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Name: K.

Reg No: 124004126


Rice cooker:

Need of rice cooker: Rice cookers make it convenient to cook a significant

quantity of rice easily and they can keep it quite fresh in the machine. It cooks
perfect rice every single time.
Put some water and rice in a pot, you get perfectly cooked rice every single

➢ Electricity is required for a rice cooker to work.
➢ Make sure the current isn’t overloading.

Basic features:
➢ It measures capacity by the cup and range from 3 ups to 10 cups. Also
want to avoid over fulling your cooker because it will cause it boil over
which is quite messy.
➢ The handles of rice cooker is insulated you can move around the
cooker without fear of getting burnt.
➢ Models with transparent lid should be preferred to allow you to keep a
pot on cooking process.
➢ Exciting features: in rice cookers you can make hot drink soup boil
milk and Pasta in IT apart from rice.
➢ Some brands provide you with a steaming basket with facilitates
steaming of idlis, potatoes, corn, vegetables.

Fig 1 : Kano model

Fig 2: It’s the Rice cooker in my home

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