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Working from Home

Page Saturday March 28,

Last 2020
Before you start: Security when using the VPN Updated
Setup Instructions
Install Viscosity VPN Software (for connecting to DNEG's network)
OSX Installation
Using the Installer
Manually Adding the config
Windows Installation
Set up Two Factor Authentication (for authenticating the VPN)
Starting the VPN & Connecting to DNEG's network (Viscosity)
OSX Viscosity
Windows Viscosity
Install the remote client (for connecting to remote workstations)
PCoIP Software Client
NoMachine Client
Installing Zoom
Creating your account
Making a call
Screen Sharing
FAQs & Common Issues
Home Network
WiFi vs Wired
Shared Connections
Remove other VPN Software
Accessing from home
Idle Disconnections
DNS (Unknown Host)
Check Connection
Installation fails on Windows
Remote desktop is low resolution & doesn't change
How to use a wacom tablet
Cursor Stuck or Wrong Click Positions
Black screen on reconnect
PCoIP won't reconnect
Keyboard Mappings
Useful Hotkeys
Useful Hotkeys
Application Tips & Tricks
Nuke Single Monitor
Clarisse Mouse Navigation (ALT+Mouse)
Using DNEG Windows VMs
Accessing Remote Filesystems
Use Chrome for Workday/Jobvite


This document describes how to get yourself all setup for home working using a remote workstation desktop hosted in the DNEG offices. If you are
reading this as a PDF, you can always find the latest version here:

At it's most simple, this is a two stage process:

Connect securely to the DNeg network using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Then use a remote desktop client (e.g. PCoIP) to connect to your assigned remote workstation.

You will be remotely controlling the workstation (keyboard, mouse, wacom) and all the display (monitor) output will be sent to your home computer
(with compression). In this way, your home computer is just a "dumb" terminal and does not need to be as high spec'd as a typical DNeg office
By using a remote workstation, you will have the same powerful machine, software and setup as if you were in the office. In most cases, your
assigned workstation will be your actual workstation sitting under your desk at the office.

We only allow access to office workstations using the remote client protocols, so you will not be able to open web pages or access anything directly on
your home computer. Everything goes through the remote desktop connection only. In this way we also increase the security of our client's content.

Before you start: Security when using the VPN

When connecting to DNEG systems and services from your home computer/laptop, there are some simple steps that you can follow to ensure that
your connection retains the required levels of confidentiality and integrity which would be provided as standard whilst working onsite at a DNEG office

NOTE: Please note that all DNEG Information Security controls are mandates are still applicable irrespective as to the location,device and service
which is being used to process and transfer any DNEG data.

1 Network Security

Ensure that your home network or broadband connection has been setup with privacy and security in mind.

The following steps will greatly assist in securing your connectivity at home and to the Internet.

Change your WIFI network's default name

Use encryption to safeguard your communication.
Use a strong password and/or change the default password which was provided with the router.

It's advisable to consult your broadband router's documentation as to how to configure the above bullet points.

2 Security Patching

Ensure that your devices, e.g. Laptops, Desktop Computers, mobile devices are suitably patched. Software manufactures will
often release security updates to address vulnerabilities. It is highly advisable that you update your devices with the latest
security patches in order to mitigate any risks that un-patched software may pose.

It's advisable to consult the software vendor's documentation prior to installing any patches.

3 Anti-Virus and Firewalls

There are many forms of malware and viruses on the Internet and their level of sophistication and stealth like capabilities are
constantly evolving. It is highly recommended that you have an up-to-date antivirus solution on all of your devices which connect
to the Internet.

Firewalls are another form of defense which can be used block unwanted connections and help safeguard the confidentiality and
integrity of network connections to and from your device. Most operating systems will have a firewall installed by default. If you
have a security suite/software installed which has both firewall and anti-virus capabilities, then as per the advise in "Step 2",
ensure that the security software is up-to-date.

