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Action Plan

Student Teacher: Gayathri Rasiah Student ID: 260931633

Program: K/Elem Placement: 2

Date: May 31st 2021

Instructions: To contribute to the goal of preparing reflective practitioners, Student Teachers will write an Action Plan at the end of each
placement with input from their Co-operating Teacher and/or Field Supervisor. The Action Plan synthesizes each placement’s evaluation, links each
placement to the next, establishes goals for improvement and forms an agenda for discussion between the Student Teacher, Co-operating
Teacher and Field Supervisor at the beginning of the subsequent placement. For B.Ed. Field Experience 1 only (excluding Physical Education
students), the Action Plan will be completed during the co-requisite Professional Seminar course.

I have shown ‘Thorough’ to ‘Advanced’ development in the following Professional Competencies developed during this placement:
1. To act as a professional inheritor, critic, and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students. Every day, we put on a Storyline Online book
reading for students to listen to. We made it a point to select stories that reflect the diverse nature of students in our class. The stories we chose
discussed themes related to Japan, China, low socio-economic class, Christmas, annoying siblings, love, and overcoming difficulties, all stories that
resonate with the students' lived experiences, home, and school culture. Also, I developed an English Poetry activity that encouraged students to write a
poem and draw a picture that reflects their interests, culture, identity, etc. 2. To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in
writing, using correct grammar in various contexts related to teaching. My voice tone, clarity, and projection were sound and understandable by the
students, CT, and fellow student teachers. I used correct grammar when speaking with students or when correcting their assignments. I tried to model
proper grammar even during recess, and I continuously correct my grammar. When correcting assignments, I provided students with feedback for words
they misspelled and grammar mistakes they made. 4. To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject
content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study. I provided the necessary resources (technology, manipulatives,
visual aids, brain breaks) to encourage learning. I encouraged teamwork and independent work in both the activity and lesson. I supported students
learning by asking questions that encourage students to recall, transfer, and integrate their learning. 6. To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a
way as to promote students’ learning and social development. I supervised the class in ways that promoted students learning and social development.
While students were doing the activity and lesson that we prepared, I circulated the class to guide students learning and regulate classroom behaviors.
Thus, I did my best to create the best learning conditions for my students.

I would like to improve my skills in the following Professional Competencies developed during this placement:
Although every competency has room for improvement, I would like to improve on Competency 2 - To communicate clearly in the language of instruction,
both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in various contexts related to teaching. An error in this competency affected my evaluation for
competencies 4 and 6. When teaching my Math "multiplication using base-ten blocks" lesson, I used the incorrect vocabulary term calling the ten-rods "
sticks." Although I corrected my vocabulary midway and used the term "ten-rod," this posed to be a problem for my CT since they call the ten-rod "being in
the tens place." Although the term ten-rod is correct, it was not the vocabulary term used in this school's math textbook (Numbers workbook B). Therefore,
my choice of vocabulary indirectly impacted my ability to plan and pilot learning situations that align with the subject-specific content and my ability to
support the students learning. I am accustomed to using the math vocabulary terms from my time as a primary student and math tutor. Thus, I want to
improve my vocabulary to align with today's primary curriculum.

I will make use of the following strategies for improvement:

Some strategies that I will employ to improve on competencies 2, 4, and 6 are:

1. Familiarizing myself with the specific textbook and the mathematical vocabulary that the students are using. Thus, I will communicate more with my CT
to discover which terminology they use from the beginning of the course. I will make sure these vocabulary terms align with the QEP and the school
curriculum. I must frequently check the vocabulary used in the school textbooks since the math terms that I used 10-15 years ago are different from today.

2. I will develop learning and activity plans while paying mind to use relevant vocabulary that the students use. I must also, in advance, run my learning
plans through my supervisor and CT. I had done this, but neither of them noticed the incorrect vocabulary terms. Therefore, I must ask my supervisor and
CT to check the vocabulary terms used throughout my LP.

3. I will do more rehearsals of my lesson before teaching it to students. I will pay attention to my oral and written vocabulary while I rehearse. I will make
sure that my writing is legible. During the actual lesson, I will make sure to use the correct vocabulary terms. If I use the incorrect vocabulary, I will stop to
correct myself and emphasize to the students that the vocabulary term that I used is not proper and that they should use the correct word.

The Action Plan is to be discussed with your Field Supervisor and Co-operating Teacher at the start of the subsequent placement.

*If validation of authenticity is required, please contact the Internships & Student Affairs Office at

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