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Lesson 1:
Quiz: Social Media Channels
Social Media Landscape

Quiz: Social Media Channels


1. Intro

2. Why Social Media Matters

3. What is Social Media?

4. Social Media Frameworks

5. Choose your Social Media Channels

6. Quiz: Social Media Channels

7. Recap Quiz Question:

Ezequiel Farca is interested in improving his social media strategy. List three s
channels he should consider and explain how he should approach each.

Your re ection
1. Set goals that make sense for your business
2. Take time to research your target audience
3. Establish your most important metrics and KPIs
4. Create an engaging social content

Things to think about

There are a lot of channels where you might nd Ezequiel’s target persona.

Because architecture and design are very visual it makes sense to explore sha
where visuals play a key role.

You could have chosen:

Instagram - Ezequiel already has a presence there. He uses this channel

projects. As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

YouTube - Ezequiel has a presence here, too. He uses it to explain more

philosophy and give customers a sense of what he’s like.

Pinterest - Ezequiel does not have a presence here so Pinterest might be

opportunity for him. He could use Pinterest for some of his furniture de
the seed for larger architectural and design projects.

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