It's advisable to consult the operating system/security vendor's software documentation prior to installing any patches and

Remote Working Etiquette

Please bear in mind, that when remotely connecting to DNEG systems and services an additional degree of scrutiny is required
in order to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of the material which you are accessing. The following steps will assist in
ensuring that confidentiality is being maintained:

Work from a location which is private. This means not working shared areas where others, family/friends etc., may be
present and might be able to view what is being worked on.
Lock your screen when, the VPN is connected to DNEG, and you leave the laptop/desktop unattended for any period of
Ensure that your DNEG credentials remain confidential. Under no circumstances, store DNEG passwords and login
details on sticky notes/paper.
Never take screenshots/pictures of any DNEG data that you may be working on whilst connected to the VPN.
Once you have finished working, terminate the VPN connection.
Log out of any open DNEG webpages, e.g. Email (Zimbra), when they're not in use.
If you're using a shared computer/laptop, ensure that you have logged out of your profile when you're finished working.

The steps outlined above are explained further in a the Staying Secure When Remote video on the How to Remotely
Access Your Workstation DNET page.

Setup Instructions

These setup instructions assume that you can already access the Zimbra webpage externally ( and that you have the 2F
A (two-factor) code for Zimbra setup for use on your home computer. If you are unsure, please read: Zimbra - Two Factor Authentication (2FA).
Contact if you are already at home and can't login to Zimbra because you don't know your Zimbra 2FA code.

The following steps are demonstrated in the Setting Up VPN Access video that is available in the VPN Briefcase folder in your Zimbra
account, and on the How to Remotely Access Your Workstation DNET page.

Install Viscosity VPN Software (for connecting to DNEG's network)

You will need (local) Administrator rights to install this software on both OSX & Windows.

OSX Installation

You will find the Viscosity VPN software installer along with a PDF copy of these docs in your Zimbra Briefcase ( in a folder
called VPN
Using the Installer

1 Unzip the

2 Move the and PreConfigure folders into your /Application folder (You might be asked to enter your username and

3 Launch Viscosity by double clicking on the icon

4 For first launch you will be asked to install the Viscosity Helper Tool

5 You may need to update Viscosity

1. Go to the Viscosity menu and select Preferences

2. Click the General Icon
3. Click the "Check for Updates" button
4. When Viscosity finds a new version, click the Install button.

Manually Adding the config

For what ever reason, if the dneg connection does not appear in Viscosity you can manually import it.
Click on the Viscosity icon (you will see that the dneg connection is not there ) and go to Preferences

2 Click on the Arrow next to to the + and choose Import Connection From File

Locate the config.conf file location in OSX-Installer Preconfigure Connections-Overwriteconfig.conf and choose Open

4 The Connection will now appear in the Viscosity windows and you can now connect to DNEG

Windows Installation

You will find the Viscosity VPN software installer along with these docs in your Zimbra briefcase ( in a folder called VPN

1 Run the Windows-Installer.exe file from the email to launch the installer

The installer for the VPN software provided in Zimbra may be flagged as malware by any antivirus software on
Windows may remove it immediately. It will continue to do this until you white-list it or remove it from the antivirus
"quarantine" area (name changes with antivirus I believe) to flag it as safe.

2 Click next to continue setup and install

3 Viscosity, when installed, will appear as a circular icon in your taskbar

4 The 'dneg' connection should be set up automatically

5 If prompted, download and install latest version of Viscosity

Set up Two Factor Authentication (for authenticating the VPN)

You might already have the two-factor authentication (2FA) application, Google Authenticator, on your mobile device as you can also use it to login
to Zimbra from a new machine.

If you do not have it already, download 'Google Authenticator' from the Apple App Store or the Android Google Play store. It's free.

The following steps are demonstrated in the Setting Up VPN Access video that is available in the VPN Briefcase folder in your Zimbra
account, and on the How to Remotely Access Your Workstation DNET page.

1 You will receive your VPN QR code from Tech or HR to your personal email address (not you DNEG Zimbra account). Check if
it was marked as spam.

2 Open the Google Authenticator app on your phone and tap the (+) button

3 Choose Scan a barcode

4 Scan the QR barcode email from your personal email account and a new 6 digit code will be displayed on your phone. This
changes every 30 seconds.

