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Building Strong Families
Copyright © 2002 by Dennis Rainey
Published by Crossway Books
A division of Good News Publishers
1300 Crescent Street
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
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retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
publisher, except as provided by USA copyright law.
Crossway’s publication of Building Strong Families is in cooperation with
FamilyLife and the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
Cover design: David LaPlaca
Cover photo: PhotoDisc
First printing 2002
Printed in the United States of America
Scripture references marked NIV are from the Holy Bible: New International
Version.® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by
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The “NIV” and “New International Version” trademarks are registered in the
United States Patent and Trademark Office by International Bible Society.
Use of either trademark requires the permission of International Bible Society.
Scripture references marked RSV are from the Revised Standard Version.
Copyright © 1946, 1952, 1971, 1973 by the Division of Christian Education of
the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Scripture references marked NASB are from the New American Standard Bible®
Copyright © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973,
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Scripture quotations marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard
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Scripture references marked KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Building strong families / Dennis Rainey, editor.
p. cm. — (Foundations for the family series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58134-382-5 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. Family—Religious aspects—Christianity—Congresses. 2. Family—
Religious life—Congresses. I. Rainey, Dennis, 1948– . II. Series.
BT707.7 .B85 2002
248.8'45—dc21 2002000169
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

The Contributors 7
Introduction 11

1 Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 15
Dennis Rainey
2 The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood 29
Controversy Wayne Grudem


3 The Surpassing Goal: Marriage Lived for the Glory of God 91
John Piper
4 The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King Bob Lepine 101
5 A Song of Joy: Sexual Intimacy in Marriage 115
C. J. Mahaney


6 How to Raise Masculine Sons Stu Weber 135
7 How to Raise Feminine Daughters Susan Hunt 147
8 The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach 161
Harold D. Davis
9 Mentoring Strategies for Turning Boys into Men 173
Harold D. Davis
10 Older Women Mentoring Younger Women: Titus 2 181
in the Church Today Susan Hunt
11 Teaching Manhood to Men Robert Lewis 193


12 Leading Through the Fog Steve Farrar 209
13 Renewal in the Home Crawford W. Loritts, Jr. 217
Appendix: The Danvers Statement 227
General Index 231
Scripture Index 235

Harold D. Davis is founder and Executive director of TALKS

Mentoring of Champaign (Illinois), Inc. He is an ordained minister
and is recognized as an Associate Minister at Canaan Missionary
Baptist Church of Urbana, Illinois, where he sereved for twelve years
as Assistant Pastor and Pastor of Youth Activities. Davis holds the
Master of Ministry and Doctor of Ministry degrees with honors
from Bethany Theological Seminary. He has authored several books,
including Never Alone (Dating from the Biblical Perspective) and the
TALKS Mentoring curriculum series. He has shared the ministry of
TALKS Mentoring on “Focus on the Family,” “Money Matters,” and
“FamilyLife Today.” Davis has served on several boards of directors,
including Youth for Christ and Boy Scouts of America. He is a fre-
quent speaker for campus InterVarsity meetings and conducts retreats
and seminars for men, youth, and singles, and along with his wife,
Ollie Watts Davis, for married couples. The Davises have four chil-
dren and reside in Champaign.
Steve Farrar is founder and Chairman of Men’s Leadership
Ministries. He is a graduate of California State University, Fullerton,
holds a Master’s degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon,
and has an earned doctorate from Dallas Theological Seminary. Farrar
is the author of Point Man: How a Man Can Lead His Family; Standing
Tall; Finishing Strong; and Anchor Man. His latest book is Gettin’ There:
How a Man Finds His Way on the Trail of Life. Farrar is a frequent speaker
for Men’s Leadership Ministries’ conferences, Promise Keepers, and
other events throughout the nation. Steve’s wife, Mary, is completing

her Master’s degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. The Farrars have

three children and reside in Dallas.
Wayne Grudem is Research Professor of Bible and Theology at
Phoenix Seminary in Scottsdale, Arizona. Prior to Phoenix Seminary,
he taught for twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School,
Deerfield, Illinois, where he was chairman of the Department of
Biblical and Systematic Theology. He received a B.A. from Harvard
University, an M.Div. from Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, and
a Ph.D. (in New Testament) from the University of Cambridge,
England. He has published eight books, including Systematic Theology:
An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine and Recovering Biblical Manhood and
Womanhood (coedited with John Piper). He is a cofounder and past
president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, a
past president of the Evangelical Theological Society, and a member
of the Translation Oversight Committee for the English Standard
Version of the Bible. He and his wife Margaret have been married
since 1969 and have three adult sons.
Susan Hunt is the Women in the Church Consultant for the
Christian Education and Publications Committee of the Presbyterian
Church in America. She received her Bachelor of Christian Education
from Columbia Theological Seminary. She has authored several
books including The True Woman; Heirs of the Covenant; By Design: God’s
Distinctive Calling for Women; Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Mandate for
Women Mentoring Women; Your Home—A Place of Grace; and two chil-
dren’s books, including My ABC Bible Verses. She and her husband,
Gene, a pastor, live in Marietta, Georgia. They have three adult chil-
dren and nine grandchildren.
Bob Lepine is cohost of the nationally syndicated radio program,
“FamilyLife Today.” He speaks internationally on subjects related to
marriage and family. He and his wife, Mary Ann, were married in
1979 and have five children. They live in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Robert Lewis is Teaching Pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in
Little Rock, Arkansas. He has a Master of Divinity degree and a
Master’s degree in New Testament from Western Seminary in
Portland, Oregon. He also earned a Doctorate of Ministry degree at
Contributors 9

Talbot Seminary. He is the author of Rocking the Roles (with Bill

Hendricks); Real Family Values; Managing Pressures in Your Marriage
(with Dennis Rainey); One to One; Raising a Modern Day Knight; and
most recently, The Church of Irresistible Influence. Lewis is a member of
the governing council of the Council of Biblical Manhood and
Womanhood and serves on the board of Leadership Network. He has
also served on the speaker team for FamilyLife for eleven years. In
2001, he was chosen for the Hall of Honor by the National Coalition
of Men’s Ministries and was named “Pastor of the Year” by that orga-
nization. He and his wife, Sherard, have four children.
Crawford W. Loritts, Jr., is an associate director for Campus
Crusade for Christ, USA. He has a Doctor of Sacred Theology degree
from Philadelphia Biblical University, a Doctor of Divinity degree
from Biola University, and a Doctor of Letters degree from Trinity
International University. He is the author of four books: A Passionate
Commitment; Never Walk Away; Make It Home Before Dark; and Lessons
from a Life Coach. Loritts speaks for Promise Keeper events and other
conferences and is the host of a daily radio program, “Living a Legacy.”
He and his wife, Karen, have been married for more than thirty years
and have four adult children and one grandson. They make their
home in the Atlanta area.
C. J. Mahaney is Senior Pastor of Covenant Life Church in the
northern suburbs of Washington, D.C. He also leads PDI Ministries,
which is involved in planting and supporting local churches in the
United States, Mexico, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Mahaney
serves on the board of the Christian Counseling and Educational
Foundation (CCEF) and on the advisory council of the Council on
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). Mahaney and his wife,
Carolyn, have three daughters, one son, and one grandson. The
Mahaneys live in Gaithersburg, Maryland.
John Piper has been Senior Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church
in Minneapolis since 1980. Prior to that he taught Biblical Studies at
Bethel College in St. Paul for six years. Piper holds degrees from
Wheaton College (B.A.), Fuller Seminary (B.D.), and the University
of Munich (D.Theol.). He has published many books, including

Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist; The Pleasures of God;

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (coeditor); A Hunger for
God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer; The Innkeeper; and Seeing
and Savoring Jesus Christ. Piper and his wife, Noël, live in Minneapolis
and have four sons, a daughter, and two grandchildren.
Dennis Rainey is cofounder and Executive Director of
FamilyLife and has published many books, including Moments Together
for Couples; Starting Your Marriage Right; One Home at a Time; Parenting
Today’s Adolescent; Preparing for Marriage; The New Building Your Mate’s
Self Esteem; The Tribute and the Promise; Ministering to Twenty-First
Century Families; and We Still Do. He is Senior Editor of the popular
HomeBuilders couples series. A graduate of Dallas Theological
Seminary, Rainey is the cohost of the award-winning nationally syn-
dicated “FamilyLife Today” radio program. He and his wife, Barbara,
are the parents of six children and have two grandchildren. They live
near Little Rock, Arkansas.
Stu Weber is pastor of Good Shepherd Community Church
near Gresham, Oregon. He is the father of three sons and an interna-
tional speaker and author of the popular Tender Warrior; Four Pillars of
a Man’s Heart; All the King’s Men; Along the Road to Manhood; and Spirit
Warriors. A former Green Beret, Weber was awarded three Bronze
Stars in Vietnam and today enjoys an active ministry to the U.S. mil-
itary community.
Dennis Rainey

In March 2000, with jet aircraft rumbling above a DFW airport hotel,
a strategic conference on the family created some noise of its own con-
cerning the current condition and future of the Christian family.
At a historic meeting of church leaders assembled from across the
United States, the “Building Strong Families in Your Church” con-
ference aired and discussed virtually every key topic related to the fam-
ily in the new millennium.
Cosponsored by FamilyLife and the Council on Biblical
Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW), an impressive roster of speak-
ers and seminar leaders probed topics as diverse as “How Submission
Works in Practice,” “Raising Modern-Day Knights and Ladies-in-
Waiting,” “Sexual Perversion,” “Church Discipline,” Putting the
Internet to Work for the Family,” and “Father Hunger Among a Lost
The result was a stimulating brew of the best of current thinking
and practice related to family ministry in the church today. I am grate-
ful that Crossway Books had the vision to help us capture many of
these thoughtful presentations in written form.
A collection of four books entitled the Foundations for the
Family Series ultimately will be released by Crossway. I am honored
to join Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Wayne Grudem as editors of these

In this book crucial topics like the following are tackled with
insight and spirit: how to raise masculine sons and feminine daugh-
ters; what local church family ministry should try to accomplish in the
new millennium; mentoring of boys and young women; a vision for
clear-eyed leadership; renewal of the home; the true roles of husbands
and wives; sexual intimacy.
In addition to offering thanks to Nancy DeMoss and Wayne
Grudem for their role in the conference as well as in this series, I
would like to acknowledge my appreciation and gratitude for the work
of my buddy and fellow warrior of words, Bruce Nygren, on this pro-
ject. You’re a good friend. A special thanks goes to Janet Logan, John
Majors, Cherry Tolleson, Randy Likens, and Clark Hollingsworth for
holding down the fort while I speak and write. You all are terrific.
As John Piper describes so eloquently later in this book, the sur-
passing goal for all we do is the “glory of God.” I trust that the mate-
rial presented herein, with God’s assistance, will meaningfully
accomplish that objective in your life and ministry.



Dennis Rainey

No church, community, or nation will rise higher than the spiritual

condition of its families.
Today our nation suffers from a sickness of the soul because our
families are weak. Weak in their knowledge of God. Weak in their con-
victions about God. Weak in their experience of God. Weak in their
understanding of how to love one another.
This is not how God intended it. The family is God’s smallest
unit in the battle for the soul of any nation. He designed the family as
the birthplace and residence of Christianity. It is the place where the
knowledge, fear, and love of the Lord are taught by parents and
learned by children. The family is where character is planted and
grown. It is the place where civility and respect for others are nurtured
and cultivated.
If the soul of America is to be restored, it will be done one home,
one family at a time, and in the church we assist that by proclaiming
God’s truth for the family. We need a “family reformation.” Just as the
Protestant Reformation restored vibrant faith to the soul, so a family
reformation can restore spiritual vitality in our homes, communities,
and nation.

With the prophet Jeremiah we cry out for America, “O land, land,
land, hear the word of the LORD!” (Jer. 22:29, NASB).


The local church plays a vital role in reforming the family, but before
I present several mandates concerning the family for the church in the
new millennium, I need to explain three critical assumptions that
must be understood and embraced before we take action.
First, if we want to reform the family we need standards. If there is no
measuring mechanism, no “spiritual yardstick,” how will we evaluate
The problem we face today was described perfectly many cen-
turies ago by Jeremiah: “An appalling and horrible thing has hap-
pened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule
on their own authority; and My people love it so! But what will you
do at the end of it?” (Jer. 5:30-31, NASB). We live in a day of hyper-
individualism, where rules are made to be broken—if they are made
at all. The Bible is a book of grace but not of a lawless grace that says,
“I’ll do it my way, thank you.” Augustine said, “When regard for the
truth has broken down, all things become doubtful.” We live in such
a time.
When Scripture is not taught faithfully but is replaced by
ungodly opinions and twisted interpretations, the end will be devas-
tating. A picture of this appears in Isaiah 59, where truth is described
as having “stumbled in the street” (v. 14, NASB). As a result moral
decay overwhelmed God’s people. Without the strength and stability
of truth, those who did try to do right actually became evil’s prey (v.
15). If we do not humble ourselves and live and breathe God’s truth
and righteousness, evil stands at the door, eager to devour us and our
This issue of convictions is so important because the enemy of
our soul doesn’t want parents to take a stand on anything. For exam-
ple, consider the negative cultural values presented to our children
through movies, advertising, fashion, television shows, books, the
Internet, and dating customs. Parents who have convictions are rare.
Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 17

Confusion reigns. As a result, boundaries for today’s youth are unclear

or nonexistent.
A family reformation will occur at the intersection where daily
issues of life like these collide with God’s unchanging truth. And
where do most such “collisions” occur? They occur at home, in every mar-
riage and family. That’s where convictions must be clear.
Second, a family reformation will require courage. God said to Joshua
(not once but three times) as he assumed leadership of the Israelites,
“Be strong and courageous” (Josh. 1:6, 9, 18).
Our lack of courage today is partially a result of our having few
convictions. Chuck Colson has said, “Courage does not follow rutted
pathways.” If we want to win a popularity contest in our families,
churches, and ministries, we need only to follow the crowd down the
road most traveled—the avenue of compromise. But if we want to
proclaim the truth of God’s Book, we will have to take the narrow
path, where traffic is light.
Sometimes the courage required is not so much that of pro-
claiming God’s Word in public but of living it out at home. It might
be as basic as a husband seeking to pray regularly with his wife. A pas-
tor I know once stood before a group of men and said, “I have been
listening to the call to pray with my wife for ten years and haven’t done
it. But I am stepping forward today and doing the courageous thing.
I will pray with my wife every day.”
Or courage may be required of parents when their teenager says,
“Mom, Dad, how far should I go with the opposite sex before I get
married?” It seems that in the Christian community we don’t know
where to draw the line for our sons and daughters when it comes to
premarital sex. We know we are against fornication and adultery, but
our true convictions on activities that precede sexual intercourse are
fuzzy. As a result, what happens to young people? They start down the
slick slope of premarital intimacy and, without boundaries regarding
sex, often slide over the edge. If clear, biblically based standards and
boundaries concerning the opposite sex are absent, the world’s stan-
dards will take their place. That’s exactly what is happening to

Christian young people; they are accepting what the world preaches
about marriage and family.
Barbara and I are doing our best to raise our children and keep
them unstained by evil. In the area of relationships with the opposite
sex, we have built a fence of behavior standards, not at the bottom of
the slippery slope just before the cliff ’s edge, but far inland. For exam-
ple, we have challenged our children to save their first kiss for their
spouse at the wedding altar. Have all of them done that? No. But we
will never know what personal devastation we have prevented by hav-
ing the courage to hold up this high standard. (I know you may not
agree with our challenge to our sons and daughters, and I have no
problem with that. But I do want to ask you, what are your standards
and boundaries? Where will you draw the line with your children con-
cerning physical involvement with the opposite sex?)
Third, a family reformation will require innovative strategies and new tac-
tics by local churches. If we are going to see positive, enduring change in
families, we will have to abandon some old practices and embrace
some new ones. Our God is creative and dynamic. He gives us the
freedom to slay sacred cows. We can retire programs that are obsolete.
Times have changed. The culture has spent and squandered moral and
spiritual capital inherited from our forefathers. We must reinvest and
rebuild. It’s time to create new church infrastructures of ministry to
the family. To do that, I propose four mandates for family ministry in
the new millennium.


Before I launch these ideas I want to express my admiration for the

men and women who lead various ministries of the local church. I
have been an elder and have many close friends who are pastors. I have
helped shoulder their weight on many occasions and know this role
is one of the more difficult assignments in all of life. I offer these man-
dates in the spirit of a servant, someone who eagerly desires a more
spiritually healthy environment for ministry to families. My goal is
not to add more weight to a load of responsibility that is already heavy.
I sincerely think that these challenges to change local church ministry
Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 19

to the family will drastically improve effectiveness and bring needed

spiritual renewal.

Mandate One: A Family Reformation Must Start in Your Home and Mine
In our ministry at FamilyLife we often spend time interviewing pas-
tors. As we have probed to learn their most compelling needs related
to family ministry, one issue has risen above all others: “My marriage
and family.”
I now am convinced that the number one reason many pastors do
not preach more on the marriage covenant, come down hard on
divorce, encourage prayer with spouse or children, or advocate fam-
ily altars and devotions is that they see their own wives in the second
pew and they know that such things are not happening in their own
homes. So the topics are avoided, or are touched on only lightly. And
the other families in the church then suffer and continue their slow
Psalm 101 presents some guidelines for those of us who want to
be effective leaders in ministry: “I will walk within my house in the
integrity of my heart” (v. 2). Later the same Psalm advises, “He who
walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister to me” (v. 6). In
other words, if we want change in the families of those we lead, we
have to lead and shepherd our own families. We will never do this per-
fectly, of course, but we must seek to walk in integrity at home. And if
we make mistakes, we need to be quick to repent and ask forgiveness.
Is there anything you need to repent of on the home front?
Selfishness? Passivity? Arrogance? Anger? Disrespect for the needs of
your spouse? Ignoring your children? Anger at a child who is difficult
to love? Are you attracted to someone other than your spouse? Are
you playing with matches that could spark an emotional affair? If I
experience temptation in this area, I tell Barbara, “I just need you to
know what I’m thinking and what I’ve been tempted with.”
Perhaps you are involved in an inappropriate dialogue on an
Internet chat room or are being enticed by pornography. No matter
what the sin, it is compromising your integrity at home. Repent, and
get rid of it.

Advancing a family reformation may mean tackling any number

of issues, such as resolving a lingering conflict with your spouse, or
starting to read the Scriptures and pray with your children each night
at bedtime. For a number of years I led Bible studies with business-
men, but I gave that up for a decade because I could not go on lead-
ing a Bible study with businessmen if I wasn’t doing one with my own
children before they left for school. Ask God to show you where the
reformation needs to begin at your house.

Mandate Two: The Church Must Become a Marriage and Family

Equipping Center
Equipping husbands and wives in marriage, as well as training parents
to lead their children spiritually, are not “just another part” of local
church ministry; they represent the greatest opportunity for the local
church to spread the gospel, build spiritual maturity, and advance the
Kingdom of God in this generation! The needs in the family dwarf all
other personal felt needs in Western civilization. In America, as peo-
ple wake up and begin their day, what other issue causes them as much
anxiety and pain? What issue could compare in intensity and scope to
needs related to marriage and family?
Some of the evidence to support this would be humorous if it
were not so poignant. A case in point is a New York Times story which
reported on a course led by a psychotherapist to train businesswomen
how to find a man and get married. It’s called “Marriage Works” and
is referred to as a “finishing school for feminists.” The six-month
course includes 276 hours of instruction and costs $9,600! I wonder
what Ms. magazine thinks of this. The women taking this course evi-
dently have found that personal fulfillment through career, a high
income, and the like are not the whole answer. They are willing to pay
big dollars to learn how to make a relationship work.1
Widespread desires like these represent a huge opportunity for
local churches. We have a generation coming of age that is screaming,
“How do you do marriage and family?” They’re coming from broken
homes. Their parents’ marriages didn’t work. They are skeptical and
afraid. And guess who could provide the answers? The local church!
Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 21

Our God created the family. Ministry to families is not a strategy, a

goal, or a program; ministry to families must permeate all the church
does, because faith formation begins at home (Deut. 6:1-9). If we
ignore this reality, the church’s job is made much more difficult.
Meanwhile, where do we in the church stand on family issues?
For the most part, we’re playing defense. This is understandable,
because we are overwhelmingly a culture influenced by divorce. My
pastor, Robert Lewis, said once about our church’s staff, which at the
time numbered more than sixty-five, “The time our church staff
spends either preventing divorce, helping people go through divorce,
or helping people recover from a divorce, now encompasses more of
our time than all other issues combined.”
Now if I were the devil, I would want to get all the church staffs
in America totally on the defensive, spending hours each week untan-
gling relational mayhem. What would happen if we could reduce that
commitment of staff resources in half? Just think what we could
accomplish for the advancement of the gospel with all of that fresh
So how might we bring changes here?
First, we need to become intentional about equipping marriages
and families to be distinctively Christian. Ephesians 4:11 says that
Christ gave pastors and teachers “for the equipping of the saints for
the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ” (Eph.
4:12, NASB). But where does the work of service start? Sunday school?
The sermon? Wednesday night prayer meeting? No, it begins at
home. We need to dust off a little saying from the fifties: “The family
that prays together stays together.” The culture is ripe for the church
to step forward with spiritual initiatives that bring hope to families.
Second, we need to know the needs of our church families. You
may be thinking, Yeah, I counsel a lot. I know the needs of our people. I’m
sure that is true as far as it goes. But modern methods and technology
allow even more sophisticated measurements of what people are
thinking and what they need. For example, FamilyLife offers churches
a resource called the Family Needs Survey.2 We call it a “CT scan for
a congregation.” More than 27,000 church members nationwide have

completed the research, and the aggregate findings are interesting: Of

the top ten most-often-mentioned topics which respondents said
they “currently need help with in their life,” half of the issues related
to marriage and parenting. These include “good communication,”
“children’s spiritual growth,” “spouse’s needs/expectations,” “building
a strong marriage,” and “Christian values in the home.” Of those who
are parents, 66 percent agreed with the statement, “I don’t have much
confidence in my parenting skills.”
Now add in the present-day uncertainties and fears related to ter-
rorist acts and we have a giant spiritual vacuum that needs to be filled
in marriages and families across our nation. People have never been
as spiritually receptive as they are today. They want answers that help
them where they live at home with their spouse and families.
Do you sense the opportunity? People are hungry for what God
says about the family issues they are facing. Let’s find some fresh new
ways to feed them a tasty meal.

Mandate Three: The Church Must Become the Guardian of

the Marriage Covenant
Because marriage is a covenant among a man, a woman, and almighty
God for a lifetime, no wonder God said that He hates divorce (Mal.
2:16). One reason God despises marital demise so much is that He
desires godly offspring (Mal. 2:15). We are well aware of the personal,
lifelong devastation experienced by many children of divorce.
Novelist Pat Conroy has profoundly written that each divorce is the
death of a small civilization. God hates this. It is not the model He
Sometimes when I speak, I take a poll of the audience. I have
found that only about one out of every three hundred in a Christian
audience have ever seen a marriage covenant—not a marriage license,
but a signed and witnessed covenant. By contrast, about one of four
have seen a prenuptial agreement. What’s wrong with that picture?
In our society we have “dumbed-down” the marriage promise so
that in perceived seriousness it’s about one notch above a car loan. In
fact, I think in most states you probably can get out of marriage easier
Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 23

than you can ditch a car loan! It’s time for the church to step forward
and become the guardian, protector, and enforcer of the marriage
covenant. It is time for the Christian community to say no to easy
divorce and yes to a marriage covenant that lasts a lifetime. This is not
time for religious business as usual. It is time for radical action.
How’s this for an example of radical action taken by one pastor:
He will not marry a couple if the bride-to-be intends to work outside
the home after the wedding. This pastor says that he is “challenged
most on this point before marriage. . . . but thanked most for it after-
wards. The evidence is overwhelming in support of this position.”3
This requirement may seem “way out there,” but this is not happen-
ing at some small church isolated from real life. This pastor is the for-
mer president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Tom Elliff, and his
church near Oklahoma City has a membership of many thousands.
Yes, Tom’s approach is extreme compared to the positions of most
churches these days. But do not disastrous circumstances call for
seemingly radical solutions? People take shots at Tom for his stand,
but are their methods producing better results?
Divorce is sweeping through the church in epidemic proportions
today. Could it be that we need some radical treatment to reverse the
trends? How will you address permanence in marriage in your
Upholding the marriage covenant begins with the care and nur-
ture of your own covenant. Also, as your children grow up and marry,
etch on their souls the sacredness of their marriage vows and
covenant. Barbara and I did this when our daughter Ashley was
engaged to Michael. We had their vows inscribed on fine paper by a
calligrapher. Then during their wedding ceremony, the bride and
bridegroom signed the document. To indicate our support of their
marriage, Barbara and I signed the covenant too, as did many other
family members and guests. The covenant was framed and now hangs
in a prominent position in their home. Since then, two of our sons
have married and both included such a marriage covenant document
as a part of their wedding ceremony. I can’t tell you how much mean-
ing this has added to these weddings and to their marriages.

Finally, those in church leadership need to call others to fulfill

their marriage covenant. Abraham Lincoln said, “To sin by silence
when one should protest makes cowards of men.” Let’s not be empty-
chested. Let’s challenge people to honor their marriage vows. Let’s
protest vigorously when they seek to abandon them. Perhaps we
should observe an annual “marriage covenant Sunday” in our
churches. This could become a national statement by the Christian
church on behalf of the permanence of marriage. What would happen
if just ten thousand churches in America declared a Sunday every year
to exalt the marriage covenant? Couples could face each other and
renew their vows. Friends could sign a couple’s marriage covenant
document and by doing so say, “We will hold you accountable to keep
your vows.” I believe the divorce rate in evangelical churches would
A church in Georgia has had a marriage vow renewal ceremony
annually since 1931. In those decades thousands have renewed their
commitments to each other. Even couples that don’t attend this
church show up on this special Sunday to renew their marriage
The nation is desperate for the church to lead in protecting the
institution of marriage. Let’s just “do it.”

Mandate Four: Challenge Lay People to Become

Marriage and Family Mentors
Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, “The righteous man is the one who lives
for the next generation.” Are we losing our generational vision, our
responsibility to sow the seeds of truth and holiness that will bear
fruit in our children and grandchildren? We need laymen and women
to rediscover the vision of having God use them to reach back to a
younger generation and lead them on to maturity. This won’t just
happen. Such mentors will need to be recruited to such a vision and
Harold Davis is one of my heroes. He leads a small ministry that
recruits Christian men to mentor African-American boys. As Harold
explained, “When the older generation of men does not step down and
Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 25

pull the younger generation up, that [next] generation perishes.” I fear
this is happening today.
One way to build a mentor corps is to set a three-year goal to
recruit five mentor couples for every one hundred people in a local
church. Mentors need to be made available first to couples in the first
five years of their marriage. Statistically, that is when the divorce rate
is at its peak. Of the five couples per hundred, I would assign one to
pre-marrieds and a second to newly married couples. Then I would
find two couples who are parenting mentors, one for young children
(preschool through elementary) and one for parents of adolescents.
You also need crisis mentors, a couple whose marriage was rescued
from trouble, who can come with encouragement to help other cou-
ples whose marriages are in trouble.
If you establish these mentor couples and present them to your
church some Sunday, members of your congregation will respond
enthusiastically to this mentoring initiative. The problem is not find-
ing the people who want to be mentored, but challenging the right
people to be mentors. Leaders in the local church and in parachurch
ministry need to call on laymen to step out of their comfort zone, to
step out of the bleachers, and to step onto the battlefield to win the
war for the soul of the family.
Those are my mandates for furthering a family reformation. The
task is substantial and may require more than a generation to com-
plete, if the Lord tarries. But I believe it is a battle our generation must
The importance and value of the cause is demonstrated over and
over. Here’s just one story. In 1999 FamilyLife began holding a large
arena event called I Still Do. To date, nearly 200,000 men and women
have gathered for a day to honor the marriage covenant and to focus
on how to do a family “right.” In the fall of 2000 I received some inter-
esting letters from a woman I will call Melanie (some details have been
altered to maintain confidentiality). With permission I share this fam-
ily’s inspiring story:

Melanie and her husband, Larry, started dating when she was just
sixteen. They married seven years later and eventually had three

children. From the outside, Melanie and Larry’s marriage looked

great. They attended a strong evangelical church in a major city
and regularly “tuned up” their relationship at marriage confer-
ences. They sought to have a positive influence on other couples
and were often described in their circles as the “perfect little fam-
ily” having the “perfect marriage.” But life was not as perfect as it
Melanie had suspicions about Larry’s faithfulness and hired a
private detective. To her horror she found out that her husband in
fact was having an affair with a woman he had met through his
Melanie was crushed, but providentially three days before
receiving the sad news, she found a note on her car that read:
Dear Sister in Christ, Jesus loves you. Praise God for all things,
Jeremiah 29:11—“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the
Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray
to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when
you seek me with all you heart.”
Melanie clung to that promise from God through her pain and
suffering in the following days—during and after her initial con-
frontation with Larry.
As the weeks passed Melanie’s anger turned to sadness as in
reality she mourned the loss of someone she loved. But the anger
returned abruptly one night when a discussion with Larry turned
into an argument. The two were exchanging verbal blows in their
family room where on the wall, surrounded by family photos,
hung their nicely-framed marriage covenant. In a special cere-
mony Melanie and Larry had signed the covenant with their three
children as witnesses. The kids fully understood what the words
of the covenant meant, because their parents had reassured them
frequently that “Mommy and Daddy loved each other and would
never ever get divorced.”
During their argument Melanie kept glancing at the marriage
covenant. Understandably, the sight of it made her angry. She
thought, He lied to me . . . he promised me that he would always love
me. . . . he promised he would be faithful. Finally reaching her boiling
point, Melanie jumped up, yanked the covenant off the wall,
Local Church Family Ministry in the New Millennium 27

slammed it on the floor, and screamed: “This means nothing to

you! Why did you sign it?” The glass in the frame shattered in a
thousand pieces. Melanie picked up the paper covenant and crum-
pled it.
While this scene unfolded, the children, who had been ban-
ished to an upstairs room, heard the tinkling glass and wanted to
come downstairs. They were curious about what had happened,
but Larry yelled at them to stay away. A sobbing Melanie and her
sobered husband swept up the glass and threw the broken frame
and covenant in a garbage can.
After this storm, the couple went in another room and contin-
ued their discussion in a more civilized manner.
Meanwhile the kids continued to beg. Melanie and Larry
relented and the children saw immediately the large blank spot on
the wall. Their nine-year-old son John, in particular, was upset
and kept coming to his parents telling them how bare the wall
looked and that something must be done about it. Melanie and
Larry reassured him that they would find something to hang on
the wall.
A while later John returned and began bugging his mom and
dad, saying he needed to show them something. They ignored
him for a few minutes, but finally John dragged them into the fam-
ily room. He pointed to the wall and said, “There, I fixed it!”
Larry and Melanie looked at each other and broke into tears.
On the wall hung their battered covenant. John had rescued the
crumpled paper from the trashcan, smoothed it out, wedged it into
the frame, and hung it back on the wall. This boy desperately
wanted to fix his parents’ marriage and believed re-hanging their
covenant was a good way to start the process. The covenant is still
on that wall today—no glass and wrinkled—but it hangs.
And John’s moving intervention did help spur Larry and
Melanie into a process of reconciliation. . . .
Melanie wrote, “Isn’t it awesome how God used this situation
to break his [Larry’s] heart and move him towards repentance.”4

Yes, it is awesome what God can and will do to keep a family together.
He longs to turn millions of weak families into bastions of strength.
Will we join Him in saving homes in the new millennium?

1. Abby Ellin, “Personal Business: A Class Feminists Might Abhor,” New York
Times, March 5, 2000.
2. For information, call 1-800-404-5052. Each church receives a detailed report
of needs by demographic groups within the congregation. The spiritual con-
dition of marriages and families is measured.
3. Tom Elliff, quoted in Dennis Rainey, Ministering to Twenty-First Century Families
(Nashville: Word, 2001), 102.
4. This story originally appeared in Dennis Rainey and Barbara Rainey, gen. eds.,
We Still Do (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2001), 3. Used by permission.


Wayne Grudem


Very early in the Bible we read that both men and women are made
“in the image of God.” In fact, the very first verse that tells us that God
created human beings also tells us that both “male and female” are in
the image of God: “So God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him; male and female he created them”
(Gen. 1:27).1
To be in the image of God is an amazing privilege. It means to be
like God and to represent God.2 No other creatures in all of creation,
not even the powerful angels, are said to be in the image of God. It is
a privilege given only to us as men and women. We are more like God
than any other creatures in the universe, for we alone are “in the image
of God.”3
Any discussion of biblical manhood and womanhood must start
here. Every time we look at each other or talk to each other as men
and women, we should remember that the person we are talking to is
more like God than anything else in the universe, and that men and women
share that status equally. Therefore we should treat men and women

with equal dignity, knowing that men and women have equal value.
Nowhere does the Bible say that men are more in God’s image than
women.4 Men and women share equally in the tremendous privilege
of being in the image of God.
The Bible thus from the very beginning corrects the errors of
male dominance and male superiority that have come as the result
of sin and that have been seen in nearly all cultures in the history of
the world. Wherever men are thought to be better than women,
wherever husbands act as selfish dictators, wherever wives are for-
bidden to have their own jobs outside the home or to vote or to own
property or to be educated, wherever there is abuse or violence
against women, or rape or female infanticide or polygamy or harems,
and wherever women are treated as inferior, the biblical truth of
equality in the image of God is being denied. To all societies and cul-
tures where such things occur, we must proclaim that the very first
page of God’s Word bears a fundamental and irrefutable witness
against these evils.5
Yet we can say even more. If men and women are equally in the
image of God, then they are equally important to God and equally
valuable to Him. This truth should exclude all feelings of pride or
inferiority, that one sex is better or worse than the other. In contrast
to the views of many non-Christian cultures and religions, no one
should feel proud or superior because he is a man, and no one should
feel disappointed or inferior because she is a woman. That God thinks
men and women to be equal in value settles forever the question of
personal worth, for God’s evaluation is the true standard of personal
value for all eternity.
Further evidence of our equality in the image of God is seen in
the New Testament church, where the Holy Spirit is given in new
fullness to both men and women (Acts 2:17-18), where both men
and women are baptized into the body of Christ (Acts 2:41),6 and
where both men and women receive spiritual gifts for use in the life
of the church (1 Cor. 12:7, 11; 1 Pet. 4:10). The apostle Paul reminds
us that we are not to be divided into factions that think of themselves
as superior and inferior (such as Jew and Greek, or slave and free, or
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 31

male and female), but rather that we should think of ourselves as

united beacuse we are all “one” in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:28).
By way of application to marriage, this teaching on equality in the
image of God is being neglected whenever husbands and wives do not
listen respectfully and thoughtfully to each other’s viewpoints, or do
not value the wisdom that might be arrived at differently and
expressed differently from the other person, or do not value the other
person’s different gifts and preferences as much as their own.
Speaking personally, I do not think I listened very well to my wife,
Margaret, early in our marriage. I did not value her different gifts and
preferences as much as my own, or her wisdom, which she arrived at
and expressed differently. Later we made much progress in this area,
but, looking back, Margaret told me that early in our marriage it felt
as though her voice was taken away, and as though my ears were
closed. I wonder if there are other couples in many churches where
God needs to open the husband’s ears to listen, and restore the wife’s
voice to speak.7
In July 1999, Campus Crusade for Christ issued its “Marriage and
Family Statement.” In part, it summarized a healthy perspective on the
way equality manifests itself in marriage. After three paragraphs dis-
cussing both equality and differences between men and women, the
statement says the following:

In a marriage lived according to these truths, the love between

husband and wife will show itself in listening to each other’s view-
points, valuing each other’s gifts, wisdom, and desires, honoring
one another in public and in private, and always seeking to bring
benefit, not harm, to one another.8

Why do I list this as a key issue in the manhood-womanhood con-

troversy? Not because we differ with egalitarians9 on this question,
but because we differ at this point with sinful tendencies in our own
hearts, and with oppressive male chauvinism and male dominance. I
also list it as a key issue because anyone preaching on manhood and
womanhood has to start here—where the Bible starts—not with our
differences but with our equality in the image of God.

Pastors wishing to teach on biblical manhood and womanhood in

their churches must start here, affirming equality in the image of God,
or they simply will not get a hearing. If they cannot start with male-
female equality in the image of God, they may need to ask themselves
if their hearts are right in dealing with this issue.
There is one more reason why I think this is a key issue, one that
speaks especially to men. I think that one reason God has allowed this
whole controversy on manhood and womanhood to enter the church
at this time is so that we could correct some mistakes, change some
wrongful traditions, and become more faithful to Scripture by treat-
ing our wives and all women with dignity and respect. The first step
in correcting these mistakes is to be fully convinced in our hearts that
women share equally with us men in the value and dignity that
belongs to being made in the image of God.



When the members of the Council on Biblical Manhood and

Womanhood wrote the “Danvers Statement” in 1987, we included the
following affirmations:

1. Both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, equal before
God as persons and distinct in their manhood and womanhood.
2. Distinctions in masculine and feminine roles are ordained by
God as part of the created order, and should find an echo in every
human heart.
3. Adam’s headship in marriage was established by God before
the Fall, and was not a result of sin.10

The statement adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in

June 1998 and affirmed (with one additional paragraph) by Campus
Crusade in July 1999, also affirms God-given differences:

The husband and wife are of equal worth before God, since both are
created in God’s image. The marriage relationship models the way
God relates to His people. A husband is to love his wife as Christ
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 33

loved the church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide

for, to protect, and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself gra-
ciously to the servant leadership of her husband even as the church
willingly submits to the headship of Christ. She, being in the image
of God as is her husband and thus equal to him, has the God-given
responsibility to respect her husband and to serve as his helper in
managing the household and nurturing the next generation.11

By contrast, egalitarians do not affirm such created differences. In

fact, the “Statement on Men, Women and Biblical Equality,” pub-
lished by Christians for Biblical Equality (CBE) says:

1. The Bible teaches that both man and woman were created in
God’s image, had a direct relationship with God, and shared jointly
the responsibilities of bearing and rearing children and having
dominion over the created order (Gen 1:26-28). . . .
5. The Bible teaches that the rulership of Adam over Eve
resulted from the Fall and was therefore not a part of the original
created order. . . .
10. The Bible defines the function of leadership as the empow-
erment of others for service rather than as the exercise of power
over them (Matt 20:25-28, 23:8; Mark 10:42-45; John 13:13-17;
Gal 5:13; 1 Peter 5:2-3). . . .
11. The Bible teaches that husbands and wives are heirs
together of the grace of life and that they are bound together in a
relationship of mutual submission and responsibility (1 Cor 7:3-
5; Eph 5:21; 1 Peter 3:1-7; Gen 21:12). The husband’s function as
“head” (kephale) is to be understood as self-giving love and service
within this relationship of mutual submission (Eph 5:21-33; Col
3:19; 1 Peter 3:7).12

So which position is right? Does the Bible really teach that men
and woman had different roles from the beginning of creation?
When we look carefully at Scripture, I think we can see at least ten
indications that God gave men and women distinct roles before the
Fall, and particularly, that there was male headship in marriage before
the Fall.

Ten Indications of Male Headship in Marriage Before the Fall

1. The order. Adam was created first, then Eve (note the sequence in
Genesis 2:7 and 2:18-23). We may not think this is important today,
but it was important to the biblical readers, and the apostle Paul sees
it as important. He bases his argument for different roles in the
assembled New Testament church on the fact that Adam was created
prior to Eve. He says, “I permit no woman to teach or to have author-
ity over men. . . . For Adam was formed first, then Eve . . .” (1 Tim.
2:12-13). According to Scripture itself, then, the fact that Adam was
created first has implications not just for Adam and Eve themselves
but also for the relationships between men and women generally
throughout the church age.13
2. The representation. Adam, not Eve, had a special role in repre-
senting the human race. Looking at the Genesis narrative, we find that
Eve sinned first, and then Adam sinned (Gen. 3:6: “she took of its fruit
and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate”). Since
Eve sinned first, we might expect the New Testament to say that we
inherit a sinful nature because of Eve’s sin, or that we are counted
guilty because of Eve’s sin. But this is not the case. In fact, it is just the
opposite. We read in the New Testament, “For as in Adam all die, so
also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor. 15:22). The New
Testament does not say, “as in Eve all die . . .”
This is further seen in the parallel between Adam and Christ,
where Paul views Christ as the “last Adam”:

Thus it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being”;

the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. . . . The first man was
from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. . . .
Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also
bear the image of the man of heaven (1 Cor. 15:45-49; see also
Rom. 5:12-21, where another relationship between Adam and
Christ is developed).

It is unmistakable, then, that Adam had a leadership role in rep-

resenting the entire human race, a leadership role that Eve did not
have. Nor was it true that Adam and Eve together represented the
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 35

human race. It was Adam alone who represented the human race,
because he had a particular leadership role that God had given him, a
role that Eve did not share.
3. The naming of woman. When God made the first woman and
“brought her to the man,” the Bible says, “Then the man said, ‘This
at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
Woman, because she was taken out of Man’” (Gen. 2:23). When Adam
says, “she shall be called Woman,” he is giving her a name. This is
important because in the original context-readers would have under-
stood that the person doing the “naming” of created things is the per-
son who has authority over those things. In order to avoid the idea that
Adam’s naming of woman implies male leadership or authority, some
egalitarians (such as Gilbert Bilezikian) deny that Adam gives a name
to his wife in Genesis 2:23.14 But his objection is hardly convincing
when we see how Genesis 2:23 fits into the pattern of naming activi-
ties throughout these first two chapters of Genesis. We see this when
we examine the places where the same verb (the Hebrew verb qårå’,
“to call”) is used in contexts of naming in Genesis 1–2:

God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night (1:5).

And God called the firmament Heaven (1:8).

God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered
together he called Seas (1:10).

So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field
and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what
he would call them; and whatever the man called every living crea-
ture, that was its name (2:19).

The man gave names to all cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to
every beast of the field (2:20).

Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of
my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of
Man” (2:23).

In each of these verses prior to Genesis 2:23, the same verb, the
Hebrew verb qårå’, had been used. Just as God demonstrated His
sovereignty over day and night, heavens, earth, and seas by assigning
them names, so Adam demonstrated his authority over the animal
kingdom by assigning them names. The pattern would have been eas-
ily recognized by the original readers, and they would have seen a con-
tinuation of the pattern when Adam said, “she shall be called Woman.”
The original readers of the Old Testament would have been
familiar with this pattern, a pattern whereby people who have author-
ity over another person or thing have the ability to name that person
or thing, a name that often indicates something of that person’s char-
acter or quality. Thus, parents give names to their children (Gen. 4:25-
26; 5:3, 29; 16:15; 19:37-38; 21:3). God even changes the names of
people when He wishes to indicate a change in their character or role
(Gen. 17:5, 15, where God changes Abram’s name to Abraham and
Sarai’s name to Sarah). In each of these passages the same verb (qårå’)
is used as in Genesis 2:23, and in each case the person who gives the
name is one in authority over the person who receives the name.
Therefore when Adam gives his wife the name “Woman,” in terms of
biblical patterns of thought this indicates a kind of authority that God
gave to Adam, a leadership function that Eve did not have with respect
to her husband.
We should notice here that Adam does not give the personal name
“Eve” to his wife until Genesis 3:20 (“the man called [qårå’] his wife’s
name Eve, because she was the mother of all living”). This is because
in the creation story in Genesis 2, Adam is giving a broad category
name to his wife, indicating the name that would be given to wom-
anhood generally, and He is not giving specific personal names desig-
nating the character of the individual.15
4. The naming of the human race. God named the human race “Man,”
not “Woman.” Because the idea of “naming” is so important in the Old
Testament, it is interesting what name God chose for the human race
as a whole. We read, “When God created man, he made him in the like-
ness of God. Male and female he created them, and he blessed them
and named them Man when they were created” (Gen. 5:1-2).
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 37

In the Hebrew text, the word translated “Man” is ’ådåm. This was
by no means a gender-neutral term in the eyes of the Hebrew reader,
because prior to Genesis 5:2 the Hebrew word ’ådåm has been used
many times to speak of a male human being in distinction from a
female human being. In the following list the word “man” represents
this Hebrew word ’ådåm in every case:

And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man he made
into a woman and brought her to the man (Gen. 2:22; we should
notice here that it does not say that God made the rib into another
’ådåm, another “man,” but that He made the rib into a woman,
which is a different Hebrew word).

