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ActivPhysics can help with these Problems: Problem

Activities 7.1–7.6 2. A body is subject to three forces: F1 = 2ı̂ + 2̂ N,
Section 14-1: Conditions for Equilibrium applied at the point x = 2 m, y = 0 m; F2 = −2ı̂ −
3̂ N, applied at x = −1 m, y = 0; and F3 = 1̂ N,
Problem applied at x = −7 m, y = 1 m. (a) Show explicitly
1. Five forces act on a rod, as shown in Fig. 14-25. that the net force on the body is zero. (b) Show
Write the torque equations that must be satisfied explicitly that the net torque about the origin is
for the rod to be in static equilibrium taking the zero. (c) To confirm the assertion following
torques (a) about the top of the rod and (b) about Equation 14-4 that the net torque must be zero
the center of the rod. about any other point, evaluate the net torque
about the point (3 m, 2 m), the point (−7 m, 1 m),
and about any other point of your choosing.
(a) Fi = (2ı̂ + 2̂ − 2ı̂ − 3̂ + ̂)N = 0. (b) ( τ i )0 =
[2ı̂ × (2ı̂ + 2̂) + (−ı̂) × (−2ı̂ − 3̂) + (−7ı̂ + ̂) ×
̂]N·m = (4 + 3 − 7)P k̂ N·m = 0. (c) For any point
r0 = (x0 ı̂ + y0 ̂)m, (ri − r0 ) × Fı̂ = {[(2 − x0 )ı̂ −
y0 ̂] × (2ı̂ + 2̂) + [(−1 − x0 )ı̂ − y0 ̂] × (−2ı̂ − 3̂) +
[(−7 − x0 )ı̂ + (1 − y0 )̂] × ̂} N·m = [(4 + 3 − 7) +
x0 (−2 + 3 − 1) + y0 (2 − 2 + 0)]k̂ N·m = 0.

3. Suppose the force F3 in the preceding problem is
doubled so the forces no longer balance and the
body is therefore accelerating. Show that (a) the
torque about the point (−7 m, 1 m) is still zero, but
that (b) the torque about the origin is no longer
figure 14-25 Problem 1. zero. What is the torque about the origin?
(a) Since r3 = (−7ı̂ + ̂) m is the point of application
Solution of F3P , the total torque about r3 is just due to F1 and
All of the forces lie in the plane of Fig. 14-25, so all of F2 : ( τ i )3 = (r1 − r3 ) × F1 + (r2 − r3 ) × F2 =
the torques about any point on the rod are into or out [(2ı̂ + 7ı̂ − ̂) × (2ı̂ + 2̂) + (−ı̂ + 7ı̂ − ̂) × (−2ı̂ −
of the page. Suppose the latter direction, out of the 3̂)]N·m = [(9×2)k̂ − (1×2)(− P k̂) + 6 × P(−3) k̂ +
page or counterclockwise, is positive. Moreover, all of (1×2)(−k̂)] N·m = 0. (b) ( τ i )0 = (ri × Fi ) =
the forces are perpendicular to the rod, so their lever [2ı̂ × (2ı̂ + 2̂) + (−ı̂) × (2ı̂ − 3̂) + (−7ı̂ + ̂) ×
arms about any point on the rod (recall that the (2̂)] N·m = [4k̂ + 3k̂ − 14k̂] N·m = −7k̂ N·m.
magnitude of the torque is force times lever arm) can
easily be read-off from Fig. 14-25. (a) About the top Problem
of the rod, F4 and F5 contribute zero torque, and 4. A rod of mass m and length ℓ is falling freely in a
Equation 14-2 becomes 0 = 31 ℓF3 − 32 ℓF2 + ℓF1 . horizontal orientation, with no torque about its
(b) About the center of the rod, the perpendicular center of mass. Find the magnitude of the torque
distances to F2 and F3 are 61 ℓ, and to F1 , F4 and F5 about either end. Why does your answer not
are 21 ℓ, so 0 = 12 ℓ(F1 + F4 − F5 ) − 61 ℓ(F2 + F3 ). violate the point made in Problem 8?
208 CHAPTER 14

Solution Fı̂ = (1 m)F k̂. Thus, −x3 + y3 = 1 m, or the line of

The magnitude of the torque on a body of mass M in action of F3 passes through the point of application of
a constant gravity field is |τ grav | = |rcm × M g| = F2 (the point (0, 1 m)). Any point on this line is a
rcm M g sin θ. With origin at either end, rcm = 12 ℓ, and suitable point of application for F3 (e.g. the point
sin θ = 1 for horizontal orientation, hence τ grav = (0, 1 m)). (b) In this case, F1 = −F2 so F3 = 0, but
1 r1 × F1 + r2 × F2 = (r2 − r1 ) × F2 6= 0 so r3 ×
2 M gℓ. With origin at the CM (rcm = 0) the torque is
zero, but this does F3 6= 0. Thus there is no single force that can be
P not contradict the result of added to produce static equilibrium.
Problem 8 since F = M g 6= 0 in free fall.

Problem Problem
5. In Fig. 14-26 the forces shown all have the same 6. Are there any other application points for the force
magnitude F. For each of the cases shown, is it F3 in Problem 2 that will ensure that both static
possible to place a third force so the three forces equilibrium conditions are met?
meet both conditions for static equilibrium? If so,
specify the force and a suitable application point; if Solution
not, why not? Equation 14-1 does not involve the points of
application of the forces. Equation 14-2 can be
satisfied for any point of application r′3 , for F3 ,
provided r′3 × F3 = r3 × F3 , or (x′3 ı̂ + y3′ ̂) × ̂ =
(−7ı̂ + ̂) × ̂, which implies x′3 = −7. Thus, any point
along the line x = −7 is a possible point of application
for F3 , satisfying the equilibrium conditions.

7. Four forces act on a body, as shown in Fig. 14-27.
Write the set of scalar equations that must hold for
the body to be in equilibrium, evaluating the
torques (a) about point O and (b) about point P.


P F3

F1 φ F2

figure 14-27 Problem 7.

figure 14-26 Problem 5.

Solution All of the forces lie in the same plane, which includes
The conditions for static equilibrium, under the action the points O and P, so there are two independent
of three forces, can be written as: F3 = −(F1 + F2 ) components of the force condition (Equation 14-1)
and r3 × F3 = −(r1 × F1 + r2 × F2 ). (a) In this case, and one component of the torque condition
F1 = F̂, r1 = (2 m)̂, F2 = Fı̂, and r2 = (1 m)̂. (Equation 14-2). Taking the x axis to the right, the y
Thus, F3 = −F (ı̂ + ̂), which is a force of magnitude axis up andP the z axis out of the page in Figure
P 14-27,
√ we have: Fx =P 0 = −F1 + F2 sin φ + F3 , Fy = 0 =
2F , 45◦ down into the third quadrant (θx = 225◦ or
−135◦ CCW from the x axis). The point of −F2 cos φ + F4 , (P τz )0 = 0 = −ℓ1 F2 − ℓ2 F3 sin φ +
application, r3 , can be found from the second ℓ2 F4 cos φ, and ( τz )P = −ℓ2 F1 sin φ + (ℓ2 − ℓ1 )×
condition, r3 × F3 = (x3 ı̂ + y3 ̂) × (−Fı̂ − F̂) = F2 = 0. (The lever arms of all the forces about either
(−x3 + y3 )F k̂ = −r1 × F1 − r2 × F2 = 0 − (1 m)̂× O or P should be evident from Fig. 14-27).
CHAPTER 14 209

8. In this problem you prove the statement in Sec-
tion 14-1 that the choice of pivot point does not
matter when applying the conditions for static
equilibrium. Figure 14-28 shows an object on which
the net force is assumed to be zero. Also, the net
torque about the point O shown is zero. You’re to
show that the net torque about any other point P is
also zero.
P To do so, write the net torque about P as
τP = rP i × Fi , where the vectors rP are from P
to the force application points, and the index i
labels the different forces. Note in Fig. 14-28 that
rP i = rOi + R, where R is a vector from P to O.
Use this result in your expression for τ P and apply
the distributive law to get two separate sums. Use
the assumptions that Fnet = 0 and τ O = 0 to argue
that both terms are zero. This completes the proof. figure 14-29(a) Problem 9 Solution.

colinear with the weight, so τ B = 0. (c) τ C =

1 ◦ 1
2 ℓ mg sin 90 = 2 mg ℓ (but note that τ C = −τA ).
(We also assumed that B and C are at the centers of
their respective sides. Alternatively, the torques can
be found from the lever arms shown.)

