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Effects of the Parent's Involvement on the Level of

Performance Among Senior High School Students in One of the

Universities in Cebu

A Research Proposal

Presented to the Senior High School Department

University of Cebu - Lapu – Lapu and Mandaue

A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc

Mandaue City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2, OJT/3I


Oracoy, Kent Reil

Cortes, Christian

Tan, Gabryll Dale

Jose, Justine Luke

Mercadal, Howard Cwyth

April 2021
Title of the study:

Effects of the Parent's Involvement on the Level of

Performance Among Senior High School Students in One of the

Universities in Cebu


Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to

be positively associated with a child's academic performance. Building

effective partnerships between parents, families and schools to support

children’s learning leads to improved learning outcomes. This study

determines the effects of the parent's involvement on the level of

performance among senior high school students in one of the

universities in Cebu. The study will be conducted at the University of

Cebu – Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue campus in the second semester for the

school year 2020-2021. A sample of 53 grade 12 STEM-Maritime was

the respondents on this study. The findings of the study indicates that

majority of the students’ parents are involved with their studies.

Majority of the students have high level of performance in terms of

written works, performance task and attendance. Also there is no

significant relationship between parents’ involvement and the level of

performance. The two variables are independent and do not affect each

other, which means that the level of performance of the student depends

on the student itself. Lastly, parents-students interaction development

seminar is developed in order to enhance the involvement of both

parents and students.


I dedicate this project to God Almighty my creator, my strong

pillar, my source of inspiration, wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

He has been the source of my strength throughout this program and on

His wings only have I soared.

This study is dedicated to our dear parents, who have always

been a source of inspiration and strength when we were on the edge

of giving up, and who continue to support us morally, spiritually,

emotionally, and financially.

To our groupmates, adviser, classmates, friends, brothers,

sisters, and relatives who encouraged us to accomplish this study with

their words of guidance and support.

The Accomplishment of this study would not be possible without the
help and guidance of research 2, 3i and OJT subject teacher Ms. and the
members of my group of SM12P5 of the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and
Mandaue ever since in the beginning of this study.

To the Almighty Father who give the courage, knowledge,

strength, inspiration to do the best, and strengthen our mind through ups
and downs in this study to achieve and success of this study, for always
being at hand to guide in overcoming all the struggles in doing this study.

To Ms. Marites Caspe, our Research 2, 3i and OJT teacher, thank

you for sharing your knowledge and for correcting us the researcher on what
is the best. Thank you for all the sacrifices you made and for supporting us.

To our supportive families as well, for providing us on the things that

we need, physically, morally, financially and spiritually and for being our
inspiration to do our best to achieve success.

To the group thank you for helping, giving your best to achieve this
study, even though your busy schedules still you are there to ready to help
on the things that we need to do and thank you for sharing your knowledge
to each other for the benefit of this study. Lastly, to our fellow group thank
you for helping us even though we have different study still you are their
ready to help us. Thank you for everything.













































Rationale of the study

Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to

be positively associated with a child's academic performance. Building

effective partnerships between parents, families and schools to support

children’s learning leads to improved learning outcomes. The

researchers believed that it can be beneficial to both the parents and

also to the students involved in order to maintain balance in their studies

and also the relationship between them. Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler

(1995) states that parental involvement influences educational outcome

through three mechanisms: modelling of school related behaviors and

attitudes, reinforcing specific aspects of school learning, and instruction.

Also, researchers actively encourage parental involvement to increase

academic performance.

It shows that academic involvement of parents is still visible to

their children in terms of peers, school activities, and others. Receiving
support and involvement from parents can create a higher self-esteem
(Ruholt, Gore, & Dukes, 2015). Parents taking control the homework of
their students have better communication with their child (Fernandez-
Alonso, 2017). In contrast, a student with potential at school suffers

from their parents who lack parental involvement with their

students (Obico, 2015).

