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esotho's controversial Minister of Defence Tefo Mapesela says he was threatened by two

senior police officers and, as a result, he is taking his family’s advice to stop speaking on
radio and on social media.

Mapesela, who is also a spokesperson of Prime Minister Tom Thabane's All Basotho
Convention, released a voice note on Thursday morning accusing the two officers of being
unruly and meddling in politics.

This development could heighten tensions in a country already on edge as the All Basotho
Convention's internal party struggles continue, threatening the governing coalition.

Last month, Mapesela called assistant commissioner of police (ACP) Beleme Lebajoa to
criticise the chief of police, the commander of the army and the head of intelligence.
Lebajoa recorded that conversation and leaked it; he was subsequently demoted.

In another recording, Mapesela was angry that after telling Lebajoa he couldn't be part a
meeting with senior officers the prime minister called him using the first lady's mobile
phone instructing him to stop that meeting.

It was the same Lebajoa and another officer a deputy commissioner of police Mokete that
Minister Mapesela was alleging had threatened him.

“Through commissioner of police, it’s DCP Mokete and ACP Lebajoa.”

In the past, supporters of the governing coalition have laughed off threats against
opposition leaders and journalists saying if indeed they had been threatened, they should
report to the police.

Many will be waiting to see if the minister will follow that advice.

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