Seymour 2000

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J Clin Periodontol 2000; 27: 217–223 Copyright C Munksgaard 2000

Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved

ISSN 0303-6979

Review article

Risk factors for drug-induced R. A. Seymour, J. S. Ellis and

J. M. Thomason
Department of Restorative Dentistry, Dental
School, University of Newcastle upon Tyne,

gingival overgrowth Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne,


Seymour RA, Ellis JS, Thomason JM: Risk factors for drug-induced gingival over-
growth. J Clin Periodontol 2000; 27: 217–223. C Munksgaard, 2000.

Background/Aims: Drug-induced gingival overgrowth remains a significant prob-
lem for the periodontologist. Many patients medicated with the drugs impli-
cated in this unwanted effect experience significant, recurrent gingival problems
that require repeated surgical excisions. In this review, we attempt to identify and
quantify the various ‘‘risk factors’’ associated with both the development and
expression of the drug-induced gingival changes.
Method: The risk factors appraised include age, sex, drug variables, concomitant
medication, periodontal variables and genetic factors. Elucidation of such factors
may help to identify ‘‘at risk patients’’ and then develop appropriate treatment
Results: Of the factors identified, the only one that can be affected by the peri-
odontologist is the patents’ periodontal condition. However, drug variables and
concomitant medication do impact upon the expression of gingival overgrowth.
Conclusion: The identificatioin of risk factors associated with both the prevalence
and severity of drug-induced gingival overgrowth is important for all parties
involved with this unwanted effect. Both periodontologist and patient have an
important rôle to play in improving oral hygiene and gingival health. Likewise, Key words: drug-induced gingival overgrowth;
risk factors; phenytoin; cyclosporin; calculus
there is always an opportinity to establish a close liaison between the patient’s channel blocker
physician and the periodontologist to try and identify alternative drug regimens
that can help reduce the impact of this unwanted effect. Accepted for publication 7 June 1999

Most articles on drug-induced gingival fect, there appears to be variability in tors; drug variables; concomitant medi-
overgrowth make reference to the the extent and severity of the gingival cation; periodontal variables and gen-
prevalence of this unwanted effect in re- changes. The term ‘‘clinically significant etic factors.
lation to the particular drug or groups overgrowth’’ has been applied to those
of drugs implicated. For phenytoin, the patients whose gingival changes require
Age and Other Demographic
figure of 50% is often quoted (Angel- surgical intervention to restore gingival
opoulous & Goaz 1972) whereas for contour (Thomason et al. 1993). It
cyclosporin and the calcium channel would seem pertinent to identify and Age has been considered an important
blockers, a much lower prevalence of explore possible risk factors relating to risk factor for drug-induced gingival
30% and 10% respectively is reported both the prevalence and severity of overgrowth with particular reference to
(Barclay et al. 1992, Ellis et al. 1999, drug-induced gingival overgrowth that phenytoin and cyclosporin (Daley et al.
Seymour et al. 1987) thus, it would ap- have been reported in the literature. 1986, Esterberg & White 1945, Hefti et
pear that there is a variable gingival re- The aim of this paper is to appraise al. 1994, Kapur et al. 1973, Schulz et al.
sponse in patients taking these drugs. the various risk factors that have been 1990). Early studies on the prevalence
Indeed, the term ‘‘responders’’ and elucidated for drug-induced gingival of phenytoin-induced gingival over-
‘‘non-responders’’ appear in the litera- overgrowth. Identifiable factors can be growth identified that teenagers were
ture. Furthermore, within the group of considered under the following head- particularly at risk from this unwanted
patients that develop this unwanted ef- ings: age and other demographic fac- effect (for review, see Hassell (1981)).
218 Seymour et al.