Students whose parents are involved in their education get better

grades and have higher test scores. And the more parents are involved,

the more their children seem to benefit. A study of parents highly

involved in the educational process showed that their children were

more likely to improve in studying. For instances when families and

community members are involved in student learning, students improve

their academic performance and gain advocates that promote their

success, helping them feel more confident at school and in taking on

more rigorous classwork


Lev Vgotsky’s Social constructivism

Vgotsky’s approach emphasized that crucial learning by the child

happens through social interaction, indicating the need for an involved

family. This theory is related to our study since the parent’s interaction

with their children are essential in founding a stable relationship in order

for both benefited. The parent’s involvement plays an integral role in

assisting the children to improve their academic performance. The

theory states that

Herbert Walberg’s theory of academic achievement

Walberg's theory of academic achievement posits that

psychological characteristics of individual students and their immediate

psychological environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive,

behavioral, and attitudinal) (Reynolds & Walberg, 1992). The theory is

related to our study since it is all about the academic performance of

students. It tackles about the influences on learning that affects the

academic performance of a student. Giving importance with a certain

variable can mean a big impact with the student’s academic


John B Watson’s Behavioral Psychology Theory

According to Watson in 1913, the behavioral psychology is a

theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors are acquired

through conditioning. Behaviorism is primarily concerned with

observable behavior, as opposed to internal events like thinking and

emotion. According to this perspective, only observable behavior should

be considered such as cognitions, emotions the child's behavior will be

affected. Parents can model behaviors to inspire the child but if the

parent is not around to guide the children, the behavior and thinking

skills will be affected.

Literatures and Studies


According to the study of Evangelista (2008), it aims to find the

relationship between academic involvement of grade one parents and

their children’s scholastic performance. It shows that academic

involvement of parents is still visible to their children in terms of peers,

school activities, and others. Because of this, parents are still involved

in their child’s learning with regards to other linkages he/she is in. It

recommends that parents should participate and be involved in the

development of their children’s education especially during their

fundamental years because this stage will be the foundations of children

for them to accelerate in the next level of higher education and the

school should consider informing parents on how much involvement

they should give to improve their child’s scholastic performance.

According to Nierva (2009), parent involvement in the Philippines

is vague because there is still a need to improve parent involvement

practices, especially those promoting the parents’ active involvement in

a child’s learning at home and in school. Much of the practices of Filipino

are brought about by history including the ways parents race their

children. The Philippines are facing different problems that are cause

and greatly affects families. Thus, our country, like other countries

continually seeks for solutions to bridge the gap.

According to Pineda (2008), mutual effort toward a shared goal

implies shared responsibility of families and educators for supporting

students as learners. In his study of the comparison of the parents’ and

school personnel’s perceptions on the existing home-school

collaboration program of a private school in Muntinlupa City, Philippines,

it notes that forming connections among families and schools foster

positive school and learning experiences for children and youth.

Parental involvement refers to the amount of participation a

parent has when it comes to the schooling of his/her children. Some

schools foster healthy parental involvement, but sometimes parents has

hesitations if they will involve themselves with their children's

education. It has been advocated in Western countries.


According to (Toby Parcel 2012), An article on the importance of

parental involvement quoted Dr. Toby Parcel as saying, “parental

involvement is a more significant factor in a child’s academic

performance than the qualities of the school itself”("North Carolina State

University," 2012). In other words parents have the power to offset any

deficiencies that a school may have by increasing their involvement in

the educational process. Dr. Parcel states that “parents need to be

aware of how important they are, and invest their time in their children

– checking homework, attending school events and letting kids know

school is important” ("North Carolina State University," 2012).

Parents who were always involved by their child’s education

is likely to have higher self-esteem (Gith, 2017). Receiving support

and involvement from parents can create a higher self-esteem (Ruholt,

Gore, & Dukes, 2015). Parents taking control the homework of their

students have better communication with their child (Fernandez-Alonso,

2017). In contrast, a student with potential at school suffers from their

parents who lack parental involvement with their students (Obico,

2015). Academic achievement is definitely influenced by parental

involvement, also with how school connects with the expectations

of the family (Rogers, Theule, Ryan, Adams & Keatling, 2009).

Learning outcomes are academic achievement, and frameworks

of parental involvement measure family involvement and partnership

development. The relationship (with adjustment over frameworks and

study features) indicated a strong and positive correlation (.509)

between learning outcomes and parental involvement. Although types

of parental (behavioral, personal, and intellectual) involvement and

building institutional capacity demonstrated the greatest importance to

the relationship, the role of parents (family involvement) was more

important than the role of schools and communities (partnership


In addition, parental involvement in their children’s academic

development is of major importance in early adolescence. This study

investigated the incremental validity of parental involvement over GCA

in the prediction of academic performance within the domains of math

and language. We examined four dimensions of perceived parental

involvement: autonomy supporting behavior, emotional responsivity,

structure, and achievement-oriented control.

