Orientation Meeting

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The 10 learnings I’ve acquired in our orientation training on accounting research methods are:

1.Vision of CSU. CSU is a University with global stature in the arts, culture, agriculture and fisheries, the
sciences as well as technological and professional fields. Through this vision, we should be focused in
targeting our desired destination.

2. Mission of CSU. CSU shall produce globally competent graduates through excellent instruction,
innovative and creative research, responsive public service and productive industry and community
engagement. This must be living in our whole persona to step forward in betterment

3.Core Values of CSU are Competence, Social Responsibility, and Unifying presence. This is the root of us
that should be lived by

4.Philippines is the largest BPO industry in the world. Hence, we could have a big opportunity.

5. Philippines has the largest accounting work that accepts outsource activities in the world. It is a big
advantage for us who wants to be a CPA for we can provide outsource services.

6. The qualities that a researcher must possess are change maker, value creator, responsible, innovator,
lifelong learner, and advocate of transformation for excellence.

7. accountancy is one of the hardest profession to get into heaven that is why it takes patientce and
courage to taste that sweet feeling of success.

8. Accountants must possess honesty and integrity in order to be credible. We shouldn’t tarnish the
license we’ve worked for.

9. Accounting research method is intended for us to have a strong foundation in the conceptualization
and operationalization of research, how to design a research project, and hands on skills in the
utilization of the wide range of research methods.

10. Research skill is a fundamental asset for accountants. Accountants mustn’t be confined into a box
and research is one of those instances that opens another window of opportunity to them.

On the other hand, the various things that I didn’t know before but come to know now are; the quote
“We begin with an end in mind” which means that to be a highly effective person, we should think about
the end; we have chances to work in other countries without leaving our family; HR activities are done in
the Philippines; vision without mission is just an ambition; accountancy is the profession that will bring
me to heaven; entering into heaven is like a camel entering the needle; when working in excellence, it
brings happiness; I will uplift Philippines by being good in my profession; our mission is greater than
ourselves; like a diamond, we glitter when we are cut; like a real gold, we are melted by a fire;
accountants are elevated into higher grounds of work which are the consultancy services; accountants
are by nature a support function; Global stature mean is to be recognized in every part of the world;

Meanwhile, my realizations and insights from the orientation meeting are that I should know the vision
and mission of CSU because I’m a part of the ultimate goal of the university; the bpo industry can gave
me an opportunity in outsource service; I need to have mission to be globally competitive in my future
professional work; being a cpa is my mission to upgrade our family’s condition; everyday is a challenge
of honesty and integrity; I want to become a cpa to have an impact to the society and an instrument of
God; I need to work in excellence because it’s God’s handwriting; I was born winner for I was chosen; my
difficulties are my blessing in disguise; to never give up in my mission; to be an advocate of
transformation for excellence; I need to listen in whatever point of view;

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