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Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 99–104

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Short communication

Validation of an Ultraviolet–visible (UV–Vis) technique

for the quantitative determination of curcumin
in poly(L-lactic acid) nanoparticles
Rosana Aparecida da Silva-Buzanello a, Ana Caroline Ferro b, Evandro Bona a, Lúcio Cardozo-Filho c,
Pedro Henrique Hermes de Araújo d, Fernanda Vitória Leimann a, Odinei Hess Gonçalves a,⇑
Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR), Post-Graduation Program of Food Technology (PPGTA), Caixa Postal 271, BR 369, km 0.5, CEP 87301-006 Campo Mourão,
PR, Brazil
Federal University of Technology – Parana (UTFPR), Food Technology and Engineering Department (COEAL), Caixa Postal 271, BR 369, km 0.5, CEP 87301-006 Campo Mourão,
PR, Brazil
Maringá State University (UEM), Department of Chemical Engineering, Av. Colombo 5790, CEP 87020-900 Maringá, PR, Brazil
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Department of Chemical and Food Engineering (EQA), Caixa Postal 476, Campus Reitor João David Ferreira Lima,
CEP 88040-970 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Curcumin is a natural yellow-orange pigment extracted from turmeric and is a potential substitute of
Received 20 February 2014 health-dangerous artificial dyes. Nanoencapsulation in biodegradable polymers is a promising alternative
Received in revised form 24 July 2014 to improve curcumin stability and water solubility but curcumin concentration inside the nanoparticles
Accepted 5 September 2014
must be precisely known. A reliable method to determine the actual curcumin concentration must be val-
Available online 16 September 2014
idated since the validation procedures warrant that the method is adequate and sufficient for the specific
application involved. This work describes the validation parameters given by the International Confer-
ence on Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines to adopt an analytical method based on Ultraviolet–visible spec-
Analytical validation
troscopy for the quantitative determination of curcumin encapsulated in poly(L-lactic acid) nanoparticles.
Curcumin This method was validated in respect to linearity, detection limit, quantification limit, accuracy and pre-
Nanoparticles cision. Studies on the analytical procedure validation warranted safety in final results obtained for the
PLLA curcumin concentration in the nanoparticles.
Miniemulsification Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2010), high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a mass

spectrometer (Li et al., 2011), thin layer chromatography (Zhang
Curcumin is a yellow-orange phytochemical compound pre- et al., 2008), high performance liquid chromatography (Koop,
senting a polyphenolic structure and low molar mass (368.37 g/ Freitas, Souza, Martinez, & Silveira, 2013). Although each one
gmol) that can be isolated from Curcuma longa. It is a diferuloylme- presents its advantages, UV–Vis is often used to the curcumin
thane with several phenolic groups and conjugated double bonds, determination on most encapsulation systems since it is fast
and has remarkably hydrophobic character (Basniwal, Buttar, Jain, enough and can give reliable results.
& Jain, 2011). Curcumin is used as a spice, flavouring and food dye Despite the increasing interest in the properties of curcumin, its
and its bioactivity has been extensively reviewed (Hatcher, application is still limited by its low water solubility and its insta-
Planalp, Cho, Torti, & Torti, 2008; Maheshwari, Singh, Gaddipati, bility in alkaline conditions, thermal treatment, light, metallic ions,
& Srimal, 2006; Pari, Tewas, & Eckel, 2008). enzymes, ascorbic acid and others (Lin, Lin, Chen, Yu, & Lee, 2009;
Several methods have been proposed to determine the concen- Paramera, Konteles, & Karathanos, 2011). The lack of bioavailability
tration of curcumin and its derivatives in spices or in bulk drug and is also an issue when in natura curcumin is administrated (Mishra,
pharmaceutical dosage forms such as Ultraviolet–visible spectros- Mohammada, & Mishra, 2008). Polymer nanoparticles and micro-
copy (UV–Vis) (Jasim & Ali, 1988, 1992; Sharma, Agrawal, & Gupta, particles have been extensively studied aiming to improve the sta-
2012), ultra performance liquid chromatography (Cheng et al., bility of several compounds and drugs. Many results have been
reported in increasing curcumin bioavailability and protection
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 44 3518 1478. against external conditions during processing and storage. In the
E-mail address: (O.H. Gonçalves). case of curcumin, encapsulation is a promising alternative to
0308-8146/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
100 R.A. da Silva-Buzanello et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 99–104

