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The Use of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Supporting Ecoregion


Article  in  Jurnal Segara · August 2017

DOI: 10.15578/segara.v13i2.6447


0 425

3 authors:

Tyas Ismi Trialfhianty Fajrun Wahidil Muharram

University of Leeds Badan Informasi Geospasial


Aldian Giovanno
Wageningen University & Research


Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:

The Management of Jefman Island Coastal Resources View project

The Use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Coastal and Marine Mapping in Jefman Island, Raja Ampat View project

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Pusat Riset Kelautan
Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

ISSN 1907-0659


Syahrial Nur Amri & Taslim Arifin


Suyarso, Bayu Prayuda & Praditya Avianto


Agustin Rustam, Nasir Sudirman, Restu Nur Afi Ati,
Map of Prospective Coastal Areas for Capture Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim & Yusmiana Puspitaningsih Rahayu
Fisheries and Seaweed Cultivation in Pacitan
Ulung Jantama Wisha, Koko Ondara & Gunardi Kusumah


Tyas Ismi Trialfhianty, Fajrun Wahidil Muharram & Aldian Giovanno


Semeidi Husrin, Ulung Jantama Wisha, Rahmadi Prasetyo, Aprizon
Putra & Adli Attamimi

Jakarta p-ISSN 1907-0659

J. Segara Volume 13 Nomor 2 Hal. 74 - 140 e-ISSN 2461-1166
Agustus 2017
ISSN 1907-0659


Nomor Akreditasi: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016
(Periode Oktober 2016 - Oktober 2021)

Jurnal SEGARA adalah Jurnal yang diasuh oleh Pusat Riset Kelautan, Badan Riset dan Sumber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan
– KKP, dengan tujuan menyebarluaskan informasi tentang perkembangan ilmiah bidang kelautan di Indonesia, seperti: oseanografi,
akustik dan instrumentasi, inderaja,kewilayahan sumberdaya nonhayati, energi, arkeologi bawah air dan lingkungan. Naskah yang
dimuat dalam jurnal ini terutama berasal dari hasil penelitian maupun kajian konseptual yang berkaitan dengan kelautan Indonesia, yang
dilakukan oleh para peneliti, akademisi, mahasiswa, maupun pemerhati permasalahan kelautan baik dari dalam dan luar negeri. Terbit
pertama kali tahun 2005 dengan frekuensi terbit tiga kali dalam satu tahun.

Pimpinan Redaksi/Penanggung Jawab

Kepala Pusat Riset Kelautan

Pemimpin Redaksi (Editor-in-chief)

Prof. Dr. Ngurah N. Wiadnyana (Oseanografi Biologi/Ekologi Laut) - KKP

Dewan Editor (Members of the Editorial Board)

Dr.-Ing. Widodo Setiyo Pranowo (Oseanografi Terapan) - KKP
Dr. Agustin Rustam (Oseanografi Biologi) - KKP

Bebestari Edisi ini

Dr. rer.nat. M. Rokhis Khamarudin (Penginderaan Jauh Kelautan) - LAPAN
Yudhicara, M.Sc. (Sedimentologi Kelautan) - KESDM
Noir Primadona Purba, M.Si. (Oseanografi) - UNPAD
Dr.-Ing.Widjo Kongko, M.Eng. (Teknik Pantai, Teknik Gempa/Tsunami) - BPPT
Dr. Sugiarta Wirasantosa (Geologi/Geologi Kelautan) - ITB

Redaksi Pelaksana (Executive Editor)

Ir. Theresia Lolita, M.Si. (Ekonomi) - KKP
Lydia Desmaniar, A.Md (Sistem Informasi Geografis) - KKP

Sekretariat Redaksi (Secretariat Staff) Design Grafis

Angriyan Kurniawan, A.Md - KKP Dani Saepuloh, S.Kom. (Teknik Informatika) - KKP
Joko Subandriyo, S.T (Teknik Elektro) - KKP

Redaksi Jurnal Ilmiah Segara bertempat di Kantor Pusat Balitbang Kelautan dan Perikanan
Alamat : JL. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
Telpon : 021 - 6471-1583
Faksimili : 021 - 6471-1654
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Jurnal Segara Volume 13 No. 2 Agustus 2017 diterbitkan oleh Pusat Riset Kelautan Tahun Anggaran 2017
ISSN 1907-0659


Bebestari :

Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Z. Abiddin (Geodesi dan Geomatika) - ITB

Dr. Herryal Zoelkarnaen Anwar, M.Eng. (Manajemen Resiko Bencana) - LIPI
Ir. Irsan Soemantri Brodjonegoro, MSCE, Ph.D (Teknik Kelautan) - ITB
Dr. Ir. Ario Damar, M.Si. (Ekologi Laut) - IPB
Dr. Makhfud Efendy (Teknologi Kelautan) - UNIVERSITAS TRUNOJOYO
Prof. Dr. Safwan Hadi (Oseanografi) - ITB
Prof. Dr. Wahyoe S. Hantoro (Geologi Kelautan, Geoteknologi) - LIPI
Dr. Nani Hendiarti (Penginderaan Jauh Kelautan dan Pesisir) - BPPT
Dr. Iskhaq Iskandar, M.Sc. (Oseanografi Fisika) - UNSRI
Dr. rer.nat. Rokhis Khamarudin (Penginderaan Jauh Kelautan) - LAPAN
Dr.-Ing.Widjo Kongko, M.Eng. (Teknik Pantai, Teknik Gempa/Tsunami) - BPPT
Prof. Dr. Cecep Kusmana (Ekologi dan Silvikultur Mangrove) - IPB
Dr. Hamzah Latief (Tsunami) - ITB
Dr. Ir Munasik, M.Sc (Oseanografi Biologi) - UNDIP
Dr. Wahyu Widodo Pandoe (Oseanografi) - BPPT
Dr. Haryadi Permana (Geologi-Tektonik) - LIPI
Prof. Dr. Rosmawaty Peranginangin (Pasca Panen Perikanan) - KKP
Dr. rer. nat. Mutiara Rachmat Putri (Oseanografi Fisika) - ITB
Noir Primadona Purba, M.Si. (Oseanografi) - UNPAD
Dr. I. Nyoman Radiarta (Lingkungan, SIG dan Remote Sensing) - KKP
Dr. Ivonne M. Radjawane, M.Si., Ph.D. (Oseanografi Pemodelan) - ITB
Dr. Ir. Yan Rizal R., Dipl. Geol. (Geologi Lingkungan) - ITB
Lili Sarmili, M.Sc. (Geologi Kelautan) - KESDM
Ir. Tjoek Aziz Soeprapto, M.Sc (Geologi) - KESDM
Ir. Suhari, M.Sc (Pusat Sumberdaya Air Tanah dan Lingkungan) - KESDM
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bangun Mulyo Sukojo (Geodesi, Geomatika, Remote Sensing, GIS) - ITS
Dr. Agus Supangat, DEA (Oseanografi) - DNPI
Dr. Fadli Syamsudin (Oseanografi) - BPPT
Dr. Sugiarta Wirasantosa (Geologi/Geologi Kelautan) - ITB
Dr. Ir. Sam Wouthuyzen, M.Sc. (Oseanografi Perikanan) - LIPI
Yudhicara, M.Sc. (Sedimentologi Kelautan) - KESDM
Dr.rer.nat. Rina Zurida (Paleoklimat, Paleoseanografi, Paleoenvironment) - KESDM

Redaksi Jurnal Ilmiah Segara bertempat di Kantor Pusat Balitbang Kelautan dan Perikanan
Alamat : JL. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur Jakarta Utara 14430
Telpon : 021 - 6471-1583
Faksimili : 021 - 6471-1654
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Website :
Jurnal Segara Volume 13 No. 2 Agustus 2017 diterbitkan oleh Pusat Riset Kelautan Tahun Anggaran 2017
ISSN 1907-0659

Pusat Riset Kelautan

Badan Riset dan Smber Daya Manusia Kelautan dan Perikanan
Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Volume 13 Nomor 2 Agustus 2017

Hal. 74 - 140
Syahrial Nur Amri & Taslim Arifin


Suyarso, Bayu Prayuda & Praditya Avianto


Agustin Rustam, Nasir Sudirman, Restu Nur Afi Ati,
Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim, & Yusmiana Puspitaningsih Rahayu


Ulung Jantama Wisha, Koko Ondara & Gunardi Kusumah


Tyas Ismi Trialfhianty, Fajrun Wahidil Muharram, Aldian Giovanno


Semeidi Husrin, Ulung Jantama Wisha, Rahmadi Prasetyo, Aprizon
Putra, Adli Attamimi

Jurnal Segara is scientific journal published and funded by the Marine Research Center, The
Agency for Marine & Fisheries Reseach& Human Resources, Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs
& Fisheries.

Jurnal Segara Volume 13 No. 2 August 2017 is the second edition of Fiscal Year 2017. The
articles contained in Jurnal Segara are the results from research and conceptual studies related to
the marine and fisheries issues, conducted by researchers, academics, students, and observers from
Indonesia and arround the world.

In this edition, the journal features 6 scientific articles of research on:The Suitability Of
Coastal Area Development Based On Minawisata concept in Pacitan District; Progress On Coastal
Ecosystems: Corals And Mangroves Recovery 12 Years Later After March 2005 Earthquake In North
Nias, North Sumatera ; Seagrass Ecosystem Carbon Stock In The Small Islands: Case Study In
Spermonde Island, South Sulawesi, Indonesia; An Overview Of Surface Water Quality Influenced By
Suspended Solid Content In The Sayung Waters, Demak, Indonesia; The Use Of Remote Sensing
And Gis Technology In Supporting Ecoregion Management; Characteristics Of Marine Litters In The
West Coast Of Bali.

It is hoped that this scientific journal can contribute to the development of Indonesia marine
science and technology. Finally, the Editor would like to thank the infinite participation of the
researchers in this journal.


ISSN 1907-0659

Volume 13 Number 2 AUGUST 2017


INTRODUCTION OF EDITORIAL ......................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... ii

ABSTRACTS ......................................................................................................................... iii-vi


Syahrial Nur Amri & Taslim Arifin ............................................................................................................


Suyarso, Bayu Prayuda & Praditya Avianto .......................................................................................... 87-95


Agustin Rustam, Nasir Sudirman, Restu Nur Afi Ati, Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim & Yusmiana
Puspitaningsih Rahayu ..........................................................................................................................


Ulung Jantama Wisha, Koko Ondara & Gunardi Kusumah ...................................................


Tyas Ismi Trialfhianty, Fajrun Wahidil Muharram & Aldian Giovanno........................................................ 119-128


Semeidi Husrin, Ulung Jantama Wisha, Rahmadi Prasetyo, Aprizon Putra & Adli Attamimi ...................




Syahrial Nur Amri and Taslim Arifin


Konsep minawisata merupakan implementasi dan integrasi Minawisata concept is the implementation and integration of
dari upaya optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumberdaya laut dan pesisir efforts to optimize the utilization of marine and coastal resources
dengan upaya menjaga kelestarian dan nilai keberlanjutannya. with action to maintain the sustainability and value of sustainability.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kesesuaian This study aimed to determine the suitability of the coastal land
pengembangan lahan kawasan pesisir Pacitan berdasarkan potensi development in Pacitan District based on the potential of marine and
wilayah laut dan pesisir melalui konsep minawisata. Lokasi penelitian coastal areas in accordance to the minawisata concept. Study area
meliputi 7 (tujuh) kecamatan pesisir di Kabupaten Pacitan Propinsi covered seven districts along the coastline of Pacitan District, East
Jawa Timur, yaitu Kecamatan Donorejo, Kecamatan Pringkuku, Java Province, namely Donorejo, Pringkuku, Pacitan, Kebonagung,
Kecamatan Pacitan, Kecamatan Kebonagung, Kecamatan Tulakan, Tulakan, Ngadirejo, and Sudimoro District. The methodology used
Kecamatan Ngadirejo, dan Kecamatan Sudimoro. Metodologi in this study is a combination of Geographic Information Systems
yang digunakan merupakan kombinasi analisis Sistem Informasi analysis, satellite imagery interpretation, and field data processing.
Geografis, interpretasi citra satelit, dan Pengolahan data lapangan. This study is limited to the identification of the potential of marine and
Penelitian ini dibatasi pada identifikasi potensi pemanfaatan lahan coastal area, the suitability of land use, and the suitability of coastal
pesisir, kesesuaian pemanfaatan lahan pesisir, serta kesesuaian area development based on the minawisata concept. The results
pengembangan lahan kawasan pesisir melalui pendekatan konsep show that there are three dominant utilizations of marine and coastal
minawisata. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga areas in Pacitan District, including: Marine Aquaculture, Capture
pemanfaatan dominan pada wilayah pesisir dan laut di Kabupaten Fisheries, and Beach Tourism. Based on the analysis on suitability of
Pacitan, diantaranya: Budidaya Laut, Perikanan Tangkap, dan the marine and coastal area, seven districts in Pacitan are suitable
Wisata Pantai. Untuk kesesuaian lahan pesisir dan laut, ketujuh for fisheries and beach tourism, while only two districts were suitable
kecamatan pesisir di Kabupaten Pacitan sesuai untuk kegiatan for marine aquaculture with several conditions, namely Pacitan
perikanan tangkap dan wisata pantai, sedangkan untuk budidaya District and Ngadirejo District. The implementation of minawisata
laut, hanya dua kecamatan yang sesuai bersyarat, yaitu Kecamatan concept for coastal area suitability based on the analysis of seven
Pacitan dan Kecamatan Ngadirejo. Penerapan konsep minawisata identified districts is feasible for further development.
untuk kesesuaian lahan pesisir di Kabupaten Pacitan berdasarkan
hasil analisis menetapkan 7 (tujuh kawasan) minawisata yang Keywords: land suitability, coastal area development,
dianggap layak untuk dikembangkan. minawisata concept, Pacitan

Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, pembangunan wilayah pesisir,

konsep minawisata, Pacitan





SuyaSuyarso, Bayu Prayuda & Praditya Avianto


Duabelas tahun lalu gempa berkekuatan 9,3 Mw di Twelve years ago 9.3 Mw earthquake in the Andaman Islands,
Kepulauan Andaman pada 26 Desember 2004 yang disertai on December 26, 2004 accompanied by the tsunami in Aceh led to
dengan kejadian tsunami di wilayah Aceh menyebabkan kerugian extraordinary losses, unprecedented for human life in coastal areas
yang luar biasa, belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya untuk kehidupan of Indonesia and neighboring countries. A few months later, on March
manusia di wilayah pesisir Indonesia dan negara-negara tetangga. 28, 2005 an earthquake 8.7 Mw has occured around Nias, hundreds
Beberapa bulan kemudian, yakni pada tanggal 28 Maret 2005, of hectares of coral reef ecosystems lifted into the terrestrial, many
gempa berkekuatan 8,7 Mw telah terjadi di Nias, ratusan hektar corals died of drought and collapse due to earthquake vibration.
ekosistem terumbu karang terangkat menjadi daratan, banyak Similarly, most of the mangrove moved away from the coastline due to
karang mati karena kekeringan dan runtuh karena getaran gempa. land lifting. The purpose of this study is to determine the development
Demikian pula sebagian mangrove berpindah menjauh dari garis of coastal ecosystems, especially coral reefs have been damaged by
pantai karena proses pengangkatan daratan. Tujuan penelitian ini the earthquake and mangrove due to changes in the environment.
untuk mengetahui perkembangan ekosistem pesisir khususnya The method used in this study is remote sensing technique through
karang yang telah rusak akibat gempa dan mangrove yang telah the data acquired from landsat imageries, measurements of coastal
mengalami perubahan lingkungan. Metode yang dipergunakan profile, coral reef health monitoring data collected in each year at
dalam penelitian adalah menganalisis data menggunakan teknik six permanent stations. The field surveys were conducted in August

penginderaan jauh berdasar citra landsat, melakukan pengukuran 2005, December 2014 and December 2015, the last two activities
profil pantai, pengumpulan data perkembangan kesehatan terumbu were under research collaboration between the Marine Agency of
karang yang diperoleh setiap tahun pada 6 stasiun tetap sedangkan North Nias Regency and Research Center for Oceanography LIPI.
penelitian lapangan telah dilakukan pada Augustus 2005, Desember The results showed in the period 2007-2010 live coral coverage is
2014 and Desember 2015. Dua kegiatan penelitian tersebut terakhir likely to increase in the range between 2.23% to 48%. Instead since
merupakan kerjasama antara Dinas Kelautan Kabupaten Nias 2014 showed a significant decrease in almost all stations. Twice
Utara dengan Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi LIPI. Hasil penelitian earthquakes with 33the magnitude 8.2 Mw and 8.6 Mw occurred
menunjukkan bahwa periode 2007-2010 pemulihan tutupan karang almost simultaneously on April 11, 2012 at 400 km southwest of Aceh
hidup dengan kisaran 2,23%-48%. Namun sebaliknya, pada tahun is thought to play a role in tear down the developing corals. Similarly,
2014 secara ironis menunjukkan penurunan tutupan karang hidup the existence of mangrove that has moved away from the coastline
di hampir semua stasiun. Gempa yang terjadi dua kali pada waktu due to the land lifting in 2005, species of Rhyzophora desiccated
yang hampir bersamaan dan berkekuatan 8,2 Mw dan 8,6 Mw and died slowly but other species such as Aegiceras, Dolichandrone,
pada 11 April 2012 di 400 km barat daya Aceh diduga berperan Xylocarpus and Cheriops appeared staying on the dry land condition
dalam meruntuhkan karang yang sedang berkembang. Demikian and seemed to be growing normally.
pula keberadaan mangrove yang telah berpindah menjauhi garis
pantai akibat pengangkatan daratan pada 2005, khususnya jenis
Rhyzophora perlahan mati kekeringan sedangkan Aegiceras, Keywords: coastal ecosystems, recovery 12 years later,
Dolichandrone, Xylocarpus dan Ceriop dapat bertahan. March 2005 earthquake, North Nias, North Sumatera.

Kata kunci: Gempa, perusakan, pemulihan, ekosistem pesisir,

Nias Utara, Sumatera Utara.





Agustin Rustam, Nasir Sudirman, Restu Nur Afi Ati,

Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim, & Yusmiana Puspitaningsih Rahayu


Pulau-pulau kecil umumnya kaya dengan ekosistem terumbu Small islands are particularly rich with coral reefs, seagrass
karang dan ekosistem lamun dan tanaman pantai. Ekosistem lamun ecosystems and coastal plants. Seagrass meadow is one of the blue
merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir karbon biru, yang mampu carbon ecosystems, which is able to store CO2 in the form of organic
menyimpan memanfaatkan CO2 dan menyimpan dalam bentuk carbon inside its biomass and sediment. The objectives of this study
karbon organik dalam biomassa dan sedimen.. Tujuan penelitian ini were to determine the carbon stock of seagrass in Spermonde Island
mendapatkan karbon stok ekosistem lamun dan peranannya dalam and to review its essential role in climate change mitigation strategies.
perubahan iklim. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan metode survei The purposive sampling method was undertaken to ensure a
dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling yang spatially representative research site and analyzed the amount of
mewakili seluruh lokasi penelitian dan dianalisis besarnya karbon carbon contained in biomass and sediment. The results show that
yang terkandung dalam biomassa dan sedimen. Hasil penelitian there were eight species of seagrass across the islands with the
yang didapat adalah dari delapan spesies lamun yang ditemukan nilai highest carbon stock derived from Enhalus acoroides species at
karbon tertinggi pada jenis Enhalus acoroides di pulau Kapoposang Kapoposang island constituting 1.64 MgCha-1. The average carbon
1,64 MgCha-1. Nilai rata-rata biomasa total stok karbon lamun stock of the total biomass (above-and below ground) in the largest
terbesar di pulau Bauluang 1.89±0,92 MgCha-1 dengan komposisi island (Bauluang island) was 1.89 ± 0.92 MgC ha-1 with 77% of
terbesar di bagian below ground sebesar 77 % dari karbon total carbon was derived from below ground component. The average
biomasa. Karbon stok total dalam sedimen pada penelitian ini of total sediment carbon stock in this study was 531.87 ± 74.08
rata-rata sebesar 531,87±74,08 MgCha-1. Peran ekosistem lamun MgC ha-1. The role of seagrass ecosystem in Spermonde islands in
di perairan Kepulauan Spermonde dalam perubahan iklim baik di climate change mitigation was equivalent to the sequesteration of
biomassa dan sedimen sebesar 533,25 MgCha-1 setara dengan CO2 for 1955.26 MgCO2e ha-1.
pemanfaatan CO2 sebesar 1955,26 MgCO2e ha-1.
Keywords: Seagrass, Spermonde Islands, blue carbon,
Kata kunci: Lamun, Kepulauan Spermonde, karbon biru, mitigation.




