Gutt 1979

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Use of w a s t e materials in the construction industry

Analysis of the RILEM Symposium by Correspondence

W. Gutt (1), p. j . Nixon (2).

A Symposium by Correspondence has been organised on behalf of RILEM on the use of waste
materials and industrial by-products in the construction industry. 18 countries (excluding the UK
for which the authors are providing information) submitted contributions and in this paper these
contributions are summarised and analysed. Information about individual materials has been
extracted from the national contributions and a chapter devoted to each waste in turn. The
properties, occurrence, present uses and possible future applications of each waste are described.
Blastfurnace slags and pulverised fuel ashes are the two materials which are being used to the
greatest extent. Blastfumace slags are used overall to some 80% of their production and in several
countries virtually all that is produced is used and the slags are regarded as a highly satisfactory
material. Pulverised fuel ashes are about 20% used overall but up to 70% is used in some
countries. Much of these two materials is used as fill but many more sophisticated uses are
developing. These materials can make a particular contribution in conserving energy in the
manufacture of cementitious materials and of lightweight aggregates. Overall however the
proportion of mineral wastes which is used is only about 5% of the production and most
is used in relatively low grade appfications such as fill in roads and embankments.
The most influential factor in determining whether or not a waste material or by-product is used is
the economic cost in comparison with the alternative natural material in a particular application.
These costs are primarily made up by handling, processing and transport but the social benefits of
using a waste, for example avoiding the dereliction associated with the tipping of a waste material
or the quarrying of a natural material, should not be forgotten. Possible disbenefits such as
pollution'arising during processing or a less well proven technical performance should also be
taken into account. Adequate knowledge of the properties of the waste materials and products
containing them are therefore essential to enable a balanced judgement to be made on the overall
advisability of using a waste material in a particular situation.

(1) D. Sc., Ph.D., FRIC, Building Research Establishment, Garston, G. B.

(2) Ph.D., DIC, Building Research Establishment, Garston, G. B.

0025-5432/1979/255/$ 4.00/0 BORDAS-DUNOD 255

Vol. 12 - No 70 - Materiaux et Constructions


INTRODUCTION 1. Composition
3, Utilisation
3.1. Uses of phosphogypsum
1. Origin of the spoil 3.1 .1. In the manufacture of plaster building
2. Description of the spoil products
3. Disposal 3.1 . 2. Use as retarder in cement
4. Quantities 3 . 1 . 3 . Use in the cement/sulphuric acid process
5, Present utilisation 3,2. Use of anhydrite to make floor screeds
5.1. Use in roadmaking 4. Uses under development
5.1 .1. As embankment fill 4.1. As fill in road and rail works
5 . 1 . 2 . In sub-base and base construction 4.2. In stabilised base courses
5.2. Use as fill beneath buildings 4.3. In building
5.3. Brickmaking 5. Discussion
5.4. In the manufacture of synthetic aggregates
5,5. In the manufacture of Portland cement CHAPTER 5, MISCELLANEOUS WASTES FROM INDUS-
6. Methods of utilisation under development TRIAL PROCESSES
6.1. Fluidised combustion of the colliery spoil Section 5,1. Red mud
6.2. Synthetic aggregates 1. Composition and properties of red muds
6.3. Use as fill 2. Quantities
6.4. In road building 3. Utilisation
7. Discussion 4. Uses under development
CHAPTER 2. BY-PRODUCTS FROM COAL-BURNING 4.1. Use in bricks and ceramics
4.2. In the manufacture of artificial aggre-
1. Introduction 4.3. Non-combustible plastics
2. Properties 4.4. Addition of red mud to cement
2.1. Fly ash
Section 5.2. Silica dust
2,2, Furnace-bottom ash
Section 5.3. Spent oil shale
2.3. Cenospheres (floaters)
Section 5.4. Carbonate and lime sludges
3. Occurrence and disposal
Section 5.5. Burnt clay waste
4. Present utilisation
Section 5.6. Surplus sulphur
4.1. Use in roadmaking
Section 5.7. Cement kiln dust
4.1 .1. Use of fly ash as fill
4 . 1 . 2 . Use as sub-base and road-base material CHAPTER 6. MINING AND QUARRYING WASTES
4.2. Use as fill under buildings 1. Composition and properties
4.3. Use in concrete 2. Quantities and means of disposal
4.4. Manufacture of lightweight aggregate 3. Present utilisation
4.5. Other uses 4. Uses under development
5. Uses under development 5. Phosphate ore processing waste
6. Possible health hazard from fly ash 6. Discussion
7, Discussion
1. Blastfurnace (iron) slag 1. Municipal refuse
1.1. Composition of the slag 1.1. Incinerator residues
1,2. Quantities of blastfurnace slag 1.2. Waste glass
1.3. Utilisation of blastfurnace slag
1.3. Demolition wastes
1 . 3 . 1 . Use in roadmaking 1.4. Sewage sludge
1 . 3 . 2 . Use in'building 1.5. Waste rubber tyres
1 . 3 . 3 . Other uses 1.6. Waste plastics
1.4. Uses under development 1.7. Discussion
2. Steel-making slags
2.1. Composition of steel slags 2. Dredging spoil
2.2. Quantities of steel making slags
2.3. Utilisation of steel making slags
2 . 3 . 1 . Use in road making 1. Quantities
2 . 3 . 2 . Other uses 2. Utilisation
2 . 3 . 3 . Uses under development 2.1. Bark
3. Other metallurgical slags 2.2. Sawdust
3.1, Composition 2 . 3 Solid wood wastes
3.2. Quantities 3. Uses being developed
3.3. Utilisation SUMMARY
3.4. Uses under development
4. Discussion REFERENCES

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

INTRODUCTION Germany, no one person could be found to co-ordinate the

contributions and so individual contributions on particular
subjects were invited. The contributions and the principal
This Symposium by Correspondence has been organised authors are listed at the end of the Introduction.
in response to suggestions that RILEM should undertake a In this paper an analysis is given of all the data received.
study of the use of waste materials and industrial by- The approach adopted has been to deal with individual
products in the construction industry which were made materials in turn, looking first at the properties of the
originally in 1973. In preparation for the Symposium, a pilot material, at the amounts produced and the ways that the
questionnaire was sent out in 1974 by RI LEM to explore the material is disposed of and used and finally at the future
extent to which research was being carried out into the use prospects for the material. Emphasis has been placed on
of waste materials. 13 countries replied to this questionnaire. describing ways of utilisation that are actually being
In 1975 the RILEM advisory group advised the RILEM practiced or are under development rather than ideas for
Permanent Committee that a symposium by correspondence utilisation which are at a research stage, although the latter
be undertaken and Dr. W. H. Gutt of Building Research have not been overlooked and are mentioned briefly. Where
Establishment was invited to organise it. necessary the technical problems which could arise from
using a waste material are explained and attention is drawn
The underlying theme Of the Symposium is that the use of
also to any health hazards that may arise.
waste materials in the construction industry may help to
conserve resources of the natural raw materials that are used In the text of the paper and in the tables references are not
in the industry and at the same time can help to preserve the given to the individual contributions to this Symposium, but
environment by reducing the despoilation arising from the individual countries are frequently identified in relation to
disposal of some waste materials. However, successful specific methods of utilisation or disposal of wastes.
utilisation of a waste material depends on its use being References are given to the sources of information other than
economically competitive with that of the alternative natural the contributions.
material, including the costs of processing and transporta-
tion, and also on it being suitable for the planned purpose
i.e. its stability and durability over the expected life span
must be ensured in the context of the particular building
application. It is important therefore to establish appropriate CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SYMPOSIUM
standard specifications incorporating reliable methods of
The objectives of the Symposium therefore were, first of all
to obtain information on the present production, methods of Australia: Survey of major industrial wastes and by-
disposal and utilisation of wastes in the contributing products in Australia, J. Beretka, Division of Building
countries. Secondly it was hoped to assemble ideas on new Research, CSIRO, Graham Road, Highett Victoria, Australia
possibilities or prospective uses and to identify common 3190.
problems and possibly common solutions to the use of waste Belgium: Recycling of waste in the construction industry,
materials in the construction industry so that those Professor A. Fagnoul, Universit6 de Li+ge, Facult6 des
concerned with these issues in different countries might Sciences Appliqu~es, 6, quai Banning, 4000 Li+ge, Belgium.
learn from each other how to make the best use of the wastes
Canada: Utilisation of wastes and by-products as
and industrial by-products available.
construction materials in Canada, J. J. Emery, McMaster
The announcement of the Symposium was made in Issue University, Hamilton, Ontario L8 $427, Canada.
49 of Materials'and Structures where the information Denmark: The use of waste materials in the construction
obtained from the original questionnaire was also industry, E. Brandt, Danish Building Research Institute,, SBI
summarised. The RI LEM delegates in 26 countries were then Postboks 119, DK-2970, Horsholm, Denmark.
invited to carry out a survey of the use of wastes in their Federal Republic of Germany: Utilisation of by-products
countries, to co-ordinate individual contributions or to
from the iron and steel industry, Professor Dr.-Ing. Gunter
suggest someone else in each country who would undertake
Blunk, Der Forschungsgemeinschaft, EisenhQttenschlac-
this work. These countries were: Australia, Austria, Belgium,
ken, Bliersheimer Strasse 62, 4100 Duisburg 14, Federal
Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Federal Republic of Republic of Germany. Utilisation of washery refuse and run
Germany (FRG), Finland, France, Holland, Hungary, India,
of mine dirt in the Federal Republic of Germany, D. Leininger
Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, South
and T. Schieder, Steinkohlenbergbauverein, Postfach
Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, USSR, 130140, 4300 Essen 13, Federal Republic of Germany.
Industrial tests for the utilisation of washery refuse for the
BRE undertook to consult within the UK and provide a manufacture of bricks, D. Leininger and T. Schieder (as
contribution: A second announcement in Issue 51 of above).
Materials and Structures invited additional contributions
Finland: Use of waste materials in the construction
from research workers, other than the RI LEM delegates, who
industry in Finland, M. Keppo, Technical Research Centre of
felt that they had relevant data and wished to offer it to the
Finland, L6nnrotinkata 37, Helsinki 18, Finland.
France: Some example of research development on
Eventually contributions were received from 18 countries industrial wastes in relation to their use in the construction
(excluding the UK). Although not amongst the countries industry in France. Collective work edited under the
approached initially a contribution was provided by New guidance of I'Union Technique Interprofessionnelle des
Zealand. In some cases, principally the Federal Republic of F+d+rations Nationales du B&timent et des Travaux Publics

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

with the collaboration of: Le Laboratoire Central des Ponts et New Zealand: Contribution from C. Broad, Dept of Trade
Chauss~es, Le Bureau de Recherches G6ologiques et and Industry, Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand.
Mini~res, L'lnstitut National des Sciences Appliqu6es de
Lyon, Le Minist6re de rlndustrie et de la Recherche, Le Norway: Waste materials in the construction industry, Aud
Minist~re de la Qualit~ de la Vie, M. Pichat. Traetteberg, Cement and Concrete Research Institute, The
Netherlands: The use of waste materials in the production Norwegian Institute of Technology, 7034 Trondheim-Nth,
of building materials, J. Lutt, Dutch State Mines. Possible Norway.
application of-waste gypsum based on extended programme
of laboratory and real scale in situ tests, W. Bronkhorst, South Africa: A review of the more important South
Intron. Co-ordinated by E. M. M. G. Niel, Intron BV, Postbus African industrial solid waste products and their utilisation in
543, Maastricht, Netherlands. the construction industry, J. E. Kruger and A. F. G. Rossouw,
National Building Research Institute, CSIR, PO Box 395,
India: Use of waste materials in the construction industry
Pretoria 0001, South Africa.
- - Present state and future prospects in India, S. K. Chopra,
K. C. Narang and G. Ramaseshan, Cement Research Institute
of India, New Delhi, India. Sweden: The use waste materials in the Swedish
construction industry, Professor S. G. Bergstrom and
Israel: Contribution on the occurrence and reuse of B. Modeer, IVA-Report 126, Ingenj~rsvetenskapsakade-
porcelenite, reject flint clay phosphogypsum by Mr. U. mien, Stockholm, Sweden.
Virtsburger, Israel Chemicals Ltd. Co-ordinated by Professor
J. Karni, Building Research Station, Israel Institute of USA: Survey of uses of waste materials in construction in
Technology, Technion, Haifa, Israel. the United State, J. R. Clifton, P. W. Brown, G. Frohndorff,
Japan: The use of waste materials for building materials in Materials and Composites Section, Centre for Building
Japan, F. Tomasawa, Building Research Institute, Ministry Technology, Institute for Applied Technology, National
of Construction, 3-Chome, Hyakunin-cho, Shinfuka-ku, Bureau of Standards, Washington DC 20234, USA.
Tokyo, Japan. "
Luxembourg: Contribution on the use of blastfurnace slag USSR: Contribution on the use of flyash from Professor B.
in roadmaking in Luxembourg by R. Hoffman, Laboratoire A. Krylov, Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete
Ponts et Chauss~es, 7-11, rue Albert-1 er, Luxembourg. (NIIZhB), Gosstroy Marx Prospekt 12, Moscow K-9, USSR.

1. ORIGIN OF THE SPOIL analyses of colliery spoils from those countries which have
reported them are given in tables II and III.
Colliery spoil is the waste from the extraction of coal by When deposited on the heap the spoil is a greyish, shaley
mining. In most countries the waste can be divided into three material. It will consist of a wide range of size gradings. Spoil
types: in Germany is reported to vary from the fine flotation tailings
(i) the more or less pure rock which originates from the (----0.75 mm) which make up about 2% of the tota! spoil to
driving of road ways, roof falls etc. and which in English is large run of mine waste in lumps of up to a metre in size (see
often termed "run-of-mine" dirt. Often this waste does not table IV). British spoils are similar. When exposed to
go through the washery; weathering on the heaps the larger pieces of mud and
(ii) the relatively coarse waste from the washery where the siltstone break down rapidly. It is reported that the quantity
coal is separated from the accompanying rock; of misplaced coal in German spoil is less than 5% by weight
(iii) fine material produced either by degradation during but that the total carbon content can rise to 20% by weight
the mining and transport of the coal and waste or as tailings because of the presence of carbonaceous shale. It can be
from the final separation of fine coal by froth flotation. This seen from table III that British spoils are similar but that the
fine fraction is often rich in combustible matter. carbon content of Australian shale is significantly higher.

Table I gives a breakdown of the point of origin in the mine

of the waste arising during the mining of coal in the Ruhr
(German) coalfield. It shows that about 90% comes from the ORIGIN WITHIN THE MINE OF COLLIERY SPOIL
roof and floor of coal seams and from rock impurities within
the coal. Spoil as per-cent Per-cent
Source of total material of total spoil
taken from source taken from source
Seam. 13.2 41.3
The main rock types associated with coal seams, and Draw roof. 3.6 11.3
Roof fall. 5.3 16.6
therefore present in the waste, are mudstone, siltstones, Floor pack 6.6 20.6
shale and sandstones. These rocks contain varying amounts Machine stables.... 0.3 0.9
of carbonaceous matter (as distinct from particles of coal Faults in seams... 0.8 2.5
which may be mixed w i t h t h e m ) . The principal minerals Gate roads. 1.8 5.6
Road repairs. 0.4 1.2
occurring in the spoil are quartz and clay minerals
(principally illite and kaolinite). Mineralogical and chemical Total spoil . . . . 32.0 100

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon



Anthracite Bituminous UK (') Germany Australia

spoil spoil

Quartz. 1-20 7-32 15-24 Major component Major component

Clay minerals:
Illite 1-10 16-50 7-36 Major component Major component
Mixed layer clay . . . . 6-17
Kaolinite 70 16-72 3-38 Major component Major component
Chlorite. 2-7
AIIophane. 1-2
Sericite. - Major component
Muscovite Major component
Montmorillonite. Minor component
Bentonite,. Minor component
Total clay 50-66
Siderite. 1-6
Calcite. 1-10 0-17 0-1
Pyrite. 1-10 0.4-12 0-1 Minor component
Rutile.. 1-10
Magnesite. - 0-4
Apatite. - 0.1-4

(~) From mineralogical analysis of colliery spoils from 8 British collieries, after Collins [14].

Many old coal waste heaps were spontaneously, differences in the thicknesses of the seams and the
accidentally .or intentionally ignited and their combustion complication of the geology. The exceptionally small
became self sustaining. The resulting "burnt shale" is a stockpile of waste in India (less than one years production)
reddish-coloured material which in general has greater appears to result from the stowing of waste back into the
strength and better resistance to weathering. Chemical mine.
changes include a reduction in the proportion of
combustible matter, the partial decomposition of clay
minerals, decomposition of carbonates and the oxidation of
sulphides to soluble sulphates (though this may be
accompanied by some decrease in the total sulphur by loss of
volatile compounds) [1]. This increase of sulphate content is The amounts of spoil used in the different countries and a
a significant and undesirable change from the point of view summary of the ways in w h i c h it is used are given in table VI.
of utilisation of the spoil. The greatest amounts of spoil are used in Germany and
France but even in these countries only about one third of
Most modern tips however are built in layers and
that produced is used. The only uses which consume really
consolidated so that air sufficient to sustain combustion
sizeable amounts of the material are in the construction of
cannot penetrate the heaps. In the USA State and Federal
embankments and as fill beneath houses and roads. These
programmes have been established to extinguish burning
uses are, however, very dependent on large construction
heaps because of the air pollution caused by the
projects being carried out close to the stockpile of spoil. For
example it is reported that in France 30 km is the economic
radius for the use of colliery spoil in roadmaking.
3. D I S P O S A L The various uses to w h i c h the colliery spoil is at present
put are discussed below:
Most colliery spoil is dumped on heaps which n o w -
adays usually have t~) be constructed so as to prevent
combustion as described above. In the UK about 10% 5.1. U s e in r o a d m a k i n g
of the spoil is dumped in the sea. In India most of the
waste is packed back into the mines but in other countries
5 . 1 . 1 . As embankment fill
the type of mining precludes this. In Australia it is a
requirement that the waste from new colliery projects The use of colliery spoil in the. construction of
is compacted in layers between inert rock of specified embankments is well established, especially in Germany,
thickness and the disposal site landscaped. France and the UK. When available burnt spoil has usually
been the preferred material because of its granular nature
and good grading [2]. However in recent years considerable
4. Q U A N T I T I E S quantities of unburnt shales have been used successfully. In
the lower part of the embankments there is no particular
The available information on the annual production and restriction on the use of spoil and civil engineering tests
stockpile of colliery spoil together with the coal production applied generally to fill materials are used.
is summarised in table V, The very considerable differences In the U K there is a limit on the sulphate content (less than
in the proportion of spoil to coal produced probably reflect 2.5 g of SO 3 per litre in a 1 91 shale water extract) if the spoil

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Materiaux et Constructions

a Unburnt spoils

USA Ge(many

Anthracite Bituminous
UK [14] Australia I France
80-1 0 mm 10-0,5 mm
spoil spoil

SIC=, 50-57 43-61 38-50 64 (=) 54-60 47-52 58

AI=O~ 30-37 14-20 16-22 25 (") 22-27 22-24 26
FezOa. 3-10 2-31 0.5-3 3 5-8 8-11 9
FeO. 2-6
TiC2 1-2 0.8-2,2 0.5-1 0.9 (") 0,9-1.1 0.8-1
P=05 0.1-0.25 0.04 (=)
CaO 9 1-2 0.1-10 0.5-1.5 0.3 (=) 0.5
MgQ. 0-1 0.5-3 1-2.5 0.7 (") 2-4 4-7 1.5
MnO., 0.05-0.25
Na=O 1-3 2-5,5
0.1-0,6 0.15 (.) 3.5
K~O i ) 0.8-1,5 2.5 (') 4-5 4.5 1
SOw 0-1 0-2 0.5-2,5 0.25 ' 0,75-3 1.5-8,5 0.5
Loss at 105~ 1-2 2.5 (')
Loss 105-950oC.. 15-33 41 (c)
CO=. 0.5-2.5
Free C. 5-21 30 (b) 3-13 4-27
Potential tar. 0.5-2
Calorific value (kJ/kg) 3,000-10,000
9 Combined H=O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

(') Analysis of ash.

(b) As received basis,
(c) May not be exact parallels. Figures for "moisture" and "ash" are quoted in the Australian contribution.

b Burnt spoils Federal Roadway Institute have issued a specification for the
UK [14] Australia use of colliery spoil, "'Recommendations for the utilisation of
mine stone as road building material".
SiC= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45-60 65 (")
Al=Os . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-31 25 (=) 5.1 . 2. /n s u b - b a s e a n d base c o n s t r u c t i o n
Fe=Oa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 3.5 (=)
TiC= . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.15-0.25 0.8 (") In the U K burnt shales have been widely used for sub-base
P=O~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.04 (=)
CaO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5-5 0.3 (-) construction, Ahhough sufficiently strong some burnt shales
MgO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1 (") are subject to frost heave and this can be overcome by the
NazO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.2-0.6 0.2 (') addition of cement. Normally no more than 5% is
K=O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3.5 3 (=) required [15].
SOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1-5 O. 03 (b)
Loss at 105~ . . . . . . . . 0.26 (~) Laboratory tests in the UK have also shown that unburnt
Loss at 105-950oC . . . . 2-6 0.3 (c) spoils w o u l d be suitable for sub-base use if stabilised with
Free C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.18 (b) c,ement [3]. Excessive amounts o~" soluble sulphate can
(=) Analysis of ash. cause cracking in either burnt o r unburnt spoils when
(b) As received basis. cement stabilised r4].
(~) May not be exact parallels. Figures for "moisture'9 Colliery spoils have to be stabilised with cement for use as
and "ash" are quoted in the Australian contribution. a base course material. In France ternary mixtures of unburnt
spoil (85%) flyash (13-15%) and lime (1-2%) are being
is to be used within 0,5 m o~ the road surface or of the investigated.
concrete structures, Fears of spontaneous combustion of
unbumt shale embankments have been allayed by large
5 . 2 . Use as fill beneath buildings
scale tests which have shown that such combustion does
not occur if the spoil is well compacted so that air cannot The use of colliery spoil as fill beneath buildings is well
penetrate [3]. established in the UK although precautions have to betaken.
tn the upper layers of embankments there ~.s need to Problems are 9,kelv to adse through inadequate cot~solida-
establish that the material is not frost susceptible. Tests for tion and from attack on concrete by the sulphate and acid
frost susceptibility are required for material in the top content of the spoil. Consolidation is not usually a problem
450 mm in the U K and in the top 2 m in Germany. In Germany on a large site but small builders, often building private
there is also concern about the general weather resistance of houses, may not have the equipment for adequate
shale is this upper layer and in particular about the adverse consolidation, Sulphate and acid attack can be prevented
effects of fine particles. There is a limit of 3% on particles from causing trouble by the use of impermeable membranes
below 0.02 mm. In general it is considered that if spoil is to and by the use of sulphate resisting cements and pozzolanas.
be used in the upper layer then some pre-treatment is Colliery spoils are sometimes said to swell but there is little
necessary. This means control of the upper and lower limits evidence for this and such swelling can usually be attributed
of grading and a degree of homogenisation. The German to sulphate attack on concret e . Swelling due to the oxidation

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon


Size in content Ash content Total S
Type of spoil millimeters Weight (%) dry basis (%) dry basis (%)
Run-of-mine dirt. --1,000 13.1 3.5 87.8 0.6
Lumpy refuse. --200 7.6 2.4 86.1 0.4
Large washing refuse 150-10 50.5 5.0 83.9 0.9
Fine washing refuse. 10-05 26.7 10.0 80.4 1.4
Tailings 1-0 2.1 26,6 72.7 1.7
Total refuse. - 100.00 6.4 83.4 1.0

of pyrite in natural shales (not from collieries) has been low, 100-1,1 00 MJ per tonne of bricks compared with about
identified as a problem in several countries including USA, 2, 400 MJ per tonne of bricks for equivalent bricks made
Canada and UK ([5], [6]). In the UK this problem is not from a clay which does not contain inherent fuel.
thought likely to arise with colliery spoils because of the low The reason for the restriction of colliery spoils to the
calcite content (necessary to form the gypsum which is the manufacturer of common bricks in the UK are:
main expansive agent) but the higher calcite and pyrite
(i) the poor plasticity of the spoil which necessitates a
contents reported for colliery spoils in the USA indicate that
pressing technique rather than extrusion w h i c h is usually
this could be a problem there. Advice on the avoidance of
used in the forming of facing bricks;
problems due to the use of such shales is given in Building
Digests in both Canada and the UK, the latter also giving (ii) the presence o f " b l a c k hearts" in the fired brick due to
general information on the use of waste materials as fill incomplete oxidation of the carbonaceous matter in the
([7], [8]). spoil;
(iii) imperfections in the surface of the fired brick mainly
due to the presence of particles of lime on the surface;
5 . 3 . Brickmaking (iv) staining due to soluble sulphate or iron compounds
in the brick;
Colliery spoil is used in brickmaking in France and the UK (v) difficulty in the control of the firing due to variations in
and to a limited extent in the USA. Extensive laboratory and the calorific value of the spoil.
plant trials have also been made recently in Germany r9]. In general these factors result in a brick of poor and
From France it is reported that there is production of variable appearance but yet one which has good durability.
200,000 shale bricks per day. Attempts to make bricks of better appearance from colliery
In the UK the use of colliery spoils has declined because spoils, whether by reducing the temperature of firing or by
the spoil is only really suitable for the manufacture of extruding the spoil have tended to affect the durability
common bricks and the consumption of these has declined adversely.
in the face of competition from concrete blocks. Production In Germany the extensive laboratory and plant trials which
of colliery shale bricks is n o w mainly in Scotland where the have been carried out recently have examined the effects of
traditional walling unit is common brick or stone with a adding the spoil to a clay mainly in order to save fuel.
rendered outer surface. The bricks are made in continuous Laboratory examinations of the spoil showed that the
kilns where the fuel inherent in the spoil can most efficiently coarser washery waste had a lower and more stable calorific
contribute to the total energy requirements of firing the value and a lower sulphur content and was therefore
bricks. These external energy requirements are therefore very preferable as a raw material (see table IV). However in the


