Characteristics of Indian Literature

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Lavilla, Czai R.

BSE-English 3A Ms. Maria Rizalyn C. Flores


Here are the three observable characteristics of Indian Literature:

1. Indian literature is based on piety, a deeply religious spirit.

 The oldest know literature in India is the Vedas. According to Hindu tradition, the
Vedas are apauruṣeya “not of human agency”, are supposed to have been directly
revealed, and thus are called śruti (“what is heard”). This contains hymns and
prayers for gods.

 The Indians believed that knowledge of gods and a strong belief in Hinduism is
necessary to save mankind.

2. Indian literary masterpieces are written in epic form, corresponds to the great epochs in
the history of India.
 The Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the most important epics of India; the
latter is the longest epic in the world.

3. The earliest works in many languages of medieval Indian literature were sectarian,
intended to advance or celebrate certain unorthodox regional beliefs.
 Examples are the Caryapadas in Bengali, Tantric verses of the 12th century, and
the Lilacaritra (circa 1280), in Marathi.



Based on the ancient history of India dominated by Brahmins, the upper educated ruling
priestly class, Religion (Spirituality) was the primary concern.

Attaining heaven (Mukti) and Reincarnation are the two main focus of Hinduism. Charity
(Dana) is the concept that is emphasized in Vedas to attain heaven according to the doctrine of

The Indians also believed that knowledge of God and a strong belief in Hinduism is
necessary to save mankind.

‘Deeds of the past determine the state of the present’ is the concept of reincarnation. If
noble deeds are done in the past, noble birth in the present is assured.

Human Values

Human values are also a characteristic of Indian literature within the broader web of
‘Religion’. Obedience- to the one above, to keep up the words spoken i.e. not breaking promises
at any cost, bravery- in war are the important values imparted through the sacred books and


Obedience to the above – it can mean a person in power, in God or to an elder person.


Bravery in war front is seen in both Ramayana and Mahabharata which involves the two
great epic wars; The Ramayana war and The Mahabharata war- battle at Kurukshetra where the
army of both the parties [(Rama and Ravana in Ramayana) and (Pandavas and Kauravas in
Mahabharata)] fight bravely for victory.


Virtue rewarded and vice punished is the justice done according to the Dharma, which
is a characteristic of Indian literature. Ravana and Kauravas vices of Ramayana and Mahabharata
were defeated in war and were killed.

Village Life

It is being portrayed as Gandhi said that “The soul of India lies in villages.”


1. The Indian Literature Room. (n.d). Retrieved from
2. What are the characteristics of Indian literature? (n.d). Retrieved from

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