Many of these studies could be criti- dence supporting age as a risk factor spect to both cyclosporin and the cal-
cised for the sampling technique (i.e. especially with respect to cyclosporin- cium channel blockers that males are
hospitalised or institutionalised pa- treated patients, is now convincing. more prone to developing gingival over-
tients) and as such did not represent a One possible explanation for this as- growth than females and that the gingi-
true reflection of the problem. Two sociation may reside with an interac- val changes are more severe. Whether
community-based studies (Casetta et al. tion between circulating androgens and this relates to existing periodontal fac-
1997, Thomason et al. 1992) have re- gingival fibroblasts. Such cells can tors, pharmacological variables or a
ported a lower prevalence of phenytoin- readily metabolise testosterone to the hormonal co-factor remains to be de-
induced gingival overgrowth (13% and active metabolise 5 a-dihydrotestoster- termined.
40% respectively). Although age was one. Phenytoin enhances this met-
not reported as a significant risk factor abolism (Sooriyamoorthy et al. 1988),
Drug Variables
per se, the first of these studies was and excised tissue from both cyclo-
based on a relatively young population sporin and nifedipine-induced gingival The relationship between the extent and
with a mean age of 40.6 years (Thoma- overgrowth exhibits a similar increase severity of gingival overgrowth and a
son et al. 1992) and in the latter (Caset- in androgen metabolism (Sooriya- variety of drug variables (i.e., dose, dur-
ta et al. 1997) it was reported that the moorthy et al. 1990). Circulating an- ation, serum and salivary concen-
combination of younger age and poor drogen levels will be higher in adoles- trations) remains an area of contro-
oral hygiene seemed to predispose to cents and teenagers, and the active versy. Much of the variability from the
the severest level of gingival involve- metabolite could act on sub-popula- studies relates to the method of as-
ment. tions of gingival fibroblasts and cause sessing gingival overgrowth, the timing
Age has been reported as a risk fac- either an increase in collagen synthesis of the blood sample, the number of pa-
tor for cyclosporin-induced gingival and/or a decrease in collagenase ac- tients being studied and the elucidation
overgrowth (Daley et al. 1986, Hefti et tivity. of other factors than can impact upon
al. 1994, Schulz et al. 1990, Somacar- a drug’s pharmacokinetic profile. Most
rera et al. 1994). These observations are would agree that some baseline or
Other Demographic Variabies
supported by animal studies (Kitamura threshold concentration of the drug is
et al. 1990, Morisaki et al. 1993). Other Very few studies have investigated required to initiate the gingival changes
studies have looked specifically at the whether gender is a risk factor for drug- and that such a threshold concentration
prevalence of gingival overgrowth in induced gingival overgrowth. In a re- may vary from individual to individual.
paediatric organ transplant patients view of the phenytoin studies, Hassell Drug dosage tends to be a poor pre-
(Allman et al. 1994, Karpinia et al. reported that gender and race were not dictor of the gingival changes (for re-
1996, Kilpatrick et al. 1997, Lowry et important risk factors for the express- view, see Seymour & Heasman (1988),
al. 1995). Nearly all the patients from ion of gingival (Hassell 1981). Seymour & Jacobs (1992)). It would be
these studies showed some form of gin- Many of the cyclosporin studies have more appropriate to relate dose to the
gival changes and the number of a significant male bias since organ patient’s body weight to obtain a more
children with clinically significant gingi- transplantation (especially heart trans- meaningful interpretation of dosage
val overgrowth was higher (52%) when plants) is more frequently carried out and its relationship to gingival over-
compared to adults. on men. Some report higher gingival growth. Many studies have also investi-
Age is not an applicable risk factor overgrowth scores in males (King et al. gated the relationship between serum
for the calcium channel blockers since 1993, Montebugnoli et al. 1996) but dif- concentrations of the implicated drug
the use of these drugs is usually con- ferences were not statistically signifi- and the expression of gingival over-
fined to the middle aged and older cant. Two further (Thomason et al. growth. Both phenytoin and calcium
adult. This is supported by a recent 1995, Thomason et al. 1996b) used channel blockers obtain steady state
study of more than 800 patients medi- stepwise regression techniques to disen- therapeutic drug levels at 7–10 days
cated with calcium channel blockers tangle the effects of a range of risk fac- after the initiation of therapy. Thus for
where age was not identified as a sig- tors. Both studies showed that males these two drugs a serum sample at any
nificant risk factor (Ellis et al. 1999). were at greater risk from developing time point is likely to be a true reflec-
The patients in this study were in the this unwanted effect than females and tion of the drug’s concentration. Cyclo-
older age group with a median age of that the severity of the changes would sporin measures are often taken as the
63 years. Nevertheless, in patients be greater in men. Similarly males were so-called trough concentrations. Whilst
medicated with both cyclosporin and shown to be 3 times more likely than such single measures are useful for
calcium channel blockers, age has been females to develop clinically significant checking compliance, the level of anti-
identified as a risk factor (Thomason gingival changes when medicated with convulsant activity or immunosuppres-
et al. 1997). Indeed it has been sug- calcium channel blockers (Ellis et al. sion, they only reflect one aspect of the
gested that the differences in the preva- 1999) (pΩ0.023). Evidence from animal drug’s pharmacokinetic profile. Other
lence of the overgrowth induced by studies also supports this finding, with pharmacokinetic measures that may be
these different drugs reflects the differ- male rats being more prone to drug-in- more pertinent in relation to gingival
ent age groups at which they are tar- duced gingival overgrowth than females overgrowth include bioavailability, de-
geted (Hassell & Hefti 1991); pheny- (Ishida et al. 1995). It was suggested gree of protein binding, volume of dis-
toin being targeted mainly at the that there existed a serum threshold tribution, and an overall assessment of
young, calcium channel blockers at the above which overgrowth occurs, and drug concentration in relation to time.
post middle aged and cyclosporin that this level was lower in males. This latter method is referred to as area
across a broad range of ages. The evi- There is increasing evidence with re- under the plasma/serum concentration
Gingival overgrowth 219