The man said, “This at last is bone of my bone and flesh of my

flesh; she shall be called Woman” (2:23).

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed

And the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the
Lord God (3:8).

But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are
you?” (3:9).

The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me
some fruit from the tree, and I ate it” (3:12, NIV).

The man called his wife’s name Eve (3:20).

When we come, then, to the naming of the human race in Genesis

5:2 (recounting an event that had occurred before the Fall), the orig-
inal readers would have understood the clear male overtones or
nuances. In fact, in the first four chapters of Genesis, the word ’ådåm
had been used thirteen times to refer not to a human being in general
but to a male human being. In addition to the eight examples men-
tioned above, it was used a further five times as a proper name for
Adam in distinction from Eve (Gen. 3:17, 21; 4:1, 25; 5:1).16

We are not saying that the word ’ådåm in the Hebrew Bible always
refers to a male human being, for sometimes it has a broader sense and
means something like “person,” but here in the early chapters of
Genesis the connection with the man in distinction from the woman
is a clear pattern. God gave the human race a name which, like the
English word “man,” can either mean a male human being or refer to
the human race in general.
Does this make any difference? It does give a hint of male leader-
ship, which God suggested in choosing this name. It is significant that
God did not call the human race “Woman.” (I am speaking, of course,
of Hebrew equivalents to these English words.) Nor did He give the
human race a name such as “humanity,” which would have no male
connotations and no connection with the man in distinction from the
woman. Rather, He called the race “man.” Raymond C. Ortlund rightly
says, “God’s naming of the race ‘man’ whispers male headship.”17 God
“blessed them and named them Man when they were created” (Gen. 5:2).
If the name “man” in English (as in Hebrew) did not suggest male
leadership or headship in the human race, there would be no objec-
tion to using the word “man” to refer to the human race generally
today. But it is precisely the hint of male leadership in the word that
has led some people to object to its use and to substitute other terms.18
Yet it is that same hint of male leadership that makes this precisely the
best translation of Genesis 1:27 and 5:2.
5. The primary accountability. After the Fall, God spoke to Adam
first. In Genesis 3:9 we read, “But the Lord God called to the man, and
said to him, ‘Where are you?’” (Gen. 3:9). In the Hebrew text, the
expression “the man” and the pronouns “him” and “you” are all sin-
gular. Even though Eve had sinned first, God first summoned Adam
to give account for what had happened. This suggests that Adam was
the one primarily accountable for what had happened in his family.
An analogy to this is seen in everyday family life. When a parent
comes into a room where several children have been misbehaving, the
parent will probably summon the oldest and say, “What happened
here?” This is because, though all are responsible for their behavior,
the oldest child bears the primary responsibility. In a similar way, when
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 39

God summoned Adam to give an account, it indicated a primary

responsibility for Adam in the conduct of his family. This is similar to
the situation in Genesis 2:15-17, where God had given commands to
Adam alone before the Fall, indicating there also Adam’s primary
responsibility. By contrast, the serpent spoke to Eve first (Gen. 3:1),
trying to get her to take responsibility for leading the family into sin,
thus inverting the order that God had established at creation.
6. The purpose. Eve was created as a helper for Adam, not Adam as
a helper for Eve. After God had created Adam and had given him
directions concerning his life in the Garden of Eden, we read that the
Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will
make him a helper fit for him” (Gen. 2:18).
It is true that the Hebrew word here translated “helper” (‘∑zer) is
often used of God as our helper (e.g., Ps. 33:20; 70:5; 115:9). But the
word “helper” does not by itself decide the issue of what God
intended the relationship between Adam and Eve to be. “Helping” can
be done by someone who has greater authority, someone who has
equal authority, or someone who has lesser authority than the person
being helped. For example, I can help my son do his homework.19 Or
I can help my neighbor move his sofa. Or my son can help me clean
the garage. Yet the fact remains that the person doing the helping puts
himself in a subordinate role to the person who has primary respon-
sibility for carrying out the activity. Thus, even if I help my son with
his homework, the primary responsibility for the homework remains
his and not mine. I am the helper. And even when God helps us, with
respect to the specific task at hand, He still holds us primarily respon-
sible for the activity and accountable for what we do.
But Genesis 2 does not merely say that Eve functions as Adam’s
“helper” in one or two specific events. Rather, it says that God made
Eve for the purpose of providing Adam with a helper, one who by
virtue of creation would function as Adam’s helper. “Then the Lord
God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him
a helper fit for him’” (Gen. 2:18). The Hebrew text can be translated
quite literally as, “I will make for him (Hebrew lô) a helper fit for him.”
The apostle Paul understands this accurately, because in 1 Corinthians

11:9 (NASB) he writes, “for indeed man was not created for the
woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake.” Eve’s role, and the pur-
pose that God had in mind when He created her, was that she would
be “for him . . . a helper.”
Yet in the same text God emphasizes that she does not help Adam
as one who is inferior to him. Rather, she is to be a helper “fit for him”
and here the Hebrew word kenegdô means a helper “corresponding to”
him, one that is “equal and adequate to himself .”20 So Eve was cre-
ated as a helper, but as a helper who was Adam’s equal. She was cre-
ated as one who differed from him, but who differed from him in
ways that would exactly complement who Adam was.
7. The conflict. The curse brought a distortion of previous roles, not
the introduction of new roles. After Adam and Eve sinned, God spoke
the following words of judgment to Eve: “I will greatly increase your
pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your
desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you” (Gen. 3:16,
NIV, emphasis added).
The word translated “desire” is an unusual Hebrew word,
teshûqåh. In this context and construction, it probably implies an
aggressive desire, perhaps a desire to conquer or rule over, or else an
urge or impulse for Eve to oppose her husband, an impulse to act
“against” him. This sense is seen in the only other occurrence of
teshûqåh in all the books of Moses, and in the only other occurrence
of teshûqåh plus the preposition ’el in the whole Bible. That occurrence
of the word is in the very next chapter of Genesis, in 4:7. God says to
Cain, “Sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you
must master it” (NASB). Here the sense is very clear. God pictures sin
as a wild animal waiting outside Cain’s door, waiting to attack him,
even to pounce on him and overpower him. In that sense, sin’s
“desire,” or “instinctive urge,” is “against” him.21
The striking thing about that sentence is its remarkable parallel
with Genesis 3:16. In the Hebrew text, six words are the same and in
the same order in both verses. It is almost as if this other usage is put
here by the author so that we would know how to understand the
meaning of the term in Genesis 3:16. The expression in 4:7 has the
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 41

sense of “desire, urge, impulse against” (or perhaps “desire to conquer,

desire to rule over”), and that sense well fits Genesis 3:16.22
Some have assumed that the “desire” in Genesis 3:16 refers to sex-
ual desire. But that is highly unlikely because (1) the entire Bible views
sexual desire within marriage as something positive, not as something
evil or something that God imposed as a judgment; and (2) surely
Adam and Eve had sexual desire for one another prior to their sin, for
God had told them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1:28), and cer-
tainly in an unfallen world, along with the command, God would have
given the desire that corresponded to it. So “your desire shall be for
your husband” cannot refer to sexual desire. It is much more appro-
priate (to the context of a curse) to understand this as an aggressive
desire against her husband, one that would bring her into conflict with
Then God says with regard to Adam, “and he shall rule over you”
(Gen. 3:16). The word here translated “rule” is the Hebrew måshal.
This term is common in the Old Testament and it regularly, if not
always, refers to ruling by greater power or force or strength. It is used
of human military or political rulers, such as Joseph ruling over the
land of Egypt (Gen. 45:26), or the Philistines ruling over Israel (Judg.
14:4; 15:11), or Solomon ruling over all the kingdoms that he had
conquered (1 Kings 4:21). It is also used to speak of God ruling over
the sea (Ps. 89:9) or over the earth generally (Ps. 66:7). Sometimes it
refers to oppressive rulers who cause the people under them to suffer
(Neh. 9:37; Isa. 19:4). In any case, the word does not signify one who
leads among equals but rather one who rules by virtue of power and
strength, and sometimes even rules harshly and selfishly.
Once we understand these two terms, we can see much more
clearly what was involved in the curse that God brought to Adam and
Eve as punishment for their sins. One aspect of the curse was impos-
ing pain on Adam’s particular area of responsibility, raising food from
the ground: “cursed is the ground because of you; in toil you shall eat
of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth to
you. . . . In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to
the ground (Gen. 3:17-19). Another aspect was to impose pain on

Eve’s particular area of responsibility, the bearing of children: “I will

greatly multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring
forth children” (Gen. 3:16).
A third aspect of the curse was to introduce pain and conflict into
the relationship between Adam and Eve. Prior to their sin, they had
lived in perfect harmony, yet with a leadership role belonging to
Adam as the head of his family. But after the Fall, God introduced con-
flict in that Eve would have an inward urging and impulsion to oppose
Adam, to resist Adam’s leadership (the verb teshûqåh), and Adam
would respond with a rule over Eve that came from his greater
strength and aggressiveness, a rule that was forceful and at times harsh
(the verb måshal). There would be pain in tilling the ground, pain in
bearing children, and pain and conflict in their relationship.
It is crucial at this point for us to realize that we ourselves are never
to try to increase or perpetuate the results of the curse. We should never try to
promote or advocate Genesis 3:16 as something good! In fact, the
entire Bible following Genesis 3 is the story of God’s working to over-
come the effects of the curse that He in His justice imposed.
Eventually God will bring in a new heaven and a new earth in which
crops come forth abundantly from the ground (Isa. 35:1-2; Amos
9:13; Rom. 8:20-21) and in which there is no more pain or suffering
(Rev. 21:4).
So we ourselves should never try to perpetuate the elements of
the curse! We should not plant thorns and weeds in our gardens, but
rather overcome them. We should do everything we can to alleviate
the pain of childbirth for women. And we should do everything we
can to undo conflict between men and women. Therefore Genesis
3:16 should never be used as a direct argument for male headship in
marriage. But it does show us that the Fall brought about a distortion
of previous roles, not the introduction of new roles. The distortion
was that Eve would now rebel against her husband’s authority and that
Adam would misuse that authority to rule forcefully and even harshly
over Eve.23
8. The restoration. When we come to the New Testament, salvation
in Christ reaffirms the creation order. If the foregoing understanding
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 43

of Genesis 3:16 is correct, then we would expect to find in the New

Testament a reversal of this curse, an undoing of the wife’s hostile or
aggressive impulses against her husband and the husband’s response
of harsh rule over his wife. In fact, that is exactly what we find.
Colossians 3:18-19 states, “Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting
in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them.”
This command is an undoing of the impulse to oppose (Hebrew
teshûqåh) and the harsh rule (Hebrew måshal) that God imposed at the
In the New Testament God reestablished the beauty of the rela-
tionship between Adam and Eve that existed from the moment they
were created. Eve was subject to Adam as the head of the family. Adam
loved his wife and was not harsh with her in his leadership. That is
the pattern that Paul commands husbands and wives to follow.24
9. The mystery. Marriage from the beginning of creation was a
picture of the relationship between Christ and the church. When the
apostle Paul wishes to speak of the relationship between husband
and wife, he does not look back to any sections of the Old Testament
telling about the situation after sin came into the world. Rather, he
looks all the way back to Genesis 2, prior to the Fall, and uses that
creation order to speak of marriage: “‘For this reason a man shall
leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two
shall become one flesh’ [quoted from Gen. 2:24]. This mystery is a
profound one, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church”
(Eph. 5:31-32).
A “mystery” in Paul’s writing is something that was understood
only very faintly if at all in the Old Testament but is now made
clearer in the New Testament. Here Paul makes clear the meaning
of the “mystery” of marriage as God created it in the Garden of
Eden. Paul is saying that the “mystery” of Adam and Eve, the mean-
ing that was not previously understood, was that marriage “refers to
Christ and the church.” In other words, although Adam and Eve did
not know it, their relationship represented the relationship between
Christ and the church. They were created to represent that rela-
tionship, and that is what all marriages are supposed to do. In that

relationship, Adam represents Christ and Eve represents the church,

because “the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of
the church” (Eph. 5:23).
The relationship between Christ and the church is not culturally
variable. It is the same for all generations. And it is not reversible.
There is a leadership or headship role that belongs to Christ, a role that
the church does not have. Similarly, in marriage as God created it to
be, there is a leadership role for the husband that the wife does not
have. And for our purposes it is important to notice that this relation-
ship was there from the beginning of creation, in the beautiful mar-
riage between Adam and Eve in the garden.
10. The parallel with the Trinity. The equality, differences, and unity
between men and women reflect the equality, differences, and unity
in the Trinity. Though I list this here as the tenth indication that there
were differences in roles between men and women from creation, I
will not explain it at this point but in “Key Issue 3” below.
Conclusion. Here then are at least ten indications of differences in
the roles of men and women before the Fall. Some of these indications
are not as forceful as others, though all have some weight. Some
“whisper” male headship, others shout it clearly. But they form a
cumulative case showing that Adam and Eve had distinct roles before
the Fall, and that this was God’s purpose in creating them.

How Do Equality and Headship Work in Practice?

I would like to say something about how male-female equality com-
bined with male headship works out in practice. The situation I know
best is my own marriage, so I will speak about that briefly.
Margaret and I talk frequently and at length about many deci-
sions, whether large ones (such as buying a house or a car) or small
ones (such as where we should go for a walk together). I often defer
to her wishes, and she often defers to mine. In almost every case,
each of us has some wisdom and insight that the other does not
have, and we have learned to listen to each other and to place much
trust in each other’s judgment. Usually we reach agreement on the
decision. Very seldom will I do something that she does not think
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 45

to be wise. She prays, she loves God, she is sensitive to the Lord’s
leading and direction, and I greatly respect her and the wisdom God
gives her.
But in every decision, whether large or small, and whether we
have reached agreement or not, the responsibility to make the deci-
sion still rests with me. I do not agree with those who say that male
headship only makes a difference once in ten years or so when a
husband and wife can’t reach agreement. I think that male head-
ship makes a difference in every decision that the couple makes
every day of their married life. If there is genuine male headship,
there is a quiet, subtle acknowledgment that the focus of the deci-
sion-making process is the husband, not the wife. And even
though there will often be much discussion, and there should be
much mutual respect and consideration of each other, yet ulti-
mately the responsibility to make the decision rests with the hus-
band. And so in our marriage, the responsibility to make the
decision rests with me.25
This is not because I am wiser or a more gifted leader. It is
because I am the husband, and God has given me that responsibility.
In the face of cultural pressures to the contrary, I will not forsake this
male headship, I will not deny it, I will not be embarrassed by it.
It is God-given. It is very good. It brings peace and joy to our mar-
riage, and both Margaret and I are thankful for it.
Yet there are dangers of distortion in one direction or another.
Putting this biblical pattern into practice in our daily lives is a chal-
lenge, because we can err in one direction or the other. There are
errors of passivity and errors of aggressiveness. This can be seen in the
following chart:

Errors of passivity Biblical ideal Errors of

Husband Wimp Loving, humble Tyrant
Wife Doormat Joyful, intelligent Usurper

The biblical ideal, in the center column, is loving, humble head-

ship on the part of the husband, following Ephesians 5:23-33. The
biblical ideal on the part of the wife is joyful, intelligent submission
to and support of her husband’s leadership, in accordance with
Ephesians 5:22-24 and 31-33.
On the right side of the chart are the errors of aggressiveness,
which had their beginning in Genesis 3:16. The husband can become
selfish, harsh, and domineering, and can act like a tyrant. This is not
biblical headship but a tragic distortion of it. A wife can also demon-
strate errors of aggressiveness when she resists and continually strug-
gles against her husband’s leadership, not supporting it but fighting
against it and creating conflict every step of the way. She can become
a usurper, which is a tragic distortion of the biblical pattern of equal-
ity in the image of God.
On the left side of the chart are the opposite errors, the errors of
passivity. A husband can abdicate leadership and neglect his responsi-
bilities. The children are not disciplined, and he sits and watches tele-
vision and does nothing. The family is not going to church regularly
and he does nothing. The family keeps going further into debt and he
closes his eyes to it. Some relative or friend is verbally harassing his
wife and he is silent. This also is a tragic distortion of the biblical pat-
tern. He has become a “wimp.”
A wife can also commit errors of passivity. Rather than partici-
pating actively in family decisions, rather than contributing her
much needed wisdom and insight, her only response to every situ-
ation is, “Yes, dear, whatever you say.” She knows her husband and
her children are doing wrong and she says nothing. Or her husband
becomes verbally or physically abusive, and she never objects to
him, never seeks church discipline or civil governmental interven-
tion to bring an end to the abuse. Or she never really expresses her
own preferences with regard to friendships or family vacations, or
her own opinions regarding people or events. She thinks that this
is what is required in order to be “submissive” to her husband. But
this also is a tragic distortion of biblical patterns. She has become a
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 47

Now we all have different backgrounds, personalities, and tem-

peraments. We also have different areas of life in which sanctification
is less complete. Therefore some of us tend to be more prone toward
errors of aggressiveness while others tend to be more prone toward
errors of passivity. We can even fall into errors of aggressiveness in our
own homes and into errors of passivity when we visit our in-laws! Or
it can be just the other way around. In order to maintain a healthy bib-
lical balance, we need to keep reading God’s Word each day, continue
to pray for God’s help each day, and continue to follow in obedience
to God’s Word as best we can.

The Man’s Responsibility to Provide for and to Protect, and the Woman’s
Responsibility to Care for the Home and to Nurture Children
There are other differences in roles in addition to headship and sub-
mission. Two other aspects of a man’s headship in marriage are his
responsibilities to provide for his wife and family and to protect them. A
corresponding responsibility on the part of the wife is to have primary
responsibility to care for home and children. Each can help the other,
but each have their primary responsibilities, which are not shared
equally. These responsibilities are mentioned in both the Danvers
Statement and the Southern Baptist Convention/Campus Crusade for
Christ statement. I will not discuss these in detail, but simply note that
these additional aspects of the differing roles are established in Scripture.
Biblical support for the husband having the primary responsibility
to provide for his family and for the wife having primary responsibility
to care for the household and children is found in Genesis 2:15 with
2:18-23; 3:16-17 (Eve is assumed to have the primary responsibility for
childbearing, but Adam for tilling the ground to raise food; and pain is
introduced into both of their areas of responsibility); Proverbs 31:10-
31, especially vv. 13, 15, 21, 27; Isaiah 4:1 (shame at the tragic undoing
of the normal order); 1 Timothy 5:8 (the Greek text does not specify
any “man,” but in the historical context that would have been the
assumed referent except for unusual situations such as a household with
no father); 1 Timothy 5:10; 1 Timothy 5:3-16 (widows, not widowers,
are to be supported by the church); Titus 2:5. I believe that a wife’s cre-

ated role as a “helper fit for him” (Gen. 2:18) also supports this distinc-
tion of roles. I do not think a wife would be fulfilling her role as “helper”
if she became the permanent primary breadwinner, for then the hus-
band would be the primary “helper.”
Biblical support for the idea that the man has the primary respon-
sibility to protect his family is found in Deuteronomy 20:7-8 (men,
not women, go forth to war—here and in many Old Testament pas-
sages); Deuteronomy 24:5; Joshua 1:14; Judges 4:8-10 (Barak does not
get the glory, because he insisted that a woman accompany him into
battle); Nehemiah 4:13-14 (the people are to fight for their brothers,
homes, wives, and children, but it does not say they are to fight for
their husbands!); Jeremiah 50:37 (it is the disgrace of a nation when
its warriors become women); Nahum 3:13 (“Behold, your troops are
women in your midst” is a taunt of derision); Matthew 2:13-14
(Joseph is told to protect Mary and the infant Jesus by taking them to
Egypt); Ephesians 5:25 (a husband’s love should extend even to a will-
ingness to lay down his life for his wife, something many soldiers in
battle have done throughout history to protect their families and
homelands); 1 Peter 3:7 (a wife is a “weaker vessel,” and therefore the
husband, as generally stronger, has a greater responsibility to use his
strength to protect his wife).
In addition, there is the complete absence of evidence from the
other side. Nowhere can we find Scripture encouraging women to be
the primary means of support while their husbands care for the house
and children. Nowhere can we find Scripture encouraging women to
be the primary protectors of their husbands. Certainly women can
help in these roles as time and circumstances allow (Gen. 2:18-23),
but they are not the ones primarily responsible for them.
Finally, there is the evidence of the internal testimony from both
men’s and women’s hearts. There is something in a man that says, “I
don’t want to be dependent on a woman to provide for me in the long
term. I want to be the one responsible to provide for the family, the
one my wife looks to and depends on for support.” Personally, I have
never met a man who does not feel some measure of shame at the
idea of being supported by his wife in the long term. (I recognize that
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 49

in many families there is a temporary reversal of roles due to invol-

untary unemployment or while the husband is getting further edu-
cation for his career, and in those circumstances these are entirely
appropriate arrangements; yet the longer they go on, the more strain
they put on a marriage. I also recognize that permanent disability on
the part of the husband, or the absence of a husband in the home, can
create a necessity for the wife to be the primary provider, but every
family in which that happens will testify to the unusual stress it brings
and the fact that they wish it did not have to be so.) On the other
hand, there is something in a woman that says, “I want my husband
to provide for me, to give me the security of knowing that we will
have enough to buy groceries and pay the bills. It feels right to me to
look to him and depend on him for that responsibility.” Personally, I
have never met a woman who did not want her husband to provide
that sense of security for her.26

Some Egalitarian Objections to Male Headship in Marriage

Egalitarians raise a number of objections to the idea that men and
women have different roles in marriage as part of the created order,
different roles that should find expression in marriages today as well.
Here are three of the most common objections:
1. Galatians 3:28 abolishes role distinctions in marriage.
2. “Mutual submission” in Ephesians 5:21 nullifies male author-
ity in marriage.
3. “The husband is the head of the wife” (Eph. 5:23) does not
indicate authority for the husband because “head” means “source” or
something else, but not “person in authority.”
I will consider these three objections briefly at this point, since
they are treated more extensively elsewhere.27
Objection 1: Galatians 3:28 abolishes role distinctions in marriage.
In this verse, Paul says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there
is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are
all one in Christ Jesus.” Egalitarians frequently claim that if there is
“neither male nor female” then distinctions in role based on our
gender are abolished because we are now all “one in Christ Jesus.”

But this is not what the verse says. To say that we are “one” means
that we are united, that there should be no factions or divisions
among us, and, that there should be no sense of pride and superior-
ity or jealousy and inferiority between these groups (who viewed
themselves as so distinct in the ancient world). Jews should no
longer think themselves superior to Greeks, freed men should no
longer think themselves superior to slaves, and men should no
longer think themselves superior to women. They are all parts of
one body in Christ, and all share in equal value and dignity as mem-
bers of one body in Christ.
As Richard Hove has demonstrated in detail,28 when the Bible
says that several things are “one,” it never joins things that are exactly
the same. Rather, it says that things that are different, things that are
diverse, share some kind of unity. So, in Romans 12:4-5, we read,
“For as in one body we have many members, and all the members do
not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in
Christ, and individually members one of another.” Paul does not
mean to say that all the members of the body are the same, for, as any-
one can see, a body has hands and feet and eyes and ears, and the dif-
ferent “members” have different functions, though they are one
Similarly, using the same construction,29 Paul can say, “Now he
who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own
reward according to his own labor” (1 Cor. 3:8, NASB). Planting and
watering are two different activities done by different persons in
Paul’s example. They are not reduced to “sameness,” nor are they
required to act in exactly the same way, but they are still “one”
because they have a kind of unity of purpose and goal. And so
Galatians 3:28 simply says that we have a special kind of unity in the
body of Christ. Our differences as male and female are not obliter-
ated by this unity, but the unity is beautiful in God’s sight particu-
larly because it is a unity that comes about from different kinds of
Surely this verse cannot abolish all differences between men and
women. Paul himself elsewhere commands husbands and wives to
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 51

act differently according to their different roles, and marriage in

Scripture from beginning to end is intended by God to be only
between one man and one woman, not between one man and
another man or one woman and another woman. If Galatians 3:28
truly abolished all differences between men and women, then how
could anyone say that homosexual marriage was wrong? But homo-
sexual conduct is surely forbidden by Scripture (Rom. 1:26-27;
1 Cor. 6:9; 1 Tim. 1:10). (Egalitarians within the evangelical world
agree that homosexual conduct is prohibited by Scripture.) Clearly,
Galatians 3:28 does not abolish differences in roles between men and
Objection 2: “Mutual submission” in Ephesians 5:21 nullifies male
authority in marriage.
Ephesians 5:21 says, “Be subject to one another out of rever-
ence for Christ.” Egalitarians say that this teaches “mutual sub-
mission,” which means that just as wives have to submit to their
husbands, so husbands have to submit to their wives. Doesn’t the text
say that we have to submit “to one another,” they ask? And doesn’t
this means that there is no unique kind of submission that a wife
owes to her husband, and no unique kind of authority that a hus-
band has over his wife? Sometimes egalitarians will say something
like this: “Of course I believe that a wife should be subject to her
husband. And a husband should also be subject to his wife.” Or, “I
will be subject to my husband as soon as he is subject to me.” And
so, as egalitarians understand Ephesians 5:21, there is no difference
in roles between men and women. There is no unique leadership
role, no unique authority, for the husband. There is simply
“mutual submission.”30
I want to affirm, of course, that people can mean different things
by “mutual submission.” There is a sense of the phrase “mutual sub-
mission” that is different from an egalitarian view and that does not
nullify the husband’s authority within marriage. For instance, if
“mutual submission” means being considerate of one another, and
caring for one another’s needs, and being thoughtful of one another,
then of course I would agree that “mutual submission” is a good thing.

However, egalitarians mean something so different by this phrase, and

they have used this phrase so often to nullify male authority within
marriage, that I think the expression “mutual submission” only leads
to confusion.31
In previous generations some people did speak about “mutual
submission,” but never in the sense in which egalitarians today
understand it. In his study of the history of the interpretation of
Ephesians 5:21, Daniel Doriani has demonstrated that a number of
earlier writers thought that there was a kind of “mutual submission”
taught in the verse, but that such “submission” took very different
forms for those in authority and for those under authority. They took it
to mean that those in authority should govern wisely and with sacri-
ficial concern for those under their authority. But Doriani found no
author in the history of the church prior to the advent of feminism
in the last half of the twentieth century who thought that “be subject
to one another” in Ephesians 5:21 nullified the authority of the hus-
band within marriage.32
What is wrong with understanding Ephesians 5:21 to teach
“mutual submission”? There are at least four reasons why I think this
understanding is incorrect.
(1) The context of this verse specifies the kind of submission Paul
has in mind. Paul explains that wives are to be subject to their hus-
bands (Eph. 5:22-23), children are to be subject to their parents (Eph.
6:1-3), and slaves (or bondservants) are to be subject to their masters
(Eph. 6:5-8). These relationships are never reversed. He does not tell
husbands to be subject to wives, or parents to be subject to their chil-
dren (thus nullifying all parental authority!), or masters to be subject
to their servants. In fact, Paul does not tell husbands and wives gen-
erally to be subject to each other, nor does he tell wives to be subject
to other people’s husbands! He says, “Wives, be subject to your own
husbands, as to the Lord” (Eph. 5:22, NASB).33
(2) The meaning of “be subject to” (hypotassø). When we look at
the word that Paul used when he said, “Be subject to one another”
(Eph. 5:21), we find that this word (Greek hypotassø) in the New
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 53

Testament is always used of submission to an authority. Here are some

• Jesus was subject (“obedient”) to the authority of his parents
(Luke 2:51).
• Demons were “subject to” the disciples (Luke 10:17; it is clear
that the meaning “be considerate of, be thoughtful toward” cannot fit
here, for the demons were certainly not considerate of or thoughtful
toward the disciples!).
• Citizens are to be “subject to” the governing authorities (Rom.
13:1, 5; see also Titus 3:1; 1 Pet. 2:13).
• The universe is “in subjection” to Christ (1 Cor. 15:27; see also
Eph. 1:22).
• Angels and other spiritual beings are “subject to” Christ (1 Pet.
• Christ is “subjected to” God the Father (1 Cor. 15:28).
• Church members are to be “subject to” the elders in the church
(1 Pet. 5:534).
• Wives are told to be “subject to” their husbands (Eph. 5:22, 24;
Col. 3:18; Titus 2:5, 1 Pet. 3:5).
• The church is “subject to” Christ (Eph. 5:24).
• Servants are to be “subject to” their masters (Titus 2:9; 1 Pet. 2:18).
• Christians are to be “subject to” God (Heb. 12:9; James 4:7).
This list should demonstrate clearly that to “be subject to” some-
one, in the sense that is signified by the word hypotassø, always means
to be subject to the authority of that other person. In all of these exam-
ples, there is no exception. The subjection is one-directional and the
person who is under authority is subject to the person who has
authority over him or her. The relationships indicated by the word
hypotassø simply do not envision relationships where the authority is
mutual, or where it is reciprocal, or where it is reversed. It is only one-
(3) The lack of evidence for the egalitarian meaning. In all of this
controversy over roles for men and women, no one has yet produced
any examples in ancient Greek literature (either inside or outside the
New Testament) where hypotassø is applied to a relationship between

persons where it does not carry the sense of being subject to an

I have been asking a particular question in one form or another
for fifteen years now (since I first asked it in the plenary sessions of
the 1986 meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society in Atlanta,
Georgia), and I have not received an answer yet. The question is
addressed to egalitarians, and the question is this: “Why should we
assign to hypotassø in the New Testament a meaning (‘defer to’ or ‘be
considerate of, be thoughtful of ’) that it is nowhere attested to have,
and that no Greek lexicon has ever assigned to it, and that empties it
of a meaning (one-directional submission to an authority) which it
always has when speaking of relationships between persons?” The
question remains unanswered.35
(4) The meaning of “one another” (in “be subject to one
another”). The Greek term translated “one another” (all∑lous) can
have two different meanings. Sometimes in the New Testament it
means something like “everyone to everyone,” as in verses like John
13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another.”
Everyone would agree that this means that all Christians are to love
all other Christians. It has the sense “everyone to everyone.”
But at other times in the New Testament it means “some to oth-
ers.” For example, in Revelation 6:4, the rider on the red horse “was
permitted to take peace from the earth so that men should slay one
another.” This does not mean that each person first got killed and then
got back up and killed the one who had murdered him! It simply
means that some killed others. Here the word all∑lous does not mean
“everyone to everyone” but “some to others.” We see a similar exam-
ple in Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law
of Christ.” Here Paul does not mean that everybody should switch
burdens with everybody else, but only that some who are more able
should bear the burdens of others who are less able to bear their bur-
dens. And in 1 Corinthians 11:33, Paul says, “When you come
together to eat, wait for one another.” This does not mean that those
who come early should wait for those who are late and those who are
late should wait for those who are there early! It only means that
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 55

those who are early should wait for the others, who are late. Here
again, all∑lous means “some to others,” or “some” are to wait for “oth-
ers.” The New Testament has many other examples of this (e.g., Luke
2:14; 21:1; 24:32).
Therefore, “be subject to one another” in Ephesians 5:21 can take
the sense “some be subject to others” if the context fits or requires this
meaning. And, as we have seen, the word translated “be subject to”
(hypotassø) requires this sense, because it is never used to speak of a
reciprocal relationship between persons but always signifies one-
directional submission to an authority. Therefore we can paraphrase
Ephesians 5:21 as, “Be subject to others in the church who are in posi-
tions of authority over you.”36
No idea of “mutual submission” is taught in Ephesians 5:21. The
idea itself is self-contradictory if hypotassø means here (as it does every-
where else) “be subject to an authority.”
With respect to your own churches, if you want to add a statement
on men and women in marriage to your governing document or pub-
lish it as a policy statement (as did the Southern Baptist Convention
and Campus Crusade for Christ), and if in the process someone pro-
poses to add the phrase “mutual submission” to the document, I urge
you strongly not to agree to it. In the sense that egalitarians understand
the phrase “mutual submission,” the idea is found nowhere in
Scripture, and it actually nullifies the teaching of significant passages
of Scripture.
Yet, I must add one further word of caution. Some people who
hold a fully complementarian view of marriage do use the phrase
“mutual submission” and intend it in a way that does not nullify male
leadership in marriage. I have found that some people who want to use
this language may simply have genuine concerns that men do not act
like “dictators” or “tyrants” in their marriages. If this is what they are
seeking to guard against by the phrase “mutual submission,” then I
suggest trying this alternative wording, which is found in the Campus
Crusade for Christ statement:

In a marriage lived according to these truths, the love between

husband and wife will show itself in listening to each other’s view-

points, valuing each others’ gifts, wisdom, and desires, honoring

one another in public and in private, and always seeking to bring
benefit, not harm, to one another.

Objection 3: “The husband is the head of the wife” does not indicate author-
ity for the husband, because “head” means “source” or something else, but not
“person in authority.”
In 1 Corinthians 11:3, Paul says, “Now I want you to realize that
the head [Greek kephal∑] of every man is Christ, the head of a woman
is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.” And Ephesians 5:23
reads, “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of
the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.” It is important to real-
ize the decisive significance of these verses, and particularly of
Ephesians 5:23, for the current controversy. If the word “head” means
“person in authority over,” then there is a unique authority that belongs
to the husband in marriage and which parallels Christ’s authority over
the church. If so, then the egalitarians have lost the debate.37
So what have egalitarians done to give a different meaning to the
statement, “The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head
of the church”? The most common approach has been to say that the
word translated “head” (Greek kephal∑) does not mean “person in
authority over” but has some other meaning, especially “source.”
Thus, the husband is the source of the wife (an allusion to the creation
of Eve from Adam’s side in Genesis 2), as Christ is the source of the
church. The problem of this interpretation is that it does not fit the
In 1985, I looked up 2,336 examples of the word “head” (kephal∑)
in ancient Greek literature, using texts from Homer in the eighth cen-
tury B.C. up to some church fathers in the fourth century A.D. I found
that in those texts kephal∑ was applied to many people in authority
(when it was used in a metaphorical sense to say that person A was the
head of person or persons B), but it was never applied to a person
without governing authority.38 In these texts, I found examples such
as the following:
• The king of Egypt is called “head” of the nation.
• The general of an army is called “head” of the army.
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 57

• The Roman emperor is called the “head” of the people.

• The god Zeus is called the “head” of all things.
• David as king of Israel is called the “head” of the people.
• The leaders of the tribes of Israel are called “heads” of the tribes.
• The husband is the “head” of the wife.
• Christ is the “head” of the church.
• God, the Father, is the “head” of Christ.
No one has yet produced one text in ancient Greek literature
(from the eighth century B.C. to the fourth century A.D.) where a per-
son is called the kephal∑ (“head”) of another person or group and that
person is not the one in authority over that other person or group.
Now sixteen years after the publication of my 1985 study, the alleged
meaning “source without authority” has still not been supported with
any citation of any text in ancient Greek literature. More than fifty
examples of kephal∑ meaning “ruler, authority over” have been found,
but no examples of the meaning “source without authority.”
The question is, why should we give kephal∑ in the New
Testament a sense which, when applied to persons, no Greek lexicon
has ever given to it? The egalitarian interpretation of this word is also
a novel one in the history of the church. So far as I know, no one in
the history of the church before the 1970s ever claimed that kephal∑
in Ephesians 5:23 meant “source” in a way that denied leadership or
authority to the husband.39 More recently, we have a letter from a
scholar who by virtue of position and reputation may rightly be called
the greatest Greek lexicographer alive in the world today, P. G. W.
Glare of Oxford. Glare is the editor of the Liddell-Scott Greek-English
Lexicon: Supplement (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996).
In a personal letter, which he has allowed me to quote, Glare says:

Dear Professor Grudem,

Thank you for sending me the copy of your article on kefalhv.
The entry under this word in LSJ is not very satisfactory. Perhaps
I could draw your attention to a section of Lexicographica Graeca by
Dr John Chadwick (OUP 1996), though he does not deal in detail
with the Septuagint and NT material. I was unable to revise the
longer articles in LSJ when I was preparing the latest Supplement,

since I did not have the financial resources to carry out a full-scale
I have no time at the moment to discuss all your examples indi-
vidually and in any case I am in broad agreement with your con-
clusions. I might just make one or two generalizations. kefalhv is
the word normally used to translate the Hebrew var and this does
seem frequently to denote leader or chief without much reference to its
original anatomical sense, and here it seems perverse to deny authority.
The supposed sense ‘source’ of course does not exist and it was at least
unwise of Liddell and Scott to mention the word. At the most they
should have said ‘applied to the source of a river in respect of its
position in its (the river’s) course’.
By NT times the Septuagint had been well established and one
would only expect that a usage found frequently in it would come
easily to such a writer as St. Paul. Where I would agree with Cervin
is that in many of the examples, and I think all the Plutarch ones,
we are dealing with similes or comparisons and the word itself is
used in a literal sense. Here we are faced with the inadequacies of
LSJ. If they had clearly distinguished between, for example, ‘the
head as the seat of the intellect and emotions (and therefore the
director of the body’s actions)’ and ‘the head as the extremity of
the human or animal body’ and so on, these figurative examples
would naturally be attached to the end of the section they belong
to and the author’s intention would be clear. I hasten to add that
in most cases the sense of the head as being the controlling agent
is the one required and that the idea of preeminence seems to me to be
quite unsuitable, and that there are still cases where kefalhv can be
understood, as in the Septuagint, in its transferred sense of head
or leader.
Once again, thank you for sending me the article. I shall file it
in the hope that one day we will be able to embark on a more thor-
ough revision of the lexicon.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Glare40

So this egalitarian objection also fails to be convincing, and we are

right to conclude that the Bible gives husbands the responsibility of a
unique leadership role, a unique authority, in the marriage.
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 59



This point is at the heart of the controversy, and it shows why much
more is at stake than the meaning of one or two words or verses in the
Bible. Much more is at stake even than how we live in our marriages.
Here we are talking about the nature of God Himself.
In 1 Corinthians 11:3 Paul writes, “But I want you to understand
that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her hus-
band, and the head of Christ is God.” In this verse, the word “head”
refers to one who is in a position of authority over the other, as this
Greek word (kephal∑) uniformly does whenever it is used in ancient
literature to say that one person is “head of ” another person or
group.41 So Paul is here referring to a relationship of authority
between God the Father and God the Son, and he is making a paral-
lel between that relationship in the Trinity and the relationship
between the husband and wife in marriage. This is an important par-
allel because it shows that there can be equality and differences
between persons at the same time. We can illustrate that in the fol-
lowing diagram, where the arrows indicate authority over the person
to whom the arrow points:



The Father and Son are equal in diety and in value, just as husband and
wife are equal in personhood and in value. Yet the Father has authority over
the Son, as the husband has authority over the wife.

Just as the Father and Son are equal in deity and equal in all their
attributes, but different in role, the husband and wife are equal in per-
sonhood and value but different in the roles that God has given them.
Just as God the Son is eternally subject to the authority of God the
Father, so God has planned that wives would be subject to the author-
ity of their husbands.
Scripture frequently speaks of the Father-Son relationship within
the Trinity, a relationship in which the Father “gave” His only Son (John
3:16) and “sent” the Son into the world (John 3:17, 34; 4:34; 8:42; Gal.
4:4; and so on), a relationship in which the Father “predestined” us to
be conformed to the image of His Son (Rom. 8:29; compare 1 Pet. 1:2)
and “chose us” in the Son “before the foundation of the world” (Eph.
1:4). The Son is obedient to the commands of the Father (John 12:49)
and says that He comes to do “the will of him who sent me” (John 4:34;
6:38). These relationships are never reversed. Never does Scripture say
that the Son sends the Father, or that the Holy Spirit sends the Father
or the Son, or that the Father obeys the commands of the Son or the
Holy Spirit. Never does Scripture say that the Son predestined us to be
conformed to the image of the Father. The role of planning, directing,
sending, and commanding the Son belongs to the Father only.
These relationships are eternal, for the Father predestined us in
the Son “before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4), requiring
that the Father has eternally been Father and that the Son has eternally
been Son. If the Father’s love is seen in that He “gave his only Son”
(John 3:16), then the Father had to be Father and the Son had to be
Son before the Son came into the world. The Father did not give
someone who was just another divine person in the Trinity. He gave
the one who was His only Son, one who eternally had been His Son.
It was also this way in the creation of the world, where the Father
initiated and commanded and created “through” the Son. The Son was
the powerful Word of God who carried out the commands of the
Father, for “all things were made through him” (John 1:3). The Son is
the one “through whom” God created the world (Heb. 1:2). All things
were created by the Father working through the Son, for “there is one
God, the Father, from whom are all things . . . and one Lord, Jesus Christ,
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 61

through whom are all things” (1 Cor. 8:6). Nowhere does Scripture
reverse this and say that the Son created “through” the Father.
The Son sits at the Father’s right hand (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 1:3, 13;
1 Pet. 3:22); the Father does not sit at the Son’s right hand. And for all
eternity, the Son will be subject to the Father, for after the last enemy,
death, is destroyed, “the Son himself will also be subjected to him who
put all things under him, that God may be everything to every one”
(1 Cor. 15:28).
We see from these passages, then, that the idea of headship and sub-
mission within a personal relationship did not begin with the Council on
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood in 1987. Nor did it begin with
some writings of the apostle Paul in the first century. Nor did it begin
with a few patriarchal men in a patriarchal society in the Old Testament.
Nor did it begin with Adam and Eve’s fall into sin in Genesis 3. In fact,
the idea of headship and submission did not even begin with the cre-
ation of Adam and Eve. It existed before creation, in the relationship
between the Father and Son in the Trinity. The Father has eternally had
a leadership role, an authority to initiate and direct, that the Son does
not have. Similarly, the Holy Spirit is subject to both the Father and Son
and plays yet a different role in creation and in the work of salvation.
When did the idea of headship and submission begin, then? The
idea of headship and submission never began! It has always existed in the eter-
nal nature of God Himself. And in this most basic of all authority rela-
tionships, authority is not based on gifts or ability (for the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit are equal in attributes and perfections); it is just there.
Authority belongs to the Father, not because He is wiser or because
He is a more skillful leader, but just because He is the Father.
Authority and submission between the Father and the Son, and
between both Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, is the fundamen-
tal difference in the persons of the Trinity. They don’t differ in any
attributes, but in how They relate to each other. And that relationship
is one of leadership and authority on the one hand and voluntary, will-
ing, joyful submission to that authority on the other hand. We can
learn from this that submission to a rightful authority is a noble virtue.
It is a privilege. It is something good and desirable. It is the virtue that

has been demonstrated by the eternal Son of God forever. It is His glory,
the glory of the Son as He relates to His Father.
In modern society, we tend to think that if you are a person who
has authority over another, that’s a good thing, but if you are the one
who has to submit to an authority, that’s a bad thing. But that is the
world’s viewpoint, and it is not true. Submission to a rightful author-
ity is a good and noble and wonderful thing, because it reflects the
interpersonal relationships within God Himself. We can say, then, that
a relationship of authority and submission between equals, with
mutual giving of honor, is the most fundamental and most glorious
interpersonal relationship in the universe. Such a relationship allows
there to be interpersonal differences without “better” or “worse,”
without “more important” and “less important.”
When we begin to dislike the very idea of authority and submission—
not distortions and abuses, but the very idea—we are tampering with
something very deep. We are beginning to dislike God Himself. This
truth about the Trinity creates a problem for egalitarians within the
church. They try to force people to choose between equality and
authority. They say, if you have male headship, then you can’t be equal.
Or if you are equal, then you can’t have male headship. And our
response is that you can have both: Just look at the Trinity. Within the
being of God, you have both equality and authority.
In reply to this, egalitarians should have said, “Okay, we agree on
this much. In God you can have equality and differences at the same
time.” In fact, some egalitarians have said this.42 But some prominent
egalitarians have taken a different direction, one that is very troubling.
Both Gilbert Bilezikian and Stanley Grenz have now written that they
think there is “mutual submission” within the Trinity. They say that the
Father also submits to the Son.43 This is their affirmation, though no
passage of Scripture affirms such a relationship and though this has
never been the orthodox teaching of the Christian church throughout
2,000 years. But so deep is their commitment to an egalitarian view of
men and women within marriage that they will modify the doctrine of
the Trinity, and remake the Trinity in the image of egalitarian marriage,
if it seems necessary in order to maintain their position.
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 63



In today’s culture we might be embarrassed to talk about God-given

differences between men and women. We don’t want to be attacked
or laughed at. Perhaps we fear that someone will take offense.
(However, there is more acknowledgment of male/female differences
in the general culture today than there was a few years ago. A number
of secular books, such as John Gray’s Men Are from Mars, Women Are
from Venus, have once again made it acceptable to talk about at least
some differences between men and women, though the idea of a hus-
band’s authority and the wife’s submission within marriage still seems
to be taboo in the general culture.)44 Nevertheless, the way God cre-
ated us as men and women, equal in His image and different in roles,
was “very good.” This fundamental statement of our excellence is
found in Genesis 1:31: “And God saw everything that he had made,
and behold, it was very good.” And if it is “very good,” then we can make
some other observations about the created order.
This created order is fair. Egalitarians argue that it is “not fair” for men
to have a leadership role in the family simply because they are men.
But if this difference is based on God’s assignment of roles from the
beginning, then it is fair. Does the Son say to the Father, “It’s not fair
for You to be in charge simply because You are the Father”? Does the
Son say to the Father, “You’ve been in charge for fifteen billion years,
and now it’s My turn for the next fifteen billion”? Absolutely not!
Rather, He fulfilled the Psalm that said, “I desire to do your will, O
my God; your law is within my heart” (Ps. 40:8, ESV; compare Heb.
10:7). And of His relationship with the Father, He said, “I always do
what is pleasing to him” (John 8:29), and, “I have come down from
heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me”
(John 6:38). The order of relationships within the Trinity is fair. And
the order of relationships established by God for marriage is fair.
This created order is also best for us. It is best because it comes from
an all-wise Creator. This created order truly honors men and women.
It does not lead to abuse; it guards against it, because both men and

women are equal in value before God. It does not suppress women’s
gifts and wisdom and insight; it encourages them.
This created order is also a mystery. I have been married to one very
wonderful woman for thirty-two years, but I don’t completely under-
stand her. Just when I think I understand her, she surprises me again.
Marriage is a challenge! And it’s also very fun. But in our relationships
with each other as men and women there will always be elements of
surprise, always elements of mystery, always aspects of difference that
we will not fully understand but simply enjoy.
This created order is beautiful. God took delight in it and thought it
was “very good.” When it is functioning in the way that God intended,
we will enjoy this relationship and delight in it, because there is a God-
like quality about it. And in fact, though some elements of society have
been pushing in the opposite direction for several decades, there is
much evidence from “natural law”—from our observation of the
world and our inner sense of right and wrong—that men and women
have a sense that different roles within marriage are right. This is what
we meant when we said in the Danvers Statement, “Distinctions in
masculine and feminine roles are ordained by God and should find an
echo in every human heart” (Affirmation Two). God’s created order
for marriage is beautiful because it is God’s way to bring amazing unity
to people who are so different, as men and women are.
The beauty of God’s created order for marriage also finds expres-
sion in our sexuality within marriage. “Therefore a man shall leave his
father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become
one flesh” (Gen. 2:24, ESV). From the beginning, God designed our
sexuality so that it reflects unity and differences and beauty all at the
same time. As husband and wife, we are most attracted to the parts of
each other that are the most different. Our deepest unity—physical
and emotional and spiritual unity—comes at the point where we are
most different. In our physical union as God intended it, there is no
dehumanization of women and no emasculation of men, but there is
equality and honor for both the husband and the wife. And there is
our deepest human joy and our deepest expression of unity.
This means that sexuality within marriage is precious to God. It
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 65

is designed by Him to show equality and difference and unity all at the
same time. It is a great mystery how this can be so, and it is also a great
blessing and joy. Moreover, God has ordained that from that sexual
union comes the most amazing, the most astounding event—the cre-
ation of a new human being in the image of God.
Within this most intimate of human relationships, we show
equality and difference and unity and much God-likeness all at once.
Glory be to God!