Coal Spoil as
Reference Number Yearly production Spoil stockpile
Country production percentage quantity (Mr)
year washeries of spoil (Mt) of coal produced

India. 1976 100 14 8-10 8-10

(2 Mt
from washeries)
Australia. 1970/1971 40.6 58 9 22.7
1974/1975 ~ 6O 15.6 25.7 > 100
pred. 1980 20
New Zealand 1975 2.4 m

USA { bituminous. 1975 560 A > 100 ~17 2,000

anthracite. 10 1 7OO
South Africa. 1977 85 42 9 ~10 15O
Holland 0.3
Germany 1973 94 63 67 SeVeral hundred
France. 1972 20 700
UK 1976 120 ~ 60 50 3,000
Belgium [2] 4
. Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Materiaux et Constructions

plant trials it was found impossible to separate or crush the minerals and contributes towards the fuel requirements of
coarse refuse and the fine tailings were used. the process [1]. It is also reported that colliery spoil is used
The percentage additions varied from works to works up to a small extent in cement manufacture in the USA.
to a maximum of about 25% by volume. At the best works Colliery spoil was also utilised in the UK as one of the
35% of fuel oil was saved by the use of the spoil. The physical raw materials in a process in which equal quantities of
properties of the resulting bricks were in general good Portland cement and sulphuric acid are produced
though some pitting or spalling of the surface caused simultaneously [11]. Normally in this combined process
problems in the manufacture of facing bricks. calcium sulphate (anhydrite) and clay, with balancing
components to supply iron oxide and with coke as a
reductant are reacted in a rotary kiln. The sulphur dioxide
5.4. In the manufacture of synthetic aggregates produced by reduction of the calcium sulphate leaves the
kiln and is converted to sulphuric acid by the "contact
Colliery spoil is used in the manufacture of synthetic process", while the lime reacts in the kiln with silica and
aggregate in France, the UK, Belgium and in Poland (and alumina from the clay and w i t h iron oxide to produce
probably other Eastern countries including the USSR). Portland cement. Colliery spoil used in this process replaces
There is limited utilisation of anthracite waste as a the clay component of the raw meal as well as providing the
lightweight aggregate for concrete blocks in the USA and it carbon for the reduction of the calcium sulphate. However
is also reported [10] that a sinterstrand process making a the use of this combined process to produce cement and
lightweight aggregate from bituminous coal waste operated sulphuric acid has declined in recent years and is not
in West Virginia in the 1950's. Considerable research into the now used in the UK.
manufacture of a lightweight aggregate from colliery waste
has also been carried out in Germany but it is not thought
that there has been commercial manufacture to date.
All existing processes for manufacturing aggregates from 6. M E T H O D S OF U T I L I S A T I O N UNDER DEVELOP-
colliery spoil produce a lightweight material. These M ENT
processes can be classified into two types, sinterstrand
processes and rotary kiln processes. Sinterstrand processes
are used in the UK and Poland. The spoil is crushed, roughly 6.1. Fluidised combustion of the colliery spoil
pelletised and fed onto moving fire grates to form a bed of
spoil. The bed is first ignited by burners above it and then air The fluidised combustion of colliery spoil is being
is sucked through the bed as it moves along the grate so that developed in Australia, Germany and UK. In Australia work
combustion of carbonaceous matter in the spoil is has so far been concentrated on the development of the
maintained. The particles of spoil sinter together to form a process conditions for burning both washery waste and
sinter cake which is crushed to the aggregate grading tailings in the fluidised bed combustor but attention is now
required. Sinterstrand processes have the advantage that being given to the use of the heat produced and to the
relatively little preparation of the spoil is required, the possible uses of the ash from the combustion. Coarse and
sinterstrand can be stopped and started quickly so that fine ash is produced. The coarse ash may have applications
continuous running is not necessary, the capital cost of the as a high grade fill, as an aggregate for roadmaking, as a
equipment is probably lower than for a rotary kiln and very lightweight aggregate in concrete blocks and as a grog in the
efficient use is made of the combustible material in the spoil manufacture of bricks, tiles and ceramics. It may also be of
so that energy consumption is low. The aggregate produced use as a soil conditioner, as a material for filter beds and for
is very rough and angular and although very suitable for use the absorption of oil spillages and slicks. The fine ash may be
in lightweight concrete blocks (where it is almost exclusively usable as a pozzolanic cement.
used in the UK) it is not really suitable for structural
lightweight concrete. Considerable problems with air In the UK (in research by the National Coal Board) and in
pollution have occurred at some British plants processing Germany, primary attention has been given to the fluidised
colliery spoil although there is no reason to believe that a combustion of colliery tailings in order to alleviate the
sinterstrand is worse than a rotary kiln in this respect. disposal problems of this material. There is also interest
however in the possible use of the rejects from the
The plants in France and Belgium and the experiment combustion as a lightweight aggregate.
carried out in Germany employ rotary kiln processes,
producing a lightweight aggregate with application both in
lightweight concrete blocks and in structural concrete. The
plant in France has capacity for 100,000t of aggregate a 6 . 2 , Synthetic aggregates
year. The spoil is ground and extruded before passing
through a four-stage rotary kiln process in which the shale is All existing commercial processes for the manufacture of
pre-heated, decarbonised and finally, fired. According to the aggregates from colliery spoil produce lightweight aggre-
process conditions employed the aggregate has a bulk gates. Recent research in the UK has however been devoted
density of either 400 or 650 kg/m 3. to the production of a non-expanded synthetic aggregate
from colliery spoil which could be used in general concreting
work. Laboratory studies of this aggregate and of concrete
5.5. In the manufacture of Portland cement made with it have proved encouraging and a patent has b.een
obtained [12]. However the capital costs of plant make it
Colliery spoil is used to replace the clay fraction of the feed seem unlikely that a process using conventional plant would
to one cement works in the U K. It supplies the alumina, silica be ecomomic and more novel methods of processing are
and iron necessary for the formation of the cementitious currently being explored.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon


Use as
Country per-cent of Type of use Prospective uses
(Mt/y) spoil productian

India . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roadmaking and fill. Mainly used Lightweight aggregate. Manufac-

for back filling mine. ture of cement. Inferior fuel. Clay
Australia . . . . . . . . . . Small Burnt spoil used as roadmaking and Fluidised bed combustion to pro-
fill material. duce heat and burnt rejects sui-
table for use as aggregate, grog
or pozzolanic cement.
New Zealand: . . . . . Small Fill and land reclamation.
USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . Small Base and sub-base materials in high- As an aggregate and highway cons-
ways. As aggregates for road sur- truction material.
facing. In manufacture of mineral
wool and cement.
Anthracite waste used in concrete
block, lightweight aggregate and
South Africa . . . . . . . Small m Road building, fill and in blocks.
Holland . . . . . . . . . . . 0. 078 Fired block made from colliery waste,
flyash and sawdust.
Germany . . . . . . . . . . 18 29 As fill material in roads and embank- Brickmaking. Fluidised bed combus-
ments, as landfill. tion, lightweight aggregate.
UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8 11-13 As fill material in road construction Fluidised bed combustion. Manufac-
and building. Brickmaking, cement ture of structural grade aggregate.
manufacture, lightweight aggre-
gate manufacture.
France . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Fill in road construction. Stabilised
roadmaking material. Brickmaking.
Lightweight aggregate manufac-
Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . Lightweight aggregate manufac-

6 . 3 , Use as fill 7. D I S C U S S I O N

While the use of colliery spoil in the lower layers of roads

and embankments is well established, there is currently The chemical and mineralogical properties of the colliery
interest in Germany in upgrading the spoil to such a degree spoil reported here seem to be broadly similar except that
that it comes up to the standards required for the upper layers significantly higher contents of calcite and pyrite have been
and for the frost blanket, The main problems to be overcome reported in the spoils from the United States.
are resistance to weathering. Methods of achieving this There are large productions and stockpiles of colliery spoil
which are under development are by crushing and grading in many countries especially USA, Germany and UK. The
selected coars~ fractions and possibly by mixing them with considerable differences in the amounts stockpiled in the
suitable additives. Other uses of interest are as railway ballast different countries reflect differences in the thickness and
or as filling for dykes and in the solidification of-building sites difficulty of the coal seams and to some extent differences in
and municipal waste heaps. the methods of mining, some of which allow the waste to be
In the UK there is, current interest in the use of spoil for packed back into the mine.
reclamation of land from the sea, The most feasible method of dealing with the large
amounts of spoil in stockpiles is by landscaping them.
Relative to the quantities available, presently envisaged
methods of utilisation can absorb only a small proportion of
6 . 4 . In road building the spoil. The only exception to this is when large scale Civil
engineering projects such as land reclamation schemes,
Current interest here is in the development of methods of large dams, etc., are undertaken close to the coal mining
stabilising the spoil for use in sub-base and base courses of areas; such schemes can use very large quantities of fill
roads. Cement stabilisation is being investigated in the UK materials.
by the National Coal Board and the use of fly ash, lime and At present a relatively small proportion of the spoil is used.
gypsum in France. The major use is as fill, particularly in roadworks. When using
Some laboratory work on the production of a skid resistant spoil in this way precautions may be necessary (according
road surfacing aggregate from colliery spoil alone (by the to the level of the road where it is used) against frost
National Coal Board) and from mixtures of colliery spoil and susceptibility, sulphate attack on concrete in contact with
bauxite [13] has been carried out in the UK. Although initial the spoil, and combustion of the spoil. However the main
results of this research were promising there have been no constraint on the use of spoil is the economic distance over
further developments of it to date. which it can be transported.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

Colliery spoils can be used as fill under buildings but its production of lightweight aggregates but here too variability
use needs careful control otherwise failures may result from in the properties of the spoil is a problem.
sulphate attack on concrete or settlement due to inadequate
consolidation. Building Digests such as those produced by One of the most promising future developments in the use
the UK Building Research Establishment may give guidance of spoil is combustion of the spoil in a fluidised bed to
on the use of colliery spoil (and other waste materials) as fill. produce energy and to give a raw material which could be
The use of colliery spoil in brickmaking can produce energy used for aggregate manufacture or as a pozzolanic cement.
savings but improvements in the technology of use are The production of a structural grade aggregate from spoil
needed to enable the production of facing bricks. Variability is of interest because of the considerable potential market for
in the properties (and particularly fuel content) of the spoil is such an aggregate but the economics of manufacture are at
a major problem. present unfavourable in comparison with natural aggre-
The other major manufacturing use at present is in the gates.



1. I N T R O D U C T I O N be discussed further here (however s e e section on fluidised

combustion of coal wastes in chapter 1 ). Crushed coal has
The burning of coal to produce energy to generate also been burned in cyclone furnaces to produce energy for
-electricity results in a number of wastes with different power generation and these produce a molten slag. It is not
properties according to the particular burning system used. known if any such furnaces operate in Europe but it is
Some of the older stations produce a furnace clinker which is reported that they operate in the USA and that boiler slags
the residue from burning lump coal on travelling grates or from both pulverised and crushed coal boilers contribute
from retort stoker firing. In more modern power stations, about 25% of the ash produced in the USA.
however, the coal is pulverised before injection into the
The vast majority of power plants now burn pulverised fuel
boiler. In this case the principal waste is the small particles and produce fly ash and furnace bottom ash as residues. It is
which are carried upwards by the combustion gases. Their these by-products that will be discussed here.
escape from the stack is prevented by electrostatic
precipitators or other collection methods such as cyclones
and the fine ash collected is usually termed (in English), fly
ash or pulverised fuel ash and is the most important 2, P R O P E R T I E S
by-product involved. In addition a proportion of the ash
clinkers together to form larger particles and falls to the 2.1. Fly ash
bottom of the furnace. In the majority of power stations these Fly ash is composed of small, predominantly spherical,
fall through the grate and are collected as a furnace bottom particles. In bulk the ash is greyish in colour, becoming
ash. However some furnaces produce a molten residue darker with increasing proportions of unburnt carbon. An
which is termed boiler slag and this is tapped-off from the investigation of 22 British ashes [16] found them to have an
furnace and is usually granulated with water. average specific gravity of 2 . 1 4 'with a range of 1.98
Some countries are currently experimenting with the to 2 . 3 8 and average specific surface of 390 m=/kg with
fluidised combustion of coal and the ash residue from this a range of 260 to 595 m2/kg. The particle size distribution
process will have its own particular properties and potential of ashes from South Africa, the UK and Hungary are
uses. Little information is as yet available and this ash will not shown in figure 1.

6" e t L ~ ="~"~'=~. 9 9 BRS, mean of 25 UK ashes
~. 9 9.... 9 S.Africa
80 ~..\ ~ nn--.~nn Kovach, Hungarian ash
Q "~ 9 (ref 26)




[ 1 I i 1 I --A
2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80dO0 200 300
Particle diameter #m )

Fig. 1. - - Particle size distribution of some fly ashes.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

Fly ashes

Australia USA UK
South France USSR (typical
Africa As Recalculated
Bituminous Lignite Bituminous Lignite determined to nil Ioi ash)

02 36-63 9-13 34-52 15-52 43-54 43-53 39-56 47-58 41 -58 56.6
25.5-33 4.5-12 13-31 8-25 27-36 17-20 20-34 25-35 17-25.5 26.39
203 9
~203 1-19 12-30 6-25 2-19 2-8 5-10 5-16 4-16 6-16 5.93
]0. 0.2-10.5 9.5-33 1-12 11-36 2-13 4~11 1-5 1-5 3-8 1.37
gO 0.1-2 16-24 0.5-3 2-11 < 3 1-3 1-2 1-2 1.5-3.5 0.44
a20 0,1-6 4.5-5 0-7 < 1 5-8 0.05-1.5 0.05-1.6 1-2
0.2 1-4
,O 0.1-2 0.3 - < 3 !-4
O= 1-2 10.4-0.5 m - - - 0.5-1.2 1-1.3
33 0.05-2.5 18.5-14.5 0-2 0.7-27 < 2 - 0.3-1.5 0.3-1.6 0.2-0.6 0.2
I. < 0.01-0.02 1.2 - - < 0.002 (b) plus 3-10
;Os 0.03-3 nd . . . . 0.2-0.8 0.25-0.9
nO= 0-0.2 nd
:)2'' 0-0.1 nd
)ss-on-ignition.. 0.8-15 nd 1-12 (a) 1-12 (=) 1-12 7-9 1-25 7.50
20. 0.1-2 2-5 - - <0.2 - -

nd, not determined.

(=), Reported as "unburned carbon".
(b), Determination on one sample only.

Older power stations which come into operation only to

Boiler-slag meet peak loads tend to produce ashes with high carbon
Furnace bottom ash (typical composition)
from USA [10] from USA [10] contents (possibly above 10%) while modern power
stations operating continually to provide base load power
42.7 burn their fuel more efficiently and produce ashes with low
Si02 20-60
AI=O3 . 10-35 27.5 carbon contents. Observations in the UK have however
FezO3 5-35 21.0 found wide variations in carbon content and size grading of
CaO'. 1-20 6.4 the ash from one base load power station during a single day.
MgO. 0.3-4 1.1
Na=O. 1-4 Lignite ashes in for example, the South of France, may
K=O 1-4 have high contents of free CaO which makes these ashes
SO3 0.1-12 0.2
0.9 particularly suitable for stabilising gravels for
TiO 2
roadmaking [2].
The ashes reported from the USSR had 75 to 85% glassy
Chemical analyses of ashes from Australia, USA, South phase while reference [2:] reports 65 to 90% glass. Indian fly
Africa, France, U K, India and the USSR are given in table I. It ashes have been found to be relatively poor in glassy phases
can be seen that there is considerable variation though much (20-30%). The principal mineralogical phases occurring in
of this variation results from the varying carbon content. This British fly ashes have been found to be quartz, mullite,
is illustrated by the results for British ashes which have been haematite and magnetite. South African ashes are also
recalculated to a common base of nil loss-on-ignition and reported to contain quartz and muIlite and those from the
Consequently a much reduced range. Some of the Australian USSR quartz, haematite and calcinated clay materials.
ashes do-have quite distinct chemical compositions, in
particular being much higher in iron and magnesium. They
also have a wide range of chloride contents which could lead
2.2. Furnace-bottom ash
to problems of corrosion of reinforcement if a high chloride
ash is used in concrete. Little other information about the
chloride levels in ashes seems to be available but potential Little information on the composition and properties of
users should take this into account. The one determination of furnace bottom ashes have been reported by the contributors
chloride content available from the UK shows a very low to this survey but as it is produced at the same t i m e a s
figure. The general range of alkali contents is high and this the fly ash it is presumed to be similar in its chemistry and
can have an effect if the ash is used with a view to preventing mineralogy. British furnace bottom ashes [1 ] are reported to
alkali aggregate (silica) reaction. Work in the US has be a fused product with a fairly porous structure and to vary
suggested that ashes with a high alkali content are in size from coarse sand to 300 mm or larger.
significantly less efficient in preventing AAR [17]. An analysis of American bottom ashes is given in table I
The residual carbon content varies with the efficiency of which shows its chemical composition to be similar to fly ash
the combustion and the continuity of power generation. though with higher alkalies and sulphate.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Materiaux et Constructions

2.3. Cenospheres (floaters) sale of fly ash is a hindrance to its utilisation. This is reported
to be the case in India and Australia (only 10% of ash is
A small proportion ( 0 - - 5 % ) of British and Australian fly collected dry). In contrast, in the USA 65-80% of stations
ashes are reported to occur as h o l l o w spherical particles or have dry collection facilities a l t h o u g h only about 5% of ash is
cenospheres. Cenospheres are k n o w n to occur in the ashes used. 50% of ash in the USA is pumped to lagoons and most
produced in some other countries but not in all. Their of the rest is mixed w i t h a b o u t 2% water and trucked to
occurrence is believed to be connected w i t h the properties of landfill sites.
the coal. The cenospheres tend to separate when the ash is
allowed to settle in lagoons and are often therefore called
floaters. They have a bulk density of about 250 k g / m 3
compared w i t h pfa at about 1,000 kg/=n 3 and have a particle 4. PRESENT U T I L I S A T I O N
size range between 50 and 125p w h i c h is somewhat larger
than the parent ash '[1]. The silica content'also tends to be
The information on present utilisation reported by
higher (55 to 60%) than in fly ash.
contributors to the S y m p o s i u m is summarised in table IV
w h i l e information on occurrence and utilisation of ash in
European countries in 1973 is given in table II1. As far as
possible the use of ash in filling old quarries and so on has
3. OCCURRENCE A N D DISPOSAL been excluded from these statistics. The proportion of ash
utilised is considerable in Japan, Germany, France and the
UK and in most countries its use is growing. Constraints on
The number of coal burning p o w e r stations and the the use of ash are:
quantities of, fly ash, furnace b o t t o m ash, clinker and slag
(i) the lack of dry collection facilities;
produced in the countries w h i c h have reported are tabulated
in table I1. A more extensive list of the production and (ii) limitations in the distance over w h i c h the ash can be
utilisation of fly ash by European countries in 1973 w h i c h commercially transported;
has been presented in the French contribution is also (iii) the heterogeneity of ash w h i c h militates against its
reproduced as table III. use in more demanding applications unless special selection
Most fly ash is pumped as a water slurry to settling lagoons procedures are adopted.
and much fly ash is also used as landfill in old quarries, etc. In The more important uses of ash are discussed individually
many countries the lack of facilities for the dry collection and below:


Annual ash production (Mt)

Number of coal Bituminous coals

Reference Total
Count~ burning
year Lignite coal
power stations Furnace
Fly ash bottom Clinker Slag Total ash

India. 1977 (d) 33 7.8 1.0 - - - 0.1" 8.8 84

Australia. 1975 43 2.425 . . . . 0. 321 2.75
New Zealand 1977 (d) 1 0.02
Japan. ~ 1975 0.7 0.8 - - 1.5 (Some lignite ash 60.0
USA 1975 42.3 13.1 - 4.6 (e) 60 included in bitu-
minous data.)
South Africa "1977 27 7.7 1.3 2 - 11 (a) 11(")
Canada. 1975/1976 21 (in 1974) 1.8 0.45 - - 2.2
Germany 1972 . . . . 6 7.4 13.4
France. 1975 2.96 (b) 0.39 - Small 3.35 -0.1 3.35
Denmark. 1977 (d) . . . . 0.6 0.6
Finland 1977 (~) 0.199 0. 090 - - 0. 289 0.422(")
United Kingdom
--.England and Wales., 1974/1975 104 8.18 2.72 0.92 - 11.82 11.82
- - Scotland, 1972/1973 6 0.98 0.2 - - 1 .18 1.18

(a) Total includes grit ash from stoker fired boilers.

