Experiment # 5: Modulus of Elasticity

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Modulus of Elasticity


To determine the modulus of elasticity by varying moment of inertia & length



 Dial gauge.
 Holder for dial gauge.
 Weight holder.
 Slotted weight.
 Support rod.
 Materials for the measurement of elasticity. (Aluminum).

Young’s modulus


Modulus of elasticity:

The modulus of elasticity (also known as the elastic modulus, the tensile modulus, or Young's
modulus) is a number that measures an object or substance's resistance to being deformed
elastically (i.e., non-permanently) when a force is applied to it.

Young's modulus, which is also known as the elastic modulus, is a mechanical property of
linear elastic solid materials. It defines the relationship between stress (force per unit area)
and strain (proportional deformation) in a material. The term modulus is the diminutive of the
Latin term modus which means measure.



σ F ∆l
E= but 𝜎 = 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜀 =
ε A l0

F × l0
Therefore E =

Moment of inertia:

Moment of Inertia, I, is the property of an object associated with its resistance to rotation. It
depends on the objects mass and the distribution of mass with respect to the axis of rotation.
For any beam, the inertia is calculated based on the cross sectional shape and the thickness.
It does not depend on the length and material of the beam.


For a rectangular section beam,

bh 3


b = width of beam and

h = height of beam.

Stress strain curve:

A deformation/displacement curve can be drawn based on experimental data and the

displacement in terms of extension per unit length can be described. This displacement is
called strain (ε), and the deformation in terms of force per unit area, is called stress (σ).

The deformation/displacement curve can be redrawn as a stress/strain curve as shown in
Figure which shows a realistic stress–strain relation. This should be independent of the
dimensions of the bar.

The shape of the stress/strain curve illustrated in figure is typical of many engineering
materials, and particularly of metals and alloys. In the context of biomechanics it is also
characteristic of bone. There is a linear portion between the origin O and the point Yp. In this
region the stress is proportional to the strain

σ = Eε,

F ∆l
Where 𝜎 = and 𝜀 =
S l0

The constant of proportionality E is called Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity. The

linearity of the equivalent portion of the stress/strain curve is known as Hooke’s law. There
is elastic Hooke an behavior up to the point P, the proportional limit. The slope up to this
stress is constant, the Young’s modulus E. The higher the E, the stiffer or the less compliant
the material At higher stresses, the stress–strain relation is nonlinear.

Stress strain curve


 The clamping length (L) was set.

 The width and height of the test specimen was measured by using a venire caliper and
the values were recorded.
 The test specimen was placed on the bearers.
 Both of the ends won’t be tighten since both ends are simple support.
 The load (F) hanger was mounted on the center of the test specimen.
 The dial gauge was moved to the center of the test specimen. The height of the gauge
was adjusted so that the needle touched the test specimen. The initial reading of gauge
was recorded.
 The load was loaded onto the weight hanger and the dial gauge reading was recorded.
 The experiment was repeated for another two times in order to obtain an average
deflection value.
 All the loads were removed after the results were taken.
 The graph of force versus deflection was plotted.
 The experimental value of Young modulus was calculated
 The experiment was repeated by using different material of aluminum rod.

Observations and Calculation:

Modulus of elasticity (E) = 𝐹𝐿3/ 48×𝐼×𝑓𝑚

Moment of inertia (I) = bh3/12

Sr Width “b” Height Actual Gauge Measured
Length “L” (m) 𝑏ℎ3 /12
No. (m) “h” (m) “E” Gpa Reading “E” Gpa
Fm (m)



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