10. Figure 14-29b shows a thin, uniform plate of
mass m in the shape of an equilateral triangle of
figure 14-28 Problem 8. side ℓ. The plate is in a vertical plane. Find the
magnitude of the gravitational torque on the plate
about each of the three points shown.

Solution Solution
With referenceP
P to Fig. 14-28, we can
P write τ p = The center of gravity is at the√center of the triangle, a
rPPi × Fi = (rOi + R) × F i = rOi × Fi + perpendicular distance of ℓ/2 3 from any side.
R × Fi = τ O + R × Fnet = τ O . If Fnet = 0, the (a) The lever arm of the weight about point A is ℓ/2
total torque about any two points is the same. so τ A = 21 mgℓ. (b) The lever arm about point B is
zero, and τ B = 0. (c) The lever arm about point C is
Section 14-2: Center of Gravity ℓ/4 (C is halfway up from the base) so τ C = 41 mgℓ.
Problem (Of course, τ A and τ C are in opposite directions. The
torque could also be found from Equation 12-12.)
9. Figure 14-29a shows a thin, uniform square plate of
mass m and side ℓ. The plate is in a vertical plane.
Find the magnitude of the gravitational torque on
the plate about each of the three points shown. 11. Three identical books of length L are stacked over
the edge of a table as shown in Fig. 14-30. The
top book overhangs the middle one by 21 L, so it
Solution just barely avoids falling. The middle book
The center of gravity is at the center of a uniform overhangs the bottom one by 14 L. How much of
plate. In calculating the gravitational torque, one may the bottom book can be allowed to overhang the
consider the entire√weight as acting at the center of edge of the table without the books falling?
gravity. (a) rA =√ 2ℓ/2 at 135◦ from the weight of the
plate, so τ A = ( 2ℓ/2)mg sin 135◦ = 12 mg ℓ. (b) rB is
210 CHAPTER 14

12. A 60-kg uniform tabletop 2.4 m long is supported
by a pivot 80 cm from the left end, and by a scale
at the right end (Fig. 14-31). How far from the
left end should a 40-kg child sit if the scale is to
read zero?

See the solution to the next problem, when Fs = 0.

figure 14-29(b) Problem 10 Solution.

figure 14-31 Problem 12 Solution.

In equilibrium, the farthest right the center of mass of
the combination of three books can lie is directly above Section 14-3: Examples of Static Equilibrium
the edge of the table. (This is unstable equilibrium, Problem
since the slightest disturbance to the right would cause
13. Where should the child in Fig. 14-31 sit if the
the books to fall.) The center of mass of each book is
scale is to read (a) 100 N and (b) 300 N?
at its center, so if we take the origin at the edge with
positive to the right, this condition becomes
0 = xcm If we consider torques about the pivot point (so that
1 1 1 1 the force exerted by the pivot does not contribute)
= mx1 + m(x1 + L) + m(x1 + L + L) ,
3m 4 4 2 then Equation 14-2 is sufficient to determine the
position of the child. As shown on Fig. 14-31, the
where x1 is the horizontal position of the center of the
weight of the tabletop (acting at its center of gravity),
bottom book, and the centers of the other books are
the weight of the child (acting a distance x from the
displaced as given. Therefore, 3x1 + L = 0, or
x1 = − 31 L. If the center of the bottom book is 13 L to left end), and the scale force, Fs , produce zero torque
about the pivot:
the left of the edge, then only 12 L − 13 L = 61 L can
overhang on the right. (An argument based on torques
(1/g) ( τ )P = 0 =
is equivalent, since at the farthest right position, the (Fs /g)(160 cm) − (60 kg)(40 cm) + (40 kg)(80 cm − x).
normal contact force on the books acts essentially just
at the table’s edge.) Therefore, x = 20 cm + (Fs /9.8 N)4 cm. If (a) Fs =
100 N, then x = 20 cm + (400/9.8) cm = 60.8 cm, and
if (b) Fs = 300 N, x = 142 cm. (Note that the child is
on opposite sides of the pivot in parts (a) and (b),
since without the child, Fs = 147 N.)

14. A 4.2-m-long beam is supported by a cable at its
center. A 65-kg steelworker stands at one end of
the beam. Where should a 190-kg bucket of
concrete be suspended if the beam is to be in
figure 14-30 Problem 11 Solution. static equilibrium?

The sum of the torques on the beam (taken about its
center, C, so that the cable’s tension and beam’s
CHAPTER 14 211

16. A 23-m-long log of irregular cross section is lying
horizontally, supported by a wall at one end and a
cable attached 4.0 m from the other end, as shown
in Fig. 14-33. The log weighs 7.5×103 N, and the
tension in the cable is 6.2×103 N. Where is the
log’s center of gravity?
Problem 14 Solution.
The log is in equilibrium under the torques exerted by
the cable, gravity, and the wall. Calculating the
weight do not enter the equation) is equal to zero.
torques about the point of contact with the wall
Therefore, (190 kg)g(x) = (65 kg)g(2.1 m), or
(because the other two forces are given), we find
x = 71.8 cm, on the opposite side of C from the
(6.2 kN)(23 − 4) m = (7.5 kN)xCG, or xCG = 15.7 m,
worker. (Note: Since sin θ = sin(π − θ) will cancel from
from the end on the wall.
the torque equation, the beam need not be horizontal
to be in equilibrium; the steelworker’s mental
equilibrium is greatest when the beam is horizontal.)

15. Two pulleys are mounted on a horizontal axle, as
shown in Fig. 14-32. The inner pulley has a
diameter of 6.0 cm, the outer a diameter of 20 cm. figure 14-33 Problem 16 Solution.
Cords are wrapped around both pulleys so they
don’t slip. In the configuration shown, with what
force must you pull on the outer rope in order to
support the 40-kg mass? Problem
17. Figure 14-34 shows a traffic signal, with masses
Solution and positions of its various members indicated.
Since each cord is tangent to its respective pulley, the The structure is mounted with two bolts, located
lever arms are just the radii, as shown on the figure. symmetrically about the vertical member’s
The two torques are equal in magnitude, R1 F1 = centerline, as indicated. What tension force must
R2 F2 , so that the left-hand bolt be capable of withstanding?

F1 = (40 kg)(9.8 m/s2 )(6 cm) = (20 cm) = 118 N.

figure 14-34 Problem 17 Solution.

figure 14-32 Problem 15 Solution.

The forces on the traffic signal structure, and their
lever arms about point 0 (on the vertical member’s
212 CHAPTER 14

centerline between the bolts) are shown on Fig. 14-34. Problem

The normal forces exerted by the bolts and the ground 19. Figure 14-36a shows an outstretched arm with a
on the vertical member are designated by Nℓ and Nr , mass of 4.2 kg The arm is 56 cm long, and its
measured positive upward. (Of course, the ground can center of gravity is 21 cm from the shoulder. The
only make a positive contribution, and the bolts only a hand at the end of the arm holds a 6.0-kg mass.
negative contribution, to these normal forces.) The (a) What is the torque about the shoulder due to
two conditions of static equilibrium
P needed to the weights of the arm and the 6.0-kg mass? (b) If
determine Nℓ and Nr are: Fy = 0 = Nℓ + Nr − the arm is held in equilibrium by the deltoid
(9.8)(320 + 170 + 65) N (the vertical
P component of muscle, whose force on the arm acts 5.0◦ below
Equation 14-1, positive up) and ( τz )0 = 0 = the horizontal at a point 18 cm from the shoulder
(Nr − Nℓ )(0.38 m) − (170 × 3.5 + 65 × 8)(9.8 N·m) (the joint (Fig. 14-36b), what is the force exerted by
out-of-the-page-component of Equation 14-2, positive the muscle?
CCW). These can be written as Nr + Nℓ = 5.44 kN,
and Nr − Nℓ = 28.8 kN. Thus Nℓ = −11.7 kN, which Solution
is downward and must be exerted by the bolt. The
(a) The magnitude of the (external) torque on the
reaction force on the bolt is upward and is a tensile
arm is τ0 = [(4.2 kg)(0.21 m) + (6 kg)(0.56 m)] ×
force. (Really, Nℓ is the difference between the 2
downward force exerted by the bolt and the upward (9.8 m/s ) sin 105◦ = 40.2 N·m. The direction is
force exerted by the ground. Tightening the bolt clockwise (into the page) about the shoulder joint.
(b) The deltoid muscle exerts a counterclockwise
increases the tensile force it must withstand beyond
the minimum value calculated above, under the torque of magnitude F r sin θ = F (0.18 m) sin 170◦,
assumption that the ground exerts no force.) which, under equilibrium conditions, equals the
magnitude of the torque in part (a). Thus, F =
Problem 40.2 N·m/(0.18 m) sin 170◦ = 1.28 kN, underscoring
the comment at the end of Example 14-5. The
18. Figure 14-35 shows how a scale with a capacity of skeleto-muscular structure of the human extremities
only 250 N can be used to weigh a heavier person. evolved for speed and range of motion, not mechanical
The board is 3.0 m long, has a mass of 3.4 kg, and advantage.
is of uniform density. It is free to pivot about the
end farthest from the scale. What is the weight of
a person standing 1.2 m from the pivot end, if the
scale reads 210 N? Assume that the beam remains
nearly horizontal.