Ulung Jantama Wisha, Koko Ondara & Gunardi Kusumah


Abrasi yang terjadi di pesisir Sayung dipicu oleh pengaruh Abrasion which is occurred in the Sayung coast is triggered
besar dari perubahan iklim termasuk kenaikan muka air laut dan by a big role of climate change as well as the sea level rise and
penurunan muka tanah. Degradasi yang terjadi pada akhirnya land subsidence. Resulting degradation ultimately affects changes in
mempengaruhi perubahan kondisi lingkungan yang ada. Tujuan existing environmental conditions. This study aims to determine the
dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi perairan terkini existing water based on biological and chemical contents which are
dilihat dari aspek biolgi dan kimia oseanografi akibat peningkatan affected by increasing suspended solid content in the Sayung waters.
konsentrasi padatan tersuspensi di perairan Sayung. Teknik yang Purposive sampling technique was applied. Data were analyzed
digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data-data yang diperoleh both statistically and spatially. Suspended solid value ranged
kemudian diolah secara statistik dan spasial. Nilai padatan between 23.1-199.6 mg/L. Distribution of suspended solid was only
tersuspensi berkisar antara 23,1-199,6 mg/L. Distribusi padatan simulated during low tide towards high tide phase with current speed
tersuspensi disimulasikan hanya pada kondisi surut menuju of 0-0.41 m/s. Dissolved oxygen value was quite high in several
pasang dengan kecepatan arus berkisar antara 0-0,41 m/s. kami observation stations which indicates the fertile area with low pollution
menemukan nilai oksigen terlarut cukup tinggi yang mengindikasikan and blooming tendency. In the station where suspended solid and
wilayah subur dengan tingkat polusi rendah dan kecenderungan turbidity were high, the chlorophyll-a contents were decreased. The
blooming. Pada stasiun yang didominasi oleh padatan tersuspensi high concentration of suspended solid directly triggers the turbidity
dan kekeruhan yang tinggi, ditemukan bahwa konsentrasi klorofil-a enhancement and declines the photosynthesis activity, which is
menurun. Kondisi material padatan tersuspensi yang tinggi secara related with marine pollution. Resulting in the primary productivity
langsung meningkatkan kekeruhan perairan dan secara tidak reduction in the Sayung waters.
langsung menurunkan aktivitas fotosintesis dan menghambat siklus
oksigen. Hal tersebut berdampak terhadap penurunan produktivitas Keywords: Hydrodynamics, Sayung waters,
primer di perairan Sayung. Suspended solid content, Water quality

Kata kunci: Hidrodinamika, Perairan Sayung,

padatan tersuspensi, Kualitas air


Tyas Ismi Trialfhianty, Fajrun Wahidil Muharram & Aldian Giovanno


Kawasan pesisir menyediakan banyak manfaat untuk Coastal areas provide great benefits for human lives. In
kehidupan manusia. Di banyak pulau-pulau terpencil, ekosistem many isolated islands, coastal ecosystem provides food and
pesisir menyediakan makanan dan bahan bangunan yang building materials extracted from coastal vegetation e.g. mangroves.
diekstraksi dari vegetasi pesisir seperti mangrove. Oleh karenanya, Therefore, it is essential to ensure the sustainability of the coastal
sangat penting untuk memastikan keberlanjutan ekosistem pesisir. ecosystem. This study provides data and a map in supporting the
Penelitian ini menghasilkan data dan peta untuk mendukung coastal ecoregion management, by using remote sensing satellite
manajemen ekoregion pesisir dengan mengunakan gambar satelit imagery, GIS technology, and field observation. Remote sensing
pengindraan jauh, teknologi GIS, dan observasi lapangan. Data and GIS data were obtained from Google Earth and analysed by
pengindraan jauh dan GIS diambil dari Google Earth dan dianalisis ArcGIS. The combination of both laboratory and field work were
menggunakan ArcGIS. Kombinasi antara pekerjaan laboratorium carried out to provide a broad picture of the coastal area in Jefman
dan lapangan digunakan untuk menyediakan gambaran menyeluruh Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua. The results of this study showed
daerah pesisir di Pulau Jefman, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat. Hasil various habitats and vegetation in the Jefman seabed area. It also
penelitian ini menunjukan berbagai macam habitat dan vegetasi demonstrates that the abundance and diversity of coral reef and reef
di dasar pesisir Pulau Jefman. Hasil tersebut juga menunjukan fishes are the major community constructing the island, amounting
kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman terumbu karang dan ikan karang 22% coral cover with 12 families and diversity index 1.20 – 2.52 for
sebagai komunitas utama yang hidup di pulau tersebut, sebanyak reef fish with fish density about 231 ind/50 m2. Furthermore, other
22% tutupan terumbu karang yang terdiri atas 12 famili karang dan communities such as seagrass, seaweed, and mangrove are also
indeks keberagaman ikan karang sebesar 1.20 – 2.52 dengan nilai briefly explained, as they also play a greater role in supporting the
kelimpahan sebesar 231 ind/50 m2. Lebih lanjut, komunitas lain whole coastal ecological system. Based on map data analysis, we
seperti lamun, rumput laut, dan mangrove juga dijelaskan, sebagai found a particular area that urgently needs to be protected. Remote
komunitas yang juga memegang peranan penting untuk mendukung sensing and GIS technology were found useful to help the manager
keseluruhan sistem ekologi pesisir. Berdasarkan hasil data analisis to design coastal management strategies in the future.
peta, kami menemukan satu area yang harus segera dilindungi.
Pengindraan jauh dan teknologi GIS sangat bermanfaat untuk Keywords: coastal area, ecoregion management, GIS, habitat,
membantu para pengelola dalam merancang strategi pengelolaan Jefman Island and remote sensing.
pesisir di masa mendatang.

Kata kunci: area pesisir, manajemen ekoregion, GIS, habitat,

Pulau Jefman dan pengindraan jauh.


Semeidi Husrin, Ulung Jantama Wisha, Rahmadi Prasetyo, Aprizon Putra & Adli Attamim


Pantai Kuta – Bali sebagai salah satu tujuan utama pariwisata Kuta beach in Bali is a world-famous tourist destination has
mengalami bencana pencemaran sampah setiap tahun. Berbagai been suffering from marine litters (or debris) disaster almost every
upaya sudah dilakukan pemerintah setempat untuk menangani year. Mitigation efforts have been carried out by the local government
bencana sampah tersebut mulai dari upaya penyadaran akan started from educating the people as well as continuing mass cleaning
kebersihan hingga upaya aktif pembersihan sampah secara manual di campaigns for the stranded litters in the beach. The research has
kawasan pesisir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami fenomena an objective to understand the physical processes of marine debris
pencemaran sampah di kawasan Kuta dan sekitarnya terutama dari characteristics in Kuta such as its propagation and distribution along
aspek-aspek fisik seperti pergerakan dan distrbusinya di sepanjang the coastline and in the water columns during the two different
pesisir dan di kolom air pada dua musim yang berbeda (Musim seasons (West Monsoon and Transitional seasons). A hydrodynamic
Barat dan Musim Transisi) untuk jenis kedua sampah plastik dan model was developed to investigate the transport of marine litters
kayu. Model hidrodinamika digunakan untuk memahami pergerakan from their sources by considering the tide-driven surface currents
sampah dari perairan sekitar Pulau Jawa hingga Pantai Kuta dengan and wind. Field surveys were also conducted to assess marine litter’s
mempertimbangkan beberapa sumber sampah di muara-muara characteristics in the surface and in the sea beds for both plastic and
sungai di sepanjang pesisir selatan Bali untuk dua musim yang wood types of litters. Hydrodynamic simulation shows that the surface
berbeda. Survey lapangan juga dilakukan tidak hanya mendata current ranging from 0.05 – 1.75 m/s is capable of transporting marine
sampah yang ada di permukaan tetapi juga sampah yang ada di surface debris from Bali Straits and other sources in the South of Bali
dasar perairan. Hasil dari simulasi hidrodinamika memperlihatkan to Kuta during West Monsoon season. The collected litters during
bahwa kecepatan arus pada musim barat berkisar antara 0,05 – the West Monsoon season were four times larger in quantity. The
1,75 m/s yang terlihat jelas mampu mengangkut material apung concentration of litters in the seabed and in the water column is larger
tidak hanya dari Selat Bali tetapi juga dari sumber-sumber lainnya di near to the coastline than further offshore. In the meantime, during
sepanjang pantai selatan Bali. Sebaliknya, di Musim Transisi sampah Transitional season, Kuta was completely free from marine litters.
terlihat tidak bergerak ke pesisir Kuta. Demikian juga dengan sampah Results from surveys also showed that the most effective measures
yang berada di dasar peperairan. Konsentrasi sampah mendekati for marine litters in Kuta is self-awareness of the people to keep the
kawasan pesisir jauh lebih besar dibanding daerah lepas pantai. environment clean.
Hasil survei terhadap penduduk lokal memperlihatkan bahwa aspek
terpenting dalam penanganan sampah di Kuta adalah kesadaran Keywords: marine litters, pollution, hydrodynamics, Kuta,
masyarakat dalam menjaga kebersihan. Bali.

Kata kunci: sampah, pencemaran, hidrodinamika, Kuta, Bali.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 75-86


ISSN : 1907-0659
e-ISSN : 2461-1166
Accreditation Number: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016


Syahrial Nur Amri & Taslim Arifin

Marine Research Center, The Agency for Marine & Fisheries Reseach & Human Resources,
Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries
Received: 15 November 2015; Revised: 19 May 2017; Accepted: 30 July 2017


Minawisata concept is the implementation and integration of efforts to optimize the utilization of marine and coastal resources with
action to maintain the sustainability and value of sustainability. This study aimed to determine the suitability of the coastal land development
in Pacitan District based on the potential of marine and coastal areas in accordance to the minawisata concept. Study area covered seven
districts along the coastline of Pacitan District, East Java Province, namely Donorejo, Pringkuku, Pacitan, Kebonagung, Tulakan, Ngadirejo,
and Sudimoro District. The methodology used in this study is a combination of Geographic Information Systems analysis, satellite imagery
interpretation, and field data processing. This study is limited to the identification of the potential of marine and coastal area, the suitability of
land use, and the suitability of coastal area development based on the minawisata concept. The results show that there are three dominant
utilizations of marine and coastal areas in Pacitan District, including: Marine Aquaculture, Capture Fisheries, and Beach Tourism. Based on
the analysis on suitability of the marine and coastal area, seven districts in Pacitan are suitable for fisheries and beach tourism, while only
two districts were suitable for marine aquaculture with several conditions, namely Pacitan District and Ngadirejo District. The implementation
of minawisata concept for coastal area suitability based on the analysis of seven identified districts is feasible for further development.

Keywords: land suitability, coastal area development, minawisata concept, Pacitan

INTRODUCTION of flora, fauna and natural phenomena with the beauty

of scenery (Emma & Mardiana, 2014; Ihsan et al.,
The coastal region is the area with the most 2015). In the marine sector, Indonesia has biological
populous concentration of people inhabited by humans resources and non biological resources such as marine
and the venue for various development activities services, fisheries, marine mining, maritime industry,
(Dahuri, 1998; Masalu, 2008). The concentration of and marine transportation. The sector can be one of
human life development and the various development Indonesia’s mainstay ecotourism (Eka et al., 2016).
of human life and the various developments in the
region is due to three strong economic reasons, namely The management and utilization of fishery
that coastal areas are productive areas on earth, resources basically has the purpose to improve the
coastal areas provide convenience for various activities welfare of the community, especially the fishermen
as well as coastal areas have attractive charms for community and also other communities living in coastal
objects tourism (Dahuri, 1998; Riyadi, 2004). areas (Sudirman et al., 2012). Fandeli (2000) and
META (2002) classified tours based on the concept of
Indonesia has the potential of natural beauty and utilization, namely Nature Tourism, Cultural Tourism
cultural richness of high value in the ecotourism and Ecotourism (Ecotourism, Green Tourism, Altenatif
industry market. These natural potentials can be Tourism). Especially for ecotourism, in ecotourism
biological resources and their ecosystems, the diversity there is a form of natural resource utilization and

Corresponding author:
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara 14430. Email:

Copyright © 2017 Jurnal Segara

The Suitability Of Coastal Area ..... Pacitan District (Amri, S.N. & Arifin,T.)

environmental services by human known as marine METHODOLOGY

Time and Study Area
In the fisheries business system, Mina is often
used to replace the word Fishery which essentially The study was conducted in 2011 with area
contains the same meaning with the word fishery it self, covering the coast line of Pacitan District, which
whereas Tourism is a form of exploiting natural included 7 (seven) districts namely: Donorejo,
resources that rely on nature services for human Pringkuku, Pacitan, Kebonagung, Tulakan, Ngadirejo,
satisfaction (Sudirman et al., 2012). Minawisata is the and Sudimoro (Fig. 1).
utilization of tourism area with the development of
fishery production to reach the interest of the user Data Processing and Analysis
community of fishery development in the tourism area
(Sudirman et al., 2012; Wiadnya, 2011). Minawisata is To determine the suitability of land for the benefit
the utilization of tourist area with the development of of minawisata in coastal area of Pacitan District,
fishery production to reach the interest of the user conducted through (Figure 2):
community of fishery development in the tourist area
(Kamal, 2005). 1. Identification of land suitability based on biophysical
parameters, analyzed through satellite image
Based on the Indonesian Minister of Marine interpretation (Sebayang, 2002; Loppies, 2010) and
Affairs and Fisheries Decre No. 32/2010, concerning analysis of geographic information systems (Saputra
with the determination of Minapolitan regions, Pacitan & Yulmaini, 2012; Rangka & Paena, 2012; Yulius et
is listed as the District in East Java province that is al., 2013). Calculate the biophysical weight of land
designated as a minapolitan development area. Thus, suitability through the land suitability matrix for the
in-depth study to up hold the program is required. This benefit of minawisata. In the case of Pacitan District,
study is intended to identify the biophysical condition of the analysis focused on two forms of utilization,
the coastal area, socio-economic conditions of the namely as a coastal tourist destination and the
local community, availability and provision of facilities cultivation of natural seaweeds and ponds.
and infrastructure, regulations and related institutions.
The identification would be followed by the assessment 2. Direct identification and observation related to
of the suitability of the coastal area development based coastal community habit in research location in
on the potential of marine and coastal areas, and the utilizing the coastal resources.
assessment of the suitability between land utilization
and land development based on minawisata.

Figure 1. Study Site Map (Source: The results of TM Landsat Satellite Imagery Processing and
Administrative Map of Pacitan).

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 75-86

Figure 2. Research Framework.

3. Adjusting to local government policies in utilizing and defined as follows:

managing the coastal areas.
Class S: Suitable, which indicated the absence
The Matrix of the Land Suitability of serious limited factors or insignificant effect on the
area development, or there was limited factor but could
Minawisata development location is based on the be managed by alternative technology.
analysis of land suitability of coastal areas by using the Class N: Not Suitable, which indicated the
suitability matrix for the utilization of minawisata fishing existence of permanent limited factor that prevented
line, seaweed cultivation, and coastal tourism. The any possible development in the area.
conformity matrix for land use is presented in Tables 1
to 3. The weight and value of each parameter in a
specific designation produced a score of certain
In this study, suitability classes were divided into parameter in a designation. Total score of each
two classes, namely the suitable and not suitable, parameter in a designation was the total score of a

Table 1. Criteria of land suitability for capture fisheries area development

Score Total
No Parameter Score
1 3 5 7

1 Waters depth (m) <3 3 – 5 5 - 10 >10 2
2 Topography Sloping Less sloping Sloping-steep
Steep 2
3 Light intensity (m) <5 5-8 8-10 >10 1
4 Weather changes Frequent Moderate Infrequent None 2
5 Coral reef status Poor Moderate Good Very good 2
6 Pollution source Many Moderate A few None 1
7 Abundance of target <100 100-150 150-200 >200 2
fish (ind/350 m)

Feasibility Evaluation :
12 % – 114 % : Suitable
< 12 : Not Suitable

The Suitability Of Coastal Area ..... Pacitan District (Amri, S.N. & Arifin,T.)

Table 2. Matrix of Land Suitability for Seaweed Cultivation Development

Land suitability level

No. Parameter Limited value Weight
Suitable Not suitable

1. Temperature (oC) 26 - 33 < 26 or >33 Suitable : 2 0.1 0.2
Not suitable : 1 0.1
2. Salinity (o/oo) 15 - 38 <15 or > 38 Suitable : 2 0.09 0.18
Not suitable : 1 0.09
3. Tide height (m) 0.5 – 3.5 < 0.5 or > 3.5 Suitable : 2 0.09 0.18
Not suitable : 1 0.09
4. Current velocity (m/s) 0.1 – 0.4 < 0.1 or > 0.4 Suitable : 2 0.1 0.2
Not suitable : 1 0.1
5. Light intensity (m) 0.3 - 0.6 < 0.30 Suitable : 2 0.1 0.2
Not suitable : 1 0.1
6 Depth (m) 0.3 – 2.1 < 0.3 or >2.1 Suitable : 2 0.09 0.18
Not suitable : 1 0.09
7. Wave height (m) 0.1 – 0.4 < 0.1 or >0.4 Suitable : 2 0.1 0.2
Not suitable : 1 0.1
8. Turbidity (NTU) 0.1 - 40 > 40 Suitable : 2 0.1 0.2
Not suitable : 1 0.1

Source: Djurdjani (1999), Aslan (1998), Sulistijo et al. (1996), Utojo et al. (2000), Hidayat (1994) (Modification and re-process-

Table 3. Matrix of Land Suitability for Beach Tourism Development

No Parameter Limited value Weight Score

Slow < 0.4 3 0.9

1 Current velocity (cm/s) Moderate 0.4 – 1.0 2 0.3 0.6
Fast > 1.0 1 0.3

Sand 0.0625 – 2 3 0.6
2 Substrates (mm) Rock > 2 2 0.2 0.4
Mud > 0.0625 1 0.2

Low < 0,20 3 0.6

3 Wave (m) Moderate 0.21 – 0.50 2 0.2 0.4
High > 0.50 3 0.2

Ideal 0 – 3 3 0.3
4 Depth (m) Moderate 3 – 5 2 0.1 0.2
Not ideal > 5 1 0.1

5 Tidal range (m) Low < 1 3 0.3

Moderate 1 – 3 2 0.1 0.2
High > 3 1 0.1

Flat 0 – 2 3 0.3
6 Slope (%) Sloping 3 – 7 2 0.1 0.2
Steep > 8 1 0.1

Source: Anonymous (1991), Djurjani (1998), and Nontji (1994).

Feasibility Evaluation :
50 % – 100 % : Suitable
< 50 % : Not Suitable (Asmawi, 1990).

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 75-86

specific designation. Total score was formulated as Potential of Coastal Area for Utilization and
follows: Development

.................1) The quality of Pacitan waters is ideal for the life of
marine biota, especially economically important marine
where: species. South Coast path, in fact, has numbers of
upwelling spots throughout the year thus the region
Total score β = Total score of each parameter in provides abundant pelagic fish commodities and the
designation β, South Coast Sea is also a migration path of pelagic
α = Parameter/criteria of α fishat the same time. In 2010, Indonesian Ministry of
designation β, Marine Affairs and Fisheries recorded the potential
n = Total parameter/criteria production of the coastline in Pacitan was high
of designation β. amounted to 1,335.13 tons per year. Nevertheless, this
potential should be explored and utilized effectively to
Total score was used to determine the suitability meet the livelihood of local communities in the coastline,
classes. Suitability classes of coastal area development but without overlooking the resources sustainability.
for a designation had a range/interval depending on
the number of suitability class, total score of the The quality of Pacitan waters is actually ideal
maximum, and total score of the minimum of a for seaweed cultivation. Based on data obtained from
designation. Agency of Marine and Fisheries of Pacitan District in
2010, the production of seaweed was 1,032 tons or
The interval of land suitability classes for a approximately amounted to Rp.3,096 billion. However,
designation is calculated by using the following formula: the physical condition of the waters is relatively extreme
for the development of seaweed cultivation. It said
that the wave characteristics in Pacitan District have
Max Total Score β – Min Total Score β
RK β = .........……2)
the height of coming waves (H0) reaches 4.8 meters
Total classes β
approximately and wave period (T) 10.8 seconds with
dominant coming direction from southeast and South
where: (DJPT,2005). Clearly, alternative technology is required
to address the obstruction, despite the needs for
RK β = Class interval for considerable cost both for technical issues and human
designation β, resource capacity. Fig. 3 demonstrates the map of the
Max β total score = Maximum total score of potential areas for capture fisheries and aquaculture
designation β, based on district in Pacitan District. The map shows
Min β total score = Minimum total score that each district on the coast of Pacitan has potential
of destination β, for the development of fishery activities.
Total class β = Total suitability classes
of designation β. As an archipelagic country, coastal tourism plays
an important role for the national economy, as long as
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION its management is good for maintaining environmental
quality and attracting tourists (Silva et al., 2007; Akrom
In a strategic perspective, the development et al., 2015). Uncontrolled tourism development
of minawisata becomes to the realization of the will have an impact on resource and environmental
utilization of natural resources and environmental damage. Therefore, it is important to control the
services that are conserved and it can serve as pillars number of visitors or the carrying capacity of the beach,
of sustainable development of marine, coastal and because the development of coastal tourism activities
small islands. Therefore, the main objective of the such as marine tourism is not mass tourism, easily
Minawisata concept is conserving the ecosystems and damaged, and the space for visitors is very limited
natural resources, so that ecological processes in an (Ketjulan, 2010; Akrom et al., 2015). Based on data
ecosystem can continue and sustain the utilization of obtained from the Tourism Office of Pacitan District
coastal, marine and small island coastal resources in 2012, as many as 654,641 of domestic and foreign
and services for sustainable fisheries and tourism tourists visited Pacitan Area. It increased by 42.43% in
(Sudirman et al., 2012). compared to the number of tourists in 2011 of 376,862
visitors. Domestic tourists in 2012 were 654,099 visitors
in which there was an increase of 42.41% in compared

The Suitability Of Coastal Area ..... Pacitan District (Amri, S.N. & Arifin,T.)