Parents who were always involved by their child’s education

is likely to have higher self-esteem (Gith, 2017). Receiving support

and involvement from parents can create a higher self-esteem (Ruholt,

Gore, & Dukes, 2015). Parents taking control the homework of their

students have better communication with their child (Fernandez-Alonso,

2017). In contrast, a student with potential at school suffers from their

parents who lack parental involvement with their students (Obico,

2015). Academic achievement is definitely influenced by parental

involvement, also with how school connects with the expectations

of the family (Rogers, Theule, Ryan, Adams & Keatling, 2009). It will

take time to create a strong relationship the school and the parents

(Vijaya, 2016).

The Problem

Statement of the problem

This study determines the effects of the parent's involvement on

the level of performance among senior high school students in one of

the universities in Cebu. The study will be conducted at the University

of Cebu – Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue campus in the second semester for

the school year 2020-2021.

The result of this study will be the basis for the enhancement of

parent’s involvement through a parents-students interaction

development seminar.

1. In what way does the parent’s involvement affect the level of

performance in terms of the following:

1.1 Making follow ups with the student’s performance

1.2 Attending school meetings and activities

2. How can the parent’s involvement help the student’s in the

following performance:

2.1 Written Works

2.2 Performance Task

2.3 Attendance

3. Is there a significant relationship between the parent’s

involvement and the level of performance of the students?

4. Based on the findings, what could be done or could be proposed

for the betterment and enhancement of the parents and students


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between parents’ involvement

and the level of performance of students.

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to determine the effects of the parents’

involvement towards the level of performance of students in attending

the class. Out of many students in the Senior High School department

in one of the universities of Cebu, students were used as sample in

conducting the survey. This study limits its coverage on the senior high

school students only to be able to attain sufficient amount of data. The

purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the relationship of

parent’s involvement and propose solutions regarding this certain event.

This study considers every aspect of student’s personal information with

utmost confidentiality. Each of the respondents is given same question

to answer.

The parent’s involvement is delimited to home-based and school-

based involvement. Home-based parental involvement includes

activities that parents promote to support their child's online learning

such as helping with homework, checking homework completion and the

child's educational progress. While parent's involvement in school based

is when parents participate in school events or activities, and teachers

provide learning resources or information about their student's grades.

We begin by giving parents resources, inviting them to activities, and

helping them monitor their children's progress.

The level of performance is delimited to written works,

performance task, grades and attendance.

The study will be conducted in the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu

and Mandaue campus for the second semester in the school year 2020-

2021. The survey questionnaires will be in a form of a google form since

we are still on a pandemic to avoid contact with others.

Significance of the study

The result of this study would contribute greatly in the vast

knowledge in relation to of the Parents Involvement on the Level of

Performance among Senior High School Students. Vital result of this

study are highly significant and beneficial to the following:

Students. Through the study, students will have more knowledge

and learning that will help them motivate in a result of good

performance. Through this study the researchers hope that they can

help students be more aware that the parents’ support can be a factor

for the improvement of their performance in school. The outcome of this

study will be able to support the students in choosing the correct and

suitable track for them. This study wants to impart knowledge to

students who are confused on what to take.

To the Teachers. This study can help teachers find one possible

reason why a student is not performing well in their studies and they

can also help tell the parents to support their children more. It helps

find solutions to problems arising in a classroom or school and underpin

professional learning of knowledge, skills and understanding.

To the schools. This study can help schools be more active in

raising awareness that parents must be there for the students. Schools

must take action to make sure that parents do help and guide their

children in their studies and be more active while doing their modules,

doing performance tasks, etc. Schools can make seminars or contact

parents in order to make them aware that their support is vital in their

children's education.

Parents. The outcome of this study will help the parents raise a

successful and happy student. Also to establish a good parent-child

relationship, this later will contribute to the good performance of

students. Through this study parents can realize that students does

need their involvement and support in order to improve more in their

studies. Through this study, the parents would be able to know the

different factors that may influence their child to take that track and the

level of performance associated with the different factors.

Future Researcher. Through this study, this will help the future

researchers learn the details of the study and raise awareness to a

certain dilemmas. This study can be used as their reference to support

their arguments and ensuring credibility and reliability to their work.

