Multi-Pronged Approach To Bridge The Urban-Rural Divide

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invigorating rural india


Multi-Pronged approach to Bridge the

urban-rural Divide
M Chinnadurai
K R Ashok

ural development is vital electrification, development of market

R for the development of

Indian economy. Rural
population predominantly
relies on agriculture for
infrastructure and setting up of agro-
processing units to reduce wastage of
agriculture and horticulture produce
and enhance value addition to create
livelihood. Rural development also off-farm employment in rural areas.
envisages growth of non farm sector A brief review of agricultural and
and development of infrastructural rural development schemes aimed at
facilities in rural areas. The growth invigorating rural India is attempted
rates of agriculture and allied sectors to highlight the current situation and
have been fluctuating at 1.5 per cent in growth prospects is given here.
2012-13, 5.6 per cent in 2013-14, (-)
In order to provide the rural 0.2 per cent in 2014-15, 0.7 per cent National Food Security Mission
people with better prospects in 2015-16 and 4.9 per cent in 2016- (NFSM)
for economic development, 17. The sector has been witnessing a The National Food Security Mission
vibrant agricultural sector, gradual structural change in recent was launched by the Government of
years. The share of livestock in Gross India during 2007-08 and implemented
increased participation Value Added (GVA) in agriculture in 482 districts of 19 States. NFSM
of people in the rural has been rising gradually, the share aims at increasing production and
development programmes of the crop sector in GVA has been productivity of wheat, rice and pulses
and greater access to on the decline from 65 per cent in on a sustainable basis so as to ensure
2011-12 to 60 per cent in 2015-16.The food security of the country. The aim
markets are needed. The
first ever National Agriculture Policy is to bridge the yield gap in respect
Government of India adopted announced in 2000  sought to utilize of these crops through dissemination
a multi- pronged approach the vast untapped growth potential of improved technologies and farm
for bridging the urban-rural of Indian Agriculture, strengthen management practices.During 2017-18
divide by upgrading the rural infrastructure to support faster the project was implemented with an
agricultural development, promote outlay of Rs.521 crores.The Mission
standard of living of people in value addition, accelerate the growth of
rural areas. These initiatives agro-business to create employment in
made the people living in rural areas, secure standard of living for
rural India much better the farm families including agricultural
than what they were a labourers' households, discourage
migration to urban areas and face the
decade ago challenges arising out of economic
liberalization and globalization. The
policy gave high priority to rural

M. Chinnadurai is Director, Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
K R Ashok is Professor and Head, Dept. of Agricultural and Rural Management, CARDS, TNAU, Coimbatore.

YOJANA June 2018 55

sector besides protecting farmers
from production risks.During 2017-
18 the project was implemented with
an outlay of Rs.13240 crores.

National Agriculture Market

National Agriculture Market is a
pan-India electronic trading portal
which networks the existing APMC
mandis to create a unified national
market for agricultural commodities.
The NAM Portal provides a single
window service for all APMC related
information and services. Agriculture
marketing is administered by the
States as per their agri-marketing
has helped in widening the food in important crops, through focused regulations, under which, the State
basket of the country with sizeable interventions.During 2017-18 the is divided into several market areas,
contributions coming from the NFSM project was implemented with an
each of which is administered by
districts. The focused and target outlay of Rs.4750 crores.
a separate Agricultural Produce
oriented implementation of mission Marketing Committee (APMC) which
initiatives has resulted in bumper Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana
(PMFBY) imposes its own marketing regulation
production of rice, wheat and pulses. (including fees). This fragmentation
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana of markets, hinders free flow of agri
R a s h t r i y a K r i s h i Vi k a s Yo j a n a
was launched in 2016 with an objective commodities from one market area
to provide a comprehensive insurance to another and multiple handling of
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana cover against failure of crops and agri-produce and multiple levels of
is one of the important flagship help in stabilizing the income of the mandi charges ends up escalating
programmes of Government of India farmer. It also encourages farmers the prices for the consumers without
in agriculture and allied sectors. to adopt innovative agricultural commensurate benefit to the farmer.
The scheme was introduced in the practices and ensure flow of credit NAM addresses these challenges by
year 2007-08. The ultimate aim is to to the agriculture sector. PMFBY creating a unified market through
significantly increase the productivity has made impressive progress by online trading platform, both, at State
and eventually maximize the returns covering 366.64 lakh farmers (26.50 and National level and promotes
of farmers. The scheme aims at per cent) by covering an area of uniformity, streamlining of procedures
incentivizing the states to increase 388.62 lakh ha with a sum insured across the integrated markets, removes
public investment in agriculture of Rs.141339 crore. The PMFBY information asymmetry between
and allied sectors, preparation of was recast as a new scheme by the buyers and sellers and promotes
agriculture plans for the districts Government as the earlier existing real time price discovery, based on
and the states based on agro-climatic insurance schemes were not meeting actual demand and supply, promotes
conditions, availability of technology the full requirements of the farmers transparency in auction process, and
and natural resources, ensuring that for insurance coverage. PMFBY access to a nationwide market for the
the local needs/crops/priorities are contributes to food security, crop farmer, with prices commensurate
better reflected in the agricultural diversification and enhancing growth with quality of his produce and
plans and reducing the yield gaps and competitiveness of agriculture online payment and availability of
better quality produce and at more
reasonable prices. The project was
implemented with an outlay of Rs.200
crores in 2017-18.

