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Our world is always changing.

Look out your window long enough, and you might see the
weather change. Look even longer, and you’ll see the seasons change. The Earth’s climate is
changing, and people’s activities are the main cause.

Today, the world relies on fossil fuels for their energy needs. The Earth is getting warmer
because people are burning fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide, adding heat-trapping gases to
the atmosphere called greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases exist naturally in the atmosphere,
where they help keep the Earth warm enough for the biotic things to live. But excess of it causes the
Earth to get warmer, setting off harmful effects around the world.

The signs are everywhere and those negative effects are expected to outweigh the positive
ones. Rain patterns are changing, sea level is rising, and snow and ice are melting. Global
temperature seizes to rise and more changes in our climate and environment. Warmer temperatures
cause glaciers to melt faster than they can accumulate new snow. Glaciers all over the world have
been melting for at least the last 50 years, and the rate of melting is speeding up. If temperature
keep rising, glaciers will continue to melt and it will add more into the sea level of the ocean. A
continuation or acceleration of that trend has the potential to cause striking changes in the world’s

Climate change and Global warming is the main threat causing dramatic decline of Polar
bear’s population. Polar bears are highly specialized mammals which rely heavily on sea ice for food
and other aspects of their life cycle. They will have less time to hunt and less time to build up fat
reserves. It also forces them to swim longer distances, using up mostly of their fat reserves. It also
forces the bears to spend more time on land, with increased interactions with humans potentially
leading to higher mortality. The polar bears have been classed as threatened because of the impacts
of climate change on its habitat. That is why the polar bear is carrying the melting earth alone.

The negative impact of global climate change will be less severe overall if people plan now
for both the immediate and future impacts of it. Planning now will help keep societies healthy and
strong by making it easier for people to successfully adapt to the changes that lie ahead. One of it is
to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Help to create a stewardship ethic
in respective communities and raise awareness of how lifestyle changes can make a difference, by
taking part in local green initiatives like planting trees, recycling drives, or walk to short distance

We need to protect the environment, whether that is recycling, reducing our power
consumption by switching electronic devices off rather than using standby, by walking short journeys
instead of taking tricycles, to allow a long-term environmental quality. Businesses are regulated to
prevent pollution and to keep their own carbon emissions low. Let your heart melt in green thumb
for environmental protection for it is the primary concern of the future of humanity. Nature has
rights- that people have stewardship of the world and the importance of putting people at the
forefront of solving the global issues. We need to take account how we might live in harmony with
the natural world around us, protecting it from damage and destruction.

The Earth’s climate has changed before, but this time it’s different. People are causing these
changes, which are bigger and happening faster than any climate changes that modern society has
ever seen before. But all is not lost forever; we need to change course. The planet relies on its own
inhabitant’s bare hands to save her. These changing Earth can still be salvaged if only the
environmental-loving humans melt its heart in green thumb to revive the Earth on the verge of

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