Figure 3. Map of Prospective Coastal Areas for Capture Fisheries and Seaweed Cultivation in Pacitan

to the number of tourists in 2011 of 376,705 visitors. aesthetically exotic and stunning. In addition, its
Foreign tourist arrival was also augmented significantly, extreme oceanography of wave heights in the range
approximately 71.03%, from 157 in 2011 to 542 tourists of 1.3 to 2.5 meters is definitely ideal for surfing. Fig. 4
in 2012. illustrated prospective coastal areas for beach tourism
Pacitan beach that stretches along the southern
part of Java Coast is 70.709 km in length and covers The Land Suitability of Coastal Area Development
seven districts in Pacitan Districtis out standing for its of Pacitan District
natural beauty. The geological and geomorphologic
conditions of Pacitan coastline are the combination Analysis on the sustainability of coastal area
of white sand beach and igneous rocks, which is development in Pacitan District based on the

Figure 4. Map of Prospective Beaches for Tourism Development in Pacitan District.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 75-86

Table 4. The Land Suitability of Coastal Area Development in Pacitan District

Suitability status
No. District
Beach tourism Seaweed cultivation Capture fisheries

1 Donorejo Suitable Not suitable Suitable

2 Pringkuku Suitable Not suitable Suitable
3 Pacitan Suitable Suitable* Suitable
4 Kebonagung Suitable Not suitable Suitable
5 Tulakan Suitable Not suitable Suitable
6 Ngadirejo Suitable Suitable ** Suitable
7 Sudimoro Suitable Not suitable Suitable

* In Pacitan bay, seaweed cultivation is not enclosed in Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW), even though it
might be effortable based on land suitability. However, seaweed cultivation in embankment is developed
in Tamperan estuary and Pancer (Grindulu) estuary.
**Specifically for seaweed cultivation, the main suitability was relied on ecology and water quality
parameters, meanwhile, physical oceanography and geomorphology parameters required environmental

Figure 5. Map of Land Suitability of the Coastal Utilization in Pacitan District.

determined criteria, namely geomorphology and international tourists. In 1999/2000, it was recorded
geology, ecology, and oceanography, found out that as many as 557,346 tourists visited Pacitan in which
generally, the coastline of Pacitan District is improved 704 were international tourists (Pemkab Pacitan, 2014).
for beach tourism and capture fisheries, in addition to However, professional management that entailed
seaweed cultivationin several areas (Table 4 and Fig. private investors and specialized promotions was
5). shortage. In addition, the most important support
  should come from the government, i.e., the provision of
The beaches along the coastline of Pacitan District facilities and infrastructures that should be enhanced.
have wonderful geomorphology, where the geological
characteristics of the rocks and oceanography add Oceanographic phenomena that happening in
points to the beauty of the region (Figure 6). It is the waters of the Indian Ocean is due to the interaction
reasonable that the coastal areas along the coastline in process between the ocean and the atmosphere lead
Pacitan District attract huge visitors from domestic and to several phenomena, including the Indian Ocean

The Suitability Of Coastal Area ..... Pacitan District (Amri, S.N. & Arifin,T.)

a) b) c)

Figure 6. Prospective Spots along the Coastline of Pacitan District for Tourism-Based Activities
Development. a) Klayar Beach, b) Jetak Beach, c) Srau Beach

Dipole and eddy current (Eddy & Komalaningsih, characteristics of the South Coast cause the
2008). The northern part of the Indian Ocean bordered development of seaweed cultivation in many sites in
by Asia and the southern part bordered by open waters Pacitan coast was sluggish. However, based on the
cause the trade winds and Asia-Australia Monsoon condition of water quality, seaweed was suitable to
and India-Africa Monsoon (Martono, 2009). These be cultivated in this area. In fact, seaweeds thrived
conditions, however, lead to the extremely high level naturally along the coastline of Pacitan, even though
of primary productivity in the regional waters, which based on the analysis of land suitability, they only
directly makes this region suitable as nursery ground could be cultivated at Pacitan Bay in Pacitan Sub
and important economical pelagic fish migration path District and Segara Anakan Bay in Ngadirejo Sub
(Fig. 7). Nevertheless, support from local government is District. Specifically in Pacitan bay, bay waters land
essentially obliged in which most fishermen in Pacitan use had been regulated in the Regional Spatial Plan
District were traditional ones. Shortage assistance (RTRW) as tourism and fishery economic center, thus,
and support including facilities and infrastructure, i.e., seaweed cultivationist restricted in this area. However,
boat/ship capacity building, diverse fishing gears for seaweeds were still farmed in the area of Pacitan bay,
various type of fish and different season, docks, cold particularly in the entrance of Grindulu River estuary
storage, representative fish auctions, fuel stations for and Tamperan River estuary. With salinity levels of
fishermen (SPBN), marine security, and effective and approximately 3.3 o/oo, seaweed cultivation in the area
in-expensive regulations. of Pacitan bay was done by employing embankment
model with Gracilaria species.
Extreme geomorphologic and oceanographic

Figure 7. Vertical and horizontalmotions in ocean water bodies in Pacitan, April 2007 (red circles are
demonstrated the upwelling phenomenon)(Source: Mustikasari, 2010).

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 75-86

Based on the field study, the utilization and activities in the coastal area.
management of coastal area in Pacitan is carried
out based on each region instead of coordinated By integrating the prevailing and potential
by relevant agencies. Beach tourism is managed resource development sectors, it is highly expected
by the Tourism Office, while capture fisheries and that the development would be more acceptable among
marine aquaculture were under the responsibility of the society and it will minimize the potential conflict
the Marineand Fisheries Office. Lack of coordination (Satria, 2009). The development and management
among the agencies led to impartial and overlapped concept of an area as a tourist object should highlight
spatial and concept of coastal area management. the aesthetics, hygienic, and environmental safety. The
Therefore, a concept is required to integrate the entire tourism-based activities in coastal area simultaneously
sectors; hence, the coastal and marine management involve the participation of local communities to
in the region will be optimum and sustainable (Bengen, protect the resources existence and environmental
2005). sustainability, for example the community together to
  maintain coastal hygiene and using environmentally
The Suitability of Coastal Area Utilization and friendly fishing gear.
Coastal Development based on Minawisata
The tourism sector in Pacitan is prospective for
The utilization sectors in coastal area particularly further management as a tourism industry that has a
in Pacitan District should be supported to maintain capacity to compete with other regions, even foreign
the growth and to raise the local community’s self- countries. It is reasonable since this District has diverse,
esteem and well-being. The encouragement should be peculiar, and valuable tourism objects.
accompanied with suitable management strategy that
is integrated and oriented towards the environmental By initiating the concept of minawisata, it is
sustainability and conservation. In addition, the expected that there will be more choices and innovative
overlap of prevailing and potential utilization sectors destination preferences, which will eventually enhance
should be averted. The synergy among stakeholders the number of visitors to Pacitan District. Based on the
including government, private sector, and community analysis on the suitability of coastal area development
is important, particularly to preserve the traditional and the development priorities in Pacitan Coast, there
activities or local wisdom as the heritage of a society were 7 (seven) districts along the coastline that were
(Bengen, 2005; Riyadi, 2004). prospective to be promoted for minawisata area (Table
5 and Fig. 9). Those seven districts, in fact, had been
The concept that integrates the local community developed and targeted as coast tourism destinations.
activities, both fishermen and farmers, in the In addition, those districts also served as the source
development of coastal region as a tourist destination of earning for local community (fishermen), settlement,
(minawisata) is one of appropriate solutions (Fig. 8) and fishery economic center. The classification of
(Agus & Azis, 2012). Minawisata is a term to define coastal utilization for minawisata development for each
the concept of integration between the fishery activities sub-district is described in Table 5.
of local communities and the tourism development

a) b) c)

Figure 8. Prospective Minawisata activities in Pacitan Coastal Area for Tourism Promotion.a) Fishing boats
waiting on the beach before departing to sea, b) Traditional fishing on the rock cliff, c) Natural
seaweed harvest at the low tide.

The Suitability Of Coastal Area ..... Pacitan District (Amri, S.N. & Arifin,T.)

Table 5. Classification of Coastal Utilization for Minawisata Development in the Coastal of Sub
Districts in PacitanDistrict

No. Minawisata Area Location Potential type of Minawisata

1 Minawisata I Klayar Beach Recreational fishing at coastal cliffs and the

sea, swordfish/lobster fishing, sea culinary
and natural seaweed harvesting.
2 Minawisata II Watukarung Beach Recreational fishing at coastal cliffs and the
sea, local community settlement, seafood
culinary, swordfish/lobster fishing, and
natural seaweed harvesting.
3 Minawisata III Srau Beach Recreational fishing at coastal cliffs and the
sea,swordfish/lobster fishing, seafood
culinary, natural seaweed harvesting.
4 Minawisata IV Tamperan Beach Fishery economic center, seafood culinary,
sea fishing, settlement for Sirnoboyo village
5 Minawisata V Wawaran Beach Recreational fishing at the sea, seafood
6 Minawisata VI Tawang Beach Recreational fishing at the sea, seaweed
cultivation, seaedu-tourism, local community
7 Minawisata VII Bawur Beach Lobster recreational fishing, eco-tourism
industry, seafood culinary.

Figure 9. Map of Recommendation for Development and Management of Pacitan Coastal Area Based on
Minawisata Concept.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 75-86

CONCLUSION lautan. PKSPL-IPB. Volume 1, No. 1, No. 2. P53-

The findings of this study revealed that there were
three main utilizations of the marine and coastal areas Djurjani. (1998). Concept of Mapping. On the Job
in Pacitan District. They were Marine Aquaculture, Training (OJT) Concerning GIS Applications
Capture Fisheries, and Beach Tourism. Assessment for Integrated Coastal Area Planning and
on the suitability between the coast and the sea in the Management in Ten Provinces MCMA Region.
seven districts in Pacitan District including Donorejo, PuspicsFakultasGeografi UGM and Bakosurtanal.
Pringkuku, Pacitan, Kebonagung, Tulakan, Ngadirejo, Yogyakarta
and Sudimoro districts indicated that they were
suitable. Thus, further development would be feasible DJPT (Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan Direktorat
particularly regarding with capture fisheries and beach Jenderal Perikanan Tangkap). (2005). Review
tourism. Meanwhile, only two districts were conditionally Detail Desain PPI Tamperan Kabupaten Pacitan.
suitable for marine aquaculture i.e Pacitan District and Aria Jasa, Konsultan Teknik dan Manajemen.
Ngadirejo District. Surabaya.

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This research is financially supported by National Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Curah Hujan
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Marine & Coastal Resources (P3SDLP), the Agency Mother Wavelet. Jurnal Sains Dirgantara Vol. 5
for Marine and Fisheries Research, the Indonesian No. 2 Juni 2008:109-129.
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries in Fiscal Year of
2011. The authors would like to thank Dr. Budi Sulistiyo, Eka, N.Y., Johan, Y., & Hartono, D. (2016). Suitability
the Director of the P3SDLP, for the acquiescence of Analysis and Carrying Capacity of the Coastal
Pacitan as the study area in 2011. Ecotourism, the Recreation Category of Laguna
Beach in Merpas Village Kaur District. Journal of
REFFERENCE Enggano vol. 1, no. 1, April 2016: 97-111. Eissn:
Agus, D & Aziz, A.M. (2012). Minawisata Development
of Small Islands to Support the Implementation of Emma, H & Mardiana, R. (2014). Community based
Blue Economy. KONAS VIII Pengelolaan Pesisir, Ecotourism Influence the Condition of Ecology,
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J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 87-95


ISSN : 1907-0659
e-ISSN : 2461-1166
Accreditation Number: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016



Suyarso, Bayu Prayuda & Praditya Avianto

Research Center for Oceanography – Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta

Received: 23 August 2016; Revised: 22 May 2017; Accepted: 15 July 2017


Twelve years ago 9.3 Mw earthquake in the Andaman Islands, on December 26, 2004 accompanied by the tsunami in Aceh led to
extraordinary losses, unprecedented for human life in coastal areas of Indonesia and neighboring countries. A few months later, on March
28, 2005 an earthquake 8.7 Mw has occured around Nias, hundreds of hectares of coral reef ecosystems lifted into the terrestrial, many
corals died of drought and collapse due to earthquake vibration. Similarly, most of the mangrove moved away from the coastline due to land
lifting. The purpose of this study is to determine the development of coastal ecosystems, especially coral reefs have been damaged by the
earthquake and mangrove due to changes in the environment. The method used in this study is remote sensing technique through the data
acquired from landsat imageries, measurements of coastal profile, coral reef health monitoring data collected in each year at six permanent
stations. The field surveys were conducted in August 2005, December 2014 and December 2015, the last two activities were under research
collaboration between the Marine Agency of North Nias Regency and Research Center for Oceanography LIPI. The results showed in the
period 2007-2010 live coral coverage is likely to increase in the range between 2.23% to 48%. Instead since 2014 showed a significant
decrease in almost all stations. Twice earthquakes with 33the magnitude 8.2 Mw and 8.6 Mw occurred almost simultaneously on April 11,
2012 at 400 km southwest of Aceh is thought to play a role in tear down the developing corals. Similarly, the existence of mangrove that has
moved away from the coastline due to the land lifting in 2005, species of Rhyzophora desiccated and died slowly but other species such
as Aegiceras, Dolichandrone, Xylocarpus and Cheriops appeared staying on the dry land condition and seemed to be growing normally.

Keywords: coastal ecosystems, recovery 12 years later, March 2005 earthquake, North Nias, North Sumatera.

INTRODUCTION utilization of natural resources causing increasing

turbidity in the water environment, even the presence
The natural resources of coastal and shallow of toxic chemicals will damage corals and other
waters surroundings are important factor in supporting organisms.
the life community. Valuable resources in the coastal
and shallow waters ecosystems in tropical hemisphere Due to a potential enormous of the coastal
are coral reefs, seagrass and mangrove. The degreded resources, various parties want to capitalize, indicated
of coastal ecosystem due to the change of physical by a various utilization, cause over exploitation and
environment factor naturally or anthropogenic factor, exceeds of environment carrying capacity (Tugiyono,
causing disruption of the ecosystem function, 2010). Therefore, the widely use and multi function of
ecologically and economically. Natural factors that play coastal ecosystem between economic and
an important role on the changes of coastal environment conservation interests make it difficult to manage the
are weather or climate, geological phenomena such as coastal environment (Vitria, 2010; Saraswati, 2004).
earthquakes which are sometimes cause the tsunamic
and land uplifted events. Anthropogenic factors are Coral reefs generally live in the outer edge of the
waste effluents from the mainland and excessive shallow marine environment, as a high productive

Corresponding author:
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara 14430. Email:

Copyright © 2017 Jurnal Segara

Progress on Coastal Ecosystems: .... in North Nias, North Sumatera (Suyarso., et al.)

ecosystem, built by the colony of marine animals that the northern part of the island of Nias rose in the
(Anthozoa). Those animals collect the calcium range between 2.50 m to 2.60 m above the present sea
carbonate to build the habitat structure for other level. On April 11, 2012 again, the great Sumatera
organisms. Seagrass is a flowering plant attached on earthquake occurred at 400 km southwest off Aceh
the surface substrate in the shallow waters that is also with the magnitude 8.6 Mw and 2 hours later followed
a common found in coral reef ecosystems, that the life by another quake approximately 200 km to the south
cycle is in saltwater environments and able to stabilize with the magnitude 8.2 Mw.
the substrate. Mangrove is a component of the coastal
ecosystem growing in tropical climates along the coast Destruction of coral reefs by the quake even
or a river mouth of the tidal range, contributes though accompanied by a tsunami, the vibration of
substantial economy to coastal communities, but they quake give higher damaged on the coral reefs. The
are very fragile against both natural factors and human data presented shows how the relation of coral
activity. (Tugiyono, 2010; Dahdouh-Guebas, 2002). condition and quakes occurrence.

Twelve years ago 9.3 Mw earthquake at Andaman METHODOLOGY

Islands, occurred in December 26, 2004 was followed
by tsunami event in the region of Aceh causing Site location of the research was done in North
tremendous losses, unprecedented for human life in Nias Regency which is consists of 11 districts, in this
coastal areas of Indonesia and neighbouring countries. study only 4 districts will be discussed, namely Lahewa,
It was recorded 300,000 people died in countries along East Lahewa, Lotu and Sawo District.
the shores of the Indian Ocean by a violent wave. A
few months later, on March 28, 2005, 8.7 Mw Field research on coastal was done in August
earthquake has occurred, and destroyed most of the 2005, in the end of December 2014 and 2015. Both the
buildings on the Nias Island (Hagan et al., 2007). last are on the framework of research cooperation
Although the quake was not followed by a significant between the Marine Agency of North Nias Regency
tsunami event, it event has caused land lifting of Nias and the Research Centre for Oceanography – LIPI
Island and changed the northern surrounding shallow related on the project Potential Resource Evaluation of
waters to become a new land. The impact of natural the North Nias waters. Coral health monitoring has
disaster destroy a various coastal vital objects in Nias been conducted since 2004 to 2015 on behalf of World
(Vargas et al. ,2011; Devi & Shenoi, 2012), changed Bank and Asian Development Bank through the coral
the geography and geomorphology of the coastal reef monitoring project of Coremap – LIPI from 2004 to
areas (Villalobos, 2012), the coastal and beach profiles 2010 and 2014 to 2015 at six permanent stations
(Vargas et al., 2011), the configuration of the shoreline (Figure 1). The data then presented in the graph
and coastal ecosystem (Mc Adoo et al., 2008). Based describing between time (year interval in x axis) versus
on the remains of micro attols, Suyarso (2005) reported the percentage of coral growth progression (y axis).

Figure 1. Inset of research location (left) and a map of the study sites and permanent stations of coral
monitoring at North Nias Regency (right).

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 87-95

Earthquake data consist of the location of the Furthermore the new images composite obtained
earthquake occurence (longitude, latitude), the time of from the algorithm was transformed into Arcgis format
the earthquake as well as the magnitude of the quake and digitized manually, so it will be obtained a map of
around Nias 2005 to 2015 from the USGS 2016. This shallow waters and mangrove ecosystems in North
data will be used to complete the progressing the Nias 2003 and 2015, respectively.
coastal ecosystems analysis of North Nias quake in
March 2005 and 10 years later. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Measurement and drawing of coastal profile was The changes of physical condition coastal and
conducted in August 2005 using geodetic instrument land environment
(Sokhiza type B2C, rods / staffs, global positioning
system and tide gauge). This instrument is used to Nias earthquake occurred in 5 March 2005,
calculate the distance and the difference high among showed that the land in North Nias has lifted as high
places with accuracy up to a centimeter. Measurements as 2.50 m to 2.60 m above sea level. The catastrophic
using such instrument, can calculate the distance events has led to the changes of physical environment
between mangroves and the shorelines and the high of as the land increase broadly, the emergence of some
mangroves high relative to mean sea level so the new islands, change the height of the mangrove plants
actual coastal profile can be drawn with the real scale. to sea level, and death of coral reefs in shallow waters
due to drought and collapse of coral reefs in the deeper
Field ground thruth which was conducted in waters by quake vibration (Mc Adoo et al., 2008).
December 2014 and December 2015, describe the
coastal land cover, mangrove distribution and coastal In the north coast of Lahewa, showed increasing
morphology. Data of shallow water substrates was the new lands after earthquake with a width ranging
performed using the boat and the geographic from 200 m to 800 m. The land cover of the highest
coordinates is recorded with using GPS Garmin 76c. topographic on the new land now are open land and
These data then presented in a map by using Arcgis grasses field while the lowest topographic formed
software. the swamp. The lowest topographic in the new land
previously were lagoons in the coral reef ecosystem.
Landsat imagery aquired 2003 describes the
condition of the Nias coast before the earthquake in The changing of geographic visible clearly shown
Nias while landsat imagery aquired 2015 describes on the small islands north of Lahewa coast, i.e. Lafau
conditions 10 years after the earthquake. Those of Island, Gito Iland, Taliwaa Island, Sanau Island and
landsat imageries were analyzed using remote sensing Makora Island (Figure 3). On the pre of earthquake,
techniques. The purpose of this analysis is to get an the coral reef ecosystems has a wider ranges in
image of the earth’s surface more sharply. As we know between 100m up to 400m. After the earthquake, the
rayleigh scatter in the atmosphere can produce thin fog coral in shallow water is lifted and partly forming the
which have a stronger effect on the shorter wavelength new islands. (Table 1). The remaining coral reefs
bands (Lillesand & Kiefer, 1990; Mishra et al., 2006), ecosystem after the quake are relatively narrower
hence the image of the earth’s surface obtained from than the coral reefs ecosystem at the pre earthquake.
landsat becomes faded and vague. The method used Comparison of the physical environment in North Nias
for atmospheric correction is dark pixel subtraction in 2003 and 2015 is shown in Table 1.
(Spitzer & Dirks, 1987; Armstrong, 1993; Maritorena,
1996). A large number of pixels are sampled from the Changes of the coral reef ecosystem
darkest area at deep water and their average value in
each band then it is used to subtract from all other Coral reefs ecosystem in North Nias on pre
pixels in each band respectively: earthquake is wider than after earthquake (Figure 3).
In Lahewa District, coral ecosystems reaches 1300
Atmospherically corrected radiance = Li - Lsi m wide from the coastline while in East Lahewa, Lotu
and Sawo districts are only range in between 25 m
Where: up to 350 m. Since the Nias earthquake mostly coral
Li is the pixel radiance in band i and ecosystems, particularly coral with the less than 2.5
Lsi is the average radiance for deep water in m depth has been raised and transformed into the
band i. land. The waters north coast of Lahewa District, based
on landsat imagery aquired 2003 were small islands
The new composite image generated from the surrounded by coral reefs. There are six islands in
algorithms and combination among chanals would the area (Table 2): Island of Sanau, Taliwaa, Makora,
seems more obviously, boundaries of mangroves and Lafau, Gito and Mause. On the Sanau Island, in the pre
other vegetations can also be clearly identified. earthquake there was a lagoon, water mass circulation

Progress on Coastal Ecosystems: .... in North Nias, North Sumatera (Suyarso., et al.)