Since the board is at rest, the sum of the torques
(positive CCW in Fig. 14-35) is zero about the pivot
(due to the weight of the person, the weight of the
board acting
P at its CG, and the scale force, as shown).
Thus, ( τz )P = 0 = (210 N)(3 m) − (3.4×9.8 N)×
(1.5 m) − W (1.2 m), or W = 483 N.

figure 14-36 Problem 19 Solution.

figure 14-35 Problem 18 Solution. 20. Figure 14-37 shows a portable infant seat that is
supported by the edge of a table. The mass of the
seat is 1.5 kg, and its center of mass is located
16 cm from the table edge. A 12-kg baby is sitting
in the seat with her center of mass over the seat’s
CHAPTER 14 213

center of mass. Find the forces FA and FB that 164FAx (−k̂) − 37.5M g(k̂), we find FAx = −(37.5)×
the seat exerts on the table. (15 kg)(9.8 m/s )/(164) = −33.6 N. From the
x equation, FBx = −FAx = 33.6 N, and by assumption,
Solution FAy = FBy = 12 M g = 73.5 N. Of course, the forces
The infant seat is in equilibrium under the reaction exerted by the door on the hinges (by Newton’s third
forces to FA and FB , and the weight of the seat and law) are the reactions to the forces, F A and F B , just
infant. Thus, calculated.
Fy = 0
= FB − FA − (1.5 kg + 12 kg)(9.8 m/s2 )
(positive up)
( τ )A = 0
= (22 cm)FB − (16 + 22) cm(13.5)(9.8) N
(positive CCW)
Solving for FB from the torque equation and FA
from the force equation, we find FB = 229 N and
FA = 96.2 N, in the directions shown in the figure.

Problem 21 Solution.

940 22. Figure 14-38 shows a popular system for mounting
figure 14-37 Problem 20 Solution. bookshelves. An aluminum bracket is mounted on
a vertical aluminum support by small tabs inserted
into vertical slots. If each bracket in a shelf system
supports 32 kg of books, with the center of gravity
Problem 12 cm out from the vertical support, what is the
21. A 15.0-kg door measures 2.00 m high by 75.0 cm horizontal component of the force exerted on the
wide. It hangs from hinges mounted 18.0 cm from upper of the two bracket tabs? Assume contact
top and bottom. Assuming that each hinge carries between the bracket and support occurs only at
half the door’s weight, determine the horizontal the upper tab and at the bottom of the bracket,
and vertical forces that the door exerts on each 4.5 cm below the upper tab.
Solution The forces on the bracket are shown superposed on
If the door is properly hung, all the forces on the door Fig. 14-38, assuming only a normal force on the
are coplanar. We assume that the CM is at the
bottom. Equilibrium implies Fx = 0 = FAx + FB ,
geometrical center of the door. The conditions for
equilibrium are:
Fx = 0 = FAx + FBx ,
Fy = 0 = FAy + FBy − M g,
( τ )B = 0 = rA × FA + rcm × M g
= (164 cm̂) × (FAx ı̂ + FAy ̂)
+ (37.5 cmı̂ + 82 cm̂) × (−M g̂),
where we chose to calculate torques about the lower
hinge at B. Expanding the cross products, 0 =
214 CHAPTER 14

and ( τz )A = 0 = (4.5 cm)FB − (12 cm)W. (We 5.00 kN. The force on the tie beam (the reaction to
chose to evaluate the z component (out of the page) of F B is a tension. (The function of the tie beam is
the torques about the upper tab, at A, and note that
P precisely to relieve any horizontal force that the roof
Fy = 0 is not needed.) The solution for FAx is may exert on the walls.)
immediate: FAx = −FB = −(12/4.5)W = −(2.67)×
(32 kg)(9.8 m/s2 ) = −836 N. The negative
x component means that a tensile force is exerted on
the upper tab, as expected. (Note that the upper tab
must also support the weight of the books.)

figure 14-39 Problem 23 Solution.

24. Repeat Example 14-4, now assuming that the
coefficient of friction at the floor is µ1 and that at
the wall µ2 . Show that the minimum angle at
which the board will not slip is now given by
figure 14-38 Problem 22 Solution. 1 − µ1 µ2
φ = tan−1 .

23. Figure 14-39 shows a house designed to have high
“cathedral” ceilings. Following a heavy snow, the
total mass supported by each diagonal roof rafter
is 170 kg, including building materials as well as
snow. Under these conditions, what is the force in
the horizontal tie beam near the roof peak? Is this
force a compression or a tension? Neglect any
horizontal component of force due to the vertical
walls below the roof. Ignore the widths of the
various structural components, treating contact
forces as though they were concentrated at the
roof peak and at the outside edge of the
rafter/wall junction.
figure 14-11(b) Problem 24 Solution.
The forces on one of the diagonal rafters are drawn on
Fig. 14-39. If the rafters are symmetrical (without
internal stress), and we neglect the weight of the tie
beam, FB and FC will be horizontal. W and FA are The addition of a frictional force on the board where it
vertical, the latter by assumption, and we suppose W contacts the wall is shown in the sketch (see
acts at the center of the rafter. The Fig. 14-11b). We assume that f2 = µ2 N2 is the
conditionsP needed to find FB are: Fx = 0 = FB − maximum frictional force and that it acts to oppose
FC , and ( τ z )A = 0, or 0 = (4 m)FC − (3.2 m)FB − the fall of the board. (If f2 is not proportional to N2 ,
(2.4 m)W. (Point A was chosen to eliminate F A from there is insufficient data to solve this Problem.) The
the equation.) The solution is FB = 2.4W/(4 − 3.2) = equations of static equilibrium in Example 14-4
CHAPTER 14 215

become: f1 − N2 = 0 (horizontal), N1 + µ2 N2 − mg = 0 Problem

(vertical), and N2 L sin φ + µ2 N2 L cos φ − 26. Show that if the wall in the previous problem is
2 mgL cos φ = 0 (torque about bottom of board). The frictionless, then a continuation of the rope line
minimum angle φ can be found from the horizontal must pass through the center of the sphere.
equation and the requirement that N2 = f1 ≤
µ1 N1 . N1 can be eliminated from the vertical Solution
equation, N2 ≤ µ1 (mg − µ2 N2 ) or (1 + µ1 µ2 )×
From the preceding solution, it is clear that, in the
N2 ≤ µ1 mg. N2 can be eliminated from the torque
absence of friction, the condition that the sum of the
equation, N2 (tan φ + µ2 ) = 12 mg, so this condition
torques about the center of the sphere is zero implies
becomes 12 mg(1 + µ1 µ2 )/(µ2 + tan φ) ≤ µ1 mg, or
that the lever arm of the tension is zero, or that the
tan φ ≥ (1 − µ1 µ2 )/2µ1 .
rope must be in line with the center.
Problem Problem
25. A uniform sphere of radius R is supported by a
27. A garden cart loaded with firewood is being
rope attached to a vertical wall, as shown in
pushed horizontally when it encounters a step 8.0
Fig. 14-40. The point where the rope is attached
cm high, as shown in Fig. 14-41. The mass of the
to the sphere is located so a continuation of the
cart and its load is 55 kg, and the cart is balanced
rope would intersect a horizontal line through the
so that its center of mass is directly over the axle.
sphere’s center a distance R/2 beyond the center,
The wheel diameter is 60 cm. What is the
as shown. What is the smallest possible value for
minimum horizontal force that will get the cart up
the coefficient of friction between wall and sphere?
the step?
In equilibrium, the sum of the torques about the
center of the sphere must be zero, so the frictional F

force is up, as shown. The √ lever arm of the tension in 8.0 cm

60 cm
the rope is 12 R cos 30◦ = 3R = 4, and the weight and
normal force
√ exert no torque about the center. Thus,
f R = T 3R/4. The sum of the horizontal components
◦ figure 14-41 Problem 27.
of the forces is zero also, so
√ 0 = N − T sin 30 , or
T = 2N. Therefore f = 2 3 N. Since f ≤ µs N, this

implies µs ≥ f /N = 12 3 = 0.87.

figure 14-41 Problem 27 Solution.