(b) Includes both bituminous and lignite ash and some slag.
(c) Includes ash from other organic fuels.
(a) Where 1.977 is given as reference year the source does not specify--they are presumably the latest available.
(') Reference 10 suggests about 15 million tonnes of boiler slag.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

4.1. Use in road m a k i n g 4 . 2 . Use as f i l l under b u i l d i n g s

4 . 1 . 1 . Use o f fly ash as f i l l The self-hardening properties of fly ash in bulk are also of
use when the fly ash is used as fill beneath buildings. Major
Fly ash has been used as a fill material in road construction industrial developments have been established on land
quite extensively, particularly in the UK and a recent reclaimed with fly ash, for example a new power station has
assessment of its use has been reported by the Transport and been built in Scotland on land in the estuary of the river Forth
Road Research Laboratory [18]. The optimum moisture which was reclaimed with fly ash from an older nearby
content of British ashes has been found to be in the range power station. In ensuring good compaction of the fly ash
18-23%, When compacted, fly ash has a low density controlled hydraulic placing has been found to be effective
compared with most other materials and for fill this is but uncontrolled settlement as in a lagoon does not produce
advantageous when fill material is required on highly a stable fill because of inhomogeneity and segregation in the
compressible soils. Many ashes possess self cementing ash.
properties when they are compacted. The result of this Fly ash has also found application in filling old mine shafts
hardening, if it occurs, is that settlement within fly ash fill is and as a grout to stabilise fissured or unstable ground for the
less than with other materials. This makes it particularly foundations of buildings.
useful as a selected fill behind bridge abutments where
settlement problems can be particularly troublesome. Wide
variations in self-cementing properties can however occur 4.3. Use in c o n c r e t e
and this is believed to be due to variations in the free lime
content and the pozzolanic activity of the ash. Fly ash is a pozzolanic material, that is, it will react with
lime in the presence of water at ordinary temperatures to
Most fine ashes have been found in the UK to be frost form cementing compounds. When fly ash is mixed with
susceptible though ashes with less than 20% of particles Portland cement the lime is provided by the hydration
passing 75 I~ were considered unlikely to be frost reactions of the Portland cement. Fly ash can therefore be
susceptible. used as a cementitious material in concrete in two ways; by
intergrinding in a factory with the Portland cement clinker to
4 . 1 . 2. Use as s u b - b a s e a n d r o a d - b a s e materia/ form a blended cement or by on-site mixing with the already
ground Portland cement.
Fly ash on its own is not suitable as a sub-base or road
base material but it can be stabilised. There are two ways of One of the characteristics of the pozzolanic cementing
reaction is that the development of strength is slower than
using the ash [2]:
that of OPC at early ages (less than 28 days). If reasonable
(i) as an aggregate--most fly ashes can be stabilised early strengths are to be achieved the proportion of fly ash
using economic amounts of lime or cement; must therefore be limited and proportions not exceeding
(ii) as a binder--fly ash can be used by itself to improve about 30% are generally used. However, the physical
the physical properties of soil or imported material or, more properties of those fly ashes most suitable for use in concrete
usually, in conjunction with lime or cement to form a binder. (in general those which are of small particle size and low
The pozzolanic action is important here. carbon content) allow some reduction in the water demand
of the concrete necessary to achieve a given workability so
Cement and lime stabilised fly ash
with a suitable mix design (which generally means replacing
The amounts of cement which must be added to fly ash to a proportion of the OPC with a greater weight proportion of
meet the UK crushing strength requirements of 2.8 MN/m 2 fly ash) the reduction in early strength can be kept to a
have been found to vary from 5-15% of the weight of ash. minimal value and the strength at ages beyond 28 days will
When sufficient cement to meet strength requirements is be as great or greater than OPC concrete.
added the frost susceptibility of the ash is a~so overcome.
The interest in using fly ash in concrete arises in two ways;
Lime has been advantageously used to stabilise fly ash in from the economies in cost and energy that can be achieved
warm climate s (e. g. the Southern States of the USA) but in and from the beneficial effects it can have on the concrete. It
cooler climates the slower setting time of the lime-- fly ash is however important to recognise that economies arising
mixture has meant that there is no economic advantage in from the use of fly ash will vary from country to country and
using it rather than cement. However the rate of gain in an analysis of the position in the UK has been made [19].
strength at early ages can be improved by the addition of
In the US it is considered that an anticipated increase in
4-5% gypsum to the lime fly-ash mixture and added
the use of fly ashes in cement by intergrinding will result in
granulated slag has also been [ound to improve the
several benefits to the cement industry including decreased
strength at early and intermediate ages. Fly ash-lime-
energy consumption in cement manufacture and increased
granulated slag mixtures are used in France for the base
capacity for a relatively low capital expenditure. At present
construction of lightly trafficked roads [2].
incentives in the USA for the use of fly ash in cement are low
Fly ash-lime mixtures for stabilisation because of the reduced demand for cement coupled with
Lime-fly ash mixtures have been used in the USA and lack of experience in manufacture and the use of blended
France for stabilising a wide range of materials to form strong cement.
durable sub-base and road-base material. The presence of The technical benefits and disbenefits of using fly ash in
clay severely affects the strengths obtained as the lime concrete are not as yet fully evaluated and much research is
appears to react preferentially with the clay. Typical mixtures taking place. There is now good evidence E20] that in mass
are 2.5-3.5% lime and 10-25% fly ash [2]. Materials which concrete structures the temperature rise of fly ash concrete
have been successfully stabilised include sand, gravel, is lower and that its strength is less adversely affected by
crushed stone and several types of slag. the high temperatures that are attained than is the concrete

Vol. 12 - N ~ 70 - Mat6riaux et C o n s t r u c t i o n s

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W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

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Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat~riaux et Constructions

containing OPC alone. Much concrete containing fly ash has TAB LE V
already been used in dams and similar mass concrete
structures. Fly ash concrete is in many circumstances more (after Smith, [21])
resistant to chemical attack than 0 PC concrete both because
of its lower permeability and the reduction in the vulnerable
free lime and tricalcium aluminate content. There is also
some evidence that it may be effective in reducing alkali Country Designation of standard Year
aggregate (alkali-silica) attack [17].
Australia AS 1129, fly ash for use in
Apart from the lower earlier strengths, disbenefits arising concrete (~ 1971
from the use of fly ash are the need for more careful mix AS 1130, code of practice for use
design and the increased possibility of batching errors of fly ash in concrete 1971
especially on site when two types of cementitious materials Austria ONORM B 3319, fly ash as
are used. hydraulic powdered admixture
component for cement manu-
Probably the greatest obstacle to the use of fly ash in facture 1962
concrete is the variation in the chemical and physical
properties of the ash which can seriously affect its use in India IS 3812
Part I, fly ash for use as pozzo-
concrete (see section 2 . 1 ) . It is therefore especially lana 1966
important that material used is to an appropriate Part II, fly ash for use as admix-
specification or standard. Of the countries w h o have ture in concrete 1966
Part III, fly ash for use as fine
reported, Australia, India, Japan, the USA and the UK have
aggregate for mortar and
standards covering fly ash for use in concrete while Australia, concrete 1966
France, Japan and the USA have standards governing IS 6491, methods of sampling fly
blended fly ash/OPC cements. A number of other countries ash 1972
including, among those w h o have reported, Italy, the Turkey Fly ashes for use with Portland
Netherlands, Spain, the USSR, India and Finland have cement clinker and Portland
specifications for pozzolanic cements which include fly ash. cement concrete (TS 639) 1968
The assessment of pozzolanicity is a difficult subject and Japan JISA6201, fly ash (=) 1958
numerous different tests have been proposed. Some of the Reaffirmed 1967
best known are: United Kingdom.. BS 3892, pulverised-fuel ash for
the F.M. Lea accelerated curing test; use in concrete (=) 1965
the ASTM pozzolanic activity index with Portland cement
or with lime; USA ASTM C618, fly ash and raw or
calcined natural pozzolan for
the Rio-Fratini chemical test; use as a mineral admixture in
the Raask and Bhaskar method. Portland cement concrete (b) 1977

The different tests do not unfortunately always give USSR. GOST 6269, binder active mineral
additives 63 1963
compatible results and for fly ash from a known source it is
probable that control of the physical and chemical
(') Methods of sampling and testing are included.
properties, particularly the fineness and carbon content, is
(b) Methods of sampling and testing are determined in
sufficient. A comparison of national standards for fly ash has accordance with ASTM C311.
been carried out at BRE [21] and tables V and VI giving (c) Currently under revision.
details of relevant standards for fly ash and blended
Portland/fly ash cements together with a discussion
(below) of the different requirements in these standards
for fly ash, are taken from this publication (updated where
possible). In the U.K an important revision of the standard
(BS 3892) has commenced in 1978.
(see table V)
The standards range in complexity from the very simple
Russian standard (GOST 6269), which apparently sets no Country Desiqnation of standard Year
physical requirements, to the very detailed ASTM standard
(C618). With the exception of the British standard Australia.. ASA181, blended cements 1971
France. . . . NF 15-302, Portland cement with secon-
( B S 3 8 9 2 ) they all cover the use of fly ash as a pozzolanic
dary constituent 1964
material. The British standard is exceptional in covering the Japan . . . . JIS R5213, fly ash cement 1964
use of fly ash only as an inert sand replacement and avoiding USA. C 595, blended hydraulic cements 1976
reference to its pozzolanic properties (1). In general there are Other. (~
few major differences in the provisions of the various
standards and in some cases they are obviously derivative (") In a number of other countries fly ash cements are
from one another, for instance the British and Australian covered by specifications for pozzolanic cement. These
include Bulgaria, China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary,
Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, USSR,
Yugoslavia, India, Finland and Canada.
(1) This standard is however currently being revised.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

standards. A brief indication of the need for each type of test containing a reactive aggregate. These requirements are
is given. similar to those in the corresponding standards for Portland
The Austrian standard, which covers fly ash for grinding cement and are needed with certain aggregates which react
with cement clinker during the manufacture of blended with alkalis, leading to long-term disruption of concrete.
cements, has been included in the comparison since the
provisions on chemical composition and pozzolanic activity Moisture content on defivery
are relevant. The limits on moisture content range from 1.0% (Japan) to
3.0% (ASTM). The Austrian, Indian and Russian standards
do not include provisions on moisture content. (It is reported
Loss-on-ignition that most Indian fly ashes do in fact have a low moisture
All the standards set limits on the loss-on-ignition, as an content say 0.1 to 0.3%.) A low moisture content provides
approximation of the carbon content, which has been some indication that the ash has been handled correctly
shown in a number of studies to be related to the suitability since leaving the power station. There is also some
of the ash for use in concrete. The limits set range from the evidence that too high a moisture content is associated
5% in the Japanese standard (also the advisory limit for with loss of activity.
reinforced concrete in the Indian standard) to 12.0% in the
ASTM and Indian standards. The carbon content will affect PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS
the colour of the ash, and for this, if for no other reason, low
carbon contents are preferable. Fineness
Sulphate Fineness is one of the principal variables affecting the
suitability of a fly ash in concrete. All the standards, with the
All the standards, apart from the Japanese, include a
exception of the Russian and Austrian, include provisions on
maximum limit on the sulphate content of the fly ash as do
fineness. Such a provision would not be relevant to the
standards for Portland cements, and for the same reasons,
Austrian standard since it covers fly ash for grinding with
i. e. that too much sulphate can lead to volume instability of
cement clinker during the manufacture of blended cements.
concrete due to formatio[~ of ettringite. The limits range from
The Australian, ASTM, and Turkish standards set limits in
2.5% SO 3 in the British and Australian standards (1.5% SO 3
terms of maximum residue on specified sieves; the Indian
if the weight of the fly ash in the concrete mix is equal to or
and British standards set limits in terms of minimum surface
greater than the weight of the Portland cement) to 5.0% in
area as determined by an air permeability method; the
the Turkish and ASTM standards (also the lowest grading in
Japanese set residues and surface area as alternatives.
the tndian standards). The variation in limits reflects
difference between countries in the limits they set for Apart from the British standard which uses a specially
Portland cement. developed method (Rigden cell with Lea and Nurse
apparatus) the surface areas are to be determined by the
Major oxide analysis Blaine method. The results obtained with the two methods
The ASTM, Indian and Turkish standards each specify that are likely to be broadly comparable. The limits set range from
A[203+SiO2+Fe203 shall not be less than 70%. The 270 m2/kg (Japan) to 425 m2/kg for Zone C in the British
Japanese standards require a minimum SiO 2 content of 45% standard.
and the Russian standard a minimum SiO 2 content of 40%. The Zone B limits in the British standard, 275-425 m2/kg,
These limits in each case are meant to be indicators of compare with minima in the other standards for pozzolanic
potential pozzolanic activity. The general applicability of materials of 270 (Japan), 320 (India), and for admixture
such general criteria is not without controversy. The Turkish 280 (India). The different methods of determination must
standard is unusual in specifying a maximum CaO content however be noted. The results of surface area measurements
(6%). The Austrafian, British and Austrian standards do not will be affected by the presence of carbon, and ashes with
include any provisions for the major oxides. high carbon contents will give misleadingly high surface
area values, although in practice high carbon tends to be
associated with coarse ashes. It is for this reason that sieve
The British standard sets a limit of 4%, the Indian and residues are preferred as a measure of fineness or made an
Turkish standards a limit of 5%. The other standards do not additional requirement by some authorities.
set limits for magnesia although there is an optional Limits on the residue on a 451~ sieve are set by ASTM
requirement in the ASTM standard. The limit was included in (34%), Japanese (25%) and Australian (50%) standards.
BS 3892 to parallel the requirement in BS 12 for Portland The Australian couples this much higher limit with a limit
cement. Limits on magnesia are included in this, and in most of 10% residue on a 150# sieve. The Turkish standard
standards for Portland cement, since if too much is present, couples residue on a 87 # sieve (8.0% max) with a residue
free periclase (MgO) may appear in the clinker and this can on a 200# sieve (0.2%).
lead to long-term volume instability of concrete. The
important factor is the quantity of free MgO present and not Compressive strength tests
the total MgO. It is doubtful whether the test methods
applied to Portland cements to determine volume stability Compressive strength tests are specified in the Indian,
due to presence o f periclase are applicable to cements Turkish and Japanese standards. In each case they are made
containing fly ash. on mortar specimens, and the water content of the fly ash
mixes is adjusted to give a similar consistency or flow to the
Available alkalis as Na20 controls made with Portland cement alone. The ages of test
The ASTM and Indian standards both set a limit of 1.5% are: India 28 days; Turkish 7 and 28 days; Japanese 28 and
available alkalis as Na20 where required for use in concrete 91 days. In each case the test serves to demonstrate that the

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

use of the fly ash will not adversely affect the properties of Other requirements
the Portland cement. The Indian standard sets limits on increase in drying
In the Turkish test, the fly ash is used to replace an amount shrinkage and on soundness by the autoclave expansion
of fine aggregate equivalent to 25 wt. % of Portland cement test. It is doubtful whether this latter test is applicable to
content, i. e. the Portland cement content of the mix remains cements containing fly ash. The Turkish standard specifies
essentially constant (s~nce the fly ash mix will have a lower soundness to be determined by the Le Chatelier test.
density the amount of cement per cube will be slightly
reduced--about 3-4%). In both cases the requirement is that
the strength of the fly ash mix at 28 days shall not be less than 4 . 4 . Manufacture of l i g h t w e i g h t aggregate
that of the control.
The Japanese test is made using a replacement level of The use of fly ash as a raw material in the manufacture of
25 wt. % of the cement by fly ash and requires that the fly ash lightweight aggregates is reported from the USA, Germany,
mix gives 63% of the strength of the control at 28 days and India and the UK. The process is commercially well
80% at 91 days. Thus, a small negative effect is'allowed at established in the UK. In all three cases sinterstrand
28 days and a small positive effect is considered a possibility processes are used. Pellets are formed either in a revolving
at 91 days. cone, disc or drum or by extrusion. In Britain a low grade coal
is mixed with the fly ash to " t o p - u p " the fuel content or the
The Indian standard uses a replacement level of 10 to
ash is mixed with colliery spoil. Sintering is done on a
25 wt.% and the requirement at 28 days is a strength of at
travelling grate furnace at 1,1 50-1,200~ and the sinter cake
least 80% of the control.
which is only lightly fused can be broken up to provide
The Turkish standard includes a test for pozzolanic activity discrete pellets. It is reported from the USA that variability of
resembling that in the ASTM standard for pozzolanic activity the carbon and iron content of the raw ash can cause
with Portland cement (see below) but unlike the ASTM problems. In order to produce satisfactory aggregate the
standard no accelerated curing appears to be involved and it carbon content should be between 3 and 10%. Excessive
therefore falls more appropriately in the category of a iron in the ash can result in an aggregate which causes
compressive strength test. In this test a 35 vol. % replacement staining. Beneficiation of the ash may therefore sometimes
is used which is approximately equal to a 26 wt.% be necessary [10].
replacement (assuming densities of 3,100 and 2,000 kg/m 3
for the cement and fly ash respectively). The requirement is The aggregate produced is of high quality with good
for 70% of the control strength at 28 days, that is, no positive shape, strength and moderate water absorption and can be
contribution to strength is expected. used for both lightweight concrete blocks and structural
lightweight concrete. Concrete can be made with
Pozzolanic activity compressive strengths up to about 56 MN/m 2 though the
Tests for pozzolanic activity are included in the ASTM, practical works cube strength at 28 days is about
Indian and Turkish standards. The Turkish test has been 45 M N / m = [22]. Air dry concrete densities range from
discussed above as it seems more appropriate to term it a about 1,100 to 1,800 kg/m 3.
compressive strength test. Pozzolanic activity relates to the
long-term performance of the potential pozzolans in
concrete rather than to shorter-term properties. These are 4 . 5 . Other uses
governed to a greater extent by physical parameters such as
fineness and water requirement. Autoclaved aerated concrete blocks are made in Britain
(and, it is believed in Eastern Europe and the USSR) from
The ASTM includes two tests: one with Portland cement cement, fly ash, sand and an aerating agent, usually
and one with lime. The test with Portland cement compares aluminium powder. Demand for such blocks is increasing in
the strength of a control mortar with one in which 35 vol. % Britain because of more stringent thermal insulation
(approximately 26 wt. %) of the Portland cement has been regulations.
replaced by fly ash. The cubes are tested at 28 days after
Clinker, furnace bottom ash and boiler slag are used
curing for most of this time at 38~ This elevated unprocessed as lightweight aggregate, primarily in concrete
temperature is used to accelerate the pozzolanic reaction.
blocks. It is reported from South Africa that the sulphate
The fly ash mix is required to give 75% of the strength of the
content of the clinker can be higher than is permitted by the
control. South African standard for lightweight aggregate and that
Both the ASTM test and the Indian test with lime set quicklime nodules can cause pop-outs in the concrete.
simple strength minima. The mix, method of cure and form of
specimen are all different and a direct comparison of the two Small amounts of fly ash are used as raw material in
cement manufacture i n many countries but little information
tests is not possible.
on its use is available. Significant amounts of fly ash are used
Water requirement asa filler in asphalt. In Canada some 22,000 t a year are sold
for use as an oil well cement [23].
The Japanese and ASTM standards include water
requirements based upon the relative water content of unit
volumes of a fly ash mix and a control mix without fly ash.
The Japanese standard states that the water content of a unit 5. USES UNDER D E V E L O P M E N T
volume of the fly ash mix (25% replacement of cement)
should not exceed 100% of the water content of the same As discussed earlier the use in road making of fly ash
volume of the control. The ASTM standard employs stabilised with, lime, cement gypsum or granulated slag or
35 vol. % replacement (approximately 26% by weight) and with mixtures of these materials, is under development,
sets a limit of 105%. particularly in France.

W. Gutt- P. J. Nixon

Much research effort is also being put into the use of fly 7. D I S C U S S I O N
ash in concrete, particularly into ways of overcoming the
disadvantage of the variability in properties of the ash and
into the durability of concrete made with the ash. Fly ash is produced in a high proportion of the countries
In several countries work on the manufacture of bricks which have contributed to this Symposium and several other
using fly ash as a raw material is reported, In the USA fly ash countries are currently considering the building of coal-
bricks have been made on a pilot plant scale from 75% fly ash burning power stations for the first time so the means o f
and 23% furnace bottom ash with a sodium silicate binder. disposal or use of fly ash is of considerable present
Mixtures of fly ash and clay, fly ash and boiler slag and fly ash importance. There is signifiant variation in the properties of
and sand have also been investigated in the US [10]. In ashes produced in different countries, also between ashes
Scottand mixtures of 75% fly ash and 25% carbonaceous produced at different power stations within a country and
shale were investigated. The bricks were formed by the stiff even in the ash from one source. The control of this
plastic process and fired at 1,000~ Compared with bricks variability, in particular of the fineness and the carbon
made with shale alone the fly ash bricks had higher content, is important in facilitating the more sophisticated
compressive strengths and lower soluble sulphate content. uses of fly ash, for example its use as a cementitious additive
Some difficulties were experienced however in getting to concrete. An awareness of the levels of the minor chemical
uniform mixing of the fly ash and shale and variability of components of the ash is also necessary, for example the
carbon content in the ash caused difficulties in kiln control. chloride content because of possible corrosion of reinforce-
ment in concrete containing the ash and the alkali level if the
In England fly ash has been used in the past to offset ash is to be used to combat alkali-aggregate reactivity. A
shrinkage in some clays. No works are known to be currently knowledge of the total content of trace elements in the ash
using ash but there is a renewal of interest in the use of ash and their solubility will be necessary if the ash is placed in a
because of the possibility of energy savings in firing the situation where leaching could cause contamination of
bricks which could result from the carbon content of the fly ground waters with respect to drinking water and uptake by
ash. plants.
An insulating material using cenospheres as the filler is
being developed in Britain. It is intended as a replacement for Even though the proportion of ash used in some countries
asbestos in protecting steel beams from fire. is fairly high the local production of ash in very large
quantities from the large modern power stations can lead to
A novel cement based on fly ash has recently been difficulties in disposing of the ash in these areas, Much ash is
developed in Belgium [24]. Fly ash is melted at 1,400- currently being used in road works and as fill, These outlets
1,500*C with an appropriate quantity of limestone. The melt are useful but by their nature are not continuous. The
is then water quenched to form a vitreous granulate which is distance from the power station at which the ash can be used
wet ground to a very high specific surface (about 1,000 m2/ in this way is also severely restricted by transport costs,
kg). This is then mixed with an approximately equal quantity especially as special vehicles are necessary, Moreover in
of untreated fly ash. The blended material is activated for use these uses the most valuable properties of the material, e, g.
as a cement by dissolving 5-7% of sodium hydroxide (by the cementitious behaviour, are not exploited to their
weight of cement) in the mixing water, Claims made for the greatest potential.
cement are good early strength properties, a low heat of
hydration and good resistance to chemical attack. These
claims need further appraisal however and have to be More sophisticated uses are being established, for
balanced against the difficulties of handling a strongly example the use of fly ash as a cementitious material in
alkaline material on site, the risk of alkali aggregate reaction concrete, and in the manufacture of lightweight aggregates
and the possibility of efflorescence. A similar cement has and aerated concrete blocks, For such uses to be successful
been developed in India which, it is claimed, has better it is necessary to ensure that there is continuity in the supply
strength development at lower fineness, a lower dosage of of the fly ash and that there are adequate means of
activator and better storage properties. controlling the variability in the properties of the ash.

Use of fly ash as a cementitious material offers an

opportunity in cases where the demand for cement rises
above the existing kiln capacity to supplement supplies of
Portland cement at a much lower cost than extending the
manufacturing facilities of Portland cement and also of
saving energy in manufacture. The use of concrete
The finely divided and siliceous nature of fly ash raises the
containing fly ash can also give positive advantages, for
question of possible health hazards arising from the
example in mass concrete structures where temperature rise
inhalation of the fly ash, particularly by people working with
is a problem. Adequate standards are necessary to cover the
it. A study carried out in the UK [25] has however indicated
use of fly ash as a cementitious material and these should
that fly ash .is not a source of danger in this respect. Doubts
preferably include some assessment of its pozzolanicity.
have been raised about possible increases in the exposure of
people to radioactivity arising from the incorporation of fly
ash into building materials but again preliminary studies of Use of fly ash in the manufacture of lightweight
British fly ashes have found that there is unlikely to be aggregates or aerated concrete can make a contribution to
significant increase in the background radiation level due to the provision of insulating building materials to meet more
the use of this material. However examination of the stringent standards of thermal insulation which many
radioactivity in ashes from other coals is advisable. countries are introducing in order to conserve energy.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat~riaux et Constructions



During the thermal reduction of metallic ores a non- causes disruption of the slag. If /~ dicalcium silicate is
metallic melt is formed. This melt is usually described as a present, the disintegration of the slag usually takes place
slag. It has the important function of removing unwanted soon after pouring but impurities in the slag can stabilise it
impurities from the metal. The term slag is also applied to the and unconverted /3C2S has been found in the UK in slag
molten material produced during other processes such as from concrete made in 1921. It is not possible as yet to
coal combustion and phosphorus production. predict reliably and reproducibly whether a particular
dicalcium silicate present in a slag is thermodynamically
stable or present in sufficiently small quantities to have no
deleterious effect if it does disintegrate. This position could
1. BLASTURNACE (IRON) SLAG only be advanced either by finding a quantitative tolerance
limit below which conversion would be physically harmless
or by obtaining enough knowledge to distinguish between
Blastfurnace slag is a by-product of the manufacture of
thermodynamically permanent stabilisation where the
iron by reduction in a blastfurnace. The slag is formed by
inversion temperature has been lowered to below ambient
fusion of limestone (and/or dolomite) and other fluxes with
temperature and "temporary" stabilisation which can be
the ash from coke and the siliceous and aluminous
long-term but leaves the fl form metastable. In the UK it is
components of the iron ore burden. The slag floats on the
considered undesirable for a slag which is to be used
surface of the molten iron and is separated when the furnace
in a manner where its failure could endanger a structure to
is tapped. An important function of the slag is removal of
contain any dicalcium silicate and in the British
sulphur which cannot be tolerated in iron to any extent. The
standard 1047 on the use of blastfurnace slag as coarse
chemical composition of the slag is adjusted in order to
aggregate in concrete there are formulae based on the
achieve this and provide good fluidity of the slag by the
chemical composition of the slag and microscopic tests
addition of different fluxes.
for the identification of slags containing dicalcium silicate.
By varying the rate and manner of cooling of the molten These formulae are based on extensive phase studies of
slag several different types of solid slag are produced. If it is the CaO.SiO 2, AI=O3.MgO quaternary system [27].
allowed to solidify in air a dense crystalline material called Those stability criteria in BS 1047 also apply in the UK
air-cooled slag is formed, Alternatively the slag can be to slags used as roadstone. In Germany a test based on
foamed by introducing water from jets into the stream of the fluorescence of dicalcium silicate in ultra violet light is
molten slag. The steam produced within the solidifying slag used to identify 7 dicalcium silicate. This'test is applied a
causes it to expand to form lightweight material. If the slag is short period after the slag is poured and if it is passed it is
cooled very quickly by large amounts of water it can be assumed that any/3 dicalcium silicate present is safe.
quenched to a glassy material called granulated slag.
The other component which can cause problems in the
Recently the options of treatment have been widened by a
use of the slag is the sulphur if present in reactive of
new process, called pelletization, which has been developed
leachable form. The sulphur is mainly present as calcium
in Canada. In this process the stream of molten slag is poured
sulphide but sulphides of other metals, sulphates and
onto a feed plate onto which jets of water are playing and
elemental sulphur have also been identified. Maxima for
then onto a revolving drum. The paddle flings the slag
the levels of sulphide and sulphate are generally given in
through the air so that it forms small pellets as it solidifies
standards covering the use of slag; in BS 1047 the limit
and according to the amount of water a foamed or granu-
for total sulphur species is 2% expressed as SO 3 and
lated product is produced. The merits of this new process
for acid soluble sulphur species 0.7% as SO 3.
are still being assessed.
It is reported from South Africa that, in high magnesia
blastfurnace slags, periclase (MgO) has occasionally been
1.1. Composition of the slag found. Periclase has been shown to hydrate and cause
disruption in, for example, steel slags but such a mode of
The chemical compositions of blastfurnace slags from a failure is not known to have occurred with blastfurnace
number of countries are tabulated and compared in table I. slags.
The slags are all broadly similar in composition. Nowadays
many of the industrialised countries, especially in Western
Europe, import much of their iron ore and the slag analyses 1.2. Quantities of blastfurnace slag
are influenced mainly by the composition of this parent ore.
The principal mineralogical phase found in crystalline The quantities of blastfurnace slag produced and
blastfurnace slags is mellilite which is the term applied to any stockpiled are tabulated in the table II. Little slag is
solid solution in the series from akermanite stockpiled in Western European countries where virtually all
(2CaO.MgO.2SiO2) to gehlenite (2CaO.AI203.SiO2). the current production is used and where blastfurnace slag is
Slags high in lime may contain dicalcium silicate a well established material. What stockpiles there are tend to
2CaO.SiO 2, which can cause disintegration of the slag be very old and to consist of mixtures of blastfurnace slag
when it inverts from the/~ form which is thermodynamically and other materials. This can cause problems in use and
unstable at ambient temperatures, to the stable 7 form. This sampling for tests of such stockpiles where layers may differ
change is accompanied by a 10% volume increase which substantially in composition is difficult.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon



Australia (") USA Germany (") Norway UK (c) UK (a) Sweden France India

SiO= 33-37 34-38 30-36 35 34-38 31-36 34 34-39 31-36 30-35

AI=03. 15-18 11-15 9-16 12.2 7-10 9-20 13.5 7-15 11-21 18-26
CoO. 39-44 45-47 30-40 41 40-48 33-45 40.9 35-44 39-45 30-36
MgO. 1-3 1-3 8-21 8 6-13 4-15 5.5 4-12 4-8 3-9
TiO 2 . 0.6 = 0.1-0.8 - 0.7-1,1 0.8 - 0.4-0.7

FeO. 0.7 1.3-4.5 - 0,25 0.5 0.5-1.2 0.1-1 <0.5

MnO.. 0.3-1.5 - - 0,5 0.8 - 0.1-1.2 <1
No20 0.2 - 0.2-0.9 1,2 0,1-0.4 0.7 0-3 0.2-0.8
K20 0.5 - 0.5-1.4 0.8 0.2-1.5
S. 0.6-0.8 - 1.0-1.6 0,6 0.8-2 0.53 0.9-1 .2 0.7-1 <1,
P=05 0.6
CoO/Si02 . . . . 1.2

(=) Range of four slags.