Figure 2. Changes of physical environment of Sanau Island. Upper left: Sanau Island before the quake
showed lagoon with two channels and swamps. Upper right: Sanau Island after the quake, the
former of lagoon altered into a saltwater lake. Lower left: reef flat, embryonic of Uma Island
before the quake, bottom right: Uma Island, which is the island that formed after the quake.

Table 1. Comparison in hectare unit of area before (2003) and after the quake (2015)

No Location 2003 (before quake) 2015 (after quake)

1 Lahewa District 15952.37 16842.31

2 East Lahewa District 12435.87 12706.0
3 Lotu District 11566.15 11611.15
4 Sawo District 4899.53 4940.56

Existing islands

1 Sanau Island 128.12 220.70

2 Taliwaa Island 5.33 18.58
3 Makora Island 6.68 22.25
4 Lafau Island 45.62 68.45
5 Gito Island 16.60 39.76
6 Mause Island 60.07 99.42

New islands formed after quake

1 Gosong Lahewa Island - 0.59

2 Lahewa Island - 34.85
3 Boahi Island - 23.27
4 Uma Island - 20.87
5 Kara Island - 0.27
6 Siene-ene Island - 0.51

Coral reef ecosystem

1 Lahewa District 2961.54 1859.73

2 East Lahewa District 301.35 239.97
3 Lotu District 764.46 722.28
4 Sawo District 832.91 822.91
5 Islands north off Lahewa 873.67 712.14

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 87-95

Figure 3. Comparison of coral reefs ecosystem and mangrove in North Nias, left: coral reefs ecosystem
and mangrove in 2003 (before the quake), right: coral reefs ecosystem and mangrove in 2015
(after the quake).

connected to the open sea through two canals (Figure Bangladesh, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, even
2). After the quake, canals were lifted and closed some of those countries evacuated residents around
causing this lagoon changed become a saltwater lake the beach to anticipate of the tsunami (BBC News
with the salinity higher than the salinity of the sea water ,2012), Theguardian April (2012) was also reported
surroundings . panic and traffic jams triggered in Aceh after post-
earthquake tremors also felt in Singapore, Thailand,
Seismicity Malaysia and India.

The bottom of the waters in west of Sumatra is a The monitoring of the live coral coverage
part of the active tectonic system of Indonesia Islands
Arc. They are located on the subduction zone that is a Program of coral reef monitoring in North Nias
convergent tectonic plates. which is the Indo-Australia has done since 2004 located at 6 stations (Figure 1), in
plate moves to north underneath the Eurasian plate the reef slopes environment with the depth of 6m to 9m.
(Katili, 1974; Chasanah et al., 1995; Handayani et al. Progress of the live corals percentage since 2004 to
1995) with average velocity 52 mm/year (USGS 2008). 2015 is shown in the Figure 4 (right), there was no data
The condition causes the western part of Indonesia in 2011 to 2013 because in that period the monitoring
Islands Arc is a region with active of seismicity. activity was not performed. In 2007 monitoring data still
shows the live coral cover decrease with a range in
Since the periode of 2000 – 2016, in western between 2% to 4%. In the period 2007 to 2010 shows
Sumatra region was recorded more than 1500 quakes increasing ith the range 12.3% to 32.7% except on
with the magnitude of over 5 Mw (USGS, 2016). The station 2, there was no change of live coral cover since
quake center was found at Andaman on December 2005. The data 2014 showed a decrease of 1.3% to
26, 2004 with a magnitude of Mw 9.1 while Nias quake 35.6% of coral especially at station 1, 3, 4 and 6 while
on March 28, 2005 with a magnitude of Mw 8.6, and on station 5 shows an increase continuously.
on April 11, 2012 were recorded twice of quakes with
a magnitude of over 8 Mw. The first quake had a The changes of mangrove ecosystem
magnitude of 8.6 Mw at 15:38 pm and the center was
located the West coast of Sumatra. Two hours later was In the pre Nias earthquake March 25, 2005
followed the second quake with a magnitude of 8.2 Mw mangrove ecosystem in Lahewa District shows
located in the 200 km south of the first earthquakes spacious, extends along the northern coast with an
(Figure 4, left). Duputel et al. (2012) mentioned that the area of approximately 600 hectares (identified on the
quakes occurred in the oceanic lithosphere of Cocos landsat imagery in 2003). After quake, Nias mainland
Basin. The vibration of the two quakes felt up to India, has been lifted up as high as 2.5m causing mangrove

Progress on Coastal Ecosystems: .... in North Nias, North Sumatera (Suyarso., et al.)

Figure 4. Left: a map of the earthquake distribution with the magnitude recorded in the periode 2000 - 2016
on the western side of Sumatra, right: graph shows progression of the live coral coverage in
North Nias since 2004 to 2015 from reef health monitoring results.

vegetation move 500m away from the shoreline. Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, Lumnitzera littorea, Ceriops
Landsat image in 2015 (10 years after Nias quake) tagal, Nypa fruticans, Acrostichum aureum, Xylocarpus
shows that mangrove farthest from the shoreline granatum and Sonneratia alba. Changes of mangrove
have largely been destroyed and changed into land area before quake (2003) and after the quake (2015)
vegetations. Otherwise mangroves nearest to the (in hectares) is shown in the Table 2.
shoreline shows the spreading progression toward
the north, approach to the shoreline. The spreading Recovery progress of the live coral coverage
progression of mangroves for more than 10 years in
some places reaches up to 200m wide. In the coastal In Figure 4 shown that the impact of the
areas in Lahewa and Balefadoro Tuho villages, the earthquake occurred in Nias on March 28, 2005 with
new mangrove plants began to grow sporadically with a magnitude 8.7 Mw has caused a decrease of live
the thickness from the shoreline up to 50m including coral coverage i.e. 11.7% to 40.23%. In the period
Rhizophora apiculata, Rhizophora mucronata, and 2007 to 2010 showed that the percentage of live
Xylocarpus granatum. coral coverage tend to increase with the range in
between 2.23% to 48%. Monitoring data collected in
Around East Lahewa District until the Lotu District, 2014 ironically that the live coral coverage decreased
the mangroves grew scattered around the mouth of the significantly at almost all stations. The coral damage
Mosoi River, and developed after the Nias earthquake. occurring in Nias in 2014 was the collapse of live coral
In Sawo District, mangroves found in the Bengkuang and the increase significantly of coral rubbles in the
village. On the pre earthquake mangrove in the region deeper part. Twice quakes as reported by both BBC
was 177.35 hectares, but after the earthquake in 2005 News (2012) and public panic in mainland of Sumatera
partly mangrove, particularly those farthest from the (Theguardian, 2012) indicated that the quakes vibration
coastline destroyed and leaving only 102.84 hectares. felt very strong. In relation to coral damage, Mc Adoo
These types of mangrove consist of Rhizophora et al. (2008) showed much evidence that vibration of
apiculata, Rhizphora lamarchii, Rhizophora mucronata, earthquake more destructive rather than tsunami in

Table 2. Comparison of the mangrove area before quake (2003) and after the quake (2015) (in
hectares) in North Nias.

No. Districts 2003 (before quake) 2015 (after quake)

1 Lahewa District 592.86 331.84

2 East Lahewa District 44.47 9.23
3 Lotu District 18.15 8.53
4 Sawo District 177.34 69.71

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 87-95

Figure 5. The change of coastal profiles and its impact to the development of the mangrove in the West of
Lahewa village. Upper: coastal profile before land uplifted due to Nias Earthquake, March 2005,
lower: coastal profile after land uplifted.

the Solomon Islands. Acceleration of vibration will be Mangrove

stronger, especially on the reef slope area, brancing
and table corals collapse and fall on the top of fine Blasco et al. (1996) from his studies reported
sediments in the deeper waters. The same phenomena degraded mangrove’plant due to land lifting after
has also been reported by Aronson et al. (2012) in their earthquake in Guyana, Gambia, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya,
research in Belizean Barrier Reef lagoon, western India and Bangladesh, shows Rhizophora, Bruguiera,
Caribbean, especially on the reef slopes dominated by Sonneratia, Heritiera ecologically this plant has
branching corals. Collapse of semi consolidated reef limitations of salinity tolerance and the duration of
debris was triggered by vibration developed during inundation process of ebb nd tide. However, according
the earthquake, breaking free and sliding into deeper to Ray & Acharyya (2011) mangroves can still survive
water. in a land that still holds and retains moisture, salinity
and nutrients are important. Mahendra et al. (2006)
The quakes of 8.2 Mw and 8.6 Mw on April 11, suggested old trees of existing mangroves still produce
2012 quakes might play an important role in damaging seeds, will always growing and developing (spreading
of the live coral cover which was recorded in 2014 in progression) in the direction of the sea The process
North Nias. However, at station 5 the quake seem not of spreading progressions of the mangrove after
affected to live coral coverage. This station is dominated earthquake and land uplifted has also been occured in
by recruitments of branching live coral grows on the the Andaman Islands.
hard corals that the topography is relatively flat, so
such corals are likely more resistant to the quake In the village of Lahewa, after quake and followed
vibration. In the period 2007 to 2010 in this area was by 2.5m land uplifted, caused most of the mangrove
not found the meaningfull magnitude of quakes (Figure community is experiencing drought. Based on the
4, left) therefore, it showed valuable progression of analysis of coastal profile (Figure 5) also shows that
the live corals coverage (Figure 4, right). As well as the tidal were no reach out to the mangroves. However,
monitoring data in 2015, the percentage of live coral based on the analysis of the landsat image aquired
coverage at station 1 to 6 increase range from 1.1% to in 2015 showed in the rear zone of the mangroves
7.5% (Figure 4, right). (southern part, farthest from the shorelines) degraded
with a width varying between 40m upto 480m. UNEP
GCRMN (2005) and Hagan et al. (2007) stated (2007) reported Rhizophora trees had become
that the coral reefs in the Indian Ocean after earthquake desiccated and died slowly but several trees of Cheriops
will recover from the damages within the next 5-10 appear stayed on the dry land condition and seemed
years. to be growing normally. WIIP (2006) also reported that
although there were no tidal inundate, several species

Progress on Coastal Ecosystems: .... in North Nias, North Sumatera (Suyarso., et al.)

of Aegiceras corniculatum, Dolichandrone spathacea, as indicators of coastal change. Catena 27 (3-4),

Xylocarpus rumphii, Ceriops decandra able to survive 167-178.
in the new environment which is relatively dry.
Chasanah, U., Madlazim. & Prastowo, T. (2013).
CONCLUSION Analysis of seismicity level and earthquake return
period in West Sumatra Region in the Period
Nias earthquake in 2005 in shallow waters has 1961-2010. Inovasi Fisika Indonesia 2(2),1-6. in
caused most of the coral was broken, partially lifted into bahasa Indonesia.
the mainland and most die of drought while in deeper
waters, coral damage was caused by the vibration of Dahdouh-Guebas, F. (2002). The use of remote
earthquake. In the period of 2007 to 2010 has shown sensing and GIS in the sustainable management
the coral recovery, but in the earthquake that occurred of tropical coastal ecosystems. Environment,
in 2012 is thought to play an important role to destroy Development and Sustainability 4, 93–112.
the coral and it is seen in the result of reef health
monitoring in 2014. Coral, especially branching corals Devi, E.U. & Shenoi, S.S.C. (2012). Tsunami and the
grows in the slope environment are easily collapsed by Effects on Coastal Morphology and Ecosystems:
quake vibrations. A Report. Proc Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. 78 (3), 513-
Similarly, mangrove that has been lifted, moved
away from the shoreline and tides no longer reached Duputel, Z., Kanamori, H., Tsai, V.C., Rivera, L., Meng,
the mangroves. Mangroves in the farthest part of the L., Ampuero, J.P. & Stock, J.M. (2012). The 2012
shore has been destroyed particularly Rhizophora is Sumatra great earthquake sequence. Earth and
very vulnerable to drought so it will die slowly. But other Planetary Science Letter 351-352: 247-257.
species such as Cheriops, Aegiceras, Xylocarpus and
Dolychandrone to be growing normally. GCRMN (Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network).
(2005). Status of coral reefs in tsunami affected
The series of events occurring in Nias are lessons countries:2005. (Wilkinson, Souter and Goldberg
learnt: close relationship between coastal ecosystem eds.): 154 p.
development and earthquake activities to consider
the selection of a marine conservation areas in the Hagan, A.B., Foster, R., Perera, N., Gunawan, C.A.,
tectonically active such as west of Sumatera. Silaban, I., Yaha, Y., Manuputty, Y., Hazam, I. &
Hodgson, G. (2007). Tsunami and coral reef.
ACKOWLEDGEMENTS Atoll Research Bulletin 544, 37-54.

We thank to Sabar Jaya Telaumbanua, M.Si of Handayani, L., Permana, H. & Gaffar, E.Z. (2012).
Marine Agency of North Nias Regency facilitated the Segmentation of active micro plate tectonics
research, thank is also to Rikoh M Siringoringo M.Si, in Northern Sumatra (Aceh) reviewed from
as a research coordinator of the Research Center earthquake epicenter distribution. Jurnal
for Oceanography LIPI for the help of field facilities, Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi 3(2), 71-77. in
information and ease of access to data. Without them bahasa Indonesia.
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J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 97-106


ISSN : 1907-0659
e-ISSN : 2461-1166
Accreditation Number: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016



Agustin Rustam, Nasir Sudirman, Restu Nur Afi Ati,

Hadiwijaya Lesmana Salim, & Yusmiana Puspitaningsih Rahayu

Marine Research Center, The Agency for Marine & Fisheries Reseach& Human Resources,
Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries

Received: 14 March 2017; Revised: 5 July 2017; Accepted: 30 July 2017


Small islands are particularly rich with coral reefs, seagrass ecosystems and coastal plants. Seagrass meadow is one of the blue
carbon ecosystems, which is able to store CO2 in the form of organic carbon inside its biomass and sediment. The objectives of this study
were to determine the carbon stock of seagrass in Spermonde Island and to review its essential role in climate change mitigation strategies.
The purposive sampling method was undertaken to ensure a spatially representative research site and analyzed the amount of carbon
contained in biomass and sediment. The results show that there were eight species of seagrass across the islands with the highest carbon
stock derived from Enhalus acoroides at Kapoposang island constituting 1.64 MgCha-1. The average carbon stock of the total biomass
(above-and below ground) in the largest island (Bauluang island) was 1.89 ± 0.92 MgC ha-1 with 77% of carbon was derived from below
ground component. The average of total sediment carbon stock in this study was 531.87 ± 74.08 MgC ha-1. The role of seagrass ecosystem
in Spermonde islands in climate change mitigation was equivalent to the sequesteration of CO2 for 1955.26 MgCO2e ha-1.

Keywords: Seagrass, Spermonde Islands, blue carbon, mitigation.

INTRODUCTION biomass of Zostera capensis and Halodule wrightii

species are 1:11 and 1:1.13, respectively, where 16%
Seagrass is one of the angiosperm plants that of the organic carbon is stored in the sediments. The
has the ability to adapt with seawater, forming a mono burial rate of Posidonia oceanica is 58 gCm-2year-1
or mixture species which is called seagrass beds/ (Mateo et al., 1997; de Boer, 2007). sediment carbon
meadows and becomes one of the key ecosystems in of seagrass is divided into two types, including
the coastal area (Duarte et al., 2013; Duarte et al., allotochonous and autochonous carbon (Howard et al,,
2010; Duarte, 2002; Duarte, 1999). Seagrass meadow 2014). Allotochonous carbon is defined as carbon
is considered to be one of the coastal blue carbon originating from other ecosystems and deposited on
ecosystems (such as saltmarsh, mangrove, and seagrass beds, while autochonous carbon is specified
seagrass) that has ecological functions as a carbon as carbon that is produced and deposited from
storage both in its biomass and sediments (Chmura et seagrass biomass mainly from derived rhizomes and
al., 2003; Fourqurean et al., 2012b; Brown et al., 2016). leaf decomposition (Howard et al., 2014). Carbon stock
potential of seagrasses in Indonesia amounted to
Seagrass is divided into two parts, including 119.5 MgCha-1 (Alongi et al., 2016). Seagrass meadow
above and below ground which performs as carbon can be found in the coastal spread out in all over the
pool in the ocean. The largest potential function of world, and generally exists in the small islands (Short
seagrass as blue carbon is found in the below ground et al., 2007; Duarte, 2000; De Iongh et al., 2007). Small
parts. The ratios of the above and below ground island is an island which has an area of less than or

Corresponding author:
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara 14430. Email:

Copyright © 2017 Jurnal Segara

Seagrass Ecosystem Carbon Stock ... South Sulawesi, Indonesia (Rustam, A., et al.)

equal to 10,000 km2, with a population of less than or ecosystems. This study aims to calculate carbon stock
equal to 200,000 (UNCLOS, 1982; KMKP, 2000a; and to update seagrass status in four zones of
KMKP, 2000), while based on in the revision of Law Spermonde islands and its relation to climate change
No. 27 of 2007 jo of Law No 1 of 2014 small island is mitigation.
an island with an area of less than or equal to 2,000
km2 and including the unity of the surrounding METHODOLOGY
ecosystems (UU No 27, 2007; UU No 1, 2014). Coastal
ecosystems surrounding the small islands are The research location is administratively located
generally well developed by coral reef and seagrass in Spermonde Islands and is geographically positioned
ecosystems. between 119° 6’50”- 119° 32’31” E and 4° 52’33” - 5°
22’41” LU (Figure 1). The research was focused on four
Spermonde islands are located in the high seperated islands including Bauluang and Baranglompo
biodiversity Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) region which Island in the inner middle zone; Saroppokeke island in
has a strong linkage with the Indonesian Through Flow the outer middle zone, and Kapoposang Island in the
(ITF) as it delivers about 75% of the Indian Ocean outer zone. Overall, there are 11 sampling points
water mass to the Pacific Ocean (Gordon et al., 2008). across the islands including two sampling points at
Research about seagrass in Spermonde Islands has Bauluang Island, and three sampling points each in
been conducted mainly in the Barranglompo Island Barranglompo, Saropokeke and Kapoposang Islands.
(research station of Hasanuddin University, Makassar).
The ranges of carbon stocks in seagrass (Enhalus The method used in this research was using
acoroides) at Barranglompo and Bonebatang island survey method, in which the data collection in the field
were 0.49 to 1.05 MgCha-1 and 0.08 to 0.34 MgCha-1 was focused on specific the characteristic of the
respectively (Amri, 2012). These values are higher research objects, following guideline described by
than that in Tanjung Lesung (0.35 MgCha-1) (Rustam Effendi. (2003). The purposive sampling method was
et al., 2014) and lower than that in Pari Island (2.66 used to obtain a spatially representative distribution as
MgCha-1) (Rustam, 2014). well as verification of the seagrass existence.
Percentage of canopy cover in each 50 x 50 cm²
Many activities on both Sulawesi and Spermonde quadrant was taken by visual estimation based on
islands are leading to a degradation of seagrass Seagrass Watch visual standards guide (Mc Kenzie et

Figure 1. Location of the study Spermonde Islands (Source map modification from Candra, 2013).