Soil Health Management (SHM)

National Mission for Sustainable
Agriculture (NMSA) is implemented
with the objective to make agriculture
more productive, sustainable and

56 YOJANA June 2018

climate resilient; to conserve natural other water saving technologies (More arable land under organic farming
resources; to adopt comprehensive crop per drop), enhance recharge of within three years. during 2017-18
soil health management practices; to aquifers and introduce sustainable the project was implemented with
optimize utilization of water resources; water conservation practices by Rs.350 crores.
etc. Soil Health Management exploring the feasibility of reusing
(SHM) is one of the most important treated municipal waste water for Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna
interventions under NMSA.SHM peri-urban agriculture and attract (PMJDY)
aims at promoting Integrated Nutrient greater private investment in precision Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana
Management (INM) through judicious irrigation system. During 2017-18 launched in 2014, is National Mission
use of chemical fertilisers including the project was implemented with a for Financial Inclusion to ensure
secondary and micro nutrients in budget of Rs.7375 crores.PMKSY
access to financial services, namely,
conjunction with organic manures has been conceived amalgamating
Banking/ Savings & Deposit Accounts,
and bio-fertilisers for improving ongoing schemes viz. Accelerated
Remittance, Credit, Insurance,
soil health and its productivity; Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)
Pension in an affordable manner.
strengthening of soil and fertiliser of the Ministry of Water Resources,
Accounts can be opened in any bank
testing facilities to provide soil test River Development & Ganga
branch or Business Correspondent
based recommendations to farmers Rejuvenation (MoWR,RD&GR),
(Bank Mitr) outlet. Accounts opened
for improving soil fertility; ensuring Integrated Watershed Management
under PMJDY are being opened with
quality control requirements of Programme (IWMP) of Department
Zero balance.The objective of this
fertilisers, bio-fertilisers and organic of Land Resources (DoLR) and the
yojna was to make financial services
fertilisers under Fertiliser Control On Farm Water Management (OFWM)
accessible and affordable. It mostly
Order, 1985; upgradation of skill and of Department of Agriculture and
targets people who are below poverty
knowledge of soil testing laboratory Co-operation (DAC).
line and people who don’t have a bank
staff, extension staff and farmers
Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana account. More than  21 crore bank
through training and demonstrations;
promoting organic farming practices (PKVY) accounts got opened in just one and a
etc.The project was implemented half years of its initiation.
The government has launched
with an outlay of Rs.2092crores in Deendayal Antayodaya Yojana
2017-18. (DAY-NRLM)
in order to address the critical
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee importance of soil and water for
National Rural Livelihoods
Yojana (PMKSY) improving agricultural production. The
Mission (NRLM) was launched by
government supports and improves the
the Ministry of Rural Development
The major objective of PMKSY is organic farming practices prevalent
(MoRD), Government of India in 2011. 
to achieve convergence of investments in India. Following cluster approach
In 2015, the program was renamed
in irrigation at the field level, expand mode of farming, at least 50 farmers
DeendayalAntayodayaYojana (DAY-
cultivable area under assured irrigation, would form a group having 50 acres
improve on-farm water use efficiency NRLM). Aided in part through
of land to implement organic farming.
to reduce wastage of water, enhance The government aims to cover 10,000 investment support by the World Bank,
the adoption of precision-irrigation and clusters and five lakh hectares of the Mission aims at creating efficient
and effective institutional platforms
for the rural poor, enabling them to
increase household income through
sustainable livelihood enhancements
and improved access to financial
services.  NRLM set out with an
agenda to cover 7 crore rural poor
households, across 600 districts, 6000
blocks, 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats and
6 lakh villages in the country through
self-managed Self Help Groups
(SHGs) and federated institutions and
support them for livelihood collectives
in a period of 8-10 years. During
2017-18 the project was implemented
with an outlay of Rs.4814 crores.In
addition, the poor would be facilitated
to achieve increased access to rights,

