Annex I Cost Estimate Final Ok-26

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Province Government

Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Volume I
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Manang District


Submitted By
Pioneer Architect and Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
1 Project Name: - Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Ch-0+000 to 9+681
2 Location: Manang District
Geographical location:
i) Province Gandaki Province
ii) Zone: Gandaki
iii) District: Manang
Geographical feature:
i) Climate: Temperate & Sub Alpine
ii) Geology: High-Hill Terrain (BMS and Rock)
iii) Hydrology: Precipitation Controlled By Monsoon.
iv) Meteorology: Unevenly Distributed precipitation Controlled By Monsoon.
Terrian : High-Hill terrian
3 Length Of Road
i) Length: 9.681 KM
ii) Start: CH: 0+000 Chap (Mahendra Pul)
iii) End: CH: 9+681 Nar
4 Geometrics
Right Of Way: 20 m ( 10 m from Each Side) Proposed
Formation Width: 5.25 m (0.75m shoulder each side)
Carriage Way Width: 3.75 m
Design Speed 30 Km/hr
Shoulder Width: 1m (each side )
Maximum Grade 12%
Minimum Grade 1%
Camber of Carriageway 2.5%
Camber of Shoulder 3%
Maximum super elevation 7%
Sub Base 200 mm thick
Base 150 mm thick
Premix Carpet 30 mm Thick
5 Cross Drainage (Slab Culvert)
i) 1m span Slab Culvert 11.00 Nos.
ii) 6 m Span Slab Culvert 1.00 No.
iii) 4 m Span Slab Culvert 2.00 Nos.
iv) 90 mm dia Hume Pipe Culvert 7.00 Nos.
Side Drain
Lined Drain (Rectangular) 9680.52 m
6 Structures
Gabion Wall (Cu.m) 11489.00 Retaining/Protection wall
Plumb Concrete Wall (Cu.m) 1758.82 Retaining & Breast/Protection wall
7 Earth Work
E/W in Excavation Cu.m 254036.94 Road including Hard Rock
Foundation Cu.m 20201.13 Drain, Cross Drainage & Retaining Structure

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Filling (Embankment & Others) Cu.m 13,554.87 Road
8 Project Cost 9.681 KM
Total Cost NPR 618,514,094.22
Cost Per km NPR 63,892,651.86

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province

Project Name: Banepa-Dundamukh-Devitar-Ghumaunechour-Fedi Road , Kavrepalanchowk

Total length: 25.447 km

Abstract of Cost
Item Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs) Remarks
No. (NRs)
1 General
Insurances for the loss of damage to works, plant,
material, equipment, property and personnel injury or
death and commission of bank security and
1.1 performance guarantee all complete, as per
specification (SS/SP-117) and instruction of engineer
including third party insurance.
PS 1.00 6000000.00 6,000,000.00

Monthly Rent for Site Office Mont

h 24.00 10000.00 240,000.00

Provide, operate and maintain Quality control

laboratory including material engineer equipment,
accessories and consumables for both field testing
1.3 facilities and off-site test with manpower as per
Contract Documents as per specification(SP-103,106)
and instruction of engineer
PS 1.00 800000.00 800,000.00
Relocation of services and repairing for existing
infrastructure (houses, water supply pipes, Temple,
1.4 Foot staircases, Foot trails and electrical poles etc) as
instructed by engineer's.
PS 1.00 1000000.00 1,000,000.00
Providing and installation of Project Signboards
1.5 with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m as per specification ( SS/SP -
108 )and instruction of Engineer. No 2.00 25000.00 50,000.00
Environmental Mitigation Works as instructed by the
Project Manager. PS 1.00 1000000.00 1,000,000.00
Sub total Part 1 9,090,000.00
2 SiteClearance


#NAME? ### #NAME?

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province

Project Name: Banepa-Dundamukh-Devitar-Ghumaunechour-Fedi Road , Kavrepalanchowk

Total length: 25.447 km

Abstract of Cost
Item Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs) Remarks
No. (NRs)
#NAME? ### #NAME?
SubTotal Part 2 #NAME?
Road way excavation in all type of soil and rocks
including necessary haulage, disposal at safe tipping
#REF! site and lift all complete, as per specification (SS/SP-
905) and instruction of Engineer
### 4988.17 229.51 1,144,830.73 #REF!
Structure foundation excavation for all types of soil/rock
by both manual and mechanical means as per drawing
and technical specification, including Construction of
shoring and bracing,removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, and backfilling with approved materials
with instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907) ### 0.00 #NAME? #NAME? #REF!
Formation of Embankment including, compaction
in layers not exceeding 150mm. Compacted depth,
#REF! watering and haulage, etc. all complete, as per
specification (SS/SP-909) and instruction of Engineer
### 55822.73 324.07 18,090,733.18 #REF!
Haulage of materials by tipper/truck/tractor excluding cost
of loading, unloading and stacking at approved
environmentally safe tipping sites beyond the initial lead of
1 Km. (Spc. Clau. 800) ### #NAME? #NAME?
SubTotal Part 3 #NAME?
4 Pavement Works
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar
works ( filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm ) in common Rate &
soil, all complete as per specification (SS/SP-1003) and Qty
instruction of Engineer. ### #REF! 24.72 #REF! Corrected
Providing and laying granular Sub-base on prepared
surface, mixing at OMC, and compacting to achieve the
desired density, complete as per Drawing and Technical Rate
Specifications- by Mechanical means. (Spc. Clau 1201) ### #REF! 2155.81 #REF! Corrected
Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared
surface, spreading and mixing , watering and compacting
#REF! to form a layer of Base course as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications by Mix in Place Method for 45 mm Rate
maximum size. (Spc. Clau 1204) ### #REF! 5207.17 #REF! Corrected

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province

Project Name: Banepa-Dundamukh-Devitar-Ghumaunechour-Fedi Road , Kavrepalanchowk

Total length: 25.447 km

Abstract of Cost
Item Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs) Remarks
No. (NRs)
Providing and applying prime coat MC 30/70 with Hot
Bitumen ( including cutter) on prepared surface of granular
#REF! base including cleaning of road surface and spraying by
Mechanical means as per Technical Specification. (Spc.
Clau 1302)13.1 ### #REF! 200.71 #REF! #REF!

Providing and spraying of (Tack Coat) bituminous binder

80/100 for 1st and 2nd coat surface dressing including
cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc.
all complete as per specification by Mechanical means
### #REF! 192.51 #REF! #REF!
Providing and mixing of Bitumen cutter as per design /
direction of Engineer by (Spc. Clau 1300),13.17 ### #REF! 16415.00 #REF!
Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in
I-Coat (19mm Nominal Size Aggregate for Surface
Dressing) using gravel of specified size on a recently
applied layer of bituminous binder on prepared surface as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications by Mechanical
Means. (Spc. Clau 1303) ### #REF! #NAME? #REF! #REF!
Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in
II-Coat (10mm Nominal Size Aggregate for Surface
Dressing) using gravel of specified size on a recently
applied layer of bituminous binder on prepared surface as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications by Mechanical
Means. (Spc. Clau 1303) ### #REF! #NAME? #REF! #REF!
Providing and mixing of Anti stripping agent as per Design/
direction of Engineer. (Spc. Clau. 1300)13.16 ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
Sub total Part 4 #REF!
5 Structure Works


### #REF! #NAME? #REF! Check Norms

#REF! #REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
#REF! mm dia
### #REF! #NAME? #REF! m

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province

Project Name: Banepa-Dundamukh-Devitar-Ghumaunechour-Fedi Road , Kavrepalanchowk

Total length: 25.447 km

Abstract of Cost
Item Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs) Remarks
No. (NRs)
#REF! #REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF! Qty High
#REF! #REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
#REF! #REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
#REF! #REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
#REF! #REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
#REF! ### 100.00 #NAME? #NAME?
#REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
#REF! ### #REF! #NAME? #REF!
6.0 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures #NAME?

Supply and erecting traffic signs in place including 50mm

dia. Steel tube, 2mm thick steel plates, cement concrete,
painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc.
all complete, as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1501).

60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle and 60cm x 45

cm rectangular shaped sign ( single post ) ### #REF! 3622.45 #REF!
1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign ( Information Board )
with back support and two or more post. ### #REF! 9643.13 #REF!
Supply and placing stone marker ( RCC kilometer post)
#REF! including excavation, backfilling, painting and writing etc. all
complete as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1503)
#REF! Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each km distance) ### 20.00 6315.82 126,316.48
#REF! Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km distance) ### #REF! 10491.99 #REF!
Supplying and fixing in place RCC delinator and guard
6.3 posts including excavation, back filling, painting and No
erection etc. all complete as per drawings. (SS/SP-1504) #REF! 1571.93 #REF!
Sum Total Part 6 #REF!
7 Bio Engineering Works

Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including

preparation of slips on site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal
7.1 rod or Operation includes digging planting hole to hard- Sqm 6,361.75 658.72 4,190,611.96
wood peg, depending on the nature of the soil. The planting
drills should be space. (Spc. Clau 2807)
Check Qty

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province

Project Name: Banepa-Dundamukh-Devitar-Ghumaunechour-Fedi Road , Kavrepalanchowk

Total length: 25.447 km

Abstract of Cost
Item Rate
Description Unit Quantity Amount (NRs) Remarks
No. (NRs)
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including
pitting, transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes
7.2 < 30o . Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix Compost with Nos 2,163.00 57.72 124,858.77
soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume. (Spc. Clau

Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including

pitting, transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes
7.3 30o . - 400 Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix Compost Nos 2,163.00 66.85 144,586.74
with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume. (Spc.
Clau. 2807)
Sub Total Part 7 4,460,057.47
8 Day Works
Day works shall be executed only on the written instruction
of the Project Manager:
8.1 Labour
a) Skilled labour Day 250.00 1476.00 369,000.00
b) Unskilled labour Day 400.00 1100.00 440,000.00
8.2 Equipment
a) JCB backoe/Loader Hr 150.00 2289.60 343,440.00
b) Tipper Hr 150.00 965.84 144,876.00
c) Excavator Hr 150.00 3089.60 463,440.00
d)Water Bowser (For Control Dust) Hr 400.00 1022.85 409,140.00
Sub Total Part 8 2,169,896.00

Sub total - A ( Sum 1-8 ) #NAME?

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Qty Corrected

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Rate & Qty

First Coat 1.2 Lit &

Second Coat 1.0 Lit #REF! #REF! 192.51 #REF!

#REF! 192.51 #REF!


Check Norms

-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By


-----------------Prepared By -----------------Checked By ------------------Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
S.N. Description of works Amount (NRs) Remarks
1 General Item 5,460,000.00 1.21%
2 Site Clearance 918,484.88 0.20%
3 Earth Work 104,357,742.65 23.09%
4 Pavement 117,302,636.70 25.95%
5 Cross Drainage Structures 31,721,158.52 7.02%
6 Retaining Structure 117,998,902.63 26.11%
7 Side Drain 69,655,985.51 15.41%
8 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures 1,831,928.27 0.41%
9 Bio - engineering Works 1,696,788.42 0.38%
10 Day Works (If Instructed By the Engineer) 1,019,944.85 0.23%
Base Cost (PS) 5,200,000.00
Base Cost Without PS 446,763,572.42
Sub Total A 451,963,572.42 100.00%
4% Contingencies of Sub-total A 18,078,542.90
Add 13% VAT of Sub-total of Base Cost 58,079,264.42
10% Physical Contingencies of Sub-total A 45,196,357.24
10% Price Adjustment of Sub-total A 45,196,357.24
Grand Total (Including VAT and Contingencies) 618,514,094.22
Cost per Km 63,892,651.86

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
1 General Item
Insurances for the loss of damage to works,
plant, material, equipment, property and
personnel injury or death and commission of
bank security and performance guarantee all
1.1 complete, as per specification (SS/SP-117)
and instruction of engineer including third
party insurance.
PS 1.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

1.2 Monthly Rent for Site Office Month 24.00 10,000.00 240,000.00

Provide, operate and maintain Quality control

laboratory including material engineer
equipment, accessories and consumables for
both field testing facilities and off-site test
1.3 with manpower as per Contract Documents as
per specification(SP-103,106) and instruction
of engineer
PS 1.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00

Relocation of services and repairing for

existing infrastructure (houses, water supply
1.4 pipes, Temple, Foot staircases, Foot trails and
electrical poles etc) as instructed by engineer's.
PS 1.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Providing and installation of Project

Signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m as per
1.5 specification ( SS/SP - 108 )and instruction of
No 2.00 10,000.00 20,000.00

Environmental Mitigation Works as instructed

1.6 by the Project Manager.
PS 1.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Sub total Part 1 5,460,000.00

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
2 Site Clearance
Clearing and grubbing road land including
uprooting rank vegetation, grass, bushes,
shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm,
removal of stumps of trees cut earlier and
disposal of unserviceable materials and
2.1 stacking of serviceable Material to be used or
auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 meters
including removal and disposal of top organic
soil not exceeding 150 mm in thickness. (Spc.
Clau 201)
Sqm 29043.00 31.63 918,484.88
Sub total Part 2 918,484.88
3 Earth Work
Roadway excavation in all types of soil/rock
by both manual and mechanical means as per
drawing and technical specification, including
removal of stumps and other deleterious
matter, with all lifts and lead as drawing and
instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)

Cum 221162.47 229.51 50,758,846.25

Roadway Excavation in Hard Rock,
mechanical Drilling Roadway Excavation
in hard rock with mechanical drilling,
including blasting and breaking, and disposal
of cut road within all lifts and leads as per
Drawing and instruction of the Engineer.
(Spc. Clau 905)
Cum 32874.47 1581.24 51,982,357.86
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting
embankment with roadway cutting material
3.3 and compact to the required density as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications by
Mechanical Means. (Spc. Clau. 909, 910)
Cum 4988.17 324.07 1,616,538.54
Sub total Part 3 104,357,742.65
4 Pavement
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or
other similar works ( filling or cutting depth of
4.1 10 to 20 cm ) in common soil, all complete as
per specification (SS/SP-1003) and instruction
of Engineer.
Sqm 55822.73 24.72 1,379,726.10

Providing and laying granular Sub-base on

prepared surface, mixing at OMC, and
compacting to achieve the desired density,
4.2 complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications- by Mechanical means. (Spc.
Clau 1201)
Cum 11133.05 2155.81 24,000,780.66

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam
on a prepared surface, spreading and mixing ,
watering and compacting to form a layer of
4.3 Base course as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications by Mix in Place Method for 45
mm maximum size. (Spc. Clau 1204)
Cum 8349.78 5207.17 43,478,780.65

Providing and spraying bituminious Prime

Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the
road surface using wire brushes, broom etc.
4.4 before applying coat, all complete as per
specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and
instruction of Engineer.
Lit 50098.71 200.71 10,055,150.57

Providing and spraying bituminious Tack

Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the
road surface using wire brushes, broom etc.
4.5 before applying coat, all complete as per
specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and
instruction of Engineer.
Lit 33399.14 192.51 6,429,742.23

Providing, mixing ,laying and compaction of

4.6 Premix carpet
Cum 1669.96 16415.00 27,412,342.51
Providing and laying seal coat sealing the
voids in a Bituminous surface as per Drawing
and Technical Specifications (Spc . Clau
1310) Sqm 55665.23 81.67 4,546,113.99
Sub total Part 4 117,302,636.70

5 Cross Drainage Structures

Earth work in excavation for foundation of
structure for all types of soil/rock by both
manual and mechanical means as per drawing
and technical specification, including
Construction of shoring and bracing,removal
5.1 of stumps and other deleterious matter, and
backfilling with approved materials with
instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)

Cum 2260.83 319.07 721,369.91

Backfilling in layers in foundation

pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and
watering etc. complete using locally available
5.2 material as per drawing and technical
specification and instruction of engineer.
(Spc. Clau 908).
Cum 807.29 715.19 577,367.75

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone
soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones and
5.3 packing with smaller stone on prepared
surface as per Drawing and Technical
Cum 200.23 7556.88 1,513,118.65
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non
structural Cement Concrete M15/40 including
5.4 compaction,curing,testing & form work
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Cum 254.32 16210.01 4,122,544.60
Providing and laying of Machine mixed
Reinforced Cement Concrete M20/20 for the
5.5 road pavement including form work as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
(Spc.Clau 2000) 20.8 A.
Cum 178.15 17906.77 3,190,002.31
Providing and laying , fitting and placing
HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure
5.6 complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2014)
Mt 20.26 128892.75 2,611,365.53
Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,
(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes as
5.7 directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone
masonry works
Rm 39.60 494.77 19,592.81
Providing and laying of Machine mixed
Cement Concrete M25/20 for the super
structure ,deck,slab,girder etc including
compaction,curing,testing & form work
completecomplete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000) Cum 78.50 21028.49 1650631.35

Providing and laying Random rubble

Masonry work in cement mortar 1:4 in
structure including dressing,scaffolding,curing
, preparation of motar, complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications (Spc.
Clau 2607) 26.5
Cum 971.47 14341.82 13,932,705.95

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks

Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy

zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100 mm x
120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9
mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm Gabion boxes
/mattresses, placing in position including
stretching; forming compartments; tying the
sides and diaphragms with binding wire in
each mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie
wires; and tying down the lid complete as per
specification. Providing and filling
stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc..
Including dressing, bedding, bonding all
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)
Cum 364.00 5878.66 2,139,833.61
Providing and Laying Reinforced cement
concrete NP3 Hume pipe Flush jointed pipe
5.11 for culverts including fixing with cement
mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications.( Spc. Clau 701)
a) 900 mm internal dia. Rm 52.50 16473.19 864,842.22
Providing and filling with graded previous
(filter material) in layer with necessary
watering and compaction as per specification
and instruction of Engineer Cum 113.22 1780.21 201,547.81
Providing and laying of a geotextile filter
between pitching and embankment slopes as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(Spc. Clau 2404) Cum 170.80 117.59 20,085.15
Providing, making and fixing of three layers
of 50mm dia GI Hand rail including RCC post
of M20 grade concrete with size of 0.15 x
5.14 0.15 x 1m and 1.5m center to center all
complete as per drawing specification
( SS/SP-1804,1805 & 2000) and instruction
of Engineer.
Rm 38.16 4092.00 156,150.86
Sub total Part 5 31,721,158.52
6 Retaining Structure
Earth work in excavation for foundation of
structure for all types of soil/rock by both
manual and mechanical means as per drawing
and technical specification, including
Construction of shoring and bracing,removal
6.1 of stumps and other deleterious matter, and
backfilling with approved materials with
instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)

Cum 10583.10 319.07 3,376,780.73

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Backfilling in layers in foundation
pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and
watering etc. complete using locally available
6.2 material as per drawing and technical
specification and instruction of engineer.
(Spc. Clau 908).
Cum 7759.41 715.19 5,549,463.69

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone

soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones and
6.3 packing with smaller stone on prepared
surface as per Drawing and Technical
Cum 196.73 7556.88 1,486,627.22

Providing and laying of Machine mixed non

structural Cement Concrete M15/40 including
6.4 compaction,curing,testing & form work
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Cum 131.15 16210.01 2,125,942.91

Providing and laying Coursed rubble stone

masonry in cement mortar (1:4) including
6.5 scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc.
all complete as per specification (SS/SP -
2606) and instruction of Engineer
Cum 1758.82 14341.82 25,224,686.02
Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder
mixed concrete) with 60% M15 concrete and
40% boulder/stones including form work
complete as per drawing and specifications. Cum 760.38 13797.52 10,491,360.45

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy
zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100 mm x
120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9
mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm Gabion boxes
/mattresses, placing in position including
stretching; forming compartments; tying the
sides and diaphragms with binding wire in
each mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie
6.7 wires; and tying down the lid complete as per
specification. Providing and filling
stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc..
Including dressing, bedding, bonding all
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)

Cum 11489.00 5878.66 67,539,968.06

Providing and laying of a geotextile filter

between pitching and embankment slopes as
6.7 per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(Spc. Clau 2404)
Sqm 12760.20 117.59 1,500,488.93

Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,

(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes as
6.80 directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone
masonry works
Rm 1422.05 494.77 703,584.60
Sub total Part 6 117,998,902.63 ok
7 Side Drain
Earthwork in excavation for Side Drain in
all types of soil and rocks including shoring ,
7.1 struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal, all
complete, as per specification (SS/SP-905)
and instruction of Engineer.
Cum 7357.20 319.07 2,347,481.84

Providng and laying of Stone soling works for

levelling in line and level with lead, all
7.2 complete, as per specification (SS/SP - 2400)
and instruction of Engineer.
Cum 1379.47 7556.88 10,424,520.24

Providing and laying of Machine mixed non

structural Cement Concrete M15/40 including
7.3 compaction,curing,testing & form work
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Cum 3509.19 16210.01 56,883,983.44
Sub total Part 7 69,655,985.51
Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Supply and erecting Traffic sign in place
including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm thick
steel plates, cement concrete, painting, writing
8.1 and supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc. all
complete, as per specification (SS/SP-1501)
and instruction of Engineer.

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle
a) and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular shaped sign
(single post ) Nos 58.00 3622.45 210,102.14
1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign
b) (Information Board)with back support and
two or more post. Nos 2.00 9643.13 19,286.27

Supplying and placing RCC Kilometer post

including excavation, backfilling, painting and
8.2 writing etc. all complete, as per specification
(SS/SP-1503) and instruction of Engineer.

Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each km

a) distance) Nos 8.00 6315.82 50,526.59

Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km

b) distance) Nos 2.00 10491.99 20,983.98

Supplying and fixing in place RCC

delineator and guard post including
8.3 excavation, back filling, painting and erection
etc. all complete as per specification (SS/SP-
1504) and instruction of Engineer
Nos 290.00 1571.93 455,860.78

Supplying and applying (10cm wide strip )

thermoplastic Road marking including
8.5 cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all
complete, as per specification (BS 3262) and
instruction of Engineer.
Sqm 1936.10 555.33 1,075,168.50
Sub total Part 8 1,831,928.27

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
9 Bio - engineering Works
Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o
including preparation of slips on site. a max of
5 cm depth with metal rod or Operation
includes digging planting hole to hard-wood
peg, depending on the nature of the soil. The
planting drills should be space. (Spc. Clau
Sqm 2420.25 658.72 1,594,267.08

Planting containerized tree and shrub

seedlings, including pitting, transplanting,
composting and mulching, on slopes < 30o .
9.2 Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4
of the pit volume. (Spc. Clau 2807)
No 823.00 57.72 47,507.52

Planting containerized tree and shrub

seedlings, including pitting, transplanting,
composting and mulching, on slopes 30o . -
9.3 400 Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4
of the pit volume. (Spc. Clau. 2807)
No 823.00 66.85 55,013.82
Sub total Part 9 1,696,788.42
Day Works (If Instructed By the
10 Engineer)
Labor (refer day works schedule) including
10.1 contractor's overhead and profit
a) Skilled labour M-day 100.00 1697.40 169,740.00
b) Unskilled labour M-day 150.00 1265.00 189,750.00
Sub- Total 10.1 359,490.00

10.2 Plant / Equipment

The rates shall include all cost of operating on
site as fuel, lubricant, driver and associated
labour wages, overhead and profit only time
actually employed open the work shall be
a) Tipper Hr 50.00 1110.72 55,535.80
b) JCB backoe/Loader Hr 50.00 2633.04 131,652.00
c) Excavator Hr 50.00 3553.04 177652.00
d)Water Bowser (For Control Dust) Hr 70.00 1176.28 82339.43
Sub- Total 10.2 447,179.23

10.3 Material
a) Cement mt 2.00 22324.21 44,648.42
b) Reinforcement( 8,10,12,16) mt 1.00 99627.21 99,627.21
c) Aggregate (10-40) cum 10.00 3795.00 37,950.00
d) Sand Cum 10.00 3105.00 31,050.00

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Sub- Total 10.3 213,275.63

Sub total Part 10 1,019,944.85

Sub total - A ( Sum 1-10 ) 451,963,572.42

...................Estimated By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
1 General Item
Insurances for the loss of damage to
works, plant, material, equipment,
property and personnel injury or death
and commission of bank security and
1.1 performance guarantee all complete, as
per specification (SS/SP-117) and
instruction of engineer including third
party insurance.
PS 1.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00

1.2 Monthly Rent for Site Office Month 24.00 10,000.00 240,000.00

Provide, operate and maintain Quality

control laboratory including material
engineer equipment, accessories and
consumables for both field testing
1.3 facilities and off-site test with manpower
as per Contract Documents as per
specification(SP-103,106) and instruction
of engineer
PS 1.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00

Relocation of services and repairing for

existing infrastructure (houses, water
1.4 supply pipes, Temple, Foot staircases,
Foot trails and electrical poles etc) as
instructed by engineer's.
PS 1.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Providing and installation of Project

Signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m as per
1.5 specification ( SS/SP - 108 )and
instruction of Engineer.
No 2.00 10,000.00 20,000.00

Environmental Mitigation Works as

1.6 instructed by the Project Manager.
PS 1.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Sub total Part 1 5,460,000.00

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
2 Site Clearance
Clearing and grubbing road land
including uprooting rank vegetation,
grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees
girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of
trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials and stacking of
2.1 serviceable Material to be used or
auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 meters
including removal and disposal of top
organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness. (Spc. Clau 201)
Sqm 29043.00 31.63 918,484.88
Sub total Part 2 918,484.88
3 Earth Work
Roadway excavation in all types of
soil/rock by both manual and mechanical
means as per drawing and technical
specification, including removal of
3.1 stumps and other deleterious matter, with
all lifts and lead as drawing and
instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)

Cum 221162.47 229.51 50,758,846.25

Roadway Excavation in Hard Rock,
mechanical Drilling Roadway
Excavation in hard rock with mechanical
drilling, including blasting and breaking,
3.2 and disposal of cut road within all lifts
and leads as per Drawing and instruction
of the Engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)

Cum 32874.47 1581.24 51,982,357.86

Providing, laying, spreading and
compacting embankment with roadway
cutting material and compact to the
3.3 required density as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications by Mechanical
Means. (Spc. Clau. 909, 910)
Cum 4988.17 324.07 1,616,538.54
Sub total Part 3 104,357,742.65

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
4 Pavement
Preparation of sub-grade for
rehabilitation or other similar works
( filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm )
4.1 in common soil, all complete as per
specification (SS/SP-1003) and
instruction of Engineer.
Sqm 55822.73 24.72 1,379,726.10

Providing and laying granular Sub-base

on prepared surface, mixing at OMC,
and compacting to achieve the desired
4.3 density, complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications- by Mechanical
means. (Spc. Clau 1201)
Cum 11133.05 2155.81 24,000,780.66

Providing and laying Crusher Run

Macadam on a prepared surface,
spreading and mixing , watering and
compacting to form a layer of Base
4.4 course as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications by Mix in Place Method
for 45 mm maximum size. (Spc. Clau
Cum 8349.78 5207.17 43,478,780.65

Providing and spraying bituminious

Prime Coat MC30/MC70 including
cleaning the road surface using wire
brushes, broom etc. before applying coat,
all complete as per specification ( SS / SP
1301, 1302 ) and instruction of Engineer.

Lit 50098.71 200.71 10,055,150.57

Providing and spraying bituminious Tack

Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning
the road surface using wire brushes,
broom etc. before applying coat, all
complete as per specification ( SS / SP
1301, 1302 ) and instruction of Engineer.

Lit 33399.14 192.51 6,429,742.23

Providing, mixing ,laying and

4.7 compaction of Premix carpet
Cum 1669.96 16415.00 27,412,342.51

Sub total Part 4 112,756,522.72

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks

5 Cross Drainage Structures

Earth work in excavation for foundation
of structure for all types of soil/rock by
both manual and mechanical means as
per drawing and technical specification,
including Construction of shoring and
5.1 bracing,removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, and backfilling with
approved materials with instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Cum 2260.83 319.07 721,369.91

Backfilling in layers in foundation

pits,trenches, etc, including compaction
and watering etc. complete using locally
5.2 available material as per drawing and
technical specification and instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Cum 807.29 715.19 577,367.75

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone

soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones
5.3 and packing with smaller stone on
prepared surface as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Cum 200.23 7556.88 1,513,118.65

Providing and laying of Machine mixed

non structural Cement Concrete M15/40
including compaction,curing,testing &
5.4 form work complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau
Cum 254.32 16210.01 4,122,544.60

Providing and laying of Machine mixed

Reinforced Cement Concrete M20/20 for
5.5 the road pavement including form work
as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications (Spc.Clau 2000) 20.8 A.
Cum 178.15 17906.77 3,190,002.31

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying , fitting and placing
HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure
5.6 complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2014)
Mt 20.26 128892.75 2,611,365.53

Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,

(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes
5.7 as directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for
stone masonry works
Rm 39.60 494.77 19,592.81
Sub total Part 5 12,755,361.57 ok
5 Retaining Structure
Earth work in excavation for foundation
of structure for all types of soil/rock by
both manual and mechanical means as
per drawing and technical specification,
including Construction of shoring and
6.1 bracing,removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, and backfilling with
approved materials with instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Cum Err:509 319.07 Err:509

Backfilling in layers in foundation

pits,trenches, etc, including compaction
and watering etc. complete using locally
6.2 available material as per drawing and
technical specification and instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Cum Err:509 715.19 Err:509

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone

soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones
6.3 and packing with smaller stone on
prepared surface as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
Cum 196.73 7556.88 1,486,627.22

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Providing and laying of Machine mixed
non structural Cement Concrete M15/40
including compaction,curing,testing &
6.4 form work complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau
Cum 131.15 16210.01 2,125,942.91

Providing and laying Coursed rubble

stone masonry in cement mortar (1:4)
including scaffolding, curing, preparation
6.5 of mortar etc. all complete as per
specification (SS/SP - 2606) and
instruction of Engineer
Cum 1758.82 14341.82 25,224,686.02

Providing and laying Machine Made

Heavy zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type
100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm,
selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm
Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing in
position including stretching; forming
compartments; tying the sides and
diaphragms with binding wire in each
mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie
6.7 wires; and tying down the lid complete as
per specification. Providing and filling
stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress
etc.. Including dressing, bedding, bonding
all complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau

Cum 11489.00 5878.66 67,539,968.06

Providing and laying of a geotextile filter

between pitching and embankment slopes
6.8 as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2404)
Sqm 12760.20 117.59 1,500,488.93

Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,

(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes
6.9 as directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for
stone masonry works
Rm 1422.05 494.77 703,584.60
Sub total Part 6 Err:509 ok

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
6 Side Drain
Earthwork in excavation for Side Drain
in all types of soil and rocks including
shoring , struting, bracing, sheeting and
7.1 disposal, all complete, as per
specification (SS/SP-905) and instruction
of Engineer.
Cum 7357.20 319.07 2,347,481.84

Providng and laying of Stone soling

works for levelling in line and level with
7.2 lead, all complete, as per specification
(SS/SP - 2400) and instruction of
Cum 1379.47 7556.88 10,424,520.24

Providing and laying of Machine mixed

non structural Cement Concrete M15/40
including compaction,curing,testing &
7.3 form work complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau
Cum 3509.19 16210.01 56,883,983.44
Sub total Part 7 69,655,985.51
Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety
Supply and erecting Traffic sign in place
including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm
thick steel plates, cement concrete,
painting, writing and supporting steel
angle nut and bolt etc. all complete, as per
specification (SS/SP-1501) and
instruction of Engineer.

60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral

a) triangle and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular
shaped sign (single post ) Nos 58.00 3622.45 210,102.14
1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign
b) (Information Board)with back support
and two or more post. Nos 2.00 9643.13 19,286.27

Supplying and placing RCC Kilometer

post including excavation, backfilling,
8.2 painting and writing etc. all complete, as
per specification (SS/SP-1503) and
instruction of Engineer.

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each
a) km distance) Nos 8.00 6315.82 50,526.59

Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5

b) km distance) Nos 2.00 10491.99 20,983.98

Supplying and fixing in place RCC

delineator and guard post including
excavation, back filling, painting and
8.3 erection etc. all complete as per
specification (SS/SP-1504) and
instruction of Engineer
Nos 290.00 1571.93 455,860.78

Supplying and applying (10cm wide

strip ) thermoplastic Road marking
8.5 including cleaning, watering, brooming
etc. all complete, as per specification (BS
3262) and instruction of Engineer.
Sqm 1936.10 555.33 1,075,168.50
Sub total Part 8 1,831,928.27
8 Bio - engineering Works
Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes
<45o including preparation of slips on
site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod
or Operation includes digging planting
hole to hard-wood peg, depending on the
nature of the soil. The planting drills
should be space. (Spc. Clau 2807)
Sqm 2420.25 658.72 1,594,267.08

Planting containerized tree and shrub

seedlings, including pitting,
transplanting, composting and mulching,
on slopes < 30o . Pit size 30 cm diameter
x depth mix Compost with soil and
back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume.
(Spc. Clau 2807)
No 823.00 57.72 47,507.52

Planting containerized tree and shrub

seedlings, including pitting,
transplanting, composting and mulching,
on slopes 30o . - 400 Pit size 30 cm
diameter x depth mix Compost with
soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit
volume. (Spc. Clau. 2807)
No 823.00 66.85 55,013.82

................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Abstract of Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
Sub total Part 9 1,696,788.42
Day Works (If Instructed By the
9 Engineer)
Labor (refer day works schedule)
10.1 including contractor's overhead and profit

a) Skilled labour M-day 100.00 1697.40 169,740.00

b) Unskilled labour M-day 150.00 1265.00 189,750.00
Sub- Total 10.1 359,490.00

10.2 Plant / Equipment

The rates shall include all cost of
operating on site as fuel, lubricant, driver
and associated labour wages, overhead
and profit only time actually employed
open the work shall be paid.
a) Tipper Hr 50.00 1110.72 55,535.80
b) JCB backoe/Loader Hr 50.00 2633.04 131,652.00
c) Excavator Hr 50.00 3553.04 177652.00
d)Water Bowser (For Control Dust) Hr 70.00 1176.28 82339.43
Sub- Total 10.2 447,179.23

10.3 Material
a) Cement mt 2.00 22324.21 44,648.42
b) Reinforcement( 8,10,12,16) mt 1.00 99627.21 99,627.21
c) Aggregate (10-40) cum 10.00 3795.00 37,950.00
d) Sand Cum 10.00 3105.00 31,050.00
Sub- Total 10.3 213,275.63

Sub total Part 10 1,019,944.85

Sub total - A ( Sum 1-10 ) Err:509


................Prepared By ...............Checked By .................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Quantities
S.No Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
1 General Item
Insurances for the loss of damage to works, plant, material, equipment,
property and personnel injury or death and commission of bank security and
1.1 performance guarantee all complete, as per specification (SS/SP-117) and
instruction of engineer including third party insurance.
PS 1.00
1.2 Monthly Rent for Site Office Month 24.00
Provide, operate and maintain Quality control laboratory including material
engineer equipment, accessories and consumables for both field testing
1.3 facilities and off-site test with manpower as per Contract Documents as per
specification(SP-103,106) and instruction of engineer
PS 1.00
Relocation of services and repairing for existing infrastructure (houses, water
1.4 supply pipes, Temple, Foot staircases, Foot trails and electrical poles etc) as
instructed by engineer's. PS 1.00
Providing and installation of Project Signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m as
1.5 per specification ( SS/SP - 108 )and instruction of Engineer.
No 2.00
1.6 Environmental Mitigation Works as instructed by the Project Manager. PS 1.00
2 Site Clearance
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass,
bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of
trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
2.1 Sqm 29043.00
serviceable Material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 meters
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness. (Spc. Clau 201)
3 Earth Work
Roadway excavation in all types of soil/rock by both manual and
mechanical means as per drawing and technical specification, including
3.1 Cum 221,162.47
removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as
drawing and instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)
Roadway Excavation in Hard Rock, mechanical Drilling Roadway
Excavation in hard rock with mechanical drilling, including blasting and
3.2 Cum 32,874.47
breaking, and disposal of cut road within all lifts and leads as per Drawing
and instruction of the Engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting embankment with roadway
3.3 cutting material and compact to the required density as per Drawing and Cum 4,988.17
Technical Specifications by Mechanical Means. (Spc. Clau. 909, 910)
4 Pavement
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar works ( filling or
4.1 cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm ) in common soil, all complete as per Sqm 55,822.73
specification (SS/SP-1003) and instruction of Engineer.
Providing and laying granular Sub-base on prepared surface, mixing at
OMC, and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete as per
4.2 Cum 11,133.05
Drawing and Technical Specifications- by Mechanical means. (Spc. Clau

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Quantities
S.No Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared surface,
spreading and mixing , watering and compacting to form a layer of Base
4.3 Cum 8,349.78
course as per Drawing and Technical Specifications by Mix in Place Method
for 45 mm maximum size. (Spc. Clau 1204)
Providing and spraying bituminious Prime Coat MC30/MC70 including
cleaning the road surface using wire brushes, broom etc. before applying
4.4 Lit 50,098.71
coat, all complete as per specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and instruction
of Engineer.
Providing and spraying bituminious Tack Coat MC30/MC70 including
cleaning the road surface using wire brushes, broom etc. before applying
4.5 Lit 33,399.14
coat, all complete as per specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and instruction
of Engineer.
4.6 Providing, mixing ,laying and compaction of Premix carpet Cum 1,669.96
Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a Bituminous surface as
4.7 Sqm 55,665.23
per Drawing and Technical Specifications (Spc . Clau 1310)
5 Cross Drainage Structures
Earth work in excavation for foundation of structure for all types of soil/rock
by both manual and mechanical means as per drawing and technical
5.1 specification, including Construction of shoring and bracing,removal of Cum 2,260.83
stumps and other deleterious matter, and backfilling with approved materials
with instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches, etc, including compaction
5.2 and watering etc. complete using locally available material as per drawing Cum 807.29
and technical specification and instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
5.3 stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as per Drawing Cum 200.23
and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non structural Cement Concrete
5.4 M15/40 including compaction,curing,testing & form work complete as per Cum 254.32
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Providing and laying of Machine mixed Reinforced Cement Concrete
5.5 M20/20 for the road pavement including form work as per Drawing and Cum 178.15
Technical Specifications (Spc.Clau 2000) 20.8 A.
Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-
5.6 structure complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau Mt 20.26
Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes
5.7 Rm 39.60
as directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone masonry works
Providing and laying of Machine mixed Cement Concrete M25/20 for the
super structure ,deck,slab,girder etc including compaction,curing,testing &
5.8 Cum 78.50
form work completecomplete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
(Spc. Clau 2000)

Providing and laying Random rubble Masonry work in cement mortar 1:4 in
5.9 structure including dressing,scaffolding,curing , preparation of motar, Cum 971.47
complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications (Spc. Clau 2607) 26.5

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Quantities
S.No Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy zinc coated Hexagonal mesh
type 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire
2.4 mm Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing in position including stretching;
forming compartments; tying the sides and diaphragms with binding wire in
5.10 Cum 364.00
each mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid
complete as per specification. Providing and filling stone/boulder in gabion
boxes/mattress etc.. Including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)

Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Hume pipe Flush
5.11 jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.( Spc. Clau 701)
a) 900 mm internal dia. Rm 52.50
Providing and filling with graded previous (filter material) in layer with
5.12 necessary watering and compaction as per specification and instruction of Cum 113.22

Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment

5.13 Cum 170.80
slopes as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2404)

Providing, making and fixing of three layers of 50mm dia GI Hand rail
including RCC post of M20 grade concrete with size of 0.15 x 0.15 x 1m
5.14 Rm 38.16
and 1.5m center to center all complete as per drawing specification ( SS/SP-
1804,1805 & 2000) and instruction of Engineer.
6 Retaining Structure
Earth work in excavation for foundation of structure for all types of soil/rock
by both manual and mechanical means as per drawing and technical
6.1 specification, including Construction of shoring and bracing,removal of Cum 10,583.10
stumps and other deleterious matter, and backfilling with approved materials
with instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches, etc, including compaction
6.2 and watering etc. complete using locally available material as per drawing Cum 7,759.41
and technical specification and instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
6.3 stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as per Drawing Cum 196.73
and Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non structural Cement Concrete
6.4 M15/40 including compaction,curing,testing & form work complete as per Cum 131.15
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Providing and laying Coursed rubble stone masonry in cement mortar (1:4)
6.5 including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete as per Cum 1,758.82
specification (SS/SP - 2606) and instruction of Engineer

Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy zinc coated Hexagonal mesh
type 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire
2.4 mm Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing in position including stretching;
forming compartments; tying the sides and diaphragms with binding wire in
6.7 Cum 11,489.00
each mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid
complete as per specification. Providing and filling stone/boulder in gabion
boxes/mattress etc.. Including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)

Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment

6.8 Sqm 12,760.20
slopes as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2404)

Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes
6.90 Rm 1,422.05
as directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone masonry works

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Quantities
S.No Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
7 Side Drain
Earthwork in excavation for Side Drain in all types of soil and rocks
7.1 including shoring , struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal, all complete, as Cum 7,357.20
per specification (SS/SP-905) and instruction of Engineer.
Providng and laying of Stone soling works for levelling in line and level
7.2 with lead, all complete, as per specification (SS/SP - 2400) and instruction of Cum 1,379.47
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non structural Cement Concrete
7.3 M15/40 including compaction,curing,testing & form work complete as per Cum 3,509.19
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
8 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures
Supply and erecting traffic signs in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube,
8.1 2mm thick steel plates, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting
steel angle nut and bolt etc. all complete, as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1501).
60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular
a) No 58.00
shaped sign (single post)
1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign ( Information Board )with back support
b) No 2.00
and two or more post.
Supply and placing stone marker ( RCC kilometer post) including
8.2 excavation, backfilling, painting and writing etc. all complete as per
Drawings. (SS/SP-1503)
a) Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each km distance) No 8.00
b) Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km distance) No 2.00
Supplying and fixing in place RCC delinator and guard posts including
8.3 excavation, back filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per No 290.00
drawings. (SS/SP-1504)
Supplying and applying (10cm wide strip ) thermoplastic Road marking
8.4 including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all complete, as per specification Sqm 1,936.10
(BS 3262) and instruction of Engineer.

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Quantities
S.No Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
9 Bio - engineering Works
Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including preparation of slips
on site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or Operation includes digging
9.1 Sqm 2,420.25
planting hole to hard-wood peg, depending on the nature of the soil. The
planting drills should be space. (Spc. Clau 2807)
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting,
transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes < 30o . Pit size 30 cm
9.2 No 823.00
diameter x depth mix Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the
pit volume. (Spc. Clau 2807)
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting,
transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes 30o . - 400 Pit size 30
9.3 No 823.00
cm diameter x depth mix Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of
the pit volume. (Spc. Clau. 2807)
10 Day Works
Day works shall be executed only on the written instruction of the Project

10.1 Labor (refer day works schedule) including contractor's overhead and profit
a) Skilled labour MD 100.00
b) Unskilled labour MD 150.00
10.2 Plant / Equipment
The rates shall include all cost of operating on site as fuel, lubricant, driver
and associated labour wages, overhead and profit only time actually
employed open the work shall be paid.
a) Tipper Hr 50.00
b) JCB backoe/Loader Hr 50.00
c) Excavator Hr 50.00
d)Water Bowser (For Control Dust) Hr 70.00
10.3 Material
a) Cement mt 2.00
b) Reinforcement( 8,10,12,16) mt 1.00
c) Aggregate (10-40) cum 10.00
d) Sand Cum 10.00

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development

Transport Infrastructure Directorate

Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
1 General Item
Insurances for the loss of damage to
works, plant, material, equipment,
property and personnel injury or death
and commission of bank security and
1.1 performance guarantee all complete, as 1 1.00 PS
per specification (SS/SP-117) and
instruction of engineer including third
party insurance.

1.2 Monthly Rent for Site Office 24 24.00 Month

Provide, operate and maintain Quality
control laboratory including material
engineer equipment, accessories and
consumables for both field testing
1.3 facilities and off-site test with 1 1.00 PS
manpower as per Contract Documents
as per specification(SP-103,106) and
instruction of engineer

Relocation of services and repairing for

existing infrastructure (houses, water
1.4 supply pipes, Temple, Foot staircases, 1 1.00 PS
Foot trails and electrical poles etc) as
instructed by engineer's.

Providing and installation of Project

Signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2 m as
1.5 per specification ( SS/SP - 108 )and 2 2.00 No
instruction of Engineer.
Environmental Mitigation Works as
1.6 instructed by the Project Manager. 1 1.00 PS

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
2 Site Clearance
Clearing and grubbing road land
including uprooting rank vegetation,
grass, bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees
girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps
of trees cut earlier and disposal of
unserviceable materials and stacking of Refer attached sheet - Site
2.1 serviceable Material to be used or 1 Clearance
auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 meters
including removal and disposal of top
organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness. (Spc. Clau 201)

Total 29,043.00 Sqm

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
3 Earth Work
Roadway excavation in all types of
soil/rock by both manual and
mechanical means as per drawing and
technical specification, including
3.1 removal of stumps and other deleterious
matter, with all lifts and lead as drawing
and instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau

Refer attached sheet - EW 259,025.11

Net earthwork Quantity 259025.11-32874.47-4988.17 221,162.47 Cum

Roadway Excavation in Hard Rock,

mechanical Drilling Roadway
Excavation in hard rock with
mechanical drilling, including blasting
3.2 and breaking, and disposal of cut road
within all lifts and leads as per Drawing
and instruction of the Engineer. (Spc.
Clau 905)

Refer attached sheet - EW 32,874.47

Hard Rock Quantity 32,874.47 Cum

Providing, laying, spreading and

compacting embankment with roadway
cutting material and compact to the
required density as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications by Mechanical
Means. (Spc. Clau. 909, 910)

1 Refer attached sheet-EW 4,988.17

Total 4,988.17 Cum
4 Pavement
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation
or other similar works ( filling or cutting depth
4.1 of 10 to 20 cm ) in common soil, all complete
as per specification (SS/SP-1003) and
instruction of Engineer.
1 Refer attached sheet-Qty Road work 55,822.73
Total 55,822.73 Sqm

Providing and laying granular Sub-base on

prepared surface, mixing at OMC, and
compacting to achieve the desired density,
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications- by Mechanical means. (Spc.
Clau 1201)
Subbase with shoulder 1 Refer attached sheet Qty Road work 11,133.05

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
Total 11,133.05 Cum

Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam

on a prepared surface, spreading and mixing
, watering and compacting to form a layer
4.3 of Base course as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications by Mix in Place
Method for 45 mm maximum size. (Spc.
Clau 1204)
Base 1 Refer attached sheet Qty Road work 8,349.78
Total 8,349.78 Cum

Providing and spraying bituminious Prime

Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the
road surface using wire brushes, broom etc.
before applying coat, all complete as per
specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and
instruction of Engineer.
1 Refer attached sheet Qty Road work 50,098.71
Total 50,098.71 Lit

Providing and spraying bituminious Tack

Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the
road surface using wire brushes, broom etc.
4.5 1
before applying coat, all complete as per
specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and
instruction of Engineer.
1 Refer attached sheet Qty Road work 33,399.14
Total 33,399.14 Lit

Providing, mixing ,laying and compaction of

Premix carpet
1 Refer attached sheet Qty Road work 1,669.96
Total 1,669.96 Cum

Providing and laying seal coat sealing

the voids in a Bituminous surface as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
(Spc . Clau 1310)
1 Refer attached sheet Qty Road work 55,665.23
Total 55,665.23 Sqm

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
5 Cross Drainage Structures
Earth work in excavation for foundation of
structure for all types of soil/rock by both
manual and mechanical means as per
drawing and technical specification,
5.1 including Construction of shoring and
bracing,removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, and backfilling with
approved materials with instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
a) Slab Culvert
a) SC - 1m span 11.00 11.17 122.87
b) SC - 4m span 2.00 443.52 887.04
c) Sc - 6m span 1.00 461.64 461.64
d) PC - 900 mm dia 7.00 112.75 789.28
Total 2,260.83 Cum

Backfilling in layers in foundation

pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and
watering etc. complete using locally
available material as per drawing and
technical specification and instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
a) Slab Culvert
a) SC - 1m span 11 10.85 119.35
b) SC - 4m span 2 182.57 365.15
c) Sc - 6m span 1 182.57 182.57
d) PC - 900 mm dia 7 20.03 140.22
Total 807.29 Cum

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone

soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones and
5.3 packing with smaller stone on prepared
surface as per Drawing and Technical
b) Slab Culvert
a) SC - 1m span 11 2.48 27.28
b) SC - 4m span 2 44.52 89.04
c) Sc - 6m span 1 54.60 54.60
d) PC - 900 mm dia 7 4.19 29.31
Total 200.23 Cum
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non
structural Cement Concrete M15/40
5.4 including compaction,curing,testing & form
work complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
a) Slab Culvert
a) SC - 1m span 11.00 1.77 19.47

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
b) SC - 4m span 2.00 63.59 127.18
c) Sc - 6m span 1.00 70.31 70.31
d) PC - 900 mm dia 7.00 5.34 37.36
Total 254.32 Cum

Providing and laying of Machine mixed

Reinforced Cement Concrete M20/20 for the
5.5 road pavement including form work as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
(Spc.Clau 2000) 20.8 A.
a)Slab Culvert- 1m Span 11.00 16.20 178.15
Total 178.15 Cum

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks

Providing and laying , fitting and placing

HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2014)
a) Slab Culvert
a) SC - 1m span 11.00 1291.19 14,203.08
b) SC - 4m span 2.00 1829.81 3,659.62
c) Sc - 6m span 1.00 2397.29 2,397.29
Total in Kg 20,259.99
Total 20.26 Mt

Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,

(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes as
directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone
masonry works
a) Slab Culvert
a) 1m span 11.00 3.60 39.60
Total 39.60 Rm

Providing and laying of Machine

mixed Cement Concrete M25/20
for the super structure
,deck,slab,girder etc including
compaction,curing,testing & form
work completecomplete as per
Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)

a) SC - 4m span 2.00 23.57 47.13

b) Sc - 6m span 1.00 31.37 31.37
Total 78.50 Cum

Providing and laying Random

rubble Masonry work in cement
mortar 1:4 in structure including
dressing,scaffolding,curing ,
preparation of motar, complete as
per Drawing and Technical
Specifications (Spc. Clau 2607)

a) SC - 4m span 2.00 207.22 414.44

b) Sc - 6m span 1.00 208.54 208.54
c) PC - 900 mm dia 7.00 49.78 348.49
Total 971.47 Cum

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
Providing and laying Machine
Made Heavy zinc coated
Hexagonal mesh type 100 mm x
120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm,
selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire
2.4 mm Gabion boxes
/mattresses, placing in position
including stretching; forming
compartments; tying the sides and
diaphragms with binding wire in
each mesh; tying with bracing
wires and tie wires; and tying
down the lid complete as per
specification. Providing and
filling stone/boulder in gabion
boxes/mattress etc.. Including
dressing, bedding, bonding all
complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc.
Clau 2401)
a) SC - 4m span 2.00 42.00 84.00
b) Sc - 6m span 1.00 42.00 42.00
c) PC - 900 mm dia 7.00 34.00 238.00
Total 364.00 Cum

Providing and Laying Reinforced

cement concrete NP3 Hume pipe
Flush jointed pipe for culverts
5.11 including fixing with cement
mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.( Spc.
Clau 701)
a) 900 mm internal dia. 7 7.50 52.50
Total 52.50 Rm

Providing and filling with graded

previous (filter material) in layer
5.12 with necessary watering and
compaction as per specification
and instruction of Engineer
a) SC - 4m span ### 26.84 53.68
b) Sc - 6m span ### 26.84 26.84
c) PC - 900 mm dia ### 4.67 32.70
Total 113.22 Cum

Providing and laying of a geotextile

filter between pitching and embankment
slopes as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2404)
a) SC - 4m span 2 31.50 63.00
b) Sc - 6m span 1 31.50 31.50

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
c) PC - 900 mm dia 7 10.90 76.30
Total 170.80 Cum

Providing, making and fixing of three

layers of 50mm dia GI Hand rail
including RCC post of M20 grade
concrete with size of 0.15 x 0.15 x 1m
and 1.5m center to center all complete as
per drawing specification ( SS/SP-
1804,1805 & 2000) and instruction of

a) SC - 4m span 2 11.08 22.16

b) Sc - 6m span 1 16.00 16.00
Total 38.16 Rm

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
6 Retaining Structure
Earth work in excavation for foundation of
structure for all types of soil/rock by both
manual and mechanical means as per
drawing and technical specification,
6.1 including Construction of shoring and
bracing,removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, and backfilling with
approved materials with instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 801.30
Plumb Concrete
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 172.80
Breast Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 4426.20
Gabion Wall
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 5182.80
Total 10583.10 Cum
Backfilling in layers in foundation
pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and
watering etc. complete using locally
available material as per drawing and
technical specification and instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 610.95
Plumb Concrete
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 143.40
Breast Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 3981.60
Gabion Wall
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 3023.46
Total 7759.41 Cum

Providing and laying of hand pack Stone

soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones and
6.3 packing with smaller stone on prepared
surface as per Drawing and Technical
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet EW 113.93
Plumb Concrete
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 38.10
Breast Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 44.70
Total 196.73 Cum

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non
structural Cement Concrete M15/40
6.4 including compaction,curing,testing & form
work complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 75.95
Plumb Concrete
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 25.40
Breast Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 29.80
Total 131.15 Cum

Providing and laying Coursed rubble stone

masonry in cement mortar (1:4) including
6.5 scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar
etc. all complete as per specification
(SS/SP - 2606) and instruction of Engineer
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 1758.82
Total 1758.82 Cum

Providing and laying Plum concrete

(Boulder mixed concrete) with 60%
6.6 M15 concrete and 40% boulder/stones
including form work complete as per
drawing and specifications.

Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 363.14

Breast Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 397.24
Total 760.38 Cum

Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy

zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type 100 mm x
120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9
mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm Gabion boxes
/mattresses, placing in position including
stretching; forming compartments; tying the
sides and diaphragms with binding wire in
each mesh; tying with bracing wires and tie
wires; and tying down the lid complete as
per specification. Providing and filling
stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc..
Including dressing, bedding, bonding all
complete as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)

Gabion Wall
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet GW 11489.00
Total 11489.00 Cum

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
Providing and laying of a geotextile filter
between pitching and embankment slopes
as per Drawing and Technical
Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2404)
Gabion Wall
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet GW 12760.20
Total 12760.20 Sqm

Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,

(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes as
directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone
masonry works
Plumb Concrete
Retaining Wall 1 Refer attached sheet 1422.05
Total 1422.05 Rm

7 Side Drain
Earthwork in excavation for Side Drain in all
types of soil and rocks including shoring ,
7.1 struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal, all
complete, as per specification (SS/SP-905)
and instruction of Engineer.
a) Type A (Rectangular) (Deduction
50m length for cross draianage
structure) 1 9680.52 0.95 0.80 7357.20
Total 7,357.20 Cum

Providng and laying of Stone soling works

for levelling in line and level with lead, all
complete, as per specification (SS/SP -
2400) and instruction of Engineer.
a) Type A (Rectangular) 1 9680.52 0.95 0.15 1379.47
Total 1,379.47 Cum

Providing and laying of Machine mixed non

structural Cement Concrete M15/40
7.3 including compaction,curing,testing & form
work complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
a) Type B (rectangular ) 1 9680.52 0.36 3509.19
Total 3,509.19 Cum

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
8 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures
Supply and erecting traffic signs in place
including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm thick
steel plates, cement concrete, painting,
writing and supporting steel angle nut and
bolt etc. all complete, as per Drawings.
60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle
a) and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular shaped sign
(single post)
40 58.00
Total 58.00 No

1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign

b) ( Information Board )with back support and
two or more post.
2 2.00
Total 2.00 No

Supply and placing stone marker ( RCC

kilometer post) including excavation,
backfilling, painting and writing etc. all
complete as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1503)
Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each
km distance)
8 8.00
Total 8.00 No

Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km

2 2.00
Total 2.00 No

Supplying and fixing in place RCC delinator

and guard posts including excavation, back
filling, painting and erection etc. all complete
as per drawings. (SS/SP-1504)
1 290 290.00
Total 290.00 No

Supplying and applying (10cm wide strip )

thermoplastic Road marking including
8.4 cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all
complete, as per specification (BS 3262)
and instruction of Engineer.
2 9680.52 0.10 1,936.10
Total 1,936.10 Sqm

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
8 Bio - engineering Works
Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes
<45o including preparation of slips on site. a
max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or
9.1 Operation includes digging planting hole to
hard-wood peg, depending on the nature of
the soil. The planting drills should be space.
(Spc. Clau 2807)
1 Refer attached Sheet 2420.25
Total 2420.25 Sqm

Planting containerized tree and shrub

seedlings, including pitting, transplanting,
composting and mulching, on slopes < 30o .
Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to
1/4 of the pit volume. (Spc. Clau 2807)
1 Refer attached Sheet 823.00
Total 823.00 No

Planting containerized tree and shrub

seedlings, including pitting, transplanting,
composting and mulching, on slopes 30o . -
400 Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to
1/4 of the pit volume. (Spc. Clau. 2807)
1 Refer attached Sheet 823.00
Total 823.00 No

10 Day Works
Day works shall be executed only on the
written instruction of the Project Manager:
Labor (refer day works schedule)
10.1 including contractor's overhead and
a) Skilled labour 100.00 Man Day
b) Unskilled labour 150.00 Man Day

10.2 Plant / Equipment

The rates shall include all cost of
operating on site as fuel, lubricant,
driver and associated labour wages,
overhead and profit only time actually
employed open the work shall be paid.

a) Tipper 50.00 Hr
b) JCB backoe/Loader 50.00 Hr

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Estimate
Description No Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Remarks
c) Excavator 50.00 Hr
d)Water Bowser (For Control Dust) 70.00 Hr

10.3 Material
a) Cement mt 4.00 2.00 mt
b) Reinforcement( 8,10,12,16) mt 2.00 1.00 mt
c) Aggregate (10-40) cum 30.00 10.00 cum
d) Sand Cum 30.00 10.00 Cum

...................Prepared By .................Checked By ....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Site Clearance

Site Clearance
S.No Length Average Width Area Remarks
From To m m (sq.m)
1 0+000 1+500 1500.00 3.00 4500
2 1+500 4+500 3000.00 3.00 9000
3 4+500 9+681 5181.00 3.00 15543
4 9681.00 3.00 29043

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
1 0+000
2 0+020 5.19 1.17 20.00 2.60 0.58 51.90 11.70 30 15.57 50 25.95 10 5.19 10 5.19
3 0+040 6.40 1.88 20.00 5.80 1.52 115.90 30.50 30 34.77 50 57.95 10 11.59 10 11.59
4 0+060 6.07 0.33 20.00 6.24 1.11 124.70 22.10 30 37.41 50 62.35 10 12.47 10 12.47
5 0+080 5.51 0.00 20.00 5.79 0.17 115.80 3.30 30 34.74 50 57.90 10 11.58 10 11.58
6 0+100 4.70 0.15 20.00 5.11 0.08 102.10 1.50 30 30.63 50 51.05 10 10.21 10 10.21
7 0+120 4.91 0.95 20.00 4.80 0.55 96.10 11.00 30 28.83 50 48.05 10 9.61 10 9.61
8 0+140 4.02 1.27 20.00 4.46 1.11 89.30 22.20 30 26.79 50 44.65 10 8.93 10 8.93
9 0+160 6.24 1.16 20.00 5.13 1.21 102.60 24.30 30 30.78 50 51.30 10 10.26 10 10.26
10 0+180 6.99 2.29 20.00 6.61 1.72 132.30 34.50 30 39.69 50 66.15 10 13.23 10 13.23
11 0+200 9.82 1.24 20.00 8.40 1.76 168.10 35.30 30 50.43 50 84.05 10 16.81 10 16.81
12 0+220 0.46 3.11 20.00 5.14 2.17 102.80 43.50 30 30.84 50 51.40 10 10.28 10 10.28
13 0+240 15.91 0.00 20.00 8.18 1.55 163.70 31.10 30 49.11 50 81.85 10 16.37 10 16.37
14 0+260 0.00 2.22 20.00 7.95 1.11 159.10 22.20 30 47.73 50 79.55 10 15.91 10 15.91
15 0+280 1.36 1.64 20.00 0.68 1.93 13.60 38.60 30 4.08 50 6.80 10 1.36 10 1.36
16 0+288 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.68 0.82 5.44 6.56 30 1.63 50 2.72 10 0.54 10 0.54
17 0+300 12.74 0.00 12.00 6.37 0.00 76.44 0.00 30 22.93 50 38.22 10 7.64 10 7.64
18 0+320 10.84 0.00 20.00 11.79 0.00 235.80 0.00 30 70.74 50 117.90 10 23.58 10 23.58
19 0+340 3.64 0.40 20.00 7.24 0.20 144.80 4.00 30 43.44 50 72.40 10 14.48 10 14.48
20 0+360 3.29 1.44 20.00 3.47 0.92 69.30 18.40 30 20.79 50 34.65 10 6.93 10 6.93
21 0+380 2.33 0.94 20.00 2.81 1.19 56.20 23.80 30 16.86 50 28.10 10 5.62 10 5.62

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
22 0+400 3.45 0.64 20.00 2.89 0.79 57.80 15.80 30 17.34 50 28.90 10 5.78 10 5.78
23 0+420 8.76 0.00 20.00 6.11 0.32 122.10 6.40 30 36.63 50 61.05 10 12.21 10 12.21
24 0+440 23.18 0.00 20.00 15.97 0.00 319.40 0.00 30 95.82 50 159.70 10 31.94 10 31.94
25 0+460 20.99 0.00 20.00 22.09 0.00 441.70 0.00 30 132.51 50 220.85 10 44.17 10 44.17
26 0+480 5.72 0.08 20.00 13.35 0.04 267.10 0.80 30 80.13 50 133.55 10 26.71 10 26.71
27 0+500 4.03 0.55 20.00 4.88 0.32 97.50 6.30 30 29.25 50 48.75 10 9.75 10 9.75
28 0+520 4.80 0.16 20.00 4.42 0.36 88.30 7.10 30 26.49 50 44.15 10 8.83 10 8.83
29 0+540 14.72 0.31 20.00 9.76 0.23 195.20 4.70 30 58.56 50 97.60 10 19.52 10 19.52
30 0+560 21.31 0.00 20.00 18.01 0.16 360.30 3.10 30 108.09 50 180.15 10 36.03 10 36.03
31 0+580 31.50 0.00 20.00 26.40 0.00 528.10 0.00 30 158.43 50 264.05 10 52.81 10 52.81
32 0+600 45.26 0.00 20.00 38.38 0.00 767.60 0.00 30 230.28 50 383.80 10 76.76 10 76.76
33 0+620 55.90 0.00 20.00 50.58 0.00 1011.60 0.00 30 303.48 50 505.80 10 101.16 10 101.16
34 0+640 9.31 0.00 20.00 32.61 0.00 652.10 0.00 30 195.63 50 326.05 10 65.21 10 65.21
35 0+660 7.98 1.52 20.00 8.65 0.76 172.90 15.20 30 51.87 50 86.45 10 17.29 10 17.29
36 0+680 26.27 0.00 20.00 17.13 0.76 342.50 15.20 30 102.75 50 171.25 10 34.25 10 34.25
37 0+700 42.54 0.00 20.00 34.41 0.00 688.10 0.00 30 206.43 50 344.05 10 68.81 10 68.81
38 0+720 71.15 0.00 20.00 56.85 0.00 1136.90 0.00 30 341.07 50 568.45 10 113.69 10 113.69
39 0+740 93.91 0.00 20.00 82.53 0.00 1650.60 0.00 30 495.18 50 825.30 10 165.06 10 165.06
40 0+760 85.62 0.00 20.00 89.77 0.00 1795.30 0.00 30 538.59 50 897.65 10 179.53 10 179.53
41 0+780 89.38 0.00 20.00 87.50 0.00 1750.00 0.00 30 525.00 50 875.00 10 175.00 10 175.00
42 0+800 82.91 0.00 20.00 86.15 0.00 1722.90 0.00 30 516.87 50 861.45 10 172.29 10 172.29
43 0+820 44.80 0.00 20.00 63.86 0.00 1277.10 0.00 30 383.13 50 638.55 10 127.71 10 127.71
44 0+840 63.26 0.00 20.00 54.03 0.00 1080.60 0.00 30 324.18 50 540.30 10 108.06 10 108.06
45 0+860 35.22 0.00 20.00 49.24 0.00 984.80 0.00 30 295.44 50 492.40 10 98.48 10 98.48
46 0+880 24.97 0.00 20.00 30.10 0.00 601.90 0.00 30 180.57 50 300.95 10 60.19 10 60.19
47 0+900 18.82 0.00 20.00 21.89 0.00 437.90 0.00 30 131.37 50 218.95 10 43.79 10 43.79

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
48 0+920 13.55 0.00 20.00 16.18 0.00 323.70 0.00 30 97.11 50 161.85 10 32.37 10 32.37
49 0+940 4.71 0.00 20.00 9.13 0.00 182.60 0.00 30 54.78 50 91.30 10 18.26 10 18.26
50 0+960 8.33 0.00 20.00 6.52 0.00 130.40 0.00 30 39.12 50 65.20 10 13.04 10 13.04
51 0+980 12.34 0.00 20.00 10.34 0.00 206.70 0.00 30 62.01 50 103.35 10 20.67 10 20.67
52 1+000 16.41 0.00 20.00 14.38 0.00 287.50 0.00 30 86.25 50 143.75 10 28.75 10 28.75
53 1+020 10.85 0.00 20.00 13.63 0.00 272.60 0.00 30 81.78 50 136.30 10 27.26 10 27.26
54 1+040 2.73 1.62 20.00 6.79 0.81 135.80 16.20 30 40.74 40 54.32 15 20.37 15 20.37
55 1+060 1.53 2.13 20.00 2.13 1.88 42.60 37.50 30 12.78 40 17.04 15 6.39 15 6.39
56 1+080 1.35 1.20 20.00 1.44 1.67 28.80 33.30 30 8.64 40 11.52 15 4.32 15 4.32
57 1+100 7.18 1.22 20.00 4.26 1.21 85.30 24.20 30 25.59 40 34.12 15 12.79 15 12.80
58 1+120 13.14 0.51 20.00 10.16 0.87 203.20 17.30 30 60.96 40 81.28 15 30.48 15 30.48
59 1+140 3.45 1.79 20.00 8.30 1.15 165.90 23.00 30 49.77 40 66.36 15 24.89 15 24.89
60 1+160 13.42 0.00 20.00 8.44 0.89 168.70 17.90 30 50.61 40 67.48 15 25.31 15 25.30
61 1+180 0.82 0.29 20.00 7.12 0.14 142.40 2.90 30 42.72 40 56.96 15 21.36 15 21.36
62 1+200 0.00 10.45 20.00 0.41 5.37 8.20 107.40 30 2.46 40 3.28 15 1.23 15 1.23
63 1+220 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 5.22 0.00 104.50 30 0.00 40 0.00 15 0.00 15 0.00
64 1+240 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30 0.00 40 0.00 15 0.00 15 0.00
65 1+260 0.00 9.57 20.00 0.00 4.78 0.00 95.70 30 0.00 40 0.00 15 0.00 15 0.00
66 1+280 13.92 0.00 20.00 6.96 4.78 139.20 95.70 30 41.76 40 55.68 15 20.88 15 20.88
67 1+300 4.72 0.47 20.00 9.32 0.23 186.40 4.70 30 55.92 40 74.56 15 27.96 15 27.96
68 1+320 2.50 1.26 20.00 3.61 0.86 72.20 17.30 30 21.66 40 28.88 15 10.83 15 10.83
69 1+340 1.69 1.31 20.00 2.10 1.28 41.90 25.70 30 12.57 40 16.76 15 6.28 15 6.28
70 1+360 4.30 1.18 20.00 3.00 1.24 59.90 24.90 30 17.97 40 23.96 15 8.98 15 8.98
71 1+380 7.71 0.00 20.00 6.01 0.59 120.10 11.80 30 36.03 40 48.04 15 18.02 15 18.01
72 1+400 40.64 0.00 20.00 24.17 0.00 483.50 0.00 30 145.05 40 193.40 15 72.53 15 72.52
73 1+420 31.47 0.00 20.00 36.05 0.00 721.10 0.00 30 216.33 40 288.44 15 108.17 15 108.17

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
74 1+440 55.70 0.00 20.00 43.59 0.00 871.70 0.00 30 261.51 40 348.68 15 130.75 15 130.76
75 1+460 38.84 0.00 20.00 47.27 0.00 945.40 0.00 30 283.62 40 378.16 15 141.81 15 141.81
76 1+480 42.23 0.00 20.00 40.53 0.00 810.70 0.00 30 243.21 40 324.28 15 121.61 15 121.60
77 1+500 23.80 0.00 20.00 33.01 0.00 660.30 0.00 30 198.09 40 264.12 15 99.05 15 99.05
78 1+520 12.56 0.00 20.00 18.18 0.00 363.60 0.00 30 109.08 40 145.44 15 54.54 15 54.54
79 1+540 7.98 0.00 20.00 10.27 0.00 205.40 0.00 35 71.89 45 92.43 10 20.54 10 20.54
80 1+560 10.99 0.00 20.00 9.48 0.00 189.70 0.00 35 66.39 45 85.36 10 18.97 10 18.97
81 1+580 2.11 0.26 20.00 6.55 0.13 131.00 2.60 35 45.85 45 58.95 10 13.10 10 13.10
82 1+600 5.40 0.53 20.00 3.75 0.39 75.10 7.90 35 26.28 45 33.79 10 7.51 10 7.51
83 1+620 4.18 0.13 20.00 4.79 0.33 95.80 6.60 35 33.53 45 43.11 10 9.58 10 9.58
84 1+640 3.06 0.47 20.00 3.62 0.30 72.40 6.00 35 25.34 45 32.58 10 7.24 10 7.24
85 1+660 0.00 0.00 20.00 1.53 0.23 30.60 4.70 35 10.71 45 13.77 10 3.06 10 3.06
86 1+680 20.77 0.00 20.00 10.39 0.00 207.70 0.00 35 72.70 45 93.47 10 20.77 10 20.77
87 1+700 30.30 0.00 20.00 25.53 0.00 510.70 0.00 35 178.74 45 229.81 10 51.07 10 51.07
88 1+720 22.95 0.00 20.00 26.63 0.00 532.50 0.00 35 186.38 45 239.63 10 53.25 10 53.25
89 1+740 10.80 0.53 20.00 16.88 0.26 337.50 5.30 35 118.13 45 151.88 10 33.75 10 33.75
90 1+760 13.17 0.25 20.00 11.99 0.39 239.70 7.80 35 83.89 45 107.87 10 23.97 10 23.97
91 1+780 10.54 0.44 20.00 11.86 0.34 237.10 6.90 35 82.99 45 106.70 10 23.71 10 23.71
92 1+800 7.18 1.68 20.00 8.86 1.06 177.20 21.20 35 62.02 45 79.74 10 17.72 10 17.72
93 1+820 7.31 1.31 20.00 7.24 1.49 144.90 29.90 35 50.72 45 65.20 10 14.49 10 14.49
94 1+840 9.01 0.97 20.00 8.16 1.14 163.20 22.80 35 57.12 45 73.44 10 16.32 10 16.32
95 1+860 12.15 0.33 20.00 10.58 0.65 211.60 13.00 35 74.06 45 95.22 10 21.16 10 21.16
96 1+880 13.77 0.01 20.00 12.96 0.17 259.20 3.40 35 90.72 45 116.64 10 25.92 10 25.92
97 1+900 8.21 0.91 20.00 10.99 0.46 219.80 9.20 35 76.93 45 98.91 10 21.98 10 21.98
98 1+920 10.23 0.28 20.00 9.22 0.60 184.40 11.90 35 64.54 45 82.98 10 18.44 10 18.44
99 1+940 7.49 0.75 20.00 8.86 0.52 177.20 10.30 35 62.02 45 79.74 10 17.72 10 17.72

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
100 1+960 9.76 0.43 20.00 8.63 0.59 172.50 11.80 35 60.38 45 77.63 10 17.25 10 17.25
101 1+980 10.75 0.00 20.00 10.26 0.22 205.10 4.30 35 71.79 45 92.29 10 20.51 10 20.51
102 2+000 6.97 0.82 20.00 8.86 0.41 177.20 8.20 35 62.02 45 79.74 10 17.72 10 17.72
103 2+020 6.36 0.59 20.00 6.66 0.70 133.30 14.10 35 46.65 45 59.98 10 13.33 10 13.33
104 2+040 15.07 0.00 20.00 10.71 0.29 214.30 5.90 35 75.00 45 96.43 10 21.43 10 21.43
105 2+060 17.56 0.00 20.00 16.31 0.00 326.30 0.00 35 114.21 45 146.83 10 32.63 10 32.63
106 2+080 12.05 0.00 20.00 14.80 0.00 296.10 0.00 35 103.64 45 133.24 10 29.61 10 29.61
107 2+100 8.19 0.00 20.00 10.12 0.00 202.40 0.00 35 70.84 45 91.08 10 20.24 10 20.24
108 2+120 12.33 0.00 20.00 10.26 0.00 205.20 0.00 35 71.82 45 92.34 10 20.52 10 20.52
109 2+140 16.05 0.00 20.00 14.19 0.00 283.80 0.00 35 99.33 45 127.71 10 28.38 10 28.38
110 2+160 17.38 0.00 20.00 16.71 0.00 334.30 0.00 35 117.01 45 150.44 10 33.43 10 33.43
111 2+180 14.54 0.65 20.00 15.96 0.32 319.20 6.50 35 111.72 45 143.64 10 31.92 10 31.92
112 2+200 45.24 0.00 20.00 29.89 0.32 597.80 6.50 35 209.23 45 269.01 10 59.78 10 59.78
113 2+220 66.53 0.00 20.00 55.89 0.00 1117.70 0.00 35 391.20 45 502.96 10 111.77 10 111.77
114 2+240 49.19 0.00 20.00 57.86 0.00 1157.20 0.00 35 405.02 45 520.74 10 115.72 10 115.72
115 2+260 44.08 0.00 20.00 46.64 0.00 932.70 0.00 35 326.44 45 419.71 10 93.27 10 93.27
116 2+280 28.66 0.00 20.00 36.37 0.00 727.40 0.00 35 254.59 45 327.33 10 72.74 10 72.74
117 2+300 8.00 0.94 20.00 18.33 0.47 366.60 9.40 35 128.31 45 164.97 10 36.66 10 36.66
118 2+320 6.47 0.99 20.00 7.23 0.97 144.70 19.30 35 50.65 45 65.11 10 14.47 10 14.47
119 2+340 10.58 0.62 20.00 8.52 0.81 170.50 16.10 35 59.67 45 76.72 10 17.05 10 17.05
120 2+360 5.25 1.01 20.00 7.91 0.81 158.30 16.30 35 55.40 45 71.23 10 15.83 10 15.83
121 2+380 5.05 1.80 20.00 5.15 1.40 103.00 28.10 35 36.05 45 46.35 10 10.30 10 10.30
122 2+400 8.44 0.79 20.00 6.74 1.29 134.90 25.90 35 47.22 45 60.70 10 13.49 10 13.49
123 2+420 8.50 0.67 20.00 8.47 0.73 169.40 14.60 35 59.29 45 76.23 10 16.94 10 16.94
124 2+440 4.55 2.16 20.00 6.53 1.42 130.50 28.30 35 45.67 45 58.72 10 13.05 10 13.05
125 2+460 4.34 2.07 20.00 4.45 2.12 88.90 42.30 35 31.11 45 40.01 10 8.89 10 8.89

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
126 2+480 4.82 1.62 20.00 4.58 1.84 91.60 36.90 35 32.06 45 41.22 10 9.16 10 9.16
127 2+500 1.65 3.88 20.00 3.24 2.75 64.70 55.00 35 22.65 45 29.11 10 6.47 10 6.47
128 2+520 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.82 1.94 16.50 38.80 35 5.78 45 7.43 10 1.65 10 1.65
129 2+540 41.25 0.00 20.00 20.63 0.00 412.50 0.00 35 144.38 45 185.63 10 41.25 10 41.25
130 2+560 79.05 0.00 20.00 60.15 0.00 1203.00 0.00 35 421.05 45 541.35 10 120.30 10 120.30
131 2+580 59.18 0.00 20.00 69.12 0.00 1382.30 0.00 35 483.80 45 622.04 10 138.23 10 138.23
132 2+600 62.21 0.00 20.00 60.69 0.00 1213.90 0.00 35 424.86 45 546.25 10 121.39 10 121.39
133 2+620 41.19 0.00 20.00 51.70 0.00 1034.00 0.00 35 361.90 45 465.30 10 103.40 10 103.40
134 2+640 47.76 0.00 20.00 44.47 0.00 889.50 0.00 35 311.33 45 400.27 10 88.95 10 88.95
135 2+660 38.61 0.00 20.00 43.18 0.00 863.70 0.00 35 302.30 45 388.66 10 86.37 10 86.37
136 2+680 33.04 0.00 20.00 35.83 0.00 716.50 0.00 35 250.77 45 322.42 10 71.65 10 71.65
137 2+700 13.75 0.13 20.00 23.40 0.06 467.90 1.30 35 163.77 45 210.56 10 46.79 10 46.79
138 2+720 27.68 0.00 20.00 20.72 0.06 414.30 1.30 35 145.01 45 186.44 10 41.43 10 41.43
139 2+740 8.93 1.06 20.00 18.31 0.53 366.10 10.60 35 128.13 45 164.74 10 36.61 10 36.61
140 2+760 12.46 0.51 20.00 10.70 0.78 213.90 15.70 35 74.87 45 96.26 10 21.39 10 21.39
141 2+780 9.41 0.79 20.00 10.93 0.65 218.70 13.00 35 76.55 45 98.42 10 21.87 10 21.87
142 2+800 10.50 2.09 20.00 9.95 1.44 199.10 28.80 35 69.68 45 89.59 10 19.91 10 19.91
143 2+820 34.79 0.00 20.00 22.65 1.04 452.90 20.90 35 158.52 45 203.81 10 45.29 10 45.29
144 2+840 20.54 0.00 20.00 27.67 0.00 553.30 0.00 35 193.65 45 248.98 10 55.33 10 55.33
145 2+860 5.03 1.68 20.00 12.79 0.84 255.70 16.80 35 89.49 45 115.07 10 25.57 10 25.57
146 2+880 19.11 0.00 20.00 12.07 0.84 241.40 16.80 35 84.49 45 108.63 10 24.14 10 24.14
147 2+900 13.36 0.00 20.00 16.24 0.00 324.70 0.00 35 113.64 45 146.12 10 32.47 10 32.47
148 2+920 16.96 0.72 20.00 15.16 0.36 303.20 7.20 35 106.12 45 136.44 10 30.32 10 30.32
149 2+940 4.45 1.16 20.00 10.70 0.94 214.10 18.80 35 74.93 45 96.34 10 21.41 10 21.41
150 2+960 9.00 0.30 20.00 6.72 0.73 134.50 14.60 35 47.08 45 60.53 10 13.45 10 13.45
151 2+980 17.77 0.00 20.00 13.39 0.15 267.70 3.00 35 93.69 45 120.47 10 26.77 10 26.77

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
152 3+000 7.31 1.17 20.00 12.54 0.58 250.80 11.70 35 87.78 45 112.86 10 25.08 10 25.08
153 3+020 13.73 1.92 20.00 10.52 1.54 210.40 30.90 35 73.64 45 94.68 10 21.04 10 21.04
154 3+030 0.00 0.00 10.00 6.86 0.96 68.65 9.60 30 20.59 30 20.59 15 10.30 25 17.16
155 3+040 14.04 2.99 10.00 7.02 1.50 70.20 14.95 30 21.06 30 21.06 15 10.53 25 17.55
156 3+060 3.84 1.61 20.00 8.94 2.30 178.80 46.00 30 53.64 30 53.64 15 26.82 25 44.70
157 3+080 5.20 2.14 20.00 4.52 1.88 90.40 37.50 30 27.12 30 27.12 15 13.56 25 22.60
158 3+100 10.72 0.94 20.00 7.96 1.54 159.20 30.80 30 47.76 30 47.76 15 23.88 25 39.80
159 3+120 32.08 0.00 20.00 21.40 0.47 428.00 9.40 30 128.40 30 128.40 15 64.20 25 107.00
160 3+140 33.71 0.00 20.00 32.90 0.00 657.90 0.00 30 197.37 30 197.37 15 98.68 25 164.47
161 3+160 45.64 0.00 20.00 39.67 0.00 793.50 0.00 30 238.05 30 238.05 15 119.03 25 198.38
162 3+180 43.63 0.00 20.00 44.64 0.00 892.70 0.00 30 267.81 30 267.81 15 133.91 25 223.18
163 3+200 42.96 0.00 20.00 43.30 0.00 865.90 0.00 30 259.77 30 259.77 15 129.89 25 216.48
164 3+220 37.83 0.00 20.00 40.40 0.00 807.90 0.00 30 242.37 30 242.37 15 121.18 25 201.97
165 3+240 56.75 0.00 20.00 47.29 0.00 945.80 0.00 30 283.74 30 283.74 15 141.87 25 236.45
166 3+260 87.80 0.00 20.00 72.28 0.00 1445.50 0.00 30 433.65 30 433.65 15 216.82 25 361.38
167 3+280 52.88 0.00 20.00 70.34 0.00 1406.80 0.00 30 422.04 30 422.04 15 211.02 25 351.70
168 3+300 69.26 0.00 20.00 61.07 0.00 1221.40 0.00 30 366.42 30 366.42 15 183.21 25 305.35
169 3+320 53.48 0.00 20.00 61.37 0.00 1227.40 0.00 30 368.22 30 368.22 15 184.11 25 306.85
170 3+340 42.71 0.00 20.00 48.09 0.00 961.90 0.00 30 288.57 30 288.57 15 144.29 25 240.48
171 3+360 47.26 0.00 20.00 44.98 0.00 899.70 0.00 30 269.91 30 269.91 15 134.96 25 224.93
172 3+380 37.95 0.00 20.00 42.60 0.00 852.10 0.00 30 255.63 30 255.63 15 127.82 25 213.03
173 3+400 44.98 0.55 20.00 41.47 0.28 829.30 5.50 30 248.79 30 248.79 15 124.39 25 207.33
174 3+420 73.14 0.51 20.00 59.06 0.53 1181.20 10.60 30 354.36 30 354.36 15 177.18 25 295.30
175 3+440 39.68 0.00 20.00 56.41 0.25 1128.20 5.10 30 338.46 30 338.46 15 169.23 25 282.05
176 3+460 26.76 0.00 20.00 33.22 0.00 664.40 0.00 30 199.32 30 199.32 15 99.66 25 166.10
177 3+480 29.19 0.00 20.00 27.98 0.00 559.50 0.00 30 167.85 30 167.85 15 83.92 25 139.88

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
178 3+500 41.74 0.00 20.00 35.47 0.00 709.30 0.00 30 212.79 30 212.79 15 106.39 25 177.33
179 3+520 38.54 0.00 20.00 40.14 0.00 802.80 0.00 30 240.84 30 240.84 15 120.42 25 200.70
180 3+540 68.72 0.00 20.00 53.63 0.00 1072.60 0.00 30 321.78 30 321.78 15 160.89 25 268.15
181 3+560 104.53 0.00 20.00 86.63 0.00 1732.50 0.00 30 519.75 30 519.75 15 259.88 25 433.13
182 3+580 98.41 0.00 20.00 101.47 0.00 2029.40 0.00 30 608.82 30 608.82 15 304.41 25 507.35
183 3+600 98.54 0.00 20.00 98.48 0.00 1969.50 0.00 30 590.85 30 590.85 15 295.43 25 492.38
184 3+620 76.10 0.00 20.00 87.32 0.00 1746.40 0.00 30 523.92 30 523.92 15 261.96 25 436.60
185 3+640 119.08 0.00 20.00 97.59 0.00 1951.80 0.00 30 585.54 30 585.54 15 292.77 25 487.95
186 3+660 106.37 0.00 20.00 112.73 0.00 2254.50 0.00 30 676.35 30 676.35 15 338.17 25 563.62
187 3+680 69.34 0.00 20.00 87.85 0.00 1757.10 0.00 30 527.13 30 527.13 15 263.56 25 439.27
188 3+700 42.16 0.00 20.00 55.75 0.00 1115.00 0.00 30 334.50 30 334.50 15 167.25 25 278.75
189 3+720 92.18 0.00 20.00 67.17 0.00 1343.40 0.00 30 403.02 30 403.02 15 201.51 25 335.85
190 3+740 70.35 0.00 20.00 81.26 0.00 1625.30 0.00 30 487.59 30 487.59 15 243.79 25 406.32
191 3+760 39.51 0.00 20.00 54.93 0.00 1098.60 0.00 30 329.58 30 329.58 15 164.79 25 274.65
192 3+780 53.31 0.00 20.00 46.41 0.00 928.20 0.00 30 278.46 30 278.46 15 139.23 25 232.05
193 3+800 20.01 0.00 20.00 36.66 0.00 733.20 0.00 30 219.96 30 219.96 15 109.98 25 183.30
194 3+820 20.50 0.99 20.00 20.26 0.50 405.10 9.90 30 121.53 30 121.53 15 60.76 25 101.28
195 3+840 15.53 2.16 20.00 18.01 1.58 360.30 31.50 30 108.09 30 108.09 15 54.05 25 90.08
196 3+860 13.38 0.70 20.00 14.45 1.43 289.10 28.60 30 86.73 30 86.73 15 43.37 25 72.28
197 3+880 8.63 1.46 20.00 11.01 1.08 220.10 21.60 30 66.03 30 66.03 15 33.01 25 55.02
198 3+900 8.28 1.21 20.00 8.45 1.34 169.10 26.70 30 50.73 30 50.73 15 25.36 25 42.27
199 3+920 3.63 0.01 20.00 5.95 0.61 119.10 12.20 30 35.73 30 35.73 15 17.87 25 29.78
200 3+940 21.77 0.00 20.00 12.70 0.00 254.00 0.10 30 76.20 30 76.20 15 38.10 25 63.50
201 3+960 10.64 0.28 20.00 16.21 0.14 324.10 2.80 30 97.23 30 97.23 15 48.62 25 81.03
202 3+980 27.30 0.00 20.00 18.97 0.14 379.40 2.80 30 113.82 30 113.82 15 56.91 25 94.85
203 4+000 11.52 1.20 20.00 19.41 0.60 388.20 12.00 30 116.46 30 116.46 15 58.23 25 97.05

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
204 4+020 9.78 1.79 20.00 10.65 1.50 213.00 29.90 30 63.90 30 63.90 15 31.95 25 53.25
205 4+040 11.74 3.06 20.00 10.76 2.42 215.20 48.50 35 75.32 50 107.60 5 10.76 10 21.52
206 4+060 8.61 1.20 20.00 10.17 2.13 203.50 42.60 35 71.23 50 101.75 5 10.18 10 20.35
207 4+080 24.70 0.00 20.00 16.66 0.60 333.10 12.00 35 116.58 50 166.55 5 16.66 10 33.31
208 4+100 23.54 0.00 20.00 24.12 0.00 482.40 0.00 35 168.84 50 241.20 5 24.12 10 48.24
209 4+120 12.89 0.70 20.00 18.22 0.35 364.30 7.00 35 127.51 50 182.15 5 18.22 10 36.43
210 4+140 16.90 0.14 20.00 14.89 0.42 297.90 8.40 35 104.26 50 148.95 5 14.90 10 29.79
211 4+160 20.11 0.00 20.00 18.51 0.07 370.10 1.40 35 129.53 50 185.05 5 18.51 10 37.01
212 4+180 17.35 0.00 20.00 18.73 0.00 374.60 0.00 35 131.11 50 187.30 5 18.73 10 37.46
213 4+200 7.18 2.17 20.00 12.27 1.09 245.30 21.70 35 85.86 50 122.65 5 12.27 10 24.53
214 4+202 0.00 0.00 2.00 3.59 1.09 7.18 2.17 35 2.51 50 3.59 5 0.36 10 0.72
215 4+220 7.14 2.24 18.00 3.57 1.12 64.26 20.16 35 22.49 50 32.13 5 3.21 10 6.43
216 4+240 5.36 2.59 20.00 6.25 2.41 125.00 48.30 35 43.75 50 62.50 5 6.25 10 12.50
217 4+260 9.66 0.19 20.00 7.51 1.39 150.20 27.80 35 52.57 50 75.10 5 7.51 10 15.02
218 4+280 2.32 4.32 20.00 5.99 2.26 119.80 45.10 35 41.93 50 59.90 5 5.99 10 11.98
219 4+300 8.97 1.38 20.00 5.65 2.85 112.90 57.00 35 39.51 50 56.45 5 5.64 10 11.29
220 4+320 2.97 3.36 20.00 5.97 2.37 119.40 47.40 35 41.79 50 59.70 5 5.97 10 11.94
221 4+340 42.35 0.00 20.00 22.66 1.68 453.20 33.60 35 158.62 50 226.60 5 22.66 10 45.32
222 4+360 46.06 0.00 20.00 44.20 0.00 884.10 0.00 35 309.43 50 442.05 5 44.20 10 88.41
223 4+380 45.21 0.00 20.00 45.64 0.00 912.70 0.00 35 319.44 50 456.35 5 45.64 10 91.27
224 4+400 37.88 0.00 20.00 41.55 0.00 830.90 0.00 35 290.81 50 415.45 5 41.55 10 83.09
225 4+420 38.85 0.00 20.00 38.36 0.00 767.30 0.00 35 268.56 50 383.65 5 38.36 10 76.73
226 4+440 16.11 0.00 20.00 27.48 0.00 549.60 0.00 35 192.36 50 274.80 5 27.48 10 54.96
227 4+460 10.35 0.02 20.00 13.23 0.01 264.60 0.20 35 92.61 50 132.30 5 13.23 10 26.46
228 4+480 11.48 1.35 20.00 10.91 0.69 218.30 13.70 35 76.40 50 109.15 5 10.91 10 21.83
229 4+484 0.00 0.00 4.00 5.74 0.68 22.96 2.70 35 8.04 50 11.48 5 1.15 10 2.30

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
230 4+500 14.03 0.81 16.00 7.01 0.41 112.24 6.48 35 39.28 50 56.12 5 5.61 10 11.22
231 4+520 9.53 0.11 20.00 11.78 0.46 235.60 9.20 35 82.46 50 117.80 5 11.78 10 23.56
232 4+540 6.05 0.81 20.00 7.79 0.46 155.80 9.20 35 54.53 50 77.90 5 7.79 10 15.58
233 4+560 5.60 1.10 20.00 5.83 0.96 116.50 19.10 35 40.78 50 58.25 5 5.82 10 11.65
234 4+580 9.97 0.27 20.00 7.79 0.69 155.70 13.70 35 54.50 50 77.85 5 7.79 10 15.57
235 4+600 7.46 0.52 20.00 8.72 0.39 174.30 7.90 35 61.01 50 87.15 5 8.72 10 17.43
236 4+620 9.16 1.64 20.00 8.31 1.08 166.20 21.60 35 58.17 50 83.10 5 8.31 10 16.62
237 4+640 12.93 1.40 20.00 11.05 1.52 220.90 30.40 35 77.32 50 110.45 5 11.05 10 22.09
238 4+660 10.74 1.73 20.00 11.84 1.56 236.70 31.30 35 82.85 50 118.35 5 11.84 10 23.67
239 4+680 23.98 3.97 20.00 17.36 2.85 347.20 57.00 35 121.52 50 173.60 5 17.36 10 34.72
240 4+700 13.40 3.02 20.00 18.69 3.50 373.80 69.90 35 130.83 50 186.90 5 18.69 10 37.38
241 4+720 4.66 1.80 20.00 9.03 2.41 180.60 48.20 35 63.21 50 90.30 5 9.03 10 18.06
242 4+740 62.31 0.00 20.00 33.49 0.90 669.70 18.00 35 234.40 50 334.85 5 33.49 10 66.97
243 4+760 51.00 0.00 20.00 56.66 0.00 1133.10 0.00 35 396.59 50 566.55 5 56.66 10 113.31
244 4+780 33.43 0.00 20.00 42.22 0.00 844.30 0.00 35 295.51 50 422.15 5 42.22 10 84.43
245 4+800 75.63 0.00 20.00 54.53 0.00 1090.60 0.00 35 381.71 50 545.30 5 54.53 10 109.06
246 4+820 67.99 0.00 20.00 71.81 0.00 1436.20 0.00 35 502.67 50 718.10 5 71.81 10 143.62
247 4+840 74.60 0.00 20.00 71.29 0.00 1425.90 0.00 35 499.07 50 712.95 5 71.30 10 142.59
248 4+860 84.94 0.00 20.00 79.77 0.00 1595.40 0.00 35 558.39 50 797.70 5 79.77 10 159.54
249 4+880 80.59 0.00 20.00 82.76 0.00 1655.30 0.00 35 579.35 50 827.65 5 82.76 10 165.53
250 4+900 77.57 0.00 20.00 79.08 0.00 1581.60 0.00 35 553.56 50 790.80 5 79.08 10 158.16
251 4+920 67.90 0.00 20.00 72.74 0.00 1454.70 0.00 35 509.15 50 727.35 5 72.74 10 145.47
252 4+940 47.61 0.00 20.00 57.76 0.00 1155.10 0.00 35 404.29 50 577.55 5 57.76 10 115.51
253 4+960 36.25 0.00 20.00 41.93 0.00 838.60 0.00 35 293.51 50 419.30 5 41.93 10 83.86
254 4+980 37.44 0.00 20.00 36.84 0.00 736.90 0.00 35 257.92 50 368.45 5 36.85 10 73.69
255 5+000 48.38 0.00 20.00 42.91 0.00 858.20 0.00 35 300.37 50 429.10 5 42.91 10 85.82

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
256 5+020 55.05 0.00 20.00 51.72 0.00 1034.30 0.00 35 362.00 50 517.15 5 51.71 10 103.43
257 5+040 65.66 0.00 20.00 60.36 0.00 1207.10 0.00 35 422.49 50 603.55 5 60.35 10 120.71
258 5+060 61.53 0.00 20.00 63.60 0.00 1271.90 0.00 35 445.17 50 635.95 5 63.60 10 127.19
259 5+080 74.53 0.00 20.00 68.03 0.00 1360.60 0.00 35 476.21 50 680.30 5 68.03 10 136.06
260 5+100 72.20 0.00 20.00 73.36 0.00 1467.30 0.00 35 513.55 50 733.65 5 73.37 10 146.73
261 5+120 56.90 0.00 20.00 64.55 0.00 1291.00 0.00 35 451.85 50 645.50 5 64.55 10 129.10
262 5+140 55.25 0.00 20.00 56.08 0.00 1121.50 0.00 35 392.52 50 560.75 5 56.08 10 112.15
263 5+160 61.65 0.00 20.00 58.45 0.00 1169.00 0.00 35 409.15 50 584.50 5 58.45 10 116.90
264 5+180 47.05 0.00 20.00 54.35 0.00 1087.00 0.00 35 380.45 50 543.50 5 54.35 10 108.70
265 5+200 23.60 0.00 20.00 35.32 0.00 706.50 0.00 35 247.27 50 353.25 5 35.33 10 70.65
266 5+220 26.15 0.00 20.00 24.88 0.00 497.50 0.00 35 174.13 50 248.75 5 24.88 10 49.75
267 5+240 32.62 0.00 20.00 29.38 0.00 587.70 0.00 35 205.69 50 293.85 5 29.39 10 58.77
268 5+260 27.58 0.00 20.00 30.10 0.00 602.00 0.00 35 210.70 50 301.00 5 30.10 10 60.20
269 5+280 22.28 0.00 20.00 24.93 0.00 498.60 0.00 35 174.51 50 249.30 5 24.93 10 49.86
270 5+300 12.24 0.00 20.00 17.26 0.00 345.20 0.00 35 120.82 50 172.60 5 17.26 10 34.52
271 5+320 7.60 0.00 20.00 9.92 0.00 198.40 0.00 35 69.44 50 99.20 5 9.92 10 19.84
272 5+340 3.87 1.88 20.00 5.73 0.94 114.70 18.80 35 40.15 50 57.35 5 5.74 10 11.47
273 5+360 9.66 0.00 20.00 6.76 0.94 135.30 18.80 35 47.35 50 67.65 5 6.76 10 13.53
274 5+380 0.00 0.00 20.00 4.83 0.00 96.60 0.00 35 33.81 50 48.30 5 4.83 10 9.66
275 5+400 3.09 0.39 20.00 1.54 0.19 30.90 3.90 35 10.81 50 15.45 5 1.54 10 3.09
276 5+420 5.10 0.00 20.00 4.09 0.19 81.90 3.90 35 28.66 50 40.95 5 4.10 10 8.19
277 5+440 20.16 0.00 20.00 12.63 0.00 252.60 0.00 35 88.41 50 126.30 5 12.63 10 25.26
278 5+460 12.42 0.00 20.00 16.29 0.00 325.80 0.00 35 114.03 50 162.90 5 16.29 10 32.58
279 5+480 14.49 0.00 20.00 13.45 0.00 269.10 0.00 35 94.18 50 134.55 5 13.45 10 26.91
280 5+500 11.20 0.00 20.00 12.84 0.00 256.90 0.00 35 89.92 50 128.45 5 12.85 10 25.69
281 5+520 7.92 0.51 20.00 9.56 0.25 191.20 5.10 35 66.92 50 95.60 5 9.56 10 19.12

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
282 5+540 9.80 0.16 20.00 8.86 0.33 177.20 6.70 35 62.02 50 88.60 5 8.86 10 17.72
283 5+560 25.01 0.00 20.00 17.41 0.08 348.10 1.60 35 121.83 50 174.05 5 17.41 10 34.81
284 5+580 55.41 0.00 20.00 40.21 0.00 804.20 0.00 35 281.47 50 402.10 5 40.21 10 80.42
285 5+600 56.56 0.00 20.00 55.99 0.00 1119.70 0.00 35 391.90 50 559.85 5 55.99 10 111.97
286 5+620 54.79 0.00 20.00 55.68 0.00 1113.50 0.00 35 389.73 50 556.75 5 55.67 10 111.35
287 5+640 54.40 0.00 20.00 54.60 0.00 1091.90 0.00 35 382.17 50 545.95 5 54.60 10 109.19
288 5+660 44.62 0.00 20.00 49.51 0.00 990.20 0.00 35 346.57 50 495.10 5 49.51 10 99.02
289 5+680 45.59 0.00 20.00 45.10 0.00 902.10 0.00 35 315.73 50 451.05 5 45.11 10 90.21
290 5+700 37.36 0.00 20.00 41.48 0.00 829.50 0.00 35 290.33 50 414.75 5 41.47 10 82.95
291 5+720 21.53 0.00 20.00 29.45 0.00 588.90 0.00 35 206.11 50 294.45 5 29.44 10 58.89
292 5+740 5.02 1.07 20.00 13.28 0.54 265.50 10.70 35 92.93 50 132.75 5 13.27 10 26.55
293 5+760 1.87 1.54 20.00 3.44 1.31 68.90 26.10 35 24.11 50 34.45 5 3.44 10 6.89
294 5+780 0.60 2.17 20.00 1.24 1.86 24.70 37.10 35 8.65 50 12.35 5 1.23 10 2.47
295 5+800 24.25 0.00 20.00 12.43 1.09 248.50 21.70 35 86.97 50 124.25 5 12.43 10 24.85
296 5+820 35.75 0.00 20.00 30.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 35 210.00 50 300.00 5 30.00 10 60.00
297 5+840 21.64 0.00 20.00 28.69 0.00 573.90 0.00 35 200.86 50 286.95 5 28.69 10 57.39
298 5+860 9.18 0.03 20.00 15.41 0.01 308.20 0.30 35 107.87 50 154.10 5 15.41 10 30.82
299 5+880 4.56 2.24 20.00 6.87 1.14 137.40 22.70 35 48.09 50 68.70 5 6.87 10 13.74
300 5+900 3.85 2.29 20.00 4.20 2.26 84.10 45.30 35 29.44 50 42.05 5 4.21 10 8.41
301 5+920 7.58 0.92 20.00 5.71 1.60 114.30 32.10 35 40.01 50 57.15 5 5.72 10 11.43
302 5+940 12.09 0.25 20.00 9.84 0.59 196.70 11.70 35 68.85 50 98.35 5 9.84 10 19.67
303 5+960 13.82 0.05 20.00 12.95 0.15 259.10 3.00 35 90.68 50 129.55 5 12.95 10 25.91
304 5+980 5.74 1.61 20.00 9.78 0.83 195.60 16.60 35 68.46 50 97.80 5 9.78 10 19.56
305 6+000 3.15 3.22 20.00 4.44 2.42 88.90 48.30 35 31.12 50 44.45 5 4.45 10 8.89
306 6+020 2.83 3.93 20.00 2.99 3.58 59.80 71.50 35 20.93 50 29.90 5 2.99 10 5.98
307 6+040 10.63 0.47 20.00 6.73 2.20 134.60 44.00 35 47.11 50 67.30 5 6.73 10 13.46

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
308 6+060 82.75 0.00 20.00 46.69 0.23 933.80 4.70 35 326.83 50 466.90 5 46.69 10 93.38
309 6+080 71.97 0.00 20.00 77.36 0.00 1547.20 0.00 35 541.52 50 773.60 5 77.36 10 154.72
310 6+100 64.68 0.00 20.00 68.33 0.00 1366.50 0.00 35 478.27 50 683.25 5 68.32 10 136.65
311 6+120 62.41 0.00 20.00 63.55 0.00 1270.90 0.00 35 444.82 50 635.45 5 63.54 10 127.09
312 6+140 71.78 0.00 20.00 67.09 0.00 1341.90 0.00 35 469.67 50 670.95 5 67.10 10 134.19
313 6+160 72.12 0.00 20.00 71.95 0.00 1439.00 0.00 35 503.65 50 719.50 5 71.95 10 143.90
314 6+180 102.95 0.00 20.00 87.53 0.00 1750.70 0.00 35 612.75 50 875.35 5 87.54 10 175.07
315 6+200 84.64 0.00 20.00 93.79 0.00 1875.90 0.00 35 656.57 50 937.95 5 93.80 10 187.59
316 6+220 45.07 0.00 20.00 64.85 0.00 1297.10 0.00 35 453.99 50 648.55 5 64.85 10 129.71
317 6+240 22.82 0.00 20.00 33.94 0.00 678.90 0.00 35 237.61 50 339.45 5 33.94 10 67.89
318 6+260 14.32 0.00 20.00 18.57 0.00 371.40 0.00 35 129.99 50 185.70 5 18.57 10 37.14
319 6+280 19.81 1.19 20.00 17.06 0.60 341.30 11.90 35 119.46 50 170.65 5 17.07 10 34.13
320 6+300 59.92 0.00 20.00 39.86 0.60 797.30 11.90 35 279.06 50 398.65 5 39.86 10 79.73
321 6+320 70.21 0.00 20.00 65.06 0.00 1301.30 0.00 35 455.45 50 650.65 5 65.07 10 130.13
322 6+340 52.48 0.00 20.00 61.34 0.00 1226.90 0.00 35 429.42 50 613.45 5 61.35 10 122.69
323 6+360 77.38 0.00 20.00 64.93 0.00 1298.60 0.00 35 454.51 50 649.30 5 64.93 10 129.86
324 6+380 77.25 0.00 20.00 77.31 0.00 1546.30 0.00 35 541.21 50 773.15 5 77.32 10 154.63
325 6+400 92.74 0.00 20.00 84.99 0.00 1699.90 0.00 35 594.97 50 849.95 5 85.00 10 169.99
326 6+420 75.82 0.00 20.00 84.28 0.00 1685.60 0.00 35 589.96 50 842.80 5 84.28 10 168.56
327 6+440 63.87 0.00 20.00 69.84 0.00 1396.90 0.00 35 488.92 50 698.45 5 69.85 10 139.69
328 6+460 63.71 0.00 20.00 63.79 0.00 1275.80 0.00 35 446.53 50 637.90 5 63.79 10 127.58
329 6+480 85.44 0.00 20.00 74.58 0.00 1491.50 0.00 35 522.03 50 745.75 5 74.57 10 149.15
330 6+500 86.63 0.00 20.00 86.03 0.00 1720.70 0.00 35 602.25 50 860.35 5 86.04 10 172.07
331 6+520 96.02 0.00 20.00 91.32 0.00 1826.50 0.00 35 639.28 50 913.25 5 91.32 10 182.65
332 6+540 68.95 0.00 20.00 82.48 0.00 1649.70 0.00 35 577.40 50 824.85 5 82.49 10 164.97
333 6+560 63.18 0.00 20.00 66.06 0.00 1321.30 0.00 35 462.45 50 660.65 5 66.07 10 132.13

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
334 6+580 76.77 0.00 20.00 69.97 0.00 1399.50 0.00 35 489.83 50 699.75 5 69.97 10 139.95
335 6+600 58.96 0.00 20.00 67.86 0.00 1357.30 0.00 35 475.05 50 678.65 5 67.87 10 135.73
336 6+620 54.58 0.00 20.00 56.77 0.00 1135.40 0.00 35 397.39 50 567.70 5 56.77 10 113.54
337 6+640 50.05 0.00 20.00 52.32 0.00 1046.30 0.00 35 366.20 50 523.15 5 52.31 10 104.63
338 6+660 44.60 0.00 20.00 47.32 0.00 946.50 0.00 35 331.27 50 473.25 5 47.33 10 94.65
339 6+680 34.94 0.00 20.00 39.77 0.00 795.40 0.00 35 278.39 50 397.70 5 39.77 10 79.54
340 6+700 11.70 0.31 20.00 23.32 0.16 466.40 3.10 35 163.24 50 233.20 5 23.32 10 46.64
341 6+720 17.61 0.00 20.00 14.66 0.16 293.10 3.10 35 102.58 50 146.55 5 14.65 10 29.31
342 6+740 14.01 0.31 20.00 15.81 0.16 316.20 3.10 35 110.67 50 158.10 5 15.81 10 31.62
343 6+760 17.30 0.00 20.00 15.65 0.16 313.10 3.10 35 109.58 50 156.55 5 15.65 10 31.31
344 6+780 14.82 0.05 20.00 16.06 0.03 321.20 0.50 35 112.42 50 160.60 5 16.06 10 32.12
345 6+800 12.92 0.03 20.00 13.87 0.04 277.40 0.80 35 97.09 50 138.70 5 13.87 10 27.74
346 6+820 14.16 0.20 20.00 13.54 0.12 270.80 2.30 35 94.78 50 135.40 5 13.54 10 27.08
347 6+840 18.84 0.00 20.00 16.50 0.10 330.00 2.00 35 115.50 50 165.00 5 16.50 10 33.00
348 6+860 10.59 0.21 20.00 14.72 0.10 294.30 2.10 35 103.01 50 147.15 5 14.72 10 29.43
349 6+880 15.22 0.03 20.00 12.91 0.12 258.10 2.40 35 90.33 50 129.05 5 12.90 10 25.81
350 6+900 6.20 1.03 20.00 10.71 0.53 214.20 10.60 35 74.97 50 107.10 5 10.71 10 21.42
351 6+920 10.51 0.72 20.00 8.36 0.88 167.10 17.50 35 58.49 50 83.55 5 8.36 10 16.71
352 6+940 10.81 0.59 20.00 10.66 0.66 213.20 13.10 35 74.62 50 106.60 5 10.66 10 21.32
353 6+960 5.93 2.19 20.00 8.37 1.39 167.40 27.80 35 58.59 50 83.70 5 8.37 10 16.74
354 6+980 8.95 0.44 20.00 7.44 1.32 148.80 26.30 35 52.08 50 74.40 5 7.44 10 14.88
355 7+000 7.15 0.74 20.00 8.05 0.59 161.00 11.80 35 56.35 50 80.50 5 8.05 10 16.10
356 7+020 5.37 0.86 20.00 6.26 0.80 125.20 16.00 35 43.82 50 62.60 5 6.26 10 12.52
357 7+040 0.00 0.00 20.00 2.68 0.43 53.70 8.60 45 24.16 40 21.48 5 2.69 10 5.37
358 7+060 18.71 0.00 20.00 9.35 0.00 187.10 0.00 45 84.20 40 74.84 5 9.36 10 18.71
359 7+080 11.83 0.34 20.00 15.27 0.17 305.40 3.40 45 137.43 40 122.16 5 15.27 10 30.54

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
360 7+100 7.79 0.73 20.00 9.81 0.54 196.20 10.70 45 88.29 40 78.48 5 9.81 10 19.62
361 7+120 0.06 7.82 20.00 3.92 4.28 78.50 85.50 45 35.33 40 31.40 5 3.92 10 7.85
362 7+140 3.62 3.47 20.00 1.84 5.65 36.80 112.90 45 16.56 40 14.72 5 1.84 10 3.68
363 7+160 4.76 2.07 20.00 4.19 2.77 83.80 55.40 45 37.71 40 33.52 5 4.19 10 8.38
364 7+180 19.05 0.07 20.00 11.90 1.07 238.10 21.40 45 107.15 40 95.24 5 11.91 10 23.81
365 7+200 22.14 0.00 20.00 20.59 0.04 411.90 0.70 45 185.35 40 164.76 5 20.59 10 41.19
366 7+220 18.30 0.00 20.00 20.22 0.00 404.40 0.00 45 181.98 40 161.76 5 20.22 10 40.44
367 7+240 11.43 0.66 20.00 14.86 0.33 297.30 6.60 45 133.78 40 118.92 5 14.87 10 29.73
368 7+260 6.80 6.06 20.00 9.12 3.36 182.30 67.20 45 82.03 40 72.92 5 9.12 10 18.23
369 7+280 10.11 1.43 20.00 8.45 3.74 169.10 74.90 45 76.09 40 67.64 5 8.45 10 16.91
370 7+300 8.52 2.25 20.00 9.32 1.84 186.30 36.80 45 83.83 40 74.52 5 9.32 10 18.63
371 7+320 41.21 0.00 20.00 24.86 1.13 497.30 22.50 45 223.79 40 198.92 5 24.87 10 49.73
372 7+340 43.82 0.00 20.00 42.51 0.00 850.30 0.00 45 382.64 40 340.12 5 42.52 10 85.03
373 7+360 82.79 0.00 20.00 63.31 0.00 1266.10 0.00 45 569.75 40 506.44 5 63.31 10 126.61
374 7+380 39.27 0.00 20.00 61.03 0.00 1220.60 0.00 45 549.27 40 488.24 5 61.03 10 122.06
375 7+400 77.04 0.00 20.00 58.16 0.00 1163.10 0.00 45 523.40 40 465.24 5 58.16 10 116.31
376 7+420 104.51 0.00 20.00 90.78 0.00 1815.50 0.00 45 816.97 40 726.20 5 90.78 10 181.55
377 7+440 55.69 0.00 20.00 80.10 0.00 1602.00 0.00 45 720.90 40 640.80 5 80.10 10 160.20
378 7+460 56.02 0.00 20.00 55.85 0.00 1117.10 0.00 45 502.70 40 446.84 5 55.86 10 111.71
379 7+480 89.09 0.00 20.00 72.55 0.00 1451.10 0.00 45 653.00 40 580.44 5 72.56 10 145.11
380 7+500 75.93 0.00 20.00 82.51 0.00 1650.20 0.00 45 742.59 40 660.08 5 82.51 10 165.02
381 7+520 83.23 0.00 20.00 79.58 0.00 1591.60 0.00 45 716.22 40 636.64 5 79.58 10 159.16
382 7+540 46.07 0.00 20.00 64.65 0.00 1293.00 0.00 45 581.85 40 517.20 5 64.65 10 129.30
383 7+560 95.15 0.00 20.00 70.61 0.00 1412.20 0.00 45 635.49 40 564.88 5 70.61 10 141.22
384 7+580 59.19 0.00 20.00 77.17 0.00 1543.40 0.00 45 694.53 40 617.36 5 77.17 10 154.34
385 7+600 65.85 0.00 20.00 62.52 0.00 1250.40 0.00 45 562.68 40 500.16 5 62.52 10 125.04

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
386 7+620 59.70 0.00 20.00 62.77 0.00 1255.50 0.00 45 564.97 40 502.20 5 62.78 10 125.55
387 7+640 29.61 0.00 20.00 44.66 0.00 893.10 0.00 45 401.90 40 357.24 5 44.66 10 89.31
388 7+660 41.75 0.00 20.00 35.68 0.00 713.60 0.00 45 321.12 40 285.44 5 35.68 10 71.36
389 7+680 35.98 0.00 20.00 38.86 0.00 777.30 0.00 45 349.79 40 310.92 5 38.86 10 77.73
390 7+700 29.29 0.00 20.00 32.64 0.00 652.70 0.00 45 293.71 40 261.08 5 32.64 10 65.27
391 7+720 26.41 0.00 20.00 27.85 0.00 557.00 0.00 45 250.65 40 222.80 5 27.85 10 55.70
392 7+740 30.31 0.00 20.00 28.36 0.00 567.20 0.00 45 255.24 40 226.88 5 28.36 10 56.72
393 7+760 72.52 0.00 20.00 51.41 0.00 1028.30 0.00 45 462.73 40 411.32 5 51.41 10 102.83
394 7+780 56.54 0.00 20.00 64.53 0.00 1290.60 0.00 45 580.77 40 516.24 5 64.53 10 129.06
395 7+800 54.46 0.00 20.00 55.50 0.00 1110.00 0.00 45 499.50 40 444.00 5 55.50 10 111.00
396 7+820 77.09 0.00 20.00 65.77 0.00 1315.50 0.00 45 591.98 40 526.20 5 65.78 10 131.55
397 7+840 45.12 0.00 20.00 61.10 0.00 1222.10 0.00 45 549.95 40 488.84 5 61.10 10 122.21
398 7+860 66.62 0.00 20.00 55.87 0.00 1117.40 0.00 45 502.83 40 446.96 5 55.87 10 111.74
399 7+880 59.71 0.00 20.00 63.17 0.00 1263.30 0.00 45 568.49 40 505.32 5 63.16 10 126.33
400 7+900 42.25 0.00 20.00 50.98 0.00 1019.60 0.00 45 458.82 40 407.84 5 50.98 10 101.96
401 7+920 56.55 0.00 20.00 49.40 0.00 988.00 0.00 45 444.60 40 395.20 5 49.40 10 98.80
402 7+940 36.58 0.00 20.00 46.57 0.00 931.30 0.00 45 419.09 40 372.52 5 46.56 10 93.13
403 7+960 33.57 0.00 20.00 35.08 0.00 701.50 0.00 45 315.67 40 280.60 5 35.08 10 70.15
404 7+980 34.39 0.00 20.00 33.98 0.00 679.60 0.00 45 305.82 40 271.84 5 33.98 10 67.96
405 8+000 70.90 0.00 20.00 52.65 0.00 1052.90 0.00 45 473.80 40 421.16 5 52.64 10 105.29
406 8+020 62.06 0.00 20.00 66.48 0.00 1329.60 0.00 45 598.32 40 531.84 5 66.48 10 132.96
407 8+040 60.18 0.00 20.00 61.12 0.00 1222.40 0.00 45 550.08 40 488.96 5 61.12 10 122.24
408 8+060 46.66 0.00 20.00 53.42 0.00 1068.40 0.00 45 480.78 40 427.36 5 53.42 10 106.84
409 8+080 28.09 0.00 20.00 37.38 0.00 747.50 0.00 45 336.38 40 299.00 5 37.38 10 74.75
410 8+100 12.74 0.00 20.00 20.41 0.00 408.30 0.00 45 183.73 40 163.32 5 20.42 10 40.83
411 8+120 0.69 1.42 20.00 6.71 0.71 134.30 14.20 45 60.43 40 53.72 5 6.71 10 13.43

