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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

review article

Molecular Origins of Cancer

Cancer Immunology
Olivera J. Finn, Ph.D.

From the University of Pittsburgh School ajor conceptual and technical advances in immunology over
of Medicine, Pittsburgh. Address reprint the past 25 years have led to a new understanding of cellular and molecu-
requests to Dr. Finn at the Department of
Immunology, University of Pittsburgh lar interplays between the immune system and a tumor. This review deals
School of Medicine, E1044, Biomedical with important new concepts in antitumor immunity and their application to im-
Science Tower, Pittsburgh, PA 15261, or munotherapy.

N Engl J Med 2008;358:2704-15. T umor A n t igens

Copyright © 2008 Massachusetts Medical Society.

The immune system can respond to cancer cells in two ways: by reacting against
tumor-specific antigens (molecules that are unique to cancer cells) or against tu-
mor-associated antigens (molecules that are expressed differently by cancer cells
and normal cells).1 Immunity to carcinogen-induced tumors in mice is directed
against the products of unique mutations of normal cellular genes. These mutant
proteins are tumor-specific antigens.2 Tumors caused by viruses display viral anti-
gens that serve as tumor antigens. Examples are the products of the E6 and E7
genes of the human papillomavirus, the causative agent of cervical carcinoma,3
and EBNA-1, the Epstein–Barr virus nuclear antigen expressed by Burkitt’s lym-
phoma and nasopharyngeal-carcinoma cells.4
Whether tumors of unknown cause — which account for most human tumors
— express antigens that the immune system can recognize remained in doubt
until the development of methods for detecting and isolating them. The advent of
hybridoma technology5 led to the development of monoclonal antibodies from mice
that were immunized with human tumors. Monoclonal antibodies that reacted
specifically with tumor cells were then used to characterize putative human tumor
antigens.6 Nevertheless, there were doubts that the tumor-specific antigens that
mouse monoclonal antibodies could detect would be recognized by the human im-
mune system.
The development of methods to propagate human T cells,7 and in particular tu-
mor-specific T cells from patients with cancer, led to an important breakthrough:
the identification of MAGE-1, a melanoma-specific antigen that stimulates human
T cells in vitro. With antigen-specific T cells as a reagent, it was possible to clone
the MAGE-1 gene.8 The MAGE-1 studies showed that the human immune system can
respond to tumor antigens, and the findings stimulated a productive effort to dis-
cover tumor antigens. The result is a long and still-growing list of antigens from
a variety of tumors that could serve as targets for treatment.1,9
The proteasomes of normal and neoplastic cells break down proteins into short
peptides, and major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) class I molecules on antigen-
presenting cells present these peptides to cytotoxic CD8 T cells. Peptides derived
from products of mutated genes or abnormally expressed cancer-cell proteins can
also be presented to T cells (Fig. 1).10 Peptides bound to MHC class I or MHC class II

