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IELTS Online

Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

Written by: Xuân Phi, 6/12/2020
Supported by: Nick Kemp - Ex-BC Examiner, 07/12/2020
Question: Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier,
while others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
(IELTS Academic, 5/12/2020)
It is sometimes argued that technical advancements such as e-commerce sites have
enhanced shopping experiences. Although I overwhelmingly agree with this, I also hold
the belief that it has brought about both confusion and annoyance to shoppers.

On the one hand, up-to-date technology has improved the customer experience in
both online and offline shops. Firstly, with the advent of e-commerce websites,
products are made globally available without geographical constraints. That means a
Nike fan in Vietnam is able to order the much anticipated “Fly 4%” running shoes as
soon as they are added to sites such as Amazon US or Secondly,
physical store visitors seem to welcome the convenience of computer operated
payment methods and customer service. A buyer can instantly pay for his purchases
by scanning a QR code at a checkout counter, while a customer assistant could
promptly award him a loyalty card with personalised offers as suggested by customer
relationship management software.

Nevertheless, I believe modern technology has caused shoppers to be overwhelmed

by choices and annoyed by disrupted buying processes. To illustrate, a quick Google
search for a simple item such as baby diaper results in about three hundred providers,
each of which boast about being the most trusted brand in baby care. Therefore, it
seems harder for the diaper buyer to pick one among an enormous number of
possibilities compared to just a few options in a nearby traditional shop. In addition,
cutting edge technology could still contain flaws or bugs that annoy shoppers. For
example, the MOMO e-wallet has failed to connect to the database of its retailing
partners for week-long periods, which left thousands of dissatisfied users queueing to
sort out their bills with cashiers.

In summary, although shoppers now have greater choices and convenience, their
buying experience has deteriorated to some extent because of technical interference.
Therefore, merchants should carry out extensive customer research before deciding
on adopting these the technologies to satisfy the expectations of today’s consumers.
Word Count: 326

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


E-commerce sites Các nền tảng thương mại điện tử

Sự ra đời/xuất hiện
The advent of sth
của một phát minh nào đó

Geographical constraint Hạn chế về mặt địa lý

A much anticipated item Một mặt hàng rất được trông chờ

Computer operated Phương pháp thanh toán

payment method bằng công nghệ

Customer Relationship Management Bộ phận Quan hệ Khách hàng

Disrupted buying process Quá trình mua sắm bị gián đoạn

Deteriorate (v) Trở nên tệ hơn

Cutting-edge (adj) Hiện đại, tân tiến nhất

Boast about V-ing Tự hào về việc gì

Sort out Giải quyết vấn đề

Promptly Ngay lập tức

An enormous number of + N Một số lượng lớn

Retailing partner Đối tác bán lẻ

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)

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