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78 Avoca Street, Randwick NSW 2031

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Web Accessibility Checklist

These web accessibility checklist has been created to help staff develop new or modify existing components in their
Moodle courses, to ensure they are web accessible. In order to use this checklist effectively, you will need to have
some knowledge of HTML or experience using an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver. Please consult the school’s
Moodle administrator if you need assistance. Some of these requirements will not be relevant to most editing
teachers. They appear in this list for administrator purposes only.

Requirement and Purpose Compliant

Alternate Text (Alt Tag) - Provide a text equivalent for all non-text elements such as images, q Yes q No
animations, applets, objects, audio/video files, charts/graphs, and ASCII art. This will enable a
screen reader to read the text to a blind student.

Contrast - Allow for sufficient contrast between colours on a page and ensure that information q Yes q No
conveyed by the use of colour is understandable without colour. Consider colour-blind and low-
vision students' needs when designing your course and web pages.

Explanatory Links - Every link should indicate where it is going to take the user. Specific link q Yes q No
names and the title attribute will help the user know what will happen when they click on the link.

Audio and Video - Provide textual equivalents to audio information (i.e. listening scripts) and q Yes q No
alternative audio description for multimedia presentations. The text will enable deaf students to
know what others are hearing and alternative audio will enable blind students to know what others
are seeing.

Motion or Animation - Avoid flickering of the screen and ensure that moving, blinking, scrolling, or q Yes q No
auto-updating objects or pages may be paused or frozen. The movement can cause seizures or
distract students with certain disabilities.

Tables - Identify, by labelling or other appropriate means, row and column headers. This q Yes q No
identification will enable screen readers to discern the headers, which disclose the purpose of the
data in the rows and columns.

Forms - If you use forms, clearly associate form labels with their elements and place them q Yes q No
immediately above or to the left of the element. This will enable students who use screen readers to
correctly identify the correct choice in a form.

Scripts and Applets - If you use scripts or applets, make sure the pages retain their full meaning q Yes q No
with scripts turned off and in browsers that don't support scripts. If a page does lose its meaning
without a script, provide a way to compensate for it.

Mouse – Where possible, enable activation of page elements via keyboard or voice input, not just q Yes q No
a pointing device (mouse). This provides students with mouse-dexterity problems an alternative
way to interact with the computer.
Frames - Provide titles for each frame and include sufficient information as to their purpose and q Yes q No
relationship to each other. This will help blind students understand the organizational purpose of
the frame.

Language Change - Ensure that any changes in language are identified by using the HTML "lang q Yes q No
attribute." This enables Braille transcription software to generate the correct characters and speech
synthesizers to use proper pronunciation.

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