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molecular origins of cancer

molecules of tumors have been sequenced in a concern, especially in the case of aberrantly ex-
search for tumor-specific antigens.11-13 The abil- pressed autoantigens. As a first criterion, it is es-
ity to propagate dendritic cells14 made it possible sential to ensure that immune responses against
to reconstitute an immune response in vitro. Den- tumor antigens can destroy tumor cells but not
dritic cells could be loaded with various tumor- normal cells. Preclinical testing of vaccines based
derived peptides, proteins, or even whole tumor on tumor-associated antigens CEA,20 MUC1,21 and
cells and cultured with T cells, mimicking what Her2/neu22 in mice that are engineered to express
occurs in vivo (Fig. 2). Peptides of interest were normal forms of these molecules has shown tu-
identified by their ability to expand a population mor rejection without any autoimmunity. Never-
of tumor-specific T cells in vitro.15 These efforts theless, clinical trials will be the ultimate test of
identified more than 100 peptides; some were the safety of such vaccines. The second criterion
derived from proteins that were products of unique is the status of the antigen in the tumor; an im-
mutations, but most were derived from normal mune response against a tumor-specific antigen
proteins that were differentially expressed by tu- would be irrelevant if a tumor cell mutated in such
mor cells. a way that it no longer expressed the antigen in
Peptides from cyclin B1 are tumor antigens that question and thereby avoided destruction by the
were discovered in this way. The cyclin B1 antigen immune system. Broad applicability of a vaccine
was found by a method that entailed elution of against all tumors of a particular type or against
peptides from MHC class I antigens on tumor many types of tumors is another important cri-
cells, loading of these peptides onto dendritic cells, terion, with a preference for shared antigens over
culture of the dendritic cells with T cells, expan- antigens resulting from unique mutations.
sion of tumor-specific T cells in vitro, and sequenc-
ing of the peptides that stimulated the T cells. Immunogenicity
This process yielded four peptides with sequenc- It was once assumed that even if a cancer cell
es that indicated their derivation from cyclin B1.16 expressed tumor antigens, the tumor could not
Cyclin B1 is barely detectable in the nucleus of support immune activation because it could not
normal dividing cells during the transition from induce inflammation (since a tumor is not a
the G2 to the M phase of the cell cycle. In many pathogen). This assumption has not been validat-
human tumors, by contrast, cyclin B1 is consti- ed by recent studies, however. Products of onco-
tutively overexpressed in the cytoplasm. The im- genes that become activated early in the develop-
mune system of patients with tumors that con- ment of tumors can incite strong inflammatory
tain such abnormally expressed cyclin B1 can responses. For instance, lung tumors in mice that
recognize the cyclin B1 antigen.17 are initiated by a mutation in the K-ras oncogene
Another approach to the identification of tumor produce chemokines that summon immune cells
antigens involves analysis of serum samples from to the microenvironment of the tumor,23 and the
patients with particular neoplasms for immune RET–PTC protein, the product of two fused on-
reactivity with proteins extracted from tumor cells cogenes that drives the development of thyroid
or made by complementary DNA expression librar- cancer, modulates nuclear factor-κB, a transcrip-
ies of tumors.18 Proteins recognized by antibodies tion factor that controls the production of immu-
in serum samples from patients with a particular noregulatory cytokines. The RET–PTC protein in-
tumor, and not from healthy controls, were tagged creases production of granulocyte–macrophage
as candidate tumor antigens. One of the most ac- colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and monocyte
tively studied tumor antigens, NY-ESO-1, was dis- chemotactic protein 1, thereby creating a proin-
covered this way.19 This molecule belongs to a flammatory microenvironment.24 Products of dy-
family of cancer–testis antigens that are expressed ing tumor cells (e.g., heat-shock proteins and
by a variety of human tumors but not by any nor- monosodium urate) are some of the many inflam-
mal cells or tissues, except for the testis. The matory substances in the tumor microenvironment
melanoma antigen MAGE-1 belongs to the cate- that are danger signals to the immune system.25
gory of cancer–testis antigens. Furthermore, the tumor antigens MUC1,26,27
With so many tumor antigens, it is important CEA,28 and NY-ESO-129 have been shown to attract
to establish criteria for selecting particular ones innate inflammatory responses, and thus can also
for clinical development. Safety is of paramount be considered to be danger signals.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

A MHC Peptides B C

Mutant Normal
protein Modified
proteins protein
Tumor cell Tumor cell Tumor cell

Mutation Overexpression Post-Translational Modification

Figure 1. Three Ways for Self Antigens to Become Tumor Antigens.
Peptides from three normal self proteins (yellow, blue, and green) are presented on the cell surface as normal self peptides (yellow,
blue, and green) in major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) molecules. In cases of mutation (Panel A), failure of the tumor cell to re-
pair DNA damage can result in a mutation (red) in a normal protein and, consequently, presentation of mutated peptides (red) on the
surface of tumor cells. Because of a mutation or factors that regulate its expression, a normal protein (green) can be overexpressed in a
tumor cell and its peptides presented on the cell surface at highly abnormal levels (Panel B). In cases of post-translational modification
(Panel C), a normal protein can be abnormally processed (spliced, glycosylated, phosphorylated, or lipidated) post-translationally (green
stripes), resulting in an abnormal repertoire of peptides on the surface of the tumor cell.