Why did the Southern Baptist Convention in June 1998, for the first
time since 1963, add to their statement of faith that men and women
are equal in God’s image but different in their roles in marriage?45
Why, shortly after that, did more than a hundred Christian leaders sign
a full-page ad in USA Today saying, “Southern Baptists . . . you are
right! We stand with you!”46 Why did Campus Crusade for Christ,
after forty years of no change in their doctrinal policies, endorse a sim-
ilar statement as the policy of their organization in 1999?47 Clearly,
many Christian leaders are beginning to say, “The egalitarian view just
cannot be proven from Scripture.”
Twenty-five years ago there were many questions of differences
in interpretation, and both the egalitarian position and the comple-
mentarian position were found within evangelical groups. Over the
last twenty-five years, we have seen extensive discussion and argu-
ment of both views, and we have seen hundreds of articles and
books published. But it seems to me that people are beginning to
look at the situation differently. The egalitarian viewpoint, which
was novel within evangelicalism twenty-five years ago, has had
great opportunity to defend itself. The arguments are all out on the
table, and the detailed studies of words of the Bible, the technical
questions of grammar, and the extensive studies of background lit-
erature and history have been carried out. There are dozens and
dozens of egalitarian books denying differences in male and female
roles within marriage, but they now seem to be repeating the same
arguments over and over. The egalitarians have not had any new

breakthroughs, any new discoveries that lend any substantial

strength to their position.
It seems to me that many people in leadership are now deciding that
the egalitarian view is simply not what the Bible teaches. And they are
deciding that it will not be taught in their churches, so they add clauses
to that effect to their statements of faith. Then the controversy is essen-
tially over, for that group at least, for the next ten or twenty years.
James Dobson saw the wisdom of this. After Campus Crusade
announced its policy in June 1999, Dobson’s newsletter in September
1999, on the front page, said, “We applaud our friends at Campus
Crusade for taking this courageous stance.” He quoted the statement
in full and then said, “It is our prayer that additional denominations
and parachurch organizations will join with SBC in adopting this
statement on marriage and the family. Now is the time for Christian
people to identify themselves unreservedly with the truths of the
Bible, whether popular or not.”48
Many egalitarians were greatly troubled by Dobson’s statement.
In the Spring 2000 issue of the egalitarian newsletter Mutuality, there
was an article by Kim Pettit, “Why I Disagree with Dobson and the
SBC.” In the article she objected that “endorsement of the SBC state-
ment by an increasing number of Christian organizations means dis-
senters are excluded as this becomes a confessional issue.”49
Personally, I do not think that the SBC statement or others like it will
mean that people who hold another view will be excluded from fel-
lowship in the church. But I do think it means that people who hold
an egalitarian view will be excluded from many teaching and govern-
ing positions within the denomination. Because I think that the egal-
itarian view is both harmful and contrary to Scripture, I think this is
an appropriate result, and I think it is the one intended by those who
added this statement to the “Baptist Faith and Message.”
People who are right in the middle of turning points in history do
not always realize it. I believe that today we are right in the middle of
a turning point in the history of the church. Organizations right now
are deciding these issues. They are making commitments and estab-
lishing those commitments in their policies. Some organizations are
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 67

affirming biblical principles, as the Southern Baptists did. Others are

establishing egalitarian principles as part of their policies, as Willow
Creek Community Church has done.50 There is a sifting, a sorting, a
dividing going on within the evangelical world, and I believe that insti-
tutions that adopt an egalitarian position on this issue will drift farther
and farther from faithfulness to the Bible on other issues as well.
What is “the way forward” regarding biblical manhood and wom-
anhood? I believe the way forward is to add a clear statement to the
governing document of your church, your denomination, or your
parachurch organization.
Why should we do this? First, because it affects so much. As
Christians, we can differ over issues of the Tribulation or the
Millennium and still live largely the same way in our daily lives. But
differences over this issue affect people’s lives and result in “increas-
ingly destructive consequences in our families, our churches, and the
culture at large,” to use the words of the Danvers Statement
(Affirmation 10). Where biblical patterns are not followed, husbands
and wives have no clear guidance on how to act within their marriages,
and there is increasing stress that brings harmful and even destructive
consequences to families.
The second reason I believe that organizations should add state-
ments to their governing documents is that egalitarians have run out
of new exegetical arguments, and they simply are not winning the
arguments on the basis of the biblical text. As a result, it seems that
their books increasingly deal not with detailed analysis of the words
and sentences of Scripture but with broad generalizations about
Scripture, then with arguments from experience or arguments from
philosophical concepts such as “fairness,” or from the supposed neg-
ative results of a complementarian position (such as spousal abuse,
which they wrongly attribute to our position, but which we strongly
oppose and condemn as well).51 But it seems to me, and increasingly
it seems to many others, that the egalitarian position has simply lost
the arguments based on the meaning of the biblical text, and there are
no more arguments to be made.
A third reason why I think organizations should add a statement

on biblical manhood and womanhood to their governing documents

is that I believe this is a “watershed issue.” Many years ago Francis
Schaeffer called the doctrine of biblical inerrancy a “watershed issue”
because the position that people took regarding inerrancy determined
where their teachings would lead in succeeding years. Schaeffer said
that the first people who make a mistake on a watershed issue do so
with only a very small step, and in all other areas of life they are godly
and orthodox. And this was the case with a number of scholars who
denied inerrancy in principle but did not change their beliefs on much
of anything else. However, the next generation of leaders and schol-
ars who come after them take the error much further. They see the
implications of the change and they are consistent in working it out
with regard to other matters of doctrine and practice, and thus they
fall into greater and greater deviation from the teachings of the Bible.
I believe it is the same with this issue today. This controversy is
the key to deeper issues and deeper commitments that touch every
part of life. Though many egalitarians today do not adopt the other
implications of their view (see discussion under “Key Issue 6,” below),
their followers will, and the next generation of leaders will go much
farther in the denial of the truths of Scripture or their failure to be sub-
ject to Scripture in other parts of life. I said earlier that I believe one
reason God has allowed this controversy into the church is so that we
can correct wrongful male chauvinism in our churches and families.
Now I need to say that I think there is another reason God has allowed
this controversy into the church, and that is to test our hearts. Will we
be faithful to Him and obey His Word or not?
In the Old Testament, God allowed false prophets to come among
the people, but He had told them, “you shall not listen to the words
of that prophet or to that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God
is testing you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all
your heart and with all your soul” (Deut. 13:3). Now I am certainly
not saying that egalitarians are the same as those in Old Testament
times who advocated serving other gods, for egalitarians within evan-
gelicalism do worship Jesus Christ as their Savior. But I am saying that
there is a principle of God’s actions in history in which He allows var-
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 69

ious kinds of false teaching to exist in the church, probably in every

generation, and by these false teachings God tests His people, to see
whether they will be faithful to His Word. In this generation, I believe
that one of those tests is whether we will be faithful to God in the
teaching of His Word on matters of manhood and womanhood.
A similar idea is found in 1 Corinthians 11:19: “for there must be
factions among you, in order that those who are genuine among you may
be recognized.” When divisions and controversies arise in the church,
people who make the right choices about the division eventually become
“recognized,” or are made “evident” (NASB). Others make wrong choices
and thereby disqualify themselves from leadership. Charles Hodge
wrote about this verse, “By the prevalence of disorders and other evils in
the church, God puts his people to the test. They are tried as gold in the
furnace, and their genuineness is made to appear.”52 Today, by the con-
troversy over manhood and womanhood, I believe that God is testing all
of His people, all of His churches. The egalitarian alternative would be
so easy to adopt in today’s culture, and it can appear on the surface to
make so little difference. But will we remain faithful to the Word of God?



I also believe that the question of biblical manhood and womanhood

is the focal point in a tremendous battle of worldviews. In that battle,
biblical Christianity is being attacked simultaneously by two opponents
who have great power over the dominant ideas in the cultures of the
world. Opponent 1, on the left, may be called “No Differences,” and
its slogan would be, “All is one.” Opponent 2, on the right, may be
called “No Equality,” and its slogan would be, “Might Makes Right.”53
The chart on the following pages shows how a biblical view of
men and women (“the complementarian middle”) stands in contrast
to the opponent “No Differences” on the far left and the opponent
“No Equality” on the far right. For example, a biblical view of God
includes equality and differences and unity. God is a Trinity where the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have equal value and different roles, and
they have absolute unity in the one being of God.
“All is one” Removing or denying and UNITY Over-emphasizing the “Might makes right”
many differences Emphasizing both equality and differences between men
between men & women differences between men & women and women
God God = creation Mutual submission God as Trinity Father, Son, Arianism (Son and God as one person, not
God as Mother in the Trinity TrinityGodF →as S Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit not a Trinity, not three per-

Sophia worship HS
God as Trinity
equal value, fully God) S HS
sons. Harsh, unloving
New Age worship God as Trinity different roles warrior-God (Allah)
Man Emasculation of men No gender-based role God as Trinity Husband, wife Men are better than women Men as brutes
Woman Defeminization of differences in marriage →W
God asHTrinity equal value, Excessive competitiveness Women as objects
women (no “Mars-Venus” God as Trinity different roles to show women as inferior Dehumanization of
differences) women
Marriage Same-sex “marriages” “Mutual submission” Husband: loving, humble headship Husband as harsh, Polygamy, harems,
approved Often: husband as “wimp,” Wife: intelligent, joyful submission selfish, “dictator” female infanticide
wife as “usurper” to husband Wife as “doormat”
Children Children murdered: Children raised with too Children loved, cared for, valued Children raised with Children murdered:
abortion supported by little discipline, little Children raised with discipline and harsh discipline, little abortion supported by
women who reject respect for authority love love or compassion men who reject
feminine roles masculine responsi-
bility for family
Family No family—just All responsibilities shared Husband: responsible to lead, provide Wives forbidden to have Men have all power,
Responsibilities “society” equally between husband for, protect own job outside home, women and children
and wife, or divided Wife: responsible to help husband by or to vote or own are to serve them
according to gifts and managing household and nurturing property, etc.

interests children
Sex Homosexuality Men become un-masculine, Monogamous, equally fulfilling Pornography Violence against
Lesbianism unattractive to women intercourse as deepest expression of Lust women
Women become un-feminine, a great “mystery”: equality and Adultery Rape
unattractive to men differences and unity!

Violent opposition to Ambivalence toward sex Delight in God’s plan for sexual Excessive attention to Violent opposition to
God’s plan for sex as expression restrained by bonds of sex God’s plan for sex
only between man and lifelong marriage as only within
woman marriage
Natural Temptation: unlimited Moving “contrary to nature” Natural desires fulfilled Moving in exaggeration Temptation: unlimited
Desires same-sex sexual activity (Rom. 1:26) Men and women have deep sense of and distortion of nature unequal sexual
acting as God made them to act activity
Religion Feminized religion in No governing or teaching Some governing and teaching roles All ministry done by men; Militant forms of Islam
churches roles in church reserved in church restricted to men women’s gifts squelched; Religion advanced by
Pantheism for men Crusades violence
Authority Hatred of authority Suspicion of authority Authority exercised within boundaries Over-use of authority Abuse of authority
Sports No competition Anti-competition Competition with fairness and rules Excessive competition Violent harm to
“everybody wins” Winners honored, losers respected Losers humiliated opponents
Gladiators fight to
WWF wrestling
Crime No respect for authority, Criminal seen as victim to Punishment is speedy, fair; aims at Repressive government, Excessive punishment,
rampant crime, be helped, not punished; justice plus restoration of criminal little freedom, dehumanization of
especially by frustrated, punishment long delayed debtors’ prisons criminals (cut off hand
angry men of thief); little crime,
but no freedom
Property No private property; all No one is allowed to be very Laws protect private property and care Women cannot own Slavery; dehumaniza-
possessions equalized rich; large-scale dependence for poor; more work and skill earns property tion of the poor and
on welfare state and more wealth; equal opportunity for all weak; all property in
government hands of few
Education All-male schools Systematic pressure to make Boys and girls both educated, but Boys given preferential Girls not allowed to
prohibited by law; boys and girls do equally different preferences, abilities, and treatment in schools be educated
prohibitions against well in all subjects sense of calling respected
educating boys and girls
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy

Please note: This chart contains many generalizations and is only meant to show broad tendencies. Most people and many religious systems hold
mixed views and have inconsistencies in thinking. Moreover, conscience, social pressure, and the Bible often restrain people from adopting all aspects
of non-biblical views. Therefore this chart certainly does not imply that every person or religious system within each column holds to everything in
that column. This chart may be duplicated for teaching purposes without charge.

The Left Column: No Differences. On the far left, the differences in

the persons of God are abolished and the differences between God
and the creation are abolished because “all is one.” God then is viewed
as equal to the creation, and people will worship the earth or parts of
the earth as God (or as our “Mother”). Much New Age worship takes
this form, as does much Eastern religion where the goal is to seek
unity with the universe. When we follow the “no differences” theme
into the area of manhood and womanhood, the attempt to obliterate
differences leads to the emasculation of men and the defeminization
of women. Men become more like women and women become more
like men, because “all is one.”
Within marriage, if there are no differences, then same-sex “mar-
riages” would be approved. Women who reject feminine roles will
support abortion. Since there are no distinct roles for a child’s father
and mother within the family, there’s really no longer any need to have
children raised by the family; rather, “society” can take care of raising
children. Within the realm of sexuality, homosexuality and lesbianism
will be approved. The chart then details how the “no differences,” “all
should be one” theme will work out in feminized religion within
churches, in hatred of authority (for if someone has more authority,
then all is not one), in a loss of competitiveness in sports (for if we
have “winners” and “losers,” then all is not one), in no respect for
authority in the civil realm (with an increase in rampant crime), in
attempts to abolish private property and to equalize possessions (for
no one can be different, but all should be one), and in attempts to pro-
hibit all-male schools or to prohibit educating boys and girls sepa-
rately. These are the tendencies that follow once we adopt the
conviction that “all is one.” If there are no differences of persons in
the being of God, there should be no differences between men and
women either.
The Egalitarian Column: Remove Many Differences. What concerns
me about the egalitarian viewpoint within evangelicalism is that it
tends toward removing or denying many differences between men
and women. Egalitarians have begun to deny eternal personal distinc-
tions among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and argue rather for
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 73

“mutual submission” within the Trinity. They deny that there are any
gender-based role differences in marriage.54 Within marriage, an egal-
itarian view tends toward abolishing differences and advocates
“mutual submission,” which often results in the husband acting as a
“wimp” and the wife as a “usurper.” Because there is a deep-seated
opposition to most authority, the drive toward “sameness” will often
result in children being raised with too little discipline and too little
respect for authority. Within the family, there will be a tendency
toward sharing all responsibilities equally between husband and wife,
or to dividing responsibilities according to gifts and interests, not
according to roles as specified by Scripture. Within the realm of
human sexuality, tendencies to deny the differences between men and
women will often result in men becoming unmasculine and unattrac-
tive to women and women becoming unfeminine and unattractive to
men. There will often be ambivalence toward sex.
The chart goes on to show how, within the realm of religion, the
egalitarian view tends toward removing or denying many differences
between men and women, and supports the idea that no governing or
teaching roles within the church should be reserved for men. Within
sports, this view would tend to be opposed to competition and think
of it as evil rather than good. With respect to crime, the criminal would
be seen as a victim to be helped and not punished, and punishment
would be long delayed. As far as private property is concerned, because
there are tendencies to abolish differences, no one would be allowed
to be very rich, and there would be large-scale dependence on the wel-
fare state and on government. Within education, there would be sys-
tematic pressure to make boys and girls participate equally and do
equally well in all subjects and all activities, forcibly attempting to
eradicate any patterns of natural preferences and aptitudes for some
kinds of activities by boys and some kinds by girls. All of this would
tend toward a denial of differences between men and women.
The Far Right Column: No Equality. But there are opposite errors as
well. The opponent on the far right side of the chart is “No Equality,”
and the dominant idea from this perspective is that there is no equal-
ity between persons who are different. Rather, the stronger person is

more valuable, and the weaker person is devalued, for “might makes
right.” In this view, God is not viewed as a Trinity but as one person
who is all-powerful. Often God can be viewed as a harsh, unloving
warrior God, as in a common Islamic view of Allah, as well as in a
number of tribal religions. In this perspective, since “might makes
right” and the weaker person is viewed as inferior, the relationships
between men and women get distorted. Men begin to act as brutes
and they treat women as objects. This view dehumanizes women.
Whereas the “No Differences” error most significantly results in the
destruction of men, the “No Equality” error most significantly results
in the destruction of women.
Within marriage, the idea that there is no equality in value
between men and women will lead to polygamy and harems. There
is no concern to value women equally, for “might makes right” and
men are stronger. This view also leads to female infanticide, because
people prefer to have boys. With regard to children, men who reject
masculine responsibility to care for their families will support and
encourage abortion. Within the family, if there is no equality in value
before God, men will have all the power, and women and children
will exist simply to serve them. Within the realm of sexuality, the “No
Equality” error results in rape and other violence against women.
The chart also shows how this viewpoint works out in religion,
where religion is advanced by violence and force (as in militant forms
of Islam). The view that there need be no equality of value between
persons results in the destruction of people who have less power or
less authority, so authority is abused as a result. Within sports, this
view will lead to violent harm to opponents, and even to gladiators
fighting to the death. (The increasing popularity of violent and harm-
ful wrestling programs on television is a manifestation of this ten-
dency.) As far as criminal justice, this view will lead to excessive
punishment and dehumanization of criminals (such as cutting off the
hand of a thief, or putting people to death for expressing different reli-
gious beliefs). There will often be little outward crime in the society,
but on the other hand there will be little freedom. As far as private
property is concerned, there will be slavery and dehumanization of the
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 75

poor and weak, while all property is held in the hands of a few who
are very powerful. In education, the “No Equality” viewpoint would
result in girls not being allowed to obtain an education.
The Male Dominance Column: Overemphasizing the Differences and
Neglecting Equality. There have been disturbing tendencies leading in
the direction of “No Equality” and advocating that “might makes
right” whenever a “Male Dominance” view has found expression
within the church or society. This view overemphasizes the differ-
ences between men and women and does not treat women as having
equal value to men, nor would it treat those under authority as hav-
ing equal value to those who have authority. With respect to a view of
God, this view, which might be called the “domineering right,” would
be parallel to Arianism (the view that the Son and Holy Spirit are not
fully God in the sense that the Father is God, but are lesser, created
beings). In relationships between men and women, this viewpoint
would foster an attitude that men are better than women, and it would
result in excessive competitiveness in which a man feels he always has
to win in any sport or in any argument with a woman, in order to
show that women are inferior.
Within marriage, this “Male Dominance” error would result in a
husband being harsh and selfish and acting as a “dictator” or a “tyrant,”
and the wife acting as a “doormat.” Because there is too great an
emphasis on authority, this view would tend toward a system where
children are raised with harsh discipline but with little love or com-
passion. As far as family responsibilities, wives would be forbidden to
have their own jobs outside the home, or to vote, or to own property,
for there is no thought of treating them as equal.
Within the realm of sexuality, a “Male Dominance” view would
result in pornography and adultery and hearts filled with lust. There
would be excessive attention given to sex, with men focusing on their
own sexual desires. People may wonder why involvement with
pornography often leads to violence against women, but this chart
makes the connection clear: Pornography looks at women as objects
for sexual gratification, not as persons equal in God’s sight; violence

against women just takes that idea one step further and begins to treat
them as objects and as unworthy of dignity and respect.
The chart goes on to point out how “Male Dominance” would
work out in a religious system where all ministry is done by men and
women’s gifts are suppressed and squelched. This view would also
lead to things like the Crusades, the mistaken military expeditions in
the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries that were carried out to
regain control of the Holy Land from the Muslims by force. Within
sports, there would be excessive competition and losers would be
humiliated. Regarding crime, there would be a repressive government
with little freedom, and things like debtors’ prisons would dehuman-
ize the poor. Women would not be permitted to own property, and
boys would be given preferential treatment in schools.
The Complementarian Middle Column: Equality and Differences and
Unity All Maintained. In contrast to these errors in both directions, the
biblical picture is one that emphasizes equality and differences and unity
at the same time. Parallel to the equality and differences among the
members of the Trinity, in a complementarian view men and women
are equal in value but have different roles. Within marriage, a husband
will manifest loving, humble headship, and a wife will manifest intel-
ligent, joyful submission to her husband’s leadership. Children will
be loved and cared for and valued, and they will be raised with both
discipline and love. Children will respect the authority of their par-
ents, but their parents will respect the dignity of children as having
equal value because they are persons created in the image of God.
Within the family, there will be a division of responsibilities in which
the husband is primarily responsible to lead, provide for, and protect
his family. The wife, on the other hand, will be primarily responsible
to help her husband by managing the household and nurturing the
children, though both husband and wife will often participate will-
ingly in helping the other person with his or her area of primary
In the realm of sexuality, a complementarian view will result in
monogamous, lifelong marriage and in equally fulfilling experiences
of sex as the deepest expression of a great “mystery” created by God:
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 77

We are equal, and we are different, and we are one! There will be a
delight in God’s plan for sexual expression, but it will be restrained by
the bonds of lifelong faithfulness to one’s marriage partner. Men and
women will have then a deep sense of acting in the way that God cre-
ated them to act in all these areas.
The chart goes on to explain how a complementarian view works
out in religion, where some governing and teaching roles in the
church are restricted to men, but women’s gifts are also honored and
used fully in the ministries of the church. In all areas of life, author-
ity will be exercised within boundaries so that the person under
authority is treated with respect and dignity, and treated as someone
who shares equally in the image of God. Within sports, there will be
an appreciation for competition that will include fairness and rules,
and winners will be honored while losers are respected. Equality.
Differences. Unity.
As far as crime, punishment will be speedy and fair and will aim
at satisfying justice as well as restoring the criminal. Laws will protect
private property but will also reflect care for the poor. People will be
rewarded according to their work and skill, and there will be a desire
to have equal opportunity for all in the economic realm. Within edu-
cation, both boys and girls will be educated but different preferences
and abilities and senses of calling among boys and girls will be
respected, and no quotas will be imposed to force an artificial equal-
ity in number of participants in every activity where that would not
have resulted from allowing boys and girls to choose activities freely
of their own accord. Equality. Differences. Unity.
I realize, of course, that any chart like this has generalizations and
that people may not hold all the viewpoints represented within a par-
ticular column. Nevertheless, I think the chart has significant value in
showing that we will continually face two opposing challenges in try-
ing to uphold a biblical viewpoint of manhood and womanhood.
People on the domineering right will continue to think of us as weak
and yielding too much to the demands of feminism. People on the
egalitarian left will continue to see us as harsh and overemphasizing

the differences between men and women. But we must steadfastly and
patiently hold to the middle, with the help of God.
By now it should be plain why I say that this controversy is big-
ger than we realize. The struggle to uphold equality and differences
and unity between men and women has implications for all areas of
life. Moreover, strong spiritual forces invisibly war against us in this
whole controversy. I am not now focusing on the egalitarian left or the
domineering right, but on the far left column and the far right col-
umn, the effeminate left and the violent right. I do not think that we
can look at those two columns for long without realizing that behind
the attempt to abolish all differences and make everything “one,” and
behind the attempt to destroy those who are weaker and make the
stronger always “right,” there is deep spiritual evil. At both extremes,
the hand of the Enemy seeks to destroy God’s idea of sex, of marriage,
and of manhood and womanhood. We see the hand of the Enemy
seeking to destroy everything that glorifies God, especially the beauty
of our sexual differences, which wonderfully reflect God’s glory. The
Enemy hates everything that God created as good, and hates every-
thing that brings glory to God Himself.
So in the end, this whole controversy is really about God and how
His character is reflected in the beauty and excellence of manhood and
womanhood as He created it. Will we glorify God through manhood
and womanhood lived according to His Word? Or will we deny His
Word and give in to the pressures of modern culture? That is the
choice we have to make.

1. Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations in this chapter are from the
Revised Standard Version of the Bible. Italics in Scripture quotations have been
added by the author for emphasis.
2. For further discussion, see Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction
to Biblical Doctrine (Leicester, England: InterVarsity; and Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Zondervan, 1994), 442-450.
3. God created us so that our likeness to Him would be seen in our moral judg-
ment and actions, in our spiritual life and ability to relate to God who is spirit,
in our reasoning ability, our use of language, our awareness of the distant past
and future, our creativity, the complexity and variety of our emotions, the
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 79

depth of our interpersonal relationships, our equality and differences in mar-

riage and other interpersonal relationships, our rule over the rest of creation,
and in other ways. All of these aspects are distorted by sin and manifest them-
selves in ways that are unlike God and are displeasing to Him, but all of these
areas of our lives are also being progressively restored to greater God-likeness
through the salvation that is ours in Christ, and they will be completely
restored in us when Christ returns.
4. In 1 Corinthians 11:7 Paul says, “A man ought not to cover his head, since he
is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man.” He is not deny-
ing here that woman was created in the image of God, for that is clearly affirmed
in Genesis 1:27. Nor does he say that woman is the image of man. Rather, Paul
is simply saying that in the relationship between man and woman, man in particular
reflects something of the excellence of the God who created him, and woman
in that relationship reflects something of the excellence of the man from whom
she was created. Yet Paul goes on almost immediately to say that men and
women are interdependent (1 Cor. 11:11-12), and that we could not exist with-
out each other. He does not say in this passage that man is more in the image of
God than woman is, nor should we derive any such idea from this passage.
5. A tragic example of male dominance was reported on the front page of USA
Today: International Edition (Sept. 6, 1994): “No Girls Allowed: Abortion for sex
selection raises moral questions” was the caption on a photo of a doctor per-
forming an ultrasound on a pregnant woman in India. The cover story, “Asians’
desire for boys leaves a deadly choice,” reported that according to Dr. Datta Pai,
a Bombay obstetrician, “99% of those found to be carrying female fetuses
aborted their unborn children” (2A). The story explained that “modern tech-
nology, the strong cultural desire for boys and pressure to reduce population
have joined forces in a deadly combination in India, China and much of Asia
to produce a booming business in sex selection. . . . [T]he practice of aborting
female fetuses appears common judging by emerging statistics that show lop-
sided sex ratios throughout Asia and into North Africa. Nor is the practice of
sex selection limited to abortion. Female infanticide, the abandonment of baby
girls, and the preferential feeding and health care of boys contribute greatly to
the imbalanced ratios” (1A-2A). The story goes on to quote Harvard professor
Amartya Sen as saying that there are now more than 100,000,000 women
“missing” in the population of the world, including 44,000,000 fewer women
in China and 37,000,000 fewer in India than should be alive according to nor-
mal sex ratios at birth (2A).
This is a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. In addition to the harm of
these lost lives, we must think of the destructive consequences in the lives of
those women who survive. From their earliest age they receive the message
from their families, and indeed from their whole society, “Boys are better than
girls,” and “I wish you were a boy.” The devastation on their own sense of self-
worth must be immense. Yet all of this comes about as a result of a failure to
realize that men and women, boys and girls, have equal value in God’s sight
and should have equal value in our sight as well. The first chapter of the Bible

corrects this practice, and corrects any lurking sense in our own hearts that
boys are more valuable than girls, when it says we are both created in the
image of God.
6. The fact that both men and women are baptized stands in contrast to the Old
Testament, where the outward sign of inclusion in the community of God’s
people was circumcision: circumcision by its nature was only administered to
men. By contrast, in the New Testament church both men and women are
baptized. In this way, every baptism should remind us of our equality in the
image of God.
7. I realize that there is an opposite mistake, in which the husband “listens” so
much and the wife has so great a “voice” that in effect the wife becomes the
governing partner in the relationship. I am not advocating that mistake either,
and in what follows I will argue for the necessity of a male leadership role in
decision making within marriage.
8. Policy statement announced and distributed to Campus Crusade staff mem-
bers at a biannual staff conference, July 28, 1999, at Moby Arena, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. The statement was reported in a
Religion News Service dispatch July 30, 1999, a Baptist Press story by Art
Toalston on July 29, 1999 (, and an article in World
magazine September 11, 1999 (32); it was also quoted in full in James Dobson’s
monthly newsletter Family News from Dr. James Dobson (September 1999), 1-2.
9. Throughout this chapter, I use the word “egalitarian” to refer to those within
the evangelical world who say that no differences in the roles of men and
women should be based on their gender alone. In particular, “egalitarians” deny
that there is any unique male leadership role in marriage or in the church.
Sometimes I use the phrase “evangelical feminists” to mean the same thing as
10. The Danvers Statement was prepared by several evangelical leaders at a
Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood meeting in Danvers,
Massachusetts, in December 1987. It was first published in final form by the
CBMW in Wheaton, Illinois, in November 1988. See the appendix for the full
text of this statement.
11. The entire statement in the form adopted by Campus Crusade for Christ is
available at, in the archives for July 29, 1999.
12. The entire statement is available from the website of Christians for Biblical
Equality, I should add that the CBE statement reg-
ularly portrays a non-egalitarian position in pejorative language such as “the
rulership of Adam over Eve,” and fails to even mention a third alternative,
namely, loving, humble headship. (For a discussion of repeated ambiguities in
the CBE statement, see John Piper and Wayne Grudem, “Charity, Clarity, and
Hope,” in Piper and Grudem, eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
[Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 1991], 403-422.)
13. Bruce Ware adds yet another indication related to this temporal priority in cre-
ation, namely, that woman was created “from” or “out of” man. See his dis-
cussion in “Male and Female Complementarity and the Image of God,”
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 81

chapter 2 of Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood (Wheaton, Ill.:

Crossway, 2002). Although I have not listed it separately here, it could be
counted as an eleventh indication along with the ten I list.
14. See Gilbert Bilezikian, Beyond Sex Roles, 2nd edn. (Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Baker, 1990), 259, where he says, “No mention of ‘giving a name’ is made in
reference to the woman in verse 23.” He also says, “The contrast between
Genesis 2:23 and 3:20 bears out the fact that there was no act of naming in the
first instance. When Eve actually receives her name, the text uses that very word,
‘The man called his wife’s name Eve’” (261). Bilezikian apparently thinks that
where the word “name” (the Hebrew noun sh∑m) is not used, no act of nam-
ing occurs. But he takes no account of the fact that the noun sh∑m is not used
in Genesis 1:5, 8, or 10 either, where God names the “Day” and the “Night,”
and “Heaven” and “Earth” and “Seas.” The idea of naming can be indicated by
the verb qårå’ without the noun “name” being used.
15. Similarly, because God is having Adam examine and name the entire animal
kingdom, it is likely that Adam gave names to one representative of each broad
category or type of animal in Genesis 2:19-20 (such as “dog,” “cat,” “deer,” or
“lion,” to use English equivalents). We hardly expect that he would have given
individual, personal names (such as “Rover,” or “Tabby,” or “Bambi,” or
“Leo”), because those names would not have applied to others of the same
kind. This distinction is missed by Gilbert Bilezikian (Beyond Sex Roles, 259-
261) when he objects that Adam did not name Eve until Genesis 3:20, after the
Fall. He did give her a specific personal name (“Eve”) after the Fall, but he also
gave her the general category name “Woman” before the Fall.
16. There are actually more than thirteen instances where the Hebrew word ’ådåm
referred to a male human being, because prior to the creation of Eve there are
twelve additional instances where references to “the man” spoke only of a male
person whom God has created: see Genesis 2:5, 7 (twice), 8, 15, 16, 18, 19
(twice), 20 (twice), 21. If we add these instances, there are twenty-five examples
of ’ådåm used to refer to a male human being prior to Genesis 5:2. The male
connotations of the word could not have been missed by the original readers.
17. Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr., “Male-Female Equality and Male Headship,” in
Piper and Grudem, eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 98.
18. It is interesting to notice that several gender-neutral Bible translations have
changed the word “man,” which was standard in earlier English translations.
The word “humankind” is used in the New Revised Standard Version of
Genesis 1:26-27. The New Living Translation uses the word “people,” while
the inclusive language edition of the New International Version uses the
phrase “human beings.” In Genesis 5:2, various gender-neutral substitutes
replace the name “man”: “humankind” (NRSV), “human” (NLT), or “human
beings” (NIV-Inclusive Language Edition, CEV, NCV).
19. I am taking this analogy from Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr., in Piper and Grudem,
eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 104.
20. This is the definition given in Francis Brown, S. R. Driver, and Charles A.

Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament (BDB) (Oxford:
Clarendon, 1968), 617.
21. The ESV margin gives “against” as an alternative for teshûqåh + ’el in Genesis
3:16 and 4:7. This seems to be the most accurate rendering. The preposition
’el can take the meaning “against,” as is clear from the next verse, Gen. 4:8,
where “Cain rose up against (’el) his brother Abel, and killed him.” BDB gives
sense 4 for ’el as: “Where the motion or direction implied appears from the con-
text to be of a hostile character, ’el = against.” They cite Gen. 4:8 and several
other verses (40).
22. The only other occurrence of the word teshûqåh in the entire Hebrew Old
Testament is found in Song of Solomon 7:10 (verse 11 in Hebrew), “I am my
beloved’s, and his desire is for me.” There the word does not indicate a hostile
or aggressive desire, but the man’s sexual desire for his wife.
I had previously argued that a positive kind of “desire to conquer” could be
understood in Song of Solomon 7:10, whereby it indicated the man’s desire to
have a kind of influence over his beloved that is appropriate to initiating and
consummating the sexual relationship, an influence such that she would
receive and yield to his amorous advances. This sense would be represented by
the paraphrase, “His desire is to have me yield to him.”
However, I am now inclined to think that the word teshûqåh itself does not
signify anything so specific as “desire to conquer” but rather something more
general such as “urge, impulse.” (The word takes that sense in Mishnaic
Hebrew, as indicated by David Talley in the following footnote.) In that case,
Genesis 3:16 and 4:7 have the sense “desire, urge, impulse against” and Song of
Solomon 7:10 has the sense “desire, urge, impulse for.” This seems to me to fit
better with the context of Song of Solomon 7:10.
The difference in meaning may also be signaled by the different construc-
tions. The Genesis and Song of Solomon examples are not exactly parallel lin-
guistically, because a different preposition follows the verb in Song of Solomon
and therefore the sense may be somewhat different. In Song of Solomon 7:11,
teshûqåh is followed by ‘al, but it is followed by ’el in Genesis 3:16 and 4:7.
(The preposition ‘al is misprinted as ’el in Song of Solomon 7:11 as cited in
BDB, 1003. BDB apparently does this because they follow the Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartensia editors [1334] who in the margin suggest changing the Hebrew
text to ’el, but this is mere conjecture with no manuscript support. The LXX
confirms the difference, translating with pros for ’el in Gen. 3:16 and 4:7 but
with epi for ‘al in Song of Solomon 7:11, which is what we would expect with
a very literal translation.)
In any case, while the sense in Song of Solomon 7:10 (11) is different, both
the context and the construction are different, and this example is removed in
time and authorship from Genesis 3:16 and must be given lower importance
in understanding the meaning of the word in Genesis. Surely the sense cannot
be “sexual desire” in Gen. 4:7, and it seems very unlikely in the context of Gen.
3:16 as well.
23. The understanding of Genesis 3:16 as a hostile desire, or even a desire to rule
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 83

over, has gained significant support among Old Testament commentators. It

was first suggested by Susan T. Foh, “What Is the Woman’s Desire?”
Westminster Theological Journal 37 (1975), 376-383. David Talley says the word
is attested in Samaritan and Mishnaic Hebrew “with the meaning urge, crav-
ing, impulse,” and says of Foh, “Her contention that the desire is a contention
for leadership, a negative usage, seems probable for Gen. 3:16” (Talley, in W.
A. VanGemeren, ed., New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and
Exegesis, vol. 4 [Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1997], 341, with reference
to various commentators).
24. There was a foreshadowing of these New Testament commands in the godly
marriages found in the Old Testament and in the honor given to women in
passages such as Ruth, Esther, and Proverbs 31. But in the unfolding of God’s
plan of redemption, He waited until the New Testament to give the full and
explicit directions for the marriage relationship that we find in Ephesians 5,
Colossians 3, and 1 Peter 3.
25. This does not mean that I make every decision in our family. There are large
areas of responsibility in which Margaret makes hundreds of decisions that I
often do not even know about and certainly do not try to micromanage or sec-
ond-guess (for example, with respect to household budgets for food, clothing,
gifts, or other matters, which she controls; and with respect to the decoration
and appearance of our home; and with respect to large sections of time each
week when she has her own activities and I have mine). I think there remains
some element of male headship in those areas in principle, but in practice she
decides these things independently, as I do with respect to allocations of time
and money related to my work. But when I say “the responsibility to make the
decision rests with me,” I am talking about the hundreds of other decisions that
directly affect both of us, especially concerning activities in which we are both
26. For further discussion, see John Piper, “A Vision of Biblical Complementarity:
Manhood and Womanhood Defined According to the Bible,” in Piper and
Grudem, eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 31-59. See also
Dorothy Patterson, “The High Calling of Wife and Mother in Biblical
Perspective,” 364-377, in the same volume.
27. On Galatians 3:28, see Richard W. Hove, Equality in Christ? Galatians 3:28 and
the Gender Dispute (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 1999). On Ephesians 5:21, see
Wayne Grudem, “The Myth of ‘Mutual Submission.’” CBMW News 1/4
(October 1996), 1-4. On the meaning of kephal∑, see Wayne Grudem, “The
Meaning of kefalhv, (‘head’): An Analysis of New Evidence, Real and Alleged,”
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (JETS) 44/1 (March 2001), 25-65.
I have also edited a book (a companion volume to this present volume) that
contains more detailed essays on some of these questions: see Wayne Grudem,
ed., Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway,
2002), especially the essays by Richard W. Hove, “Does Galatians 3:28 Negate
Gender-Specific Roles?”; Wayne Grudem, “The Myth of Mutual Submission
as an Interpretation of Ephesians 5:21”; Daniel Doriani, “The Historical

Novelty of Egalitarian Interpretations of Ephesians 5:21-22”; and Wayne

Grudem, “The Meaning of ‘Head’ (Kephal∑) in 1 Corinthians 11:3 and
Ephesians 5:23,” which is a reprint with only slight modifications of my arti-
cle, “The Meaning of kefalhv, (‘head’): An Analysis of New Evidence, Real and
Alleged,” JETS 44/1 (March 2001), 25-65.
My two earlier studies on the meaning of kephal∑ were “The Meaning of
kephal∑ (‘Head’): A Response to Recent Studies,” Trinity Journal 11NS (Spring
1990), 3-72; reprinted in Piper and Grudem, eds., Recovering Biblical Manhood
and Womanhood, 425-68; and “Does kephal∑ (‘head’) Mean ‘Source’ or
‘Authority Over’ in Greek Literature? A Survey of 2,336 Examples,” appendix
in The Role Relationship of Men and Women (rev. edn.), George W. Knight III,
(Chicago: Moody, 1985), 49-80, also printed in Trinity Journal 6 NS (Spring
1985), 38-59.
28. See Hove, Equality in Christ? and his essay “Galatians 3:28,” mentioned in the
note above.
29. Hove (Equality in Christ) ran forty-five computer searches on Greek literature
near the time of the New Testament. He reports finding sixteen examples of
Greek expressions from the New Testament and other ancient literature that
use the verb “to be” (eimi) plus the number “one” (Greek heis/ mia/ hen) and finds
that the expression is never used to indicate unity among things that are identi-
cal but always among things that are different and have different functions, but
that also share something in common that gives them a kind of unity (72-76).
30. In fact, egalitarians have a journal called Mutuality, published by the organiza-
tion Christians for Biblical Equality.
31. When the Southern Baptist Convention was debating its statement on marriage
and the family, I am told that there was a motion from the floor to add “mutual
submission” to the statement. A member of the drafting committee spoke
against the motion and explained how egalitarians have used it to deny any
sense of male authority within marriage. The motion was defeated, and appro-
priately so. If “mutual submission” had been added to the Southern Baptist
statement, in effect it would have torpedoed the whole statement, because it
would have watered it down so much that people from almost any position
could have signed it, and it would have affirmed no unique male authority
within marriage. (These events were reported to me by friends who were
present when the statement was being debated on the floor of the Southern
Baptist Convention in the summer of 1998.)
32. See Doriani, “Historical Novelty,” in Biblical Foundations for Manhood and
33. The Greek text has the adjective idios, meaning “your own.”
34. First Corinthians 16:15-16 should also be placed in this category, because it
seems from 1 Clement 42:4, a letter written from Clement of Rome to the
church of Corinth in 95 A.D., that the elders in the church at Corinth came
from the household of Stephanas (note the allusion to 1 Cor. 16:15 with the
expression “first converts” [Greek aparch∑]). Therefore, when Paul tells the
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 85

Corinthians to be “subject to” the household of Stephanas, he is telling them

to be subject to those who were elders in Corinth.
35. Some people have sent me e-mails saying that the example I am asking for is
found in Ephesians 5:21, where hypotassø “obviously” means mutual submis-
sion and therefore it can’t mean to be subject to an authority. Their claim sim-
ply shows that they have not understood the question. We are not free, in
interpreting the Bible, to give a word any meaning we might think “fits.” Words
have established ranges of meanings that were familiar to native speakers of
Greek in the ancient world and that allowed them to understand one another
(that is how all language functions—speakers and hearers have in their minds
“shared meanings” of thousands of words). Those established meanings are
listed in dictionaries (or “lexicons”) of ancient Greek. I am simply asking for
some evidence showing that “be considerate of” with no idea of submission to
an authority was an established, shared meaning of hypotassø in the ancient
world. No one has produced any such evidence.
To claim (as these e-mail writers have claimed to me) that hypotassø means
something in Ephesians 5:21 that it nowhere meant at any other time or place
in history would require (1) that Paul used a word with a new, secret meaning
that Greek-speaking people had never known before, and (2) that Paul
expected that all the Christians in all the churches to which the letter to the
Ephesians went would know this new, secret meaning and understand what
he meant, and (3) that they would know that he did not mean by hypotassø what
all Greek speakers everywhere had previously meant when they used it in con-
versation, and even what Paul himself meant by it in all his other writings, and
(4) that all subsequent writers in over 1,900 years of church history have failed
to discern this non-authoritative meaning for hypotassø, and (5) that the mean-
ing is now suddenly so “obvious” from the context that everyone should see it.
People may believe such a position if they wish, but it will be for reasons
other than evidence or facts.
36. It is interesting that the King James Version showed an understanding of the sense
of all∑lous in this passage. It translated the verse, “submitting yourselves one to
another in the fear of God.” In fact, when all∑lous takes the sense “some to others,”
the King James Version often signaled that by phrases such as “one to another.”
37. I realize that a few egalitarians claim that Paul’s teaching only applied to his
time in history and is not applicable to us today. This particular position is not
affected by disputes over the meaning of the word “head” but it is very diffi-
cult to sustain in light of the parallel with Christ and the church, and in light
of Paul’s tying it to the statements about marriage before there was sin in the
world (Eph. 5:31-32, quoting Gen. 2:24).
38. For details, see Wayne Grudem, “Does Kephal∑ (‘Head’) Mean ‘Source’ or
‘Authority Over’ in Greek Literature? A Survey of 2,336 Examples,” Trinity
Journal 6 NS (Spring 1985), 38-59. I published two further studies on kephal∑
in 1990 and 2001, which are cited in footnote 27 above.
39. In the 1950s, Bedale still argued for authority attaching to the meaning of the
word, though he was the first to propose the sense “source” for this passage.