improve its application and there are a number of different meth- received. Poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA, Mw = 3780 g/mol) was synthe-
ods to obtain nanoencapsulated curcumin such as cross-linking sized from L-lactide (Purac) by ring opening polymerization as
(Bisht et al., 2007); emulsification and cross-linking followed by described by Bendix (1998) using tin octanoate (Sigma–Aldrich,
solvent removal (Lertsutthiwong, Noomun, Jongaroonngamsang, 99%) as catalyst (10,000 molL-lactide/molcatalyst). Distilled water and
Rojsitthisak, & Nimmannit, 2008); emulsion (Shaikh, Ankolab, soybean lecithin (Alfa Aesar) were used as the continuous phase
Beniwal, Singha, & Kumar, 2009); nanoprecipitation (Anand et al., and surfactant, respectively. Solutions were filtered through Milli-
2010); ionotropic pre-gelation followed by polycationic cross-link- poreÒ nylon membrane filters (diameter 0.45 lm) and centrifuged
ing; solvent emulsion–evaporation (Dandekar et al., 2010); ionic in Amicon filters (100 kDa).
cross-linking reaction (Anitha et al., 2011); production of micelles
by solid dispersion (Basniwal et al., 2011); and electrohydrody- 2.2. Analytical validation
namic atomization (Gomez-Estaca, Balaguer, Gavara, &
Hernandez-Munoz, 2012). In all cases the encapsulant must be Linearity, detection limit, quantification limit, accuracy and pre-
carefully chosen since it directly affects the encapsulation effi- cision were evaluated following the procedures described by the
ciency. Miniemulsification/solvent evaporation is a suitable tech- International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH, 2005) using an
nique to encapsulate hydrophobic compounds like curcumin and Ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometer (PG Instruments, T70+)
presents the advantage that a wide range of encapsulants can be operating with 1 nm spectral bandwidth, ±0.3 nm wavelength
used. The process consists of an organic phase composed of sol- accuracy and a splitbeam optical system. This equipment was used
vent, polymer (the encapsulating agent) and the compound to be in all experiments unless otherwise stated.
encapsulated, while the aqueous phase that consists of distilled
water. A single surfactant or a mixture is added in the organic or
2.2.1. Linearity
the aqueous phases as required. The organic phase is then dis-
Linearity is the capacity to obtain results directly proportional
persed in the water phase using high energy equipment such as
to the analyte concentration in the sample within a determined
a sonicator. The solvent is then removed by extraction or
range (ICH, 2005; USP, 1999; WHO, 1992). Linearity was investi-
evaporation and the nanoparticles are formed (Leimann et al.,
gated using curcumin solutions in dichloromethane and methanol
2012; Musyanovych, Schmitz-Wienke, Mailänder, Walther, &
1:1 (v/v) in six different concentration levels ranging from
Landfester, 2008;). However, in all encapsulation methods some
4 mg L1 to 40 mg L1. Investigations were carried out on three dif-
amount of the encapsulated substance may be lost during the pro-
ferent days using the Ultraviolet–visible spectrophotometry tech-
cedure steps depending on the interactions with the encapsulant
nique (UV–Vis) at 465 nm.
polymer and on the system stability. In the case of water dispersed
nanoparticles the amount of encapsulated substance is also influ-
enced by its partition between aqueous and organic phase and 2.2.2. Detection limit
by the encapsulant-substance interactions. The actual curcumin Detection limit (DL) is defined as the minimum amount at
concentration in the nanoparticles after the encapsulation process which the analyte may be detected and is often determined by
must be known since loss or degradation may also occur during the the analysis of samples with known analyte concentrations (ICH,
encapsulation process. However, most works present curcumin 2005). DL must be determined from the linear equation of the cal-
concentration results but analytical validation is not mentioned. ibration curve by using the angular coefficient (b) and the standard
A reliable analytical method must be employed so that the cur- deviation (s) calculated from seven blank samples according to Eq.
cumin concentration may be determined (Blanco, Campaiia, & (1)(ICH, 2005).
Barrero, 1996; Korany, Haggag, Ragab, & Elmallah, 2013; Nevado, 3:3
Cabanillas, & Salcedo, 1994) and the methodology may be vali- DL ¼ s  ð1Þ
dated (ICH, 2005). Validation is a continuous process that starts
In Eq. (1), the number 3.3 is a constant chosen according to the
at the planning of the analytical strategy and continues throughout
required confidence level indicating the probability of false posi-
the method development and transference (Alves, Rolim, Fontes, &
tives a, and false negatives b, equal to 5% (95% confidence)
Rolim-Neto, 2010). In the case of patenting new products, valida-
(Currie, 1995).
tion of analytical methodologies is also required. The validation
of an analytical procedure should warrant that the method meets
the requirements of analytical applications and ensures the reli- 2.2.3. Quantification limit
ability of the results. According to the World Health Organization Quantification limit (QL) is a parameter of quantitative assays
Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Prepara- for low levels of compounds in the sample. It indicates the lowest
tions (WHO, 1992), the systematic evaluation of an analytical pro- analyte concentration in a sample that may be calculated with pre-
cedure should demonstrate that it has the conditions for which it cision and accuracy (ICH, 2005). QL was determined by the angular
must be applied. coefficient (b) from the calibration curve and the standard devia-
The objective of this work was to validate the analytical method tion (s) calculated from seven blank samples according to Eq. (2).
based on Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy to determine the actual 10
curcumin concentration in curcumin-loaded poly(L-lactic acid) QL ¼ s  ð2Þ
(PLLA) nanoparticles. Validation of the method was carried out as
per the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) guide- According to the IUPAC recommendations (Currie, 1995), QL is
lines Q2 (R1) (ICH, 2005). expressed in terms of relative standard deviation RSD, which is
the maximum tolerated value conventionally equal to 10%. The
constant used to calculate the detection limit is performed accord-
2. Material and methods ing to the limit (kQ = 1/RSD), with a resulting value of 10.