(b) Typical slag analysis.
(c) Range of nine slags.
(") "Typical" slag, sulphur figure refers to soluble sulphate as SO 3.


Slag production (Mt/yr.)

Stock- Slag per ton.
Reference Total piles of iron
year Air
oamed Granulated Pelletized (Mt) produced

India 1976-1977 5.5- - 1.69 30 0.9

1978-1979 (~ 7 2.39
Australia. - 2.76 -
Japan 1975 26.9 25 1.9 4,8 0.3
USA. 1973 27.5 26.8 (b) 0.45 0.23 Started
recently (~)
South Africa. 1976 2.1 1 .3 0.8 7
Canada. 1975/1976 2.4 2.2 - 0.2 - 0.23
Germany. 1976 11 .3 7.8 0.3 3.2 - 0.32
France 1975 14.73 5.8 Small 8.3 Started - 0.655
in 1975 (c)
Luxembourg. -- 4-5 3-4 1.3
Norway -- 0.23 --
Finland - 0.35 -

Belgium (c) - - 0.6 4 .3

Italy (c). - - 0.5 3 .2
Netherlands (c) - - 0.15 1 .2
UK. 1975 5.6 5.5 0.16 Started Small
in 1978
. Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1974 1,4 - - 0.25-0.4

(=) Predicted.
(b) By difference.
(c) Information from [2].

The differences in the proportions of slag per tonne of iron 1 . 3 . Utilisation of b l a s t f u r n a c e slag

produced reflect the quality of the ores used. Many

Australian ores for instance have iron contents over 60%
w h i l e in the USA 50% is a more typical figure and English
and European ores are around 30% iron. In the latter case The amounts of blastfurnace slag used and the fields in
however the indigenous ores have been largely supplanted w h i c h it is used are tabulated in table II1. In general the
by imported ores. percentages utilised are very high, approaching 100% in
In the countries producing large volumes of slag such as many cases. The countries in w h i c h the proportions used are
Japan and the USA the majority of the slag is air cooled lower are some of the large countries, India, Australia and
whereas in Europe (with the exception of the UK) a much South Africa where transport of the slag makes its full
higher proportion of slag is granulated. The amount of slag economic use difficult. The greatest amounts are used in
foamed is very restricted and pelletization is a new technique road making f o l l o w e d by cement manufacture. The
which is only just being applied. individual uses are discussed below.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions


Air cooled Foamed Granulated Percentage

dense aggregate Railway cement Other Total used
lightweight of
Roads Concrete
aggregate manufacture utilisation

India. Small Small Minor 0.64 Minor usage in

slag wool
Australia 0.36 (b) Major (b) 0.018 Minor Slag wool, slag 0.6 22
bricks, fill, glass
filter medium
Fertilizer, fill.. .{ 11.6 (sales) 43
Japan 12.4 2.44 (") 0.25 1.52
9" 24.5 (total) 91
USA. 20.973 4.436 (c) 0.450 0. 232 - 26.091 95
South Africa 0.32 0.8 53
Canada. 2 Minor use Mineral wool, fill ~ 2 ~ 100
Germany. 7.2 Some use 0.3 2.8 Fertilizer, bricks ~ 7.8 ~ 100
but not (plus
quantified ~1 Mt
France. 5.8 8.3 89.9
Luxembourg. Major use 0.35 Granulate is expor- 4-5 100
ted (0.8-0.9)
and also used in
Norway -- w Fill around works m

Finland. 0.08 Road making

Belgium (d) Used Used
Italy (d). Used Used
Netherlands (~).. Used __ w Used
UK >6 0.45 0.16 Filter medium 7 (~) 100 (~,}
Sweden - I 0.015 [ 0.072 (f)

(") Includes use within steel works.

(b) Used only within steel works9
(") Includes use as mineral wool and roofing slag.
(d) Information from reference 2.
(e) More than 100% used as some from stockpiles (1975);
(/) Includes use as binding agent. Production of slag cements ceased in 1974.

1.3.1. Use in road making The use of granulated slag as an aggregate to replace
natural aggregate is well established in many countries. It is
Air cooled slag - - is used extensively in road construction
used in the blanket courses, base courses and sub-bases.
in many countries in all road making applications from ~he
wearing course to sub-grade embankments. In general The specifications covering the use of granulated slag for
there are no separate specifications regarding its use and this purpose are the same as those for natural aggregate [2].
the slag simply has to meet the standards for natural The use of granulated slag as a hydraulic binder for gravel
aggregates. In some countries, notably Belgium and the slag (graves laitiers) and for sand slag has been under
UK [2], a limit on chemical composition is set to avoid development in France for over 1 0 years and some 1 5 million
the presence of dicalcium silicate (see section 1.1). tons of gravel slag were used in 1975. It is now used in this
way in several countries including Luxembourg, Italy,
If slag is used in a position where it is in contact with water
Hungary, Algeria and Tunisia.
some of the sulphur compounds in the slag can cause
problems, either by leaching out of the slag and causing Granulated slag will react with water in the presence of an
contamination of water courses or by attacking concrete in alkaline activator to produce cementing compounds. The
contact with the slag. Problems of this nature have been hydraulic activity of the slag depends on the chemical
experienced in Germany and the UK. Accordingly, in composition of the slag, its glass content and the physical
Germany there are regulations to ensure that slag is not used properties of the slag, particularly its fineness. In order to
below the water table and that the road surfacing is quantify the activity of different slags for use in road works a
completed quickly to prevent rainwater seeping through the coefficient has been developed in France based on the
slag. surface area and a measure of the friability of the slag.
Granulated s l a g - - i s used in road making in two ways, Gravel slag consists of a mixture of natural and artificial
as an aggregate and as a hydraulic binder. gravel with 1 5-20% granulated slag and about 1% of a basic

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

activator (generally hydrated lime). The water content is A very wide range of cements containing granulated slag
about 10%. Sand slag is similar but uses sand instead of are produced containing slag in proportions varying from as
gravel. These materials are mainly used in the construction of low as 5 to over 90% and the types vary considerably from
the road base and sub-base courses. They have advantages country to country. Most are Portland blastfurnace cements.
in having a gradual rate of setting, a reduced sensitivity to To illustrate tl4e types of slag produced the categories of slag
temperature and in ease of laying. Their use allows cement defined by the Standard NBN 771-1969 in Belgium
reductions in pavement thickness and the standard of (which has a particularly comprehensive range) are listed
evenness which they provide makes it possible to reduce the below:
thickness of wearing courses. PL, Portland slag cement 5-20% slag;
There are French specifications for the use of gravel slag PF, iron Portland cement 20-35% slag;
and sand slag which specify the percentage of granulated HK, blastfurnace slag cement 35-60% slag;
slag to be used in the mix in terms of the aggregates used and
HL, blastfurnace slag cement 60-85% slag;
the activity coefficient of the granulated slag (mentioned
above). LK, permetallurgical cement more than 85% slag;
S, super sulPhated cement more than 90% slag.
1.3.2. Use in building Compared with Portland cements, blastfurnace slag
1 . 3 . 2 . 1 . As a concrete aggregate cements have lower strength at early ages but may achieve
equivalent strengths ultimately. The low early strength is
Air cooled blastfurnace slag is well established [28] but
most marked in cold weather, less apparent in hot weather.
only used to a limited extent as a dense aggregate in
The heat of hydration of slag cements is lower than that of
concrete. In many countries it has been mainly used in this
OPC especially at early ages and the strength development is
way within steelworks. In Germany and the UK the use of
less affected by high temperatures so these cements are
slag in concrete is covered by standards, DIN4226 and
advantageous in mass concrete structures [20]. At high slag
BS 1047 respectively. For the safe and trouble free use of
contents these cements are more resistant than OPC to
blastfurnace slags in this way it is necessary to monitor the
attack by aggressive solutions such as sulphates; this i s
composition of the slag in order to avoid unsoundness due to
especially the case with super sulphated cement [29].
the presence of dicalcium silicate, iron compounds, of
sulphates in the slag. Where these precautions have been Portland blastfurnace slag cements containing less than
taken, however, blastfurnace slag has been found to be an about 35% slag are used in similar ways and for similar
entirely satisfactory aggregate in concrete and can be used purposes to ordinary Portland cements. At higher slag
interchangeably with natural aggregates. contents (over about 60%) the advantageous properties of
~ow heat of hydration and resistance to chemical attack
Foamed blastfurnace slag is used in several countries as a
become more significant but these must be balanced against
lightweight aggregate, mainly in lightweight concrete
the lower early strengths so that such high slag cements are
blocks, but also in structural lightweight concrete. In the U K
used mainly for specialist purposes such as mass concrete or
its use in this way is specifically covered by the Standard
foundations and structures subject to chemical attack. At
BS 877. Recently pelletised slags have begun to be used as
slag contents over 50% precautions are necessary against
lightweight aggregate in blocks. Compared with foamed
premature drying out during the first four days and during
slag, petletised slag has a more rounded, less porous texture
and structure and it is claimed that less air pollution is cold weather.
produced during its manufacture than is the case with Blastfurnace slag cements are also used as an alternative
foamed or granulated slag. to a low alkali Portland cement when the aggregate is
susceptible to attack by cement alkalies.
1 . 3 . 2 . 2 . In cement manufacture
Granulated blastfurnace slags are well proven and are TABLEAU IV
extensively used in the manufacture of various slag cements. COMPARED WITH TOTAL USAGE OF CEMENTS
Their use can help to conserve energy used in cement IN THE MAIN SLAG CEMENT USING COUNTRIES (1971)
manufacture. The available information on the amounts of
slag based cements used in the countries which have Stag cement, Percentage
significant productions of these cements is tabulated in used of total
table IV and many other countries produce and use such (Mr/yr.) cement used
cements on a smaller scale.
France 3.2 10
A catalyst or activator is necessary to initiate the Italy. 3.3 10
cementitious hydration reactions of granulated slags. Strong Germany 8.95 22
bases such as soda and lime are effective in doing this and Belgium. 1.6 25
the most com~nonly used activators are the lime resulting USSR. 17. I 27
Netherlands. 60
from the hydration of Portland cement (in Portland South Africa. 1.39 21 (~
blastfurnace cements) and mixtures of calcium sulphate and Japan 3.5 6
Portland cement (in super sulphated cement). Poland 5.2 40
Czechoslovakia 4.3 54
Blastfurnace slags differ in their suitability for use in the Roumania 3.O 35
manufacture of cement. They must have an appropriate India. 3.1 17 (b)
composition and be well vitrified. There are various chemical
formulae which have been proposed to calculate the Use of slag cements in most other countries is believed
hydraulic va~ue of different slags. Usually the slags are to be small.
interground with the activator and are on the whole ground (") Figures for 1977.
more finely than ordinary Portland cements. (b) Figures for 1976.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

There is evidence from Germany that a higher alkali optimum proportions were found to be 60% slag, 40% fly ash
content can be tolerated in a blastfurnace slag cement and 7% sodium hydroxide. Early strengths of concrete made
without deleterious attack on the aggregate than is the case with this cement were good but there was little gain beyond
with Portland cement [30]. 28 days. Anticipated problems with this cement are the
There is evidence that pelletized blastfurnace slags also difficulties of handling a strongly alkaline material on site,
have hydraulic properties and can be ground and used in the risks of alkali aggregate attack and the possibility of
blastfurnace slag cements similarly to granulated slags. Their efflorescence.
use in this way is currently under development and a ground Investigations of the techniques of using granulated slag
pelletized slag is being marketed in Canada as a cement as a binder in road making are taking place in several
replacement. countries. In France the use of gravel slag where slag is used
A modification of the usual process for making as both the binder and the aggregate and ways of improving
blastfurnace cement was introduced in Belgium by V. the reactivity of weakly hydraulic granulated slags by
Trief [31] and has become known as the Trief process. In crushing lightly are being developed.
this process the slag, after granulation, is ground wet and Research into ways of using pelletized slags istaking place
stored as a wet slurry. It is kept as a separate constituent until in several countries. Possible areas of utilisation are as a
the concrete is being mixed when the Portland cement, slag lightweight aggregate in blocks and structural concrete, for
slurry and aggregate are added together. Advantages of base stabilisation in roads, as a binder and aggregate in
lower energy consumption in drying the slag, and more autoclaved blocks and as the hydraulic component in
efficient grinding in the wet state are claimed for the process. blastfurnace cements.
Because of the finer grinding of the slag, slag contents in
excess of 70% can be used. Cements made by the Trief
process have been used in the manufacture of concrete 2. STEEL-MAKING SLAGS
products in Belgium and also for the construction of dams in
France and Britain. Steel-making slag is produced as a by-product of the
conversion of pig iron to steel. This involves the lowering
1.3.3. Other uses and controlled adjustment of the content of various
impurities. Refining is achieved by fusion of the pig iron with
Air cooled blastfurnace slags are used as ballast under a flux such as limestone or dolomite under oxidising
railway tracks, and are ground for use as fertilisers and are conditions. Impurities which are present in the pig iron in
used as a filter medium. SIag wool is produced by rapid excess such as carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorous
cooling in compressed air and is used as a heat and sound
and sulphur are either oxidised to gases or pass into the slag
insulating material. It is reported that this is of major as complex oxides. Steel is produced by several different
importance in the USSR where some 2 million tons are processes; oxygen convertor processes (called here basic
produced [32]. oxygen furnace or BOF) are becoming the principal
A blastfurnace slag ceramic can be made by mixing a small producers of mass steel, replacing the open hearth furnace
amount of a nucleating agent with the slag together with while electric arc furnaces are used for more specialist steels
other components to give the best composition, melting the and for refining scrap iron.
mix, cooling to form a glass and heat-treating the glass in a
Steel slags are usually tapped from the furnace into ladles
two stage cycle so that myriad tiny nuclei form at the
and are tipped and allowed to air cool.
nucleation temperature and a uniform crystalline mass forms
on these nuclei at the crystallisation temperature. The only
country to have used this process on a production scale is
2 . 1 . C o m p o s i t i o n o f steel slags
believed to be the USS R. The material produced (Slag-sitall)
is highly resistant to abrasion and attack by chemicals and is
The chemical analyses of steel slags from BOF, open
used for purposes such as heavy duty flooring or pipe
hearth and electric arc processes from various countries are
compared in tables V a, b and c. The chemical compositions
On a restricted scale blastfurnace slags are used as a raw of the slags vary a good deal, even between samples of slag
material in Portland cement clinker manufacture. from the same process in a particular works. This is in
Granulated slag is used in the manufacture of autoclaved contrast with blastfurnace slags where the compositions
bricks, mixed with either lime or blastfurnace slag cement. vary relatively less. In particular large and varying amounts of
iron (included in the total Fe203 figure) are retained in the
slag. The basicities (expressed as the CaO/SiO 2 ratio) also
vary a good deal and are on average much higher than those
1 . 4 . Uses under development
of blastfurnace slags. The slags are however very low in
sulphur components.
Many countries are continuing to develop the use of the
hydraulic properties of granulated blastfurnace slags, both The mineralogies of steel slags reflect their chemical
for use in blastfurnace cements and as a binder in road analyses in being much more variable than blastfurnace
making. A study of the suitability of Swedish blastfurnace slags and higher in lime. Typical phases occurring in the
slags for slag cement manufacture has been presented as a slags are calcium silicates (including dicalcium silicate),
contribution to this Symposium. Other types of cement metal oxide solid solutions and calcium ferrites. Metallic iron
basedon blastfurnace slags are also being investigated. In and free calcium and magnesium oxides are also found.
the U K [33] investigations have been carried out of cements These compounds will hydrate and expand in the
made from a combination of finely ground blastfurnace slag presence of moisture and can cause disruption of the slag
with fly ash and sodium hydroxide as an activator. The mass. The lime hydrates fairly quickly and can cause

W Gutt - P. J. Nixon

disruption within a few weeks, while the magnesia hydrates 2.2. Quantities of steel making slags
more slowly, over a period of years. Sometimes pieces of
broken refractory brick from the furnace lining are mixed The available information on the production and
with the slag and these can sometimes also hydrate stockpiles of steel making slags is summarised in tableVI
expansively. together with an indication of the types of steel making
In general the compositions of the basic oxygen slags are process used. The amounts of slag produced per tonne of
the most variable and these slags tend to have higher steel is considerably less than in the case of blastfurnace
basicities and a greater tendency to contain free lime. Electric slags; a figure of 0.16 tonne of slag per tonne of steel
arc slags are more homogeneous and contain less free lime. produced is reported from Germany.

The slag has the appearance of an igneous rock and can be

very dense; reported powder densities are 3.46t/m 3 2.3. Utilisation of steel making slags
(Australia), and 3 . 5 4 t / m 3 (UK) while a pouring weight of
2.5-2.9t/m 3 is reported for German steel slags compared The main problems in using steel slags are the presence of
with about 2 t / m 3 for blastfurnace slags. potentially expansive phases such as free lime and magnesia,


Germany (")
South Africa USA (c) UK (b) Canada (d)
Low C High C

CaO. 47.2 59.9 50-60 40.3 33-51 41 .3

SiO~. 14.8 13.8 10-16 21 .7 9-19 15.6
Fe203 15.8 10.5 17-23 16.3 24-45 20
(total iron)
AI=O3 0.6 2.10 - 3.8 0.5-3 2.2
MgO 1.5 0.9 2-3 4.4 0.5-4 6.9
M~O 3 . 5.4 3.0 ~4 4 3-10 10
P=05 2.50 0.8-1 .8
Na=O. <0.10 <0.10 0.05-0.1
K=O 0.02-0.1
TiO= ~3 0.5-1 0.5
S03 < 0.25 < 0.25 0.05-0.4
Sulphide 0.05-0.15
F 0.02-0.5
CaO/SiO= 3.2 4.3 - 1.85 2.7-5.4 2.65
CaO free 0.6 13.3 - 3.3

(") Typical analyses.

(b) Range of nine samples of slag.
(c) Average of six slags.
(a) Average over two weeks production [34].

USA (") USA (b) Canada (")
UK (") New Zealand
CaO. 25.1 36.17 25.8
SiO2 25 ?6 18.02 16.4
CaO. 31-50 55 F%03 18 17.46 26.0
SiO2 . 11-24 20 (total iron)
Fe203 5-30 - 20 AI203 . 6.7 8.54 2.4
(total iron) MgO. 10.6 9.96 10.0
AI203 . 5-18 Mn203 4 - ~13
MgO 2-8 P205
Mn=03 6-22 Ha20.
P=05 0.03-1.8 Traces K20
Na=O 0.05-0.3 TiO 2 . - 0.8
K=O 0.04-0.4 SO~
TiO= 0.3-1 Sulphide
S03 0.04-0.9 F.
Sulphide 0.04-0.4 CaO/SiO 2 0.98 2.01 1 . 57
F 0.1-2.6 , CaO free . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2.1
CaO/SiO= 1.9-2.64 2.75
CaO free (") Average of three slags.
(b) From [10].
(") Range Of seven samples of slag. (c) Average of two weeks production [34].

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat~riaux et Constructions



Reference Production Stockpiles Type of steel-making

year (Mt/yr.) (Mt) process

India - 0.8 m BOF, electric arc

Australia. 1976 1.5
Japan. 1975 12.4 0.7 90 % from BOF
USA 1973 9.7 BOF, electric arc,
open hearth
South Africa. 1977 2.1 9 BOF, electric arc,
open hearth
Canada. - 1.3
Germany - 6.2 About 1 .1 Mt are
high phosphate
Finland. - 0 . 1 8

Italy ("). - 2.8

Netherlands (") - 0.9

UK. 1975 3.9 BOF, electric arc,
open hearth
New Zealand. 0. 043 - Electric arc

BOF is basic oxygen furnace.

