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Ministry of Higher Education

and Scientific Research

Al-Muthanna University
Engineering College
Chemical Engineering

Energy Balance for

the production of
Freon gas
Preparation: Sajad Husain Ali
Class: Third
Subject: Chemical Industries

Under The Expert Guidance Of:

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hasan Ali
Freon is a registered trademark of The Chemours Company, which uses it for a
number of halocarbon products. They are stable, nonflammable, low toxicity gases
or liquids which have generally been used as refrigerants and as aerosol propellants.
These include the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that cause ozone depletion and
HCFCs (such as chlorodifluoromethane). Not all refrigerants of this type are labelled
as "Freon" since Freon is a brand name for the refrigerants R-12, R-13B1, R-22, R-
410A, R-502, and R-503 manufactured by The Chemours Company. The term
"freon" is a common descriptor or proprietary eponym (similar to a generic
trademark) like "xerox" , "frosted flakes" or "kleenex". It is commonly used when
referring to any fluorocarbon refrigerants. The gas-based form of Freon is known to
emit a strong chemical smell not unlike that of acetone, or nail polish remover.

The first CFCs were synthesized by Frédéric Swarts in the 1890s. In the late 1920s,
a research team was formed by Charles Franklin Kettering in General Motors to find
a replacement for the dangerous refrigerants then in use, such as ammonia. The team
was headed by Thomas Midgley, Jr.[4] In 1928, they improved the synthesis of CFCs
and demonstrated their usefulness for such a purpose and their stability and
nontoxicity. Kettering patented a refrigerating apparatus to use the gas; this was
issued to Frigidaire, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors.
In 1930, General Motors and DuPont formed Kinetic Chemicals to produce Freon.
Their product was dichlorodifluoromethane and is now designated "Freon-12", "R-
12", or "CFC-12". The number after the R is a refrigerant class number developed
by DuPont to systematically identify single halogenated hydrocarbons, as well as
other refrigerants besides halocarbons.
Most uses of CFCs are now banned or severely restricted by the Montreal
Protocol of August 1987, as they have been shown to be responsible for ozone
depletion. Brands of freon containing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) instead have
replaced many uses, but they, too, are under strict control under the Kyoto Protocol,
as they are deemed "super-greenhouse effect" gases.

Under Section 608 of the United States' Clean Air Act it is illegal to knowingly
release refrigerants into the atmosphere. SNAP approved hydrocarbon substitutes
(isobutane and propane: R600a, R441a and R290), ammonia and CO 2 are exempt
from the venting prohibition.
When refrigerants are removed they should be recycled to clean out any
contaminants and return them to a usable condition. Refrigerants should never be
mixed together outside of facilities licensed to do so for the purpose of producing
blends. Some refrigerants must be managed as hazardous waste even if recycled, and
special precautions are required for their transport, depending on the legislation of
the country's government.
Various refrigerant reclamation methods are in use to recover refrigerants for reuse.

Refrigerants by class and R-number

Refrigerants may be divided into three classes according to their manner of
absorption or extraction of heat from the substances to be refrigerated:
 Class 1: This class includes refrigerants that cool by phase change (typically
boiling), using the refrigerant's latent heat.
 Class 2: These refrigerants cool by temperature change or 'sensible heat', the
quantity of heat being the specific heat capacity x the temperature change.
They are air, calcium chloride brine, sodium chloride brine, alcohol, and
similar nonfreezing solutions. The purpose of Class 2 refrigerants is to receive
a reduction of temperature from Class 1 refrigerants and convey this lower
temperature to the area to be cooled.
 Class 3: This group consists of solutions that contain absorbed vapors of
liquefiable agents or refrigerating media. These solutions function by nature
of their ability to carry liquefiable vapors, which produce a cooling effect by
the absorption of their heat of solution. They can also be classified into many
The R-# numbering system was developed by DuPont (which owned
the Freon trademark), and systematically identifies the molecular structure of
refrigerants made with a single halogenated hydrocarbon. The meaning of the codes
is as follows:
 For saturated hydrocarbons, subtracting 90 from the concatenated numbers
of carbon, hydrogen and fluorine atoms, respectively gives the assigned
 If bromine is present, the number is followed by a capital B and then the
number of bromine atoms.
 Remaining bonds not accounted for are occupied by chlorine atoms.
 A suffix of a lower-case letter a, b, or c indicates increasingly
unsymmetrical isomers.
For example, R-134a has 2 carbon atoms, 2 hydrogen atoms, and 4 fluorine atoms,
an empirical formula of tetrafluoroethane. The "a" suffix indicates that the isomer is
unbalanced by one atom, giving 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane. R-134 (without the "a"
suffix) would have a molecular structure of 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane.
 The R-400 series is made up of zeotropic blends (those where the boiling
point of constituent compounds differs enough to lead to changes in relative
concentration because of fractional distillation) and the R-500 series is made
up of so-called azeotropic blends. The rightmost digit is assigned arbitrarily
by ASHRAE, an industry standards organization.
 The R-700 series is made up of non-organic refrigerants, also designated by
The same numbers are used with an R- prefix for generic refrigerants, with a
"Propellant" prefix (e.g., "Propellant 12") for the same chemical used as a propellant
for an aerosol spray, and with trade names for the compounds, such as "Freon 12".
Recently, a practice of using abbreviations HFC- for hydrofluorocarbons, CFC-
for chlorofluorocarbons, and HCFC- for hydrochlorofluorocarbons has arisen,
because of the regulatory differences among these groups

Schematic flow diagram of the Freon (R-134)

Energy Balance

Energy balance, in terms of energy economics, is concerned with all processes

within an organization that have a reference to energy. It derives from the ecobalance

and has the ambition to analyze and verify the emergence, transformation and use of

energy resources in an organization in detail. Energy balances serve as a major

statistical data base for energy policy and energy management decisions. They

contain important information such as the amount and composition of energy

consumption, its changes or the transformation of energy. Energy accounting is a

system used in energy management systems to measure and analyze energy

consumption to improve energy efficiency within an organization. Organisations

such as Intel corporation use these systems to track energy usage. Various energy

transformations are possible. An energy balance can be used to track energy through

a system. This becomes a useful tool for determining resource use and environmental

impacts. How much energy is needed at each point in a system is measured, as well

as the form of that energy. An accounting system keeps track of energy in, energy

out, and non-useful energy versus work done, and transformations within a system.

