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Exploring the 4 W’s of self talk within

elite level fast bowlers: Where, When,

What and Why?
Adam Kelly and Matt Johnson

Southampton Solent University


To gain an understanding of the current self talk being used by elite level fast


Self talk widely being used within elite level sport

Little literature in the area of self talk and fast bowling
Introduction to Self Talk
Where do athletes use self talk?
• Competition and Training (Hardy et al 2001, Crust and Azadi 2010)

When do athletes use self talk?

• Pre competition (Hardy et al 2001, Thomas et al 2007)

• During Competition (Hardy et al 2001, Gourzi et al 2007)

• During Training (Hardy et al 2001, Perkos et al 2002, Papaioannou et al 2004)

What do athletes say to themselves?

• Structure (Johnson et al 2004, Theodorakis et al 2001)

• Task Instruction (Tod et al 2009, Edwards et al 2008, St Clair Gibson and Foster 2007)
• Nature (Van Raatle et al 2006, Harvey et al 2002, Peter and Williams 2006)

• Person (Lantolf 2006, Gammage et al 2001)

Introduction to Self Talk
Why do athletes say this to themselves?

Skill Execution / Skill Development (Johnson et al 2004, Cutton and Landin 2007)

Focus (Hatzigeorgiadis et al 2004)

Self Confidence (Mamassis and Doganis 2004)

Arousal (Conroy and Metzler 2004, Hatzigeorgiadis et al 2009, Crust and Azadi 2010)

Drive (Hardy et al 2001, Kress and Statler 2007, Harwood et al 2004)

Participants (n=15) mean age 28.4 years old
8 ex-international and 7 county cricketers
207 Test wickets in 62 matches
3,971 1st Class wickets in 1,334 matches

Aim, Rationale of the study
Consent form
Brief client history
Definition of self talk (Hardy et al 2005)
4 W’s questionnaire (Hardy et al 2001)
Semi Structured Interview
Comfortable environment chosen by the participants
Data Analysis
Hierarchal trees and verified with another sport psychologist also a
UKCC level 2 cricket coach
Agreement had to be achieved before inclusion in the study
Where do athletes use self talk?

Home (3)
Non sports
related (18)
Gym (3)

Other (8)
Where (49)


Sport Training
Related (31) Ground (11)

Bench (1)
When do athlete use self talk ?
All the time (2)
Alone (1)


When (62) (19)

Competition (7) ‘analysing past events’

Pre Training (7)

During Training
Training (24) (10)

Post Training
What do athletes say to themselves?
Perspective (6)

Nature (29) Positive (12) ‘Believe you are better’

Negative (11) ‘Rubbish’

Cue Words (20) ‘Relax’

Structure (69) Phrases (40) ‘Top of off’

What (166)
Sentences (9)

First Person
(10) ‘I’ll get this guy out’
Person (14)
Second Person

Specific (34) ‘Get the yorker full’
General (18)
Why do athletes say this to themselves ?
Why do athletes say this to themselves ?

Areas of interest
Specific - Skill Execution ‘Knowing my game’

General - Performance Improvement ‘little tool to help me keep it simple’

Mastery - Self Confidence ‘reinforcement of my ability’

Drive - Increased Drive ‘switch on’

Aim was achieved with an insight into the self talk being used
Similar self talk usage to other sports
Differences could be a result of unique demands of the sport and level

Educate fast bowlers on self talk
Negative self talk to positive
Increase the use of second person self talk
Feedback from coaches to be positive
Any Questions