Im munosurv eil l a nce of C a ncer long-term follow-up. Nevertheless, investigations

to determine whether immune function is asso-
The immunosurveillance hypothesis posits that ciated with the incidence of cancer have impli-
the immune system recognizes malignant cells as cated both innate and adaptive immunity. A recent
foreign agents and eliminates them. This idea was study examined 905 recipients of transplanted
contentious until our understanding of tumor im- hearts, lungs, or both between 1989 and 2004
munity improved and better techniques and ani- for the effect that immunosuppression, used for
mal models became available to test it rigorously. preventing graft rejection, had on the incidence
Mouse models in which immune effector mecha- of cancer.37 A total of 102 newly diagnosed can-
nisms such as the type 1 interferons were elimi- cers were detected in these patients, which is 7.1
nated by gene deletion showed a clear reduction times as many as in the general population. The
in the incidence of tumors by the immune sys- predominant types were leukemias and lympho-
tem.30-34 In animal models, the encounter between mas (26.2 times as many as in the general popu-
the immune system and a nascent tumor initi- lation), head and neck cancer (21 times as many)
ates a process termed “immunoediting”35 that and lung cancer (9.3 times as many). Nonmela-
can bring about three outcomes: elimination of noma skin cancers were not considered in this
the cancer; cancer equilibrium, in which there is count. Another study, an 11-year follow-up of 3625 COLOR FIGURE

immune selection of less immunogenic tumors healthy people in Japan, showed Versionthat the 6 subjects05/30/08
during an antitumor immune response36; and tu- whose blood lymphocytes at the Author
Fig #
beginning Finn of the
mor escape, the growth of tumor variants that study had a high or medium degree
Title ofTumor
immunology cy-
resist immune destruction.35 totoxicity had a significantly lower
of cancer
Experimental evidence of immunosurveillance of any type than did subjects whose
Artist lymphocytes
in humans is difficult to obtain because of the had a low degree of cytotoxicity. 38AUTHOR PLEASE NOTE:
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requirements for large numbers of subjects and The immune system also influences
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the recur-

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molecular origins of cancer

rence of cancer. A recent study of three multi-

A Tumor
center cohorts of 603 patients with colon cancer
showed that the presence or absence of T cells
in the resected tumor predicted the clinical out-
come more accurately than tumor stage and nodal
status, the current gold standards.39 Similar ob-
servations have been made in tumor specimens cell
from patients with cervical cancer,40 breast can-
cer,41 urothelial carcinoma,42 and follicular lym-
phoma, as well as in lymph nodes draining the
tumor site.43,44 All these studies led to the con- MHC I or II
clusion that an evaluation of the immune response
in and around the tumor should be included in the
prognostic evaluation and in treatment decisions.

Im munosuppr e s sion a nd T umor CD4 T cells

Pro gr e s sion
CD8 T cells
Tumors can suppress immunity both systemi-
cally and in the microenvironment of the tumor
(Fig. 3).45 In addition to producing immunosup- B
pressive molecules such as transforming growth
factor β (TGF-β)46 and soluble Fas ligand,47 many
human tumors produce the immunosuppressive
enzyme indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase (IDO).48,49
This enzyme was previously known for its role in
maternal tolerance to antigens from the fetus50
and, more recently, as a regulator of autoimmu-
nity that mediates inhibition of T-cell activation.51
Stereoisomers of 1-methyl-tryptophan inhibit
IDO,52 and when administered to tumor-bearing
mice, they restore immunity and thereby allow
immune rejection of the tumor.53 Such ster­eo­iso­
mers might have a role in the treatment of patients
with cancer.
The tumor microenvironment can be dominat-
ed by regulatory T cells that suppress antitumor
effector T cells by producing the immunosuppres-
sive cytokines TGF-β and interleukin-10.54 High Figure 2. Tumor Antigens Eliciting T-Cell Immunity When Presented
numbers of these cells can be detected in non– to Naive T Cells by Antigen-Presenting Dendritic Cells.
small-cell lung cancer and ovarian cancer.55 Mu- Dendritic cells in the tumor or the tumor-draining lymph node take up
rine tumors that produce TGF-β can convert an- dying tumor cells, tumor proteins, and tumor peptides and process and
titumor effector T cells into regulatory T cells, display them in their major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) class I
thereby escaping their own destruction by immune and class II molecules, as shown in Panel A. If properly activated by
immuno­stimulatory tumor products or other factors in the tumor micro­
cells.56,57 environment, the dendritic cells induce effective tumor-specific CD4
The immunosuppressive effects of a tumor can and CD8 T cells. In Panel B, confocal microscopy shows dendritic cells
also be systemic. An increase in regulatory T cells (stained red with rhodamine phalloidin) that have taken up dying tumor
has been observed in the peripheral blood of pa- cells (engineered to express green fluorescent protein). (Image courtesy Au
tients with head and neck cancer58,59 or melano- of the University of Pittsburgh Cell and Molecular Imaging Facility.) Fig
ma.60 Patients with colorectal cancer or pancre- ME


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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Immunologic Reagents Approved by the Food and Drug Administration for Cancer Therapy.

