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Classification of euthanasia.

-Active Euthanasia: Also known as positive euthanasia. It occurs when there is an

action aimed at causing the death of the dying person; example: by giving a lethal


- Passive Euthanasia: It is based on the suspension of the treatment started,

whether the initial condition is not treated or the emerging disease that arises

contemporaneous to the main one is not treated.

This form of passive euthanasia does not entail the total abandonment of the

patient, by virtue of the fact that they continue to be provided with hygienic care

and the supply of sedative drugs for pain, etc.

Regarding the Intention: This classification is linked to providing more humane

solutions to dramatic and complex cases. It is subdivided into:

- Direct Euthanasia: It refers to the performance of an act in which death is

deliberately caused. This is intended as an end that is intentionally sought.

- Indirect Euthanasia: It is the action in which death or the abbreviation of life

results as a secondary effect not intended in itself. In principle, what is sought is

pain relief, through the use of means that suppress or attenuate it, as is the case

with the use of analgesics.

Regarding the Will of the Patient:

- Voluntary Euthanasia: It is carried out at the request or will of the patient, either

by insistent requests or at least with their consent.

- Non-Voluntary Euthanasia: In the opposite sense to the previous one, it is that

which is practiced without the consent or will of the patient.


Euthanasia is that act that aims to deliberately end the life of a patient, with a

terminal or irreversible disease, who suffers suffering that he experiences as

unbearable, and at his repeated request. The definition has three elements,

namely, one is objective and is neither more nor less than the biological situation of

the patient, a situation of terminality or documented incurability, which leads to

death or suffering serious penalties. The second element is subjective: the

autonomous and competent person who clearly and insistently makes the request

to die. The last element is causality, according to which the collaboration of third

parties is requested to cause death. Outside of this concept mentioned above

(active and direct euthanasia) the term euthanasia should never be used in other

situations, although it has been done, and is, in fact, being done on different

occasions: indirect euthanasia (sedation), passive euthanasia (rejection treatment).

Clasificación de la eutanasia.

-Eutanasia Activa: Conocida también como eutanasia positiva. Se produce cuando se da

una acción encaminada a provocar la muerte del moribundo; ejemplo: mediante la 
aplicación de una inyección letal.

- Eutanasia Pasiva: Se basa en la suspensión del tratamiento iniciado, ya sea que no se

trate la afección inicial o, que no se trate la enfermedad emergente que surja coetánea a la

Esta forma de eutanasia pasiva no lleva aparejada el abandono total del enfermo, en virtud
de que se le continúan brindando cuidados higiénicos y el suministro de drogas sedativas
del dolor, etc.

b) Respecto de la Intención:  Esta clasificación está vinculada a dar soluciones más humanas a
casos dramáticos y complejos.  Se subdivide en:
- Eutanasia Directa: Alude a la realización de un acto en que de forma deliberada se
provoca la muerte. Ésta se pretende como un fin que se busca intencionalmente.

- Eutanasia Indirecta:  Es la acción en que la muerte o la abreviación de la vida resultan

como efecto secundario no pretendido en sí.  En principio lo que se persigue es el alivio al
dolor, a través de la utilización de medios que lo supriman o atenúen, como es el caso del
empleo de analgésicos.

 c)  Respecto de la Voluntad del Paciente:

 - Eutanasia Voluntaria: Es la que se realiza a instancia o voluntad propia del enfermo, ya
sea por insistentes peticiones o al menos con su consentimiento.

- Eutanasia no Voluntaria:  En sentido contrario al anterior, es la que se practica sin

contar con el consentimiento o la voluntad del paciente.

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