Hopefully this study can help future researchers and can stand as a

guide or support for their studies too. This research can act as a frame

for them as to where to start or a help to strengthen their claims.

Research Methodology

Research Design

This study will be using correlational design in describing the

involvement of the parent’s and in determining how the different factors

influences their level of performance. The researchers will use the

descriptive-survey research which is under the methods in conducting a

descriptive design. Survey research allows researchers to collect data

that can be quickly examined and this will save a lot of time in

conducting the research. The respondents will answer through the

questionnaires that consists of different factors that are about parent


Research Environment

This study will be conducted at the University of Cebu – Lapu-

Lapu and Mandaue that is located at A.C. Cortes Avenue, Looc, Mandaue

City, Philippines. This is the biggest campus among other University of

Cebu campuses. UCLM is an educational institution in Mandaue City that

offers the two classifications of track in the maritime curriculum which

is the pre-baccalaureate maritime specialization and the technical-

vocational-livelihood maritime specialization. UCLM provides for its

student’s trainings and education responsive to the bigger picture of its

locale that is thriving with endless opportunities.

Research Respondents

The participants of this study were selected Grade 12 senior high

school student who are parents of Stem students in the University of

Cebu Lapu – Lapu and Mandaue. The target number of student to be

gathered will be 50 students, either male or female. The researcher will

be conducting survey through google form. First, We will ask permission

to the students and their confidentiality, and ask them to be part of our

study. And if it will be okay to them. Then we will give them the google

form through messenger.

Research Instruments

The research instruments that will be used in the said study is

questionnaires checklist. The questionnaires checklist will be filled with

questions which is connected to the problems stated in the Statement

of the Problem. The survey will be observed in a form of Control Scale

where questions are given along with the personal information of the

randomly selected participants in Senior High School Students in One of

the Universities of Cebu and this questions will be answerable by ratings

with corresponding meaning. The question printed and the answers will

have equivalent point/s which will be relevant to the findings and

conclusion of the research study.

Pilot Testing

The purpose is to do a trial run to ensure that the study strategy

as written will produce the most accurate and trustworthy data feasible.

The researchers will undertake the pilot testing by handing out

questionnaires to ten people. The questions will be sent to test

participants through email or messenger.

Respondents will be required to answer as soon as they get the

surveys. The researcher will provide the respondents an overview of the

study's purpose and the benefits they may expect from it. All of the

questionnaires will be sorted by the researcher, and the data gathered

will be based on the replies of the respondents.

Research Procedure

Data Gathering Procedure

In the first step, the researcher will provide a consent letter to the

office of the school division to advise approximately the study that will

be conducted. The researchers will begin the study after the consent

letter approved. The researcher made use of descriptive-survey method

and use of the Slovin’s formula. The study will gather data from the

respondents by using a checklist questionnaire that is based on the

topics on the effects of the Parent’s Involvement on the level of

performance among Stem academic and maritime strand. The

researchers will conduct a pilot study for the looking the validity of the

questionnaires. The study will be conducted using online platforms, with

questionnaires created using Google Forms and distributed to

respondents through their email or messenger. The respondents were

given enough time to respond, and then on the same day or the other

day they will submit their answers, the researcher will compile all of the

data from all of the checklist questionnaires. The researcher will count

and evaluate the results after the survey is completed, and they will

swear to keep the confidentiality of the information.

Data Analysis Procedure

The respondents will be asked to fill out a questionnaire, which

will be used by the researchers to collect data. The researchers will view

and evaluate the information collected. The quantitative method will be

used to organize the results. The researchers will track the collected

data to see which of the following variables has the greatest impact on

Parent's involvement on the Level of Performance among selected


Ethical Considerations

In conducting a research, the participants of this study should not

be subjected to harm in any ways. This will make them aware of the

research objectives and aims in learning. Furthermore, we will not

threaten or force the respondents to participate in this research. They

also have freedom to withdraw if they want to. They can participate and

contribute to the research with their own will. This is to protect their

privacy and make them feel secured. We will record and tabulate all the

data in a professional way. The data, results, methods and procedure

will be collected and conducted without any manipulation. This is to

provide genuine results for the research without any manipulation.

Definition of Terms

1. Attendance- the action or state of going regularly to or being

present at a place or event.

2. Grades - a particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, intensity,

or value.