See Stephen Bedale, “The Meaning of kephal∑ in the Pauline Epistles,” Journal
of Theological Studies 5 (1954), 211-215.
40. Personal letter from P. G. W. Glare to Wayne Grudem, April 14, 1997. Quoted
by permission. Italics added.
41. See my extended discussion of the meaning of kephale cited in footnote 27
42. See Craig Keener’s affirmation of an eternal subordination of the Son to the
Father in, “Is Subordination Within the Trinity Really Heresy? A Study of John
5:18 in Context,” Trinity Journal 20 NS (1999), 39-51.
43. For a fuller discussion of egalitarian tampering with the doctrine of the Trinity,
see Bruce Ware, “Tampering with the Trinity: Does the Son Submit to His
Father?” in Wayne Grudem, ed., Biblical Foundations for Manhood and
Womanhood (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 2002). The primary statements by
Bilezikian and Grenz are found in Gilbert Bilezikian, “Hermeneutical Bungee-
Jumping: Subordination in the Godhead,” JETS 40/1 (March 1997) 57-68; and
Stanley J. Grenz, “Theological Foundations for Male-Female Relationships,”
JETS 41/4 (December 1998), 615-630.
A survey of historical evidence showing affirmation of the eternal subordi-
nation of the Son to the authority of the Father is found in Stephen D. Kovach
and Peter R. Schemm, Jr., “A Defense of the Doctrine of the Eternal
Subordination of the Son,” in JETS 42/3 (September 1999), 461-476. See also
Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Leicester, England: InterVarsity; and
Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1994), 248-252.
44. See John Gray, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus (New York:
HarperCollins, 1992), and several other books written by Gray on a similar
theme; see also Debra Tannen, You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in
Conversation (New York: Ballantine, 1990).
45. This is the text of the June 1998 addition to the Southern Baptist Convention’s
statement, “The Baptist Faith and Message”:
XVIII. The Family
God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human
society. It is composed of persons related to one another by marriage,
blood, or adoption.
Marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant com-
mitment for a lifetime. It is God’s unique gift to reveal the union between
Christ and His church, and to provide for the man and the woman in
marriage the framework for intimate companionship, the channel of
sexual expression according to biblical standards, and the means for pro-
creation of the human race.
The husband and wife are of equal worth before God, since both are
created in God’s image. The marriage relationship models the way God
relates to His people. A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the
church. He has the God-given responsibility to provide for, to protect,
and to lead his family. A wife is to submit herself graciously to the servant
leadership of her husband even as the church willingly submits to the
The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 87

headship of Christ. She, being in the image of God as is her husband and
thus equal to him, has the God-given responsibility to respect her hus-
band and to serve as his helper in managing the household and nurturing
the next generation.
Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage
from the Lord. Parents are to demonstrate to their children God’s pattern
for marriage. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral val-
ues and to lead them, through consistent lifestyle example and loving dis-
cipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. Children are to honor and
obey their parents.
Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15-25; 3:1-20; Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-
9; Joshua 24:15; 1 Samuel 1:26-28; Psalms 51:5; 78:1-8; 127; 128;
139:13-16; Proverbs 1:8; 5:15-20; 6:20-22; 12:4; 13:24; 14:1; 17:6; 18:22;
22:6,15; 23:13-14; 24:3; 29:15,17; 31:10-31; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12; 9:9;
Malachi 2:14-16; Matthew 5:31-32; 18:2-5; 19:3-9; Mark 10:6-12;
Romans 1:18-32; 1 Corinthians 7:1-16; Ephesians 5:21-33; 6:1-4;
Colossians 3:18-21; 1 Timothy 5:8, 14; 2 Timothy 1:3-5; Titus 2:3-5;
Hebrews 13:4; 1 Peter 3:1-7.
In addition, in June 2000, the SBC also added the following sentence to
Article VI, “The Church”: “While both men and women are gifted for service
in the church, the office of pastor is limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”
46. “Southern Baptists . . . you are right! We stand with you!” USA Today, August
26, 1998, 5D.
47. See above, under “Key Issues 1 and 2,” for a discussion of the Campus Crusade
policy statement.
48. Family News from Dr. James Dobson (September 1999), 1-2.
49. Kim Pettit, “Why I Disagree with Dobson and the SBC,” Mutuality (Spring
2000), 17.
50. See Wayne Grudem, “Willow Creek Enforces Egalitarianism: Policy Requires
All Staff and New Members to Joyfully Affirm Egalitarian Views,” in CBMW
News 2/5 (December 1997), 1, 3-6.
51. I still regret, and still cannot understand, why the board of directors of Christians
for Biblical Equality declined to issue a joint statement with the Council on
Biblical Manhood and Womanhood on the issue of abuse. CBMW adopted the
statement in November 1994, and has continued to distribute it widely through
its literature and its website, The letter from CBE in which they
declined to issue a statement jointly with us can be found in CBMW News 1/1
(August 1995), 3, and is available at
52. Charles Hodge, An Exposition of 1 and 2 Corinthians (Wilmington, Del.:
Sovereign Grace, 1972; first published 1857), 125.
53. The groundbreaking ideas of Peter Jones and Dan Heimbach, fellow members
of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, provided the funda-
mental concepts that led to the following material. I am grateful for their con-
tributions, though the specific applications that follow are my own. See the

chapters by Jones and Heimbach in Wayne Grudem, ed., Biblical Foundations

for Manhood and Womanhood.
54. There was an amusing but very revealing suggestion for a new title to the book,
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus, in the CBE publication Mutuality: In
an imaginary conversation in a bookstore, the writer suggested that a better title
for a book about men and women would be, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from
Venus, but Some Men Are from Venus and Some Women Are from Mars, and All of
God’s Children Have Both Mars and Venus Qualities Within Them, So Why Not Just
Say that Men and Women Are from the Earth, and Let’s Get About the Business of
Developing the Unique God-given Mars/Venus Qualities that God Has Given All of
Us for the Sake of the Kingdom (article by Jim Banks in Mutuality [May 1998], 3).
What was so revealing about this humorous suggestion was the way it showed
that egalitarians seem to feel compelled to oppose any kinds of differences
between men and women other than those that are purely physical.





John Piper

My topic for this chapter is “Marriage lived for the glory of God.”
The decisive word in that topic is the word “for.” “Marriage lived for
the glory of God.” The topic is not: “The glory of God for the living
of marriage.” And not: “Marriage lived by the glory of God.” But:
“Marriage lived for the glory of God.”
This little word means that there is an order of priority. There is
an order of ultimacy. And the order is plain: God is ultimate and mar-
riage is not. God is the most important Reality; marriage is less impor-
tant—far less important, infinitely less important. Marriage exists to
magnify the truth and worth and beauty and greatness of God; God
does not exist to magnify marriage. Until this order is vivid and val-
ued—until it is seen and savored—marriage will not be experienced
as a revelation of God’s glory but as a rival of God’s glory.
I take my topic, “Marriage lived for the glory of God,” to be an
answer to the question: Why marriage? Why is there marriage? Why
does marriage exist? Why do we live in marriages? This means that
my topic is part of a larger question: Why does anything exist? Why
do you exist? Why does sex exist? Why do earth and sun and moon
and stars exist? Why do animals and plants and oceans and mountains

and atoms and galaxies exist? The answer to all these questions,
including the one about marriage is: All of them exist to and for the
glory of God.
That is, they exist to magnify the truth and worth and beauty and
greatness of God. Not the way a microscope magnifies, but the way a
telescope magnifies. Microscopes magnify by making tiny things look
bigger than they are. Telescopes magnify by making unimaginably big
things look like what they really are. Microscopes move the appear-
ance of size away from reality. Telescopes move the appearance of size
toward reality. When I say that all things exist to magnify the truth and
worth and beauty and greatness of God, I mean that all things—and
marriage in particular—exist to move the appearance of God in peo-
ple’s minds toward Reality.
God is unimaginably great and infinitely valuable and unsur-
passed in beauty. “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised, and his
greatness is unsearchable” (Ps. 145:3, ESV). Everything that exists is
meant to magnify that Reality. God cries out through the prophet
Isaiah (43:6-7, ESV), “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from
the end of the earth, everyone who is called by my name, whom I cre-
ated for my glory” (emphasis added). We have been created to display
the glory of God. Paul concludes the first eleven chapters of his great
letter to the Romans with the exaltation of God as the source and end
of all things: “For from him and through him and to him are all things.
To him be glory forever. Amen” (11:36, ESV, emphasis added). He
makes it even clearer in Colossians 1:16, where he says, “By [Christ]
all things were created, in heaven and on earth . . . all things were cre-
ated through him and for him” (emphasis added).
And woe to us if we think that “for Him” means “for His need,”
or “for His benefit,” or “for His improvement.” Paul made it crystal
clear in Acts 17:25 that God is not “served by human hands, as though
he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and
breath and everything” (ESV). No, the term “for His glory” and “for
Him” means, “for the display of His glory,” or “for the showing of His
glory,” or “for the magnifying of His glory.”
We need to let this sink in. Once there was God, and only God.
Marriage Lived for the Glory of God 93

The universe is His creation. It is not coeternal with God. It is not

God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. . . . All things were made through him” (John
1:1, 3, ESV). All things. All that is not God was made by God. So once
there was only God.
Therefore God is absolute Reality. We are not. The universe is
not. Marriage is not. We are derivative. The universe is of secondary
importance, not primary. The human race is not the ultimate reality,
nor the ultimate value, nor the ultimate measuring rod of what is good
or what is true or what is beautiful. God is. God is the one ultimate
absolute in existence. Everything else is from Him and through Him
and for Him.
That is the starting place for understanding marriage. If we get
this wrong, everything goes wrong. And if we get it right—really right,
in our heads and in our hearts—then marriage will be transformed by
it. Marriage will become what it was created by God to be—a display
of the truth and worth and beauty and greatness of God.
This leads to a very simple conclusion—so simple and yet so far-
reaching. If we want to see marriage have the place in the world and
in the church that it is supposed to have—that is, if we want marriage
to glorify the truth and worth and beauty and greatness of God—we
must teach and preach less about marriage and more about God.
Most young people today do not bring to their courtship and mar-
riage a great vision of God—who He is, what He is like, how He acts.
In the world there is almost no vision of God. He is not even on the
list to be invited. He is simply and breathtakingly omitted. And in the
church the view of God that young couples bring to their relationship
is so small instead of huge, and so marginal instead of central, and so
vague instead of clear, and so impotent instead of all-determining, and
so uninspiring instead of ravishing, that when they marry, the thought
of living marriage to the glory of God is without meaning and with-
out content.
What would the “glory of God” mean to a young wife or husband
who gives almost no time and no thought to knowing the glory of
God, or the glory of Jesus Christ, His divine Son . . .

• the glory of His eternality that makes the mind want to explode
with the infinite thought that God never had a beginning, but simply
always was;
• the glory of His knowledge that makes the Library of Congress
look like a matchbox and quantum physics like a first grade reader;
• the glory of His wisdom that has never been and can never be
counseled by men;
• the glory of His authority over heaven and earth and hell, with-
out whose permission no man and no demon can move one inch;
• the glory of His providence without which not one bird falls to
the ground or a single hair turns gray;
• the glory of His word that upholds the universe and keeps all the
atoms and molecules together;
• the glory of His power to walk on water, cleanse lepers, heal the
lame, open the eyes of the blind, cause the deaf to hear, still storms
with a word, and raise the dead;
• the glory of His purity never to sin, or to have a two-second bad
attitude or evil thought;
• the glory of His trustworthiness never to break His word or let one
promise fall to the ground;
• the glory of His justice to render all moral accounts in the uni-
verse settled either on the cross or in hell;
• the glory of His patience to endure our dullness for decade after
• the glory of His sovereign, slave-like obedience to embrace the
excruciating pain of the cross willingly;
• the glory of His wrath that will one day cause people to call out
for the rocks and the mountains to fall on them;
• the glory of His grace that justifies the ungodly; and
• the glory of His love that dies for us even while we were
How are people going to live their lives so that their marriages dis-
play the truth and worth and beauty and greatness of this glory, when
they devote almost no energy or time to knowing and cherishing this
Marriage Lived for the Glory of God 95

Perhaps you can see why over the last twenty years of pastoral
ministry I have come to see my life-mission and the mission of our
church in some very basic terms: namely, I exist—we exist—to spread
a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peo-
ples. That’s our assessment of the need. Until there is a passion for the
supremacy and the glory of God in the hearts of married people, mar-
riage will not be lived for the glory of God.
And there will not be a passion for the supremacy and the glory
of God in the hearts of married people until God Himself, in His
manifold glories, is known. And He will not be known in His man-
ifold glories until pastors and teachers speak of Him tirelessly and
constantly and deeply and biblically and faithfully and distinctly and
thoroughly and passionately. Marriage lived for the glory of God will
be the fruit of churches permeated with the glory of God.
So I say again, if we want marriage to glorify the truth and worth
and beauty and greatness of God, we must teach and preach less
about marriage and more about God. Not that we preach too much
on marriage, but that we preach too little on God. God is simply not
magnificently central in the lives of most of our people. He is not the
sun around which all the planets of our daily lives are held in orbit
and find their proper, God-appointed place. He is more like the
moon, which waxes and wanes, and you can go for nights and never
think about Him.
For most of our people, God is marginal and a hundred good
things usurp His place. To think that their marriages could be lived for
His glory by teaching on the dynamics of relationships, when the
glory of God is so peripheral, is like expecting the human eye to glo-
rify the stars when we don’t stare at the night sky and have never
bought a telescope.
So knowing God and cherishing God and valuing the glory of
God above all things, including your spouse, is the key to living
marriage to the glory of God. It’s true in marriage, as in every other
relationship: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied
in Him.
Here is a key that unlocks a thousand doors. Superior satisfaction

in God above all earthly things, including your spouse and your
health and your own life (Psalm 63:3, ESV, “your steadfast love is bet-
ter than life”) is the source of great long-suffering without which hus-
bands cannot love like Christ, and wives cannot follow like the bride
of Christ, the church. Ephesians 5:22-25 makes plain that husbands
take their cues of leadership and love from Christ, and wives take their
cues of submission and love from the devotion of the church for
whom He died. And both of those complementary acts of love—to
lead, and to submit—are unsustainable for the glory of God without
a superior satisfaction in all that God is for us in Christ.
Let me say it another way. There are two levels at which the glory
of God may shine forth from a Christian marriage:
One is at the structural level when both spouses fulfill the roles
God intended for them—the man as leader like Christ, the wife as
advocate and follower of that leadership. When those roles are lived
out, the glory of God’s love and wisdom in Christ is displayed to the
But there is another deeper, more foundational level where the
glory of God must shine if these roles are to be sustained as God
designed. The power and impulse to carry through the self-denial
and daily, monthly, yearly dying that will be required in loving an
imperfect wife and loving an imperfect husband must come from a
hope-giving, soul-sustaining, superior satisfaction in God. I don’t
think that our love for our wives or theirs for us will glorify God
until it flows from a heart that delights in God more than marriage.
Marriage will be preserved for the glory of God and shaped for the
glory of God when the glory of God is more precious to us than
When we can say with the apostle Paul (in Philippians 3:8), “I
count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord” (NASB)—when we can say that about mar-
riage—about our husband or wife—then that marriage will be lived
to the glory of God.
I close by trying to say this one more way, namely, with a poem
that I wrote for my son on his wedding day.
Marriage Lived for the Glory of God 97


For Karsten Luke Piper
At His Wedding to
Rochelle Ann Orvis
May 29, 1995

The God whom we have loved, and in

Whom we have lived, and who has been
Our Rock these twenty-two good years
With you, now bids us, with sweet tears,
To let you go: “A man shall leave
His father and his mother, cleave
Henceforth unto his wife, and be
One unashaméd flesh and free.”
This is the word of God today,
And we are happy to obey.
For God has given you a bride
Who answers every prayer we’ve cried
For over twenty years, our claim
For you, before we knew her name.

And now you ask that I should write

A poem—a risky thing, in light
Of what you know: that I am more
The preacher than the poet or
The artist. I am honored by
Your bravery, and I comply.
I do not grudge these sweet confines
Of rhyming pairs and metered lines.
They are old friends. They like it when
I bid them help me once again
To gather feelings into form
And keep them durable and warm.

And so we met in recent days,

And made the flood of love and praise
And counsel from a father’s heart
To flow within the banks of art.

Here is a portion of the stream,

My son: a sermon poem. Its theme:
A double rule of love that shocks;
A doctrine in a paradox:

If you now aim your wife to bless,

Then love her more and love her less.

If in the coming years, by some

Strange providence of God, you come
To have the riches of this age,
And, painless, stride across the stage
Beside your wife, be sure in health
To love her, love her more than wealth.

And if your life is woven in

A hundred friendships, and you spin
A festal fabric out of all
Your sweet affections, great and small,
Be sure, no matter how it rends,
To love her, love her more than friends.

And if there comes a point when you

Are tired, and pity whispers, “Do
Yourself a favor. Come, be free;
Embrace the comforts here with me.”
Know this! Your wife surpasses these:
So love her, love her more than ease.

And when your marriage bed is pure,

And there is not the slightest lure
Of lust for any but your wife,
And all is ecstasy in life,
A secret all of this protects:
Go love her, love her more than sex.

And if your taste becomes refined,

And you are moved by what the mind
Of man can make, and dazzled by
Marriage Lived for the Glory of God 99

His craft, remember that the “why”

Of all this work is in the heart;
So love her, love her more than art.

And if your own should someday be

The craft that critics all agree
Is worthy of a great esteem,
And sales exceed your wildest dream,
Beware the dangers of a name.
And love her, love her more than fame.

And if, to your surprise, not mine,

God calls you by some strange design
To risk your life for some great cause,
Let neither fear nor love give pause,
And when you face the gate of death,
Then love her, love her more than breath.

Yes, love her, love her, more than life;

Oh, love the woman called your wife.
Go love her as your earthly best.
Beyond this venture not. But, lest
Your love become a fool’s facade,
Be sure to love her less than God.

It is not wise or kind to call

An idol by sweet names, and fall,
As in humility, before
A likeness of your God. Adore
Above your best beloved on earth
The God alone who gives her worth.
And she will know in second place
That your great love is also grace,
And that your high affections now
Are flowing freely from a vow
Beneath these promises, first made
To you by God. Nor will they fade
For being rooted by the stream

Of Heaven’s Joy, which you esteem

And cherish more than breath and life,
That you may give it to your wife.

The greatest gift you give your wife

Is loving God above her life.
And thus I bid you now to bless:
Go love her more by loving less.


Bob L epine

Just what does the Bible mean when it teaches in 1 Corinthians 11

that the man is the head of the woman? Sadly, throughout the history
of the church, the concept of a man as head of his wife has been mis-
understood, misinterpreted, and misapplied by pastors and Bible
teachers. As a consequence, many husbands have used this biblical
idea as license for harsh treatment, a lack of love and compassion, and
even abuse of their wives. They seem to have learned more about
headship from the Pharaohs of Egypt than from the Lamb of God.
Women have rightly rebelled against dictatorship in marriage. It
is clear to them that whatever headship means, it doesn’t mean a harsh
or unloving attitude but a spirit of kindness and compassion. It doesn’t
mean selfishness, but self-sacrifice. It doesn’t mean control, but a will-
ingness to assume responsibility.
The way in which the biblical concept of headship has been
abused in the church does not mean, however, that the Bible can be
ignored here. Certainly, biblical passages have been misunderstood
and misapplied in a way that has devalued a woman’s role in the home
and in the church. But those abuses are not grounds for ignoring or
reinventing meanings for difficult biblical passages. Our goal should
be to better understand the way in which Christ serves as head of His

church, or in which God is the head of Christ, in order to know how

a husband should be the head of his wife.
In his Institutes, John Calvin said that “the office which [Christ]
received from the Father consists of three parts. For he was
appointed . . . Prophet, King and Priest.”2 Christ’s headship, accord-
ing to Calvin, involves the perfect fulfillment of the Old Testament
types. He is, according to the author of Hebrews, our high priest and
eternal king, after the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 6:20; 7:1-2), and
God’s prophet during the last days (Heb. 1:1-2). Further, the mes-
sianic title of Christ (“anointed one”) refers to the anointing with
holy oil that was, under the Law, given to prophets, priests, and kings.
Today, Christ is the head of His church by serving as prophet,
priest, and king. If a husband is to be the head of his wife in the same
way that Christ is the head of the church, then as a husband he must
understand the prophetic, priestly, and kingly roles he is to fulfill.


A husband is, by God’s design, the priest of his family. This was clear
to the patriarchs of Israel, who assumed a priestly role by interceding
for their families, as Abraham did when God announced His judg-
ment of Sodom, and by offering sacrifices to Yahweh. Noah, after see-
ing the wrath of God poured out, called his sons together as soon as
they were on dry land to offer a sacrifice to God. The patriarchs, who
were the family and tribal leaders in ancient Israel, knew they had a
duty to lead their wives and children into God’s presence for worship,
to remind them of God’s grace and mercy in forgiving their sins, and
to intercede on their behalf. Husbands today have the same priestly
When our children were a year or two old, Mary Ann and I some-
times found ourselves on long trips with a crying child in the car seat.
During one such trip, I was trying to find some way to quiet our
daughter, and I launched into an a cappella version of “It Is Well with
My Soul.” The sound of singing startled Amy enough to stop her cry-
ing momentarily. Mary Ann joined in on the second line. Before long,
the novelty of our singing wore off, and Amy was back to full volume.
The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 103

As she got louder, so did we. It took ten or fifteen minutes of “Crown
Him with Many Crowns” and “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name,”
but Amy finally fell asleep. But we were having a great time singing
psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, making melody in our hearts and
on our lips (Eph. 5:19).
In the same way that the priests in the Old Testament superin-
tended the worship of the Israelites, a husband should function as the
worship leader for his marriage. That involves more than singing
hymns or praise choruses in the car, of course! A husband should be
the one to initiate prayer with his wife, not only at meals but through-
out the day. He should be the one to make regular church attendance
a family priority. He should be the one to read the Scriptures to his
wife and children. These are the kinds of regular habits that a husband
ought to initiate, beginning on the first morning of the honeymoon!
Too many husbands assume that their spiritual leadership in this
area will begin once the children are older. In truth it begins the day
the spiritual responsibility for a young woman is passed from her father
to her husband. In our contemporary, individualistic, egalitarian cul-
ture, many husbands reject their priestly responsibilities with their
wives (I was one of them), thinking, She’s fully capable of having her own
quiet time or doing her own Bible reading. Besides, I’ll just embarrass myself. The
mature, godly man will not shy away. He will assume that his role as
priest for his wife is a necessary function of being called her husband.
A husband-priest is also responsible before God to be an inter-
cessor. He has the responsibility and privilege to speak to God on
behalf of his wife. It is not that she doesn’t have access to the throne
of grace herself. She has the same privileges in the heavenly courts as
her husband. The Bible teaches that all believers are part of a “royal
priesthood” (1 Pet. 2:9), and that there is no intermediary between
man and God except for the man Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5). Still, if a
man aspires to be a godly husband, he will assume responsibility to
oversee the spiritual condition of his wife. To love and serve his wife
as Christ loves His church, a husband must intercede on her behalf.
In John 17, where Jesus intercedes for His followers, we find a pat-
tern of intercession a husband can follow in praying for his wife:

1. Begin by praying that God would be glorified in and through

her life. Above all else, a husband should pray for what brings glory
to God.
2. Next, a husband ought to pray that his wife will know God.
The apostle Paul prayed for himself, “that I may know Him and the
power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being
conformed to His death; in order that I may attain to the resurrection
from the dead” (Phil. 3:10-11, NASB). A husband can ask the Lord that
his wife might grow in her knowledge of God and her depth of insight
(Phil. 1:9).
3. A husband ought to pray for God’s protection, physically and
spiritually, for his wife. He can pray that God would protect her as she
walks to her car in the parking lot at the mall, or as she drives the kids
to soccer practice in rush hour traffic. But more than that, a husband
ought to pray that his wife will hold fast to her faith, even in the midst
of difficult times or persecution.
4. A husband ought to pray for his wife to grow in holiness, sanc-
tified by the truth of God’s Word (John 17:17). His desire should be
that his wife would be set apart and useful in God’s service. This may
be hard for a husband to pray, because his wife’s life might reflect a
higher commitment to holiness than his own! If so, it should chal-
lenge him to a new level of personal holiness.
5. A husband ought to ask God that he and his wife would be of
one heart and one mind in their relationship with each other. He can
pray that they would continue to draw closer to each other, rather than
yielding to the temptations to drift apart that all couples experience.
When he is experiencing conflict with his wife, he can pray for God
to intervene. John Yates, in his helpful book How a Man Prays for His
Family, encourages every husband to pray diligently that God would
move him and his wife toward unity in their marriage. “If your wife
has irritating habits or attitudes,” Yates writes, “it is possible that
you—her husband, lover, supporter—are not the right person to
bring about those changes in her life. But you can, as a prayer partner,
work on these things by talking to God about them and seeking His
help on her behalf.”3
The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 105

6. He can also pray that his wife would find companions and soul-
mates who share not only her faith in Christ but also her convictions
about how to live as a godly woman and godly wife. He can pray that
the Enemy would not disrupt those relationships. A wife needs the
strength that comes from solid relationships with others in the body
of Christ, who share what the apostle Peter called “a faith of the same
kind as ours” (2 Pet. 1:1).


As part of the headship responsibility, every husband also bears the

call to be a prophet in the home. In its simplest definition, a
“prophet” is “one who speaks for God.” Although this may conjure
up images of fortune-tellers, miracle workers, or locust-eating
preachers, the prophet of God has always been one who speaks the
word of the Lord.
Author and counselor Dan Allender offers a helpful definition of
what it means to serve Christ as a prophet today. “He is a bearer of the
word of God,” Allender writes, “a spokesman for righteousness, a poet
of hope. . . . The true prophet disturbs and invites the heart to return
to godly worship. In fact, the prophet is a servant of the church who
stands outside the church in order to invite those who appear to be in
it to return to true worship.”4
Here are some marks of a prophetic husband:
He hears from God. The prophet, as Allender said, is one who bears
the word of God. Before he can speak on God’s behalf, he must be a
man who hears clearly the word of God, so that he might faithfully
pass it on to his wife and children.
The author of Hebrews reminds us that God “spoke long ago to
the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways” (Heb.
1:1, NASB). These prophets heard directly from God in dreams,
visions, through an audible voice, or through an impression in their
spirit. Today, we have the completed revelation of God in the pages of
the Bible. To hear from God today, a husband must diligently equip
himself as a student of the Scriptures. Douglas Wilson, in his book
Reforming Marriage, says:

a man may not be a vocational theologian, but in his home he must

be the resident theologian. The apostle Paul, when he is urging
women to keep silent in the church, tells them that “if they want
to learn something, let them ask their own husbands at home” (1
Corinthians 14:35). The tragedy is that many modern women
have to wonder why the Bible says they should have to ask their
husbands. . . . a husband must be prepared to answer his wife’s
doctrinal questions, and if he cannot, then he must be prepared to
study so that he can remedy the deficiency.5

We think of a prophet as one who proclaims Gods truth. He is first

and foremost one who hears from God so that he can proclaim the truth
accurately. A husband who would attempt to speak on God’s behalf
should tremble at the assignment. After all, false prophets in the Old
Testament were stoned. The New Testament warns us to “be diligent to
present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to
be ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15, NASB).
He establishes a doctrinal foundation for his home. We live in an age
when doctrine is viewed negatively. You may have heard preachers say,
“You don’t need doctrine, you just need Jesus!” Doctrine is viewed as
rigid, stuffy, boring, divisive, and almost antithetical to the cause of
In truth, there is no understanding of the Scriptures or of who
Jesus is without some understanding of theology and doctrine. When
talking with a friend who was “down” on doctrine, I asked simply,
“Who is this Jesus in whom you claim to believe?” Puzzled by such
an obvious question, he said, “He’s the Son of God, the Savior of the
world!” “No, no, no,” I protested. “I don’t want theology! Don’t give
me that doctrinal stuff! Just tell me who Jesus is!”
The point quickly became obvious to my friend. Whenever we
express basic truths of the Christian faith, we are dealing with doc-
trine. Theology is a word that literally means “the study of God.”
Rather than ignoring theological and doctrinal issues, dismissing them
as foolish or unnecessary, a husband should find himself wrestling
with the issues raised in Scripture and should determine for his wife
and his family what is right and true.
The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 107

Wilson astutely observes that husbands are to blame for the theo-
logical breakdown in the church today. “The evangelical world,” he
writes, “is throwing away its theological heritage because of doctrinal
faithlessness in Christian homes. It is true that pulpits across our
country are filled with a swamp and morass of anecdotes, sentimen-
talist yawp, yippy-skippy worship, and make-it-up-as-you-go-along
theology; but the heads of Christian homes have been willing to have
it so. As the expectations for men in the evangelical world have gotten
lower, men have not objected—they have breathed a sigh of relief.”6
In his Institutes, John Calvin referred to a prophet as a supplier of
useful doctrine. In addition to hearing from God, a husband should
fill that role in his home.
He faithfully proclaims the truth of God. On long drives, late at night,
when the kids are sleeping in the back, Mary Ann and I have found
ourselves reviewing things we’ve learned together in church, or
rehearsing concepts we’ve picked up from reading or from listening
to tapes. “What is the Latin phrase that means ‘at once sinful and jus-
tified?’” I’ll ask.
“I’m too tired to play this,” she’ll say.
“I’m too tired not to play!” I’ll coax her. “Help me stay awake.”
We’ll mentally review books of the Bible, or we’ll toss out a verse
and see if the other one knows where it is found. We may listen to a
teaching tape and discuss what we’ve heard. As the drive wears on, the
game will usually deteriorate to the point where I’m asking questions
like, “Name three hits by Herman’s Hermits.”
For many Christian men, the idea of some formal time of Bible
study or instruction with our wives is in our “top ten” list of threaten-
ing activities. We feel inadequate and unsure of ourselves. We’re not sure
how to do it or what to say when we’re finished. We’re not eloquent like
the pastor. We’re afraid we’ll be exposed for what we don’t know, or for
the shallowness of our own spirituality, or that we’ll be convicted of
hypocrisy by a wife who knows too well that we don’t always practice
what we’re preaching. So many of us have abandoned any attempt to
lead our wives in any kind of informal study of the Scriptures. We may
make a stab at some kind of family devotions once the children are old

enough to sit still, but as they squirm or stare out the window, most
fathers throw in the towel and give up the whole idea.
A husband needs to muster his courage and take the initiative regu-
larly to call his wife and family back to the Scriptures as their source of
life and truth. He doesn’t have to rely on his own insights or creativity.
There are tools, like Dennis and Barbara Rainey’s devotional Moments
Together for Couples, or the daily devotional magazine Tabletalk, produced
by Ligonier Ministries, which a husband and wife can read together. A
husband can stand on the shoulders of others as he fulfills his prophetic
responsibility to declare the truth of the Scriptures to his wife.
He confronts sin and calls his wife to repentance. Perhaps this is the most
difficult assignment facing a husband, for several reasons. First, con-
fronting sin and calling a wife to repentance may rock the domestic
boat. A husband may decide he doesn’t want to incur his wife’s wrath.
But he needs to obey God’s call regardless of how his wife will
He may also fail to confront his wife’s sin because he has a soft
view of what it means to love her. Pointing out sin seems harsh and
judgmental, not loving. But our example here is Christ, who loves us
too much to overlook our sin. The same Prophet who wept over
Jerusalem, pronouncing judgment on Israel, comes to us today by His
Holy Spirit to convict us of our sin and to lead us to righteousness. If
we begin to understand the consequences of sin for ourselves and for
future generations, we will not think it loving to ignore or overlook
our wives’ ongoing patterns of sinful behavior.
A husband-prophet may also feel hypocritical pointing out the
speck in his wife’s eye when he is aware of his own sinfulness. But
Jesus’ instructions were clear on this. It is not necessarily hypocrisy to
confront someone else about her sin; it becomes hypocrisy when you
do so without first confessing and repenting of your own sin. “First,”
Jesus said, “take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see
clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye” (Matt. 7:5).
It is easy to see why husbands would rather not confront the sin-
ful behavior of their wives. (I include myself in their number!) Most
books I’ve read on how to have a happy marriage don’t suggest that
The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 109

one of the keys is confronting sin in your mate. But we are reminded
in Proverbs that the wounds of a friend are faithful (Prov. 27:6). If our
goal is the glory of God, happiness in marriage will at times need to
take a back seat to the higher calling of helping our wives—our sisters
in Christ—to be conformed to Christ’s likeness.


We have seen how a husband is called by God to be both prophet and

priest to his wife. Now we come to the discussion of the husband as king.
Because of the many ways this subject has been abused by well-mean-
ing but ill-informed Bible teachers, we need to proceed with caution.
Those of us who live in a democracy may think of a king as some-
one who wields power and who enjoys privilege and position. For
example, we Americans can see the British royal family as having no
real responsibilities other than the ceremonial, and leading a life
where any material need is fulfilled on command. From American
shores, it appears as the ultimate in selfish indulgence.
In ancient Israel, however, though the kings were wealthy their
function was much more than ceremonial. In their quarrel with the
prophet Samuel over their desire to be ruled by a king, Israel said, “there
shall be a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, that our
king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles” (1 Sam. 8:19-20,
NASB, emphasis added). Author Dan Allender expands that idea:

The king led, protected and provided for the safety of the realm.
He secured the infrastructure necessary for civilization. He justly
applied the law of God to the government, commerce and care of
the state. . . . The king was not only a warrior, but he also was the
representative of the realm in conversations with the “world.” He
planned strategies, negotiated alliances, and applied the word of
God to daily conflicts. . . . In so doing, he became the one who took
the truth of God into the world and invited unbelievers to know
and bow before the God of Israel.7

Those are the same responsibilities God has assigned to a hus-

band. He is to lead his wife. He is her provider. He is her protector.

He is to know and apply the law of God in the home. A husband is

responsible to represent his wife and his family in the culture.
In His incarnation, Jesus was revealed not only as the perfect
prophet of God and our great high priest but also as king of heaven
and earth. He is once again our model for how we as husbands are to
rule in our homes. For the sake of our wives, we must assume our true
kingly role and lead with humble hearts and loving service for our
wives. Here are some practical steps a husband can take as he seeks to
take on the mantle of a servant-king:
Examine your leadership. As a husband, have you abused the lead-
ership and authority God has entrusted to you? Do you have a ten-
dency to be a self-serving, domineering leader? Do you recognize that
as a distortion of God’s design?
Or have you instead been passive? Have you disengaged from the
responsibility to lead your home and your family, leaving your wife to
assume that position?
Or have you taken on the responsibility of serving your wife with-
out accepting the responsibility to lead her?
You’re in there somewhere. Almost certainly, you have a natural,
sinful pattern that characterizes your leadership. When you slip up as
a husband, you probably find yourself slipping in the same direction
over and over again. God wants to steady your footing. It begins by
agreeing with Him that you have a tendency to be either a domineer-
ing or a passive leader—or a husband who only serves without also
God is calling us as husbands to repent, to change. We are to lock
our sites on the example of the perfect Leader, and then follow in His
footsteps. As we grow in our understanding of our role as king, and as
we begin to apply the truth of Scripture in our marriage, God will
make us into the kind of leaders He has called us to become.
Start leading! I’ve never forgotten a quote I read once, attributed to
C. S. Lewis (although I’ve never been able to pinpoint the source).
“The best way to acquire a virtue,” he is reported to have said, “is to
act as if you already have it.”
As husband and wife, it’s time to sit down and begin to discuss
The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 111

areas in your marriage where you need to start showing some leader-
ship. Ask your wife to point out areas where you can be leading her and
your family. Examine the major areas—your faith, your marriage, your
family, your job, your relationships with friends, your service to the
community, your physical health and well-being, your stewardship
over the resources God has given you, and your recreational time—and
decide where you need to begin to take some initiative and lead.
As you lead, make sure to check your heart. Are you making deci-
sions that will bring honor and glory to Christ and that will lead you
and your wife to grow in your relationship with Him? Do you stand
to gain personally from the decisions you’re making? Remember,
when you exercise your leadership for selfish purposes, you’re abus-
ing the important responsibility God has given you.
Do some strategic planning. Most successful businesses have a strate-
gic plan, mapping out where the company is headed over the next five
to ten years. Things change, of course, and the businesses adapt. They
work hard to consider market conditions, examine competing orga-
nizations, access their own strengths and weaknesses, look for oppor-
tunities on the horizon, and then set the course for their businesses.
Many of those same businessmen, who can establish a successful
plan for a company, are clueless when it comes to thinking strategi-
cally about the spiritual, emotional, physical, and social needs of their
wives. Ask them about their five-year plan for their marriage and
you’re likely to get a deer-in-the-headlights look.
In their book Intimate Allies, Dan Allender and Tremper Longman
III write about this aspect of how a husband should function as king
in marriage: “We are called to cultivate Christ in our spouses. . . . To
do so effectively, we must be guided by a vision of who they are, a pic-
ture of who they were meant to be [like Christ] and a grasp of our role
in helping them become like Christ.”8
During a “FamilyLife Today” radio interview about the book,
Allender talked about writing a short-term mission statement for his
wife. When he began explaining the idea, I thought it sounded pre-
sumptuous. But as Dan talked about encouraging and exhorting his
wife to become all God wants her to be as a woman, as a wife, and as

a mother, it was clear he was not being presumptuous. He was being

the kind of kingly husband his wife ultimately wants and needs him
to be.
Gentlemen, it’s up to us. Have we prayerfully sought to map out
a plan for the next five years of our marriage? It’s time to look ahead
and make some plans.
Know your enemy. The attacks on your marriage and on your lead-
ership will come from all directions. They will come from a culture
that is increasingly drifting away from God’s standards and may be
pulling your marriage along in its undertow. They will come from
friends and coworkers who, thinking themselves to be wise, have
become as fools (Rom. 1:22).
The attacks will come from some surprising places. Today, there
are many evangelical churches that have lost their confessional moor-
ings and their confidence in the absolute standards of God’s Word. It
shouldn’t surprise you to hear popular “Christian” ideas about a hus-
band’s role in marriage—coming from books, radio, television, and
even from church pulpits—that are not rooted in biblical truth. A wise
husband will test everything he reads or hears—even this book—
against the absolute standard of the Bible.
There will also be attacks from your closest ally, your wife. While
her spirit will welcome the leadership, protection, and provision of a
wise king, her flesh will war against her spirit and will seek to thwart
your authority. Over time, there will be showdowns as you wrestle
with whether to compromise and gain her approval or to stand fast
and face her wrath. There will be times when you’ll have to decide
whether to serve her or to serve God.
Perhaps the greatest source of attack, as you seek to be faithful to
God’s calling as a husband, will come from your own flesh. You will
slip into patterns and habits that come from years of living in rebel-
lion against the things of God. You’ll lack the confidence to lead. You’ll
lack the desire to serve. You’ll look around and think, I’m doing better
than most husbands, and you’ll settle for less than God’s best.
The apostle Paul knew that the issue of authority and submission
was a spiritual minefield. In that specific context he warns all
The Husband as Prophet, Priest, and King 113

Christians to “be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might.
Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm
against the schemes of the devil” (Eph. 6:10-11, NASB). God has made
provision for you to be able to stand strong in the face of opposition
to His plan.
How are you doing as a husband who loves and leads your wife
as Christ loves and leads His church? Using this report card, give
yourself a letter grade in the following areas:

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all
that you do be done in love (1 Cor. 16:13).