YOJANA June 2018 57

launched based on the National
Rural Employment Guarantee Act
2005  and later renamed as the
“Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme”,
social security measure that aims to
guarantee the ‘right to work’. The
MGNREGA was initiated with the
objective of “enhancing livelihood
security in rural areas by providing
at least 100 days of guaranteed
wage employment in a financial
year, to every household whose
adult members volunteer to do
unskilled manual work. MGNREGA
is implemented mainly by  Gram
Panchayats (GPs) on labour-intensive
tasks like creating infrastructure for
entitlements and public services, Mission Antyodaya water harvesting, drought relief and
diversified risk and better social flood control.
indicators of empowerment.  DAY- Mission Antyodaya is a convergence
NRLM believes in harnessing the framework for measurable effective The year 2017-18, is marked by
innate capabilities of the poor and outcomes on parameters that transform the highest ever budget allocation
complements them with capacities lives and livelihoods. Real difference of Rs. 48000 cr.  To ensure that
(information, knowledge, skills, comes through convergence as it MGNREGA workers receive their
tools, finance and collectivization) to alone simultaneously addresses multi wages on time, National Electronic
participate in the growing economy dimensions of poverty. The mission of Fund Management System (NeFMS)
of the country.  the scheme is a State - led partnership has been put in place. Almost 96 per
for rapid Rural Transformation to bring cent of wages are being paid directly to
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan households out of poverty through the beneficiaries’ bank accounts. Close
(RGSA) diversification and development of to 1.5 cr works are taken up every year
multiple livelihoods. It is an effort under MGNREGA. During 2017-18
The Rashtriya Gram SwarajAbhiyan to address the multidimensionality the project was implemented with an
strengthens the Panchayati Raj system of poverty in a time bound manner outlay of Rs.48000 crores. More than
across the country and addresses through a convergence of resources, 2 cr assets have been geo tagged so
critical gaps that constrain its success.
both financial and human to provide far.
RGSA seeks to enhance capacities
an opportunity for transformational Conclusion
and effectiveness of Panchayats and
changes. The vision of the scheme
the Gram Sabhas, enable democratic Rural development implies both
is “Poverty Free India by 2022” by
decision-making and accountability the economic betterment of people as
all round development in human
in Panchayats and promote people’s well as greater social transformation.
development, social development,
participation, strengthen the In order to provide the rural people
ecological development, economic
institutional structure for knowledge with better prospects for economic
development.Mission Antyodaya aims
creation and capacity building of development, vibrant agricultural
Panchayats, promote devolution at “Poverty Quit India” by transforming
5000 Rural Clusters/50,000 Gram sector, increased participation of people
of powers and responsibilities to in the rural development programmes
Panchayats according to the spirit Panchayats through cluster specific
sustainable livelihood development. and greater access to markets are
of the Constitution and PESA Act, needed. The Government of India
strengthen Gram Sabhas to function The programme was implemented
during 2017-18 with Rs.48000 adopted a multi- pronged approach
effectively as the basic forum of for bridging the urban-rural divide by
peoples participation, transparency and crores.
upgrading the standard of living of
accountability within the Panchayat people in rural areas. These initiatives
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural
system and create and strengthen made the people living in rural India
Employment Guarantee Scheme
democratic local self-government in much better than what they were a
areas where Panchayats do not exist. decade ago.  q
The project was implemented with a National Rural Employment
budget of Rs.655 crores. Guarantee Scheme(NREGS)was (E-mail:

58 YOJANA June 2018

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