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
412 8+140 4.25 0.00 20.00 2.47 0.71 49.40 14.20 45 22.23 40 19.76 5 2.47 10 4.94
413 8+160 9.30 0.00 20.00 6.78 0.00 135.50 0.00 45 60.97 40 54.20 5 6.78 10 13.55
414 8+180 5.17 0.00 20.00 7.24 0.00 144.70 0.00 45 65.11 40 57.88 5 7.24 10 14.47
415 8+200 0.00 0.00 20.00 2.59 0.00 51.70 0.00 45 23.26 40 20.68 5 2.59 10 5.17
416 8+220 14.59 0.00 20.00 7.30 0.00 145.90 0.00 45 65.66 40 58.36 5 7.30 10 14.59
417 8+240 13.89 0.00 20.00 14.24 0.00 284.80 0.00 45 128.16 40 113.92 5 14.24 10 28.48
418 8+260 19.50 0.00 20.00 16.70 0.00 333.90 0.00 45 150.26 40 133.56 5 16.70 10 33.39
419 8+280 16.67 0.00 20.00 18.09 0.00 361.70 0.00 45 162.76 40 144.68 5 18.09 10 36.17
420 8+300 16.03 0.00 20.00 16.35 0.00 327.00 0.00 45 147.15 40 130.80 5 16.35 10 32.70
421 8+320 13.77 0.00 20.00 14.90 0.00 298.00 0.00 45 134.10 40 119.20 5 14.90 10 29.80
422 8+340 5.48 0.00 20.00 9.63 0.00 192.50 0.00 45 86.63 40 77.00 5 9.63 10 19.25
423 8+360 4.24 0.00 20.00 4.86 0.00 97.20 0.00 45 43.74 40 38.88 5 4.86 10 9.72
424 8+380 3.80 0.00 20.00 4.02 0.00 80.40 0.00 45 36.18 40 32.16 5 4.02 10 8.04
425 8+400 1.99 0.17 20.00 2.89 0.09 57.90 1.70 45 26.05 40 23.16 5 2.89 10 5.79
426 8+420 2.04 0.29 20.00 2.01 0.23 40.30 4.60 45 18.14 40 16.12 5 2.01 10 4.03
427 8+440 7.44 0.00 20.00 4.74 0.14 94.80 2.90 45 42.66 40 37.92 5 4.74 10 9.48
428 8+460 5.36 0.00 20.00 6.40 0.00 128.00 0.00 45 57.60 40 51.20 5 6.40 10 12.80
429 8+480 5.10 0.05 20.00 5.23 0.03 104.60 0.50 45 47.07 40 41.84 5 5.23 10 10.46
430 8+500 7.75 0.00 20.00 6.42 0.03 128.50 0.50 45 57.83 40 51.40 5 6.43 10 12.85
431 8+520 8.21 0.00 20.00 7.98 0.00 159.60 0.00 45 71.82 40 63.84 5 7.98 10 15.96
432 8+540 7.39 0.43 20.00 7.80 0.22 156.00 4.30 45 70.20 40 62.40 5 7.80 10 15.60
433 8+560 7.05 1.15 20.00 7.22 0.79 144.40 15.80 45 64.98 40 57.76 5 7.22 10 14.44
434 8+580 12.10 0.00 20.00 9.58 0.57 191.50 11.50 45 86.18 40 76.60 5 9.58 10 19.15
435 8+600 10.12 0.56 20.00 11.11 0.28 222.20 5.60 45 99.99 40 88.88 5 11.11 10 22.22
436 8+620 6.98 0.49 20.00 8.55 0.53 171.00 10.50 45 76.95 40 68.40 5 8.55 10 17.10
437 8+640 7.22 1.52 20.00 7.10 1.00 142.00 20.10 45 63.90 40 56.80 5 7.10 10 14.20

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
438 8+660 6.01 1.91 20.00 6.62 1.71 132.30 34.30 45 59.54 40 52.92 5 6.61 10 13.23
439 8+680 6.63 1.43 20.00 6.32 1.67 126.40 33.40 45 56.88 40 50.56 5 6.32 10 12.64
440 8+700 8.36 0.59 20.00 7.49 1.01 149.90 20.20 45 67.45 40 59.96 5 7.50 10 14.99
441 8+720 7.21 0.71 20.00 7.78 0.65 155.70 13.00 45 70.07 40 62.28 5 7.79 10 15.57
442 8+740 12.90 0.41 20.00 10.05 0.56 201.10 11.20 45 90.50 40 80.44 5 10.06 10 20.11
443 8+760 4.51 1.59 20.00 8.70 1.00 174.10 20.00 45 78.34 40 69.64 5 8.70 10 17.41
444 8+780 4.63 1.64 20.00 4.57 1.62 91.40 32.30 45 41.13 40 36.56 5 4.57 10 9.14
445 8+800 5.54 1.60 20.00 5.09 1.62 101.70 32.40 45 45.77 40 40.68 5 5.09 10 10.17
446 8+820 17.18 0.00 20.00 11.36 0.80 227.20 16.00 45 102.24 40 90.88 5 11.36 10 22.72
447 8+840 3.99 3.93 20.00 10.59 1.97 211.70 39.30 45 95.27 40 84.68 5 10.59 10 21.17
448 8+860 2.36 0.75 20.00 3.17 2.34 63.50 46.80 45 28.58 40 25.40 5 3.17 10 6.35
449 8+880 5.86 0.43 20.00 4.11 0.59 82.20 11.80 45 36.99 40 32.88 5 4.11 10 8.22
450 8+900 5.70 1.56 20.00 5.78 0.99 115.60 19.90 45 52.02 40 46.24 5 5.78 10 11.56
451 8+920 8.56 1.38 20.00 7.13 1.47 142.60 29.40 45 64.17 40 57.04 5 7.13 10 14.26
452 8+940 13.23 0.00 20.00 10.89 0.69 217.90 13.80 45 98.05 40 87.16 5 10.90 10 21.79
453 8+960 9.40 1.42 20.00 11.31 0.71 226.30 14.20 45 101.83 40 90.52 5 11.32 10 22.63
454 8+980 6.83 0.64 20.00 8.11 1.03 162.30 20.60 45 73.04 40 64.92 5 8.12 10 16.23
455 9+000 10.93 0.40 20.00 8.88 0.52 177.60 10.40 45 79.92 40 71.04 5 8.88 10 17.76
456 9+020 9.84 0.62 20.00 10.39 0.51 207.70 10.20 45 93.47 40 83.08 5 10.38 10 20.77
457 9+040 10.15 0.43 20.00 9.99 0.53 199.90 10.50 45 89.96 40 79.96 5 10.00 10 19.99
458 9+060 13.15 0.00 20.00 11.65 0.22 233.00 4.30 45 104.85 40 93.20 5 11.65 10 23.30
459 9+080 13.48 2.30 20.00 13.31 1.15 266.30 23.00 45 119.83 40 106.52 5 13.32 10 26.63
460 9+100 0.00 0.00 20.00 6.74 1.15 134.80 23.00 45 60.66 40 53.92 5 6.74 10 13.48
461 9+120 9.77 0.36 20.00 4.89 0.18 97.70 3.60 45 43.96 40 39.08 5 4.89 10 9.77
462 9+140 9.23 0.10 20.00 9.50 0.23 190.00 4.60 45 85.50 40 76.00 5 9.50 10 19.00
463 9+160 8.03 0.60 20.00 8.63 0.35 172.60 7.00 45 77.67 40 69.04 5 8.63 10 17.26

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
464 9+180 6.15 0.82 20.00 7.09 0.71 141.80 14.20 45 63.81 40 56.72 5 7.09 10 14.18
465 9+200 8.36 1.30 20.00 7.25 1.06 145.10 21.20 45 65.30 40 58.04 5 7.25 10 14.51
466 9+220 8.79 0.19 20.00 8.57 0.74 171.50 14.90 45 77.18 40 68.60 5 8.57 10 17.15
467 9+240 6.45 0.06 20.00 7.62 0.12 152.40 2.50 45 68.58 40 60.96 5 7.62 10 15.24
468 9+260 5.67 0.23 20.00 6.06 0.15 121.20 2.90 45 54.54 40 48.48 5 6.06 10 12.12
469 9+280 6.43 0.11 20.00 6.05 0.17 121.00 3.40 45 54.45 40 48.40 5 6.05 10 12.10
470 9+300 7.02 0.00 20.00 6.72 0.05 134.50 1.10 45 60.53 40 53.80 5 6.72 10 13.45
471 9+320 9.30 0.00 20.00 8.16 0.00 163.20 0.00 45 73.44 40 65.28 5 8.16 10 16.32
472 9+340 13.54 0.00 20.00 11.42 0.00 228.40 0.00 45 102.78 40 91.36 5 11.42 10 22.84
473 9+360 29.28 0.00 20.00 21.41 0.00 428.20 0.00 45 192.69 40 171.28 5 21.41 10 42.82
474 9+380 25.85 0.00 20.00 27.57 0.00 551.30 0.00 45 248.09 40 220.52 5 27.57 10 55.13
475 9+400 21.00 0.00 20.00 23.43 0.00 468.50 0.00 45 210.82 40 187.40 5 23.42 10 46.85
476 9+420 10.10 0.16 20.00 15.55 0.08 311.00 1.60 45 139.95 40 124.40 5 15.55 10 31.10
477 9+440 8.63 0.15 20.00 9.37 0.16 187.30 3.10 45 84.28 40 74.92 5 9.37 10 18.73
478 9+460 5.85 0.00 20.00 7.24 0.08 144.80 1.50 45 65.16 40 57.92 5 7.24 10 14.48
479 9+480 4.84 0.04 20.00 5.35 0.02 106.90 0.40 45 48.10 40 42.76 5 5.35 10 10.69
480 9+500 3.18 2.00 20.00 4.01 1.02 80.20 20.40 45 36.09 40 32.08 5 4.01 10 8.02
481 9+520 2.88 1.75 20.00 3.03 1.88 60.60 37.50 45 27.27 40 24.24 5 3.03 10 6.06
482 9+540 1.88 1.84 20.00 2.38 1.80 47.60 35.90 45 21.42 40 19.04 5 2.38 10 4.76
483 9+560 7.41 1.56 20.00 4.64 1.70 92.90 34.00 45 41.80 40 37.16 5 4.64 10 9.29
484 9+580 6.53 0.43 20.00 6.97 0.99 139.40 19.90 45 62.73 40 55.76 5 6.97 10 13.94
485 9+600 0.00 0.00 20.00 3.27 0.22 65.30 4.30 45 29.39 40 26.12 5 3.26 10 6.53
486 9+620 6.17 0.00 20.00 3.09 0.00 61.70 0.00 45 27.76 40 24.68 5 3.09 10 6.17
487 9+640 5.19 0.42 20.00 5.68 0.21 113.60 4.20 45 51.12 40 45.44 5 5.68 10 11.36
488 9+660 3.39 0.01 20.00 4.29 0.21 85.80 4.30 45 38.61 40 34.32 5 4.29 10 8.58
489 9+680 0.98 0.09 20.00 2.19 0.05 43.70 1.00 45 19.67 40 17.48 5 2.19 10 4.37

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detail Quantity Calculation of Earth Work

Mean Mean Fill

Cut Area Fill Area Length Cut volume Soil Classification (m3)
S.N. Chainage Area Area Volume Remarks
(m2) (m2) (m) Cut(m2) Fill(m2) (m3) (m3) % OS % BMS % OR % HR
490 9+681 1.10 0.09 0.52 1.04 0.09 0.54 0.05 45 0.24 40 0.22 5 0.03 10 0.05
Total 9680.52 259025.11 4988.17 36 92963.11 43 112741.41 8 20446.12 13 32874.47
Deduction of Hard Rock Quantity -32874.47
Deduction of Fill Volume -4988.17
Net Excavation Qty 221162.47 Cum

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By .......................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Quantity Estimate of Road Works
S.N. Description of Item No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remark
1 Sub Grade Preparation 1 9,680.52 5.25 50,822.73
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 5,000.00
Total Sub Grade Qty 55,822.73 Sqm

Gravel Sub Base Preparation

2 Carriageway (Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 3.75 0.20 7,237.89
cross drainage structure)
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 0.20 1,000.00
Gravel Sub Base Preparation
Shoulder(Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 1.50 0.20 2,895.16
cross drainage structure)
Total Sub Base Qty 11,133.05 Cum

Crushed Stone Base Preparation

3 Carriageway(Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 3.75 0.15 5,428.42
cross drainage structure)
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 0.15 750.00
Crushed Stone Base Preparation
Shoulder(Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 1.50 0.15 2,171.37
cross drainage structure)
Total 8,349.78 Cu m

Prime Coat for Premix Surfaceing

4 Carriageway (Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 3.75 36,189.45 0.9 lit/ m2
cross drainage structure )
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 5,000.00
Prime Coat for Premix Surfaceing
Shoulder(Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 1.50 14,475.78
cross drainage structure)
Total @ 0 .9 lit/m2 50,098.71 lit

Tack Coat for Premix Surfaceing

5 Carriageway (Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 3.75 36,189.45 0.6 lit/ m2
cross drainage structure)
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 5,000.00

....................Estimated By .....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Quantity Estimate of Road Works
S.N. Description of Item No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remark
Tack Coat for Premix Surfaceing
Shoulder(Deduction 30m length for 1 9,650.52 1.50 14,475.78
cross drainage structure)
Total @ 0.6 lit/m2 33,399.14 lit

Providing, mixing ,laying and
compaction of Premix carpet 1 9,650.52 3.75 0.03 1,085.68
Carriageway (Deduction 30m length for
cross drainage structure)
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 0.03 150.00
Providing, mixing ,laying and
compaction of Premix carpet 1 9,650.52 1.50 0.03 434.27
Shoulder(Deduction 30m length for
cross drainage structure)
Total 1,669.96 Cum

Providing and laying seal coat sealing
the voids in a Bituminous surface
(Deduction 30m length for cross
drainage structure) 1 9,650.52 3.75 36,189.45
Extra widening on sharp curves 50 40.00 2.50 5000.00
Providing and laying seal coat sealing
the voids in a Bituminous surface
(Deduction 30m length for cross
drainage structure) 1 9650.52 1.50 14475.78
Total 55,665.23 Sqm

....................Estimated By .....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name : Chap(Mahendra Pul) Nar Road Project

Cross Drainage Location

S.N. Chainage Span (m) Remark
1 1+060 Water Underground 30 Fu River
2 1+220 20 Nar Khola

Slab Culvert & Hume Pipe Culvert Location

S.No Chainage Type/Description Count Remarks Adopt
1 0+288 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m Sc
2 0+660 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
3 1+060 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m Sc
4 1+660 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
5 2+174 6m span RCC Slav Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 6 m SC
6 2+520 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
7 2+800 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
8 3+030 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
9 3+400 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
10 3+750 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m Sc
11 4+202 4m span RCC Slav Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 4 mSC
12 4+484 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
13 5+380 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
14 5+780 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
15 6+262 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m Sc
16 7+040 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
17 7+445 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
18 8+200 4m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 4 m SC
19 8+782 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
20 9+100 900 mm dia Pipe Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 90 mm HP
21 9+600 1 m Span Slab Culvert 1 Drainage Crossing 1 m SC
Total 21

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Detailed Estimate of Pipe Culvert (900 mm int.dia) Total 7 Nos

Head Wall U/S Length= 5.00 m Pipe Internal Dia= 0.90 m
Head Wall D/S Length= 8.00 m Thickness of Pipe= 0.10 m
Head Wall U/S Width= 0.45 m Overall Dia= 1.10 m
Head Wall D/S Width= 0.45 m Pipe Length= 7.50 m
Head Wall Cushion = 1.00 m PCC= 0.10 m
Head Wall Height D/S= 2.45 m Soiling
PCC for Pipe Bed rectangular 0.15 m
Head Wall Height U/S= 2.40 m portion=
PCC for Pipe Bed curvilinear 0.20 m
Foundation below Pipe of Head Wall U/S= 0.30 m portion= 0.16 m
Foundation below Pipe of Head Wall D/S= 0.35 m Catch Pit Width= 1.50 m
Carriage Way= 5.50 m Gabion Height= 1.00 m
Shoulder= 0.75 m

Detailed Estimate of Pipe Culvert (900 mm int.dia)

Length Breadth Height
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1. Earth Excavation
i) Head Wall D/S 1 8.00 1.47 1.23 14.41
ii) Catch pit 1 4.58 5.08 2.40 55.84
iii) Pipe portion 1 4.39 1.38 1.10 6.64
iv) Stone soling portion
a) Catchpit 1 4.58 5.08 0.15 3.49
b) Head wall 1 8.00 1.47 0.15 1.76
c) Pipe Portion 1 4.39 1.38 0.15 0.91
v) PCC lining
a) Catchpit 1 4.58 5.08 0.10 2.33
b)Head wall 1 8.00 1.47 0.10 1.18
c) Pipe Portion 1 4.39 1.38 0.20 1.21
vi) Gabion Works U/S & D/S
a) U/S Protection 4 3.00 1.00 0.50 6.00
b) D/S Protection 2 8.00 1.00 1.00 16.00
2 3.00 1.00 0.50 3.00
112.75 Cum
2. Back Fill
i) Pipe Portion Excavation 1 6.64
Deduction for pipe -1 4.39 0.95 - 4.17
ii) Head Wall D/S (25% of E/W of Head
Wall) 0.25 14.41 3.60
iii) Catchpit side walls (25% of E/W of Catch
Pit) 0.25 55.84 13.96
20.03 Cum
3. Stone Soling
i) Catchpit 1 4.58 5.08 0.10 2.33
ii) Head Wall 1 8.00 1.47 0.10 1.18
iii) Pipe Portion 1 4.98 1.38 0.10 0.68
4.19 Cum

4. Concrete Works (M15/40)

i) Catchpit 1 4.58 5.08 0.10 2.33
ii)Head Wall 1 8.00 1.47 0.10 1.18
iii) Hume pipe 1 4.98 1.38 0.20 1.37

Area of
1 4.98 1.38 0.16 1.10 Pipe Sector
Deduction of Pipe Portion 1 4.98 0.13 - 0.63 0.1266
5.34 Cum

5. Formwork
i) Head Wall 1 18.94 0.10 1.89
ii) At Catchpit 1 18.32 0.10 1.83
iii) for Bedding Concrete 2 4.98 0.36 3.59
7.31 Sqm

6. Stone Masonry Works (MM 7.5)

i) Head Wall 1 8.00 0.99 2.45 19.31
Deduction for pipe -1 0.93 0.95 - 0.88
ii) Upstream Head Wall 1 8.00 0.95 2.40 18.14
Deduction for pipe -1 0.93 0.95 - 0.88
iii) Hill side wall 1 3.39 0.90 2.40 7.30
iv) Side walls 2 1.50 0.95 2.40 6.80
49.78 Cum

7. 900 mm dia RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) 1 7.50 7.50

7.50 Rm
8. Gabion Works
i) U/S Protection works 4 3.00 1.00 1.00 12.00
ii)D/S Protection 2 8.00 1.00 1.00 16.00
2 3.00 1.00 1.00 6.00
34.00 Cum
9. Filter Material(Pervious) Behind behind wall structures
i) Head Wall 1 3.00 0.20 2.42 1.45
Deduction for pipe -1 0.95 0.20 -0.19
ii) Inlet Wall 1 3.00 0.20 2.00 1.20
Deduction for pipe -1 0.95 0.20 -0.19
iii) Hill side wall 1 3.00 0.20 2.00 1.20
iv) Side walls 2 1.50 0.20 2.00 1.20
4.67 Cum

10. Geo-textile 5.45 2 10.90

10.90 Sqm
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name : Chap (Mahendra Pul) Nar Road Project

Slab Culvert Span 1.00m -11 Nos

Span of culvert(1~6) 1.00
Slab thickness(for 2.0m=0.30,4.0m.=0.35&for 6.0m=0.45) 0.300
Foundation pad thickness 0.30
Length of Abutement 6.00
Height of abutement from Ground level(Hab) 1.75
Depth of foundation(Df) 0.87
Thickness of lean concrete 0.12
Thickness of Solling 0.15
Width of abutement(for 2.0m=0.30,4.0m=0.35and6.0m=0.40) 0.300
width of kerb 0.25
Ht. of kerb from slab 0.45
Length of return wall 2.00
Width of return wall 0.20
Ht. at abutement side 1.75
Ht. at rear side 1.00
Upstream Apron Length 1
Down Stream Apron length 2

S.No. Description of Works No Quantity Unit Remarks
Length Bredth Height
Excavations in ordinary soil for structures
including cutting of slope, shoring, shuttering,
1.0 planking, ordinary sealing and disposal of matreials
up to a lead 50 m. along the lead route in Ordinary

Foundation 1.0 1.80 6.20 0.87 9.709

Up stream Apron 1.0 1.80 1.00 0.27 0.486
Down stream Apron 1.0 1.80 2.00 0.27 0.972
Total 11.170 Cu.m
2.0 Dry Stone soling including
Foundation bed 1.0 1.80 6.20 0.15 1.674
Up stream Apron 1.0 1.80 1.00 0.15 0.270
Down stream Apron 1.0 1.80 2.00 0.15 0.540
Total 2.480 Cu.m
Provide & placing machine mixed M15 cement
3.0 concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including
compaction, curing and testing all complete.
Foundation bed 1.0 1.60 6.20 0.12 1.190
Up stream Apron 1.0 1.60 1.00 0.12 0.192
Down stream Apron 1.0 1.60 2.00 0.12 0.384
Total 1.770 Cu.m

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

S.No. Description of Works No Quantity Unit Remarks
Length Bredth Height
Provide & placing machine mixed M20 cement
4.0 concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including
compaction, curing and testing all complete.
Foundation pad 1.0 1.80 6.00 0.30 3.240
Abutement stem 2.0 6.00 0.30 1.75 6.300
Slab 1.0 1.60 6.00 0.30 2.880
Kerb 2.0 1.60 0.25 0.45 0.360
Return wall 4.00 2.00 0.20 1.38 2.200
Fillet 2.00 6.00 0.10 1.215
16.195 Cu.m
Providing and fixing of 110mm HDP pipe for weep
5.0 12.0 0.30 3.600 R.m.
Earthwork in backfilling with approved Granular
Filter material behind the abutment.
Left Abutment. 1.00 0.50 6.20 1.75 5.425
Right Abutment. 1.00 0.50 6.20 1.75 5.425
Total 10.850 Cu.m
Providing, preparing and installing formwork
7.0 including necessary supports and removing after
Foundation PCC 1.0 15.6 0.12 1.872
Foundation slab 1.0 15.60 0.30 4.680
Abutment stem 2.0 12.60 1.75 44.100
Slab-bottom portion 1.0 1.60 6.00 9.600
slab side 1.0 15.20 0.30 4.560
Kerb 4.0 3.70 0.45 6.660
Return wall 8.0 2.00 1.38 22.000
Fillet 2.0 6.00 0.64 7.680
Total 101.152 Sq.m
Providing and laying HYSD bars (Fe 415) including
8.0 cutting, bending, fixing in position with all ancilliary
works for R.C.C. work all complete.
Foundation Slab
12mm dia main bar in foundation pad@200mm c/c 82.0 2.04 0.890 148.879 In Two layers
8mm dia distribution bar in foundation pad@150mm c/ 12.0 6.52 0.395 30.905 "
Abutement stem
12mm dia Vertical main bar in Abutement@200mm c/ 120.0 3.17 0.890 338.556
12mm dia Vertical main bar in Abutement rear side
60.0 2.22 0.890 118.495
@200mm c/c
8mm dia Distribution bar in Abutement @150mm c/c 48.0 6.44 0.396 122.412
12mm dia Extra Vertical bar in Abutement for return
8.0 2.64 0.890 18.797
wall@120mm c/c
16mm dia Main bar @200mm c/c 82.0 2.04 1.580 264.302 In Two layers
8mm dia distribution bar @150mm c/c 18.0 6.96 0.395 49.486 "
12mm dia U bar @300mm c/c 12.0 1.59 0.890 16.981
10mm dia Longitudinal bar @300mm c/c 8.0 1.52 0.620 7.539
Return /Wing wall
12mm dia Top bar @120mm c/c 8.0 3.18 0.890 22.642 Both side
12mm dia Bottom bar @120mm c/c 8.0 3.32 0.890 23.610 "
10mm dia Horizontal bar @200mm c/c in rectangular p 40.0 2.62 0.625 65.500 "

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

S.No. Description of Works No Quantity Unit Remarks
Length Bredth Height
10mm dia Horizontal bar @200mm c/c in Triangular pa 32.0 1.27 0.620 25.197 "
8mm dia Vertical bar @250mm c/c 64.0 1.50 0.396 37.889
1291.189 Mt.

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

In Two layers

In Two layers

..................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 4m Total 2 No


Clear Depth (H) = 3.00 m

Span(S)= 4.00 m
Road Width 7.00 m
Total Width of Slab( Road Width + Wing Wall
Footpath Width)(W) 9.00 m
H1= 4.00 m D= 3m
T= 0.40 m D1= 4m
T1= 0.20 m E= 2.6 m
T2= 0.15 m F= 4.85 m
A= 0.77 m F1= 4.20 m
B= 3.04 m G= 1.39 m
L= 5.54 m D' 0.5 m G' 0.975
D" 1.5 m
Bar Bending Schedule of Footpath: Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm @ 200 c/c 10 5.54 55.4 Mark a6
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm 2 * 9nos 18 9.00 162 Mark s1
10 mm @ 200 c/c 92 1.97 181.24 Mark s2
16 mm @ 250 c/c 148 0.6 88.8 Mark s3
Bar Bending schedule of
Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
20 mm @ 150 c/c 61 5.04 307.44 Mark a1
12 mm @ 200 c/c 27 8.9 240.30 Mark a2
10 mm @ 200 c/c 46 5.04 231.84 Mark a3
10 mm @ 200 c/c 27 9.59 258.93 Mark a4
10 mm @ 200 c/c 27 8.9 240.30 Mark a4'
12 mm 2 nos. 2 8.9 17.80 Mark a5
Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 4m
Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in Excavation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 4.60 268.27
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 2.51 96.88
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 8.20 4.20 0.50 34.44 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Cut Off Wall 2 13.70 0.30 0.60 4.93
v) Middle Portion 1 9.00 4.00 0.50 18.00
v) Gabion Apron 1 14.00 3.00 0.50 21.00
Total 443.52 Cum
2 PCC M15 in foundation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.45 26.24
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 0.45 17.35
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 8.20 3.90 0.20 12.79 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Middle Portion 1 9.00 4.00 0.20 7.20
Total 63.59 Cum

3 Stone Soling
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.15 8.75 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Wing Wall 4 4.85 1.99 0.15 5.78
i) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 8.20 3.90 0.30 19.19 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Middle Portion 1 9.00 4.00 0.30 10.80
Total 44.52 Cum

Random Rubble Masonry Works in

(1:4 c/m) MM 7.5
i) Abutment 2 9.00 1.91 4.00 137.16
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.14 2.75 61.02
iii) U/S and D/S Cut Off 2 13.70 0.30 1.10 9.04
Total 207.22 Cum

5 Concrete Work (M25/20)

i) Slab 1 5.14 9.00 0.40 18.50 L=S+2*(A-T1)
ii) Footpath 2 5.14 1.00 0.15 1.54
Concrete Cap 2 9.00 area 0.20 m2 3.52
Total 23.57 Cum

6 Reinforcement
i) Bar Bending Schedule of kerb:
Mark a6 10 5.54 @ 0.62kg/m 34.35
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment
Mark s1 18 9.00 @ 0.62kg/m 100.44
Mark s2 92 1.97 @ 0.62kg/m 112.37
Mark s3 148 0.60 @ 1.58kg/m 140.30
Bar Bending schedule of
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
Mark a1 61 5.04 @ 2.47kg/m 759.38
Mark a2 27 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 213.87
Mark a3 46 5.04 @ 0.62kg/m 143.74
Mark a4 27 9.59 @ 0.62kg/m 160.54
Mark a4' 27 8.90 @ 0.62kg/m 148.99
Mark a5 2 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 15.84
Total 1,829.81 Kg

7 Formwork
i) Abutment Capping 2 9.00 1.10 19.80 P=(2*T+2*T2)*W
ii) Slab side faces 1 28.28 0.40 11.31 P=2*(S+2*(A-T1))+2*W
Footpath 4 5.54 0.15 3.32
iii) Slab bottom face 1 4.00 9.00 36.00
iv) Abutment Base 2 24.48 0.45 22.03
v) Wing Wall Base 4 13.68 0.45 24.62
Total 117.08 Sqm

8 Gabion Apron D/S Protection 1 14.00 3.00 1.00 42.00

Total 42.00 Cum

9 Filter Material (Pervious Material)

i) Abutment 2 9.00 0.25 3.00 13.50
ii) Wing wall 4 4.85 0.25 2.75 13.34
Total 26.84 Cum

10 Back Filling
i) 50 % of E/W of Abutment 0.5 268.27 134.14
ii) 50 % of E/W of Wing walls 0.5 96.88 48.44
Total 182.57 Cum

11 HDP pipe for weep holes

i) Abutment 0 1.62 avg -
ii) Wing Walls 0 0.99 avg -
Total 0.00 Rm

12 Geo-textile 9.00 31.50

Total 31.50 Sqm

Three layers of GI Railing including

RCC Post
2 5.54 11.08
11.08 Rm
Bars dia. 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 28
Unit weight ( 0.22 0.39 0.62 0.89 1.58 2.47 3.86 4.84


2* 9nos 39
2* required for both side 2,500.00



32 40
6.33 9.89
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 6 m Total 1 No


Clear Depth (H) = 3.00 m

Span(S)= 6.00 m
Road Width 7.00 m
Total Width of Slab( Road Width + Wing Wall
Footpath Width)(W) 9.00 m
H1= 4.00 m D= 3m
T= 0.40 m D1= 4m
T1= 0.20 m E= 2.6 m
T2= 0.15 m F= 4.85 m
A= 0.77 m F1= 4.20 m
B= 3.04 m G= 1.39 m
L= 8.00 m D' 0.5 m G' 0.975
D" 1.5 m
Bar Bending Schedule of Footpath: Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm @ 200 c/c 10 8.00 80 Mark a6
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm 2 * 9nos 18 9.00 162 Mark s1
10 mm @ 200 c/c 92 1.97 181.24 Mark s2
16 mm @ 250 c/c 148 0.6 88.8 Mark s3
Bar Bending schedule of
Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
20 mm @ 150 c/c 61 7.04 429.44 Mark a1
12 mm @ 200 c/c 37 8.9 329.30 Mark a2
10 mm @ 200 c/c 46 7.04 323.84 Mark a3
10 mm @ 200 c/c 37 9.59 354.83 Mark a4
10 mm @ 200 c/c 37 8.9 329.30 Mark a4'
12 mm 2 nos. 2 8.9 17.80 Mark a5

Length Breadth Height

SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in Excavation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 4.60 268.27
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 2.51 96.88
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.20 4.20 0.50 42.84 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Cut Off Wall 2 15.70 0.30 0.60 5.65
v) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.50 27.00
v) Gabion Apron 1 14.00 3.00 0.50 21.00
Total 461.64 Cum
2 PCC M15 in foundation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.45 26.24
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 0.45 17.35
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.20 3.90 0.20 15.91 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.20 10.80
Total 70.31 Cum

3 Stone Soling
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.15 8.75 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Wing Wall 4 4.85 1.99 0.15 5.78
i) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.20 3.90 0.30 23.87 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.30 16.20
Total 54.60 Cum

Random Rubble Masonry Works in

MM 7.5
i) Abutment 2 9.00 1.91 4.00 137.16
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.14 2.75 61.02
iii) U/S and D/S Cut Off 2 15.70 0.30 1.10 10.36
Total 208.54 Cum

5 Concrete Work (M25/20)

i) Slab 1 7.14 9.00 0.40 25.70 L=S+2*(A-T1)
ii) Footpath 2 7.14 1.00 0.15 2.14
Concrete Cap 2 9.00 area 0.20 m2 3.52
Total 31.37 Cum

6 Reinforcement
i) Bar Bending Schedule of kerb:
Mark a6 10 8.00 @ 0.62kg/m 49.60
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment
Mark s1 18 9.00 @ 0.62kg/m 100.44
Mark s2 92 1.97 @ 0.62kg/m 112.37
Mark s3 148 0.60 @ 1.58kg/m 140.30
Bar Bending schedule of
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
Mark a1 61 7.04 @ 2.47kg/m 1,060.72
Mark a2 37 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 293.08
Mark a3 46 7.04 @ 0.62kg/m 200.78
Mark a4 37 9.59 @ 0.62kg/m 219.99
Mark a4' 37 8.90 @ 0.62kg/m 204.17
Mark a5 2 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 15.84
Total 2,397.29 Kg

7 Formwork
i) Abutment Capping 2 9.00 1.10 19.80 P=(2*T+2*T2)*W
ii) Slab side faces 1 32.28 0.40 12.91 P=2*(S+2*(A-T1))+2*W
Footpath 4 8.00 0.15 4.80
iii) Slab bottom face 1 6.00 9.00 54.00
iv) Abutment Base 2 24.48 0.45 22.03
v) Wing Wall Base 4 13.68 0.45 24.62
Total 138.16 Sqm

8 Gabion Apron D/S Protection 1 14.00 3.00 1.00 42.00

Total 42.00 Cum

9 Filter Material (Pervious Material)

i) Abutment 2 9.00 0.25 3.00 13.50
ii) Wing wall 4 4.85 0.25 2.75 13.34
Total 26.84 Cum

10 Back Filling
i) 50 % of E/W of Abutment 0.5 268.27 134.14
ii) 50 % of E/W of Wing walls 0.5 96.88 48.44
Total 182.57 Cum

11 HDP pipe for weep holes

i) Abutment 0 1.62 avg -
ii) Wing Walls 0 0.99 avg -
Total 0.00 Rm

12 Geo-textile 9.00 31.50

Total 31.50 Sqm

Three layers of GI Railing including

RCC Post
2 8.00 16.00
16.00 Rm
Bars dia. 6 8 10 12 16 20 25 28
Unit weight ( 0.22 0.39 0.62 0.89 1.58 2.47 3.86 4.84


Wing Wall

A= 1.00 m F1=
2* 9nos 39 B= 0.00 m G=
2* required for both side 2,500.00 L= 8.40 m



32 40
6.33 9.89

Wing Wall
2.6 m
5.12 m

4.43 m
1.39 m
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Excavation in Foundation for Masonry Retaining and Breast Wall
Soil Classification Back Filling in
Chainage Excavation
Length Structures
S.N. Cut Area Structure OS HS OR Hard Rock
Cut Volume Area Volume
From To
m (m2) (m3) % m3 % m3 % m3 % m3 (m2) (m3)
Retaining Wall
1 1+190 1+210 20.00 1.47 29.40 30 8.82 40 11.76 25 7.35 5 1.47 0.39 7.80
2 1+250 1+270 20.00 2.66 53.20 30 15.96 40 21.28 25 13.30 5 2.66 0.81 16.20
3 3+010 3+025 15.00 2.66 39.90 30 11.97 40 15.96 25 9.98 5 2.00 0.81 12.15
4 3+410 3+430 20.00 9.23 184.60 30 55.38 30 55.38 30 55.38 10 18.46 5.50 110.00
5 3+830 3+850 20.00 0.81 16.20 30 4.86 30 4.86 30 4.86 10 1.62 0.81 16.20
6 3+870 3+890 20.00 1.32 26.40 30 7.92 30 7.92 30 7.92 10 2.64 1.32 26.40
7 4+610 4+630 20.00 1.23 24.60 35 8.61 50 12.30 10 2.46 5 1.23 1.23 24.60
8 4+630 4+650 20.00 3.84 76.80 35 26.88 50 38.40 10 7.68 5 3.84 3.84 76.80
9 4+650 4+670 20.00 2.14 42.80 35 14.98 50 21.40 10 4.28 5 2.14 2.14 42.80
10 4+670 4+690 20.00 2.14 42.80 35 14.98 50 21.40 10 4.28 5 2.14 2.14 42.80
11 4+690 4+710 20.00 4.44 88.80 35 31.08 50 44.40 10 8.88 5 4.44 4.44 88.80
12 4+710 4+730 20.00 2.14 42.80 35 14.98 50 21.40 10 4.28 5 2.14 2.14 42.80
13 7+110 7+130 20.00 2.62 52.40 45 23.58 40 20.96 10 5.24 5 2.62 1.15 23.00
14 7+130 7+150 20.00 2.14 42.80 45 19.26 40 17.12 10 4.28 5 2.14 2.14 42.80
15 7+150 7+170 20.00 1.89 37.80 45 17.01 40 15.12 10 3.78 5 1.89 1.89 37.80
Sub Total Retaining Wall 295.00 801.30 276.27 329.66 143.94 51.43 610.95
Total 295.00 801.30 276.27 329.66 143.94 51.43 610.95

....................Prepared By ...................Checked By .....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Excavation in Foundation for Masonry Retaining and Breast Wall
Soil Classification Back Filling in
Chainage Excavation
Length Structures
S.N. Cut Area Structure OS HS OR Hard Rock
Cut Volume Area Volume
From To
m (m2) (m3) % m3 % m3 % m3 % m3 (m2) (m3)
Total 655 5400.2999902 1817.979994 2155.24999 940.270001 306.05501 4735.95009

....................Prepared By ...................Checked By .....................Approved By



....................Prepared By ...................Checked By .....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Masonry Retaining and Breast Wall

HDPE Pointing cement mortar

Quantity of Masonry Wall Stone Soling in Foundation M15/40 PCC in Foundation
Chainage weep (cement 1: sand 3)
S.N. Top Section 110mm
Length Height Quantity Length Height Area Length Breath Height Quantity Breath Height Quantity
Width al Area Dia.
From To
m m m m2 m3 m m m m2 m m m m3 m m m3
Retaining Wall
1 1+190 1+210 20.00 3.50 0.50 4.64 92.78 75.40 20.00 3.50 70.00 20.00 2.30 0.15 6.90 2.30 0.10 4.60
2 1+250 1+270 20.00 3.50 0.50 4.64 92.78 75.40 20.00 3.50 70.00 20.00 2.30 0.15 6.90 2.30 0.10 4.60
3 3+010 3+025 15.00 4.50 0.50 7.33 109.92 92.85 15.00 4.50 67.50 15.00 2.90 0.15 6.53 2.90 0.10 4.35
4 3+410 3+430 20.00 4.00 0.50 5.91 118.16 90.80 20.00 4.00 80.00 20.00 2.60 0.15 7.80 2.60 0.10 5.20
5 3+830 3+850 20.00 4.00 0.50 5.91 118.16 90.80 20.00 4.00 80.00 20.00 2.60 0.15 7.80 2.60 0.10 5.20
6 3+870 3+890 20.00 3.00 0.50 3.52 70.44 48.40 20.00 3.00 60.00 20.00 2.00 0.15 6.00 2.00 0.10 4.00
7 4+610 4+630 20.00 3.00 0.50 3.52 70.44 48.40 20.00 3.00 60.00 20.00 2.00 0.15 6.00 2.00 0.10 4.00
8 4+630 4+650 20.00 4.00 0.50 5.91 118.16 90.80 20.00 4.00 80.00 20.00 2.60 0.15 7.80 2.60 0.10 5.20
9 4+650 4+670 20.00 3.50 0.50 4.64 92.78 75.40 20.00 3.50 70.00 20.00 2.30 0.15 6.90 2.30 0.10 4.60
10 4+670 4+690 20.00 5.50 0.50 10.62 212.46 184.20 20.00 5.50 110.00 20.00 3.50 0.15 10.50 3.50 0.10 7.00
11 4+690 4+710 20.00 4.50 0.50 7.33 146.56 123.80 20.00 4.50 90.00 20.00 2.90 0.15 8.70 2.90 0.10 5.80
12 4+710 4+730 20.00 3.50 0.50 4.64 92.78 75.40 20.00 3.50 70.00 20.00 2.30 0.15 6.90 2.30 0.10 4.60
13 7+110 7+130 20.00 5.50 0.50 10.62 212.46 184.20 20.00 5.50 110.00 20.00 3.50 0.15 10.50 3.50 0.10 7.00
14 7+130 7+150 20.00 4.00 0.50 5.91 118.16 90.80 20.00 4.00 80.00 20.00 2.60 0.15 7.80 2.60 0.10 5.20
15 7+150 7+170 20.00 3.50 0.50 4.64 92.78 75.40 20.00 3.50 70.00 20.00 2.30 0.15 6.90 2.30 0.10 4.60
Sub Total Retaining Wa 295.00 1,758.82 1,422.05 295.00 113.93 75.95

.....................Prepared By .......................Checked By ...................Approved By

Detailed Estimate of Masonry Retaining and Breast Wall

HDPE Pointing cement mortar

Quantity of Masonry Wall Stone Soling in Foundation M15/40 PCC in Foundation
Chainage weep (cement 1: sand 3)
S.N. Top Section 110mm
Length Height Quantity Length Height Area Length Breath Height Quantity Breath Height Quantity
Width al Area Dia.
From To
m m m m2 m3 m m m m2 m m m m3 m m m3
Total 295.00 1,758.82 1,422.05 295.00 113.93 75.95

.....................Prepared By .......................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Excavation in Foundation for Plumb Concrete
Soil Classification
Chainage Excavation
S.N. Cut Area Structure OS HS
Cut Volume
From To
m (m2) (m3) % m3 % m3
Retaining Wall
1 0+650 0+670 20.00 0.56 11.20 30 3.36 50 5.60
2 3+390 3+410 20.00 1.40 28.00 30 8.40 30 8.40
3 3+810 3+830 20.00 0.81 16.20 30 4.86 30 4.86
4 3+850 3+870 20.00 1.09 21.80 30 6.54 30 6.54
5 3+890 3+910 20.00 0.72 14.40 30 4.32 30 4.32
6 4+590 4+610 20.00 0.72 14.40 30 4.32 30 4.32
7 7+090 7+110 20.00 2.62 52.40 45 23.58 40 20.96
8 7+170 7+190 20.00 0.72 14.40 45 6.48 40 5.76
Sub Total Retaining Wall 160.00 172.80 61.86 60.76
Breast Wall
24 0+730 0+750 20.00 27.83 556.60 30 166.98 50 278.30
25 2+210 2+230 20.00 19.35 387.00 35 135.45 45 174.15
26 2+550 2+570 20.00 22.83 456.60 35 159.81 45 205.47
27 3+250 3+270 20.00 22.83 456.60 35 159.81 45 205.47
28 3+550 3+570 20.00 22.08 441.60 30 132.48 30 132.48
29 3+570 3+590 20.00 20.23 404.60 30 121.38 30 121.38
30 3+630 3+650 20.00 21.32 426.40 30 127.92 30 127.92
31 3+650 3+670 20.00 21.32 426.40 30 127.92 30 127.92
32 6+170 6+190 20.00 21.79 435.80 35 152.53 50 217.90
33 7+410 7+430 20.00 21.73 434.60 45 195.57 40 173.84
Sub Total Breast Wall 200.00 4,426.20 1,479.85 1,764.83
Total 360.00 4,599.00 1,541.71 1,825.59
Total 655 5400.2999902 1817.979994 2155.24999
ture Development

for Plumb Concrete Retaining and Breast Wall

Soil Classification Back Filling in

OR Hard Rock Remarks
Area Volume
% m3 % m3 (m2) (m3)
15 1.68 5 0.56 0.56 11.20 Right
30 8.40 10 2.80 1.40 28.00 Right
30 4.86 10 1.62 0.81 16.20 Left
30 6.54 10 2.18 1.09 21.80 Left
30 4.32 10 1.44 0.72 14.40 Left
30 4.32 10 1.44 0.72 14.40 Left
10 5.24 5 2.62 1.15 23.00 Right
10 1.44 5 0.72 0.72 14.40 Right
36.80 13.38 143.40

15 83.49 5 27.83 25.10 502.00 Left

20 77.40 - - 16.62 332.40 Right
20 91.32 - - 20.10 402.00 Left
20 91.32 - - 20.10 402.00 Left
30 132.48 10 44.16 20.20 404.00 Left
30 121.38 10 40.46 18.34 366.80 Right
30 127.92 10 42.64 19.43 388.60 Right
30 127.92 10 42.64 19.43 388.60 Left
10 43.58 5 21.79 19.91 398.20 Right
10 43.46 5 21.73 19.85 397.00 0.000
940.27 241.25 3,981.60
940.27 254.63 4,125.00
940.270001 306.05501 4735.95009
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Plumb Concrete Retaining and Breast Wall
HDPE Pointing cement mortar
Quantity of Plumb Concrete Wall weep
Chainage (cement 1: sand 3)
Top Section holes
S.N. Length Height Quantity 110mm Length Height Area
Width al Area
From To Dia.
m m m m2 m3 m m m m2
Retaining Wall
1 0+650 0+670 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
2 3+390 3+410 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
3 3+810 3+830 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
4 3+850 3+870 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
5 3+890 3+910 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
6 4+590 4+610 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
7 7+090 7+110 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
8 7+170 7+190 20.00 1.50 0.50 1.08 21.58 14.00 20.00 1.50 30.00
Sub Total Plumb conc 160.00 363.14 265.00 160.00
Breast Wall
24 0+730 0+750 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
25 2+210 2+230 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
26 2+550 2+570 20.00 2.50 0.50 2.56 51.12 38.80 20.00 2.50 50.00
27 3+250 3+270 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
28 3+550 3+570 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
29 3+570 3+590 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
30 3+630 3+650 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
31 3+650 3+670 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
32 6+170 6+190 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
33 7+410 7+430 20.00 2.00 0.50 1.74 34.84 18.20 20.00 2.00 40.00
Sub Total Plumb Conc 200.00 397.24 243.80 200.00
Total 360.00 760.38 508.80 360.00
e Development

g and Breast Wall

Stone Soling in Foundation M15/40 PCC in Foundation

Length Breath Height Quantity Breath Height Quantity

m m m m3 m m m3

20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40

20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.10 0.15 3.30 1.10 0.10 2.20
38.10 25.40

20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40

20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.70 0.15 5.10 1.70 0.10 3.40
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
20.00 1.40 0.15 4.20 1.40 0.10 2.80
44.70 29.80
82.80 55.20
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall Structur Foundation Excavation Back Filling in
Chainage e Cut Structure Soil Classification Structures
S.N. Length Remarks
Area Cut Volume OS BMS OR HR Area Volume
From To (m)
(m2) (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) (m2) (m3)
1 0+000 0+010 10.00 3.66 36.60 30 10.98 50 18.30 15 5.49 5 1.83 0.810 8.10 Left
2 0+010 0+030 20.00 3.66 73.20 30 21.96 50 36.60 15 10.98 5 3.66 0.810 16.20 Left
3 0+130 0+150 20.00 3.30 66.00 30 19.80 50 33.00 15 9.90 5 3.30 0.690 13.80 Left
4 0+150 0+170 20.00 3.42 68.40 30 20.52 50 34.20 15 10.26 5 3.42 0.730 14.60 Left
5 0+170 0+190 20.00 4.99 99.80 30 29.94 50 49.90 15 14.97 5 4.99 1.290 25.80 Left
6 0+190 0+210 20.00 2.69 53.80 30 16.14 50 26.90 15 8.07 5 2.69 0.560 11.20 Left
7 0+210 0+230 20.00 2.94 58.80 30 17.64 50 29.40 15 8.82 5 2.94 0.530 10.60 Left
8 0+250 0+270 20.00 4.62 92.40 30 27.72 50 46.20 15 13.86 5 4.62 1.510 30.20 Right
9 0+270 0+284 14.00 4.23 59.22 30 17.77 50 29.61 15 8.88 5 2.96 1.060 14.84 Right
10 0+370 0+390 20.00 1.65 33.00 30 9.90 50 16.50 15 4.95 5 1.65 0.240 4.80 Right
11 1+030 1+050 20.00 0.54 10.80 30 3.24 40 4.32 25 2.70 5 0.54 0.540 10.80 Left
12 1+050 1+070 20.00 2.93 58.60 30 17.58 40 23.44 25 14.65 5 2.93 0.540 10.80 Left
13 1+070 1+090 20.00 7.05 141.00 30 42.30 40 56.40 25 35.25 5 7.05 5.880 117.60 Left
14 1+090 1+110 20.00 6.31 126.20 30 37.86 40 50.48 25 31.55 5 6.31 1.880 37.60 Left
15 1+110 1+130 20.00 3.52 70.40 30 21.12 40 28.16 25 17.60 5 3.52 0.730 14.60 Left
16 1+310 1+330 20.00 3.79 75.80 30 22.74 40 30.32 25 18.95 5 3.79 0.860 17.20 Left
17 1+330 1+350 20.00 3.59 71.80 30 21.54 40 28.72 25 17.95 5 3.59 0.770 15.40 Left
18 1+730 1+750 20.00 3.89 77.80 35 27.23 45 35.01 20 15.56 0 0.00 1.040 20.80 Left
19 1+750 1+770 20.00 1.39 27.80 35 9.73 45 12.51 20 5.56 0 0.00 1.390 27.80 Left
20 1+770 1+790 20.00 4.56 91.20 35 31.92 45 41.04 20 18.24 0 0.00 1.320 26.40 Left
21 1+790 1+810 20.00 1.38 27.60 35 9.66 45 12.42 20 5.52 0 0.00 1.380 27.60 Left

....................Prepared By ....................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall Structur Foundation Excavation Back Filling in
Chainage e Cut Structure Soil Classification Structures
S.N. Length Remarks
Area Cut Volume OS BMS OR HR Area Volume
From To (m)
(m2) (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) (m2) (m3)
22 1+810 1+830 20.00 1.64 32.80 35 11.48 45 14.76 20 6.56 0 0.00 1.640 32.80 Left
23 1+830 1+850 20.00 1.92 38.40 35 13.44 45 17.28 20 7.68 0 0.00 1.920 38.40 Left
24 1+850 1+870 20.00 1.26 25.20 35 8.82 45 11.34 20 5.04 0 0.00 1.260 25.20 Left
25 1+870 1+890 20.00 0.51 10.20 35 3.57 45 4.59 20 2.04 0 0.00 0.510 10.20 Left
26 1+890 1+910 20.00 0.67 13.40 35 4.69 45 6.03 20 2.68 0 0.00 0.670 13.40 Left
27 1+910 1+930 20.00 1.33 26.60 35 9.31 45 11.97 20 5.32 0 0.00 1.330 26.60 Left
28 1+930 1+950 20.00 3.81 76.20 35 26.67 45 34.29 20 15.24 0 0.00 0.950 19.00 Left
29 1+950 1+970 20.00 3.76 75.20 35 26.32 45 33.84 20 15.04 0 0.00 0.670 13.40 Left
30 2+290 2+310 20.00 3.35 67.00 35 23.45 45 30.15 20 13.40 0 0.00 0.760 15.20 Right
31 2+310 2+330 20.00 3.23 64.60 35 22.61 45 29.07 20 12.92 0 0.00 0.710 14.20 Right
32 2+350 2+370 20.00 3.46 69.20 35 24.22 45 31.14 20 13.84 0 0.00 0.760 15.20 Right
33 2+370 2+390 20.00 1.39 27.80 35 9.73 45 12.51 20 5.56 0 0.00 1.390 27.80 Right
34 2+390 2+410 20.00 0.75 15.00 35 5.25 45 6.75 20 3.00 0 0.00 0.750 15.00 Right
35 2+410 2+430 20.00 0.83 16.60 35 5.81 45 7.47 20 3.32 0 0.00 0.830 16.60 Right
36 2+430 2+450 20.00 1.18 23.60 35 8.26 45 10.62 20 4.72 0 0.00 1.180 23.60 Right
37 2+450 2+470 20.00 1.25 25.00 35 8.75 45 11.25 20 5.00 0 0.00 1.250 25.00 Right
38 2+470 2+490 20.00 1.49 29.80 35 10.43 45 13.41 20 5.96 0 0.00 1.490 29.80 Right
39 2+490 2+510 20.00 1.94 38.80 35 13.58 45 17.46 20 7.76 0 0.00 1.940 38.80 Right
40 2+730 2+750 20.00 1.84 36.80 35 12.88 45 16.56 20 7.36 0 0.00 1.840 36.80 Left
41 2+750 2+770 20.00 0.97 19.40 35 6.79 45 8.73 20 3.88 0 0.00 0.970 19.40 Left
42 2+770 2+790 20.00 2.16 43.20 35 15.12 45 19.44 20 8.64 0 0.00 2.160 43.20 Left
43 2+790 2+810 20.00 1.19 23.80 35 8.33 45 10.71 20 4.76 0 0.00 1.190 23.80 Left
44 2+850 2+870 20.00 1.45 29.00 35 10.15 45 13.05 20 5.80 0 0.00 1.450 29.00 Left
45 2+910 2+930 20.00 3.59 71.80 35 25.13 45 32.31 20 14.36 0 0.00 0.880 17.60 Left
46 2+930 2+950 20.00 3.64 72.80 35 25.48 45 32.76 20 14.56 0 0.00 0.790 15.80 Left
47 2+950 2+970 20.00 1.31 26.20 35 9.17 45 11.79 20 5.24 0 0.00 1.310 26.20 Left

....................Prepared By ....................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall Structur Foundation Excavation Back Filling in
Chainage e Cut Structure Soil Classification Structures
S.N. Length Remarks
Area Cut Volume OS BMS OR HR Area Volume
From To (m)
(m2) (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) (m2) (m3)
48 2+990 3+010 20.00 1.75 35.00 35 12.25 45 15.75 20 7.00 0 0.00 1.750 35.00 Left
49 3+035 3+050 15.00 2.20 33.00 30 9.90 30 9.90 30 9.90 10 3.30 2.200 33.00 Left
50 3+050 3+070 20.00 3.19 63.80 30 19.14 30 19.14 30 19.14 10 6.38 3.190 63.80 Left
51 3+070 3+090 20.00 2.69 53.80 30 16.14 30 16.14 30 16.14 10 5.38 2.690 53.80 Left
52 3+090 3+110 20.00 0.65 13.00 30 3.90 30 3.90 30 3.90 10 1.30 0.650 13.00 Left
53 3+950 3+970 20.00 1.35 27.00 30 8.10 30 8.10 30 8.10 10 2.70 1.350 27.00 Right
54 3+990 4+010 20.00 3.67 73.40 30 22.02 30 22.02 30 22.02 10 7.34 3.670 73.40 Right
55 4+010 4+030 20.00 2.96 59.20 30 17.76 30 17.76 30 17.76 10 5.92 2.960 59.20 Right
56 4+030 4+050 20.00 12.18 243.60 35 85.26 50 121.80 10 24.36 5 12.18 4.190 83.80 Right
57 4+050 4+070 20.00 1.72 34.40 35 12.04 50 17.20 10 3.44 5 1.72 1.720 34.40 Right
58 4+110 4+130 20.00 2.28 45.60 35 15.96 50 22.80 10 4.56 5 2.28 2.280 45.60 Right
59 4+130 4+150 20.00 4.70 94.00 35 32.90 50 47.00 10 9.40 5 4.70 1.560 31.20 Right
60 4+190 4+201 11.00 9.51 104.61 35 36.61 50 52.31 10 10.46 5 5.23 3.050 33.55 Right
61 4+211 4+230 19.00 1.13 21.47 35 7.51 50 10.73 10 2.15 5 1.07 1.130 21.47 Right
62 4+230 4+250 20.00 2.43 48.60 35 17.01 50 24.30 10 4.86 5 2.43 2.430 48.60 Right
63 4+270 4+290 20.00 1.74 34.80 35 12.18 50 17.40 10 3.48 5 1.74 1.740 34.80 Right
64 4+290 4+310 20.00 1.59 31.80 35 11.13 50 15.90 10 3.18 5 1.59 1.590 31.80 Right
65 4+310 4+330 20.00 4.50 90.00 35 31.50 50 45.00 10 9.00 5 4.50 0.950 19.00 Right
66 4+470 4+482 12.00 1.62 19.44 35 6.80 50 9.72 10 1.94 5 0.97 1.620 19.44 Left
67 4+492 4+510 18.00 2.17 39.06 35 13.67 50 19.53 10 3.91 5 1.95 2.170 39.06 Left
68 4+530 4+550 20.00 3.74 74.80 35 26.18 50 37.40 10 7.48 5 3.74 0.860 17.20 Left
69 4+550 4+570 20.00 0.66 13.20 35 4.62 50 6.60 10 1.32 5 0.66 0.660 13.20 Left
70 5+750 5+770 20.00 3.65 73.00 35 25.55 50 36.50 10 7.30 5 3.65 0.810 16.20 Right
71 5+770 5+790 20.00 3.39 67.80 35 23.73 50 33.90 10 6.78 5 3.39 0.690 13.80 Right
72 5+890 5+910 20.00 1.19 23.80 35 8.33 50 11.90 10 2.38 5 1.19 1.190 23.80 Left
73 5+910 5+930 20.00 0.67 13.40 35 4.69 50 6.70 10 1.34 5 0.67 0.670 13.40 Left

