude Of Faiths And Cultures, Was To Work Up A
Rift Between Hinthcoz And M'slims, The Major Components Of The INA. It Became
Necessary To Make Hinthooz And M'slims In The INA Distrust And Hate Each
Other. There was No Other Way, No Other Solution. The Proposed Rift Was
carefully worked out To Stay confined Within The INA Personnel To Make Them
Desert INA And Was Not Meant To get Spilled All Over India. The Rift, To Be

Immediately Workable, Necessarily Had Beef-Pork Issue Overtures. With
Controlled Propaganda Carried on By the British among INA Personnel, the Beef­
Pork Issue Hit the INA in Its Soft Belly and the INA Withered and soon
dissipated. British Won The War, Were Immensely Grateful To The All India
Congress, But That Cow-And-Pig Propaganda, Supposedly So Well Controlled During
Halim Brahe
The War, Had Over-Spilled Its Strategic Boundaries And, With Passage Of Time, ,-
Had Affected, If Not Completely Poisoned, Every Indian Mind.

All India Congress: ::

It Was the Congress That Counted the Most with the British. It Represented All
The Shades Of All The Faiths And Cultures Of The Indians And Their National
Aspiration To See The British Give Up Ruling Their Motherland. It Was the Prime
Mover of the Indian Nationalism towards Freedom from the British Yoke. It Had
Created A Core of National Unity and had Held Fast On To rt: The British Were No
Angels and They, To Gnaw at the National Roots of the Congress, Must Have Planted
Some Of Those Splinter Groups, - M'slim League And People's Party Of Those Times
Must Be Two Of Those Splinter Groups. Despite The Emergence Of Mushroom
Growth Of Splinter Groups That Were Based Either On Religion Or Ethnical Lines,
and None Of Which Had Anything To Do With The Inspirations Of The Indians As

Represented By The All India Congress. And As Such It Was the Congress the
British Had To Reckon With. The All India Congress Had Taken to Warpath and
would have pursued it if Ganthde were not On the Indian Scene at That Moment of
History. His presence in India Was No Short of A Political Miracle for India,
especially for the M'slims in India. There is No Record of Any Erstwhile Congressite
Having Passed a Derogatory Remark against Jenna. In Fact It Is the Congressites
and the British Who Have Held Him in the Highest Esteem.

M.K. Ganthde:
.. '

The Arrival Of Ganthde In India. Opened New Vistas And An Entirely A New
Technique For The Indians To Liberate Themselves From Not Only The British Rule
But Also To Purge Themselves Of Bigotry Of Caste, Religion, Social Hierarchical
Status, Wealth, And Ethnicity. And He Brought With Him The Faith That The
British, Despite Their Need To Keep Indians Pitched Against Each Other To
Perpetuate Their Rule In India, Could Be Relied On If They Offered To Vacate
India Soon After Their War With The Axis Powers Was Over. And That Was
Where S'bash Chunthru Bos Pari ed Ways With The Congress And Thereby, With
Ganthde. Presence Of Mahatma Ganthde In India Restrained Congress From Taking
To Warpath With The British And Explore The Humane Possibilities Of Which The
British Had Not Heard Of.

Jenna, Ganthde, And the Congress:

Political short-sight of S'bash Chunthru Bos, emotional Pied Piper Of The Indian
Youth who lovingly called him Nettaje, hurt India; And It Was Jenna - And They
Continue Calling Him Jinah! - Who offered to Salvage India From The Quagmire
That Was The Fall-Out Of The Strategy Jointly Worked Out By The British And
The All :ndia Congress To Wi 1 The World War For The British. Both were members
of the Executive Committee ol the All India Congress. M.K. Ganthde, the Sage, had

no party, and belonged to none. M.A. Jenna was one of the Delegates of the All India
Congress that received M.K. Ganthde, on his return from South Africa.

;;. The British:

The British Were A Power That Had Won A Global War And ·Had Powerful Allies To
Help Them. They Could Have Withdrawn From India Handing It over To the USA
+he Way the French Dealt With Indo-China and Other Countries in the East. Then
, What Made Them Quit India? And What Made Them Quit It Only After They Had
Done made the sanctuaries And Had Seen It So Thorough And Through? If All
India Congress Was So Adamant In Its Demand Of' Quit India' That It Was On A
War-Path That The British No More Could Afford To Take On, The British Could
Have Left India To Its Fate And Let The Indians Butcher Each Other And One
Another. Why Did They Instead Let A Royal British Stay As The Governor General
Of India After the withdrawal of the British Rule?
They Had Promised The Congress That They Would Quit India Immediately After
Whatever Were The Results Of The War, And They Got At It The Moment The
War Was Over. But They Had To Linger A while To Get the Partition Done. The
Question Is Why the British had to do that when The British or the Congress Had
Not Envisaged the Partition? That Is Where Nettaje S'bash Chunthru Bos features
In the History of Pre-Partitioned India.
Hinthooz And M'slims Had To Be Separated For A Time To Avoid The Bloodshed
That Would Have Followed - As It Did - If The British Had Left India With
Whatever Ground Conditions Obtained In India At That Time; And Because Those
Ground Conditions Had Been Brought About Under Duress By The British, And The
Congress Could See That The British Had No Option, The Primary Responsibil i ty Of
Setting The Wrong Right Lay With The British. They Had To Undo, Before Quitting
India for Good, The Wrongs they had done unwittingly To the Indians and The All
India Congress. This Much can be said For the British tl:,at they were The Only
Colonial Power People in the Modern World Who Honored Their Every Word with A

Modus operandi:
That M'slim League, A Plantation Of The British, Was Later To Be The M'slim
League Through Which The British And The Congress Got Hinthooz And M'slims Get
Off Each Other 's Throat By Offering To The M'slims The Establishment Of
Pakistan As A Temporary Asylum For Escape.
The People Of The Present Province Of Sindh Could Have Held Him In Esteem As
He Belonged To Kathiavar-Gujrat, Now Maharashtra, One Of The Two
Fountainheads, - The Other Being Marvar And Rajistan - Of The Culture That
Continues To Prevail In The Eastern Part Of The Present Province Of Sindh, But
How Co1Jld The People Of The Punjab Or Frontier Areas Or Balochistan Have Taken
To His LF..Od Unless There Was A Mass Propaganda Through Newspapers And Other
Official ,rgans Which Could Only Be Done By The British And Congress Together
Halim Brohe
To Set Up Jenna As The Leader Of The League? Despite These Covert Actions Of
The Two, Jenna Couldn't Get Popularity In The Punjab, Frontier, Or Balochistan, -
He Was So Unlike Them All In Almost Every Aspect Of Looks. And Likes As A Man
From Jupiter Would Be From Us! That Made The British And The Congress
Manipulate The Feudals In Sindh Province And The M'slim Majority Part Of The
Punjab That Had Been Decided Upon To Be In Pakistan. The Princely States Had
Been Conveyed The Veiled Memorandum That Each Of Them Will Swear Its
Allegiance To The Country Within Which Its Boundaries Lay, Be It India Or l
Pakistan. �
Muolana Abul Kalam Azad, Equally Reliable With The British And The Congress,
Would Have Been The Wrong Person As His Being A Muolana Would Have· Segled
The Partition Into Islamic And Hindu Areas As A Permanent Feature Of India.

The M'slims, As Geographical Settlers In The Sub-Continent, Were So Involved In
Preaching Islamic To Each Other, and were So Infatuated With Islami Movements
Abroad That They Had Neither iime Nor Mind To Rid India Of The British Rule.
M'slim League or M'slims of India, In The Matter Of Independence or Otherwise Of
India, Were Not In It. Mentally, or psychologically, or ideologically, they were not a
party to the national issue.

M'humu1'h Ali Jenna:

It was M.K. Ganthde who always addressed M.A. Jenna as Quade-Azam, the Leader
of all the Leaders, since the latter's offer to do for the All India Congress,
Ganth".le, and India what no other person could do. Jenna offered to put at stake his
secularism pnd career in All India Congress till he brought the sanctuaries, Pakistan,
back into the mainstream India.
The Leader To Lead M'slims to the sanctuaries Had To Be An Unorthodox Secular
One, And Jenna Happened To Be Such A Leader As There Was No Possibility With
Him To Succumb To Religious Bigotry, Nor Could His Personality Be Exploited Later
By The Bigots. Jen'1a Was· the Ideal Person for the Job. He Was Born an Agha Khani
Khoja, but had been disowned By That Fold As Had Married a Parsi Lady. He Was
Not Known to Have Gone Anywhere near A Mosque, Shia or Suni, Nor near a Khoja
Jamaut-Khana, and had buried His Wife in an Ishnashri Compound. Such Was The
Person Needed By The Congress And The British, - A Person They Could Trust To
Dismantle The Bigotry Of The M'slims Who Had Taken Pakistan For An End Unto
Itself As An Islamic Theocratic State And The Partition Of India As A Permanent
Feature Of The Sub-Continent.
The Blah About The British Detesting Jenna, - A Person More British In Culture
And Attit1.1de And In Manners Than The British, - Couldn't Have Been More Than An
Estimated Effort To Humor Islamists Into Not Doubting The Credentials Of Jenna ,
As The ·_eader Of The Tslamists In India. That Is How Politics Was Played Even


Jenna·Was A Congressite And Was One Of The Most Trust-Worthy In Their

Hierarchy. He Had Been A Member Of The Congress Delegation Th_at Received And
Welcomed Mahatma Ganthde At The Bombay Port On The Latter's Arrival From
South Africa. These Facts, Apparently Of No Importance, Coupled With The
Respect And Esteem In Which The Congress Leaders Held Him And His Family
Members, And The Regard With Which They Have·Looked After His Pl_'operty,
Name, And Reputation, Confirm That The Partition Of India Was A Temporary
Phase Agreed Upon Between The British And The Congress For Which The Congress
And The British Had To Have A Trustworthy Leader To Lead The Migration Of The
M'slims In India To A 'Separate State' Till The Belligerency Between Hinthooz And
· M'slims Died Off Or Subsided. ,
Muolana Modudi rs· On Record to Have Opposed the Establishment of Pakistan in
India. And That Makes It Certain That He Too Belonged To The Intellectual Lot Of
The All India Congress, As Did Jenna. Is Muolana Modudi on Record to Have
Uttered A Word against the Person of Jenna? No.
The Very Handing Over Of The All India M'slim League On A Platter By The British
And The Congress To Mr. Jennc;i, - A Non-Mainstream M'slim Khoja, Married To A
Fire Worshiper Parsi, Known To Have Not Spoken Urdu Or Sindhi Or Punjabi Ever,
And More Western In Culture, Demeanor, Apparels, And Habits Than The British
Themselves, - It All Pointe<;! The Obvious That He Had Been Requested By The
British And The Congress To Sacrifice His Career In All India Congress For A While
Till The So Called Religious Upheaval Subsided And The People Of India Regained
Their Senses. The Daughter of Mr. Jenna Lived and Died in the USA and the News
of Her Death was announced By the Indian Embassy. Mr. Jenna Did Not Get Any Of
His Properties In Bombay Transferred To Pakistan Till Much After Ganthde Was.
Assassinated And It Became Obvious To Mr. Jenna That The Planned Amalgamation
Had Been Sabotaged And He Was To Stay Put With Pakistan Fe." Too Long. Til_l This
Day neither Indi,in Government nor Any Indian Leader Has Utte:ed A Derogatory
Word against Mr. Jenna. What Else the _History Needs For A Proof That Jenna
Belonged, Heart And Soul, To India and The All India Congress? The Leader To Lead
M'slims In That Cruciai Period Had To Be Such An Unorthodox Secular One Whose
Personality Couldn't Be Exploited Later By The Bigots, And Jenna Happened To Be
Such A Person. Muolana Abul Kalam Azad, Equally Reliable With The British And The
Congress, Would Have Been The Wrong Person As His Being A Muolana Would Have
Sealed the fate of Inrlin as bifurcated into Hinthoo and M'slim areas.
Jenna Had Nothing To Do With M'slim League Till The British And The All India
Congress Decided To Have Two Asylums For M'slims To Opt For To Save Themselves
From The Carnage That Had Engulfed India.

Despite All The Efforts Of The British and the All India Congress the Bigots And
Bigotry Ran Amok. Left with No Option, the British made two sanctuaries, one in the
East and the other in the West, for the fleeing M'slims of the riot-hit areas of the
Halim Brahe

Punjab and Bengal. The British denoted the sanctuaries on 14 August 1947 and, on
the next day i·.e. on 15 August 1947, declared the British Rule in India replaced by
the Indian Government formed by the Indian Parliament at Delhi. Lord Mount
Batten, the Viceroy of I'ndia, was appointed the Governor Gene�al of India by the .,_
Indian Government effective 15 th August 1947.

With the assassination of M.K. Ganthde, the events took a weir_d turn. The
adventurers from other areas also, on the pretext of a 'new country for M'slims',
ente'.ed the sanctu_aries to obtain properties and lands again�t what they claimed to
have left 'due to riots' and, for that, played up 'genocide of M'slims all over
elsewhere! In the free for aH situations, the provincial gover,1ments of the areas
that included the sanctuaries helped the adventurers to obtain properties of their
choice to settle them as their vote-bank for their stay in political power. The tndian
Government at Delhi appointed the leader of the majority political party in the
provincial assemblies of the sanctuaries, M. A . Jenna, the Governor General of the
sanctuaries, both together called Pakistan for the consumption of the new arrivals.

That was the !ast of M. A . Jenna who had already, with the assassination of M.K.
Ganthde, lost hope of the merger of the sanctuaries in the mains.tream India. The
sanctuaries, named Pakistan by the British, were only a need of the times, and were
to be done away with by the visit of M.K. Ganthde to the sanctuaries.
Ther� is_ no record, Constitutional or otherwise, that India was partitioned. The
British Parliament excluded India from their domain, and that .was all to it; and it
was done without abatement of the Act of 1935. The British knew and respected

It Had Already Been Decided By The British And All India Congress That The
British Will .K ep The Post Of The Governor General Of India With Themselves Till
All India Congress Took Roots With The Public .And A Democratic System Was Fully
Cultivated. It had also been decided already that Pakistan Was Not to Have a
Democratic Government, as that would naturally have created an Islamic State with
Theocratic Overtures. Jenna Had To Stay As The Governor General Of Pakistan
Only Till The Borders Were Undone And The Population Of Pakistan Was
Assimi1C1ted Again In India. All These .Matters Had Already Been Decided Upon
Between All India Congress And The British, And All India M'slim League Was
Required To Maintain Secularism In Pakistan Through The Act Of 1935 As Its
Constitution With Jenna As The Governor General. Pakistanis Have Taken Advantage
Of The. Silence That The British Have Maintained On The Issues That Pakistanis
Have Been Raising, Condemning The British With Bias Against M'slim And Islam. The
Number Of The People And The Countries That Pakistanis Delight In Taking For
Enemi�s Of Pakistan And Ergo Islam rs· Astounding. They Have Got Hold of Two
·Words, - Yahood and �inood, - And Ha� A�bused and Maligned These Two Words Ad
Nauseam. I Have Beer Reading Ar.ticles and Columns in .Pakistani Newspapers on the
C�uses and Consequences of the Partition of India All These So Many Years. I Am
S1:1rprised To Find Them Alt So Lopsided, Attributing The Disadvantages That
Pakistan Received In The Bifurcation To Such Silly Notions As The Personal Charm
That Nehru Exercised On Lady Mount Batten. If The British Had Been Given To Let
the Likes and Dislikes of Their Spous�s Influence Their Political Strategies, They
by Now Would Have Vanished As A Nation a�d A Country. I.have noted that The
Pakistanis Have an Uncanny Inclination to Put Forth Always Some Sexually Related
Moral Aberration as A Political Rebuttal When Short Of Logical One. They Have
Not Spared Even M.K. Ganthde of Such A Nasty Treatment! Peopl� Of Pakistan
Have Blissfully Stayed Oblivious Of Two Facts. Firstly, While All That the All India
Congress had demanded Of the British 'to Quit India, All India M'slim League had
demanded Of the British to Partition India if The British Were To Quit India. And
;Secondly, Jenna Was Not Only A Non-·orthodox M'slim But'Had Been A Member Of
The All India Congress All His Career. But That Bliss of the Oblivion Became Part of
the Pakistani Psyche Much Later, After A considerable Part of His-:-ury Had Fl9wed
By. Let Me Put in A Question Here. What Would Have Happened If Instead Of
Jenna, Muolana Abul .Kalam Azad had been asked By the Congress to Lead the All
India M'slim League? Wouldn't That Have Lent More Genuine A M'slim Appearance
to the Demand of the M'slim League? But It Had Not Been So. And After All, What
was that Which Made Jenna, And Not Muolana Abul'l<cilam Azad, Take the
Leadership of the All India M'slim League! ,

The words and the language: C.