We assume that a horizontal push on the cart results
in a horizontal force exerted on the wheels by the axle,
as shown. (We also suppose both wheels share the
forces equally, so they can be treated together.) Also
figure 14-40 Problem 25 Solution.
shown are the weight of the cart and the normal force
of the ground, both acting through the center of the
wheels, and the force of the step, Fs . If we consider
the sum of the torques (positive CCW) about the step,
216 CHAPTER 14

the latter does not contribute, and the wheels

P (and Treat the tower as a uniform cylinder 7.0 m in
cart) will remain stationary as long as ( τ )step = diameter and 55 m high, and assume the ground
M gR sin θ − N R sin θ − F R cos θ = 0. When N = 0, supports the tower’s weight but does not provide
however, the wheels begin to lose contact with the any torque.
ground and go over the step. This occurs when
F = M g tan θ. From the geometry of the situation, Solution
R(1 − cos θ) = h, the height of the step, so θ = The center of mass of the tower must be somewhere
cos−1 (1 − h/R) = cos−1 (1 − 8/30). Then F = (55× over its footprint on the ground, or it will topple. This
9.8 N) tan(cos−1 (11/15)) = 500 N is the minimum will be so, for a uniform cylindrical model of the
force. tower, if the angle of tilt φ is less than the angle α
that a diagonal makes with the length, as indicated on
Problem Fig. 14-43. Therefore φ ≤ α = tan−1 (7m/55m) =
28. Figure 14-42 shows the foot and lower leg of a 7.25◦ .
person standing on the ball of one foot. Three
forces act on the foot to maintain this equilibrium:
the tension force T in the Achilles tendon, contact
force F C at the ankle joint, and the normal force
N of the ground that supports the person’s
weight. The person’s mass is 70 kg, and the force
application points are as indicated in Fig. 14-42.
Find the magnitude of (a) the tension in the
Achilles tendon and (b) the contact force at the
ankle joint.

figure 14-43 Problem 29 Solution.

30. A uniform 5.0-kg ladder is leaning against a
frictionless vertical wall, with which it makes a
15◦ angle. The coefficient of friction between
ladder and ground is 0.26. Can a 65-kg person
climb to the top of the ladder without it slipping?
figure 14-42 Problem 28 Solution. If not, how high can the person climb? If so, how
massive a person would make the ladder slip?

It is shown in the solution to Problem 45, that the
If we approximate the bones in the foot as a massless, condition for a person of mass m to climb up a
planar, rigid body, the equilibrium conditions
P for the fraction of length of ladder without the ladder slipping
situation depicted in P
Fig. 14-42 are: Fx = is α ≤ µs cot θ + (mℓ /m)(µs cot θ − 21 ), where µs is the
◦ ◦
T sin 25
P − FC,x = 0, Fy = T cos 25 + N − FC,y ◦= 0, coefficient of friction with the floor, θ the angle with
and ( τ )ankle joint = N (12 cm) − T (7 cm) sin 115 = the vertical frictionless wall, and mℓ the mass of the
0. Then with N = 70 × 9.8 N, one finds (a) T = ladder. For the situation in this problem, µs cot θ =
N (12 cm)/(7 cm) sin 115◦ = 1.30 kN, and (b) FC,x = 0.26 cot 15◦ = 0.970 and α ≤ 0.970 + (5/65)(0.470) =
T sin 25◦ =q0.548 kN, FC,y = T cos 25◦ + N = 1.86 kN, 1.01. Therefore (since α ≤ 1, by definition) a 65-kg
and FC = 2 + F 2 = 1.94 kN.
FC,x C,y person can climb all the way to the top. However, the
right-hand side of the condition is less than 1 for m >
Problem mℓ (µs cot θ − 12 )/(1−µs cot θ) = 5 kg(0.470)/(0.0297) =
29. The leaning Tower of Pisa (Fig. 14-43) currently 79.3 kg, so a person with mass greater than 79.3 kg
leans at a 4.7◦ angle to the vertical. Treating the causes the ladder to slip before reaching the top.
tower as a solid cylinder, what is the maximum
angle at which it can lean before falling over?
CHAPTER 14 217

Problem Therefore:
31. The boom in the crane of Fig. 14-44 is free to T2 = 0.5W sin 99.2◦/ sin 20.8◦ = 1.39W,
pivot about point P and is supported by the cable
T1 = T2 sin 60◦ / sin 35◦ = 2.10W,
that joins halfway along its 18-m total length. The
cable passes over a pulley and is anchored at the and w = T1 cos 35◦ + T2 cos 60◦ − W = 1.41W.
back of the crane. The boom has mass 1700 kg,
distributed uniformly along its length, and the
mass hanging from the end of the boom is
2200 kg. The boom makes a 50◦ angle with the
horizontal. What is the tension in the cable that
supports the boom?

figure 14-45 Problem 32 Solution.

33. Figure 14-46 shows a 1250-kg car that has slipped
over the edge of an embankment. A group of
figure 14-44 Problem 31 Solution. people are trying to hold the car in place by
pulling on a horizontal rope, as shown. The car’s
bottom is pivoted on the edge of the embankment,
and its center of mass lies further back, as shown.
Solution If the car makes a 34◦ angle with the horizontal,
The forces on the boom are shown superposed on the what force must the group apply to hold it in
figure. By assumption, T is horizontal and acts at the place?
CM of theP boom. To find T, we compute the torques
about P, ( τ )P = 0, obtaining: Solution
Three forces act on the car, as shown added to
T 12 ℓ sin 50◦ − mb g 21 ℓ cos 50◦ − mgℓ cos 50◦ = 0,
Fig. 14-46. The unknown force, FP , exerted by the
or edge of the embankment, does not contribute to
Equation 14-2 (positive torques CCW) if evaluated
T = (2m + mb )g cot 50◦ = (4400 + 1700)(9.8 N) cot 50◦
about point P, so the tension necessaryPto keep the car
= 50.2 kN. in equilibrium can be found directly. ( τ )P = 0 =
M g(2.4 m − 1.8 m) cos 34◦ − T (1.8 m) sin 34◦, or
Problem T = (1250×9.8 N)/3 tan 34◦ = 6.05 kN.
32. A uniform board of length ℓ and weight W is
suspended between two vertical walls by ropes of
length ℓ/2 each. When a weight w is placed on the
left end of the board, it assumes the configuration
shown in Fig. 14-45. Find the weight w in terms
of the board weight W.

The conditions for equilibrium (about the origin
figure 14-46 Problem 33 Solution.
drawn on the figure) are:
Fx = 0 = T2 sin 60◦ − T1 sin 35◦ ,
Fy = 0 = T2 cos 60◦ + T1 cos 35◦ − w − W,
34. A uniform board of length ℓ is dangling over a
( τz )0 = 0 = T2 ℓ sin 20.8◦ − W 12 ℓ sin 99.2◦ .
frictionless edge, secured by a horizontal rope, as
218 CHAPTER 14

shown in Fig. 14-47. Show that the angle

p it makes mg(0.94x − 0.01x2 ). (a) Equation 14-3, the condition
with the horizontal must be θ = sin−1 2d/ℓ, for equilibrium, gives dU/dx = 0 = mg(0.94 − 0.02x),
where d is the distance from the edge to the center or x = 47 m (b) Since d2 U/dx2 = −0.02mg < 0,
of the board. Equation 14-5 implies this is an unstable equilibrium.
(c) h(47) = 0.94(47) − 0.01(47)2 = 22.1 m.
See the solution to the next Problem.

35. Figure 14-47 shows a uniform board dangling over
a frictionless edge, secured by a horizontal rope. If
the angle θ in Fig. 14-47 were 30◦ , what fraction
would the distance d shown in the figure be of the
board length ℓ?

(a) (b)

figure 14-48 Problem 37.