....................Prepared By ....................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall Structur Foundation Excavation Back Filling in
Chainage e Cut Structure Soil Classification Structures
S.N. Length Remarks
Area Cut Volume OS BMS OR HR Area Volume
From To (m)
(m2) (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) (m2) (m3)
74 5+930 5+950 20.00 1.36 27.20 35 9.52 50 13.60 10 2.72 5 1.36 1.360 27.20 Left
75 5+970 5+990 20.00 1.47 29.40 35 10.29 50 14.70 10 2.94 5 1.47 1.470 29.40 Left
76 5+990 6+010 20.00 2.14 42.80 35 14.98 50 21.40 10 4.28 5 2.14 2.140 42.80 Left
77 6+010 6+030 20.00 1.77 35.40 35 12.39 50 17.70 10 3.54 5 1.77 1.770 35.40 Left
78 6+690 6+710 20.00 1.31 26.20 35 9.17 50 13.10 10 2.62 5 1.31 1.310 26.20 Right
79 6+730 6+750 20.00 1.32 26.40 35 9.24 50 13.20 10 2.64 5 1.32 1.320 26.40 Right
80 6+770 6+790 20.00 0.57 11.40 35 3.99 50 5.70 10 1.14 5 0.57 0.570 11.40 Right
81 6+810 6+830 20.00 1.43 28.60 35 10.01 50 14.30 10 2.86 5 1.43 1.430 28.60 Right
82 6+850 6+870 20.00 0.34 6.80 35 2.38 50 3.40 10 0.68 5 0.34 0.340 6.80 Right
83 6+870 6+890 20.00 0.66 13.20 35 4.62 50 6.60 10 1.32 5 0.66 0.660 13.20 Right
84 6+890 6+910 20.00 0.63 12.60 35 4.41 50 6.30 10 1.26 5 0.63 0.630 12.60 Right
85 6+910 6+930 20.00 0.78 15.60 35 5.46 50 7.80 10 1.56 5 0.78 0.780 15.60 Right
86 6+930 6+950 20.00 0.90 18.00 35 6.30 50 9.00 10 1.80 5 0.90 0.900 18.00 Right
87 6+950 6+970 20.00 1.13 22.60 35 7.91 50 11.30 10 2.26 5 1.13 1.130 22.60 Right
88 6+970 6+990 20.00 3.82 76.40 35 26.74 50 38.20 10 7.64 5 3.82 0.740 14.80 Right
89 6+990 7+010 20.00 0.80 16.00 35 5.60 50 8.00 10 1.60 5 0.80 0.800 16.00 Right
90 7+010 7+030 20.00 0.73 14.60 35 5.11 50 7.30 10 1.46 5 0.73 0.730 14.60 Right
91 7+230 7+250 20.00 0.84 16.80 45 7.56 40 6.72 10 1.68 5 0.84 0.840 16.80 Right
92 7+250 7+270 20.00 4.36 87.20 45 39.24 40 34.88 10 8.72 5 4.36 4.360 87.20 Right
93 7+270 7+290 20.00 3.39 67.80 45 30.51 40 27.12 10 6.78 5 3.39 3.390 67.80 Right
94 7+290 7+310 20.00 2.62 52.40 45 23.58 40 20.96 10 5.24 5 2.62 2.620 52.40 Right
95 8+610 8+630 20.00 4.44 88.80 45 39.96 40 35.52 10 8.88 5 4.44 1.260 25.20 Left
96 8+750 8+770 20.00 1.53 30.60 45 13.77 40 12.24 10 3.06 5 1.53 1.530 30.60 Left
97 8+770 8+790 20.00 1.49 29.80 45 13.41 40 11.92 10 2.98 5 1.49 1.490 29.80 Left
98 8+790 8+810 20.00 1.47 29.40 45 13.23 40 11.76 10 2.94 5 1.47 1.470 29.40 Left
99 8+830 8+850 20.00 3.47 69.40 45 31.23 40 27.76 10 6.94 5 3.47 3.470 69.40 Left

....................Prepared By ....................Checked By ......................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Earth Work Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall Structur Foundation Excavation Back Filling in
Chainage e Cut Structure Soil Classification Structures
S.N. Length Remarks
Area Cut Volume OS BMS OR HR Area Volume
From To (m)
(m2) (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) % (m3) (m2) (m3)
100 8+850 8+870 20.00 2.43 48.60 45 21.87 40 19.44 10 4.86 5 2.43 2.430 48.60 Left
101 8+870 8+890 20.00 1.05 21.00 45 9.45 40 8.40 10 2.10 5 1.05 1.050 21.00 Left
102 8+890 8+910 20.00 1.49 29.80 45 13.41 40 11.92 10 2.98 5 1.49 1.490 29.80 Left
103 8+910 8+930 20.00 0.51 10.20 45 4.59 40 4.08 10 1.02 5 0.51 0.510 10.20 Left
104 8+970 8+990 20.00 0.88 17.60 45 7.92 40 7.04 10 1.76 5 0.88 0.880 17.60 Left
105 8+990 9+010 20.00 1.17 23.40 45 10.53 40 9.36 10 2.34 5 1.17 1.170 23.40 Left
106 9+010 9+030 20.00 0.87 17.40 45 7.83 40 6.96 10 1.74 5 0.87 0.870 17.40 Left
107 9+030 9+050 20.00 0.53 10.60 45 4.77 40 4.24 10 1.06 5 0.53 0.530 10.60 Left
108 9+110 9+130 20.00 4.70 94.00 45 42.30 40 37.60 10 9.40 5 4.70 1.480 29.60 Left
109 9+150 9+170 20.00 3.89 77.80 45 35.01 40 31.12 10 7.78 5 3.89 1.000 20.00 Left
110 9+170 9+190 20.00 0.79 15.80 45 7.11 40 6.32 10 1.58 5 0.79 0.790 15.80 Left
111 9+190 9+210 20.00 0.51 10.20 45 4.59 40 4.08 10 1.02 5 0.51 0.510 10.20 Left
112 9+530 9+550 20.00 3.04 60.80 45 27.36 40 24.32 10 6.08 5 3.04 0.590 11.80 Left
Total 2,199.00 5,182.80 1,828.96 2,317.47 823.95 212.40 3,023.46

....................Prepared By ....................Checked By ......................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 26+047
Detailed Estimate of Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall
Chainage Nos Gabion Boxes Hexagonal
S.N. Length Height Quantity (filter fabrics) Remarks
From To (m) (m) 3x1x1 2x1x1 1.5x1x1
(m3) (m2) (m2)
1 0+010 0+030 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
2 0+030 0+050 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Left
3 0+050 0+070 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Left
4 0+110 0+130 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
5 0+250 0+270 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Right
6 0+470 0+490 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
7 0+490 0+510 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
8 0+510 0+530 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
9 0+790 0+810 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Right
10 3+310 3+330 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
11 4+010 4+030 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
12 4+870 4+890 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Right
13 4+890 4+910 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
14 5+110 5+130 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
15 5+130 5+150 20.00 6 20 60 60 270.00 1460.00 230.00 Right
16 5+170 5+190 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
17 5+250 5+270 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Right
18 5+710 5+740 30.00 5 30 60 60 300.00 1620.00 288.00 Right
19 5+740 5+770 30.00 5 30 60 60 300.00 1620.00 288.00 Right
20 6+650 6+670 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right

....................Prepared By .....................Checked By .....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 26+047
Detailed Estimate of Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall
Chainage Nos Gabion Boxes Hexagonal
S.N. Length Height Quantity (filter fabrics) Remarks
From To (m) (m) 3x1x1 2x1x1 1.5x1x1
(m3) (m2) (m2)
21 6+690 6+710 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
22 6+730 6+750 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
23 8+450 8+470 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
24 8+950 8+970 20.00 6 20 60 60 270.00 1460.00 230.00 Left
25 13+398 13+410 12.00 4 0 24 24 84.00 456.00 92.40 Left
26 13+470 13+490 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
27 13+510 13+530 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Left
28 13+550 13+570 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
29 13+690 13+710 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
30 13+970 13+990 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
31 14+190 14+210 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
32 14+510 14+530 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
33 14+610 14+630 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
34 14+990 15+010 20.00 6 20 60 60 270.00 1460.00 230.00 Left
35 15+010 15+030 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
36 15+030 15+050 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
37 15+470 15+490 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
38 15+510 15+530 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
39 15+630 15+650 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Right
40 15+650 15+670 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
41 15+670 15+690 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Right
42 15+690 15+710 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Right
43 15+810 15+830 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
44 15+830 15+850 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
45 15+950 15+970 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right

....................Prepared By .....................Checked By .....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 26+047
Detailed Estimate of Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall
Chainage Nos Gabion Boxes Hexagonal
S.N. Length Height Quantity (filter fabrics) Remarks
From To (m) (m) 3x1x1 2x1x1 1.5x1x1
(m3) (m2) (m2)
46 15+970 15+990 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Right
47 16+090 16+110 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
48 16+110 16+130 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Left
49 16+210 16+230 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
50 16+230 16+250 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
51 16+390 16+410 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
52 16+490 16+510 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
53 16+550 16+570 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
54 16+650 16+670 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
55 16+710 16+730 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
56 16+730 16+750 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
57 17+630 17+650 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
58 17+650 17+670 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
59 18+590 18+610 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Left
60 19+190 19+210 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
61 20+370 20+390 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
62 20+390 20+410 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
63 20+830 20+850 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
64 20+930 20+945 15.00 5 15 30 30 150.00 810.00 144.00 Left
65 20+955 20+970 15.00 4 0 30 30 105.00 570.00 115.50 Left
66 20+970 20+990 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
67 21+550 21+570 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
68 21+690 21+710 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
69 21+710 21+725 15.00 3 0 23 15 67.50 367.50 87.00 Left
70 21+735 21+750 15.00 3 0 23 15 67.50 367.50 87.00 Left

....................Prepared By .....................Checked By .....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 26+047
Detailed Estimate of Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall
Chainage Nos Gabion Boxes Hexagonal
S.N. Length Height Quantity (filter fabrics) Remarks
From To (m) (m) 3x1x1 2x1x1 1.5x1x1
(m3) (m2) (m2)
71 22+290 22+310 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
72 22+550 22+570 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
73 22+710 22+730 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
74 22+730 22+750 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
75 22+770 22+790 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Left
76 23+310 23+330 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
77 23+330 23+350 20.00 2 0 10 20 50.00 270.00 78.00 Right
78 23+390 23+410 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
79 23+410 23+430 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Right
80 23+610 23+630 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Left
81 23+630 23+650 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
82 23+830 23+850 20.00 5 20 40 40 200.00 1080.00 192.00 Left
83 23+910 23+930 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
84 24+210 24+230 20.00 6 20 60 60 270.00 1460.00 230.00 Left
85 24+230 24+242 12.00 6 12 36 36 162.00 876.00 138.00 Left
86 24+252 24+270 19.00 4 0 38 38 133.00 722.00 146.30 Left
87 24+430 24+450 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Right
88 24+550 24+570 20.00 4 0 40 40 140.00 760.00 154.00 Left
89 24+610 24+630 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
90 24+630 24+650 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
91 24+970 24+990 20.00 3 0 30 20 90.00 490.00 116.00 Left
92 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
93 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
94 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
95 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000

....................Prepared By .....................Checked By .....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 26+047
Detailed Estimate of Gabion Retaining and Breast Wall
Quantity of Gabion Wall
Chainage Nos Gabion Boxes Hexagonal
S.N. Length Height Quantity (filter fabrics) Remarks
From To (m) (m) 3x1x1 2x1x1 1.5x1x1
(m3) (m2) (m2)
96 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
97 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
98 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
99 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
100 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
101 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
102 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
103 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
104 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
105 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
106 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
107 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
108 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
109 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
110 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
111 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
112 0+000 0+000 - 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.000
Total 1,803.00 367.00 3,103.00 2,788.00 11,489.00 62,309.00 12,760.20
Total 1,101 6,206 4,182 11,489.00

....................Prepared By .....................Checked By .....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 4m Total 0 No

Clear Depth (H) = 3.00 m

Span(S)= 4.00 m
Road Width 7.00 m
Total Width of Slab( Road Width + Wing Wall
Footpath Width)(W) 9.00 m
H1= 4.00 m D= 3m
T= 0.40 m D1= 4m
T1= 0.20 m E= 2.6 m
T2= 0.15 m F= 4.85 m
A= 0.77 m F1= 4.20 m
B= 3.04 m G= 1.39 m
L= 5.54 m D' 0.5 m G' 0.975
D" 1.5 m
Bar Bending Schedule of Footpath: Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm @ 200 c/c 10 5.54 55.4 Mark a6
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm 2 * 9nos 18 9.00 162 Mark s1
10 mm @ 200 c/c 92 1.97 181.24 Mark s2
16 mm @ 250 c/c 148 0.6 88.8 Mark s3
Bar Bending schedule of
Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
20 mm @ 150 c/c 61 5.04 307.44 Mark a1
12 mm @ 200 c/c 27 8.9 240.30 Mark a2
10 mm @ 200 c/c 46 5.04 231.84 Mark a3
10 mm @ 200 c/c 27 9.59 258.93 Mark a4
10 mm @ 200 c/c 27 8.9 240.30 Mark a4'
12 mm 2 nos. 2 8.9 17.80 Mark a5

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 4m

Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in Excavation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 4.60 268.27
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 2.51 96.88
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 8.20 4.20 0.50 34.44 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Cut Off Wall 2 13.70 0.30 0.60 4.93
v) Middle Portion 1 9.00 4.00 0.50 18.00
v) Gabion Apron 1 14.00 3.00 0.50 21.00
Total 443.52 Cum

2 PCC M15 in foundation

i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.45 26.24
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 0.45 17.35
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 8.20 3.90 0.20 12.79 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Middle Portion 1 9.00 4.00 0.20 7.20

.....................Estimated By ...................Checked By .....................Approved By

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 4m
Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
Total 63.59 Cum

3 Stone Soling
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.15 8.75 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Wing Wall 4 4.85 1.99 0.15 5.78
i) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 8.20 3.90 0.30 19.19 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Middle Portion 1 9.00 4.00 0.30 10.80
Total 44.52 Cum

Random Rubble Masonry Works in

MM 7.5
i) Abutment 2 9.00 1.91 4.00 137.16
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.14 2.75 61.02
iii) U/S and D/S Cut Off 2 13.70 0.30 1.10 9.04
Total 207.22 Cum

5 Concrete Work (M25/20)

i) Slab 1 5.14 9.00 0.40 18.50 L=S+2*(A-T1)
ii) Footpath 2 5.14 1.00 0.15 1.54
Concrete Cap 2 9.00 area 0.20 m2 3.52
Total 23.57 Cum

6 Reinforcement
i) Bar Bending Schedule of kerb:
Mark a6 10 5.54 @ 0.62kg/m 34.35
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment
Mark s1 18 9.00 @ 0.62kg/m 100.44
Mark s2 92 1.97 @ 0.62kg/m 112.37
Mark s3 148 0.60 @ 1.58kg/m 140.30
Bar Bending schedule of
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
Mark a1 61 5.04 @ 2.47kg/m 759.38
Mark a2 27 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 213.87
Mark a3 46 5.04 @ 0.62kg/m 143.74
Mark a4 27 9.59 @ 0.62kg/m 160.54
Mark a4' 27 8.90 @ 0.62kg/m 148.99
Mark a5 2 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 15.84
Total 1,829.81 Kg

7 Formwork
i) Abutment Capping 2 9.00 1.10 19.80 P=(2*T+2*T2)*W
ii) Slab side faces 1 28.28 0.40 11.31 P=2*(S+2*(A-T1))+2*W
Footpath 4 5.54 0.15 3.32
iii) Slab bottom face 1 4.00 9.00 36.00
iv) Abutment Base 2 24.48 0.45 22.03
v) Wing Wall Base 4 13.68 0.45 24.62
Total 117.08 Sqm

8 Gabion Apron D/S Protection 1 14.00 3.00 1.00 42.00

Total 42.00 Cum

9 Filter Material (Pervious Material)

.....................Estimated By ...................Checked By .....................Approved By

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 4m
Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
i) Abutment 2 9.00 0.25 3.00 13.50
ii) Wing wall 4 4.85 0.25 2.75 13.34
Total 26.84 Cum

10 Back Filling
i) 50 % of E/W of Abutment 0.5 268.27 134.14
ii) 50 % of E/W of Wing walls 0.5 96.88 48.44
Total 182.57 Cum

11 HDP pipe for weep holes

i) Abutment 0 1.62 avg -
ii) Wing Walls 0 0.99 avg -
Total 0.00 Rm

12 Geo-textile 9.00 31.50

Total 31.50 Sqm

Three layers of GI Railing including

RCC Post
2 5.54 11.08
11.08 Rm

.....................Estimated By ...................Checked By .....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 6 m Total 3 No

Clear Depth (H) = 3.00 m

Span(S)= 6.00 m
Road Width 7.00 m
Total Width of Slab( Road Width + Wing Wall
Footpath Width)(W) 9.00 m
H1= 4.00 m D= 3m
T= 0.40 m D1= 4m
T1= 0.20 m E= 2.6 m
T2= 0.15 m F= 4.85 m
A= 0.77 m F1= 4.20 m
B= 3.04 m G= 1.39 m
L= 8.00 m D' 0.5 m G' 0.975
D" 1.5 m
Bar Bending Schedule of Footpath: Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm @ 200 c/c 10 8.00 80 Mark a6
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm 2 * 9nos 18 9.00 162 Mark s1
10 mm @ 200 c/c 92 1.97 181.24 Mark s2
16 mm @ 250 c/c 148 0.6 88.8 Mark s3
Bar Bending schedule of
Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
20 mm @ 150 c/c 61 7.04 429.44 Mark a1
12 mm @ 200 c/c 37 8.9 329.30 Mark a2
10 mm @ 200 c/c 46 7.04 323.84 Mark a3
10 mm @ 200 c/c 37 9.59 354.83 Mark a4
10 mm @ 200 c/c 37 8.9 329.30 Mark a4'
12 mm 2 nos. 2 8.9 17.80 Mark a5

Length Breadth Height

SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in Excavation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 4.60 268.27
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 2.51 96.88
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.20 4.20 0.50 42.84 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Cut Off Wall 2 15.70 0.30 0.60 5.65
v) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.50 27.00
v) Gabion Apron 1 14.00 3.00 0.50 21.00
Total 461.64 Cum

2 PCC M15 in foundation

i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.45 26.24
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.99 0.45 17.35
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.20 3.90 0.20 15.91 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
iv) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.20 10.80
Total 70.31 Cum

...................Estimated By .....................Checked By ...................Approved By

Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
3 Stone Soling
i) Abutment 2 9.00 3.24 0.15 8.75 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Wing Wall 4 4.85 1.99 0.15 5.78
i) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.20 3.90 0.30 23.87 L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1
ii) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.30 16.20
Total 54.60 Cum

Random Rubble Masonry Works in

MM 7.5
i) Abutment 2 9.00 1.91 4.00 137.16
ii) Wing Walls 4 4.85 1.14 2.75 61.02
iii) U/S and D/S Cut Off 2 15.70 0.30 1.10 10.36
Total 208.54 Cum

5 Concrete Work (M25/20)

i) Slab 1 7.14 9.00 0.40 25.70 L=S+2*(A-T1)
ii) Footpath 2 7.14 1.00 0.15 2.14
Concrete Cap 2 9.00 area 0.20 m2 3.52
Total 31.37 Cum

6 Reinforcement
i) Bar Bending Schedule of kerb:
Mark a6 10 8.00 @ 0.62kg/m 49.60
Bar Bending schedule of Abutment
Mark s1 18 9.00 @ 0.62kg/m 100.44
Mark s2 92 1.97 @ 0.62kg/m 112.37
Mark s3 148 0.60 @ 1.58kg/m 140.30
Bar Bending schedule of
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Seat):
Mark a1 61 7.04 @ 2.47kg/m 1,060.72
Mark a2 37 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 293.08
Mark a3 46 7.04 @ 0.62kg/m 200.78
Mark a4 37 9.59 @ 0.62kg/m 219.99
Mark a4' 37 8.90 @ 0.62kg/m 204.17
Mark a5 2 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 15.84
Total 2,397.29 Kg

7 Formwork
i) Abutment Capping 2 9.00 1.10 19.80 P=(2*T+2*T2)*W
ii) Slab side faces 1 32.28 0.40 12.91 P=2*(S+2*(A-T1))+2*W
Footpath 4 8.00 0.15 4.80
iii) Slab bottom face 1 6.00 9.00 54.00
iv) Abutment Base 2 24.48 0.45 22.03
v) Wing Wall Base 4 13.68 0.45 24.62
Total 138.16 Sqm

8 Gabion Apron D/S Protection 1 14.00 3.00 1.00 42.00

Total 42.00 Cum

9 Filter Material (Pervious Material)

i) Abutment 2 9.00 0.25 3.00 13.50
ii) Wing wall 4 4.85 0.25 2.75 13.34
Total 26.84 Cum

10 Back Filling

...................Estimated By .....................Checked By ...................Approved By

Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
i) 50 % of E/W of Abutment 0.5 268.27 134.14
ii) 50 % of E/W of Wing walls 0.5 96.88 48.44
Total 182.57 Cum

11 HDP pipe for weep holes

i) Abutment 0 1.62 avg -
ii) Wing Walls 0 0.99 avg -
Total 0.00 Rm

12 Geo-textile 9.00 31.50

Total 31.50 Sqm

Three layers of GI Railing including

RCC Post
2 8.00 16.00
16.00 Rm

...................Estimated By .....................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 6 m Total 0


Clear Depth (H) = 6.00 m

Span(S)= 6.00 m
Road Width 7.00 m
Total Width of Slab( Road Width Wing Wall
+ Footpath Width)(W) 9.00 m
H1= 6.00 m D= 5m
T= 0.55 m D1= 6m
T1= 0.25 m E= 2.6 m
T2= 0.25 m F= 5.12 m
A= 1.00 m F1= 4.43 m
B= 4.56 m G= 1.39 m
L= 8.00 m D' 0.5 m G'
D" 1.5 m
Bar Bending Schedule of Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
10 mm @ 200 c/c 10 8.00 80
Bar Bending schedule of Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
Abutment Seat
10 mm 2 * 9nos 18 9.00 162
10 mm @ 200 c/c 92 2.75 253
16 mm @ 250 c/c 148 0.6 88.8
Bar Bending schedule of
Culvert(Excluding Abutment Dia Bar Spacing No. L Total L
20 mm @ 150 c/c 61 7.4 451.40
12 mm @ 200 c/c 38 8.9 338.20
10 mm @ 200 c/c 46 7.4 340.40
10 mm @ 200 c/c 38 9.59 364.42
10 mm @ 200 c/c 38 8.9 338.20
12 mm 2 nos. 2 8.9 17.80
Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 6 m
Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)
1 Earthwork in Excavation
i) Abutment 2 9.00 4.76 6.60 565.49
ii) Wing Walls 4 5.12 1.99 3.26 132.80
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.43 4.43 0.50 46.20
iv) Cut Off Wall 2 16.24 0.30 0.60 5.85
v) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.50 27.00
v) Gabion Apron 1 14.00 3.00 0.50 21.00
Total 798.34 Cum

2 PCC M15 in foundation

....................Estimated By ....................Checked By ...................Approved By

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 6 m
Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)
i) Abutment 2 9.00 4.76 0.45 38.56
ii) Wing Walls 4 5.12 1.99 0.45 18.32
iii) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.43 4.13 0.20 17.23
iv) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.20 10.80
Total 84.90 Cum

3 Stone Soling
i) Abutment 2 9.00 4.76 0.15 12.85
ii) Wing Wall 4 5.12 1.99 0.15 6.11
i) Aprons U/S and Down Steam 2 10.43 4.13 0.30 25.85
ii) Middle Portion 1 9.00 6.00 0.30 16.20
Total 61.00 Cum

Random Rubble Masonry

Works in MM 7.5
i) Abutment 2 9.00 2.78 6.00 300.24
ii) Wing Walls 4 5.12 1.14 3.75 87.84
iii) U/S and D/S Cut Off 2 16.24 0.30 1.10 10.72
Total 398.80 Cum

5 Concrete Work (M25/20)

i) Slab 1 7.50 9.00 0.55 37.13
ii) Footpath 2 7.50 1.00 0.15 2.25
Concrete Cap 2 9.00 area 0.39 m2 6.98
Total 46.35 Cum

6 Reinforcement
i) Bar Bending Schedule of kerb:
Mark a6 10 8.00 @ 0.62kg/m 49.60
Bar Bending schedule of
Abutment Seat:
Mark s1 18 9.00 @ 0.62kg/m 100.44
Mark s2 92 2.75 @ 0.62kg/m 156.86
Mark s3 148 0.60 @ 1.58kg/m 140.30
Bar Bending schedule of
iii) Culvert(Excluding Abutment
Mark a1 61 7.40 @ 2.47kg/m 1,114.96
Mark a2 38 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 301.00
Mark a3 46 7.40 @ 0.62kg/m 211.05
Mark a4 38 9.59 @ 0.62kg/m 225.94
Mark a4' 38 8.90 @ 0.62kg/m 209.68
Mark a5 2 8.90 @ 0.89kg/m 15.84
Total 2,525.67 Kg

7 Formwork
i) Abutment Capping 2 9.00 1.60 28.80
ii) Slab side faces 1 33.00 0.55 18.15
Footpath 4 8.00 0.15 4.80
iii) Slab bottom face 1 6.00 9.00 54.00
iv) Abutment Base 2 27.52 0.45 24.77

....................Estimated By ....................Checked By ...................Approved By

Detailed Estimate of Slab Culvert 6 m
Length Breadth Height
SN Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)
v) Wing Wall Base 4 14.22 0.45 25.59
Total 156.11 Sqm

8 Gabion Apron D/S Protection 1 14.00 3.00 1.00 42.00

Total 42.00 Cum

Filter Material (Pervious

i) Abutment 2 9.00 0.25 6.00 27.00
ii) Wing wall 4 5.12 0.25 3.75 19.20
Total 46.20 Cum

10 Back Filling
i) 50 % of E/W of Abutment 0.5 565.49 282.74
ii) 50 % of E/W of Wing walls 0.5 132.80 66.40
Total 349.14 Cum

11 HDP pipe for weep holes

i) Abutment 0 2.38 avg -
ii) Wing Walls 0 0.99 avg -
Total 0.00 Rm

12 Geo-textile 9.00 31.50

Total 31.50 Sqm

Three layers of GI Railing

including RCC Post
2 8.00 16.00
16.00 Rm

....................Estimated By ....................Checked By ...................Approved By




Mark a6

Mark s1
Mark s2
Mark s3

Mark a1
Mark a2
Mark a3
Mark a4
Mark a4'
Mark a5


L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1

....................Estimated By ....................Checked By ...................Approved By


L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1

L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1

L=(2S+2E)/2, B=F1



....................Estimated By ....................Checked By ...................Approved By


....................Estimated By ....................Checked By ...................Approved By

Span of culvert(1~6) 2.00
Slab thickness(for 2.0m=0.30,4.0m.=0.35&for 6.0m=0.45) 0.300
Foundation pad thickness 0.30
Length of Abutement 6.00
Height of abutement from Ground level(Hab) 1.75
Depth of foundation(Df) 0.87
Thickness of lean concrete 0.12
Thickness of Solling 0.15
Width of abutement(for 2.0m=0.30,4.0m=0.35and6.0m=0.40) 0.300
width of kerb 0.25
Ht. of kerb from slab 0.45
Length of return wall 2.00
Width of return wall 0.20
Ht. at abutement side 1.75
Ht. at rear side 1.00
Upstream Apron Length 1
Down Stream Apron length 2
S.No. Description of Works Nos Quantity Unit Remarks
Length Bredth Height
Excavations in ordinary soil for structures including cutting
of slope, shoring, shuttering, planking, ordinary sealing and
1.0 disposal of matreials up to a lead 50 m. along the lead route in
Ordinary soil.
Foundation 1.0 2.80 6.20 0.87 15.103
Up stream Apron 1.0 2.80 1.00 0.27 0.756
Down stream Apron 1.0 2.80 2.00 0.27 1.512
Total 17.370 Cu.m
Dry Edge brick soling including sand sealing/ bedding &
3.0 compaction.
Foundation bed 1.0 2.80 6.20 17.360
Up stream Apron 1.0 2.80 1.00 2.800
Down stream Apron 1.0 2.80 2.00 5.600
Total 25.760 Sq.m
Provide & placing machine mixed M15 cement concrete for the
4.0 foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing and
testing all complete.
Foundation bed 1.0 2.60 6.20 0.12 1.934
Up stream Apron 1.0 2.60 1.00 0.12 0.312
Down stream Apron 1.0 2.60 2.00 0.12 0.624
Total 2.870 Cu.m
Provide & placing machine mixed M20 cement concrete for the
5.0 foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing and
testing all complete.
Foundation pad 1.0 2.80 6.00 0.30 5.040
Abutement stem 2.0 6.00 0.30 1.75 6.300
Slab 1.0 2.60 6.00 0.30 4.680
Kerb 2.0 2.60 0.25 0.45 0.585
Return wall 4.00 2.00 0.20 1.38 2.200
Fillet 2.00 6.00 0.10 1.215
20.020 Cu.m

6.0 Providing and fixing of 110mm HDP pipe for weep holes 12.0 0.30 3.600 R.m.

Earthwork in backfilling with approved Granular Filter material

behind the abutment.
Left Abutment. 1.00 0.50 6.20 1.75 5.425
Right Abutment. 1.00 0.50 6.20 1.75 5.425
Total 10.850 Cu.m
Providing, preparing and installing formwork including
necessary supports and removing after completion.
Foundation PCC 1.0 17.6 0.12 2.112
Foundation slab 1.0 17.60 0.30 5.280
Abutment stem 2.0 12.60 1.75 44.100
S.No. Description of Works Nos Quantity Unit Remarks
Length Bredth Height
Slab-bottom portion 1.0 2.60 6.00 15.600
slab side 1.0 17.20 0.30 5.160
Kerb 4.0 5.70 0.45 10.260
Return wall 8.0 2.00 1.38 22.000
Fillet 2.0 6.00 0.64 7.680
Total 112.192 Sq.m
Providing and laying HYSD bars (Fe 415) including cutting,
9.0 bending, fixing in position with all ancilliary works for R.C.C.
work all complete.
Foundation Slab
12mm dia main bar in foundation pad@200mm c/c 82.0 3.04 0.890 221.859 In Two layers
8mm dia distribution bar in foundation pad@150mm c/c 22.0 6.52 0.395 56.659 "
Abutement stem
12mm dia Vertical main bar in Abutement@200mm c/c 120.0 3.17 0.890 338.556

12mm dia Vertical main bar in Abutement rear side @200mm c/c 60.0 2.22 0.890 118.495

8mm dia Distribution bar in Abutement @150mm c/c 48.0 6.44 0.396 122.412
12mm dia Extra Vertical bar in Abutement for return
8.0 2.64 0.890 18.797
wall@120mm c/c
16mm dia Main bar @200mm c/c 82.0 3.04 1.580 393.862 In Two layers
8mm dia distribution bar @150mm c/c 28.0 6.96 0.395 76.978 "
12mm dia U bar @300mm c/c 18.0 1.59 0.890 25.472
10mm dia Longitudinal bar @300mm c/c 8.0 2.52 0.620 12.499
Return /Wing wall
12mm dia Top bar @120mm c/c 8.0 3.18 0.890 22.642 Both side
12mm dia Bottom bar @120mm c/c 8.0 3.32 0.890 23.610 "
10mm dia Horizontal bar @200mm c/c in rectangular part 40.0 2.62 0.625 65.500 "
10mm dia Horizontal bar @200mm c/c in Triangular part 32.0 1.27 0.620 25.197 "
8mm dia Vertical bar @250mm c/c 64.0 1.50 0.396 37.889
1560.426 Mt.
Quantity Estimate of Causeway
Span = 12.00 m
Slab Width = 7.00 m
Slab thickness = 0.20 m
Bed PCC thickness 0.075 m
Bed Stone Soling 0.15 m
Total Depth = 0.43 m
Main Bars = 12 dia @ 300 c/c
Distribution Bar 12 dia @ 300 c/c
Side Slope = 7.00% Longitudinal Beam Thickness 0.4 m
Longitudinal dowel bars = 12 dia @ 300 c/c Height of D/S Protection Work = 2 m
Transverse dowel bars = 12 dia @ 300 c/c U/S Longitudinal Beam Height 1 m
Stirrups 8 dia @ 300 c/c Longitudinal Beam Thickness 0.3 m
Length Breadth Height
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)
1. Earthwork in Excavation
Middle portion 1 4.00 7.00 0.425 11.90 m³
Approaching portion 2 4.01 7.00 0.425 23.86 m³
U/S Cutoff CRRM 0 8.00 1.00 0.500 -
D/S ProtectionCRRM Wall 1 12.00 1.25 1.500 22.50
U/S Gabion Protection 1 8.00 3.00 0.500 12.00
D/S Gabion Protection 1 8.00 3.00 0.500 12.00
82.26 m³

2. 15cm thick stone soling

Causeway slab 1 12.02 7.00 0.15 12.62 m³

3. Bed PCC (M15/40)

Causeway slab 1 12.02 7.00 0.075 6.31 m³

4. Concrete Work (M20/20)

Causeway slab 1 12.02 7.00 0.20 16.83 m³
1 12.02 0.30 1.00 3.61 m³
Cut off Beam Longitudinal D/S 1 12.02 0.70 0.50 4.21 m³
Cutt off Beam Transverse 2 7.00 0.30 0.20 0.84 m³
25.48 m³

5. Reinforcement
a) Main bar T1(12mm Ф) (6 Panal) 86 3.70 @ 0.89kg/m 283.20 kg.
b) Distribution bar T2(12mm Ф) (6 Panal) 76 4.20 @ 0.89kg/m 284.09 kg.
c) U/S Longitudinal Beam Main Bar 6 4.20 @ 0.89kg/m 22.43 kg.
d) D/S Longitudinal Beam Main Bar 6 4.20 @ 0.89kg/m 22.43 kg.
e) U/SLongitudinal Beam Stirrup 42 2.48 @ 0.39kg/m 40.62 kg.
f) D/S Longitudinal Beam Stirrup 42 2.28 @ 0.39kg/m 37.35 kg.
g) Main Bar Transverse Beam 4 3.70 @ 0.89kg/m 13.17 kg.
h) Transverse Beam Stirrup 51 2.28 @ 0.39kg/m 45.35 kg.
i) Longitudinal joint (12mm Ф) 41 0.75 @ 0.89kg/m 27.37 kg.
j) Transverse joint(12mm Ф) 48 0.75 @ 0.89kg/m 32.04 kg.
Total Reinforcement Qty = 808.04 kg.

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Length Breadth Height
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)

6. Coursed random rubble masonry in 1:4 cement sand

Upstream cutoff wall 1 12.00 1.00 0.50 6.00 m³
Downstream protection wall 1 12.00 0.85 2.00 20.40 m³
26.40 m³
7. Gabion apron
U/S Protection Works 1 8.00 3.00 0.50 12.00
2 3.00 1.00 0.50 3.00
D/S Protection Works 1 8.00 3.00 0.50 12.00
2 3.00 1.00 0.50 15.00
42.00 m³

8. Filter Material behind wall structure 1 12.00 0.25 1.75 5.25 m³

9. Geo-textile 8.00 3.50 28.00

6.00 1.50 9.00
8.00 3.50 28.00
6.00 1.50 9.00
74.00 Sqm

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Rate
SL.No Item Description Unit Rate (NRs.) Remarks
1 General Item
Insurances for the loss of damage to works, plant, material, equipment,
property and personnel injury or death and commission of bank security
1.1 and performance guarantee all complete, as per specification (SS/SP-
117) and instruction of engineer including third party insurance.
PS 2,000,000.00
1.2 Monthly Rent for Site Office Month 10,000.00
Provide, operate and maintain Quality control laboratory including
material engineer equipment, accessories and consumables for both
1.3 field testing facilities and off-site test with manpower as per Contract
Documents as per specification(SP-103,106) and instruction of engineer
PS 1,200,000.00
Relocation of services and repairing for existing infrastructure (houses,
1.4 water supply pipes, Temple, Foot staircases, Foot trails and electrical
poles etc) as instructed by engineer's. PS 1,000,000.00
Providing and installation of Project Signboards with size of 1.8 x 1.2
1.5 m as per specification ( SS/SP - 108 )and instruction of Engineer. No 10,000.00
1.6 Environmental Mitigation Works as instructed by the Project Manager. PS 1,000,000.00
2 Site Clearance
Clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting rank vegetation, grass,
bushes, shrubs, saplings and trees girth up to 300 mm, removal of stumps of
trees cut earlier and disposal of unserviceable materials and stacking of
Sqm 31.63
serviceable Material to be used or auctioned, up to a lead of 1000 meters
including removal and disposal of top organic soil not exceeding 150 mm in
thickness. (Spc. Clau 201)
3 Earth Work
Roadway excavation in all types of soil/rock by both manual and mechanical
means as per drawing and technical specification, including removal of stumps
3.1 Cum 229.51
and other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as drawing and instruction of
engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)
Roadway Excavation in Hard Rock, mechanical Drilling Roadway
Excavation in hard rock with mechanical drilling, including blasting and
3.2 Cum 1,581.24
breaking, and disposal of cut road within all lifts and leads as per Drawing and
instruction of the Engineer. (Spc. Clau 905)
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting embankment with roadway cutting
3.3 material and compact to the required density as per Drawing and Technical Cum 324.07
Specifications by Mechanical Means. (Spc. Clau. 909, 910)
4 Pavement Cum
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar works ( filling or
4.1 cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm ) in common soil, all complete as per specification Sqm 24.72
(SS/SP-1003) and instruction of Engineer.

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Rate
SL.No Item Description Unit Rate (NRs.) Remarks

Providing and laying granular Sub-base on prepared surface, mixing at OMC,

4.2 and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete as per Drawing and Cum 2,155.81
Technical Specifications- by Mechanical means. (Spc. Clau 1201)

Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared surface, spreading

and mixing , watering and compacting to form a layer of Base course as per
4.3 Cum 5,207.17
Drawing and Technical Specifications by Mix in Place Method for 45 mm
maximum size. (Spc. Clau 1204)
Providing and spraying bituminious Prime Coat MC30/MC70 including
cleaning the road surface using wire brushes, broom etc. before applying coat,
4.4 Liter 200.71
all complete as per specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and instruction of
Providing and spraying bituminious Tack Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning
the road surface using wire brushes, broom etc. before applying coat, all
4.5 Liter 192.51
complete as per specification ( SS / SP 1301, 1302 ) and instruction of
4.6 Providing, mixing ,laying and compaction of Premix carpet Cum 16,415.00
Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a Bituminous surface as per
4.7 Sqm 81.67
Drawing and Technical Specifications (Spc . Clau 1310)
5 Cross Drainage Structures
Earth work in excavation for foundation of structure for all types of soil/rock by
both manual and mechanical means as per drawing and technical
5.1 specification, including Construction of shoring and bracing,removal of stumps Cum 319.07
and other deleterious matter, and backfilling with approved materials with
instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and
5.2 watering etc. complete using locally available material as per drawing and Cum 715.19
technical specification and instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
5.3 stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as per Drawing and Cum 7,556.88
Technical Specifications.
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non structural Cement Concrete
5.4 M15/40 including compaction,curing,testing & form work complete as per Cum 16,210.01
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Providing and laying of Machine mixed Reinforced Cement Concrete M20/20
5.5 for the road pavement including form work as per Drawing and Technical Cum 17,906.77
Specifications (Spc.Clau 2000) 20.8 A.
Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-
5.6 structure complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau MT 128,892.75
Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep
5.7 Rm 494.77
holes as directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone masonry works

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Rate
SL.No Item Description Unit Rate (NRs.) Remarks

Providing and laying of Machine mixed Cement Concrete M25/20 for

the super structure ,deck,slab,girder etc including
5.8 Cum 21,028.49
compaction,curing,testing & form work completecomplete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)

Providing and laying Random rubble Masonry work in cement mortar

1:4 in structure including dressing,scaffolding,curing , preparation of
5.9 Cum 14,341.82
motar, complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications (Spc.
Clau 2607) 26.5

Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy zinc coated Hexagonal

mesh type 100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9 mm,
lacing wire 2.4 mm Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing in position
including stretching; forming compartments; tying the sides and
5.10 diaphragms with binding wire in each mesh; tying with bracing wires Cum 5,878.66
and tie wires; and tying down the lid complete as per specification.
Providing and filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc..
Including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)

Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Hume pipe

5.11 Flush jointed pipe for culverts including fixing with cement mortar 1:2
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.( Spc. Clau 701)
a) 900 mm internal dia. Rm
Providing and filling with graded previous (filter material) in layer with
5.12 necessary watering and compaction as per specification and instruction Cum 1,780.21
of Engineer
Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and
5.13 embankment slopes as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Cum 117.59
Clau 2404)

Providing, making and fixing of three layers of 50mm dia GI Hand rail
including RCC post of M20 grade concrete with size of 0.15 x 0.15 x
5.14 Rm 4,092.00
1m and 1.5m center to center all complete as per drawing specification (
SS/SP-1804,1805 & 2000) and instruction of Engineer.

6 Retaining Structure
Earth work in excavation for foundation of structure for all types of soil/rock by
both manual and mechanical means as per drawing and technical
6.1 specification, including Construction of shoring and bracing,removal of stumps Cum 319.07
and other deleterious matter, and backfilling with approved materials with
instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 907)
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and
6.2 watering etc. complete using locally available material as per drawing and Cum 715.19
technical specification and instruction of engineer. (Spc. Clau 908).
Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick
6.3 stones and packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as per Drawing and Cum 7,556.88
Technical Specifications.

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Rate
SL.No Item Description Unit Rate (NRs.) Remarks
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non structural Cement Concrete
6.4 M15/40 including compaction,curing,testing & form work complete as per Cum 16,210.01
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
Providing and laying Coursed rubble stone masonry in cement mortar
(1:4) including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all
6.5 Cum 14,341.82
complete as per specification (SS/SP - 2606) and instruction of
Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder mixed concrete) with
6.6 60% M15 concrete and 40% boulder/stones including form work Cum 13,797.52
complete as per drawing and specifications.
Providing and laying Machine Made Heavy zinc coated Hexagonal mesh type
100 mm x 120 mm, mesh wire 3 mm, selvage wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm
Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing in position including stretching; forming
compartments; tying the sides and diaphragms with binding wire in each mesh;
6.7 tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid complete as per Cum 5,878.66
specification. Providing and filling stone/boulder in gabion boxes/mattress etc..
Including dressing, bedding, bonding all complete as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2401)

a) 900 mm internal dia. Rm

Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment
6.8 Sqm 117.59
slopes as per Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2404)
Providing and laying 110mm dia. ,(2.5kg/cm2 ) HDPE pipes for weep holes as
6.9 Rm 494.77
directed by engineer.(SS/SP 700) for stone masonry works
7 Side Drain
Earthwork in excavation for Side Drain in all types of soil and rocks including
7.1 shoring , struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal, all complete, as per Cum 319.07
specification (SS/SP-905) and instruction of Engineer.
Providng and laying of Stone soling works for levelling in line and level with
7.2 lead, all complete, as per specification (SS/SP - 2400) and instruction of Cum 7,556.88
Providing and laying of Machine mixed non structural Cement Concrete
7.3 M15/40 including compaction,curing,testing & form work complete as per Cum 16,210.01
Drawing and Technical Specifications. (Spc. Clau 2000)
8 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures
Supply and erecting traffic signs in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm
8.1 thick steel plates, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel
angle nut and bolt etc. all complete, as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1501).
60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular
a) No 3,622.45
shaped sign (single post)

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Summary of Rate
SL.No Item Description Unit Rate (NRs.) Remarks
1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign ( Information Board )with back support
b) No 9,643.13
and two or more post.
Supply and placing stone marker ( RCC kilometer post) including excavation,
8.2 backfilling, painting and writing etc. all complete as per Drawings. (SS/SP-
a) Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each km distance) No 6,315.82
b) Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km distance) No 10,491.99
Supplying and fixing in place RCC delinator and guard posts including
8.3 excavation, back filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per drawings. No 1,571.93
Supplying and applying (10cm wide strip ) thermoplastic Road
8.4 marking including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all complete, as Sqm 555.33
per specification (BS 3262) and instruction of Engineer.
9 Bio Engineering Works
Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including preparation of slips on
site. a max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or Operation includes digging planting
9.1 Sqm 658.72
hole to hard-wood peg, depending on the nature of the soil. The planting drills
should be space. (Spc. Clau 2807)
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting,
transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes < 30 o . Pit size 30 cm
9.2 Nos 57.72
diameter x depth mix Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit
volume. (Spc. Clau 2807)
Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting,
transplanting, composting and mulching, on slopes 30 o . - 400 Pit size 30 cm
9.3 Nos 66.85
diameter x depth mix Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit
volume. (Spc. Clau. 2807)
10 Day Works
Day works shall be executed only on the written instruction of the Project Manager:
10.1 Labor (refer day works schedule) including contractor's overhead and profit
a) Skilled labour Day 1,697.40
b) Unskilled labour Day 1,265.00
10.2 Plant / Equipment
The rates shall include all cost of operating on site as fuel, lubricant,
driver and associated labour wages, overhead and profit only time
actually employed open the work shall be paid.
a) Tipper Hr 1,110.72
b) JCB backoe/Loader Hr 2,633.04
c) Excavator Hr 3,553.04
d)Water Bowser (For Control Dust) Hr 1,176.28
10.3 Material
a) Cement mt 22,324.21
b) Reinforcement( 8,10,12,16) mt 99,627.21
c) Aggregate (10-40) cum 3,795.00
d) Sand Cum 3,105.00

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Total Length of Road #REF!




...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Total Length of Road #REF!






...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Total Length of Road #REF!



...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Total Length of Road #REF!



...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Material Rate

1) District Rate : Materials

Transporta Total Rate Adopted
District Collection alty
S.N. Description Unit tion Rate ( C + R + Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (
( Tp ) Tp)

1 Gravel
a ( 5 - 70 mm size) m3 1300.00 2266.00 1560.28 3826.28 1300.00
b ( 5 - 40 mm size) m 3
1300.00 3399.00 1560.28 4959.28 1650.00
c ( 5 - 20 mm size) m 3
1300.00 4532.00 1560.28 6092.28 1650.00
d ( 5 - 08 mm size) m 3
1300.00 6798.00 1560.28 8358.28 1650.00
e ( 40 - 70 mm size) m3 1300.00 4532.00 1560.28 6092.28 1650.00
f ( 70 - 100 mm size) m3 1300.00 3399.00 1560.28 4959.28 1650.00
Rubble of required size m
2 1800.00 1586.20 1338.12 2924.32 1800.00 Manang

3 Broken Aggregates
a ( 70 - 100 mm) m3 1699.50 1338.12 3037.62 3037.62
b ( 40 - 70 mm) m3 2266.00 1338.12 3604.12 3604.12
c ( 20 - 40 mm) m3 4240.00 3399.00 1338.12 4737.12 3300.00 Manang
d ( 10 - 20 mm) m3 4240.00 4532.00 1338.12 5870.12 3300.00 Manang
e ( 5 - 10 mm) m3 4240.00 6798.00 1338.12 8136.12 3300.00 Manang
4 Washing Sand m 3
2700.00 1699.50 1278.76 2978.26 2700.00 Manang
5 Brick nos. 16.00 0.00 16.00 Lamjung
6 Wood 0.00 0.00
a wood ( uttis) m3 49392.00 0.00 49392.00
b Local Sal wood m3 155232.00 0.00 155232.00
c Timber Planks cum 21,500 0.00 21500.00
7 Stone dust m3 880.00 0.00 880.00
8 Rubble m3 1800.00 1586.20 1338.12 2924.32 1800.00
9 OPC Cement mt. 17000.00 2412.36 2412.36 19412.36 Lamjung
10 Water KL 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.25
11 Bitumen 80/100 Grade kg 70.00 4.90 4.90 74.90
12 Emulsion (MC) kg 68.00 4.90 4.90 72.90
13 Reinforcement steel mt. 84000.00 2632.36 2632.36 86632.36Lamjung Rate
13 Reinforcement (Tor Steel)
a 8 mm dia mt. 84000.00 2632.36 2632.36 86632.36 86632.35512
b 10 - 22 mm dia mt. 84000.00 2632.36 2632.36 86632.36Lamjung Rate
c 25 - 32 mm dia mt. 84000.00 2632.36 2632.36 86632.36Lamjung Rate
d 4.75 - 7 mm dia mt. 84000.00 2632.36 2632.36 86632.36Lamjung Rate
14 Binding Wire kg 120.00 2.63 2.63 122.63Lamjung Rate

...................Prepared By ....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Material Rate

1) District Rate : Materials

Transporta Total Rate Adopted
District Collection alty
S.N. Description Unit tion Rate ( C + R + Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (
( Tp ) Tp)

15 G.I Wire heavy coated

a 8 gauge kg 102.00 2.63 2.63 104.63Lamjung Rate
b 10 gauge kg 102.00 2.63 2.63 104.63Lamjung Rate
c 12 gauge kg 103.00 2.63 2.63 105.63Lamjung Rate
16 Machine made gabion box sqm 275.00 2.63 2.63 277.63
3X1X1=Rs4368/box sqm 275.00
2.63 277.63
2X1X1=Rs3077/box sqm 275.00
2.63 277.63

Transporta Total Rate Adopted
District Collection alty
S.N. Description Unit tion Rate ( C + R + Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (
( Tp ) Tp)

1.5X1X1=Rs2316/box sqm 275.00

2.63 277.63
17 RCC Hume Pipes (NP3) 277.63
a 300mm diameter m 3044 1336.95 1336.95 4380.95
b 450mm diameter m 4366 1336.95 1336.95 5702.95
c 600 mm diameter m 6015 1336.95 1336.95 7351.95
d 750 mm diameter m 8341 1336.95 1336.95 9677.95
e 900 mm diameter m 11807 1505.08 1505.08 13312.08
f 1200 mm diameter m 15616 1505.08 1505.08 17121.08
18 Jute kg 110.00 0.00 110.00
19 Nails kg 110.00 0.00 110.00Lamjung Rate
20 Ply wood
a plywood 3 mm m2 245.00 0.00 245.00Lamjung Rate
b plywood 4 mm m2 300.00 0.00 300.00Lamjung Rate
c plywood 6 mm m2 400.00 0.00 400.00Lamjung Rate
d plywood 8 mm m2 500.00 0.00 500.00Lamjung Rate
e plywood 10 mm m2 600.00 0.00 600.00Lamjung Rate
f plywood 12 mm m2 700.00 0.00 700.00Lamjung Rate
g plywood 18 mm m2 947.00 0.00 947.00Lamjung Rate
21 Road marking thermoplastic paint lit. 620.00 0.00 620.00 Market Rate
22 Road marking paint lit. 579.00 579.00
23 Enamel Paint lit. 440.00 0.00 440.00Lamjung Rate
24 Lime kg 36.00 0.00 36.00
25 Gum/Fevicol kg 262.00 0.00 262.00
26 Snow cem kg 74.00 0.00 74.00
27 Primer kg 376.00 0.00 376.00
28 Steel Plate(3 mm ) Sq. m 1852.00 0.00 1852.00
29 Steel tube(50 mm dia) Rm 743.00 0.00 743.00
30 Anti-striping agent Kg 323.50 0.00 323.50
31 GI Pipe Medium Class
a 38 mm m 345.00 0.00 345.00

...................Prepared By ....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Material Rate

1) District Rate : Materials

Transporta Total Rate Adopted
District Collection alty
S.N. Description Unit tion Rate ( C + R + Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (
( Tp ) Tp)

b 50 mm m 473.00 0.00 473.00

c 75 mm m 752.00 0.00 752.00
d 100 mm m 1458.00 0.00 1458.00
32 90 mm dia. HDP pipe of 10 m 642.00 3.07
kg/cm2 pressure 3.07 645.07Lamjung Rate
33 Bearing pad nos. 0.00 0.00
34 Geotextile 150g/sqm sqm 75.00 0.00 75.00
35 Expansion joint 0.00 0.00
36 Round Aggregates 0.00 0.00
a 70 to 100 mm cum 2200.00 1699.50 1699.50 1699.50
b 40 to 70mm cum 2200.00 2266.00 2266.00 2200.00
c 20 to 40 mm cum 2200.00 2266.00 2266.00 2200.00
d 10 to 20 mm cum 2200.00 4532.00 4532.00 2200.00
e 10 mm and down cum 2200.00 4532.00 4532.00 2200.00
37 Crusher Run Material
a 19 mm Nominal Size cum 3300.00 4,273.96 1560.28 5834.24 4860.28
b 10 mm Nominal Size cum 3300.00 4,739.19 1560.28 6299.48 4860.28
38 HDP pipe having 200mm in size Lamjung Rate
with 6kg/cm2 pressure Rm 2097.75 22.09 2119.84 2119.84
HDP pipe having 110mm in size Lamjung Rate
Rm 425.75 4.48 430.23 430.23
39 with 4 kg/cm2 pressure
40 Gelatin Kg 520.00 520.00 520.00
41 Electric Detonators Nos. 10.00 10.00 10.00
42 Fuse wire m 25.00 25.00 25.00

...................Prepared By ....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Material Rate

1) District Rate : Materials

Transporta Total Rate Adopted
District Collection alty
S.N. Description Unit tion Rate ( C + R + Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (
( Tp ) Tp)

2) District Rate : Labour

S.N. Description Unit Remarks
1 Skilled md 1476.00 Manang Rate
2 Semi-Skilled md 1248.00 Manang Rate
3 Unskilled (Labour) md 1100.00 Manang Rate
4 Driller/Blaster md 1848.00 Manang Rate
5 Road Supervisor md 1212.00 Manang Rate
6 Road Length Worker md 1080.00 Manang Rate
3) District Rate : Fuel and Lubricant
District Total without
S.N. Description Unit Lead
Rate VAT
1 Diesel lit. 85.97 85.97
2 Kerosene lit. 85.97 85.97
3 Petrol lit. 96.59 96.59

4) DOR's Equipment Hire Rate

Operator's DOR Hire
S.N. Description Unit Total rate
Allowance rate
1 Excavator (upto 150 HP) hr. 3089.60 3089.60
2 Loader( upto 2.2 m3) hr. 2,289.60 2289.60
3 Tractor hr. 697.92 697.92
4 Truck ( 3 tonnes) hr. 300.00 729.86
5 Truck ( 5 tonnes) hr. 965.84 965.84
6 Truck ( 8 tonnes) hr. 800.00 800.00
7 Pump 10cm dia hr. 150.00 150.00
8 Grader ( 90 HP) hr. 2889.60 2889.60
9 Water bowser hr. 1022.85 1022.85
10 Vibrator Roller Self Propelled hr. 800.00 800.00
11 3 Wheel Roller ( 8 - 10 ton) hr. 500.00 500.00
12 Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr. 1801.81 1801.81
13 Air compressor hr. 1,238.69 1238.69
14 Bitumen Boiler hr. 1729.86 1729.86
15 Sprayer hr. 689.00 689.00
16 Hand Sprayer hr. 300.00 300.00
17 Bitumen Distributor hr. 1772.85 1772.85
18 Chip Spreader (Self propelled) hr. 2015.84 2015.84
19 Chips Spreader (Tail mounted) hr. 2015.84 2015.84
20 Asphalt plant hr. 1001.81 1001.81
21 Asphalt mixer hr. 1000.00 1000.00
22 Asphalt paver hr. 2001.81 2001.81
23 Blasting machine hr. 1400.00 1400.00
24 Jack hammer /Rock drill hr. 910.00 910.00
25 Generator hr. 579.86 579.86
26 Vibrator Roller hr. 1401.81 1401.81

...................Prepared By ....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Material Rate

1) District Rate : Materials

Transporta Total Rate Adopted
District Collection alty
S.N. Description Unit tion Rate ( C + R + Rate Remarks
Rate (D) Rate (C) (
( Tp ) Tp)

27 Tipper 6 mt hr. 965.84 965.84

28 Concrete mixer hr. 1309.73 1309.73
29 Needle Vibrator hr. 357.92 357.92
30 stone crusher with screen hr. 3500.00 3500.00
31 Mechanical Broom hr. 1205.00 1205.00
32 Hot Mix Plant hr. 750.00 750.00
33 Dozer , Track hr. 4,719.46 4719.46
4 Bio-Engineering Item District Rate
4.1 Hesian Jute sq.m 60.00
4.2 Tree/shurb Nos 12.00
4.3 Container seedlings Nos 12.00
4.4 Grass Slips Nos 3.30
4.5 Compost cum 89.61
4.6 Green mulch cum 89.61

...................Prepared By ....................Checked By ....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Rate Analysis (Transportation)

Travel Time (T) for truck to be used for this activity shall be determined as follows:
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + …………. Dn/vn}, where d1, d2, d3 … dn and v1, v2, v3……vn are the streches of
distances to be travelled and corresponding average speeds on these streches.

1 Transportation of Sand by Truck

Unit 1 m3
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(2)
Source Name Tal
Lead Distance 41.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 41.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 4.10 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.13*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.63 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.30
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 1.7*T T= Travel Time
6.97 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.63 965.84 608.96
Labour md 0.00 1100.00 0.00
Fuel ltr. 6.97 85.97 599.23
Royalty-DDC Office @2 per cft m³ 70.56
Actual cost per m³ 1278.76
Grand Total per m³ 1278.76

2 Transportation of Aggregate by Truck

Unit 1 m3
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(3)
Source Name Tal
Lead Distance 41.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 41.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 4.10 Hrs.

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.16*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.78 for Truck

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.50
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 2.1*T T= Travel Time
8.61 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.78 965.84 749.49
Labour md 0.00 1100.00 0.00
Fuel ltr. 8.61 85.97 740.23
Royalty-DDC Office @2per cft m³ 70.56
Actual cost per m³ 1560.28
Grand Total per m³ 1560.28

3 Transportation of river bed gravel by Truck

Unit 1 m3
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(3)
Source Name Local
Lead Distance 13.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 1.30 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.16*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.33 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.50
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 2.1*T T= Travel Time
2.73 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.33 965.84 316.80
Labour md 0.00 1100.00 0.00
Fuel ltr. 2.73 85.97 234.71
Royalty-DDC Office @2 per cft m³ 70.56
Actual cost per m³ 622.06
Grand Total per m³ 622.06

4 Transportation of Boulder/Stone by Truck

Unit 1 m3
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(4)
Source Name Local
Lead Distance 13.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 1.30 Hrs.

