Internal Customers

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A simple definition of an internal customer is anyone within an organization who at

any time is dependent on anyone else within the organization. The internal customer
may be a situational customer. This person may not always be the internal customer.

Needs of the Internal customer – So what are the needs of the internal customers
and how do we take care of them. Here are some pointers to satisfy internal
customers and retain them as a valuable asset.

Maintain a healthy work culture – Friendliness and Co-operation is very important

to maintain the chain of internal customers and hence the work culture in the
organization should be such that this chain is maintained.

Show Respect – An outside vendor should be treated with the same respect as an
employee of an organization. Remember, they are both your internal customers.

Motivate them – By providing regular perks and benefits, Internal customers can be
motivated and better results can be obtained as compared to a disgruntled internal

Be proactive – Prepare policies which help the internal customers in times of needs.
Go out of your way to satisfy and help them. Always try and exceed expectations.

Importance of training – There are several organizations which focus on training as a

measure to strengthen the internal customer chain such that work is carried out
smoothly without hassle. These trainings emphasize on job roles and job profiles as
well as responsibilities thereby clearing the objectives and expectations from
internal custom22ers.

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