2.1. Materials 2.2.4. Precision

The precision of an analytical procedure expresses the concor-
Curcumin (Sigma–Aldrich, 99.5%), dichloromethane (Sigma– dance between a series of measurements from multiple samplings
Aldrich, 98%) and methanol (Sigma–Aldrich, 99.5%) were used as of the same homogenous sample (Currie, 1995; ICH, 2005).
R.A. da Silva-Buzanello et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 99–104 101

Table 1
Formulations of encapsulated curcumin nanoparticles.

Experimental condition Distilled water (g) Lecithin (g) Dichloromethane (g) Curcumin (g) PLLA (g)
Formulation 1 22.4815 0.1800 11.7140 0.0040 0.3924
Formulation 2 22.4552 0.1796 11.7161 0.0115 0.3940
Formulation 3 22.4649 0.1799 11.7590 0.0237 0.3935

The intermediate precision (assays on different days), repeat- and lecithin were dissolved in dichloromethane for 5 min.
ability (different assays on the same day) and reproducibility Curcumin was then added and mixed for 5 min. After this, distilled
(assays involving a different analyst and a different laboratory) water was added under moderate stirring and the system was son-
were determined with six scans of three curcumin solutions with icated (Fisher-Scientific Ultrasonic Dismembrator 120 W with a 1/
known concentrations (4, 20 and 40 mg L1). Precision levels were 800 tip) at 100% amplitude for 180 s in a pulsing regime (30 s soni-
calculated by the relative standard deviation percentage (RSD%) cation and a pause of 10 s). The miniemulsions were poured into
from the analytical curves. All UV–Vis spectra were recorded using 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks and the solvent was evaporated at
PG Instruments equipment (model T70+) in the Laboratory of Food 40 °C for 18 h. Table 1 presents the formulations of curcumin-
Analysis (Federal University of Technology – Paraná). For the loaded PLLA nanoparticles.
reproducibility evaluation, a Hitachi UV–Vis spectrophotometer
was used (model U-1900, 4 nm spectral bandwidth, ±0.5 nm 2.4. Determination of the actual curcumin concentration in the
wavelength accuracy and splitbeam optical system). This equip- nanoparticles
ment is in the Control Process Laboratory (Federal University
of Santa Catarina) and the experiments were carried out by the 1 mL of the nanoparticles dispersion was dried immediately
same analyst. after their preparation in a circulation oven at 70 °C for 2 h. The
dried aliquots were then diluted in 1 mL dichloromethane and
2.2.5. Accuracy (recovery method) the polymer was precipitated by adding 1 mL methanol. The solu-
Accuracy of an analytical procedure demonstrates a concor- tion was filtered with a Millipore membrane (0.45 lm) and 1 mL
dance degree between the value (accepted as conventionally true was then diluted in dichloromethane:methanol 1:1 (v/v) to adjust
or an accepted reference value) and the obtained value (ICH, the absorbance. The procedure was also carried out for nanoparti-
2005). Accuracy was determined by preparing curcumin solutions cles produced without curcumin and the resulting solution was
with known concentrations at three different levels as proposed by used as blank in the UV–Vis analysis. Absorbance was determined