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks
A. Equipment Truck hr 0.21*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.43 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.50
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 2.7*T T= Travel Time
3.51 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.43 965.84 415.79
Labour md 0.50 1100.00 550.00
Fuel ltr. 3.51 85.97 301.77
Royalty-DDC Office @2 per cft m³ 70.56
Actual cost per m³ 1338.12
Grand Total per m³ 1338.12

5 Transportation of Cement by Truck

Unit 1 mt.
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(4)
Source Name
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.12*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
1.01 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 1.5*T T= Travel Time
11.55 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 1.01 965.84 979.36
Labour md 0.40 1100.00 440.00
Fuel ltr. 11.55 85.97 992.99
Actual cost per mt. 2412.36
Grand Total per kg. 2.41

6 Transportation of Gabion box by Truck

Unit 1 mt.
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(4)
Source Name Beshisahar
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.12*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
1.01 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.60
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 1.5*T T= Travel Time
11.55 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 1.01 965.84 979.36
Labour md 0.60 1100.00 660.00
Fuel ltr. 11.55 85.97 992.99
Actual cost per mt. 2632.36
Grand Total per kg. 2.63
Grand Total per m2 6.52

7 Transportation Reinforcement Steel and Gabion wire by Truck

Unit 1 mt.
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03, SPEC. Clause No. - 800(4)
Source Name Beshisahar
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.12*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
1.01 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.60
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 1.5*T T= Travel Time
11.55 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 1.01 965.84 979.36
Labour md 0.60 1100.00 660.00
Fuel ltr. 11.55 85.97 992.99
Actual cost per mt. 2632.36
Grand Total per kg. 2.63

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
8 Transportation of Hume Pipe (1200mm) by Truck
Unit 1m
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name Beshisahar
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.06*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.51 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 0.78*T T= Travel Time
6.01 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.51 965.84 489.68
Skilled md 0.04 1476.00 59.04
Unskilled md 0.40 1100.00 440.00
Fuel ltr. 6.01 85.97 516.36
Actual cost per m 1505.08
Grand Total per m. 1505.08

8 Transportation of Hume Pipe (900mm) by Truck

Unit 1m
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name Beshisahar
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.06*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.51 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 0.78*T T= Travel Time
6.01 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.51 965.84 489.68
Skilled md 0.04 1476.00 59.04
Unskilled md 0.40 1100.00 440.00
Fuel ltr. 6.01 85.97 516.36
Actual cost per m 1505.08
Grand Total per m. 1505.08

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
9 Transportation of Hume Pipe (600mm) by Truck
Unit 1m
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name Beshisahar
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.054*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.46 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 0.6*T T= Travel Time
4.62 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.46 965.84 440.71
Skilled md 0.04 1476.00 59.04
Unskilled md 0.40 1100.00 440.00
Fuel ltr. 4.62 85.97 397.20
Actual cost per m 1336.95
Grand Total per m. 1336.95

9 Transportation of Hume Pipe (300mm) by Truck

Unit 1m
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name 0.00
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks
A. Equipment Truck hr 0.054*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.46 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 0.6*T T= Travel Time
4.62 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.46 965.84 440.71
Skilled md 0.04 1476.00 59.04
Unskilled md 0.40 1100.00 440.00
Fuel ltr. 4.62 85.97 397.20
Actual cost per m 1336.95
Grand Total per m. 1336.95

10 Transportation of HDP (110mm) by Truck

Unit 1t
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name 0.00
Lead Distance 77.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 7.70 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.12*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
1.01 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 1.00
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 1.5*T T= Travel Time
11.55 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 1.01 965.84 979.36
Unskilled md 1.00 1100.00 1100.00
Fuel ltr. 11.55 85.97 992.99
Actual cost per t 3072.36
Grand Total per kg. 3.07

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
11 Transportation of materials by truck, including loading, unloading and stacking by manpower lead upto 10m
Unit 1m3
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name 0.00
Lead Distance 0.10 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 0.10 0.10
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3 + d4/v4} 0.01 Hrs.

Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks

A. Equipment Truck hr 0.15*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.11 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 2*T T= Travel Time
0.02 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.11 965.84 110.11
Unskilled md 0.01 1100.00 11.00
Fuel ltr. 0.02 85.97 1.72
Actual cost per m3 122.83

12 Transportation of binding material from source to the stockpile

Unit 1m3
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name 0.00
Lead Distance 41.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 41.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3} 4.10 Hrs.
Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks
A. Equipment Truck hr 0.15*(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
0.73 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 0.40
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 2*T T= Travel Time
8.20 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 0.73 965.84 702.65
Unskilled md 0.00 1100.00 0.00
Fuel ltr. 8.20 85.97 704.98
Actual cost per m3 1407.63

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Rate Analysis (Transportation)
12 Transportation of Bitumen
Unit 1000 lit
Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and Bridge Works, 2058 BS.
Activity No. - 8.04.03
Source Name 0.00
Lead Distance 137.00 Km
Earthen Metallic Road Metallic Road
Description Unit Gravel Road Total Length
Road (hill) (Terai)
Distance from source to site KM 77.00 0.00 60.00 0.00 137.00
Average speed of truck KM/Hr 20.00 30.00 45.00 60.00
T = 2 * { d1/v1 + d2/v2 + d3/v3} 10.37 Hrs.
Description of Works Type Unit Quantity Remarks
A. Equipment Truck hr 0.2x(T+0.75) T= Travel Time
2.22 for Truck
B. Labours Unskilled md 1.00
C. Materials Fuel ltr. 2.6xT T= Travel Time
26.95 for Truck
D. Cost
Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Truck : Travel Time hr 2.22 965.84 2147.38
Unskilled md 0.40 1100.00 440.00
Fuel ltr. 26.95 85.97 2317.27
Actual cost per kg 4.90

...................Prepared By ..................Checked By .....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Collection of Materials
Total Amount
S.N. Description Unit Norms No. Spec. cl. No. Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
(per unit)
1 Collection and sieving gravel including stacking within 10 m. Hauling distance.
a ( 5 - 70 mm size) cum 8.1 A 800 Unskilled md 2.00 1,100.00 2,200.00 2,266.00 T&P 3% of labour
b ( 5 - 40 mm size) cum 8.1 B 800 Unskilled md 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00 3,399.00 T&P 3% of labour
c ( 5 - 20 mm size) cum 8.1 C 800 Unskilled md 4.00 1,100.00 4,400.00 4,532.00 T&P 3% of labour
d ( 5 - 08 mm size) cum 8.1 D 800 Unskilled md 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00 6,798.00 T&P 3% of labour
e ( 40 - 70 mm size) cum 8.1 E 800 Unskilled md 4.00 1,100.00 4,400.00 4,532.00 T&P 3% of labour
f ( 70 - 100 mm size) cum 8.1 F 800 Unskilled md 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00 3,399.00 T&P 3% of labour
Collection of rubble of required size,
2 cum 8.2 800 Unskilled md 1.40 1,100.00 1,540.00 1,586.20 T&P 3% of labour
hauling distance 10 m. and stacking.
3 Collection and sieving sand . T&P 3% of labour
a ( Quarry output less than 33%) cum 8.3 A 800 Unskilled md 4.00 1,100.00 4,400.00 4,532.00 T&P 3% of labour
b ( Quarry output 33 - 66 %) cum 8.3 B 800 Unskilled md 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00 3,399.00 T&P 3% of labour
c ( Quarry output more than 66%) cum 8.3 C 800 Unskilled md 1.50 1,100.00 1,650.00 1,699.50 T&P 3% of labour
Collection, quarrying and sieving sand in
d cum 8.3 D 800 Unskilled md 1.50 1,100.00 1,650.00 1,699.50 T&P 3% of labour
local river
4 Washing of Construction Material
a Washing broken stone, gravel and sand. cum 8.4 A 800 Unskilled md 0.50 1,100.00 550.00 566.50 T&P 3% of labour
b Washing rubble cum 8.4 B 800 Unskilled md 0.20 1,100.00 220.00 226.60 T&P 3% of labour
5 Manually Breaking stones ( excluding Collection of Rubble)
a ( 70 - 100 mm size) cum 8.5 A 800 Unskilled md 1.50 1,100.00 1,650.00 1,699.50 T&P 3% of labour
b ( 40 - 70 mm size) cum 8.5 B 800 Unskilled md 2.00 1,100.00 2,200.00 2,266.00 T&P 3% of labour
c ( 20 - 40 mm size) cum 8.5 C 800 Unskilled md 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00 3,399.00 T&P 3% of labour
d ( 10 - 20 mm size) cum 8.5 D 800 Unskilled md 4.00 1,100.00 4,400.00 4,532.00 T&P 3% of labour
e ( 5 - 10 mm size) cum 8.5 E 800 Unskilled md 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00 6,798.00 T&P 3% of labour

..................Prepared By ....................Checked By .......................Approved By

Collection of Materials
Total Amount
S.N. Description Unit Norms No. Spec. cl. No. Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
(per unit)
6 Mechanically Crushing of Stone Aggregates
a 13.2 mm Nominal Size for 600 cum cum 8.6 A 800
a) Labour
Skill day 2.00 1,476.00 2,952.00
Unskilled day 18.00 1,100.00 19,800.00
b) Material
Stone boulder size 150mm cum 800 3,399.00 2,719,200.00
c) Equipment
Stone crusher with screen hour 12 3,500.00 42,000.00
Loader hour 18 2,289.60 41,212.80
Tipper hour 19 965.84 18,350.96
Total 2,843,515.76 4,739.19
b 20 mm Nominal Size for 670 cum cum 8.6 B 800
a) Labour
Skill day 2.00 1,476.00 2,952.00
Unskilled day 18.00 1,100.00 19,800.00
b) Material
Stone boulder size 150mm cum 800 3,399.00 2,719,200.00
c) Equipment
Stone crusher with screen hour 18 3,500.00 63,000.00
Loader hour 18 2,289.60 41,212.80
Tipper hour 18 965.84 17,385.12
Total 2,863,549.92 4,273.96

c 40 mm Nominal Size for 750 cum cum 8.6 C 800

a) Labour
Skill day 2.00 1,476.00 2,952.00
Unskilled day 17.00 1,100.00 18,700.00
b) Material
Stone boulder size 150mm cum 800 3,399.00 2,719,200.00
c) Equipment
Stone crusher with screen hour 2 3,500.00 7,000.00
Loader hour 20 2,289.60 45,792.00
Tipper hour 20 965.84 19,316.80
Total 2,812,960.80 3,750.61

..................Prepared By ....................Checked By .......................Approved By

Collection of Materials
Total Amount
S.N. Description Unit Norms No. Spec. cl. No. Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
(per unit)
7 Making rubbles of required size including and stacking.
With chisel or hammer and stacking (without
b cum 8.7 B 800
a) Labour
Skilled ( Blaster) day 0.10 1,476.00 147.60
Unskilled day 4.00 1,100.00 4,400.00
b) Material
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for traffic control
sign and other T&P
Total 4,684.03 4,684.03

..................Prepared By ....................Checked By .......................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Equipment Hire Rate per Hour

Amount of
DoR Fuel Quantity Total Rate
S.N. Equipment Unit Fuel used Remarks
Rate(NR.) Rate Liter per (Wet Lease)
per hour

E1 Asphalt Concrete Plant Hour 400.00 85.97 7.00 601.81 1,001.81 upto 10 ton

E2 Asphalt Paver Hour 1,400.00 85.97 7.00 601.81 2,001.81

E3 Bitumen Distributor Hour 1,300.00 85.97 5.50 472.85 1,772.85 4 to 6 kL

E4 Bitumen Boiler Hour 1,300.00 85.97 5.00 429.86 1,729.86 upto 2 kL

E5 Stone Crushing Plant Hour 120.00 85.97 37.00 3,181.00 3,301.00

E6 Screening Plant Hour 500.00 85.97 37.00 3,181.00 3,681.00

Chips Spreader, Self
E7 Hour 1,500.00 85.97 6.00 515.84 2,015.84
Chips Spreader,
E7.1 Hour 1,500.00 85.97 6.00 515.84 2,015.84
E8 Excavator, Wheel Hour 1,800.00 85.97 15.00 1,289.60 3,089.60 upto 110 HP
120 to 125
E9 Dozer, Track Hour 3,000.00 85.97 20.00 1,719.46 4,719.46
1 to 1.75
E10 Loader Hour 1,000.00 85.97 15.00 1,289.60 2,289.60
E11 Back Hoe Loader Hour 1,000.00 85.97 15.00 1,289.60 2,289.60
80 to 145
E12 Motor Grader Hour 1,600.00 85.97 15.00 1,289.60 2,889.60
E13 Crane (5-10 Ton) Hour 3,100.00 85.97 15.00 1,289.60 4,389.60

E14 Pneumatic Roller Hour 1,200.00 85.97 7.00 601.81 1,801.81 upto 20 ton
Roller 3 wheel ( Up to
E15 Hour 700.00 85.97 4.00 343.89 1,043.89
12 ton )
Roller vib, Self
E16 Hour 1,200.00 85.97 10.00 859.73 2,059.73 11 ton
Roller vib, Self
E17 Hour 550.00 85.97 7.00 601.81 1,151.81 upto 3 Ton
E18 Tipper (6mt) Hour 450.00 85.97 7.50 644.80 1,094.80

E19 Truck(6mt) Hour 450.00 85.97 6.00 515.84 965.84

E20 Mini Truck Hour 300.00 85.97 5.00 429.86 729.86

E21 Mini Dumper Hour 250.00 85.97 5.00 429.86 679.86

....................Prepared By ....................Cecked By ....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage: Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Equipment Hire Rate per Hour

Amount of
DoR Fuel Quantity Total Rate
S.N. Equipment Unit Fuel used Remarks
Rate(NR.) Rate Liter per (Wet Lease)
per hour

E22 Tractor Hour 440.00 85.97 3.00 257.92 697.92

E23 Concrete Mixer Hour 450.00 85.97 10.00 859.73 1,309.73

E24 Concrete Cutter Hour 250.00 85.97 3.00 257.00 507.00

Concrete Needle
E25 Hour 100.00 85.97 3.00 257.92 357.92
Compactor Hand 350 to 450
E26 Hour 130.00 85.97 0.75 64.00 194.00
Towed KG
150 to 275
E27 Air Compressor Hour 250.00 85.97 11.50 988.69 1,238.69

E28 Drilling Machine Hour 130.00 85.97 17.00 1,461.00 1,591.00

E29 Water Browser Hour 550.00 85.97 5.50 472.85 1,022.85 upto 6 kL

E30 Water Pump Hour 200.00 85.97 0.35 30.00 230.00 upto 6" dia

E31 Generator (2 KVA) Hour 150.00 85.97 5.00 429.86 579.86

Boring Equipment with

E32 Hour 1,400.00 85.97 568.00 48,832.92 50,232.92
E33 Excavator,Track Hour 1,800.00 85.97 12.00 1,031.00 2,831.00 upto 110 HP

E34 Excavator with Breaker Hour 2,100.00 85.97 15.00 1,289.60 3,389.60

E35 Sprayer Hour 260.00 85.97 5.00 429.00 689.00 upto 1KL

E36 Mechanical Broom Hour 260.00 85.97 11.00 945.00 1,205.00

E37 Hot Mix Plant Hour 750.00 85.97 1.50 128.00 878.00

E38 Road Marking Machine Hour 260.00 85.97 5.00 429.00 689.00

E40 Vibrating Roller Hour 800.00 85.97 7.00 601.81 1,401.81

....................Prepared By ....................Cecked By ....................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Transportation Sheet
Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Labour Rate Fuel per ltr. 85.97
Unskilled 1,100.00 Truck Rate 800.00
Skilled 1,476.00 Truck capactiy 8 mt Total
Earthen Blacktop Total Travel Labour Fuel Coefficient Truck Coefficient Transportatio
Material Type Unit Gravel Km Remarks
Km Km Time (T) Unskilled Skilled Cost Norms Coefficient Amount Norms Coefficient n Cost per
1)Excavated earth work unit
a)Soil Material m3 3.00 0.60 0.40 0.00 440.00 2xT 1.20 103.17 0.15x(T+0.75) 0.20 162.00 705.17
Soil material by using machine
2xT 0.15x(T+0.75) Norms 8.03.01-1 is used in
the place of labour( E/W in
m3 2.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 68.78 0.17 138.00 206.78 soft soil by using machine
b)Rock Material m3 0.50 0.10 0.50 0.00 550.00 2.3xT 0.23 19.77 0.18x(T+0.75) 0.15 122.40 692.17
2) Sand m3 29.00 0.00 0.00 5.80 0.30 0.00 330.00 1.7xT 9.86 847.70 0.13x(T+0.75) 0.85 681.20 1858.90 Tal
Sand Local m3 29.00 0.00 0.00 5.80 0.30 0.00 330.00 1.7xT 9.86 847.70 0.13x(T+0.75) 0.85 681.20 1858.90 Tal
3) Gravel, river shingle, broken stone aggregates,
and bats.
a) Gravel m3 29.00 0.00 0.00 5.80 0.50 0.00 550.00 2.1xT 12.18 1047.16 0.16x(T+0.75) 1.05 838.40 2435.56 Tal
b) River shingle m3 29.00 0.00 0.00 5.80 0.50 0.00 550.00 2.1xT 12.18 1047.16 0.16x(T+0.75) 1.05 838.40 2435.56 Tal
c) Broken stone aggregates m3 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.60 0.50 0.00 550.00 2.1xT 1.26 108.33 0.16x(T+0.75) 0.22 172.80 831.13 From Crusher
m3 0.00 0.50 0.00 550.00 2.1xT 0.00 0.00 0.16x(T+0.75) 0.12 96.00 646.00
d) Brick bats m3 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.60 0.00 660.00 2.1xT 26.88 2310.97 0.16x(T+0.75) 2.17 1734.40 4705.37 Besishahar
4) Boulder, Cobbles, quarry stone Ne 3.00 0.60 0.50 0.00 550.00 2.7xT 1.62 139.28 0.21x(T+0.75) 0.28 226.80 916.08 Near the site
5)Dressed Stone m3 3.00 0.00 0.60 0.60 0.00 660.00 2.6xT 1.56 134.12 0.2x(T+0.75) 0.27 216.00 1010.12 Near the site
6)Bricks 1000 nos 29.00 0.00 0.00 5.80 0.60 0.00 660.00 4xT 23.20 1994.58 0.31x(T+0.75) 2.03 1624.40 4278.98 Besishahar
7)Cement t 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.40 0.00 440.00 1.5xT 19.20 1650.69 0.12x(T+0.75) 1.63 1300.80 3391.49 Besishahar
8)Reinforcement Steel and gabion wire t 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.60 0.00 660.00 1.5xT 19.20 1650.69 0.12x(T+0.75) 1.63 1300.80 3611.49 Besishahar
9) Bitumen 1000 lit 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 1.00 0.00 1100.00 2.6xT 33.28 2861.20 0.2x(T+0.75) 2.71 2168.00 6129.20 Besishahar
10) GI, CI, Pipe and fittings t 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 1.00 0.00 1100.00 2.6xT 33.28 2861.20 0.12x(T+0.75) 1.63 1300.80 5262.00 Besishahar
11)Timber for temporary works m3 1.00 0.20 0.30 0.00 330.00 1.4xT 0.28 24.07 0.11x(T+0.75) 0.10 83.60 437.67 Local
12) Fabricated Structural Timber m3 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.50 0.00 550.00 2xT 0.40 34.39 0.15x(T+1.25) 0.22 174.00 758.39 Near the site
13) Fabricated Structural Steel t 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 4.00 0.40 4990.40 1.5xT 19.20 1650.69 0.12x(T+1.25) 1.69 1348.80 7989.89 Besishahar
14)RCC Precast Element t 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 1.00 0.00 1100.00 1.5xT 21.76 1870.78 0.12x(T+0.75) 1.63 1300.80 4271.58 Besishahar
15)Equipment & accessories etc. requiring careful
handling 13xT 1x(T+1.75)
truck 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 20.00 4.00 27904.00 166.40 14305.98 14.55 11640.00 53849.98 Besishahar
16) RCC hume pipe
a) 900mm dia m 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.40 0.04 499.04 0.78xT 9.98 858.36 0.06x(T+1.75) 0.87 698.40 2055.80 From Tanahu District
b) 600 mm dia m 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.25 0.02 304.52 0.6xT 7.68 660.28 0.054x(T+1.75) 0.87 698.40 1663.20 From Tanahu District
c) 300mm dia m 64.00 0.00 0.00 12.80 0.25 0.02 304.52 0.6xT 7.68 660.28 0.054x(T+1.75) 0.87 698.40 1663.20 From Tanahu District
17) Water 1000 lit 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.01 124.76 1.5xT 0.15 12.90 0.12x(T+0.75) 0.10 81.60 219.26 Local
Fuel =Total Travel Time (T)*Fuel Coefficient
Truck, Hr.=Truck Coefficient *(Total Travel Time (T)+Load / Unload Time)
Total Transportation Cost per unit = Labour, md. * Labour Rate + Fuel, Ltr.* Fuel Rate + Truck, Hr.* Truck Rate
Quantity Estimate of Pipe Culvert (600 mm dia)

Abutment Height = 2.07 m Catch pit wall height = 1.65 m
Pavement Thickness = 0.32 m Pipe length = 7.50 m
Diameter of Pipe = 0.60 m Thickness of Pipe = 0.075 m
Overall diameter = 0.750 m

Length Breadth Height

Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)
1. Earth Excavation
i) Head Wall 1 3.00 1.24 1.04 3.86
ii) Catch pit 1 3.68 3.68 1.65 22.34
iii) Pipe portion 1 5.27 0.94 1.61 7.95
iv) Stone soling portion
a) Catchpit 1 3.68 3.68 0.15 2.03
b) Below Head wall 1 3.00 1.24 0.15 0.56
c) Below Pipe Portion 1 5.81 0.94 0.15 0.82
v) PCC lining
a) Catchpit 1 3.68 3.68 0.10 1.35
b) Below Head wall 1 3.00 1.24 0.10 0.37
c) Below Pipe Portion 1 5.81 0.94 0.10 0.54
vi) Gabion Works U/S & D/S
a) U/S Protection 1 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
b) D/S Protection 1 3.00 2.00 1.00 6.00
1 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
51.83 Cum

2. Back Fill
i) Carriage way 1 5.93 0.94 1.86 10.35
Deduction for pipe -1 5.27 0.45 - 2.39
ii) Hill Side Wall 1 3.68 0.27 1.65 1.64
iii) Catchpit side walls 2 1.50 0.30 1.65 1.46
11.06 Cum

3. Stone Soling
i) Catchpit soling 1 3.68 3.68 0.15 2.03
ii) Below Head Wall 1 3.00 1.24 0.15 0.56
iii) Below Pipe Portion 1 5.81 0.94 0.15 0.82
3.41 Cum
4. Concrete Works (M15/40)
i) Catchpit 1 3.68 3.68 0.10 1.35
ii) Below Head Wall 1 3.00 1.24 0.10 0.37
iii) Below hume pipe 1 7.50 0.94 0.10 0.70
1 7.50 0.94 0.16 1.13
Deduction of Pipe Portion 1 7.50 0.07 - 0.52
3.04 Cum
Length Breadth Height
Description of Works Nos. Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)
5. Formwork
i) Below Head Wall 1 8.48 0.10 0.85
ii) At Catchpit 1 15.12 0.10 1.51
iii) for Bedding Concrete 2 7.50 0.26 3.90
6.26 Sqm

6. Stone Masonry Works (1:4)

i) Head Wall 1 3.00 0.87 2.07 5.41
Deduction for pipe -1 0.45 0.44 - 0.20
ii) Inlet Wall 1 3.00 0.72 1.65 3.56
Deduction for pipe -1 0.39 0.44 - 0.17
iii) Hill side wall 1 3.00 0.69 1.65 3.40
iv) Side walls 2 1.50 0.69 1.65 3.40
15.40 Cum

7. Filter Material(Pervious) Behind

behind wall structures
i) Head Wall 1 3.00 0.20 2.07 1.24
Deduction for pipe -1 0.44 0.20 - 0.09
ii) Inlet Wall 1 3.00 0.20 1.65 0.99
Deduction for pipe -1 0.44 0.20 - 0.09
iii) Hill side wall 1 3.00 0.20 1.65 0.99
iv) Side walls 2 1.50 0.20 1.65 0.99
4.04 Cum

8. 600 mm dia RCC Hume Pipe (NP3) 1 7.50 7.50 Rm

9. Gabion Works
i) U/S Protection works 1 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
ii)D/S Protection 1 3.00 2.00 1.00 6.00
1 3.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
12.00 Cum
10. Geo-textile 9.00 2.00 18.00 Sqm
Mid Hill West (Puspalal) Highway Project

Comparison of Cost

Total Quantity as
S.N. Description Unit Quantity of Rate Amount (NRs) per Amount (NRs) Variation % Remarks
Joint Survey Agreement
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Total Quantity as
S.N. Description Unit Quantity of Rate Amount (NRs) per Amount (NRs) Variation % Remarks
Joint Survey Agreement
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Total Quantity as
S.N. Description Unit Quantity of Rate Amount (NRs) per Amount (NRs) Variation % Remarks
Joint Survey Agreement
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Total Quantity as
S.N. Description Unit Quantity of Rate Amount (NRs) per Amount (NRs) Variation % Remarks
Joint Survey Agreement
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
### Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Sub Total Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 -
Err:509 Err:509 Err:509 Err:509


Summary of Quantity
Project: Belkhet-Binayak Road
Work: Upgrading to Blacktop Standard (0+000 km to 14+956 Km)
Location: Achham

Pavement Total
S.N. Description Drain HPC 60 HPC 450 HPC 600 HPC 900 EMP MRW Gabion Pavement Unit
Work Quantity
### General
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
Pavement Total
S.N. Description Drain HPC 60 HPC 450 HPC 600 HPC 900 EMP MRW Gabion Pavement Unit
Work Quantity
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
0 Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
Pavement Total
S.N. Description Drain HPC 60 HPC 450 HPC 600 HPC 900 EMP MRW Gabion Pavement Unit
Work Quantity
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
0 Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
### Err:509 0
0 Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 Err:509
### Err:509 0
0 Err:509 Err:509
0 Err:509 Err:509
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Sn. Description Amount Remarks

1 General Items #REF!

2 Site Clearance Err:509
3 Earthwork #REF!
4 Pavement #REF!
5 Cross Drainage Structure #REF!
6 Retaining Structure #REF!
7 Side Drain #REF!
8 Road Furniture and Traffic Safety Measures #REF!
9 Bio-Engineering Works #REF!
10 Prevision of safety equipments for workers #REF!
11 Miscellaneous Works 20,000.00
Sub Total (A) #REF!
Contingencies 5 % #REF!
Sub-Total (B) #REF!
Add 13% VAT of Sub-Total (B)
Grand Total (Including VAT &
Contingencies ) #REF!
Cost per Km #REF! Including Vat
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Name of Project : Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Notice:

Works: Earthwork, Retaining Structure, Lined Drain, Cross Drainage, Traffic Safety and DBSD Contact:
Location: Manang District Duration Months:
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Item Rate(NRs)
Items description Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In Words
1 General
1.1 Insurance for the loss of damage to works plant, material, equipment property and
personnel injury of death and commission of bank security and performance guarantee
all complete
PS 1.00 #REF! #REF!
1.2 Carry out additional tests for material and works as required and instructed by the
Engineer. PS 1.00 150,000.00 150,000.00
1.3 Relocation of Services including electric pole, WSS pipe PS 1.00 #REF! #REF!
Sub total Part 1 #REF!
2 Site Clearance
2.1 learing of grass, removing roots, breaking sods, levelling the surface and disposal as per
specification (SS/SP-201) Sqm 29043.00 37.95 1,102,181.85
2.2 Felling trees including cutting of trunks and branches, removing the roots, stacking
serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable materials to suitable place all
complete as per Contract Documents: (SS/SP-201)
0 0.00 - -
2.2,a) 300mm-600mm girth size No Err:509 493.35 Err:509
2.2,b) 600mm-900mm girth size No Err:509 657.80 Err:509
2.2,C) 900mm-1200mm girth size No Err:509 1,973.40 Err:509
2.3 1200mm-1800mm girth size No Err:509 3,162.50 Err:509
Sub total Part 2 Err:509
3 Earthwork
3.1 Road way excavation (Road and Drain) by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% in all
type of rock and soil including necessary haulage , disposal and lift all complete (SS/SP-
Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
3.2 Formation of Embankment including, compaction in layers not exceeding 150mm.
Compacted depth, watering and haulage 10m. Etc. all complete asper specification.
Cum #REF! 325.74 #REF!

Name of Project : Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Notice:

Works: Earthwork, Retaining Structure, Lined Drain, Cross Drainage, Traffic Safety and DBSD Contact:
Location: Manang District Duration Months:
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Item Rate(NRs)
Items description Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In Words
3.3 Land slide clearing by Excavator (PC 200) 80% and Manual 20% including necessary
haulage , disposal and lift all complete (1% of Road way excavation) (SS/SP-900) Cum #REF! 89.39 #REF!
Sub total Part 3 #REF!
4 Pavement
4.1 Preparation of Sub-grade by grading,watering & compaction for upgrading the road
( filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm ) in Gravel & boulder mixed soil. ( SS / SP -1003 )
Sqm #REF! 390.89 #REF!
4.2 Providing , laying , spreading, levelling and compaction of natuaral sand gravel Sub base
grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification (SS/SP-1201) Cum #REF! 3,693.70 #REF!
4.3 Providing , laying , spreading, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for Base
course (SS/SP-1202) Cum #REF! 4,456.91 #REF!
4.4 Supplying and applying Prime Coat / Tack Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the
road surface using wire brushes, broom etc. before applying coat. ( SS / SP 1301, 1303 )
Lit #REF! 201.78 #REF!
4.5 Supplying and applying Ist coat Bitumen Binder for DBSD all complete work as per
instruction of Engineer ( SS / SP 1301, 1303 ) Lit #REF! 161.89 #REF!
4.6 Supplying and applying 2nd coat Bitumen Binder for DBSD all complete work as per
instruction of Engineer ( SS / SP 1301, 1303 ) Lit #REF! 161.89 #REF!
4.7 Anti-stripping agents: Supplying and application of Anti-stripping agents conforming to
IS: 14982:2001 @ 0.5% all complete as per the instruction of Engineer. ( SP - 1313, 1d )
Kg #REF! 369.78 #REF!
4.8 Supplying, spreading and compaction of Ist coat 14mm nominal agreegate for DBSD as
specified ( SS/SP 1301 ) all complete as per instruction of Engineer. Mt #REF! 3,285.01 #REF!
4.9 Supplying , spreading and compactation of 2nd coat 10mm nominal agreegate for DBSD
as specified ( SS/SP 1301 ) all complete as per instruction of Engineer. Mt #REF! 3,285.01 #REF!

Sub total Part 4 #REF!

5 Cross Drainage Structures
5.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures in all types of soil and rock
including 1.5m lift and disposal of excavated materials at approved environmentally
safe tipping sites as per specification ( SS - 907 )
Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
5.2 Back filling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc, including compaction and
watering etc. complete, lead 10m as per specification ( SS - 908 ) Cum #REF! 325.74 #REF!

Name of Project : Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Notice:

Works: Earthwork, Retaining Structure, Lined Drain, Cross Drainage, Traffic Safety and DBSD Contact:
Location: Manang District Duration Months:
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Item Rate(NRs)
Items description Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In Words
5.3 Providing & laying Dry-stone pitching in protection work, lead 30m, lift 1.5m With stone
size not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete. Cum #REF! 828.57 #REF!
5.4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M15/40 including compaction,
curing, testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification.( SS - 2000 )
Cum #REF! 11,110.74 #REF!
5.6 Providing, preparing and installing Formwork for concrete works including necessary
supports and removing after completion as per specification ( SS - 1800 ) Sqm #REF! 1,267.69 #REF!
5.8 Providing and laying random rubble Stone masonary in cement sand mortar M7.5
including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (SS/SP-2600) Cum #REF! 11,766.14 #REF!
5.9 Providing and laying ( filling ) with graded filter material including compaction as per
specification ( SS - 3110 ) Cum #REF! 6,040.39 #REF!
5.10. Providing and laying RCC hume pipes (NP3) with groove joints, jointed with stiff mixture
of cement mortar (1 cement : 2 fine sand) complete in place as per specification:
5.10,a) 600mm diameter (internal) Rm #REF! 9,977.24 #REF!
5.10,b) 900mm diameter (internal) Rm #REF! 25,137.33 #REF!
5.12 Fabrication, placing in position and filling with stone of Gabion boxes of hexagonal
mesh with heavy coated GI wires, mesh size 100mm x 120mm, mesh wire 10 SWG,
selvedge wire 8 SWG and binding wire 12 SWG all complete as per specification : ( SS -
2400 )
Cum #REF! 5,940.60 #REF!
5.13 Providing,laying and Geotextile / Geo-membrane ( filter fabrics ) , lead 30m as per
specification ( SS - 3110 ) Sqm #REF! 291.76 #REF!
Sub total Part 5 #REF!
6 Retaining Structure
6.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures in all types of soil and rock
including 1.5m lift and disposal of excavated materials at approved environmentally
safe tipping sites as per specification ( SS - 907 )
Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
6.2 Back filling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc, including compaction and
watering etc. complete, lead 10m as per specification ( SS - 908 ) Cum #REF! 325.74 #REF!
6.3 Providing & laying Dry-stone pitching in protection work, lead 30m, lift 1.5m With stone
size not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete. Cum #REF! 828.57 #REF!

Name of Project : Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Notice:

Works: Earthwork, Retaining Structure, Lined Drain, Cross Drainage, Traffic Safety and DBSD Contact:
Location: Manang District Duration Months:
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Item Rate(NRs)
Items description Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In Words
6.4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M15/40 including compaction,
curing, testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification.( SS - 2000 )
Cum #REF! 11,110.74 #REF!
6.5 Providing, preparing and installing Formwork for concrete works including necessary
supports and removing after completion as per specification ( SS - 1800 ) Sqm #REF! 1,267.69 #REF!
6.6 Providing and laying Random rubble Stone masonary in cement sand mortar M7.5
including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (SS/SP-2600) Cum #REF! 11,766.14 #REF!
6.7 Fabrication, placing in position and filling with stone of gabion boxes of hexagonal
mesh with heavy coated GI wires, mesh size 100mm x 120mm, mesh wire 10 SWG,
selvedge wire 8 SWG and binding wire 12 SWG all complete as per specification : ( SS -
2400 )
Cum #REF! 5,940.60 #REF!
6.8 Providing,laying and Geotextile / Geo-membrane ( filter fabrics ) , lead 30m as per
specification ( SS - 3110 ) Sqm #REF! 291.76 #REF!
Sub total Part 6 #REF!
7 Side Drain
7.1 Providing & laying Dry-stone pitching in protection work, lead 30m, lift 1.5m With stone
size not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete. Cum #REF! 828.57 #REF!
7.2 Providing and laying Random rubble Stone masonary in cement sand mortar M7.5
including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (SS/SP-2600) Cum #REF! 11,766.14 #REF!
7.3 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M15/40 including compaction,
curing, testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification. ( SS - 2000 )
Cum #REF! 11,110.74 #REF!
7.4 Providing, preparing and installing Formwork for concrete works including necessary
supports and removing after completion as per specification ( SS - 1800 ) Sqm #REF! 1,267.69 #REF!
Sub total Part 7 #REF!
8 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures
8.1 Supply and erecting traffic signs in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm thick
steel plates, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and bolt
etc. all complete, as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1501).
- -
8.1,a) 60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular shaped sign
( single post ) No #REF! 3,395.27 #REF!
8.1,b) 1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign ( Information Board )with back support and two or
more post. No #REF! 9,166.68 #REF!

Name of Project : Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Notice:

Works: Earthwork, Retaining Structure, Lined Drain, Cross Drainage, Traffic Safety and DBSD Contact:
Location: Manang District Duration Months:
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Item Rate(NRs)
Items description Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In Words
8.2 Supply and placing stone marker ( RCC kilometer post) including excavation, backfilling,
painting and writing etc. all complete as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1503) 0 0.00 - -
8.2,a) Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each km distance) No #REF! 3,556.96 #REF!
8.2,b) Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km distance) No #REF! 8,109.17 #REF!
8.3 Supplying and fixing in place RCC delinator and guard posts including excavation, back
filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per drawings. (SS/SP-1504) No #REF! 1,497.13 #REF!
Sub total Part 8 #REF!
9 Bio - engineering Works
9.1 Providing and planting containerised tree and shrub seedling, including pitting,
transplanting, composing and mulching, on slopes > 40deg. Pit size 10cm diameter x
30cm depth. Mix compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of pit volume.
No #REF! 65.32 #REF!
9.2 Providing and planting rooted tree stump cutting bare root seedling, including pitting,
transplanting, composing and mulching, on slopes > 45deg. Pit size 10cm diameter x
20cm depth. Compost volume 1/4 of volume of the pit mix with original soil.

No #REF! 59.92 #REF!

9.3 Grass sodding works including sod cutting, transporting, placing in position and water
sprinkling ( Lead upto 10m) Sqm #REF! 63.25 #REF!
Sub total Part 9 #REF!
10 Prevision of safety equipments for workers
10.1 Safety helmets No #REF! 300.00 #REF!
10.2 Leather safety hand gloves No #REF! 250.00 #REF!
10.3 Masks No #REF! 40.00 #REF!
10.4 First aid kit box with medicines No #REF! 3,500.00 #REF!
10.5 Additional medicines for first aid box Set #REF! 2,000.00 #REF!
Sub total Part 10 #REF!
11 Miscellaneous Works
11.1 Preparation and installation of project information board showing all details of the
project on a 5’*6’ steel plate board with steel stand post No 1.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Sub total Part 11 20,000.00
Sub Total (A) #REF!
Net Total

Name of Project : Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project Notice:

Works: Earthwork, Retaining Structure, Lined Drain, Cross Drainage, Traffic Safety and DBSD Contact:
Location: Manang District Duration Months:
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Item Rate(NRs)
Items description Unit Quantity Amount Remarks
No. In figure In Words
Add 13% VAT of Sub Total (B)
Grand Total (Including VAT)
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost (Earth Work Excavation)
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
3 Earthwork Excavation in road Way and Drain
3.1 Road way excavation (Road and Drain) in all type of rock and soil including necessary
haulage , disposal and lift all complete (SS/SP-900) Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
3.1.1 Ordinary Soil by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% Cum #REF! 71.00 #REF!
3.1.2 Boulder Mix Soil by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% Cum #REF! 89.39 #REF!
3.1.3 Soft Rock by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% Cum #REF! 172.48 #REF!
3.1.4 Hard Rock by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% Cum #REF! 525.06 #REF!
5 Earthwork Excavation in foundation of Cross Drainage Structures
5.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures in all types of soil and Rock
including 1.5m lift and disposal of excavated materials at approved environmentally Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
safe tipping sites as per specification ( SS - 907 )
5.1.1 Ordinary Soil Cum #REF! 977.21 #REF!
5.1.2 Boulder Mix Soil Cum #REF! 1,302.95 #REF!
5.1.3 Soft Rock Cum #REF! 3,583.11 #REF!
5.1.4 Hard Rock Cum #REF! 15,635.40 #REF!
5 Earthwork Excavation in foundation of Retaining and Breas Wall Structures
5.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures in all types of soil and Rock
including 1.5m lift and disposal of excavated materials at approved environmentally Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
safe tipping sites as per specification ( SS - 907 )
5.1.2 Boulder Mix Soil Cum #REF! 1,302.95 #REF!
5.1.3 Soft Rock Cum #REF! 3,583.11 #REF!
5.1.4 Hard Rock Cum #REF! 15,635.40 #REF!
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
1 General
1.1 Insurance for the loss of damage to works plant, material, equipment property and personnel
injury of death and commission of bank security and performance guarantee all complete
PS 1.00 #REF! #REF!
1.2 Carry out additional tests for material and works as required and instructed by the Engineer.
PS 1.00 150,000.00 150,000.00
1.3 Relocation of Services including electric pole, WSS pipe PS 1.00 #REF! #REF!
Sub total Part 1 #REF!
2 Site Clearance
2.1 learing of grass, removing roots, breaking sods, levelling the surface and disposal as per
specification (SS/SP-201) Sqm 29,043.00 37.95 1,102,181.85
2.2 Felling trees including cutting of trunks and branches, removing the roots, stacking serviceable
materials and disposal of unserviceable materials to suitable place all complete as per
Contract Documents: (SS/SP-201)
2.2,a) 300mm-600mm girth size No Err:509 493.35 Err:509
2.2,b) 600mm-900mm girth size No Err:509 657.80 Err:509
2.2,C) 900mm-1200mm girth size No Err:509 1,973.40 Err:509
2.3 1200mm-1800mm girth size No Err:509 3,162.50 Err:509
Sub total Part 2 Err:509
3 Earthwork
3.1 Road way excavation (Road and Drain) by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% in all type
of rock and soil including necessary haulage , disposal and lift all complete (SS/SP-900)
Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
3.2 Formation of Embankment including, compaction in layers not exceeding 150mm. Compacted
depth, watering and haulage 10m. Etc. all complete asper specification. (SS/SP-900)
Cum #REF! 325.74 #REF!
3.3 Land slide clearing by Excavator (PC 200) 80% and Manual 20% including necessary haulage ,
disposal and lift all complete (1% of Road way excavation) (SS/SP-900) Cum #REF! 89.39 #REF!
Sub total Part 3 #REF!
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
4 Pavement
4.1 Preparation of Sub-grade by grading,watering & compaction for upgrading the road ( filling
or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm ) in Gravel & boulder mixed soil. ( SS / SP -1003 ) Sqm #REF! 390.89 #REF!
4.2 Providing , laying , spreading, levelling and compaction of natuaral sand gravel Sub base
grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification (SS/SP-1201) Cum #REF! 3,693.70 #REF!
4.3 Providing , laying , spreading, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for Base
course (SS/SP-1202) Cum #REF! 4,456.91 #REF!
4.4 Supplying and applying Prime Coat / Tack Coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road Area of Wearing
surface using wire brushes, broom etc. before applying coat. ( SS / SP 1301, 1303 ) Lit #REF! 201.78 #REF! Course*0.9 lit.
4.5 Supplying and applying Ist coat Bitumen Binder for DBSD all complete work as per Area of Wearing
instruction of Engineer ( SS / SP 1301, 1303 ) Lit #REF! 161.89 #REF! Course*1.2 lit.
4.6 Supplying and applying 2nd coat Bitumen Binder for DBSD all complete work as per Area of Wearing
instruction of Engineer ( SS / SP 1301, 1303 ) Lit #REF! 161.89 #REF! Course*1 lit.
Anti-stripping agents: Supplying and application of Anti-stripping agents conforming to IS: (Ist coat Bitumen
14982:2001 @ 0.5% all complete as per the instruction of Engineer. ( SP - 1313, 1d ) Binder+2nd coat
Kg #REF! 369.78 #REF! Binder)*0.005
4.8 Supplying, spreading and compaction of Ist coat 14mm nominal agreegate for DBSD as Area of Wearing
specified ( SS/SP 1301 ) all complete as per instruction of Engineer. Mt #REF! 3,285.01 #REF! Course*16/1000
4.9 Supplying , spreading and compactation of 2nd coat 10mm nominal agreegate for DBSD as Area of Wearing
specified ( SS/SP 1301 ) all complete as per instruction of Engineer. Mt #REF! 3,285.01 #REF! Course*12/1000

Sub total Part 4 #REF!

5 Cross Drainage Structures
5.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures in all types of soil and rock including
1.5m lift and disposal of excavated materials at approved environmentally safe tipping sites
as per specification ( SS - 907 ) Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
5.2 Back filling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc, including compaction and watering etc.
complete, lead 10m as per specification ( SS - 908 ) Cum #REF! 325.74 #REF!
5.3 Providing & laying Dry-stone pitching in protection work, lead 30m, lift 1.5m With stone size
not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete. Cum #REF! 828.57 #REF!
5.4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M15/40 including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification.( SS - 2000 ) Cum #REF! 11,110.74 #REF!
5.5 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M25/20 including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification. ( SS - 2000 ) Cum #REF! 11,085.35 #REF!
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
5.6 Providing, preparing and installing Formwork for concrete works including necessary supports
and removing after completion as per specification ( SS - 1800 ) Sqm #REF! 1,267.69 #REF!
5.7 Providing and laying Reinforcement bar for RCC works including cutting bending, binding,
fixing in position and lead 30m. all complete as per specification. (SS/SP-2000) Mt #REF! 162,638.50 #REF!
5.8 Providing and laying random rubble Stone masonary in cement sand mortar M7.5 including
scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (SS/SP-2600) Cum #REF! 11,766.14 #REF!
5.9 Providing and laying ( filling ) with graded filter material including compaction as per
specification ( SS - 3110 ) Cum #REF! 6,040.39 #REF!
5.10. Providing and laying RCC hume pipes (NP3) with groove joints, jointed with stiff mixture of
cement mortar (1 cement : 2 fine sand) complete in place as per specification: (SS/SP-701)

5.10,a) 600mm diameter (internal) Rm #REF! 9,977.24 #REF!

5.10,b) 900mm diameter (internal) Rm #REF! 25,137.33 #REF!
5.11 Providing and laying of Tarfelt Sqm #REF! 1,591.60 #REF!
5.12 Fabrication, placing in position and filling with stone of Gabion boxes of hexagonal mesh with
heavy coated GI wires, mesh size 100mm x 120mm, mesh wire 10 SWG, selvedge wire 8 SWG
and binding wire 12 SWG all complete as per specification : ( SS - 2400 )
Cum #REF! 5,940.60 #REF!
5.13 Providing,laying and Geotextile / Geo-membrane ( filter fabrics ) , lead 30m as per
specification ( SS - 3110 ) Sqm #REF! 291.76 #REF!
Sub total Part 5 #REF!
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
6 Retaining Structure
6.1 Earthwork in excavation for foundation of structures in all types of soil and rock including
1.5m lift and disposal of excavated materials at approved environmentally safe tipping sites
as per specification ( SS - 907 ) Cum #REF! #REF! #REF!
6.2 Back filling in layers in foundation pits, trenches etc, including compaction and watering etc.
complete, lead 10m as per specification ( SS - 908 ) Cum #REF! 325.74 #REF!
6.3 Providing & laying Dry-stone pitching in protection work, lead 30m, lift 1.5m With stone size
not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete. Cum #REF! 828.57 #REF!
6.4 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M15/40 including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification.( SS - 2000 ) Cum #REF! 11,110.74 #REF!
6.5 Providing, preparing and installing Formwork for concrete works including necessary supports
and removing after completion as per specification ( SS - 1800 ) Sqm #REF! 1,267.69 #REF!
6.6 Providing and laying Random rubble Stone masonary in cement sand mortar M7.5 including
scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (SS/SP-2600) Cum #REF! 11,766.14 #REF!
6.7 Fabrication, placing in position and filling with stone of gabion boxes of hexagonal mesh with
heavy coated GI wires, mesh size 100mm x 120mm, mesh wire 10 SWG, selvedge wire 8 SWG
and binding wire 12 SWG all complete as per specification : ( SS - 2400 )
Cum #REF! 5,940.60 #REF!
6.8 Providing,laying and Geotextile / Geo-membrane ( filter fabrics ) , lead 30m as per
specification ( SS - 3110 ) Sqm #REF! 291.76 #REF!
Sub total Part 6 #REF!
7 Side Drain
7.1 Providing & laying Dry-stone pitching in protection work, lead 30m, lift 1.5m With stone size
not less than 0.01m3 including levelling etc. complete. Cum #REF! 828.57 #REF!
7.2 Providing and laying Random rubble Stone masonary in cement sand mortar M7.5 including
scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. all complete. (SS/SP-2600) Cum #REF! 11,766.14 #REF!
7.3 Providing and placing machine mixed cement concrete M15/40 including compaction, curing,
testing and lead 30m. all complete as per specification. ( SS - 2000 ) Cum #REF! 11,110.74 #REF!
7.4 Providing, preparing and installing Formwork for concrete works including necessary supports
and removing after completion as per specification ( SS - 1800 ) Sqm #REF! 1,267.69 #REF!
Sub total Part 7 #REF!
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
8 Road Furnitures and Traffic Safety Measures
8.1 Supply and erecting traffic signs in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm thick steel
plates, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and bolt etc. all
complete, as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1501).
8.1,a) 60cm dia Circular, 60 cm equilateral triangle and 60cm x 45 cm rectangular shaped sign
( single post ) No #REF! 3,395.27 #REF!
8.1,b) 1.2m x0.75m size bigger traffic sign ( Information Board )with back support and two or more
post. No #REF! 9,166.68 #REF!
8.2 Supply and placing stone marker ( RCC kilometer post) including excavation, backfilling,
painting and writing etc. all complete as per Drawings. (SS/SP-1503)
8.2,a) Standard Kilometer stone (placed at each km distance) No #REF! 3,556.96 #REF!
8.2,b) Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km distance) No #REF! 8,109.17 #REF!
8.3 Supplying and fixing in place RCC delinator and guard posts including excavation, back filling,
painting and erection etc. all complete as per drawings. (SS/SP-1504) No #REF! 1,497.13 #REF!
Sub total Part 8 #REF!
9 Bio - engineering Works
9.1 Providing and planting containerised tree and shrub seedling, including pitting, transplanting,
composing and mulching, on slopes > 40deg. Pit size 10cm diameter x 30cm depth. Mix
compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of pit volume.
No #REF! 65.32 #REF!
9.2 Providing and planting rooted tree stump cutting bare root seedling, including pitting,
transplanting, composing and mulching, on slopes > 45deg. Pit size 10cm diameter x 20cm
depth. Compost volume 1/4 of volume of the pit mix with original soil.
No #REF! 59.92 #REF!
9.3 Grass sodding works including sod cutting, transporting, placing in position and water
sprinkling ( Lead upto 10m) Sqm #REF! 63.25 #REF!
Sub total Part 9 #REF!
10 Prevision of safety equipments for workers
10.1 Safety helmets No #REF! 300.00 #REF!
10.2 Leather safety hand gloves No #REF! 250.00 #REF!
10.3 Masks No #REF! 40.00 #REF!
10.4 First aid kit box with medicines No #REF! 3,500.00 #REF!
10.5 Additional medicines for first aid box Set #REF! 2,000.00 #REF!
Sub total Part 10 #REF!
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Abstract of Cost
Chainage : Ch-0+000 to 9+681
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate (NRs) Amount (NRs) Remarks
11 Miscellaneous Works
11.1 Preparation and installation of project information board showing all details of the project on
a 5’*6’ steel plate board with steel stand post No 1.00 20,000.00 20,000.00
Sub total Part 11 20,000.00
Sub Total (A) #REF!
Contingencies 5 % #REF!
Sub-Total (B) #REF!
Add 13% VAT of Sub-Total (B) #REF!
Grand Total (Including VAT & Contingencies ) #REF!
Quantity Estimate of Cement Sand Masonary for Breast Wall
Pointing cement mortar
Quantity of Cement Sand Masonary Wall Stone Soling in Foundation 1:2:4 PCC in Foundation Form Wo
Chainage (cement 1: sand 3)
S.N. Top Sectional
Length Height Quantity Length Height Area Length Breath Height Quantity Breath Height Quantity No
Width Area
From To
m m m m2 m3 m m m2 m m m m3 m m m3 m
1 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
2 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
3 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
4 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
5 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
6 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
7 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
8 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
9 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
10 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
11 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
12 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2

13 0.50 - - 0.15 - -
- - - - - - - 0.10 2
14 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
15 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
16 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
17 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
18 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
19 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
20 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
21 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
22 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
23 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
24 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
25 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
26 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
27 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
28 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
29 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
30 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
31 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
32 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
33 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
34 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
35 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
36 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
37 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
38 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
39 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
40 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
41 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
42 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
43 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
44 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
45 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
46 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
47 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
48 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
49 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
50 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
51 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
52 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
53 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
54 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
55 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
56 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
57 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
58 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
59 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
60 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
61 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
62 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
63 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
64 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
65 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
66 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
67 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
68 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
69 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
70 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
71 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
72 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
73 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
74 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
75 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
76 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
77 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
78 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
79 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
80 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
81 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
82 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
83 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
84 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
85 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
86 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
87 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
88 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
89 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
90 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
91 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
92 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
93 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
94 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
95 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
96 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
97 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
98 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
99 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
100 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
101 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
102 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
103 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
104 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
105 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
106 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
107 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
108 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
109 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
110 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
111 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
112 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
113 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
114 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
115 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
116 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
117 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
118 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
119 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
120 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
121 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
122 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
123 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
124 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
125 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
126 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
127 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
128 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
129 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
130 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
131 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
132 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
133 - 0.50 - - - - - - - 0.15 - - 0.10 - 2
- - - - - -
Form Work in foundation

Height Quantity
m m (m2)
0.000 0.10 -
0.000 0.10 -
0.000 0.10 -
0.000 0.10 -
0.000 0.10 -
0.000 0.10 -
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0.000 0.10 -
Quantity Estimate of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall
Chainage Length Height Concrete M20/20 Blinding Concrete Filter Material Weephole Geo-textile Form Work Area (m2)
From To (L) (H) Area Volume Breadth Thicknes Area Volume Height Thicknes Area Volume No Length (m2) HXL BXT2 (H-T2)X(T1+T)/2 Total Area
1 3010 3030 20 6 4.338 86.76 3.60 0.05 0.18 3.60 4.00 0.25 1.00 20.00 5 2.00 0.16 120.00 2.16 5.76 127.92
2 3970 3990 20 5 3.352 67.04 3.00 0.05 0.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.75 15.00 4 1.40 0.13 100.00 1.80 4.76 106.56
3 4250 4270 20 4 2.9 58.00 2.60 0.05 0.13 2.60 2.00 0.25 0.50 10.00 3 1.05 0.09 80.00 1.56 3.76 85.32
4 4290 4310 20 6 4.338 86.76 3.60 0.05 0.18 3.60 4.00 0.25 1.00 20.00 5 2.00 0.16 120.00 2.16 5.76 127.92
5 4730 4750 20 6 4.338 86.76 3.60 0.05 0.18 3.60 4.00 0.25 1.00 20.00 5 2.00 0.16 120.00 2.16 5.76 127.92
6 4750 4770 20 6 4.338 86.76 3.60 0.05 0.18 3.60 4.00 0.25 1.00 20.00 5 2.00 0.16 120.00 2.16 5.76 127.92
7 5037.5 5050 12.5 6 4.338 86.76 3.60 0.05 0.18 2.25 4.00 0.25 1.00 12.50 5 2.00 0.16 75.00 2.16 5.76 82.92
8 5050 5070 20 5 3.352 67.04 3.00 0.05 0.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.75 15.00 4 1.40 0.13 100.00 1.80 4.76 106.56
9 5090 5110 20 6 4.338 86.76 3.60 0.05 0.18 3.60 4.00 0.25 1.00 20.00 5 2.00 0.16 120.00 2.16 5.76 127.92
10 5170 5190 20 5 3.352 67.04 3.00 0.05 0.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.75 15.00 4 1.40 0.13 100.00 1.80 4.76 106.56
11 5210 5230 20 5 3.352 67.04 3.00 0.05 0.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.75 15.00 4 1.40 0.13 100.00 1.80 4.76 106.56
12 6510 6530 20 5 3.352 67.04 3.00 0.05 0.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.75 15.00 4 1.40 0.13 100.00 1.80 4.76 106.56
13 6530 6550 20 5 3.352 67.04 3.00 0.05 0.15 3.00 3.00 0.25 0.75 15.00 4 1.40 0.13 100.00 1.80 4.76 106.56
Total 980.80 40.85 212.50 21.45 1.79 1447.20

Quantity Estimate for Earth Work Excavation in foundation of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall
Cut Soil Classification Back Filling
Chainage Length Height Cut Area Volume All Type of Soil Hard Rock Area Volume
From To (L) (H) (m2) (m3) % (m3) % (m3) (m2) (m3)
1 3+010.00 3+030.00 20 6 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
2 3+970.00 3+990.00 20 5 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
3 4+250.00 4+270.00 20 4 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
4 4+290.00 4+310.00 20 6 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
5 4+730.00 4+750.00 20 6 #N/A #N/A 90 #N/A 10 #N/A #N/A #N/A
6 4+750.00 4+770.00 20 6 #N/A #N/A 90 #N/A 10 #N/A #N/A #N/A
7 5+037.50 5+050.00 12.5 6 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
8 5+050.00 5+070.00 20 5 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
9 5+090.00 5+110.00 20 6 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
10 5+170.00 5+190.00 20 5 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
11 5+210.00 5+230.00 20 5 #N/A #N/A 60 #N/A 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A
12 6+510.00 6+530.00 20 5 #N/A #N/A 80 #N/A 20 #N/A #N/A #N/A
13 6+530.00 6+550.00 20 5 #N/A #N/A 80 #N/A 20 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Total #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Quantity Estimate for Rainforcement of RCC Cantilever Retaining Wall
High Yield Steel Rainforcement
S.N S1 S2 S3 S4
Length Height Spacing Spacing Spacing Spacing
. Length Total Length Total Weight Length Total Length Total
From To ∅mm (mm) No Weight ∅mm (mm) No ∅mm (mm) No Weight ∅mm (mm) No Weight
S1 Length S2 Length (Kg.) S3 Length S4 Length
1 3+010 3+030 20 6 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90 20 135 41 20.4 836.4 2065.19 12 180 31 20.24 627.44 557.72 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90
2 3+970 3+990 20 5 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08 16 110 41 20.32 833.12 1316.54 12 200 23 20.24 465.52 413.80 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08
3 4+250 4+270 20 4 12 200 101 4.47 451.47 401.31 16 150 24 20.32 487.68 770.65 12 200 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 4.47 451.47 401.31
4 4+290 4+310 20 6 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90 20 135 41 20.4 836.4 2065.19 12 180 31 20.24 627.44 557.72 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90
5 4+730 4+750 20 6 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90 20 135 41 20.4 836.4 2065.19 12 180 31 20.24 627.44 557.72 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90
6 4+750 4+770 20 6 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90 20 135 41 20.4 836.4 2065.19 12 180 31 20.24 627.44 557.72 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90
7 5+038 5+050 12.5 6 12 180 71 6.52 462.92 411.48 20 135 41 12.9 528.9 1305.93 12 180 31 12.74 394.94 351.06 12 180 71 6.52 462.92 411.48
8 5+050 5+070 20 5 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08 16 110 41 20.32 833.12 1316.54 12 200 23 20.24 465.52 413.80 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08
9 5+090 5+110 20 6 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90 20 135 41 20.4 836.4 2065.19 12 180 31 20.24 627.44 557.72 12 180 113 6.52 736.76 654.90
10 5+170 5+190 20 5 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08 16 110 41 20.32 833.12 1316.54 12 200 23 20.24 465.52 413.80 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08
11 5+210 5+230 20 5 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08 16 110 41 20.32 833.12 1316.54 12 200 23 20.24 465.52 413.80 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08
12 6+510 6+530 20 5 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08 16 110 41 20.32 833.12 1316.54 12 200 23 20.24 465.52 413.80 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08
13 6+530 6+550 20 5 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08 16 110 41 20.32 833.12 1316.54 12 200 23 20.24 465.52 413.80 12 200 101 5.47 552.47 491.08
Total 253 Sub-Total 7034 Sub-Total 20302 Sub-Total 5946 Sub-Total 7034

