Full Name: : Dridi Saadi Middle School Second Term Test N 1 of English

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Dridi Saadi Middle School

Class : 1 MS 5 Date :…/02/2017
Second Term Test N0 1 of English
Full Name :……………………………

Hi! How are you?

My name is Silina. I’m 12 years old. I am Spanish and I live in
Madrid. I am a middle school pupil. I love English and Physics.
Everyday, I wake up at 7:00 a.m. I always have a shower then I
take my breakfast. I go to school at 8:30 a.m. School starts at 8:45a.m
and finishes at half past two .I take the bus and come back home .
At 4:30, I do my home work. Then, I play tennis with my brother David
at 4:45 p.m .I have dinner with my family at 6:15 p.m .I read a story and
go to bed and I go to bed at 9 p.m.

Reading comprehension

Task one: I read the text carefully and complete the following table : (02pts)

Time Event
7:00 ..........................................................................................................................
................ I go to school.
............... I come back home
21:00 ................................................................................................................
Task Two: I read the text and I answer the questions : (02pts)
1/ Does Silina love English ?
2/ What time does school finish ?
Task Three: Lexis (02pts
A-I find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to:

Wake up =……… Starts = ……………

B-I find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in meaning to:

Evening≠ ……….. Finishes ≠ ………….

Mastery of language

Task one : I put the verbs between brackets in the simple present tense: (02 pts)

*Sally (watch)…………………………..TV at 06:00 p.m.

*You (go)……………………..home in the evening.

Task two : I tell the time: (02 pts)

9:30 2:00


Task Three: I turn the following sentence into negative and interrogative (02 pts)
* I get up at 8:00. Every day.
Task Four: I classify these words according to the pronunciation of their final “s” (02 pts)
Watches _ looks _ helps _ lives

/s/ /z/ /iz/

I integrate

I answer Silina’s viber message . I introduce myself and I describe my daily activities

Hello !
My name is............ . I’m ..... years old. I am Algerian and I live in Skikda. I am a middle
school pupil . I love English and Physics. Every day , I wake
up............................................... ... ..................................................................................................
............................................................................................................................. ....................

Good Luck
T : Chouit Aboubaker

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