A2 Flyers Reading Part 5 Exercise 1

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A2 Flyers Reading Part 5 Exercise 1

Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

Mr Park’s class visit a castle

Paul’s class at school are studying castles in history. So last week their history teacher, Mr Park,
took them to visit an old castle on a hill next to the sea. They went by bus and stopped at the
bottom of the hill.

Mr Park pointed to the castle at the top of the hill and said, ‘There is no road up there so we have
to walk.’

The children were tired and thirsty when they arrived at the castle. But Mr Park had juice for all of
them. It was very interesting because Mr Park showed them all the different parts of the castle and
explained its history.

On the way down the hill, Paul’s friends said, ‘Let’s have a race.’ So Paul and his friends started to

‘Stop running!’ shouted Mr Park. But the boys ran faster and faster and then Paul fell over and hurt
his leg. It wasn’t broken, but he couldn’t walk very well.

Mr Park saw a farmer on his horse in a field. He went to speak to him and the farmer let Paul ride
his big brown horse down the hill to the bus.

‘Sorry we didn’t listen to you on the hill,’ Paul said to Mr Park, ‘but we listened in the castle. It was
great! Can we come again?’


The children are learning about a castle in history at school. Mr Park is Paul’s history teacher.

1. Mr Park and the children went in a [] to a castle.

2. The castle that they visited was near [] and on a hill.

3. Mr Park gave everyone [] when they arrived at the castle.
4. The children looked at the [] of the castle.
5. Some of the children had [] on the way down the hill.
6. Paul [] because he fell over when he was running.
7. Paul went back to the bus on a [] !
A2 Flyers Writing Part 6 Exercise 1

Read the email and write the missing words. Write one word only.

Dear Kim,

How are you?

I'm  (1)  holiday with my family in the mountains.

There's a small lake in the mountains and a waterfall goes onto it.

Yesterday we sailed to the waterfall and I (2)  some great photos of my sister and me in front of it.

In the evening we (3)  dinner at a lovely restaurant by the lake.

Tomorrow we're going to visit a famous old castle (4)  the top of a mountain and then we're going
to go skiing.

I (5)  never done that before so I'm very excited!



Monkey taking photos

Monkey taking photo is a writing exercise for the Cambridge Assessment English A2 Flyers
(YLE) exam where you write a short story based on three pictures for Part 7.
Lesson Plan
1. Warm-up: answer the questions in the quiz.
2. Write the story: by using the three pictures. You can use the words and phrases in the
last part to help you write the story too.

Answer the questions to help you to write the story about the monkey taking photos in the next
part of this lesson.
Where is the boy?
 The boy is at the zoo
 The boy is in a cage
 The boy is on a zoo

What is the boy doing?

 He is take a photo.
 He is taking a photo.
 He is takes a photo.

What is the boy doing?

 The boy is eat a banana.
 The boy is eating a banana.
 The boy is eats a banana.

What is the monkey doing?

 The monkey is takes the camera.
 The monkey is take the camera.
 The monkey is taking the camera.

What is the monkey doing?

 The monkey is takes a photo of the
 The monkey is taking a photo of the
 The monkey is take a photo of the

Take your time looking at the pictures first so that you understand the story. Then write one or two
sentences about each picture. Think about how you can link your sentences.
Look at the three pictures. Write about this story. Write 20 words or more words.

Here are words and phrases that you can use to write the story about the monkey taking photos.

 at the zoo
 banana
 eating a banana
 has a camera
 monkey
 taking a photo
 takes the camera
 the boy
 the man
 the monkey

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