High Yield Steel Rainforcement

S.N S5 S6 S7 S8
Length Height Spacing Spacing Spacing Spacing
. Length Total Length Total Length Total Length Total
From To ∅mm (mm) No Weight ∅mm (mm) No Weight ∅mm (mm) No Weight ∅mm (mm) No Weight
S5 Length S6 Length S7 Length S8 Length
1 3+010 3+030 20 6 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 180 113 4.42 499.46 443.96 16 105 192 4.42 848.64 1341.06
2 3+970 3+990 20 5 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 3.82 385.82 342.95 16 180 113 3.82 431.66 682.13
3 4+250 4+270 20 4 12 180 16 20.24 323.84 287.86 12 180 16 20.24 323.84 287.86 12 200 101 3.42 345.42 307.04 12 160 126 3.42 430.92 383.04
4 4+290 4+310 20 6 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 180 113 4.42 499.46 443.96 16 105 192 4.42 848.64 1341.06
5 4+730 4+750 20 6 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 180 113 4.42 499.46 443.96 16 105 192 4.42 848.64 1341.06
6 4+750 4+770 20 6 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 180 113 4.42 499.46 443.96 16 105 192 4.42 848.64 1341.06
7 5+038 5+050 12.5 6 12 160 24 12.74 305.76 271.79 12 160 24 12.74 305.76 271.79 12 180 71 4.42 313.82 278.95 16 105 121 4.42 534.82 845.15
8 5+050 5+070 20 5 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 3.82 385.82 342.95 16 180 113 3.82 431.66 682.13
9 5+090 5+110 20 6 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 160 24 20.24 485.76 431.79 12 180 113 4.42 499.46 443.96 16 105 192 4.42 848.64 1341.06
10 5+170 5+190 20 5 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 3.82 385.82 342.95 16 180 113 3.82 431.66 682.13
11 5+210 5+230 20 5 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 3.82 385.82 342.95 16 180 113 3.82 431.66 682.13
12 6+510 6+530 20 5 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 3.82 385.82 342.95 16 180 113 3.82 431.66 682.13
13 6+530 6+550 20 5 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 180 18 20.24 364.32 323.84 12 200 101 3.82 385.82 342.95 16 180 113 3.82 431.66 682.13
Total 253 Sub-Total 4661.6 Sub-Total 4662 Sub-Total 4864 Sub-Total 12026
Total Rainforcement: S1+S2+S3+S4+S5+S6+S7+S8= 66529 Kg.
= 66.529 Mt.
Table for Rainforcement
High Yield Steel Rainforcement
Wall S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
(Per Height Spacing
Spacing Total Spacing Total Spacing Total Spacing Total
(m) ∅mm (mm) No Lengt ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Leng Weig ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Lengt Weig ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Lengt Weig ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Lengt
h S1 h ht h S2 th ht h S3 h ht h S4 h ht h S5 h
1 2 12 200 6 2.42 14.52 12.91 10 160 11 1 11 6.79 12 200 9 1 9 8 12 200 6 2.42 14.52 12.91 12 150 11 1 11
1 3 12 200 6 3.42 20.52 18.24 12 130 20 1 20 17.78 12 200 13 1 13 11.56 12 200 6 3.42 20.52 18.24 12 180 13 1 13
1 4 12 200 6 4.47 26.82 23.84 16 150 24 1 24 37.93 12 200 18 1 18 16 12 200 6 4.47 26.82 23.84 12 180 16 1 16
1 5 12 200 6 5.47 32.82 29.17 16 110 41 1 41 64.79 12 200 23 1 23 20.44 12 200 6 5.47 32.82 29.17 12 180 18 1 18
1 6 12 180 7 6.52 45.64 40.57 20 135 41 1 41 101 12 180 31 1 31 27.56 12 180 7 6.52 45.64 40.57 12 160 24 1 24
1 7 12 180 7 7.57 52.99 47.1 20 100 65 1 65 160 12 180 37 1 37 32.89 12 180 7 7.57 52.99 47.1 12 160 28 1 28
1 8 16 200 6 8.66 51.96 82.11 20 90 84 1 84 207 12 170 45 1 45 40 12 170 7 8.66 60.62 53.88 12 160 31 1 31
1 9 16 200 6 9.76 58.56 92.54 25 110 77 1 77 297 12 150 57 1 57 50.67 12 150 8 9.76 78.08 69.4 12 160 35 1 35
1 10 16 200 6 10.81 64.86 102 25 100 93 1 93 359 12 140 67 1 67 59.56 12 140 9 10.81 97.29 86.48 12 140 44 1 44
S6 S7 S8
Spacing Total Spacing Total Spacing Total
Weig ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Lengt Weig ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Lengt Weig ∅mm (mm) No Lengt Lengt Weig
ht h S6 h ht h S7 h ht h S8 h ht
9.778 10 150 11 1 11 6.79 12 200 6 2.32 13.92 12.37 12 200 6 2.32 13.92 12.37
11.56 12 180 13 1 13 11.56 12 200 6 2.96 17.76 15.79 12 200 6 2.96 17.76 15.79
14.22 12 180 16 1 16 14.22 12 200 6 3.42 20.52 18.24 12 160 8 3.42 27.36 24.32
16 12 180 18 1 18 16 12 200 6 3.82 22.92 20.37 16 180 7 3.82 26.74 42.26
21.33 12 160 24 1 24 21.33 12 180 7 4.42 30.94 27.5 16 105 11 4.42 48.62 76.83
24.89 12 160 28 1 28 24.89 12 150 8 5.02 40.16 35.7 16 100 11 5.02 55.22 87.26
27.56 12 160 31 1 31 27.56 16 190 7 5.62 39.34 62.17 20 110 11 5.62 61.82 153
31.11 12 160 35 1 35 31.11 16 190 7 6.22 43.54 68.8 25 105 11 6.22 68.42 264
39.11 12 140 44 1 44 39.11 16 180 7 6.82 47.74 75.44 25 100 11 6.82 75.02 289
Quantity Calculation Sheet
Quantity Calculation for one RCC Catchpit for Cross Drain:

Length Breadth Height Quantity

S.N. Description of Work Unit Remarks
(m) (m) (m)
Cross Drainage
1 Excavation 10 1 0.9 9.00 m3
2 Back Filling 10.82 m3
3 Pipe NP-3, 450 cm dia. Including collar ring with
10 10.00 rm
sand bedding
RCC Catchpit
1 Excavation 1.5 1.5 1.6 3.60 m3
Total 12.60 m3
2 Stone solling 1.05 1.3 1.37 m2
3 Form work
For PCC at bottom 2*1.3+2*1.05*0.1= 0.47
For RCC at cover slab (2*1.3+2*1.05)*0.1+1.05*1.3= 1.57
For RCC at wall of catch pit 2*0.75*1.3+2*1*1.3+4*1.2*1.3= 10.79
Total 12.83 m2
4 PCC M15 1.05 1.3 0.1 0.14 m3
5 RCC M 20 at top and bottom of catch pit 1.05*1.3*0.1+1.05*1.3*0.15= 0.34
RCC M 20 at wall of catch pit 0.34
Deduction for Pipe 3.41*0.36*0.36*0.25*0.1= 0.01
Deduction for Pipe 0.15*1*0.1= -0.02
Total 0.68 m3
6 Reinforcement at top cover and bottin of catch pit 1.05*4/0.15*1.05= 29.40
At wall 1.3/0.15*0.85*4= 29.40
Deduction for Pipe horizontal bar 0.56*2+0.7*2= 2.52
Total 10 mm dia. Bar 34.89 Kg 0.62/rm
Reinforcement at top cover and bottin of catch pit 1.05*4/0.15*1.05= 29.40
At wall 0.85/0.15*4= 22.67
Deduction for Pipe vertical bar bar 0.56*2+0.7*2= 17.92
Deduction at gride vertical bar 1/0.15*0.15= 4.00
Total 12 mm dia. Bar 26.83 Kg 0.89/rm
7 Grating 1 1 1.00 No
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport

Department of Road
Mid Hill West (Puspalal) Highway Project
Quantity Estimate of Road Works
S.N. Description of Item No Length Breadth Height Quantity Remark
1 Sub Grade Preparation 1 16954.00 9.00 152586.00
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 3000.00
Total 155586.00 Sq m
2 Gravel Sub Base Preparation 1 16954.00 9.00 0.20 30517.20
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 0.20 600.00
Total 31117.20 Cu m
3 Crushed Stone Base Preparation 1 16954.00 7.00 0.30 35603.40
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 0.30 900.00
Total 36503.40 Cu m
4 Prime Coat for DBST and Emulsion 1 16954.00 7.00 118678.00 0.9 lit/ m2
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 3000.00
Total 109510.20 lit
5 Bitumen for 1st Coat (For carraige
way and Shoulder) 1 16954.00 7.00 118678.00 1.2 lit/ m2
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 3000.00
Total 146013.60 lit
6 Bitumen for 2nd Coat (For carraige
way and Shoulder) 1 16954.00 7.00 118678.00 1.0 lit/ m2
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 3000.00
Total 121678.00 lit
8 20 mm nominal size aggregate for
1st Coat (For carraige way and
Shoulder) 1 16954.00 7.00 118678.00
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 3000.00
121678.00 Sq m
Total application rate 20 kg / sq m 2433.56 Mt
9 10 mm nominal size aggregate for 2
nd Coat (For carraige way and
Shoulder) 1 16954.00 7.00 118678.00
Extra widening on sharp curves 30 40.00 2.50 3000.00
Total 121678.00 Sq m
Total application rate 12 kg / sq m 1460.14 Mt
Anti-stripping agents: Supplying and
application of Anti-stripping agents
conforming to IS: 14982:2001 @
0.5% all complete as per the
instruction of Engineer. ( SP - 1313,
1d )
1 st Coat 146013.60 lit
2 nd Coat 121678.00 lit
Total 1338.46 kg
11 Scarifying existing Bitumenous
pavement, Subbase and base upto
20 cm depth and breaking down,
removal of oversized particles Only 50% of total width
1 st Coat 1 16954.00 7.00 59339.00 Sq m
Total 59339.00 Sq m
Summary of rates(Old)

S.N. Norms No Description Unit Rate ( NRs.)
Clause No.

Providing and placing manually mixed M15/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
1 2.15 202 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 3170.62

Providing, jointing and laying HDP pipes (110 mm/125mm outer diameter) with or without collar etc.
2 7.01 701 complete in place as per specification.
50 m 9686.45

Proving and laying RCC pipes of diameter 600 mm (internal) with or without collars jointed with stiff
3 7.02.01 701 mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1 : 2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine sand ) , lead upto 100m.
rm 9977.24
Proving and laying RCC pipes of diameter 900 mm (internal) with or without collars jointed with stiff
5 7.02.03 701 mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1 : 2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine sand ) , lead upto 100m.
rm 25137.33
Road way excavating and loading in Hard soil / Gravel / Boulder mixed soil by Excavator (PC 200) as
6 per specification.
m3 48.71
7 Road way excavating and loading in Soft rock by Excavator (PC 200) as per specification. m3 64.79
8 Road way excavating and loading in Hard rock by Excavator (PC 200) as per specification. m3 83.61
Road way excavating and loading in Soft soil by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% as per
6 specification.
m3 71.00
Road way excavating and loading in Hard soil / Gravel / Boulder mixed soil by Excavator (PC 200) 95%
6 and Manual 5% as per specification.
m3 89.39
Road way excavating and loading in Soft rock by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% as per
7 specification.
m3 172.48
Road way excavating and loading in Hard rock by Excavator (PC 200) 95% and Manual 5% as per
8 specification.
m3 525.06
Road way excavation in soft soil including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as
9 9.01.a 905 per specification.
m3 977.21
Road way excavation in Hard soil / Gravel / Boulder mixed soil including disposal upto 10 m and lift
10 9.01.b 905 upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
m3 1302.95
Road way excavation in Soft rock including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as
11 9.01.c 905 per specification.
m3 3583.11
Road Way excavation including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete(Hard Rock
12 9.01 d 905 without blasting)
m3 15635.40
Earthwork excavation in soft soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting
13 9.02.a 905 and disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification
m3 1172.66
Earthwork excavation in Hard soil/Gravels/Boulder mixed soil for drain and trenches including shoring,
14 9.02.b 905 struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per m3 1954.43
Earthwork excavation in soft rock for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting
15 9.02.c 905 and disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification
m3 3908.85
Excavation of foundation through all types of Soil including relevant lift and disposal upto 20 m (depth
16 9.07.01 905 upto 1.50 m)
m3 2605.90
Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches etc including compaction and watering etc complete,lead
17 9.10.a 908 10 m, a) Depth of foundation upto 1.5m
m3 1485.36
18 9.11.a 908 Excavation and disposal of slides manually haulage distance upto 50m a)Soft soil m3 781.77
Subgrade construction and preparation of formation in cutting (other than rock excavation) including
22 10.01 1003 disposal of material upto10m .
m3 200.28
Subgrade construction, preparation and formation of subgrade in rock cutting with regulating course of
23 10.02 1003 natural materials.
m3 237.64
Subgrade construction with loose untreated materials; preparation and formation of subgrade in fill
24 10.03 1003 areas.
m3 237.64
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar works (filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm)
25 10.05.a 1003 in common soil.
m2 195.44
Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar works (filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm)
26 10.05.b 1003 in gravel & boulder mixed soil.
m2 390.89
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel subbase grading
27 12.01 1201 as per table 12.1 of standard specification lead upto 10m.
m3 3693.70
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel subbase grading
28 12.02 1201 as per table 12.1 of standard specification lead upto 10m (for manual works).
m3 4901.08
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for subbase
29 12.06 1202 course grading SB2*lead upto 10m. (for manual works)
m3 5398.00
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for base
30 12.06 1202 course lead upto 10m.
m3 4456.91
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for base
31 12.07 1201 course lead upto 10m for manual works.
m3 6191.75
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of waterbound Macadam base course
32 12.10 1203 class D1* grading 1 or grading 2 lead upto 10m.
m3 4427.27
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel wearing course
33 12.12 1205 class -1 / class -2 lead upto 10m.
m3 3584.44
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel wearing course
34 12.13 1205 class -1/class -2 lead upto 10m for manual works.
m3 5503.39
Providing and spraying bituminous tack coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using
35 13.01 1301, 1302 wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying tack coat.
Ltr 201.78
Fabricating, Providing, assembling and erecting Timber superstructure inlcuding necessary hardware
36 13.01.b for beam structure. (Falsework not included).
m3 269186.04
Providing and spraying bituminous tack coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using
37 13.02 1301, 1302 wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying tack coat, using manual methods.
Ltr 196.30
Providing and spraying bituminous prime coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using
38 13.03 1301, 1302 wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying prime coat.
Ltr 201.78
Providing and spraying bituminous prime coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using
39 13.04 1301, 1302 wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying prime coat, using manual methods.
Ltr 176.06
Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or
40 13.05.01 1301, 1303 broken stone chips including compaction -- I) Bituminous binder for surface dressing( mass work).
Ltr 161.89
Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or
41 13.05.03 1301, 1303 broken stone chips including compaction -- II) Cutter for bitumen grade 80/100.
Ltr 114.60
Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or
42 13.05.04 1301, 1303 broken stone chips including compaction -- III) Chipping for surface dressing for 1st coat size or second Mt 3285.01
coat size.
Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or
43 13.05.05 1301, 1303 broken stone chips including compaction -- IV) Production of percorated chipping.
m3 5799.01
44 13.06.01 1301, 1304 Providing and laying semi-grouting with compaction 50mm thickness. m2 1037.54
45 13.06.02 1301, 1304 Providing and laying semi-grouting with compaction 75mm thickness. m2 1381.44
46 13.06.03 1301, 1304 Providing and laying full grouting with compaction 50 mm thicknes. m2 1218.74
47 13.07 1301, 1305 Providing and laying sand seal. m2 133.50
48 13.08.01 1301, 1306 Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with fine slurry mix. m2 177.62
Summary of rates(Old)
S.N. Norms No Description Unit Rate ( NRs.)
Clause No.
49 13.08.02 1301, 1306 Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with normal slurry mix. m2 195.44
50 13.08.03 1301, 1306 Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with coarse slurry mix. m2 224.57
51 13.09 1307, 1308 Providing, mixing, laying and compaction of premix carpet. m3 19016.30
Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm. thick steel plate,
52 15.01.a 1501 cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and bolit etc. complete a) 60cm. Dia. no 3395.27
Circular, 60cm. equilateral traingle and 60cm.x 45cm. rectangular shaped sign (single post).
Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm. thick steel plate,
53 15.01.b 1501 cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and bolit etc. complete b) 1.2m.x no 9166.68
0.75m. Size bigger traffic sign with back support and two or more post.
Supplying and applying paint for Road marking including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all complete
54 15.02.a 1502 (10cm. wide strip) a) Two coats over old painted surface
m 11.42
Supplying and applying paint for Road marking including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all complete
55 15.02.b 1502 (10cm. wide strip) b) More than two coats over new bitumin surface
m 17.34
Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post including excavation, back filling, painting and writing etc.
56 15.03.a 1503 all complete as per specification a) Standard KM post placed at each kilometer.
no 3556.96
Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post including excavation, back filling, painting and writing etc.
57 15.03.b 1503 all complete as per specification b) Bigger kilometer post (placed at each 5 km.)
no 8109.17
Supplying and fixing in place R.C.C. delineator and guard post including excavation, back filling,
58 15.04 1504 painting and erection etc. all complete as per drawing.
no 1497.13
Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including necessary supports and removing after
59 18.01 1804, 1805 completion for foundation and footings using timber ( soft wood) - Class F1 finish.
m2 520.26
Providing , Preparing and Installing form work & removing after completion for Precast elements of
60 18.07 1804, 1805 square / rectangular section using timber (soft wood) -- Class F3 finish.
m2 1267.69

Providing and placing machine mixed M10/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
61 20.01.a.01 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 16987.13

Providing and placing machine mixed M15/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
62 20.01.a.02 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 10307.07

Providing and placing machine mixed M20/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
63 20.01.a.03 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 10268.85

Providing and placing machine mixed M20/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
64 20.01.a.04 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 10273.78

Providing and placing machine mixed M25/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
65 20.01.a.05 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 10300.96

Providing and placing manually mixed M10/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
66 20.01.b.01 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 11220.00

Providing and placing manually mixed M15/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
67 20.01.b.02 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 11110.74

Providing and placing manually mixed M20/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
68 20.01.b.03 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 11026.68

Providing and placing manually mixed M20/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
69 20.01.b.04 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 11078.76

Providing and placing manually mixed M25/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc.
70 20.01.b.05 2000 including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
m3 11085.35

Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (4) :
71 20.06.b.1 2000 aggregate (8) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per m3 10937.82
specification and drawing.
Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (3) :
72 20.06.b.02 2000 aggregate (6) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per m3 10944.28
specification and drawing.
Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (2) :
73 20.06.b.03 2000 aggregate (4) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per m3 10775.57
specification and drawing.
Providing and laying Reinforcement ( diameter upto 8 mm) including cutting, bending, binding, fixing in
74 20.07.01 2000 position and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
mt 171817.79
Providing and laying Reinforcement ( diameter above 8 mm and upto 16 mm) including cutting,
75 20.07.02 2000 bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
mt 162638.50
Providing and laying Reinforcement ( diameter above 16 mm) including cutting, bending, binding,
76 20.07.03 2000 fixing in position and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
mt 153605.26
Fabrication of [ 3 x 1 x 1 : (16 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes /
mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg ,
including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses, palcing in position
77 24.02.01 2401 including stretching, forming compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; tying down the lid
box 17482.23
complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including dressing,
beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.
Fabrication of [ 2 x 1 x 1 : (11 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes /
mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg ,
including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses , palcing in position
78 24.02.02 2401 including stretching, forming compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; tying down the lid
box 11881.20
complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including dressing,
beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.
Fabrication of [ 1.5 x 1 x 1 : (9 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes /
mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg ,
including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses , palcing in position
79 24.02.03 2401 including stretching, forming compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; tying down the lid
box 11211.52
complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including dressing,
beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.
Fabrication of [ 1 x 1 x 1 : (6 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes /
mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg ,
including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses , palcing in position
80 24.02.04 2401 including stretching, forming compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the
box 6277.77
lid complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including
dressing, beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.
Providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including dressing, beding,
81 24.02.05 2401 bonding and all transporation as per specification.
m3 3472.48
Providing and placing concrete with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per
82 24.14.01.a 2406; 2, 4 specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , using concrete mixer and vibrator.
m3 8389.78
Summary of rates(Old)
S.N. Norms No Description Unit Rate ( NRs.)
Clause No.
Providing and placing concrete with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per
83 24.14.01.b 2406; 2, 4 specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , without using concrete mixer and vibrator.
m3 8864.12
Providing and placing plum-concrete with 70% M 15/40 concrete and 30% boulders/stones as per
84 24.14.02.a 2406; 2, 4 specification. Lead 30m, lift 1.5m using concrete mixer and vibrator.
m3 8585.01
Providing and placing concrete with 70% M 15/40 concrete and 30% boulders/stones as per
85 24.14.02.b 2406; 2, 4 specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , without using concrete mixer and vibrator.
m3 9220.96
2602, 2603, Providing and laying dry stone masonry (coursed rubble) including dressing etc. complete as per
86 26.01 specification, lead 30m.
m3 6943.08
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(3)] including
2602, 2603,
87 26.03.a scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (machine m3 10538.25
2607 mixing), mortar 35%
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(4)] including
2602, 2603,
88 26.03.b scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (machine m3 10639.16
2607 mixing), mortar 35%
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(6)] including
2602, 2603,
89 26.03.c scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (machine m3 10737.89
2607 mixing), mortar 35%
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(3)] including
90 26.04.a 2607 scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (manual m3 11665.23
mixing), mortar 35%
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(4)] including
91 26.04.b 2607 scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (manual m3 11766.14
mixing), mortar 35%
Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(6)] including
92 26.04.c 2607 scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead 30m (manual m3 11864.87
mixing), mortar 35%
Removal of old paints by sand blasting, cleaning and repairing of metal surfaces for the application of
93 27.07 2713 new paints as per specification.
m2 1024.77
Maintenance of earthen shoulders by making irregularities even to the required level including watering
94 29.02 2903 and compaction etc. all complete lead 10m.
m2 295.56
Maintenance of gravel shoulders and gravel carriageway by repairing pot holes and making
95 29.03 2904 iregularities even to the required level including watering and compaction etc. all complete lead 10m.
m2 741.24
96 2-25-kha Back fill with common material. m3 325.74
Backfilling in layers in foundation ,pits,trenches etc including compaction and watering etc ,complete
97 2 - 26 lead 10 m
m3 2820.95
98 6-5 Supply and place dry stone soling m2 828.57
99 6-5 Supply and place dry stone soling m3 4142.83
13-1-b, 15-
100 Double coat whitewash on new surface including supply of materials all complete m2 64.68
101 13-2 Single coat whitewash on old surface including supply of materials all complete m2 47.73
102 15-5-a, b Single coat enamel paint/ readymade emulsion paint including supply of materials all complete. m2 280.00
103 31.01.a 3105 Providing and installing Railing including Railing Posts -- 100 mm dia m 11536.30
104 31.01.b 3105 Providing and installing Railing including Railing Posts -- 50 mm dia m 1684.29
105 31.01.c 3105 Providing and installing Railing including Railing Posts -- 38 mm dia m 1371.84
Back fill with graded filter materials in layer with necessary watering and compaction, lead 30m, lift
106 24.11 1.5m
m3 6040.39
107 31.03 3109 Supply and Laying of Geo-textile as per specification Sq.m 135.70
Spec. cl. No: Road way excavation in hard rock by Blasting. Making rubbles of required size including making hole,
108 9.02.d.ii).II m3 4602.86
905 blasting and breaking with chisel or hammer, hauling distance 10m. and stacking.
109 Applying of Antistripping Additive Kg 369.78
Description of
works: Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type Unit : 1
Road way excavation all complete as per specification.
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.35 m3 Soft Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 0.750 600.00 450.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 13.50
Sub total of A = 450.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 13.50
Unit Rate = 463.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 23.18
Diesel lit 0.1304 97 12.64 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0163 2500.00 40.75
Sub total of B = 12.64 Sub total of C = 40.75
Unit Rate = 53.39 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 50.72
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 73.90
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 11.08
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 84.98

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.63 m3 Soft Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 0.750 600.00 450.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 13.50
Sub total of A = 450.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 13.50
Unit Rate = 463.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 23.18
Diesel lit 0.1160 97 11.25 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0116 2500.00 29.00
Sub total of B = 11.25 Sub total of C = 29.00
Unit Rate = 40.25 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 38.24
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 61.41
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 9.21
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 70.62
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.80 m3 Soft Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 0.750 600.00 450.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 13.50
Sub total of A = 450.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 13.50
Unit Rate = 463.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 23.18
Diesel lit 0.1248 97 12.10 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0104 2500.00 26.00
Sub total of B = 12.10 Sub total of C = 26.00
Unit Rate = 38.10 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 36.20
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 59.37
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 8.91
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 68.28

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 1.32 m3 Soft Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 0.750 600.00 450.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 13.50
Sub total of A = 450.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 13.50
Unit Rate = 463.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 23.18
Diesel lit 0.1380 97 13.38 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0069 2500.00 17.25
Sub total of B = 13.38 Sub total of C = 17.25
Unit Rate = 30.63 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 29.10
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 52.27
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 7.84
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 60.11

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Average of all Soft Soil
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 71.00
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.35 m3 Hard Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 1.000 600.00 600.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 18.00
Sub total of A = 600.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 18.00
Unit Rate = 618.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 30.90
Diesel lit 0.1600 97 15.52 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0200 2500.00 50.00
Sub total of B = 15.52 Sub total of C = 50.00
Unit Rate = 65.52 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 62.24
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 93.14
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 13.97
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 107.12

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.63 m3 Hard Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 1.000 600.00 600.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 18.00
Sub total of A = 600.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 18.00
Unit Rate = 618.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 30.90
Diesel lit 0.1400 97 13.58 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0140 2500.00 35.00
Sub total of B = 13.58 Sub total of C = 35.00
Unit Rate = 48.58 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 46.15
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 77.05
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 11.56
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 88.61
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.80 m3 Hard Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 1.000 600.00 600.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 18.00
Sub total of A = 600.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 18.00
Unit Rate = 618.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 30.90
Diesel lit 0.1500 97 14.55 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0125 2500.00 31.25
Sub total of B = 14.55 Sub total of C = 31.25
Unit Rate = 45.80 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 43.51
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 74.41
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 11.16
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 85.57

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 1.32 m3 Hard Soil
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 1.000 600.00 600.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 18.00
Sub total of A = 600.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 18.00
Unit Rate = 618.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 30.90
Diesel lit 0.1680 97 16.29 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0084 2500.00 21.00
Sub total of B = 16.29 Sub total of C = 21.00
Unit Rate = 37.29 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 35.43
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 66.33
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 9.95
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 76.27

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Average of all Hard Soil
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 89.39
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.35 m3 Soft Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 2.750 600.00 1650.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 49.50
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 49.50
Unit Rate = 1699.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 84.98
Diesel lit 0.2216 97 21.49 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0277 2500.00 69.25
Sub total of B = 21.49 Sub total of C = 69.25
Unit Rate = 90.74 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 86.20
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 171.18
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 25.68
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 196.85

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.63 m3 Soft Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 2.750 600.00 1650.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 49.50
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 49.50
Unit Rate = 1699.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 84.98
Diesel lit 0.1960 97 19.01 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0196 2500.00 49.00
Sub total of B = 19.01 Sub total of C = 49.00
Unit Rate = 68.01 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 64.61
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 149.58
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 22.44
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 172.02
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.80 m3 Soft Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 2.750 600.00 1650.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 49.50
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 49.50
Unit Rate = 1699.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 84.98
Diesel lit 0.2064 97 20.02 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0172 2500.00 43.00
Sub total of B = 20.02 Sub total of C = 43.00
Unit Rate = 63.02 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 59.87
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 144.84
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 21.73
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 166.57

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 1.32 m3 Soft Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 2.750 600.00 1650.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 49.50
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 49.50
Unit Rate = 1699.50 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 84.98
Diesel lit 0.2340 97 22.69 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0117 2500.00 29.25
Sub total of B = 22.69 Sub total of C = 29.25
Unit Rate = 51.94 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 49.34
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 134.32
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 20.15
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 154.47

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Average of all Soft Rock
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 172.48
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.35 m3 Hard Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 12.000 600.00 7200.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 216.00
Sub total of A = 7200.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 216.00
Unit Rate = 7416.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 370.80
Diesel lit 0.2960 97 28.71 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0370 2500.00 92.50
Sub total of B = 28.71 Sub total of C = 92.50
Unit Rate = 121.21 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 115.15
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 485.95
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 72.89
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 558.84

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.63 m3 Hard Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 12.000 600.00 7200.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 216.00
Sub total of A = 7200.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 216.00
Unit Rate = 7416.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 370.80
Diesel lit 0.2560 97 24.83 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0256 2500.00 64.00
Sub total of B = 24.83 Sub total of C = 64.00
Unit Rate = 88.83 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 84.39
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 455.19
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 68.28
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 523.47
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.80 m3 Hard Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 12.000 600.00 7200.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 216.00
Sub total of A = 7200.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 216.00
Unit Rate = 7416.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 370.80
Diesel lit 0.2724 97 26.42 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0227 2500.00 56.75
Sub total of B = 26.42 Sub total of C = 56.75
Unit Rate = 83.17 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 79.01
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 449.81
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 67.47
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 517.28

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 1.32 m3 Hard Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 12.000 600.00 7200.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 216.00
Sub total of A = 7200.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 216.00
Unit Rate = 7416.00 Percentage 5.00 Manual Component Rate = 370.80
Diesel lit 0.3060 97 29.68 Hydraylic Excavator hr 0.0153 2500.00 38.25
Sub total of B = 29.68 Sub total of C = 38.25
Unit Rate = 67.93 Percentage 95.00 Machine Component Rate = 64.53
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 435.33
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 65.30
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 500.63
Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Average of all Hard Rock
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 525.06

Description of Road way excavation all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Average of all All
Soil Type Rate % Amount
Soft Soil 71.00 #REF! #REF!
Hard Soil 89.39 #REF! #REF!
Soft Rock 172.48 #REF! #REF!
Hard Rock 525.06 #REF! #REF! Total
Total Rate (Soil) #REF! #REF! #REF!

Description of Excavation of metalled road all complete as per specification. Machine Type Machine Capacity Soil type
works: Unit : 1
Spec. cl. No: 905 Excavator Upto 0.35 m3 Soft Rock
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 2.750 600.00 1650.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 49.50
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 49.50
Unit Rate = 1699.50 Percentage 10.00 Manual Component Rate = 169.95
Diesel lit 0.2216 97 21.49 Motor Grader hr 0.0126 1200.00 15.12
Sub total of B = 21.49 Sub total of C = 15.12
Unit Rate = 36.61 Percentage 90.00 Machine Component Rate = 32.95
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) 202.90
Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 30.43
Total Rate (Manual + Machine) with 15% Contractor Overhead 233.33
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Transportation Cost
Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project
Description of works: Transportation of materials by truck, including loading, unloading and stacking by manpower lead upto 10m using 5 tonne capacity Truck.
Spec. Clause No. 800 Travel time (T) for truck to be used for this activity shall be determined as follows:
T=2x{d1/v1+d2/v2+d3/v3+………………..dn/vn}, where d1,d2,d3………dn and v1,v2,v3…… are the streches of distances to be travelled and corresponding average
speeds on these streches. [ T = 2*(d1/v1+d2/v2+……dn/vn) = ] (T=travel time for truck in
Description of works Unit Activity No d1 v1 d2 v2 d3 v3 d4 v4 …. …. dn vn Travel time T (hrs) Remarks
Excavated earthwork soil material m3 T = 2 1.00 10.00 0.00 25.00 40.00 = 0.20
Excavated earthwork rock material 1.00 10.00 0.00 25.00 40.00
m3 T= 2 = 0.20
Sand, Stone dust m3 T= 2 6.00 10.00 7.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 1.76 Morang to Project Site
Gravel, river shingle, broken stone, and
bats m3 T= 2 6.00 10.00 7.00 25.00 0.00 = 1.76 Morang to Project Site
Crushed Aggregate (Chips) m3 T= 2 6.00 10.00 7.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 1.76 Morang to Project Site
Boulder, Cobbles, quarry stone m3 T= 2 3.00 10.00 0.00 25.00 40.00 = 0.60
Brick 1000
nos T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
Cement t T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
Reinforcement Steel and gabion wire t T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
Bitumen 1000
lit T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 = 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
Timber for temporary works m 3 T= 2 1.00 10.00 0.00 25.00 40.00 = 0.20 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
RCC hume pipe of 900mm dia m T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
RCC hume pipe of 750mm dia m T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
RCC hume pipe of 600mm dia m T= 2 17.00 10.00 11.00 25.00 0.00 40.00 = 4.28 Jikhimti Bazzar to Project Site
Water 1000
lit T= 2 1.00 10.00 0.00 25.00 = 0.20
Activity No: 8.04.02 F/Y: 075/076
Spec. Clause No. 800
Description of works: Transportation of materials by truck, including loading, unloading and stacking by manpower lead upto 10m using 5 tonne capacity Truck Place:

Labour Materials Equipment

Description of works Unit Remarks
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity. Rate Amount Type Unit Quantity. Rate Amount
1)Excavated earthwork soil material
m3 Unskilled md 0.40 600 240.00 Fuel lit 2.4xT= 0.480 97.00 46.56 Truck hr 0.24x(T+0.75)= 0.228 630.00 143.64
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 430.20 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 64.53 Unit rate = 494.73

1)Excavated earthwork rock material

m3 Unskilled md 0.50 600 300.00 Fuel lit 3xT= 0.600 97.00 58.20 Truck hr 0.3x(T+0.75)= 0.228 630.00 143.64
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 501.84 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 75.28 Unit rate = 577.12

2) Sand m3 Unskilled md 0.30 600 180.00 Fuel lit 2.2xT= 3.872 97.00 375.58 Truck hr 0.22x(T+0.75)= 0.552 630.00 347.89
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 903.47 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 135.52 Unit rate = 1038.99

3.1) Crushed aggregate m3 Unskilled md 0.50 600 300.00 Fuel lit 2.6xT= 4.576 97.00 443.87 Truck hr 0.26x(T+0.75)= 0.653 630.00 411.14
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 1155.01 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 173.25 Unit rate = 1328.26

3.2) Gravel, river shingle, broken stone, m3 Unskilled md 0.50 600 300.00 Fuel lit 2.6xT= 4.576 97.00 443.87 Truck hr 0.26x(T+0.75)= 0.653 630.00 411.14
and bats
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 1155.01 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 173.25 Unit rate = 1328.26

4) Boulder, Cobbles, quarry stone m3 Unskilled md 0.50 600 300.00 Fuel lit 3.4xT 2.040 97.00 197.88 Truck hr 0.34x(T+0.75)= 0.459 630.00 289.17
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 787.05 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 118.06 Unit rate = 905.11

6) Brick m3 Unskilled md 0.60 600 360.00 Fuel lit 5xT 21.400 97.00 2075.80 Truck hr 0.5x(T+0.75)= 2.515 630.00 1584.45
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 4020.25 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 603.04 Unit rate = 4623.29
7) Cement m 3 Unskilled md 0.40 600 240.00 Fuel lit 2xT 97.00 Truck hr 0.2x(T+0.75)= 1.006 630.00 633.78
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 873.78 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 131.07 Unit rate = 1004.85

8) Reinforcement Steel and gabion wire t Unskilled md 0.60 600 360.00 Fuel lit 2xT 97.00 Truck hr 0.2x(T+0.75)= 1.006 630.00 633.78
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 993.78 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 149.07 Unit rate = 1142.85

9) Bitumen 1000 Unskilled md 1.00 600 600.00 Fuel lit 3xT 12.840 97.00 1245.48 Truck hr 0.3x(T+0.75)= 1.509 630.00 950.67
lit Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 419.42 Unit rate =
2796.15 3215.57

11) Timber for temporary works m3 Unskilled md 0.30 600 180.00 Fuel lit 2.4xT 0.480 97.00 46.56 Truck hr 0.3x(T+0.75)= 0.285 630.00 179.55
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 406.11 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 60.92 Unit rate = 467.03
16) RCC Hume pipe
a) RCC hume pipe of 900mm m Skilled md 0.04 900 36.00 Fuel lit 1.3xT 5.564 97.00 539.71 Truck hr 0.13x(T+1.75)= 0.654 630.00 411.96
Unskilled md 0.40 600 240.00
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 1227.67 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 184.15 Unit rate = 1411.81
m Skilled md 0.03 900 27.00 Fuel lit 1.1xT 4.708 97.00 456.68 Truck hr 0.11x(T+1.75)= 0.553 630.00 348.58
b) RCC hume pipe of 750mm dia
Unskilled md 0.33 600 198.00
Sub total = 225.00 Sub total = 456.68 Sub total = 348.58
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 1030.26 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 154.54 Unit rate = 1184.79

c) RCC hume pipe of 600mm m Skilled md 0.02 900 18.00 Fuel lit 0.8xT 3.424 97.00 332.13 Truck hr 0.08x(T+1.75)= 0.402 630.00 253.51
Unskilled md 0.25 600 150.00
Sub total = 168.00 Sub total = 332.13 Sub total = 253.51
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 753.64 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 113.05 Unit rate = 866.69

17) Water 1000 litSkilled md 0.01 900 9.00 Fuel lit 1.5xT 0.300 97.00 29.10 Truck hr 0.2x(T+0.5)= 0.140 630.00 88.20
Unskilled md 0.10 600 60.00 Pump 10cmdia hr 0.050 170.00 8.50
Sub total = 69.00 Sub total = 29.10 Sub total = 88.20
Sub total of Labour + Materials + Equipments = 186.30 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 27.95 Unit rate = 214.25
District Labour, Collection Rate of Materials, Fuel and Equipment Hire Rate (Terhathum District)

1) Labour 4) Material
Rate at Collection Royalty ( Transportation Total Rate
S.N. Description Unit District Rate S.N. Description Unit
Juphal Rate (C) R ) Rate ( Tp ) ( C + R + Tp)
1 Skilled md 900.00 1 Gravel
2 Unskilled (Labour) md 600.00 1.a ( 5 - 70 mm ) m3 1200.00 1155.01 2355.01
3 Driller/Blaster md 900.00 1.b ( 5 - 40 mm) m3 1920.00 1155.01 3075.01
1.c ( 5 - 20 mm) m3 2820.00 1155.01 3975.01
1.d ( 5 - 08 mm) m3 4800.00 1155.01 5955.01
2 Broken Aggregates
2.a ( 70 - 100 mm) m3 3600.00 1155.01 4755.01
2) Fuel and Lubricant 2.b ( 40 - 70 mm) m3 4800.00 1155.01 5955.01
1 Diesel lit. 97.00 2.c ( 20 - 40 mm) m3 7200.00 1155.01 8355.01
2 Kerosene lit. 97.00 2.d ( 10 - 20 mm) m3 10800.00 1155.01 11955.01
3 Petrol lit. 110.00 2.e ( 5 - 10 mm) m3 15000.00 1155.01 16155.01
3 Sand m3 900.00 903.47 1803.47
3.a Quary output less than 33% m3 2400.00 903.47 3303.47
3.b Quary output 33 - 66% m3 1800.00 903.47 2703.47
3) Equipment 3.c Quarry output more than 66% m3 858.00 903.47 1761.47
Operator's DOR Hire Total rate 3.d Sand in hilly areas m3
S.N. Description Unit 900.00 903.47 1803.47
Allowance rate per hour
1 Truck ( 3 tonnes) hr. 460.00 460.00 4 Brick 20000.00 4020.25 24020.25
2 Truck ( 5 tonnes) hr. 630.00 630.00 4.a Chimney made
3 Truck ( 8 tonnes) hr. 800.00 800.00 4.b Machine made
4 Grader ( 90 HP) hr. 1200.00 1200.00 5 Sal Wood
5 Pump 10cm dia hr. 170.00 170.00 5.a Sal wood Local m3 160558.36
6 Vibrator Roller hr. 400.00 400.00 5.b Local Wood m3 38816.31
7 Roller ( 8 - 10 ton) hr. 700.00 700.00 6 Stone dust m3
8 Water bowser hr. 550.00 550.00 7 Rubble m3 840.00 787.05 1627.05
9 Loader (1.9-2.2 cu m) hr. 1200.00 1200.00 8 Cement mt. 20000.00 873.78 20873.78
10 Boiler hr. 180.00 180.00 9 Water lt. 0.19
11 Sprayer (Up to 1 KL) hr. 260.00 260.00 10 Bitumen / Emulsion kg 75.50 2.80 78.30
12 Air compressor hr. 250.00 250.00 11 Crushed Aggregate
13 Hand Sprayer hr. 260.00 260.00 11.a 10 mm ( Small) m3 1900.00 1155.01 3055.01
14 Aggregate Spreader hr. 300.00 300.00 11.b 20 mm ( Intermediate) m3 1900.00 1155.01 3055.01
15 Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr. 1200.00 1200.00 11.c 40 mm (Large) m3 1900.00 1155.01 3055.01
16 mixer hr. 470.00 470.00 12 Round Aggregate
17 Vibrator hr. 100.00 100.00 12.a 10 mm ( Small) m3 1850.00 1155.01 3005.01
18 Blasting machine hr. 0.00 12.b 20 mm ( Intermediate) m3 1850.00 1155.01 3005.01
19 Generator hr. 80.00 80.00 12.c 40 mm (Large) m3 1850.00 1155.01 3005.01
20 Screw Jack hr. 0.00 13 Reinforcement (Tor Steel)
21 Electric Heating Plate hr. 0.00 13.a 4.75 mm mt. 94000.00 993.78 94993.78
22 Bitumen Distributor hr. 1300.00 1300.00 13.b 8 mm mt. 94000.00 993.78 94993.78
23 Chip Spreader hr. 300.00 300.00 13.c 10mm, 12mm, 16mm mt. 94000.00 993.78 94993.78
24 Tractor hr. 300.00 300.00 13.d 20mm, 25mm mt. 94000.00 993.78 94993.78
Excavator 111 to 150 Binding Wire
hr. 14
25 HP 1800.00 2500.00
14.a Binding wire Black kg 126.00 0.99 126.99
14.b Binding wire White kg 156.00 0.99 156.99
15 G.I Wire heavy coated
15.a 8 gauge kg 96.00 0.99 96.99
15.b 10 gauge kg 96.00 0.99 96.99
15.c 12 gauge kg 97.00 0.99 97.99
16 Stone
16.a Crushed stone m3 1000.00 787.05 1787.05
16.b Dressed stone m3 1000.00 787.05 1787.05
17 RCC Hume Pipes
17.a 450mm diameter m 4400.00
17.b 500 mm diameter m 5211.00
17.c 600 mm diameter m 6022.00 753.64 6775.64
17.d 750 mm diameter m 8332.00 1030.26 9362.26
17.e 900 mm diameter m 11825.00 1227.67 13052.67
18 Jute kg 60.00 60.00
19 Nails kg 110.00 110.00
20 Ply wood
plywood 3 mm sq. ft. 225.00 11.51
plywood 4 mm sq. ft. 300.00
plywood 6 mm sq. ft. 350.00
plywood 8 mm sq. ft. 450.00
plywood 12 mm sq. ft. 510.00
plywood 19 mm sq. ft. 750.00
21 Road Paint lit.
22 Enamel Paint lit.
23 Lime kg
24 Gum kg
25 Snow cem kg
26 Primer kg
27 Steel Plate Sq. m
28 Steel tube Rm
29 GI Pipe Medium class with sockets
29.a 38 mm m
29.b 50 mm m
29.c 75 mm m
29.d 100 mm m
30 HDP Pipe NS40 110mm m
base aggregate 3055.01 in m3
subbaseagg 2355.01 in m3
coarse aggregate 3055.01 in m3
key aggregate 3055.01 in m3
Aggregate 3055.01 in m3
chips 1909.38 in ton
Description of works: Excavation of metalled road and removal of all materials including soling and screening, sorting out reusable materials and disposing unusable materials upto 20m. Lead.
(b)Bituminous Materials Unit : m3
Spec. cl. No: 202

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)

Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2.15 Skilled md 0.01 1476.00 14.76 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 80.30
Unskilled md 2.42 1100.00 2662

Sub total of A = 2676.76 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 80.30

Sub total of A +B + C = 2757.06 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 413.56 Unit Rate = 3170.62
Rate per m2 (10 cm depth) 317.06

Description of works: Providing, jointing and laying HDP pipes (110 mm/125mm outer diameter) with or without collar etc. complete in place as per specification.
Unit : 50 m
Spec. cl. No: 701
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
7.01 Skilled md 3.0 1476.00 4428 HDP pipe m 50.00 0.00 Generator (<2kva) hr. 8.00 80.00 640.00
Unskilled md 3.0 1100.00 3300 Petrol lit 0.50 110.00 55.00 Screw Jack hr. 8.00 0.00 0.00
electric heating plate hr. 8.00 0.00 0.00
Sub total of A = 7728.00 Sub total of B = 55.00 Sub total of C = 640.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 8423.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1263.45 Unit Rate (50 m)= 9686.45

Description of works: Proving and laying RCC pipes of diameter 600 mm (internal) with or without collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1 : 2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine
sand ) , lead upto 100m. Unit : 1 rm
Spec. cl. No: 701
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
7.02.1 Skilled md 0.281 1476.00 414.76 RCC Pipe No 1.0 6775.64 6775.64 Ballies, crow, bars, chain , pulleys ,
3.00% of total cost 252.70
Unskilled md 1.094 1100.00 1203.40 Cement kg 6.813 0.00 0.00 block and ropes etc.
Sand m3 0.009 1803.47 16.23
Jute kg 0.219 60 13.14
Sub total of A = 1618.16 Sub total of B = 6805.01 Sub total of C = 252.70
Sub total of A +B + C = 8675.86 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1301.38 Unit Rate = 9977.24
Description of works: Proving and laying RCC pipes of diameter 750 mm (internal) with or without collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1 : 2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine
sand ) , lead upto 100m. Unit : 1 rm
Spec. cl. No: 701
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
7.02.2 Skilled md 0.308 1476.00 454.61 RCC Pipe m 1.00 9362.26 9362.26 Ballies, crow, bars, chain , pulleys ,
3.00% of total cost 339.46
Unskilled md 1.328 1100.00 1460.80 Cement kg 7.937 0.00 0.00 block and ropes etc.
Sand m3 0.011 1803.47 19.84
Jute kg 0.297 60.00 17.82
Sub total of A = 1915.41 Sub total of B = 9399.91 Sub total of C = 339.46
Sub total of A +B + C = 11654.78 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1748.22 Unit Rate = 13403.00

Description of works: Proving and laying RCC pipes of diameter 900 mm (internal) with or without collars jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1 : 2 ( 1 cement : 2 fine
sand ) , lead upto 100m. Unit : 1 rm
Spec. cl. No: 701
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
7.02.03 Skilled md 0.344 1476.000 507.744 RCC Pipe No 1.0 18950.00 18950.00 Ballies, crow, bars, chain , pulleys ,
3.00% of total cost 636.66
Unskilled md 1.562 1100.00 1718.20 Cement kg 9.062 0.00 0.00 block and ropes etc.
Sand m3 0.013 1803.47 23.45
Jute kg 0.375 60 22.50
Sub total of A = 2225.94 Sub total of B = 18995.95 Sub total of C = 636.66
Sub total of A +B + C = 21858.55 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 3278.78 Unit Rate = 25137.33

Description of works: Road way excavating and loading in Hard soil / Gravel / Boulder mixed soil by Excavator (PC 200) as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Reference No: HED, page 33
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.00 1476.00 0.00 diesel lit. 0.15 97.00 14.55 Hydraylic Excavator PC 200 hr 0.01 1800.00 22.50
Unskilled md 0.00469 1100.00 5.16 Lubricant ( 1% of Fuel) 0.15

Sub total of A = 5.16 Sub total of B = 14.70 Sub total of C = 22.50

Sub total of A +B + C = 42.35 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 6.35 Unit Rate = 48.71
Description of works: Road way excavating and loading in Soft rock by Excavator (PC 200) as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Reference No: HED, page 33
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.00 1476.00 0.00 diesel lit. 0.2064 97.00 20.02 Hydraylic Excavator PC 200 hr 0.02 1800.00 30.96
Unskilled md 0.00469 1100.00 5.16 Lubricant ( 1% of Fuel) 0.20

Sub total of A = 5.16 Sub total of B = 20.22 Sub total of C = 30.96

Sub total of A +B + C = 56.34 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 8.45 Unit Rate = 64.79

Description of works: Road way excavating and loading in Hard rock by Excavator (PC 200) as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Reference No: HED, page 33
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.00 1476.00 0.00 diesel lit. 0.27 97.00 26.42 Hydraylic Excavator PC 200 hr 0.02 1800.00 40.86
Unskilled md 0.00469 1100.00 5.16 Lubricant ( 1% of Fuel) 0.26

Sub total of A = 5.16 Sub total of B = 26.69 Sub total of C = 40.86

Sub total of A +B + C = 72.71 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 10.91 Unit Rate = 83.61

Description of works: Road way excavation in soft soil including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.a Unskilled md 0.750 1100.00 825.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 24.75
Sub total of A = 825.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 24.75
Sub total of A +B + C = 849.75 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 127.46 Unit Rate = 977.21

Description of works: Road way excavation in Hard soil / Gravel / Boulder mixed soil including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.b Unskilled md 1.000 1100.00 1100.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 33.00
Sub total of A = 1100.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 33.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1133.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 169.95 Unit Rate = 1302.95

Description of works: Road way excavation in Soft rock including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Description of works: Road way excavation in Soft rock including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.c Unskilled md 2.750 1100.00 3025.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 90.75
Sub total of A = 3025.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 90.75
Sub total of A +B + C = 3115.75 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 467.36 Unit Rate = 3583.11

Description of works: Road way excavation including disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per specification. (Hardrock without Blasting)
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.01.d Unskilled md 12.000 1100.00 13200.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 396.00
Sub total of A = 13200.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 396.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 13596.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2039.40 Unit Rate = 15635.40

Description of works: Earthwork excavation in soft soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per
specification Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.a Unskilled md 0.900 1100.00 990.00 Tools and plant 3.0% of L.C. 29.70
Sub total of A = 990.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 29.70
Sub total of A +B + C = 1019.70 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 152.96 Unit Rate = 1172.66

Description of works: Earthwork excavation in Hard soil/Gravels/Boulder mixed soil for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5
m etc. all complete as per specification Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.b Unskilled md 1.500 1100.00 1650.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 49.50
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 49.50
Sub total of A +B + C = 1699.50 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 254.93 Unit Rate = 1954.43
Description of works: Earthwork excavation in soft rock for drain and trenches including shoring, struting, bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10 m and lift upto 1.5 m etc. all complete as per
specification Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.c Unskilled md 3.000 1100.00 3300.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 99.00
Sub total of A = 3300.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 99.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 3399.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 509.85 Unit Rate = 3908.85

Description of works: Excavation for foundation through all types of soil including relevant lift and disposal upto 20 m (Depth upto 1.50 m)
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.07.01 Unskilled md 2.000 1100.00 2200.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 66.00
Sub total of A = 2200.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 66.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2266.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 339.90 Unit Rate = 2605.90

Description of works: Excavation for foundation through Soft Rock including relevant lift and disposal upto 20 m (Depth upto 1.50 m)
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.07.02 Unskilled md 3.000 1100.00 3300.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 99.00
Sub total of A = 3300.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 99.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 3399.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 509.85 Unit Rate = 3908.85

Description of works: Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches etc including compaction and watering etc complete,lead 10 m, a) Depth of foundation upto 1.5m
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 908
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.10.a Unskilled md 1.140 1100.00 1254.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 37.62
Sub total of A = 1254.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 37.62
Sub total of A +B + C = 1291.62 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 193.74 Unit Rate = 1485.36
Item no:
Description of works: Excavation and disposal of slides manually haulage distance upto 50m a)Soft soil
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.11.a Unskilled md 0.600 1100.00 660.00 Tools and plant 3.00% of L.C. 19.80
Sub total of A = 660.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 19.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 679.80 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 101.97 Unit Rate = 781.77
Description of works: Subgrade construction and preparation of formation in cutting (other than rock excavation) including disposal of material upto10m .
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1003
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.01 Skilled md 0.01 1476.00 14.76 diesel lit. 0.122 97.00 11.83 Grader (75 Hp) hr 0.01 1200.00 12.00
Unskilled md 0.10 1100.00 110.00 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 700.00 11.90
Lab tests 10.0% ot Total .C. 13.66
Sub total of A = 124.76 Sub total of B = 11.83 Sub total of C = 37.56
Sub total of A +B + C = 174.15 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 26.12 Unit Rate = 200.28

Description of works: Subgrade construction, preparation and formation of subgrade in rock cutting with regulating course of natural materials.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1003
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.02 Skilled md 0.01 1476.00 14.76 Sub grade material m3 1.10 0.00 Grader (75 Hp) hr 0.02 1200.00 24.00
Unskilled md 0.10 1100.00 110.00 Diesel lit 0.122 97.00 11.83 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 700.00 11.90
Water lit 100.00 0.19 18.63 Lab tests 10.0% ot T.C. 15.52
Sub total of A = 124.76 Sub total of B = 30.46 Sub total of C = 51.42
Sub total of A +B + C = 206.65 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 31.00 Unit Rate = 237.64
Description of works: Subgrade construction with loose untreated materials; preparation and formation of subgrade in fill areas.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1003
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.03 Skilled md 0.01 1476.00 14.76 Sub grade material m3 1.10 0.00 Grader (75 Hp) hr 0.02 1200.00 24.00
Unskilled md 0.10 1100.00 110.00 Diesel lit 0.122 97.00 11.83 Roller 8-10t hr 0.017 700.00 11.90
Water lit 100.00 0.19 18.63 Lab tests 10.0% ot T.C. 15.52
Sub total of A = 124.76 Sub total of B = 30.46 Sub total of C = 51.42
Sub total of A +B + C = 206.65 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 31.00 Unit Rate = 237.64

Description of works: Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar works (filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm) in common soil.
Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 1003
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.05.a Unskilled md 0.15 1100.00 165.00 Tools and Plant 3% of LC 4.95
Sub total of A = 165.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 4.95
Sub total of A +B + C = 169.95 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 25.49 Unit Rate = 195.44

Description of works: Preparation of sub-grade for rehabilitation or other similar works (filling or cutting depth of 10 to 20 cm) in gravel & boulder mixed soil.
Spec. cl. No: 1003 Unit : 1 m2
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
10.05.b Unskilled md 0.30 1100.00 330.00 Tools and Plant 3% of LC 9.90
Sub total of A = 330.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 9.90
Sub total of A +B + C = 339.90 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 50.99 Unit Rate = 390.89

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel subbase grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification lead upto 10m.
Spec. cl. No: 1201 Unit : 1 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.01 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Subbase agg. cu.m. 1.2800 2355.01 3014.41 Grader hr 0.0220 1200.00 26.40
Unskilled md 0.0400 1100.00 44.00 Diesel lit 0.7920 97.00 76.82 Vibrator Rolller hr 0.0220 400.00 8.80
Water bowser hr 0.0380 550.00 20.90
Loader hr 0.0110 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 51.38 Sub total of B = 3091.24 Sub total of C = 69.30
Sub total of A +B + C = 3211.92 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 481.79 Unit Rate = 3693.70

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel subbase grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification lead upto 10m (for
manual works). Unit : 1 m3
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel subbase grading as per table 12.1 of standard specification lead upto 10m (for
manual works). Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1201
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.02 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Subbase agg. m3 1.280 2355.01 3014.41 Road Roller hr. 0.030 700.00 21.00
Unskilled md 1.0500 1100.00 1155.00 Diesel lit 0.660 97.00 64.02
Sub total of A = 1162.38 Sub total of B = 3078.43 Sub total of C = 21.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4261.81 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 639.27 Unit Rate = 4901.08

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for subbase course grading SB2*lead upto 10m. (for manual works)
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1202
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.06 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Sub base aggregate cu.m. 1.300 2355.01 3061.51 Road Roller hr 0.030 700.00 21.00
Unskilled md 1.4000 1100.00 1540.00 Diesel lit 0.660 97.00 64.02
Sub total of A = 1547.38 Sub total of B = 3125.53 Sub total of C = 21.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4693.91 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 704.09 Unit Rate = 5398.00