Be careful if you have both the Zimbra code and VPN code together - don't mix them up! They will only work for the application they are intended for.
Starting the VPN & Connecting to DNEG's network (Viscosity)

The following steps are demonstrated in the Setting Up VPN Access video that is available in the VPN Briefcase folder in your Zimbra
account, and on the How to Remotely Access Your Workstation DNET page.

OSX Viscosity

1 Connect your laptop to your WiFi or directly to your router using an Ethernet cable (for the best experience).

2 Launch the Viscosity application if it is not already running.

Click the Viscosity icon in the top right of the screen. You should see "dneg" listed in the available VPN connections - select it.

You will be prompted for your DNEG credentials (username/password). Note that it's the username only without the "@dneg.
com". Also take care with funny characters in your password with Mac or Windows keyboards - the key mapping may not be
where you thought it should be!

5 After you've entered your credentials, you will then be prompted for the authenticator (2FA) code, which will come from the
Google Authenticator app you set up on your mobile earlier. Be careful not to mix up the VPN code and the Zimbra code. So
to be clear, you will have to enter three things to connect: your username, then password and finally the Google authenticator
code which was setup using the QR code we emailed you separately.
6 When entered correctly, you will now be connected to the DNEG network.

7 You can now proceed to connect to your workstation with the PCoIP or NoMachine clients using the method described in the
next section.

Windows Viscosity

The connection instructions are identical to the OSX instructions above. The only difference being that the Viscosity icon will appear in the bottom right
hand corner (as is standard for Windows).

Install the remote client (for connecting to remote workstations)

The default client to use is the PCoIP Software Client. You will receive specific instructions from Tech if you should be using the NoMachine
client instead.
You should only install one or the other and not both clients together (otherwise USB redirection for wacoms won't work).

You will only be able to use the client to connect to your remote workstation after you have first successfully connected the Dneg network
using the Viscosity VPN software in the previous section.

PCoIP Software Client

The following steps are demonstrated in the Connecting with PCoIP video that is available in the VPN Briefcase folder in your Zimbra
account, and on the How to Remotely Access Your Workstation DNET page.
1 Go to

2 Choose the correct software for your operating system (OSX 10.14+ & Windows 10 only)

3 Once downloaded, install the application

4 Launch the application and enter the following:

Host Address or Code: <Your DNeg Workstation Hostname> (e.g. "lonws111")

When asked Choose "Connect Insecurely"
Enter your DNEG username & password to connect

The "Connection Name" text entry can be used to give the connection a name that you can click on next time (e.g. the remote
hostname perhaps). Or you can leave it blank to not save the connection for next time.

PCoIP Stream Quality

The first thing you need to verify after a successful login using PCoIP is that there should be a tiny magenta square in the bottom left
corner of your desktop. This signifies that your client is using the correct quality. If you see a blue square or no square at all, please inform
Tech (

NoMachine Client

You only need to use this is specifically told by Tech to do so. Otherwise the PCoIP client above is probably what you want.

The following steps are demonstrated in the Connecting with NoMachine video that is available on the How to Remotely Access Your
Workstation DNET page.

1 Go to

2 Choose the correct software for your operating system

3 Once downloaded, install the application

Launch the application and configure a new connection:
Click New
Protocol: NX
Host: <Your DNeg Workstation Hostname>, Port: 4000
Authentication: password
Proxy: Don't use a Proxy
Name: Connect to <Workstation Name>


Installing Zoom

If you need to work from home and be in regular contact with other DNeg staff, we recommend using Zoom. Every DNeg staff member can setup a
corporate account and all the other registered DNeg users will appear in your contacts automatically.

This can be downloaded to any device and we also recommend installing it on your phone. This will help Dneg Tech teams to communicate with you
when you unable to connect to the corporate network.

We also highly recommend installing the application on the personal computer you are going to use to remote work from because it will allow Tech to
screen share and help you setup all the VPN & remote software if you get stuck.