(a) Information from [2].

the variability of their physical and chemical properties and Much steel slag is processed to recover metallic iron
the presence of varying, sometimes considerable, amounts whatever its subsequent utilisation is. Considerable
of free iron. On the other hand the material has been found to quantities are also recycled t h r o u g h the blastfurnaces.
have an excellent resistance to skidding and to wear by The greatest amounts of steel slag are used as fill materials,
abrasion when used as a road surfacing material. No and for land reclamation, much of it in and around the
standards specific to steel slags are k n o w n to the authors. steelworks. Of the more technically demanding uses
The presence of phases which hydrate and expand w h e n however most is used in road making.
w e t rule out the use of steel slag in concrete. It is however
possible to use the slag successfully for applications in 2.3.1. Use in road making
w h i c h it is unbound and where some disruption can be
accomodated or where it is bound by a material impervious Control of the expansion
to water such as bitumen although suitable precautions to In most countries where steel slags are used in road
minimise the expansion have to be taken. making some attempt to weather the slag prior to use is


Road material including Agricultural
including use use use
to blast in bituminous in dams including Other uses Total used
furnaces concrete and fertilisers

India Minor Minor Some granulated Minor

and used in
cement manu-
Australia. 0.315 0.317 0.39 Replacement for
MnO 2 as colou-
ring in bricks
Japan. 1-47 1.15 8.88 0. 145 0.13 used in 12.105
USA [29] Used 3.75 3.38 0.1 1.22 used as 9 (=)
railway ballast
South Africa Minor Minor Minor
Canada 0.018 Mainly used as fill
within works
Germany 1,87 0.21 1.66 1.5 5
Finland Minor Minor
UK. 2 Minor Minor Minor
New Zealand. Mainly used as

(=) Excludes use in recycling to blast furnaces.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

made. In Britain for example the slag is allowed to weather There have been reports in the literature of attempts to
for at least 6 months. In Germany, according to a preliminary produce a steel slag with hydraulic properties by adjusting
limitation, steel slags are only used for bituminous surface the composition of the melt. The incentive for this is that
layers and binder courses if they have less than 4 wt. % of free many high lime steel slags have a chemical and minera-
lime. logical composition like that of a weak cement clinker and
Expansion tests on steel slags carried out in Canada [34] may even contain small amounts of tricalcium silicate,
have shown that elevated temperatures greatly increase the the main cementing phase in Portland cement.
amount of expansion; at 82~ expansion was about three
times as great as at 60~ that the fine particles of lime cause
the greatest expansion and that significant reductions in the 3. OTHER M E T A L L U R G I C A L SLAGS
total amount of expansion could be achieved by treating the The main metallurgical slags other than those produced
slag with acid (spent pickle liqueur). Canadian experience during the smelting of iron and steel are the ferro alloy slags
also shows that when the slag is used in asphaltic mixes from the manufacture of specialist steel-alloys and those
which are relatively impervious to water the problems of from the smelting of copper, lead, zinc, nickel and tin. In
expansion are much reduced. If the finer sizes of slag (minus addition there are slags from iron foundries and slags
10 mm) are used ageing prior to use is not necessary while produced in the manufacture of phosphorus.
for coarser sized material a minimum ageing period of
30 days is recommended in Canada.
3.1. Composition
2 . 3 . 1 . 2 , Use in stabilised base courses
Steel slag is used in the Netherlands in stabilised base The chemical analyses of some metallurgical slags are
coarse construction 25% of I~OF slag (0-15 mm) is mixed compared in tableVIIl. They vary considerably according to
with 60% air cooled blastfurnace slag (0-60mm) and the particular ore being used but all the non-ferrous slags
15% granulated blastfurnace slag [2]. have high iron content. Many of these slags are granulated
and are therefore vitreous in form but it is reported that a
2 . 3 . 1 . 3 . Use in wearing courses South African copper slag consists mainly of the mineral
Because of its properties of high density, angularity and fayalite (Fe2Si04) with some feldspar.
strength, steel slag has been found to be an excellent The relative densities of the slags vary according to their
aggregate for bituminous mixes and is used in this way in iron content but tend to be high (around 3.5). They are
several countries including Canada, UK, Italy and the mostly dark coloured and glassy in appearance.
USA [2]. Bituminous concrete wearing courses containing
steel slags have been found to have excellent stability and
flow, very good surface characteristics with in particular very 3.2. Quantities
high skid resistance properties, very good resistance to
stripping and to be easy to compact. The high density does The available information on the quantities of these slags
however mean high transport and bitumen costs. is tabulated in table IX. Compared with the production of
iron and steel slags the quantities are small.
2 . 3 . 2 . Other uses
Where the steel slag has an appreciable phosphate
content there is a valuable market as a fertiliser but the 3.3. Utilisation
quantities of such slags have decreased in recent years.
The use of slags other than those from iron and steel
Some attempts have been made to use low phosphate slags
manufacture is relatively undeveloped. The ways in which
in this way by mixing or intergrinding them with sources of
they are used are summarised in tableX. The only extensive
phosphate such as high phosphate slags or phosphate rock.
utilisation is for grit blasting; copper slags in particular are
In Australia high manganese slags have been used used in this way. In Canada considerable quantities of
experimentally as a source of manganese dioxide in the copper and nickel slags are used as ballast in railways. Nickel
manufacture of coloured bricks. slag in particular is judged to form a better support for track
From India it is reported that electric arc slag is being than rock ballast although the high density of the slag makes
granulated and sold for use in cement manufacture and in transportation more expensive. There is some utilisation in
Japan steel slag is also reported to be used in Portland road making, as fine aggregate, as a pigment and in the
cement manufacture. No details of these processes are manufacture of ceramics but these probably only account for
available. In Europe it has generally been found that steel small quantities of the slags.
slags are not in the right composition range to granulate
successfully and that the presence of metallic iron makes
3.4. Uses under development
such an operation hazardous.
There is evidence from research that finely ground, vitrified
2 , 3 . 3 . Uses under development
slags from copper, lead or nickel smelting have some
The main uses of steel slag under development are in road hydraulic properties and there is development work on the
making, particularly in the wearing coarses, Attention is use of mixtures of such slags and Portland cement as
being given to the control of expansion by study of the cemented mine back-fills and for road base stabilisation.
weathering process and by accelerated methods of The use of air-cooled phosphorus slag as ballast or
weathering. aggregate has been developed in North America and
From India it is reported that the use of steel slags in the granulated and expanded phosphorus slags are also
calcium silicate products is being investigated. produced.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat~riaux et Constructions


Low carbon Charge Copper slag Tin slag

Zinc/ Nickel slag
ferrochrome chrome Zinc slag lead slag
slag slag South Australia Australia
India South Africa USA Africa (") UK

CaO. 53.3 1.12 6 9.2 16.6 19.5 7.35 20-22 5

SiO= 26.15 19.34 36 34 21.2 17.6 34.5 26 23
AI=O 3 . - 18.25 8 5.7 - 6.1 2.35 13 15
MgO. 7.19 18.27 4.3 0.5 1.3 7.6 1.5 11
MnO - 0.2 4 2-3
FeO. 0.515 5.15 46 32.7 (b) 36.3 35.9 42.9 32-35 12
R203-Fc=O3 . 11-21 3.7 Heavy metal
oxides 27
Cr203 4.715 5.19
S03 0.115 - 7
ZnO 7
PbO 1.1 0.9
BaO - 2
Relative density 2.8-3.8 Up to 3.6 Up to 3.5

(") From copper magnetite ore. Slag predominantly fayalite with some feldspars.
(h) Expressed as Fe, mainly present as FeO and Fe=O3.

Work has been carried out in India on the utilisation of low 4. D I S C U S S I O N

carbon ferrochrome slag and methods have been developed

for producing slag cements and building blocks of moderate
to high strength.
Blastfurnace slag is the best established and best utilised
Some work has been carried out on the use of zinc/lead by-product under consideration in this Symposium. Its uses
slags as aggregate in bituminous and asphaltic concrete as an aggregate in road construction and in dense or
where they appear to be satisfactory in most respects though lightweight concrete are well established and covered by
with only moderate resistance to skidding. appropriate standards in many countries. It is also the best
Other uses which have been explored are as a water established by-product for use in cement and there are no
filtration medium, in the manufacture of calcium-silicate technical problems or stability barriers to its use.
products and in night storage heaters. It is reported that zinc/ Blastfurnace slag cements have advantageous properties
lead slags are used as aggregate in concrete in Japan but over Portland cement in some circumstances and there are
American research suggests that there may be an alkali- standards for many types of slag cement. New methods of
silicate reaction problem. processing such as pelletization will help to promote its use
A possible problem with the use of these non-ferrous slags still further.
is that they may contain components that are unstable in the Steel slag is a much more variable material than
presence of water so that water percolating through them blastfurnace slag and is liable to contain compounds such as
may leak out harmful pollutants. An example of this free lime and magnesia which hydrate and expand when
happening with the slag from the refining of silver and wet. Accordingly it is less used but can make a valuable
platinum has been reported [35]. It seems inadvisable to contribution as a roadstone because of its skid resistant
build on old spoil heaps of slags which contain toxic heavy properties or as a fill in earthwork. To avoid disruption due to
metals or to use such slags as fill under buildings. hydration it is necessary to weather it before use or to employ


Ferroalloy Copper Zinc Lead Nickel Tin Other Stockpiles

India 0.214 0. 164 2 . 5 M t of

ferroalloy slag
Australia 0. 072 0,05 0.2 Unquantified
USA. Unquantified 5.2 U nquantified 0.725 Unquantified 4 phosphate
20 foundry (")
South Africa.. 0.97 0.46 0.35 granulated 3 Mt ferroalloy
platinum slag 3 Mt copper
6 Mt granulated
Canada. 1.9 Mt of nickel m
and copper slag
Finland. 0. 050 0. 173 O. 108
.UK . . . . . . . . . . 0.1 0.06-0.07 0.074

(") Includes foundry slag and dust.

W. Gutt- P. J. Nixon

it in situations where it is protected from moisture for USA:

example in bituminous concrete. Phosphorus slag: as an aggregate and in ceramic tile manu-
Non-ferrous slags are little used. The only extensive use is
Foundry slag: as a fine aggregate and as a pigment.
in grit blasting. Other uses have been explored but apart from
Zinc slag: as a fine aggregate.
technical difficulties the factors militating against their use
are the relatively small quantities produced at any one
location and the tendency in many cases for them to be South Africa:
produced in remote areas. There are also potentially Copper slag: grit blasting.
problems of toxicity or pollution especially by the slags of
heavy metals. Canada.
Copper and nickel: used as railway ballast.
India: Zinc refining waste: iron oxide pigment produced for colouring
Ferroalloy slags: small quantities used as filler, as brick- concrete and asphalt.
making materials and as road aggregate in local construction
potential established for making slag cement and autoclaved UK,
building blocks. Copper slag: grit blasting.
Copper slag: used as road making materials and for void Lead/Zinc slag: landfill, fine aggregate.
filling in mines.
Tin slag: grit blasting, road making material.
Copper slag: grit blasting and landfill. Finland:
Zinc slag: little used but shown to be satisfactory for grit Copper slag: grit blasting, brickmaking.
blasting and in the manufacture of ceramics. Nickel slag: grit blasting, brickmaking.
Lead slag: minor use in grit blasting and landfill. Ferroalloy: sanding of roads during winter.



Calcium sulphate is produced as a by-product of such 1. C O M P O S I T I O N

chemical processes as the manufacture of phosphoric acid,
the neutralisation of waste sulphuric acid or pickling liquors, The chemical analyses of some sources of phosphogyp-
the production of hydrofluoric acid or the removal of SO 2 sum are listed in table I. The main impurities are phosphate
from flue gases. By far the biggest source is the manufacture and fluoride though these vary somewhat according to the
of phosphoric acid by reaction of phosphate rock with source of the phosphate rock and the process used.
sulphuric acid. There are a number of wet processes for Phosphogypsum also tends to contain traces of radium, the
doing this, The reaction can be illustrated by the equation decay product of uranium found in the phosphate rock.
describing the process carried out in Australia where the Phosphogypsum derived from sedimentary phosphate ores
phosphate rock is relatively free of fluoride; has a relatively high level of radioactivity (of the order of
25 pCu/g radium) whereas that from igneous phosphate
Ca 3 ( P 0 4 ) + 3 H~S04+6 H20 ores is generally an order of magnitude lower in radioactivity.
3CaSO4.2H20~t-2H3PO 4. It is reported from South Africa that the moisture content
of phosphogypsum in the dumps is 20 to 30% by weight. The
Depending on the process conditions the calcium particle size distribution of a South African phosphogypsum
sulphate may be separated as either the dihydrate or the in given in table I.
hemihydrate. Because of contamination with phosphates No analyses of by-product gypsum from other sources
both products are usually termed phosphogypsum.
have been reported,
The amounts of by-product gypsum produced by the
removal of SO 2 and SO 3 from flue gases are increasing,
particularly in the USA and Japan. In the USA they mainly 2. QUANTITIES
originate from coal burning power stations and are collected
as a sludge with a solid content of between 19 and 50%. The available information on the quantities of by-product
Both calcium sulphite and sulphate are formed. In Japan the gypsum produced and stockpiled and methods of disposal is
emitted SO2 and SO 3 is mainly from the burning of oil and summarised in table I1. A breakdown of the production of
while there are a number of S02 removal systems in gypsum from exhaust gas desulphurisation in Japan is given
operation the most common uses lime to trap the SO 2 as in figure 1. In countries where the waste gypsum is dumped
calcium sulphate. on land considerable stockpiles have accumulated, parti-

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions
250 rl
control the rate of set. Moreover the setting properties have
162 been found to vary with the source of phosphate rock and
this has made quality control of products made from
phosphogypsum difficult where more than one source has
1975 been used. The mechanical properties of the set gypsum
1980 have also been adversely affected in some instances by
impurities as the strength of the gypsum depends on the
mechanical interlock between the needle shaped crystals of
CaSO 4.2 H20 which may not grow in the same way if
impurities (habit modifiers) are present.
The amounts of impurity in the by-product gypsum can be
40 reduced but only in countries where there are serious
disposal problems for the phosphogypsum or where there is
o a lack of natural gypsum has it been found economic to do
x this. In countries where there is a ready, trouble-free means
of disposing of the waste, for instance into the sea, and
30 where ready supplies of natural gypsum are available, there
has been little development of the use of by-product
gypsum. The main uses of by-product gypsum are
considered below.
3 . 1 . Uses o f p h o s p h o g y p s u m

3 . 1 . 1 . In the manufacture of plaster building products

As described above by-product gypsum can be used as
the source of plaster for all the plaster building products
otherwise made with natural gypsum provided the content
0 ~
of impurities is controlled. The /~ form of the hemihydrate
(CaSO 4 . 1/2 H20 ) is that normally produced and used. The
c~-form of the hemihydrate and the completely dehydrated
_.oe~ o ,~ 0~ o~"
CaSO,= produce a stronger, harder material when
rehydrated but the extra costs involved in their production
Fig. 1. - - Exhaust gas gypsum according to the type have so far discouraged their use.
o f industry in Japan (from Japanese contribution to
symposium). The radioactivity of building products made with
phosphogypsum has caused some concern in the UK. After
cularly in the USA. In other countries, however, some or all of investigation by the National RadiologicaI Protection
the waste gypsum is disposed of in rivers or in the sea. Board [36] however it was concluded that additional doses
of radiation to individuals living in houses containing
phosphogypsum building products were less than would be
3. U T I L I S A T I O N incurred by moving from an area of low to high natural
background radiation. It was decided that such products
The available information on the utilisation of by-product could safely be used subject to the following provisions:
gypsum is summarised in table II1. The by-product gypsum
(i) that sources of raw material giving rise to concentra-
used is mainly from phosphogypsum and to a lesser extent
tions of radium in the finished product significantly in excess
from anhydrite (especially in floor screeds). Little by-
of 25 pCu/g should be avoided.
product gypsum from gas desulphurisation is as yet used.
(i~ that the total amounts produced and used and its
It is possible to use by-product gypsum for any of the radioactivity should be monitored.
purposes for which natural gypsum is used and it can be seen
that in Japan, where because of the lack of natural gypsum It should be mentioned that if the ventilation rates of
and the large production of the by-product a considerable buildings are reduced to cut down on, for example, heat loss,
effort to use it has been made, phosphogypsum is the the retention of radon may increase.
primary source of gypsum for all purposes. There are
difficulties to its use however. Firstly, because the 3 . 1 . 2 . Use as retarder in cement
phosphogypsum is produced as a slurry, energy is required The phosphate and fluoride impurities in phosphogypsum
to dry it. It is reported from France that 40-45 kWh of energy have been found to delaysetting and reduce the rate of early
are required to produce plaster powder from by-product strength development of cement to a greater extent than
gypsum compared with about 20 kWh from natural gypsum. pure gypsum retarder, though strengths at later ages are not
However, in the manufacture of c~ hemihydrate which has affected. These impurities can' be reduced by chemical
advantageous properties compared with the more usually processing if economically justified. Nearly 3 million tons a
produced /~ form the production of a slurry has technical year of phosphogypsum are used in this way in Japan.
advantages (see section 3 . 1 . 1 ). Secondly the impurities in
the gypsum, principally the phosphates and fluorides, have 3 . 1 . 3 . Use in the cement/sulphuric acid process
adverse effects on its properties. The calcined gypsum used
as plaster has been found to be rather fast-setting and to be Cement and sulphuric acid are made by the combined
insensitive to the usual retarders or accelerators used to process (described in section 5 . 5 of the chapter on Colliery

W. Gutt - P, J. Nixon



South Africa Isra~l UK (o) India Pure gypsum

(CaSO,,. 2H20)

CaO. 32.58-33.6 32.75 32-34 30.29-34.50 29.4-32.5 32.58

SiO 2. 1.05 0.16-3.20 1.0-3.78
AI=O 3 0.08-0.16 0. O8 0.02-0.16 0.02-0.07
Fe=O3 0-0.4 0.07 0.01-0.10 0.02-0.05
MgO 0-0.03 0.24 0.01-0.04 0.04-0.06
Na=O 0.08 0.02-0.39 0.25-0.56
K20. 0.012 0.08 0.01-0.05 0.10-0.15
F. 0.14-1 .4 0.7 0.3-0.8 0.02-1.27 0.18-1.2
P205 0.31-0.42 1.0 0.5-2 0.17-1.31 0.27-1.3
SO~- 45.6-46.5 44.43 43-45.5 46.50 (b) 41 . 90-44.1 (b) 46.50 (b)
H20 17.8-20.92 20.0 19.0-19.4 20.92

Particle size distribution of a South African phosphogypsum.

Particle diameter < 250 l~m, 98%.
Particle diameter < 105 gm, 75%.
Particle diameter < 75 gm, 50%.
Particle diameter < 45 pm, 30%.
(") Range of five samples of phosphogypsum from ores originating from Morocco and Florida [1].
(h) Expressed as SO 3.

Spoil) using phosphogypsum as a raw material in South strengths comparable w i t h those of ordinary cements. They
Africa and Austria. A b o u t 125,000 t a year are reported to be also tend to have useful l o w heat properties. The South
used in this w a y in South Africa. It is also believed that there African plant uses hemihydrate w i t h a P205 content of about
are plants in Poland, East Germany and the USSR [37]. 0.2 to 0.3% so that the clinker contains only about 0.5% P205
w h i l e in the Austrian plant a raw meal containing both by-
Cements from phosphogypsum resemble closely in their
product dihydrate and natural anhydrite in proportions
properties those made from phosphatic and fluorinated raw
w h i c h give a clinker containing not more than about 1.5%
materials by the clay/limestone process ( [ 3 8 ] , [ 3 9 ] ) . The
presence of phosphate in the raw material restricts the P2Os is used.
formation of alite, the main cementing phase in cement
clinker. This effect is partly countered by the presence of 3.2. Use of anhydrite to make floor screeds
fluorides, which on their o w n tend to be considered as
harmful to the quality of cement but in the presence of By-product anhydrite from hydrofluoric acid production is
phosphates are beneficial. Phosphatic fluorinated cements used in the Netherlands, Germany and the UK in the
are characterised by delayed setting and a slow rate of manufacture of a floor screed. The main contaminents of
strength development at early ages, so it is necessary to limit anhydrite produced during hydro-fluoric acid manufacture
the amount of phosphate in cement clinker to about 2-2.5% are unreacted sulphuric acid and residual fluoride from the
P205. At later ages (28 days) phosphatic cements give calcium fluoride raw material. In the UK plant the acid is


Number Exhaust gas Stockpile Method of disposal

Phosphogypsum Anhydrite
of plants desulphurisation

India (est. 5 by 1979) 0.05 12 2.4 In slurry ponds
Australia 0. 837 - 4 1.3 Slurry ponds, dis-
used quarries and
in sea
South Africa 2 - 6 - Slurry ponds or dry
USA 5, 0.09 - 5 (est. 64 by 1980) 136 In slurry ponds
Japan (estimated figures for
1977) 3.6 1.5 (") - 3
Israel, 0.05 - 1 - 0.5 In slurry ponds
France. 6 0.1 - - In rivers or sea
Denmark. 0.3 -- 1 -- In sea
Finland 0.7 >10 Dry dumped
Netherlands 7 0.018 -
UK. 2 0.08-0.09 9 Most in sea, some
dry dumped
Norway 0.1 In sea
Sweden. 0,7 Stored on land

(") Categorised as "other chemical".

Vol. 12 - N ~ 70 - Materiaux et Constructions

~ ~ ~ c~ .
~-~ c~ c~ , - - ~ o c~'

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W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

neutralised by lime so that the final product is slightly 4 . 3 . In b u i l d i n g (the following developments have been
alkaline (pH 9). The anhydrite is then used as the binder reported from Japan)
with gap-graded aggregates.
It is reported from France that the use of anhydrite as a "High strength" g y p s u m - - t h e use of cz-hemihydrate and
cementing agent is being developed there and is already well anhydrite, termed "high strength" gypsum is being
established in Germany. Particular interest is shown in the developed. It is reported that their hardened body has
properties of anhydrite cement for covering large areas of flat strength properties comparable with ordinary cement
concrete. The use of gypsum binder in house construction
ground (floor screed?) and as a binder for fill material in
mines. It is also used as a retarder in cement. and reinforced with steel for structural purposes is being
investigated. The problems found are poor water resistance,
bond strength and corrosiveness as well as the high costs of
calcining these types of gypsum. Some properties of gypsum
4. U S E S U N D E R D E V E L O P M E N T concretes are given in table IV.
Expansive cements - - t h e use of anhydrite as an inflating
4.1. As fill in road and rail w o r k s agent in expansive cements is being investigated. It is
expected to be less costly than the calcium-sulpho-
The use of waste gypsum as a fill material for the aluminates which have been used.
construction of enbankments and foundations for railways
Glass reinforced gypsum (GRG) - - the use of grg
and motorways is being developed in Belgium. Extensive
(patented by BRE) is being developed for strong and fire
laboratory investigations of its geotechnical behaviour have
resistant partition walls, ceiling and floor slabs. The use of
been carried out and it has been found that with the right
grg treated with water repellant for external walls and of
chemical additions and moderate compaction waste
extruded grg to make longer and wider units is also being
gypsum should give very high elasticity characteristics and
investigated. Water proofing is however difficult and loss of
that the stability against failure is better than, for example,
strength when wet is one of the main limitations on the use
that of sand if the water content is kept to between 5 and
of grg.
15%. Satisfactory field tests have also been carried out and
it is concJuded that waste gypsum can be used instead of Gypsum polymer composites (GPC) - - g y p s u m impre-
sand gravel for railway and motorway construction except gnated with vinyl, polyurethane, polyester or epoxy resins
for the top layer of 50-80 cm. It is presumably necessary and polymerised is termed gpc. A lustrous material with low
to ensure good drainage and a waterproof top surface to water absorption is obtained and its use in decorative
prevent leaching by rainwater. furniture is being investigated.
Steel sheet-gypsum board composites - - a board
composed of a gypsum core sandwiched with steel sheets is
4.2. In s t a b i l i s e d base courses being developed for non-combustible partitions in houses.
Recent research has shown that small percentages of Wood wool-gypsum board - - t h e use of ~-hemihydrate as
waste gypsum can enhance the strength development of binder in the production of a wood wool board is being
lime-fly ash mixtures for use in stabilised base courses and investigated.
embankments [2]. For example a mixture of 91% fly ash, Fire proofing for structural steel - - lightweight foamed
4% quicklime and 5% phosphogypsum has been success- gypsum plank for fireproofing structural steel has been
fully used in road building in several locations in France. developed.

MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH-STRENGTH GYPSUM (from Japanese contribution to Symposium)

Gypsum (b)
High-strength + artificial Omlinary
Mechanical oroperties Unit gypsum (") lightweight cement
aggregate concrete

Specific gravity 1.5-1.9 1.3-1.6 2.1-2.3

Compressive strength. kg/cm 2 150-400 140-350 180-360
Specific strength kg/cm = 100-210 110-220 80-160
Modulus of elasticity. x 104kg/cm 2 7-13 8.14 19-23
Compressive strength/Tensile strength 10-15 8-12 8-12
Compressive strength/ l Round bar. 30-50 25 - 40 5-10
Bond strength (~e'd bar . . . .
5-8 4-7 2-4

(~ Anhydrite and c~-hemihydrated gypsum.
(b) ~-hemihydrated gypsum.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

5. D I S C U S S I O N The manufacture of c~-hernihydrate from by-product

gypsum could be economically competitive and it has
technical advantages over the usually produced /~-hemi-
The use of by-product gypsum has been extensively hydrate in some applications.
researched and it is technically possible to use it as an
alternativeto natural gypsum in most applications. However, The economics of the use of by-product gypsum in the
the cost of controlling or removing impurities and water from combined cement/sulphuric acid process are intimately
the by-product g y p s u m has generally made its use connected with the cost and supply of sulphur and are
uneconomic except where there is a lack of natural gypsum therefore subject to change.
or where there are serious disposal problems, as for instance Potential users of by-product gypsum should be aware of
in land locked areas. the slight radioactivity of the material.


S e c t i o n 5 . 1 . Red M u d 1. C O M P O S I T I O N AND PROPERTIES OF RED

Red mud is the waste from the production of alumina from
bauxite by the Bayer process which is the preliminary to the Chemical and mineralogical analyses of some red muds
manufacture of aluminium by electrolysis of the alumina in are tabulated in table I. The compositions vary with the
fused cryolite. In the Bayer process the bauxite is digested 9 source of ore but even muds originating from the same ore
with a concentrated sodium hydroxide solution at an may vary in composition by about 10%. The muds are
elevated temperature in an autoclave, producing an generally high in iron, occurring as some form of ferric oxide.
insoluble residue termed "red m u d " and sodium aluminate Japanese red muds are reported to have a pH of 11
solution. Some plants in the USA produce "brown muds'" to 12, a dry relative density of about 2 . 9 and a grain size
and during the processing of Arkansas bauxite a "black of 10-30 t~.
sand" comprisi-ng 8-18% of the total waste is separated. A
"red sand" is also reported as occurring in the waste from
Australian plants. 2. Q U A N T I T I E S
The muds are washed to recover caustic soda and are then
usually pumped as water slurries to settling ponds. The The amounts of waste produced per ton of alumina vary
solids content of the muds approaches 50-60% after years of according to the source of the ore, reported ratios are from
settling. 0.7 to 2 t of residue per ton of alumina produced. The


USA Australia USA Japan

domestic ore domestic ores brown mud

AJ=03 26.5 16 24 27 6.4 20_+ 3

Fe=O3 10.7 31 . 5 24 50 6.1 35_+5
SiO= 22.9 34.5 16 9 23.3 15_+2
CaO 8,1 3 - - 46.6 2_+2
Na=O. 11.8 2 8.5 - 4,1 0.4_+0.
TiO 2 3.3 3 9 8 3 6_+1
SO3 2.8 0.5
Loss on ignition 12.9 10 13-15 7.3 1 1 _+2


Red mud
Japanese from
mud Jamaican

Hematite (Fe=O3)
Goethite (ccFe=O=.H=O) 35 +: 3 75-80
Quartz (SIC=) 4_+1
Anatase (TiC 2) 6_+1
Sodalite (3 Na=O. 3 AI203.5 SiO2nH=O) 50 _+4
Calcite (CaCO3) 5-10
Beohemite (AIO (OH)). 3-5

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

amounts of mud produced and stockpiled are listed in TABLE II


3. UTILISATION Reference Production Stockpile Method

year (annual) of disposal
I ....