Pakistan was the name of the two sanctuaries, not of a 'part separated from India',
It was the hurried outcome of a long process of how to integrate the
Pakistani Historians Have Traced Ba�k And Forth The Steps That Led To The
Partition, And At Every Step They Have Condemned The British For the
Disadvantages That Pakistan In�erited In The Wake Of The Partition. Surprisingly,
There Appears No Attempt To Know Why The British, With All Their Alleged
Sympathy For The All India Congress, Conced�d To The Demand Of The M'slim
League To Partition India! Where Questions Are Pertinent, No Question Appears To
Have Been Asked And Answered By Pakistani Writers. Dismissing Their Conduct In
These Matters As Their' Parting Kick' Or' Bias Against The M'slims Of India', they
malign the British. The British Are On Record to have gone Through the Ordeal of A
" Long and Protracted Discussions. If They Were Biased At All, They Had Reason
Only To Be Biased Against The Congress Which Had Initiated The Quit India
Movement, Not Against the M'slims or M'slim League. The British Had Every Reason
to Hurt the Congress, Not the League or The M'slims. Would The British Have
Partitioned India-If A Molve Or A M'll*ah Or A Muolana Had Led The All India
M'slim League? Is It Not Pertinent To Ask How And Why The M'slims Of India
Halim Brohe

Followed Jenna And Not Any Muolana? And When Did Muolana Muodoothe Der.ide To
Let the Jamaite Islami Participate in the Mainstream of Pakistani Politics? Only
After the Qeath of Jenna! It Is High Time That The Facts Be Accepted However
Unpalatable They Be.To Them Who Have Been Taught ....Truncated History By The
Successive Governments Of Pakistan And its Cronies. And It Has Been the
Pakistanis Who.Have Continuously Degraded Him by Imposing the Bigotry of Their
Own Religio-Political Philosophy on His Undiluted Secular Person and Politics .

. The Princely States: The Propagandist Lie, Repeated All Over Again And Again, That
It Was To Be The Majority Of Every Princely State Which Was To Decide Which·
Of The Two Countries The Princely State Would Accede To, W.J::, A Farce For The
Consumption Of The Masses, - Which The Masses In Pakistan Are Still Mulling Over
And Chewing Grudgingly For The Loss Of Kashmir, Jur1agar_h, Nizam' s Hyderabad,
And.A Few·oth e:rs.

Indian Secularism:
Had the Intentions Bee·n To Have A Theocratic Pakistan against Hindu Culture, A
Muolana of Some Barelvi or Devanagri or Wahabi School Of Thought would have led.
M'slim League. If The Congress Had Taken To Warpath with the British, On Whose
· Side the L�ague Would Have F0ught the Battle? Call It a Hypothetical Question,
but it is A Million-Dollar Question. Jenna, - Neither A Hindu By Culture Nor A
M'slim By Doama, Nor A Suni Nor A Shia By Rituals,,- Was Among The Congressites
Who Had Received Ganthde At The Bombay Port. Both Of Them Belonged To The

Same Soil Of Kathiavar Which Had Been Humiliated, Disgraced, And Debased By
Mahmud Of Ghizni Who Was Unashamedly Mentioned In Text Books In M'slim
Majority Provinces As A Hero Of Who M'slims Were expetted Proud Of! There Is
Neither A Document Nor A Quote To Justify The Pakistani Notion That Jenna
Refused To Have The Royal British .for Governor General Of Pakistan.

Since 1977 I have repeatedly said that Pakistan, as a name of a country, would be
erased from the world map during the two months and ten days, in all seventy days
. .
the two Eids, the two o�casions the Muslims observe every year. I had not
known the year then, but I was certain about the two months and ten days between
the 1tw9 Eids. My humbug was based on what was conveyed to me in a long dream
that I had seen when confined to bed due to mental tension. Since 2003, with
respect for astrology, I have let it known that the year would be 2006.

From Hinthus to Indus - Sapta Sindhva:

Sapta Sindhva Meant Only 'Seven Water-Courses', And The Word ' Sindhva' Meant
Only 'Water-Course'. Where From, Therefore, Came the Word 'Indus'? And Why
'Indus Valley', and Why Not 'Sindhoo Valley' ? I tell you why and how, but you Will
Not Accept My Version for Your Minds are set and Closed Shut. In Most Of The
European Languages the letter 'H' loses its Sound Or Voice if and when followed by a
vowel, - It Is Silent As In 'Honor', 'Honest', 'Hour' , 'Houston', Etc., And The
Greek Language, likewise, Has No Ear For 'H' when followed by a vowel. Alexander
the Great, A Greek, Entered Hindustan from Ufgghanisttan. He Had Historians And
Geographers With Him. On Entering Hindustan The Historians, Instead Of Writing
'Hindus ', Wrote 'Indus' Because They Neither Could Pronounce 'H' Nor Had A
Letter For 'H', Nor Had Any Letter Or Word Akin To The Sound Or Voice Of 'H'.
For The Word 'Hindus' They Therefore Wrote 'Indus' In Place Of The Word
'Hindus'. That wus the reason why and how Hindustan became 'Industan' and Hindo
became 'Indo', and later 'India'. Thus Was Laid The i=ound.1tion Of The Great
Misconception As Tne Greeks And Other Europeans, After The Greeks, Wrote Of
'Indus', 'Indus..Valley', And 'Indus Valley Civilization' As They Had Relied On The
History Written By The Historians Of Alexander And Other Greeks. It Was the
Hindus the Greeks had c.ome to, and they knew. There Was Neither An Area Nor A
River Called· Indus Anywhere On Earth, And They Had No Reason, Except A
Handicap In Their Language, To Put On Record A non-existent Word 'Indus'
Instead Of The Existing Hindus.

7 1/
"By A Skeleton Meter We Mean The Meter Which Had Ceased To Be Operative On
Our Accounts. It Is Simply Not There For Us To See Or Operate. In The Words
You Use, It Has Simply Ceased To Exist For Us. The Name Is Fictitious, The
Account Number Is Fictitious, And The Meter Hanging As A-Showpiece In Your
Premises Is A Dead Dud Of A Machine As Far Our Accounts Are Concerned."
"If The Meter Was A Show Piece, How Have I Been Getting The Power All These
"You Have Been Stealing It. We Are Being Nice To You By Not Getting You
Arrested. Are You Aware That You Could Be In Jail By Now For Power Theft?"
"So Why I Am Not In The Jail Already? And Why Aren't The Landlord And All The
Tenants In Jail Who Resided In The Place Before I Moved In? I Am A Tenant In
The Place The Way Others Were Before Me, And The Place Already Had This
Meter When I Moved In. So How Would You Get Me To Be In Jail Without Getting
Some Of Your Meter �eaders In There To Keep Me Company"?
"Try Having Them For. A Company When We Put You Up For Prosecution, And You
Will See You Will Be Very Lonesome In Jail."
"And All These Receipts?"
"Payments Made Into Wrong Account Number Aren't Our Concern. We Are
Concerned With Who Is Stealing Power With A Dupe Of A Meter In The Premises.
A Consumer Is Supposed To Pay In The Account Number That Is Allotted To Him
By The Revenue Office, And The Pavment Made By The Consumer In That Account
Goes Right Into That Account. You Have Been Paying The Bills In The Wrong
Account. Pay The Bills In The Right Account And Get Your Electricity Restored."

Halim Brohe

"I Have Been Doing Nothing Of The Sort. I Have Been Merely Taking The Bills
Received At My Residence To The Bank And Paying The Amount Required Of Me To
"If Those Were Not The Wrong Account Numbers You Were Paying In, How Has
This Bill Mentioned The Correct Account Number?"
"Couldn't It Be That The Number I Had Been Paying In Is The Correct Number And
This Bill Carries A Wrong Number? Can't It Be Verified From The Office Record
How Has This Bill Mentioned What You Now Call The Correct Account Number
When All The Money That I Had All Along Been Paying On Previously Received Bills
Had Been Going In The Wrong Accounts? Doesn't It Mean That The Office Has Not
Been Issuing Consumption Bill To Me All These Past So Many Months As If I Was
No Consumer Of Theirs? Couldn't It Be That This Bill Mistak�nly Mentions The Old
Number From Some Old Ledger? There Must Be Some Way Of Checking These
"That Is What We People Do All The Time And Discover Ever New People Who
Consume Power Without Paying For It. The Revenue Office Opens New Ledgers, But
It Does Not Replace Account Numbers. You Should Have Come To This Office When
You Received The First Bill You Thought Belonged To Some Other Person."
"I Did Come And Was Told That The Bill Was Mine As It Carried My Name And
"The Name And Address Of The Consumer Is Not Our Concern. For Us People It Is
The Account Number That Is Our Consumer. It Is Not Our Fault If You Have Been
Paying Money Into The Accounts Of Other People All These Months. We Cannot
Help You. You Will Have To Pay This Bill."
"I Showed Them This Counterfoil Of The Payment, But They Said They Had Orders
To Disconnect The Connection. Now How To Get The Connection Restored?"
"Apply A Fresh For A New Power Connection. We Will Install A Meter And Restore
The Power."
"Isn't This Payment A Valid Payment Of The Dues Outstanding Against Me To Get
The Connection Restored?"
"You Have Paid Into An Account That Is Not On Our Account Books."
"How Could A Bill From The Power Authority Carry An Account Number That Was
Not On Their Books? And How Could Money Go Into An Account That Wasn't
There? This Is The Bill That Was Delivered At My Place, And I Paid The Day I
Received It. How Does It Become An Invalid,Payment?"
"It Is A Non-Payment. The Meter Mentioned In The Counterfoil Of The Bill You
Carry Is A Skeleton. It Carries A Fictitious Name."
"How Could That Be? The Meter Number Is The Same, The Postal Address Is Of
The Place I Live In, And This Meter With Precisely This Very Number Is The Only
Meter Installed In My Place! And How Cou.ld A Meter Be A Skeleton When Read
Regularly By The Meter Readers Every Month Since Quite A Few Months? And How

Could The Power Authority Issue A Bill To A Fictitious Person! Surely The Person
Had Been A Tenant In The Place Before Me."
"Our Revenue Office Goes By The Account Numbers Allotted To Consumers. We
Adjust The Payment Against The Account Number Mentioned On The Bill, Not
Against The Name Of The Consumer. We Are Not Supposed To Know The Persons.
We Know The Numbers."
· "But The Bills Have Been Carrying My Name And Delivered At My Address, And I
Have Been Paying Them Regularly All These Years. Nothing Went Wrong Till The
Beginning Of This Year."
"Nothing Has Gone Wrong Except That You Have Been Paying The Bills Due From
Others. I Mean The Account Number, Not The Personal Names, And You Have Not
Been Paying Your Own Dues."
"But The Bills That I Paid Had My Address And The Meter Number!"
"But You Have Also Been Paying The Bills That Had Different Meter Numbers."
"That Was Because Those Bills Carried My Name And Were Delivered At My
"Where Do We Come In If The Deliveryman Has Been Delivering The Bills Of
Others At Your Residence And You Kept On Those? You Shouldn't Have Paid
If The Bills Carried ,4\ Name Or A Meter Number Or A Consumer Number Or An
Account Number Other Than Your Own. You Should Have Come To Us To Get The
Bill Corrected."
"I Did. The Official Here Said That This Here Is The Consumer Number, Not The
Account N:.imber. I Had Come Here When The Number Had Changed A Few Months
"Anyway, It Is Not For Us To See That Nobody Pays Anybody Else's Dues. We
Can't Help You."
"What Should I Do?"
"I Don't Know. If I Were You, I Would Perhaps Pay The Bill."
"But I Don't Have That Kind Of Money!"
"I Wouldn't Have Either, But I Would Borrow And Pay."
"It Is The Same Thing. In Some Cases The Consumer Number And The Account
Number Is The Same. The Revenue Office Replaces Its Ledgers And Allots New
Numbers To The Consumers Every Year. Pay The Bill And You Will See No Arrears
In The Next BiII:'
"I Always Did, And I Was Always Told That The Payment Will Go Into Right
Account And The Subsequent BiII Wi II Have No Arrears. The Subsequent Bills
Carried No Arrears. Now Suddenly This Bill Has Arrived Showing Thousands Of
Arrears As If I Never Paid A Penny For The Power That I Consumed All These
Years! It Carries A Different Meter Number, A Different Consumer Number, And
The Meter-Readings Have Absolutely No Relation With Those On The Bill That I
Paid Last Month Or Any In The Past!"