Grillo et al. (2009). Curcumin solutions were prepared in dichloro- at 465 nm.
methane/methanol (1:1, v/v) with concentrations of 4, 20 and
40 mg L1, which corresponds to the minimum, medium and max- 2.5. Nanoparticle characterization
imum values of the previously determined standard calibration
curve. The samples were analyzed and concentrations were recal- Morphological characterization of the nanoparticles was per-
culated from the calibration curve. Assays were performed in trip- formed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM; JEOL model
licate on two different days. JEM-1011, 100 kV). Samples without dilution were dripped onto
300-mesh parlodium-copper grids. The grids were dried at room
2.2.6. Specificity temperature and stained with osmium tetroxide for 4 h.
Specificity was evaluated by obtaining the UV–Vis spectra of
curcumin and the PLLA nanoparticles (without curcumin). The
3. Results and discussion
objective was to guarantee that no interference occurred in the
absorbance region as a reference for curcumin quantification
3.1. Analytical validation
according to the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH,
2005). Curcumin was dissolved in dichloromethane:methanol 1:1
UV–Vis spectra of pure curcumin and PLLA nanoparticles with-
(v/v) to yield a 40 mg L1 solution. Additionally, 1 mL of PLLA
out curcumin are presented in Fig. 1.
nanoparticles dispersion without curcumin was dried (70 °C) and
No signal at 465 nm was detected when the nanoparticles were
then 1 mL of dichloromethane and 1 mL of methanol were added.
evaluated meaning that the method is specific to curcumin at this
The solution was filtered (Millipore membrane filter, 0.45 lm)
absorbance value. This wavelength was then selected for the cali-
and1 mL was then diluted in dichloromethane:methanol 1:1 (v/v)
bration curve. Specificity is an important parameter because over-
to 10 mL.
lapped curves must be resolved before analysis. In some cases,
extraction or separation procedures must be necessary which
2.2.7. Statistical analyses
Calibration curve was evaluated by regression analysis (ANOVA,
adjusted determination coefficient and standard error of estimate)
along with the residual plots. The effects of analyst and laboratory
were evaluated by one-way ANOVA. The effects of concentration,
day ant their interaction were tested by factorial ANOVA. All anal-
yses were carried out using Statistica 7.1 (StatSoft, 2005).

2.3. Preparation of the curcumin-loaded PLLA nanoparticles

Nanoparticles were produced by the miniemulsification/solvent

evaporation technique following Musyanovych et al. (2008) and Fig. 1. UV–Vis spectra for: (a) pure curcumin; (b) PLLA nanoparticles (without
Leimann et al. (2012) with some modifications as follows. PLLA curcumin).
102 R.A. da Silva-Buzanello et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 99–104

increases the complexity of the analytical determination (Blanco Table 2

et al., 1996; Nevado et al., 1994; Zhang et al., 2008). Specificity is Accuracy study for the analytical validation of the curcumin determination method.