Very little of the red mud produced is used. Small amounts India. - 0.6 2-2.5 -
are used as pigments, as admixtures with clay for making (1 in near
bricks, in cement manufacture and in roadmaking. In general future)
the distance of processing plants from large centre of Australia. . . . 1975 9.35 37 Slurry ponds
Japan. 1975 1. 144 Land recla-
population and competition from other raw materials has mation
prevented any extensive use. from sea
USA 5 9O Slurry ponds
UK. 0.1 Slurry ponds

A considerable amount of research has been carried out red mud is added in proportions between 100 and 600%
into the utilisation of red muds. Some of that described in the of the weight of plastic. At high inorganic contents the
contributions to this symposium is considered below but mixture is resistent to temperatures over 1,000~ and
there is also a sizeable literature on the subject. produces much less toxic gas than for the plastic alone.

4 . 1 . Use in bricks and ceramics 4 . 4 . A d d i t i o n of red mud to c e m e n t

Research into the use of red mud in bricks has been The effects of additions of red mud to Portland and slag
published by American workers [40] and Australian cements in proportions up to 20% have been examined in
workers [41] while from Japan it is reported that a Japan. It was found that 2-5% additions of red mud gave the
brickmaker has developed a method of reducing the water best results with Portland cement. The compressive and
content of red mud by hydraulic pressing and blending the flexural strength of cement with this addition was higher
red mud solids with clay to form the body of a brick which than that of pure cement at early ages but fell below that of
when fired has compressive strength and water absorption the pure cement at long ages. (The reported high alkali
similar to those of an ordinary red brick. contents could however cause problems of alkali aggregate
The use of red mud in the ceramic industry has been reactivity.)
examined in Australia [42] while it has been demonstrated
in the USA that lightweight structural building materials can
Section 5 . 2 . Silica Dust
be produced from red muds. These materials have densities
from 480 to 1,120 kg/m 3 with excellent thermal and
The production of waste silica dust is reported from
acoustical insulation properties [43].
Sweden and Norway. This is the dust produced in
connection with the manufacture of metal alloys such as
4 . 2 . In the m a n u f a c t u r e of artificial aggregates ferrosilicon. In Norway the dust have previoustly been
discharged into the atmosphere but by 1982 all the dust will
Synthetic dense aggregates have been produced from red have to be collected presumably to prevent a health hazard
mud in the USA [44] and Japan [45]. In both cases the red and it is estimated that this will amount to some 143,000 t a
mud was pelletized and fired, in the USA work at year. In Sweden silica dust is produced at two sites. At one
temperatures of 1,260 to 1,31 6"C, in the Japanese work at the dust is granulated and used for landfill, this amounts to
1,200"C. The Japanese aggregate is reported to have a about 9,000t a year but is expected to increase to 1 5,000t.
saturated surface dry relative density of 2.67 and a water At the second there is. no production at present but until
absorption of 1.5%. Its properties in concrete have been 1977 15 to 20,000t a year were produced and were used
tested in comparison with a river gravel and the compressive locally as an admixture in concrete.
strength, bending strength and tensile strength of the The chemical composition of dust from the production of
concrete made with the red mud aggregate have been found three alloys in Norway is shown in table IV. The principal
to be superior. Some properties of the concretes are listed in constituent is silica and this is in an amorphous state. The
table III. physical properties of the dust do not differ much; their
There are several references in the literature to the specific surface area is about 22 m2/g and more than 85%
manufacture of lightweight aggregates from mixtures of red have a size less than 1 t~. The bulk density is in the range
mud and various other materials. For example in West 0.150 to 0.250 g/cm 3 while the relative density is 2.2 to 2.25
Germany mixtures with fly ash have been used [46] and in g/cm 3. The dust produced in Sweden is reported to be
Japan mixtures with blastfurnace slag [47], and types of similar, with a specific surface of about 20 m2/g and
pumice ([48], [49]). consisting of over 90% SiO 2,
When used in concrete in Sweden about 10% by weight of
4 . 3 . N o n - c o m b u s t i b l e plastics the cement has been added. It has been found to improve the
workability of the concrete and although the water demand
A method of making plastics non-combustible by has been increased the long term strengths attainable have
blending with a powder of red mud or gypsum which had a also increased. The use of the dust as a pozzolanic material is
particle size less than 1 has been developed in Japan. The also being developed in Norway. The main technical

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

problems in its use as a pozzolana mixed with Portland meet the requirements of the relevant British standard
cement have been found to be in handling and blending this (BS187) for calcium silicate bricks, and are used for all
extremely fine and lightweight material. It is probable that for building purposes above damp proof course, though they
mixing with the cement clinker the dust will have to be will suffer some deterioration in the most rigorous conditions
pelletized. of exposure due to frost action. "The soluble sulphate content
At present the Norwegian standards allow only 10% of of the bricks is fairly high but although this has resulted in
other cementitious material to be mixed with Portland some problems due to efflorescence there have been no
cement and there are no standards for a concrete containing reported failures due to sulphate attack on mortar.
additions of the silica but it is hoped that research work in The shales have been investigated for use in roadbuilding
progress will enable these standards to be revised. ([51], [52]) ,and were found to be satisfactory for use in
sub-base and as fill below the level of freezing and cement
stabilisation could be used to improve their resistance to
Section 5 . 3 . Spent oil shale frost heave. The sulphate content of the shale is sufficient to
make it necessary to restrict their use in the immediate
Oil shales were mined and processed in the Lothians of vicinity of any concrete. Very large quantities of the shale
Scotland for about 100 years until 1962 and over 200 million have now been used as fill in roads and other civil
tons of waste has been dumped in large heaps. In North engineering works. This w o u l d appear to be the most
America there has as yet been little exploitation of oil shales important application to date. Potential uses which have
but there are massive deposits and it has been estimated that received attention in the USA are as a raw material for the
over 2 x 1 0 1 2 t of shale residue could be produced if the production of Portland cement [53], as a lightweight
deposits were fully deve oped. Thus the potential import- aggregate, as fines in asphaltic concrete and as a surface
ance of this material is considerable. An analysis of a typical course for secondary roads [54].
spent shale as discharged from the Scottish retorts is given in
table V. The shale in the heaps has a characteristic red colour
due to the oxidation of iron compounds and much of the
Section 5 . 4 . Carbonate and lime sludges
carbon is also oxidised on long exposure.
The Scottish oil shale residues are used in the manufacture By-products containing calcium carbonate and free lime
of autoclaved calcium silicate bricks and as a fill material. are produced by industries such as those manufacturing
Some 130,000 t of residue a year are used in the manufacture ammonium sulphate, and in paper making, the production of
of the bricks for which purpose it is mixed with time in the sugar and acetylene generation. These by-products are
ratio of about 10 parts of shale to I of lime and autoclaved for reported from India, South Africa and New Zealand (see
about 8 hours at a little over 1 MN/m 2 pressure. The bricks table VI).


Concrete Concrete
(Coarse aggregate: (Coarse aggregate:
Burnt red mud river gravel)

9 Fine aggregate Fuji river sand Fuji river sand

Aggregate burnt red mud Fuji river gravel
Coarse aggregate. aggregate

Water cement ratio (%). 65 55 65 55

Compressive strength (kg/cm=):

7 days. 150 224 133 195
28 days. 317 406 274 323
91 days. 359 463 312 366
180 days. 375 491 322 385

Bending strength (kg/cm =):

28 days. 46.3 55.1 43.7 51.6
91 days. 51.9 56.9 47.6 53,0

Tensile ~rength (kg/cm=):

28 days 31.0 36.7 28.6 32.6
91 days 32.5 39.5 30.8 35.3

(Test Methods)
Method of making and curing concrete specimens: JISA1132.
Test method of compressive strength: JISA1108.
Test method of bending strength: JISA 1106.
Test method of tensile strength: JISA1113.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

TABLE IV Section 5 . 5 . Burnt clay waste


FROM PRODUCTION OF FERRO-SlLICON ALLOYS IN NORWAY From South Africa it is estimated that 5-1 0% of the stock
brick production is lost in brick yards during burning and
Constituents Si metal 90% FeSi 75% FeSi subsequent handling and that this amounts to 400-800
thousand tons of waste a year. There is also some similar
SiO= 94-98 92-95 86-90 waste from clay pipe manufacturers.
SiC 0.2-1.0 0.2-0.5 0.1-0.4 Work in South Africa has shown that crushed, well burnt
C 0.2-1.3 0.5-1,2 0.8-2.3
0.02-0,15 0.2-0.5 0.3-1.0 clay brick is a suitable aggregate for the manufacture of
AI20 ~ . 0,1-0.4 0.4-1.0 0.2-0.6 concrete building blocks and also for certain types of
CaO 0,08-0.3 0.1-0.5 0.2-0.6 concrete. Possible problems are expansion of the broken
MgO. 0.3-0.9 0.5-1.2 1.0-3.5 brick with uptake of moisture and the effect of soluble salts in
NaaO. 0.1-0.4 0.2-0.7 0.8-1.8
KaO. , 0.2-0.7 1.0-1,5 1.5-3.5 the brick which could lead to efflorescence or sulphate
Other. 0,1-0.5 0.4-0.8 0.5-0.9 attack. Burnt brick aggregate could promote corrosion of
Loss on ignition 0,8-1.5 0.7-2.0 2.0-4.0 steel reinforcing, either because of its permeability or by
soluble salts.
Work in the UK just after the second world war showed
TABLE V that broken brick aggregate could be used satisfactorily in
concrete provided the sulphate level was less than 1% and it
OF SPENT OIL SHALE was found that the resulting concrete was more fire resistant
AS DISCHARGED than that made with natural gravel aggregates.

Weight (%)
Section 5 . 6 . Surplus sulphur
Carbon. 3
SiO= 48.5 Total world production of sulphur in 19"75 was estimated
AI=O3 . 25.2 to be 5 1 . 8 million tons [55] made up of 3 2 . 5 million
Fe=O3 12.1
tons from brimstone, 11.5 million tons from pyrite and 7.7
CaO. 5.3
MgO 2.2
S03 3.2 TABLE VI
CI. Trace

Carbonate sludge from ammonium sulphate manufacture,
1 Mt/yr.;
Chemical analyses for the sludges are given in table VII. Lime sludge, from paper industry, 0.35 Mt/yr.; from sugar
The sludges from the production of ammonium sulphate, processing, 1.5 Mt/yr.
paper and sugar all have calcium carbonate as the major South Africa:
component with varying amounts of free lime. Impurities Carbide lime from acetylene manufacture, 150 thousand
associated with the sludges are generally sulphates, tons/yr.
phosphates and alkalies (not desirable in raw materials for New Zealand.
cement production). The sludges contain 30-50% moisture Carbide lime from acetylene manufacture. ~ 3,000t/yr.
and are discharged as slurries and allowed to dry to a fine
powder. The carbide lime sludges are produced either as a TABLE VII
dry powder or a slurry. They consist mainly of calcium
hydroxide but may contain ferrisilicide and calcium silicide
together with quicklime nodules. Ferrisilicide and calcium
Weight (%) Fertilizer Paper Sugar
silicide liberate gas in a wet alkaline environment. industry industry industry
Carbonate sludges from ammonium sulphate and paper
plants have been used in the manufacture of cement and in Loss on ignition 35 8.8-12.8 m
soil stabilisation. Other possible applications are in the CaO 48.0 43 -49 40-50
AI=O= 0.4 6-7.3 2-2.5
manufacture of masonry and white cements, for building
Fe203 0.4 1-1.5
lime and in lime/pozzolana mixtures. Si02 4 0.8-2.9 1.5-4.5
More than 90% of the carbide lime produced in South S04 9
P205 2 1
Africa is utilised. It is used as a raw material in cement F. 1.5
manufacture, for soil stabilisation, as a building lime, as an MgO. 0.8-1.2 2.3.5
agent for neutralising acid in several processes and in the NaaO.
manufacture of chemicals. Insolubles 2-4.5

Most of the carbide lime produced in New Zealand is also Carbide lime (South Africa)
used, in the treatment of sewage and in making mortars. Ca (OH)2:90-95 wt.%;
Some is however dumped. If any of these materials are GAG03:2-5 wt.%;
considered for use in cement making it would be prudent to Acid insoluble residue: 2-4 wt. %;
Available lime as CaO: 64-68 wt. %.
ascertain the content and effect of phosphate, fluorine and Also contain ferrisilicide and calcium silicide.
alkalis as well as the major components.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat~riaux et Constructions

TABLE VIII concrete is porous and hence relatively weak to begin with.
The principal advantages of sulphur concretes and sulphur
impregnated concretes, however, are their very low
permeability, and hence their good resistance to damage
by freezing and thawing, their resistance to attack by
16 Mt in stock;
aggressive chemical solutions and their low thermal
yearly production of waste sulphur 12 Mt though not all
this is surplus [2]~ Problems with the use of sulphur as a binder are the need
Finland." to heat the entire concrete mix to temperatures greater than
0.3 Mt'/yr. produced; 140~ the rather high shrinkage on setting and the
significant amount of creep.
1.75 Mt/yr. produced. Sulphur foams have been proposed for use as insulating
layers in very cold regions, for example in roads or runways
either to protect the sub-base from freezing or to protect a
million tons from other sources (such as smelter gaseS, perma-frost sub-base from thawing.
gypsum and anhydrite and waste processing). The removal
of sulphur from natural gas is one of the most important TABLE X
sources of surplus sulphur. Countries from which there is a
surplus reported are listed in table VIII. It is also believed that
surplus sulphur is available in the Middle East.
One of the principal present uses of sulphur in USA
construction is in road surfacing in a mixture with asphalt/ Fresh dust Weathered dust (")
bitumen. In the Thermopave process developed in r
Canada [56] sulphur is mixed with asphalt and sand SiO 2 . 11.1 15.3 13.6 23.6
AI=03 5.5 2.1 3.9 i 2.8
(typically in a ratio of 12% sulphur/6% asphalt/82% sand) at Fe203 2.9 1.7 2.6 3.3
a temperature of 130-150~ The principal advantage of the CaO. 44.0 43.0 45.7 34.7
use of the sulphur is that it enables poorer quality and less MgO 2.5 0.9 0.9 ND
well graded sands to be used. In contrast in France a process Na20 0.9 0.7 1.1 ND
K20 6.0 6.0 2.2 i ND
in which 30-40% sulphur is premixed with bitumen for use SO= 5.6 6.2 4.0 5.1
as the binder in road surfacing has been developed. One of Loss on ignition. 21.5 ND Moisture content
the disadvantages of the use of sulphur with asphalt is that about 40%
the temperature control of the asphaltic binder is more
critical--if it gets too hot there may be evolution of ND Not determined.
dangerous sulphurous fumes. (") Weathered dusts used in road schemes in UK [35].
Other uses in the construction field which have been
developed [57] are the use of sulphur as a binder in "sulphur
concrete", and impregnation of Portland cement concretes
Section 5 . 7 . Cement kiln dust
with sulphur under vacuum, sprayed sulphur coatings and
foamed sulphur insulation materials. Sulphur concretes can
have similar strengths to Portland cement concretes with the During the manufacture of Portland cement clinker a
advantage that the strength of the sulphur concrete is proportion of the reactants are carried out of the kiln by the
developed almost immediately. Impregnation of Portland kiln gases as a dust. To prevent atmospheric pollution this
cement concretes with sulphur can increase the strength dust is trapped by, for example, electrostatic precipitators,
considerably though, as with most impregnation tech- cyclones, scrubbing towers or bag filters. Some 10 to 20%by
niques, the improvement is most marked when the weight of the raw material is lost as dust, the amounts
varying somewhat with the particular cement making
process. Some of the dust is returned to the kiln but there are
limitations on this as the dust contains a concentration of the
more volatile chemicals in the kiln, in particular the alkalis
AMOUNTS OF CEMENT KILN DUST DISCARDED and too much recycling of these will affect the cement
making process and result in an increase in the alkali content
USA: of the cement clinker. This is not acceptable because of the
5 Mt/yr.; risk of alkali aggregate reaction. Therefore considerable
Canada: amounts of kiln dust are discarded. Reported quantities are
0.45 Mt/yr.; given in table IX.
Australia: The kiln dust has a composition comparable to Portland
0.085 (") Mt/yr.; cement (see table X). The compositions vary considerably
India." but are generally high in sulphates, and alkalis. Kiln dust from
1.6 Mr/yr. (30-40% lost to atmosphere); cement works practising chloride control may also be high in
chlorides. From the USA it is reported that 90% of the dust is
finer than 12p.
0.4 Mt/yr. (stockpile of 3 Mt).
Weathered kiln dusts have been used in the UK as bulk fill
(") Actual quantities much higher but no accurate figures in motorway construction [35] where they proved to be
available. good all-weather materials. The stockpiled material had a

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

moisture content of about 40% and appeared to have 2.8 N/mn 2 at 7 days.
residual cementing acting. When compacted the fill was Kiln dust has been used as a filler in asphalt and
hard and has a CBR value of about 80%. bitumen in the USA and Italy [2] with reported good
It is reported that minor quantities of kiln dust have been results from both technical and economic viewpoints.
used in the USA for soil stabilisation and as a sub-base for Uses which are being developed are its incorporation into
secondary roads and car parks. However, tests carried out in blended cements and in the manufacture of lightweight
the UK on cement kiln dusts from various works as soil aggregates [58]. The high alkali content w o u l d however
stabilising agents showed that with kiln dust contents of 5 or seem to make its use in blended cements a hazardous
10% the stabilised soil did not meet the specified strength of procedure from the point of view of alkali aggregate reaction.



Very large quantities of waste are generated by mining and type of rock being quarried. Chemical analyses of some
quarrying industries. This is particularly so in the United mining and quarrying wastes are listed in table I.
States where over 2,000 mt of waste are produced annually. Similarly the particle size distribution differs according to
There, the copper industry accounts for nearly half the waste the process. It is reported from the USA that the size of waste
produced, Other operations which produce large amounts of rock from mining is generally less than 0.3 m while residues
waste are the mining of iron ore and taconite, uranium, from the mineral processing of ores where fine grinding to
phosphate, gold, gypsum, lead and zinc. In the UK the liberate the ore is practised will be in the clay-silt range.
working of china clay and (in the past) slate quarrying has Between 50 and 90% of such tailings are smaller than 75 p,.
produced a great deal of waste whNe the quarrying of rock Where concentration by size separation is carried out, the
for roadmaking, concrete aggregate and other purposes is coarse fraction of the tailings approximates to a fine to
carried on all over the world and produces waste from the medium sand. Iron ore tailings for example are often
overburden, reject rock and fine material from washing and separated into a fine fraction which is in the silt-clay size
dust control. Little detailed information is available about range and a coarse fraction which is graded from a fine sand
this important source of mineral waste. to a gravel.
Mineral mining wastes are usually described as being The waste from the w i n n i n g and processing of china clay
either waste rock or mill tailings. Waste rock is the coarse consists of waste rock and overburden, a coarse sand with a
material that is excavated to expose the ore during mine particle size of 9 mm to 751~ and a fine micaceous waste Of
development while mill railings are the residues obtained particle size 75 to 10 p, in the approximate proportions of
from the separation of minerals from their ores. 4:4:1.


The composition of waste rock and mill tailings varies from The available information on the production and
one mining operation to another depending on the stockpiles of these wastes is summarised in table I1. As
geological formation from which the ore is removed, or the discussed above the USA is by a considerable margin the


Copper Gold Lead zinc China clay China clay Tin ore
Taconite slime micaceous
ore tailings waste sand
tailings residue residue tailings

SiO=. 59 71.1 93 56.9 75-90 50.3 50.6

Fe=O3 21 4.9 1.9 0.5t 0.5-1.2 2.37 13.84
FeO. 5.3
AI=O3 2.7 13.2 3.5 9.8 5-15 32.7 17.86
MgO 3.7 2.1 0.41 0.65 0.05-0.5 0.35 1.12
MnO 2 . 9.0 - 1.4
CaO. 2.7 1.1 1 5.9 0.05-0.5 0.07 6.86
Na20 0.3 0.07 0.02-0.75 0.24
K20. 3.3 0.33 1-7.5 5.3
Zn 2.4
Pb 0.57
Total S 1.99 - 0.13
Sulphates (as S) 0.49
Loss on ignition. 7.4 2.6 0.22 0.45 1-2 8.3 3.75

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions

biggest producer of these wastes both in quantity and has been reported into the use of tailings in ceramic
variety. It is however equally true that more information products, calcium silicate products, bricks, lightweight
about the mining and quarrying wastes in the USA is building blocks and mineral wool ( [ 6 2 ] - [ 6 7 ] ) . In the UKthe
available than is the case in most other countries as such manufacture of autoclaved aerated materials from slate
wastes are often produced in remote areas where little powder and Portland cement has been investigated [68].
attention is paid to them. Using a mixture of 45% slate powder with Portland cement
and aluminium powder as the aerating agent, autoclaved
The coarser wastes are usually dumped on land around the
aerated concrete was prepared on an experimental scale
mine or processing plant. Fine wastes are usually conveyed
which had properties very similar to those of commercially
as water slurries to settling lagoons. In more populated areas
available materials.
the coarse waste may be used to screen the mine workings
from view. Also in the U K efforts have been made by a firm of concrete
brick manufacturers to use waste slate as an aggregate. So
Some of the mine tailings e. g. those containing heavy
far the crushing characteristics of the waste have made it
metals, uranium or asbestos may present problems of toxicity
unsuitable anf freshly quarried material is used but attempts
and their disposal will accordingly need to be carefully
to use the waste are continuing.
controlled. In the UK contamination by water leaching
through old lead/zinc mining dumps has resulted in rivers In developing uses for these materials it should be noted
being effectively devoid of aquatic life. In the USA, Australia that there may be health hazards. Waste containing heavy
and Canada there have been problems of radioactivity from metals for example may result in toxic contamination of any
the uncontrolled disposal of phosphate or uranium ores. In water which leaches through it or the heavy metals may be
many countries there are now specific regulations relating to concentrated to toxic levels by plants grown on the waste
the disposal of such wastes. while some mining waste e. g. from phosphate or uranium
mining may be sufficiently radioactive to be hazardous. Thus
there have been problems in the USA, Canada and Australia
where these wastes have been used as fill under houses.
3. PRESENT UTILISATION Asbestos mining waste would also seem to be a hazardous
material. Particular care is necessary if building on old dumps
The information on the present utilisation of these wastes of mine tailings or when using such tailings as fill beneath
is also summarised in table II. Overall relatively little use is buildings because of possible hazards to the health of the
made of these wastes, partly because of their natural occupants.
limitations but mainly because they tend to occur away from
populated areas and the cost of transport makes them
uneconomic in comparison with competing materials.
The coarser wastes are used in roadmaking ([35] and [59] 5. PHOSPHATE ORE PROCESSING WASTE
refer to experience in the UK), in all layers from skid resistant
surfacings to fill material according to the properties of the
particular waste, and as concrete aggregate. In India the Phosphate slimes
wastes from the quarrying of laterite and china clay are burnt
to form pozzolanas or are used in brick making. In Australia
The production of this waste is reported from the United
manganese mud which is the waste from the production of
States. Two types of waste are produced during the
manganese by electrolysis is used as a pigment in making
processing of phosphate ores; silica sand and phosphate
coloured bricks while in India a mica insulation brick is made
slimes. Disposal of the sand presents few problems as it can
with the mica waste.
readily be used in concrete, in landfill or for the construction
The fine wastes are used as fillers in bitumen and in the of dykes. However the phosphate slimes which constitute
manufacture of autoclaved calcium silicate products. over half of the plant wastes do cause problems. Between 9
Ground slate is used as a filler in plastics and paints and for and 13 million tons ot the slimes are produced annually and
roofing granules. the rate of production is increasing at about 4% a year.
Some slates and shales expand when heated near to their Production is concentrated in central Florida.
melting point and can then be used for lightweight The slimes consist mainly of colloidal clay-sized particles
aggregates in concret# and as filtration media [60]. Many with 75% being under 3p. Chemical and mineralogical
sources of waste slate and shale overburden are suitable for analyses are given in table III. They are disposed of in large
this purpose and it is believed that plants exploiting such ponds, many of which are enormous, up to 3 by 3 km. It is
materials are currently working in the United States. A plant estimated that nearly 2,000 million tons of slimes are stored
producing an expanded slate lightweight aggregate has in these ponds. The particles settle very slowly and after
operated in Wales (UK) but is now closed. about 25 years the slimes have a solids content of 20-30%
and the consistency of grease.
Phosphate slimes have been stabilised and used as landfill
4, USES UNDER D E V E L O P M E N T by mixing with sand tailings from phosphate rock processing
plants. The sand tailings capture the slimes and produce a
Investigations of the suitability of mine tailings for use in paste with about 90% solids content when the mixture is
ceramics have been carried out in Australia and the USA. In passed through a narrow channel at high velocity. This paste
Australia low grade ilminite has been shown to be suitable as is allowed to settle in channels made by the mining of the
a replacement for silica in ceramic bodies and the resulting ore. Up to 35% of the slimes can be consumed in this way but
material to be usable for vitrified and abrasion resistant the ratio of tailings to slime prevents greater quantities being
bodies such as floor tiles [61]. In the USA much research disposed of in this way.