Device Link



IOS AppStore ZOOM Cloud Meeting (

Andriod Play Store ZOOM Cloud Meeting (

Creating your account

Please note that your DNeg username & password do not link up to your Zoom account, they are separate and need to be set sepa

You will need to create your Zoom account before you are able to use Zoom.

1 Go to

Click the Sign up, its free button

3 Enter your address and an email will be sent to you

You must sign up with your DNeg email address to gain access to all features of of Zoom

In the email hit the Join the Account

You will be asked to enter an password

You account will now be linked to the DNeg account and will pick up a license
Please use your full name in your profile so that it appears correctly in the Zoom contact list

Making a call

1 Open zoom

2 In "Contacts" "Company Contacts" search for your person you want to call

3 Press the "Call" button or you want to video call choose "Meet"

Screen Sharing
Zoom allows for screen sharing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices running Zoom.

1 To start "Screen Sharing" select "Share Screen" button located in your meeting tool bar.

After selecting "Share Screen" located in your in-meeting tool bar. You can choose to share your "Desktop" or an "individual

FAQs & Common Issues

We will try to collate as many of the common issues users are facing and answers in this section. This is likely to grow and see lots of change so
always check back for the latest version on DNet.

Please try to avoid rebooting or powering off your workstation! We may not have physical access to your workstation for long periods
of time and so if it hangs on reboot or you power it off, we may not be able to get you up and running again for a while. If you need to reboot
the machine, please ask Tech ( to do it, as we have much better methods for rebooting that will be more successful.

Home Network

WiFi vs Wired
We recommend using a wired Ethernet cable to your router when possible for the best remote desktop experience. WiFi can be quite lossy
(depending on your home setup), which will interfere with the smoothness of the desktop experience.

Similarly to WiFi, we don't recommend "power line" adaptors that plugin to your power sockets to extend you internet around the house. Like the
radio waves used for WiFi, these can be prone to interference and loss with degrades the performance of the remote desktop.

Shared Connections
We understand that there may be others in your accommodation who use the same internet connection to stream media or download and upload
data. But if it's possible to minimise this during work hours, you will probably benefit from a much smoother remote desktop experience with a lot
less compression in the image quality.

Remove other VPN Software

We have had numerous reports of other installed VPN software interfering with our Viscosity VPN software. For example uninstalling "NordVPN"
fixed connectivity for some users. This is regardless of whether the software is connected.


Accessing from home

We rely on Zimbra Briefcase to deliver your VPN software. If you have never accessed the Zimbra webpage from home (https://zimbra., you may not have realised (or forgotten) that we use a 2FA (two-factor) code on top of your DNeg username & password.
When at work, many of you have saved this step as a browser cookie or are using a chrome browser extension that you don't have
configured at home.
You can use the same Google Authenticator application to store your Zimbra 2FA code as for the VPN 2FA access and we recommend
that you do: Zimbra - Two Factor Authentication (2FA)
Tech can also reset this process while you are at home so you can setup your Zimbra 2FA code again. But it is much better to ensure this
is already setup before you leave work.
You may notice that once connected to the VPN, Zimbra on your home computer becomes inaccessible. To work around this, use https://zi instead (note the "e" for external).

Idle Disconnections
We have configured the VPN to disconnect you automatically if you leave the remote desktop connection idle for a period of time. This is
to improve security.
But you can re-connect and resume your remote desktop at any time - no work will be lost.

DNS (Unknown Host)

Viscosity tries to setup "split" DNS so that lookups on your home network connection go the way they always have, but lookups for DNeg
hosts go across the VPN. This can sometimes get into a "funny state" such that all DNS lookups are failing (even This c
an often be fixed by restarting the Viscosity application or even rebooting your home machine.

Check Connection
If your remote client is not connecting to your designated workstation, you can check if your VPN network connection to it is working by
"pinging" the workstation hostname (while connected to VPN). In a terminal (OSX) or CMD (windows) try: ping <hostname>
You should receive steady responses from the remote workstation if your network is working and the machine is online. If not, either your
VPN is not connected properly or your remote workstation is offline.