time curve (AUC) and is a measure of failed to confirm such a relationship to the patient. The effect of polypharm-
the total concentration of the drug over (Ball et al. 1996, Dahllof & Modeer acy has been studied in relation to both
a specific time period. Such a measure 1986, Modeer & Dahllof 1987). It is cyclosporin and phenytoin-induced gin-
requires repeated sampling which is possible that the concentration of gival overgrowth.
often impractical in large epidemio- phenytoin or its major metabolite There is now a considerable body of
logical studies. Single serum measures (HPPH) present in saliva are not repre- evidence that the combination of nifedi-
are easy to obtain and often available sentative of those present at the site of pine and cyclosporin in organ trans-
as part of the patient’s ongoing medical action, that is, the gingival tissue itself. plant patients produces more gingival
care. Thus, the lack of any clear re- Salivary concentrations of cyclo- overgrowth than if either drug was used
lationship between serum or blood con- sporin in relation to gingival over- singularly (Bokenkamp et al. 1994,
centrations of the drug with the ex- growth present a similar situation to Margiotta et al. 1996, O’Valle et al.
pression of gingival overgrowth may be phenytoin. A positive correlation has 1995, Thomason et al. 1995, Thomason
a reflection of the shortfall of the sam- been found between cyclosporin con- et al. 1996, Thomason et al. 1993, Wil-
pling technique or a lack of investiga- centrations in stimulated saliva and the son et al. 1998, Wondimu et al. 1996).
tion into more appropriate pharmaco- extent of gingival overgrowth (Daley et It has been suggested that combined
kinetic vanables. al. 1986, Hefti et al. 1994, McGaw et therapy may increase the prevalence of
The type of cyclosporin preparation al. 1987). Other studies, however, have the condition but not the severity (Per-
may well have some impact on the de- reported a lack of correlation between nu et al. 1993b). The same authors sug-
velopment of gingival overgrowth in or- unstimulated salivary cyclosporin levels gested that combined treatment was a
gan transplant patients (Wondimu et al. and gingival overgrowth (King et al. significant risk factor for progression
1996). In this study cyclosporin was 1993). These conflicting findings may be and recurrence of the lesion after treat-
given as a solution (mixed with milk) explained by the fact that dental plaque ment (Pernu et al. 1993a). In a study
or in capsule form. The effects of both may act as a reservoir for cyclosporin, with small patient groups, King and
preparations on the gingival tissues was which is then released by the actions of colleagues suggested that overgrowth
compared during a one year longitudi- stimulated salivary flow (Niimi et al. was not potentiated by concomitant
nal study. Gingival overgrowth was ob- 1990). Thus, whilst salivary samples are medication with a dihydropyridine
served in 37% of the patients taking the easy to collect, they may not be as use- (King et al. 1993). Similar results were
cyclosporin solution, compared to 43% ful an indicator for the development of reported for the effect of an alternative
dosed with capsules. However, the solu- gingival overgrowth. calcium channel blocker, verapamil.
tion patients showed an earlier onset of Local concentrations of both pheny- Both the prevalence of the condition
gingival changes and more extensive toin and the dihydropyridine class of and the severity of the changes were
