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Bullying poetry

By Alayna
Stop the laughing hanging from my ears,
Stop the words cracking through my heart,
Stop the punches that feel like I’m going to drop,
And stop the anger, that comes upon,
it makes me feel like I’m gonna pop.
So please, it’s not easy.
Living a life that has no peace and harmony
But alas, this is how it should be
Until I find the right people
Too stop and get out of this disease
Sometimes I go on the internet to play some
and even so like to check my profile page.
The player just joined, but what’s happening now?
They start insulting me, from the inside and the
Not only that, they comment on my photos,
Telling me that I’m
Weird, lame, dumb
It makes me think, who really are these people?
What do they want from me?
Is it really worth fighting for?
Those are the questions I’ll never get the answers
But I know,
Under that mask,
is a real person
Who’s afraid,
And is hiding
From the real world.
Stop Bullying!
Stop standing there and do something!
People get picked on because of something they
can’t stop!
Looks, appearances, sickness,
This happens nonstop!
But how can this be stopped?
Tell somebody!
Keeping it inside won’t help,
It’ll only make matters worse!
So take my advice and we can stop this
Because solving this problem,
will make everyone way more happier.
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Bullies Think
Bullies think that there so tough,
Bullies think that there so big,
Bullies think that they can win,
all the bullying that makes me spin.

But there’s one thing they can’t have,

And that’s for sure,
They can’t take all my power that I have within.

So bullies can think there so tough

And think there so big
They can even think that they can win,

But they can try there hardest to think, but it

won’t work
Because I have a power,
Which makes me a bigger person,
Than they ever were.

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