Reagent Reagent Target Indications

Trastuzumab (Herceptin) HER2 receptor HER2-positive breast cancer
Bevacizumab (Avastin) Vascular endothelial growth factor Non–small-cell lung cancer, colorec-
tal cancer, and breast cancer
Cetuximab (Erbitux) Epidermal growth factor receptor Colorectal cancer and head and neck
Panitumumab (ABX-EGF) Epidermal growth factor receptor Colorectal cancer
Ibritumomab tiuxetan (Zevalin) CD20 B-cell surface antigen (nonradio- Non-Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma
active and radiolabeled)
Alemtuzumab (Campath) CD52 lymphocyte surface antigen Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and
T-cell lymphoma
Gemtuzumab ozogamicin CD33 leukemic-cell surface antigen Acute myeloid leukemia
Rituximab (Rituxan) CD20 B-cell surface antigen Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Tositumomab (Bexxar) CD20 B-cell surface antigen (nonradio- Non-Hodgkin’s B-cell lymphoma
active and radiolabeled)
Other Reagent Type
Denileukin diftitox (Ontak) Recombinant interleukin-2 and frag- Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
ments of diphtheria toxin (binds
CD25 receptor on T cells)
Aldesleukin (Proleukin) Interleukin-2 Melanoma and renal-cell carcinoma
Interferon alfa-2b (Intron A) and Recombinant interferon Hairy-cell leukemia, chronic lympho-
interferon alfa-2a (Roferon-A) cytic leukemia, Kaposi’s sarcoma,
melanoma, non-Hodgkin’s lym-
phoma, multiple myeloma, and
renal cancer
Imiquimod (Aldara) Toll-like receptor 7 agonist Basal-cell carcinoma

atic tumors have increased numbers of activated factor70 and TGF-β.46 Antibodies can also target
granulocytes61 and myeloid-derived suppressor immune cells at the tumor site to aid the activa-
cells,62 both of which suppress tumor-specific tion of effector cells and promote more effective
T cells in mice.63,64 antitumor immunity.71
The intravenous administration of tumor-spe-
Im muno ther a py of C a ncer cific autologous T cells that have been grown and
expanded in vitro is another approach to immu-
Immunotherapy with Antibodies and T Cells notherapy.72 Early experiments in mice showed
The administration of monoclonal antibodies that T-cell populations that had been cultured with
against tumor antigens in HER2-positive breast leukemia cells could eradicate an established leu-
cancer (trastuzumab),65 B-cell lymphomas (ritux- kemia in vivo.73,74 In patients who receive an allo-
imab),66 and head and neck, lung, and colorectal geneic hematopoietic stem-cell transplant, mature
cancers that express the epidermal growth factor T cells in the graft mount a potent antileukemia
receptor (cetuximab) is clinically effective (Table response.75,76 Several groups have pursued this
1).67-69 Efforts are ongoing to produce antibodies tactic in patients with solid tumors by infusing
with new effector functions against known tar- autologous T cells with specificity for a tumor
gets or to identify new targets for therapeutic an- antigen.
tibodies. These targets could be tumor antigens In a phase 1 study, patients with metastatic
or molecules produced by tumors to promote their melanoma were treated with infusions of CD8
own survival, such as vascular endothelial growth T cells that were specific for the melanoma an-

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molecular origins of cancer

Stimulation Suppression

dendritic cell Immature dendritic cell

Tumor cell


CD8 T cell
Uric acid TGF-β
MCP-1 iNOS Th2-type
Heat-shock proteins CD4 T cells
Granzyme B Interleukin-4
Perforin Interleukin-13
CD4 T cells

Regulatory T cells
Interleukin-2 Interleukin-10

Without immuno
With immunotherapy

Figure 3. Immunostimulatory and Immunosuppressive Forces in the Tumor Microenvironment.

