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9 Review

1 Complete the sentences with with a/an, the or 0 {zero S Work. in pairs. Practise the dialogue in exercise 4.

6 Find four items on the shoppíng líst that are in the
Have you ever had ( 1) __ problem finding (2) __ the wrong container.
right birthday present for (3) __ friendsr Have you ever

spent (4) __ hours at (S) __ shops onty - to retum
with (6) __ empty bag and (7) __ growlng sense of
- the
(8) __ frustncionf lf so. (9) __ internet is ( 1 O) __ the
only place to go.

2 Complete the sentences with sorne or any.

Type 'weird gifts' into (1) any search engine on the

intemet. and you'II find (2) __ reatly original ideas.At

(3) __ sites, üke, you won't find (4) __ any
normal ideas at atl. But you will certainty find (5) __ oí some
the strangest gifts on the net. Even if yot1r friend doesn't
actually need (6) __ of these thingi, they may find

(7) __ of them quite amusing.

3 Choose the best way to complete the text.

How about buying a plece of land on the moon! There

are ( 1) lou o( f too much online shops that have moon

prope� oo offer. lt doesn't cost (2) many I much (about

SI S ), and there are (3) mudt I plenty ofpeople who are

7 Complete the definitions 1-7 with the phrases a-g.
happy to p.ay.

Unfortunately, (4) f
ew f lirrle of them will ever get the I A discounl is b 5 A shoplifler is d
chance to visit thelr property. 2 A high street is g 6 A shopping mall is a
ew I too much for something
lf you thlnk that S 15 Is (5) a ( 3 A shop assis1an1 is e 7 Window·shopping is f
that you'H never see, there are (6) many f much other 4 A shopaholic is c
interesting Ideas. lf you only have (7) o /iaJe I not eoough
a a large building with a lot of shops, res1auran1s, and
time. go to the 'welrd stuff section of Ebay. lf you've got
sometimes a cineina.
(8) o lot o( I many money and (9) not enough I a few sense,
b a reduction in the price of so1ne1hing.
you can buy a mystery brown box for S200. And rf yoo
e someone who enjoys going lo shops or buy1ng things.
realty have (10) few I too much money. you can join ( 1 1 )
d someone who steals something from a shop.
o (
ew / enough other people and buy a bag of lowa air for

SI. What a bargain! e someone whose job is to serve people in a shop.

f the ac1ivi1y of looking al things in shop windows but

not buying anything.

g the main street in a town or city, wi1h a lot of

4 Put the di alogue in the correct arder.
businesses along it.

D A whole weekt l'm aí that's not good enough.

I can 't spend a week without one. 8 Complete the missing letters in the words.

D Good morning. 1 think there's a problem with the
1 1 found the house in a real m ess when I gol home.

watch I bought yesterday.
2 1 found the right answer totally by e hance .
O Good morning, sir. How can I help you?
3 1 have ali your details on r ile .
[] And l'm sorry, but that's 1otally unacceptable. J'd like
4 1 mel her ex·husband completely by a ccident .

10 speak 10 the manager.
S I lhink we're in d anger of missing the last train.
I see. Well, if you'd like 10 leeve it with us. we'll look
6 l'd like the bill now, please. We're in a h urry .
into lt. Could you come back next Mondayl
7 l'll be in t rouble if Tom finds out about this.
O l'm sorry, sir, but there's nothing etse we can do.

8 l'm sorry, 1 took your keys by m istake last nighL

D Oh yes! What seems to be the problem?

D There's something wrong with the alarm.

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