Halim Brahe
"This Bill Here Requires Me To Pay Quite A Few Thousands For The Power
Consumed. Meter Reading Is Not Important As The Bill Includes Multiple Charges
And Carries A Name Ot:her Than Mine. I Wonder How The Meter Got Transferred
To Some Other Person."
"The Meter Is Right Out There On The Wall Beside The Front Door You Knocked
And Passed Through. I Got The Meter Shifted There Years Ago For The
Convenience Of The Meter Readers So That They Don't Have To Knock Our Door
For Meter Reading. You Can Check It This Minute. You Can Check The Reading
Whenever You Like. All Electricity That This Residence Gets Is Through That
Meter. I Don't Get Powe1· Through Any Other Connection, Direct Or Indirect."
"Then Why Is Your Name Here On The List Given To Me?"
"What List?"
"That You Paid 300 Rupees Every Month To The Meter-Reader Who Gave Me The
"How Would I Know? I Tell You I Never Paid Any Monthly Amount To Any Person
For Power Bills. The Only Arrangement I Had Was That I Paid Them One Rupee Per
Unit That They Reversed On My Meter When They Arrived To Read l"he Meter
After Months Of Absence, And That Happened Only Once Or Twice A Year. There
Was No Monthly Commitment. And I Don't Have Any Direct Connection From Lines. I
Use Power Through Meter."
"Any Way, You Pay Me Six Hundred For The Last Two Months, And I Will Have A

New Arrangement With You For Future."
A New Arrangement For What? I Will Pay You A Rupee Per Unit Reversed When

You Reverse The Reading On The Meter. That Was The Understanding And Ther�
Will Be No Other Way. Reverse The Meter Reading Now And Take One Rupee Per
Reversed unit From Me Right Away. I Am Not In Arrears With You People."
"Give Me Six Hundred Now, And I Will Reverse The Meter Next Time."
"That Won't Do. Reverse The Meter And Take The Money. That Had Been The Past
"All Right. Give Me Six Hundred Now And We Will Settle The Matter Later."
"Only Because The Front Of My House Has A Nice Look, You Think I Own The
Whole Building Of Which My House Really Is Only A Small Part. All That I Have Is
Two Room!:, One With An Attached Bathroom And The Other With An Attached
Kitchen. It Is Enough Of A Residential Unit For Myself And My Wife, Both Of Us
Retired From Jobs. Come In And See For Yourself Why Your Predecessors Had
That Arrangement With Us And Not A Payment On Monthly Basis."
"Let Us Settle Like This. Give Me Five Hundred Now And Pay Me Three Hundred
When I Set The Meter Back In The Next Month, And Thereafter Ycu Will Pay Me
Half Of The Amount That Is Due From You On Meter Reading. You Won't Have To
Pay The Other Part."
I Paid Him Three Hundred Only To Get R,d Of His Presence In My House, And He
Then Aske'tf Me If He Could Use The Bathroom. I led Him To The Bathroom From
Where He Emerged In A Few Seconds. I Took That For His Modus Operandi,{}{
Ascertaining I Was Getting No Connection From Elsewhere.
"The Moment We Receive The Bill From You People, We Get Supposed To Pay The
Bill In One Of The Banks Mentioned In·The Bill Before A Certain Fixed ()ate. And
We Do The Payment. Thereafter It Is Between You And The Bank To See That The
Amount Received Gets Into The Right Account. So Where Do I Come In That Every
Often I Get Fleeced Of My Money For No Fault Of Mine?"
"That Is Not The Issue. You Have Sidetracked."
"Have You Paid The Bill For The Current Month?"
The Lines-Man Had Visited My House Several Times, Had Turned Back The Reading
A Many Times, And Yet Was Asking/
"How Many Meters You Have In Your House?"
"I Have Paid The Bill, And My.House Has Only This Meter That You See."
I Had ·only Pointed My Left Hand At The Meter Behind My Back.
"Show Us The Bill. Since When The Meter Is Damaged?"
"It Is Not Damaged. It Was Installed The Way It Is."
"Take A Look At It. Was It Installed With A Brick I:, It?"
I Turned Around And Was .Aghast To See A Solid Brick Halfway Buried In The

- Meter/ My Head Swooned.

"Have You Reported The Damage To Your Power Meter To The Office?"
"Why Should I? It Is For The Meter Reader To Report That To His Office. It Is
Out There On A Busy Running Road."
"It Is For You To Inform Them And Ask For Replacement."
"How Could That Be? I Would Be Responsible If The Meter Had Been Installed In
My Premises. As It Is Installed Out Of My House On The Roadside, It Is For The
Meter Reader To Report Its Damaged Condition To His Office."
"It Would Be Better If You Report The Damage Yourself. The Report By Meter
Reader May Put You In A Lot More Inconvenience."
"Why Should I Do That When The Responsibility �s Not Mine?"
"It Is Your Responsibility Because It Is Installed On Your Premises."
"But It Is On The Outside Of My House On A Busy Road Side!"
"The Outside Of Your House Is Also Your House."
"But It Would Have Been My Responsibility If It Were Inside My House. Why
Should It Be My Responsibility When They Themselves Installed It Out On The
"It Is Your Responsibility While It Is Installed Inside Or Outside Your Premises. It
Would Have Been Our Responsibrlity If It Had Been Installed On One Of Our

Halim Brohe
As If The Wapda Poles Were Greek Gods looked After By Zeus, And The Outside
Of My House On A Busy Road Was In Congo! But The Brick Buried In The Meter,
Obviously Deliberately Struck With Force, Had Me Too Confounded
"Here Is An Electricity Bill."
"I Paid Ours Today. We Had Received That Yesterday."
"I Found This By The Door, Slipped Through The Gap."
"The House Number On This Bill Is The N�mber Of This Block That·Includes Our
House As Well. And The Name Of The Consumer Has Not Been Heard Of In This

"My Two Room Apart!"'ent Is Right On The Main Street Along The
Pavement. The Street Doesn'� Have A Pavement; Therefore My House Is
The Pavement With A Dcor That Opens On The Street. The Power Meter
· Is Installed On The Outer Right Shoulder Of That Door, - The Way You
Cannot Approach The Door From The Street Without Looking At It And
Can't Help Reading Its Readings While Waiting For A Knock To Be
Answered. But I Don't Know Why I Keep On Getting Bills With Readings
That Have Nothing To Do With The Ones On The Meter. I Have Spoken
To All Of Them People, From Petty Officials To Highest Of Them, But
They Just Look At Me As If I Were A Mad Man Wasting Their Time." I
Found Myself Telling That To Every Body, But I Drew Blank In Every Face
I Spoke To. I Could Sense That They All Had �ome Arrangement With
Some Or Other Employee Of The Power People, But I Wouldn't Know
Why None Spoke About Or Discussed Or Even Pretended To Have Heard
My Words. I Found Myself looking At Houses, Old Ancient And The
Newly Constructed Ones Alike, For The Meters That The Power People
Had S!ipposedly Withdrawn From Within Those Premises And Had
Installed Them Outs<de. And I Often Awakened To Find Myself
Absentmindedl)' l()oking At long line Of Bungalows Without A Sign Of A
Meter Around Or Nearby Any Of Them. "11/
"Is the meter reading on this bill correct?"
Utheeb Rizve looked at me
"What do you object to?" •
"To the amount which includes charges for non-payments over more than a year '.
multiplied many times over by other taxes and taxes-on-taxes: during that period."
"You should have paid the bills within time."
"I would ha�e if I had received a bill before the expiry of the due date. I never
received a bill from the office for months unless I visited their office several times
only to be given a bill with an expired due date. They as a rule don't issue bill that
could be paid within time."
He looked at me again.
"I reduce the bill to Rs.18000/-. These are my maximum powers, and I have used
them all only because I never had a visitor who conceded straight away that there is
nothing wrong with the meter and its reading."
With the transfer of Utheb Rizve, the meter-reader was at it again!
12/ � I.;

"Dear Mr. Meter Reader, the bill I have received has a re .ding that my meter has
yet to reach. You are going ahead my meter." I wrote wi ia black marker And glued
the paper on my door, near the meter. Before the mete,· reader could read it, whole
neighborhoorhood saw and read it. Within three days I found the paper scratched
away! I repeated the exercise several times and found the paper scratched away"'
every time! That set the meter reader right. But for how long!

I am available to you till the l�st day of March 2qo5. Let us laugh our beads off till
that day dawns. On that auspicious day I sholl divorce_ my wife and take to roads.
Many years ago I had transferred the ownership of the house, through a Gift Deed,
to her in satisfaction of the dowry and 'other services rendered to me'. - the only
sensible thing that I did in my life. Please do not pursue me after that day. I will not
bother my relatives or 'friends' or acquaintances with my presence with any of them.
In the year of my marriage mother, on the advice of Chacha Dr.Zia, asked me
to divorce my wife otherwise I will be ruined by her absolute frigidity, but I was
scarred of father. (By the way, Chacha Zia was,the first person who had given Rs.
100/- kharchi to her when·he saw her in Bhabhi Dr. Atiya's parental house and was
informed of the talks of my marriage to her. His diary of 1962 carries the entry.)
Later that year father called me to Karachi and gave me quite a dose on the way my
wife kept to her roaming even in her vacations from cotlege. I said I want to divorce
her, but he asked me not to be hasty, to refrain from divorce as that would be going
too far, and let her have her time and calm down. All these 41 years I let the things
calm down. The things have now calmed down. She is settled with her ways known to
all. She may bring forth ahead the last day of March 2005.
I married in 1962, published my first book in 1967. I was neither a thinker nor a
writer. I was not loner either. I did not drink till two years after marriage. I am only
a destroyed man. Her frigidity from the day one of my marriage is the root cause r .f.
my physical, mental a.nd emotional misbalance and eruptions at tangents. She is a
roamer with the mask of a socialite. She is a hater of males, interested in getting
her daughters divorced, yet hanging on to their husbands for 'reputation in society'.
She has a body that will go dust. She does not have a soul for God to receive. And
God needs my experienced soul for His maturity. I belong to Him, not to the dust
\ that my body shall be. ,

Halim Brahe
I had to keep shut the door of the house to force the last two daughters .
to stay ·
0 .
put their husbands. She was all for their divorce, yet kept a smile on her face for
their husbands to keep intact her 'popularity in the society', painting me .as ·the
· · ··
· culprit' who hates daughters an9 all.
She and Armaghan forced me to put my signature _as a witness 'that Fayaz had
signed before me' on a ridicellous stamp paper purporting to be an 'agreement to
divorce', which Armaghan had got drafted and typed by some fool ot a lady lawyer
for Rs.500/00. There was no signature of Fayaz, or of Armaghan either. Then they
forced me to take th(!t paper of 'no legal consequences' to Fayaz to obtain his
signature on that paper. I asked Bhabhi Hamida to take the paper to Fayaz for his
signature. I thought any fool would know the paper was for a dustbin, - but not
Fayaz who pronounced 'I did not expect this from Halim!' Because I was carried
away by the loudest cries of my wife, - and her shouts from the windows - that
'these Thebos will murder Rabia!' in the dead of night, I rang Zulfiqar to ask Khan
Thebo to divorce Rabia. Zulfiqar did that. Khan did not divorce Rabia. I was the
wrongdoer, not Zulfiqar. But Khan, being a Thebo, dropped relations with Zulfiqar.
Armaghan and Rabio are the moulds of 'their mother. Sana was sensible who served
Hayat and his mother well, but she had no other way to stop her apartment become
a permanent boarding house for five sisters of Hayat, Romano was thoughtful. Hayat
and Zulfiqar, and their wives and kids, are my only friends.
Now back to my business.

Published in 1990 as Halim Brohe's Roman Script for Sinthde
And in 1994 eis Halim Brohe's Roman Script for All the Languages

'U' As' U' In Up, Cup, Bulb, Tub, Etceteras.
'A' As' A' In Mart, Cart, Chart, Hard, Etceteras.
'I' As'I' In Tin, Pin, Chin, Bill, Etceteras.
'E' As'Ey' In Key, As'Ee' In Bee, See, Fee, Etceteras.
' As 'P' In P'I As F'I, Etceteras.
'O' As'O' In Toll, Role, Roll, Pole, Mole, Etceteras.
'Oo' As' Oo' In Cool, Wool, Tool, Moon, Noon, Soon, Etceteras.
'Ay' As' Ay' In Ray, Pay, Say, Way, Etceteras, Or' Ey' As In Hey, Gray, Etceteras;
Or As'E' In Fret, Set, Bet, Etceteras.
· 'Uo' = U + 0 = Is Used As'U' Above Added With'O' Explained Above. The
Resultant Articulation Is,'Uo'.
'Uay' = U + Ay = Is Used As' U' Added With' Ay'.

Variations On ' U':
Ub/ Bu - Hinthe: Ub, Kub, Ttub, Sub, Jub, Subub, Lub, Bukvas, Bus.
Ubb/ Bbu - Sinthde: Bbukre, Bbu.
Ubh/ Bhu - Hinthe: Ubhe .. Kubhe?
Uch/ Chu - Hinthe: Chula Chui, Butch Kay Chui, Sutch, Chui Hut Puray, Chumchay.
Uchh/ Chhu - Hinthe: Chhurre, Chure, Pagul, Chhuttre, Mutchhur.
Ud/ Du - Hinthe:Dur. Durpok, Paoodur.
Udd/ Ddu - Sinthde: Dduhu, Ddundo, Phuddo, Juddo, Udd, Sudd, Sudd*es! Ddumbh,
Kkuddu, Judduh*i, Ttudduh*i, Luddiyo Hitt*a! M'rrs Ttu Phuddo, Nu Ttu Juddo!
Bhuddo U*e Bhudday Tt*a Phuddo!
Udh/ Dhu - Sinthde: Dhuo, Vudh, Kudhos! Dhuk, Dhukunn.
Uf I Fu - Hinthe: Ruftta Ruftta, Furman.
Sinthde: Huftto, Fusath.
Ug/ Gu - Hinthe: Lug Ja Gulay, Yay Piyar Ke Gali, Jug Sara Janay Huay.
Ugg/ Ggu - Sinthde: Uggttay Vuthho, Ggu*oo, Ggunn, Dhugge.
Uggh/ Gghu - Hinthe And Sinthde: Gghulutt, Gghulutte, Gghulazutt, L'gghutt,
Gghum, Gghumgen, Gghureb, Gghurebe, Gghuzub, Mugghuz.
Ugh/ Ghu - Ghimu. Gihu, Sinthcie, Ghe, Ghistta Chula Ja! Hinthe
Uh / Hu - H*usthay Bhae! Hinthe. Muhittab Ttayra Chuhira! Hinthe Hulal Kiyo
Huay Huram Kiyo Huay! Hinthe. Hudd Huram, Thanishvur Mana Uhirro Bayvukoof
Juh*ih Sujje Jjumar Huram Kkathdo H'jay! Sinthde
Uj / Ju - Ujvann, Kkuje, Juttu, Ujeb, Sinthde
Julguyn, Mujaz, Juvaz, Jub, Hinthe
Ujh / Jhu - Jhuroka, Jhutput, Jhut, Sinthde And Hinthe

Ujj / Jju - Ujj', Lujju, Jjuor, Jjuor*oo., - Sinthde .
Ukku / Ukk/ Kku - Ukkurbhoore;
Ukh/ Khu; Ukk/ Kku; Ukkuru, Kkutu, Ukky*a.
Ukky*a Milakay Jiya Bhurmakay Chulay Nuh*e Jana, - Ukky*oo,
Ui / Lu - Kul, Chui, Fulah, Lushkur, Balushtt, Fuluk, Jhuk Jhuk Nu Kur, Ub So Ja,
Lumba Athme Bayvukoof Hotta Huay, Ulhurr Husena Tth*Gne Huay,
Um / Mu - Bum Ka Thdumaka! Bhago! Musjith Kiyo Huay, Kh'tha Ka Ghur Huay! Kis
N*ay Kiyo Thdumaka! Kh'tha N*ay! Kumur, Mukran, Jum Kay Buyatth, Ub Buthle
Nuh*e Hoge!
Un/ Nu - Munthur, Manus, Funkar, Salun, Nuthiya Kay Par, Unday, Ana Mayre Jan
Sunday Kay Sunday! Nur Ho Ya Mathe! Bunya, Buntha Bun Uor Bunthay Ka P'ttur Bun,
Bunmanus Nu Bun Ubay U'loo, Nukkray Mutt Kur, Sethda Ghur Chui Kur Unday Thay,
Bunthur Kuh*e Ke!
Unn/ Nnu - Ggunn, Gg'nn, Munn'. Unn*ago, Unnthhiyunno, Kkunnuhunn, - Iha Ttu
Thhe Sinthde!
Up/ Pu -
Uph/ Phu - Phuddo, Juddo, Phusa! Phul. Phulo Phoolo Kh'sh Ruho Abath Ruho, Phusa!
Phutako, Ubay Phurrlay On*oo! Ay Ke Ruphrra Huay!