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 97-106

al., 2003). Numbers of shoots were calculated at each RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
quadrant for E. acoroides, while for other species
calculations were done using specimen retrieved in a The results of this study found that there were
25x25 cm2 frame. The specimen was put in a plastic eight species of seagrasses in the four Islands of the
label and the number of all individual specimens within Spermonde Waters that derived from two families
the squares were counted in the base camp. Each (Hydrocharitaceae and Cymodoceaceae). Four species
species was also collected as a speciment that was from the family Hydrocharitaceae were Enhalus
further identified and analyzed in the laboratory. acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Halophila decipiens
and Halophila ovalis. While the other four species
The above and below ground seagrass biomass from the family Cymodoceaceae were Cymodocea
were weighed after clearing the epiphytes and rotundata, Halodule uninervis, Halodule pinifolia and
substrates that were still attached to the leaves or roots. Syringodium isoetifolium.
The dry weight of biomass was obtained in the
laboratory by heating up the sample at 60°C until a The total percentage of seagrass cover in the
stable weight for approximately three days. Samples Spermonde Waters was ranging between 0-90 percent,
were grounded into powder and analyzed by elemental where at all sampling points, the species are generally
Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur (CHNS) analyzer to mixed. In Kapoposang Island and Saropokeke Island
obtain carbon contents. for instance, seagrass meadows can be a mixture
of several species, such as Cymodocea rotundata,
Sediment samples were collected by a stainless Thalassia hemprichii, Thalassia hemprichii and Enhalus
steel auger sediment core. The depths of the sediments acoroides (Table 1).
were less thn 50 cm. At each core, a 5-cm-interval
sediment from the base to the top of the core was Figure 2 shows the density of seagrass species
sampled and stored in the sample container and in the studied sites based on shoot/individual seagrass
labeled. Sediment samples from each core were expansion (individuals/m2). Seagrass density was
subsequently measured for bulk density, total carbon, measured by using a frame with an area of 0.0625
and total nitrogen content. m2. There are three species of seagrasses which have
high density, namely S. isoetifolium (1424 ind/m2), T.
The seagrass percent cover analysis was carried hemprichii (592 ind/m2) and C. serrulata (320 ind/
out using the method of Saito and Atobe (English et al., m2), while species E. acoroides although was found
1994), while the density of seagrass species was at all stations, has a lower density, ranged between
calculated with reference according to Fachrul (2007). 8-192 ind/m2, with the highest density was observed
Biomass and sediment carbon stocks were analyzed in Kapoposang Island. This is because E. acoroides
based on the formula from Fourqurean et al. (2014). usually has a large size, so that the density of this
Sediment bulk density was obtained by calculation species in the same area will be different from the other
using the formula from Kauffman & Donato. (2012) and seagrass species (Figure 2).
the carbon contents were converted into the amount of
CO2 that were used or stored, by multiplying the value Biomass Carbon Stock
with the conversion factor of 3.67 (Sifleet et al., 2011;
Howard et al., 2014). Seagrass biomass was measured for its wet
weight and dry weight, and also its carbon weight. For

Table 1. Percentage of total seagrass cover, substrate and type of seagrass found in Spermonde

Location Range of Percent Average ± Types of seagrass

Cover (%) Standard Error

Bauluang Island 6 -70 41.75±2.25 Ea, Ho, Cr, Hu dan Th

Baranglompo Island 10 - 80 48.06±6.74 Ea, Hu, Cr, Th, Hp dan Si
Saropokeke Islans 0 - 90 50.56±4.82 Hu, Hd, Cr, Si, Ho dan Th
Kapoposang Island 0 - 90 44.06±4.85 Ea, Ho, Cr dan Th

Description: Ea = Enhalus acoroides Th = Thalassia hemprichii

Hu = Haludule uninervis Cr = Cymodocea rotundata
Hp = Halodule pinifolia Hd = Halophila decipiens
Si = Syringodium isoetifolium Ho = H. ovalis

Seagrass Ecosystem Carbon Stock ... South Sulawesi, Indonesia (Rustam, A., et al.)

Description: Ea = Enhalus acoroides Th = Thalassia hemprichii

Hu = Haludule uninervis Cr = Cymodocea rotundata
Hp = Halodule pinifolia Hd = Halophila decipiens
Si = Syringodium isoetifolium Ho = H. ovalis

Figure 2. The density of seagrass in the Spermonde islands.

all species particulary in the above ground biomass seagrass that were found in this area are mostly the
usually has higher wet weight than below ground part. large-sized seagrass species such as E. acoroides
However, for the dry weight/carbon weight (biomass and T. hemprichii. In the Saropokeke Island, there are
carbon) the above ground biomass is lower than many types of seagrasses found but generally small in
compared to below ground biomass (Figure 3). size, and usually are pioneer seagrass species. Large-
sized seagrass such as E. acoroides was not found in
Biomass carbon is generally high in the seagrass meadows in this area.
belowground, with the highest value was observed
in the Bauluang Island (1.89 MgC ha-1), followed by Based on the species, the highest amount of
Barranglompo Island (1.55 MgC ha-1), Kapoposang biomass carbon was measured in E. acoroides and T.
Island (1.31 MgC ha-1), and the lowest was observed hemprichii which have a large size with a long life span
in the Saropokeke Island (0.77 MgC ha-1) (Figure 3). (Figure 4). However, the small size seagrasses which
The higher amount of biomass carbon stock measured have a lower biomass carbon may also contain high
in the Bauluang Island was likely because the type of carbon stocks, depends on the density and seagrass

Figure 3. Stock biomass seagrass Spermonde Islands.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 97-106

Figure 4. Seagrass biomass carbon stocks per type at the study site.

forms. Seagrasses that form a vast meadow with an coastal water (Rustam et al., 2014; Rustam et al.,
interconnected complex root systems (rhizomes and 2016). Carbon stock in Barranglompo Island tends to
roots) are able to store carbon, both allochthonous increase, in which the amount is higher compared to the
carbon that is derived from adjacent areas and trapped previous research, where the highest production was
by seagrass roots, and autochthonous carbon that contributed from species E. acoroides, T. hemprichii
is derived from seagrass biomass either fresh, litter and C. rotundata (Amri et al., 2011; Supriadi et al.,
and decomposed biomass. Supriadi (2012) reported 2012). Carbon stocks in Kapoposang Island is greater
that the production of seagrass litter the species E. than that in Kema (Rustam et al., 2016). The amount of
acoroides from the Barranglompo Island are 100% biomass is generally greater at the below ground. This
during the wet season and 124.9% during the transition is reinforced by the large allocation of carbon on the
season between east and the west season which was below ground (77% of total carbon biomass).
deived from seagrass leaves itself.
Sediment Carbon Stock
Wet weight is generally greater in the above
ground of seagrass biomass than in the below ground, Sampling of seagrass sediment was done by
while dry weight is usually greater in the below than in using sediment core at the depth down to 50 cm.
the above grounds. This is related to the higher water Carbon that is stored in seagrass sediment generally
content in the above ground of seagrass biomass than contains high carbonate, which can be derived from
in the below ground (the average water content of coral rubble, shell and others. The value of sediment
seagrass biomass in the above ground is accounted carbon stocks from the studied sites between 378,17
for 77% of the total weight of seagrass, and 23% in - 685.89 MgC ha-1 (Figure 5). Sediment carbon stock in
the the below ground). The below ground of seagrass the Bauluang Island is lower than that of other islands.
biomass, particularly the rhizomes, have a denser This can be attributed to a lower seagrass cover and
structure than the above ground (leaves). The carbon density in the Bualang Island compared to other islands
content is also found greater in the below ground (Table 1 and Figure 2).
biomass that is ranging between 25.03 to 37.03% with
an average of 34.29%, compared to the above ground Based on the calculation at each sampling
which is ranging between 30.34 to 35.11% with an point, carbon stock in the Kapoposang island tends
average of 32.86%. to increase with depth (Figure 5). The Kapoposang
Island is located in the outer zone of the four existing
The amount of biomass carbon stocks of zones, where seagrass meadows are usually formed
seagrasses in the Bauluang Island and in the by a large seagrass species such as T. hemprichii
Barranglompo Island observed in this study (1.89 MgC and E. acoroides. In the Barranglompo Island, the
ha-1 and 1.55 MgC ha-1, respectively) are greater than highest sediment carbon stock was measured at the
those in Tanjung Lesung water, Banten and Kema intermediate depths of 15-30 cm. Large amount of

Seagrass Ecosystem Carbon Stock ... South Sulawesi, Indonesia (Rustam, A., et al.)

Figure 5. Stock carbon sediments in seagrass Spermonde Islands.

sediment carbon stock observed in the Kapoposang Carbon stocks of seagrass ecosystems and climate
Island was likely derived from the accumulation of change
carbonate and seagrass litter (autochthonous).
Among the three carbon pools of seagrass
For more details, figure 6 displays sediment ecosystems in the studied sites, the highest carbon
carbon stocks profiles in 5 cm depth intervals. Sediment stock was measured in the sediment. The highest mean
sample was devided by 5 cm interval prior to analyses of total carbon stock was measured in the Kapoposang
to see the vertical profile of carbon stocks. The amount Island for 687.19 MgC ha-1, in which 99.81 % of the
of carbon stocks tend to increase with depth, except in total carbon stock is stored in the sediment.
the Bauluang Island, where the carbon stock is higher
in the surface than in lower layers. The increase of Carbon stock in seagrass ecosystems derives
sediment carbon stocks with depth was clearly visible from the sequestration of CO2 which is used for plant
in the Barranglompo Island with R2 value of 0.701 growth thus is stored in plant biomass and sediment.
(70%). This is one of the roles of seagrass for climate change
mitigation. The total amount of carbon stock in the
Bauluang Island was 380.06 MgC ha-1, which is

Figure 6. The profile of carbon stocks sediment to a depth of 35 cm for seagrass ecosystem in Spermonde

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 97-106

equivalent to the absorption of 1393.57 MgCO2 eq ha-1, seagrasses store a lower aboveground organic carbon.
carbon stocks in the Barranglompo Island amounted However, seagrasses also function as a sediment trap,
for 595.37 MgC ha-1 is equivalent to 2,183.03 MgCO2 which deposit not only autochthonous carbon, but
eqha-1, carbon stocks in the Saropokeke Island also allochthonous carbon that originates from other
amounted for 470.38 MgC ha-1 is equivalent to ecosystems such as estuaries and mangroves in a
1,724.74 MgCO2 eqha-1, and the highest carbon stock long period of time.
in the Kapoposang Island amounted for 687.19 MgC
ha-1 is equivalent to the absorption of 2,519.71 MgCO2 Apart from their role as a natural blue carbon
eqha-1. These values are higher than those measured sink, which is important in climate change mitigation
in Tanjung Lesung, Banten and Kema coastal water, by reducing and storing CO2, seagrasses also have an
North Sulawesi (Rustam et al., 2014; Rustam et al., important role in preventing coastal vulnerability to the
2016). rising of sea level, and an ability to lower sea surface
temperature. (Greiner et al., 2013; Marbà et al., 2015;
Seagrass function as a natural carbon sink is Duarte et al., 2013; Fourqurean et al., 2012; McLeod et
associated with the utilization of dissolved CO2 in al., 2011; Duarte et al., 2013b). The role of blue carbon
the water for photosynthesis, which cause reduction ecosystems in reducing CO2 in the atmosphere will
of CO2 availability in the water and cause the flow of give an impact on the reduction of the earth’s surface
CO2 from the atmosphere into the water. This function temperature. All together, these roles are part of the
will work properly when seagrass ecosystems are in coastal ecosystem services from seagrass, in addition
a healthy condition by forming a vast seagrass bed. to fisheries.
Due to their smaller size compared to mangrove plants,

Figure 7. Stock carbon seagrass in Spermonde Island.

Figure 8. The seagrass meadow of mix T hemprichii and C rotundata in Saropokeke island.

Seagrass Ecosystem Carbon Stock ... South Sulawesi, Indonesia (Rustam, A., et al.)

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J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 107-117


ISSN : 1907-0659
e-ISSN : 2461-1166
Accreditation Number: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016


Ulung Jantama Wisha, Koko Ondara & Gunardi Kusumah

Research Institute for Coastal Resources and Vulnerability, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Received: 8 February 2017; Revised: 3 July 2017; Accepted: 5 August 2017


Abrasion which is occurred in the Sayung coast is triggered by a big role of climate change as well as the sea level rise and land
subsidence. Resulting degradation ultimately affects changes in existing environmental conditions. This study aims to determine the existing
water based on biological and chemical contents which are affected by increasing suspended solid content in the Sayung waters. Purposive
sampling technique was applied. Data were analyzed both statistically and spatially. Suspended solid value ranged between 23.1-199.6
mg/L. Distribution of suspended solid was only simulated during low tide towards high tide phase with current speed of 0-0.41 m/s. Dissolved
oxygen value was quite high in several observation stations which indicates the fertile area with low pollution and blooming tendency. In the
station where suspended solid and turbidity were high, the chlorophyll-a contents were decreased. The high concentration of suspended
solid directly triggers the turbidity enhancement and declines the photosynthesis activity, which is related with marine pollution. Resulting in
the primary productivity reduction in the Sayung waters.

Keywords: Hydrodynamics, Sayung waters, Suspended solid content, Water quality

INTRODUCTION area. The wind moves towards the coast and generates
longshore current, which is the main agent of erosion
Sayung coastal area is prone to abrasion due to (Ondara & Wisha, 2016). This situation will be affected
oceanographic and climatic factors which are to coastal changes (Widada et al., 2012). Every change
destructive. As a result, level of solid particles in coastal area is easier to detect by employing the
suspension increased in the Sayung Waters (Pranoto status of water quality which is caused by enhancing of
et al., 2016). The turbulence led to enhance the suspended sediment and the other solid substances in
turbidity, will directly inhibit the process of waters (Wisha et al., 2015).
photosynthesis by phytoplankton and other autotroph
biotas. It is crucial in terms of primary productivity Suspended solid observation is necessary to
reduction (Hendrarto & Nitisuparjo, 2011). determine the existing water quality. The high
concentration of suspended solid can trigger the
Suspended solid content is a total number of primary productivity reduction. Actually, the suspended
solids which is suspended and floated in water column. solid and chlorophyll-a are the major indicator of water
Suspended solid is strongly transported by water mass pollution determinant, which is represented the initial
transport. At some point, it will settle back to the bottom condition of the water. The identification and correlation
when the tidal flow is weaker (Wisha & Heriati, 2016). between those parameters has been developed by
Sayung water has a tendency of flow pattern that employing gravimetric method and spatial analysis as
varies depends on the winds in the surrounding the well.

Corresponding author:
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara 14430. Email:

Copyright © 2017 Jurnal Segara

An Overview of Surface ... Demak, Indonesia (Wisha, U.J., et al.)

(Figure 1) along the coastal area. The purposive

Previous studies by Sidqi et al. (2003), Arief & sampling technique was applied to determinate the
Lestari. (2006), Wulandary et al. (2014), and sampling sites representing the study area (Wisha et
Purwaningsih et al. (2015) defined that the al., 2016b).
concentration of suspended solid in the Sayung waters
was increased every year, so the study of suspended Sampling was conducted during low towards high
solid content is necessary to conduct due to not only tidal condition based on tide forecasting by ERGtide.
the bad impacts on the environment but also updating The forecasted data becomes a basis of Acoustic
data on the latest condition of solid contamination in Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurement which
Sayung waters, Demak. This study aims to determine was deployed for 18 days before taking the water
the existing condition of water condition viewed from quality data. It was measured using water quality
biological and chemical oceanography aspects checker (WQC) multi-parameter during 1 tidal phase,
resulted by the increasing of suspended solid content i.e. on March 23, 2016 at 08:00 to 12:00 am (Figure 2).
in the Sayung waters.
ADCP deployment was done from 03/04/2016 at
METHODOLOGY 15:00 pm until 03/22/2016 at 12.00 am with approximate
measurements of 18 days, it was sufficient to represent
Data included bathymetry measured in 2016, the the full cycle of spring and neap tides. The ADCP
latest coastline from Google Eye image, current, tide, records several physical data such as tide, temperature,
and water quality. Data of tide forecasting and and current. Tide data are used as input for tide
topographical digital map of Indonesia are used in this forecasting. In another case, the currents and tides
study. Samples were taken from 18 observation points data are used in the verification the hydrodynamic

Figure 1. Research location map.

Figure 2. Tide forecasting analysis before conducting field survey.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 107-117

modeling result which was simulated (Wisha et al.,

2016a). To evaluate the model result, it must be Csi= (G2-G1)x1000/V mg/L .......................... 2)
compared with field measurement tides data (Jin & Ji,
2004), applying Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) Where:
formula as follow: Csi = The suspended solids mg/L
G2 = Weight of filter paper and precipitate
after heated (mg)
G1 = Weight of filter paper (mg)
.............................. 1)
V = The volume of water filtered (mL)

The suspended solid content data were

analyzed spatially by employing the inverse distance
N = The number of total data
weighted (IDW) spatial analysis techniques which
xi = Model result
helps to lay out the suspended solid data to be well
yi = Field measurement data
interpreted the process of distribution, set up for
generating IDW is shown in Table 2. The IDW result
Flow model fm was employed to determine the
was then overlaid with the hydrodynamic model data to
distribution pattern of suspended solid and the other
show the distribution model of suspended solid content
water quality parameters, which are transported by the
in the Sayung waters.
water mass dynamics. Tidal currents simulation was
simulated for 15 days, but the data will be displayed
only when low tide towards high tide in the neap phase
condition (similar with the date of in situ). To develop a
Suspended solid content in the Sayung waters
hydrodynamic simulation, a flow model simulation was
ranged between 23.1-199.6 mg/L, with an average
employed which shows the result on two-dimensional
in each station was 67.83 ± 25.5 mg/L. Solid
form (Warren & Bach, 1992; Mehdiabadi et al., 2015).
concentrations were highest at station DM 2, DM
The input model employed bathymetry data from
3, DM 5 and DM 15 (Figure 3). In generally, station
Hydrography and Oceanography Center, Indonesian
located near the mainland has higher suspended
Navy (Pushidrosal) combined with Bathymetry
solid concentrations than at station far away from the
measurement result and digital coastline Google Eye
imagery 2016. The surface elevation was obtained by
employing ERGtide in the form of time series data. Set-
The main source of solid comes from land
up of hydrodynamic model is shown in Table 1.
which is transported by the river flow and triggered
the turbulence of sediment resulted by waves and
Suspended solid sample analysis was done using
longshore current. Eventually, the suspended particles
gravimetric methods SNI 06-6989.3-2004. About 100
transported to the other areas, that condition affected by
mL of water samples were collected, gently shaken
the events of resuspension from the bottom. The stirred
and filtered using a vacuum pump and Whatman filter
and mixed up sediment then suspended and moved to
paper with 0.45 µm pore size. Filters were then weighed
the surface. The suspended solid concentrations that
and suspended solid concentrations were calculated
allowed by the standard of Ministry of environment and
using the formula as follow:
forestry (2004) for the mangrove ecosystem is 80 mg/L.

Table 1. Set-up for hydrodynamic model

Parameter Implemented in simulation

Simulation time Number of time step = 100

Time step interval = 30 second
Start and stop simulation date = 7/03/2016 24.00 – 8/03/2016 00.50
Mesh boundary Bathymetry = Pushidrosal bathymetry map digitation combined with field
measurement 2016
Coastline = Google Eye Image digitation
Flood and Dry Drying depth = 0.005 m
Flooding depth = 0.05 m
Wetting depth = 0.1 m
Boundary condition Tide forecasting with coordinates:
1. Longitude: 110.4836; Latitude: -6.842
2. Longitude: 110.4399; Latitude: -6.895

An Overview of Surface ... Demak, Indonesia (Wisha, U.J., et al.)