• Leading in worship
• Intercession
• Reminding my wife of God’s grace and mercy
• Hearing from God
• Setting a doctrinal foundation for the home
• Proclaiming God’s truth
• Confronting sin
• Reminding my wife of God’s love for her
• Visionary leadership
• Sacrificial service
• Providing for needs
• Protecting my wife

1. The ideas on which this chapter is based were originally developed for Bob
Lepine, The Christian Husband (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant, 1999).
2. John Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge
(Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1993), book 2, chap. XV:1 (425-426).
3. John Yates, How a Man Prays for His Family (Minneapolis: Bethany, 1996), 92.
4. Dan Allender, “Mimicking Our Disruptive Father and Our Diverse Older
Brother,” Mars Hill Review 5 (Summer 1996), 41.
5. Douglas Wilson, Reforming Marriage (Moscow, Idaho: Canon, 1995), 33-34.
6. Ibid., 32
7. Allender, “Mimicking Our Disruptive Father,” 44.
8. Dan Allender and Tremper Longman III, Intimate Allies (Wheaton, Ill.:
Tyndale, 1995), 89.


C. J. Mahaney

It was his magnum opus, the best and most important work he had
ever conceived. In his lifetime, this prolific and gifted composer
would write more than a thousand songs and hymns. Raised a prince,
the son of a legendary king, and now a great king himself, he would
be esteemed—by no less an authority than the very Word of God—as
the wisest man who had ever lived. Now, this man of unsurpassed
wisdom and exceptional creativity had completed his greatest song, a
song above every song he had ever written or ever would write. King
Solomon finished the final manuscript, set down his pen, and
reviewed with satisfaction the fitting title: “Song of Songs.”
It was about sex.
It was, more specifically, an explicit and unblushing celebration
of sexual relations under the covenant of marriage, of unbridled,
uninhibited, joyous immersion in passionate acts of physical love
between a husband and wife. And one day, the lyrics to this song
would be counted among the perfect and infallible words of
Scripture, inerrantly inspired by the Holy Spirit and intended by
God as a primary source of guidance for mankind until the return
of the Son.


Sincere Christians, many of them far more mature and knowledge-

able than I, may hold a different interpretation of this book. They may
understand it to be primarily, if not exclusively, an allegory or typol-
ogy of the relationship between Christ and the church, or of Christ
and the soul of the individual believer. Before proceeding, it seems
appropriate for me to clarify my perspective and its rationale.
As may already be apparent, I take the Song of Songs at face
value. A plain reading of the book indicates to me that it is about
two human beings: a man and a woman. I believe that, in the inspi-
ration of this book, the Holy Spirit had in view the relationship
between a husband and wife. This book celebrates and teaches
about romance and the gift of sex. At no point does Scripture sug-
gest to me that an alternative interpretation of Solomon’s Song is
necessary or preferable. I do insist, of course, on limiting the appli-
cation of this celebration of human sexuality to heterosexual mar-
riage, but that is simply to observe the full and clear counsel of
Scripture on the subject.
Perhaps the allegorical view is adopted by some because of the
explicit content of Solomon’s Song. Such a reaction may be rooted in
the belief that sex, even in the context of marriage, has been influenced
by the Fall and is thus to be merely tolerated rather than celebrated. I
don’t see that position in the Bible. Indeed, several passages elsewhere
in Scripture plainly celebrate marital relations as a source of legitimate
godly joy and satisfaction.
Moreover, the Song of Songs is suffused with erotic content
between this man and woman, but there is no suggestion in Scripture
that the relationship between God and humans is ever to be under-
stood as having an erotic component. (“God is Spirit, and his wor-
shipers must worship in spirit and in truth” [John 4:24, NIV].)
Although the marriage between Christ and His Bride will be many
unimaginably wonderful things, it will not be sexual as we understand
the term. Extraordinarily and supernaturally intimate. Infinitely
rewarding and fulfilling. But not physically erotic. Physical eroticism,
while a wonderful gift from God when rightly enjoyed, is a gift of lim-
A Song of Joy 117

ited duration. It is a gift to married couples, to be enjoyed for as long

as they both shall live.
I don’t believe the Song of Solomon is allegory or typology. I don’t
believe it is drama. I do not believe it is history, or a description of
Solomon’s experience. I agree with Tom Gledhill’s perspective: “The
two lovers are Everyman and Everywoman and have nothing to do
with Solomon.”1
The Song of Songs is unique: an entire book of the Bible devoted
to the celebration of romance and sexual love within marriage. Lloyd
Carr has written, “It comes to us in this world of sin, where lust and
passion are on every hand, where fierce temptations assail us and try
to turn us aside from the God-given standard of marriage. And it
reminds us, in particularly beautiful fashion, how pure and noble true
love is.”2 Elsewhere he notes, “The lover and the beloved are just ordi-
nary people.”3 That’s encouraging. The Song is about us, about every
husband and wife. It can speak to us, and in doing so make a dramatic
difference in our lives. Let’s look now, honestly and joyfully, at how
God chose to elaborate in His holy Word on the gift of sexual relations.


Even a casual reader of the Song of Songs is struck by the words and
deeds of pure and passionate romance that adorn nearly every verse. I
believe genuine romance, such as we find modeled here, is meant to
be a growing reality within marriage, not a dimming memory.
Husbands, it is our privilege, joy, and God-given responsibility to
romance our wives—really romance our wives. As we look to this
Song for guidance, we see that romance involves, at a minimum, com-
munication and creativity.
Husbands: Verse One. This book is filled with verbal expressions of
love between the lovers. The communication described in the Song
of Songs is, quite simply, erotic from start to finish. This is neither idle
chit-chat nor talking about daily practicalities like kids, carpools, and
church. This is highly intentional, provocative language, whose pur-
pose is to arouse romantic passion, to inflame, slowly and purpose-
fully, all the while honoring and blessing one’s spouse. It’s hot stuff!

This approach, which would be divinely forbidden, scandalous, and

deeply shameful in any other context, is encouraged and esteemed
within marriage by Holy Scripture.
Duane Garrett writes of the lovers in the Song:

They relish their pleasure in each other not only with physical
action, but with carefully composed words. Love is, above all, a
matter of the mind and heart and should be declared. The lesson
for the reader is that he or she needs to speak often and openly of
his or her joy in the beloved, the spouse. This is, for many lovers,
a far more embarrassing revelation of the self than anything that is
done with the body. But it is precisely here that the biblical ideal
of love is present—in the uniting of the bodies and hearts of the
husband and wife in a bond that is as strong as death. Many homes
would be happier if men and women would simply speak of their
love for one another a little more often.4

Indeed, articulate and carefully composed words of passion are

modeled throughout the Song of Songs. Much of it, of course, is
couched in the language of Near Eastern poetry, the idioms of which
can seem foreign to us, even grotesque. But behind those decidedly
non-Western turns of phrase there is wisdom and beauty.
“Your neck is like an ivory tower. Your eyes are the pools of
Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of
Lebanon looking toward Damascus” (7:4, NIV). Now, gentlemen, by
all means do try this sort of thing at home—just don’t use these exact
phrases. Your wife is not likely to interpret direct quotes of this pas-
sage as complimentary, much less arousing of the kind of passions you
had in mind. But what’s being expressed here is, in fact, very positive.
He is telling her that her nose is lovely and perfectly suited to her, that
it ideally complements the rest of her face. In the cultural context in
which Solomon wrote, these architectural allusions were, without
question, tender and heartfelt expressions of deep admiration for her
physical beauty. And that is how they would have been received.
But note this well. Throughout the passages in which one lover
describes the body of the other—for, as we shall see, the woman also
A Song of Joy 119

compliments her man in no uncertain terms—there is both beauty and

brilliance. In these phrases, the most private emotions are expressed
regarding the most intimate parts of a spouse’s body. Above all, they are
expressed appropriately, romantically, tastefully, and descriptively.
There is in the Song of Songs the complete absence of any medical lan-
guage, crudeness, or profanity. Every word is tender and sensual, and
carefully composed to produce appropriate and passionate arousal.
The man speaks to his beloved: “I liken you, my darling, to a mare
harnessed to one of the chariots of Pharaoh. Your cheeks are beauti-
ful with earrings, your neck with strings of jewels. We will make you
earrings of gold, studded with silver” (1:9-11, NIV). Notice how he
begins: “My darling.” He then moves on to an analogy that Westerners
can thoroughly misconstrue. In commenting on the word “mare,”
one writer suggests that the woman must have had very large hips,
suitable for childbearing. Another indicates she is no doubt a fast run-
ner! But more accomplished scholarship reveals the beauty and the
vibrant sexual overtones of this high compliment. It seems that mares
were never employed to draw the king’s chariot. Only stallions were,
and they were always hitched in pairs. But in this picture, a mare has
been harnessed to the chariot alongside a stallion. The predictable
result is a stallion in a frenzy of galloping desire. When this man, then,
speaks of his beloved using this analogy, it is not to suggest that she
possesses equine characteristics but to declare the overwhelming sen-
sual impact she makes upon him by her very presence. He then speaks
of how her jewelry enhances the beauty of her face; together they will
further complement her natural attractions with additional jewelry.
(Christians will want to balance such passages with the teachings of
1 Peter 3, but clearly there is a place for the appropriate enhancement
of physical beauty.)
Do you see the qualitative difference between such carefully
composed words of romance and something like, “That dress looks
nice on you, dear”? By all means, tell her that she looks nice in the
dress, but recognize the world of difference between a simple com-
pliment (however sincere) and phrases describing a passion that can
barely be contained.

Let’s look at one more passage of carefully composed words spo-

ken by the man:

How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes
behind your veil are doves. Your hair is like a flock of goats descending
from Mount Gilead. Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, com-
ing up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone.
Your lips are like a scarlet ribbon; your mouth is lovely. Your temples
behind your veil are like the halves of a pomegranate. Your neck is like
the tower of David, built with elegance; on it hang a thousand shields,
all of them shields of warriors. Your two breasts are like two fawns, like
twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies. Until the day breaks
and the shadows flee, I will go to the mountain of myrrh and to the hill
of incense. All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you
—4:1-7, N I V

This magnificent passage begins with a declaration of the beauty

of his beloved. But generalities are not enough for him, nor should
they be for us. So, he extols her eyes, her hair, and her teeth, using
clear and complimentary analogies. What creativity his words reveal!
“Your eyes behind your veil are doves” speaks of her gentleness and
tenderness. In describing her hair as a flock of goats descending from
Mount Gilead, he evokes the image of a distant hill, completely cov-
ered with black-wooled goats moving toward its base, so the entire hill
seems alive. Her teeth are white and fresh, like newly shorn and
bathed sheep that glisten in the sun.
He then praises in specific, compelling, and poetic terms, her lips,
mouth, and temples. He compares her lips to a precious, beautiful fab-
ric. The Aramaic word he uses for her mouth makes clear that he finds
her very speech a thing of beauty; her mouth reveals her heart, and her
mouth is beautiful in no small part because of what she communi-
cates. These compliments are not merely physical. They are mental
and moral as well.
Gazing lower, he speaks in tender and radiant language of her
neck and breasts, and with breathtaking delicacy and understatement
he declares his unmistakably erotic intentions. He ends this love
A Song of Joy 121

poem where he began, assuring her that, in his eyes, she is “all beau-
tiful”—perfection itself.
“All beautiful,” “no flaw in you”—how are we to interpret such
phrases? No one need class these among those statements in the Old
Testament which the apostle Paul found “hard to understand”! What’s
going on here is very clear. The man is lavishing high praises upon his
beloved in an effort to communicate how he feels about her. These
are expressions of his heartfelt emotion. Others may not share his
assessment of her beauty. No matter. This is his view of her, and
together they rejoice in it.
Wives: Verse Two. Wives, you too can find a wealth of example in
Solomon’s Song:

My lover is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. His

head is purest gold; his hair is wavy and black as a raven. His eyes are
like doves by the water streams, washed in milk, mounted like jewels.
His cheeks are like beds of spice yielding perfume. His lips are like lilies
dripping with myrrh. His arms are rods of gold. . . . His body is like
polished ivory. . . . His legs are pillars of marble. . . . His appearance is
like Lebanon. . . . His mouth is sweetness itself; he is altogether lovely.
This is my lover, this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
—5:10-16, N I V

Here is an evaluation that few men could ever hope genuinely to

warrant. So what is God saying in such passages? Is He setting impos-
sibly narrow standards, such as the advertising and fashion industries
would impose on us? Certainly not. Again, what’s being communi-
cated here is primarily the effect of the beloved on the lover. An objec-
tive description is clearly not the point at all! These are carefully
composed words that convey her estimation of his value.
He is radiant: There is a joy and an inner contentment that shines
through his face. He is ruddy: manly and masculine. He is outstand-
ing: Place him in the midst of ten thousand others, and she can pick
him out, for in her eyes he has no rival. His entire appearance is solid
and firm, impressive like a mountain range. His mouth—that is, his
speech—is lovely, and it also seems that she greatly enjoys his kisses.

Finally, she ends her praise with, “He is altogether lovely. This is
my lover, this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.” With this tri-
umphant declaration she invites the daughters of Jerusalem and all
who read her words to agree with her. She is unconcerned that any
might dare to dissent, for who would argue? This is how she feels!
Nay-sayers may criticize her objectivity or precision, but even as they
do they will envy the depth of love she enjoys and will find them-
selves, by contrast, far poorer than this blessed woman and her lover.
How my wife describes me bears little or no resemblance to how
my male friends describe me. (Just one example: After teaching on
this material in the church recently, a fellow pastor walked up to me
after the message, glanced at my bald pate, and said, “Your head
reminds me of the Jefferson Memorial.”) And of course, it would be
highly inappropriate for anyone but me to describe my wife using the
kind of terms I would employ when declaring my love for her and
reminding her of the effect she has on me.
The Song of Songs is a book about romance, and romance begins
with carefully composed words of an emotional and erotic nature.
How often in the past month has communication such as we find in
Solomon’s Song taken place between you and your spouse? What are
the hindrances? What are the heart issues? What changes can you
make this week to begin cultivating and expressing your passion for
your spouse?


Last year, Carolyn and I celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniver-

sary, and for that quarter-century it has been rare for us not to have a
weekly date night. But I can assure you that the consistent cultivation
of romance in our marriage has been far from an effortless process.
Romance must be diligently cultivated, lest it become routine.
The wonderful security that comes from a context of covenant com-
mitment is no excuse for the absence of romance. We should consis-
tently express our passion for our spouse in a variety of creative ways.
Date nights and other creative forms of romancing don’t happen by
themselves. They require regular, diligent, creative attention.
A Song of Joy 123

Where to begin? Husbands, study your wives. (Although hus-

bands and wives need to understand this material equally well, this
section will be directed primarily to the husband in his role as head of
the wife.) Discover specific things that will most effectively commu-
nicate your romantic passion for her. Locations, activities, settings,
restaurants, vacation spots, romantic overnight getaways. Learn what
she loves, and make the sacrifices necessary to bless and romance her.
This involves work, gentlemen, even extended effort. It involves
planning and budgeting. It is not spontaneous. Even the simplest
things require some degree of forethought.
This does not have to be expensive, but it should not be merely
practical, either. Giving your wife a DustBuster or a waffle iron
might serve or bless her, but it does not qualify as romancing her.
We must be quite clear that romancing our wives includes behav-
iors and activities that are distinctly different from everything else
we do in life. As you carefully study your wife, you will be able to
move beyond such generalities. You will learn how to romance
your wife in ways that are especially meaningful to you as a
couple. Those more specific things surely exist, and the sovereign,
loving God who joined you to your wife will surely show you what
they are.
Romance can be built through phone calls during the workday. I
often call Carolyn briefly to say, “I just wanted to hear your voice.” It’s
a small thing that’s meaningful to us both. Romance can involve send-
ing letters and notes and, if you are so gifted, even poetry. These
should contain carefully composed words that communicate roman-
tic passions. My wife is excellent at this, and I treasure it. In regard to
notes, I want to become as thoughtful and forward-thinking as a hus-
band I read about recently:

When the new car was side-swiped on a trip to the supermarket,

Mary Branson stopped and tearfully fumbled in the glove com-
partment for the insurance papers. Attached to them she found an
envelope with her name on it in her husband’s handwriting. “Dear
Mary,” the note said, “When you need these papers, remember it’s
you I love, not the car.”

Romance can be communicated through small gifts. Buying per-

fume, flowers, and clothing for Carolyn has been a joy for me. As a
rule, I despise malls. Shopping is not something I enjoy. But I keep a
record of Carolyn’s clothing sizes, and I know the three stores in our
local mall whose clothing she finds most appealing. Over the years, I
have bought her many items from these stores, and what a difference
this has made. When I present these gifts to her, I remind her that she
is not obligated to keep or wear them, and she knows I mean this. I
am thankful that romancing my wife has little to do with my fashion
sense, and everything to do with the effort I make to express my feel-
ings for her.
Our date night is my joy, privilege, and responsibility to plan. I
maintain a list of fresh ideas by studying the area in which we live, by
reviewing magazines and newspapers, and by talking to friends. That
way, when Carolyn and I get in the car, I don’t have to turn to her and
say, “So, uh, where’d you like to eat?” What a joy and what a differ-
ence our date night has made in our marriage. It has a definite roman-
tic effect.
Finally, let there be surprises, surprises, surprises. Carolyn lives
with a measured anticipation, for she knows that I’m always in the
process of creating some sort of romantic surprise for her.
Husbands, there was a time when it was obvious to everyone that
you were uniquely passionate about the woman who is now your wife.
You couldn’t stop thinking about her. You couldn’t stop talking about
her, or talking to her. You went out of your way to serve and bless her.
You spent serious money on her. Is your passion still obvious to those
around you? Most importantly, is it still obvious to her?


Where does sexual desire, and the proper means of its fulfillment,
come from? We all know the answer: from the mind of God, as part
of His plan for man. God created sexual intercourse, as well as the
covenant institution that is its proper context. In the beginning, God
looked upon the sexual union of husband and wife and saw that it was
good. His opinion has not changed in the slightest.
A Song of Joy 125

Yet there is within secular culture a perception (which

Christianity has largely brought upon itself) that our faith is primar-
ily about sexual prohibitions. Of course, sin has horribly corrupted
God’s good gift of sex by divorcing it from the covenant of marriage.
Accordingly, the misuse of sexuality is flatly condemned in Scripture;
the Bible’s warnings against immorality and the power of lust must
never be denied or ignored. Indeed, even in the Song’s unblushing
celebration of marriage we find repeated admonitions regarding the
proper circumstances of sexual activity (2:7; 3:5; 8:4). But how easy
and how common it is to emphasize such biblical prohibitions to the
exclusion of the fully God-honoring role of sexuality within mar-
riage. As Duane Garrett has written, “The Bible itself would be
incomplete if it only spoke of sexuality in terms of prohibitions and
did not give positive instruction to enable the reader to discover the
joy of healthy love.”5
Christians reject all sexual behavior outside of heterosexual mar-
riage, because of God’s wise command and because there is indeed
something better that lies beyond the wedding reception: a life of sex-
ual intimacy blessed by God, sexual relations within marriage for the
purposes of union, pleasure, and procreation. We have thus far seen
how the Song of Songs models for us the kind of passionate commu-
nication that can and should take place between lovers joined by God
in marriage. Of course, there comes a time when the couple must
move beyond mere verbal foreplay, as the lovers in Solomon’s Song
do indeed move.
As this archetypal man and woman enter into lovemaking, they
do not hold back, nor does Scripture shrink from recording quite inti-
mate details of their mutually delightful encounter. Indeed, the Song
does not limit itself to “who touched who where.” Instead, we read of
the extravagant indulgence of all five senses. Touch, taste, smell, sight,
and hearing are put to full use. Solomon’s Song teaches us that love-
making is intended by God to be an elaborate and pleasurable feast of
the senses.
“Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and
honey are under your tongue. The fragrance of your garments is like

that of Lebanon” (4:11, NIV). “His mouth is sweetness itself; he is alto-

gether lovely” (5:16, NIV). These two love to kiss one another. They
revel in the touch, tastes, and scents associated with their kissing. I
would appeal to you to ask your spouse for his or her estimation of
your kissing. How does it compare with what is described here?
“Your stature is like that of the palm, and your breasts like clus-
ters of fruit. I said, ‘I will climb the palm tree; I will take hold of its
fruit.’ May your breasts be like the clusters of the vine” (7:7-8, NIV).
Sexual touching and caressing of the richest kind are found through-
out the Song.
At 4:16, we begin to approach the consummation of this couple’s
passion on their wedding night. It begins with the woman inviting the
man to come and enjoy her love. “Awake, north wind, and come,
south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad.
Let my lover come into his garden and taste its choice fruits” (NIV).
In 5:1, the man eagerly responds. Again, the poetry is discreet and
restrained, yet bursting with passion and completely devoid of vul-
garity. “I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gath-
ered my myrrh with my spice. I have eaten my honeycomb and my
honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk” ( NIV). Then, at the end
of verse 1, we find this ringing affirmation of sexual indulgence within
marriage: “Eat, O friends, and drink; drink your fill, O lovers” (NIV).
Here, the chorus encourages them both to enjoy lovemaking to the
fullest, to be intoxicated with one another in their love. With God as
author of Scripture, can there be a clearer expression of the divine
approval and encouragement of sexuality within marriage?
Solomon on Setting the Tempo. “He has taken me to the banquet hall,
and his banner over me is love” (2:4, NIV). Here is a statement about
the intention of the woman’s lover, her husband, to make love to her.
(See also 4:8 and, in the NASB, 1:4.) In my counseling and pastoring
experience, it seems that the husband is more likely than the wife to
initiate sexual relations. But in the Song we see that sexual initiative
by the wife can in fact be highly appropriate (not to mention, wives,
most welcomed by your husband—trust me on that one). The
woman portrayed in the Song is not the least hesitant about taking the
A Song of Joy 127

initiative. In fact, the Song begins with her desiring her lover’s kisses
and asking him to take her to his bed; and the Song ends with another
open request for lovemaking. Her desires are exclusively for her hus-
band, but in the expression of those desires she is, in private, quite
When she says to her man, “Come, my lover, and let us go to the
countryside, and let us spend the night in the villages” (7:11), she is
not suggesting a shopping trip! She wants him to take her away to a
creative location in order to make love to her. This may be the earli-
est recorded instance of a romantic getaway at a cozy little Bed and
Paul on Picking Up the Beat. In the context of sexual initiative, we
must broaden our focus to a portion of the New Testament that speaks
to matters of sexual responsiveness. In 1 Corinthians 7:2-4 (NIV), Paul
teaches that, no matter which spouse in a marriage takes the sexual ini-
tiative, the other partner must be responsive:

Since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own
wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill
his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The
wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In
the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but
also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent
and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come
together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of

Paul’s point is clear. The weight is on each spouse’s responsibili-

ties and duties, not his or her rights. Most marriages have a history of
lovemaking opportunities that have been inappropriately declined.
Many of these “No, thank yous” are communicated non-verbally.
When they do take verbal form, they often come out something like,
“Not tonight, honey. I’m so tired,” or, “I’m just not in the mood.”
Do such responses violate 1 Corinthians 7:3-4? Surely, many rea-
sons given for depriving a spouse are not biblically acceptable.
Please do not misunderstand. I am not endorsing the imposition

of selfish desires on one’s spouse under false cover of 1 Corinthians

7. However, while being tired or fatigued are not sinful in themselves,
in light of this passage, they cannot be seen as legitimate reasons for
depriving a spouse of sexual relations.
What would your response be, ladies, if your husband suggested,
“Let’s study the Bible together,” or “Let’s pray together”? Would you
reply, “I’m not in the mood”? If he said, “I want to take you to a restau-
rant this evening,” would you say, “I’m sorry, I just don’t feel like it”?
What if he said, “Can we talk about the children tonight? I’m con-
cerned about some of the behavior I’ve seen in them lately.” Would
your first impulse be to reply, “Thanks, honey, but I’m kind of preoc-
cupied right now”?
In other words, ought lovemaking within marriage to be consid-
ered a fundamentally spiritual activity (albeit one with potent physi-
cal manifestations)? I believe the answer is an unqualified yes.
Proverbs 5:18-19 commands the husband to rejoice with the wife
of his youth. Ladies, you must assist your husband in obeying this
command. The sexual relationship between husband and wife is to be
characterized by rejoicing! Is your sexual relationship joyful? Is it
characterized by joy? If not, let me encourage you to discover why not,
and don’t be satisfied until you do.
Effective lovemaking is not instinctive. If I am living in obedience
to 1 Corinthians 7:3-4, I will take my thoughts captive and discipline
my body in order to focus primarily on giving to my wife sexually,
rather than receiving from her. Indeed, any married person who
rightly sees these verses as a directive from God will bring to the mar-
riage bed a servant’s mindset that places primary emphasis on the sex-
ual satisfaction of his or her spouse. As one Christian author has wisely
written, if you do what comes naturally in lovemaking, almost every
time you’ll be wrong.
Husbands, are you a skillful and unselfish lover? Don’t assume
that you know what your wife likes. Don’t assume that you know
what arouses your wife. Your wife is aroused differently than you are.
You must discover what arouses her—and what does not—by engag-
A Song of Joy 129

ing her in extended conversation. Gentlemen, we can improve. As

lovers, many of us have plateaued, but none have arrived.
Before concluding this section, I want to make some brief points
of application.
First, there is the matter of having children in the house. The
more children you have, obviously, the more care and planning will
be necessary to assure your privacy. Even then, have realistic expecta-
tions. Making love will not always be a dynamic experience of sweat-
ing and shouting—all the more so if the little ones are just a few feet
away on the other side of a bedroom wall, tucked into their bunks but
not fully asleep, and possibly wondering why it sounds like Mommy
and Daddy are exercising.
Discretion, of course, is necessary. A couple with a sex life that
honors God will, over the years, almost certainly be interrupted by
children at various inconvenient moments. On many occasions,
Carolyn and I have been in our bedroom, door locked, and in the
advanced stages of celebrating the gift of sex, when someone knocks
gently on the door. Your challenge at that time will be to project a calm
tone of voice; it can be quite difficult to sound like you’re simply read-
ing a book! If my children were more perceptive, they would realize
my vulnerability in those moments.
Knock, knock, knock. “Mom? Dad?”
“Um . . . [clearing of throat, stalling for time]. . . . Yes?”
“Dad, can I have a new car?”
“Uh, sure. . . . Let’s talk later.”
“Okay, cool. Thanks!”
Second, let me encourage creativity of location in your lovemak-
ing, something illustrated throughout the Song of Songs. On numer-
ous occasions, when Carolyn has picked me up at the airport as I’m
coming home from a trip, I’ve said to her, “Love, I cannot wait to make
love to you. See that motel? You and I are paying them a visit.” These
impromptu times have been romantic and exciting episodes.
Making love is a gift from God, to be done for the glory of God.
Husbands, you are not to deprive your wives for any selfish reason.
Wives, you are not to deprive your husbands for any selfish reason. If

you disagree, please wrestle with 1 Corinthians 7. I believe you will

find its teaching far too clear for argument. Even when you are tired
and not in the mood, give yourselves to lovemaking that seeks above
all to please your spouse, and allow this rich gift of God to unfold in
your marriage.


Of course Solomon’s Song is about more than sex. These physical,

emotional, and spiritual delights take place in an interpersonal context
of covenant commitment. As Carr has noted, “The theme of sexual
enjoyment and consummation runs through the book, and the theme
of commitment is central to the whole relationship. This is no pass-
ing encounter, this is total dedication and permanent obligation.”6
Look at verses 5-7 of chapter 8 (NIV):

Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover? . . . Place
me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong
as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot
wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it
would be utterly scorned.

Here is a dramatic picture of the richness and strength of covenant

• She leans on her lover, unashamed to acknowledge publicly her
union with him. She and her lover are in covenant, and she wants
everyone to know it. It is a defining characteristic of who she and her
lover have become: They are two made one, and marked with a seal.
• As death is final, irresistible, and irreversible, so is their covenant
love. Their love is jealous with a single-minded passion that leaves
room for no other attractions.
• Water in sufficient quantities can smother any flame, but not the
flame of this love. Their burning passion is indestructible, of such
power and intensity that no river can quench its zeal.
• Their love is beyond value. No price is sufficient to purchase
that which is given freely when God joins a man and woman together.
A Song of Joy 131

Any attempt at such a purchase would be seen as an act of astonishing

crassness, ignorance, and futility.
Such is the power and beauty inherent in every marriage in the
Kingdom of God. But we also know that, in this fallen world, love will
be tested. Trial and suffering are inevitable for every husband and wife.
When you are tempted to consider the attractions of another . . . when
a conflict seems difficult to resolve . . . when external challenges test
your patience . . . when you have allowed tedium to creep into your
life together . . . what will ultimately make the difference? Covenant
I close with an excerpt from an editorial published in Christianity

While it comes with clear limits, sex is great. After all, God
invented it. . . . The first editors of the King James Version tried to
give it a “G” rating by their chapter headings, which suggested that
the [Song of Solomon] was not about sex at all, but about Christ
and the church. But only a healthy appreciation of sex could lead
the biblical writer to remark, with evident pride, that when Moses
died at the age of 120, both his eyesight and his “natural force”
(which some scholars believe refers to sexual potency) were undi-
minished. . . . Christians, in other words, are not prudes. We like
sex. We celebrate sex. We thank God for sex. But—and here we
differ radically with our society—we do not see sex as a right or an
end in itself, but as part of discipleship. When we say no to promis-
cuity or other substitutes for marriage, we do so in defense of good
sex. It is not from prudery that the Bible advocates lifelong, faith-
ful, heterosexual marriage, but out of a conviction that the free-
dom and loving abandon that are necessary for sexual ecstasy
come only from a committed marital relationship. . . . Perhaps we
ought to make long marriages our image—our “icon”—of sex. An
icon is a picture we look to as a model. We study and meditate
upon it because it reveals some aspect of God’s glory in the world.
Our society has made sex its icon. That’s why it is found on every
magazine stand, in every commercial, every movie aimed at
teenagers. This icon portrays only well-curved women and well-
muscled young men. It celebrates sex for individual satisfaction.

But look at a couple celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.

Let’s make them our icon of sex. Their bodies may sag and creak.
Their hair is thin or gone. But we see in them something that
makes us want to cheer them on. Through them, and only
through them and that kind of committed love, shines something
of God’s glory.7

As married couples, let’s look forward to a long life together, as

we continually learn more about the joys of sexual love within the
covenant of marriage. Like the lover and his beloved, let’s keep singing
Solomon’s Song. May we never cease from making that beautiful
music, our two voices joined as one in divine harmony, testifying to
the world and to one another of the goodness and glory of God.

1. Tom Gledhill, The Message of the Song of Songs (Downers Grove, Ill.:
InterVarsity, 1994), 23.
2. G. Lloyd Carr, The Song of Solomon (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity, 1984), 35.
3. Ibid., 49.
4. Duane Garrett, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, The New American
Commentary (Nashville: Broadman, 1993), 379.
5. Ibid., 367.
6. Carr, Song of Solomon, 53.
7. William Frey, “Really Good Sex,” Christianity Today (Aug. 19, 1991), 12.



Stu Weber

Helping boys grow into solid men is an enormous ministry oppor-

tunity today.
Does that statement sound a bit odd? Doesn’t masculinity just
Well, aside from basic physical development, the answer is a
resounding no. Maybe in the past our social environment was con-
ducive to a sapling of a boy becoming an oak of a man. But not now.
As Garrison Keillor said a few years ago, “Manhood, once an oppor-
tunity for achievement, now seems like a problem to be overcome.”
My own journey provides clues as to what has changed. Most of our
sons growing up today would only find a story like mine in a history
book or movie about days gone by.
I am in my mid-fifties and grew up in a beautiful little “October
Sky” kind of coal mining town in central Washington state. The dads
went off to work in the morning and the moms stayed at home.
Everybody knew what a man was and a woman was, at least in
terms of taking care of and watching out for each other. Divorce
was almost nonexistent. The town’s residents knew each other. In
fact, everybody knew everything, which had its advantages and

Families had dinner together, and television was a novelty and

not a life force. For a long time we didn’t even have a television set
in our home, so on Tuesday nights Dad let us go to the neighbors
to watch “Victory at Sea,” because World War II was important to
him. The rest of the time the family unit was the hub of our lives,
and what we learned in school and saw in the community rein-
forced our family’s values. That is how I grew up. I didn’t know any
other way.
Now that seems like “a long time ago in a galaxy far away.” Every
little boy knew what every little boy wanted to be, and every little girl
knew what every little girl wanted to be. And the distinctions were
clearly understood. This was considered normal and okay. We boys,
after television became more prevalent, loved a Walt Disney show
about Davy Crockett—“king of the wild frontier.” We wore little Davy
Crockett coonskin hats and took seriously the man’s advice: “Be sure
you are right, and then go ahead.” Our hero’s example at the Alamo
meant to us that a man should be willing to travel far from home at
his own expense, and maybe even at the cost of his life, to help the lit-
tle people in the world getting the slats kicked out from under their
lives. Bottom line, there was a place for strength and a warrior spirit
in a man.
But the 1960s changed everything. That decade had many
“causes” and “movements,” but I believe the one having the greatest
influence then, and still expanding now, was “sexual freedom.”
Attitudes about sexuality and changes in sexual behavior eventually
affected everyone. The sexual revolution led to broad tolerance of
homosexuality and tampered with core gender definitions and dis-
tinctions. Since gender is the base of personal identity, if there is any
confusion on basic gender issues there will be confusion on what it
means to be a man or woman made in the image of God.
Since this is now such a critical topic, in this chapter I want to try
to help church leaders and all Christians understand the basic struc-
ture of masculinity and the process of shaping boys into solid men. Of
course a similar discussion is needed for girls, but I will leave that for
others better suited for the task. The discussion on both topics must
How to Raise Masculine Sons 137

occur, though, because the gender issue is, in our day, the very scrim-
mage line of spiritual warfare.


What boys need most is a vision. If boys are going to become men,
they need a clear target, a visualization of what a man is. I have found
it helpful to describe that manly vision, the infrastructure of mas-
culinity, as the four pillars of a man’s heart.
The story of the “first guy,” Adam, contains many clues concern-
ing these sturdy columns that buttress manhood. In the Bible’s record
of Adam’s early days, we find that the first man—yet unspoiled by
sin—had “pillars” that could bear much weight. They were perfectly
straight and balanced. After Adam’s miraculous creation, God gave
him a place to live and something to do: “Then the Lord God took the
man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it”
(Gen. 2:15, NASB). Adam, still alone, was given a task and responsi-
bility. He wasn’t just to hang out and enjoy the place. The garden
required someone to “cultivate” and “keep” it. This has not changed.
Men still are to take care of things and others, to bear responsibility
for providing for those in their care, and to lead. I call this the King
Pillar. Of course this quality is not exclusive to the male gender, but I
think there is a particular emphasis in masculinity about providing for
those who are near and dear.
The second pillar is hinted at in Genesis 2:16-17 (NASB): “And
the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘From any tree of the
garden you may eat freely, but from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil you shall not eat.’” Here is a whisper of a man’s
responsibility to teach and to communicate the way life operates. A
man is to know and communicate how life works. I call this the
Mentor Pillar. It expresses itself differently by gifting, personality,
and temperament, but a man, particularly a father, is called to com-
municate life wisdom.
A bit further in Adam’s story, we find, “for in the day that you eat
from it you shall surely die.” Here the first man encounters danger. I
believe God is implying, “Adam, you need to know that you are vul-

nerable here. There is a threat in the garden. You could get killed in
this place. So be careful.” A man may need to fight to keep himself and
others safe. He is the man “standing between” his family and all that
would harm them. I refer to this as the Warrior Pillar.
Then finally in this passage we read, “Then the LORD God said,
‘It is not good for the man to be alone’” (Gen. 2:18). Adam needed
help. He needed a companion. A man is made to connect with oth-
ers. I call this the Friend Pillar. So along came Eve, to complete God’s
image as male and female. She brought relational genius to the human
race. Women generally are much more alert to and adept at relation-
ships than are men. Adam would learn how to relate from Eve. Of
course the ultimate attack against aloneness occurs in the magnificent
relationship of marriage, but men need help and friendship in every
context, whether single or married.
So I see these four “pillars” as a man’s core components: the king
to provide, the warrior to protect, the mentor to teach, and the friend
to connect. These are the qualities we seek to develop in boys who
would become mighty men.
The pillars must stand straight and strong, and they must not lean.
What are pillars good for if they lean? All they do is fall and crush the
people around them. And for too long now, men have been way out
of balance and have been crushing people in their imbalance. Let’s
look at the four pillars, one at a time.


Jesus is the best example of the qualities revealed by all the pillars, but
especially the “King Pillar.” Jesus did not order people around, or sit
on a throne while servants brought Him grapes and cooled Him by
waving palm branches. No, King Jesus—Lord of all—looked out for
those in His realm to the point of being willing to die for them. He
was the ultimate servant leader, humbling Himself in order to pro-
vide for those He loved, treating them as friends and not merely as
In developing the King Pillar in a boy, you must teach him how
a man provides for others both physically and spiritually. Men
How to Raise Masculine Sons 139

often understand the need to provide only in terms of the physical

well-being of their families—a house, two cars, and an insurance
policy. And that is important. One of my sons showed me some
evidence of his understanding of this aspect of the King Pillar. He
drives a very old pickup truck that my wife and I sold him years ago
for one dollar. Now he’s married, but he still drives that decaying
“Are you ever going to get a new truck?” I asked him one day.
“No, I am building capital,” he answered.
That made me smile. That’s a sign of the King Pillar in his life.
He and his wife, who is working until children arrive, are saving for
the future. They don’t spend a nickel of her salary.
But as good as the desire to provide for physical needs is, there is
something more important: spiritual provision. A boy needs to accept
Jesus Christ. He needs to develop his character in all areas, especially
integrity and a good work ethic. He needs to understand and appro-
priately love the feminine half of the race. All of these qualities are
needed to round him out as a king.
A grand king in my life was my grandpa. He would never have
used that word to describe himself, for he was “just a coal miner.” One
time as a young tyke, I was playing a table game with my grandpa and
grandma. I didn’t want to lose to my grandma, so I cheated. Catching
me in the act, Grandpa put his glasses down and said, “Stu, you are a
Weber boy, and Weber boys don’t lie or cheat or steal.”
What an example of a king providing for the spiritual needs of
others! Grandpa was looking far into my future and nurturing the
health of my soul. In effect he was saying, “You are not just part of
the human herd, Grandson. You are a man, and at your core you
must have integrity.” Such provision is significant in raising a mas-
culine son.


In the heart of a man is a desire to protect and even, if necessary, to die

for others. In Scripture the warrior is defined as “the man of the in-

Think of David in the Valley of Elah. If you want a truly mascu-

line boy, you will say and demonstrate to him, “Son, you stand
between trouble and that which would harm those near and dear to
you—your wife, your children, your friends, your community.”
For some time we have been losing this warrior spirit in our cul-
ture. Men have become more passive and tend not to stand “in
between” when others are in danger. The young shepherd David
was not like that. He walked out to the valley of Elah and said,
“What’s going on here? The champion of the Philistines is down
there every day; but where’s the champion of Israel? Who will be the
man of the in-between? I’ll go down” (1 Samuel 17). And Goliath
was soon history.
Centuries later the greatest warrior of all said, “I am the son of
David. I will be the man of the in-between. I will stand between my
dear ones, my near ones, and all that will destroy them. I will absorb
the blows. I will take the wounds. I will shed the blood.” And Jesus
went to the cross and gave His life so that others would not have to
experience eternal death.
One time my boys and I were about to drive away from a drug
store when a guy ran out the front door with a package under his arm
and the cashier right on his tail, yelling, “Stop, thief!” The boys looked
at me, and I looked at them, and we took off after him in our truck.
When we stopped the guy, the police arrived minutes later and every-
thing was cool. That’s what men do—instinctively and without think-
ing of all the possible negative consequences—get involved, jump in,
stop the trouble.
I am not advocating mindless bravery, of course, or brutish,
vicious, unbalanced aggressiveness. I am talking about healthy, self-
controlled aggressiveness when this response is needed to protect oth-
ers. (Hopefully, September 11, 2001, has awakened us to the need for
a warrior spirit.) If the Warrior Pillar leans toward passivity, that can
hurt people just as much as brutishness. A true warrior is neither a
brute nor a coward. A boy needs to be taught the delicate balance
between the two extremes.
How to Raise Masculine Sons 141


The Mentor Pillar concerns wisdom. Every boy needs to learn the role
of wisdom in life, not by a parent’s lecturing or sermonizing (at least
not most of the time) but through patient instruction and, more
importantly, modeling.
This is where my dad was so capable. Dad is a quiet, gentle, some-
what “silent type” man of German descent. In his early years he was
a coal miner and later he became a city fireman. Although not highly
educated in a formal way, he is truly a self-educated man. He spent
every spare nickel he had on theology books.
Why was a coal miner and fireman studying theology? My mother
wondered. She didn’t know the Lord in the early years of their mar-
riage. She couldn’t understand Dad’s spending all his money on “reli-
gious books.” But Dad was just so taken with Christ and His Word.
He couldn’t know enough. So he bought theology books and
devoured them. I have a mental snapshot of my father at the dining
room table with books spread out. He would have the Bible open and
would say, “You guys ought to turn that TV off and look at this.” When
I would look at the page, it was just a bunch of tiny print. “This is a
plan of the ages!” Dad would say excitedly. “The whole world is going
to come together like this.” The man read the Bible and, because of
it, understood life.
Nobody had to tell me I wanted to be like my dad, I just did. He
didn’t so much mentor by leading formal family devotions. His life
was our family devotion.


The Friend Pillar is the whole bundling of qualities that make a man
more sensitive to others. This pillar is probably the most difficult one
to build in men. A warrior, for instance, doesn’t like a chink in his
armor, a place for the knife to go in. That hurts, so many men resist
sharing their feelings or “tender side.” This cloak of secrecy is destruc-
tive to men. A good man needs a tender side to balance his warrior
qualities. A wise man is willing to be vulnerable and authentic in the
presence of true friends.

Of course, we each have our own hearts and emotions. I did not
grow up in an “emotional” home. We shook hands when you did well.
And if we were really overcome by emotion, our second hand would
grab your elbow. But we didn’t hug.
I discovered much of my tender side from my youngest boy,
Ryan, who taught me to deal with my heart. I was thirty years old
when he was born. We had a tuck-in time in our home, which inci-
dentally is a great opportunity to mentor. I always went to the boys’
rooms to hang out and say goodnight, and Ryan would always get
ahold of me when I would lean down to hug him in bed, and he
wouldn’t let go. At first it was uncomfortable, and then this little
guy said, “Dad, bear hugs are the best.” He was right, but the hug-
ging component didn’t really compute with me because Ryan was
all boy—extremely vigorous, competitive, a capable athlete.
Eventually he grew to 6’2” and 220 pounds and was a normal red-
blooded guy. But he always had surprising strength in his Friend
Pillar. I owe him.
I urge you dads to touch your boys, hug your boys, hold your
boys, sit them on your lap, squeeze them. Wrestle with them. And
keep up the hugging even when they are older. As they mature, make
sure they know that they need to connect with others. Tell them,
“Your best friend will be your life partner and you need to learn to
connect with her, and with all those who are near and dear to you
emotionally. This doesn’t come naturally. Work at it. Learn it well.”