3. Performance Level - the pay out amounts (whether in cash or

Stock Awards) based upon the satisfaction of one or more

performance criteria as determined by the Board of Directors or

Compensation Committee.

4. Parental involvement - a combination of commitment and active

participation on the part of the parent to the school and to the


5. Performance task - any learning activity or assessment that asks

students to perform to demonstrate their knowledge,

understanding and proficiency. Performance tasks yield a tangible

product and/or performance that serve as evidence of learning.

6. A written test - A piece of work is one which involves writing rather

than doing something practical or giving spoken answers.

Learners may have to take a written exam before they pass their

driving test. Amy discovered that the theoretical and written work

came easily to.




This chapter is composed of the introduction, study, and

explanation of data pertaining to the issues raised in the previous

chapter. It also discusses how to organize the data so that it can be

used for research and analysis.

Table 1. Parents’ Involvement in terms of Making follow

ups with the student’s performance

Indicators Mean Interpretation


1. Parents follow up their 3.55 Often

children through activities Involved
at home.

2. Parents checking the 3.55 Often

attendance if their children Involved
go to school.

3. Parents teaching their 4.04 Often

student what is right or Involved

4. Parents acknowledge the 3.81 Often

hard work of their Involved
son's/daughter's by doing
their performance task.

5. Ask about the grades 3.75 Often
every end of the semester Involved

Weighted Average 3.74 Often


Table 1 shows the results of the indicators under “Making

follow ups with the student’s performance. Statement number 3 has the

highest mean, “Parents teaching their student what is right or wrong.”

It has a mean score of 4.04 and is classified as Often Involved. It

suggests that the majority of respondents agree that their parents'

involvement has a significant impact on their decision on what is right

and what is wrong.

”Parents follow up on their children through activities at

home and parents verifying attendance if their children go to school,” is

the statement with the lowest mean score. Both are categorized as

Often Involved and have a mean score of 3.55. It appears that the

majority of respondents believe their parents' involvement in their lives

has an impact on their success at home and at school. Making follow

ups with the student’s performance has a measured total weighted

mean of 3.73 and is classified as Often Involved.

Table 2. Parents’ Involvement in terms of Attending

school meetings and activities

Indicators Mean Interpretation


1. Parents take time to attend 3.69 Often

meetings and activities Involved

2. Parents want to attend 3.79 Often

meetings and activities Involved

3. Parents prioritize joining 3.62 Often

meetings and activities Involved

4. Parents free schedules to join 3.40 Often

meetings and activities Involved

5. Parents see the need why they 3.83 Often

need to join meetings and Involved

Weighted Average 3.67 Often


The findings of the indicators under "Attending school meetings

and activities" are shown in Table 2. The third statement, “Parents

teaching their child what is good or wrong,” has the highest mean. It is

categorized as Often Involved and has a mean score of 3.85. It appears

that the majority of respondents think that their parents believe it is

important for them to attend school sessions.

The fourth statement, “Parents have open schedules to

attend meetings and activities,” had the lowest mean score. It is

categorized as Often Involved and has a mean score of 3.45. It appears

that the majority of respondents agree that their parents set aside time

in their schedules to attend meetings. The computed weighted mean of

“Attending school meetings and activities” is 3.68, which is classified as

Often Involved.”

Table 3. Level of Performance in terms of Written Work

Indicators Mean Interpretation


1. Doing the homework 4.18 Above

ahead of time. Average

2. I prioritize my homework 3.98 Above

before doing my hobbies. Average

3. I understand my 4.15 Above

assignments and quizzes. Average

4. I have perfect scores. 3.62 Average


5. Doing well on a test. 3.73 Above


Weighted Average 3.94 Above

The findings of the indicators under "Written Work" are

shown in Table 3. The second statement, "I prioritize my studies before

performing my hobbies," had the highest mean. It is categorized as

Above Average Performance with a mean score of 3.81. It appears that

the majority of respondents feel that homework and assignments should

take precedence over leisure time.

The fourth statement, "I have perfect scores," gets the

lowest mean score. It is categorized as Average Performance with a

mean score of 3.17. It appears that the majority of respondents agree

that exam and quiz results aren't flawless. The calculated weighted

mean of "Written works" is 3.57, which is considered Above Average.

Indicators Mean Interpretation

1. I am making my 4.41 Very High

performance task.