Table 2. Set Up for Generate IDW Processing

Indicator Implemented in IDW Processing

Projection Coordinate Geographic

Syatem (Longitude/Latitude)

World Geographic System
(WGS) 1984

Geoprocessing- Processing Extend :

Environment Setting Top = -6.851348
Bottom = -6.957948
Left = 110.452887
Right = 110.538692

ArcToolbox - Spatial IDW Set up :

Analyst Tool Output Cell Zise = 3.94639717568498E-03
Number of Points = 12
Search Radius = Variable

3, DM 5 and DM 2 which is located in Sriwulan waters

According to Purwaningsih et al. (2015), total it reached 119 mg/L of suspended solid concentration.
suspended solid ranged between 49-67 mg/L which The current direction is moving towards the sea,
has negatively correlation to affect the deposition of supporting the distribution of suspended solid from the
heavy metals in the sediment. According to Sidqi et al. estuary to the sea water area. It is clear with the field
(2003) the suspended solid content ranged from 41.93 observation that the Sriwulan water is tremendously
to 152.13 mg/L. Based on the analysis using Landsat turbid.
imagery (Arief & Lestari, 2006) the value of suspended
solid has range 25-50 mg/L, while Wulandari et al. The other station that has a high concentration is
(2014) claimed the suspended solid content ranged DM 15 which is in the Timbulsloko waters area. The
from 9.5 to 28.1 mg/L. high concentration of suspended solid sourced from
estuarine areas of Timbulsloko and trapped since
The largest intake of solid concentration derived moving currents from the north, east and south meet
from the river mouth. At high tidal phase condition, at that point. Resulting in the trapped and deposited
surface elevation is higher so the estuary will be solid in that area which causes a high rate of turbidity
dominated by seawater. Whereas, at low tide phase in the territorial Timbulsloko waters. At other stations,
condition, surface elevation is lower than river water the suspended solid concentration is not severe high
level, resulting in the river water domination in the because it has been transported by the movement of
estuary. It occurs in the estuarine areas and the tidal current with speed ranged from 0 to 0.41 m/s.
suspended solids are transported tidally and affect the
existing estuarine ecosystem (Wisha & Heriati, 2016). The longshore current velocity near the coast
is weaker and become the drift transport in coastal
Distribution of suspended solid at low tide towards areas (Wisha et al., 2015). The ebb flow of waters still
high tide condition (Figure 4) shows that Sriwulan area occurred in the Sriwulan waters, with the dominant
became the center of high suspension. At station DM current direction moving away from the coast with

Figure 3. The comparison of suspended solid, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, and Dissolved oxygen in the area

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 107-117

Table 3. Statistic descriptive of water quality parameters

No Parameter Min Max Mean St Dev

1 Turbidity (NTU) 0.00 80.20 22.27 19.92

2 DO (mg/L) 4.16 8.83 5.61 1.52
3 Chlorophyll-a (mg/L) 0.20 8.10 2.92 1.82

speed ranged from 0.02 to 0.2 m/s. Currents which occurred in the last view years.
came from the north move along the coast and heading
to the south with speed ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 m/s. Turbidity values range from 0 to 80.2 NTU with
an average of turbidity value was 22.26 ± 19. 1 NTU
The current pattern is still in the condition of (Table 2). The highest turbidity is found in station DM 2,
displacement from ebb to tide, which has begun where an area of mangrove forests and settlements, is
to enter the coast, from west to northwest and found in some stations near estuary such as the station
perpendicular to the Timbulsloko waters. So that, in DM 20 and DM 15 and DM 14 are also close to the
the region of Timbulsloko waters, occurs a turbulence mainland (Figure 1). Due to the high rate of water mass
on bottom particles, which is eventually suspended transport in the nearshore in the form of longshore
and floated in water column (Ondara & Wisha, 2016). currents and rip currents, the high turbulence occurs
Hydrodynamic model simulated on ebb to tide at the which results in the turbidity enhancement. Turbidity is
same time of sampling. The RMSE obtained is 11,25%. not only harmful for fishes but also cause the water
The comparison between model and field survey of to be unproductive due to the blocking of sunlight for
surface elevation data is shown in Figure 5, which photosynthesis (Riyadi et al., 2005). Based on the
represents the same tidal phases but have different previous research by Sidqi et al. (2003) the turbidity
elevation values. in Sayung waters ranged between 33-158 NTU, it
indicates that the turbidity already exceeds the quality
Tidal currents movement is one of the dominant standard limits (KLH, 2004).
factors in distribution of dissolved substances and
compounds in the waters (Wisha & Heriati, 2016). The high values of turbidity in some stations which
Its fluctuation changed depended on tidal condition. are closed to the land and river estuaries caused by
Suspended solids distributed evenly along the Sayung the activities of coastal communities that disposes the
coast, which is also affect the others water quality organic and inorganic substances. In addition, the type
parameter at the same station and its surrounding. of sediment in the Sayung waters is dominantly mud
Water quality data is shown in Table 2. and be cohesive, where the sediment size is very small,
and easy to be mixed and moved by the seasons and
The suspended solid is related with turbidity. In the winds. In general, Sayung waters are relatively
generally, when the suspended solid increases, the turbid (>1000 NTU) which has already exceeded the
water becomes turbid and it inhibits the autotrophs seawater quality standard for supporting the biota
biota by which disrupt photosynthesis activities. It will survival ability. The high of turbidity that greatly reduces
indirectly change the condition of existing ecosystem the activity of photosynthesis by phytoplankton and
because of the disruption of producer. Proven on all directly inhibits the primary productivity level in the
station, suspended solid concentration and turbidity Sayung waters (Sihombing et al., 2015). It can be
are proportional which are only two different stations, determined from the chlorophyll-a data which is shown
such as at station DM 1 and DM 2 (Figure 3). The in Table 3 and Figure 3.
remaining stations are slightly proportional. Based on
the result, the suspended solids content has a big role DO value is very high, indicating that the region
in the turbidity enhancement of the water. is fertile enough, but the value of dissolved oxygen
which is tremendously high can be harmful to the biota.
The high level of suspended solid indicates that According Riyadi et al. (2005) the DO at water bodies
bed load turbulence occurred frequently due to tidal of Sayung ranged from 4.71 to 5.08 mg/L. Sayung
current and other oceanographic parameters. Scour in waters have a carrying capacity that is not good for
the bottom triggered by the first breaking wave which marine life. According to Purwaningsih et al. (2015) the
propagates into the coast in the form of longshore value of DO ranged from 3.2 to 3.67 mg/L. According to
current. It occurs beneath the front wave crest which Suprapti (2008) the value DO in Sayung waters ranged
triggers scour near the coast. It causes erosion in the between 6-6.5 mg/L.
coastal area. It supported by intake of solid materials
from rivers surrounded. We know that Sayung coast Wulandari et al. (2014) defined that the average
tremendously threatened by erosion and tidal flood of dissolved oxygen content in the Sayung waters of

An Overview of Surface ... Demak, Indonesia (Wisha, U.J., et al.)

Figure 4. Suspended solid distribution in Sayung Waters.

Figure 5. Model validation using surface elevation data.

5.95 mg/L, and Sihombing et al. (2015) also defined 4, DM 5 and DM 17, and the other stations have lower
that the dissolved oxygen in the Sayung waters ranged DO values (Figure 3), these are under the standard
between 2 and 2.57 mg/L. The minimum DO value is 2 from the Ministry of Environment (2004). The DO value
mg/L in normal circumstances and is not contaminated which is allowed for biota and marine tourism is > 5
by toxic compounds, which was quite reliable for mg/L.
phytoplankton life.
When the DO value is less than 5 mg/L, then
When DO content is more than 5 mg/L, it belongs waters are categorized in oxygen-less conditions or
to low pollution level. Whereas, the DO of 0-5 mg/L is in if continued could lead to anoxic conditions. Lack of
moderate pollution. High pollution level occurs when the oxygen in the water will cause mass death of fishes
dissolved oxygen content is close to zero. DO derived and other marine life (Zhou et al., 2008). Many factors
from the diffusion of air and phosphorylation process can cause that condition, indirectly by increasing the
of photosynthesis to produce oxygen-free in the water concentrations of suspended solid and turbidity in the
(Salmin, 2005). Some results of the previous studies waters which causing a disruption of the mechanisms
indicate that dissolved oxygen content fluctuates of photosynthesis by phytoplankton. It causes a high
depending on the season and effected by the intake of accumulation of nutrients due to unused nutrient by
suspended substances from the mainland. phytoplankton, and over time can cause blooming
algae (Wisha et al., 2016b).
Dissolve oxygen is an important parameter in
the waters because closely related to the mechanism The chlorophyll-a concentration varied from 0.20-
of photosynthesis by autotrophs organisms 8.10 mg/L. The higher suspended solids and turbidity
(phytoplankton). The value of DO in the Sayung waters in the water, the less phytoplankton abundance will
ranged between 4.16 and 8.83 mg/L, with the average be found. The phytoplankton activity is limited due to
at each station of 5.6 ± 1.51 mg/L (Table 3). The the low intensity of lights. Resulting in low of primary
highest oxygen content occurred at station 2 DM, DM productivity in the Sayung waters. Supporting of nutrient

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 107-117

Figure 6. Nutrient concentration (N and P) in the Sayung waters.

also has a role in this condition such as phosphate and O’Dea (2007) the higher concentration of chlorophyll-a
nitrate which has large influence in waters. The nutrient in the estuary area is influenced by upwelling and the
condition is shown in Figure 6. runoff process from the river.

The nutrient varies in each station. The high Based on the correlation assessment between
concentration of phosphate is found at the station of suspended solid content, DO, and chlorophyll-a
DM 8, DM 14, DM 17, and DM 19. Whilst, the high concentration (Figure 7), it shows that between
concentration of nitrate is found at station of DM 2, DM suspended solid and DO is not directly correlated
7 and DM 18. Nutrients sourced from estuary and river where the adjusted R square is 0.06. It defines that
path which contained a lot of compound of organic the ability of independent variable (suspended solid)
and inorganic materials. The nutrient unused is then does not explained the dependent variable (DO).
deposited in the bottom of water, and will be mixed and Whilst, the correlation between suspended solid and
dissolved again in the surface by upwelling mechanism. chlorophyll-a is tremendously related with adjusted R
According to Chow et al. (2013), chlorophyll-a square obtained of 0.85. It defines that the suspended
abundance is proportional with the strength of upwelling solid and chlorophyll-a are 85 % related.
and vertical mixing (Biogeochemical cycle). D’Croz and

Figure 7. The correlation between suspended solid concentration, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a in
the Sayung waters.

An Overview of Surface ... Demak, Indonesia (Wisha, U.J., et al.)

Water quality condition controls the existing REFFERENCE

biota’s life. Suspended solid and turbidity were so
high which indicate the high level of turbulence in the Anonymous, (2004). Sea water quality standards for
Sayung waters. That condition directly causes several marine biota (Baku Mutu Air Laut untuk Biota
impacts such as decreasing primary productivity, Laut). Appendix III. Decree of State Minister of
increasing water pollution, and biogeochemical cycle Environment Year 2014. (in bahasa).
problems, which inhibits biota survival ability and
decreased the fishery catching. Suspended solid and Arief, M. & Lestari, L.W. (2006). Pond Water Suitability
turbidity explained that scour and erosion has been Analysis in Demak District Viewed from the Value
occurring in Sayung coast. of Chlorophyll-a, Water Surface Temperature
and Suspended Solids Using Landsat Satellite
CONCLUSION Imagery Data ETM 7+ (Analisis Kesesuaian
Perairan Tambak di Kabupaten Demak Ditinjau
There is high concentration of suspended solid in dari Nilai Klorofil-a, Suhu Permukaan Perairan,
the Sriwulan and Timbulsloko waters. The tidal current dan Muatan Padatan Tersuspensi Menggunakan
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produce an unstable photosynthesis processes and J.A., Needham, D.M., Patel, A., Parada, A.E. &
reducing the primary productivity of the Sayung waters. Fuhrman, J.A. (2013). Temporal variability and
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still occurring in Sayung waters. The ISME journal. 7(12): 2259-2273. doi: 10.1038/
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be triggered the algal blooming. DO condition also along the Pacific shelf of Panama and implications
supports the productivity which showed by the high for the distribution of nutrients and chlorophyll.
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The chlorophyll-a condition was controlled by the 340. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2007.01.013.
suspended solid concentration in the water and both of
that two parameters are tremendously related. Water Hendrarto, I. B. & Nitisuparjo, M. (2011). Biodiversity of
quality condition controls the existing biota’s life which benthic diatom and primary productivity of benthic
directly impacts to the decreasing fishery catching in micro-flora in mangrove forests on central Java.
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and preserve the coastline changes which has been
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J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 119-128


ISSN : 1907-0659
e-ISSN : 2461-1166
Accreditation Number: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016


Tyas Ismi Trialfhianty, Fajrun Wahidil Muharram & Aldian Giovanno

Department of Fisheries, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Received: 16 March 2017; Revised: 17 May 2017; Accepted: 25 July 2017


Coastal areas provide great benefits for human lives. In many isolated islands, coastal ecosystem provides food and building materials
extracted from coastal vegetation e.g. mangroves. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem. This study
provides data and a map in supporting the coastal ecoregion management, by using remote sensing satellite imagery, GIS technology,
and field observation. Remote sensing and GIS data were obtained from Google Earth and analysed by ArcGIS. The combination of both
laboratory and field work were carried out to provide a broad picture of the coastal area in Jefman Island, Raja Ampat, West Papua. The
results of this study showed various habitats and vegetation in the Jefman seabed area. It also demonstrates that the abundance and
diversity of coral reef and reef fishes are the major community constructing the island, amounting 22% coral cover with 12 families and
diversity index 1.20 – 2.52 for reef fish with fish density about 231 ind/50 m2. Furthermore, other communities such as seagrass, seaweed,
and mangrove are also briefly explained, as they also play a greater role in supporting the whole coastal ecological system. Based on map
data analysis, we found a particular area that urgently needs to be protected. Remote sensing and GIS technology were found useful to help
the manager to design coastal management strategies in the future.

Keywords: coastal area, ecoregion management, GIS, habitat, Jefman Island and remote sensing.

INTRODUCTION treated differently. Then they can reach stability, re-

activating their functions for economic purposes.
Marine and coastal resources, as the second
pillar of Indonesia’s maritime axis, bring both economic The science in remote sensing helps to describe
benefits and environmental sustainability. It is reported a phenomenon and analyse data without physical
by the Indonesia’s Central Bureau of Statistic that contact or direct field observation (Lillesand et al.,
Indonesia’s fisheries’ production in 2015 exceeded 2014). Meanwhile, GIS is a tool, allowing the
14.5 million tonnes, with a total export value of 244.6 combination of various spatial aspects of a project. It
million dollars. Indonesia as the main area of marine benefits a project for a variety of analytical purposes
biodiversity was recorded as the home of 2.122 species (Meaden & Aguilar-Manjarrez, 2013). Essentially GIS,
of reef fishes, with 1.613 of the total species in Raja regarding this study, was used as a tool to support the
Ampat (Allen, 2008). A proper management system is planning, managing or monitoring of fisheries to bring
needed to achieve the optimum benefit from this. about improvement and success.
However, the management system in a different area
may be totally different because of the conditions of Jefman Island is a small inhabited island in the
the environment. Some of the potential locations that Raja Ampat archipelago, located to the west of Sorong
are rich in the diversity of species also have poor City, in the West Papua Province, Indonesia. About
conditions caused by human activities or natural 1,086 people who come from different races live on the
disasters. These poor and fragile conditions need to be island. Most of them are local, and the rest are sailors

Corresponding author:
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara 14430. Email:

Copyright © 2017 Jurnal Segara

The Use of Remote Sensing ...... Ecoregion Management (Trialfhianty, T.I., et al.)

who came from nearby islands. The island was an air 1 to station 7 for marking seven underwater site
gateway of Sorong City until the Raja Ampat Regency surveys) to estimate the total diversity and density of
Unfoldment in 2006. Marine transportation activities coral reefs and reef fishes. Four different sites were
designed to connect Sorong City and Jefman Island in also selected for seaweed and seagrass surveys
the past contributed to the environmental degradation (station A to station D). A benthic community survey
of the marine ecosystem. This caused several impacts was also conducted in station 1 to station 7 and station
on the coastal and marine ecosystem of the island. A to station D. However, due to limited resources, we
Considering that the condition of the biological were not able to calculate the diversity and density of
communities and the benthic habitat is essential for an seaweed, seagrass, and benthic species. Underwater
ecosystem-based management plan (Buhl-Mortensen photography and sample collections were conducted
et al., 2012). Furthermore, it may provide a better to identify the species which formed the coastal area
understanding when it comes to assessing the impact ecosystem. Meaningful data can only be produced by
of human activities on the ecosystem. Thus, producing selecting the site that is representing the condition of
basic data of the coastal area in Jefman Island is the area. Selected site should cover one community
needed to support any management plan in the future. within a unique ecological habitat (Coulloudon et al.,
1999). Moreover, a transect within the critical area has
This study emphasizes providing information to be located randomly. Thus, sites that were mentioned
about the condition of coastal resources in Jefman above were selected carefully to represent the whole
Island. The GIS and field observation data will be coastal area in Jefman Island. These sites were also
displayed as a map, which later can help other selected based on the map produced in pre-study,
managers, government, locals or users to create a using remote sensing and GIS (see Fig. 1). Each
coastal management system based on the study area. habitat captured by the baseline map (indicated by the
different colour of appearances) was surveyed.
Study Area
The mapping of the Jefman seabed objects was
The study was conducted in Jefman Island from conducted by utilising remote sensing and GIS
June to July 2013. An underwater survey was technology. This stage consisted of seven parts: data
conducted in seven sites (later we use the terms station acquisition, georeferencing (geometric corrections),

Figure 1. Baseline map of Jefman Island and survey study site. Red dots represent the coral and reef fish
survey; green dots represent the seaweed and seagrass survey.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 119-128

image enhancement, spatial database development, also gives an insight into the other community
visual interpretation, digitising (raster-to-vector data percentage cover, such as seagrass, seaweed, and
conversion) and map lay-outing. The data used are other benthic communities. Percent cover is often
QuickBird satellite imagery from Google Earth taken on calculated as below:
29 November 2011. It produced a tentative map of
objects on the Jefman seabed that explain the location
of existing marine biodiversity, trends and synoptic ............. 1)
overview or general description (Fig. 1). The maps
produced can also characterise habitat types and a
The Underwater Fish Visual Census following
substrate (Kordi & O’Leary, 2016). This information can
(English et al., 1994) is used to estimate the density
then be tested later by conducting a field survey.
and diversity of reef fish. It is the way to calculate the
abundance and diversity of fish by observing the area
Field observation
in 2,5 meters to the left and 2,5 meters to the right
(from the transect line) (English et al., 1994). The
The field observation consists of an underwater
diversity index of coral reef and reef fish uses the
and coastal area survey. An underwater survey was
Shannon-Wiener equation, as below:
conducted using Line Intercept Transects (LIT) and
Underwater Fish Visual Census (UFVC) methods to
calculate the percentage of reef cover and estimate ............................................. 2)
fish biodiversity (English et al., 1994). These methods
utilised five pieces of fifty meters Transects and GPS,
H’ = diversity index
with seven spots as observation points surrounding the
ni = total number of genus
Jefman Island. Meanwhile, a coastal area survey was
N = total individuals of all genus
conducted to identify seagrass, seaweed, mangrove
and benthic communities.
As for the indicator, an index value of between
1-0 indicates the low stability of the marine environment,
The Line Intercept Transect is a common method
an index of between 1-3 indicates moderate stability
to assess the diversity and percent cover of the coral
and an index value more than 3 indicates a high stability
reef by laying down a transect and recording the length
in the ecosystem (Caley et al., 2002).
of coral intersect in the transect (Canfield, 1941). It

Figure 2. The flow chart of study stages.

The Use of Remote Sensing ...... Ecoregion Management (Trialfhianty, T.I., et al.)

Data Analysis structure in this island consists of coral reef, seaweed,

seagrass, and mangrove. These physical and biological
The study was carried out in three stages: structures were interpreted using GIS and field survey.
mapping of Jefman seabed objects, field observation, Overall, Jefman island seabed is dominantly covered
and lab data analysis, as is illustrated in Figure 2. by: seaweed 27%, sandy-seaweed 26%, seaweed-
seagrass 22%, sandy-coral 20% and coral 5%.
Laboratory data analysis, as the final stage,
consisted of two parts, survey data analysis and Coral Reef
tentative map correction. Survey data analysis
consisted of classification, quantitative calculation and The value of the living coral cover is 22% of the total
description (complementary explanation) of Jefman value (Table 1). The value indicates that the condition
coastal resources biodiversity, such as reef fish and of the coral reef in Jefman is moderate (Gomez et al.,
coral reef. In addition, tentative map correction used 1978). However, detailed calculations in each station
survey data at each sample location as valid input, so vary, with the lowest number about 2.32% of the living
that the incorrect data could be corrected. This part coral cover. Physical and biological conditions may
generated a corrected map of Jefman Seabed object. become a factor affecting the coral’s condition.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is reported that Jefman has 12 families of coral

reef (coral identification following the book of coral reef
Remote sensing and GIS analysis produced species (Veron, 2013), dominated by Acroporidae and
a map explaining the various habitats in the sea Poritidae (Table 2). The coral reef-dominated form is
and coastal area (Fig. 3). Twelve habitats consisting branching and massive. It indicates that Jefman’s water
of different physical and biological structures have territory has strong waves and high sedimentation with
formed the Jefman Island coastal area. Firstly, the low-water-visibility (Supriharyono, 1986).
physical structure as evidence of human settlement
was identified, such as road, footpath, airport runway, Reef Fish
and dock. The post-colonial heritage was also found.
There are 36 bunkers located prominently in the Based on reef fish identification using the
coastal area. These fragile witnesses of war would handbook of reef fishes (Allen, 1999), it is reported that
have been a good object for a historical tourism site Jefman’s water territory has 27 numbers of fish families
as well as for scientists to study the past. For that dominated by Pomacentridae and Acanthuridae. The
reasons, this makes Jefman Island unique, and it data are presented in Table 3.
should be managed carefully. Secondly, a biological

Figure 3. Map of Jefman island land-use and seabed objects.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 119-128

Table 1. The Percentage cover of coral reef in Jefman’s water territory

Percentage cover (%) Station Station Station Station Station Station Station percentage of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 each habitat (%)

Living coral 24.08 24.24 19.33 33.08 2.32 24.80 26.44 22
Dead coral 21.74 8.72 5.07 14.74 0.00 3.98 11.26 10
Algae 9.96 1.14 6.30 8.70 24.10 11.76 16.66 11
Biotic 32.22 28.48 37.49 17.92 22.18 12.26 5.32 22
Abiotic 12.00 37.42 31.81 25.56 51.40 47.20 40.32 35
Total percentage (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Table 2. Distribution of coral reef in Jefman’s water territory

Family Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 5 Station 6 Station 7

Acroporidae √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Pocilloporidae √ √ √ √ - √ -
Poritidae √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Favidae √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Fungidae - - - √ - √ √
Dendrophylliidae √ √ √ - √ √
Agariciidae - - - √ √ √ √
Euphyllidae - - √ - - - √
Mussidae - - - √ - √ -
Oculinidae - - √ - - -
Merulinidae - - √ - - √ √
Pectinidae √ - √ √ - √ √

Table 3. Distribution of reef fish in Jefman’s water territory

Family Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 5 Station 6 Station 7

Chaetodontidae √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Haemulidae - √ √ √ √ √ -
Scaridae √ √ √ √ √ √ -
Pomacentridae √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Acanthuridae √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Holocentridae √ - √ √ - √ √
Labridae - √ √ √ √ √ √
Scorpaenidae - - √ - - √ -
Pomacanthidae √ √ √ √ - √ √
Ephippidae - √ √ - - √ -
Blenniidae √ - √ - √ - √
Mullidae √ - - √ - - √
Zanclidae √ √ √ - - √ -
Batrachodidae √ - - - - - -
Balistidae √ √ √ - √ √ -
Plesiopidae √ √ √ - - √ -
Syngnathidae - √ √ - - - -
Muraenidae - - √ - - - -
Tetraodontidae - - √ - - - -
Carangidae - - - √ - - -
Plesiopidae - - - √ - - -
Clupeidae - - - - √ - -
Apogonidae - - - - - - √
Caesionidae √ √ √ √ - - -
Lutjanidae √ √ √ √ - √ -
Serranidae - - √ √ √ √ √
Siganidae √ √ √ √ √ √ -

Symbol √ is presenting the particular reef fish’s family in the site

The Use of Remote Sensing ...... Ecoregion Management (Trialfhianty, T.I., et al.)