How do you build these pillars in the lives of your boys? Here are a
few ideas from my own experience.
Read, read, read to your boys. If you don’t like to read, get tapes for
your boys. Get The Beginners Bible. Get The Chronicles of Narnia. We still
have, in a special “keepsake” place, The Little Picture Bibles, with the
pages torn to pieces that our kids learned on.
Go outside. When you are developing these pillars in boys, you
need a good dose of the out-of-doors. I don’t mean you have to be a
world-class hunter or fisherman, although those are great sports. Just
How to Raise Masculine Sons 143

get outside, maybe just to hike or to go camping or to photograph

wildlife. There’s something about getting cold and wet and feeling the
wind in your face that is good for masculine sons. It’s a taste of adver-
sity, and adversity helps us grow.
I remember camping in Oregon’s Eagle Cap Wilderness. We were
just lying there in the evening, enjoying the magnificent scenery
when, all of a sudden, from behind the ridge the storm clouds rolled
in. During the night, after a thunderstorm and downpour of rain, the
river in our little meadow overflowed its banks and flowed right
through the tent. We had to drag the tent up on the hillside in the
darkness and try to sleep on a slope in wet sleeping bags. We didn’t rest
much, but we had a glorious night of learning to face adversity
together “in the wild.”
Watch good movies. Be discriminating when it comes to the movies
you choose, but cinema can communicate messages powerfully. One
of the movies we watched years ago when the boys were young was
“Chariots of Fire.” I had no idea how potent it would become in my
son Kent’s life. In significant ways it actually shaped the course of his
life. He was so stricken with England that he wanted to go there. After
graduating from college he went to study at Oxford, where he met a
young woman. He later led her to Christ. Still later they married and
now have a most magnificent marriage. That’s a long way to come,
and it all started with that movie when he was a youngster.
Let a boy be a boy. Sometimes this is hard for mothers to under-
stand, especially now that normal masculine traits are suspect among
many in our culture. I remember with three sons in our home how
many times I had to encourage my wife, Lindy. In rightful exaspera-
tion she would say, “We’re raising juvenile delinquents!” Having been
a boy once, I would respond, “No, they are just boys.”
Now, please understand, we were always quick to stop arrogance,
disrespect, or dishonesty in their tracks. But roughhousing and
wrestling around and having a good time and pulling each other’s ears,
that was just part of growing up as boys.
There are many more ways to build pillars in a boy’s life. Let God
guide you. Be creative. Do not neglect to let other men help you, and

vice versa. It’s good for men and boys to hang out with other godly
men and their sons. If you want to be a great basketball player, you
have to hang out with great basketball players. If you want to be a good
man, you need to hang out with good men. Find some comrades and
lock arms with them in training your boys.
The important thing is the vision of manhood: Know what you
are after and then dedicate yourself to achieving the goal of building
a young man. The concept of the four pillars can help.
The growing process will continue throughout a man’s life, and
the rewards are significant. My son once came home during his fresh-
man year of college and I could tell he just wasn’t himself. This kid
was the one who never had a bad day. He was normally jovial, happy-
go-lucky, and sweet-hearted. But here he was, depressed and down on
himself. I didn’t know what to do.
Shared physical activity can provide a good opportunity for a man
and his son to talk, so we cleaned the garage. (Now there’s a thought—
if you’re at a loss for what to do, clean the garage!) While tossing boxes,
I simply said, “Son, what’s happening for you?”
He put down a box. I can still see his muscles rippling in his back,
and he turned around and very uncharacteristically said, “I don’t
know. I don’t know anything. Dad, I go to school with guys who have
known since they were four years old that they were going to be pedi-
atricians, or rocket scientists, or something. I don’t even know what
class I’m going to take next term, let alone what I’m going to major in.
I feel like I don’t know anything.”
I heard myself say something completely spontaneous. (Often the
best moments are the ones you could never rehearse.) “Well, I don’t
know either, Son. But I know this—I will be with you.”
His head tilted and he said, “You know, Dad, I guess that’s all I
really need to know right now. Thanks.” We then hugged, big time, in
the dust and disarray of the garage, and I felt his warm tears on my
neck and he felt mine on his. We connected emotionally.
Moments like that change you both for the good. It’s all part of
becoming a strong, four-pillared man.
So, in raising sons, provide, protect, teach, and connect.
How to Raise Masculine Sons 145

1. This chapter is derived from a seminar given by Stu Weber at the “Building
Strong Families in Your Church” Conference in Dallas, Texas, in 2000.
Bruce Nygren has adapted it here. Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart by Stu Weber
(Sisters, Ore.: Multnomah, 1997) is a full book-length treatment of this

Susan Hunt

The very fact that we are asking how to bequeath femininity to our
daughters is a sign of the times. We live in a postmodern, relativistic
culture that has so thoroughly lost its way that even the simple issue
of girls naturally maturing into womanhood is mired in confusion. So
how do we approach this topic?
The dictionary defines feminine as “belonging to the female sex;
characterized by or possessing qualities generally attributed to a
woman; womanly.”
I could seize that definition and inject it full of the qualities I
think should “generally [be] attributed to a woman.” I could write a
treatise on the obvious effects of feminism and issue a call to women
to return to traditional values. I could give a checklist of what good
Christian mothers and fathers should be sure their daughters do and
don’t do. And believe me, I do have opinions! However, a formulaic,
prescriptive, behavioral approach is like shifting sand. It may give
immediate ideas and temporary solutions, but it will not challenge
our daughters to make lasting commitments and changes in the
depths of their hearts.
Any discussion of femininity must be driven by God’s Word or it
will lack substance, integrity, and longevity. I am fully aware of the

volatility of this topic, but my primary concern is to present a biblical

foundation for womanhood. I believe this positive approach will help
us show and tell our daughters the wonders of God’s design and call-
ing for women.
One sidebar before we explore this topic: As we think about rais-
ing feminine daughters, I encourage you to think covenantally and not
just biologically. Our salvation is personal and individual; but when
God saves us, He adopts us into His covenant family. We have spiri-
tual brothers, sisters, mothers, and daughters. God deals with us as a
household of faith. Whether or not we have biological daughters, we
have spiritual daughters, and it is our covenant privilege and respon-
sibility to pass on a legacy of biblical womanhood to those girls and
young women entrusted to our church.
Now let’s explore a biblical foundation for womanhood.


Whenever we craft a biblical apologetic for any topic, we need to begin

by putting that topic in the larger context of creation, fall, and redemp-
tion. If we simply lift a few Scripture verses out of context and use
those verses to construct our apologetic, we will likely come away with
distortions. The same is true for womanhood. Our starting point is
not roles and behaviors. The fundamental question is: What is our
purpose and authority? Creation, fall, and redemption give the
The opening words of Scripture tell us that “In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth. . . . God said, ‘Let there be
light,’ and there was light” (Gen. 1:1, 3, NIV).
God is the Creator. He spoke, and creation happened. His Word
is the absolute authority.
On the sixth day of creation God said, “Let us make man in our
image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and
the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all
the creatures that move along the ground” (Gen. 1:26, NIV).
It is incredible that the God whose words brought creation into
existence would make a creature in His own image. The Creator
How to Raise Feminine Daughters 149

King fashioned a creature who would mirror certain aspects of His

own character. This is what would set this creature apart from all the

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created
him; male and female he created them.
—G E N . 1:27, N I V

The man and the woman were created with the capacity to reflect
the very character of God. Herein lies the purpose and dignity of
Purpose and authority are the first steps in building a biblical
worldview, including our perspective of womanhood. The Westminster
Shorter Catechism underscores this by beginning with these two foun-
dational questions:

Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?

A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
Q. 2. What rule hath God given to direct us how we may glo-
rify and enjoy Him?
A. The word of God, which is contained in the Scriptures of the
Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we
may glorify and enjoy Him.1

Our purpose is God’s glory, and our authority to know how to

glorify Him is His Word. This shapes and simplifies life.
But the first man and woman rebelled against God’s authority.
Adam and Eve chose self-governance rather than God’s rule. Sin sep-
arated them from God and from the reason for their existence. They
could no longer live in God’s presence, and so they could no longer
reflect His glory. Adam was our representative; so his fallen nature and
the wretched consequences of his sin were passed on to the human
But God did not leave us in this predicament. Through the
covenant of grace, God made the way for us to be redeemed from sin
and to live in His presence. In this covenant, Christ is our represen-
tative. He kept the terms of the covenant for us. He lived a perfectly

obedient life and offered Himself as the payment for our sin. God’s
covenant promise is, “I will give them a heart to know me, that I am
the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God” (Jer. 24:7,
NIV). We do not deserve salvation, and we can do nothing to earn it.
It is glorious grace from beginning to end.


Our daughters will be products of their theology. Their knowledge—

or lack of knowledge—of who God is and what He has done for them
will show up in every attitude, action, and relationship. Their world-
view will be determined by their belief system.
We must teach our daughters that their value and identity lie in
the fact that they are image-bearers of the God of glory. This will pro-
tect them from seeking significance in the inconsequential shallow-
ness of self-fulfillment, personal happiness, materialism, or others’
Our daughters must know the wondrous truth that their overar-
ching purpose in life is God’s glory. This must determine every deci-
sion they make, from their choice of clothes to their choice of a
husband. The question that guides all of our decisions should be:
Does this glorify God? First Corinthians 10:31 should be one of the
first verses they memorize: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever
you do, do it all for the glory of God.” And they should see us mak-
ing decisions based on this mandate.
The world will tempt our daughters to look to their feelings and
experiences as their authority, but we must show and tell them that
God’s Word is the ultimate authority for faith and life.
We must tell our daughters about the expanse of God’s love. They
must know that we are justified and sanctified by grace. It seems that
women are particularly prone to a performance orientation of life. We
may acknowledge that we are saved by grace, but somehow we get
entangled in “works righteousness” when we it comes to our sancti-
fication. We think that if we are a little better, God will love us a little
more. This distortion spills over into all other relationships. If I’m a
little better, my parents will love me more . . . or my friends will love me more
How to Raise Feminine Daughters 151

. . . or my husband will love me more. This is exhausting for the one try-
ing to earn everyone’s love, and it drains the people whose approval
we are trying to earn. Children who think they must establish their
own righteousness through accepted behavior eventually become so
weary that they give up or become masters of deceit.
A biblical understanding of justification will free our daughters.
The more they understand that God declares us to be just in His sight
on the basis of the finished work of Jesus Christ, and that the righ-
teousness of Jesus is deposited in our spiritual bank accounts, the
more they will live in the beauty and freedom of His grace.
All of this means that I must search my own heart. Am I trying to
elevate myself through my daughter’s accomplishments and behav-
ior? Is my primary concern her happiness or her holiness? Is God’s
glory really the driving passion of my own life? These questions take
me to the cross. They take me to Jesus to plead for grace and wisdom.
It is against this backdrop that we are able to perceive the partic-
ular uniqueness of God’s creation of woman.


In Genesis 2 we read, “The LORD God said, ‘It is not good for the
man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him’” (v. 18, NIV).
Why was it “not good for the man to be alone”? Because he was
created in the image of the Triune God. The unity and diversity of the
Trinity demanded an image-bearer that reflected this equal-but-
different characteristic.
Equality did not preclude gender distinctiveness; rather, equality
allowed the distinctiveness of the man and the woman to be so per-
fectly complementary that it blended into a mysterious oneness that
gloriously reflected the oneness of the Trinity.
The helper design of the woman brought a completeness to the
garden home that received God’s pronouncement, “It is very good.”
Yet we live in a culture whose hostility against this design and
order has raged for several decades. The feminist philosophy says that
equality means sameness and insists on independence from husbands
and family. Now the daughters of those feminists are confused.

In her book What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us, Danielle Crittenden

For in all the ripping down of barriers that has taken place over a
generation, we may have inadvertently also smashed the founda-
tions necessary for our happiness. Pretending that we are the same
as men—with similar needs and desires—has only led many of us
to find out, brutally, how different we really are. In demanding
radical independence—from men, from our families—we may
have also abandoned certain bargains and institutions that didn’t
always work perfectly but until very recently were civilization’s
best ways of taming the feckless human heart.2

Crittenden’s research and analysis are helpful, but her solutions

are flawed because they begin with woman and not with God. She,
too, is searching for what will make women happy, and it is an end-
less journey.
I pray that our daughters will write books entitled “What Our
Mothers Told Us” and that these books will celebrate God’s creation
purpose and His design of woman. This is a design that is never out-
dated because it transcends time and place. It is bigger than any given
role in life, but it impacts every role. It is the design stamped upon us
at creation. It is intrinsic to who we are as women.
So, let’s explore this helper design. In the Old Testament the
Hebrew word for helper is used primarily to refer to God as our
Helper. When we consider how God is our Helper, we begin to see
the richness and strength of this word.
Moses spoke of God as his Helper who saved him from the sword
of Pharaoh (Ex. 18:4).
In Psalms we read that God is the Helper of the victim, the father-
less, the needy, and the afflicted (Ps. 10:14; 72:12; 86:17).
God is referred to as our Helper who is our support, strength, and
shield (Ps. 20:2; 28:7; 33:20).
I think you get the picture. This is not a fragile word, and we are
not called to a mission of fluff. Our helper ministry is one of defense,
comfort, and compassion. I addressed this topic in my book By Design:
How to Raise Feminine Daughters 153

The helper design is multi-dimensional. Different women will

exhibit different aspects of this design in various ways. The same
woman may exhibit it differently in each season of her life. . . . The
relational strength of our helper design causes women to attach
fiercely to people and purposes. We don’t turn loose easily. This
tenacity equips women to persevere in intercessory prayer for
years. Countless mothers have prayed for wayward children long
after others lost hope. . . .
We live in a culture void of hope. Woman’s helper design
uniquely qualifies us to enter this vacuum and to give help by
proclaiming the “Hope of Israel, its Savior in times of distress”
(Jer. 14:8).
In Psalm 146, the words help (‘∑zer) and hope are linked
together. This is significant. Help apart from hope is superficial
and temporary. It is merely a stopgap measure that is a substitute
for the real thing. Yet this is what our culture offers. . . .
The woman who can give authentic help is the one who has
come to a place of hopelessness in self that drives her to God’s
Word where she finds her “help is the God of Jacob,” and her
“hope is in the Lord.” She is qualified to help others because she
has an eternal relationship with the Lord and she is saturated with
His Word. She points them to the only viable Object of hope by
directing them to the only veritable Source of hope. This is
authentic help.3

Sin marred that design, and now woman tries to reinvent wom-
anhood on her own terms. Since Satan slithered into the garden and
convinced Eve to try the way of independence and individualism,
women have been on a quest for their own happiness. In this
autonomous vacuum the helper design is senseless and useless.
It is because of our redemption that we can live out our helper
design. It is our redemption that breaks the reign of sin in our lives
and empowers us to fulfill our creation mission. And it is our knowl-
edge of our Redeemer’s love for us that compels us to do so. In the
covenant community, the helper design makes sense. Two of the char-
acteristics of covenant life are community and compassion, and this is
exactly what our helper design equips us to cultivate. Our nurturing

and relational strengths prepare us to foster a sense of family in the

home and church and to be channels of compassion to the victims,
fatherless, needy, and afflicted.


The redeemed woman who has a biblical apologetic of womanhood

has a focus and clarity of purpose that enables her to be a true helper.
She will embrace her helper design and will encourage and equip her
daughters to do the same.
The redeemed helper will be a woman of prayer. She will defend
her family and the covenant family on her knees, and her daughters
will be drawn to emulate her selfless strength.
The redeemed helper whose covenant sensibilities have been
honed understands the importance of the virtue of domesticity and the
ministry of hospitality. But she knows this is more than baking her own
bread and having a beautifully decorated home. Domesticity means a
devotion to home life. It seems to me that the most definitive statement
of domesticity was made by Jesus when He said, “Do not let your
hearts be troubled. . . . In my father’s house are many rooms. . . . I am
going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2, NIV).
Domesticity means that we prepare safe places where troubled
hearts can find rest and comfort, and we involve our daughters in
this ministry in our homes and in our churches. In a must-read
book for every woman, nineteenth-century pastor John Angell
James said, “Whatever breaks down the modest reserve, the domes-
tic virtues, the persuasive gentleness, of woman, is an injury done
to the community.”4
The redeemed helper is not inward-focused. You will find her
taking her children to visit the elderly as well as taking them across
social and cultural barriers to extend the boundaries of the covenant
to the oppressed and needy and afflicted. And as she does so, she trains
another generation to live covenantally.
The redeemed helper who is not married understands that she is
to be a mother in Israel and that she is to join with other women to be
corporate helpers in God’s covenant community.
How to Raise Feminine Daughters 155

The redeemed helper values male and female distinctiveness

because she knows that this is God’s design and order. She is not
threatened by male headship. She knows that submission has nothing
to do with status. Submission has to do with function. It is the way
God has ordered life in the kingdom, and it is good because He is
good. This is a reflection of the ontological equality yet the functional
difference in the Trinity. Headship and submission are God’s ordained
means for achieving oneness in marriage. She knows that submission
is not a legalistic list of behaviors or mindless passivity. She under-
stands that it is not about logic; it is about love. It defies logic that Jesus
would release all the glories of heaven so that He could give us the
glory of heaven. In Philippians we are told:

Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in
very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be
grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant,
being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man,
he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!
—P H I L . 2:5-8, N I V

Jesus loved us so much that He voluntarily submitted to death on

a cross. His command is that wives are to submit to their husbands.
This is a gift that we voluntarily give to the man we have vowed to
love, in obedience to the Savior we love. The redeemed helper knows
that submission does not restrict her—it actually frees her to fulfill her
helper design. And as she lives in the light of this truth, her daughters
watch and learn. Quoting again from By Design:

There is an interesting verse in Psalm 144: “ . . . our daughters will

be like pillars carved to adorn a palace” (Psalm 144:12).
A pillar, according to the dictionary, is “a . . . support; one who
occupies a central or responsible position.” Some of the meanings
of the root Hebrew word that is used here are: “to attend, to
defend, to give stability, to join.” The ideas of protection and sup-
port are clear in this imagery.
In summary, a helper supports by protecting, sustaining,
upholding, refreshing, attending, defending, and stabilizing.5



This is certainly not an exhaustive list of suggestions, but at least it will

get us started.
First, we must remember that God has given us every resource we
need. He has given us His Holy Spirit. We have the very power of God
within us to give us grace and wisdom for the task, and we must pray
for this same power to be at work in our daughters. It is the power of
the gospel that will transform them.

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the
salvation of everyone who believes.
—R O M . 1:16, N I V

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being
transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes
from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
—2 C O R . 3:18, N I V

He has given us His Word. We must diligently teach our daugh-

ters biblical truth and pray that the Holy Spirit will apply that truth to
their hearts.

How can a young man [or woman] keep his [or her] way pure? By
living according to your word. . . . I have hidden your word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.
—P S . 119:9, 11, N I V

God has given us the privilege of prayer. We should pray for

hedges of protection around our daughters. Select portions of
Scripture and pray them into your daughter’s life. For example, pray
that she will trust in the Lord with all her heart and never lean on her
own understanding; that in all her ways she will acknowledge Him,
for He will make her paths straight. Pray that she will not be wise in
her own eyes, but that she will fear the Lord and shun evil (Prov. 3:5-
7). Pray Proverbs 31 for her.
How to Raise Feminine Daughters 157

The Lord has given us the church. The covenant family is part of
our inheritance as members of the family of God. The church is “the
pillar and foundation of the truth” (1 Tim. 3:15, NIV), and believing
parents have the unrivaled resource of the teaching and the relation-
ships provided there. Louis Berkhof wrote:

Now, the children of the covenant are adopted into a family that
is infinitely higher than the family of any man of rank or nobility.
They are adopted into the family of the covenant God Himself.
Even while on earth they are privileged to join the company of the
redeemed, the saints of God. They take their place in the church
of Jesus Christ, which is the heavenly Jerusalem.6

When our daughters are taught the truth of biblical womanhood,

and they see the wonder and substance of this reality being lived out
among Christian women, I believe they will be dazzled and will

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar
of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the
courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh
and green, proclaiming, “The LORD is upright; he is my Rock, and
there is no wickedness in him.”
—P S . 92:12-15, N I V

Second, the fight to recapture biblical womanhood is a spiritual

battle, and we must utilize every weapon God has provided as we
engage in this conflict. We cannot deny the fact that we have
breathed feminist air for several decades. This poison has taken its
toll. Raising daughters who are committed to a biblical perspective
of womanhood will be like standing against a tidal wave. But stand
we must.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full
armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s
schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the
rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and

against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put
on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may
be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to
—E P H . 6:10-13, N I V

Third, we must teach our daughters that living for God’s glory is
beyond their ability. It is a work of grace. We should teach them to flee
to the cross for grace and mercy, and then to become a stream of grace
and mercy to others. They will learn this best by seeing us live in this
Fourth, we must teach our daughters about biblical womanhood
as we “sit at home and when [we] walk along the road, when [we] lie
down and when [we] get up” (Deut. 6:7, NIV). We are teaching a way
of life as we live life.
John Angell James, the nineteenth-century pastor quoted earlier,
wrote about teaching our children through the course of everyday cir-

It is the sentiments you let drop occasionally, it is the conversation

they overhear, when playing in the corner of the room, which has
more effect than many things which are addressed to them
directly. . . . Your example will educate them—your conversation
with your friends—the business they see you transact—the likings
and dislikings you express—these will educate them. . . . The edu-
cation of circumstances . . . is of more constant and powerful
effect, and of far more consequence to the habit, than that which
is direct and apparent. This education goes on at every instant of
time; it goes on like time—you can neither stop it nor turn its

Fifth, we must not be naïve. We must be wise, like the “men of

Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do”
(1 Chron. 12:32, NIV). We must be aware of cultural influences, and
we must warn our daughters of the dangers of ungodliness.
What kind of women will it take to raise feminine daughters? It
will take true women.
How to Raise Feminine Daughters 159


In a book by this title I give the following explanation:

The dictionary defines true as “consistent with fact or reality;

exactly conforming to a rule, standard, or pattern.” . . .
The true woman is the real thing. She is a genuine, authentic
Masterpiece. The Master has set eternity in her heart and is con-
forming her to His own image. There is consistency in her out-
ward behavior because it is dictated by the reality of her inner life.
That reality is her redemption.
The true woman is a reflection of her redemption. . . .
By the transforming power of the Gospel, the Christian woman
is empowered by God’s Spirit to give an increasingly true reflec-
tion of her Savior and thus to be a true woman. . . .
When my friend Sharon Kraemer was diagnosed with cancer,
her response was, “I am confident that God will use this to take me
deeper into His love for me.” I didn’t see Sharon until several
weeks after surgery and several rounds of chemotherapy, and at
my first sight of her I gasped. It was not because her body and her
hair were so thin. My shock was because Sharon absolutely glowed
with peace and love. She was awash with an undeniable radiance.
I could only exclaim, “Sharon, you must have been spending
some incredible times with the Lord.” She did not need to reply.
The evidence was there.
This is the essence of the true woman. Regardless of the time
in history when she inhabits this earth, she is one who lives in the
presence of glory. Her redeemed character is shaped and driven by
God’s Word and Spirit. Because she is the very dwelling-place of
the Lord God, her reflection of Him is manifested in every rela-
tionship and circumstance of life. The distinguishing characteris-
tic of her life is His presence in her radiating out to all who see her.
The true woman’s life is not segmented into sacred and secular.
All of life is sacred because it is lived in His presence. The true
woman is a true reflection of God’s glory.8

Recently our granddaughter, Mary Kate, made her public profes-

sion of faith and was received as a full communing member of her
church. Three generations of women in our family sat together and

watched the fourth generation pledge herself to Jesus Christ as each of

us had done. There was a rush of gratitude for God’s covenant faith-
fulness to families, and a profound sense of our responsibility to pass
on a legacy of biblical womanhood. Mary Kate, and the generation of
covenant daughters she represents, does not foresee the battles to be
fought. But, to some degree, we know. And we are covenant-bound to
“train the younger women . . . set them an example by doing what is
good . . . while we wait for the blessed hope—the glorious appearing
of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to
redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that
are his very own, eager to do what is good” (Titus 2:4, 7, 13-14, NIV).
May God give us grace and wisdom, and may He be pleased to
give us daughters who have a passion to live for and to reflect His

1. The Westminster Confession of Faith, Together with the Larger Catechism and the
Shorter Catechism (Atlanta: Presbyterian Church in America Committee for
Christian Education & Publications, 1990).
2. Danielle Crittenden, What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us (New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1999), 25.
3. Susan Hunt, By Design (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 1994), 101, 108, 171, 173.
4. John Angell James, Female Piety (London: Hamilton Adams, 1860; reprinted
Morgan, Pa.: Soli Deo Gloria, 1994), 75.
5. Hunt, By Design, 118.
6. Louis Berkhof and Cornelius Van Til, Foundations of Christian Education:
Addresses to Christian Teachers, ed. Dennis E. Johnson (Phillipsburg, N.J.:
Presbyterian and Reformed, 1990; originally published Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Eerdmans, 1953), 77.
7. John Angell James, A Help to Domestic Happiness (London: Frederick Westley
and A. H. Davis, 1833; reprinted Morgan, Pa.: Soli Deo Gloria, 1995), 128-129.
8. Susan Hunt, The True Woman (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 1997), 22, 34-35.


Harold D. Davis

For years I have been actively involved in helping children. I’m also
a preacher, and one of my favorite scriptures is James 1:27 (KJV): “Pure
religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: to visit the
fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspot-
ted from the world.”
I believe every young person needs a mature adult willing to chal-
lenge him or her with wisdom in the context of love. I was fortunate
to have a dad who would tell me from time to time, “Boy, you’re
crazy!” When I thought about it, he was right. I was crazy. Most fif-
teen- and sixteen-year-old boys are crazy, and they need a man in their
face challenging them with superior wisdom.
To us Christians, James 1:27 is a call not just to religion in gen-
eral but to put our faith into action by looking after fatherless young
people. In my city a few years ago, a community symposium was held
where local leaders talked about the needs of our youth. The keynote
speaker, Donald Draayer, had been an educator for thirty-nine years
and was once National School Superintendent of the Year. After
offering some suggestions toward improving our youth programs, he
said, “The best solutions are those created locally. . . . [The] key in
any event is for adults to connect with kids on an individual basis. . . .

The only way to develop assets is to have relationships, kids talking

with older folks and older folks talking with kids.”1 Draayer made me
feel good, because the TALKS (Transferring A Little Knowledge
Systematically) mentoring approach and curriculum is just that: a
systemized way for adults to connect and share wisdom with young
As a parent and youth worker, I am surrounded by kids. At times
I forget that my experience is not the norm. Many adults have little to
no interaction with young boys and girls. A man may take a boy out
for pizza, to a baseball game, or just to hang out, but he probably won’t
do it on a regular basis—systematically. Our society has a television
mentality where everything is resolved in a half-hour minus com-
mercials, but the solutions we need to youth problems will not hap-
pen overnight. Nothing will change the negative direction that many
of our young people are going in until we get adults and kids around
the table for the purpose of regular, meaningful dialogue. This is the
focus of the TALKS curriculum and approach.
This is the thesis statements for TALKS:

Every boy needs a man in his face who will challenge him with
wisdom regarding the critical issues and decisions in his life.

Every girl needs a woman in her world who will challenge her
with wisdom regarding the critical issues and decisions in her life.

I often encounter middle school boys who think they know more
than I do. I love to sit them down, let them make their statements, and
then very methodically take the legs out from under their arguments.
Often they have nothing more to say. They are not accustomed to hav-
ing a man bump heads with them intellectually, particularly if they
have been raised by a mother or grandmother. In a society where
youth are not regularly exposed to the wisdom of more experienced
adults, young people as they make decisions must pull from their own
knowledge and limited experience. Americans don’t have rites of pas-
sage in the same sense that other cultures do. We just let kids grow up.
Without a network of caring adults in their lives, or even one mean-
The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach 163

ingful relationship with a loving, mature adult, boys and girls are left
to determine life’s flow and meaning from their peer group.
It is a terrible thing to live in the United States of America and
have no personal “advocate” to help you. As I go into our school sys-
tems and observe young people in trouble, I see that those without
advocates move swiftly through the system and toward incarceration.
God is very concerned with the helpless in our society. Remember
James 1:27 (see also Isa. 1:17, 19, 23; Job 29:12; 1 John 3:17).
Even kids who are not considered “at-risk” benefit greatly from a
variety of adult advocates in their lives. How much real dialogue is
happening between generations in the average American family? I
know wonderful fathers who neglect to teach specific things to their
kids. I have a wonderful son and we have a wonderful relationship. Yet
when I am teaching concepts to my “mentees,” I’ll find myself think-
ing, Did I teach my son about this?
I believe that the church of Jesus Christ should stand up when the
home fails, and be next in line to deal with problems. I don’t blame
the schools. Instead, I see a wide-open door of opportunity for the
church, and in some capacities, the schools are asking churches for
Concerning the separation of church and state, Christians should
have the same right as any other group to go into the schools, not to
promote our religious beliefs but to help! The majority of our TALKS
mentors are committed Christians. We go into the schools, not
preaching Jesus, but living Jesus and letting our actions speak.


TALKS is a grass-roots mentoring movement. It takes only one indi-

vidual to get it started in a given locality. In my city I mentored three
boys by myself. Then seven of my friends joined me, and together we
mentored twenty-one boys. Three years later we had around eighty
mentors, both men and women, helping almost 250 children.
This is happening in cities around the country. You may have
noticed the growing trend in our country for adults to try to reach
children through mentoring. Because this is something I have done

naturally in the past, I devised a structure where other people could

do it also, regardless of their areas of giftedness.
When beginning a mentoring program, it is very important to have
a strategy and structure in place. When devising the strategy for my city,
I asked the following questions: How do I get adults and children talk-
ing? Which level(s) of mentoring will I address? How will mentors and
mentees spend their time together? What will they talk about?
The TALKS approach to mentoring answers these questions
through three strategic components:
• Strategy 1: Minimum mentoring. Mentors keep a one-hour-per-
week time commitment (a businesslike relationship with the children).
• Strategy 2: One adult mentoring three children.
• Strategy 3: The use of an issue-oriented curriculum based on
applying wisdom to daily life.

Strategy 1: Minimum Mentoring

The TALKS mentoring movement focuses on “minimum mentor-
ing,” a preventive strategy for helping large numbers of youth while
providing a simple structure for busy working adults to maximize the
time that they spend with the mentees. (Chapter 9 will describe other
levels of TALKS mentoring, in the context of men mentoring boys—
my own area of greatest expertise.) All mentoring takes place at the
school during the school day, and generally employers are willing to
give their employees one hour per week of leave time from the job to
do the mentoring.
Our mentors spend just thirty minutes a week with each mentee.
No evenings, weekends, extended hours, trips, or the like. This level
of mentoring is not for “hard-core” kids. But if we can get such a pro-
gram flourishing, we’ll have fewer hard-core kids.
We begin our mentoring groups at the elementary school level
and have the mentor follow the children through each grade. Over a
period of years, the thirty minutes a week of sharing wisdom can have
a tremendous influence on the young people. At the same time the
mentors do not get burned out and are able to give more time in the
long run.
The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach 165

Another form of protection for the mentor and the mentee that
is built into the TALKS approach is the expectation of maintaining a
businesslike relationship between the adults and the children. To
introduce this concept, we begin the mentoring relationship with a
“contract-signing ceremony.” (See the following illustrations of sam-
ple contracts.)


(To Be Completed and Given to the Student)

make this contract with my student

to participate in this program with good intentions.

I will read the chapters and participate in the weekly sessions.
I will genuinely and respectfully consider what my student shares with
me but will also feel free to express my opinions.
I will not share other people’s private information outside
of our cell group.
I also understand that my student has a busy schedule just like mine and
there may be times when it will be necessary to reschedule.
I will be understanding when this happens.
I will view this interaction as an opportunity to share wisdom which will
benefit my student for years to come.
“How much better is wisdom than gold,
and understanding than silver!”
—K I N G S O L O M O N

Mentor’s Signature

Student’s Signature




(To Be Completed and Given to the Mentor)

make this contract with my mentor

to participate in this program with good intentions.

I will read the chapters and participate in the weekly sessions.
I will genuinely and respectfully consider what my mentor shares with
me but will also feel free to express my opinions.
I will not share other people’s private information outside
of our cell group.
I also understand that my mentor has a busy schedule just like mine and
there may be times when it will be necessary to reschedule.
I will be understanding when this happens.
I will view this interaction as an opportunity to share wisdom which will
benefit me for years to come.
“How much better is wisdom than gold,
and understanding than silver!”
—K I N G S O L O M O N

Student’s Signature

Mentor’s Signature



To begin the ceremony, a TALKS representative introduces the

mentors to the students and explains that the mentors are volunteer-
ing their time to come to the school and share wisdom with them.
We tell the students that they have been selected to participate in this
leadership program and that there are a series of expectations that
they must adhere to. (If we tell the students it is a mentoring pro-
The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach 167

gram, they wonder, “What did I do? Did I do something wrong?”

And in a couple of instances, a parent inquired as to why her child
was selected to be a part of the “mentoring program.” We avoid
attaching a stigma to the children; TALKS is not a “remedial” pro-
gram. In actuality, many parents have called us and asked if their child
could have a mentor.)
Once the students understand that they will be meeting to “con-
duct the business of wisdom” with the adult mentor, we talk through
the contract. We basically preach and teach each clause. For example:
“To participate with good intentions means you will not come with an
attitude. Mr. Johnson is busy. He takes off work to come over here to
be with you. Do you promise you will have a good attitude?” After
they agree, each student initials the clause and we move on.
One of my favorite statements in the contract is: “I will gen-
uinely and respectfully consider what my mentor shares with me,
but will also feel free to express my opinions.” I take this opportu-
nity to teach the children how to disagree politely with adults. We
help each child memorize this sentence: “Mr. Smith, I would like to
respectfully disagree with you.” I encourage them to practice using
this sentence on their mentor, teachers, principal, mom, and other
adults. After everyone signs the contracts, the mentors keep them
and refer back to them from time to time to remind the kids of their
During the course of mentoring, I give our mentors permission
to send any child back to the classroom if the child is not keeping his
or her end of the contract. If there are any recurring problems with
the child’s behavior, a TALKS representative will visit the mentoring
cell and refer back to the original contract. We ask the unwilling stu-
dents if they want to keep the contract or stop meeting with the men-
tor. Most of the time they do want to continue and will change their
behavior, but there may be instances when they will quit or we will
move them to a different mentoring cell.
Remember, this is minimum-level mentoring. Everyone under-
stands that the purpose of getting together is to discuss wisdom. I tell
the children up front that this is not about fun; this is about business.

I ask them, “Can you hang with that? Are you mature enough to do
that, or do I need to go to the higher grade and get somebody more
Always they answer, “No, we can do it. We can do it.”
I continually remind the mentors to keep a businesslike atmo-
sphere for their own health. Generally, in mentoring programs where
children have unrestrained access to adults, the mentors burn out and
will not mentor again. The interesting thing about TALKS is that we
don’t lose mentors to burnout. I strongly discourage “minimum”
mentors from spending more than the thirty minutes per week of
contact time with the children. Many of them think they can do more,
but the truth is, they do not have the emotional reserves or the energy.
Women, especially, tend to want to get more involved, but the TALKS
approach was designed for soft-level mentoring. If a mentor has to
quit, we put another mentor in his place. If a child moves or drops out,
we put another child in the group. It’s like business.

Strategy 2: One Adult Mentoring Three Children

The TALKS approach also uses a one-adult-with-three-children
model for mentoring. There are some advantages to having one adult
meet with three children.
First, it provides a way to multiply the effort. It is too late in our
society to get the job done with only one-on-one mentoring. Too
many children need our help and too many adults are hiding behind
their busy schedules and not dealing with the issue. Second, one adult
meeting with three children creates a group dynamic for interaction.
We try to place a variety of personalities in the group, such as one won-
derful child, one who is challenging, and one who is in the middle.
They may have different academic or social abilities and cultural or
racial backgrounds.
This approach discourages manipulation and unhealthy bond-
ing. For example, many mentors who mentor a child one-on-one get
manipulated by the child. A streetwise kid can manipulate an adult if
the mentor is not a trained educator, psychologist, or seasoned par-
ent. It is more difficult for one boy or girl to get away with manipu-
The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach 169

lation when two others are present. Likewise, when a mentor meets
with three mentees, no one child can expect all of the attention. Most
men are “maxed out” already with family, job, and other responsibil-
ities. When they spend time with a boy, the boy may latch on, seeing
the mentor as a “daddy-replacement.” This can frighten men and
cause them to shy away from mentoring, since this goes beyond the
boundaries of “soft-level” mentoring. But in a mentoring cell of three
boys, they look around the table and see that the mentor can’t be
everyone’s daddy, and they do not burden the mentor with unrealis-
tic expectations.
There is also a sifting or screening process in the one-with-three
model. If I give you just one mentee, maybe your personalities will
click right away and you will get off to a great start. But there is the
chance that you will spend a great deal of time just establishing rap-
port with the young person only to find that your personalities do not
match too well, or that the child is not able to receive what you are
offering. With three mentees, the odds increase that your mentoring
experience will begin well and remain positive. In a group where one
child is very eager to see you, one is more neutral, and one is harder
to reach, your positive outlook combined with the positive child and
the child who could go either way will put positive peer pressure on
the third child to be a key part of the group.
In my own mentoring cell, I met with the same three boys when
they were in third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade. When they
went to three different middle schools, the group had to split up, so I
chose the boy that I felt I would benefit the most and have the most
influence on and created a new mentoring cell with him and two other
boys at his new school.
In my city we have mentors at all levels—elementary school, mid-
dle school, and high school. I prefer to begin mentors with kids in ele-
mentary school and have them follow the kids through each grade
level. Every school has a different personality, a different flavor.
Elementary schools are often more flexible and willing to accommo-
date mentors’ schedules. In middle school the students adhere to a
stricter schedule and mentors may come only during certain periods.

We work closely with the principal or school counselor, social worker,

teachers, secretaries, or appointed school staff to create the mentor
cells and align them with the mentor’s schedule.

Strategy 3: Issue-oriented Curriculum

The TALKS curriculum was designed to help average adults com-
municate effectively with young people about relevant issues. You
don’t have to be a seasoned expert in working with youth or a trained
teacher to use this curriculum, which consists of student texts and
mentor guides for male mentors and boys (“Talks My Father Never
Had with Me”) and student texts and mentor guides for female men-
tors and girls (“Talks My Mother Never Had with Me”).
These are issue-oriented guides. Each chapter deals with a sepa-
rate topic. One advantage of using such a text is that the book is the
“villain.” The text itself is the bad guy when you are reading it with
the children. Eventually, something will come up that each student
doesn’t like. No one can say that the mentor is picking on them if you
start in chapter 1 and proceed systematically. The text makes it easier
to discuss hard issues, because the children feel free to disagree with
the author, which frees and enlivens the dialogue. And the mentor is
free to share his or her opinion without stifling further conversation
on the matter.
The TALKS mentoring movement is intended to address the
needs of all children as they grow to adolescence and young adult-
hood. We emphasize their leadership potential, focusing on the men-
toring time as an opportunity to gain wisdom and skills that will
benefit them for years to come.
I occasionally get letters that share how the TALKS program has
blessed a student. Here’s a portion of one from a middle school

William was a student who was on his way to being retained in the
seventh grade. In his case intelligence was not the problem, but
rather a propensity for trouble. After being in the [TALKS] pro-
gram and working with his mentor, William is now doing well
enough to be promoted. Now, this is not to say that there haven’t
The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach 171

been some bumps in the road, but connecting William to a posi-

tive role model has made the difference.2

For a guy whose heart is thrilled by helping children, that is a “feel

good” report! But there’s so much work to do. Will you consider join-
ing the TALKS mentoring movement?

1. Greg Kline, “Survey Says Area Needs Improved Youth Programs”
(Champaign, Ill.) News-Gazette (April 18, 1999).
2. Private correspondence.


Harold D. Davis

Every boy needs a man in his face challenging him with wisdom
regarding the critical issues and decisions in his life.”
This statement drives the TALKS (Transferring A Little
Knowledge Systematically) effort for mentoring young men. (For
more information on the TALKS approach, please review chapter 8,
“The TALKS Mentoring Curriculum and Approach.”)
As a boy I was fortunate to have men in my life at various times
who provided wisdom regarding life issues. I am a blessed man
because of that. Through these men, God gave me so much that today
my cup runs over. I believe that everything inside of my cup belongs
to my family and me, and that everything that overflows my cup is
supposed to splash onto those around me. That’s the way it happened
for me. I benefited from those who were willing to share their abun-
dance with me. That’s the way it must happen for boys today. Every
concerned adult man must use his overflow to benefit the boys com-
ing up behind him.
The psalmist speaks directly to our goal of equipping boys with
testimonies of the goodness of God: “We have heard with our ears, O
God, our fathers have told us, what work thou didst in their days, in
the times of old. . . . In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy
name forever” (Ps. 44:1, 8, KJV).

What a joy to have a son pray, recounting to God what he has

learned of his heavenly Father from his earthly father. Fathers have a
tremendous privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to share life
experiences and the good works of God with their children. It has
been my great personal joy to witness my son seeing the working of
the Lord in his life and on his behalf.
But not every boy has the benefit of spiritual, fatherly instruction.
The next generation of men is growing up in homes that have fallen
apart or where parents are struggling. This is where a mentoring effort
can effectively come alongside the family and provide needed support
and guidance.
The TALKS mentoring approach provides a tested, satisfying way
to connect men and boys. Here are the systematic steps that make it
• Assess the situation.
• Understand the levels of mentoring involvement.
• Take a personal inventory.


The first strategy for turning boys into men is to assess the situation.
That is, the mentor needs to ask, what’s going on (where the boy is
now) and what’s about to happen (where the boy is headed). Proverbs
21:16 states, “The man that wandereth out of the way of understand-
ing shall remain in the congregation of the dead” (KJV). Many youth
today have veered from the narrow way of understanding onto the
wide road that leads to destruction. If they continue in that direction
it will land them in the congregation of the dead. There is a mass men-
tality at work among them. They are running in a pack, swarming
together in the wrong direction like the stampeding swine in Luke
8:33: “ . . . and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake,
and were choked” (KJV).
Not one of the pigs stopped, looked around, or changed direction.
While it is unwise to get in front of a herd of anything, it is possible to
run alongside, grab one every now and then, and change that individ-
ual’s course and direction. This is our objective as we commit our-
Mentoring Strategies for Turning Boys into Men 175

selves to the task of turning boys into men through the TALKS men-
toring effort.


After assessing the situation and understanding the need to get

involved, a second strategy is to understand the various levels of
Mentoring exists on several levels. The entry level is considered
“soft mentoring.” Soft mentoring is basically structured companion-
ship. The mentor also serves as a sounding board for the boy being
mentored (the “mentee”). Soft mentoring includes academic tutoring
and career and professional guidance.
The type of student involved in soft mentoring is basically a
well-behaved kid who could benefit from additional adult compan-
ionship or guidance. This student is very impressionable and eager
for assistance.
The adult who engages in soft mentoring must be caring and
committed and must recognize the value to a young person of adult
companionship. The mentor must be patient and consistent. Almost
any mature adult can participate at the soft mentoring level.
A second level is “medium level mentoring.” All of the require-
ments for soft mentoring are included at this level, along with the
challenge to broaden the student’s perspective and build self-esteem.
The type of student encountered at the medium mentoring level
is still basically a good kid who may not have consistent or adequate
adult companionship and guidance. This student may be functioning
below his potential and may have given little or no thought to attend-
ing college or choosing a career. However, he is still very impression-
able and open to assistance.
The mentor needs to be caring, committed, and willing to work
with a youth through the normal adolescent life issues. The mentor
needs patience and a sensitivity to youth culture and issues.
Considerable thought must guide the mentor on appropriate attitudes
and techniques.
The third level is “hard mentoring.” At this level all of the previ-

ously stated skills are required, along with solid conflict resolution
skills. The type of student at the “hard level” of mentoring is poten-
tially a very good kid. He may come from a single-parent household
with very little, if any, positive male or female guidance.
The mentor will need to use parenting skills in sharing knowledge
on the responsibilities of manhood and womanhood. The mentor
must be patient and willing to play several roles: teacher, coach, cheer-
leader, and resource person. The mentor will challenge the youth and
will be willing to go where the youth “is,” mentally, emotionally, and
physically. Neighborhood and home visits are a part of the commit-
ment at the hard level of mentoring.
The fourth and final level is the “hard-core” mentoring. The type
of student requiring this in-depth mentoring is still reachable and
impressionable but, having been exposed to a lot of negative influ-
ences, is desensitized. Such a student has had little or no positive
adult influence and guidance. He is attracted to the seemingly easy
way out and is looking for immediate gratification—quick money,
instant pleasure. He is heavily influenced by his peer group and may
have already become a part of the juvenile court system and may have
been institutionalized.
Again, all of the previous skills are needed, along with a deeply seri-
ous commitment to mentoring. Hard-core mentoring is much like
pastoral involvement. The mentor must be extremely caring, patient,
committed, and willing to become basically a surrogate parent. He is
willing to be in touch and on call. The mentor must understand the
culture of young people, must be keenly aware of youth issues, and
must be willing to remain an advocate for his mentee even while the
young man continues to make poor decisions and mistakes. The men-
tor who engages in hard-core mentoring must emphasize the teaching
of respect—for self, for others, for life, for authority, for the law.