W, Gutt - P. J. Nixon


Production (Mt/a)

Waste rock Stockpile (Mt) Present uses

(including Mill tailings

USA: (Mill tailings

only for USA)
Copper ore 624 234 7,700 Roadmaking, filler in bitumen
Taconite 100 109 3,600 Skid resistant aggregate
Phosphate ore 230 54 (") 907 (")
Iron ore. 27 27 730 Roadmaking
Gold ore. 15 5 450 Roadmaking and concrete aggre-
Uranium ore 156 5.8 110 Bituminous concrete aggregate
Lead ore 0.5 8 180
Zinc ore. 0.9 7.2 180
Quarrying. 68 Uncertain
Gypsum. 14.2 2.7 Uncertain
Asbestos. 0.6 2 14
Barite 1.9 3.1 24
Fluorspar. 0.1 0.4 Uncertain
Feldspar 0.2 0.8 Uncertain
Low grade iimenite 0.2 Uncertain
Manganese mud. 0. 003,5 4O,0OO Pigment for clay bricks
Lead/zinc ore. 0.5 4.75
Laterite quarrying. Unce~ain Clay pozzolana, replacing lime
in mortar
Gypsum. 2 Building plaster
China clay. 0.2 Clay pozzolana, in bricks
Mica I 0. 005 Mica insulation bricks
South Africa:
Gold ore ~ 40 0.1 Mt/a used in calcium sili-
cate bricks and probably in
excess of half the waste rock
is used as aggregate in
concrete and for roadbuilding
Quarrying Uncertain Overburden used as sub-case in
roads and fill. Fines in calcium
silicate bricks.
Iron ore. 45 m Aggregate, fill, roofing granules
Miscell. mining and quarrying . . . . . 3.1 5.1 94.8 Roadstone and aggregate for
UK: [
China clay. 22 300 Roadmaking, concrete aggregate,
calcium silicate bricks, fill

Slate. 1
I >300
( ~ 1 Mt)
Inert filler, granules (minor use)
Tin ore Aggregate for concrete (minor
05 I use)
Fluorspar 0.23 I Roadmaking, concrete aggregate
I i (minor use)
Quarrying Uncertain Roadmaking, calcium silicate
Iron ore. 25 9.6 289 Some use as landfill, small
Sulphite ore. 11 .7 57 amounts in road construction
and in brickmaking

(a) Includes both phosphate slimes and phosphogypsum (estimation, 136 Mt of phosphogypsum stockpiled).

Other uses of slimes depend on drying to high solids 480 k g / m 3 [69]. Bricks and sewer pipes have also been
contents. Cross-flow fluid dryers have been found to be made from the slimes but they were not of high quality.
efficient in drying slimes to 95-99% solids. L o w level radioactivity from phosphate ore wastes has
The most promising applications have been in the been reported to be a problem w h e r e these wastes have been
production of lightweight aggregates. The dried slime is used as fill under houses in Florida. In developing uses for
pelledsed and heated to between 1,050 and 1,100~ in a these wastes therefore possible radioactivity problems
rotary kiln to give an aggregate w i t h a bulk density of 320- should be borne in mind.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions


Oxide composition (%) Mineralogical composition (%)

P205 9-17 Calcium fluophosphate 20-25

SiO 2 31-46 Quartz. 30-35
Fe=O3 3-7 Montmorillonite 20-25
AI203 . 6-18 Attapulgite. 5-10
CaO. 14-23 Wavellite 4-6
MgO. 1-2 Feldspar 2-3
Loss on ignition 9-16 Heavy minerals. 2-3
Dolomite. 1-2

Porcelanite TABLE IV
Porcelanite is found between two phosphate beds which OF PORCELANITE
are worked in the Negev Desert in Israel. Annual production FROM ISRAEL
as a by-product of the phosphate mining operation is about
1.6 million tons. %
The material is high in silica which occurs as 55% opal and
20% quartz. A chemical analysis is given in table IV. It has SiO2 75
CasF (PO4) 3 10
pozzolanic properties and the possibilities of using it as a 10- CaSO= 1.5
30% repla(;ement in Portland cement or calcining to produce CaCO3 . 7.5
a white pozzolanic material which could replace 20 to 40% NaCI 1.5
of white cement are being explored. AI203 0.7
MgO 0.4
Porcelanite from Trinidad has been assessed as a Fe=O3 0.6
pozzolanic material at BRE [70] where it was found that in H20. 2.4
spite of variability in pozzolanic activity between deposits,
sufficient reserves of material with good pozzolanic activity
mainly because they tend to be produced in geographically
existed to make exploitation worthwhile. Heat treatment of
remote areas. Small amounts are used as fill and as raw
the porcelanite was also found to improve the pozzolanic
materials in a variety of manufactured building materials
such as bricks, lightweight aggregates and autoclaved
blocks. In general however these uses are insignificant in
relation to the amounts produced. Attempts to deal with
6. D I S C U S S I O N these very large amounts of waste will probably have to
depend on I~ndscaping and reclamation schemes.
A possible exception is the use of these materials in very
Very large quantities of these mining and quarrying wastes large civil engineering schemes such as land reclamation
are produced, especially in the USA. As lower grade metal from the sea, barrages and so on. When potential methods
ores are exploited throughout the world the production of of disposal or utilisation are being assessed the possibility
massive quantities of mining waste is likely to become more of the wastes being toxic or radioactive should be
common. At present relatively little use is made of them considered.



A number of wastes generated primarily within urban 1. M U N I C I P A L REFUSE

areas are gathered in this section. These are domestic and
trade refuse, including the residue from refuse incineration The information on the quantities of municipal refuse
and waste glass, together with the wastes from demolition produced and on the amounts of incinerator residue and
work, sewage sludge and waste rubber tyres. Relatively little glass waste is summarised in table I. Most of the glass waste
of these wastes is used at present though there is much other than that occurring within the manufacturing plants is
research interest in them, particularly in ways of utilising ultimately disposed of along with other refuse and is
municipal refuse and demolition wastes. To a considerable therefore treated here. Incineration of refuse is becoming an
extent this interest arises from the difficulty of disposing of increasingly important method of disposal in many countries
the wastes without transporting them great distances from (as can be seen from the column in table I showing the
the urban areas in which they are produced. proportion of refuse incinerated) because of the great

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

P R O D U C T I O N OF M U N I C I P A L W A S T E S (Mr/yr.)

Percentage Incinerator
Total of refuse residue Glass Demolition waste Sewage sludge Rubber tyres

Australia. 4.5 - m m

New Zealand - - _ m w m
(no. tyres)
USA 135 11 5 11 25 7-11 3-5
(18 concrete)
Canada - - - 1.2 30 11
(no. tyres)
Japan. - - 7-12
(concrete only)
Finland - 9 incinerators 0.035
France - 30 1 m

Norway - 7
Denmark. - 50
U K. 20 ~ 25 2 2 21-23 (7.5- 1-1.5 0.24
10.5 concrete) (23 no. tyres)
9 Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2.5

decrease in volume of the residue and the possibility of centred on the use of a residue from which most of the metal
making use of the calorific value of the refuse for district has been extracted. This avoids the problems of staining due
heating, electricity generatlon, etc. The residue from to weathering of ferrous metal and of reaction of aluminiu-n
incineration has physical properties which make its use as an metal with cement used as binder. In the UK a patent has
aggregate a possibility but there are chemical problems. been taken out for the production of a synthetic aggregate by
The separation and sorting of refuse in order to recycle it is sintering a mixture of clay and separated residue at
being developed in several countries and pilot plants are temperatures of 1,050 to 1,2000C [76]. The use of the
known to be working in the USA and the UK. The primary separated residue as a blockmaking aggregate has also been
objective is recovery of the metal value of the refuse but a examined in the UK but it is considered that the residual
glass-rich inorganic fraction is also recovered and this is of metal content is still high enough to cause problems;
(staining by the ferrous metal and expansion by the
potential use in construction.
aluminium) and that soluble lead and zinc salts present
In Belgium a high pressure baling technique followed by could interfere with the setting of the cement. If used in
encapsulation of the bale in metal mesh and finally a coating damp conditions t h e r e is also the possibility of alkali
of pitch or concrete has been developed for disposal of aggregate reaction between the cement alkali and glass in
refuse. The coated bales have a relative density of 1.1 to 1.8
the aggregate.
and are of use as a fill material.
In France a pilot plant separates the residue into a
The disposal of pulverised refuse by burning during -nagnetic fraction, a coarse non-magnetic fraction and a fine
cement manufacture has been developed in the UK. Up to non-magnetic fraction (see table II a for composition). The
about 20% of the pulverised coal feed can be replaced by the magnetic fraction can be used as a raw material for scrap
pulverised refuse without affecting the cement qua(ity. The metallurgy while possible fields of use investigated for the
refuse contributes to the energy supply of the kiln. non-magnetic fractions are in concrete and in the
In Norway a method for the use of municipal refuse in manufacture of tiles and bricks. Up to 20% of the residue has
chipboard manufacture has been developed. The refuse is been used in cement mortars w i t h o u t any unfavourable
pulverised, dried and air classified before mixing with 50% of effects on the time of setting,the strength at early ages or the
w o o d chip materials. shrinkage. It is not, unfortunately, known how the adverse
effects of residual metal or glass are offset, tn tile and brick
manufacture the residue is used as a grog with clays that are
1.1. Incinerator residues too plastic. Apart from offsetting the shrinkage and
improving the strength of the ceramic it also contributes
The compositions and properties of some incinerator
some fuel to the firing.
residues are given in table Ila and lib. Little use of these
residues has been made so far except for small quantities in
road making in for example, Finland, Denmark and the 1 .2. Waste glass
UK [71]. Research in the USA has examined its use as
aggregate in Portland cement concrete and bituminous The re-use of waste glass recovered from refuse as cullet in
concrete. Pilot scale trials of the use in a bituminous road glass manufacture is limited by impurities and the difficulties
wearing surface are being carried out ( [ 7 2 ] - [74]). Although of separating different colours of glass. Some is however
some research has indicated that use in Portland cement used in glass fibre manufacture in New Zealand, and
concrete may be ruled out by the presence of aluminium considerable research has been carried out into the
metal [72], the feasibility of using it in concrete blocks has utilisation of waste glass in building materials, particularly in
been demonstrated [75]. The possibilities of manufacturing Australia and the USA. In Australia use in themanufacture of
mineral wool and insulation fibres from glass-rich residue engobes [77] mosaics and glazed tiles [78], glazes [79],
have also been explored. In France and the UK interest has glazed concrete [80] and lightweight aggregate [81] have

Vot. 12 - N~ 70 - MatEriaux et Constructions


France (") (wt. %) England (b)

Non-magnetic fraction
Magnetic - Weight (%)
Coarse Fine

SiO= 25.27 54.02 44.45 54.9

AI metal. 0.19 0.48 0.35 0.25
AI203 . . 5.04 6.94 7.59 22.2
Fe metal 5.13 0.53 0.76 18.3
FeO, 20.97 7.26 6.02
Fe=O3 9 23.76 4.60 4.54 9.4
MnO 0.47 0.24 0.41
MgO 2.10 2.39 3.26 0.5
CaO 7.16 11.07 15.01 5.5
Na=O 2.84 6.70 4.91 3.6
K=O. 0.55 1 . 05 1 . 00 0.5
TiO=. 0.79 0.57 0.63 0.5
CI. 0.05 0.05 0.13 0.4
S. 0.37 0.27 1.17 0.24
H=O. 0.57 0.85 1.91
C total 0.56 2.37 2.82 7.6
C organic. 0.29 1.33 1.91
Cu ppm. 2,880 910 I , 420
Zn ppm 3,010 2,490 6,300
B ppm 9O 210 170
Pb ppm 1,250 1 , 200 2,050
Sn ppm 72O 32O 600
PbO. 0.05
ZnO. 0.04
Density. 4.32 2.76 2.65
Bulk density (kg/m =) 1,650 1,500 1 ,150 1,000
Loss on ignition. 12.4

(0) Mean of 1 year residue.

(b) Compound analysis after removal of ferrous metal and ignition.


England U S A (")

Incinerated After Incinerated residue

residue ferrous extraction

Metal { Ferrous 12.5 23-37

23 1-4
Glass 23 25 43-55
Paper 6
Rag 1 62.5
Vegetable and putrescible. 10 Mineral
Plastics. 2 clinker 13-16
Dust and cinders 30 and residual 1-3
U nclassified 5 combustible (Ceramic and stone)

(=) On moisture and combustible free basis.

been investigated. Lightweight aggregates L~sing waste 1.3. Demolition wastes

glass as either a flux or a bonding medium have also been
investigated in France and the USA ([82], r83]). Use in The demolition of buildings produces a variety of wastes,
brickmaking has received attention in the USA [84] and in concrete and brick rubble, metals such as steel, copper and
Norway. It main function here is to lower the temperature of aluminium, slates and "tiles,. asbestos cement and plaster
firing. In the USA the use of waste glass as a road surfacing boards, w o o d plastics, glass, asphalt. Some recycling of
aggregate, "glasphalt" has been developed ([85]- [87]) these products is done by individual demolition contractors
though it seems to have only a moderate resistance to on an ad hoc basis depending on the time available for
skidding. The problems of using waste glass as an aggregate demolition and the local market. Most metal will be
in Portland cement concrete because of attack by the cement recycled because of its value though reinforcing steel
alkalis on the glass have been reported [88] and the may be tost. Reviews of the availability and reuse of
possibility of using fly ash to offset these has also been demolition materials in the USA [90] and the UK [91]
explored [89]. have been published and the available information on

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

the quantities arising is summarised in table I. The The research work in Japan found that the properties of
collection of information about these materials is at a aggregates from demolished concrete are more affected by
very elementary stage and the relative quantities reported the method of crushing than the properties of the original
for the USA and Canada for example seem quite out concrete. A t w o stage crushing was found to be beneficial.
of proportion to their populations. Nevertheless the figures Generally relative density is somewhat less than for a sand or
do show that considerable quantities of these materials are gravel and is about 2.1 for the crushed concrete fine
generated. aggregate and 2.3 for the coarse. Water absorptions were
found to be about 6% for the coarse and 10-11% for the fines.
An estimate for the USA of the quantities of materials used
In making concrete with the crushed concrete aggregate it
in new construction and produced from de4rnolished was found that 5-10% more mixing water had to be used to
buildings and the proportions that are reused is given in
achieve the same workability as a gravel concrete.
table II1.
Compressive strengths and moduli of elasticity of the
It can be seen from table Ill that by far the biggest concrete made with demolished concrete aggregate were
component of the waste is the concrete and there is most 10-30% lower over a range of water/cement ratios from 0.45
interest in developing uses for this. Two international groups to 0.70. The relationship between age and strength and
have recently been formed to examine this topic; a RILEM water/cement ratio and strength showed the same
Committee (37/DRC) on the demolition and reuse of tendencies as ordinary gravel concrete. Drying shrinkage
concrete and a co-operative research project between was about 10-30% larger with the concrete rubble
Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Some work has also aggregate. The resistance to freezing and thawing was about
been carried out in Japan and reported in their contribution the same as a gravel concrete but the water permeability was
to this symposium. The incentives for this work are the greater.
increasing difficulties of tipping the waste concrete which is Most of the investigations of the reuse of concrete rubble
mainly produced within urban connurbations, an expecta- as aggregates have concentrated on "clean rubble" and
tion of rapidly increasing amounts of concrete rubble there is little information on the impurities that are likely to
being produced and the hope that the use of the concrete occur in the concrete rubble from a demolition site and the
rubble can help to supplement the dwindling supplies of effects they w o u l d have on new concrete. Probably the most
natural aggregates available close to the big cities. In serious worry is the presence of sulphates from gypsum
Japan it is estimated that about 20 times more concrete plaster but w o o d and asphalt are also common inpurities in
will be demolished yearly in the early 2000's. mixed rubble.

The use of demolition wastes in road making in the U K has The feasibility of recycling asphalt has been demonstrated
been reviewed [35] and it has been concluded that they in North America ([94], [95]) and it is estimated that about
have considerable potential as road making materials. 0.5 million tons have been used. The first successful asphalt
Considerable quantities of crushed brick and concrete have recycli'ng in the UK has recently been reported [96].
in fact been used, especially as a granular sub-base material,
when available in sufficient quantities free of impurities. 1 .4. S e w a g e s l u d g e

Research on the use of crushed concrete as an aggregate Sewage sludge is the denser material which settles out
in new concrete is of relevance both to roads and buildings. during the treatment of sewage by such processes as
Work in the USA has demonstrated that concrete of biological filters or activation by forced aeration. The sludge
adequate quality can be made using crushed concrete for may be treated to reduce smell and the occurrence of
both coarse and fine aggregate [92] and the American pathogens by a process known as "digestion" in which the
Concrete Paving Association has recently reported the first sludge is stored for several weeks at about 35~ in the
full scale use in the USA of crushed old concrete as absence of air. Disposal of the sludge, either by dumping or
aggregate in new concrete [93]. incineration, is costly so there is considerable interest in


Amount used Annual

as amount
Material construction of Amounts reused
materials demolition (%)
in 1971 waste
(Mt) (Mt)

Concrete 315 18 Negligible

Wood 42 1.3 5
Iron and steel 22 1.7 5O
Gypsum products. 11 Not available Not available
Clay products. 18 1.4 Negligible
Plastics 1.2 Negligible Negligible
Aluminium. 0.9 0.01 13
Copper 0.34 0.07 50
Asphalt. 2.3 (") Not available Not available

(") During 1973.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat6riaux et Constructions


Domestic sludge

Dry solids (ds) (%) 5.4 2.2 3.3

Volatile matter (% ds) 67 68 48
N (manurial value) (% ds) 7.8
P (% ds) ~1.6
I Zn 6,250 2,400 511
Cu metals (mg/kg) of dry solids 1 , 100 600 537
Ni ,' 185 160 42
Pb 950 580 457
Ag. 10 28 3
Cd. 65 27 5
Hg 11 3 6
K=O. 610 400-600
Cr. 85O 464 86
Mn. 18,065
Calorific value (kJ/kg of ds) 15,930 15,640 9,360
C 1- mg/I filtrate. 134
SO~- mg/I filtrate. 62

Density of wet sludge 1.012 1.016 1 . 004

using it in some way. The sludge from the treatment of Research into the use of waste rubber in bituminous
domestic sewage is a thick black liquid while the sludges mixtures has been summarised [2]. The main area of interest
containing effluent from factories may vary considerably. has been in the production of rubberised bitumen binders for
The analysis and properties of three British sewage sludges surface dressing. However the actual amounts used have so
are given in table IV [97]. far been small. A bituminous surfacing material using crumb
It is reported from the USA that the sludge has been rubber as an aggregate has been developed at the Transport
combined with a mixture of soil, lime, fly ash and by-product and Road Research Laboratory in the UK but has not been
gypsum to produce a material which could be used in exploited [35].
highway embankments [98] while incinerated sewage
sludge ash can be compacted to a high strength mass
which gradually gains extra strength and can be used 1 . 6 . Waste plastics
as a landfill [99].
In the UK several possible uses have been explored. The Much of the plastic waste produced during the
sludge could be slurried with the raw materials for cement manufacturing process is recycled within the factory into the
manufacture by the wet process. This would dispose of the same product that produced the scrap. Equally when
sludge and make use of its calorific value. The sludge could homogeneous thermoplastic waste can be collected by a
alternatively be blended with cement kiln dust for use as a manufacturer it can be recycled into a new plastic product
fertiliser, making use of waste heat from the cement kiln to although in general the performance requirements of most
help dry the sludge. Some sludges are not, however, usable plastic products used in the building industry are relatively
in this way because of contamination with heavy metals. A high so that there is little use of recycled plastics in these
further possibility is incorporating into concrete as a fine products. Little information on the amounts of plastics
aggregate/mixing water. A preliminary investigation howe- actually recycled is available. It is reported from South Africa
ver showed that the sludge significantly reduced the that thermoplastics represented 67% of total plastic
strength of mortar cubds made with it and no further work consumption in 1974. Approximately 130 thousand tons of
was done, because of this and the possible dangers of plastic waste was available for recycling but of this only
leaching of pathogens of heavy metals from the concrete. about 15 thousand tons was actually used. In the building
The use of this waste in construction therefore seems to be field the following products were manufactured; portable
undesirable on health grounds. toilets, irrigation tubes, explosives, curtains, plastic carpets
and bathroom units.
Even more difficult to utilise is mixed plastic waste,
1 . 5 . Waste rubber tyres whether from plastic products made of mixtures of different
plastics or plastics recovered from refuse. This is because
It is reported from New Zealand and France that rubber there is in general a lack of adhesion between different
powder made by grinding old rubber tyres has been used in polymer phases so that the greater the number of
surfacing sports areas. In France techniques of reusing such components in a blend the poorer the physical properties of
rubber powder in road making are being studied, either by the product. Thus products made from mixed plastics are
making the rubber into granules or as an additive to bitumen. generally only suitable for low grade uses such as rough
In New Zealand old tyres have been used in making reefs packaging or pallets. However it is reported [100] that a
against sea erosion or for revetting steep earth banks. French company has developed a process for making

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

a type of walling board by heating chopped thermoplastic There are however problems in dumping spoil back into
film scrap with scrap fibres and wood chip under pressure. the water particularly in polluted tidal waters. The fine
Also in France the use of plastics waste in road making is material tends to be brought back into the channel by the tide
being investigated. Two methods of utilisation are being and there is an increase in the turbidity of the water and a
developed; build up of the mud on the banks. As the fine material tends
- - the incorporation of industrial waste from polymerisa- to adhere to the organic pollutants there is also evidence that
tion of PVC in a powder form into tar at the moment of the level of pollution of the water is increased.
mixing; The dredging spoil disposed of on land is generally
allowed to settle in lagoons. Because of the fine particle size
-- the incorporation of strips of plastic household waste
of much of it the spoil is slow to consolidate.
(polyethylene, PVC or polystyrene) in the base
coatings of tar or bitumen. A survey of the U K dredging spoils [101] showed that the
particle size varied from clay size (< 2~) up to sand and
Laboratory and pilot scale trials has shown that gravel but that most wa.s,very fine and the clay size fraction
incorporation of plastics waste improves mechanical may be as great as 30-40%. Silt as dredged may contain
strength and water resistance. The strips of plastic waste between 30 and 80% water depending on the properties of
have a reinforcing effect and this method enables general the particles, length of time deposited and dredging method
household plastic waste to be used without cleaning o r employed. The wettest silts are collected by suction dredger
sorting. The main problem is getting large enough quantities and are free flowing muds while grab dredgers collect a more
from widely dispersed points of production. viscous material with water contents below 60%.
The British spoils had values for loss on ignition of
1.7. Discussion between 5 and 25% on the material dried at 60~ and
There has been little utilisation of municipal wastes in the calorific values of between 0.3 and 3.2 KJ/kg. Mineralogi-
construction industry but considerable research interest cally they consisted mainly of clay minerals (42 to 61%),
exists especially in the utilisation of domestic refuse and quartz (12-32%) and calcite (1-13%) with significant
demolition rubble. quantities of dolomite, pyrite and feldspar. Present use of
such material is minimal. A silt-like material from the River
The main opportunity for the use of domestic refuse is the
Shannon in Ireland is dredged specially for cement
use of the residue from incineration, possibly as an aggregate manufacture. Otherwise some is used for fill (in for example,
for blockmaking. There may however be problems with
the Netherlands). With many dredged spoils however
contaminants e. g. glass and aluminium. The greatest
the rate of consolidation is extremely slow and an excessive
developments in the use of these residues seem to be in
length of time is needed before they can be built on.
France where there is a pilot plant for the separation and
Possible uses for dredged spoil which have been explored
reuse of incinerated residues. There is considerable research
are as the clay component of the raw materials for cement
interest in the reuse of demolished concrete as an aggregate manufacture, in brickmaking and in the manufacture of
for new concrete. The only actual applications so far seem to synthetic aggregates. Lightweight test bricks have been
be of old unreinforced concrete from road pavements as made in the United States ([102], [103]) while synthetic
aggregate for new concrete in roads. There is little aggregates have been made in Australia [104] and the
information on the effects of impurities in the concrete U K [101]: In the Australian work the swelling of the silt was
rubble on the new concrete. The recycling of asphalt appears enhanced by the addition of combustible materials such as
to have considerable potential once appropriate machinery sawdust or shredded grass. In the work carried out in the U K
and techniques are developed. it was found that by firing pellets made from the dewatered
spoil at temperatures between 1,000 and 1,100~ a
2. D R E D G I N G SPOIL lightweight aggregate suitable for use in structural concrete
could be made. However the chloride content of the raw
Large quantities of material are dredged regularly by port spoil is significant and in order to avoid chloride levels in the
and river authorities in order to maintain sufficient depths in fired aggregate which could cause corrosion of reinforce-
docks and navigation channels. In addition capital dredging ment in concrete it is necessary to hold the temperature at
to make new facilities produces large amounts of material. In about 1,000~ for some time before final sintering at about
the UK over 30 million tons (measured as dredged and 1,100~ Larger quantities of these aggregates made for
containing about 2/3 water) are dredged on a regular basis testing in concrete had loose bulk densities of 810 kg/m 3
while ilt is reported that the US Army Corps of Engineers is and 1,080 kg/m 3 and water absorptions of 10.2% and
responsible for dredging about 230 million cubic metres of 10.95%. Concrete strengths at 28 days of 70 MN/m 2 were
spoil annually and Rotterdam harbour district alone attainable at a concrete density of 2,058 kg/m 3. The early
produces some 13 million cubic metres a year [2]. Most of results of tests for durability have not revealed any problems.
the spoil is disposed of at sea, 2/3 of the US spoil, nearly The calorific value of the spoils would help to provide energy
9/10 of the U K spoil and 8 out of the 13 million tons of the for firing but the cost of dewatering is a serious economic
spoil from Rotterdam. barrier to their utilisation.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Materiaux et Constructions