Table 4. Biological parameter of reef fish community in Jefman Island

Parameter Station 1 Station 2 Station 3 Station 4 Station 5 Station 6 Station 7

Number of fish family 15 15 21 15 11 16.00 10.00

Density (ind/m2) 0.80 0.85 1.30 0.93 0.72 0.68 1.20
Diversity 1.94 1.71 2.52 1.91 1.20 1.89 1.39
Dominance 0.24 0.31 0.12 0.26 0.48 0.27 0.43

The diversity index (H’) ranges between 1.20 and In the West, mangrove grows on a mud-substrate
2.52. It explains that Jefman has moderate diversity and a stony-base along the coastal area. Sonneratia
in reef fish. The diversity index also explains about alba, Rhizophora mucronata, and Rhizophora
the stability in reef fish abundance and whether its apiculate were found and grown separately in the
condition is good enough to support fish lives. The colony (mangrove identification using the handbook of
condition of the environment, foods, and predators are mangrove introduction in Indonesia (Noor et al., 1999)).
factors that define the value of reef fish abundance
(Caley et al., 2002). In the North, the condition of the area was probably
the same as for the mangrove community in the West.
The abundance value of reef fish in Jefman is Nevertheless, Sonneratia alba was the only species
231 ind/50 m2. A group of major fish has the highest which inhabited the area. Furthermore, the southern
number with 89% of the total value, target fish have area was inhabited by Sonneratia alba and Rhizophora
6%, and indicator fish have 5% of the total value. The stylosa which grow on a mud-substrate base. The
low abundance value of indicator fish is dominated area was different from the other two, instead of facing
by Chaetodontidae which shows that the health and directly to the sea it is located about 500 metres from
condition of the coral reef in Jefman are poor. Moreover, the coastline of the main island, next to the settlement
these fish may have a positive correlation with the area.
abundance and distribution of the coral reef because
they are corallivores that simply depend for their life on Seagrass and seaweed
coral for their food (Hourigan et al., 1988).
Seagrass vegetation in Jefman Island is dominated
Mangrove by five species, such as Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia
hemprichii, Halophila ovalis, Cymodocea rotundata,
The mangrove area located in Jefman Island and Syringodium isoetifolium. They grow densely,
covered less than 1 hectare, which spreads differently covering all areas around the coastal region. A mixed
into three main areas of the island. It is only the West, combination of seagrass and seaweed habitats were
South, and North part of the island that is covered by found in the north area of the island (Fig. 2). Seaweed
mangrove. The areas also have different conditions species that were found in the associated area consist
and species of mangrove. of several species, such as Dictyota sp., Padina sp.,

Figure 4. The abundance value of reef fish in Jefman’s water territory.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 119-128

Halimeda sp., Sargassum sp., Caulerpa sp., Codium may be more relevant in assessing the health of the
sp., Gigartina sp., and Ulva sp. coral reef ecosystem (Coker et al., 2014; Connell et
al., 1997; Gomez et al., 1994; Gomez et al., 1978).
Benthic community Furthermore, studies explaining the conditions of the
coral reef ecosystem within a certain period of time and
The benthic community in Jefman Island is within a particular area are more likely to provide better
predominantly formed by invertebrate species. Its information when it comes to determining the health of
distribution is spread around the coastal area, in the the coral reef.
coral reef habitat below 15 metres depth; the part
affected by low-tide waves. The dominant species of The existence of a particular community species
invertebrate found on the island are listed below (Table may have been influenced by other communities
5). who live in the same ecosystem (Ray & McCormick-
Ray, 2009). This was shown by the living coral cover
The coastal area of this small remote island value that may contribute to the distribution of reef
is formed by coastal-marine communities that are fish density and diversity in this island. An average
considered necessary to maintain the ecological value of reef fish density (from station 1 to station 7)
stability and sustainability of its natural resources. is high in the areas where the living coral cover is also
The island has an intermediate level of coral health high. Furthermore, Pomacentridae was reported as
with an average of 22% living coral cover. However, a territory-dominating reef fish in Jefman. Also, reef
other studies may have argued that living coral cover coral branching is the main habitat for Pomacentridae
would not be able to explain the health of the coral which has a significant relationship with the density of
reef ecosystem because every place has got authentic Acropora sp. (Öhman & Rajasuriya, 1998) and is the
physical conditions that may contribute to this value. For highest reef community with a living coral cover value of
instance, the available area for corals to support their about 8.44%. Supported by other studies, the richness
recruitment may be distinct from the large area of the value of several reef fishes such as Chaetodontidae,
reef. Others argued that the macrofaunal community Pomacentridae, Labridae, Scaridae.

Table 5. Benthic community in Jefman Island

Phylum Class Genus Species

Lambis Lambis sp.

Strombus Strombus sp.
Turbo Turbo marmoruta
Cassis Cassis cornuta
Gastropod Cyprea C.tigris
Mollusca C. annulus
Nerita Nerita sp
Trochus Trochus sp
Conidoe Conidoe sp
Murex Murex sp.
Conus Conus sp.

Meretrix Meretrix sp.

Bivalve Anadara Anadara granosa
Tridacna Tridacna sp.

Crinoid Nemaster Nemaster rubiginosa

Astreroids Protoreaster Protoreaster nodosus

Holothuria Holothuria edulis

Holothuria scabra

Echinodermata Stichopus Stichopus chloronotus

Holothuroids Stichopus noctivagus

Theolata Thelenota ananas

Bohadschia Bohadschia tenuissima
Actinopyga Actinopyga sp.

The Use of Remote Sensing ...... Ecoregion Management (Trialfhianty, T.I., et al.)

Acanthuridae and Gobiidae have a positive health because coral is their source of food. The prime
relationship with the increase of living coral cover (Bell feeding preference of Chaetodontidae is various corals
& Galzin, 1984). species from Acropora sp., Montipora., and Pocillopora
sp. (Hourigan et al. 1988; Neudecker 1979; Reese,
However, if we look closely at the analysis 1975).
between living coral cover and reef fish abundance
among seven stations (Fig. 5) the graph shows that By using spatial data modification on the diversity
there is neither a linear nor an exponential relationship value, we produced a map explaining the rich diversity
between the two parameters. The analysis model of reef fish in Jefman’s water territory. The light colour
shows a negative correlation between the living coral indicates the low value of fish diversity and the dark
cover and fish abundance. Whereas, the determinant colour represents the area where fish abundance is
value explains that is only 30% variation of fish high (Fig. 6). Station 5 (Fig. 5, yellow dot) which is near
abundance variable that could be explained by the the light area (where reef fish density and the living
condition of living coral cover. Furthermore, one area coral cover is at the lowest point) is the area nearest
presented a negative correlation in comparison to the to the Sorong Island (the main island in West Papua
positive correlation presented by six other stations (see Regency). This huge island is densely populated, and
red dots in Fig. 5). This inconsistency may give us an land based human activities may have influenced the
understanding of how complex an ecological system is water condition in the nearby coastal area.
in a particular area.
Furthermore, the endemic fish of Raja Ampat
Moreover, there may be other factors contributing (Hemiscyllium freycineti) was found in the area
to the relationship between living coral cover and during the study. Hemiscyllium freycineti is one of the
reef fish abundance. Other studies showed that the protected-species that is listed by IUCN. Thus, we
abundance of fish decreases in the area where the suggest managing this area and establishing it as
living coral cover is high, and suggest that habitat priority protected, in order to maintain the biodiversity
heterogeneity may play a greater role in its relationship of marine communities.
to the living coral cover (Weiler , unpublished work).
Other coastal communities that form Jefman
In determining the condition of the coral reef Island are seagrass and seaweed with the highest
ecosystem explained above, we use Chaetodontidae percentage that is: 75% of the total coastal habitat (with
as an indicator to explain the health of the coral the proportion; seaweed 27%, sandy-seaweed 26%,
reef. Unlike the living coral cover which gave us an and seaweed-seagrass 22%). These two habitats are
intermediate level of coral health, the abundance of critical to support the juvenile nurseries of many species.
Chaetodontidae as an indicator fish (Fig. 4) Indicates Their abundance also varies, depending on sediment
that the coral reef condition in Jefman Island is poor. depth, nutrients, light availability and circulation (Ray &
Chaetodontidae may become an indicator of coral McCormick-Ray, 2009).

Figure 5. Analysis of reef fish density and living coral cover value in Jefman’s water territory.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 119-128

Figure 6. Spatial distribution of fish diversity index in Jefman’s water territory.

Another habitat that is considered the smallest ACKOWLEDGEMENTS

area of them all is mangrove. We suggest that planting
more mangroves is possible to do in the mangrove This study was financially supported by the
area at the North and West of the island, as the water Regional Government of Raja Ampat Regency and
circulation and substrate are considered suitable Universitas Gadjah Mada. We are grateful to the
there. Moreover, to protect the coral reef ecosystem Conservation International and KKN PPB-03 Raja
in the northern part of the island, planting mangrove Ampat for their wonderful support with collecting the
is extremely necessary to support the stability of the field survey data.
coral reef ecosystem. It may well increase the biomass
of the coral reef communities such as reef fish (Mumby REFFERENCE
et al., 2004). The species of mangrove which can
possibly be planted is Sonneratia alba, as this species Allen, G.R. (2008). Conservation hotspots of biodiversity
is considered to have salinity-tolerance. and endemism for Indo-Pacific coral reef fishes.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater
CONCLUSION Ecosystems, 18(5), pp. 541-556.

The Jefman Island seabed area is dominantly Allen, G. (1999). Marine Fishes of Southeast Asia:
covered by: seaweed 27%, sandy-seaweed 26%, A Field Guide for Anglers and Divers. Tuttle
seaweed-seagrass 22%, sandy-coral 20% and coral Publishing.
5%. It has a moderate diversity of reef fish, while the
health and condition of the coral reef are poor. This Bell, J. & Galzin, R. (1984). Influence of live coral cover
study is important to determine management planning on coral-reef fish communities. Marine Ecology
in the future, as we found one particular place urgently Progress Series, 15(3), pp. 265-274.
needs to be protected (the area that is facing the Sorong
Island). Furthermore, planting mangroves could be the Buhl-Mortensen, L., Buhl-Mortensen, P., Dolan, M.,
best option for maintaining coastal ecosystem stability Dannheim, J., Bellec, V. & Holte, B. (2012).
and increasing the biodiversity of the coastal-marine Habitat complexity and bottom fauna composition
species in Jefman Island. at different scales on the continental shelf and
slope of northern Norway. Hydrobiologia, 685(1),

The Use of Remote Sensing ...... Ecoregion Management (Trialfhianty, T.I., et al.)

pp. 191-219. Mumby, P.J., Edwards, A.J., Arias-González, J.E.,

Lindeman, K.C., Blackwell, P.G., Gall, A.,
Caley., Geoffrey, P., Jones, M., Julian & Munday, P.L. Gorczynska, M.I., Harborne, A.R., Pescod, C.L.
(2002). Rarity in coral reef fish communities. & Renken, H. (2004). Mangroves enhance the
Coral reef fishes: dynamics and diversity in a biomass of coral reef fish communities in the
complex ecosystem, pp. 81. Caribbean. Nature, 427(6974), pp. 533-536.

Canfield, R.H. (1941). Application of the line interception Neudecker, S. (1979). Effect of grazing and browsing
method in sampling range vegetation. Journal of fishes on the zonation of corals in Guam. Ecology,
Forestry, 39(4), pp. 388-394. 60(4), pp. 666-672.

Coker, D.J., Wilson, S.K. & Pratchett, M.S. (2014). Noor, Y.R., M.. Khazali & I NN, S. (1999). Panduan
Importance of live coral habitat for reef fishes. pengenalan mangrove di Indonesia. PKA/WI-IP
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 24(1), pp. (Wetlands International-Indonesia Programme).
Öhman, M.C. & Rajasuriya, A. (1998). Relationships
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time. Ecological Monographs, 67(4), pp. 461-488.
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Vegetation Attributes Interagency Technical Reese, E.S. (1975). A Comparative Field Study of
Reference 1734-4. Bureau of Land Management, the Social Behavior and Related Ecology of
Denver, Colorado, . Reef Fishes of the Family Chaetodontidae1) 2).
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Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). a fringing reef in north central Java, Indonesia.

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and Quadrat Techniques. Comparing coral reef Weiler, D., Influence of Live Coral Cover and
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J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 129-140


ISSN : 1907-0659
e-ISSN : 2461-1166
Accreditation Number: 766/AU3/P2MI-LIPI/10/2016


Semeidi Husrin1,2), Ulung Jantama Wisha2), Rahmadi Prasetyo3) Aprizon Putra2) & Adli Attamimi4)

Marine Research Centre, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta
Research Institute for Coastal Resource and Vulnerability, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia, Padang
Biology Conservation Program, Dhyana Pura University, Bali
4)Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University Bandung
Received: 17 May 2017; Revised: 19 May 2017; Accepted: 28 July 2017


Kuta beach in Bali is a world-famous tourist destination has been suffering from marine litters (or debris) disaster almost every year.
Mitigation efforts have been carried out by the local government started from educating the people as well as continuing mass cleaning
campaigns for the stranded litters in the beach. The research has an objective to understand the physical processes of marine debris
characteristics in Kuta such as its propagation and distribution along the coastline and in the water columns during the two different seasons
(West Monsoon and Transitional seasons). A hydrodynamic model was developed to investigate the transport of marine litters from their
sources by considering the tide-driven surface currents and wind. Field surveys were also conducted to assess marine litter’s characteristics
in the surface and in the sea beds for both plastic and wood types of litters. Hydrodynamic simulation shows that the surface current ranging
from 0.05 – 1.75 m/s is capable of transporting marine surface debris from Bali Straits and other sources in the South of Bali to Kuta during
West Monsoon season. The collected litters during the West Monsoon season were four times larger in quantity. The concentration of litters
in the seabed and in the water column is larger near to the coastline than further offshore. In the meantime, during Transitional season, Kuta
was completely free from marine litters. Results from surveys also showed that the most effective measures for marine litters in Kuta is self-
awareness of the people to keep the environment clean.

Keywords: marine litters, pollution, hydrodynamics, Kuta, Bali.

INTRODUCTION species were found affected by the plastic litters

(NOAA-MDP, 2014), while it is estimated that every
Global concerns towards the abundance of litters year marine animals may have been debilitated,
in marine environment have increased in the last mutilated and killed by plastics worldwide (Butterworth
decades causing not only environmental problems but et al., 2016). Recent publications showed that micro-
also economic loss (Wang et al., 2016). Its worldwide plastics may also have affected the health of marine
distribution and the massive volumes of marine litters lives (e.g. fish, shells, birds) and the consumption of
were reported may reach 150 million tonnes and the them definitely will harm humans as well (GESAMP,
numbers will keep increasing because it was estimated 2016).
that 4.6-12.7 million tonnes of litters were dumped into
the ocean every year (Jambeck et al., 2015). Over the Large population in coastal area and its
years, the type of litters has been dominated by plastics geographic locations between the Indian and the
and other non-degradable materials originated from all Pacific oceans has made the Indonesian waters
kind of human activities such as littering in the tourism reported as one of the polluted waters by marine litters
area, shipping and fishing industries, dumping in the (OSPAR, 2009). Strong wind and current circulations
oceans, untreated rivers/floodwaters, etc (Werner et play significant role on the transportation and
al., 2016). These conditions harm the live in the oceans distribution of marine litters in Indonesian waters
as reported in the USA that more than 115 marine (Lebreton et al., 2012). The transportation and

Corresponding author:
Jl. Pasir Putih I Ancol Timur, Jakarta Utara 14430. Email:

Copyright © 2017 Jurnal Segara

Characteristics of Marine .... Coast of Bali (Husrin, S., et al.)

accumulation of marine litters in Indonesian waters also from the island itself. Efforts have been made to
can be easily observed in many coastal area of large understand the transportation of marine litters by
cities such as the North of Java and East of Sumatera. means of numerical simulation (Yosafat, 2012).
Bali, a small island with large population recently has However, the model only explained the propagation of
caught both national and international attention due to marine litters in the surface during West Monsoon
huge amount accumulation of marine litters that were season. So far, there is no any information on the
frequently accumulated in the touristic area of the distribution of marine litters in the water columns,
island (Time, 2011). seabed and its distribution in cross-shore direction.
Thus, scientific research is needed in order to explain
Pantai Kuta (Kuta Beach of Bali) is one of world the origin, the propagation and the deposition of the
tourist destinations for the beach, cultures and water litters during the two seasons along the coastline and
sports in Bali. However, during Northwest Monsoon in cross-shore directions. Therefore, the current paper
Season (or simply west monsoon season), Kuta Beach has an objective to explain the characteristics and
has turned to be a “dumping area” of marine litters and dynamics of marine litters originated from Western
lasted for months. In the past, the typical marine litters area of Bali Island (Bali Strait) until reaching the Kuta
were dominated by woods or other organic-type litters Beach. Based on the analyses, recommendations for
which can be re-used by the villagers of Kuta (Yunanto the alternative of marine litter mitigation in the future
et al., 2014). In recent times, the deposited marine are proposed.
litters were dominated by plastic-based materials
disturbing the tourism industry and damaging the METHODOLOGY
ecosystem. Efforts have been carried by the authority
to clean up the beach during the litter’s season by Field research was done in Kuta beach in the Bali
establishing a Fast-Reaction Cleaning Service Unit Island (Fig. 1). General research methodology is
(FRCSU) consisting of professional cleaning teams, depicted in the flowchart as shown in Fig. 2. First,
tourism-industry players and the locals (villagers). The literature searching was conducted to find information
locals claim that the marine litters stranded in Kuta are about marine litter abundance, propagation,
originally from East Java based on the physical occurrences, monitoring techniques, numerical
appearance of the litters found in the beach. However, simulations, and the impact of marine litters to the
since the Island of Bali has been experiencing major environment particularly for the cases in Kuta beach of
development in the last decades and large rivers are Bali including the collection of any useful secondary
also found in the Western part of Bali, the litters may data. The collected information from the literature

Figure 1. Location of Kuta beach in the Island of Bali and Marine litters found in the beach during Northwest
Monsoon season.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 129-140

studies were summarized and discussed with the collection of seabed litters based on the information
experts and the locals in order to specify the objective from the local fishermen who used to fish in the area.
of the research and the methodology. Based on the They mentioned that during west monsoon season,
consultation and discussions and by considering the their fishing nets often trapped more plastics and other
resources available, the objective and the research litters than fish. During this period or at the end of west
methodology were specified. Field surveys were done monsoon season, it was necessary to check whether
in March, April, December 2015 and February 2016 in the litters remained in the seabed or carried by the
order to cover both west and east monsoon seasons. changing currents.
In advance, numerical simulations for the hydrodynamic
and particle propagations were carried out in the area The impact of marine litters to the quality of
using Mike 21, Hydrodynamics and Particle Tracking waters by measuring the water quality parameters (pH,
Modules. The bathymetry from the Indonesian Navy temperatures, DO, salinity, turbidity, conductivity, and
(Dishidros AL), the tides from Pengambengan Tide depth) was also investigated. Beside, an interviewsurvey
Station, and wind data from the Denpasar Airport were including about 100 people was done to look at the
used for the model inputs. social aspects of human behaviours towards littering in
the area.
Based on the literature studies and the preliminary
numerical model, data of the beach, seabed (benthic) Floating litters were investigated on December,
and floating litters and water quality in Kuta waters 28th – 31st, 2015 (or during West Monsoon Season
were collected. Beach litters were collected, classified 2015/16) by aligning 3 (three) boats in perpendicular
and measured based on the guidance of OSPAR direction to the shoreline in the North of Kuta started
(2010) in March 12th, 2017 or during the West Monsoon from 500 m from the shoreline and other 500 m of
Season 2014/15. In April 12th – 15th, 2015 or at the equal distance for each boat in offshore direction. The
Transitional Season and on Feb 1st – 3rd, 2016, seabed collection of litters were carried out using the fishermen
litters were also collected. nets (a cone-shaped fishing net with 1 m diameter at
the opening, mesh size 2 mm and attached to a 1 meter
Sea bed litters were collected by professional long stick) in early morning around 6 o’clock Central
divers at 6 (six) different locations offshore Kuta beach Indonesia Time (or local time) for a duration of 1 (one)
by taking a transect line of 100 m long for each. A rope hour. During this period, observations to the 5 (five)
was used to guide the divers while collecting the litters river mouths in the South and West of Bali and 1 river
in seabed. Both ends of the rope were tighten on the mouth in the East Java (a province, West of Bali) were
anchor connected to the boats. The locations for the carried out for the confirmation of litter’s origins that

Figure 2. Flow chart of general research methodology.