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for base course lead upto 10m.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1202
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.06 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Base aggregate cu.m. 1.200 3055.01 3666.01 Grader hr 0.033 1200.00 39.60
Unskilled md 0.0200 1100.00 22.00 Diesel lit 0.990 97.00 96.03 Vibrator Rolller hr 0.033 400.00 13.20
Water Bowser hr 0.033 550.00 18.15
Loader hr 0.011 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 29.38 Sub total of B = 3762.04 Sub total of C = 84.15
Sub total of A +B + C = 3875.57 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 581.34 Unit Rate = 4456.91
Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of crusher run materials for base course lead upto 10m for manual works.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1201
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.07 Skilled md 0.01 1476.00 14.76 Base agg. cu.m. 1.2000 3005.01 3606.01 Road Roller hr 0.0400 700.00 28.00
Unskilled md 1.50 1100.00 1650.00 Diesel lit 0.8800 97.00 85.36
Sub total of A = 1664.76 Sub total of B = 3691.37 Sub total of C = 28.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 5384.13 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 807.62 Unit Rate = 6191.75

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of waterbound Macadam base course class D1* grading 1 or grading 2 lead upto 10m.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1203
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.10 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Base agg. cu.m. 1.2000 3005.01 3606.01 Grader hr 0.0360 1200.00 43.20
Unskilled md 0.0200 1100.00 22.00 Diesel lit 1.1970 97.00 116.11 Vibrator Rolller hr 0.0360 400.00 14.40
Stone dust cu.m. 0.2660 0.00 0.00 Water Bowser hr 0.0500 550.00 27.50
Loader hr 0.0110 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 29.38 Sub total of B = 3722.12 Sub total of C = 98.30
Sub total of A +B + C = 3849.80 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 577.47 Unit Rate = 4427.27

Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel wearing course class -1 / class -2 lead upto 10m.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1205
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.12 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Aggregate cu.m. 1.2200 2355.01 2873.11 Grader hr 0.0360 1200.00 43.20
Unskilled md 0.0200 1100.00 22.00 Diesel lit 1.1970 97.00 116.11 Vibrator Rolller hr 0.0360 400.00 14.40
Water Bowser hr 0.0500 550.00 27.50
Loader hr 0.0110 1200.00 13.20
Sub total of A = 29.38 Sub total of B = 2989.22 Sub total of C = 98.30
Sub total of A +B + C = 3116.90 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 467.54 Unit Rate = 3584.44
Description of works: Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling and compaction of natural sand gravel wearing course class -1/class -2 lead upto 10m for manual works.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1205
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
12.13 Skilled md 0.0050 1476.00 7.38 Aggregate cu.m. 1.2200 2355.01 2873.11 Road Roller hr 0.0900 700.00 63.00
Unskilled md 1.5000 1100.00 1650.00 Diesel lit 1.9800 97.00 192.06
Sub total of A = 1657.38 Sub total of B = 3065.17 Sub total of C = 63.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4785.55 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 717.83 Unit Rate = 5503.39

Description of works: Providing and spraying bituminous tack coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying tack coat.
Unit : 1 lit.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1302
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.01 Skilled md 0.0030 1476.00 4.43 Bitumen MC30/MC70 lit. 1.0500 78.30 82.21 Boiler hr 0.0025 180.00 0.45
Unskilled md 0.0460 1100.00 50.60 kerosene lit 0.1000 97.00 9.70 Sprayer hr 0.0025 260.00 0.65
Diesel lit 0.2750 97.00 26.68 Air compresser hr 0.0030 250.00 0.75
Sub total of A = 55.03 Sub total of B = 118.59 Sub total of C = 1.85
Sub total of A +B + C = 175.46 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 26.32 Unit Rate = 201.78

Item no:
Description of works: Fabricating, Providing, assembling and erecting Timber superstructure inlcuding necessary hardware for beam structure. (Falsework not included). Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Sal wood (seasoned and
Unskilled md 15.00 m3 1.10 160558.36 176614.20 Tools and Plant 3 % of Labour Cost 1159.2
13-1-b 1100.00 16500.00 sawn)
Skilled md 15.00 1476.00 22140.00 Hardware 10% of timber cost 17661.42
Sub total of A = 38640.00 Sub total of B = 194275.62 Sub total of C = 1159.20
Sub total of A +B + C = 234074.82 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 35111.22 Unit Rate = 269186.04
Description of works: Providing and spraying bituminous tack coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying tack coat, using manual
methods. Unit : 1 lit.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1302
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.02 Skilled md 0.0030 1476.00 4.43 Bitumen MC30/MC70 lit. 1.0500 78.30 82.21 Boiler hr 0.0140 180 2.52
Unskilled md 0.0620 1100.00 68.20 kerosene lit 0.1000 97.00 9.70 Hand Sprayer hr 0.0140 260.00 3.64
Sub total of A = 72.63 Sub total of B = 91.91 Sub total of C = 6.16
Sub total of A +B + C = 170.70 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 25.60 Unit Rate = 196.30
Rate per m2(1.16L/m2) 227.71

Description of works: Providing and spraying bituminous prime coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying prime coat.
Unit : 1 lit.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1302
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.03 Skilled md 0.0030 1476.00 4.43 Bitumen MC30/MC70 lit. 1.0500 78.30 82.21 Boiler hr 0.0025 180 0.45
Unskilled md 0.0460 1100.00 50.60 kerosene lit 0.1000 97.00 9.70 Sprayer hr 0.0025 260.00 0.65
Diesel lit 0.2750 97.00 26.68 Air compresser hr 0.0030 250.00 0.75
Sub total of A = 55.03 Sub total of B = 118.59 Sub total of C = 1.85
Sub total of A +B + C = 175.46 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 26.32 Unit Rate = 201.78

Description of works: Providing and spraying bituminous prime coat MC30/MC70 including cleaning the road surface using wire, brushes, broom etc. before applying prime coat, using manual
methods. Unit : 1 lit.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1302
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.04 Skilled md 0.0030 1476.00 4.43 Bitumen MC30/MC70 lit. 1.0500 78.30 82.21 Boiler hr 0.0140 180 2.52
Unskilled md 0.0460 1100.00 50.60 kerosene lit 0.1000 97.00 9.70 Hand Sprayer hr 0.0140 260.00 3.64
Sub total of A = 55.03 Sub total of B = 91.91 Sub total of C = 6.16
Sub total of A +B + C = 153.10 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 22.96 Unit Rate = 176.06
Rate per m2 ( 0.93 L per m2) 163.74
Description of works: Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or broken stone chips including compaction -- I) Bituminous binder for
surface dressing( mass work). Unit : 1 lit.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1303
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.05.01 Skilled md 0.0020 1476.00 2.95 Bitumen 80/100open lit 1.0500 78.30 82.21 Boiler hr 0.0025 180 0.45
Unskilled md 0.0140 1100.00 15.40 Kerosene lit 0.1000 97.00 9.70 Distributor hr 0.0025 1300.00 3.25
Diesel lit 0.2700 97.00 26.19 Air compresser hr 0.0025 250.00 0.625
Sub total of A = 18.35 Sub total of B = 118.10 Sub total of C = 4.33
Sub total of A +B + C = 140.78 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 21.12 Unit Rate = 161.89

Description of works: Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or broken stone chips including compaction -- II) Cutter for bitumen
grade 80/100. Unit : 1 lit.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1303
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Cutter (Diesel or
Skilled md 0.0010 1476.00 1.48 lit 1.00 97.00 97.00 Tools and Plants 3.00% Of L.C. 0.07728
13.05.03 kerosene)
Unskilled md 0.0010 1100.00 1.10
Sub total of A = 2.58 Sub total of B = 97.00 Sub total of C = 0.08
Sub total of A +B + C = 99.65 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 14.95 Unit Rate = 114.60

Description of works: Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or broken stone chips including compaction -- III) Chipping for surface
dressing for 1st coat size or second coat size. Unit : 1 mt..
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1303
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.05.04 Skilled md 0.0010 1476.00 1.48 Chips t 1.0500 1909.38 2004.85 Chips spreader hr 0.1000 300 30
Unskilled md 0.2100 1100.00 231.00 Diesel lit 3.6000 97 349.20 Tyred Roller hr 0.2000 1200 240
Sub total of A = 232.48 Sub total of B = 2354.05 Sub total of C = 270.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2856.53 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 428.48 Unit Rate = 3285.01
Description of works: Laying of single / double / multiple bituminous coats for surface dressing using river gravels, shingles or broken stone chips including compaction -- IV) Production of
percorated chipping. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1303
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.05.05 Skilled md 0.0400 1476.00 59.04 Bitumen MC30 lit 14.0000 78.30 1096.15 Wheel Loader hr 0.1000 1200 120
Unskilled md 0.3000 1100.00 330.00 Kerosene lit 0.7000 97 67.90 Tractor hr 0.2000 300 60
Chips t 1.7300 1909.38125 3303.23 Boiler hr 0.0350 180 6.3
Sub total of A = 389.04 Sub total of B = 4467.28 Sub total of C = 186.30
Sub total of A +B + C = 5042.62 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 756.39 Unit Rate = 5799.01

Description of works: Providing and laying semi-grouting with compaction 50mm thickness.
Unit : 10 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1304
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.06.01 Skilled md 0.2100 1476.00 309.96 Bitumen lit 52.0000 78.30 4071.40 Boiler hr 0.0700 180 12.60
Unskilled md 1.8000 1100.00 1980.00 Kerosene lit 0.2500 97.00 24.25 Roller hr 0.0700 700.00 49.00
Diesel lit 2.5200 97.00 244.44 Sprayer hr 0.0700 260.00 18.20
Coarse agg. m3 0.6000 3055.01 1833.01 Agg. Spreader hr 0.0700 300.00 21.00
Key agg. m3 0.1500 3055.01 458.25
Sub total of A = 2289.96 Sub total of B = 6631.35 Sub total of C = 100.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 9022.11 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1353.32 Rate (10m2) = 10375.42
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 1037.54

Description of works: Providing and laying semi-grouting with compaction 75mm thickness.
Unit : 10 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1304
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.06.02 Skilled md 0.21 1476.00 309.96 Bitumen lit 68.0000 78.30 5324.14 Boiler hr 0.0700 180 12.60
Unskilled md 2.45 1100.00 2695.00 Kerosene lit 0.4000 97.00 38.80 Roller hr 0.0700 700.00 49.00
Diesel lit 2.5200 97.00 244.44 Sprayer hr 0.0700 260.00 18.20
Coarse agg. m3 0.9000 3055.01 2749.51 Agg. Spreader hr 0.0700 300.00 21.00
Key agg. m3 0.1800 3055.01 549.90
Sub total of A = 3004.96 Sub total of B = 8906.79 Sub total of C = 100.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 12012.55 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1801.88 Rate (10m2) = 13814.43
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 1381.44
Description of works: Providing and laying full grouting with compaction 50 mm thicknes.
Unit : 10 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1304
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.06.03 Skilled md 0.2100 1476.00 309.96 Bitumen lit 72.0000 78.30 5637.32 Boiler hr 0.0700 180 12.60
Unskilled md 1.8000 1100.00 1980.00 Kerosene lit 0.3500 97.00 33.95 Roller hr 0.0700 700.00 49.00
Diesel lit 2.5200 97.00 244.44 Sprayer hr 0.0700 260.00 18.20
Coarse agg. m3 0.6000 3055.01 1833.01 Agg. Spreader hr 0.0700 300.00 21.00
Key agg. m3 0.1500 3055.01 458.25
Sub total of A = 2289.96 Sub total of B = 8206.97 Sub total of C = 100.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 10597.73 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1589.66 Rate (10m2) = 12187.39
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 1218.74

Description of works: Providing and laying sand seal.

Unit : 10 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1305
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.07 Skilled md 0.1000 1476.00 147.60 Bitumen lit 6.6000 78.30 516.75 Boiler hr 0.040 180 7.20
Unskilled md 0.1400 1100.00 154.00 Kerosene lit 0.1000 97.00 9.70 Roller hr 0.040 700.00 28.00
Diesel lit 0.8100 97.00 78.57 Sprayer hr 0.010 260.00 2.60
Fine agg. m3 0.1200 1803.47 216.42
Sub total of A = 301.60 Sub total of B = 821.44 Sub total of C = 37.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 1160.84 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 174.13 Rate (10m2) = 1334.97
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 133.49671385

Description of works: Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with fine slurry mix.
Unit : 100 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1306
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.08.01 Skilled md 0.20 1476.00 295.20 Aggregate m3 0.49 3055.01 1496.95 Mixer hr 0.07 470.00 32.90
Unskilled md 3.00 1100.00 3300.00 Emulsion lit 122.00 78.30 9552.13
Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr 0.55 1200.00 660.00
Cement Kg 8.30 0.00 0.00
water LS 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 107.856
Diesel lit 8.40 97.00
Sub total of A = 3595.20 Sub total of B = 11049.09 Sub total of C = 800.76
Sub total of A +B + C = 15445.04 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2316.76 Rate (100 m2) = 17761.80
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 177.62

Description of works: Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with normal slurry mix.
Unit : 100 m2.
Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with normal slurry mix.
Unit : 100 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1306
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.08.02 Skilled md 0.20 1476.00 295.20 Aggregate m3 0.56 3055.01 1710.81 Mixer hr 0.080 470 37.60
Unskilled md 3.00 1100.00 3300.00 Emulsion lit 139.00 78.30 10883.16
Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr 0.550 1200.00 660.00
Cement Kg 9.40 0.00 0.00
water LS 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 107.856
Diesel lit 8.40 97.00
Sub total of A = 3595.20 Sub total of B = 12593.97 Sub total of C = 805.46
Sub total of A +B + C = 16994.63 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2549.19 Rate (100 m2) = 19543.82
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 195.44

Description of works: Providing, mixing and laying slurry seal with coarse slurry mix.
Unit : 100 m2.
Spec. cl. No: 1301,1306
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.08.03 Skilled md 0.20 1476.00 295.20 Aggregate m3 0.67 3055.0100 2046.86 Mixer hr 0.090 470 42.30
Unskilled md 3.00 1100.00 3300.00 Emulsion lit 167.00 78.30 13075.46
Pneumatic Tyred Roller hr 0.550 1200.00 660.00
Cement Kg 11.30 0.00 0.00
water LS 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 107.856
Diesel lit 8.40 97.00
Sub total of A = 3595.20 Sub total of B = 15122.31 Sub total of C = 810.16
Sub total of A +B + C = 19527.67 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2929.15 Rate (100 m2) = 22456.82
Unit Rate(1 m2) = 224.57

Description of works: Providing, mixing, laying and compaction of premix carpet.

Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 1307,1308
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13.09 Skilled md 0.45 1476.00 664.20 Bitumen lit 77.00 78.30 6028.80 Roller hr 0.50 700 350.00
Unskilled md 4.50 1100.00 4950.00 Kerosene lit 7.70 97.00 746.90 Sprayer hr 0.50 260 130.00
Aggregates m3 1.20 3055.01 3666.01
Sub total of A = 5614.20 Sub total of B = 10441.72 Sub total of C = 480.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 16535.92 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2480.39 Unit Rate (Per m3) = 19016.30
For 20 mm thickness (Per m2) 380.33

Description of works: Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm. thick steel plate, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and
bolit etc. complete a) 60cm. Dia. Circular, 60cm. equilateral traingle and 60cm.x 45cm. rectangular shaped sign (single post). Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1501
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.01.a Skilled md 0.033 1476.00 47.97 Enamel paint lit 0.100 440.00 44.00
Unskilled md 0.088 1100.00 96.80 M10/40 PCC m3 0.030 14771.41 443.14
Steel plate m2 0.250 1852.00 463.00
Formwork (F1) m2 0.360 0.00 0.00
Steel tube m 2.500 743.00 1857.50
Sub total of A = 144.77 Sub total of B = 2807.64 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2952.41 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 442.86 Unit Rate = 3395.27

Description of works:
Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. Steel tube, 2mm. thick steel plate, cement concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle nut and
bolit etc. complete b) 1.2m.x 0.75m. Size bigger traffic sign with back support and two or more post. Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1501
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.01.b Skilled md 0.085 1476.00 125.46 Enamel paint lit 0.400 440.00 176.00
Unskilled md 0.300 1100.00 330.00 M10/40 PCC m3 0.120 14771.41 1772.57
Steel plate m2 1.00 1852.00 1852.00
Formwork (F1) m2 1.00 0.00 0.00
Steel tube m 5.00 743.00 3715.00
Sub total of A = 455.46 Sub total of B = 7515.57 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 7971.03 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1195.65 Unit Rate = 9166.68

Description of works: Supplying and applying paint for Road marking including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all complete (10cm. wide strip) a) Two coats over old painted
surface Unit : 1 m.
Spec. cl. No: 1502
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.02.a Skilled md 0.003 1476.00 4.43 Road Marking paint lit 0.042 0.00 0.00
Unskilled md 0.005 1100.00 5.50
Sub total of A = 9.93 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 9.93 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1.49 Unit Rate = 11.42
Rate per m2 238.20

Description of works: Supplying and applying paint for Road marking including cleaning, watering, brooming etc. all complete (10cm. wide strip) b) More than two coats over new bitumin
surface Unit : 1 m
Spec. cl. No: 1502
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.02.b Skilled md 0.005 1476.00 7.38 Road Marking paint lit 0.075 0.00 0.00
Unskilled md 0.007 1100.00 7.70
Sub total of A = 15.08 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 15.08 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2.26 Unit Rate = 17.34

Description of works: Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post including excavation, back filling, painting and writing etc. all complete as per specification a) Standard KM post placed at
each kilometer. Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1503
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.03.a Skilled md 0.030 1476.00 44.28 M15/40 RCC m3 0.060 4588.00 275.28
Unskilled md 0.116 1100.00 127.60 M10/40 PCC m3 0.090 14771.41 1329.43
Formwork (F3) m2 0.500 1102.34 551.17
Enamel paint lit 0.120 440.00 52.80
Reinforcement bar kg 7.500 94.99 712.45
Sub total of A = 171.88 Sub total of B = 2921.13 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 3093.01 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 463.95 Unit Rate = 3556.96

Description of works: Supplying and placing R.C.C. kilometer post including excavation, back filling, painting and writing etc. all complete as per specification b) Bigger kilometer post (placed at
each 5 km.) Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1503
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.03.b Skilled md 0.080 1476.00 118.08 M15/40 RCC m3 0.170 4588.00 779.96
Unskilled md 0.300 1100.00 330.00 M10/40 PCC m3 0.230 14771.41 3397.43
Formwork (F3) m2 1.300 1102.34 1433.04
Enamel paint lit 0.400 440.00 176.00
Reinforcement bar kg 8.600 94.99 816.95
Sub total of A = 448.08 Sub total of B = 6603.37 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 7051.45 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1057.72 Unit Rate = 8109.17
Description of works: Supplying and fixing in place R.C.C. delineator and guard post including excavation, back filling, painting and erection etc. all complete as per drawing.
Unit : 1 no.
Spec. cl. No: 1504
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15.04 Skilled md 0.021 1476.00 31.00 M20/20 RCC m3 0.030 8933.72 268.01
Unskilled md 0.055 1100.00 60.50 Formwork (F3) m2 0.540 1102.34 595.26
Enamel paint lit 0.180 440.00 79.20
Reinforcement bar kg 2.82 94.99 267.88
Sub total of A = 91.50 Sub total of B = 1210.36 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1301.85 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 195.28 Unit Rate = 1497.13

Description of works: Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including necessary supports and removing after completion for foundation and footings using timber ( soft wood) - Class F1
finish. Unit : 10 m2
Spec. cl. No: 1804,1805
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
18.01 Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Planks 38mm thick. m3 0.42 0.00
Unskilled md 2.00 1100.00 2200.00 struts, ballies, etc. m3 0.18 0.00
Nails,spikes,etc. kg 1.00 110.00 110.00
Sub total of A = 4414.00 Sub total of B = 110.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4524.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 678.60 Rate (10 m2) = 5202.60
Unit Rate (1 m2) = 520.26

Description of works: Providing , Preparing and Installing form work & removing after completion for Precast elements of square / rectangular section using timber (soft wood) -- Class F3 finish.
Unit : 10 m2
Spec. cl. No: 1804,1805
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
18.07,ia Skilled md 2.50 1476.00 3690.00 Ply wood 9mm. thick m2 11 55.76 613.38
Unskilled md 2.00 1100.00 2200.00 timber m3 0.2 21500.00 4300.00
Nails kg 2 110.00 220.00
Sub total of A = 5890.00 Sub total of B = 5133.38 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 11023.38 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1653.51 Rate (10 m2) = 12676.89
Unit Rate = 1267.69
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed M10/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.a.1 Skilled md 0.50 1476.00 738.00 cement mt 0.220 19412.36 4270.72 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 1309.73 785.84
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 aggregate 20-40mm m 3
0.650 3300.00 2145.00 vibrator hr 0.25 800.00 200.00
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.250 3300.00 825.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 360.28
coarse sand m3 0.480 2700.00 1296.00 concrete
petrol lit 0.100 96.59 9.66
diesel lit 3.000 85.97 257.92
water lit 132.000 0.25 33.00
Sub total of A = 4588.00 Sub total of B = 8837.30 Sub total of C = 1346.12
Sub total of A +B + C = 14771.41 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2215.71 Unit Rate = 16987.13

Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed M15/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.a.2 Skilled md 0.50 1476.00 738.00 cement mt 0.260 0.00 0.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 470 282.00
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.530 3055.01 1619.16 vibrator hr 0.25 100 25.00
aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.240 3055.01 733.20
of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 218.60
aggregate 10mm & down m 3
0.110 concrete
3055.01 336.05
coarse sand m3 0.460 1803.47 829.60
petrol lit 0.100 110.00 11.00
diesel lit 3.000 97.00 291.00
water lit 156.000 0.19 29.06
Sub total of A = 4588.00 Sub total of B = 3849.07 Sub total of C = 525.60
Sub total of A +B + C = 8962.67 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1344.40 Unit Rate = 10307.07
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed M20/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.a.3 Skilled md 0.50 1476.00 738.00 cement mt 0.320 0.00 0.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 470 282.00
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 aggregate 20-40mm m 3
0.520 3055.01 1588.61 vibrator hr 0.25 260 65.00
aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.220 3055.01 672.10
of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 217.79
aggregate 10mm & down m3 0.120 3055.01 366.60 concrete

coarse sand m3 0.450 1803.47 811.56

petrol lit 0.100 110.00 11.00
diesel lit 3.000 97.00 291.00
water lit 192.000 0.19 35.77
Sub total of A = 4588.00 Sub total of B = 3776.64 Sub total of C = 564.79
Sub total of A +B + C = 8929.43 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1339.41 Unit Rate = 10268.85

Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed M20/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.a.4 Skilled md 0.50 1476.00 738.00 cement mt 0.330 0.00 0.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 470 282.00
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.580 3055.01 1771.91 vibrator hr 0.25 100 25.00
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.300 3055.01 916.50 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 217.90
coarse sand m3 0.440 1803.47 793.53 concrete
petrol lit 0.100 110.00 11.00
diesel lit 3.000 97.00 291.00
water lit 198.000 0.19 36.89
Sub total of A = 4588.00 Sub total of B = 3820.82 Sub total of C = 524.90
Sub total of A +B + C = 8933.72 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1340.06 Unit Rate = 10273.78
Description of works: Providing and placing machine mixed M25/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and
drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.a.5 Skilled md 0.50 1476.00 738.00 cement mt 0.375 0.00 0.00 mixer (0.28/ 0.20 m3 ) hr 0.60 470 282.00
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 aggregate 20-40mm m 3
0.580 3055.01 1771.91 vibrator hr 0.25 100 25.00
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.300 3055.01 916.50 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 218.47
coarse sand m3 0.450 1803.47 811.56 concrete
petrol lit 0.100 110.00 11.00
diesel lit 3.000 97.00 291.00
water lit 225.000 0.19 41.92
Sub total of A = 4588.00 Sub total of B = 3843.89 Sub total of C = 525.47
Sub total of A +B + C = 8957.36 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1343.60 Unit Rate = 10300.96

Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed M10/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.b.1 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement mt 0.245 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 237.9640175
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.650 3055.01 1985.76 concrete
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.250 3055.01 763.75
coarse sand m3 0.480 1803.47 865.67
water lit 147.000 0.19 27.39
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3642.56 Sub total of C = 237.96
Sub total of A +B + C = 9756.52 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1463.48 Unit Rate = 11220.00
Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed M15/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.b.2 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement t 0.285 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 235.65
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.530 3055.01 1619.16 concrete
aggregate 10-20mm m3 0.240 3055.01 733.20

aggregate10mm & down m3 0.110 3055.01

coarse sand m3 0.460 1803.47 829.60
water lit 171.000 0.19 31.86
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3549.86 Sub total of C = 235.65
Sub total of A +B + C = 9661.51 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1449.23 Unit Rate = 11110.74

Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed M20/40 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.b.3 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement t 0.355 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 233.86
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.520 3055.01 1588.61 concrete
aggregate 10-20mm m 3
0.220 3055.01 672.10

aggregate10mm & down m3 0.120 3055.01

coarse sand m3 0.450 1803.47 811.56
water lit 213.000 0.19 39.68
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3478.55 Sub total of C = 233.86
Sub total of A +B + C = 9588.42 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1438.26 Unit Rate = 11026.68
Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed M20/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.b.4 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement mt 0.365 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 234.97
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 10-20 mm m3 0.580 3055.01 1771.91 concrete
aggregate 10 mm and
m3 0.300 3055.01 916.50
coarse sand m3 0.440 1803.47 793.53
water lit 219.000 0.19 40.80
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3522.74 Sub total of C = 234.97
Sub total of A +B + C = 9633.70 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1445.06 Unit Rate = 11078.76

Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed M25/20 cement concrete for the foundation and footing etc. including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.01.b.5 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement mt 0.415 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 2.50% 235.11
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 10-20 mm m3 0.580 3055.01 1771.91 concrete
aggregate 10 mm and
m3 0.300 3055.01 916.50
coarse sand m3 0.440 1803.47 793.53
water lit 249.000 0.19 46.39
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3528.32 Sub total of C = 235.11
Sub total of A +B + C = 9639.43 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1445.91 Unit Rate = 11085.35

Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (4) : aggregate (8) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete
as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.06.b.1 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement t 0.190 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 0.50% 47.32
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.650 3055.01 1985.76 concrete
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.240 3055.01 733.20
sand m3 0.470 1803.47 847.63
water lit 114.000 0.19 21.24
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3587.83 Sub total of C = 47.32
Sub total of A +B + C = 9511.15 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1426.67 Unit Rate = 10937.82

Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (3) : aggregate (6) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete
as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (3) : aggregate (6) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete
as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.06.b.2 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement t 0.240 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 0.50% 47.35
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.650 3055.01 1985.76 concrete
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.240 3055.01 733.20
sand m3 0.470 1803.47 847.63
water lit 144.000 0.19 26.83
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3593.42 Sub total of C = 47.35
Sub total of A +B + C = 9516.76 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1427.51 Unit Rate = 10944.28

Description of works: Providing and placing manually mixed non structural cement concrete [ cement (1): sand (2) : aggregate (4) ] including compaction, curing, testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete
as per specification and drawing. Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.06.b.3 Skilled md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00 cement t 0.350 0.00 0.00 of Cost of
Mix Design and Quality Control 0.50% 46.62
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 aggregate 20-40mm m3 0.520 3055.01 1588.61 concrete
aggregate 10 -20mm m3 0.330 3055.01 1008.15
sand m3 0.450 1803.47 811.56
water lit 210.000 0.19 39.12
Sub total of A = 5876.00 Sub total of B = 3447.44 Sub total of C = 46.62
Sub total of A +B + C = 9370.06 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1405.51 Unit Rate = 10775.57

Description of works: Providing and laying Reinforcement ( diameter upto 8 mm) including cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit : 1 mt.
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.07.1 Skilled md 15.00 1476.00 22140.00 Reinforcement t 1.150 94993.78 109242.85
Unskilled md 15.00 1100.00 16500.00 Binding wire kg 12.000 126.99 1523.93
Sub total of A = 38640.00 Sub total of B = 110766.77 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 149406.77 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 22411.02 Unit Rate = 171817.79
Description of works: Providing and laying Reinforcement ( diameter above 8 mm and upto 16 mm) including cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification
and drawing. Unit : 1 mt.
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.07.2 Skilled md 12.00 1476.00 17712.00 Reinforcement t 1.150 94993.78 109242.85
Unskilled md 12.00 1100.00 13200.00 Binding wire kg 10.000 126.99 1269.94
Sub total of A = 30912.00 Sub total of B = 110512.78 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 141424.78 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 21213.72 Unit Rate = 162638.50

Description of works: Providing and laying Reinforcement ( diameter above 16 mm) including cutting, bending, binding, fixing in position and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per specification and drawing.
Unit : 1 mt.
Spec. cl. No: 2000
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
20.07.3 Skilled md 9.00 1476.00 13284.00 Reinforcement t 1.150 94993.78 109242.85
Unskilled md 9.00 1100.00 9900.00 Binding wire kg 9.000 126.99 1142.94
Sub total of A = 23184.00 Sub total of B = 110385.79 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 133569.79 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 20035.47 Unit Rate = 153605.26

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 3 x 1 x 1 : (16 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling,
cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.50 1476.00 738.00 Mesh wire Kg 35.10 96.99 3404.48
Unskilled md 0.22 1100.00 242.00 selvedge wire Kg 4.51 96.99 437.44
Sub total of A = 980.00 Sub total of B = 3841.92 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4821.92 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 723.29 Unit Rate = 5545.21

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 2 x 1 x 1 : (11 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling,
cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.34 1476.00 501.84 Mesh wire Kg 24.15 96.99 2342.40
Unskilled md 0.15 1100.00 165.00 selvedge wire Kg 3.41 96.99 330.75
Sub total of A = 666.84 Sub total of B = 2673.15 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 3339.99 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 501.00 Unit Rate = 3840.99
Description of works: Fabrication of [ 1.5 x 1 x 1 : (9 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.28 1476.00 413.28 Mesh wire Kg 19.75 96.99 1915.63
Unskilled md 0.12 1100.00 132.00 selvedge wire Kg 3.11 96.99 301.65
Sub total of A = 545.28 Sub total of B = 2217.28 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2762.56 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 414.38 Unit Rate = 3176.94

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 1 x 1 x 1 : (6 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling,
cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.19 1476.00 280.44 Mesh wire Kg 13.16 96.99 1276.44
Unskilled md 0.08 1100.00 88.00 selvedge wire Kg 2.32 96.99 225.03
Sub total of A = 368.44 Sub total of B = 1501.46 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1869.90 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 280.49 Unit Rate = 2150.39
Description of works: Fabrication of [ 3 x 1 x 0.75 : (13.5 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.42 1476.00 619.92 Mesh wire Kg 29.62 96.99 2872.96
Unskilled md 0.19 1100.00 209.00 selvedge wire Kg 4.14 96.99 401.55
Sub total of A = 828.92 Sub total of B = 3274.51 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4103.43 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 615.51 Unit Rate = 4718.94

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 2 x 1 x 0.75 : (9.25 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.29 1476.00 428.04 Mesh wire Kg 20.29 96.99 1968.00
Unskilled md 0.13 1100.00 143.00 selvedge wire Kg 3.11 96.99 301.65
Sub total of A = 571.04 Sub total of B = 2269.65 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2840.69 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 426.10 Unit Rate = 3266.80
Description of works: Fabrication of [ 1 x 1 x 0.75 : (5 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.16 1476.00 236.16 Mesh wire Kg 10.97 96.99 1064.02
Unskilled md 0.07 1100.00 77.00 selvedge wire Kg 2.07 96.99 200.78
Sub total of A = 313.16 Sub total of B = 1264.80 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1577.96 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 236.69 Unit Rate = 1814.65

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 3 x 1 x 0.5 : (11 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.34 1476.00 501.84 Mesh wire Kg 24.15 96.99 2342.40
Unskilled md 0.15 1100.00 165.00 selvedge wire Kg 3.78 96.99 366.64
Sub total of A = 666.84 Sub total of B = 2709.04 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 3375.88 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 506.38 Unit Rate = 3882.26

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 2 x 1 x 0.5 : (7.5 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.23 1476.00 339.48 Mesh wire Kg 16.45 96.99 1595.55
Unskilled md 0.10 1100.00 110.00 selvedge wire Kg 2.80 96.99 271.58
Sub total of A = 449.48 Sub total of B = 1867.13 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2316.61 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 347.49 Unit Rate = 2664.10

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 1 x 1 x 0.5 : (4 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.12 1476.00 177.12 Mesh wire Kg 8.78 96.99 851.61
Unskilled md 0.06 1100.00 66.00 selvedge wire Kg 1.83 96.99 177.50
Sub total of A = 243.12 Sub total of B = 1029.10 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1272.22 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 190.83 Unit Rate = 1463.06
Description of works: Fabrication of [ 3 x 1 x 0.3 : (9 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.28 1476.00 413.28 Mesh wire Kg 19.75 96.99 1915.63
Unskilled md 0.12 1100.00 132.00 selvedge wire Kg 3.49 96.99 338.51
Sub total of A = 545.28 Sub total of B = 2254.14 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2799.42 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 419.91 Unit Rate = 3219.33

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 2 x 1 x 0.3 : (6.1 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.19 1476.00 280.44 Mesh wire Kg 13.40 96.99 1299.72
Unskilled md 0.08 1100.00 88.00 selvedge wire Kg 2.56 96.99 248.30
Sub total of A = 368.44 Sub total of B = 1548.02 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1916.46 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 287.47 Unit Rate = 2203.93

Description of works: Fabrication of [ 1 x 1 x 0.3 : ( 2.2 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with mesh wire 10 swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including
rolling, cutting and weaving as per specification. Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Skilled md 0.07 1476.00 103.32 Mesh wire Kg 4.83 96.99 468.48
Unskilled md 0.03 1100.00 33.00 selvedge wire Kg 1.63 96.99 158.10
Sub total of A = 136.32 Sub total of B = 626.58 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 762.90 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 114.43 Unit Rate = 877.33
Description of works:
Fabrication of [ 3 x 1 x 1 : (16 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10
swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses, palcing in position including stretching, forming
compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; tying down the lid complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including Unit : 1 box
dressing, beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.02.01 Unskilled md 1.04 1100.00 1144.00 GI wire 12 swg Kg 1.81 97.99 177.37
Fabrication of box ( Item
box 1.00 4821.92 4821.92
Filing Stone (Item no
m3 3.00 3019.55 9058.65
24.02.04 )
Sub total of A = 1144.00 Sub total of B = 14057.94 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 15201.94 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 2280.29 Unit Rate = 17482.23

Description of works:
Fabrication of [ 2 x 1 x 1 : (11 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10
swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses , palcing in position including stretching, forming
compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; tying down the lid complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401 dressing, beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)

Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.02.02 Unskilled md 0.75 1100.00 825.00 GI wire 12 swg Kg 1.30 97.99 127.39
Fabrication of box ( Item
box 1.00 3339.99 3339.99
Filing Stone (Item no
m3 2.00 3019.55 6039.10
24.02.04 )
Sub total of A = 825.00 Sub total of B = 9506.48 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 10331.48 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1549.72 Unit Rate = 11881.20
Description of works:
Fabrication of [ 1.5 x 1 x 1 : (9 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10
swg and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses , palcing in position including stretching, forming
compartments; tying with bracing wires and tie wires; tying down the lid complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401 dressing, beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)

Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.02.03 Unskilled md 0.75 1100.00 825.00 GI wire 12 swg Kg 1.25 97.99 122.49
Fabrication of box ( Item
box 1.00 2762.56 2762.56
Filing Stone (Item no
m3 2.00 3019.55 6039.10
24.02.04 )
Sub total of A = 825.00 Sub total of B = 8924.15 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 9749.15 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1462.37 Unit Rate = 11211.52

Description of works:
Fabrication of [ 1 x 1 x 1 : (6 sq. m)] hexagonal mesh type 100mm x 120 mm Gabion boxes / mattresses with diapharagms, with binding wire 12 swg, mesh wire 10 swg
and selvedged wire 7 swg , including rolling, cutting and weaving ; assembling Gabion boxes mattresses , palcing in position including stretching, forming compartments;
tying with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid complete; and providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including dressing, Unit : 1 box
Spec. cl. No: 2401 beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)

Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.02.04 Unskilled md 0.45 1100.00 495.00 GI wire 12 swg Kg 0.76 97.99 74.48
Fabrication of box ( Item
box 1.00 1869.90 1869.90
no. 6015.26
Filing Stone (Item no
m3 1.00 3019.55 3019.55
24.02.04 )
Sub total of A = 495.00 Sub total of B = 4963.93 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 5458.93 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 818.84 Unit Rate = 6277.77

Description of works: Providing and filling stone / boulder in gabion boxes / mattresses etc. including dressing, beding, bonding and all transporation as per specification.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2401
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.02.05 Skilled md 0.25 1476.00 369.00 Block Stone m3 1.00 1627.05 1627.05 Quality Control 2% of M.C. 35.80
Unskilled md 0.75 1100.00 825.00 Bond Stone m3 0.1 1627.05 162.71
Sub total of A = 1194.00 Sub total of B = 1789.76 Sub total of C = 35.80
Sub total of A +B + C = 3019.55 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 452.93 Unit Rate = 3472.48

Description of works: Providing and placing concrete with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , using concrete mixer and vibrator.
Unit : 1 m3
Description of works: Providing and placing concrete with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , using concrete mixer and vibrator.
Unit : 1 m3 2406: 2, 4
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.14.01.a Skilled md 0.30 1476.00 442.80 cement t 0.169 0.00 0.00 Concrete mixer ( 0.28 / 0.20 m3 ) hr. 0.50 470 235.00
Unskilled md 3.00 1100.00 3300.00 Aggregates 20-40(mm) m3 0.345 3055.01 1053.98 Concrete vibrator hr. 0.10 100 10.00
Aggregates 10-20 (mm) m3 0.156 3055.01 476.58
Aggregates 5-10(mm) m3 0.072 3055.01 219.96
sand m 3
0.299 1803.47 539.24
petrol lit 0.100 110.00 11.00
diesel lit 3.000 97.00 291.00
Boulder/Stone m3 0.440 1627.05 715.90
Sub total of A = 3742.80 Sub total of B = 3307.66 Sub total of C = 245.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 7295.46 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1094.32 Unit Rate = 8389.78

Description of works: Providing and placing concrete with 60% M 15/40 concrete and 40% boulders/stones as per specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , without using concrete mixer and vibrator.
Unit : 1 m3 2406: 2, 4
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.14.01.b Skilled md 0.30 1476.00 442.80 cement t 0.185 0.00 0.00
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 Aggregates 20-40(mm) m3 0.156 3055.01 476.58
Aggregates 10-20 (mm) m3 0.072 3055.01 219.96
Aggregates 5-10(mm) m3 0.299 3055.01 913.45
sand m3 0.299 1803.47 539.24
Boulder/Stone m 3
0.440 1627.05 715.90
Sub total of A = 4842.80 Sub total of B = 2865.13 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 7707.93 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1156.19 Unit Rate = 8864.12
Description of works: Providing and placing plum-concrete with 70% M 15/40 concrete and 30% boulders/stones as per specification. Lead 30m, lift 1.5m using concrete mixer and vibrator.
Unit : 1 m3 2406: 2, 4
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.14.02.a Skilled md 0.30 1476.00 442.80 cement t 0.195 0.00 0.00 Concrete mixer ( 0.28 / 0.20 m3 ) hr. 0.50 470 235.00
Unskilled md 3.00 1100.00 3300.00 Aggregates 20-40(mm) m3 0.398 3055.01 1215.89 Concrete vibrator hr. 0.10 100 10.00
Aggregates 10-20 (mm) m3 0.180 3055.01 549.90
Aggregates 5-10(mm) m3 0.082 3055.01 250.51
sand m3 0.345 1803.47 622.20
petrol lit 0.100 110.00 11.00
diesel lit 3.000 97.00 291.00
Boulder/Stone m3 0.330 1627.05 536.93
Sub total of A = 3742.80 Sub total of B = 3477.43 Sub total of C = 245.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 7465.23 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1119.78 Unit Rate = 8585.01

Description of works: Providing and placing concrete with 70% M 15/40 concrete and 30% boulders/stones as per specification Lead 30m, lift 1.5m , without using concrete mixer and vibrator.
Unit : 1 m3 2406: 2, 4
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
24.14.02.b Skilled md 0.30 1476.00 442.80 cement t 0.214 0.00 0.00
Unskilled md 4.00 1100.00 4400.00 Aggregates 20-40(mm) m3 0.398 3055.01 1215.89
Aggregates 10-20 (mm) m3 0.180 3055.01 549.90
Aggregates 5-10(mm) m3 0.082 3055.01 250.51
sand m3 0.345 1803.47 622.20
Boulder/Stone m3 0.330 1627.05 536.93
Sub total of A = 4842.80 Sub total of B = 3175.43 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 8018.23 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1202.73 Unit Rate = 9220.96
Description of works: Providing and laying dry stone masonry (coursed rubble) including dressing etc. complete as per specification, lead 30m.
Spec. cl. No: Unit : 1 m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.01 Skilled md 1.25 1476.00 1845.00 Stone m3 1.15 1627.05 1871.11 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 121.35
Unskilled md 2.00 1100.00 2200.00
Sub total of A = 4045.00 Sub total of B = 1871.11 Sub total of C = 121.35
Sub total of A +B + C = 6037.46 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 905.62 Unit Rate = 6943.08

Description of works: Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(3)] including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned
height 0-5m, lead 30m (machine mixing), mortar 35% Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.03.a Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Diesel lit 1.000 97.00 97.00 Concrete mixer (0.28/0.2 m3) hr. 0.15 470 70.50
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 Cement t 0.190 0 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 181.92
Sand m3 0.400 1803.47 721.39 Quality Control 1.50% of T.C. 135.42
Stone m3 1.150 1627.05 1871.11
water lit 120.000 0.1863 22.36
Sub total of A = 6064.00 Sub total of B = 2711.85 Sub total of C = 387.84
Sub total of A +B + C = 9163.70 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1374.55 Unit Rate = 10538.25

Description of works: Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(4)] including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned
height 0-5m, lead 30m (machine mixing), mortar 35% Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.03.b Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Cement t 0.155 0.00 0.00 Concrete mixer (0.28/0.2 m3) hr. 0.15 470 70.50
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 Sand m3 0.450 1803.47 811.56 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 181.92
Stone m3 1.150 1627.05 1871.11 Quality Control 1.50% of T.C. 136.72
Diesel lit 1.000 97 97.00
water lit 100.00 0.1863 18.63
Sub total of A = 6064.00 Sub total of B = 2798.30 Sub total of C = 389.14
Sub total of A +B + C = 9251.44 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1387.72 Unit Rate = 10639.16
Description of works: Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(6)] including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned
height 0-5m, lead 30m (machine mixing), mortar 35% Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.03.c Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Cement t 0.105 0.00 0.00 Concrete mixer (0.28/0.2 m3) hr. 0.15 470 70.50
Unskilled md 3.50 1100.00 3850.00 Sand m3 0.500 1803.47 901.74 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 181.92
Stone m3 1.150 1627.05 1871.11 Quality Control 1.50% of T.C. 137.9895525
Diesel lit 1.000 97 97.00
water lit 70.000 0.1863 13.04
Sub total of A = 6064.00 Sub total of B = 2882.88 Sub total of C = 390.41
Sub total of A +B + C = 9337.29 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1400.59 Unit Rate = 10737.89

Description of works: Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(3)] including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned
height 0-5m, lead 30m (manual mixing), mortar 35% Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2607
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.04.a Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Cement t 0.190 0.00 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 214.92
Unskilled md 4.50 1100.00 4950.00 Sand m3 0.400 1803.47 721.39 Quality Control 1.50% of T.C. 149.91
Stone m3 1.150 1627.05 1871.11
water lit 120.000 0.1863 22.36
Sub total of A = 7164.00 Sub total of B = 2614.85 Sub total of C = 364.83
Sub total of A +B + C = 10143.68 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1521.55 Unit Rate = 11665.23

Description of works: Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(4)] including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned
height 0-5m, lead 30m (manual mixing), mortar 35% Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2607
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.04.b Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Cement t 0.155 0.00 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 214.92
Unskilled md 4.50 1100.00 4950.00 Sand m3 0.450 1803.47 811.56 Quality Control 1.50% of T.C. 151.20
Stone m3 1.150 1627.05 1871.11
water lit 100.000 0.1863 18.63
Sub total of A = 7164.00 Sub total of B = 2701.30 Sub total of C = 366.12
Sub total of A +B + C = 10231.42 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1534.71 Unit Rate = 11766.14
Description of works: Providing and laying Random rubble stone masonry in cement mortar [ cement(1) : sand(6)] including scaffolding, curing, preparation of mortar etc. complete, masoned
height 0-5m, lead 30m (manual mixing), mortar 35% Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 2607
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
26.04.c Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Cement t 0.105 0.00 0.00 Tools & Plant 3% of L.C. 214.92
Unskilled md 4.50 1100.00 4950.00 Sand m3 0.500 1803.47 901.74 Quality Control 1.50% of T.C. 152.47
Stone m3 1.150 1627.05 1871.11
water lit 70.000 0.1863 13.04
Sub total of A = 7164.00 Sub total of B = 2785.88 Sub total of C = 367.39
Sub total of A +B + C = 10317.28 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1547.59 Unit Rate = 11864.87

Description of works: Removal of old paints by sand blasting, cleaning and repairing of metal surfaces for the application of new paints as per specification.
Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 2713
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
27.07 Skilled md 0.12 1476.00 177.12 Diesel lit 4.0 97.00 388.00 Air compressor hr. 0.32 250 84.8384
Sand (1.6 mm to 600 m3
Unskilled md 0.08 1100.00 88.00 0.04 1803.47 72.14 Blasting machine hr. 0.32 0 0
micro mm)
Scaffolding 10.00% of T.C. 81.01
Sub total of A = 265.12 Sub total of B = 460.14 Sub total of C = 165.85
Sub total of A +B + C = 891.11 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 133.67 Unit Rate = 1024.77

Description of works: Maintenance of earthen shoulders by making irregularities even to the required level including watering and compaction etc. all complete lead 10m.
Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 2903
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
29.02 Skilled md 0.02 1476.00 29.52 Tools 3.00% of L.C. 7.49
Unskilled md 0.20 1100.00 220.00
Sub total of A = 249.52 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 7.49
Sub total of A +B + C = 257.01 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 38.55 Unit Rate = 295.56
Description of works: Maintenance of gravel shoulders and gravel carriageway by repairing pot holes and making iregularities even to the required level including watering and compaction etc.
all complete lead 10m. Unit : 1 m2
Spec. cl. No: 2904
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
29.03 Skilled md 0.03 1476.00 44.28 Gravel m3 0.11 2355.01 259.05 Tools 3.00% of L.C. 11.23
Unskilled md 0.30 1100.00 330.00
Sub total of A = 374.28 Sub total of B = 259.05 Sub total of C = 11.23
Sub total of A +B + C = 644.56 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 96.68 Unit Rate = 741.24

Description of works: Back fill with common material.

Spec. cl. No:
Unit : 1m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
2-25-kha Unskilled md 0.25 1100.00 275.00 Tools and Plants 3% of L.C. 8.25
Sub total of A = 275.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 8.25
Sub total of A +B + C = 283.25 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 42.49 Unit Rate = 325.74

Description of works: Supply and place dry stone soling

Spec. cl. No:
Unit : 1m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
6-5 Unskilled md 1.50 1100.00 1650.00 stone m3 1.200 1627.05 1952.46
Sub total of A = 1650.00 Sub total of B = 1952.46 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 3602.46 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 540.37 Unit Rate = 4142.83
Rate of 200 mm thick Stone Soling (Per m2) 828.57

Description of works: Double coat whitewash on new surface including supply of materials all complete
Spec. cl. No:
Unit : 100 m2
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13-1-b Unskilled md 1.10 1100.00 1210.00 lime kg 22.000 0.00 0.00
Skilled md 1.50 1476.00 2214.00 Gum kg 0.880 0.00 0.00
15-16-b Unskilled md 2.00 1100.00 2200.00
Sub total of A = 5624.00 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 5624.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 843.60 Rate = 6467.60
Unit Rate (1 m2) 64.68
Description of works: Single coat whitewash on old surface including supply of materials all complete
Spec. cl. No:
Unit : 100 m2
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
13-2 Unskilled md 0.70 1100.00 770.00 Lime kg 10.000 0.00 0.00
Skilled md 0.80 1476.00 1180.80 Gum kg 0.400 0.00 0.00
Cleaning Unskilled md 2.00 1100.00 2200.00
Sub total of A = 4150.80 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 4150.80 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 622.62 Rate = 4773.42
Unit Rate (1 m2) 47.73

Description of works: Single coat enamel paint/ readymade emulsion paint including supply of materials all complete.
Spec. cl. No:
Unit : 100 m2
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
15-5-b Unskilled md 2.00 1100.00 2200.00 Enamel paint kg 16.00 440.00 7040.00
Skilled md 5.00 1476.00 7380.00 Primer kg 8.10 0.00 0.00
15-5-a Unskilled md 3.00 1100.00 3300.00
Skilled md 3.00 1476.00 4428.00
Sub total of A = 17308.00 Sub total of B = 7040.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 24348.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 3652.20 Rate = 28000.20
Unit Rate (1 m2) 280.00

Item no:
Description of works: Backfilling in layers in foundation ,pits,trenches etc including compaction and watering etc ,complete lead 10 m
Spec. cl. No:
Unit : 1m3
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount

2-26(old norms)
Unskilled md 1.00 1100.00 1100.00 Riverbed gravel m3 1.100 1200.00 1320.00 Tools and Plants 3% of L.C. 33
Sub total of A = 1100.00 Sub total of B = 1320.00 Sub total of C = 33.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 2453.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 367.95 Unit Rate = 2820.95
Item no:
Description of works: Providing and installing Railing including Railing Posts -- 100 mm dia
Unit : m
Spec. cl. No: 3105
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
31.01.a Skilled md 0.15 1476.00 221.40 GI Pipe m 1.10 1918.33 2110.16
Unskilled md 7.00 1100.00 7700.00
Sub total of A = 7921.40 Sub total of B = 2110.16 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 10031.56 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1504.73 Unit Rate = 11536.30

Item no:
Description of works: Providing and installing Railing including Railing Posts -- 50 mm dia
Unit : m
Spec. cl. No: 3105
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
31.01.b Skilled md 0.25 1476.00 369.00 GI Pipe m 1.10 496.00 545.60
Unskilled md 0.50 1100.00 550.00

Sub total of A = 919.00 Sub total of B = 545.60 Sub total of C = 0.00

Sub total of A +B + C = 1464.60 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 219.69 Unit Rate = 1684.29

Item no:
Description of works: Providing and installing Railing including Railing Posts --38 mm dia
Unit : m
Spec. cl. No: 3105
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
31.01.c Skilled md 0.25 1476.00 369.00 GI Pipe m 1.10 249.00 273.90
Unskilled md 0.50 1100.00 550.00
Sub total of A = 919.00 Sub total of B = 273.90 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1192.90 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 178.94 Unit Rate = 1371.84
Item no:
Description of works: Letter Writing and painting on KM Post ( On Prepared Surface)
Unit : 100 m2
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
from old norms Skilled md 18.00 1476.00 26568.00 Enamel Paint Lit 7.00 440.00 3080.00
Unskilled md 7.00 1100.00 7700.00
Sub total of A = 34268.00 Sub total of B = 3080.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 37348.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 5602.20 Unit Rate = 42950.20
Unit Rate (Per m2)= 429.502
Item no:
Description of works: White washing on old surface (Lime washing)
Unit : 100 m2
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
from old norms Skilled md 0.80 1476.00 1180.80 White Lime kg 10.00 0.00 0.00
Unskilled md 0.70 1100.00 770.00 Febicol kg 0.40 0.00 0.00
Sub total of A = 1950.80 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 1950.80 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 292.62 Unit Rate = 2243.42
Unit Rate (Per m2)= 22.43

Item no:
Description of works: Maintenance of Pot holes and damaged bituminouns surface including cleaning rolling and brooming etc all complete lead 10 m b) 20 mm shallow patching using hot
Unit : 100 m2
Spec. cl. No:
premix material.
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
from old norms Skilled md 0.15 1476.00 221.40 MC cutback 30 biutmen Lit 110.00 0.00 0.00 Asphalt mixing plant hr 0.10
Unskilled md 7.00 1100.00 7700.00 Bitumen Lit 250.00 0.00 0.00 Wheel loader hr 0.15
Mineral filler t 0.05 Steel Roller hr 1.20
Aggregate m3 2.80
Diesel Lit 20.00

Sub total of A = 7921.40 Sub total of B = 0.00 Sub total of C = 0.00

Sub total of A +B + C = 7921.40 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 1188.21 Unit Rate = 9109.61
Description of Work:- Preparing, grading leveling and finishing subgrade by digging 10 cm depth in all type of soil in road way and disposing the same to a lead of 10 m and lift of 1.5 m Unit : 1 sq.m

Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 0.120 1100.00 132.00 V. Roller hr 0.0025 1080.00 2.70
Motor Grader hr 0.004 1500.00 6.00
15 - 4 (Ka) Sub Total (A) 132.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 8.70
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 140.70
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 21.11
Total Item Rate = NRs 161.81

Description of Work:- Supply and laying sub-base couse material including required compaction and level as specified
Unit: 1.00 Cu.m.
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 1.267 1100.00 1393.70 5-63 mm agg Cu.m 1.280 3055.01 3910.413 V. Roller hr 0.09 1080.00 97.20
Unskilled md 0.120 1100.00 132.00 Motor Grader hr 0.03 1500.00 45.00
15 - 19(ga) Water Tanker hr 0.005 550.00 2.75
15 - 8 Sub Total (A) 1525.70 Sub Total (B) 3910.413 Sub Total ( C ) 144.95
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 5581.06
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 837.16
Total Item Rate = NRs 6418.22

Description of Work:- Supply and laying graded crushed stone base material including required compaction and level as specified
Unit: 1.00 Cu.m.
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 1.200 1100.00 1320.00 5-40 mm agg Cu.m 1.000 3055.01 3055.010 V. Roller hr 0.03 1080.00 32.40
Unskilled md 0.080 1100.00 88.00 Motor Grader hr 0.01 1500.00 15.00
15 - 13 Water Tanker hr 0.005 550.00 2.75
(kha) 15 - 8 Sub Total (A) 1408.00 Sub Total (B) 3055.010 Sub Total ( C ) 50.15
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 4513.16
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 676.97
Total Item Rate = NRs 5190.13
Description of Work:- Supply and application of prime coat with cut back bitumen as specified
Unit: 1.00 lit
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.015 1476.00 22.14 MC 30/70 kg 1.000 78.30 78.296 B. Distributor hr 0.004 1280.00 5.12
Unskilled md 0.005 1100.00 5.50 Kerosene lit 0.050 97.00 B. pre heater hr 0.004 550.00 2.20
15 - 18
(kha) 15 - Air Compressor hr 0.004 990.00 3.96
16 (ka) Sub Total (A) 27.64 Sub Total (B) 78.296 Sub Total ( C ) 11.28
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 117.22
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 17.58
Total Item Rate = NRs 134.80

Description of Work:- Supply and application of bitumenous binder, bitumen grade 80/100 pen as specified for first coat
Unit: 1.00 lit
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.015 1476.00 22.14 Bitumen kg 1.200 78.30 93.955 B. Distributor hr 0.004 1280.00 5.12
Unskilled md 0.005 1100.00 5.50 Kerosene lit 0.050 97.00 4.850 B. pre heater hr 0.004 550.00 2.20
15 - 19 Sub Total (A) 27.64 Sub Total (B) 98.805 Sub Total ( C ) 7.32
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 133.77
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 20.06
Total Item Rate = NRs 153.83

Description of Work:- Supply and application of bitumenous binder, bitumen grade 80/100 pen as specified for Second coat
Unit: 1.00 lit
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.015 1476.00 22.14 Bitumen kg 1.000 78.30 78.296 B. Distributor hr 0.004 1280.00 5.12
Unskilled md 0.005 1100.00 5.50 Kerosene lit 0.050 97.00 4.850 B. pre heater hr 0.004 550.00 2.20
15 - 20 Sub Total (A) 27.64 Sub Total (B) 83.146 Sub Total ( C ) 7.32
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 118.11
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 17.72
Total Item Rate = NRs 135.82
Description of Work:- Supply, spread and compact 14 mm to 20 mm normal size aggregate for surface dressing over prime coat as specified
Unit: 1.00 Sq. m
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Skilled md 1476.00
0.006 8.86 40/20 and 14/20 Agg Cu.m 0.020 3055.01 61.100 Chip spreader hr 0.004 450.00 1.80
Unskilled md 0.058 1100.00 63.80 P Roller hr 0.004 990.00 3.96
Foreman md 0.006 600.00 3.60 Tipper hr 0.004 460.00 1.84
15 - 19 a Sub Total (A) 76.26 Sub Total (B) 61.100 Sub Total ( C ) 7.60
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 144.96
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 21.74
Total Item Rate = NRs 166.70

Description of Work:- Supply, spread and compact 10 mm to 14 mm normal size aggregate for surface dressing over prime coat as specified
Unit: 1.00 Sq. m
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount

Skilled md 1476.00
0.006 8.86 10 / 14 Agg Cu.m 0.014 3055.01 42.770 Chip spreader hr 0.004 450.00 1.80
Unskilled md 0.058 1100.00 63.80 P Roller hr 0.004 990.00 3.96
Foreman md 0.006 600.00 3.60 Tipper hr 0.004 460.00 1.84
15 - 19. Sub Total (A) 76.26 Sub Total (B) 42.770 Sub Total ( C ) 7.60
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 126.63
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 18.99
Total Item Rate = NRs 145.62
Description of Work:- Preparation of site by felling, cutting and carrying away tree dia. 12-30 cm including 15 m lead for disposal
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 0.130 1100.00 143.00
1-1 Sub Total (A) 143.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 143.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 21.45
Total Item Rate = NRs 164.45
Description of Work:- Preparation of site by felling, cutting and carrying away tree dia. 31-60 cm including 15 m lead for disposal
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 0.390 1100.00 429.00
1-1 Sub Total (A) 429.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 429.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 64.35
Total Item Rate = NRs 493.35

Description of Work:- Preparation of site by felling, cutting and carrying away tree dia. 61-90 cm including 15 m lead for disposal
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 0.520 1100.00 572.00
1-1 Sub Total (A) 572.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 572.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 85.80
Total Item Rate = NRs 657.80

Description of Work:- Preparation of site by felling, cutting and carrying away tree dia. 19-120 cm including 15 m lead for disposal
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 1.560 1100.00 1716.00
1-1 Sub Total (A) 1716.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 1716.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 257.40
Total Item Rate = NRs 1973.40
Description of Work:- Preparation of site by felling, cutting and carrying away tree dia. 121-180 cm including 15 m lead for disposal
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 2.500 1100.00 2750.00
1-1 Sub Total (A) 2750.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 2750.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 412.50
Total Item Rate = NRs 3162.50

Description of Work:- Preparation of site by felling, cutting and carrying away tree dia. 181-240 cm including 15 m lead for disposal
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 4.000 1100.00 4400.00
1-1 Sub Total (A) 4400.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 4400.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 660.00
Total Item Rate = NRs 5060.00

Description of Work:- thin bush cutting and uprooting bushes including 25 m lead dial upto 30 cm an d15 plant per 100 sq.m
Unit: 1.00 no
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 0.041 1100.00 45.10
1-2 Sub Total (A) 45.10 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 45.10
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 6.77
Total Item Rate = NRs 51.87
Description of Work:- Back fill with graded filter materials in layer with necessary watering and compaction, lead 30m, lift 1.5m
Unit: 1 no.
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Unskilled md 0.800 1100.00 880.00 Graded filter materials Cu.m 1.100 3975.01 4372.51
1-2 Sub Total (A) 880.00 Sub Total (B) 4372.511 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 5252.51
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 787.88
Total Item Rate = NRs 6040.39

Description of works: Supply and Laying of Geo-textile as per specification

Spec. cl. No: 3109 Unit : Sq.m

Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
31.03 Skilled md 1476.00 Geo-textile Sqm 1.200 80.00 96.00
Unskilled md 0.02 1100.00 22.00
Sub total of A = 22.00 Sub total of B = 96.00 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 118.00 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 17.70 Unit Rate = 135.70
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 253.70
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 38.06
Total Item Rate = NRs 291.76

Description of Work:- Providing and planting containerised tree and shrub seedling, including pitting, transplanting, composing and mulching, on slopes > 40deg. Pit size 10cm diameter x 30cm depth. Mix compost
with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of pit volume.
Unit: 10 No
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.000 1476.00 0.00 Seedling No 10.000 7.00 70.000 0.00
15 - 18 Unskilled md 0.400 1100.00 440.00 Compost Cum 0.050 1000.00 50.000 0.00
(kha) 15 - Green mulch Cum 0.040 200.00 8.000 0.00
16 (ka) Sub Total (A) 440.00 Sub Total (B) 128.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 568.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 85.20
Total Item Rate = NRs 653.20
Per Unit Rate = NRs 65.32
Description of Work:- Providing and planting rooted tree stump cutting bare root seedling, including pitting, transplanting, composing and mulching, on slopes > 45deg. Pit size 10cm diameter x 20cm depth. Compost
volume 1/4 of volume of the pit mix with original soil.
Unit: 10 No
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.000 1476.00 0.00 Seedling kg 10.000 12.00 120.000 0.00
15 - 18 Unskilled md 0.330 1100.00 363.00 Compost lit 0.030 1000.00 30.000 0.00
(kha) 15 - Green mulch 0.040 200.00 8.000 0.00
16 (ka) Sub Total (A) 363.00 Sub Total (B) 158.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 521.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 78.15
Total Item Rate = NRs 599.15
Per Unit Rate = NRs 59.92

Description of Work:- Grass sodding works including sod cutting, transporting, placing in position and water sprinkling ( Lead upto 10m)
Unit: 1-Sqm
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.000 1476.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
15 - 18 Unskilled md 0.050 1100.00 55.00 0.00
(kha) 15 - 0.00
16 (ka) Sub Total (A) 55.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 55.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 8.25
Total Item Rate = NRs 63.25

Description of Work:- Providing and laying two layers of Tarfelt

Unit: 10-Sqm
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 2.300 1476.00 3394.80 Tarfelt Sqm 22.000 107.53 2365.660 0.00
Unskilled md 4.600 1100.00 5060.00 Bitumin Kg 25.000 91.98 2299.498 0.00
15 - 18 Sand Cum 0.310 1461.55 453.082
(kha) 15 - Wood Kg 80.000 9.00 720.000 0.00
16 (ka) Sub Total (A) 8454.80 Sub Total (B) 5385.158 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 13839.96
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 2075.99
Total Item Rate = NRs 15915.95
Per Unit Rate = NRs 1591.60
Spec. cl. No: 201of Work:- Clearing and grubbing of forest including uprooting, carrying and disposing of vegetation, grass, bush, sapling and trees girth up to 300 mm (measured at a height of 1 m above the ground level).
lead 10m.
Unit: 10-Sqm
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.000 1476.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
Unskilled md 0.030 1100.00 33.00 0.000 0.00
2.01.01, Sub Total (A) 33.00 Sub Total (B) 0.000 Sub Total ( C ) 0.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 33.00
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 4.95
Total Item Rate = NRs 37.95
Per Unit Rate = NRs 37.95

Description of Work:- Hydraulic Excavator Up to 0.80 m3 Capacity Excavator including fuel, operator cost all complete.
Unit: 1 Hour
Norms labour (A) Material (B) Equipment ( C )
Activity Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount Category Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Skilled md 0.143 1476.00 210.86 Diesel Lit 12.000 97.00 1164.000 Hydraylic Excavator 111 to 150 HP Hour 1 1800.00 1800.00
Unskilled md 1100.00 0.00 0.00
2.01.01, Sub Total (A) 210.86 Sub Total (B) 1164.000 Sub Total ( C ) 1800.00
Direct Cost (A+B+C) = NRs 3174.86
Contractor Overhead @ 15% of (A+B+C) = NRs 476.23
Total Item Rate = NRs 3651.09
Per Unit Rate = NRs 3651.09

Description of works: Road way excavation in hard rock by Blasting. Making rubbles of required size including making hole, blasting and breaking with chisel or hammer, hauling distance 10m. and stacking.
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No: 905
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
9.02.d.ii).II Unskilled md 1.750 1100.00 1925.00 Gelatine Kg 0.25 331.55 82.8875 Compressor & Rock Drill hr 0.4 1401.00 560.40
Blaster md 0.120 900.00 108.00 Detonator Nos 2 331.55 663.1
Fuse Wire m 2 331.55 663.1
Sub total of A = 2033.00 Sub total of B = 1409.09 Sub total of C = 560.40
Sub total of A +B + C = 4002.49 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 600.37 Unit Rate = 4602.86
Description of works: Applying of Antistripping Additive
Unit : 1 m3
Spec. cl. No:
Labour (A) Material (B) Equipment (C)
Norms No.
Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount Type Unit Qty. Rate Amount
Unskilled md 1100.00 0.00 Antistripping Additive Kg 1 321.55 321.55 0.00
Blaster md 900.00 0.00 0
Sub total of A = 0.00 Sub total of B = 321.55 Sub total of C = 0.00
Sub total of A +B + C = 321.55 Contractor's overhead expenses 15% = 48.23 Unit Rate = 369.78
Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal

Project Name: Chap (Mahendra Pul) to Nar Road Project

Ch-0+000 to 9+681

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
DoR Norms Reference No:2.1, I,(A and B)


2.1 201 Clearing and Grubbing Average of 2.1, I , (A and B)
Road Land .