A growing tumor attracts many components of the host response. Tumor antigens and soluble tumor products attract dendritic cells to
the tumor site. These dendritic cells take up tumor antigens, mature into interleukin-12–producing cells, and in the draining lymph node
stimulate type 1 helper T-cell (Th1)–type CD4 T cells that produce interferon-γ. These cells help expand the population of CD8 cytotoxic
T-lymphocytes that can destroy tumor cells through effector molecules granzyme B and perforin. Another set of tumor antigens and sol-
uble tumor products promote maturation of a different type of dendritic cell that makes proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 and tu-
mor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and give rise to type 2 helper T-cell (Th2)–type CD4 T cells that make interleukin-4 and interleukin-13 and
are not effective in tumor rejection. This immunosuppressive environment also promotes generation of regulatory T cells and accumula-
tion of macrophages and myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC). At the time the tumor is diagnosed, the balance between the stimu-
latory and suppressive forces is in favor of tumor-induced suppression. Immunotherapy that targets the tumor with antibodies and T
cells or augments antitumor Th1-type CD4 helper T cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes with vaccines can tip the balance in favor of im-
munostimulation. GM-CSF denotes granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor, IDO indolamine-2,3-dioxygenase, iNOS induc-
ible nitric oxide synthase, MCP-1 monocyte chemotactic protein 1, and TGF-β transforming growth factor β.

tigens MART-1, Melan-A, and glycoprotein 100 in 18 of 35 patients. The most recent modifica-
(gp100). In 8 of 10 patients, the T cells migrated tion of this approach was the use of autologous
to tumor sites and caused regression of metas- T cells engineered to express T-cell receptors with
tases.77 A more recent study in 11 patients with specificity for MART-1.80 The T cells persisted for
melanoma used T cells specific for Melan-A.78 prolonged periods in 15 patients with melanoma
This treatment resulted in one complete and one and led to regression in 2 of the patients.
partial regression. A variation of this therapy was The results of these forms of immunotherapy
tested by administering nonmyeloablative but lym- are marginal, and the effort and cost involved in COLOR FIGURE