often ignored by authors which can lead to overestimated results Concentration Sample Concentration Average of Recovery
(Jasim & Ali, 1988). of added (day) of curcumin curcumin rate mean
The calibration curve found was ‘‘absor- curcumin found concentrations (%)
(mg L1) (mg L1) found (confidence
bance = 0.055 + 55.236 ⁄ Curcumin (mg mL1)’’. Angular and linear (mg L1)* interval
coefficients of the calibration curve were 55.236 ± 1.072 mL mg1 95%)*, 
and 0.055 ± 0.026, respectively. The correlation coefficient and 4 1a 3.11 3.09 77.21 ± 0.55a
the adjusted correlation coefficient of the straight line were 1b 3.11 RSD = 0.66% RSD = 0.68%
0.997 and 0.994, respectively, and the standard error of estimate 1c 3.09
was 0.058 meaning that linearity can be assumed. The residuals 2a 3.09
2b 3.07
presented normal distribution and no outliers were observed.
2c 3.06
Residuals are sections of data variability unexplained by adjust-
20 1a 19.54 19.46 97.28 ± 0.71b
ment. They can be interpreted with an error estimate and should
1b 19.37 RSD = 0.69% RSD = 0.70%
be normally and independently distributed around zero. In fact, 1c 19.27
they should present mean zero and constant variance. The analysis 2a 19.66
of variance showed that the calculated F value (2657.365) was 2b 19.45
higher than that of tabulated F at a significance level of 1% 2c 19.45

(8.531) and the probability of lack of linearity is lower than 106. 40 1a 38.64 38.53 96.32 ± 0.37b
The limit of detection was determined as 0.05 mg L1, meaning 1b 38.46 RSD = 0.37% RSD = 0.37%
1c 38.35
that this is the minimum level at which the analyte can be detected 2a 38.73
by the method. The limit of quantification found was 0.10 mg L1. 2b 38.43
Jasim and Ali (1992) used a spectrofluorometric method to deter- 2c 38.55
mine curcumin concentration in dry acetone solutions and found
RSD = relative standard deviation.
the limit of detection to be 0.34 lg L1. However, this method is *
n = 6.
very sensitive to temperature and to moisture present in the sol-  
Different letters in the same row indicate statistical differences (p > 0.05).
vent (acetone). Blanco et al. (1996) determined the curcumin con-
centration in mixtures of the food colourants using the derivative
spectrophotometric resolution technique. They found a linear recoveries from 84% to 97% depending on the curcumin concentra-
response from 1.2 to 20 mg L1 (R2 = 0.9995) and a limit of detec- tion and a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 4.37%. Jasim and Ali
tion of 1.23 mg L1. Cheng et al. (2010) validated a UPLC method (1988) studied curcumin concentrations of 1 and 15 mg L1 and
to determine curcumin concentration. They found the limit of found RSD percentages of 2.67% and 2.01%. The same authors
detection and the limit of quantification to be as low as 40.66 (Jasim & Ali, 1989) found RSD percentages for curcumin in 12 polar
and 134.38 picograms which is expected since UPLC is more sensi- solvents from 1.87% to 2.89%. An overall recovery percentage for
tive than UV–Vis spectroscopy. Nevado et al. (1994) found a deter- 3 mg L1 curcumin was found to be 99.2%, whereas that for
mination limit of 0.126 mg L1 and a linear response up to 9 mg L1 was 100.8%.
9 mg L1. Tables 3 shows the results for intermediate precision (inter-
Recovery rates and accuracy were calculated using the data pre- day), repeatability (intra-day), reproducibility (intra-laboratory)
sented in Table 2. and accuracy.
Recovery rate values varied from 97.28% to 77.2% and RSD from Reproducibility values for intermediate precision (inter-day)
0.37% and 0.69% meaning that good results were obtained. The and repeatability (intra-day) presented relative standard deviation
effect of curcumin concentration was statistically significant lower than 1.5%. Shaikh et al. (2009) evaluated the validation of a
(p < 0.05) and the effect of ‘‘day x concentration’’ interaction was methodology based on High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
not significant (p > 0.05). Ribani, Bottoli, Collins, and Jardim (HPLC) to determine the amount of encapsulated curcumin in
(2004) stated that an acceptable recuperation rate depends on poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic) by and obtained relative standard
the objective of the analysis. Acceptable intervals are generally deviation values for intermediate precision and repeatability lower
between 70% and 120% depending on the sample preparation than 3%. Grillo et al. (2009) also validated an HPLC based method
and on the analytical procedure. Blanco et al. (1996) presented to determine the amount of encapsulated benzocaine in

Table 3
Precision levels (intermediate precision, repeatability and reproducibility) for the analytical validation of the curcumin determination method.