Halim Brohe
·ur Ru - Urvah, Purvah, Rustto, Mustt, Churyo, Pagul, Churavaha, - Ihay Ahin
Guddiyul Ukkur! Sumjho Ttu Tthek, Nu Ttu Huva Kkao! Ghur, Rumuya Vutta Vuya,
Rusg'lay Kkao Gur Rote Nuh*e Miltte, Thurvaza, Rugrra Kiya Huay.
Urr / Rru - Urray, Yay Guthhay Kuh"' a Say Aguay! Yay Tto Lurrayg*ay! Sur Kurrhae
M"'ay, Urr Ja Bay! Kkurra h"' oo Thayr Say U'methvar Thaykk Tto Lay, Burrae Mutt
Kur, Huram Ka Mal Hurrup Kur Ja,
Us / Su - Sulam; Bus; Such Mutt Bol Kiy"' ooki Murayga! H"' us Kay Nu Tter Chulana,
Thil Kh'th He Bunay Ga Thevana! Momin Vot Ddiyo Puh"' ijay Peru Kkay! Mannh*oo
Ahiyo Ya Mushkira! Vot Istturuh Liya Kurttay Hu"'ay Yay Mushkray1 Lusun, Piyaz,
Sum'nthur, Mun Moray Bus M"' ay Nuh"'e,
Ush / Shu - Shuhinae, Uor Yay K�n Guthda Shuhinae Buja Ruha Huay! Bunth Kuro
Yay Natuk! Ghunsham, Purtha Grao! Butchay Log Mushk Kur Ruhay Hu"' ay, Ayk Mushk
Pane Ka Suval Huay Baba! Yay Bhe M'lk Huay! Ayk Mushk B.ijle Ka Suval Huay Baba!
Ut / Tu - Tuhikhana, Ghuta Ghun Ghor Ghor, Tundo Bago, Tunda Baga, layft Turn,
Mutka, Mut', Hut, Chui Hut Puray, Utka Kuh"' e Jo Ap Ka Thi I Bhe Mayre Tturuh,
Uth / Thu
Uthd / Thdu - Muthd'kur Sham Humaray Chor! Thdurrkun, Thdurko,-Etecetera! Ihay
Ahin Hinthe Ukkuru. Ub Brahve: Muthdum, Sa Ray Ga Ma Pa M"' ay Ma Huay
Muthc.ium. In Sinthdiy"' o Ko Chhorro, - Yay Asman Say U'ttray Hu"' ay! Uor Tt'm
Kuh"'a Say Aay Ho! Vuasay Hum Uor Tt'm H"' ay Kon!
Uthh / Thhu - Muthho, Huthhu, Nuthhu, Thhumbo, Thhulho, Thhula,
Utt / Ttu - Mutt"' a Kuyo Thhue Ko Gunth! Tturs Ttu Suhe Tt"' oo Ko Gunth Zuroor
Kunth"'ay! Iha Ttu Ahay Sinthde! Ttayre Jo Putt Hoge Vo Th'nya Thaykhay Ge!
Tturazoo Ho Hathh M"'ay Tto Guthdha Kiya Napna Ya Ttolna Huay! Yay Huay Hinthe!
Utth / Tthu - Utthu, Tthura Vo Shurab Huay Jo Ap Uor Mu"' ay Ghur M"'ay Bunattay
Hu"' ay!)
Uv / Vu - Vu"' J' Hulio! Thufu Thhe Vu"' J'! Mannh"' oo Ahe"' e Ya Kun"' Jur! Iha H'e
Sinthde! Thufu Thhe! Thufay Thhe! Tur Hitt"' a!
Uy I Yy
U:z / Zu - Uzmutt, Zumano, Zumana, Zunano, Zunana, Khuzana, Zuhanutt, Luzutt. -
Sinthde And Hinthe.
Uzz / Zzu - Z'lmutti Shub, Uzmut, - Uvh"'a Chha Jjanno Inuhun Ggalihiy'n M"' a!

'U' is Used As·u· In Up, Cup, Tub, Bulb.
'A' is Used As ' A' In Mart, Cart, Hard.
'E' is Used As 'Ey' In Key; As 'Ee' In Bee, See, Fee; As 'Ea' In Pea, Sea.
'Oo' is Used As 'Oo' In Cool, Tool, Wool, Moon.
'Ay' Is Used As Ay' In Ray, Bay, Pay, Say, Gray, Day; As 'Ey' In Hey, Greyhound.
'I' is Used As 'I' In Pin, Tin, Chin, Bill.
'O' is Used As 'O' In Toll, Pole, Mole.
'S' is used As 'S' In Sea, See; As 'C' In The 'A, B, C,'.


Apostrophe (X'), That is 'Inverted Comma', On A Unit Makes The

Unit Sound As 'U' In Pull, Full, Push, Cushion.
Asterisk (*) Attributes Nasal Quality To A Unit.

'Bh' Is A Variation On 'B': 'Chh' Is A Variation On 'Ch':
'Dh' Is A Variation On 'D';
'Gh' And 'Ggh' Are Variations On 'G';
'Jh' Is A Variation On 'J';
'K'1' And 'Kk' Are Variations On 'K':
'Rr' Is A Variation On 'R':
'Tt' And 'Tth' Are Variations On 'T';
'Thh' And 'Thd' Are Variations On 'Th'; -

A = A: As A In Saw, Always, Jaw, After, Also, Law, All, Tall, Ball, Call,
Ba= Ba= Ba: As Ba In Ball,
= =
Bba Bba Bba: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ba.
Bha = Bha = Bha: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ba.
Do = Do = Do: As Da In Dawn,
Dda = t;>da = Dda: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Da.
Dha = Dha = Dha: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Da.
E = E: As E In Be, Me: As Ee In Bee, Fee, See; As Ea In Tea, Sea, As Ey In Key,
Fa = Fa= Fa: As Fa In Fall, Father, Far; As Fau In Fault,
Ga = Ga = Ga: As Ga In Gamma,
Gga = Gga = Gga: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ga.
Ggha = Ggha = Ggha: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ga.
Ha = Ha = Ha: As Ha In Hall,
I = I: As I In It, Fit, Sit, Chit,
Ja = Jo = Jo: As Ja In Jaw,
Jha = Jha = Jha: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ja.
Jja = Jja = Jja: A v'ariction On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ja.
Ka = Ka -= Ka: As Ca In Call, Cast,
Kha = Kha = Kha! A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Sooken As Ka.
Kka = Kka = Kka: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ka.
La = La = La: As La In Laments; As Lau In Laurels,
lsh = Lsh = Lsh : ?
., Ma = Ma= Ma: As Ma In Mama, Mafia,
Na = Na :- Na: As Na In Tuna, Fauna; As Fau In Fauna,
I Oa = Oa = Oa: As Oa In Boa,
Pa = Pa = Pa: As Pa In Pall,
Pho =Pho = Pho: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Fa.
Ra = Ra = Ra: As Ra In Mirage,

Halim Brahe

Rra = Rra= Rra: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ra.
= =
Sa Sa Sa: As Sa In Salt; As Ssault In Assault,
Sha= Sha = Sha:
Ta= Ta= Ta: As Ta In Tall, Talk,
Tha= Tha = Tha: As Thal In Withal,
= =
Tta Tta Tta: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ta.
= =
Ttha Ttha Ttha: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Ta.
Va= Va= Va: As Vau In Va•Jlt; As Wa In Wall, As Wa In W�ter,
Ya= Ya= Ya:
Za Za Za: =
Ay= Ay = Ay: As Ay In Lay, Bay, Clay, Slay, Day, May
= =
Bay Bay Bay: As Be In Best, Ed In Bed. As Ell In Bell,
Bbay= Bbay = Bbay: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Bay.
= =
Day Day Day: As Day In Day, Monday; As Da In Daily; As Da In Date, Dates,
Dame; As Des In Desk; As De In Deck,
Dday Dday= =
Dday: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As
= =
Dhay Dhay Dhay: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As
Fay= Fay = Fay: As A In Fame, Flame, Face, Fake, Fade; As E In Fed, Fell, Fetch;
As Ai In Faith,
= =
Gay Gay Gay: As Gay In Gay,
= =
Ggay Ggay Ggay: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Gay.
= =
Ghay Ghay Ghay: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As
Gghay= Gghay= Gghay: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As
Hay= Hay= Hay: �s Hay In Hay; As E In Hell,
= =
Jay Jay Jay: A ) Ai In Jail; As E In Jelly,
Jhay= Jhay = Jhay: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Jay.
= =
Jjay Jjay Jjay: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Jay.
= =
Kay Kay Kay: As E In Pocket, Socket, Rocket, Ticket, Wicket,
= =
Khay l(hay Khay: A Variation On The Sound of/ Pronunciation/ Spoken As Kay.
= =
Kkay Kkay Kkay: A Variation On The Sound ofI Pronunciation/ Spoken As Kay.
Lay= Lay= Lay: As Ay In Play, Clay, Slay; As E In Let,
Lsh = Lsh = Lsh:?
May= May= May: .
Nay= Nay= Nay:
= =
Pay Pay Pay: As A In Pale; As Ay In Pay; As Ai In Paint; As E In Penny;
Phay= Phay= Phay:
Ray = Ray= Ray: As A In Race; As Ai In Rail; As Ay In Pray; As A In Trace, Brace.


Say = Say = Say: As Ay In Say,

Tay = Tay = Tay: As E In Territory, Territorial, Terrestrial,
Thay = Thay = Thay: As Ey In They;
Ttay Ttay Ttay: =
Tthay = Tthay = Tthay:
Uay = Uay = Uay:
Vay= Vay= Vay:
Yay = Yay = Yay: As E In Yes, Yet, Yell,
Zay = Zay = Zay: As E In Zebra,
E: As E In Acme, Me, He, She, Be; As Ee In Bee; As Ea In Easy; As Y In Busy;

·u· as Used In Up, Up, Tub, Bulb.
'A' is Used As 'A' In Mart, Cart, Hard.
'E' is Used As 'Ey' In Key And As 'Ee' In Bee, See, Fee; And As 'Ea' In Pea And Sea;
�Oo' As Used As 'Oo' In Cool, Tool, Wool, Moon.
'Ay' is Used As 'Ay' In Ray, Hay, Bay, Pay, Say, Gray, Day; And As 'Ey' In Hey, Grey.
'I' is Used As 'I' In Pin, Tin, Chin, Bill.
'S' is Used As 'S' In Sea, See, Season, Seal, And As 'C' In The English Alphabet.
'K' Is Used As 'C' In Cool, Cost, Cast, Coat, Cover, Can, Cat, Calm, Clan, Clean, Cough,
And As 'Q' In Quite, Quit, Quilt, Quote.

'Bb' And 'Bh' Are Variations On The Sound of/Spoken English 'B';
'Chh' Is A Variation On The Sound of/Spoken English 'Ch';
'Dd', 'Dh', And 'Thd' Are Variations On The Sound of/Spoken English 'D';
'Gh' And 'Ggh' Are Variations On The Sound of/Spoken English 'G';
'Jh' Is A Variation On The Sound of/Spoken English '.J';
'Kh' And 'Kk' Are Variations On The Sound of/Spoken English 'K';
'Rr' Is A Variation On The Sound of/Spoken English 'R';
'Tt' And 'Tth' Are Variation On The Sound of/Spoken English 'T;
'Thh' And 'Thd' Are Variations On The Sound of /Spoken English 'Th'.

My PHONETICS Is Not Based On The 'Letters And Vowels Distinction' That Has
Been In Use of Other Scripts; Nor It Recognizes Such A Division In Any Form: It
Is Based On The System of Units, Each ,Unit Representing A Sound That Is
Complete In Its Pronunciation/Articulation; Thus U Is A Unit, Chh Is A Unit, S Is
A Unit, Ch Is A Unit, Sh Is A Unit, Th Is A Unit, Chh Is A Unit, Th Is As Much A
Unit As Thh, So On And On; It Is Sound/Pronunciation/Articulation Based
Syste·m. With Each Unit Representing The Smallest Iota of A Sound/ Pronunciation
/Articulation.As A Sindhi Primary Class Student of In The Ram Swamy School,
Ranchore Lines Karachi, I Tried With The Help of Father To Decipher The Boxed
Column 'Roman Hindi' That Appeared Regularly In The Illustrated Weekly of India.
Halim Brohe
Father Had Surprised Us By Informing Us In One of His Lighter Moments That
There_ Was Hindi In The Illustrated Weekly of India. Then He Read A Column To Us
And Thereafter We Took To It Every Week With Relish. We Picked Up English
Alphabet Only To Read Hindi In The Weekly. In 1985, During My Posting As Osd In
The Department of Sindhology With Mehtab Rashdi As It Director, I Began
Working On A Breakthrough For The Sindhi Script Which Had Been In Vogue Since
1884 In The Province of Sindh With The Blessings of The British Government. My
Efforts Had The Blessings of Mehtab Rashdi And Mazhurul Haque Siddiqui, The
Vice Chancellor. We Received Many Supportive Letters From Abroad. The Letters
From Localized 'Scholars' Condemning Me And My Efforts Provided Many An
Occasion To Mehtab For A Laugh And She Enjoyed Asking Me To Take These Things
In A Stride, Always Reminding Me That "Didn't We Agree That You Will Be
Condemned And Denounced By Them All!" But I Was Not For That. I Was Writhing
For Revenge! Weight of The Heavy Weight Protagonists of The British Blessed
Sindhi Alphabet Finally Told On The Nerves of The Commonsense, Broke The
Backbone of The Progressive Administrative Attitude And Within A Year I Was
Transferred As Osd In The Finance Wing. Till Then I Had Been Working Without A
System, Rhythm Or Rhyme. Dr. Ismail Shaikh, Son of Dr. Ibrahim Shaikh, Had Given
Me A Book 'Hindi In Thirty Days', An Indian Publication For A Few Days. The Book
Gave Me The Idea of A 'Mechanical Script That Was Written The Way The Words
of Any Language Was Spoken, And Was Read The Way It Was Written, Without
Going Wrong Or Making A Mistake Anywhere, Whatever Be The Language, Known Or
Absolutely Unknown To The Writer.' In 1990, Working As Manager Su Press In The
Old Campus, I Published - Printed In Some Small Press - My First Booklet Halim
Brohe' s Roman Sindhi Keeping In View Only Sindhi Alphabet, And Distributed The
Book Free of Cost. I Continued Working Through Cyclostyled Pamphlets, But I Was,
As If, Shouted Down As Anti Sindhi, A Bigot Brohe, An Agent of Anti Sindhi
Elet'l'ents, And God Knows of What Else. I Got Fade Up With The Sindhi Speaking
People: I Had Had Enough of Them And Looked Up To A Higher Vista, -
PHONETICS F0r All The Languages. Zafar Abassi, With Experience As A School
Teacher, Published The Book In His Own Setting With Whatever Financial Aid I
Could Provide, But The Book Flopped Because It Had The Manufacturing Defect of
Addressing The Sindhi Speaking Readers - The Very People Who Hated My Name
And Face: So Much For His Experience As A School Teacher. In 2003 My Daughter
Romana Gave Me A Book That Had 235 R'ubae of U'mur Khuyam In English. I
Translated All The 235 Rubaez In PHONETICS Hindi And, Published The Book
Within Two Months With Only 250 Copies And, Finding Something Amiss, Redid The
Editing And Published 250 Copies More, And Found The Book Full of Proof And
Spelling Mistakes. Publishing The Book Was Very Bothersome For A Lone Worker
Like Me, - And Expensive Too, - But Worth Doing. I Got An Admirer In Ibrahim
Baloch, A Technician In An X-Ray Laboratory: He Had Imbibed The Soul ,,
ofPHONETICS For All The Languages By Reading My U'mur Khuyam! The British­
Made Sindhi Script Has Been Dying Pretty Fast. It Is Too Late To Salvage Sindhi

Script In Whatever Form It May Be. Sindhi Spoken In The British Province of
Sindh Is Also To Disappear Sooner Than The Sindhi Speaking People Can Imagine.