Version 6 06/02/08
phocyte-depleting chemotherapy before T-cell in- personalized cellular therapy may not seem jus- Author Finn
fusion.79 There were more adverse effects but tified. However, it is important to note that Figin# 3
also greater efficacy. Visceral metastases regressed phase 1 trials, immunotherapy is tested in patients
Tumor immunology
Artist LAM
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with progressive and refractory disease in whom the induction phase is to block the negative regu-
numerous previous therapies have failed. Under lators of the activation of effector T cells.93 Anti-
these unfavorable circumstances, a marginal suc- bodies against one such molecule, cytotoxic T-lym-
cess needs to be given weight. The relatively few phocyte–associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4), are being
adverse effects of immunotherapy should support evaluated in clinical trials.94,95 CTLA-4 is ex-
a move toward the use of immunotherapy in ear- pressed on activated T cells, where it serves as a
lier stages of cancer. brake that halts the activation. Blocking the ac-
tivity of CTLA-4 allows greater expansion of all
Therapeutic Cancer Vaccines T-cell populations, presumably including those
Most phase 1 and phase 2 trials of cancer vaccines with antitumor reactivity. In a recent pilot trial
have involved patients with an extensive cancer involving 14 patients with hormone-refractory
burden, impaired immune function, or both.81 An prostate cancer, systemic treatment with anti–
alternative to infusion of preformed tumor-spe- CTLA-4 antibody increased antitumor immunity,
cific antibodies or T cells, known as passive im- resulting in a reduction in prostate-specific an-
munotherapy, is active specific immunotherapy tigen of more than 50% in two patients and less
(i.e., cancer vaccines) designed to elicit or boost than 50% in eight patients.95 The side effects were
similar tumor antibodies and T cells in the pa- rash and pruritus, which required treatment with
tient. Some examples are vaccines against breast corticosteroids in the two patients with the best
cancer (the HER2 antigen),82-84 B-cell lymphoma response.
(the tumor immunoglobulin idiotype),85 lung can- Administration of anti–CTLA-4 antibody si-
cer (the MUC1 antigen),86 melanoma (dendritic multaneously with cancer vaccines could allow
cells loaded with tumor peptides or killed tumor preferential activation and stronger expansion of
cells),87,88 pancreatic cancer (telomerase peptides),89 T cells that respond specifically to the vaccine,
and prostate cancer (dendritic cells loaded with thereby enhancing tumor immunity without auto-
prostatic acid phosphatase).90 The results of these immunity.94,96 Unfortunately, trials that have been
trials are encouraging because in each there was conducted so far show that objective cancer re-
evidence of an immune response to the vaccine, gression is accompanied by serious manifestations
and in a few cases there were clinical responses of autoimmunity. In a trial involving 14 patients
with minimal or no adverse effects. with melanoma, combined systemic administra-
Regarding the limited number of completed tion of anti–CTLA-4 antibody with a melanoma
phase 3 trials,91 most have failed to show a sig- gp100 peptide vaccine resulted in a response in
nificant benefit with respect to predetermined end 21% of the patients (a complete response in 2 pa-
points but nevertheless provided information for tients and a partial response in 1 patient), but
the design of future trials, especially concerning grade 3 or 4 autoimmune manifestations such as
the choice of patients and stage of disease. The dermatitis, enterocolitis, hepatitis, and hypophy-
phase 3 trial of a vaccine based on dendritic cells sitis (inflammation of the pituitary) occurred in
for metastatic, androgen-independent prostate 43% of the patients.97
cancer also failed to achieve its primary end point Approaches to eliminating immunosuppres-
— prolongation of time to disease progression — sive regulatory T cells before vaccination are also
but median overall survival in the vaccinated group being tested. One promising reagent is denileukin
was prolonged by 4.5 months as compared with diftitox (Ontak, Seragen), a recombinant fusion
the placebo group (25.9 months vs. 21.4 months).92 protein composed of interleukin-2 and diphthe-
The vaccine, sipuleucel T, consists of autologous ria toxin. It targets the high-affinity interleukin-2
dendritic cells loaded with a recombinant protein receptor (CD25), which is displayed in abundance
made up of GM-CSF fused to prostatic acid phos- by regulatory T cells. When administered to pa-
phatase. Food and Drug Administration approval tients with melanoma, this protein depletes the
of this vaccine awaits confirmatory results from an blood of regulatory T cells. In most patients (90%),
ongoing phase 3 trial. this treatment has resulted in the production of
The immunosuppressive microenvironment of melanoma-specific CD8 T cells.98
a tumor stifles the effect of therapeutic vaccines, Another trial of a vaccine for melanoma used
both during the induction of immunity and in the pseudomonas exotoxin A fused to a single-chain
effector phase of the response. One way to improve Fv fragment of an anti-CD25 antibody to deplete