37. A roly-poly toy clown is made from part of a
sphere topped by a cone. The sphere is truncated
figure 14-47 Problems 34, 35. at just the right point so that there is no
discontinuity in angle as the surface changes from
sphere to cone (Fig. 14-48a). If the clown always
Solution returns to an upright position, what is the
maximum possible height for its center of mass?
The three forces acting on the board are in the same
Would your answer change if the continuity-of-
configuration as those in Problem 33, so Equation 14-2
angle condition were not met, as in Fig. 14-48b?
about the edge gives M gd cos θ = T ( 21 ℓ − d) sin θ. If
the edge is frictionless, then FP is perpendicular to
the board, so Equation 14-1 requires T = FP sin θ and
M g = FP cos θ. Substituting above, we find Suppose the roly-poly rests on a flat horizontal
FP d cos2 θ = FP ( 12 ℓ − d) sin2 θ, or d(cos2 θ + sin2 θ) = surface. Its spherical surface is always tangent to the
2 −1
p horizontal if the continuity-of-angle condition holds, as
2 ℓ sin θ and θ = sin 2d/ℓ. For θ = 30◦ , d/ℓ =
1 2 ◦ 1 in sketch (a) (except when upside-down on the point
2 sin 30 = 8 . of the cone). Gravity will always exert a restoring
torque if the CM lies to the left of the vertical through
Section 14-4: Stability of Equilibria the left-most point of contact, B, as shown. Since this
Problem vertical passes through O, the center of the sphere, the
36. A portion of a roller coaster track is described by CM should lie “below” O, as measured from the
h = 0.94x − 0.010x2 , where h and x are the height bottom point, A, on the axis.
and horizontal position in meters. (a) Find a point If the continuity-of-angle condition is not met, the
where the roller coaster car could be in static cone, in general, intersects the sphere in one of two
equilibrium on this track. (b) Is the equilibrium circles (through BB ′ or CC ′ , as in sketch (b)). If CC ′
stable or unstable? (c) What is the height of the is the actual boundary, the reasoning in the first
track at the equilibrium point? paragraph still applies. However, if BB ′ is the
boundary, the maximum distance of the CM from
Solution point A should be < AQ (considerably “lower”
than O).
The potential energy of the roller coaster car, in the
equivalent one-dimensional problem, is U (x) = mgh =
CHAPTER 14 219

39. The potential energy as a function of position for
a certain particle is given by

x x
U (x) = U0 + a + 4 ,
x30 x20 x0
where U0 , x0 , and a are constants. For what values
of a will there be two static equilibria? Comment
on the stability of these equilibria.

The equilibrium condition, dU/dx = 0 (Equa-
tion 14-3), requires 3(x/x0 )2 + 2a(x/x0 ) + 4 = 0. This
quadratic has two real roots if the discriminant
√ is
positive, i.e., a2 − 12
√ > 0, or |a| > 2 3. The roots are
(x/x0 )± = 13 (−a ± a2 − 12). The second derivative of
the potential energy, evaluated at these roots, is
Problem 37 Solution. "   #
d U U0 x
= 2 6 + 2a
dx2 ± x0 x0 ±
Problem p  
= ±2 a − 122 .
38. A uniform rectangular block is twice as long as it x20
is wide. Letting θ be the angle that the long
dimension makes with the horizontal, determine Thus, the “plus” root is a position of metastable
the angular positions of any static equilibria, and equilibrium (Equation 14-4), while the “minus” root
comment on their stability. represents unstable equilibrium, (Equation 14-5). A
plot of the potential energy, which
√is a cubic, will
Solution clarify these remarks. For |a| ≤ 2 3, U (x)has no
wiggles, as shown. (U passes through the origin, but
Consideration of the block, tilted in a plane its position depends on the value of “a”, and is not
perpendicular to its thickness (the unspecified shown.)
dimension in this question) reveals that θ = 0◦ is a
stable equilibrium position, θ = 90◦ a metastable one,
and θ + α = 90◦ an unstable one (α is the angle a
diagonal makes with the longer side, as shown). Since
tan α = ℓ/2ℓ = 12 , the unstable equilibrium is at
θ = 90◦ − tan−1 ( 12 ) = 63.4◦.
Problem 39 Solution.

40. A cubical block rests on an inclined board with
two sides parallel to the direction of the incline.
The coefficient of static friction between block and
board is 0.95. If the inclination angle of the board
is increased, will the block first slide or first tip

Problem 38 Solution. Reference to the solution of Problem 57 shows that
the cube will tip over when θ > tan−1 (w/h) = 45◦ , but
220 CHAPTER 14

will slide when θ > tan−1 0.95 = 43.5◦ . It thus slides horizontal cable that supports the boom.
before tipping.
Paired Problems As in the previous problem, the equilibrium condition
Problem for torques about the pivot does not contain the
41. Figure 14-49 shows a 66-kg sign hung centered unknown pivot force, and thus allows the tension to be
directly determined without use of the force equations.
from a uniform rod of mass 8.2 kg and length
2.3 m. At one end the rod is attached to the wall Thus, T ℓ sin 50◦ = M gℓ cos 50◦ + mg 31 ℓ cos 50◦, or
by a pivot; at the other end it’s supported by a T = (M + 31 m)g cot 50◦ = (2500 + 13 × 830)(9.8 N)×
cot 50◦ = 22.8 kN.
cable that can withstand a maximum tension of
800 N. What is the minimum height h above the
pivot for anchoring the cable to the wall?

Suppose that the sign is centered on the rod, so that
its CM lies under the center of the rod. Then the total
weight may be considered to act through the center of
the rod, as shown. In equilibrium, Equation 14-2
calculated about the pivot (which does not contain the
unknown pivot force) yields 0 = T ℓ sin θ − M g 21 ℓ, or
T = M g/2 sin θ. But, tan θ = h/ℓ, so T = 21 M g×
1 + ℓ2 /h2 (use the identity 1 + cot2 θ = csc2 θ).
Therefore, the condition T ≤ p Tmax implies 1 + ℓ2 ÷ figure 14-50 Problem 42 Solution.
h2 ≤ (2Tpmax /M g) 2
, or h ≥ ℓ/ (2Tmax /M g)2 − 1 =
2.3 m/ (1600/74.2×9.8) − 1 = 1.17 m.

43. A 4.2-kg plant hangs from the bracket shown in
Fig. 14-51. The bracket has a mass of 0.85 kg, and
its center of mass lies 9.0 cm from the wall. A
single screw holds the bracket to the wall, as
shown. Find the horizontal tension force in the
screw. Hint: Imagine that the bracket is slightly
loose and pivoting about its bottom end. Assume
the wall is frictionless.

We assume that the screw provides the total support
for the bracket, exerting a force with horizontal
component Fx (the reaction to which is a tensile force
on the screw) and vertical component Fy (the reaction
to which is a shearing force on the screw equal to the
figure 14-49 Problem 41 Solution.
total weight) as shown. A normal contact force
exerted by the wall could be distributed along the
bracket (e.g., by tightening the screw), but if we only
Problem wish to estimate the minimum Fx , we may consider all
42. A crane in a marble quarry is mounted on the the normal force to act at the lowest point of contact
rock walls of the quarry and is supporting a of the bracket, point O. Then Equation 14-2 about O
2500-kg slab of marble as shown in Fig. 14-50. gives Fx (7.2 cm) = [(4.2 kg)(28 cm) + (0.85 kg)×
The center of mass of the 830-kg boom is located (9.0 cm)](9.8 m/s ) or Fx = 170 N.
one-third of the way from the pivot end of its
15 m length, as shown. Find the tension in the
CHAPTER 14 221

of the heaviest person who can safely ascend to

the top of the ladder? (The center of mass of the
ladder is at its center.)

The forces on the uniform ladder are shown in the
sketch, with the force exerted by the (frictionless) wall
horizontal. The person is up the ladder a fraction α of
its length. Equilibrium conditions require:
Fx = 0 = f − Fwall ,
figure 14-51 Problem 43 Solution. Fy = 0 = N − (mℓ + m)g,
( τ )A = 0 = Fwall ℓ cos θ − mℓ g 21 ℓ sin θ − mgαℓ sin θ.

The ladder will not slip if f ≤ µs N, which can be

Problem written as
44. A 160-kg highway sign of uniform density is 2.3 m
f = Fwall = ( 12 mℓ + αm)g tan θ ≤ µs N = µs (mℓ + m)g,
wide and 1.4 m high. At one side it is secured to a
pole with a single bolt, mounted a distance d from or
the top of the sign. The only other place where
α ≤ [µs (mℓ + m) cot θ − 21 mℓ ]/m =
the sign contacts the pole is at its bottom corner.
If the bolt can sustain a horizontal tension of µs cot θ + (mℓ /m)(µs cot θ − 21 ).
2100 N, what is the maximum permissible value (Here, we used the horizontal force equation to find f,
for the distance d? the torque equation to find Fwall , and the vertical
The forces on the sign are in a similar configuration to
those in the preceding problem, as shown. (The weight
of the sign is shown acting at its center and the force
at the bottom corner could have a vertical
component.) To apply the limit on the tensile force
Fx , we need only consider Equation 14-2 about point
O: Fx (1.4 m − d) = (160×9.8 N)(1.15 m). Then
Fx = (1.80 kN·m)/(1.4 m − d) < 2.1 kN implies that
d < 1.4 m − 1.80 kN·m/2.1 kN = 54.1 cm.