I Have Not Used Thayvunagre Letters, But The Thayvunagre Approach Had Much
To Do With The System I Conceived. The Most Important Feature of Thayvunagre
Is That It Is Based On Vowel-Rotations That Make The Reading And Wri.ting
Logical. Although I Have Not Kept The Vowels Aside From The Letters, And Have
Included Them In The Glossary of Letters Calling Each Item On The Glossary A
{ Unit, I Have Made Extensive Use of Those Units That Feature In Thayvunagre And
Other Scripts As Vow�ls. It Is Better To Call All Items On The Glossary As Units
For Further Expansion In The Units On The Glossary. Presently There Is No Script,
Including PHONETICS And Thayvunagre, That Represents All The Sounds Or
Voices, Articulations, Intonations, Pronunciations, And Nuances of All That An
Script Must Include To Be Wholesome. It Is Not A Matter of Coining A Script For
This �angua9e Or That Language; It Is A Matter of Accommodating In One And A
Single Script All The Possible Sounds That A Human Ear Catches. The Core of The
Whole Matter With Me Is To Have A Script That Uses The Least Number of Units
And Yet Accommodat�s The Articulations of All The Voices And Utterances. That
Is The Ideal I Am At. What My Script Is At Pains To Provide Is The Equivalents of
All The Types of Sounds And Variations Thereof.

• Language of Instructions May Or May Not Be The Language The Child Is At Ease
In, But The Language of Education Should Be English While It Reigns Supreme The
World Over. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Biology And, For That
Matter, All The Physical Sciences Have Their Own Languages And Their Own
Scripts Sanctity of Which Have To Be Maintained: Their Languages And Scripts
Tend To Grow And, Should Be Allowed To Grow; No Item On Their Languages Qr!
Scripts Be Included As A Letter In Any Script That May Be 'Created' By The
Buffoons of The 'Languages'.


U'RRTHOO: Jub Kh'tha Nay Iratha Kiya Athme Bunan*ay Ka Tto U's Nay Furishtt*o
Say Kuha, "Mu*ay Upn*ay Pusunth �e Chez Bunan*ay Ka Iratha Rukktta �*oo. Laykin
..: Puhilay Tt'm U's Kay S'kk, Aram, Uor Kh'she Kay Liyay K'chh Chez*ay Buna Lao." Jo
Chez Furishttay Puhlay Buna Laay U'say Thaykk Kur Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Vay Kiya
Huay? Uor Vay Athme Kay Kis Kam Aayga?" Furishtt*o Nay Kuha, "fay Huay Guthda
Jo Ki Athme Kay Liyay U'ska Bojh Utthaayga Uor Sufur M*ay Athme Ka Upna Uor
Halim Brahe
U'skay Saman Ka Bojh U'tthaayga Ttaki Athme Ko Ttuklef Nu Ho." Kh'tha Nay
,Guthday Say Kuha, "Tt'm Burray Kam Ke Chez Hogay, Isliyay H*um Nay Tt'mhare
U'mur Ke Chales Burus." Guthda Ron*ay Luga Uor Kuhin*ay Luga, "M*ay Tto Chales
Burus Muhinutt Muzoore Kurttay Tayrrha Phayrrha Hoja*ooga. Mayre U'mur K'chh
Kum Kur." Kh'tha N*ay Kuha, "Tthek. Tt'mhare U'mur Hum Nay Rukke Bes Sal, Laykin
Tt'mhare U'mur Kay Bake Bes Sal Humn*ay Rukkay Tt'mharaye Bu*ayk Uka*oot
M*ay." Phir Furishttay Ayk Uor Chez Bunalaay. Kh'tha Nay Poochha, "Yay Bhuoo
Bhuoo Kurtte Kiya Chez Bunalai Ho Tt'm?" Furishtt*o Nay Kuha, "Yay Huay K'tta. Yay
Bhuoo Bhuoo Uor Huoohuoo Kurkay Ttayray Bunaay H'ay Atrme Ke, U'skay Bal
Buch*o Ke, Uskay Ghur Ghat Ke, Uor U'ske Milkiyutt Ke Hifazutt Kurayga." Kh'tha
Nay K'ttay Say Kuha, "Tt'm Bhe Kam Ke Chez Ho. So Tt'mhare U'mur Bhe Hum Nay
Ke Chales Burus." K'ttay Nay Ghubrakur Kuho, "O' Kh'tha, Chales Burus Ttuk Huoo
Hoo Uor Bhuoo Bhoo Kurttay Mu*ay Tto Toot Phoot Ja*ooga! Ho Nuh*e Suktta Ki
Mayre U'mur Ttoo K'chh Kum Kurthay!" Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Ttayre U'mur Bhe Kurthe
Humn*ay Bes He Burus, Laykin Ttayre U'mur Kay Bake Bes Buru? Bhi Gudhay Ke
U'mur Ke Tturuh Humna*ay Ttaray Bu*ayk Uka*oot M*ay Rukh Thiyay." Ub Jo Chez
Furishttay Buna Laay U'say Thaykh Kur Kh'tha N*ay Hayrutt Say Poochha, "Yay Kiyo
Chez Buna Lai Ho Tt'm Log?" Furisht*o Nay Kuha, "Yay Huay Bunthur. Burray Kumal
Ke Chez Huay. Yay Upn*e U'lte Sethde Hurkutt*o Uor U'lte Sethde Sumujh Say
Ttayre Bunae H'e Chez Athme Ko Hurvuktt Husatta Ruhayga." Jub Kh'tha Nay
Bunthur Say Kuha, "Tt'mhare U'mur Bhe Hum Nay Rukke Chales Burus," Tto Bunthur
N*ay Ro Kur Kuha, "U'lte Sethde Hurkutt*ay Kurttay Ruhn*a Uor U'lta Sethda
Sochttay Ruhina, Uor Vo Bhe Chales Burus! Yay Ziyathutte Hogi. Mayre U'mur Bhe
K'chh Kum Kur." Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Tthek. Tt'mhare U'mur Bhe H'e Bes Sal Uor
Tt'mhare U'mur· Kay Bake Bes Burus Tt'mharay Bu*ayk Uka*oot May Rukkay Guay."
Uor Kh'tha Nay Phir Bunaya Athme Uor U'say Kuha, "Ttayre U'mur Bhi Hum N*ay
Rukke Bes Sal Jo In Sub Janvur*o Ke Bhe Hogi." Athme Nay Girrgrra Kur Kuha, "Yay
Sub Janvur Tto Ttoon*ay Bunaay H*uay Mayray Liyay, Tto Mayre U'mur Tto Ziyatha
Hone Chahiyay Ttaki Mu*ay Zinthuge Ka Muza Tto L*oo!" Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Bes
Burus Ttaray Tto Hum N*ay Tt'jhay Thay Thiyay. Bu*ayk Aka*oot*o M*ay Jo In
Tten*o Janvur*o Kay Satth Sal Purray Hu*ay Vo Bhe Hum N*ay Tt'jhay Thay Thiyay.
Ub Kh'sh?" Athme Nay Kuha, "Ttayre Bur:ra Uhisan. Ay Kh'tha!" Yay He Vuju Huay Ki
Athme Upn*e Zinthuge Kay Puhilay Bes Burus Upn*e Athme Ke Zinthuge G'zartta
Huay, Phir Uglay Bes Burs Guthday Ke Tturuh Muhinutt Muzoore Kurtta Huay, Phir
Uglay Bes Burs K'ttay Ke Tturuh Bhuoo Bhuoo Uor Huoo Huoo Kurkay Upnay Ghurbar
Uor Beve Buch*o Ke Hifazutt Kurtta Huay, Uor Akhre Bes Burs Bunthur Ke Tturuh
Upne U'lte Sethde Hurkutt*o Uor U'ltay Sethday Kam*o Say Upnay Ap Pur Athme
Hus*atta Huay.
Courtesy M. Akram, Manager Ddiyulthas Club, Hyderabad Sinthd.

SINTHDE: Judduh*i Kh'tha Iratho Kuyo Mannh*oo Khulkunn Jo, Ttudduh*i H'nu
Furishttun Kkay Suddyo U*e Kkhayn Chuyo, "M*oo Puh*ijee Pusunth Jee Shuay
Tthah*Nn Jo Fuayslo Kuyo Ahoy, So Uv*a U 'nu Lai Kay Shuy*oo Tthahay Jorray
Utcho." So Furishtta Puhir*e Gudduhu Tthahay Vutthe Aya. Kh'tha Chuyo , "He Chha
Ahay U*e Mannh*oou Jay Kuhrray Kum Entho / *etho.?" Furishttun Chuyo, "He
Gudduhu Ahay U*e Mannh*oou Jay Zuburthust Kum *etho / Entho. He Mannh*oou
Jay Kumkar U"' e M'safre Jo Bar Kkunnuntho / Kkunn*utho, M*ann*oou Lai Muhinut
Kuntho U*e H'nu Kkay Ttuklef Kk*a Bucha*etho." Kh'tha Gudduhu Kkay Chuyo,
r "M*oo Tt'h*ije U'mur Chalehu Vurihu Rukke. Kh'sh?" Gudduha Roe Ddino U"' e
Chhuya*e, "Chalehu Vurihu Muhinutt Muzoore Ja Ghunna Ahin. M'h*inja / M*inja
Ttu Laha Nikre V*etha! Ruhim Kur U*e M'h*ije U'mur K'jh Ghut Kur." Kh'tha Chuyo,
"Je*u / J*eu Tt*u Chu*e. Tt'h*ije U'mur M*a Ghutaay Kury*a Thho Veehu Sal U"' e
Tt'h*ije Umur Ja Bake Vehu Sal M*a Rukk*a Thho Tt'h*ijay Bu*ayk M*ay." U*e Poi
Kh'tha· Chuyo Furishttun Kkay, "Ka Bbe Shuay?" Poi Furishtta Hikrre Bbe Shuay
Tthahay Kkunn*e / Kkunne Aya. Kh'tha P'chhyo, "Heu' Vure Chha Ahay?" Furishttun
ChrJyo; "Heu' Ahay K'tto. He Bhuoo Bhuoo U"' e Huoo Huoo Kuray Tt'h*ijay /
Tt*'H*ijay Jorryul Mannh*oou / M*annh*u Je Puh*ije U*e Sunthus Ghur Bbar Je
Hifazutt Kuntha." Kh'tha K'ttay Kkay Chuyo, "Tt*oo Bayshuk Kum Je Shuay Ah*e.
M*oo Tt'h*ije / Tt*'Hije U'mur Bi Rukke Vehu Vurihu. Tthek?" K'ttay Roe Chuyo,
"Sujja Sara Chalehu Vurihu Bhuoo Bhuoo U*e Huoo Huoo Kuntho Ruhunn K'jh
Ziathutte Ahoy. M*a Ttu Chhitto Thhe Puvunth's / P*uvu*Th's! So M*'H*ije /

M'h*ije U'mur Bi K'jh Ghutai." Kh'tha Chuyo, "Tt'h*ije U'mur Bi Rukk*a Thho Veehu
Sal Puru Tt'h*ije U'mur Ja Bake Vehu Sal Bi M*a Rukk*a Thho Tt'h*ijaye Bu*ayk
Uka*oont M*ay. Thhe Vu*ay Kh'sh?" U*e Poi Kh'tha Furishttun Kk*a P'chhyo,
"Tthahay Sughothha Ka Bbe Shuay Bi M'h*ije Pusunthethu Mukhlook Mannh*oou
Lai?" So Furishtta Hiku T*ee Shuay Tthahay / Jorray Aya. Kh'tha P'chhyo Ttu Heu' r
Vure Chha Ahay?" Furishttun Chuyo, "Heu' Ahay Banthur / B*athur / Bholrro. Heu'
Adda U'btta Kumu Kuray Tt'h*ije Pusunthethu Mukhlook M*aannoh / Manr*oohu
Kkay Kkila*etho Ruh*itho." Kh'tha Banthur / Bholrray / B*athur Khay Chuyo, "
Chhottu M*oo Bbiyun Kkay Bi Chaleh Vurihu U'mur Ddine Ahay, Ttuh*Kuray Ttokkay
Bi Ddiy*a Thho Chalehu Vurihu." Bholrray Rurr Kuray Chuyo, "Iho Nahuk / Nahik
Ahay. Luggattar Chalehu Vurihu Adda Ubtta Kum Kunthay M*a Ttu Bayzar Thhe Pann
Churyo Thhe V*eth's I Venth's! So K'jh Kuhilu Kur U*e M'h*ije U'mur K'jh Ghut
Kur." So Kh'tha Chuyo, "Ggalih Tt'h*ije Jaiz Ahay. Ttokkay Bi Ddiy*a Thho Veehu
Sal, Pur Tt'h*ija Bake Veehu Sal Rukk*a Thho Tt'h*ijay Bu*ayk Uka*oot M*ay." U*e
Poi Kh'tha Tthahiyo / Khulkyo Mannh*oo / Mannh*oo U*e Kkays Chuyo, "Chhottu
Subhne Shuy'n Je U'mur M*oo Rukke Ahay Vehuhu Vehu Sal, So Ttokkay Bi Ddiy*a
Thho Vehu E Sal." Puru Mannh*oo Hikuthum Chuyo, " Ay Kk'tha, Judduh*itto Ihay
Subhaye Shuy*oo M'h*ijay Aram Lai Tthahiy*oo Ahin Ttu Poi M'h*ije U'mur Ttu
Inuhun Janvurun Kh*a K'jh Vuthdek H'junn Gh'rjay! M'h*ije U'mer K'jh' Ttu
Vuthdai Ttu Jee*u M*a K'jh' Ttu Digho S'kh' Mannay / M"' annay Sugh*a!" Kh'tha
Chuyo, "Tthek. Tt'h*ije U'mur Ja Veehu Salu Ttu Thhiya Tt'h*ija Puh*ija. Inuhun
Tinh*e J"anvurun ,Ja Sutth Salu Jaykay Bu*ayk M*ay Ahin Say Bi M*oo Kuya
Tt'h*ija. Haann Thhi*ay Kh'sh!" Mannh "'oo Hikuthum Sijthay M*ay Puije Chuyo,
"Tt'h*ije / Tt*'H*ije Vudde Muhirbane!." Ihoe Subub Ahay Jo Mannh*oo /
M*annh*oo Puh*ije Huyatteu Ja Puhiry*a Veehu Salu Puh*ije M*annh*oou Vare

Halim Brohe
Zinthuge G'zar"' etho Ahay. Poi Vehu Salu Gudduhu V"' agay Muhinutt Muzoore Kuray
Ghur Bbar Tthah"'etho / Jorr"' etho Ahay, Poi Uggla Vehu Salu K'ttay Jiy"' a Bhuoo
Bhuoo U"'ee Huoo Huoo Kuray Puh"' Jay Ghur U"'e Bbarun Je Hifazutt Kuntho Ahay,
U"'e Akhre Veehu Salu Banthur / Bholrray V"'angay Adda U' btta Kum Kuray ,•
Mann'h'n / M"'aannh'n Lai Khilu U"'e Tuhikun Jo Subub Thhe Puvuntho Ahay!
.. ·J
PUKHTTO, PUSHTTO: Kulachay Kh'tha Faisula U'kla Insan Thu Juorrovulo, Frishto
Ttuue H'k'm V'ko, "Ttaso Ttu Insan Thupara Kh' Kh' Chezna Jorr Kuay." The Ttolo Na
Mukhkay Khur Jorr Ko Raiv's. Furisstto Oay "Thava Thu Insan Bojh H'juttuve Insan
Thu Saman Bojhbu H'juttuve." Thugghayna Bath Firishtto Spay Jorr Ko Furishtto
U'ay Thu Vu Gghabe Thu Insan Hifazutt Vukue Thu Kor Hifazutt Vukue." Thugghayna
Bath Furishtto Shado Jorr Ko Raayvus Oayvay Thayva Vita Sethha Karoona Kue
Insan Bu Khunthue." Kh'tha Thriyovaro Janvurottu Oay, "M"'a Ttasottu Salkala U'mur
Thurko." Thriyo Varro Janvuro Oay Salekhkala U'mur Dayr Ziyath Thay. Tha Thu
Ttuklef Zinthuge Thu. S' Kumuku." Kh'tha Oay, "Ttaso Khuburu Munzooru Thu.
Istaso U'mur M"' a Shul Kalu M'kurur Ko, Pathay Shul Shulku U'mur M"' a Bu "' akay Kay
Khotho." Biya Kh'tha Insan Jorr Ko. Insan Ttuay Oay, "Istta U'mur M"' a Shilkala
M'kurur Ko." Insan Oay Shilkala Dayr Kum The. Thu Dayr Ku." Kh'tha Oay, "Istta 1

Khubra Munzoor Thu. Shulkala Istta Ukhpul The. Pathi Thu Janvuro Ispettokala
U'mur M"' a Ttala Thurko." Insan Oay, "Istta Dera Vata Muhirbane Thu." Tha Vuju
Tha Insan Lumbay Shulkala U'mur Insan Pushan Zinthuge Ttayrue, Thaynu Bath
Insan Shulkala U'mur Thu Khur Pushan Muzthoore Kue, Thaynu Bath Shulkalu Thuspe
Pushan Gghape Kor Sumbhalue, Akhre Shulkala Shatho Pushan U'lta Sethda Korona
Kue Khuluk Oporay.