2. I know how to do my 3.47 Above

performance task Average

3. I submit my performance 4.37 Very High

task on time.

4. I make my performance 3.75 Above

task several days before Average
the submitting day Performance

5. I have high scores in the 4.18 Above

performance task Average

Weighted Average 4.04 Above

Table 4. Level of Performance in terms of Performance


Table 4 shows the results of the indicators under

“Performance Task”. Statement number one has the highest mean, “I

am making my performance task.” It has a mean score of 4.41 and is

classified as Above Average Performance. It suggests that the majority

of respondents agree that prioritizing in making their performance task


Statement number four has the lowest mean score, “I

make my performance task several days before the submitting day.” It

has a mean score of 3.75 and is classified as Above Average

Performance. It suggests that most of respondents agree that when it

comes to a deadline, the students make their task ahead of time. The

computed weighted mean of “Performance task” is 4.04, which is

classified as Above Average Performance.

Table 5. Level of Performance in terms of Attendance

Indicators Mean Interpretation


1. I know my class schedule 3.75 Above


2. I am telling my teachers when 3.81 Above

I can join my class Average

3. I join my classes. 3.54 Above

4. I am never late in my classes. 3.16 Average


5. I am aware of the 3.54 Above

consequences of being absent Average

Weighted Average 3.57 Above

The findings of the indicators under "Attendance" are shown in

Table 5. The second statement, “I am informing my professors when I

will be able to join my class,” had the highest mean. It is categorized as

Above Average Performance with a mean score of 3.81. It appears that

the majority of respondents inform the teachers when they enter the


The fourth statement, "I have perfect scores," gets the lowest

mean score. It is categorized as Average Performance with a mean

score of 3.17. It appears that the majority of respondents agree that

exam and quiz results aren't flawless. The calculated weighted mean of

"Written works" is 3.57, which is considered Above Average.

Table 6. T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Variable 1 Variable 2 Decision on Ho Interpretation

on Ho
Mean 3.700838574 3.847798742

Variance 0.907045817 0.53425254

Observations 53 53
Pearson 0.304291488
Hypothesized 0
df 52
t Stat -
P(T<=t) 0.146893628 0.146893628492934 No significant
one-tail >0.05 relationship

t Critical 1.674689154 ACCEPT Ho

P(T<=t) 0.293787257 0.293787256985868 No significant
two-tail >0.05 relationship

t Critical 2.006646805 ACCEPT Ho


There is no

and level of

T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means is a data analysis method

used by the researchers in table 6. This is used by the researchers to

determine if the null hypothesis may be accepted or rejected. The T-

Test Paired Two Sample for Means tool uses a paired two-sample

Student's t-Test to determine whether or not the null hypothesis (that

the means of two populations are equal) may be accepted.

The computed value of P (T<=t) one-tail is 0.15 and P (T<=t)

two-tail is 0.29 which is greater than 0.05 so the Null Hypothesis must

be accepted which means that there is no significant relationship

between parents’ involvement and level of performance of students.

Chapter III



This chapter summarizes the research work done, the results

reached, and the recommendations made as a result of the research.

Summary of findings

This study determined the effects of the parent's involvement on

the level of performance among senior high school students in one of

the universities in Cebu. The study is conducted at the University of

Cebu – Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue campus in the second semester for the

school year 2020-2021.

In line with the statement of the study, the research hypothesis

states that there is no significant relationship between parents’

involvement and the level of performance among the students.

Parents’ involvement was measured by the variables like making

follow ups with the student’s performance and attending school

meetings and activities. While, the level of performance of the students

was measured by their written works, performance task and attendance.

A google form type of online survey questionnaire served as the main

instrument of the study. Also, this study uses a data analysis tool using

a T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means to determine if there is a

significant relationship between two variables.

Based on the results of the statistical analysis of the data, the

findings are summarized as follows:

1. Parents’ involvement in terms of the following:

1.1 Making follow ups with the student’s performance

Following up on a student's performance has a total

weighted mean of 3.74 and is categorized as Often Involved

in which majority of respondents' parents keep track on

their children's schoolwork.

1.2 Attending school meetings and activities

Attending school meetings and activities has a total

weighted mean of 3.67 and is categorized as Often Involved

in which majority of respondents' parents attend school

meetings and activities.

Overall: The computed weighted mean for the parents’ involvement is

3.71 in which majority of the respondents’ parents are involved with

their studies.