Installation fails on Windows
We have had some reports of the client installation failing on Windows machines with an error like: "a running copy of PCoIP Client
(pcoip_client.exe) has been detected. No other copies can be active during installation. Close all copies before running the installer.
Quitting installation."
To force the install, you need to provide the "silent" flag (/S) to the installer EXE. Open a command windows (cmd.exe), drag and drop the
installer to it and add the "/S" flag to the end of the command: "C:\Users\daire\Downloads\pcoip-client_20.01.1.exe /S"

Remote desktop is low resolution & doesn't change

This can happen if the Nvidia driver or PCoIP software has not initialised properly. Often there is a yellow dot top right corner of the
desktop too. Please contact

How to use a wacom tablet

You can connect a wacom to your computer and pass it through to the remote workstation. When you are connected with the PCoIP
client, there should be a menu item (top left): Connection USB
Please note that if you are in full screen across multiple monitors, the USB menu only appears on the "primary" monitor.
Once you have chosen the USB menu option, select the checkbox to show all HID devices and you should see your Wacom tablet. Click
The Waco will top working on your home computer but should now be working within the remote desktop.

Cursor Stuck or Wrong Click Positions

This has been noted to happen sometimes with USB Wacom passthrough on OSX. The cursor seems to be offset from reality and you
can't control the desktop.
Normally you can reset it if you pull out the Wacom cable from you computer, plug it back in and reconnect the USB device in the PCoIP.

Black screen on reconnect

If you are reconnecting to your Linux workstation and just get a static black screen, this might be the screensaver in a funny state.
Hit "enter" a couple of times and a it should wake it up.

PCoIP won't reconnect

You you appear to get disconnected from your remote session, and re-connection is unsuccessful, one thing to check is that your
Viscosity VPN connection is still connected.
Sometimes you need to quit the Viscosity application and start it again for the VPN to work correctly again (e.g. DNS).

Keyboard Mappings
There are a wide variety of keyboards connected to personal computers and PCoIP does not always do a great job of detecting this and
mapping the correct keyboard to the remote Linux workstation.
This is often noticed for the first time when your Linux screensaver password is not working. You are typing what you think is the
password (with special characters) but the remote workstation is interpreting them differently.
In Linux, got to the task bar menu System Preferences Hardware Keyboard and then Layouts Add. Find the keyboard that best
suits your local keyboard. Test that the keys now map correctly.

Useful Hotkeys
To toggle fullscreen: ctrl+alt+enter


Useful Hotkeys
To toggle fullscreen: ctrl+alt+f

To bring up settings: ctrl+alt+0

Application Tips & Tricks

Nuke Single Monitor
Delete some pref file...

Clarisse Mouse Navigation (ALT+Mouse)

The is a known issue in Clarisse and remote desktops that causes the ALT key mouse modifier to move the layout navigation panel around too

A temporary workaround is to force Clarisse into "tablet" mode: Edit Preferences User Interface Input Device Mode Force Tablet Mode

One caveat with this is that the navigation might now seem too slow. Better than too fast, but still not quite right. We are working with Isotropix to
resolve this.

Using DNEG Windows VMs

Some of our staff are remotely connecting to Windows VMs on the DNEG network. For many who are used to working with OSX (laptops), this might
be your first time using Windows at DNEG. So here are a collection of handy hints.

Accessing Remote Filesystems

If you are coming from OSX or Linux, you might expect filesystem paths like smb://filesystem1, /hosts/nfs1/ or /jobs/SITE. On Windows systems,
those who can access /jobs have a mapped drive. For all other paths you need to open the file browser and enter the server name path you wish to
access. Even more simply, you can type the path into the Windows 10 search bar along the bottom.

For Windows, a server name path begins with a double back slash. So for example on OSX, "smb://filesystem1" becomes "\\filesystem1" in

Use Chrome for Workday/Jobvite

The Firefox browser does not always work with our ADFS authentication system. But the Chrome browser should always work. It's installed even if
it's not an icon on the desktop.

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