Activity For Week #7: 1. Name An Artist Whose Works You Really Like

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Activity for Week #7

1. Name an artist whose works you really like.

Leonardo Da vinci because his interests encompassed everything from painting to
architecture, anatomy, and engineering epitomized the renaissance man. His art was some
of the best in the world, but his way of thinking is what really separated him from the rest
of the artists of his time. It was a way of thinking that helped him make utterances and
predictions about the future that seems to come true in this modern day.He paints his
most famous artworks which are Mona Lisa and The Last Suffer.

2. Is there a particular work of art created by him or her that you relate to and appreciate?
What is it and why?
For me there is and it is the Last Suffer. The painting of the last supper is one of the most
interesting and intriguing of all the times, because it represents one of the most iconic moments in
human history and Cristian history, this was the night which Jesus announced before those
assembled that one of them would betray him.It relate the people around me even though you are
so close to each other, there is a particular thing that will make him/her betray you. So you should
not fully trust them. You should first trust or love yourselves before others because the only one
who can solve yourself is you only.
3. Look around your house and identify a product of art. In the box below, take a photo or
paste picture of that product of art in your household. Trace the beginnings of this item
and identify what functions it has played in history ( e.g. painting of the Last Supper in your
dining room or spoon, or it could be a sculpture item or any design ).

The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in
Jerusalem before his crucifixion. The Last Supper is commemorated by Christians especially on
Maundy Thursday. The Last Supper provides the scriptural basis for the Eucharist, also known as
"Holy Communion" or "The Lord's Supper.It depicts the dramatic scene described in several
closely connected moments in the Gospels, including Matthew 26:21–28, in which Jesus declares
that one of the Apostles will betray him and later institutes the Eucharist. According to
Leonardo’s belief that posture, gesture, and expression should manifest the “notions of the
mind,” each one of the 12 disciples reacts in a manner that Leonardo considered fit for that
man’s personality.

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