Characteristics of Marine .... Coast of Bali (Husrin, S., et al.)

may be released from those rivers (mainland). All propagation of litters uses 6 (six) sources as shown in
locations of the field surveys as described above and Fig. 5a (see also Fig. 3c). The bathymetry of the model
the processes of data collections are shown in Fig. 3 domain is shown in Fig. 5b and the validation of the
and 4. hydrodynamic model using tide’s data (RMSE ~4 %)
is shown in Fig.5c. Strong currents were identified
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION entering the Bali Strait in southward direction. Strong
wind (3.8 m/s in average) from the West towards East
Numerical simulation of marine litters made a concentration of current along the coastline of
west and south Bali. Hydrodynamic simulation shows
The hydrodynamic simulation was carried out for that the surface current ranging from 0.05 – 1.75 m/s
15 days from December 4th – 18th, 2014 or during west is capable of transporting marine surface litters from
monsoon season. Whereas, the trajectory model or the Bali Straits and other sources in the South of Bali to

Figure 3. a) the surveys locations for beach litters, seabed litters (“K” points and straight red lines) and
water quality (“Toa”), b) the survey locations for floating litters and c) the observation of litters in
the 6 (six) river mouths (marked as DAS).

Figure 4. a) A diver collecting litters in the seabed, b) The condition of the seabed c) Weighing of collected
litters d) Floating plastics litters, e) a cone-shaped fishing net to trap floating litters offshore, and
f) Interview of the locals.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 129-140

Kuta during West-Season. According to the data from simulation of marine litters using numerical model Mike
the office of waste and park management (or Dinas 21 for different scenario and conditions can be found in
Kebersihan dan Pertamanan), Kuta area resulted 8 – Attamimi (2015).
10 tonnes of litters per day during the west monsoon
season. Based on this information, it is assumed that Fig. 6 shows the simulation of marine litters
the sources of litters (Fig. 5a) release 1 kg of litter per from the sources towards Kuta. The influence of wind
second or 95,000 kg during the 15-day simulation or and the geometry of the area can be seen from the
around 6,300 kg of litters will be deposited in Kuta. propagation of marine litter on day 10 where large
The simulation was conducted for both plastics and amount of floating plastics diverted to the coastal area
wood materials. In this paper, only plastics simulation of Bali and finally deposited in Kuta beach.
was displayed. For more detailed information on the

Figure 5. a) The source of litters, b) the bathymetry used in the simulation and c) the validation of tides for
the model and the observation in Pengambengan.

Figure 6. The numerical model of plastic litter propagation for 15 days.

Characteristics of Marine .... Coast of Bali (Husrin, S., et al.)

Beach litter survey more than four times in quantity and in weight (Table
1a and 1b).
Beach litters in Kuta during west monsoon
season were extensively surveyed and identified by Floating litter survey
Yosafat (2012). In the current research, the survey
of beach litters was only dedicated for qualitative During the west monsoon season 2015/16 or
indications. It means that the observation is used to on December 28th – 31st, 2015, floating marine litters
convince the previous results as described by Yosafat were collected using three boat offshore of Kuta with
(2012). Based on our observation on March 12th 2015, 500 m distance interval. During 1 hour of measurement
the litters deposited in the beach of Kuta was immense the collected litters are shown in Table 2 and Fig. 8.
as can be seen in Fig. 7. We had difficulties to take It shows that marine litters are more present near the
sample of litters because the amount of litters needed coastline (station 1 or 500 m from the beach) compared
machineries to handle and the Fast-Reaction Cleaning to the locations farther (Stations 2 and 3).
Service Unit (FRCSU) had been cleaning – up the
beach since the very early morning. This problem Water Quality
was also identified by Ryan et al., (2009) in which
monitoring litter stranded on the beach is critical for Water quality parameters were measured during
discussion due to so many aspect should be considered the Transitional Season 2014/15 or at April 15th, 2015.
for obtaining more reliable data. We returned on April As shown in Table 3, generally the water quality
12th 2015 or at the Transitional Season, we still could parameters indicate within the range of the standard
observe litters transported and deposited to the beach. (Ministry of Environment Decree No. 51/2004) except
A survey was then conducted by collecting litters on for few cases of turbidity where some values exceed the
the beach (100 m long at three locations, Fig 3a) after standard ones. More detailed discussion on this topic
the mass cleaning activities or around 9 AM in the can be found in Putra & Husrin (2016). The relation
morning and we found 26.6 % of plastics and 73.4 % of the water quality and the characteristics of marine
are wood/organic materials. Details on the survey and litters in Kuta and the surrounding area are discussed
identification of beach litters can be found in Attamimi in the analyses section of this paper.
et al., (2015).
Observation of the river mouths
Seabed litter survey
So far, there is no any information on the
Seabed litters (also known as benthic litters) were conditions of river mouths along the coastline of Bali.
collected on April 12th -15th, 2015 (transitional season) The claim from many parties (particularly in Kuta)
and on Feb 9th, 2016 (West Monsoon Season). There that the stranded litters in Kuta are from Java are
are 6 transects (each 100 m long) perpendicular to questionable because there are no valid evidence up to
“Double Six”, “Pullman Hotel” and “Grand Inna Beach now. Javanese waste products found in Kuta beach may
Hotel” (Fig. 3a). Only plastics materials were collected have already used in Bali because most manufacturing
from the seabed. The collected litters from the seabed products used in Bali are “imported” from Java. Table
were not as much as reported by the fishermen. The 4 shows the characteristics of the river mouth based
collected litters from the seabed are shown in Table 1. on our observation in December 2015. It is likely that
The collected litters during West Monsoon Season are the rivers in Bali might contribute to the transported

Figure 7. Woods/organic materials dominated the litters on the beach.

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 129-140

Table 1a. Seabed litters on April 15th, 2015 (Transitional Season)

No Name of Location points Environment Litters identification

the area P1 Lat/long P2 Lat/long sea Tides Code Description Amount Weight (Kg)

1 Central K42 080.41.11 K2 080.41.95 Calm/ ebb R15 Plastics 5 0.05
Legian 115 .09.5 0
1150.09.4 Cloudy
2 South K3 080.42.59 K4 080.42.60 Calm/ ebb R15 Plastics 10 0.15
Legian 1150.09.8 1150.09.7 sunny R18 Sanitation 1 0.05
3 Kuta K5 080.43.40 K6 080.43.40 calm/ ebb R15 Plastics 30 0.2
Beach 115 .10.0 0
1150.09.9 sunny R8 Rope 4 0.05
4 South K7 080.42.56 K8 080.42.57 Sunny flood R15 Plastics 47 0.45
Legian 1150.09.7 1150.09.6 R7 Rope 7 0.25
5 Central K14 08 .43.32
K15 080.43.35 Calm flood 0 0
Legian 1150.09.9 1150.09.7
6 Central K16 080.40.97 K17 080.41.92 Calm flood 0 0
Legian 115 .09.2 0

Total 104 1.2

Table 1b. Seabed litters on Feb 9th, 2016 (West Monsoon Season)

No Name of Location points Environment Litters identification

the area P1 Lat/long P2 Lat/long sea Tides Code Description Amount Weight (Kg)

1 Central K42 080.41.119” K2 080.41.954”Calm/ ebb R15 Plastics 5 0.05
Legian 1150.09.546” 1150.09.45”Cloudy
2 South K3 080.42.590” K4 080.42.60” Calm/ ebb R15 Plastics 10 0.15
Legian 1150.09.845” 1150.09.78” sunny R18 Sanitation 1 0.05
3 Kuta K5 080.43.404” K6 080.43.40” calm/ ebb R15 Plastics 30 0.2
Beach 1150.10.026” 1150.09.96” sunny R8 Rope 4 0.05
4 South K7 080.42.569” K8 080.42.575”Sunny flood R15 Plastics 47 0.45
Legian 1150.09.733” 1150.09.678” R7 Rope 7 0.25
5 Central K14 080.43.326” K15 080.43.354”Calm flood 0 0
Legian 1150.09.906” 1150.09.787”
6 Central K16 080.40.973” K17 080.41.926”Calm flood 0 0
Legian 1150.09.246” 1150.09.324”

Total 448 4.82

litters along the coastline of Bali during west monsoon beach?

seasons. 4. Do you think the litters are from Kuta/Bali?
5. Do you think the measures to clean up the
Social aspect survey beach already done well?
6. Do you believe that the litters can be handled?
The data from this survey are valuable for the 7. Do you think the tourists has responsibility for
analyses of general litter characteristics stranded in the litters?
the beach of Kuta. Initially there were 15 questions but 8. Do you think the people already aware of the
reduced to 10 questions following the consultation with importance of cleanliness?
the locals. The 10 questions are: 9. Do you think the government has done
something proper for the handling of litters?
1. Are you Bali resident? 10. Do you think the privates also have
2. Are you tourists? done something for the handling of the litters?
3. Have you seen large amount of litters in the

Characteristics of Marine .... Coast of Bali (Husrin, S., et al.)

Table 2. The results of collecting floating litters

Distance Weight Weight Total

Station from the organic of Inorganic weight
beach (km) of litter (kg) litter (kg) of litters (kg)

1 0.5 0.00005 2.5 2.50005

2 1 0.00001 0.5 0.50001
3 1.5 0 0.19 0.19

Figure 8. Distribution of floating litters (organic and inorganic litters) for each station (see Table 2).

Out of a hundred respondents, about 58% are Many people (62%) saw that the tourist behave better
Balinese or people who reside in Bali and 85% are not for the cleanliness and this is contrary to the conditions
tourists. There are about 98% of the respondents have that many locals are still not having full awareness on
seen the huge amount of litters in the beach. Most of the importance of cleanliness (65%).
respondent (57%) still believed that the litters are not
from Bali. Most people were satisfied with the handling Analysis
of the litters in the beach (92%) and this is also related
with the government and the private roles account 61% In the past, the Balinese in Kuta used the stranded
and 58% respectively in handling the litters in the beach. materials for many purposes due to the fact that at the

Table 3. Water quality parameters (Husrin & Putra, 2016)

Parameters Range Averaged Tourism Standard1) Marine life Standard1)

Chemicals pH 8.4 – 8.5 8.5 7 - 8.5 7 - 8.5
DO (mg/l) 6.8 - 7.3 7.1 >5 >5

Salinitas (‰)
Coral 28-30
Mangrove 32.8 - 33.9 33.3 natural 28-32
Sea grass 33-34

Spec. gravity 19.8 - 20.6 20.6

Physical Temp (˚C)

Coral 28-30
Mangrove 28.7 - 29.3 29.1 natural 28-32
Sea grass 28-30

Turbidity (ntu)
0.6 - 18.7 5.8 5 < 5
Conductivity 4.8 - 5.1 4.9

Ministry of Environment, Decree No. 51/2004

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 129-140

Table 4. Observation of the river mouth (see Fig.3c for the map)

No. River mouth locations Description of observations1

(latitude, longitude)

1 Salemandeg Sediments has formed a delta, dominated by wood litters,

(114.994, -8.527777 ) small amount plastic litters at river body, piles of all kinds
of litters at both side of the river bank

2 Sepang Dominated by plastic and woods at the river bank, the sediment
(114.9672170, -8.5045040) contains iron, near the hills/mountain, tourism area.

3 Pulukan Dominated by plastic litters at the river banks,

(114.7893666, -8.4117426) small river discharges, few wood litters observed

4 Perancak The largest river mouth at Perancak, few litters observed,

(114.6021310, -8.4029800) wood litters observed

5 Jung Gading Large amount of plastic litters at the river body, trapped due to tides
(114.6068900, -8.4018430)

6 Banyuwangi/Desa Sobo Almost dry river, dominated by stones, few litters observed.
(114.3817832, -8.2472407)

Figure 9. Survey results for the social aspects.

time the marine litters are mostly organic debris such as to the south because the existence of a circulation
timbers, bamboos, branches, and leaves (Yunanto et before the mouth of the Bali Strait. This condition led to
al., 2014). The increase of the use of plastics worldwide the accumulation of energy (strong currents) towards
gradually change the characteristics of stranded litters the south and capable of carrying litter either originated
in Kuta beach. This is also one of the main reasons from the Bali Strait or from other sources in Bali’s
that until now Balinese still believe that those litters/ coastlines. The existence of several circulations in the
debris are originated from Java Island (The most hydrodynamic simulation is in agreement with previous
populous island in Indonesia) in the West of Bali. The works (Yosafat, 2012).
hydrodynamic simulation showed that the current from
the north (Bali Strait) towards the south experienced The propagation of litters mostly follows the
circulations at certain time and locations and then characteristics of the currents. Litters entering the
move along the shore towards the south (Kuta Area). Bali Strait (Day 1), directly were carried by currents
During ebb, the northward currents were diverted back in Southward directions (with speed 0.5 – 1.75 m/s)

Characteristics of Marine .... Coast of Bali (Husrin, S., et al.)

until reach the Peninsula of Sembulungan in East dominance of inorganic materials found for the seabed
Java and Perancak waters in Bali on day 4 and day 5 litters in the current study is in agreement with similar
(Fig 6). Since the beginning, litters from other sources studies in Brazil (Fernandino et al., 2015) and in the
along the coastline of Bali were directly transported Mediterranean (Pasquini et al., 2016)
to the south following the direction of the longshore
current with speed 0.25 m/s. From the Peninsula of During the transitional season (west season
Sembulungan (East Java), the propagated litters were has been weaken) the item and the total amount of litters
transported away from the open ocean and more are equivalent for all transect lines but far much less.
toward the coastal area of West and South Bali joining This could be related to the fact that most litters were
other litters originated from other sources along the already transported back to the open ocean. The fact
coastline of Bali and continue moving towards Kuta that hardly litters found during the transitional season
Area. At day 10, litters from sources along the coastline is related to the data of water quality parameters where
of Bali reach Kuta area while the litters originated from all parameters were within the standard except for few
the Strait of Bali (or litter from Java) arrive in Kuta area
points where turbidity is high due to mixing processes
at Day 15 with speed less than 0.04 - 0.2 m/s causing (Table 3). During the survey of seabed, a large amount
an accumulation of litters for both plastics and woods in of litters was observed in the water column. This was
Kuta area. With our assumption in the set up (1 kg/s of anticipated by the collection of floating litters from the
litters), the accumulated litters in Kuta beach reaches boat. The collected floating litters using the boat and
10-20 tonnes of plastics and 20 – 35 tonnes of woods fishing nets resulted in similar trend as the collected
after 15 days (6 – 10 tonnes/day) or nearly similar to litters from the seabed, particularly for the distribution
the reported daily collected litters (8-10 tonnes) by of litters in cross shore direction. As shown in Fig. 8
the local government (The office of waste and park and Table 2, the amount of litters were 2.5 kg in point 1
management/Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan). (near the shore), 0.5 kg and 0.2 kg further offshore. The
dominance type of litters are also plastics in agreement
The larger amount of woods seen during the by many authors worldwide (Di-Meglio & Campana
survey may be caused by the fact that woods materials 2017; Tutman et al., 2017; Basurko et al., 2015). High
were easier stranded in the beach than plastic concentration of litters along the coastline indicates the
materials. Moreover, our observation to the sources possibility of engineering solution for alternatives of
along the coastline of Bali also shows larger amount marine litter mitigation. Since we know the area where
of wood litters in the river mouth (3 locations out of 5) the distribution is higher than other area, it will be easier
as shown in Table 4. This also may indicate that large to trap and collect litters at certain locations. However,
amount of wood litters may come from Bali’s coastline this also has some risks, particularly how to let fish and
instead of Java. According to the National Statistical other living things out of the trap while trapping the litters.
Bureau (BPS, 2007), the West coast of Bali is less Studies on mesh size, structural strength, duration and
densely populated (< 1000 people/km2) compared to timing for trapping litters offshore are required for more
the heavily populated Java Island where plastics uses efficient efforts of cleaning the oceans. For the case of
are far much larger. Therefore, there are possibility Bali, the social costs should also be considered before
at certain time the stranded litters are dominated by implementing new technology of cleaning the litter
woods as found in the past and in the current studies. offshore since the cleaning of the beach every West
According to our survey results for the seabed litters Monsoon Season involving many locals who earned
during west season, the amount of plastics collected benefits from the activities.
from the 6 (six) transect lines in Kuta show 4 (four)
time larger compared to the ones collected during Above all, the best effort to clean up the beach
transitional season. This findings confirmed stories from the litters is to prevent people from littering since
from the local fishermen who used to fish in the area early age. As shown in our short survey about the social
using nets. They informed us that fishing in the area aspect of the locals on littering, most of the people is
were difficult due to large amount of plastics instead of still not aware on the importance of cleanliness (Fig.
fish in their nets. In the cross shore direction, we also 9). Though they agree that the government and some
observed that seabed litters near the shoreline was privates had done something to clean up the beach
more than two times larger than litters collected further from litters, littering still be considered as “normal” by
from the shoreline. As shown in Fig. 3a, transect lines many Indonesians/Balinese. In general, the culture of
K2-K42, K4-K3, and K6-K5 were located closer to putting litter into trash bins still need to be developed
the coastline (land) and transect line K16-K17, K8- in Indonesia and this will take some times. Everywhere
K7, and K15-K14 are located further offshore. During in Indonesia, ones may find easily litters/trash not in a
west season (Feb 2016), the transect lines near the proper place. Therefore, for short measures, cleaning
coastline account the total collected litters 252 items the beach, trapping litters offshore and providing
and 3.3 kg while those from the transect lines further infrastructure for waste processes may be a solution.
offshore were only 196 items and 1.52 kg. The However, for long term, stopping the source of all litters

J. Segara Vol.13 No.2 August 2017: 129-140

(human) by changing the littering culture of the people REFFERENCE

is far more important and will have a great impact for
the cleaner ocean in the future. This can only be done Attamimi, A. (2015). Pemodelan Hidrodinamika Pesisir
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CONCLUSION Studi Ilmu Kelautan, Fakultas Perikanan dan
Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung.
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area. Current study has added more information and Attamimi, A., Purba, N.P., Anggraeni, S.R., Harahap,
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to the coastline and dominated by plastic materials. Conference of Water Resources Development
Marine litter hazards occurring during the west monsoon and Environmental Protection, Malang, Indonesia,
season was supported by the numerical model 5-7 June 2015
involving latest wind data. During transitional season
2015, however, marine litters were not significantly Basurko, OC. Gabiña, G.,Andrés, M. Rubio, A. Uriarte,
observed and the water quality parameters were still A. & Krug, I. (2015). Fishing For Floating Marine
within the standard. The amount of litters during west Litters SE Bay of Biscay: Review and Feasibility
monsoon season is four times larger than the litters Study, Marine Policy 61 (2015) 103–112.BPS,
during transitional season. In the meantime, the (2007). Peta Kepadatan Penduduk Menurut Basic
observation of river mouth along the coastline of West Grid Square – Pulau Jawa dan Bali, Developing
Bali and East Java showed that there are possibility of system of small area statistics, Badan Pusat
more wood materials (instead of plastics) transported Statistic and JICA 2007.
to beach of Kuta as reported by previous studies.
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to minimize the amount of litters stranded in the Animals.
beach. However, more studies are required for the
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impact to the marine lives. Above all, the behaviour Litter along the Mediterranean French Coast:
of the people for not littering (especially into rivers) is Composition, Density, Distribution and Overlap
more important to prevent litters entering the marine with Cetacean Range. Marine Pollution
environment. For more comprehensive mitigation in Bulletin (2017),
the future, the current research still need more detailed marpolbul.2017.02.026 (in- press).
works such as: longer duration of measurement,
the standardization of devices (e.g. the nets for Fernandino, G. Elliff, CI. & Silva, IR. (2015). Degree of
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economic impact. 2015,

ACKOWLEDGEMENTS GESAMP (2016). Sources, Fate and Effects of Micro

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Coastal Resource and Vulnerability, Ministry of Marine Rochman, C.M., eds). Joint Group of Experts on
Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia, Padang the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental
for the 2015 research funding. We also would like Protection). Rep. Stud. GESAMP No. 93, 220 p.
to thank the local government of Bali, Dhyana Pura
University - Bali, Padjadjaran University - Bandung, I Jambeck, JR. Geyer, R. Wilcox, C. Sieger, TR. Perryman,
Ketut Gede Arsa, I Made Rampug, I Gede Sandhika, M. Andrady, A. Narayan, R. & Law, KL. (2015).
MT, Anom Bayu Santosa and Dr. Agung Santoso for Plastic Waste Inputs from Land into the Ocean.
the collection of data, support, suggestion and advice Science 13 Feb 2015, Vol. 347, Issue 6223, pp.
during the visit to Bali. 768-771, DOI: 10.1126/science.1260352

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