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Lesson Plan in Science, 9th Grade

August 26-30, September 3-6, 2019, Quarter 1

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
Objectives Goal/s Measurables
a. Explain the importance a,d. Elaboration: 65% of the
of biological diversity. students were able to explain
the importance of biological
diversity with the use of
differentiated activities.
b. Relate species b. Exploration: 65% of the
extinction to the failure students were able relate
of populations of Demonstrate an species extinction to the
organisms to adapt to understanding of how failure of populations of
abrupt changes in the changes in the environment organisms to adapt through
environment. may affect species extinction Think-Pair-Share activity.
c. Distinguish c. Explanation: 65% of the
environmental change students were able to
that may result in the distinguish environmental
loss of the species. change that may result in the
d. Perform an activity that loss of the species through
shows the importance interactive discussion.
of biodiversity.
Performance Standards: make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of
representative microorganisms, plants, and animals.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Biodiversity and Evolution
Materials: power point presentation, glassboard, market

Code Learning Competency Reference

S9LT-Ie-f-30 The learners should be able to Gerona, Zonia M.,et al.
relate species extinction to the Science and Technology 8.
failure of populations of Abiva Bldg.,851 G. Araneta
organisms to adapt to abrupt Ave. Quezon City: Abiva
changes in the environment. Publishing House, Inc., pp.
CEM Relates species extinction to 152-156.2014.Print.
the failure of populations of
organisms to adapt to abrupt Madriaga, Estrellita A.,et al.
changes in the environment Science Links 8.856 Nicanor
Reyes Sr. St., Sampalok,
Manila: Rex Book Store,
Inc.,pp. 62-81.2017. Print.

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4001 rev. 02

III. Procedure
A. Engagement
Picture Analysis:
 Why are there so many different kinds of fish?
 What do you think will happen if there are only five species of fish that you see in
the market?

B. Exploration
The students will have a “Think – Pair – Share”
1. Discuss with a partner:
2. Take a look at this diagram of a food chain:

a. What does a plant do?

b. Which animal feeds directly on the plant?
c. Which animal feeds on the insect?
d. Which animal feeds on the mouse?
3. Let us say that in the area where the plant lives, the supply of sunlight had been cut
off and the plant could not adapt to this change. What would happen? Think about it.
4. Cite five things that are probable to happen if the plant became extinct.
5. What simple conclusion can you formulate about the impact of species extinction to
other species?
6. Share your findings in class.

C. Explanation
Guide Question:

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4001 rev. 02
1. Apart from food, how important are air and space in human-made or artificial
habitats of organisms?
2. What will happen to organisms if their population exceeds the carrying capacity of a
certain ecosystem?
3. What causes an ecosystem to collapse?

D. Elaboration
The students will be group into three. They have to prepare presentations that explain
the importance of biodiversity.

Differentiated Tasks Area of Differentiation

Group 1: Role Play Content
Group 2: Jingle Content
Group 3: Poem Content

IV. Evaluation
Directions: Read and analyze the statement below. Write TRUE if the statement is true and
FALSE if not.
1. All species on Earth have already been discovered and identified.
2. Earth has more species than it needs.
3. Creating parks and zoos is the best way to preserve biodiversity.
4. More than one half of the world’s species live in tropical forests.
5. Coral reefs are as rich in biodiversity as tropical forests.
6. Two major causes of biodiversity loss are population growth and the increasing
consumption of natural resources.
7. All habitats have the same number of species.
8. The biological resources of developing countries are a possible source of income.
9. Many species become extinct without ever being identified.
10. The loss of forest, wetlands, and other habitats contributes to loss of biodiversity.

75% 74%
and and
above below Total
Score Range:
No. of
Percentage: 100%

Analysis of Results:

RESULTS: Actions to be Taken

65% and above of the
population got 75% and Proceed to the next lesson.
above of the total items
More than 35% of the
students got 74% and Reteach the lesson.
below of the total items

V. Assignment

My Favorite Plant and Animal

What is your favorite plant? Animal? In connection with your favorite plant and animal:
1. Draw or get a picture of each of them on separate short coupon bond papers.
Create a perfect “habitat” for your chosen organism.
Checked Use
by:any format you would like to
illustrate your habitat.
Science Teacher Grade Level Coordinator - MS

Approved by: Noted:

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon
BKPA-ACAD-4001 rev. 02
Principal Head of School
Ratings Score
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Concepts Concepts Concepts were Concepts
Accuracy were evident were usually were lacking
throughout: all apparent: all apparent; used most of the
35% terms were but one or two some terms time; very few
used terms were accurately. terms used
accurately. used accurately.
Relevance Established a Established a Attempted to Failed to
clear purpose purpose that is establish a establish a
that is very quite relevant purpose, but purpose that
relevant to the to the goal and was not is relevant to
30% goal and demonstrated relevant to the the goal and
demonstrated an goal or did not did not
a clear understanding show a clear demonstrate
understanding of the topic. understanding an
of the topic. of the topic. understanding
of the topic.
Organization/ Well prepared Prepared and Not completely Not prepared
Mechanics and made no made a few prepared and and made
mechanical mechanical made mechanical
20% errors; the errors that did mechanical errors; some
overall not interfere errors that did interfered with
presentation with not interfere presentation.
was effective. effectiveness with the
of the presentation.
Creativity Interesting, Interest, Some use of Bland, no
and audience engaging, motivation, props, colors, variability; did
appeal visually effort, and graphics, not use props,
stimulating; time are language, and colors,
15% aesthetically obviously humor were graphics,
appealing use present; very engaging, but language, and
of props, little use of will not humor, boring
colors, props, colors, stimulate. to watch; does
graphics, graphics, not catch
language and language, and audience
humor. humor, but attention;
enough to interest,
engage and motivation,
hold attention. effort, and
time are

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4001 rev. 02

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