Problem 44 Solution.

45. A 5.0-m-long ladder has mass 9.5 kg and is leaning
against a frictionless wall, making a 66◦ angle with
the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction between
the ladder and ground is 0.42, what is the mass
222 CHAPTER 14

force equation to find N.) For a person at the top of Problem

the ladder, α = 1 and the condition for no slipping 48. An isosceles triangular block of mass m and height
becomes m ≤ mℓ (µs cot θ − 12 )/(1 − µs cot θ). With the h is in stable equilibrium, resting on its base on a
data given for the ladder (note that cot θ = tan 66◦ )m horizontal surface. How much energy does it take
≤ (9.5 kg)(0.42 tan 66◦ − 0.5)/(1 − 0.42 tan 66◦ ) = to bring it to unstable equilibrium, resting on its
74.3 kg. apex? Hint: Consult Example 10-3.

Example 10-3 shows that the CM of an isosceles
triangle is 31 the height from the base, or 23 the height
from the apex. The difference in energy between the
unstable and stable equilibrium mentioned is ∆U =
mg ∆ycm = mg( 32 h − 13 h) = 31 mgh.

Supplementary Problems
49. A uniform pole of mass M is at rest on an incline
of angle θ, secured by a horizontal rope as shown
in Fig. 14-52. What is the minimum coefficient of
Problem 45 Solution. friction that will keep the pole from slipping?

46. To what vertical height on the ladder in the
preceding problem could a 95-kg person reach
before the ladder starts to slip?

figure 14-52 Problem 49 Solution.
For a 95-kg person, the condition that the ladder not
slip gives α ≤ 0.42 tan 66◦ + (9/95)(0.42 tan 66◦ −
0.5) = 98.8% as the maximum fraction up along the
length of the ladder. (See previous problem.) The Solution
maximum height above the ground is just αℓ cos θ = The forces acting on the pole are the tension in the
(0.988)(5 m) sin 66◦ = 4.51 m. rope, gravity (acting at the CM at its center) and the
contact force of the incline (perpendicular component
Problem N and parallel component f ) as shown. Consideration
47. A uniform, solid cube of mass m and side s is in of Equation 14-2 about the CM shows that a frictional
stable equilibrium when sitting on a level tabletop. force f must be acting up the plane if the rod is to
How much energy is required to bring it to an remain in static equilibrium. (Since the weight of the
unstable equilibrium where it’s resting on its rod, mg, and the normal force, N, contribute no
corner? torques about the CM, there must be a force to
oppose the torque of the tension, T.) The equations
Solution for static equilibrium (parallel and perpendicular
When balancing on a corner, the CM of a components of Equation 14-1, and P CCW-positive
uniform cube (i.e., its center) √
is a distance component of EquationP14-2) are: F|| = 0 =
(s/2)2 + (s/2)2 + (s/2)2 = 3s/2 above the corner f + T cos θ − mg sin θ, F⊥ = 0 = N − T sin θ −
mg cos θ, and ( τ )cm = 0 = T 12 ℓ cos θ − f 21 ℓ.
resting on the tabletop. When in stable equilibrium,
the CM is s/2 above the tabletop. Thus, the√potential The solutions for the forces are f = 21 mg sin θ, T =
1 1 2
energy difference is ∆U = mg ∆ycm = mgs( 3 − 1)/2. 2 mg tan θ, and N = 2 mg(2 cos θ + sin θ/ cos θ),
subject to the condition that f ≤ µN. Therefore
sin θ ≤ µ(2 cos θ + sin2 θ/ cos θ) or µ ≥ tan θ ÷
(2 + tan2 θ). (By use of the identities sin 2θ =
CHAPTER 14 223

2 sin θ cos θ, cos 2θ = cos2 θ − sin2 θ, and sin2 θ = to show that anyone can climb to the top if
1 − cos2 θ, this may be rewritten as µ ≥ sin 2θ ÷ µ ≥ tan θ, but that no one can if µ < 12 tan θ.
(3 + cos 2θ).)
Problem The condition for a person of mass m to be able to
50. For what angle does the situation of Problem 49 reach the top of the ladder, which was found in the
require the greatest coefficient of friction? solution to Problem 45, can be written as m ≤
mℓ (2µs − tan θ)/2(tan θ − µs ). Since m is positive, this
Solution condition cannot be fulfilled if µs ≤ 12 tan θ, i.e., no
one can climb to the top without causing the ladder to
The minimum coefficient of friction found in the
slip, whereas if µs = tan θ, the limit is ∞, so anyone
previous problem, µmin (θ) = tan θ/(2 + tan2 θ), is a
can climb to the top. (Note: the original expression,
positive function which is zero at θ = 0◦ and 90◦ (the
α ≤ µs cot θ + (mℓ /m)(µs cos θ − 12 ), shows that α = 1
limits of its domain). Therefore it has a maximum
2 2 is allowed for any m, provided µs cot θ > 1.)
when dµmin √/dθ = 0, ◦or 2 + tan θ − 2 tan θ = 0, or
θ = tan 2 = 54.7 .
Problem 53. Figure 14-54 shows a wheel on a slope with
inclination angle θ = 20◦ , where the coefficient of
51. One end of a board of negligible mass is attached
friction is adequate to prevent the wheel from
to a spring of spring constant k, while its other
slipping; however, it might still roll. The wheel is
end rests on a frictionless surface, as shown in
a uniform disk of mass 1.5 kg, and it is weighted
Fig. 14-53. If a mass m is placed on the middle of
at one point on the rim with an additional 0.95-kg
the board, by how much will the spring compress?
mass m. Find the angle φ shown in the figure such
that the wheel will be in static equilibrium.
If the frictionless surface is horizontal, the three forces Solution
acting on the board are vertical,P as shown. For
ThePwheel doesn’t slide if F|| = 0 and it doesn’t roll
equilibrium, N + Fs = mg and ( τ )cm = 0. The if ( τ )center = 0. (“||” means parallel to the incline,
latter implies N = Fs , so Fs = 21 mg = k ∆x, and the and “center” is the center and CM of the wheel. These
compression of the spring is ∆x = mg/2k. are the only equilibrium conditions needed for the
solution of this problem.) With reference to the forces
shown added to Fig. 14-52, these conditions are
f = (M + m)g sin θ and f R = mgR cos φ. Together,
they imply f = mg cos φ = (M + m)g sin θ or φ =
cos−1 [(1 + M/m) sin θ] = cos−1 [(1 + 1.5/0.95)×
sin 20◦ ] = 28.1◦ .

figure 14-53 Problem 51 Solution.

figure 14-54 Problem 53 Solution.

52. A uniform ladder of mass m is leaning against a
frictionless vertical wall with which it makes an
angle θ. The coefficient of static friction at the 54. The wheel in Fig. 14-54 has mass M and is
floor is µ. Find an expression for the maximum weighted with an additional mass m. The slope
mass for a person who is able to climb to the top angle is θ. Show that static equilibrium is possible
of the ladder without its slipping. Use your result only if m > M sin θ/(1 − sin θ).
224 CHAPTER 14

Solution (1 − xcm /ℓ). Equation 10-5 gives

Static equilibrium is possible only if the CM of the Z ℓ Z ℓ
weighted wheel lies to the left of the point of contact xcm = λx dx ÷ λ dx
0 0
with the incline (or the y axis in the sketch). The Z ℓ Z ℓ
smallest additional mass would have to be placed = (ax + bx2 ) dx ÷ (a + bx) dx
horizontally to the left of the center, as shown. Then 0 0
(M + m)xcm = M R sin θ − m(R − R sin θ) < 0, implies = (a 21 ℓ2 + b 31 ℓ3 )/(aℓ + b 12 ℓ2 )
m > M sin θ/(1 − sin θ). = ℓ(3a + 2bℓ)/(6a + 3bℓ).
For the values given, xcm /ℓ = 12 and note that
1 2
M = aℓ + 2 bℓ = 4 kg. Thus, Fsr = M gxcm /ℓ =
22.9 N and Fsℓ = 16.3 N.

56. What horizontal force applied at its highest point
is necessary to keep a wheel of mass M from rolling
down a slope inclined at angle θ to the horizontal?