overgrowth than those medicated with calcium channel blockers in gingival greater in the combined group but the
capsules. It was concluded that chang- crevicular fluid (GCF) have provided differences were not statistically sig-
ing a patient’s cyclosporin medication some useful insight into local tissue ac- nificant (Cebeci et al. 1996b).
from a solution to capsules might mini- tivity (Ellis et al. 1992, McLaughlin et Other drugs taken by organ trans-
mise the development of gingival over- al. 1995, Seymour et al. 1994). GCF plant patients could well influence the
growth. In this study the different ef- concentrations of phenytoin do not ap- expression of gingival overgrowth (Wil-
fects of the two cyclosporin prepara- pear to be related to the extent of gingi- son et al. 1998). In adult organ trans-
tions on the gingival tissues may be val overgrowth (McLaughlin et al. plant patients, dosages of both pred-
related to subsequent changes in the 1995). However, significant seques- nisolone and azathioprine appeared to
drug’s pharmacokinetics, in particular tration of both nifedipine and amlodip- afford the patients some degree of ‘‘pro-
bioavailability and time to maximum ine has been observed in patients who tection’’ against the development of
blood concentrations. Alternatively, it exhibit significant gingival changes aris- gingival overgrowth, whereas in
has been reported that cyclosporin ing from these drugs (Ellis et al. 1992, children dosing with azathioprine did
levels in whole saliva are much higher Seymour et al. 1994). Nevertheless, the likewise. Other studies have shown that
in subjects who take the drug in liquid effect of a range of nifedipine variables both azathioprine and prednisolone re-
form as opposed to capsules (Modeer on the severity of gingival changes in duce the severity of drug-induced gingi-
et al. 1992). Whether local concen- organ transplant patients has been in- val overgrowth in organ transplant pa-
trations of cyclosporin plays a role in vestigated (Thomason et al. 1997). De- tients (Hassell & Hefti 1991, Somacar-
the development of gingival overgrowth spite the high levels of nifedipine rera et al. 1994). The so-called
remains speculative (see later). sequestered in the GCF only the plasma protective effect of these two drugs on
Both phenytoin and cyclosporin are concentration of nifedipine was iden- gingival overgrowth may arise from
secreted in saliva, and several studies tified as a risk factor for the severity of their anti-inflammatory actions on
have investigated whether salivary con- the gingival changes. As such the mech- plaque-induced gingival inflammation.
centrations of these drugs are import- anism of the drug sequestration and its The latter factor certainly appears to
ant determinants for gingival over- relationship to the gingival changes re- have a significant impact on the extent
growth. As with serum concentrations mains unknown. and severity of the drug-induced gingi-
there is no clear picture. For phenytoin, val changes.
some studies have reported that salivary Polypharmacy can have an effect on
Concomitant Medication
concentrations are positively correlated phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth
with gingival overgrowth (Babcock & The 3 major categories of drug that are (Maguire et al. 1986). Phenytoin is
Nelson 1964, Conard et al. 1974, Has- implicated in gingival overgrowth are metabolised (hydrolysed) in the liver by
sell et al. 1983), whilst others have seldom the only medication prescribed P450 enzymes to 5-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-
220 Seymour et al.