2. Level of performance in terms of the following performance:

2.1 Written Works

Written works has a total weighted mean of 3.94 in which

majority of respondents' has Above Average Performance in

written works.

2.2 Performance Task

Performance task has a total weighted mean of 4.04 in

which majority of respondents' has Above Average

Performance in performance task.

2.3 Attendance

Attendance has a total weighted mean of 3.57 in which

majority of respondents' has Above Average Performance in

the attendance.

Overall: The computed weighted mean for the parents’ involvement is

3.85 in which majority of the respondents have an above average


3. T-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means is a data analysis method

used by the researchers in table 6. This is used by the researchers

to determine if the null hypothesis may be accepted or rejected.

The T-Test Paired Two Sample for Means tool uses a paired two-

sample t-Test to determine whether or not the null hypothesis

(that the means of two populations are equal) may be accepted.

The computed value of P (T<=t) one-tail is 0.15 and P (T<=t)

two-tail is 0.29 which is greater than 0.05 so the Null Hypothesis

must be accepted which means that there is no significant

relationship between parents’ involvement and level of

performance of students.


1. Majority of the students’ parents are involved with their studies.

2. Majority of the students have high level of performance in terms

of written works, performance task and attendance.

3. There is no significant relationship between parents’ involvement

and the level of performance.

4. The two variables are independent and do not affect each other,

which means that the level of performance of the student depends

on the student itself.


1. With the above-mentioned conclusio, a parents-students

interaction development seminar is being designed in order to

increase parental and student involvement.The students should

appreciate the parents’ effort to be involved with them for the

betterment of their relationship with each other.

2. If you have problem with your schoolwork, ask your parents for



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Transmittal Letter
April 27, 2021


The Principal
Senior High School Department
A.C. Cortes, Ave., Looc Mandue City

Dear Dr. Chin:

We are the students from SM12P5 conducting a research to fulfill our study “Effects of
the Parent's Involvement on the Level of Performance Among Senior High School
Students in One of the Universities in Cebu.” This study would like determine the
effects of the relationship of the parent's involvement to the level of performance
among senior high school students.
With this we would like to ask for your permission for us to conduct a study to the
Grade 12 afternoon session through google forms as a survey questionnaire.
We hope for your response and may support us to our research. We will share the
result of this study to the future Maritime students in the university.

Respectfully yours,
Cortes, Christian
Jose, Justine Luke
Mercadal, Howard Cwyth
Oracoy, Kent Reil
Tan, Gabryll Dale

Checked by:
Research Instructor

Approved by:
Senior High School Principal

Consent Form

Lead Researcher: Kent Reil Oracoy


Title of the Study: Effects of the Parent's Involvement on the Level of Performance Among
Senior High School Students in One of the Universities in Cebu

My name is Kent Reil Oracoy (lead researcher), a Grade 12 Stem-Maritime student

from the University of Cebu - LapuLapu and Mandaue. I am conducting this research as a
requirement in Practical Research 2, 3I, and OJT. The research intends to know what Parent's
Involvement to students the most. Also, the students will be able to choose an appropriate
choice for them to perform well that specifically answers the following questions; (1). What can
the parent’s involvement help the student’s in the following performance: 1.1 Written Works,
1.2 Performance Task, 1.3 Grades, and 1.4 Attendance, (2) Is there a significant relationship
between the parent’s involvement and the level of performance of the students? , (3) What will
happen to the student’s performance when there is less involvement of the parents?, (4) Based
on the findings, what could be done or could be proposed for the betterment and enhancement
of the parents and students interaction. I believe that by your response, this research could
help me meet my objectives.

I am going to give you information and invite you to be part of this study. You can
choose whether or not you want to participate. If you are going to participate, it means that
you agree. But if you do not wish to take part, you do not have to, I will respect your decision.
You may discuss anything in this form with someone or anyone else you feel comfortable
talking to. Please ask me to stop at any time if there are things you need to clarify.
Participation is clearly voluntary.

If you decide to participate, you just have to answer the questionnaire-checklist

within a selected time frame. Just let me know when you are ready and available. Rest
assured that confidentiality is taken into utmost consideration. I will not share information
about you. When the research is over, I will inform you about the results. Be reminded that
you have the right to withdraw or discontinue. Thank you.


