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University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education


Final Report

PS III is a five-course equivalent integrated semester including half-time teaching and professional study in curriculum
design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice. Intern Teachers are assigned full time to schools for the
semester during which they assume responsibility for approximately one-half of the teaching day. PS III professional study
is designed to complement and enhance the internship. The professional study components may occur on or off-campus
and are coordinated by the University Consultants in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel.

Select the course in which you are registered:

Education 4571 Elementary Education Internship

X Education 4572 Secondary Education Internship
Education 4576 Native Education Internship
Education 4578 Early Childhood Education Internship
Education 4582 Inclusive Education Internship
Education 4583 Technology in Education Internship

INTERN TEACHER: Breanna Kennedy

SCHOOL: Wilson Middle School

Grade Level(s): Grade 6

Teacher Mentor: Reg Dueck
Administrator: Dean Hawkins

University Consultant: Carmen Mombourquette


Final Conference Date: X Date: 12/8/2020

Review the Portfolio: X

Review the Professional Inquiry Project X

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University Consultant Comments:

Breanna Kennedy has proficiently demonstrated the competencies inherent in the Teaching Quality Standard
as they pertain to beginning teachers.

Breanna blended her knowledge of the school and that of ELA program of study along with a good
understanding of each of the students in her class. Breanna was able to demonstrate that she believes that
“all students can learn.” From my reading of her plans and through direct observation in her classes it was
evident to me that Breanna was attending to various learning styles and provided a reasonable array of
differentiated learning opportunities. During each observation I saw evidence of this blend when students were
presented with the opportunity to participate in a variety of learning activities.

As Breanna entered the PS III Internship she was challenged to write subject specific long-range plan. These
plans were to cover all of the KSAs she was expected to teach during her semester in Wilson Middle School.
The long-range plans met the expectations of the school and that which is required by the University of
Lethbridge. In addition, Breanna took those same KSAs along with items pertinent to her students and
developed unit plans and in turn daily lesson plans. Included in each unit and daily plan were the appropriate
connections to the program of study, processes to be followed, the means to assess student learning, a listing
of items like resources to be used, as well as the ways in which student individual needs were to be met.

Breanna attended to competency one by putting in place a solid plan for forming healthy relationships early in
her tenure in this school. She used her quiet non-threatening personality to build one-to-one relationships with
her students.

This fine beginning teacher made frequent and appropriate use of technology. She came to her internship with
a solid understanding of how to use technology to enhance student learning. On a regular basis she used the
wide variety of technology available in the school.

It was very pleasing to see solid assessment practices being employed in Breanna’s classroom. I even saw
evidence of nice steps being taken by this teacher to ensure clear alignment between formative assessments
with the summative given at the end of a unit.

From the evidence gathered related to her planning, relationship building, use of instructional strategies,
student assessment practices, and commitment to the goals and priorities of the school I have every
confidence in her abilities as a beginning teacher and believe that she will make a valued professional

I have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is PASS

University Consultant Signature Date

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Intern Teacher’s Descriptive Report:

During my Internship I taught Grade 6 at Wilson Middle School from September 1 to December 17, 2020. I was
responsible for 48 students in our instructional dyad. 32 students entered Grade 6 with literacy skills formally
assessed at Grade 4 level or below. 9 students are coded ELL, 11 assigned ISP’s, 1 coded with a learning
disability, and 1 coded with a Severe Emotional/ Behavioural disability with full-time EA support.

I taught 50% of instructional time, and fun-time during my final full week.I was responsible for preparing a
long-range plan for ELA, 4 ELA units, and daily ELA lessons for the two classes. I chose and prepared what
students would learn during their “Options” period, which included the following units: Art, The Wilson Way
(Health), Inside Out Film Study and Mindfulness (Health/ Social-Emotional Regulation), Digital Citizenship (ICT/
ELA), Travel and Tourism (ELA/ Social Studies), and Drama.

As a member of the Fundraising committee, I developed and shared the promotional video for the school’s
Papa John’s Pizza fundraiser, to build school spirit and connect with our community. As a member of the
Breakfast committee I handed out breakfasts weekly before school to students who needed them to support
their ability to learn.

Expectations for behaviour and quality of work for students were made clear and reinforced from the first day of
school. The strategy that worked best for me when challenging behaviours started to occur was clearly
re-affirming what my expectations for students are, outlining a clear, visual three-strikes policy on the board,
explaining exactly what consequences are and what the consequence would be if expectations were not met,
and consistently following through with the outlined consequences. Strong relationships with the students was
also imperative to me, and students took it to heart when I needed to explain that their behaviour was
disrespectful to myself and their classmates. Positive reinforcement when expectations were met and exceeded
further strengthened student’s confidence and an inclusive learning environment.

Engaging instruction was also essential to me for behaviour management and student learning. I tailored
instruction to their interests, incorporated technology into their assignments through PowerPoint, TEAMS,
Minecraft Education and research for inquiry, and constantly updated my lessons and assessments according
to formative assessment results to set students up for success. I put extensive effort into aligning my
assessment with required outcomes and adjusting them according to student’s learning needs. I also
implemented a differentiated At-Home literacy program and in-class Spelling Program to build student’s literacy
skills at an achievable level.

I learned and grew so much from my experience with these students and collaborating with the wonderful staff
at Wilson.