5-phenylhydantoin (4-HPPH). This improvement in oral hygiene from base 1996, Tavassoli et al. 1998). There seems
metabolite has been shown to induce line values, overgrowth was still seen in to be agreement that the extent of gin-
gingival overgrowth in cats (Hassell & 43% of cases and the plaque index and gival inflammation appears to be an im-
Page 1978). Anticonvulsants such as gingivitis scores showed a significant portant risk factor for the expression of
phenobarbitone, primidone and carba- correlation with gingival enlargement. gingival overgrowth in relation to the
mazepine have been shown to induce Stone and co-workers reported a high calcium channel blockers. It is interest-
hepatic P450 isoenzyme and if given in incidence of gingival overgrowth (36%) ing to note that gingival changes are
conjunction with phenytoin will in- in a control group of 50 multiple scler- more pronounced in patients taking
crease serum concentrations of 4- osis patients not taking cyclosporin nifedipine for cardiovascular disorders
HPPH. This may explain the increased (Stone et al. 1989). This was attributed compared to those taking these drugs
prevalence of gingival overgrowth in to compromised manual dexterity com- whilst under haemodialysis.
patients receiving multiple anticon- mon in these patients and the report il-
vulsant therapy. lustrates that the changes seen in the
Genetic Factor
contour of gingival tissue in all patients
can be due to factors other than their Fibroblast heterogeneity remains one of
Periodontal Variables
drug therapy. Taking the findings as a the key factors used to explain the vari-
Plaque scores and gingival inflam- whole, it would be reasonable to suggest able response of the gingival tissues to
mation appear to exacerbate the ex- that proper oral hygiene might be ex- the various gingival overgrowth-in-
pression of drug-induced gingival over- pected to minimise the severity of cyclo- ducing drugs. However, whilst this may
growth, irrespective of the initiating sporin-induced gingival overgrowth, be a useful in vitro explanation, it has
drug (for review, see Seymour (1991), possibly by eliminating the inflamma- limited clinical value in identifying ‘‘at
Seymour & Heasman (1988), Seym- tory component of the lesion. Improved risk patients’’. There is no clinical
our & Jacobs (1992)). Such findings oral hygiene in itself would not appear marker of gingival fibroblast pheno-
may suggest causality with a patients to prevent overgrowth. type. A genetic predisposition could in-
oral hygiene being a significant risk fac- Investigations have been carried out fluence the metabolism of phenytoin,
tor for the expression of drug-induced to elucidate whether a patient’s peri- cyclosporin and nifedipine, since all
gingival overgrowth (Ellis et al. 1999, odontal status prior to appropriate three drugs are metabolised by the he-
King et al. 1993, Pernu et al. 1992, So- drug therapy relates to the development patic cytochrome P450 enzymes. Cyto-
macarrera et al. 1994, Thomason et al. of gingival overgrowth. As previous, chrome P450 genes exhibit considerable
1995, Thomason et al. 1996, Thomason these studies have focussed on organ polymorphism which results in inter-in-
et al. 1993) although contrary reports transplant patients. In a group of renal dividual variation in enzyme activity.
have also appeared (Schulz et al. 1990, transplant patients, the presence of gin- This inherited variation in metabolism