The men who would mentor boys must make an honest, open, per-
sonal assessment of their own ability to serve effectively. Mentoring
and discipling young people opens your life to the hand of God. When
Mentoring Strategies for Turning Boys into Men 177

you mentor a young man, the Lord will also speak to you, and you
must be open to God’s cleansing and healing of your own personal
problems. All of us have broken or missing parts. As we interact with
young people, the Holy Spirit reminds us of areas where we need to
mature. Psalm 139:23 (KJV) states, “Search me, O God, and know my
heart; try me, and know my thoughts.”
When one church where I shared the TALKS mentoring cur-
riculum began the program, it wasn’t long before the men serving as
mentors decided to stop, back up, and deal with their own issues. I
have found that the basic rule for mentors is that whenever God
brings an issue up in you, it’s time to deal with it.
Another area to consider is motive. Effective Christian service
demands an understanding of one’s motives. You need to know why
you have decided to mentor. What inspired your decision? Was it evan-
gelism? Was it a desire to fulfill the Great Commission? Was it a desire
to be a positive influence in society? You must know why you are men-
toring, or the inevitable rough spots will bring discouragement.
I am motivated to mentor because, as an adult Christian man
empowered by the Holy Spirit, I understand the situation with today’s
young men, take my share of responsibility for it, and am willing to
do something about it.
When taking a personal inventory, there are many things to con-
sider, including:
• Cultural barriers. Are you comfortable in mentoring someone
of a different culture?
• Your personality. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? A people-
person or a loner? Will mentoring be easy for you, or will it be a stretch?
• Your personal schedule. How much time can you realistically
commit to the effort?
• Financial issues. Will involvement in mentoring interfere with
other commitments, such as work and family?
• Physical health. Do you have good health and stamina? You’ll
need both.
• Ministry gifts. Do your areas of giftedness correspond with the
requirements for mentors?

• Personal deficits and deficiencies. Do you have significant

unresolved emotional scars, insecurity, and instability that might trip
you up?
Once you have thoroughly assessed the situation, have an under-
standing of the level of your involvement, and have honestly exam-
ined your ability for effective service, then you are ready to engage in


There are four mentoring models that complement the four levels of
mentoring that we discussed earlier.
The first mentoring model corresponds with the “soft mentoring”
level. It is the serendipitous model. In this model you meet with the stu-
dent and just hang out, such as for a walk through the park or the mall.
And while you’re doing this, credible and valuable things happen. This
model has no particular structure or regularity. Many mentors
serendipitously influence nieces, nephews, and other family members.
Although it is low-key, such involvement can be very effective.
The next mentoring model, which corresponds with the
“medium” mentoring level, involves utilization of existing programs and
organizations. Why reinvent the wheel? One of the best-kept secrets in
our country is the Boy Scouts of America. More churches today
should seriously consider doing what many churches used to do:
sponsor Boy Scout troops. Huge doors swing open for a child who can
list “Eagle Scout” on his resume.
The third model is tailor-made, special niche mentoring, and it corre-
sponds with the “hard” mentoring level. Mentoring occurs around a
shared interest, something unique that two people come up with.
Particular areas could be music, sports, or business.
The fourth model is planned, didactic interaction. It involves teach-
ing, and it corresponds to the “hard-core” level of mentoring. The
mentor and mentee get together for the sole purpose of teaching and
learning. The interaction is based upon the fact that the mentor has
knowledge that the mentee does not have. Boys, especially, need a man
in their face challenging them.
Mentoring Strategies for Turning Boys into Men 179


I hope that you will select one of the models and actively participate
in the mentoring effort. Remember how influential you are and how
impressionable youth are.
Would you at least prayerfully consider mentoring boys?
Thousands—millions—of the next generation of our nation’s men
need a little time and attention from a whole lot of men like you and



Susan Hunt

You must teach what is in accord with sound doctrine. . . . teach the older
women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted
to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger
women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and
pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands,
so that no one will malign the word of God.
—T I T U S 2:1, 3-5, N I V

This mandate is electrifying! Titus was pastoring a church on the

island of Crete. The prevailing culture was pluralistic and decadent.
Of all the things Paul could have told Titus to tell the women to do to
combat that decadence, he bore down on the importance of older
women encouraging and equipping younger women to live godly
This was not a new concept. Throughout the Old Testament we
are told that one generation is to tell the next generation the praise-
worthy deeds of the Lord. In Titus 2, that characteristic of covenant
life is simply made gender-specific. This fundamental quality of the
culture of covenant life transcends time, geography, life-season, and

Everywhere I go I meet young women who long for spiritual

mothers. Some express a sense of loneliness, and yet they do not even
realize that the disconnection they feel is because they do not have
nurturing relationships with older women. Our postmodern age is
characterized by isolation. The feminist movement made many
promises, but the push for independence and autonomy has left
women confused and alone. This is our opportunity. The time is ripe.
Women are seeking answers. It is time for Christian women to step
into this vacuum and show and tell the truth about womanhood.
But where are the older women?
In recent years I have observed a troubling phenomenon. Many
women of my generation have relinquished this high calling of nur-
turing younger women. My generation has abandoned this calling for
many reasons. Some simply do not know this biblical mandate. The
church has not sounded this call for many decades. Some think they
have nothing to offer. Some are intimidated by the intelligence and
giftedness of younger women. Some have decided this is the season
to indulge themselves. Some want to share their life experiences, but
they feel isolated from the younger women and don’t know how to
bridge that gap.
I plead with the church to call and equip women for this ministry.
God is gifting His church with incredible young women. They are a
sacred trust. We must be good stewards of this gift. Many are first-gen-
eration Christians. Many are separated from their extended families
because of the mobility of our society. We must exemplify the faith to
them, and we must teach them how to show and tell the truths of bib-
lical womanhood to the next generation. The implications of whether
we accept or abandon this calling will reverberate for generations to
As we examine Paul’s mandate to Timothy, your mind may be
buzzing with questions: Am I an older woman or a younger woman?
What do spiritual mothering relationships look like? How do I find
them? Why should I make this kind of investment in the life of a
younger woman?
We’ll address those questions, but first we must step back and see
Older Women Mentoring Younger Women 183

the landscape on which spiritual mothering relationships are to be

crafted and lived out.


God relates to us on the basis of a covenant of grace.

For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your
God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be
his people, his treasured possession. The LORD did not set his affection
on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other
peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the
LORD loved you and kept the oath he swore to your forefathers that he
brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land
of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore
that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his
covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and
keep his commands.
—D E U T . 7:6-9, N I V

Our relationship with the Lord is personal, but it is not individ-

ualistic. When He adopts us into His family, our relationship with
Him means that we are also related to His other children. And our
relationships with one another are to mirror our Father’s relationship
with us.

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit
of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one
heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order
to bring praise to God.
—R O M . 15:5-7, N I V

How does Christ accept us? Not on the basis of our performance,
but on the basis of His grace. We do not earn our relationship with the
Lord. It is all through sovereign grace from eternity past, when He set
His affection upon us, to the moment in history when He gives us a
new heart so we can repent and believe, to eternity future. God for-

gives us because Jesus paid our penalty, and He accepts us into His
presence because we are covered with the righteousness of Christ.
This is the covenant of grace.
We are to accept, love, and care for one another on the same term
by which God accepts us—grace. The covenant way is not a way of
isolation and independence.
When Cain killed his brother Abel, the Lord asked him,
“‘Where is your brother Abel?’ ‘I don’t know,’ he replied. ‘Am I my
brother’s keeper?’” (Gen. 4:9, NIV). He was unaware that the
answer to that question is yes. Living covenantally means that we
are our brother’s and sister’s keeper. Women nurturing women is
simply one way we live covenantally. It is as much a part of covenant
life as gathering at the Lord’s Table to remember His death until He
comes again.
It is not optional. This gospel imperative is one way we express
our Lord’s command to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind
and to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Matt. 22:37-39).


Now let’s take a closer look at Titus 2.

To whom is this mandate given? It is interesting to note that this man-
date is not written to women. It is written to the pastor of a church. It
is a responsibility of church leadership to equip older women for this
ministry. Women nurturing women is an essential element of healthy
church life.
What is the foundation for this mandate? Titus 2 relationships are not
to happen in a vacuum. They are to take place within the context of
sound doctrine. As I explained in Spiritual Mothering:

Paul’s instruction to Titus to teach the women morality based on

sound doctrine implies that the women were to be taught doc-
trine. . . . So these women were to be taught the principles of the
Christian faith which would form the basis for their character. The
soundness, or correctness, of the doctrine would give them a
foundation from which to train the younger women.
Older Women Mentoring Younger Women 185

Sound doctrine qualifies the kind of morality Paul is advocat-

ing in the command. Morality must be based on who God is and
what He has done for us in Christ, or it will be purely subjective.
Unless God is the reference point, there is no objective, absolute
standard or authority for morality. If we begin anywhere else, our
morality will degenerate to the level of the moral code of our
environment. . . .1

What is the purpose of this mandate? The emphasis of the book of

Titus is sound doctrine and godly living. God’s glory is the overriding
purpose of the relationships being discussed. This is not a self-enrich-
ment program. These are covenant relationships that are centered on
glorifying God by reflecting His grace to one another. In Spiritual
Mothering, I give the following definition:

Spiritual Mothering: When a woman possessing faith and spir-

itual maturity enters into a nurturing relationship with a
younger woman in order to encourage and equip her to live for
God’s glory.2

What kind of training is involved? The word translated “train” (Titus

2:4, NIV) is the Greek word sophronizo. It denotes “to cause to be of
sound mind, to recall to one’s senses. . . . The training would involve
the cultivation of sound judgment and prudence. It suggests the exer-
cise of that self-restraint that governs all passions and desires,
enabling the believer to be conformed to the mind of Christ.”3 This
is not just formal Bible instruction. This is teaching a way of life as
we live in relationship with one another. It is passing on to younger
women a biblical worldview that includes a biblical perspective of
womanhood. It is helping them to think biblically and to apply bib-
lical truth to all of life.
Who are the older women? This is not just about chronological age.
It also involves life experiences and spiritual maturity. Every woman
is both a younger and an older woman. There is someone who
needs your life-perspective, and there is someone with a life-view
that you need.


How do older and younger women find each other? The easiest way
is when a church crafts a substantive women’s ministry that teaches
women God’s truth about womanhood and helps facilitate covenant
relationships that reflect our relationship with God.
The Titus 2 mandate is not a program—it is a lifestyle. However,
it often takes some programming to jump-start spiritual mothering
relationships. Here are a few suggestions to help a women’s ministry
leadership team encourage and equip women for a Titus 2 ministry.

General Observations
First, the women’s leadership team needs to have a deep and long-
term commitment to this scriptural mandate. It is not simply a mat-
ter of matching older women and younger women. This is a part of
covenant life. Paul says that it is essential “so that no one will malign
the word of God” (Titus 2:5, NIV).
Second, it is important for the leadership team to have their fin-
ger on the pulse of the women. Is spiritual mothering happening
spontaneously and informally? If so, there may not be a need for a for-
mal program. Perhaps the need is to simply celebrate what is happen-
ing by periodically asking women to share testimonies of how other
women in the covenant community nurture them in the faith. Or if
there are women who are on the fringe of church life or new believ-
ers who did not grow up in Christian homes, perhaps a spiritual
mothering program is a way to enfold and nurture them.
Third, the Titus mandate was given to the pastor of the church.
Paul instructed young Titus to equip older women in the congrega-
tion for this ministry. This equipping was to take place within the con-
text of sound doctrine. It is a part of healthy church life. It is not just
a women’s thing. The commitment of church leadership is biblical and
essential. If a decision is made to have a formal program, it is impor-
tant to have the oversight and protection of the elders.
Consider this possible scenario: You announce that you are begin-
ning a Titus 2 program, and you ask for volunteers to be spiritual
mothers. A woman who has recently joined the church and appears
Older Women Mentoring Younger Women 187

to have great experience and maturity enthusiastically volunteers. You

are unaware that she holds some theological positions and some views
about women and marriage that are not consistent with Scripture. She
is assigned to a young woman who, unknown to you, is having diffi-
culties in her marriage because she resists the idea of headship and
submission. Since such women who volunteer to be spiritual moth-
ers have received no training, guidelines, accountability structure, or
approved list of books to study, you have a disaster waiting to happen.
Fourth, careful and prayerful thought should be given to poten-
tial implications of a spiritual mothering program.
• How will spiritual mothers be selected?
• What accountability will spiritual mothers have and to whom?
• How can you avoid having young women disappointed because
their spiritual mothers never cultivate the relationship?
• Who will monitor the program to see that it maintains its pur-
pose and integrity?
• How will this program interface with the entire Christian edu-
cation program of the church?
Fifth, even if it is decided to have a formal spiritual mothering
program, women should be taught that this is to be a way of life and
that the Lord will guide many women into nurturing relationships
without the aid of a program. The legitimacy of these informal rela-
tionships should be highlighted and celebrated. The more a covenant
community understands that this is part and parcel of community life,
the less need there is for a formal program.
Sixth, spiritual mothering is not just a matter of chronological age.
Even if all of the women in the church are the same age, there will be
various levels of spiritual maturity and life experiences that equip
them to nurture one another.
Seventh, the Titus 2 mandate is not limited to married women.
Women should have a generational vision that includes singles, teens,
and even little girls. Covenant daughters should be taught biblical
womanhood by the women in the covenant community.
Eighth, if the elders and the women’s leadership team determine
that there is a need for a formal Titus 2 ministry, a subcommittee could

be appointed to develop the purpose, procedures, policies, and plans.

Simultaneously, enlist a prayer team to pray regularly for this com-
mittee. All plans should be submitted to the women’s leadership team
and then to the elders for approval. Elders may need to consider estab-
lishing policies for situations that will be referred to them.

Suggestions for a Titus 2 Ministry Planning Subcommittee

1. Determine the purpose of the Titus 2 ministry. For example: “The pur-
pose of the women’s ministry Titus 2 program is to help women
establish covenant relationships with godly, older women who will
encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory.”
2. Develop a plan to enlist and train spiritual mothers. This plan should
clearly state the qualifications, how women will be recruited, how
they will be approved by the elders, and how they will be accountable
to the women’s leadership team.
The training should be consistent with the doctrines and vision
of the church. A “curriculum” should also include overarching prin-
ciples of biblical womanhood.4
In some cases, a women’s ministry may offer these studies through
a Bible study program and then, growing out of that, identify women
who are ready to be spiritual mothers. This long-term approach means
that it will take several months for the training phase before moving to
the next level of actually beginning the Titus 2 ministry.
Another option is to identify the spiritual mothers and then take
them through the studies in a condensed format. They can read a
book on their own, come together to discuss it, and then move to the
next book. This could even be done in a training retreat.
This training should include a plan to train and enlist additional
spiritual mothers in the future. Spiritual mothers should be trained to
reproduce by encouraging their spiritual daughters to have the goal of
becoming spiritual mothers themselves.
3. Determine the target audience. The number of spiritual mothers
will determine the scope of the program. It is likely that the number
of women desiring spiritual mothers will exceed the number of spir-
itual mothers. The purpose of the program should help determine
Older Women Mentoring Younger Women 189

which women will have priority in being assigned spiritual mothers.

For example, you may target women who are not able to attend reg-
ular women’s ministry Bible studies and encourage those who do
attend these studies to engage them in informal Titus 2 relationships.
When there are enough trained spiritual mothers, you may want
to consider expanding the program to enfold teenage girls. Another
long-term objective could be to provide a spiritual mother for every
new female member of the church for three months.
4. Develop guidelines that include things such as:
• How spiritual mothers and daughters will be matched. This can
be as simple as drawing names or as involved as finding common
interests and experiences. Whatever method is used, the most impor-
tant thing is to spend much time praying for the Lord to bring the
women together according to His purposes for them.
• The duration of the formal relationship. Usually it is recom-
mended that a spiritual mothering program run a year at a time.
• How to determine the shape of the relationship. Spiritual moth-
ers should be encouraged to have good conversations with their spir-
itual daughters to ascertain needs, expectations, and realistic goals. Will
they meet at a regular time or will it be more informal? Will they study
and pray together or just meet for lunch and conversation?
• A list of approved books for spiritual mothers and daughters to
read and discuss.
• How and where to refer problems that require pastoral or pro-
fessional help. This should include cautions and clear parameters
about dealing with crisis situations.
• How the program will be publicized. Publicity should be a tool
to educate the entire congregation about the purpose of the program
and to enlist prayer support.
5. Outline a plan to maintain the vision and heart of the program. For
• Have two or three gatherings a year for those involved in the
program. This could include a sharing time, so the participants can
learn from and encourage one another.
• Each year before women sign up for the program, promote it

by having spiritual mothers/daughters give brief testimonies in

church. Have a different testimony for each of three or four Sundays
before the sign-up begins.
• At women’s ministry special events, have women share testi-
monies about the blessings of Titus 2 relationships.
6. Develop a plan to implement the program. For example:
• There should be a Titus 2 coordinator or committee.
Determine how this person/committee will be appointed, length of
term, and how she or they will relate to the women’s ministry leader-
ship team.
• Women who complete the course of study will be asked to pray
about becoming spiritual mothers. Those who are willing will fill out a
form agreeing to the guidelines. These names will be submitted to the
elders for approval. Those approved will be commissioned in a church
service. They will commit to pray throughout the summer for the Lord
to direct the committee in assigning them a spiritual daughter.
• The committee will determine how many spiritual daughters
the program can accommodate, offer the program to the women,
make assignments, and host a gathering for the spiritual mothers and
• At the end of the term, the committee will meet with spiritual
mothers for evaluation, ask if they will serve again, and get their rec-
ommendations of spiritual daughters who completed all the studies
and who may be ready to be spiritual mothers. In some instances a
spiritual mother and daughter may want to continue for another year
in order to complete the entire course of study. The committee will
also determine if they need to provide another training time for
women who may be interested in becoming spiritual mothers.
• Every opportunity will be used to keep the Titus 2 concept
before the women at large through testimonies at special events, arti-
cles in newsletters, and public prayer for spiritual mothers.


The goal of a Titus 2 ministry is not a dazzling, well-run ministry. Paul

told the young preacher to equip older women with sound doctrine
Older Women Mentoring Younger Women 191

so they could train younger women “so that no one will malign the
word of God” (v. 5, NIV). This is compelling. It is a gospel imperative.
It is the way Christian women show and tell the next generation of
women “the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the
wonders he has done . . . so the next generation would know them,
even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their chil-
dren. Then they would put their trust in God and would not forget
his deeds but would keep his commands” (Ps. 78:4, 6-7, NIV).
And thus Christendom is advanced.

1. Susan Hunt, Spiritual Mothering: The Titus 2 Model for Women Mentoring Women
(Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway, 1992), 39-40.
2. Ibid., 12.
3. W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, vol. 4 (Old
Tappan, N.J.: Revell, 1940), 44.
4. Biblical Foundations for Womanhood is a series of books designed to give women
a biblical perspective on womanhood and thus to equip them for a Titus 2 min-
istry. For more information, call 1-800-283-2357.


Robert L ewis

N ever—in nearly thirty years of pastoral ministry—have I experi-

enced a more fruitful, productive, life-changing ministry with men in
the local church!
It’s a program we call Men’s Fraternity, and it has revolutionized
our church from top to bottom, and even moved us as a body toward
greater influence in our community. We now have many men who
believe they have what it takes and are equipped to accomplish signif-
icant ministry in their work, in their community, and even around the
Most gratifying to me, though, is the impact of Men’s Fraternity
on individuals. I have seen men come alive as they involve themselves
in the lives of other men. Take Harry, an older gentleman in our
church who had severe health problems. Once I went to see him in
the hospital, and from his bed he told me that his health had declined
after he had retired. “You know, I just don’t have anything to live for,”
Harry said.
I thought, Wow, Harry is in our church and he thinks he has nothing to
live for? What’s wrong with this picture? Harry was an outstanding busi-
nessman and his marriage was strong.
“Harry, that’s just not true; we can use you at church,” I told him.

“Well, what can I do? I can’t teach.”

“Sure you can teach, Harry. You are a walking reservoir of
unbelievable experiences that men would die to pick your brain
“I have failed a lot.”
“That’s the point! You have failed in some things, and from what
you learned through those experiences you can tell young men what
not to do, as well as what to do. What rich experiences you have to
offer and stories to tell!”
Shortly after his hospital stay, Harry took me up on my offer. He
became involved in Men’s Fraternity. He was there the day, sometime
later, when I challenged older men to reclaim the second half of their
lives by investing down in younger men as mentors. I paused in that
message and said, “All of you young men who would like a personal
mentor, please stand up.” About one hundred and fifty guys stood up.
They didn’t care who the mentor would be. They just wanted an older
man to talk to.
So I turned to the older guys and urged them to take a risk and
open themselves up to these younger men. Harry was one of those
who made himself available.
About four years later, as I was at the athletic club working out
at 6:00 A.M., Harry climbed on the treadmill next to mine. He
looked healthy as a horse. “How’s the mentoring going?” I asked
“Well,” Harry said, “I have seven guys I am mentoring right now
and I have five on a waiting list. Is that not incredible? Robert, it is the
greatest thing I have ever done. I am reclaiming a whole season of my
life as I pour myself into these guys. I still don’t know anything, but
these guys just want to talk. And being retired, I have plenty of time
to talk. It has given me a whole new ministry, and those young men
are just loving it.”
That’s just one story illustrating why I love the impact of Men’s
Fraternity. Before explaining how the program works, let me first offer
some background on the needs of men and why a ministry like Men’s
Fraternity is so important.
Teaching Manhood to Men 195


After many years of listening to men talk, as I worked toward an

understanding of my own masculinity, I have listed what I believe are
the common needs of most men.
First, men need a safe place to go where they know someone understands
them, where they don’t feel alone. If men feel welcome and understood,
they will let their guard down and interact with other men over issues
that may have been stuffed in their soul for years.
Second, men need a compelling vision of biblical masculinity that they can
grasp. Men want to know what God intends for them. This vision will
inspire and lift them during moments of challenge in the workplace
and community, or when they are facing discouragement. The vision
will recharge them. But it must be “user friendly”; the content must
make sense in the context of their own lives.
Third, men need time to effectively deal with issues relating to their man-
hood. That is why a men’s ministry should be more than a periodic
rally. Seminars and rallies are excellent for motivating men, but they
do not provide enough time for processing all the issues relating to
their masculinity. Men are often cautious and do not move quickly
toward a deeper perspective of who they are. Effective ministry must
allow men to involve themselves with other men through ongoing
interaction and rubbing shoulders with one another.
Fourth, men need practical how-tos they can use and taste success with.
What they learn regarding things such as marriage, family, and career
must connect with their day-to-day experience. Can they go out
immediately and implement ideas at least at a rudimentary level? If the
teaching does not work in real life, men will start ignoring what you
tell them.
Fifth, men need male cheerleaders. These can be special peers or
older mentors who come alongside to listen and offer encourage-
ment. “You can do it!” said by an older man has a profound impact
on a younger man.
Sixth, men need a sacred moment where they know they have become not
just a man but a biblical man. Men need a reference point where they
know they have crossed over into the promised land of responsible

manhood and will stay there and grow. This need can be met through
special ceremonies included in men’s ministry.
Finally, men need the church. If the church and its pastors don’t lead
men to reclaim biblical manhood, most men will not pursue it with
consistency, camaraderie, celebration, and courage.


I believe Men’s Fraternity significantly meets all of these needs of

Christian men. Let me tell you how the Men’s Fraternity design looks
now at Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock. Believe me, this is not
what we had at the start! We fumbled around and made many errors
in many trials! But by God’s grace we have made much progress.
Men’s Fraternity runs twenty-six to twenty-eight weeks during
the school year. We begin in early September and meet weekly until
we break for the holidays—around December 10. We start again in
mid-January and continue until the first week of May, when we have
a “special graduation ceremony” completing the year and marking the
accomplishments the men have made.
The preparation process begins early in August when we have a
Men’s Fraternity get-together for our leaders. We meet to plan and
pray throughout the month, even going into the church auditorium,
where Men’s Fraternity will meet, and praying over every seat. This
pattern of weekly prayer by the leadership team continues through-
out the year.
Because Men’s Fraternity is also an outreach opportunity, we run
large ads in the newspaper about four weeks before Men’s Fraternity
begins. The ad lists topics and has photos of our host and myself. We
also personally invite men from throughout the community. For
example, one year all the salesmen from the local Merrill Lynch office
came. One of the men belonged to our church, but the others came
to hear subjects like “Becoming a Man,” “A Man and His Life
Journey,” and “Twenty-five Ways to Love Your Wife.” We encourage
men to join Men’s Fraternity in groups, because the more guys can get
together with their friends, the quicker they will bond, open up, and
share their lives with one another.
Teaching Manhood to Men 197

We are careful not to use Men’s Fraternity as a recruiting device

for Fellowship Bible Church. When our Men’s Fraternity host wel-
comes men to the early sessions, he always says, “Guys, I just want to
remind you that this Men’s Fraternity is a community event, not a
Fellowship Bible Church event. We are not here to recruit members
for Fellowship Bible Church. If you are here from another church and
something benefits you, take what has helped back to your pastor and
encourage him to do something similar for the men of your church.”
And this has happened. Men’s Fraternity-like groups have started in a
Methodist and a Baptist church in our city.
We definitely welcome men from all churches and back-
grounds. At one Men’s Fraternity we had sixteen different churches
represented. I remember once we asked everyone who didn’t go
to Fellowship Bible to stand, and 350 of the 700 men present
stood up.
Men’s Fraternity meets every Wednesday morning. Here’s the

6:00–6:15 A.M. Coffee and fellowship

6:15–6:30 A.M. Host greets the men, gives announcements, pre-
pares the way for the day’s message
6:30–7:00 A.M. Message by pastor or the day’s presenter
7:00–7:30 A.M. Small group interaction

Because Men’s Fraternity is an outreach ministry, the first meet-

ings have a more seeker, “non-churchy” feel. We want unchurched
or marginally connected guys to feel welcome and safe. There will
be many powerful “spiritual moments” in the weeks to come, but at
the beginning we don’t want to scare them away. Slowly the empha-
sis on prayer, Scripture, and Christian music increases. By about
midyear, when we really hit Scripture hard, the men are comfortable
and ready.
We end the year with each guy assessing all he has learned and
putting together a “Manhood Plan” that lists goals for growth in his
manhood in specific areas concerning his past, present, and future.
The plan is first shared with his small group and then turned in to me.

The first week in May we have a sacred ceremony of graduation for

every man who has completed his plan.
In the summer months many men continue to meet and interact
in their small groups, usually around a breakfast. By that time, a num-
ber of them have formed some pretty intense friendships that will go
on for life. Recently, I spoke to a physician whose group is still meet-
ing five years after going through Men’s Fraternity.


We have three years’ worth of Men’s Fraternity curriculum which,

when we finish the cycle, we start over again. The first year is devoted
to dealing with the issues of manhood. It also establishes a solid bib-
lical definition of manhood that men can build their lives on. The sec-
ond year deals with the two most important responsibilities in a man’s
life—his work and his woman. The final year speaks to a man and his
life in the world, emphasizing personal gifting, his ministry in the
world, and life as a great adventure.
Here is a more detailed explanation of the content of Men’s

Year One
The first year, “The Quest for Authentic Manhood,” is a primer
divided into three sections. The first part deals with a “man and his
baggage.” Here we talk about the different wounds in a man’s life and
his misperceptions, misplaced expectations, hurts, and so on. This
portion concludes with an explanation of depravity and the sinful
nature that haunts us all. At our last meeting before the Christmas
break, I share the gospel explicitly and urge unbelieving men to
respond. At this point in the first semester, these guys now trust me
enough to listen carefully, and a good number do stand up to indicate
their desire to receive Jesus Christ. After the holiday break, we get into
the Scripture more heavily and begin to build a theology of Christian
manhood. The first year ends with the creation of a specific definition
of “what is a man?”
Teaching Manhood to Men 199

Year Two
During the second year, the first semester covers “A Man and His
Work” and the second semester “A Man and His Woman.” In our
church, we have some outstanding men like Doug Sherman, Dan
Jarrell, and Dennis Rainey who have great expertise in these areas,
so they present most of the weekly talks. Doug explores how a man
deals with success, ambition, and serving Christ in the workplace.
Dan and Dennis tackle the home and instruct men how to promote,
protect, and honor their wives while investing wisely in their

Year Three
The final year of our curriculum is “A Man and His World.” The first
semester covers “A Man and His Great Adventure!” Here we teach
what it means to walk with the Spirit of God while strategically con-
sidering how to live a life of real purpose and become a “difference
maker” in the world. The second semester revolves around “A Man
and His Design,” which helps men understand their “gift mix” and
what really motivates them. We help guys discern not only their gifts
but how to employ them as a ministry in the world.
At the conclusion of the last year in Men’s Fraternity, we chal-
lenge the men to determine what ministry they can now have with
their gifts, how they can walk with God in a consistent way in the
world, and how they intend to live with direction and purpose. We
finish by asking the men to come back and bring other men the next
fall and to become group leaders as the cycle begins again with Men’s
Fraternity One.


Now that I’ve explained the design and content of Men’s Fraternity,
let me give you a brief tour to reveal what a guy coming for the first
time experiences and feels on the opening day of Men’s Fraternity.
The doors open at 5:45 A.M. If you drove up at this early hour, you
would see that all the lights are on and music is playing when you
enter the building. The mood is warm, bright, and cheerful. At the

doors you are greeted by big smiles from men on the Men’s Fraternity
staff. Hot coffee is available at each of several “entry stations.” The
hosts at the doors and stations assume that on your first visit you are
scared to death. You may not normally attend this church, or any
church for that matter. So the host’s job is to make you feel comfort-
able and safe. More than likely you will return to the same station each
week and the hosts there will get to know your name and greet you
more personally, laughing with you, patting you on the back.
As you enter, you will receive a sheet of paper that has the outline
for the day’s lesson and questions for your small group, which you’ll
find out about later. You will have until 6:15 A.M. to drink coffee and
stand around and visit with other guys. The buzz grows through that
early part of the morning.
Since outreach to seekers is a definite purpose of Men’s Fraternity,
the first ten to twelve sessions are as non-religious as possible. So the
music you hear playing in the background is popular secular music;
the leadership team has selected songs from the sixties to the present
to fit the theme of today’s message.
At 6:15, the entire group finds seats in the auditorium, and the
host does the welcome and opening remarks for about ten minutes.
At 6:25, he introduces me and I deliver the morning’s talk. At 7:00, we
break up into small groups. Since you are new and have no group, at
our host’s invitation you will meet in a group he will lead this morn-
ing. By the following week, you will be assigned to an existing group
for the rest of the year.
You will grow to like your group. As time goes on and you rec-
ognize that this is a safe place, you will open up and begin sharing at
a deepening level. If you have identified with the men and demon-
strated transparency before them in dealing with your own manhood,
by the third or fourth session your interactions in the groups will be
surprisingly deep. I have had several counselors come to Men’s
Fraternity and observe that the level of transparency the group reached
in two or three weeks is beyond what private counselors may reach in
two or three months. Guys want to talk to guys. They just need some-
one to create the right environment and spark the conversation.
Teaching Manhood to Men 201

At 7:30, you will hear music begin to play, a signal that Men’s
Fraternity is over for the day. If you must, you are free to leave right
then for work. Some men will hang around or go out to breakfast
together. Tapes of that morning’s message are provided at a resource
For a few of us, however, Men’s Fraternity is not quite done at
7:30. Each week my host and I invite two of the small groups (fifteen
to twenty guys) to join us for a simple breakfast. We only ask each
group to do this one time during the whole year, and these times are
scheduled far in advance. If a man can’t do it at his scheduled time, he
just can’t. But most guys are able to meet with us.
Once breakfast is served, I’ll say, “In the thirty minutes I have with
you I want you to tell me what is working and what is not. What about
Men’s Fraternity is making a difference in your life? What is really
helping you? What would you change about Men’s Fraternity if you
could?” This means on a weekly basis for the entire year I have a
“focus group” telling me where I am succeeding and where I am not.
It lets me know if I have overlooked some question. For example,
someone might say, “You talk so much about your son. How would
you do that with your daughter?”
When I hear that from enough guys, the next week I will incor-
porate the answer into my talk. This practice of debriefing keeps us
from having blind spots in what we are teaching and in the general
operation and effectiveness of Men’s Fraternity.


Is Men’s Fraternity transferable to other churches? Most certainly yes,

although I do urge some modification in most cases.
We are not trying to start Men’s Fraternity “franchises” through-
out America, but I estimate that about seventy pastors and thirty col-
lege ministries are now using this model. Since my passion is to
influence men, I will gladly share the Men’s Fraternity concept with
anyone who thinks it might work in his church.1
If you are a pastor and ask me, “How can I use this?” here’s my
answer. I recommend that you not get a group of guys together and

play the tapes. If your group or the church is very small and you have
only a few men, that approach might work, and some have done it
successfully that way. But in most situations I strongly suggest you
yourself take the time and listen to the whole series (year one) from
start to finish. There will be things you really like and things where
you say, “I can do better than that.” That’s great! When you finish lis-
tening, then go back lesson-by-lesson and create your own personal-
ized version. Remove whichever of my illustrations and other things
you don’t like, and put your personality and illustrations in. Call your
men’s ministry something different than Men’s Fraternity if you like.
When you are done, you will have your whole first-year curricu-
lum finished. Next, find your host (see below). After finishing your
preparation, announce your men’s ministry starting date and get ready
to roll. If you are a layman or a staff member who does not have pas-
toral involvement or support, you can get a small group of guys
together (probably not more than ten), listen to a cassette (by Fall
2002, we will have Men’s Fraternity on video), hand out study sheets,
and have your discussion. Men’s Fraternity is adaptable to such an
Here are two more tips to help make your Men’s Fraternity a
1. Find the right host. This is absolutely critical to the success of
Men’s Fraternity. He is not just a welcomer. He is a host. Here are
some characteristics that are essential for this guy:
• He has to be well known in the community.
• He has to be well respected in the community.
• He has to be a good and warm communicator.
• He has to be creative and well organized.
God gave me that kind of man in Little Rock—Bill Smith. He
answers all of these qualifications. Bill stands in front of the men and
welcomes them, helps them get settled, and interacts with them. Since
he knows the subject of my talk ahead of time, he will do things to get
men ready for my presentation. For instance, if the topic is a man and
his wife, Bill may have arranged to have a man come up and interact
about his marriage. He can be quite inventive. One time during the
Teaching Manhood to Men 203

first session in the fall, Bill was talking to the guys and pumping them
up on what they would learn . . . when the house lights went off. On
our screens we saw a three-minute clip from the Apollo 13 liftoff. The
message was clear: “Today we’re lifting off.”
2. Use technology. If you have the ability to use technical aids in your
talks, I encourage you to do so. Microsoft’s PowerPoint is a good
example. Men seem to respond well to different communication
techniques that use computers, movie clips, and the like. Use these
creatively, especially during the early sessions of Men’s Fraternity.
Technical bells and whistles that are familiar to men can reduce
the resistance of those not comfortable in church. In the early sessions
I don’t even open a Bible. I will say, “Just like the Scriptures say,” and
the Bible verse will come up on PowerPoint behind me.
Using media tools can really sink home a point. When I talk about
roles in marriage, many men get uptight. I talk to them about marriage
being a partnership between people, but if it is a true partnership, that
may bring problems—since most business partnerships fail. I explain
that you have to have someone to lead. This is how marriage works, I
say. When I finish that particular talk I step off the stage, and as the
lights go down, a video called “It Works,” by the country music group
Alabama appears on the screen. It takes the theology of marriage—what
we are talking about that morning—and in a very emotional way, drives
it home to the guys. The song tells the story of a young couple going
to visit the husband’s mom and dad. All through the time with his
folks, the young man compares his “modern marriage” to the one he
sees his mom and dad enjoying. The video shows powerfully that some
aspects of marriage and male-female roles are never outdated. They are
timeless and, yes, biblical. As the young couple drives off, the husband
looks in his rearview mirror and sees his dad and mom hugging and
loving one another. The last line of the song is, “It works.” That pow-
erful moment really gets the men thinking.


Some people are surprised to learn that we repeat the Men’s Fraternity
program every three years. I was a bit shocked myself with what hap-

pened at our church during the first repeat. When we came back to
teach Men’s Fraternity I again, I expected a whole new crop of guys.
Instead many of the men who had gone through the first time were
back, but they had recruited groups of friends, and the returning
“vets” automatically became group leaders. At the end of the year I
brought all those guys together and asked, “Why did you go through
this a second time?”
They told me, “The first time we went through it we were kind
of reacting emotionally and got excited about it. But the second time
the material sank in at a much deeper level, and we also got to share
the experience with our friends.”
We now have done Men’s Fraternity One four times, and I still
have several hundred men who faithfully hear it again and again with
their friends. Their joy is in seeing what it does with other men. My
joy, however, has been in seeing the incredible changes in their lives.
Nothing I have done in my decades of ministry has had such far-
reaching impact as this men’s ministry. Nothing. Today hundreds of
men serve as mentors with our children, students, and young adults.
Hundreds more serve faithfully and willingly as small group leaders
pastoring our large congregation up close. Others gather in weekly
accountability groups because they have learned the value of cheering
for one another as men. Others have courageously stepped forward in
ministry ventures that our church would never have dreamed of
doing without their creative leadership. The spiritual life and tenor of
our whole church is deeper and higher today because we stumbled
across the power that is unleashed when men discover their true mas-
culine identity.
Most important of all is what I have observed in our men regard-
ing their marriages and families. Hardly a week goes by that a wife in
our church doesn’t grab me and comment about the impact of Men’s
Fraternity on her husband.
Just recently, I was walking through a local mall in Little Rock
when a young woman pulled me aside and said excitedly, “What did
you do to my husband?” She then explained how her husband had
been displaying spiritual initiative and direction he had never shown
Teaching Manhood to Men 205

before. He was also involving himself in her life and in the life of their
nine-year-old son with a passion that amazed her. “It’s like he’s a
whole new man!”
As I walked away, I kept hearing those words, “He’s a whole new
man! . . . He’s a whole new man!” And all because I, a pastor, had dis-
covered a critically needed new ministry . . . teaching manhood to men!

1. We have printed Men’s Fraternity curriculum for all three years as well as tapes
and videos of the messages. If you are interested in obtaining information or
materials, go to the website, or call our Cross
Reference Bookstore at 501-224-3238 for help.

F A M I LY ’ S F U T U R E


Steve Farrar

I know a heavy fog when I see one.

Where I grew up in Bakersfield, California, the schools never
closed because of ice or snow, but every year they shut down because
of fog. The murky air was so thick in the San Joaquin Valley that for
as long as ten days you could not see the center line on the road or the
house across the street.
I believe a moral fog as heavy as that has descended on our nation
and, even worse, on the church of Jesus Christ. Everywhere
Christians are confused and disoriented, and godly leaders are needed
to lead us to safety.
What is responsible for the massive moral whiteout in our day?
Can we reasonably predict what will happen next? I have three
First, the foundations are being destroyed. The most important part of
any structure is the foundation. Once a construction company was
building a high-rise condominium, and on the day the foundation was
poured, the ratios for the concrete were incorrect and there was more
sand than cement in the mix. But since the concrete looked normal,
no one noticed. Later the mistake was discovered, and it took almost
two years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix that weakened
foundation. A faulty foundation can cause a building, a family, a

church, or a nation to collapse. David said, “If the foundations are

destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Ps. 11:3, NASB).
I believe America’s freedoms and stable government, our pros-
perity and abundance, and many other blessings are the result of a
solid foundation, much of it constructed by the Pilgrims. When those
adventurous souls arrived on this shore, they didn’t have much—the
clothes on their back, some seed for crops, and a few tools. But they
also had the most important raw material required to build a nation’s
“footers.” They had the Bible.
A sightseeing trip in Washington, D. C., reveals the evidence of
the raw material the Founding Fathers used to build the foundation:
Scripture quotations are everywhere! But in our time that foundation
of the Word of God is being destroyed.
But more sad to me is that the same erosion of the foundations
is occurring within the church. An example of this is the debate over
the proper roles of men and women. Today, many Christians won’t
even use the term “helper” for a wife, even though that’s what God
called her (Gen. 2:18), and even though it is a word He uses to
describe Himself (Ps. 33:20). The wording of Genesis 2:18 is prob-
lematic for some in the church because they don’t really accept all of
Scripture as infallible truth—a sure sign that the foundation is being
A second contributor to the moral fog is moral relativism. Allan Bloom
wrote the insightful book The Closing of the American Mind. He was not
a Christian but concluded that in essence America’s greatness was a
result of every home having a Bible, which represented the moral code
of that family. Even if all family members were not devout, the Bible
was considered an important source of moral values. Because “God
said so” in the Bible, certain things were right and certain things were
wrong. Thus every home stood on a foundation of moral absolutes.
But along came the 1960s and the ideology of moral relativism
gained popularity. Moral relativism rejects the idea of a preeminent
God and King who has the right to rule humanity as He chooses. With
no absolute authority, absolute truth flies out the window. This opens
the way for the lame sentiment, “That may be wrong for you, but that
Leading Through the Fog 211

doesn’t mean it is wrong for me.” This, of course, is foolishness. Let

me illustrate.
One spring I went to do a week’s teaching at Biola University in
Los Angeles, where our daughter Rachel was a student. I didn’t arrive
at my motel until about midnight, but I called Rachel and she said,
“Dad, chapel is at 9:30. Why don’t I come by and pick you up at 8:50?”
“That’s great!” I said. I was exhausted and started to set the alarm
clock in my room, but decided instead to ask the main desk for a wake-
up call.
The next thing I knew I was awake and without a clue as to where
I was. I groggily consulted my watch and saw 8:30. Then I remem-
bered that I needed to be downstairs by 8:50! I jumped in the shower
and thought, Why didn’t I get a wake-up call? I hustled to get ready and
went to the lobby. By 9:10 Rachel still hadn’t arrived and I was getting
upset because I had to be at Biola by 9:30. Finally I asked a guy,
“Excuse me, what time do you have?” He looked at his watch and said,
“It is 7:10.”
Guess who had forgotten to reset his watch to Pacific Time! In the
spirit of moral relativity I could have said, “No, no, it is 9:10.” And he
would have said, “No, it is 7:10.” And I could have replied, “Well,
maybe it is 7:10 to you but that doesn’t mean it is 7:10 to me.” That
would have been ludicrous—like moral relativism is ludicrous.
Just as God has fixed time absolutely, so God has fixed morality
absolutely. It can’t be changed. There is no recall or referendum. Your
general counsel can’t change it. It is because God is.
Third, because of the increasing moral fog, we are a nation ripe for judg-
ment. I have heard radio preachers say that judgment on our society is
coming, but I wonder if “coming” is too optimistic? If you read
Romans 1:18-32 and take an honest look at what is happening, are we
perhaps already receiving judgment, or at least nearer to it than we
ever dreamed?
There is a place on the Niagara River above Niagara Falls that is
placid. But if you let your boat drift too far, the calm quickly turns to
a raging current and you will go over the falls. You had better not cross
that line. As a nation have we crossed such a line in regard to the judg-

ment of God? The evidence is compelling: Moral chaos. Violence

everywhere. The mocking of God. Filth in the media. Injustice.
Schools and churches unsafe. If we are not being judged, we are over-
due. Based on what we read about similar situations in the Bible, we
know that when God finally responds, the answer is more disturbing
than the silence. At some point He says, “Enough.”
If God judged Israel, why would He not judge us? The sobering
aspect for the Christian is that judgment begins with the household
of God, and before it comes on the church, it comes on those of us
who teach the Word of God to the church. James said, “Let not many
of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall
incur a stricter judgment” (3:1, NASB). I tremble for certain preachers
and teachers. I know they love Christ, but they have caved in on
important matters. I do not want to be arrogant or high-minded—I
know how quickly I can cave in. We all have presumptuous sins and
hidden faults. The Enemy is subtle. But we are the leaders and we
must understand our challenge and wake up.
Breaking through the dark fog, though, is a shining light of hope:
When judgment comes, there is a group of people God will bless, a
remnant. The entire world can be crumbling down, but He will put
His hand on those following Him with their whole heart. That is
where I want to be. I challenge you to be there, too. I want to be one
of the remnant. What will that require?