Intern Teacher Signature Date

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Intern Teacher’s Descriptive Report (Cont’d):

Intern Teacher Signature Date

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Teacher Mentor Comments:

It has been a pleasure sharing my classroom with Breanna Kennedy over the past four months. Breanna’s
internship involved teaching two grade six ELA classes and an exploratory option. She also implemented a
differentiated At-Home literacy program to further develop student’s literacy skills. Breanna was eager to begin
her internship and met with me in June to learn more about her teaching assignment. She spent a great deal
of time planning to ensure her lessons were meaningful and engaging for students. Her planning (long range,
unit, and lesson) has been extremely thorough. She has prioritized the integration of different learning styles
and strategies into her lessons in an effort to have all students succeed. Breanna understands the importance
of reflecting on each lesson and was able to immediately implement changes as needed to best serve the
diverse needs of the students. This is something I encourage her to continue to put into practice in her future
teaching assignments.
Breanna uses a gentle yet firm approach to her classroom management and understands the importance of
expectations in her classroom. Ms. Kennedy’s classroom presence and leadership continued to improve over
the course of the internship. She quickly understood how important it is to build strong relationships with
students to ensure a healthy classroom climate. Breanna also implemented a visual three-strikes policy on the
board. This allowed her to explain exactly what expectations are and what the consequence would be if these
were not met. Through modelling and positive reinforcement, her students understand expectations and are
eager to push themselves and meet their full potential.
During Ms. Kennedy’s internship, she immersed herself into the Wilson community in a variety of ways. She
was a member of the Fundraising Committee. She developed and shared the promotional video for the
school’s Papa John’s Pizza fundraiser. Breanna was also a member of the Breakfast Committee. She handed
out breakfasts before school to students who needed them to support their ability to learn. Breanna has
proven to be a dedicated professional with a willingness to contribute to the well-being of the school
community at large. I am confident Breanna will continue to seek out ways to get involved in areas she is
passionate about.
At all times during her internship, Breanna has modeled kindness, respect, empathy, and compassion to not
only her students but her co-workers on staff. Ms. Kennedy has proven to understand the importance of
engaging in career long learning. Her involvement in various professional growth opportunities throughout her
internship has been commendable. Breanna has also consistently developed and applied foundational
knowledge about First Nations, Métis and Inuit for the benefit of all students. She has used resources that
accurately reflect and demonstrate FNMI strength and diversity. Ms. Kennedy has strived to develop strong
relationships with the parent community and has used various media to stay in touch with them. This includes
her class website, emails regarding assignments and due dates, parent teacher interviews, and parent
contacts via phone and email. I am confident Breanna will continue to build strong relationships with families
during her next teaching assignment.
Throughout her time at Wilson Middle School, Breanna has proven to be an eager, flexible, and passionate
educator. Ms. Kennedy’s commitment to the profession and her willingness to learn, will ensure she is
valuable addition to any school community. I wish her all the best in her future endeavors!

Teacher Mentor Signature Date

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Administrator Comments:

Miss Breanna Kennedy made a good first impression in her PSIII Internship at Wilson Middle School. She
came to visit the school, her mentor and myself early so she could get a start on planning. Breanna
volunteered to support the breakfast program by handing each Tuesday in the Grade six common area. She
was also part of the fundraising committee that work on popcorn and beef jerky sales.

Miss Kennedy was involved in the curricular areas of Grade 6 Language Arts, Art, The Wilson Way (Health),
Mindfulness through Minecraft Education (Health/ Social-Emotional Regulation), Inside Out Film Study
(Health/ Social-Emotional Regulation), Digital Citizenship (ICT), Travel and Tourism (ELA, Social Studies),
and Drama. Breanna had a good mentor teacher, Mr. Dueck, and was able to receive a solid grounding and
good understanding of teaching and related pedagogy strategies involved in these curricular areas. Miss
Kennedy has really learned the importance of understanding how important differentiated instruction is and
beyond that how teachers never stop learning. Breanna was actively involved in professional growth attending
school collaborative team meetings. Breanna attended Professional Growth Plans/ Goals/ Inquiry Based
Learning with other interns, and took part in Yoga and Breathing in the Classroom Collaborative Community at
LCI. She was also part of our session called “Fostering Resilient Learners”. She also took part in the
Indigenous Canada course through the University of Alberta and read “The First Days of School: How to be an
Effective Teacher” by Harry K. Wong and Rosemary T. Wong as part of her Professional Growth Plan.
Breanna has worked hard this practicum and her growth has been noticed within and outside the classroom.

Through informal and formal observations, it was apparent Miss Kennedy was successful in her curricular
teaching assignments. During my observations, Breanna used a variety of teaching strategies to actively
engage students in their learning. Her last lesson had the students totally engaged moving around the room
and working as a group. Miss Kennedy responded well to constructive recommendations which allowed her to
improve her lessons and her classroom management. When receiving any advice, she was very receptive
and eager to improve her teaching.
Miss Kennedy’s learned the importance of getting to know her students and their strengths. This helped her to
plan much more engaging lessons during her time at Wilson Middle School. Her lessons demonstrated
creativity and a willingness to learn from her students. I was most impressed with how she was able to take
advice and modify her instruction to meet students individual learning needs. Breanna worked hard to
understand the students’ needs and adapted her teaching style to meet those needs.
Breanna has worked hard with understanding the dynamics of students at Wilson Middle School during her
internship and has been rewarded with a positive teaching experience over the past four months. Breanna
understands what it takes to be a successful and contributing staff member.

Administrator Signature Date

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