Seymour et al. 1987, Wondimu et al. gival bleeding increased significantly of the offending drug may influence the
1993). Furthermore, most of the evi- the risk of developing gingival over- patients serum and tissue concen-
dence to support a relationship between growth (Pernu et al. 1992). This study trations and hence their gingival re-
bacterial plaque and gingival over- also showed that the occurrence of gin- sponse. Whilst cytochrome P450 vari-
growth has been derived from cross-sec- gival overgrowth was significantly re- ation may be a risk factor for drug-in-
tional studies, and it is not clear lated to the simultaneous presence of duced gingival overgrowth it is totally
whether plaque is a contributory factor plaque and subgingival calculus. How- impractical to assess this on a clinical
or a consequence of the gingival ever, both of these factors did not in- basis.
changes. However, in circumstances crease the risk of overgrowth. A more The one genetic marker that has been
when other additional structures such recent study (Varga et al. 1998) has investigated in relation to drug-induced
as orthodontic appliances impede evaluated the impact of a patient’s peri- gingival overgrowth is the human
cleaning then the prevalence of over- odontal condition prior to organ trans- lymphocyte antigen expression (HLA).
growth is high (Daley et al. 1991). The plantation on the development of gingi- Investigation of this marker has been
effect of an oral hygiene programme on val overgrowth post transplant. Their confined to the organ transplant pa-
cyclosporin-induced gingival over- results showed that patients who ex- tients since their HLA phenotype is de-
growth was examined in a longitudinal hibited a hyperplastic gingivitis prior to termined prior to transplantation. Sev-
trial (Seymour & Smith 1991). Both the transplant were highly likely to develop eral studies have reported on the re-
oral hygiene and the control group de- severe gingival changes post-transplant. lationship between HLA expression and
veloped significant gingival changes This would suggest a ‘‘susceptibility’’ of the incidence of drug induced gingival
over the 6-month post-transplant inves- the gingival tissues (or fibroblasts) to overgrowth (Cebeci et al. 1996a, Margi-
tigation period, although the magni- both plaque-induced inflammatory otta et al. 1996, Pernu et al. 1994, Tho-
tude of the changes in the oral hygiene changes and cyclosporin. mason et al. 1996b).
group was less marked. Oral hygiene Periodontal variables in particular One study reported that patients who
therapy, whilst of some benefit to the plaque and gingival inflammation are expressed HLA-DR1 are afforded some
patients, failed to prevent the develop- also important risk factors for the ex- degree of protection against gingival
ment of gingival overgrowth. An im- pression of gingival overgrowth attribu- overgrowth whilst HLA-DR2 may in-
provement in oral hygiene during the table to the calcium channel blockers. crease the development of this un-
first 6 months post transplant period As with many of the previous studies, wanted effect (Pernu et al. 1994). Un-
has also been reported in a more recent evidence has been obtained from cross- fortunately no attempt was made to
study of 100 organ transplant patients sectional studies (Bullon et al. 1995, correct for the effects of multiple sig-
(Somacarrera et al. 1994). Despite the Bullon et al. 1996, Neumann et al. nificance testing or to disintangle the ef-
Gingival overgrowth 221

