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Genetic Variation

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2 authors:

Ritu Dixit Bhagyalaxmi Mohapatra

L V Prasad Eye Institute Banaras Hindu University


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Genetic Variation by genetic variation. Variations in the eye color and

hair color, ear lobes, height etc. are due to the
Ritu and Bhagyalaxmi Mohapatra genetic differences between individuals.
Cytogenetics Laboratory, Department of Zoology,
Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, UP, India
Genetic Variation Drives Evolution

Genetic variation is an important evolutionary

force as it provides the diversity within and
between populations. Genetic variability makes
Gene polymorphism; Mutations
an organism more adapted to its environment.
Variations result in different forms of a gene
Definition (called alleles). For example, if a gene “A” is
mutated to “a” and if the new allele (a) has some
Genetic variation (GV) is defined as the subtle selective advantage for the individual either
genomic differences among individuals within or through fitness or fecundity, then the mutated
between populations that makes each or a group allele will be transmitted to the next generation
of organisms different from others. over a period of time. On the other hand, if the
new allele is deleterious, then it would be selec-
tively eliminated as the offspring carrying it will
Introduction not survive. Preexisting advantageous mutations
when selected will result in observation of new
Variations are found throughout the genome of an phenotypes. This process is called natural selec-
organism. However, these variations are not evenly tion (Darwin 1859). Natural selection brings
distriibuted. Instead, some regions are “hot spots” about changes in the gene frequency. Over few
of variability like CpG islands, and some other generations, this would result in speciation.
parts are stable enough that don’t show variation Hence, disturbance in genetic equilibrium or
(Mugal and Ellegren 2011; Xia et al. 2012) at all Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, i.e., change of fre-
among the individuals. Variation in the genetic quency of alleles in a population would lead to
material of an organism is depicted in its pheno- evolution.
type. Almost every trait of an individual is affected

# Springer International Publishing AG 2018

J. Vonk, T. K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior,
2 Genetic Variation

Sources of Genetic Variation variations may be rare or common depending

upon their frequency in population and patho-
Mutations, gene flow, and sexual reproduction are genic or nonpathogenic.
three primary sources of genetic variation.
Single-Nucleotide Variations (SNV)
Mutations SNVs are the most common type of all variations
Mutation is a process which produces altered where a nucleotide is replaced by another. It may
DNA sequence. It may be induced by radiations be either transition (purine to purine or pyrimidine
and chemical mutagens in the environment or to pyrimidine) or transversion (purine to pyrimi-
insult from endogenous reactive oxygen species dine or vice versa). When a SNV is common in a
(ROS) or occur spontaneously due to endogenous population or we can say its frequency is 1%,
factors (errors in chromosomal segregation, then it is known as single-nucleotide polymor-
recombination, DNA replication and repair, and phism (SNP). SNPs may fall within the coding
also spontaneous chemical damage to DNA). or noncoding region of genes or in the intergenic
Mutations are inexorable. They may have adverse regions. Coding region SNPs may be either syn-
effects on organism’s health and survival. Some- onymous (no change in amino acid) or non-
times, they may have no obvious effects, or rarely, synonymous (change in amino acid). SNPs are
they may be beneficial for the bearer. usually selectively neutral, but they often make
an individual predispose to certain disease, e.g.,
Gene Flow SNPs in MTHFR (methylene tetra hydro folate
Gene flow is the transfer of genes from one pop- reductase) predispose an individual to cardiovas-
ulation to another and thus affects the allele fre- cular disease (Kluijtmans et al. 1996), cancer
quency. The rate of gene flow is directly (Izmirli 2013), and neural tube defects (Botto
proportional to the mobility of an individual and and Yang 2000). SNPs also confer a selective
is limited by geographical barriers which may be advantage to individuals harboring them, e.g.,
natural or man-made. Cross-species hybridization Duffy blood group allele, FY(a-b-) (Duffy null
in plants to generate new and improved varieties phenotype), protects against malaria (Carvalho
and gene transfer from bacteria or virus to new and Carvalho 2011). SNPs are cataloged in a
hosts lead to genomic variations. public database, dbSNP (http://www.ncbi.nlm. Coding region SNVs
Sexual Reproduction may affect the structural and functional aspect of
Somatic cells divide and multiply by mitosis that a protein. They are usually deleterious and present
produces daughter cells, identical to the parent less frequently in population (1%). They are
cell, whereas during gamete formation, a special known as rare variants. Rare variants which are
type of cell division, i.e., meiosis, results in newer clinically significant are cataloged in clinical var-
combinations of parental genotypes by crossing iation database, ClinVar (https://www.ncbi.nlm.
over and independent assortment of homologous SNPs present in noncoding
chromosomes thus generating unique genotypes, regions are also reported to influence gene splic-
followed by random fertilization. Sexually ing and transcription factor binding. The func-
reproducing organisms are more diverse than the tional effect of variants on the protein’s structure
asexually reproducing ones. and function can be predicted using in silico tools
like SIFT, PolyPhen2, MutationTaster,
etc. (Table 1).
Types of Genetic Variants
Insertions and Deletions (Indels)
Genetic variations are basically of three types, Indels refer to DNA mutations involving insertion
viz., single-nucleotide variations, insertion/dele- and deletion of one or more base pairs. These can
tions (indels), and structural variartions. These have devastating effects on the gene because either
Genetic Variation 3