Curcumin concentration (ppm) Laboratory I Laboratory II Reproducibility

1st day 2nd day Inter-day (n = 6) 1st day 2nd day Inter-day (n = 6)
RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%)
4 1.36 0.49 0.93 0.47 0.54 0.51 0.72
20 1.01 0.44 0.73 0.74 0.97 0.86 0.79
40 0.36 0.28 0.32 1.02 0.34 0.68 0.50
Analyst I Analyst II
1st day 2nd day Inter-day (n = 6) 1st day 2nd day Inter-day (n = 6)
RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%) RSD(%)
4 1.36 0.49 0.93 0.63 1.30 0.97 0.95
20 1.01 0.44 0.73 1.42 1.31 1.37 1.05
40 0.36 0.28 0.32 1.63 1.24 1.44 0.88

RSD: relative standard deviation (%)

R.A. da Silva-Buzanello et al. / Food Chemistry 172 (2015) 99–104 103

Fig. 2. TEM image of the PLLA–curcumin nanoparticles and water dispersions: (A) PLLA nanoparticles (blank sample), (B) curcumin-loaded nanoparticles and (C) free

The capability of being dispersed in water is one of the most

Table 4
Curcumin concentration in the PLLA nanoparticles. important properties of the nanoparticles because it affects their
final application. Fig. 2 demonstrates that the nanoparticles (A
Formulation Added Curcumin Curcumin in the nanoparticles
 100 ð%Þ
Added curcumin and B) can be readily dispersed in water forming visually homoge-
curcumin concentration
(ppm) in the neous systems. It is worth noting that the samples (B) and (C) have
nanoparticles the same curcumin concentration (500 mg L1). Free curcumin was
(ppm) poorly dispersed in water and formed macroscopic aggregates due
1 173 170 ± 2 98.3 to its high hydrophobicity. Similar results were reported by Shao
2 499 491 ± 6 98.4 et al. (2011) for curcumin encapsulated in polyethylenoglycol
3 1028 689 ± 33 67.0 and poly(caprolactone) nanoparticles and also by Anitha et al.
Determined by the calibration curve. (2011) for curcumin encapsulated in ortho-carboxymethyl chito-
san nanoparticles.

poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate). Relative standard 4. Conclusion

deviation for intermediate precision and repeatability was lower
than 2%. An Ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy method to determine the
The high specificity of the UV–Vis spectra of curcumin when concentration of curcumin on biodegradable nanoparticles was
compared to the PLLA nanoparticles, the linearity of the calibration validated in respect of specificity, linearity and inter-day, intra-
curve and the precision values presented above indicate that the day, inter-laboratory and inter-analyst precision. The method is
proposed UV–Vis analytical method can be considered adequate adequate to quantify the presence of curcumin in the nanoparticles
to determine the actual amount of curcumin encapsulated in the and presented a detection limit and limit of quantification of 0.04
poly(L-lactic acid) nanoparticles. and 1 mg L1, respectively.
Curcumin was encapsulated in poly(L-lactic acid) nanoparticles
3.2. Nanoparticle characterization and the curcumin losses were detected when high amount of cur-
cumin was initially added. The resulting curcumin-loaded nano-
Curcumin concentration in the nanoparticles is presented in particles could be completely dispersed in water, which was not
Table 4 and Fig. 2 shows a TEM image of the curcumin-loaded the case of free curcumin.
nanoparticles (Formulation 2). Fig. 2 also presents curcumin-
loaded nanoparticles (1 mL), pure curcumin (5 mg) and PLLA nano- Acknowledgements
particles (1 mL) dispersed in water.
Nanoparticles showed spherical shape with diameters of The authors would like to thank the financial support of CAPES
approximately 200 nm (Fig. 2). The curcumin concentration in and CNPq and to LCME – Federal University of Santa Catarina for
the nanoparticles in formulations 1 and 2 presented values close TEM images.
to the added curcumin concentration. The same was not observed
when high amounts of curcumin was added (Formulation 3). The Appendix A. Supplementary data
difference between added and actual curcumin concentrations is
not related to the proposed analytical method since it was vali- Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
dated for the absorbance range. This suggests that the system the online version, at
remained stable throughout the nanoencapsulation without great 09.016.
losses only when low amounts of curcumin were added.
Dandekar et al. (2010) produced curcumin nanoparticles encapsu-
lated in hydrogel hydroxyl propylmethylcellulose and poly(vinyl
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