(cyclosporin and the calcium channel

blockers) were identified in the last two
decades. The usage of these drugs is go-
ing to increase and other drugs may be
added to this list. Thus, the problem of
drug-induced gingival overgrowth is
also going to increase. This highlights
the need to identify the patient at risk
from this unwanted effect and develop-
ing the appropriate management strat-

Risikofaktoren für medikamentös bedingte fi-
bröse Gingivahyperplasie
Die medikamentös bedingte fibröse Gingiva-
hyperplasie ist immer noch ein erhebliches
Problem für den Parodontologen. Viele Pati-
Fig. 1. Overview of identified factors that may contribute to the expression of drug-induced enten, die Medikamente mit dieser uner-
gingival overgrowth. wünschten Arzneimittelwirkung einnehmen,
haben erhebliche wiederkehrende parodonta-
le Probleme, die wiederholte chirurgische
Eingriffe erforderlich machen. In dieser
Übersicht sollen die verschiedenen Risiko-
faktoren identifiziert und bewertet werden,
fects of the different medication regi- die mit der Entwicklung und Ausprägung
Conclusion dieser medikamentös bedingten parodonta-
mens. However, the suggestion of a pro-
len Veränderungen in Verbindung gebracht
tective role for HLA-DR1 gained some Risk factors for any condition are only
werden. Zu diesen Risikofaktoren gehören
support 2 years later (Cebeci et al. meaningful if they exhibit both re- Alter, Geschlecht, pharmakologische Para-
1996a) but again no attempt was made liability and sensitivity. For the patients meter, zusätzliche Medikation, parodontale
to control for the effect of multiple sig- perspective they would want to know Parameter und genetische Faktoren. Die
nificance testing. Independent vali- the likelihood of developing drug-in- Aufklärung solcher Faktoren könnte dabei
dation of the effect of HLA-DR2 has duced gingival overgrowth when start- helfen, Risikopatienten zu identifizieren und
been reported when correction was ing their medication. For the clinician dementsprechende Therapiestrategien zu ent-
made for other known risk factors. this information is likewise valuable, wickeln. Von den identifizierten Faktoren ist
Nevertheless, after controlling for the but in addition they would want to der parodontale Zustand des Patienten der
einzige, der von einem Parodontologen beein-
effect of multiple significance testing the know whether this unwanted effect is
flußt werden kann. Dennoch beeinflussen
relationship was not significant at the going to recur on a regular basis and pharmakologische Parameter und zusätzli-
5% level (Thomason et al. 1996). hence require further surgical inter- che Medikation die Ausprägung der Gingi-
A trend towards an increased pres- vention. This will have implications for vahyperplasie. Deshalb erscheint eine enge
ence of HLA-A19 antigen has also been all parties and in particular the re- Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Arzt und
reported although the relationship was sources required to treat the patient ef- dem Parodontologen des Patienten mit dem
not significant after correction for fectively. Thus risk factors and their Ziel alternative Medikationen zu versuchen,
multiple significance testing (Margiotta identification are very pertinent when die die parodontale Situation des Patienten
et al. 1996). To date only HLA-B37 has they are related to treatment. weniger ungünstig beeinflussen, als sinnvoll.
been identified as a significant risk fac- The 3 main categories of drugs that
tor after correction for the effect of cause gingival overgrowth are pre- Résumé
multiple significance testing and these scribed invariably for the rest of the pa-
Facteurs de risque dans l’hyperplasie gingivale
patients are protected in some way from tient’s life. If any one of the drugs
the effects of gingival overgrowth (Tho- causes troublesome, recurrent gingival L’hyperplasie gingivale médicamenteuse de-
mason et al. 1996). The mechanism that overgrowth there does not appear to be meure un important problème pour le paro-
may tie HLA antigens to gingival over- a great deal of scope in changing the dontologue. De nombreux patients traités
growth are unclear. The concept of patient’s medication. 6 ‘risk factors’ par les médicaments causant cet effet indési-
molecular mimicry in the wider field of have been identified from the literature rable éprouvent d’importants problèmes gin-
periodontal disease (Klouda et al. 1986) and these are summarised in Fig. 1. givaux récurrents, qui rendent nécessaires des
or an effect on lymphocyte function However, whilst it is possible to identify excisions chirurgicales répétées. Dans la pré-
(Pernu et al. 1994) have been postu- the severity of these effects relative to sente revue, nous tentons d’identifier et de
définir quantitativement les différents fac-
lated. The apparent HLA associations each other within a study, it is not poss-
teurs de risque associés au développement
may represent nothing more than tight ible to rank these or provide additional des altérations gingivales d’origine médica-
linkage disequilibrium between HLA weighting for observations from differ- menteuse ainsi qu’à leur expression. Les fac-
and non HLA genes in the MCH region ent studies. Over the past 50 years, 3 teurs de risques évalués comprennent l’âge, le
of human chromosome 6 (Lechler main drugs have been implicated in sexe, les variables concernant le médicament,
1994). causing gingival overgrowth. 2 of these les médications concomitantes, les variables
222 Seymour et al.

parodontales et les facteurs génétiques. En rara, Italy. Neuroepidemiology 16, 296– growth in cyclosporine A treated multiple
portant la lumière sur les facteurs de ce type, 303. sclerosis patients. Journal of Periodonto-
on peut contribuer à identifier les ‘‘patients Cebeci, I., Kantarci, A., Firatli, E., Ayqun, logy 65, 744–749.
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thérapeutiques. Parmi les facteurs identifiés, Guc, U. & Tuncer, O. (1996a) Evaluation kawa, S., Nakagawa, T., Morisaki, I.,
le seul sur lequel le parodontologue peut agir of the frequency of HLA determinants in Kido, J., Oka, T. & Nagata, T. (1995) Fac-
est l’état parodontal du patient. Cependant, patients with gingival overgrowth induced tors influencing nifedipine-induced gingi-
les variables concernant le médicament et les by cyclosporine-A. Journal of Clinical val overgrowth in rats. Journal of Period-
médications concomitantes ont une influence Periodontology 23, 737–742. ontology 66, 345–350.
sur l’expression de l’hyperplasie gingivale. Cebeci, I., Kantarci, A., Firatli, E., Carin, Kapur, R. N., Girgis, S., Little, T. M. & Ma-
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