Sometimes, non-useful work is what is often responsible for environmental

1. Energy Balance around Reactor [101]:




Tref = 298 k

Q1 +Q2 +Q3 = Q4

Q1=QE.O =n *ΔH

=109.2148 *0

Q=0 kj/hr

Q2 = QH2O =n *ΔH

=2669.697 *0

Q2=0 Kj/hr
Q3 = QH2O =n *ΔH

=2572.6303 *1883.08

Q3 = 4844468.67 kj/hr

Q4= Q1 +Q2 +Q3

Q4 = 4844468.67 kj/hr

Q4 = QE.O +QH2O


Q3 = Total heating recycled from three evaporators

Q3 = QRec.1 +QRec.2 +QRec.3

Q4 =QE.O +QH2O

QE.O = n *ΔH

=109.2148 *[35.720[T -298]+4.2908 *10-1/2(T2-2982)]

=109.2148[35.720 T -10644.56 +0.2145T2-19052.01]

=3901.153*T-1162543.49 +23.426T2-2080761.462


QH2O= n *ΔH




Q4 = QE.O+QH2O

Q4=-29.888*T2 +257663.861T -74128568.42


78973037.09 = -29.888T2+257663.861T

T=318 k

T=45 Co

2. Energy Balance around Separator [102] :


(4) 99%





Q1=4844468.67 kj/hr


QE.O=n*ΔH+ n*ΔHV
=2682753.44 kj/hr

QH2O=n*ΔH+ n*ΔHV

=2669.697 *3385.13

=9037271.41 kj/hr

Q5=11720024.85 kj/hr

QRec=QH2O=1903.746 *56430.04

QRec=10742914.83 kj/hr


QHX=3867358.65 kj/hr


=n*[A*(T-298) +B/2*(T2-2982)]

3867358.65 =1903.746*[92.053(T-298)-3.9953*10-3/2*(T2-2982)]

T=323 k

T=50 Co

101.5 oC to 35 oC using cooling water so we calculate the heat outlet cooling then
we calculate mass of cooling water

Tref=298 K


Q5=11720027.54 kj/hr



=535146.12 kj/hr


=111736690.9 kj/hr

Q6=112271837.02 kj/hr


=100551809.5 kj/hr


T1=298 k, T2=323 k, ΔH=6793.34 kj/kmol


n=14801.53 kmol/hr


m=266427.5 kg/hr

4. Energy balance around Distillation Column [101] :

In Distillation we calculate the heat to top gases at 35 oC and the heat of liquids at
the bottom

Tout=35 oC
Q4 = 640061 kJ Heat from out

Q6 = Σ n*CpL*(Tout-Tref) , Tout = 308 K ,Tref=298 K

From (A.2) Take CpL according eq (2)



E.O +H2O →MEG ΔHv=-79.4 kJ/mol

E.O +MEG →DEG ΔHv=26.3 kJ/mol

E.O +DEG →TEG ΔHv=-98.3 kJ/mol

ΔHr=-79.4 kJ/mol *1000 mol/kmol

=79400 kJ/kmol

Hr=-26.3 kJ/mol *1000 mol/kmol

=-26300 kJ/kmol

ΔHr=-98.3 KJ/mol *1000 mol /kmol

=-98300 kJ/kmol

QR1=96 kmol/hr * -79400 kj/kmol

=-7622400 kj/hr

QR2=0.90667 kmol/hr * -26300 kJ/kmol

=-23845.42 kj/hr

QR3=0.16 *kmol/hr * -98300 kj/kmol

=-15728 Kj/hr

Qgen=-7661973.42 kj/hr

Q=Σ n *ΔH


QE.O=n *ΔH

=-535146.12 kj/hr

QH2O=n *ΔH +n*ΔHv

=111736696.3 kj/hr

Q6=112271842.4 kj/hr


QE.O= n*ΔH

=53514.22 kj/hr


=23786929.76 kj/hr


=2218567.2 kj/hr


=32590.14 kj/hr


=8306.89 kj/hr

Q7=26099908.21 kj/hr


Qsteam =Q6+Qgen-Q7


Qsteam= n*ΔH +n*ΔHv

78509960.77 =n* 3367.818 +n*39041.004

n=1851.26 kmol/hr

m= n*Mwt

m=33322.766 kg/hr
1. ^ "R-12 Safety Data Sheet" (PDF). National
Refrigerants. Retrieved 23 May 2019.

2. ^ "Ozone Destruction".

3. ^ Maltbee, Kirk. "Why Does My Refrigerator Smell Like Nail Polish Remover?
By saksham". Hunker.

4. ^ Sneader W (2005). "Chapter 8: Systematic medicine". Drug discovery: a

history. Chichester, England: John Wiley and Sons. pp. 74–87. ISBN 978-0-471-
89980-8. Retrieved 2010-09-13.

5. ^ Bellis, Mary. "Freon". Inventors. Retrieved 2013-04-30.

6. ^ "Handbook for the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone
Layer - 7th Edition". United Nations Environment Programme - Ozone
Secretariat. 2007. Archived from the original on 2016-05-30. Retrieved 2013-04-

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