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Name: Md.


Roll: 2016941011

Define good governance. Analyze the state of good governance in Bangladesh.

Governance is the way in which the competent authority uses its powers to achieve the
objectives of the institution, including its powers to design, implement the policies, rules, and
processes of the organization and to engage and involve its stakeholders. Good governance
means that the exercise of the competent authority is accountable, transparent, participatory, and
dynamic. Good governance is believed to be vital to achieving sustainable development and
human well-being. Several international organizations such as the World Bank, the UNDP, the
IMF, and a number of NGOs have begun to stress good governance as a requirement for the
delivery of their programs and funds. Good governance policies need to understand the value of
a competitive political economy and domestic ownership to sustainable reforms.

The major components of good governance as described in the UNDP are mentioned below:

 Participation
 Accountability
 Rule of Law
 Equity and Inclusiveness:
 Effectiveness and Efficiency:
 Transparency
 Responsiveness
 Consensus Oriented
The state of good governance in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Constitution sets out all the elements that are important for good governance,
although the country has yet to fully establish the right policies, environment, institutions,
capability, and practice of good governance. Governance is now a huge problem for Bangladesh.
This is in many aspects of national life, success is evident. Indeed, it is clear from the facts, as
well as from the statements made by our policy makers and international donors, that
Bangladesh's change in governance does not keep pace with the progress made in some areas of
economic and social policy. Such a disparity in the country's governance efforts means that
democratic governance has become a crucial constraint on the further consolidation of
democracy and on improving the standard of governance in Bangladesh. They are discussed

Bureaucracy and Public Administration: After the independence of Bangladesh, the

bureaucratic structure began to deteriorate because it could not deal with the country's new
expectations and aspirations. Now-a-day bureaucracies have been characterized by
incompetence, lack of openness and accountability, factionalism, and widespread crime, which
are causing untold misery to the people. Bangladeshi bureaucracy is well regarded as a hotbed of

Rule of Law: The rule of law is the most essential condition for democracy and good
governance. It is clear from the final review that the existing state of law in Bangladesh is not
satisfactory. Thus, an independent and clear policy on the rule of law is a must to resolve the
vagueness and irregularities of the rule of law. Opposition, civil society and social movements
and organizations still have a moral responsibility to support and collaborate with the
government at this juncture. (Obaidullah, 2020)

Independence of Judiciary: In Bangladesh, the judiciary has been submissive to the whim of
the executive and legislative members. The ruling party uses the judiciary as an efficient weapon
to silence and intimidate opposition. They harbor hatred and take revenge through it. In the case
of a lower judiciary, independence is indeed a matter of controversy. Posting, appointment and
transfer of judges in the subordinate justice system are still in the hands of the law ministry.
(Dhaka Tribune, 2017)

Accountability of Government: Parliamentary transparency is the cornerstone of good

governance system of democracy. The history of the parliamentary government in Bangladesh
has been far from satisfactory. But sometimes the accountability of respective office members is
not seen. It creates corruption among them.

Local Government: Elected local government should truly be independent of the executive and
local government should be under the jurisdiction of the local government. In Bangladesh,
however, every government has maintained a colonial mindset in order to nourish this institution.

Participation of Civil Society Organizations: Good governance includes not only democratic
state institutions and a vital private sector, but also vibrant and active civil society organizations,
such as community councils, labor unions, women's organizations. Civil society organizations in
Bangladesh are gradually taking the form of NGOs. Since independence, they have been active
in Bangladesh, increasing in size and number in response to new needs and a huge increase in
donor funding.

Freedom of Speech: For developing countries, such as Bangladesh, freedom of speech is a must
to foster good governance. The government gave freedom of speech to the people of the country.
But in sometimes it does not seem to exist. Sometimes journalists are afraid to publish the real
news because of political pressure.

Increasing Economic Growth: Because of good governance there are eye-catching

development happened. GDP increased from the past time.

Corruption: We have described corruption as a structural issue – those with power stealing from
the poor, drawing and dragging people into their game, and trapping society with its values as the
standard in Bangladesh's everyday life. The Government has made progress in several ways,
including the introduction of the Anti-Corruption Commission. But it is a matter of great sorrow
that corruption is not going away from our country. It like in our administration it creates
addiction among the people. It creates disturbance for good governance.
Election Commission: We can take example from the election commission as one of the
institutions of governance. From the last decade the opposition parties are blaming the election
commission for not doing fair election. If it is true, then the country is in great trouble. election
commission is one of the institutions which holds the good governance in right way.

At last, we can say that improving governance is a challenge because there are strong vested
interests in it. Courageous political leadership and vigilant people seeking reform are necessary.
Bangladesh has done little because of political instability. In this case, the spirit of the idea of
good governance is important to Bangladesh. Good governance is a delicate plant that will
require sustained nutrition. It will take a radical change in attitude and societal norms that will
change only gradually.


1. Sobhan, R., 2017, Dhaka Tribune, “The case for an independent judiciary” (Online)

Available at:

2. Roy, A., M., 2018, “Prospects of Good Governance in Bangladesh: a critical study”

Available at:

3. Obaidullah, M., 2020, “Rule of Law in Bangladesh: Illusion or Reality” (Online)

Available at:

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