MARVAkRE: Judday Kk'tha Sochio Tu M"'onus Binavo, Kk'tha Fristto No Ttaya Un

u'ono Kohyo, "M"' oo Pusunth Re Chez Bravo"'e. Ubhe "'u'oray Vasttay KAy Chez

Br"' ankay Lao." Fristta Guddo Br"'akay Laya. Kh'tha P'chhyo, "Ay Mo"' Nus Nay Ke K'm
Asay?" frisstt"' o Juvab Ddiyo, "Ay M"'ons"'o Ro Bar U'tthas"'ay Un M'safre M*ay
*u'oray K'm Asay. Kk'tha Guddi No Kohiyo, "M"' ay Ttaje U'mur Chales Vurus Ki." Guddi
Kohhyo, "Chales Vurus Muhinutt Kurun Na Ulae Gin*ain. K'tchh K'mttee Kur." Kk'tha
Kohyo, ithekay. Ttaje U'mur Bes Sal Kur"' e Un Baki Sal Ray Uka*oot M"' ay Rukk"'oe.
Kk'tha Frishttono Kohyo, "P"' oay Bbeje Chez Br"'akay Lao." Puchhay Frishtta K'tto
Br"'akay Laya. Kk'tha P'chhyo "Ay Mon*us Nay Ke Kam K'm Asay?" Frisstt"'o Kohyo,
"Ay Huoo Haoo Kurkay Insono Re Choukethare Kursay." Kk'tha K'ttay No Kohyo,
"M*oo Ttaje U'mur Chales Vurus Rukk"' e." K'ttay Kohyo, Chales Sal Huoo Haoo Kur"'un
Ulae Dd'kkaay, M"' oje U'mur K'jh K'mttee Kur." Kk'tha Kohyo,"Ttaje U'mur Bes Vurus
Kurkay Bake Bes Sa Bu "'ayk Uka"' oot M"' ay Rukk"' oe." Pucchhay Kk'tha Fristt"' ono
��hyo, " Bbeje Chez Br"' akay Lao." �uchhay Fristta Bonthrro Br*akay Loya. Kk'tho.
P'd,hyo," Ay Bonthrrro Athme Re Ke K'm Asay?" Fristt"'o Kohyo, "Ay "' otthda Pathra
Kur"'Kakaymons"' o No Husasay. Kk'tha Bonthrray No Kohhyo , "Ttaje U'mue Bes Sal
Ke Un Ttaje U'mur Ra Bake Bes Sa Bu "'aynk Uka"' oot M"' ay Rukka." Puchhay Kk'tha
M."' onis\Br"'
' ayo Un Oay No Kuho, "Ttaje U'mer Be Bejo Ddage Bes Sal Rukkeyay."
M*oris Kohyo, "Bes Sal U'mur Ulae K'mtteeu. Tt*ay Akka Jinavur M*ojay Vasttay
Br*aayai. M*oje Umur K'jh Vuthai." Kk'tha Kohyo, "Tthekay. Ttaje Bes Sal U'mur Ray
Bhayra J'ko Satth Sal Bu*ayk M*Rukkorai O Ttaja H'a." Aye· Batt Ay Ki Bes Sa!
Monus Inson Ddagi G'zarue. Bes Sal Bbeja Huoo Haoo Kurkay Ghur Sumbhalaye.
Akhri Ra Bes Sal Bonthrray Ddagi *otha Panthra Kurkay Apttay Mon*us Husavaye.

G'JRATTE: Jay Vkhtt Kh'thaay Manus Banavano Iratho Ketto, Kh'thaay

farishttaonay H'k'm Thitto Kay Ttumay Manuso Saro Sare Sare Chez*o Nay Bunao
Jo Inay Kam Avay Ano faitho Laye Sughay. Jay Vustto farishtao Buthay Kurtta
Puhila Banavay Ava Tto Kh'thaay Aym Nay S'val Ketto Ki A S*oo Vustto Bunave Nay
Ava Chho Unay Manus Nay Inathhe S*oo faitho )"hhasay? Farishttaoay Kithoo Ki A
Guthdoyro Chhay Jaykay Manus Kay Vustt*oono Bojh U'parvama Kam Aosay. Kh'thaay
Guthdayra Nay Kitho Ki M*ay Ttare U'mur Chales Vurus Rakke Chhay. Guthdayraay
Kitho Ki Chales Vurus Ne U'mur Ghune Say, Thhore Kum Kuretho. Kh'thaay
Guthdaranay Kitho Ki M*ay Ttare U'mer Ves Vurus Kure Kette Chhay Bake Ttare
U'mur Na Ves Vurus Bu*ayk Uka*out M*a Rakkeno. Beje Vustto Jay Furishttao
Bunavenay Ava Ttay K'ttro Utto Unay furishttaovay Kithoo Ki A Manus Nay Sumbhal
Kursay Unay Bh*oke Bh*onke Nay Ina Ghur Ne Sumbhal Kurs*ay. Kh'tha Kittronay
Kitho Ki M*ay Ttare U'mur Chales Vurus Rakke Chhay. K'ttroay Kitho Ki Chales Vurus
Ne U'mur Ghune Say. Thhore Kum Kuretho. Kh'thaay K'ttronay Kitho Ki M*ay Ttare
U'mur Ves Vurus Kure Kette Chhay Bake Ttare U'mur Na Ves Vurus Bu*ayk M*a
Rakheno. furishttaoay Ja Threje Vusttoo Bunave Lay Ava Ttay Banthro Hutto Jina
Saro Furishttaoay Kitho A Manus Nay Pottane Sume Unay Nasume Vatt*o Ne
Pottana Oopur Manus*o Nay H*usao Say. Kh'tha Banthronay Kitho Ki M*ay Ttare
U'mur Chales Vurus Rakke Chhay. Banthroay Kitho Ki Chales Vurus Ne U'mur Ghune
Say. Thhore Kum Kuretho. Kh'thaay Banthronay Kitho Ki M*ay Ttare U'mur Ves
Vurus Kure Kette Chhay Bake Ttare U'mur Na Ves Vurus Bu*ayk M*a Rakheno. Huvay
Kh'thaay Manus Bunao Unay U'mur Rakke Ves Vurus. Manusay Kithoo Ki A U'mur
Ghunej Kum Chhay E Sar*o Ki A Butha Jinavur Mara Saro Banava Chhay. Kk'thaay
Kitho, "Saro Chhay. Ttare Pottane U'mur Ves Vurus Thhue. Bake Na Sahaytth Vurus
Ki Bu*ayk M*a Jinavur*a Na E Bi Ttara Thhiya. A Saroo Chhay Ki Ves Vurus Manus
Pottane Zinthuge Vittavay Chhay. Beja Ves Vurus Guthdayra Ne Jim Kam Kurays. Ina
Puchhina Ves Vurus K'ttrana Jim Boom Mare Nay Ghur Ne Sumbhal Kuraysay.
Chhayla Ves Vurus Vanthdrana Jim Manus*onay Pottana Oopur Husavay Chhay.

[)HATKE: Juddh*a Kk'tha Marrhoo N*a Tthahinn Ro Phayslo Kuryo, Ttuddh*a Ooay
Apnnay furishtt*� N*a M*ugayo U*e Oo*a Na Kuhiyo Ki H*oo Apre Pusunth Re
Ruchna Kuray Ruhiyo Uh*a, Jikay Nan Kk'sh Rukkunn Ray Puga, K'chh Uhirryun Bbayje
Vusttooan Tthahay Ddiyo Jikay Ooayn *a Kuma*ay U*e Ooayn*a Kk'sh Rukk*ay.
furishtta Subh Kh*a Ugay Hayk Guddayhi Tthahay Layaya Tto Kk'tha P'chhiyo, "Ay
Kuhirray Kum Asay?" furishtt*a Kuhiyo, "Ay Insan Ro Bar Ghutasay U*e Ttuklef
Ghutasay U*e M'safre Ro Bar Bi Kkunnsay." Kk'tha Guddayhi Na Kuhiyo, "Ttin*a
Chales Vurs U'mur Ra Mils*ay." Guddayhi Kuhiyo , "Chales Vurs U'mur Ra Ttumam
Halim Brohe
Ghunna Ah*ay. �oo Idde U'mur K*e G'zares. M*ahijee U'mur Thhorre Ghut Kuro."
Kk'tha Kuhiyo, "Tthe: Uhay, Ttahije U'mur M*a Vees Vurus Katay J'tha Bu*ayk M*ay
Rukk*a Tto." Ooay Pt chhay Kk'tha Furishtt*a Na Kuhiyo, "Hum*ay Koe Bbejee Uhirre
Shuay Tthahay Dd1yo." Ttuddh*a Furishtta Hayk K'tto Tthahay Kkunt1ay Aya. Kk'tha
P'chhyo, "Ay Kayhirray Kum Asay?" Furishtt*a Kuhiyo, "Ay Marrhoo N*a Ooay Ray -
Vayry*a Kun*a Buchasay U*e Bhuoo Bhuoo Kuray Ghur U*ay Mal Re Sumbhal Kursay."
Kk'tha K'ttay N*c. Kuhiyo, "Ttahije U'mur Pinn Chales Vurs M'krur Kur*a Tto." K'ttay •
Kuhiyo, "Chales Vurs Ttumam Ghunna Uhen Ah*ay M*ahjay Lai Vuddo Robho Thhay
Purrsay." Ttuddih*a Kk'tha Kuhiyo, "Tthek Uhay, Ttahije U'mur Be Bes Vurs Ghut
Kur*a Tto U*e Bake Ttahija Bes Vurs Bu*ayk M*ay Rukk*a Tto." Puchhay Kk'tha
Furisht tan N*a Teje Shuay Tthahinn Lai Kuhiyo. Furishtta Hayk Vanur Tthahay
Kkunnay Aya. Kk'tha Ooayn*a Ddaykkay Kuhiyo, "Ay Ke Kkunne Aya Uho?" Furishtt*a
Kuhiyo, "Ay Mannhoo Re Thil Vinthrasay." Kk'tha Vanur N*a Chales Vurs U'mur Ra
Munzoor Kurya Ttay Vanur Uittraz Kuryo Ttu Kuhiyo, "Tthek Ahay. Ttaje U'mur Be
Bes Vurs Ghut Kurtto U*e Tt*aja Bake Bes Vurs Bu*ayk M*ay Rukk*a Tto. Oay
Puchhay Kk'tha Mannhoo N*a Tthahiyo U*e Ooe N*a Kuhiyo, "Ttahje U'mur Bbejan
S*a Surekke Kuray Ves Vurs M'krur Kur*a Tto." Mannhoo Uittraz Varyo U*e Kuhiyo,
"Juddh*a Tt*ay M*ah*ijay Kum Kurunn La Ay Bbeja Janvur Tthahiya Ah*ay Tto
Min*a Nundhke U'mur Ray Buthr*a Thhorree Dighe U'mur Dday Tto H*oo Oovay Ro
S'kk Manna." Kk'tha Kuhiyo, "Ves Vurus Tto H*oo Ddayvay Ch'ko A*a, Hum*ay Tinh*a
Junavur*a Ra Ves Ves Vurus Jikay Bu*ayk M*ay Piya Ah*oy O Ttahije U'mur M*ay
Jorr Kur*a Tto. Hum*ay Kk'sh?" Ttuddih*a Marrhoo Bbue Huthh Jorray Kuhiyo,
"Kk'tha, Ttahije Vudde Muhirbane." Aye Karunn Ahay Ki Mannhoo Subh Kin*a Puhir*e
Ves Vurs Apre u·mur Mana Mannhoo Re Zinthuge G'zaray Tto, Oay N*oo Puchhay
Guddayh Ddakkil Ooayre Ray Zinthuge G'zaray Tto, Ooay N*oo Puchhay Ves Vurus
K'ttay Ddakkil Apnnay Ghur U*e Mal Re Sumbhal Kurttay Bh*uoktto Ruhay Tto.
Puchharre M*ay Ves Vurus Vanur Ddakkil Zinthuge G'zaray Tto. Translation By J'umo
May*Ghvarr, Nindo Shaher, District Badin, Sinthd.