Consider the conditions for static equilibrium of the
Problem 54 Solution. wheel, under the action of the forces shown (Fapp is
the applied horizontal force, Fc is the contact force
of the incline, normal plus friction, and we assumed
that the CM is at the center). The torques about the
Problem point of contact sum to zero, or Fapp R(1 + cos θ) =
55. A 2.0-m-long rod has a density described by λ = M gR sin θ. Therefore Fapp = M g sin θ/(1 + cos θ) =
a + bx, where λ is the density in kilograms per M g tan 21 θ.
meter of length, a = 1.0 kg/m, b = 1.0 kg/m , and
x is the distance in meters from the left end of the
rod. The rod rests horizontally with its ends each
supported by a scale. What do the two scales

Problem 56 Solution.

Problem 55 Solution. Problem

57. A rectangular block twice as high as it is wide is
resting on a board. The coefficient of static
friction between board and block is 0.63. If the
Solution board is tilted as shown in Fig. 14-55, will the
The rod is in static equilibrium under Pthe three block first tip over or first begin sliding?
vertical forces shown in the sketch, so Fy = 0
implies Fsr + Fsr = M g, and ( τ )cm = 0 implies
Fsℓ xcm = Fsr (ℓ − xcm ). The solution for the left and We suppose that the block is oriented with two sides
right scale forces is Fsℓ = M g − Fsr = M g× parallel to the direction of the incline, and that its CM
is at the center. The condition for sliding is that
CHAPTER 14 225

mg sin θ > fsmax = µs N = µs mg cos θ, or tan θ > µs . Since tan α = ( 61 h)/( 14 h) = 32 > 0.63 = µs , this cone
For µs = 0.63, this condition is θ > tan−1 0.63 = 32.2◦ . will slide before tipping over.
The condition for tipping over is that the CM lie to
the left of the lower corner of the block (see sketch).
Thus θ > α, where α = tan−1 (w/h) is the diagonal
angle of the block. For h = 2w, α = tan−1 0.5 = 26.6◦.
Therefore, this block tips over before sliding.

Problem 59 Solution.

60. In Fig. 14-56 a uniform boom of mass 350 kg is
figure 14-55 Problem 57 Solution. attached to a vertical wall by a pivot, and its far
end is supported by a cable as shown. If the cable
can withstand a maximum tension of 4.0 kN, what
Problem is the maximum value for the angle φ?
58. What condition on the coefficient of friction in the Solution
preceding problem will cause the block to slide The situation is like that in Problem 41, but with
before it tips? different angles. In equilibrium, the net torque about
the pivot point is zero, so M g 2ℓ sin 40◦ =
Solution T ℓ sin(40◦ − φ). (The exterior angle of a triangle
If µs < tan α = 0.5, the block in the previous problem equals the sum of the two alternate interior angles.)
will slide before tipping. The condition T < Tmax means that sin(40◦ − φ) ≥
(M g/2 Tmax) sin 40◦ = 0.276, for the data given, so
Problem φ ≤ 40◦ − sin−1 (0.276) = 24.0◦ is required.
59. A uniform solid cone of height h and base
diameter 13 h is placed on the board of Fig. 14-55.
The coefficient of static friction between the cone
and incline is 0.63. As the slope of the board is
increased, will the cone first tip over or begin
sliding? Hint: Begin with an integration to find
the center of mass.

The analysis for Problem 57 applies to the cone, where
α is the angle between the symmetry axis and a line
from the CM to the edge of the base. The integration
to find the CM is fastest when the cone is oriented like
the aircraft wing in Example 10-3, for then, the figure 14-56 Problem 60 Solution.
equation of the sloping side is simple, as shown in the
sketch. For mass elements, take thin disks parallel to
the base, so dm = ρπy 2 dx = (3M/h3 )x2 dx, where
ρ = M/ 13 πR2 h is the density (assumed constant) and Problem
M is the mass of the cone. Then xcm = M −1 ∫ x dm = 61. An interstellar spacecraft from an advanced
(3/h3 ) ∫0h x3 dx = 34 h, or the CM is 14 h above the base. civilization is hovering above Earth, as shown in
226 CHAPTER 14

Fig. 14-57. The ship consists of two pods of mass

m separated by a rigid shaft of negligible mass
that is one Earth radius (RE ) long. Find (a) the
magnitude and direction of the net gravitational
force on the ship and (b) the net torque about the
center of mass. (c) Show that the ship’s center of
gravity is displaced approximately 0.083RE from
its center of mass.
(a) The force on each pod (pod #1 over the North
pole) can be calculated from the law of universal
gravitation, Equation 9-1 (vectors in the x-y
Earth-centered frame shown on Fig. 14-57):
GME m GME m 1 2
F1 = (−̂), F2 = √ − √ ı̂ − √ ̂ .
(2RE )2 ( 5RE )2 5 5
When we replace GME by gRE , the net force becomes:
ı̂ 1 2
F1 + F2 = −mg √ + + √ ̂
5 5 4 5 5
= −mg(0.894ı̂ + 4.29̂) × 10−1 .
This has magnitude (4.38×10−1 )mg and is directed
11.8◦ clockwise from the negative y axis. (b) The
positions of the pods, relative to their CM midway
between them, are r′1 = − 12 RE ı̂ and r′2 = 12 RE ı̂.
Therefore, the net torque about the CM is:
r′1 × F1 + r′2 × F2
1 mg  1 mg
= − RE ı̂ × − ̂ + RE ı̂ × √ (−ı̂ − 2̂)
2 4 2 5 5
mgRE mgRE
= k̂ − √ k̂
8 5 5
= (3.56 × 10−2 )mgRE k̂ (out of page).
(c) The CG is positioned between the pods such that
the net gravitational torque about it is zero. If the
positions of the pods relative to the CG are −α1 RE ı̂
and α2 RE ı̂, respectively, where α1 + α2 = 1, then
 mg  mg
O = (−α1 RE ı̂) × − ̂ + (α2 RE ı̂) × √ (−ı̂ − 2̂)
4 5 5
α1 2α2
= mgRE − √ k̂.
4 5 5
√ for α1 (or α2 ), we
√find α1 = 1 − α2 = 1 −
5 5α1 /8, or α1 = (1 + 5 5/8)−1 = 0.417 (and α2 =
0.583). Thus, the CG is (0.5 − α1 )RE = 0.0829RE
closer to pod #1 than the CM.
lfson0 20261 4A rt : 14 −figure
57.eps 14-57 Problem 61 Solution.


CHAPTER 14 227

chapters in earlier parts, or they present special Fig. 1. Where does the apple hit the ground?
challenges. Neglect the effect of air resistance on either object
as well as any friction between apple and post.
1. A 170-g apple sits atop a 2.8-m-high post. A 45-g Solution
arrow moving horizontally at 130 m/s passes We can assume that momentum is conserved during
horizontally through the apple and strikes the the inelastic collision (in a brief interval at t = 0)
ground 36 m from the base of the post, as shown in between the arrow (m1 ) and the apple (m2 ). The
228 CHAPTER 14

v = 130 m/s

2.8 m

figure 2 Cumulative Problem 2.

figure 1 Cumulative Problem 1.

external force of gravity.

velocities of the arrow before and after are specified to In the text’s derivation, we now set ∆P = Fgrav ∆t
be horizontal (in the x direction), therefore the (instead of ∆P = 0), so M (v + ∆v) + ∆m(v − vex ) −
velocity of the apple (which was at rest before) is also (M + ∆m)v = M ∆v − vex ∆m = Fgrav ∆t, and
horizontal after the collision. Thus, m1 v1i,x = Equation 10-10a becomes M (∆v/∆t) = −vex (∆M ÷
m1 v1f,x + m2 v2f,x . Since both are moving horizontally ∆t) + Fgrav . This is a one-dimensional equation with
after the collision, the arrow and the apple will each positive components in the direction of the thrust,
fall to the ground through the same vertical distance y which is up the slope in this problem. The
p to the height of the post), in the same time gravitational force is opposite to the thrust, and in the
t = 2y/g. However, they strike the ground at limit ∆m → 0, is just the downslope component of the
different horizontal positions, which (in the absence of fire truck’s weight, or −M g sin θ. Therefore, the
air resistance) are x1 = v1f,x t and x2 = v2f,x t, relative equation of motion of the fire truck (which replaces
to the base of the post. Since x1 = 36 m, y = 2.8 m, Equation 10-10b) is M (dv/dt) = −vex (dM/dt) −
and v1i,x = 130 m/s are given, v1f,x and v2f,x can be M g sin θ.
eliminated and a solution for x2 obtained: px2 = This equation can be integrated (after
(m1 /m2 )(v1i,x − v1f,x )t =q(m1 /m2 )(v1i,x 2y/g − multiplication by dt/M ) to find the speed vf as a
2 function of time tf ,
x1 ) = (45/170)[(130 m/s) 2(2.8 m)/(9.8 m/s ) −
Z vf Z Mf Z tf
36 m] = 16.5 m. (Alternatively, since external dM
horizontal forces are neglected, the center of mass of vf − vi = dv = −vex − g sin θ dt
vi Mi M ti
the arrow/apple system moves horizontally at constant 