Genetic Variation, Table 1 List of bioinformatic tools and softwares to predict the pathogenicity of a missense genetic
Tool Web address
Mutation assessor

translation of the gene is frame shifted or amino Copy Number Variations (CNV)
acids are deleted. For example, 3 bp deletion A CNV can be simple in structure, such as tandem
(DF508) in coding region of CFTR (cystic fibrosis duplication, or may involve complex gain and loss
transmembrane conductance regulator) gene is the of homologous sequences at multiple sites in the
most common cause of cystic fibrosis (Cutting genome. CNVs are genomic structural variants in
2015). However, nonpathogenic indel are often use- which the number of copies of a particular seg-
ful in mapping common ancestry in kinship and ment is different in two or more different genomes
human origin studies because chances of two muta- as compared to a reference genome.
tions of the same length occurring in the same
genomic position are negligible. Variable Number of Tandem Repeats (VNTRs)
These variations involve changes in the number of
Structural Variations repeated DNA sequences arranged in tandem
Structural variation refers to large-scale structural arrays.These are highly heterogeneous groups of
differences in the DNA, originated mainly due to loci. These are multiallelic markers while SNPs
chromosomal rearrangements – deletion, duplica- are generally biallelic. They are classified
tion, novel sequence insertion, or inversion. They according to the size and number of their repeat
include copy number variations, variable number of units. They are sometimes considered as neutral
tandem repeats, and chromosomal rearrangement. markers. But there are many instances among
4 Genetic Variation