HINTHE: (To be revised by Hakeem Illahi Bux, if he perchance reads this) Jub
Kh'tha Nay Iratha Kiya Athme Bunan*ay Ka Tto U's Nay Furishtt*o Say Kuha,
"Mu*ay Upn*ay Pusunth Ke Chez Bunan*ay Ka Iratha Rukktta H*oo. Laykin Puhilay
Tt'm V's Kay S'kk, Aram, Uor l<"h'she Kay Liyay K'chh Chez*ay Buna Lao." Jo Chez
Furishttay Puhlay Buna Laay U'say Thaykk Kur Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Vay Kiyo Huay? Uor
Vay Athme Kay Kis Kam Aayga?" Furishtt*o Nay Kuha, "Vay Huay Guthda Jo Ki
Athme Kay Liyay U'ska Bojh Utthaayga Uor Sufur M*ay Athme Ka Upna Uor U'skay
Saman Ka Bojh U'tthaayga Ttaki Athme Ko Ttuklef Nu Ho." Kh'tha Nay Guthday Say
Kuha, "Tt'm Burray Kam Ke Chez Hogay, Isliyay H*um Nay Tt'mhare U'mur Ke Chales
Burus." Guthda Ron*ay Luga Uor Kuhin*ay Luga, "M*ay Tto Chales Burus Muhinutt
Muzoore Kurttay Tayrrha Phayrrha Hoja*ooga. Mayre U'mur K'chh Kum Kur." Kh'tha
N*ay Kuha, "Tthek. Tt'mhare U'mur Hum Nay Rukke Bes Sal, Laykin Tt'mhare U'mur
Kay Bake Bes Sal Humn*ay Rukkay Tt'mharaye Bu*ayk Uka*oot M*ay." Phir
Furishttay Ayk Uor Chez Bunalaay. Kh'tha Nay Poochha, "Vay Bhuoo Bhuoo Kurtte

Kiya Chez Bunalai Ho Tt'm?" Furishtt*o Nay Kuha, "Yay Huay K'tta. Yay Bhuco Bhuoo
Uor Huoohuoo Kurkay Ttayray Bunaay H'ay Athme Ke, U'skay Bal Buch*o Ke, -Uskay
Ghur Ghat Ke, Uor U'ske Milkiyutt Ke Hifazutt Kurayga." Kh'tha Nay K'ttay Say
Kuha, "Tt'm Bhe Kam Ke Chez Ho. So Tt'mhare U'mur Bhe Hum Nay Ke Chales Burus."
K'ttay Nay Ghubrakur Kuha, "O' Kh'tha, Chales Burus Ttuk Huoo Hoo Uor Bhuoo Bhoo
Kurttay Mu*ay Tto Toot Phoot Ja*ooga! Ho Nuh*e Suktta Ki Mayre U'mur Ttoo
K'chh Kum Kurthay!" Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Ttayre U'mur Bhe Kurthe Humn*ay Bes He
Burus, Laykin Ttayre U'mur Kay Bake Bes Burus Bhi Gudhay Ke U'mur Ke Tturuh
Humna*ay Ttaray Bu*ayk Uka*oot M*ay Rukh Thiyay." Ub Jo Chez Furishttay Buna
Laay U'say Thaykh Kur Kh'tha N*ay Hayrutt Say Poochha, "Yay Kiyo Chez Buna Lai
Ho Tt'm Log?" Furisht*o Nay Kuha, "Yay Huay Bunthur. Burray Kumal Ke Chez Huay .
.Yay Upn*e U'lte Sethde Hurkutt*o Uor Ulte Sethde Sumujh Say Ttayre Bunae H'e
Chez Athme Ko Hurvuktt Husatta Ruhayga." Jub Kh'tha Nay Bunthur Say Kuha,
"Tt'mhare U'mur Bhe Hum Nay Rukke Chales Burus," Tto Bunthur N*ay Ro Kur Kuhaj
"U'lte Sethde Hurkutt*ay Kurttay Ruhn*a Uor U'lta Sethda Sochttay Ruhina, Uor Vo
Bhe Chales Burus! Yay Ziyathutte Hogi. Mayre U'mur Bhe K'chh Kum Kur." Kh'tha Nay
Kuha, "Tthek. Tt'mhare U'mur Bhe H'e Bes Sal Uor Tt'mhare U'mur Kay Bake Bes
Burus Tt'mharay Bu*ayk Uka*oot May Rukkay Guay." Uor Kh'tha Nay Phir Bunaya
Athme Uor U'say Kuha, "Ttayre U'mur Bhi Hum N*ay Rukke Bes Sal Jo In Sub
Janvur*o Ke Bhe Hogi." Athme Nay Girrgrra Kur Kuha, "Yay Sub Janvur Tto
Ttoon*ay Bunaay H*uay Mayray Liyay, Tto Mayre U'mur Tto Ziyatha Hone Chahiyay
Ttaki Mu*ay Zinthuge Ka Muzo Tto L*oo!" Kh'tha Nay Kuha, "Bes Burus Ttaray Tto
Hum N*ay Tt'jhay Thay Thiyay. Bu*ayk Aka*oot*o M*ay Jo In Tten*o Janvur*o Kay
Satth Sal Purray Hu*ay Vo Bhe Hum N*ay Tt'jhay Thay Thiyay. Ub Kh'sh?" Athme
Nay Kuha, "Ttayre Burro Uhisan, Ay Kh'tha!"
Yay He Vuju Huay Ki Athme Upn*e Zinthuge Kay Puhilay Bes Burus Upn*e Athme Ke
Zinthuge G'zartta Huay, Phir Uglay Bes Burs Guthday Ke Tturuh Muhinutt Muzoore
Kurtta Huay, Phir Uglay Bes Burs K'ttay Ke Tturuh Bhuoo Bhuoo Uor Huoo Huoo
Kurkay Upnay Ghurbar Uor Beve Buch*o Ke Hifazutt Kurtta Huay, Uor Akhre Bes
Burs Bunthur Ke Tturuh Upne U'lte Sethde Hurkutt*o Uor U'ltay Sethday Kam*o
Say Upnay Ap Pur Athme Hus*atta Huay.
Courtesy M. Akram, M�nager_ Ddiyulthas Club, Hyderabad Sinthd.

SIRAIKE: Juddih*u Kh'tha K*oo Khiyal Thhiya Insan Tthah*inn Tha, Ttu U'n*uheu
Furishtty*a K*oo Aakhya, "M*uay Upnnay Pusunth The Shuay Insan Piya
Tthahaynthiyahim. Hunn'tt'sauhirry*a Shuy*a Tthah Ucho Jaykay Unuh*ethay Kum
Avun." Puhr*e Shuay Jayka' Furishttay Tthah Aay, Ttu Kh'tha P'chhya, "Ay Kiya Huay
U*e Iha Insan Thay Kuhirray Kum Ase?" Furishtty*a Akkya, " Ay Gudduh Hay U*e
He Insan Tha Bachaayse U*e Unuheeuthat Sufur Vich Kum A�." Kh'tha Gudduh K*oo
Akkhya, "Ttaydde U'mur M*uay Chalehu Sal Rukkeay." Gudduh Akkya, "Chalehu Sal
Bar Chavunn Lai Ghunnay Hin. Maydde U'mur K'jh Ghut Kur." Kk'tha Akkya, "M*uay
Ttaydde U'mur Veehu Sal Kettee U*e Ttaydde U'mur Thay Bake Vehu Sal M*Yay
Rukk*ayntha H*a Bu*ayk Vich." Poi Judduh*u Furishttay Bbe Shuay Tthah Cha Ayay,
Halim Brohe
Kh'tha P'chhiya, "Ay Kiya Huay U*e Insan Thay Kuhirray Kum Ase?" Furishttiy"a
Akkya, "Ay K'tta Hay U*e Bhuoo Bhuoo Kur Insan The U*e U'nuheu Thay Mal Mutta
The Hifazutt Kurayse." Kh'tha Kk'ttay Kn*oo Akkya, "Ttaydde U'mur Mu*ay Chalehu
Sal Kette." K'ttay Akkya, "Chalehu Salu Bhuoo Bhuoo Kunthay Ghur Thay Bbahr*oo
Chukur Marunn Dd'kkya Kum Huay. Maydde U'mur K'jh Ghut Kur." Kh'tha Akkya,
"Ttaydde U'mur Bhe Mu*ay Rukke Vehu Sal U*e Bake Tt'sadde U'mur Thay Veehu Sal
Mu*ay Rukkyay Bu*ayk Vich." Pich*ay Jayka Shuay Furishttay Tthah Aay Ttuh*ik*oo
Ddaykk Kk'tha Akkya, "Ay Vul Kiyg Tthah Aay Ho!" Furishttiy"a Akkya, "Ay Banthur
Ay. Ay Upnne Addy*a U'btty*a Hurhutt*a Kur Upnnay Ap Ttay Insan K*oo Kkilais*e."
Kh'tha Banthur K*oo Aakkya, "Ttaydde U'mur Bi M*ay Chaleh Sal Kette." Banthur:. Ro
Dditta U*e Akkya, "Chalehu Sal Addy*a U'bttiy*a Hurkutt"a Kur Upnna Apttay
Insan K"oo Kkilavunn B'chhrra Kum Huay. Maydde U'mur Bi K'jh Ghut Kur." Kk'tha
Akkyo, "Ttaydde U'mur Bi Mu*ay Veeh Sal Keett� U*e Bake Ttaydday Veehu Sal
Mu*ay Bank Vich Rukkiyay." U*e Pichhay Kk'tha Tthahiya Insan Juh*ik"oo Akkyu*e,
"Ttaydde U'mur Bi Bbiyun Janvury*a Thay Hisab Nal Mu*ay Rukke Veehu Sal." Insan
Akkya, "Ay Sub Janvur Tt*uay Mayday Aram Lai Tthahayhin. Ttu Inhun Kunno
Maydde U'mur Ttu Vudde Kur." Kk'tha Akkya, "Tthek. Ttadday Vehu Sal Ttu Mu*ay
Ugg E Ttayk*oo Dday Chhorryay. Inhiy*a Janvur*a Thiy*a Bua*K Vich Piyul U'mr*a
Bi Ttayddiy*a Thhiy*a. H'nnay Kh'sh!" H'nnay Ihoe Subub Huay Jo Insan Puhlay
Veehu Sal Insan Upnne Zinthuge G'zar*etha Hay, U'nhe Kunno Pichhay Veehu Sal
Gudduh Vale Zinthuge G'zar*Tha Hua, Unhe Kunno Pichhay Veehu Sal K'ttay Vale
Zinthuge G'zar*etha Huay, U*e Sub Kunno Akkre Vehu Sal Banthur Vale Zinthuge
G'zar*etha Huay.

PUNJABE / P*UJABE: Jith*oo Kh'tha Nay Faysla Ketta Athme N*oo Bun*ann Tho,
Tto U'na Nay Frish*iny*oo Akkya, "Jo Shuay M*u*ay Bunnona Chantha Ay Othay Lue
Ch*Gy*a Ch*ungy*a Chez*an Bunao. Subtto Puhilay Shuay Jo Frishay Buna Kay Lay A
Ay Vo Khotta Se. Kh'tha Akkya. "Ay Athme Thay Kuhirray Kum Ao"Nna?" Frish*a
Nay Juvab Thitta Kay, "Ay Athme Tho Vuzun Ch'kay Ga, Thoosra U'noo Suvare Thay
Kum Aayga." Kh'tha Nay Kottay N*oon Akkya, "M*ay Ttere U'mur Chales Sal Rukke."
Khottay Nay Juvab Thittaa, "Kum Kurunn Chi Chales Sal B'h'tt Ziyatha Ay. Muhibane
Kurkay Mayre U'mur Ghut Karo." Kh'tha Nay Khottay N*oo Akkya, "Tthek. Ttayre
U'mur Ve Sal Kur Thitte. Bake Juhirray Ve Sal Nay U*oo Ni"'"ay Bu*ayk Vitch Rukh
Thitta Nay." Phir Frish*a Th'bara Jayrre Shuay Bunnakay Lay Aay O Th'rayse
(K'tta), Hor Frish*a Akkya Ki, "Ay Athme The Bh*onkay Hifazutt Kurayga, Othay
Soman The Rukkvale Kuroo Hor Othay Ghur The Rukkvale Kurooga." Kh'tha Th'ray
N*oo Akkya, "Ttayre Umur Be Chales Sal Rukkee Ay." Th'ray N*ay Akkya Ki, "Chales
Sal Bhoknna B'h'tt M'shk'I Ay. Muhirbani Kurkay Mayre U'mur K'tch Katatho." Kh'tha
Akkya , "Ttere U'mur Ve Ve Sal Kur Thitti. Bake Ttay Juhirray Ve Sa Ay O Bua*Nk
Vitch Thittay." Ttesre Shuay Jerre Frishiy*a Lay A*Nthe, Vo Banthur Se Jay Thay
Le Frishiy*a Akkya "Ay Upnnay U'lty*a Sithy*a Hurkutt*a Nal Loga*oo Upnnay
U'ttay Huso Ayga.". Kh'tha Nay Aythe U'mur Bhe Ve Sal Rukkee Hor Ver Sal Bua*Yk
M*ay Rukk Thitte. Itth*oo Bath Kh'tha Athme N*oo Bunnaya Hor Athme N*oo
Akkya , "Ttayre U'mur Ve Sal Rukke." Athme Nay Shor Muchaya Ki Ay Sariy*an
_Ches*a Maray Liyay Bannaya Ay Hor Mayre U'mur Ini Chhote Rukkee Huay!
Muhirbane Kurkay Mayre U'mur Vude Kuro Ttaki M*ay Zinthuge Thay Muza Lay
Suk*a." Kh'tha Nay Athme N*oo Akky:i Ki, "Ve Sal Tto Ttaray H'ay E. Bake Jayrray
' Sutth Sal Bua*K Vitch Janvur*an They A*a Vo Bhe Ttayn*oo Thittay." Aoe Vuju Ay
Ki Athme Puhlay Ve Sal Ttay Upnnee Zinthuge G'zartta Huay, Thoosray Ve Sal
Khottay V*ang*oo Kum Kurtha Huay, Ttesray Ve Sal Shor Mutchakay Parray Vitch
K'ttay V(V)Ang*ay Bhuoktta Huay, Hor Akhre Ve Sal Banthur V*agoo Hurkutt*a
Kurtta Ay Uor Mohulay Val*o N*oo Hus*a Tha Huay. M. Akram, Manager Ddiyulthas
Club, Saddar, Hyderabad Sinthd.

HINTHKO: Juth*o Nay Faysila Keta Bunthay Bunannay Tha, Furishtta Nay
U'nanany Kiya, "Bunthay Vusay Utchay Say Utchhe Shuay Bunnakay Laykay A." Sub
Say Puhilay Jayko Shuay Laykay Ayay rurishttay Vo Aya Kkotta. Kh'tha Nay Suval
Ketta Ki Ay Kkotta Insan Thay Kuhirray Kum Asukthaya? Furishttiy*anay Juvab
Thitta Se Ay Khtta Saman Bi U'tthase Uor Sufur Vitch Kum Ase. Th'e Shuay Jay
Furishtty*Nay Bunaeay Oshuay Vay K'tta. Kh'tha Nay Suval Ketta Ay K'tta Insan
,,. Thay Kuhirray Kum Ase? Furishtt*anay Juvab Thitta Ay K'tta Vufathat Ay, Upnay
Malik They Kum *atha Uor Sara Thin Bhonktha Ruhintha Huay. Kh'tha Nay Kiya
Muanay Tv*avothe U'mur Chale Chale Sal Rukkeay. Trano Janvur*an*ay Shor
Muchuchayaya Ki Chale Sal M'sh'k'tt Kay Bohott Hay. Muhirbane Kurkay K'tchh Ghut
Kuro. Kh'tha Nay Kiya Tthek Huay, Mu*ay Tt'vade U'm'mur Ve Ve Sal Kettee Ay. Bake
Vuttchay Sal Vo Muan*ay Bu*ank Vitch Jumu Kur Chhorray. Pictcho Furishttay Ik
Banthur Bunnakay Laykaya Ayay Uor Kh'tha N*oo Kiyo Ay Banthur U'lttaay s;thday
Kum Kursun U*e Ujeb Ujeb Hurkutt*a Kursun Bunthay Thaykhay Ina*ooo Hus'n.
Kh'tha Nay Banthur The U'mur Ve Sal Rukke Bake Theay Ve Sal Bu*ak Chorre. Picho
Kh'tha Nay Bananaya Insan Noo , Kiyas Ki Munay Tere U'mur Bunaeay Ve Sal. Insan
Nay Kiya Kay Ay Sub Chez*a Mayray Vasay Bunnuaya, U'n*a The U'mur Ve Sal Uor
Mare U'mur Ve? Mare U'mur Vuthdao Ma*ay Aram Kurna. Kh'tha Nay Kiya Puhilay
M*ay M*a)Ny Ttan*oo Jo U'mur Thitte Huay O Tto Puhlay G'zar. Bath Vitch Guthday
Vale U'mur Thay Butchay Hu'ay Ve Sal G'zar. Bath Vitch K'ttay Val Ve Sal G'zar. U's
Thay Bath Bunthur Thay Ve Sal G'zar. Kh'tha Kiya, "Ve Sal Ttaray U*e Sutth Sal
In*a Janvur*a Thay Sub Ttayray H'ay, H'nn' Kh'sh?" Aye Sububijo Insan Upnnay Ve
Sal Uhlay G'zaray, Vutt Ve Sal Guthday Thay Gzaray, Vutt Ve Sal K'ttay Thay
G'zaary, Akkre Veh Sal Banthur Thay G'zaray U*ebanthur V*agay Hurkutt*a Kuray
U*e Buntha H*usavay.

