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Blighted- Terrible Transformations (d8)

-Merman a class
Wicked spines have grown from your scaled skin. If
someone dares to land a hit against you and draws
blood, inflict D4 damage back onto them, they might
think better next time.

Pressing your body against a surface immediately
blends you into your surroundings. Only a DR14
by Chalkdown & Djuun Presence test can spot your natural camouflage . You
have a forgettable face in a crowd as people struggle
You are a creature of the ocean, no longer a to remember you.
wretched landlubber. Dragged into the
Endless Sea by curse or witchery and spat out 3. EXPEDITIOUS WEBBING
a twisted form, changed forever. What is left Mud and sludge does not slow you down, you were
of your humanity is perverted by the tides and practically born in it. With webbed hands and feet
the salt-soaked waters that you now call your you swim faster and are also immune from fall
home. damage as you can glide with manta-like wings.

Begins with 2d6x10s and d2 Omens. 4. AVARICIOUS APPENDAGE

HP: Toughness+d10. A helpful tentacle has grown out from your side,
acting on its own to help in combat. When rolling
damage, roll twice and take the highest result. With
Aquatic Mutations... (d6) its assistance, you find grappling and climbing
1 Your maw gapes open when you talk, not vertical surfaces with ease.
suited for human language; your speech is
slurred, drooling incessantly. 5. NATURAL CARAPACE
2 You can only find sustenance in the Your skin hardens and has formed into a large shell-
entrails or rotten fish; all other food reeks like carapace. Acts as heavy armour (-d6 damage)
of the land and turns your stomachs. but imposes no penalty on defense tests. If you are
3 Your eyes have relocated to either side of ever broken, the shell breaks too. It won’t grow back.
your head - giving you a laughable
appearance and leaving you unable to 6. RAZOR-SHARP LAUGH
determine distance and depth. You have grown rows of brutally-sharp shark teeth.
You have a bite attack that does D6 damage (DR10
4 A slimy mucus covers your skin, dripping attack while in water) and the ability to talk to fish,
down at your feet wherever you walk and probably just before you eat them.
coating whatever you touch.
5 A dorsal fin has sprouted from the top of 7. UNWIELDY PINCER
your head, expanding when threatened. One of your hands has been turned forever into a
giant crab-claw. Ignore enemy shields as you crush
6 The gills about your neck exude a black them like clamshells, and count your hideous claw as
ichor and cause you to cough loudly. your own shield. Also useful for smashing locks and
Weathered, roll 3d6+1 for Agility and 8. ELECTRIC FEEL
Toughness. Hideous, roll 3d6-2 for Presence. Your skin is slippery with a conductive gel and a
Roll d4 on the weapon table and do not roll on shocking charge runs through your veins. This can
the armour table, nothing fits you anymore. be used as a D4-damage weapon which ignores all
You can breathe underwater due to gills. You armour; on a roll of a 1 the enemy is unable to attack
begin with two of the following: next turn from your shocking personality.

Blighted Merman is an independent production by Chalkdown & Djuun and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell.
It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.

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