Reference List
CONROY. D.E and J.N.METZLER, 2004, Patterns of Self-Talk Associated With Different Forms of Competitive Anxiety.
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 26(1)
CRUST.L., and K.AZADI, 2010, Mental Toughness and athletes’ use of psychological strategies, European Journal of
Sport Science, 10(1)
CUTTON.D.M. and D.LANDIN, 2007, The Effects of Self Talk and Augmented Feedback on Learning the Tennis Forehand,
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19(3)
EDWARDS.C., D.TOD and M.MCGUIGAN, 2008, Self-talk influences vertical jump performance and kinematics in male
rugby union players, Journal of Sports Sciences, 26 (13)
HARWOOD.C., J.CUMMING and D.FLECTHER, 2004, Motivational profiles and psychological skills use within elite youth
sport, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16 (4)
HARDY. J, K.GAMMAGE and C.HALL, 2001, A descriptive study of athlete self-talk, Sport Psychologist,15(3)
HARDY.J, C.R.HALL and L.HARDY, 2005, Quantifying athlete self-talk, Journal of Sports Sciences, 23(9)
HATZIGEORGIADIS.A., Y.THEODORAKIS and N.ZOURBANOS, 2004, Self-Talk in the Swimming Pool: The Effects of Self-
Talk on Thought Content and Performance on Water-Polo Tasks. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16 (2)
HATZIGEORGIADIS.A., N.ZOURBANOS, S.MPOUMPAKI and Y.THEODORAKIS, 2009, Mechanisms underlying the self-talk–
performance relationship: The effects of motivational self-talk on self-confidence and anxiety, Psychology of Sport &
Exercise, 10(1)
HAVERY.D.T., J.L.VAN RAATLE and B.W.BREWER, 2002, Relationship between self talk and golf performance,
International Sports Journal, 6
GAMMAGE, K.L., J.HARDY and C.R.HALL, 2001, A description of self-talk in exercise, Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 2
GOURZI.M., K.FILIPPOU, I.KAGIOGI and N.ZOURBANOS, 2007, The Relationship Between Competitive State Anxiety and
Self-Talk During Performance in Swimmers, Inquiries in Sport & Physical Education, 5 (1)
JOHNSON.J.J.M., D.W.HRYCAIKO, G.V.JOHNSON and J.M.HALAS, 2004, Self-Talk and Female Youth Soccer
Performance, Sport Psychologist, 18(1)
KRESS.J.L. and T.STATLER, 2007, A Naturalistic Investigation of Former Olympic Cyclists' Cognitive Strategies for
Coping With Exertion Pain During Performance, Journal of Sport Behavior, 30(4)
Reference List
LANTOLF.J.P., 2006, Sociocultural theory and second language learning: recent advances, Oxford: Oxford University
MAMASSIS.G. and G.DOGANIS, 2004, The Effects of a Mental Training Program on Juniors Pre-Competitive Anxiety, Self-
Confidence, and Tennis Performance, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16 (2)
PAPAIOANNOU.A., F.BALLON, Y.THEODORAKIS and Y.V.AUWELLE, 2004, Combined effect of goal setting and self talk in
performance of a soccer shooting task, Perceptual and motor skills, 98
PERKOS.S., Y.THEODORAKIS and S.CHRONI, 2002, Enhancing performance and skill acquisition in novice basketball
players with instructional self-talk, Sport Psychologist, 16(4)
PETERS.H. and J.WILLIAMS, 2006, Moving cultural background to the foreground; An Investigation of self talk,
performance and persistence following feedback, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 18(3)
ST CLAIR GIBSON.A and C.FOSTER, 2007, The Role of Self-Talk in the Awareness of Physiological State and Physical
Performance, Sports Medicine, 37(12)
THEODORAKIS.Y., S.CHRONI, K.LAPARIDIS, V.BEBETSOS and I.DOUMA, 2001, Self talk in a basketball shooting task,
Perceptual and motor skills, 92
THOMAS.O., I.MAYNARD and S.HANTON, 2007, Intervening with Athletes During the Time Leading up to Competition:
Theory to Practice II, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19 (4)
TOD.D.A., R.THATCHER, M.MCGUIGAN and J.THATCHER, 2009, Effects of Instructional and Motivational self talk on the
vertical jump, Journal of strength and conditioning research, 23(1)
VAN RAATLE.J.L., A.E.CORENELIUS, S.J.HATTEN and B.W.BREWER, 2006, Self presentation effects of self talk on
perceptions of tennis players, Hellenic Journal of psychology, 3

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