Waste is produced at all stages in the conversion of a 2. U T I L I S A T I O N

g r o w i n g tree into the timber product; poles, sawn timber,
p l y w o o d or w o o d pulp. Up to 40% of the tree may never
leave the forest, being left behind as roots, stump, branches 2.1. Bark

and top. Of the part of the tree removed from the forest,
further material is lost in sawing, debarking and other forms Relatively little use is made of waste bark. Some s o f t w o o d
of processing. Only some 50% of the material taken to the bark is used for horticultural or decorative purposes as a
sawmill is obtained as sawn timber, though in the processing humus, some is recycled within the timber industry for use in
of smaller timber for pulp, mining timber, chipboard etc. a pulp and fibre boards and some is used (in Canada and
greater proportion can be utilised. A breakdown of the Sweden) in road construction as a frost protection layer,
proportions of waste and product material in a "typical l i g h t w e i g h t fill or in temporary construction. From Sweden
British tree" is given in table I [105]. it is reported, however, that some problems w i t h
contamination of drains and g r o u n d w a t e r have been
TABLE I experienced where bark has been used in roads. Otherwise
FROM A "TYPICAL BRITISH TREE'" the experience of the use of bark in this w a y was good. The
(DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT 3 0 0 ram) bark layer generally had a thickness of about 0.5 m.
(after [105])

Harvesting and conversion

2.2. S a w d u s t

Standing tree 100% The fine waste from cutting w o o d (i.e. excluding
shavings) is termed sawdust. Greater use is made of sawdust
Roots and stump 23% than of bark. In Japan for instance it is estimated that 70% is
Branches and top 22%
Bark. 5% utilised effectively. The main use there is in the manufacture
Sawdust. 4% of a cylindrical w o o d briquette by compressing sawdust
Slabs and trim 8% under high pressure. A type of charcoal used by industry is
Primary products: made in Japan by charring these briquettes. Some sawdust
- - pulp 20%
-- sawn timber 18% is also used as fertiliser. In Sweden sawdust is used in the
production of chipboard. In N e w Zealand sawdust is used as
an additive in the manufacture of kraft pulp and in the furnish
Conversion of saw-log
of papers, wallboards and hardboards. In Finland sawdust is
used in the manufacture of bricks. It is added to the clay and
Saw-log 100%
burns out during the firing process to give a l i g h t w e i g h t
product. Similarly sawdust is used in Australia and the UK in
Bark, 8-10%
Sawdust. 7-13% the manufacture of refractory bricks. Sawdust is also used in
Slabs and trim . . . . 20-30% the UK in making c e m e n t / s a n d / s a w d u s t blocks for internal
Sawn timber. 46-65% insulating walls in house construction. S o f t w o o d sawdust is
used and a high moisture content can be tolerated. However
sawdust from larch, E)ouglas fir, hardwoods and decayed
1. Q U A N T I T I E S material cannot be used in such cement based materials as
The information reported on the amounts of w o o d waste they interfere with the cement setting reaction. Wood flour,
generated is summarised in table II. Japan and the UK are made by grinding non -resinous s o f t w o o d sawdust is used as
major timber importing countries w h i l e Australia, N e w a light coloured filler in plastics.
Zealand, Canada, Sweden and Finland are substantial Apart from these uses much sawdust is incinerated w h i c h
exporters. can be regarded as a method of utilisation if use is made of


Total residues Bark Sawdust Solids

Australia 6.8m 3 1.25m 3 1 m3 4.1 m 3 Processing plant residue

~ 0 . 4 3 x 106 m 3
New Zealand. - - 0.7t -
Japan - - 17.7 m 3

Canada. Large but unquantified.

Bark and sawdust represent about 50% of log volume
Finland. - I It 0.5t - Waste in forests ~ 2 t
1 t from UK timber - -
UK. 1 t from imported timber
Sweden 2.5 t I 26 m 3 2.1 m 3 1 . 3 m3

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

the heat, and in agriculture for poultry litter and animal the use of sawdust as a composite in the manufacture of
bedding. It should be noted that problems can arise in the newsprint. The shortness of the fibres has so far inhibited its
use of sawdust for animal bedding if the sawdust contains use in this way.
w o o d preservatives. In Japan there is interest in developing uses for waste
plywood formwork from concrete construction. These
panels are contaminated with sand and cement and are
2 . 3 . Solid w o o d w a s t e s usually dumped or burnt. Ways of utilising this material by
crushing the panels and producing a sort of w o o d particle -
These are the most readily utilised of the w o o d wastes. cement boards have been investigated. In South Africa a
Much is used in the manufacture of w o o d pulp or of liquid waste from the pulping of w o o d for the manufacture of
chipboard. Charcoal is made from solid w o o d wastes. Wood rayon and paper is being used as a workability aid for
w o o l is made from w o o d wastes and w o o d wool/cement concrete. The active component of this waste is a ligno-
boards and w o o d chip/cement boards are produced. sulphonate.
Pressurised disc mill pulping has been used in the USA by
In most of the advanced timber producing and using
furniture makers in order to recycle their residues into boards.
countries there is considerable concern to make greater use
It enables usable pulps to be made from dried as well as
of timber wastes. In Japan there is a "'wood industry
ungreen chips and even from sawdust. In Australia short
integration plan" under which the various industries
pieces of solid w o o d wastes are edge-glued together to
producing or using w o o d are encouraged to work together
form a longer length for purposes such as flooring or to form
in segregated areas. In 1974 eighty t w o such areas had been
the core of a panel which is then faced with veneers.
completed. This has enabled a more efficient utilisation of
the timber and greater use of the waste.
In North Africa studies of ways of using the entire tree,
3. U S E S B E I N G D E V E L O P E D foliage, branches and tops, stumps and roots as well as the
bark, have been carried out [106]. Further work is needed on
Work is being carried out in Australia on the development methods of extraction and processing, on the potentially
of an acoustic ceiling or wall tile manufactured from deleterious effects on soil structure and fertility and on the
hardwoodsawdust. In New Zealand there is research into ways of using the w o o d produced.

In this paper the information contributed by the On a proced~, dans ce rapport, ~ I'analyse et a la
participating countries on the use of by-product and waste synth~se des informations fournies par les pays participants
materials in the construction industry has been summarised sur rutilisation des mat~riaux de rebut. Parmi les mat~-
and analysed. Of the materials reported the two which are riaux 6voqu~s, les laitiers de haut fourneau et les cendres
being used to the greatest extent are blastfurnace slags and volantes sont les plus utilis~s. Dans /'ensemble, I'utilisation
pulverised fuel ash. Blastfurnace slags are used overall to des laitiers se monte ~ 80% de la production, et dans
some 80% of their production and in several countries plusieurs pays, tout ce qui est produit est utilis~ et consi-
virtually all that which is produced is used and is d~r~ comme un mat~riau tres satisfaisant. En g~n~ral, la
regarded as a highly satisfactory material. Pulverised fuel ash cendre volante est exploit~e a 20%, mais /'exploitation
is about 20~ used overall but up to 70~ is used in some peut atteindre jusqu'~ 70% dans certains pays. L'essentiel
countries. Much of these two materials is used for fill etc., but sert au remblayage, etc. mais des utilisations plus ~labo-
many more sophisticated uses are developing. Blastfurnace r~es sont en cours de d~veloppement. On emploie
slags are extensively used in road making, both as aggregate beaucoup les laitier's pour la confection des routes, en tant
and when granulated, as the cementitious binding agent. que granulat, et une lois granule, comme agent de
They are processed to provide dense or lightweight liaison. IIs sont trait~s pour servir de granulats gros ou
aggregates in concrele and they also provide the raw I~gers dans le b~ton, et ils fournissent ~galement le
material for blastfurnace slag cements. Pulverised fuel ashes mat~riau brut pour les ciments de laitier. Les cendres
are also used in concrete, as pozzolanas and are processed to volantes sont aussi utilis6es dans le b~ton comme
form lightweight aggregates. The use of these two materials pouzzolanes et sont trait~es de facon a obtenir des
is, in many countries covered by specific standards. granulats 16gers. L'utilisation de ces deux mat~riaux est
r~gie, dans de nombreux pays, par des normes sp6cifiques.
Overall however the proportion of the mineral wastes Dans /'ensemble, toutefois, la proportion de d~chets
discussed here which is used is small, probably about 5% of mineraux utilis6e, dont il est fait mention icL "est faible,
the total and most is used in relatively low grade applications sans doute environ 5~ et elle se borne ~ des appfications
such as fill in roads, embankments and so on. In these limit~es comme /e remb/ayage des routes, les terrasse-
appfications transport and handling costs are paramount. To ments, etc. Dans ces appfications, le coot du transport
overcome these costs it is necessary to develop higher value et de la main d'oeuvre est considerable. Pour justifier ces
applications and it is hoped that one of the benefits of this d~penses, il faut mettre en jeu des investissements plus
analysis has been to identify and orientate future action importants, et on esp~re que cette analyse aura contribu6
while at the same time pointing out possible drawbacks and d6/imiter et orienter /'action future, et en m~me temps
difficulties. faire ressortir /es inconv~nients et difficult6s ~ventue/s.

Vol. 12 - N~ 70 - Mat~riaux et Constructions

The most influential factor determining whether or not a Le rapport entre le co~t du matEriau de rebut et celui
waste material or by-product is used is the economic cost in du mat~riau nature/ correspondant p o u r une appfication
comparison with the alternative natural material in a particufiere est le facteur determinant d'utilisation du
particular appfication. These costs are primarily made up by mat~riau de rebut. Initialement, ces coElts sont d~termin~s
handling, processing and transport but social benefits of par la main d'ceuvre, le traitement et /e transport, mais
using a waste, though more difficult to quantify, should not il ne faut pas oubfier le benefice social, bien qu'il soit
be forgotten. Land which otherwise w o u l d be occupied and plus difficile a ~valuer. Un terrain qui se trouverait occupY,
possibly at least temporarily made derefict by the tipping o f a et ~ventue/lement, au m o i n s d'une fa,con temporaire,
waste material or the quarrying of a natural alternative will be inutilisab/e, du fait de r a m o n c e l l e m e n t d'un matEriau de
conserved for other .uses and the deterioration of the rebut ou de/'extraction d'un rnat~riau nature/correspon-
environment often associated with waste tips will be dant, sera pr~serv~ pour d'autres usages, et on ~vitera
prevented. On the other hand the prospective user of a waste de d~t~riorer I'environnement p a r des monceaux de rebut.
material should be aware of possible disbenefits such as air D'un autre cEtE, le futur utilisateur de matEriaux de rebut
pollution arising from the processing, water pollution i f dolt se rendre compte des dEsa vantages possibles, tels que
soluble pollutants leach out of the waste or a less well pollution de /'air par suite d u traitement, pollution de
proven technical performance. Adequate kn'owledge of the I'eau si des polluants solubles filtrent du mat~riau, ou
properties of the waste materials and products containing performance technique pas tres ~prouv~e. Une connais-
them are therefore essential to enable a balanced j u d g e m e n t sance correcte des propri~t~s des materiaux de rebut et
to be made on the overall advisibility o f using them in a des produits qui les contiennent est donc essentielle
particular situation. pour permettre de porter un j u g e m e n t valable sur I'oppor-
tunit~ de les utiliser dans une situation donn~e.
This has been an international symposium and it should be II s'est agi d'un colloque international et il faut admettre
recognised that national conditions in terms of resources que les conditions nationales de ressources et de pratique
and practice may lead to different conclusions in the peuvent entrainer des conclusions diff~rentes dans chaque
individual countries. pays.


[1 ] GUTr W. et aL - - A survey of the locations, disposal and [15] FRASERC. K., LAKEJ. R. - - A laboratory investigation of the
prospective uses of the major industrial by-products and physical and chemical properties of burnt colliery shale.
waste materials. BRE Current Paper 19/74, 1974. TRRL Lab Report LR 125.
[2] Use of waste materials and by-products in road construction. [16] MATTHEWS J. D., GU~ W. H. - - Studies of fly ash as a
Report of OECD Research Group, Paris, 1977. cementitious material. Proc. of Conference, "Ash Techno-
[3] SHERWOOD P. T. - - The use of waste and low grade materials logy and Marketing", London, 1978 (to be puplished).
in road construction: 2.colliery shale. TR R L Lab. Report 649. I17] Influence of alkali content of fly ash on effectiveness in
[4] SHERWOOD P. T., RYLEY M. O. - - The effect of sulphates in preventing expansion of concrete. Technical Report, No 6-
colliery shales on its use for roadmaking. TRRL Report 627, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station,
LR 324, 1970. Vicksburg, Mississippi, June 1963.

rE] GRATi'ON-BELLEW P. E., and EDEN W. J. - - Concrete 1'18] SHERWOODP. T. - - The use of waste and low grade materials
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686, 1975.
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Vol. 12, No. 3, 1975, pp. 372-378, [19] SMITH M. A . - The economic and environmental benefits of
[6] NlXON P. J. --Floor heave in buildings due to the use of pyritic increased use of pfa and granulated slag. Ressources Policy,
March 1975, pp. 154-170.
shales as fill material. Chemistry and Industry, 4th March
1978, pp. 1 60-164. [20] Work carried out under contract to BRE (to be published).
[7] Expansion of pyritic shales, Candian Building Digest CBD- 1'21 ] SMITH M. A. - - Review of standard specifications for fly ash
152. for use in concrete. BRE Current Paper CP8/75, 1975.
[8] FILL, HARDCORE,- - Building Research Establishment Digest 1'22] SPRATTB. H. - - The structural use of lightweight aggregate
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[9] R ILEM contribution and VON OBERING,PILTZG. - - Grosserpro- [23] BERRY E. E. - - Current availability of fly ash and its use
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[10] Waste materials replacements for highway aggregates. Concrete Industry", 8-9th November 1976.
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Vol. 11, 1976, pp. 31-50. Math. Sci., Vol. 12, 1977, pp. 1869-1878.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

[28] GuTTW., KINNIBURGHW., NEWMAN A. J. - - Blastfurnace slag [51] LAKE, FRASER, BURNS. - - A laboratory investigation of the
as aggregate for concrete. Mag. Concrete Res,, Vol. 19, physical and chemical properties of spent oil shale. Roads
No. 59, June 1967, pp. 71-82; EVERETTL. H., GUTT W. - - and Road Construction, Vol. 44, No. 552, 1966, pp. 155-
Steel in concrete with blastfurnace slag aggregate. Ibid, 159.
pp. 83-94. GUTT W., TEYCHENNED. C., HARRISONW. H. - - The [52] BURNSJ. - - The use of waste and low grade materials in road
use of lighter-weight blastfumace slag as dense coarse construction: 6 Oil Shale. TRRL Lab. Report 818.
aggregate in concrete. Mag. Concrete Res., Vol. 26, No. 88,
September 1974, pp. 123-143. [53] NEVERS T. D., CULBERTSON W. J., HOLLINGSHEADR. - - Disposal
and uses of oil shale ash. Bureau of Mines Open File Report
[29] GuTT W., HARRISONW. H. - - Chemica[resistance of concrete. 32-74, 1970. Available from NTIS, No. PB 234-208.
BRE Current Paper CP23/77, 1977.
[54] GROMKOG. I. - - A preliminary investigation of the feasibility
[30] MATHER B. - - Investigations of Portland blastfurnace slag of spent oil shale as road construction material. Transporta-
cements. Report 2, Supplementary data. Waterways tion Research Record, No. 549, 1975, pp. 47-54.
Experiment Station, US Army Corps of Engineers, Tech.
Report 6/445, 1 965, pp. 1-61. Preventive measures against [55] New uses for sulphur and pyrites. Industrial Minerals,
alkafi-aggregate reaction in concrete. Proc. Symp. of the December 1976, pp. 57-59.
Research Institute of the (German) cement industry, [56] SRANE G., BURGESSR. A. - - The thermopave process. Shell
University of Hamburg, 1973. Canada Ltd. Paper presented at The Sulphur Institute
[31 ] LEA F. M. - - The chemistry of cement and concrete. Arnold, Symposium on New Uses for Sulphur, Madrid, 17-19th May
1970. 1976.
[32] VENUAT M. - - Slag cements and their uses. Moniteur des [57] New uses for sulphur, J_ R. WEST, Ed. Advances in Chemistry,
Travaux Publics et du B&timent, Vol. 69, No. 53, 1972, Series 140, Amer. Chem. Soc., Washington DC, 1975.
pp. 65-70. [58] DAvIDT. A., HOOKSD. B. - - Utilisation of waste kiln dustfrom
[33] SMITH M. A., OSBORNEG. J. - - Slag/fly ash cements. World the cement industry. Proc. of the Fourth Min. Waste Uti[.
Cement Technology, November/December 1977, pp. 223- Syrup., Chicago, 1974, pp. 354-363.
233. [59] COLEMAN E. H. - - Concrete and constructionalengineering,
[34] EMERY J. J. - - Steel slag applications in highway 1935.
construction. Silicates Industrials, Issue 4-5, 1977, pp. 209- [60] TUBEY L. W. - - The use of waste and low-grade materials in
218. road construction 5. China clay sand, TR R L Lab. Report 817,
[35] SHERWOOD P. T., TUBEYL. W., ROE P. G. - - The use of waste 1978.
and l o w grade materials in road construction: 7, miscella- [61] TAUBER E., HILL R. K., CROOK D. N., MURRAY M. J. - - J . Aust.
neous wastes. TRRL Lab. Report 819. Ceramic Soc., Vol. 6, 1970, p. 19.
[36] O'RIORDAN M. G., DUGGAN M. J., ROSEW. B., BRADFORDG. F. [62] Several papers in the proceedings of the Five Min. Waste Util.
- - National radiological protection board, Report, No. 7 Symp., Chicago, viz.: NAKAMURA H. H., ALESHIN E., SCHWARTZ
London, HMSO, 1972. M .A. - - Utilisation of copper, lead, zinc andiron ore taillings.
[37] DICKSONJ. - - Gypsum-building from the depths. Industrial Proc. of the Second Min. Waste Util. Symp., Chicago, 1970,
Minerals, July 1978, pp. 17-32. pp. 139-148; MINDESS S. - - Production of high pressure
steam-cured calcium silicate building materials from mining
[38] NURSE R. W. - - J. Applied Chemistry (London), Vol. 2, industry waste products. Proc. of the First Min. Waste Util.
No. 12, 1.952, pp. 708-716. Symp., Chigago, 1968, pp. 153-154; PETTIBONE H. C. - -
[39] GUTT W. - - Proc. 5th International Symp. Chemistry of Engineering properties and utilisadon examples of mine
Cement, Tokyo, 1968, Vol. 1, Tokyo, Cement Association of tailings. Proc. of the Min. Waste Util. Symp., Chicago, 1972,
Japan, 1969, pp. 93-105. pp. 161-169; MmOESS S., RICHARDS C. W. ~ Criteria for
[40] papers by DEAN K. C. and PINCUSA. G. in the Proc. of the First selection of mineral wastes for use in the manufacture of
Min. Waste Util., Chicago, 1968. calcium silicate building materials. Proc. of the Second Min;
Waste Util. Symp., Chicago, 1970, pp. 1 55-165; C O L L I N G S R.
[41 ] TAUBERE, HILL R. K., CROOKD. N., MURRAY M. J. - - R e d m u d K., WINER A.A., FEASBY D. G., ZOLDNERS N. G. - - Mineral
residues from alumina production as a raw material for heavy waste utilisation studies. Proc. of the Fourth M in. Waste Util.
clay products. J. Aust. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 7, No. 1, 1971, Symp., Chicago, 1974, pp. 2-12; STOOPSR. F., REDEKERI. H.
pp. 12-171 North Carolina Feldspar tailings utilisation. Proc. of the
[42] BERETKAJ. - - The utilisation of industrial wastes and by- Second Min. Waste Util. Syrup., Chicago 1970, pp. 177-
products in the ceramic industry. J. Aust. Ceram. Soc., 180; CUTLER I. B., NICHOLSON P. S . - Ceramic products from
Vol. 11, No. 2, 1975, pp. 25-29. mineral wastes. Proc. of the Second Min. Waste Util. Symp.,
Chicago, 1970, pp. 149-154.
[43] Utilisation of red mud wastes for lightweight structural
building products, II TRI Project, No. G6015, Final Report, [63] LA ROSA P. J., RICCIARDELLA K. A., MCGARVEY R. J. - -
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[44] BLANK H. R. - - Red mud from alumina plants as a possible
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Vol. 4, No. 5, 1976, pp. 355-358.
[64] HEINZR. H., GEIGERG. H. - - Utilisation of mine waste tailings
[45] TAKASHI MITSUGI et al. - - Pilot test of manufacturing red mud
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[65] Utilisation of mining and milling wastes. Illinois Institute of
[46] WARGALLA G. - - Einsatz yon ratschlamm bei zement und
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[66] Building bricks from the waste pile. Environmental Science
[47] KOGAI-SHIGEN-KEN.- - Artificial lightweight aggregate from
and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 6, 1972, pp. 502-503.
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[48] Japanese Patent 49-23221, l t h March 1974.
Division (ASCE), 97, (SM9), 1971, pp. 1207-1225.
[49] Japanese Patent 49-60324, 12th June 1974.
[68] WATSON K. L., EDENN. B., FARRANTJ. R.--Autoclavedaerated
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pp. 101-105; Vol. 39, No. 5, 1963, pp. 224-225, pp. 407- [69] Utilisation of phosphate slimes. Water Pollution Control
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pp. 111-114; Vol. 40, No. 3, 1964, pp. 194-200. Agency Report, No. 14050, EPU 09/71, 1971.

W. Gutt - P. J. Nixon

[70] GUTTW., GAZE M. E. - - Trinidadporcellanite as a pozzolan. [88] JOHNSTON C. D. - - Waste glass as coarse aggregate for
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[71 ] Ro EP. G. - - The use of waste and low-grade materials in road pp. 344-350.
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[73] PINOZOLAD. - - Large scale continuous production of fused the Fifth Min. Waste Util. Syrup., Chicago, 1976, pp. 8-15.
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[74] HAYNES J., LEDBE'FI'ER W. B. - - Incinerator residue in 283.
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[78] TAUBER E., MURRAY M. J. - - Glass-clay-mosaics and tiles. Util. Syrup., Chicago, 1976, pp. 16-25.
J. Aust. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 7, 1971, p. 47. [95] PROUDY H., HODGE J., GREGORY G. - - Recycled asphalt
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[81] TAUBERE., CROOKD. N. - - Bonding lightweight aggregates [98] KAWAM A., SMITH L. M., ROSS J., LAREW H. GI, RUDE L. - -
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[102] RHOADSO. C., GORDONR. B., RIMASVAISNYSJ. - - Conversion
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