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APRIL 2020

1. What is the theme of World Wildlife Day 2020?0 . Sustaining all life on Earth
2. Which Physician at Whuan Hospital warned his colleagues in December 2019 about the possible
outbreak of an illness that resemble with severe acute respiratory syndrome later acknowledged
as COVID 19?. Li Wenliang
3. Who was appointed as the new chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast in Ireland?Hillary
4. The largest virus bank in Asia located in Wuhan, lately in news in regards to the lab conspiracy
theory is____________?China Center for Virus Culture Collection 
5. Which of the following country’s parliament approved a law that allows for the release tens of
thousands of prisoners as a safety measure against the coronavirus outbreak?. Turke
6. For how many poorest countries the G20 have suspended debt payments as they wage an
economic battle against coronavirus ?77
Which of the following country has stopped it’s funding to world health organisation ( WHO)?
7. Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, the highest religious authority in the country?. Sheikh Abdulaziz al-
8. When was the World Health Organisation established?. April 7th 1948
9. Which UN body adopted a resolution calling for ‘Global Solidarity’ to defeat COVID-19?UNGA
10. Which country will be hosting the 3rd Asian Youth Games in 2021?China
11. tennis tournaments has been cancelled for the first time since World War II?. Wimbledon
12. Who termed Coronavirus pandemic as the most challenging crisis since World War II?UN
Secretary grnl
13. Which nation will host Asian Boxing Championships 2020?. India
14. The US state department has accused which nation of secretly carrying out low-level
underground nuclear test explosions?China
15. A joint collaboration of NASA and SpaceX sent astronauts to International Space Station on May
30,2020. The mission, called___________?Crew Dragon Demo-2 Mission
16. Name the two astronauts who were part of the historical Demo-2 mission that launched the first
manned flight of a private company to ISS from e USA on 30 May, 2020.. Bon Bhenken and Doug
17. Name the African-American whose death at the hands of a police officer sparked violent
protests in America in late May, 2020.George Floyd
18. Which nation has ended its relationship with the World Health Organisation?. US
19. Turkey celebrate the ___________ anniversary of Istanbul’s Conquest on May 29?567th
20. In May, 2020 Venezuela started legal proceedings against which bank to force it to release $1
billion worth of Venezuelan gold kept in reserve?. Bank of England: 
21. WHO announced the launch of the WHO Foundation, a legally separate body that will help
expand the agency’s donor base and allow it to take donations from the general public,
on_________?May 27,2020
Mahathir Mohamad, ex Malaysian premier, was fired from his own party on May 28,2020.what
is the name of the which he co-founded and was its chairman until May 18,2020?United
Indigenous Party
22. The Parliament of China approved the National Security Bill for Hong Kong on__________?May
23. Name the cyclone that hit the border areas of Bangladesh and India, killing scores and causing
havoc in May, 2020.Cylone Amphan
24. has included disputed territories of Kalapani, Lipulekh, and Limpiyadhura in its new map?. Nepal
25. Which airline became the first to go bankrupt after the cronovirus pandemic?Flybe
26. Which tennis player has become the highest paid female athlete, surpassing Serena Williams
according to Forbes Magazine?Naomi Osaka
27. Which nation has announced its intention of withdrawing itself from the Open Skies Treaty?US
28. announced its decision to withdraw from Open Skies treaty?. United States
29. Which among the following nations has not ratified the Open Skies Treaty?Kyrgyzstan 
30. When was International Day for Biological Diversity observed?May 22nd
31. suspended proposal for the construction of a new international cricket ground IN May 2020?Sri
32. The recent Taiwanese anti-infiltration law is seen as a move against which country?China
33. Name the French-Iranian academic who was sentenced for six years in jail in Iran for the dual
charges of conspiracy against national security and propaganda in May, 2020.. Fariba Adelkhah
