08 Frequency Response Methods Mech

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• Learn how to determine

• Frequency response using Nyquist (polar) & Bode plots
• Gain and phase margins

MENG 485 Dr. Ayman AL-KHAZRAJI 1

Frequency Analysis

Polar Plots (Nyquist Diagrams)

This is magnitude versus phase angle plot in the polar co-ordinate where frequency ω is
varied from zero to infinity.
The purpose of polar plot is to analyse the frequency response of a system.
The polar plot of a sinusoidal transfer function G(jω) is a plot of the magnitude of G(jω)
versus the phase angle of G(jω) on polar coordinates as ω is varied from zero to infinity.

Procedure to draw polar plots (Nyquist diagram):

1. Replace all S in G(s) by j to get G(j)
2. Write the Magnitude G(j) and phase angle G(j)
3. Vary the value of  from 0 to  then find G(j) and G(j) tables
4. Plot the both tables on polar coordinates.

Frequency Analysis

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Frequency Analysis

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1. Plot the Nyquist diagram for where K=1.


Matlab code

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2. The below figures show output frequency control of electrical power from a turbine and generator pair. By
regulating the speed, the control system ensures that the generated frequency remains within tolerance.
Deviations from the desired speed are sensed, and a steam valve is changed to compensate for the speed error.
Sketch the Nyquist diagram for G(S)H(S) of this system


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3. Draw Nyquist plot for systems 1,2,3 & 4

2. Draw polar plot for systems a, b & c

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Frequency Analysis

Bode Plot concept

Gain Crossover Frequency gc : is the freq. at which magnitude equal zero dB
i.e. G(jgc)dB = 0 dB
Phase margin = 180 + G(jgc)
Phase Crossover Frequency pc : is the freq. at which phase = -180°
i.e. G(jgc) = -180°
Gain Margin in dB = 20log G(jpc)

Frequency Analysis

Bode Plot (Magnitude in dB & Angle in degree)

Some important properties

- If G(j)=Re + j Im then G(j) = Re2+Im2 & G(j) = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1

𝐴  𝐴 G(j) =
- If G(j)=𝐵 then Mag = & A - B
- G(j)dB= 20log G(j)
 𝐴
- log = log 𝐴 - log 𝐵 , log 𝐴 × B =log 𝐴 + log 𝐵

- 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (0)=0
- 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (∞)=90
- Corner frequency c is the value of S to get (1+j1).
e.g. (1+ST) has c=1/T , (2+ST) has c=2/T , (T+S) has c=T

Frequency Analysis

Bode Plots
A Bode Diagram consists of two graphs:
1. A plot of the logarithm of the magnitude (in dB)
2. A plot of the phase angle
Both are plotted against the frequency in logarithmic scale (Semi-log paper !).

The standard representation of the logarithmic magnitude of G(j) is 20 log10 G(j) .

The unit used is dB.
The main advantage of using the Bode diagrams is that the multiplication of
magnitudes can be converted into addition .

Procedure to draw Bode plots :

1. Find the G(j) dB and the phase G(j)
2. Specify corner frequencies of G(j)
3. Calculate G(j)dB and G(j) for corner, lower and upper frequencies
4. Plot results on semi log paper

Frequency Analysis

Semi Log paper usage

0.1 0.2 1 2 10 50 100 1000 10000

From 0.01 to 0.1 From 1 to 10 From 100 to 1000

Frequency Analysis

Q1)Find bode diagram for G(s)=K=5


G(j) dB= 20log 5= 13.9794

G(j) = 𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 (0)=0

Frequency Analysis

Q2)Find bode diagram for G(s)=1/S


G(j) dB= 20log ()-1= − 20log ()

G(j) = 0−𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 = − 90 Slope -20dB/dec

HW: Find bode diagram for G(s)=S

Frequency Analysis

Q3)Find bode diagram for G(s)=1/(TS+1)

Solution −𝟏
G(j) dB= 20log (T)2 +1

=-20log (T)2 +1

= 0−𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 T

G(j) = −𝑡𝑎𝑛 −1

For T=2, we have c=1/2

HW: Find bode diagram for G(s)=(2S+1)

Frequency Analysis

Q4)Find bode diagram for G(s)=20/(3s+1)(4s+1)


G(j) dB= 20log ( )
92 +1 162 +1
G(j) = −𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 3 −𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 4

HW: Find bode diagram for G(s)=(3s+1)(4s+1)

Frequency Analysis

Q4)Find bode diagram, gc & pc for G(s)=20/(s(3s+1)(4s+1))


G(j) dB= 20log ( )
 92 +1 162 +1
G(j) = -90−𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 3 −𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 4

Gain Crossover freq. = 0.372 rad/s

Phase Crossover freq. = 0.289 rad/s

Frequency Analysis

Q5)Find bode diagram, gc , pc , GM & PM for G(s)=50.88/(s(s+1.32)(s+100))

Solution 50.88
G(j) dB= 20log ( )
 2 +1.322 2 +1002
 −1 
G(j) = -90−𝑡𝑎𝑛−1 −𝑡𝑎𝑛
1.32 100

Gain Crossover freq. = 0.371 rad/s

Phase margin = 180+ G(jgc)
=180-105.9=74.1 deg.
Phase Crossover freq. = 11.5 rad/s
Gain margin = 20log G(jpc)
= 48.4 dB
Nyquist diagram procedure:
1. Replace all S in G(s) by j to get G(j)
2. Write the Magnitude G(j) and phase angle G(j)
3. Vary the value of  from 0 to  then find G(j) and G(j) tables
4. Plot the both tables on polar coordinates.

❑ Bode Plots = G(j) dB & G(j) plotted on semi log paper

PM= 180 + G(jgc) where G(j gc) dB =0dB

GMdB= 20log G(jpc) where G(jpc) = -180

Systems with greater gain and phase
margins can withstand greater changes in
system parameters before becoming

Gain and phase margins can be related to

the root locus, in that systems whose
poles are farther from the imaginary axis
have a greater degree of stability

% Polar plot (Nyquist) written by Dr. Ayman AL-KHAZRAJI
num=500; % TF numerator
den=poly([-10 -3 -1]); % find den polynomial for a given roots
w=[0:.01:1000]; % w range of variation
[re,im,w]=nyquist(num,den,w); % calculate Re & Im for this w range
[phase,mag]=cart2pol(re,im); % convert (Re & Im) to (Mag & Phase)
polar(0,1,'W'); hold on; % open polar paper (Mag range from 0 to 1)
polar(phase,mag); % draw polar plot of G(s)H(S)
Table=[w mag rad2deg(phase)]; % store the result in table

% Bode plot written by Dr. Ayman AL-KHAZRAJI

num=1; % TF numerator
den=poly([0 -1 -10]); % find den polynomial for a given roots
w=[0:.01:1000]; % w range of variation
format shortG
Table=[w' 20*log10(mag) phase] % Store in a Table


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