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molecular origins of cancer

regulatory T cells before immunization with mela- large public health endeavors to prevent trans-
noma-specific peptides from gp100 and MART-1.99 mission of these viruses. Should similar vaccines
Transient depletion of regulatory T cells was ob- against tumor antigens prove valuable, they could
served, but there was no augmentation in the re- enter clinical practice.107 Prophylactic vaccines
sponse to the vaccine. based on autologous tumor antigens may carry a
high risk of inducing autoimmunity. Yet testing
of such vaccines in genetically engineered mice
Ther a peu t ic Vac cine s C ombined
w i th Che mo ther a py that express tumor antigens as self molecules
clearly shows that the vaccines are effective and
Integration of immune therapies with standard safe.108 The latest example is a vaccine based on
treatments for cancer is a challenge, especially for the prostate stem-cell antigen (PSCA), which is
cancer vaccines, because of the immunosuppres- overexpressed in prostate cancer. This vaccine
sive effects of most standard treatments. However, was effective in preventing prostate cancer in
explorations of combined treatments are reveal- mice that were genetically predisposed to the
ing unexpected results. One study compared the disease and genetically engineered to express
outcome of chemotherapy followed by immuni- PSCA. The vaccinated mice were alive at 12
zation with a cancer vaccine based on the tumor- months of age, whereas all nonvaccinated mice
suppressor protein p53 with chemotherapy alone had died from the tumor by that age.109 The du-
in advanced small-cell lung cancer.100 Immuniza- rable protection was not accompanied by any
tion was started 8 weeks after the completion of signs of autoimmunity.
chemotherapy. If the tumor progressed, patients Moving preventive efforts from mouse mod-
were given second-line chemotherapy. Unexpect- els to clinical trials is problematic. Evidence of
edly, the response to the second-line chemothera- safety and potential efficacy in humans is need-
py was much better in participants who had pro- ed for approval to initiate early-phase trials, yet
gression after receiving the vaccine than among the results of such trials are needed to provide
those who had progression with chemotherapy the required evidence. The solution to this im-
alone. A similar observation was made in patients passe may be to obtain supportive evidence indi-
with follicular B-cell lymphoma who were vacci- rectly. A recent case–control study of 705 healthy
nated with an anti-idiotype vaccine while in remis- women and 668 women with ovarian cancer that
sion. When the disease recurred, patients were re- was undertaken to explore the lifetime risk of
treated with chemotherapy. They had a much ovarian cancer provided such an opportunity.
higher rate of response to the second round of The study showed that a history of mastitis, one
chemotherapy and a higher rate of a second com- or more conditions requiring pelvic surgery, or
plete remission than expected for the disease.101 mumps was associated with a relative risk of
Among postulated mechanisms of the syner- 0.31 among women who had four or five such
gistic action of immunotherapy with chemother- conditions, as compared with a relative risk of
apy is elimination of regulatory T cells.102 Experi- 1.0 among women who had had none or only
ments performed in mice more than 20 years one.110 The tissues affected by these conditions
ago showed that CD4 suppressor T cells inhibited — breast, reproductive organs, and salivary glands
antitumor immunity, and elimination of such cells — all express the MUC1 tumor self antigen. The
by chemotherapy or radiation could improve study also investigated the likelihood that in-
antitumor immune responses.103,104 The improved flammation accompanying these conditions had
outcomes in clinical trials of combined treatments provoked an immune response against MUC1 that
are likely to be due at least in part to a similar was later protective against MUC1-positive ovar-
effect of chemotherapy on regulatory T cells. ian cancer. A total of 24.2% of women with IgG
anti-MUC1 antibodies had had no conditions or
Im munopr e v en t ion of C a ncer one condition, whereas 51.4% of women who had
had four or five of the conditions had anti-MUC1
Vaccines against viral antigens such as those of antibodies (P for trend <0.001). MUC1-based vac-
hepatitis B virus and human papillomavirus low- cines designed to induce anti-MUC1 IgG antibod-
er the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma105 and ies have been tested as cancer therapy, but the ef-
cervical cancer,106 respectively, and are part of ficacy was only marginal,111 and such vaccines have

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

not been tested for cancer prevention because of multiple self antigens. Analysis of the antibody
concern about autoimmunity. This case–control repertoire in mice that recovered from infections
study suggests that, on the contrary, anti-MUC1 with vaccinia virus or lymphocytic choriomenin-
immunity appears to be a contributor to beneficial gitis virus showed that in addition to antibodies
cancer immunosurveillance. to viral antigens, there were antibodies against
Immunity to other tumor self antigens may also cellular proteins, most of which were homologues
be acquired during events that have no evident re- of previously identified human tumor antigens.114
lation to cancer. A study of 424 patients with can-
cer and 375 matched controls revealed that febrile Sum m a r y
infectious childhood diseases (measles, mumps,
rubella, pertussis, and chicken pox) are associat- Much has been learned about the potential of the
ed with a reduced risk of most cancers in adult- immune system to control cancer and the various
hood.112 Moreover, a multicenter case–control ways that immunotherapy can boost the potential
study of 603 patients with melanoma and 627 of the immune system for the benefit of the pa-
matched healthy controls113 showed that a history tient. This knowledge has stimulated the invention
of severe infectious disease was associated with of many new therapeutic antibodies, cell-based
a reduced risk of melanoma. The odds ratio for a treatments, and vaccines, which are starting to be
diagnosis of melanoma was 0.37 among the study used in clinical practice, either alone or in various
participants who had had one or more severe in- combinations. These new therapies are expected
fectious diseases, as compared with those who did to result in improved cancer treatment and, even-
not have such a history. Studies in mice support tually, the prevention of cancer.
the hypothesis that cancer protection induced by No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
infection is mediated by immune responses against reported.

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