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Assessment event 1: Written task - Scenarios

1. You will need to complete the questions for the following two (2) scenarios for assessment event 1.

2. As a guide, each answer should be at least 100 - 300 words in length.

3. Complete your answers on this document, save the file to your computer and follow the instructions to submit to the online area for
this assessment event.

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 1 of 1 0 ]

Scenario 1 - Manual handling
Fred is a 45 year old man who lives at home. He has Motor Neurone Disease. The service plan states that he requires a non-weight bearing
lifter for all transfers i.e. to the commode for toileting, from his bed to a chair and so on. Fred can become anxious in the lifter as he feels
he is losing more and more control over his independence. Having to be in a non-weight bearing lifter confirms his feelings of loss of

Question Your answer

1. What current legislation would

govern your workplace in setting
policies and procedures for safely
carrying out care tasks for Fred?

2. Name two (2) authorities/governing

bodies that currently provide
national or state policies and
guidelines for WHS processes.

3. List 2 rights and 2 responsibilities

that Fred has in a home-based care
delivery environment.

4. List 2 rights and 2 responsibilities

that you have as a worker in a
home-based care delivery

5. a) Identify 3 potential risks to your

own safety in caring for
someone in their own home.

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 2 of 1 0 ]

Question Your answer

b) Describe what you would do to

minimise these risks

You are scheduled to go to Fred’s house at set times per day to help carry out transfers using the non-weight bearing lifter. You meet
another worker at the house, but when you get there, your co-worker has already carried out the transfer on their own. The policy of the
organisation is that two people must be in attendance to use the non-weight bearing lifter.

Question Your answer

6. Outline the steps you would take to

report this situation.

7. What is your duty of care and that

of your organisation in this

8. How should you report this


9. Why should you report this


10. List four (4) things that could

happen as a result of not following
the organisations policy on non-
weight bearing lifters in this

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 3 of 1 0 ]

Question Your answer

11. Identify three (3) strategies you

could employ to reduce the risk of
injury to yourself and Fred whilst
using the lifter.

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 4 of 1 0 ]

While you are in Fred’s home you notice there are a lack of smoke alarms and the one you are able to locate has a flat battery. When you
ask Fred about his smoke alarms, he states that his son checked them on his last visit, three years ago.

Question Your answer

12. Provide Fred with a short summary

of safety guidelines around smoke
alarm placement, installation and

13. Identify three behaviours in a

client’s home that can contribute
to fire injury and fatalities

14. Thinking of the clients you are likely

to work with: Identify three high risk
groups for fire safety concerns.

15. Complete an Incident Report to

escalate Fred’s need for improved
home fire safety.

The lack of teamwork and not following workplace procedures of your team member and the need for you to report them has caused you
significant stress.

Question Your answer

16. Identify three (3) symptoms of

stress you could experience.

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 5 of 1 0 ]

Question Your answer

17. List three (3) personnel you could

report your feelings of workplace
stress to.

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 6 of 1 0 ]

Scenario 2 - Infection control
You are working in a health care facility of twenty beds. Two of the clients have gastroenteritis. A recently returned audit revealed poor
hand hygiene compliance and there is concern that the gastroenteritis will spread to other clients as well as the care providers who work

Question Your answer

18. Name four (4) common sources of

infection and four (4) strategies that
could be implemented to prevent or
reduce the risk of the spread of the

19. List at least three (3) things you

could do to make sure that hand
hygiene is increased to reduce the
spread of the infection.

20. What transmission based

precautions would you implement?

After the gastro enteritis has passed and no more infections are apparent it is decided that a meeting will be held that informs employees
of the need for a facility systems review of infection control procedures and processes in relation to state/ territory legislation.

Question Your answer

21. List the main points that you would

include on the agenda for this
meeting to ensure infection control

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 7 of 1 0 ]

Question Your answer

compliance is improved and meets

industry accreditation standards.

22. What are some strategies you can

employ to be part of a workplace
debriefing session and why would it
be useful in this situation?

23. Outline three (3) steps this

organisation could introduce to
enable staff to maintain their
knowledge and currency in
workplace procedures.

24. You have identified the following Sign Description

WHS signs in this workplace.
Provide a brief description of what
they are.

Sign Description

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 8 of 1 0 ]

Question Your answer

Sign Description

Sign Description

Sign Description

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 9 of 1 0 ]

Question Your answer

Sign Description

Sign Description

Unit code: HLTWHS002_AE1 Created: 19/10/2015 [ 1 0 of 1 0 ]

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