speed until it reaches ground level, vcm,x = constant = = vex ln − g sin θ(tf − ti )
m1 v1i,x /(m1 + m2 ) (its value before the collision).
Then at ground level, m2 x2 = (m1 + m2 )xcm − m1 x1 = (this replaces Equation 10-11). For this fire truck,
(m1 + m2 )vcm,x t − m1 x1 = m1 (v1i,x t − x1 ), as before.) Mi = 21×103 kg and vi = 0, at ti = 0, and Mf ≥
Refer to relevant material in Chapters 4, 10, and 11 if (21 − 15)×103 kg = 6×103 kg, which is the truck’s
necessary. mass without any water. Since vex is constant, so is
the mass rate of flow of water (see Equation 18-4b),
Problem thus dM/dt = −ρw vex πR2 = −(103 kg/m )×
2. A fire department’s tanker truck has a total mass of (50 m/s)π(3 cm)2 = −45π kg/s, where R = 3 cm is
21×103 kg, including 15×103 kg of water. Its the radius of the nozzle, and ρw the density of water.
brakes fail at the top of a long 3◦ slope and it Then the mass of the fire truck (at any time until the
begins to roll downward, starting from rest. In an water runs out) is Mf = Mi − (45π kg/s)tf . At the
attempt to stop the truck, firefighters direct a start, the thrust, vex |dM/dt| = (50 m/s)×
stream of water parallel to the slope, as shown in (45π kg/s) = 7.07 kN, is less than the magnitude of
Fig. 2, beginning as soon as the truck starts to roll. the downslope component of the weight,
The water leaves the 6.0-cm-diameter hose nozzle Mi g sin θ = (21×103 kg)(9.8 m/s ) sin 3◦ = 10.8 kN,
at 50 m/s. Will the truck stop before it runs out of so the truck begins to roll downslope. When the water
water? If so, when? If not, what is the minimum runs out, at tf = (15×103 kg)/(45π kg/s) = 106 s,
speed reached? vf = vex ln(21/6) − g sin θ(106 s) = 8.22 m/s, which is
positive, upslope. Therefore, the firefighters succeed in
Solution stopping the truck (only instantaneously, unless they
also stop the water and block the wheels) when vf =
The fire truck operates like a rocket, with the stream
0 = vex ln[Mi /(Mi − ρw vex πR2 t)] − (g sin θ)t, or, with
of water acting as expelled fuel. The rocket equation
the above numbers, ln[1 − (6.732×10−3 s−1 )t] =
(Equation 10-10a) can be modified, as follows, to
−(1.026×10−2 s−1 )t. A numerical solution for t,
include the additional change in momentum due to the
CHAPTER 14 229

obtained with three iterations of Newton’s method or motion of the cylinder is τP = (m2 g sin θ − T )R =
widely available PC software, yields t = 88.8 s. IP α = ( 32 m2 R2 )(a|| /R), or m2 g sin θ − T = 32 m2 a||
(see the parallel-axis theorem in Chapter 12 for IP ). If
Problem T is eliminated by adding the two equations of motion,
3. A block of mass m1 is attached to the axle of a one finds a|| = 2g[(m1 + m2 ) sin θ − µm1 cos θ]÷
uniform solid cylinder of mass m2 and radius R by (2m1 + 3m2 ).
massless strings. The two accelerate down a slope
that makes an angle θ with the horizontal, as shown Problem
in Fig. 3. The cylinder rolls without slipping and 4. A missile is launched from point A in Fig. 4,
the block slides with coefficient of kinetic friction µ heading for target C. The launch angle is 45.0, and
between block and slope. The strings are attached the launch speed is 1.90 km/s. An antimissile
to the cylinder’s axle with frictionless loops so that defense system is located at point B, 310 km
the cylinder can roll freely without any torque from downrange from the launch site. It fires an
the string. Find an expression for the acceleration interceptor rocket at a 65.0◦ launch angle, with the
of the pair, assuming that the string remains taut. intention of hitting the attacking missile when the
latter is 270 km downrange of its launch site.
(a) What should be the interceptor’s launch speed?
(b) How long after the launch of the attacking
missile should the interceptor be launched? (c) At
θ what altitude does the interception take place?
figure 3 Cumulative Problem 3.

270 km C
310 km

figure 4 Cumulative Problem 4.

It is simplest to answer each part of this question
Cumulative Problem 3 Solution. using a different coordinate system, so that equations
in the text can be used without modification. We are
given enough information to specify the location of the
point of interception; it is 270 km from point A, the
Solution missile launch site, and 310 − 270 = 40 km from point
One must consider the forces on the block and the B, the interceptor rocket launch site.
cylinder, exerted by gravity, the inclined surface, and (c) The trajectory of the missile (Equation 4-9
the strings, as sketched (since the strings are assumed with origin at point A in Fig. 4) gives the altitude of
massless and other forces are neglected). If the strings the point of interception when x = 270 m and other
remain taut, then the downslope acceleration, a|| , of data for the missile launch are substituted:
the block and the cylinder’s center of mass are the 2
(0.0098 km/s )(270 km)2
same. If the string tension is parallel to the slope, the y = (270 km) tan 45◦ −
2(1.90 km/s)2 cos2 45◦
normal force on the block is N1 = m1 g cos θ, and the
= 72.1 km
parallel component of its equation of motion is
Fnet,|| = m1 g sin θ + T − µm1 g cos θ = m1 a|| . When The time of flight of the missile to the point of
rolling without slipping, the point of contact, P, of the interception is t = x/v0x = (270 km)÷
cylinder with the slope, is instantaneously at rest, so (190 cos 45◦ km/s) = 201 s.
the acceleration of its center of mass is a|| = αR (this (a) With altitude from part (c) above and the
follows from v = ωR and ω = ωc = ωcm ; see other initial data for the interceptor rocket, its
Section 12-5). Since only the string tension and trajectory equation (Equation 4-9 with origin at point
gravity exert torques about point P, the equation of B and x axis leftward in Fig. 4) can be solved for the
230 CHAPTER 14

launch speed, as in Example 4-4. (The point of ball’s rotation and accelerates its center of mass. The
interception has coordinates x = 40 km and equation for the latter is f = µmg = macm , or acm =
y = 72.1 km relative to point B.) Thus, µg (positive to the right in the sketch and Fig. 5).
" #1/2  The equation for the former is τ = −f R = −µmgR =
(0.0098 km/s ) 40 km Iα = (2mR2 /5)α, where α = −5µg/2R is the angular
v0 =
2(40 tan 65◦ − 72.1) km cos 65◦ acceleration about the horizontal axis through the
center of the ball (positive clockwise in the sketch and
= 1.79 km/s.
Fig. 5). The accelerations are constant, so the
(b) The time of flight for the interceptor rocket is velocities are given by Equations 2-17 and 12-9 as
t = x/v0x = (40 km)/(1.79 cos 65◦ km/s) = 52.8 s. vcm = acm t = µgt and ω = ω0 + αt = ω0 − 5µgt/2R,
Therefore, it should be launched 201 − 52.8 = 148 s where the ball is released at t = 0 and the initial
after the missile. velocities, v0 = 0 and ω0 , are given. The accelerated
motion continues until the point of contact is
Problem instantaneously at rest (no more sliding friction). The
5. A solid ball of radius R is set spinning with angular ball rolls without slipping thereafter, at a constant
speed ω about a horizontal axis. The ball is then velocity given by vcm = ωR. This occurs at a time t,
lowered vertically with negligible speed until it just when (ω0 − 5µgt/2R)R = µgt, or t = 2ω0 R/7µg. Thus,
touches a horizontal surface and is released (Fig. 5). the final velocity is vcm = µgt = 2ω0 R/7. (b) The
If the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ball distance traveled during this time is ∆x = 12 acm t2 =
1 2 2 2 2
and the surface is µ, find (a) the linear speed of the 2 (µg)(2ω0 R/7µg) = 2ω0 R /49µg (or ∆x = vcm /2acm
ball once it achieves pure rolling motion and (b) the with the same result).
distance it travels before its motion is pure rolling.


figure 5 Cumulative Problem 5.

(a) While there is relative motion at the point of
contact between the ball and the horizontal surface,
the force of sliding friction (f = µN = µmg) slows the

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