(i) In area of light jungle (less

than 15 number per 100 sqm)

A Unit = sqm, (for 10,000

& A) Labour
B Unskilled day 250.00 1,100.00 275,000.00
Sub Total A 275,000.00
B) Equipment

Sub Total B Contractor

Sub-total (A+B) 275,000.00
Contractor's 41,250.00
Overhead 15%
Total 316,250.00
Rate per Sqm 31.63 ok


905 Roadway excavation in all type of soil as per drawing and
technical specification, including removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, with all lifts and lead as per
drawing and instruction of the Engineer. (10 % manually , 90
% mechanically)

All type of soil

Unit= 360 cum Norms Reference: 9.1 I, (A 10 % , B 90%)

A) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 26.70 1100.00 29370.00
Skilled Labour md 3.90 1476.00 5756.40
Sub Total A 35126.40

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
B) Material Cost

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)

Sub TotalB
C) Equipment Cost
T&P 3 % of labour cost 1053.79
Hydraulic excavator hr 5.40 3,089.60 16683.84
Sub Total C 17737.63
D) Other Cost

Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 52864.03

Contractor's Overhead (15%) 7929.60
Total per cum 168.87
905 Ordinary Rock
Unit= 60cum Norms Reference: 9.01 II (A 10 %+B 90%)
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour (Manual) md 5.00 1100.00 5500.00
Unskilled Labour (Machine) md 1.35 1100.00 1485.00
Skilled Labour (Manual) md 0.30 1476.00 442.80
Skilled Labour (Machine) md 0.45 1476.00 664.20
Sub Total 1 8092.00
b) Equipment Cost
T&P 3% labour cost hr 242.76
Excavator hr 5.40 3,089.60 16683.84
Sub Total 3 16926.60
Sub Total (a+b) 25018.60
Contractor's Overhead 3752.79
Total per cum 479.52
905 Hard Rock
Unit= 16 cum Norms Reference: 9.01 IV(A 100%)
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour (Machine) md 10 1100.00 11000.00
Skilled Labour (Machine) md 1 1476.00 1476.00
Sub Total 1 8240.00
b) Equipment Cost
Excavator hr 6 3089.60 18537.60
Sub Total 3 18537.60
Sub Total (a+b) 26777.60
Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 4016.64
Total per cum 1924.64

Earthwork Excavation Average Rate

3.1 Earth Work Excavation In Road way Cutting in all types of soil including soft rock,Hardrock
1) Earth work excavation on all type of So m3 168.87 79 133.41
2) Earth work excavation on Ordinary Ro m3 479.52 8 38.36
3) Earth work excavation on Hard Rock m3 1924.64 13 57.74
Average Rate per cum 100 229.51 ok
13 % Hard Rock Rate is Separate Blasting Rate

905 Roadway Excavation in Hard Rock, mechanical Drilling Roadway Excavation in

hard rock with mechanical drilling, including blasting and breaking, and disposal of
cut road within all lifts and leads as per Drawing and instruction of the Engineer.
Unit= 90 cum

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
A) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 20.00 1100.00 22000.00
Skilled Labour md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00
Driller md 3.00 1848.00 5544.00
Blaster md 1.00 1848.00 1848.00
Sub Total A 30868.00
B) Material Cost
Gelatin Kg 32.00 520.00 16640.00
Electric Detonators Nos. 126.00 10.00 1260.00
Fuse wire m 180.00 25.00 4500.00
Credit for excavated rock for
use @ 50 per cent of
excavated ( if available rock
is used)

Sub TotalB 22400.00

C) Equipment Cost
Dozer hr 6.00 4,719.46 28316.76
Jack hammer /Rock drill hr 30.00 910.00 27300.00
Air compressor hr 12.00 1,238.69 14864.28
Sub Total C 70481.04
Sub Total (A+B+C) 123749.04
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 18562.36
Total per cum 1581.24

3.2 907
Excavation of foundation of structures, including construction of shoring
and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter as per drawing
and technical specifications. (10 % manually, 90 % mechanically)
Ordinary Soil and ordinary rock
Manually Norms Reference: 9.4 I, A, (i)+ II, A,(i)
Unit = 10 cum
NRs. NRs.
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 9.00 1100.00 9900.00
Skilled Labour md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00
Sub Total 1 11376.00
b) Material Cost
Sub Total 2
c) Equipment Cost
T&P 3 % of labour cost 341.28
Sub Total 3
Sub Total (A+B+C) 11717.28
Contractor's Overhead t (15%) 1757.59
Total per cum 1347.49 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
907 Mechanically
Unit = 240 cum Norms Reference: 9.4 I, B, (i)+ B
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 5.50 1100.00 6050.00
Skilled Labour md 1.83 1476.00 2706.25
Sub Total 1 8756.25
b) Material Cost
Sub Total 2
c) Equipment Cost

Hydraulic excavator hr 11.00 3,089.60 33,985.60 Check it

Sub Total 3 33,985.60
d) Other Cost
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 42741.85
Contractor's Overhead t (15%) 6411.28
Total per cum 204.80

3.2 Foundation excavation on all type of soil (manually 10% machine 90%) 319.07 ok

3.3 B Providing, laying,

spreading and compacting
embankment with roadway
cutting material and
compact to the required
density as per Drawing and
Technical Specifications.
(With machine)

Unit = cum (For 300 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 10.00 1,100.00 11,000.00
Sub-total (A) 12,476.00
b) Material
Cost of water KL 72.00 250.00 18,000.00
Sub-total (B) 18,000.00
c) Equipment
Dozer hour 6.00 4,719.46 28,316.76
Motor grader hour 6.00 2,889.60 17,337.60
Vibratory roller hour 6.00 1,401.81 8,410.86
Sub-total (C) 54,065.22
Total (A+B+C) 84,541.22
Overhead 15% 12,681.18
Total 97,222.40
Rate per cum 324.07 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
4.1 1003
Sub grade construction and preparation of formation in cutting and filling in all types of soil
including rocks with disposal of unusable material at specified location, levelling and compaction
as per specification (SS/SP-1003) and instruction of engineer all complete.
Unit = cum As per old norms
For preparation of subgrade
DoR Norms Reference: 10.01
by cutting
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 0.100 1100.00 110.00
Skilled Labour md 0.010 1476.00 14.76
Sub Total 1 124.76
b) Material Cost
Diesel lit 0.122 85.97 10.49
Sub Total 2 10.49
c) Equipment Cost
Roller hr 0.017 1401.81 23.83
Grader hr 0.01 2889.60 28.90
Sub Total 3 52.73
d) Other Cost

Sub Total 4
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 187.98
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 28.20
Total (E+F) 216.17 per cum
Rate per cum 216.17

Rate of sub grade construction per square meter =

Average thickness of subgrade construction = 0.20m
Rate of sub grade construction per Sqm = 43.23 Rate per Sqm

1003 For preparation of subgrade by filling: DoR Norms Reference: 10.03

a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 0.100 1100.00 110.00
Skilled Labour md 0.010 1476.00 14.76
Sub Total 1 124.76
b) Material Cost
Diesel lit 0.122 85.97 10.49
Water lit 100.00 0.25 25.00
Sub Total 2 35.49
c) Equipment Cost
Roller hr 0.017 1401.81 23.83
Grader hr 0.02 2889.60 57.79
Sub Total 3 81.62
d) Other Cost

Sub Total 4
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 241.87
Contractor's Overhead and (15%) 36.28
Total (E+F) 278.15
Rate per sqm 278.15

Taking average of embankment in cutting and filling 214.92

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Contractors overhead and profit(15%)= 32.24
Total cost/cum= 247.16
otal cost/Sqm considering 10cm thickness= 24.72
Rate per sqm 24.72 Ok
4.2 1201 Providing and laying
Granular Sub-Base Material

12.1 By Mechanical means

A Providing and laying granular sub-base on prepared surface, mixing at
OMC, and compacting to achieve the desired density, complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (For 300 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 1,476.00 2,952.00
Unskilled day 12.00 1,100.00 13,200.00
Sub Total a 16,152.00
b) Material
Sub-base Material S1 cum 384.00 1,300.00 499,200.00
type or S2 type
Cost of water KL 18.00 250.00 4,500.00
Sub Total b 503,700.00
c) Equipment
Motor Grader hour 6.00 2,889.60 17,337.60
Vibratory roller hour 12.00 1,401.81 16,821.72
Tractor /Loader hour 12.00 697.92 8,375.04
Sub-Total c 42,534.36
Sub Total(a+b+c) 562,386.36
Overhead 15% 84,357.95
Total 646,744.31
Rate per cum 2,155.81 ok

4.3 Crusher Run Macadam

1204 Base
Providing and laying Crusher Run Macadam on a prepared surface,
spreading and mixing , watering and compacting to form a layer of sub-
base/Base course as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
A Unit = cum (For 360 cum)
By Mix in Place Method
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 1,476.00 4,428.00
Unskilled day 14.00 1,100.00 15,400.00
Sub-total (A) 19,828.00
c) Material
Aggregate at site
ii) For 45 mm
maximum size
45 mm to 22.5 mm cum 24.12 3,604.12 86,931.40
22.4 mm to 5.6 mm cum 237.60 3,300.00 784,080.00
Below 5.6 mm cum 213.48 3,300.00 704,484.00
Cost of water KL 36.00 250.00 9,000.00
Sub-total (C) 1,584,495.40
b) Equipment

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Motor grader hour 6.00 2,889.60 17,337.60
Vibratory roller hour 6.00 1,401.81 8,410.86
Sub-total (B) 25,748.46
Total (A+B+C) 1,630,071.86
Overhead 15% 244,510.78
Total 1,874,582.64
Rate per cum 5,207.17 ok
4.4 1302 Prime Coat
13.1 Prime Coat, with MC 30 / 70
by Mechanical Means
B Providing and applying prime coat with Hot Bitumen ( including cutter) on prepared
surface of granular base including cleaning of road surface and spraying by
mechanical means as per Technical Specification .
Unit = lit (For 1000 lit)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3.00 1,476.00 4,428.00
Unskilled day 100.00 1,100.00 110,000.00
Sub-total (A) 114,428.00
b) Material
Bitumen ( cutback) MC tonne 11.00 74,904.66 823,951.21
30 ( for WBM)
Bitumen (cut back )MC
70 ( for stabilized soil
base/ crusher run
Cost of water KL 10.00 250.00 2,500.00
Sub-total (B) 826,451.21
c) Equipment
Mechanical broom hour 8.00 1,205.00 9,640.00
Air compressor hour 6.00 1,238.69 7,432.14
Bitumen distributor hour 6.00 1,772.85 10,637.10
Boiler hour 8.00 1,729.86 13,838.88
Generator hour 8.00 579.86 4,638.88
Sub-total (C) 46,187.00
Total (A+B+C) 872,638.21
Overhead 15% 130,895.73
Total 1,003,533.94 ok
Rate per lit 200.71

Bitumen binder DoR Norms Reference 13.2,B

4.5 Clause Providing and applying tack coat with bitumen on prepared Unit=1litre
1302 surface of base including cleaning of road surface and
spraying as per technical specifications , Unit 1000Lit.
13.18 a) Labour
13.2,B Skilled md 3.00 1,476.00 4,428.00
Unskilled md 40.00 1,100.00 44,000.00
Sub Total a 48,428.00
b) Material
Bitumen 80/100 open kg 1100 74.90 82,395.12
Kerosene lit 0.1 85.97 8.60
Diesel lit 0.27 85.97 23.21
Sub Total b 82,426.93

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
c) Equipment
Boiler hr 8.0000 1,729.86 13,838.88
Distributor hr 6.0000 1,772.85 10,637.10
Air compresser hr 6.0000 1,238.69 7,432.14
Generator hr 8.0000 579.86 4,638.88
Sub-tota c 36,547.00
Sub Total (a+b+c) 167,401.93
Overhead 15% 25,110.29
Total 192,512.22 ok
Rate per lit 192.51
Item No. Prime Coat
Providing & laying close graded premix surfacing material of 20mm thickness composed of 11.2mm to 0.09
mm aggregates using bitumen as wearing course on a previously prepared base, including mixing in a
suitable plan as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit: 205 cum Specification Clause No: 1310 DoR Norms Reference: 13.10
Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 16.000 1100.00 17,600.00
Skilled Labour md 6.000 1476.00 8,856.00
Sub Total 1 26,456.00
B Material Cost
Bitumen tonne 22.50 74904.66 1,685,354.75
Crushed stone chipping, 11.2mm
cum 276.750 4240.00 1,173,420.00
to 0.09mm
Sub Total 2 2,858,774.75
C Equipment Cost
Hot mixed plant hr 6.0000 878.00 5,268.00
Generator hr 6.0000 579.86 3,479.16
Loader hr 6.0000 2289.60 13,737.60
Paver hr 6.0000 2001.81 12,010.86
Smooth wheeled/Tandem roller hr 6.0000 1043.89 6,263.34
Sub Total 3 40,758.96
D Other Cost
Sub Total 4
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 2,925,989.71
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 438,898.46
G Total (E+F) 16,415.00 per cum

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
1300 Bitumen Cutter
13.17 Providing and mixing of Bitumen cutter as per design /
Unit = lit. of Engineer
(For 200 lit)
a) Labour
Skilled day 0.01 1,476.00 14.76
Unskilled day 1.00 1,100.00 1,100.00
Sub-total (A) 1,114.76
b) Material
Kerosene/ Diesel cutter Lit 210.00 85.97 18,054.42
Sub-total (B) 18,054.42
c) Equipment
Add 3 percent of Labour
component for T&P
Sub-total (C) 33.44
Total (A+B+C) 19,187.87
Overhead 15% 2,878.18
Total 22,066.05
Rate per lit 110.33 ok

1303 Surface Dressing

Providing and laying surface dressing as wearing course in single coat using gravel
of specified size on a recently applied layer of bituminous binder on prepared surface
4.7 13.7 as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Case - I Unit = sqm (For 6000 sqm)
19 mm nominal chipping
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 1,476.00 17,712.00
Skilled day 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00
Sub-total (A) 21,012.00
b) Material
Chips, 19 mm nominal cum 102.00 4,860.28 495,748.89
Sub-total (B) 495,748.89
c) Equipment
Chip spreader hour 6.00 2,015.84 12,095.04
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 1,801.81 21,621.72
Sub-total (C) 33,716.76
Total (A+B+C) 550,477.65
Overhead 15% 82,571.65
Total 633,049.30
Rate per lit 105.51 ok

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
4.8 10 mm nominal size
Case - III
13.7 Unit = sqm (For 9000 sqm)
a) Labour
Unskilled day 12.00 1,476.00 17,712.00
Skilled day 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00
Sub-total (A) 21,012.00
b) Material
Crushed stone cum 80.30 4,860.28 390,280.75
chipping, 10 mm
nominal size(B)
Sub-total 390,280.75
c) Equipment
Chip spreader hour 6.00 2,015.84 12,095.04
Roller (pneumatic) hour 12.00 1,801.81 21,621.72
Sub-total (C) 33,716.76
Total (A+B+C) 445,009.51
Overhead 15% 66,751.43
Total 511,760.93
Rate per sqm 56.86 ok

4.9 1300 Anti- Stripping agent

13.16 Providing and mixing of Anti stripping agent as per Design/ direction of Engineer
Unit = Kg (For 200 kg)
a) Labour
Skilled day 0.01 1,476.00 14.76
Unskilled day 1.00 1,100.00 1,100.00
Sub-total (A) 1,114.76
b) Material
Additive material kg 210.00 323.50 67,935.00
Sub-total (B) 67,935.00
c) Equipment
Add 3 percent of Labour
component for T&P
Sub-total (C) 33.44
Total (A+B+C) 69,068.44
Overhead 15% 10,360.27
Total 79,428.71
Rate per kg 397.14 ok

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
5.1 Providing and laying of hand pack Stone soling with 150 to 200 mm thick stones and
packing with smaller stone on prepared surface as per Drawing and Technical
Unit = cum [For 5 cum] Specification Clause No: 1000 DoR Norms Reference: 10.80
a) Labour
Skilled day 6.00 1,476.00 8,856.00
Unskilled day 12.00 1,100.00 13,200.00
b) Material
Stone cum 6.00 1,800.00 10,800.00
Total (A+B) 32,856.00
Overhead 15% 4,928.40
Total 37,784.40
Rate per cum 7,556.88 ok

Dry Brick on edge soling including sand sealing / bedding & compaction.
Unit = cum [For 10 m2]
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 550.00 550.00
Unskilled day 3.25 335.00 1,088.75
b) Material
Brick No. 750.00 16.00 12,000.00
Sand cum 0.71 2,700.00 1,917.00
Total (A+B) 15,555.75
Overhead 15% 2,333.36
Total 17,889.11
Rate per Sq. m 1,788.91 ok

5.2 2600 Providing and laying Stone Masonry work in cement mortar 1:4 in structure complete
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
2607 Random Rubble Masonry
A ( coursed/uncoursed )
Unit = cum (For 5 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 7.00 1,476.00 10,332.00
Unskilled day 20.00 1,100.00 22,000.00
Sub total a 32,332.00
b) Material
Stone cum 5.75 1,800.00 10,350.00
Cement tonne 0.66 19,412.36 12,812.15
Sand cum 1.85 2,700.00 4,995.00
Cost of water KL 1.00 250.00 250.00
Add 5 per cent of cost of Labour and material for scaffolding 1,616.60
Sub total b 30,023.75
Sub total (a+b) 62,355.75
Overhead 15% 9,353.36
Total 71,709.12
Rate per cum 14,341.82 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
5.4 2401 Gabion Structure for
Retaining Earth

Supply and assembling mechanical woven Gabion boxes /mattresses, placing in position including
stretching; forming compartments; tying the sides and diaphragms with binding wire in each mesh; tying
with bracing wires and tie wires; and tying down the lid of machine made mechanically salvaged gabion
and mattresses from double twisted heavy coated GI wire, of hexagonal mesh size 100 mm x 120 mm, with
mesh size 3 mm, selvaged wire 3.9 mm, lacing wire 2.4 mm and stone filling in gabions including transport
and fixing of gabions in position, all complete

Unit : cum Norms Reference: 24.02.04

(Analysis for 2x1x1=2 m 3)
Specification Clause No: 2401
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 2.288 1100.00 2,516.25
Skilled Labour md 0.538 1476.00 793.35
Sub Total 1 3,309.60
b) Material Cost
Gabion Boxes m2 11.000 277.63 3,053.96 ly made
Stone m3 2.200 1800.00 3,960.00
Sub Total 2 7,013.96
c) Equipment Cost
Sub Total 3 0.00
d) Other Cost
Sub Total 4
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 10,323.56
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 1,548.53
Total 11,872.09 per 2 m3
Rate per cum 5,936.04 per m3
(Analysis for 1.5x1x1=1.5 m 3)
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 1.700 1100.00 1,870.00
Skilled Labour md 0.400 1476.00 590.40
Sub Total 1 2,460.40
b) Material Cost
Gabion Boxes m2 8.000 275.00 2,200.00 ly made
Stone m3 1.650 1800.00 2,970.00
Sub Total 2 5,170.00
Sub Total (a+b) 7,630.40
Contractor's Overheadt (15%) 1,144.56
Total (E+F) 8,774.96 per 1.5 m3
Rate per cum 5,849.97 per m3

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
(Analysis for 3x1x1=3 m3)
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 3.400 1100.00 3,740.00
Skilled Labour md 0.800 1476.00 1,180.80
Sub Total 1 4,920.80
b) Material Cost
Gabion Boxes m2 16.000 275.00 4,400.00 ly made
Stone m3 3.300 1800.00 5,940.00
Sub Total 2 10,340.00
Sub Total (a+b) 15,260.80
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 2,289.12
Total 17,549.92 per 3 m3
Rate per cum 5,849.97 per m3

S.N. Gabion Size Rate Unit Remarks

1 1.5*1*1 5,849.97 per m3
2 2*1*1 5,936.04 per m3
3 3*1*1 5,849.97 per m3
Average of all three size 5878.66 per m3

5.5 2404 Laying and fixing of Geo-Textile all complete as per specification.
Providing and laying of a geotextile filter between pitching and embankment slopes
as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = sqm (For 300 sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 2 1,100.00 2,200.00
Sub total a 3,676.00
b) Material
Geotextile sqm 360 75.00 27,000.00
Sub Total (a+b) 30,676.00
Overhead 15% 4,601.40
Total 35,277.40
Rate per sqm 117.59 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Providing and laying , fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure
5.6 2014
complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
A Unit= tonne (For 1 tonne)
a) Labour for cutting,
bending, shifting to site,
tying and placing in
Skilled ( Blacksmith) day 4 1,476.00 5,904.00
Unskilled day 9 1,100.00 9,900.00
b) Material
HYSD bars tonne 1.1 86,632.36 95,295.59
Binding wire kg 8 122.63 981.06
Total (A-B) 112,080.65
Overhead 15% 16,812.10
Total 128,892.75
Rate per ton 128,892.75 ok
(Previous DoR Norms for rate analysis as per standard specifications for Road and
Bridge Works, 2058 BS.)
Supply and placing of Precast RCC (M20) side drain cover slab(1.00m x 0.5m x 0.2m)
all complete
a) Labour
Skilled md 0.25 1,476.00 369.00
Unskilled md 1.15 1,100.00 1,265.00
Sub total a 1,634.00
b) Material
M20 m3 0.075 - -
Reinforcement MT 0.00493 86,632.36 427.10
Form work m2 0.36 847.55 305.12
Sub total b 732.22
c) Equipment
Add 3% for T & P of labour 49.02
Sub total c 49.02
Total (a+b+c) 2,415.24
Overhead 15% 362.29
Total 2,777.52
Rate per no 2,777.52

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
5.7 2000 Providing and laying of Plain Cement Concrete M 10 ( or 1:3:6 for nominal
mix) in Foundation complete as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 2 1,476.00 2,952.00
Unskilled day 22 1,100.00 24,200.00
Sub Total a 27,152.00
b) Material
40 mm Aggregate cum 13.5 3,300.00 44,550.00
coarse Sand cum 6.75 2,700.00 18,225.00
cement tonne 3.45 19,412.36 66,972.63
Cost of water KL 2 250.00 500.00
sub total b 130,247.63
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 1,309.73 7,858.38
Generator hour 6 579.86 3,479.16
Sub total c 11,337.54
Total (a+b+c) 168,737.17
Overhead 15% 25,310.57
Total 194,047.74
Rate per cum 12,936.52 ok

5.8 2000 Providing and laying of Plain/Reinforced Cement Concrete in Foundation complete as
per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
A PCC Grade M 15/40
Unit = cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 1,476.00 4,428.00
Unskilled day 30 1,100.00 33,000.00
Sub Total a 37,428.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 4.13 19,412.36 80,173.03
Coarse sand cum 6.75 2,700.00 18,225.00
40 mm Aggregate cum 8.1 3,300.00 26,730.00
20 mm Aggregate cum 4.05 3,300.00 13,365.00
10 mm Aggregate cum 1.35 3,300.00 4,455.00
Cost of water KL 2 250.00 500.00
Sub Total b 143,448.03
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 1,309.73 7,858.38
Generator hour 6 579.86 3,479.16
Sub Total c 11,337.54
d) Other Cost
Formwork @ 10 % on cost of concrete 19,221.36
Sub Total d 19,221.36
Total (a+b+c+d) 211,434.92
Overhead 15% 31,715.24
Total 243,150.16
Rate per cum 16,210.01 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
5.9 2000 PCC Grade M 20/20
B Unit : cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 1,476.00 4,428.00
Unskilled day 30 1,100.00 33,000.00
Sub Total a 37,428.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 5.16 19,412.36 100,167.75
Coarse sand cum 6.75 2,700.00 18,225.00
40 mm Aggregate cum 5.4 3,300.00 17,820.00
20 mm Aggregate cum 5.4 3,300.00 17,820.00
10 mm Aggregate cum 2.7 3,300.00 8,910.00
Cost of water KL 2.5 250.00 625.00
Sub Total b 163,567.75
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 1,309.73 7,858.38
Generator hour 6 579.86 3,479.16
Sub Total c 11,337.54
d) Other Cost
Formwork @ 10 % on 21,233.33
cost of concrete
Sub total d 21,233.33
Total (A-C) 233,566.62
Overhead 15% 35,034.99
Total 268,601.61
Rate per Cum 17,906.77 ok

5.9 PCC Grade M 25/20

B Unit : cum (For 15 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 3 1,476.00 4,428.00
Unskilled day 30 1,100.00 33,000.00
Sub Total a 37,428.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 5.99 19,412.36 116,280.01
Coarse sand cum 6.75 2,700.00 18,225.00
20 mm Aggregate cum 8.1 3,300.00 26,730.00
10 mm Aggregate cum 5.4 3,300.00 17,820.00
Cost of water KL 3.0 250.00 750.00
Sub Total b 179,805.01
c) Equipment
Concrete mixer hour 6 1,309.73 7,858.38
Generator hour 6 579.86 3,479.16
Sub Total c 11,337.54
d) Other Cost
Formwork @20 % on 45,714.11
cost of concrete
Sub total d 45,714.11
Total (A-C) 274,284.66
Overhead 15% 41,142.70
Total 315,427.36
Rate per Cum 21,028.49 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
5.10 Providing and laying Plum concrete (Boulder mixed concrete) with 60% M15 concrete and 40%
boulder/stones as per drawing and specifications.
2421 Unit:10 cum DoR Norms Reference: 24.21, A, I
a) Labour Cost Specification Clause No: 2421+701
Unskilled Labour md 30.000 1100.00 33,000.00
Skilled Labour md 3.000 1476.00 4,428.00
Sub Total 1 37,428.00
b) Material Cost
Cement t 1.700 19412.36 33,001.00
Aggregates (20-40 mm) m3 3.450 3300.00 11,385.00
Aggregates (10-20 mm) m3 1.560 3300.00 5,148.00
Aggregates (5-10 mm) m3 0.720 3300.000 2,376.00
Sand m 3
3.000 2700.00 8,100.00
Boulder/Stone m 3
4.400 1800.00 7,920.00
Sub Total 2 67,930.00
c) Equipment Cost
Concrete Mixer hr 6.00 1309.73 7,858.38
Concrete Vibrator hr 6.00 357.92 2,147.52
Sub Total 3 10,005.90
d) Other Cost
Formwork @ 4 % 4,614.56

Sub Total 4 4,614.56

Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 119,978.46
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 17,996.77
Rate per cum 13,797.52 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete Flush jointed Pipe for culverts
Providing and Laying Reinforced cement concrete NP3 Flush jointed pipe for culverts
including fixing with cement mortar 1:2 as per Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Unit = meter (For 12.5 m, 5 pipes of 2.5 m length each)
5.11 a 701.0 450 mm internal dia.
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 - -
Unskilled day 6.00 - -
Sub-total (A) -
b) Material
Sand cum 0.09 - -
Cement tonne 0.07 - -
RCC pipe meter 12.50 - -
Sub-total (B) -
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost
for bellies, crow bars,
chain pulley and other
Sub-total (C) -
Total (A+B+C) -
Overhead 15% -
Total - -

B a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00
Sub-total (A) 8,076.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.09 2,700.00 243.00
Cement tonne 0.07 19,412.36 1,358.86
RCC pipe meter 12.50 5,702.95 71,286.88
Sub-total (B) 72,888.74
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost
for bellies, crow bars,
chain pulley and other
Sub-total (C) 242.28
Total (A+B+C) 81,207.02
Overhead 15% 12,181.05
Total 93,388.07
Rate per m 7,471.05

5.11 b 701 600 mm internal dia.

C a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 7.00 1,100.00 7,700.00
Sub-total (A) 9,176.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.10 2,700.00 270.00

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Cement tonne 0.08 19,412.36 1,552.99
RCC pipe meter 12.50 7,351.95 91,899.38
Sub-total (B) 93,722.37
c) Equipment

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Add 3 % of Labour cost
for bellies, crow bars,
chain pulley and other
Sub-total (C) 275.28
Total (A+B+C) 103,173.65
Overhead 15% 15,476.05
Total 118,649.69
Rate per m 9,491.98 ok

5.12 c 701 900 mm internal dia.

D a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 8.00 1,100.00 8,800.00
Sub-total (A) 10,276.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.12 2,700.00 324.00
Cement tonne 0.09 19,412.36 1,747.11
RCC pipe meter 12.50 13,312.08 166,400.97
Sub-total (B) 168,472.08
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost
for bellies, crow bars,
chain pulley and other
Sub-total (C) 308.28
Total (A+B+C) 179,056.36
Overhead 15% 26,858.45
Total 205,914.81
Rate per m 16,473.19 ok

5.11 d 701 1200 mm internal dia.

F a) Labour
Skilled day 2.00 1,476.00 2,952.00
Unskilled day 12.00 1,100.00 13,200.00
Sub-total (A) 16,152.00
b) Material
Sand cum 0.18 2,700.00 486.00
Cement tonne 0.14 19,412.36 2,717.73
RCC pipe meter 12.50 17,121.08 214,013.47
Sub-total (B) 217,217.20
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost
for bellies, crow bars,
chain pulley and other
Sub-total (C) 484.56
Total (A+B+C) 233,853.76
Overhead 15% 35,078.06
Total 268,931.82
Rate per m 21,514.55 ok

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)

8.16 Cost of Haulage Excluding Loading and Unloading

Haulage of materials by tipper excluding cost of loading, unloading and stacking.
Unit = (For 8 tones load and lead 10 km = 80

Earthen Track and Track in

River Bed/Nallah Bed , hilly
Speed with load : 10 km /
Speed while Returning empty
: 12.5 km / hour.
a) Equipment.
Time taken for onward hour 1.00 - -
haulage with load
Time taken for empty hour 0.80 - -
return trip.
Sub-total -
Overhead 15% -
Total - -


9.1 905 Earthwork Excavation in
Roadway Excavation in All
types of Soil
Roadway Excavation in all
types of Soil by Manual
Means .
Roadway Excavation in
all types of soil as per
drawing and technical
specification, including
removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter,
with all lifts and lead
as per Drawing and
instruction of the Engineer.

Unit = cum (For 12 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 8.00 1,100.00 8,800.00
Sub-total (A) 10,276.00
b) Equipment
Doko , Thunse etc. @ 3
% of Labour cost
Sub-total (B) 308.28
Total (A+B) 10,584.28
Overhead 15% 1,587.64
Total 12,171.92 1,014.33

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)

Roadway Excavation in all

types of Soil by Mechanical
Means .
Road way Excavation in all
types of soil as per Drawing
and technical specifications
including removal of
stumps and other
deleterious matter, all lifts
and lead as per Drawing
and instruction of the

Unit = cum (For 360 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00
Sub-total (A) 4,776.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,089.60 18,537.60
Sub-total (B) 18,537.60
Total (A+B) 23,313.60
Overhead 15% 3,497.04
Total 26,810.64 74.47

Roadway Excavation in
ordinary rock by
Mechanical Means .
Roadway Excavation in
ordinary rock as per
Drawing and Technical
specification, including all
lift and lead as per Drawing
and instruction of the

Unit = cum (For 120 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00
Sub-total (A) 4,776.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,089.60 18,537.60
Sub-total (B) 18,537.60
Total (A+B) 23,313.60
Overhead 15% 3,497.04
Total 26,810.64 223.42

Excavation in Hard Rock

(blasting prohibited)

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Roadway Excavation in
hard rock with rock
breakers, including
breaking rock, lifts and
lead for disposal as
per Drawing and
Technical Specifications

Mechanical method, lead

upto 30 m
Unit = cum (For 16 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 10.00 1,100.00 11,000.00
Sub-total (A) 12,476.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,389.60 20,337.60
with rock breaker
Credit for excavated cum (8.00)
rock for use @ 50 per
cent of excavated ( if
available rock is used)
Sub-total (B) 20,337.60
Total (A+B) 20,337.60
Overhead 15% 3,050.64
Total 23,388.24 1,461.77

Excavation for Structures

Earth work in excavation of
foundation of structures,
including construction of
shoring and bracing,
removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter
and backfilling with
approved Material as per
Drawing and Technical

Ordinary soil
Manual Means
Unit = cum (For 10 cum)
Depth upto 3 m
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 8.00 1,100.00 8,800.00
Sub-total (A) 10,276.00
Total (A) 10,276.00
Overhead 15% 1,541.40
Total 11,817.40 1,181.74

Mechanical Means
Depth upto 3 m

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Unit = cum (for 240 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 3.00 1,100.00 3,300.00
Sub-total (A) 4,776.00
b) Equipment
Hydraulic excavator hour 6.00 3,089.60 18,537.60
Sub-total (B) 18,537.60
Total (A+B) 23,313.60
Overhead 15% 3,497.04
Total 26,810.64 111.71
1804, Providing , Preparing and Installing form work including necessary supports and
5.12 1805 removing after completion for walls.
a Class F2 Finish
i Vertical Plain surface
Using timber(Soft wood)
Unit =sqm ( For 10 sqm)
Height upto 3 m
a) Labour
Skilled day 2.2 1,476.00 3,247.20
Unskilled day 2.2 1,100.00 2,420.00
Sub total a 5,667.20
b) Material
Ply wood 10 mm thick. sqm 11.0 100.00 1,100.00
Timber cum 0.4 3,583.33 1,433.33 Six Times
Nails, spikes, etc. kg 2.5 110.00 275.00 use
Sub total b 2,808.33
Total (a+b) 8,475.53
Overhead 15% 1,271.33
Total 9,746.86
Rate per sqm 974.69


Supplying and erecting traffic sign in place including 50mm dia. steel tubes,2mm. thick steel plate, cement
concrete, painting, writing and supporting steel angle, nut and bolt etc complete
6.1 a a) 60cm.Dia. Circular, 60cm. equilateral triangle and 60cm.*45cm. Rectangular shaped sign(single post)
1501 Unit: no DoR Norms Reference: 15.01 a)
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 0.09 1100.00 96.80
Skilled Labour md 0.03 1476.00 48.71
Sub Total A 145.51
b) Material Cost
Enamel Paint lit 0.10 440.00 44.00
Concrete M10/40 m3 0.03 12936.52 388.10
Steel Plate m2 0.25 1638.94 409.73
Formwork m2 0.36 847.55 305.12
Steel Tube (60 mm dia) m 2.50 743.00 1857.50
Sub Total B 3004.45
c) Equipment Cost
Sub Total C
d) Other Cost
Sub Total D
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 3149.96

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 472.49
Total 3622.45
Rate per no 3622.45 ok

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
b) 1.2m.*0.75m.Size bigger traffic sign with back support and two or more posts
6.1 b 1501 Unit: no DoR Norms Reference: 15.01 b)
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 0.30 1100.00 330.00
Skilled Labour md 0.09 1476.00 125.46
Sub Total 1 455.46
b) Material Cost
Enamel Paint lit 0.40 440.00 176.00
Concrete M10/40 m3 0.12 12936.52 1552.38
Steel Plate m2 1.00 1638.94 1638.94
Formwork m2 1.00 847.55 847.55
Steel Tube (60 mm dia) m 5.00 743.00 3715.00
Sub Total 2 7929.87
c) Equipment Cost
Sub Total 3 0.00
d) Other Cost
Sub Total 4
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 8385.33
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 1257.80
Total 9643.13
Rate per no 9643.13

6.2 a Providing and fixing RCC M 15 grade kilometer post including painting and printing as per standard drawing -
2070 and technical specifications. Position.
One Kilometer post
1506 Unit:14 no DoR Norms Reference: 15.11 ii
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 7.00 1100.00 7700.00
Skilled Labour md 2.00 1476.00 2952.00
Sub Total A 10652.00
b) Material Cost
Concrete M15/40 m3 1.40 14095.66 19733.93
Concrete M10/40 m3 2.38 11448.24 27246.82
Reinforcement kg 82.88 86.63 7180.09
Excavation in soil for foundation m3 2.38 282.37 672.03
Painting two coats m2 11.90 747.03 8889.67
lettering on km post Cm-letter 1680.00 0.25 420.00
Sub Total B 64142.53
c) Equipment Cost
Tractor-trolley hr 3.00 697.92 2093.76
Sub Total C 2093.76
d) Other Cost
Sub Total D
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 76888.29
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 11533.24
Total 88421.54
Rate per no 6315.82

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Five kilometer post
6.2 b 1506 Unit:6 no DoR Norms Reference: 15.11 i
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 6.00 1100.00 6600.00
Skilled Labour md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00
Sub Total 1 8076.00
b) Material Cost
Concrete M15/40 m3 1.20 14095.66 16914.79
Concrete M10/40 m3 1.20 11448.24 13737.89
Reinforcement kg 63.60 86.63 5509.82
Excavation in soil for foundation m3 1.20 282.37 338.84
Painting two coats m2 10.20 747.03 7619.72
lettering on km post Cm-letter 1800.00 0.25 450.00
Sub Total 2 44571.06
c) Equipment Cost
Tractor-trolley hr 3.00 697.92 2093.76
Sub Total 3 2093.76
d) Other Cost
Sub Total 4
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 54740.82
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 8211.12
Total (E+F) 62951.94
Rate per no 10491.99

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
6.3 Providing and installation of 150 mm -150 mm 1.5 m long delineators ( road way indicators, hazard markers,
object markers), 80-100 cm high above ground level, painted black and white in 20 cm wide strips, buried or
pressed into the ground and conforming to the drawings and technical specifications.
1507 Unit: 30 no DoR Norms Reference: 15.12
a) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 7.00 1100.00 7700.00
Skilled Labour md 1.00 1476.00 1476.00
Sub Total A 9176.00
b) Material Cost
Concrete M15/40 m3 1.01 14095.66 14236.62
Reinforcement kg 112.80 86.63 9772.13

Excavation in soil for foundation m3 0.47 282.37 132.71

Painting two coats m2 10.20 747.03 7619.72
Sub Total B 31761.17
c) Equipment Cost
Tractor-trolley hr 3.00 697.92 2093.76
Sub Total C 2093.76
Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 41006.97
Contractor's Overhead (15%) 6151.05
Total (E+F) 47158.01 per no
Rate per no 1571.93

6.04) Supplying and erecting one sided double steel guard rail, including posts, spacer posts, and nutbolts as
per specifications all complete.
a) steel guard rail
Unit: 12m
A Labour Cost
Installation @ 5% of material 4170.85
Sub Total A 4170.85
B Material Cost
GI W section beam each 4.318m
long 2.8mm thick double
layered each side nos 6 7360 44160.00

150mm x 75 mm cold rolled

form C section, 1.8m long and 5
mm thick post of ST 42/IS 5986
Fe 410 grade steel
Hot Dip Galvanize (550 GSM -
nos 7 3850 26950.00

150mm x 75 mm cold rolled

form C section, 0.33m long and
5 mm thick spacer post of ST
42/IS 5986 Fe 410 grade steel
Hot Dip Galvanize (550 GSM -
nos 14 700 9800.00
M 16x40mm nut bolt washer for
spacer and W beam nos 14 31.372 439.21
M 16x25mm nut bolt washer for
splice of W beam nos 16 24.242 387.87
M 20mm Hexagonal nut bolt
washer for spacer and post nos 28 60 1680.00

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Sub Total B 83417.08
C Equipment Cost 3 % of Material Cost 2502.51
Sub Total C 2502.51
Sub Total D
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 90090.45
F Contractor's Overhead (15%) 13513.57
G Total (E+F) 103604.01 per 12 m
Rate per m 8633.67

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Providing and Pointing with cement mortar on masonry work in structure as per
Technical Specifications
26.7 cement mortar (1:3 )
A Unit = sqm (For 100 sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 9.00 1,476.00 13,284.00
Unskilled day 9.00 1,100.00 9,900.00
Sub Total a 23,184.00
b) Material
Cement tonne 0.31 19,412.36 6,017.83
Sand cum 0.63 2,700.00 1,701.00
Cost of water KL 0.05 250.00 12.50
Sub Total b 7,731.33
Total (a+b) 30,915.33
Overhead 15% 4,637.30
Total 35,552.63
Rate per sqm 355.53 ok


7.1 2807 Planting rooted grass slips on the slopes <45o including preparation of slips on site. a
max of 5 cm depth with metal rod or Operation includes digging planting hole to hard-
wood peg, depending on the nature of the soil. The planting drills should be space

28.7 Unit = sqm ( For 1 sqm)

E a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.20 1,100.00 220.00
Sub Total A 220.00
b) Material
Grass slips/ no of drills nos 100.00 3.30 330.00
Hessian Jute sqm 0.27 60.00 16.20
Sub Total B 346.20
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for 6.60
Ms rod or hard wood peg and
other T&P
Sub-Total C 6.60
Total (A+B+C) 572.80
Overhead 15% 85.92
Total 658.72

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
7.2 2807 Planting shrub and tree seedling and cutting on site
28.9 Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting, transplanting,
composting and mulching, on slopes < 30o . Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume

B Unit = nos. (For 10 nos.)

A) Labour
Unskilled day 0.33 1,100.00 363.00
Sub Total A 363.00
B) Material
Seedling nos 10.00 12.00 120.00
Compost cum 0.05 89.61 4.48
Green mulch cum 0.04 89.61 3.58
Sub Total B 128.06
C) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for 10.89
Khanti Doko and other T&P
Sub-Total C 10.89
Sub Total (A+B+C) 501.95
Overhead 15% 75.29
Total 577.25
Rate per no 57.72

7.3 C Planting containerized tree and shrub seedlings, including pitting, transplanting,
composting and mulching, on slopes 30o . - 400 Pit size 30 cm diameter x depth mix
Compost with soil and back fill into pit to 1/4 of the pit volume

Unit = nos. (For 10 nos.)

a) Labour
Unskilled day 0.40 1,100.00 440.00
Sub-Total A 440.00
b) Material
Seedling nos 10.00 12.00 120.00
Compost cum 0.05 89.61 4.48
Green mulch cum 0.04 89.61 3.58
Sub - Total B 128.06
c) Equipment
Add 3 % of Labour cost for 13.20
Khanti Doko and other T&P
Sub-Total C 13.20
Total (A+B+C) 581.26
Overhead 15% 87.19
Total 668.45
Rate per no 66.85

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
2902 Carryout Routine ( regular maintenance) of Black top/ Gravel road in Hilly area as per
Technical Specifications and direction of the Engineer,
29.1 Unit = Km - day
Skilled day 0.05 1,476.00 73.80
Unskilled day 0.33 1,100.00 363.00
Sub-Total (A) 436.80
b) Material
fuel 5 % of 21.84
Training ARMP 1.7 % of 7.43

Insurance 1 % of 4.37
First aid 0.3 % of 1.31

Sub Total (B) 34.94

c) Equipment
Tools and plants 9 % of 39.31
Maintenance of tools 3 % of 13.10
Sub Total C 52.42
Total (A+B+C) 524.16
Overhead 15% 78.62
Total 602.78 18,083.52

Item No. 4.02

908 Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and watering etc.
complete using locally available material as per drawing and technical specification.
Unit: 10m3 Norms Reference: 9.11 C
A) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 5.000 1100.00 5,500.00
Skilled Labour md 0.200 1476.00 295.20
Sub Total 1 5,795.20
B) Material Cost
Locally available material m3 12.000 0.00 0.00 excavated
Water lit 1000.000 0.25 250.00
Sub Total 2 250.00
C Equipment Cost
3% of
Tamping 173.86
Labor cost

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Sub Total 3 173.86
D Other Cost

Sub Total 4 0.00

E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 6,219.06
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 932.86
G Total (E+F) 715.19 per m3

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Item No.
909,910 Providing and filling with graded previous (filter material) in layer with necessary watering and
compaction as per specification and instruction of Engineer
Unit:10 m 3
Norms Reference: 9.12
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 10.000 1100.00 11,000.00
Skilled Labour md 1.000 1476.00 1,476.00
Sub Total 1 12,476.00
B Material Cost
Filter media m3 12.000 229.51 2,754.11
water lit 1000.000 0.25 250.00
Sub Total 2 3,004.11
E Sub Total (A+B) 15,480.11
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 2,322.02
G Total (E+F) 1,780.21 per m3

10.2 1,003 Scarifying Existing road surface to a dept of 50 mm by Mechsnical Means

B Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of
scarified Material with in all lifts and lead as per Drawing and Technical Specifications

Unit = sum (For 300 cum)

a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00
Sub-total (A) 8,076.00
b) Material
Cost of water KL 72.00 250.00 18,000.00
Sub-total (B) 18,000.00
c) Equipment
Tractor with ripper hour 6.00 697.92 4,187.52
Loader hour 6.00 2,289.60 13,737.60
Tipper hour 6.00 965.84 5,795.04
Sub-total (C) 23,720.16
Total (A+B+C) 49,796.16
Overhead 15% 7,469.42
Total 57,265.58
Rate per cum 190.89

10.2 1,003 Scarifying Existing road surface to a dept of 50 mm by Mechsnical Means

B Scarifying the existing bituminous road surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of
scarified Material with in all lifts and lead as per Drawing and Technical Specifications
Unit = sum (For 300 cum)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00
Sub-total (A) 8,076.00
b) Material
Cost of water KL 72.00 250.00 18,000.00
Sub-total (B) 18,000.00
c) Equipment
Tractor with ripper hour 6.00 697.92 4,187.52
Loader hour 6.00 2,289.60 13,737.60
Tipper hour 6.00 965.84 5,795.04

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Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
Sub-total (C) 23,720.16
Total (A+B+C) 49,796.16
Overhead 15% 7,469.42
Total 57,265.58
Rate per cum 190.89


5.1 2602 Providing and laying of dry Stone Masonry Work as per Drawing and Technical
2603 Unit = cum (For 5 cum)
2608 a) Labour
Skilled day 4.00 1,476.00 5,904.00
Unskilled day 8.00 1,100.00 8,800.00
Sub total a 14,704.00
b) Material
Stone cum 5.75 1,800.00 10,350.00
Sub total b 10,350.00
Total (a+b) 25,054.00
Overhead 15% 3,758.10
Total 28,812.10
Rate per cum 5,762.42 ok

Item No. 4.02

908 Backfilling in layers in foundation pits,trenches, etc, including compaction and watering etc.
complete using locally available material as per drawing and technical specification.
Unit: 10m3 Norms Reference: 9.11 C
A) Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 5.000 1100.00 5,500.00
Skilled Labour md 0.200 1476.00 295.20
Sub Total 1 5,795.20
B) Material Cost
Locally available material m3 12.000 0.00 0.00 excavated
Water lit 1000.000 0.25 250.00
Sub Total 2 250.00
C Equipment Cost
3% of
Tamping 173.86
Labor cost
Sub Total 3 173.86
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 6,219.06
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 932.86
G Total (E+F) 715.19 per m3

Item No.
909,910 Providing and filling with graded previous (filter material) in layer with necessary watering and
compaction as per specification and instruction of Engineer
Unit:10 m3 Norms Reference: 9.12
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 10.000 1100.00 11,000.00
Skilled Labour md 1.000 1476.00 1,476.00
Sub Total 1 12,476.00

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
B Material Cost
Filter media m3 12.000 229.51 2,754.11
water lit 1000.000 0.25 250.00
Sub Total 2 3,004.11
E Sub Total (A+B) 15,480.11
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 2,322.02
G Total (E+F) 1,780.21 per m3

Tubuler Steel Railing on precast RCC post. Providing, fencing and errecting 50 mm dia painted steel pipe
raling in 3 rows on precast M20 grade RCC vertical post 1.8 m high (1.2 m above GL) wth 3 holes 50 mm
dia for pipe , fixed 2 m cener to ,complete as per drawing and technical specification
Unit:100 m Specification Clause No: 3105 DoR Norms Reference: 31.7
Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
i) Excavation for foundation Cum 12.960 319.073 4135.185
ii) Foundation concrete M-15 Cum 6.480 16210.011 105040.870
iii) RCC M20 Cum 3.200 17906.77 57301.68
iv) Painting of Pipe Sqm 47.100 747.031 35185.156
A Labour Cost
Skilled day 1.00 1476.00 1476.00
Unskilled day 6.00 1100.00 6600.00
Sub Total A 8076.00
B Material
Steel Pipe 50 mm dia as per IS 1 m 300.00 473.00 141900.00
Sub Total B 141900.00

C Equipment
Tractor Trolley hr 6.00 697.920 4,187.52
E Total (A+B+C+D) 355,826.41
F Contractors overhead and Profit Cost (15 %) 53373.96138617
G Total (E+F) 409,200.37 per 100 m
4092.00 Per m
Item No. 7.05
Providing required material and painting lines,dashes,arrows etc on roads in two coats on new work with
ready mixed road marking paint conforming to NS 408/IS 164 on bituminious surface , including cleaning
the surface of all dirt , dust and other foreign matter ,demarcation at site and traffic control as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications
Unit:10 m2 Specification Clause No: 1503 DoR Norms Reference: 15.7
Rate Amount
S.N. Description Unit Quantity Remarks
NRs. NRs.
A Labour Cost
Unskilled Labour md 2.000 1248.00 2,496.00
Skilled Labour md 1.000 1476.00 1,476.00

Sub Total 1 3,972.00

B Material Cost
Road Marking Paint lit 1.480 579.00 856.92

Sub Total 2 856.92

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Rate Analysis

Ref. to Description of Works / Amount

S No Unit Quantity Rate (NRs.) Remarks
SS Resources (NRs.)
C Equipment Cost

Sub Total 3
D Other Cost

Sub Total 4
E Sub Total (A+B+C+D) 4,828.92
F Contractor's Overhead and Profit Cost (15%) 724.34
G Total (E+F) 5,553.26 per 10 m2
555.33 per m2

1310 Seal Surfacing

Providing and laying seal coat sealing the voids in a Bituminous surface as
13.16 per Drawing and Technical Specifications
Unit = Sqm(For 7858 sqm)
a) Labour
Skilled day 1.00 1,476.00 1,476.00
Unskilled day 6.00 1,100.00 6,600.00
Sub-total (A) 8,076.00
b) Material
Bitumin tonne 5.34 74,904.66 399,990.86
Crushed stone Cum 47.16 2,700.00 127,332.00
Sub-total (B) 527,322.86
c) Equipment
HMP hour 3.00 878.00 2,634.00
Generator hour 3.00 579.86 1,739.58
Paver finisher hour 6.00 2,001.81 12,010.86
Roller hour 6.00 1,043.89 6,263.34
Sub-total (C) 22,647.78
Total (A+B+C) 558,046.64
Overhead 15% 83,707.00
Total 641,753.64
Rate per sqm 81.67 ok

...................prepared By ...................Checked By ......................Approved By

Province Government
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development
Transport Infrastructure Directorate
Gandaki Province
Pokhara, Nepal
Project Name : Banepa-Dundamukh-Devitar-Ghumaunechour-Fedi Road

Cross Drainage Location

S.N. Chainage Span (m) Remark
1 1+200.00 15 River
2 1+220.00 15 River

...................Prepared By ...................Checked By ...................Approved By

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