The church has a leadership crisis. We are desperate today for godly
leaders. We need leaders with strong hearts who also have discern-
ment, men like the sons of Issachar, who understand our time. It isn’t
1955 anymore. It’s not even 1990 anymore. If someone had walked up
to you ten years ago and said “,” you would have thought,
Who let this guy out of the home?
The leadership deficit is a huge problem in our churches. I once
did some research and found 165 definitions of leadership. But the
best one—no surprise—came from master communicator Howard
Hendricks: “A leader is someone who leads.” Don’t miss the profound
Leading Through the Fog 213

simplicity of that definition. Many people are confused about what

leadership is. I find it helpful to distinguish between genuine leader-
ship and synthetic leadership. First let me explain the impostor, syn-
thetic leadership.
Synthetic leadership looks like the real thing, but it isn’t. The
phony leader is overly concerned with title, position, and perks. But
those things don’t make you a leader. You are only a leader if you lead.
At a luncheon a guy handed me the single most impressive busi-
ness card I have ever seen. Top to bottom his card listed titles and posi-
tions. He was chairman; he was president; he was founder; he was
chief executive officer; he was managing partner. Then on the flip side
there was another list! As impressive as his card is, though, this man
is only a leader if he leads.
Synthetic leadership makes a strong first impression and looks
good. King Saul is a classic example of a synthetic leader. He had the
great title of king. And he looked like a leader—a handsome man with
chiseled facial features. If Saul were to enter a church sanctuary today
we would all be attracted to him, because he stood head and shoul-
ders above everyone else. The guy just looked great! But the problem
with Saul was he didn’t have the heart for leadership. Leadership is
always an issue of the heart, because out of the heart comes such
sturdy stuff as integrity and character.
Every time Saul’s leadership was tested he failed miserably.
Because his leadership was synthetic, Saul did not cut it and God
finally said, “That’s it. He’s out of there.” God found a new leader, a
kid named David, who later would be described as a man “after God’s
own heart.” David ended up on the run from Saul, because a synthetic
leader is intimidated and threatened by an authentic leader. Genuine
leaders lead out of the power of their lives—“You follow me as I fol-
low Christ.” That’s it. They don’t need a title or position.
The sons of Issachar understood the times and had a vision for
what Israel should do (1 Chron. 12:32). Someone once asked Helen
Keller if there was anything worse than being blind. She said, “Yes,
having sight but no vision.” Vision is critical for a leader.
I want us to be like the sons of Issachar about our times, because

we are leaders in the church and the church is changing so quickly.

Here are a few ideas on how to do this.
Get to the men. When I was a pastor in a local church, I always felt
that the men were strategic. Joe Aldrich said a long time ago, “All of
God’s people are precious, but not all of God’s people are equally
strategic.” He was absolutely right. It seemed to me then that if I could
get to the men and influence them, about ninety percent of my coun-
seling would be taken care of. If I could get the men in sync and help
them understand what it means to be a man and the spiritual leader, I
would be far down the road to having a healthy church.
Confront sin in the camp. God’s judgment will consume us all if we
don’t come to grips with individual and corporate sin in the local
church. Too often a scenario like this unwinds. Joe E. Evangelical
teaches Sunday school, has been through Bible Study Fellowship,
went to Promise Keepers and bought a hat, and is on the church
board. This guy’s spiritual resume is stellar, but then he hits midlife
crisis and gets involved with a single gal in the choir. He leaves his wife
and abandons his kids. What does the typical church do? Nothing. We
back off. We punt. I am sick and tired of that!
What are you supposed to do when a brother is stuck in sin? You
go and warn him. And if he doesn’t listen to you, you go to a couple
of other guys and say, “We know him and he is all messed up. We have
to go talk to him about his sin and turn him back.” This is not fun, but
we do it because God commands it. If you don’t think it is right to
“judge” this way, check out 1 Corinthians 5:12, where Paul says we are
to judge those who are in the church. We must implement the truth
of Galatians 6:1 (NASB): “Brethren, even if a man is caught in any tres-
pass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness;
each one looking to yourself, lest you too be tempted.”
“Defeminize” the church. I am not a woman-basher. What I will say
next has much more to say about the state of the church’s men than
its women. We need to insist that Christian men be allowed their mas-
culinity. Too many have the idea that it is unspiritual for a man to be
aggressive. We have taken qualities like sensitivity, gentleness, and vul-
nerability and elevated them over aggressiveness, boldness, and
Leading Through the Fog 215

courage. Paul said, “Pray for me that I might have boldness.” What
men need to do is use the appropriate trait in the appropriate situation.
Could Jesus be gentle? You bet. The Lord is near to the broken-
hearted, and He saves those who are crushed in spirit. We all have been
crushed, and He has come right alongside and ministered gently to us.
That is the appropriate, masculine quality to employ in that situation.
But Jesus could be very tough, too, like the day He went into the tem-
ple and dumped over the tables. The bystanders didn’t say, “Oh, what
a nice, sweet guy.” They said, “Let’s get out of here!” The appropriate
male qualities in that situation were aggressiveness, courage, and
Jesus loved us enough to get hurt for us. If Christ loved the
church and gave Himself up for her, will not a Christian husband love
his wife so much that he would get hurt for her, even die for her if
necessary? We must be careful about creating and promoting a mas-
culinity that is just nice and tender. Little boys are supposed to grow
up to be men and, following in the footsteps of Christ, men are going
to get hurt. But if we are programmed to fear getting hurt, our mas-
culinity is damaged and diminished.
Seek personal holiness. My old professor Howard Hendricks often
said, “If you worry about the depths of your ministry, God will take
care of the breadth of your ministry.” If we are willing to go deep with
God, such things as church growth will fall into place. I am talking
about the kind of people we will be. When God tests our integrity,
truthfulness, and openness to Him, I want to pass those tests. For I
know that ultimately He will bless me.
We are so messed up in the church because we have come to value
giftedness over holiness. When some guy falls into immorality, our
biggest question is, “How quick can we put him back in?”—because
we worship giftedness more than the One who gave the gifts.
I am encouraged by the fact that none of us have to be gifted to
tell the truth. What scares me more than anything is not telling the
truth, not rightly dividing the Word of truth—saying, “This word
means this,” when it doesn’t. We are going to stand before Him and
be held accountable.

Those of us who are leaders, why don’t we just love God, love His
Word, and love the people in our care! We don’t have to be a
“Charles”—Spurgeon or Swindoll. We just have to stand up and tell
the truth. God is looking for some guys who have the guts to put
themselves on the line for Him and trust that He will take care of us.
If we do that, we will lead others through the fog, and we won’t have
to be afraid or discouraged about the future. I want God to bless my
life. His eyes “move to and fro throughout the earth that He may
strongly support those whose heart is completely His” (2 Chron.
16:9). Let’s be that kind of people to the glory of God.


Crawford W. L oritts, Jr.

All roads lead back to somebody’s house! The pivotal issues in life
and ministry ultimately have to do with the health and wholeness of
the family. I sometimes think that in our pursuit of insights that are
tangible, transferable, and practical we forget this perspective.
What comes out of our homes should be the product of broken-
ness and utter dependence on God. One of my concerns these days is
a pervasive tendency to think that the right system, the right insight,
or the right “stuff ” will produce spiritual change. Conferences, books,
and manuals on our shelves are not the same thing as the move of the
Spirit of God in our households.
God used a recent visit to my boyhood hometown to push the
rewind button in my soul and remind me of my spiritual roots. I had
not been back there in years. I was especially moved when I visited the
small college nearby. I had only spent a year there but God did a deep,
wonderful work in my heart.
As I pulled up to the campus and crossed over the bridge, I saw a
sight that triggered a ton of memories. I spotted the little chapel where
at the age of 17 I would go to pray at lunchtime and sometimes
between classes.
Little did I realize then how those prayers would serve as the fuel
for what God has done through these years in my life and ministry and
family. I prayed that one day God would use me in a great way, that
He would allow me to introduce many people to Christ. I prayed that

He would give me a godly wife. I prayed for children yet to be born.

I asked God that they would give their lives to Christ at an early age,
and that they would walk with God and be used by Him.
Several years later, while I was a student at Philadelphia Biblical
University, I met Karen Williams and she became my wife. She is the
joy of my life and the mother of our five children. She loves Jesus
more than anything in this life. I am blessed beyond measure. I don’t
deserve her. God answered my prayer.
In the early years of my ministry with Campus Crusade for
Christ, I traveled from one campus to another on speaking tours, and
often Karen and the kids stayed home. Many an evening in a small
motel in some little college town I would awake late at night, slip out
of bed, fall on my knees and, often in tears, cry out to God, asking Him
to not let my kids grow up bitter because I had to be away. I prayed
that God would keep His hand on them and bless them. And God
answered that prayer. Today our children are grown and are all walk-
ing with the Lord. Our oldest son is a pastor. Our youngest son left a
promising baseball career and is preparing for the ministry. Both of
our daughters (we have a daughter in heaven, too) are actively
involved in ministering to others.
And so on that afternoon as I stared at that chapel, where as a sev-
enteen-year-old I sought the face of God to provide for an unseen
future, God flooded my soul with His grace and mercy. He reminded
me that the blessing and favor we as a family have enjoyed and are expe-
riencing are not because of our knowledge and expertise. It is precisely
because I didn’t (and still don’t!) know what I was doing! But I did have
an acute awareness that I needed Him—to provide a life partner for me,
and to give me the wisdom and courage to know how to love her and
to lead my family. In a word, anything of lasting value in my family is
anchored in brokenness and produced by the Spirit of God.
Nothing but a family’s surrender to the Lordship of Christ will
transform it. You cannot program or demand revival in your home any
more than you can program revival in your church. Sheer pragmatism
will not produce spiritual results. But a family’s life of brokenness and
dependence on God will.
Renewal in the Home 219


How do we “prepare the way” for revitalizing life in the family?

First we must make the commitment to see it happen. In Joshua 24 the
Israelites are called to gather in the Valley of Shechem to hear Joshua,
their legendary leader, give his final address. In his talk he reminds the
Israelites, the family of God, of their wonderful history and incredi-
ble heritage. He recounts the faithfulness of God and underlines the
mark and signature of God’s blessing, protection, and provision
throughout their history and pilgrimage.
But as he looks into the faces before him, Joshua realizes that not
everyone is as full of gratitude and appreciation for God’s faithfulness
as they should be. In fact some of them at best have “convenient”
memories and at worst are obstinate and rebellious. He probably rec-
ognizes a few people who, no matter what he says, are going to do
what they want to do. Against this backdrop Joshua boldly draws a line
in the sand. He forces the people to make a choice, a decision:

Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; and
put away the gods which your fathers served beyond the River and in
Egypt, and serve the LORD. And if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve
the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the
gods which your fathers served which were beyond the River, or the gods
of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house,
we will serve the LORD.
—J O S H . 24:14-15, N A S B

Joshua wants this family of God to decide where their loyalty and
devotion will be. Make up your mind! What are you going to do?
Whom are you going to serve? To whom will you give your ultimate
allegiance? Even this great warrior of God realizes that he cannot make
up their minds for them. As their leader he has done what God has
told him to do. He has instructed them. He has relayed God’s expec-
tations and directives, but he knows that now they must make the
Every parent needs a similar perspective. We cannot make our
children walk faithfully with the Lord. There has been much erro-

neous teaching in Christian circles on child-rearing that makes

assumptions about things that God never promised. Controlling our
children and their environment, exposing them to the truth of God’s
Word, and editing the “input” into their lives cannot guarantee that
they will become vibrant, obedient followers of Christ. The “life or
death” issue has to do with their choosing, making a decision about
what they have seen, heard, and been exposed to.
Our families need to know that God’s faithfulness—what He has
invested in us—demands a decision from us. His history in our lives
is not just the stuff of warm memories and cherished food for thought
meant merely to be fondly discussed and shared at family gatherings.
It ought to call us to commitment, to make the kind of life choices and
decisions that demonstrate the depths of our gratitude and deep
appreciation for God’s unfailing mercy, grace, and faithfulness in our
lives. We need to call our families to undivided commitment and loy-
alty to the God of the ages!
Our homes today need to be what we want homes in future gen-
erations to be. Perhaps that’s what Joshua had in mind when he said,
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” This carries the dis-
tinct ring of holy resolve. Joshua is reaching back and grabbing onto
God’s faithfulness and is also pointing to the only thing that will give
value and meaning to the future: serving the Lord. It is for this reason
that he forces a decision.
Cultural Christianity has anesthetized us. We don’t see or appre-
ciate the need to make this kind of life-altering decision. The word
serve suggests a single focus. It points to who and what will capture our
passion and determine the direction of our lives. It’s as if Joshua was
saying that serving God is not just a part of what our family does, it is
who our family is.
This perspective carries with it a sense of accountability and the
necessity of the parental modeling of what we want our children to
build their lives on. Our families need to be the visible representation
of the power of God at work in our lives.
Parents set the tone and the direction of the home. As our chil-
dren watch us they must not see hypocrisy and inconsistency. Neither
Renewal in the Home 221

should they be the victims of heartless legalism, which is based on

rules and regulations devoid of personal relationship and the love and
grace of God. In short, parents must be models of the renewal and revival they
desire for their children and for future generations.


It seems as if every Christian leader who wants to bring America to its

knees will quote 2 Chronicles 7:14. But the injunctions in this verse
are specifically addressed to those who have a relationship with God
and not to unbelievers. These words speak to the moral and spiritual
integrity of God’s people in the context of a broken and fallen world
desperately in need of deliverance and hope. These words were not
given as leverage for Christians to “beat up” on an unrighteous soci-
ety, but as a prescription for God’s people to experience renewal.
The words uttered by God in this pivotal verse are in the context
of the dedication of Solomon’s temple. The focus of the dedication
ceremony is fervent prayer, pleading for God’s blessing on the temple
and on His people. God then appears to Solomon in the evening and
assures him that He has heard his prayers and that He has chosen the
temple as a place of sacrifice and a place where He will dwell (2
Chron. 7:11-12). But God knows that His people will not always
remain faithful to Him, and that He will have to occasionally get their
attention by sending judgment. So He says in verse 13, “if I shut up
the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locusts to
devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people . . .” In other
words, there may be times when our lives and homes are unraveling
so much that we will need to follow the prescription that He has out-
lined in verse 14:

[If] My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray
and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Again, the target of these words of correction and renewal is God’s

people. It is as if God says, “I am talking to you and not to the for-
eigners who are living in the country.”

During the last ten years we Christians have been griping about
almost everything—the school system, politicians, atheists and natu-
ralists, humanists and philosophical relativists, the ACLU, drugs,
crime, and on and on. Of course we need to speak out against sin, but
it seems to me that our posture is more often than not one of self-righ-
teousness and not self-examination. The world is sinning because it
is acting consistent with its nature. Complaining to the world about
what it is doing is, in the words of Chuck Colson, like getting angry
at a blind man for stepping on your foot. The real problem is that too
many of us in the church, the family of God, are in sin. Ray Ortlund,
Jr., rightly observes, “Perhaps we don’t see more repentance in the
world because the world doesn’t see much repentance in the church.”
This perspective applies to our Christian homes as well. As we
live the Christian life, we should try to turn our families into what we
would like to see society become. Our posture toward the world and
toward the issues of our times ought to be that of a credible Christ-
like witness and not a finger-pointing condemnation. We ought to
teach our children to “contend for the faith” and to hate sin in all of
its forms and to boldly live righteousness. And as parents, if we really
want to raise godly children, we must never forget to take personal
responsibility for our own holiness. As the old spiritual says, “It’s not
my mother, not my father, but it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need
of prayer.”
After God clearly identifies the audience (His people), He out-
lines four requirements that we must meet in order for there to be
renewal and blessing in the “land.”
The first requirement is that we must “humble” ourselves. The humility
spoken of here is what our response ought to be when there is the sig-
nature of God’s judgment around us. It is a brokenness born in our
hearts because of the sin and its devastation. This is a heart that not
only responds to but also identifies with that same propensity and abil-
ity to be swept away with the sins so evident in our society. It acknowl-
edges the pain and agony that sin brings to the heart of God. It says,
“Whatever they are doing I either have done or I am capable of doing!”
Renewal in the Home 223

It is the cry of helplessness and dependence on God for His help and
I am all in favor of teaching and encouraging our children to
develop appropriate confidence and self-reliance, but we must be
careful not to go too far and somehow push them toward smugness
and arrogance. I think that’s exactly what we do when we underscore
the sins of those around us and declare how bad “they” are without
connecting with the sinful inclination to “wander” that is in all of us.
We isolate ourselves. We erect our Plexiglas walls of protection
and separation from “those” unbelievers and then toss our “gospel”
grenades of criticism and denunciation over the walls at them, all the
while leveraging the grace of God to feed a sense of self-righteousness.
A humble heart, however, first acknowledges its own life of sin.
The second requirement is to “pray.” God’s power is released through
the believing prayers of His people. When we are in the midst of judg-
ment, that is not the time to “roll out our strategy” and hurl accusa-
tions at the “sinners in our land.” It is a time for earnest prayer.
Let me ask a few questions. Are you and your family praying for
our country? Are you praying for non-Christians to come to the
Savior? Have you gotten so angry and disgusted with the ways of the
“unrighteous” that you have forgotten that the only way they are going
to change is if God changes them?
One reason why there is no compelling sense of mission in some
of our Christian homes, I believe, is because our prayers are self-serv-
ing. Think about it. When we spend so much time praying about “our
needs” and so little time praying for lost people, are we not being far
too concerned about ourselves? If we prayed for unbelievers and for
the conditions of our land, then, I believe God would give us His heart
for lost people and show us how to reach them. It begins by dropping
to our knees on their behalf.
The third requirement is to “seek My face.” This is an interesting
expression. It implies a passionate, “prioritized” search for God, to
find out what He is up to. In other words, whenever we sense danger,
we should drop everything and look for God.
I will never forget the time I was in a department store looking

for ties. Our youngest son, Bryndan, who was about eighteen months
old, was with me. Bryndan was holding on to my pant leg as I exam-
ined the ties, and as long as I felt the tug of his little hand I knew where
he was and everything was okay. But I got really into looking at these
ties and forgot about Bryndan. Then it dawned on me that I no longer
felt the tug on my pant leg. My son was gone, and my reason for being
in that store instantly changed. Ties were suddenly unimportant, as
well as everything else in the store. I was consumed with finding my
son. A few frantic moments later I found Bryndan hiding behind a
rack of clothes. Of course he thought it was great that Dad had to
come find him, but I didn’t think it was too funny!
The judgment of God is meant to rock our private worlds. It is
meant to cause us to examine our priorities and passions. It is a mir-
ror to show us how things really are and not what we think they are.
It’s as if God takes a step back and says, “If you want me, then walk
out of your self-absorption and complacency and make me the sole
object of your desire!” Simply said, the judgment of God is meant to
get us to seek Him.
Oh, how our families need to be consumed with a longing for
God! Who God is and what He wants are ultimately the only things
that matter in life. Our families need to interpret their sin and the sin-
fulness of our culture as God’s call to get busy seeking God. God
Himself is our only solution.
The fourth requirement is repentance, to “turn from [our] wicked ways.”
God desires His church to reflect His character in the world. When
we embrace the values and sinful lifestyles of our culture, He is not
pleased. We need to look closely at our lives and listen to the voice of
God and determine what we need to repent of, and then repent.
Although it can be quite difficult, repentance is our friend, our
ally. It should be embraced as a lifestyle, an identity. The Puritans
referred to themselves as “Repenters.” I like that, because it aptly
points to repentance as the path, the means of experiencing God’s for-
giveness, of becoming Christ-like, and of demonstrating authentic
We need to encourage each other, in our homes, to embrace this
Renewal in the Home 225

perspective on repentance. The home should be a place where this

kind of authentic Christianity is nurtured and developed. It should be
a place where, when we sin and fail, we understand that there is repen-
tance and forgiveness. Then we will be able to walk out of our homes
into a waiting, watching world with a clean heart. Then we will be not
“sniping at issues,” but bringing hope to the world in the name of
Jesus Christ because we have first done business with God.


God says to Solomon that when these four requirements are met, then
He promises to do three amazing things:
God hears us. “Then I will hear from heaven” is something of a
double entendre. Literally, God hears our cry because we have met His
requirements; we have done what He has instructed us to do. But also,
when we do what God tells us to do, then we have the focused atten-
tion of heaven. Think of it. All of heaven’s resources are available to
us when we obey God!
I remember when our oldest daughter, Heather, was about two-
and-a-half years old. I was sitting in my favorite chair one day reading
the paper, and Heather was talking to me but I wasn’t giving her my
attention. She then jumped up on my lap, knocked the paper out of
my hands, grabbed my face with her two little hands, looked me
square in the eyes, and said, “Daddy, I talkin’ to you!” You see, Heather
didn’t just want my ears; she wanted my total attention. Our surren-
der and complete obedience to God grabs God’s heart and lines us up
for His favor and heaven’s resources.
We experience His forgiveness. Look at these sweet words: “will for-
give their sin.” God does not want His children to wallow in guilt. He
has made provision for their sin. Our problem is that we so often want
His blessing and favor without repentance. But there is no experien-
tial forgiveness without repentance. It is when we come to the end of
ourselves and acknowledge our sin and failure before Him that He
rushes to us and wraps His loving arms around us and whispers in our
ear that sweet word, “Forgiven.”
The sequence is important here. Before anything is said about the

land being healed, God speaks a word of healing for the heart. Before
there can be blessing in the environment, God has to do a work in the
individual heart. The culture and society is not a problem or a chal-
lenge to God. Once God gets His people cleaned up in their hearts,
then look out, world!
Our homes need to celebrate our forgiveness. Our family mem-
bers need to know that God’s primary prerequisite for usefulness and
blessing is forgiveness. He uses us not because we are perfect, or tal-
ented, or connected. He uses us not because we have never failed. No,
He uses us because we have brought our sin and failure to Him and
He has said, “Forgiven.”
He blesses our environment. God says that He will “heal their land.”
God will remove His judgment from their environment because they
have been obedient to Him. Isn’t it interesting that God does not say
that He will heal them, but that He will heal their land? Our vibrant,
renewed life will “spill over” into our environment. In other words,
God will bless those who come in contact with us because we are
being obedient. When He showers us with blessing and favor, they get
wet, too. I really believe that businesses and government administra-
tions and other enterprises are successful to a large degree because of
the presence of godly believers. God blesses what such believers are
associated with because they have met His requirements.
Our families need to know that our walk with God is everything!
We need to teach and model before them that God Himself is the
source of all that we are and all that we will ever need. There is never
any need to compromise our walk with God or our spiritual integrity.
May God grant us the holy resolve of Joshua, that we may say with
him, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

The “Danvers Statement” summarizes the need for the Council on

Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) and serves as an
overview of our core beliefs. This statement was prepared by several
evangelical leaders at a CBMW meeting in Danvers, Massachusetts,
in December of 1987. It was first published in final form by the
CBMW in Wheaton, Illinois, in November of 1988.


We have been moved in our purpose by the following contemporary

developments which we observe with deep concern:
1. The widespread uncertainty and confusion in our culture
regarding the complementary differences between masculinity and
2. the tragic effects of this confusion in unraveling the fabric of
marriage woven by God out of the beautiful and diverse strands of
manhood and womanhood;
3. the increasing promotion given to feminist egalitarianism with
accompanying distortions or neglect of the glad harmony portrayed in
Scripture between the loving, humble leadership of redeemed hus-
bands and the intelligent, willing support of that leadership by
redeemed wives;
4. the widespread ambivalence regarding the values of mother-

hood, vocational homemaking, and the many ministries historically

performed by women;
5. the growing claims of legitimacy for sexual relationships which
have Biblically and historically been considered illicit or perverse, and
the increase in pornographic portrayal of human sexuality;
6. the upsurge of physical and emotional abuse in the family;
7. the emergence of roles for men and women in church leader-
ship that do not conform to Biblical teaching but backfire in the crip-
pling of Biblically faithful witness;
8. the increasing prevalence and acceptance of hermeneutical
oddities devised to reinterpret apparently plain meanings of Biblical
9. the consequent threat to Biblical authority as the clarity of
Scripture is jeopardized and the accessibility of its meaning to ordi-
nary people is withdrawn into the restricted realm of technical
10. and behind all this the apparent accommodation of some
within the church to the spirit of the age at the expense of winsome,
radical Biblical authenticity which in the power of the Holy Spirit may
reform rather than reflect our ailing culture.


Recognizing our own abiding sinfulness and fallibility, and acknowl-

edging the genuine evangelical standing of many who do not agree
with all of our convictions, nevertheless, moved by the preceding
observations and by the hope that the noble Biblical vision of sexual
complementarity may yet win the mind and heart of Christ’s church,
we engage to pursue the following purposes:
1. To study and set forth the Biblical view of the relationship
between men and women, especially in the home and in the
2. To promote the publication of scholarly and popular materials
representing this view.
3. To encourage the confidence of lay people to study and under-
Appendix 229

stand for themselves the teaching of Scripture, especially on the issue

of relationships between men and women.
4. To encourage the considered and sensitive application of this
Biblical view in the appropriate spheres of life.
5. And thereby
• to bring healing to persons and relationships injured by an inad-
equate grasp of God’s will concerning manhood and womanhood,
• to help both men and women realize their full ministry poten-
tial through a true understanding and practice of their God-given roles,
• and to promote the spread of the gospel among all peoples by
fostering a Biblical wholeness in relationships that will attract a frac-
tured world.


Based on our understanding of Biblical teachings, we affirm the fol-

1. Both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image, equal
before God as persons and distinct in their manhood and
2. Distinctions in masculine and feminine roles are ordained by
God as part of the created order, and should find an echo in every
human heart.
3. Adam’s headship in marriage was established by God before the
Fall, and was not a result of sin.
4. The Fall introduced distortions into the relationships between
men and women.
• In the home, the husband’s loving, humble headship tends to
be replaced by domination or passivity; the wife’s intelligent, willing
submission tends to be replaced by usurpation or servility.
• In the church, sin inclines men toward a worldly love of power
or an abdication of spiritual responsibility, and inclines women to
resist limitations on their roles or to neglect the use of their gifts in
appropriate ministries.
5. The Old Testament, as well as the New Testament, manifests
the equally high value and dignity which God attached to the roles of

both men and women. Both Old and New Testaments also affirm
the principle of male headship in the family and in the covenant
6. Redemption in Christ aims at removing the distortions intro-
duced by the curse.
• In the family, husbands should forsake harsh or selfish leader-
ship and grow in love and care for their wives; wives should forsake
resistance to their husbands’ authority and grow in willing, joyful sub-
mission to their husbands’ leadership.
• In the church, redemption in Christ gives men and women an
equal share in the blessings of salvation; nevertheless, some govern-
ing and teaching roles within the church are restricted to men.
7. In all of life Christ is the supreme authority and guide for
men and women, so that no earthly submission—domestic, reli-
gious, or civil—ever implies a mandate to follow a human author-
ity into sin.
8. In both men and women a heartfelt sense of call to ministry
should never be used to set aside Biblical criteria for particular min-
istries. Rather, Biblical teaching should remain the authority for test-
ing our subjective discernment of God’s will.
9. With half the world’s population outside the reach of indige-
nous evangelism; with countless other lost people in those societies
that have heard the gospel; with the stresses and miseries of sickness,
malnutrition, homelessness, illiteracy, ignorance, aging, addiction,
crime, incarceration, neuroses, and loneliness, no man or woman who
feels a passion from God to make His grace known in word and deed
need ever live without a fulfilling ministry for the glory of Christ and
the good of this fallen world.
10. We are convinced that a denial or neglect of these principles
will lead to increasingly destructive consequences in our families, our
churches, and the culture at large.

We grant permission and encourage interested persons to use, reproduce, and dis-
tribute the Danvers Statement. Visit the CBMW webstore (
or contact us (888-560-8210) to place an order.

Abortion, 79 Christ as “last Adam,” 34

Accountability, 38-40 Christ as model for husbands, 110
Adam and Eve, 32, 33, 34-44, 149, 153 Christianity Today, 131-132
Aggressiveness, 45-47 Christians for Biblical Equality, 33, 84,
Allender, Dan, 105, 109, 111 87
Attacks against your marriage, 112-113 Church, 157, 212-216
Authority, 59-62, 112-113 governing documents of, 55-56, 67-
male, 51-56 69
shown by naming, 36-37, 38, 81 moral compromise within, 17-18,
19, 32, 63, 106-107, 112
Baptism, 80 purpose of, 95
“Baptist Faith and Message,” 66, 86-87 submitting to Christ, 33, 56
Beauty, physical, 118-121 Circumcision, 80
Bible study, 107-108 Colson, Charles, 17, 222
Blessing, 225, 226 Commitment to family, 219-221
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 24 Complementarian view, 69-78
By Design (Hunt), 152-153, 155 Conroy, Pat, 22
Council on Biblical Manhood and
Calvin, John, 102 Womanhood, 11, 32, 61, 80, 87, 227
Campus Crusade for Christ, 31, 32, Courage, 17-19
55-56, 65, 66, 218 Covenant love, 130-132
Care for the home, 47-49, 87 Created order, 32-58, 63-65, 148-151
Carr, Lloyd, 117, 130 Created order, restoration to God’s
Children, 70-71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 87, intended, 42-43, 85
107-108, 129, 135 (Chapter 6 pas- Crittenden, Danielle, 152
sim), 147 (Chapter 7 passim), 161, Crockett, Davy, 136
(Chapter 8 passim), 173 (Chapter 9 Crusades, 76
passim), 219-221
Christ and the church, 43-44, 96, 102, Danvers Statement, 32, 64, 67, 80, 227-
116 230

Davis, Harold, 24-25 Holiness, 104, 215

Decision-making, 44-45, 83, 111 Holy Spirit, 30-31, 156
Desire, 40-41, 82-83 role in Trinity, 59-62, 69
Divorce, 21, 22, 23 Home, the, 217 (Chapter 13 passim)
Dobson, James, 66 Hospitality, 154
Domesticity, 154 Hove, Richard, 50
Doriani, Daniel, 52 Humility, 222-223
Draayer, Donald, 161-162 Hunt, Susan, 152, 155, 159
Egalitarian view, 31, 35, 49-58, 62, 65- as intercessor, 103-104
66, 69-78, 80, 85 as king, 109-113
Elliff, Tom, 23 as priest, 102-105
Equality, 44-47, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78, as prophet, 102, 105-109
151 as worship leader, 102-103
Evangelical feminists, 80 Husband’s role in romance, 117-121,
Evangelicalism, 65-67, 80 123-124, 125-126

Fall (of mankind), 32, 33, 116 “I Still Do” event, 25-27
False teaching, 68-69 Image, created in God’s, 29-32, 33, 78-
Family devotions, 19, 107-108 79, 151
Family Needs Survey, 21, 28 Institutes of the Christian Religion
Family, reforming the, 15 (Chapter 1 (Calvin), 102
passim) Intimate Allies (Allender and Longman),
FamilyLife, 11, 21, 25 111
“FamilyLife Today” radio show, 111
Femininity, 147 (Chapter 7 passim) James, John Angell, 154, 158
Forgiveness, 225 Judgment, 211-212, 224

Garrett, Duane, 118, 125 Keillor, Garrison, 135

Gifts, 124 Keller, Helen, 213
Gledhill, Tom, 117
God, role in Trinity, 59-62, 63, 69, 102 Leader, Adam as, 34-35
God’s creation of sex, 124-130 Leadership, 110-113, 212-216
God’s glory, 91 (Chapter 3 passim), Lewis, C. S., 110
104, 149 Lincoln, Abraham, 24
God’s primacy, 91 (Chapter 3 passim) Listening to spouse’s viewpoint, 31, 80
Grace, 183-184 Longman, Tremper III, 111-112
Gray, John, 63 “Love Her More and Love Her Less,”
Greek literature, 56-58, 84 97-100

Headship, 32, 33, 44-47, 49-58, 83-84, Male dominance, 30, 31, 46, 69-78, 79,
101 (Chapter 4 passim), 155 101
Helper, woman as, 33, 39-40, 151-155 Man (males)
Heterosexuality, 116, 125 as friend, 138, 141-142
Hodge, Charles, 69 as king, 137, 138-139
General Index 233

as mentor, 137, 141 “No Differences” view of gender, 69-

as warrior, 137-138, 139-140 78
Man, as name for human race, 36-38, “No equality” view of gender, 69-78
81 Nurturing children, 47, 87
Marriage, 20-22, 59, 83, 86, 91
(Chapter 3 passim) Ortlund, Ray Jr., 222
responsibilities in, 33, 47-49, 86,
110-113 Passivity, 45-47, 140
roles in, 33-44, 86, 96 Pettit, Kim, 66
submission in, 33, 46, 49, 59-62, 96, Philadelphia Biblical University, 218
112-113, 155 Physical affection, 142
“Marriage and Family Statement” Piper, John, 12
(Campus Crusade), 31, 32, 55-56 Planning, 111
Marriage covenant, 22-27 Pornography, 75-76
Marriage mentoring, 24-25 Prayer, 103-105, 119, 156, 223
“Marriage Works” seminar, 20 Prenuptial agreement, 22
Masculinity, 135 (Chapter 6 passim), Programming, church, 18
173 (Chapter 9 passim), 193 Protection, 47-49, 86, 104, 140
(Chapter 11 passim), 214-215 Provision, 47-49, 86, 138-139
Men and women as equal, 29-32, 44-
47, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78 Rainey, Barbara, 108
Men and women, different roles, 32- Rainey, Dennis, 108
58, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78, 155 Raising feminine daughters, 147
Men Are from Mars, Women Are from (Chapter 7 passim)
Venus (Gray), 63, 88 Raising masculine sons, 136 (Chapter
Men, teaching other men, 193 6 passim)
(Chapter 11 passim) Redemption, 149-150, 153-154
Men’s Fraternity, 193 (Chapter 11 pas- Reforming Marriage (Wilson), 105-106
sim) Renewal, 221-226
Men’s needs, 195-196, 214 Repentance, 108-109, 110, 224-225
Mentoring, 24-25, 142-144, 161 Representative, Adam as human, 34-35
(Chapter 8 passim), 173 (Chapter 9 Romance, 117-124
passim), 181 (Chapter 10 passim) Rule, 41, 80
Ministers, mandates for, 18-27
Moments Together for Couples (Rainey Schools, mentoring in, 163
and Rainey), 108 Scripture, authority of, 65-69, 148-150
Moral relativism, 210-211 Scripture, faithfully teaching, 16-17,
Morality, foundations of, 209-210, 32, 108
212-216 Seeking God, 223-224
Mutual submission, 49, 51-56, 72-73, Sex, 125-130, 131-132
74, 75, 84, 85 Sex, premarital, 17-18
Mutuality, 66, 84, 88 Sex selection, 79-80
Sexual desire, 41, 72, 74, 75-76, 127-
Naming, 35-36, 81 130
New York Times, 20 Sexual prohibitions, 125

Sexual revolution, 136 Value, personal, 150-151

Sexuality within marriage, 64-65, 76- Violence against women, 74, 75-76
77, 115 (Chapter 5 passim)
Sin, 34, 39, 40-42, 108-109, 128, 149, Westminster Shorter Catechism, The, 149
153, 214 What Our Mothers Didn’t Tell Us
Son, role in Trinity, 59-62, 63, 69 (Crittenden), 152
Song of Solomon (Chapter 5 “Why I Disagree with Dobson and the
passim) SBC,” 66
interpretation of, 116-117 Wife’s role in romance, 121-122, 128
Southern Baptist Convention, 32-33, Willow Creek Community Church, 67
55, 65, 66, 67, 84, 86-87 Wilson, Douglas, 105
“Statement on Men, Women and Wisdom, 141
Biblical Equality,” 33 Woman, creation of, 151-154
Submission, see Marriage, submission in Woman, naming of, 35-36
Women and men, as equal, 29-32, 44-
Tabletalk, 108 47, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78
TALKS mentoring curriculum, 161 Women and men, different roles, 32-
(Chapter 8 passim), 173 (Chapter 9 58, 59-62, 63-65, 69-78, 155
passim) Women, older teaching younger, 181
Titus 2 mandate, the, 184-187 (Chapter 10 passim)
Titus 2 ministry, the, 186-191 Women working, 23, 30, 48-49, 75
Trinity, 44, 59-62, 63, 69, 72, 76, 86 Worldviews, 69-78
True Woman, The (Hunt), 159

Unity, 105
USA Today, 65, 79

Genesis 2:23 35, 36, 37, 81

2:24 43, 64, 85
1:1 148
2:25 37
1:3 148
3 61
1:5 35, 81
3:1 39
1:8 35, 81
3:1-20 87
1:10 35, 81
3:6 34
1:26 148
3:8 37
1:26-27 81
3:9 37, 38
1:26-28 33, 87
3:12 37
1:27 29, 38, 79, 149 3:16 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 82,
1:28 41 83
1:31 63 3:16-17 47
2 56 3:17 37
2:5 81 3:17-19 41
2:7 34, 81 3:20 36, 37, 81
2:8 81 3:21 37
2:15 47, 81, 137 4:1 37
2:15-17 39 4:7 40-41, 82
2:15-25 87 4:8 82
2:16 81 4:9 184
2:16-17 137 4:25 37
2:18 39, 48, 81, 138, 151, 4:25-26 36
210 5:1 37
2:18-23 34, 47, 48 5:1-2 36
2:19 35, 81 5:2 37, 38, 81
2:19-20 81 5:3 36
2:20 35, 81 5:29 36
2:21 81 16:15 36
2:22 37 17:5 36

17:15 36 2 Chronicles
19:37-38 36
7:11-12 221
21:3 36
7:13 221
21:12 33 7:14 221
45:26 41 16:9 216

Exodus Nehemiah
18:4 152 4:13-14 48
20:12 87 9:37 41

Deuteronomy Job
6:1-9 21 29:12 163
6:4-9 87
6:7 158 Psalms
7:6-9 183
10:14 152
13:3 68
11:3 210
20:7-8 48
20:2 152
24:5 48 28:7 152
33:20 39, 152, 210
Joshua 40:8 63
1:6 17 44:1 173
1:9 17 44:8 173
1:14 48 51:5 87
1:18 17 63:3 96
24:14-15 219 66:7 41
24:15 87 70:5 39
72:12 152
Judges 78:1-8 87
78:4 191
4:8-10 48 78:6-7 191
14:4 41 86:17 152
15:11 41 89:9 41
92:12-15 157
1 Samuel 101:2 19
1:26-28 87 101:6 19
8:19-20 109 115:9 39
17 140 119:9 156
119:11 156
1 Kings 127 87
128 87
4:21 41
139:13-16 87
139:23 177
1 Chronicles 144:12 155
12:32 158, 213 145:3 92
Scripture Index 237

146 153 7:10 82

7:11 82, 127
Proverbs 8:4 125
1:8 87 8:5-7 130
3:5-7 156
5:15-20 87 Isaiah
5:18-19 128 1:17 163
6:20-22 87 1:19 163
12:4 87 1:23 163
13:24 87 4:1 47
14:1 87 19:4 41
17:6 87 35:1-2 42
18:22 87 43:6-7 92
21:16 174 59:14-15 16
22:6 87
22:15 87 Jeremiah
23:13-14 87 5:30-31 16
24:3 87 14:8 153
27:6 109 22:29 16
29:15 87 24:7 150
29:17 87 29:11 26
31 83, 156 50:37 48
31:10-31 47, 87
9:13 42
4:9-12 87
9:9 87 Nahum
Song of Solomon 3:13 48

1–8 115 (Chapter 5 passim) Malachi

1:4 126
1:9-11 119 2:14-16 87
2:4 126 2:15 22
2:7 125 2:16 22
3:5 125
4:1-7 120 Matthew
4:8 126 2:13-14 48
4:11 125-126 5:31-32 87
4:16 126 7:5 108
5:1 126 18:2-5 87
5:10-16 121 19:3-9 87
5:16 126 20:25-28 33
7:4 118 22:37-39 184
7:7-8 126 23:8 33

Mark 8:29 60
8:34 61
10:6-12 87
11:36 92
10:42-45 33
12:4-5 50
13:1 53
13:5 53
2:14 55 15:5-7 183
2:51 53
8:33 174 1 Corinthians
10:17 53
3:8 50
21:1 55
5:12 214
24:32 55
6:9 51
7 127-128, 130
7:1-16 87
1:1 93 7:2-4 127
1:3 60, 93 7:3-4 127, 128
3:16 60 7:3-5 33
3:17 60 8:6 61
3:34 60 10:31 150
4:24 116 11 101
4:34 60 11:3 56, 59, 84
5:18 86 11:7 79
6:38 60, 63 11:9 39-40
8:29 63 11:11-12 79
8:42 60 11:19 69
12:49 60 11:33 54
13:13-17 33 12:7 30
13:34 54 12:11 30
14:1-2 154 14:35 106
17 103 15:22 34
17:17 104 15:27 53
15:28 53, 61
Acts 15:45-49 34
2:17-18 30 16:13 113
2:41 30 16:15-16 84
17:25 92
2 Corinthians
Romans 3:18 156
1:16 156
1:18-32 87, 211 Galatians
1:22 112 3:28 31, 49-51, 83, 84
1:26-27 51 4:4 60
5:12-21 34 5:13 33
8:20-21 42 6:1 214
Scripture Index 239

6:2 54 2:12-13 34
3:15 157
Ephesians 5:3-16 47-48
1:4 60 5:8 47, 87
1:22 53 5:10 47
4:11 21 5:14 87
4:12 21
5 83 2 Timothy
5:19 103 1:3-5 87
5:21 33, 49, 51-56, 83, 85 2:15 106
5:21-22 83-84
5:21-33 33, 87 Titus
5:22 52, 53
2 181 (Chapter 10 passim)
5:22-23 52
2:1 181
5:22-24 46
2:3-5 87, 181
5:22-25 96
2:4 160, 185
5:23 44, 49, 56, 57, 84
2:5 47, 53, 186, 191
5:23-33 46
5:24 53 2:7 160
5:25 48 2:9 53
5:31-32 43, 85 2:13-14 160
5:31-33 46 3:1 53
6:1-3 52
6:1-4 87 Hebrews
6:5-8 52 1:1 105
6:10-11 113 1:1-2 102
6:10-13 158 1:2 60
1:3 61
Philippians 1:13 61
1:9 104 6:20 102
2:5-8 155 7:1-2 102
3:8 96 10:7 63
3:10-11 104 12:9 53
13:4 87
1:16 92
3 83 1:27 161, 163
3:18 53 3:1 212
3:18-21 87 4:7 53
3:19 33
1 Peter
1 Timothy 1:2 60
1:10 51 2:9 103
2:5 103 2:13 53

2:18 53 1 John
3 83, 119
3:17 163
3:1-7 33, 87
3:5 53
3:7 33, 48
3:22 53, 61 6:4 54
4:10 30 21:4 42
5:2-3 33
5:5 53

2 Peter
1:1 105
front & back cover added by REVELATION

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