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Piece Thickness Specs

1 8.9099 Lower limit 7

2 13.0448 Upper limit 15
3 5.1323
4 12.5274 Part a
5 10.9261 % within specs 94.8%
6 13.3245 Part c:
Part c: The
The histogram
histogram ononthe
next sheet
sheet isis
almost perfectly symmetric and bell-shap
almost perfectly symmetric and bell-shap
7 13.3968 Part b it's not
surprising that
that the
the empirical
empirical rules
8 11.6933 Mean 11.028334 well.
9 11.9677 Stdev 2.1218899
Part d:
Part d: The
The answer
answer isis "yes."
"yes." This
This makes
makes thth
10 8.6991 interval mean
meanplusplus or
or minus
minus two
two stdevs
stdevs ex
11 12.3543 Part c from 77to
from to 15,
15, exactly
exactly what
what the
spec limits
12 11.705 -3 Mean-3Stdev 4.6626646 Then the
Then the second
empirical rule
rule will
will predic
about 95% of items within
about 95% of items within specs. specs.
13 11.2663 -2 Mean-2Stdev 6.7845544
14 12.2586 -1 Mean-Stdev 8.9064443
15 11.4488 1 Mean+Stdev 13.150224
16 9.8743 2 Mean+2Stdev 15.272114
17 7.3066 3 Mean+3Stdev 17.394004
18 13.8179
19 14.8189 First rule 71.4%
20 10.555 Second rule 98.0%
21 12.9678 Third rule 99.2%
22 11.2091
23 9.7326
24 13.1403
25 12.4722
26 7.3684
27 10.8424
28 6.9182
29 12.2572
30 9.8474
31 9.2116
32 12.6241
33 9.8697
34 8.8594
35 12.6345
36 14.0881
37 12.9089
38 12.328
39 13.1314
40 9.1198
41 11.1914
42 10.6011
43 11.2372
44 8.3758
45 7.2888
46 12.7399
47 10.6256
48 6.514
49 11.9089
50 12.9079
51 10.2196
52 12.2268
53 9.7332
54 12.0466
55 6.7346
56 10.168
57 11.8674
58 10.1632
59 7.9895
60 9.9161
61 10.1435
62 13.9718
63 10.537
64 11.1943
65 10.7395
66 7.5347
67 10.1415
68 13.2809
69 12.4475
70 12.5707
71 11.7552
72 6.4862
73 14.345
74 12.6166
75 12.9
76 9.7057
77 10.8072
78 10.6605
79 9.1093
80 10.5232
81 9.9219
82 15.7429
83 12.9686
84 11.3982
85 12.6723
86 12.1956
87 11.5804
88 11.165
89 10.6586
90 14.3618
91 10.272
92 14.6644
93 8.1593
94 9.6018
95 11.4076
96 3.8106
97 11.7424
98 11.1117
99 11.0167
100 9.3329
101 12.3759
102 8.7531
103 9.4689
104 12.4023
105 12.4006
106 9.1677
107 11.0611
108 10.788
109 10.403
110 11.9735
111 12.0766
112 9.3556
113 10.1547
114 12.0511
115 10.1031
116 11.3069
117 10.4018
118 11.6954
119 9.0138
120 10.0991
121 10.2688
122 12.4521
123 11.6371
124 9.4328
125 10.7107
126 12.9396
127 13.5728
128 12.2011
129 9.176
130 10.2263
131 10.5202
132 10.39
133 8.944
134 8.443
135 12.0712
136 11.6495
137 10.1276
138 14.2899
139 8.402
140 11.1632
141 8.9025
142 13.378
143 11.9449
144 14.204
145 6.5077
146 10.0683
147 10.3719
148 10.6696
149 12.1255
150 8.0825
151 10.1669
152 13.1552
153 8.7972
154 9.5417
155 12.2773
156 9.9665
157 8.8696
158 10.2882
159 5.3509
160 13.1371
161 14.2433
162 14.8988
163 9.3101
164 9.9076
165 10.9785
166 12.7851
167 9.8718
168 10.216
169 17.7541
170 13.5741
171 13.8201
172 13.7614
173 11.0949
174 9.2322
175 11.7331
176 13.5425
177 13.7623
178 9.9752
179 10.7911
180 12.657
181 10.088
182 7.3363
183 7.2656
184 11.6212
185 9.454
186 8.9242
187 13.3565
188 11.58
189 13.6942
190 12.3164
191 8.2349
192 13.6823
193 12.3666
194 8.8012
195 9.2345
196 10.5622
197 12.9991
198 12.3473
199 8.4059
200 12.432
201 13.8351
202 12.4353
203 12.5374
204 14.09
205 9.0578
206 11.3513
207 11.0732
208 10.4592
209 11.3984
210 9.0609
211 8.4065
212 9.3658
213 10.0031
214 14.116
215 10.2539
216 12.9305
217 9.9659
218 10.4479
219 13.9673
220 13.4223
221 11.0727
222 12.0294
223 10.3942
224 8.3579
225 11.5241
226 5.0497
227 14.2943
228 17.3556
229 12.2435
230 9.1636
231 12.1734
232 13.4345
233 9.1013
234 8.6983
235 13.7109
236 15.7204
237 13.7735
238 9.6169
239 10.2012
240 10.3831
241 13.1257
242 10.2984
243 11.4557
244 9.2574
245 9.1649
246 9.2537
247 12.1104
248 9.5548
249 10.6466
250 11.9087
251 11.2786
252 8.2525
The histogram
The histogram ononthe
next sheet
sheet isis
perfectly symmetric and bell-shaped,
perfectly symmetric and bell-shaped, so so
surprising that
surprising that the
the empirical
empirical rules

The answer
The answer isis "yes."
"yes." This
This makes
makes the
ll mean
meanplus plus or
or minus
minus two
two stdevs
stdevs extend
to 15,
to 15, exactly
exactly what
what the
spec limits
limits are.
he second
he secondempirical
empirical rule
rule will
will predict
95% of
95% of items
within specs.
StatTools (Core Analysis Pack)
Analysis: Histogram
Performed By: Chris Albright
Date: Friday, February 10, 2012
Updating: Live

Thickness / Data Set #1

Histogram Bin Min Bin Max Bin Midpoint Freq. Rel. Freq. Prb. Density
Bin #1 3.811 5.360 4.585 4 0.0159 0.010
Bin #2 5.360 6.909 6.135 4 0.0159 0.010
Bin #3 6.909 8.458 7.684 18 0.0714 0.046
Bin #4 8.458 10.008 9.233 51 0.2024 0.131
Bin #5 10.008 11.557 10.782 69 0.2738 0.177
Bin #6 11.557 13.106 12.332 64 0.2540 0.164
Bin #7 13.106 14.656 13.881 35 0.1389 0.090
Bin #8 14.656 16.205 15.430 5 0.0198 0.013
Bin #9 16.205 17.754 16.979 2 0.0079 0.005

Histogram of Thickness / Data Set #1

















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