various classes of VNTRs which shows pheno- Chromosomal Rearrangements

typic effects. VNTRs can be microsatellite, mini- Chromosomal rearrangement involves deletions,
satellite, satellite, or telomere-repeat arrays. duplications, inversion and translocations which
are caused by either breakage of DNA double
Microsatellites helices at two different points, followed by the
They are also known as “short tandem repeats” rejoining of the broken ends or through crossing
(STRs) or “simple sequence repeats” (SSRs) hav- over between repetitive DNA sequences to pro-
ing 1–6 bp long repeat units. Their copy number duce a new chromosomal arrangement of genes.
varies from 10 to 30. Microsatellites with some Chromosomal rearrangement may lead to disrup-
specific repeat units show clustering, but most are tion of genes and implicated in many human dis-
distributed throughout the genome which is useful orders particularly cancer like chronic
in linkage analysis. The most common microsat- myelogenous leukemia where balanced transloca-
ellite is (CA)n repeat. Mutation at these regions tion results in fusion of the breakpoint cluster
may involve either increase or decrease in repeat region (BCR) with the c-abl (ABL1) proto-
units. Microsatellites are reported to be associated oncogene tyrosine kinase leading to the formation
with many human diseases like fragile of BCR-ABL fusion transcript which constitu-
X syndrome (FMR1/FMR2;(CA)n repeat) and tively activates tyrosine kinase that can transform
Huntington’s disease (HD; (CAG)n repeat). cells and inhibit apoptosis (Ren 2005). Chromo-
somal rearrangement is also a common mode of
speciation mainly through post-mating reproduc-
tive isolation, e.g., inversion resulted in species
Minisatellites are tandem arrays of repeat unit
diversity between two closely related drosophila
around 8–100 bp with a copy number of
species, Drosophila pseudoobscura and
5– >1000. They are generally GC rich. They are
Drosohila persimilis. Gene duplication (16A)
among most dynamic loci in our genome. Like
also causes bar eye phehenotype in drosophila.
most of the microsatellites, these are considered to
be neutral markers, but there are examples that
they play essential roles. A few lie in the coding
Techniques for Detecting Genomic
regions, encoding repetitive, and highly variable
Genotyping provides a measurement of the
Satellite genetic variation between members of a species.
They are also called macrosatellite. They are large Genomic variations are often found to be the
tandem arrays spanning hundreds of kilobases to etiology of many human diseases and are of par-
megabases, composed of repeat units of wide ticular interest in pharmacogenomics. The
range of sizes that can display a higher-order increase in interest in GV has been reflected by
structure. Alpha satellite or alphoid DNA is a the rapid development of a diverse range of SNP
good example. It is 170 bp in length. Their genotyping methods (summarized in Fig. 1).
detailed structure is difficult to study due to their
size and repetitive nature.
Applications of Genomic Variations
Telomere-Repeat Arrays
Telomeres are the structure present at the end of Screening for Genetic Diseases
chromosomes having tandem arrays of hexa- GV can cause many diseases in humans. These
nucleotide repeat TTAGGG, typically 10–15 kb diseases are usually rare but fatal, and an example
in length. One end of this array is contiguous with is cystic fibrosis, caused by mutations in the CFTR
subtelomeric DNA, while other is the true end of gene. Many common diseases such as heart dis-
the chromosome. ease and cancer are genetically complex, with
Genetic Variation 5

Genetic Variation,
Fig. 1 List of techniques Hybridization based methods
used for detecting genetic • Dynamic allele specific hybridisation
• Molecular beacons

Enzyme based methods

• Restriction fragment length polymorphism
• PCR based methods
• Flap endonuclease
• Primer extension

Methods based on physical properties of DNA

• Single strand conformation polymorphism

• Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis
• Denaturating high performance liquid chromatography

High throughput techniques

• Sanger sequencing
• Next generation sequencing

alleles from several genes contributing to the dis- (PCR)-based technology which detects very
ease. Linkage and association studies are used to short polymorphic stretches of DNA.
conduct genetic tests for screening of diseases
which involves profiling of disease causing vari-
ants (Taylor et al. 2001).
Pharmacogenomics Subtle differences in DNA are the ultimate cause
GV in patients make them respond differently to a of genetic variation. They may include single-
medication. In the future, the most appropriate nucleotide polymorphisms, variable numbers of
drug for an individual could be determined in tandem repeats, and large-scale copy number var-
advance of treatment by analyzing a patient’s iants. Both inherited and denovo variations could
SNP profile and such kinds of treatment which be either advantageous or deleterious for an
are specific for an individual are called “personal- organism. Beneficial variations are selectively
ized medicines.” favorable and allow an organism to adapt in
changing environmental conditions and hence
Biological Markers drive evolution. Studies of these variations are
Often GV tend to be relatively stable genetically; directly relevant in understanding many features
they serve as excellent biological markers. of human populations. The structure of
Constructing a chromosome map that shows the populations in terms of inbreeding and reproduc-
positions of known genes with genetc markers tive isolation, the relationship of different
allows researchers to study and pinpoint disease populations to each other, and the geographical
traits. and historical origins of populations – all these
aspects are illuminated by studies of genetic var-
Forensic Technologies iation. Now with the advancement of next-
Genetic profiling of biological material has generation sequencing technologies, vast amount
become one of the most powerful tools for solving of data is available which is being utilized for
parental disputes and in criminal investigations. screening of genetic diseases and for designing
Traditional methods in DNA “fingerprinting” is personalized medicines. Despite of numerous
now replaced by polymerase chain reaction technical advances, many variations still may
6 Genetic Variation

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to fully understand the distribution, pattern, prev- natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races
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