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Father's Day 

is a holiday that honors fathers and

celebrates fatherhood. In most countries, it is celebrated on
the third Sunday in June. However, in some states it is
observed on other days. For example, Poland and
Nicaragua celebrate Father's Day on June 23.
Father's Day was established in the United States in the
early 1910s. Its creator was Sonora Smart Dodd, whose
father raised six children by himself. She thought that there
should be a holiday that honors fathers to complement
Mother's Day. Father's Day in the United States became an
official nationwide celebration in 1972.
Over the years, many countries have followed suit and
established their own Father's Day. The officially
recognized date of the holiday varies from country to
country, in most countries it is not a public holiday.
It is unclear why June 23 was set aside for Father's Day
celebration in Nicaragua and Poland. It is most likely a
coincidence that these countries celebrate the holiday on
the same day. Father's Day is a public holiday in neither of
these states.
Nicaragua Teacher's Day - June 29th
The Nicaragua Teacher’s Day celebrated every 29th of June has
a very historical importance in the country. The said teacher
appreciation day is in memory of a great teacher Emanuel Mongalo
who also died in this same date in 1855. Mongalo, during his time,
initiated educational campaigns to place Nicaragua’s education
campaign in high level. However, the past administration of the
Somozas (father and son) has not given priority to education
development. Nicaragua education today for elementary is free but
the problems of no educational facilities in rural areas has also
prevented the country from improving its poor literacy status – aside
from political bickering between top politicians which resulted to
assassinations in the past decades.
The following are the usual activities conducted by thousands of
elementary, secondary and tertiary institutions.

Teacher’s parties

There are also several schools in the country that manage to hold
parties for teachers during the commemoration of teacher
appreciation days. Teachers were treated to a special program,
given awards and recognition and treated to a special dinner. The
host group would prepare the best delicacies – a combination of
goats and ship which is among the favourites of Nicaraguans.

Love Cards

Love cards distribution is also traditional scenario in the classrooms.

Student would make their personalized cards and give them to their
favourite teachers. Those who can afford commercial cards are also
allowed to do so.

School activities

The common activities in most schools across the country include

dancing their favourite reggae and salsa numbers, comical skits,
dramatization. When the school activities are finished, students are
also treated by school administrators to special lunches only at
the teacher’s faculty rooms. Nicaragua’s best delicacies are
inspired by Chinese cuisine.
Christmas in Nicaragua
Christmas in Nicaragua begins officially on the 6th of December. On
December 7th with the Nicaraguans celebrating "La Purisima"(meaning "the
most pure) or the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary. Thousands in the
country, specially the young, sing as loudly as they can and go from house to
house, to sing hymns honouring the Virgin Mary. Someone from the crowd
loudly asks what the cause of their happiness is? The chorus immediately
answers, “The conception of the Virgin Mary!” For such performances, every
house rewards the performers with generous treats including items like
rosquillas, leche de burra (a sweet called donkey’s milk) nacatamal (tamal
stuffed with meat) oranges, lemons, and chopped caña (cane).

In the weeks leading up to the festival, people come out on the streets in large
numbers to buy candles,
images of Nativity, presents, small Nativity figures, toys, flower bouquets and
various types of food items. Children carry beautiful bouquets to the alter of
the Virgin and sing carols. Splendid fireworks are to be beheld all over the sky
throughout the entire month of December. The whole family decorates the
Christmas tree that they buy for the occassion. The festival, however, actually
begins on December 16 with the performance of the lodging difficulties of
Mary and Joseph. Every home carefully constructs a manger scene for this
purpose. The home where lodging is found, supplies wine and food.
From December 16 until Christmas Eve Mass, prayer is held each evening in
the home, followed by refreshments and the singing of carols. Contrary to the
American celebration of Christmas on 25th December, the festival here is
celebrated a day earlier. December 25th is just a regular day here.
Christmas Day is celebrated with fun, feasts, fireworks and dancing. The main
streets of the town and cities are decorated and have loud-speakers
broadcasting Christmas carols. In small towns, there is an old custom of the
Catholic Church organising a parade or "procession". The priest goes around
the town with a number of performers imitating various Biblical characters
and enacting the birth, passion and life of Jesus Christ. Many people view this
parade with great devotion.

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