I have read this information and I agree to take part in the research.


Print Name and Signature

Date: _____________________


Kent Reil Oracoy

Name and Signature of Lead Researcher

Date: 10/4/2021______


Research Instrument (Sample)

Effects of the Parent's Involvement on the Level of Performance

Among Senior High School Students in One of the Universities in Cebu

General Instructions: Read each item carefully and answer the following items
with honesty. Please put (✓) mark on the appropriate box. The data that will
be gathered will be served with utmost confidentiality.

Name (Optional):

Grade and section:

Part 1. Parent’s Involvement

Read each item carefully. Use the scale below to guide you in checking the
appropriate column.

Score Scale Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Always Involved

4 3.41-4.20 Often Involved

3 2.61-3.40 Sometimes Involved

2 1.81-2.60 Seldom Involved

1 1.00-1.80 Never Involved

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1.Parents follow up their children through activities at home.

2.Parents checking the attendance if their children go to


3.Parents teaching their student what is right or wrong.

4.Parents acknowledge the hard work of their

son's/daughter's by doing their performance task.

5.Ask about the grades every end of the semester

Table 1. Making follow ups with the student’s performance

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. Parents take time to attend meetings and activities

2. Parents want to attend meetings and activities

3. Parents prioritize joining meetings and activities

4. Parents free schedules to Join meetings and activities

5. Parents see the need why they need to join meetings

and activities

Table 2. Attending school meetings and activities

Part 2. Level of Performance

Read each item carefully. Use the scale below to guide you in checking the
appropriate column.

Score Statement Scale Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00 Very High Performance

4 3.41-4.20 Above Average Performance

3 2.61-3.40 Average Performance

2 1.81-2.60 Below Average Performance

1 1.00-1.80 Very Low Performance

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. Doing the homework ahead of time. 16 16 16 2 3 3.75

2. I prioritize my homework before doing my hobbies. 18 16 12 5 2 3.81

3. I understand my assignments and quizzes. 5 2 3.55

12 14 20
4. I have perfect scores. 7 10 25 7 4 3.17

5. Doing well on a test. 4 1 3.55

12 11 25

Table 3 Written Work

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1 Mean

1. I am making my performance task. 3 0 4.09

26 12 11
2. I know how to do my performance task 12 12 2 3 3.98
3. I submit my performance task on time. 9 3 1 4.15
26 14
4. I make my performance task several days before the 4 3 3.62
submitting day 15 13 18

5. I have high scores in the performance task 16 19 3 1 4.04


Table 4. Performance task

Indicators 5 4 3 2 1

1. I know my class schedule 6 8 3 0 4.42

2. I am telling my teachers when I can join my class 16 16 3 6 3.47
3. I join my classes. 8 2 0 4.38
32 11
4. I am never late in my classes. 19 19 3 0 3.75
5. I am aware of the consequences of being absent 1 1 4.19
27 12 12

Table 5. Attendance


The effects of the parent's involvement on the level of

performance among senior high school students were studied

using a single set of survey questionnaires. The questionnaires

were created by the researcher with the adviser's agreement. At

the University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue Campus, pilot

testing was conducted to enhance the survey questionnaire for

grade 12 senior high school students.

The pilot testing findings were examined for legibility and to see

if they could provide the data needed for the research. In addition,

the survey questionnaires were eventually sent to the study's

respondents by the researchers.

Local map

This study was conducted at the University of Cebu –

Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue that is located at A.C. Cortes Avenue,
Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Kent Reil T. Oracoy

Gender: Male

Birth Date: October 1, 2002

Birth Place: Cebu City, Cebu

Mobile Number: 0995 622 9251

Email Account:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Gabryll Dale Tan

Gender: Male

Birth Date: November 23, 2001

Birth Place: Lapu – Lapu City

Mobile Number: 0966 789 8297

Email Account:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Justine Luke M. Jose

Gender: Male

Birth Date: August 14, 2002

Birth Place: Cebu City

Mobile Number: 0908 523 5919

Email Account:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Christian Cortes

Gender: Male

Birth Date: June 7, 2002

Birth Place: Mandaue City

Mobile Number: 0995 671 2942

Email Account:

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Howard Cwyth S. Mercadal

Gender: Male

Birth Date: November 7, 2002

Birth Place: Cebu City

Mobile Number: 0975 558 5851

Email Account:


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