34. Which nation’s Senate has passed a bill to delist Chinese firms from stock exchanges?US
35. On 18-19 May, 2020, _session of World Health Assembly was held virtually in Geneva,
36. The Treaty of Open Skies has how many signatories?35
37. World’s first major football league resumed its season post-COVID-19 lockdown in which among
the following countries?Germany 
38. The United States issued a statement condemning which nation’s exclusion from the World
Health Assembly?. Taiwan
39. Us president Donald Trump has named which Muslim American to find a vaccine for Covid-19?.
Moncef Mohamed Slaoui
40. developed “I-Feel you” an intelligent bracelet which will help users respect social distancing
41. May 18 is observed every year, to acknowledge the medical community who are working to find
a safe vaccine for which disease?. AID
42. On 18 May,2020, Which country launched its new space defense unit to monitor and counter
threats to the country’s satellites?Japa
43. According to a new UN report, which continent could see 300,000 COVID-19 deaths this year?
44. When is World Hemophilia Day observed?. April 17th
45. South Korea’s ruling party has won by a landslide in the parliamentary election held in Apr,
2020, winning__________of the 300 seats of the National Assembly?180
46. The South Korean general election, in which the electoral reforms gave 18 year olds the vote for
the first time, were held on__________?Apr 15,2020
47. Pakistani-American doctor and a state senator for Connecticut who helped develop a ventilator
device that makes it possible to treat seven COVID-19 patients at once?Dr Saud Anwar
Ocean researchers have found the world’s “longest animal ever, 150ft long” in deep sea canyon
off Australian coast. The name of the animal is__________?. Siphonophore
Who has been named as The Leading Cricketer in the 2020 edition of Wisden’s Cricketers’
Almanack?Ben Stokes
48. Who has become Prime minister of Israel on 17 may,2020 for the fifth time?. Benjamin
49. Afghan president Ashraf Ghani and his rival Abdullah signed a “power sharing deal” on?17
50. In which country Chinese ambassador was found dead on 17 May,2020?. Israel
51. Under the power sharing agreement announced in Afghanistan on___________between Ashraf
Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, the latter will lead the National Reconciliation High Council and
Asharf Ghani will remain president.May 17,2020
On___________Israel’s parliament approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new unity
government, ending more than a year of political deadlock, which allows him to remain prime
minister for 18 months before handing over to Benny Gantz.May 17,2020
52. Identity the chinese ambassador to Israel who was found dead in Tel Aviv on May 17,2020.. Du
53. The US was recently praised by the UAE for its role in the Global Coalition against Daesh. What is
the other name for Daesh?. ISIS
54. As per the recent Transparency report released by the Facebook, which nation sought for the
highest number of user data?United States
MeerKAT, which has captured high-quality imaging of a PKS 2014-55 galaxy, is a satellite of
which country?South Africa
Which country bans the use of saliva, sweat to shine Cricket ball under COVID-19 guidelines?
55. The virtual Summit of the Non Aligned Movement (NAM) on COVID-19 pandemic has been
organised at the initiative of which country?. Azerbaija
56. Who is the Current Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan?Androulla Kaminara
In May, 2020 World’s longest-running cartoon switched to reruns due to COVID-19
disruption.What is the name of the anime tv show?Sazae-San
Which European country made public burning of the EU flag or that of another country
punishable by up to three years in jail on May 14,2020?. Germany
57. What was the name of the hospital which was attacked by gunmen on May 12,2020 in Kabul,
Afghanistan killing scores including newborn children?Barchi National Hospital 
58. What was the name of the Irani logistical ship accidentally hit by Irani Frigrate near Bander-e-
Jask on May 11,2020, killing all 19 on board?Konarak
59. On May 12,2020 International Nurses Day was celebrated around the world. The 2020
International Day marked the_________birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale?200th
60. Who has won the 2020 Pulitzer Price For Fiction, announde on May 4?Colson Whitehead
61. ‘World Tuna Day’ is observed on May 3, 2020. Tuna belongs to which species?. Fish
62. Recently, Denis Goldenberg passed away.He was a social activist of which country?. Soth Africa
63. Which country announced a ban on 1500 kinds of assault weapons on May 1st,2020?. Canada
64. What is the new official name of the NASA’s Mars Helicopter?Ingenuity

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