FARSE: Kh'thavunthay Alam Faysla Kurth Insan Ra Vuraay Jor Kurthun Una
furishttaru Guftt, "Sh'mo Bbukhshay Insan Kh'b Kh' Chez*a Jor Khunayn". Uz
Ttumam Uvul Furishttu .Dur In Th'nya Khuru Jor Kurtha Uool. Kh'thavunth G'ftt, "Ee
Khur Buraay Insan Che Kar Mithiya?" Furishtta G'ftt, "Ee Khur Bojay Insan Ra
Balm'na Burae Suvare Insan'n Khar Methiiya." Thoim Chez Thur In Juhan Jor Kurthu
Ourth Vob't Suk. Kh'tha G'ftt, "Ye Suk Chekar Methiya Thur In Juhan?" Furishttu
Halim Brahe

G'ftt, "E Suk Thur In Juhan Khayle Karmithyu Khuoo Khuoo Uze Insan Ra Hifazutt
Milaom'shna Uor Khanay Insan'm Hifazutt She M'shna." Say'm Chez Thur In Juhan
Furishtta Jor Kurtha Ouooth V'b'tt Bizo. Kh'thavunthi Alum G'ff, "E Bizo Che Kar
Mithya Thur In Juhan?" Furishtta G'ftt, "E Bizo U'lta Sethda Hurkuttai Khoo
Murth'm Ra Buray Kh'th Khunthu Methiyu. Thega Khoche Yuk Muzakh Jor M'sha."
Kh'tha G'ftt Arsay Janvur Ra, "M*a Arsay Sh'mora U'mrai Sh'mora Chhil Chhil Sal
M'krur Kurth'm." Janvur G'ftt, "Kh'thavunth, Chhil Sal Thur In Juhan Buray Muhinutt
Kurthun Khle Zitha. U'mrai Mora Khum Zuro Khum Khoo." Kh'tha G'ftt, "Furyath
Sh'mora Munzoor Kurthom U'mrai Sh'mora Bestt Bestt Sal M'kurur Kurth'm. Thega
U'muri Sh'mora Bestt Bestt Sal Ra Thur Bu*ak Ayshttum." Kh'tha Ale Jor Kuthu
Insan Ra. Insan Ra G'ftt U'muri Sh'mora Bestt Sal M'kurur Kurth'm." Insan G'ftt,
"Bestt Sal Khayle Kuma Kh'th Sh'mo In Janvur Ra Buraimu, Jor Kurthin. U'muri
Uzmura Uz Janvur Kuthl.! Ziyath Kunin." Kh'tha G'ftt, "Umuri Sh'mo Bestt Sal
Kemathuth'm Who Kho Iz Sh'moya. Oora Sh'mo Tthayr Kunin. Bestt Sali Khuru Sh'mo
Ru Thuth'm. Bestt Sali Sugra Sh'morathuth'm. Akhre Umuri Bizora Bestt Sal She
Sh'mo Ruthuth'm. Ale Sh'mo Kh'sh Sh'thin?" Ume Vujuya Khe Insan Bestt Sal Ra
Thur Insaniyutt Thayr M'na. Uzoo Bath Bestt Sal Ra Mislay Khur Thayr M'na. Uzoo
Bath Bestt Sal Ra Mislay Suk Thayr M'na. Akhre Bestt Sal Ra Misli Bizo Thayr M'na.

BALOCHI: H'za Murthum Tthagghay Faysla K'za. H'za Mulaikay Ru G*'Va Junthha,
Huma*ay Ru G'shttu*e, "Ay Murthum M*Tthaiza Hum*ay Kuna J*oy Chez*a Tthahay
Biyaray." K'layze Payshe <;hez Mulaika Tthayzo Arthha Hum*a*e Kuna Mulaika
G'shtta; "Ay Gudduhi Ushttay U*ay I�h Murthumay Bara Zere." G'dde Th'me Chez
Mulaika Arthha Hum*ae G'shttay, "Ish B*eg Ay Bhu*oo Bhu*oo Khunay Murthum
U*ay Huma*a*u Milkiyuttuay Hifazutt Khune." Suhime Chez Mulaika Tthahay Tho
Arthha Hum*ae Kuna G'shtt*ay, "Ish Banthur Ashtt*ay Ay Vuze U'btt*ay S'btt*ay
Hurkutt*ay Sububu Vuz Chuku Khulku Kh*Gain." H'za H'k'm Kh'za Chuay S*uay
Janvurunay U'mur M*oo Chil Chil Vuruhu M'kurur K'za. S*uay Vurihu Chhil Chhil Uzab
Vulain Zinthuge Vaz*ay. Muay U'mra Ghutain Uthd Kur. H'za Gus �ta, "Tthek*ay. M*oo
Chhuay U'mur Ghuta*ethho Jest Vurus Kh'tha. Chuay Suay*ay Jo Geshtt Vurus
Bujgiggh*o H*Va M*o Bu*ayk Unthra Ayr Kunthhv*o. Ne H'za Murthum Tthahetha
Hu*aeu Bi U'mur Ayr Kunthhue Jest Vurihu. Murthum Uittraz Kh'za G'shttue "Jestt
Vurus Khuminay Muay U'mura Vuthdain B!>*en*ea Kur." H'za G'shtta Thhue Jestt
Vurs Thhue Bizhv*oo, Janvur*ay Vul*ay Bank Vichu Ayr Chhazthu Vuru Bu Thhue
Bizro." Ay Sububay Kay Murthum Payshe Jestt Vurihu Insan Vul*ain Zinthuge
G'zarnay. Thoome Jestt Vurihu Gudduhi Kurega Muzthoore Khunugg*ay, Sayv*e
Jestt Vurus B*eg Kuregghu Bh*oo Bh*oo Kh'zo Vuze Logghu Sumbhal Gg*ay. Akhre
Jestt Vurus Bandur Kurega Ubtt*ay Subtt*ay Hurkutt*a Khuzo G'zarg*ay.

BRAHVE, BRAH'E, BROHE: Kh'tha Aravukhtta Faysla Kuray Kay Bunthugghay Jorr
Kayu, Tta Kh'tha Mulaika Ttay Ttaynayska But*inga Ofttay Paray Kay E Bunthugghus
Jorr Kavu N'm Orrkay Kunay M'sgirra Jorr Kubo Ayttbo. Mulaikak Huravukhtta Usay
Girras Jor Kurayr Ays'r, Kh'tha Ofttiyan Hurufay Kay Tha Unttusay, Alo Tta
Bunthugghna Untt Karaym Te Buro? Mulaikak Parayr Kay Tha Beshusay Alo 0
Bunthugghna Sufur Te Olakh O Budd,,� Hufoi. Kh'tha Beshay Paray Kay E Na U'muray
Chhil Sal M'kurur Kavu Beshu Ogha Frath Kuray Paray Kay Chhil Sal Tto Muhinutt
Kay Bhazo N'm Humokan Kun*a U'mray Grras Muchit Kubo. Kh'tha Beshay Pary Kay E
Na U'mray Bestt Sal M'krur Kurayt Alo Na U'mur Na Baki Bestt Sali N'ma Bu*ayk
lJka*out Te Ttikhat. Mulaikak Vultha Huratt'm Kay Alo Girrai Jorr Kurayr Ays'r Ttu
Kh'tha Ofttyan Hurufay Tha Unttusay Alo Tha Bunthugghna Ura Karaymute Buroi?
Mulaikak Parayr Kay Tho K'chuksay Alo Tho Bunthugghna Vu Ona Orona
Hifazutti/Sumai Kuroi Alo Saliyanun Ona Orona Tham*o Haym*on Vukisa Sumai Kuro.
Kh'tha K'chuki Paray Kay E Na U'mray Chhil Sal M'krur Kurayt. K'chuk !3oy Furyath
Kuray Paray Kay Chhil Sal Chuokithare Kur*igna Bhazo Kuna U'mray Hum Girras
Muchit Kubo. Kh'tha Paray Kay E Na U'mraym Bestt Sal Ttikhat Alo Na Bake Bestt
Sali N'ma Bu*ayk Uka*out Te Tikhat. Mulaikak Vultha Urattum Kay M'sitimeko Girrai
Jorr Kurayr Ays'r Ttu Kh'tha Ofttiyan Hurfay Kay Tha Untu Say Alo Tho
Bunthugghna Urakaraymte Buroi? Mulaikak Parayr Kay Tho Bholoo Say Alo Tha
Chupe Rastteo Hurkutt/Karaym Kuroi Ttayna Zeeha Bunthu�ghattay Mukhufo.
Kh'tha Bholooay Paray Kay Na U'mray Hum Chhil Sal M'krur Kurayt. Bholoo Hoggha
Furyath Kuray Paray Kay Chhil Sal Kunkay Chupe Rastteo Karaym Kun*ig Bhazay.
Kh'tha Paray J'van Na U'mraym Alofttiy*an Bar Bestt Sal M'krur Kurayt Alo Na
U'mur Na Bake Bestt Sal Na Bu*ayk Uka*out �e Tikhat. Ofttyan Puth Kh'tha
Bunthugghay Jorr Kuray Othay Paray Kay E Na U'muri Bestt Sal M'krur Kayvu.
Bunthuggh Paray Kay Tho Kh'lay Girrattay Kunkay Jorr Kurays Humo Kuray Kuna
U'mray Ttu Bhul'n kur. Kh'tha Bunthugghay ?aray Kay Bestt Sal Ttu Na Ttana Mus'r
Alo Urakay Shustt Sal Bu*ayk Uka*out Te Janvura Tta Ttikhoko Humofkutn Na
Mus'r. Bunthuggh Paray, "Ay Kuna Kh'tha, Na Bhaz Bhaz Muhirbani!" Humo Kuray
Bunthuggh Ttayna Uvleko Bestt Sali Bunthugh*a Ba Githrayfik, Orran Puth Bestt
Sali Beshan Bar Muhinutt Muzoryut Githrayfik, Okon Puthna Bestt Salay K'chukan
Bar Gghukaysa Orona Ttayna Sumaay Kayk, Alo Puthna Bestt Salay Bholoo*a Bar
Nuchsa Chupe Rast te Mursa Ttayna Zeh a Bunthuggha Ttay Mukhufisa Ttena
Zinthueay Githrayfik.

Hindi: English:
0 bhae O brother
Zura thaykk kay chulo! Watch your steps!
Ay bhae! You brother!
Zuro Thaykk Kay Chulo! Watch your steps!
Agay He Nuh*e Not only ahead
Petchhay Bhe! Also the traversed ones!
Tha*ay He Nuh*e Not the ones on the right only
Ba*ay Bhe! The ones on the left also!
Ooper He Nuh*e Not only aloft
Netchay Bhe! Beneath Down below also!

Halim Brohe
Hay bhae! 0 brother!
Ttoo Juh*a Aya Huay The place you have come to
Vo Ttayra Is your
Ghur Nuh*e, Neither home
Guli Nuh*e, Nor lane
Ga*o Nuh*e, Nor village
Kootcha Nuh*e, Nor neighborhood
Bustte Nuh*e, Nor settlement
Rastta Nuh*e, · Nor a path either
Th'ny*a Huay! This is world!
Uor Piyaray, And dear,
Th'nya Yay This world
Surkus Huay! Is a circus!
Uor Surkus M*ay And in the drcus
Kkuray Ko Bhe Real too
Khotay Ko Bhe, Fake also;
Chhotay Ko Bhe Younger too
Burray Ko Bhe, Older also;
Guthday Ko Bhe Donkey also
Ghorray Ko Bhe, Horse also;
Motay Ko Bhe Obese too
Th'blay Ko Bhe, Skinny also,
Oopur Say Netchay Ko From above to beneath
Uor Netchay Say Oopur Ko, And beneath to above
Ana Jana Purrtta Huay! Keep moving to and fro!
And at the stroke of the whip �-
Uor R*ig Master Kay Korray Pur
Ghorra Jo Bhook Huay The horse that is hunger
Ghorra Jo Puaysa Huay The horse that is money
Ghorra Jo Kismutt Huay - The horse that is destiny
Tturuh Tturuh Natch Kay Dances to the encores for
Thikkana Purrtta Huay! A variety of tunes!
Bar Bar Rona Uor Gana To cry over and sing again
Yuh*a Purrtta Huay .. Or else!
Hero Say Jokur Bunjana From hero to joker
Yuh*a Purrtta Huay! He has to act, or else!
Ay Bhae! 0 brother!
Biphurnay Say Why fear
Durtta Huay Kiy*oo! Loosing your moorings!
Murnay Say Of death
Durtta Huay Kiy*oo! Why are you scared!
Tthokur Nu Jub Ttuk Kkaayga, Until! you stumble
Uor Kise Gghum Ko And come across a grief
Nu Chukur Kkilaayga, And forget that with grnce,

Zinthuge Huay Chez Kiyo What is life for
Nuh*e Jan Paayga! You won't!
Rotta H'va Aya Huay, Wailing You arrived,
Rotta Chula Jaayga! And wailing you wi II depart!
Ay bhae! 0 brother!
Ay Bhae! 0 brother!
r Kiya Huay Kurishma What miracle is this
Kuaysa Kki Ivar Huay What a charade is all this
Up Up! Up up!
Janvur Athme Say �nimal compared to man
Ziyathu Vufathar Huay! Is more siricere!
Kkatta Huay Korra Bhe Despite the lashes of whip
Ruhitta Huay Bhooka Bhe, Despite hunger
Phir Bhe Vo Malik Pay He doesn't attack
Kurtta Nuh*e Var Huay! His master!
Uor Insan M*ay! And Man!
Mal Jis Ka Kkatta Huay, Whose bread he eats
Piyar Jis Say Patta Huay, Whose love he gets
Gett Jis Kay Gatta Huay, Whose praise he sings
U' s Kay He Senay M*ay In his heart he
Gh*ooptta Kutar Huay! Pierces the dagger!
Ay bhae! 0 brother!
� H*'l Babu Yes brother
Vay Surkus Huay! This is circus!
Sho Tten Ghuntay Ka! Lasting three hours!
Puhila Ghunta Buchpun Huay, First hour is childhood,
Thoosra Juvane Huay, The second is youth,
Ttesra B' rrhapa Huay! The third is old age!
Uor U's Kay Bath! And thereofter!
Ma* Nuh*e, Bap Nuh*e! Neither mother, nor father!
Bayta Nuh*e Bayte Nuh*e! Neither son nor daughter!
Ttoo Nuh*e, Vay Nuh*e, Vo Nuh*e! Neither you nor me!
K'tchh Bhe Nuh*e Ru�itta Huay! Nothing remains!
Ay bhae! 0 brother!
Ruhitta Huay Jo K'tchh Vo All that is left is
Khale Khale K'rsiy*a Hu*ay Vacant chairs
Khale Khale Tt*uboo Huay! Abandoned Tent!
� Khale Khale Ghayra Huay! Vacant circle!
Jen*a Chirrya Ka Busayra Huay It is " sparrow's life

Nu Ttayra Huay Nu Mayra Huay! Neither your nor mine!
H*a Bhae! Yes brother!


Halim Brahe
Next editior,: -. . ,,

An Improved Version bf <¥Me Will Be Issued on April 01, 2005. I Don't Like
Them, The Dates. These Come After Each Other and Make Me wait For
the Next One. Already On Paxil, It Kills Me to Wait for the Next Date.
But Who Cares For Us Anxiety Prone People!

Halim Brohe
Sunday, February 20, 2005

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