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ISSN 1392-1258.



Petras Barsauskas Tadas Sarapovas

Prof. Dr. Habil. Doctoral Student
International School Kaunas University of Technology,
of Management (ISM), Vice-Rector, Economics and Management Faculty,
E. Ozeskienes st. 18, LT-3000 Kaunas. Department of Economics,
Tel.: +370 37 302367 K~stucio st. 8, LT-3000 Kaunas.
Fax: +370 37 302368 Tel.: +370 37 324147
e-mail: Fax: +370 37 300576

Abstract. The rapid growth of electronic business has been evident since the very beginning of the last
decade. Nevertheless. so far companies experience many problems related to the implementation of
e-business. This article is focused on the analysis of the main problems as well as opportunities of small
and medium-sized companies (SMEs) engaged in e-business. However, in the rush to offer e-business
applications to beat competition or to respond to client and internal needs. many businesses have
developed unfriendly, expensive. limited services of questionable value. This article will present an
analysis and some methodological guidelines as to how to solve the problems arising in the
implementation of e-business as well as how to best use the offered opportunities.
The main goal of the article is to analyse the problematical issues of implementing e-business in small
and medium-sized enterprises.
The following objectives are set in the article:
1. To define the main problems and barriers in engaging in e-business faced by small and medium-
sized enterprises.
2. Based on the analysis of survey results. to identify the main reasons and opportunities for involvement
in e-business.
3. To outline the characteristics that small and medium-sized enterprises should possess in order to be
effective in e-business.
The following research methods are applied: theoretical and comparative analysis. an empirical study
of SMEs on the issue of e-business.

The SME e-Business Smvey 2001 undertaken respondents all held senior positions in the
by the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland dem- companies. The survey revealed that while
onstrated the level of penetration that e-busi- there was a high level of Internet access among
ness has achieved in Irish businesses (http:// Irish SMEs (over 81 %), the use of the Internet 826 small or me- tended to be in large part limited to market-
dium-sized companies were interviewed in the ing and soureing material (82%) and e-mail-
survey (all with 250 or fewer employees). The ing customers (73%), and there was a low level

of transference of general business processes • Companies ignore, totally or in part, the
to the Internet - with 45% of companies hav- important opportunities offered by Infor-
ing a website. The survey also revealed that mation and Communication Technolo-
Irish business felt that not enough was being gies (ICT). Therefore company manage-
done to inform them about e-business or in ment does not support these projects.
providing practical help for companies to be- • E-business is often confused with having
come involved in e-business. a web page.
Similar practice is common in other devel- • The opportunities offered by ICT are un-
oped countries as well, particularly as regards derestimated.
SMEs. Here it should be pointed out that • There is a lack of professionals that have
SMEs are to be better informed on the ben- a general overview of the e-business
efits and opportunities of e-business. SMEs project, from both the management and
need also to learn to evaluate their particular the technological points of view.
business activities with respect to their com- • Organisation processes are not re-ori-
patibility in the e-business sphere. ented when they go digital, in order to
The perceived main obstacles to e-business
adapt businesses correctly.
(Feuer, et al. 2002) are the lack of technical
• Internet communication actions are not
skills, security issues, and the cost of hardware/
correctly developed.
computer equipment. The cost of specialist
• No methodology exists for the develop-
technical skills in computers/e-business can be
ment of an e-business project.
regarded as the greatest obstacle, with 40% of
• It is not considered a priority, and SMEs
respondents saying that this was a major prob-
are quite reluctant to changes.
lem, while one third of the businesses surveyed
Summarizing the above, we can conclude
perceived the lack of security as a major prob-
lem. Similar obstacles were highlighted in the that SMEs (as well as many large enterprises)
Enterprise Ireland survey of its client base, need to be trained and educated more on the
where organizational culture, cost and train- issues of e-business. This can be achieved
ing the existing staff were noted as the great- through governmental support and should be
est barriers. initiated by private sectors with the highest
In order to ensure the effective establish- interest in e-business development and expan-
ment of e-business in a company, it (Messa- sion of the Internet. According to Kadlec and
narz, 2000) must be developed and imple- Mares (2002), the presently existing specific
mented from the business but not from the barriers for SME entry to business-to-business
technological point of view. Although technol- (B2B) e-commerce can be outlined as follows:
ogy can play a very important role, it is a tool • SMEs have a more restrained approach
for obtaining results but never an aim in itself. to new and unproven concepts due to
Despite the fact that technology is very im- their higher vulnerability. They cannot
portant in an e-business project, it should be afford to experiment too much.
taken into account that the company culture • SMEs have a different business style
and the staff are the "engines" of the organi- based much more on personal relations
sation. The reasons for failure of e-business and community links.
projects as commented by the Irish Chambers • SMEs have a considerably higher cost
of Commerce in 2002 were as follows: awareness: one failure might be the last

one (which is not the case for large cor- sions quickly; this makes any new quicker
porations). and more flexible way of doing business
• SMEs have a more difficult access to veri- very attractive for them.
fied success-story information. • SMEs show a significant lack of qualified
• SMEs have different characteristics of sales resources to generate a continuous
competitive pressure (large enterprises flow of new business opportunities.
are expected to be at the forefront). • SMEs have poorly defined sales proc-
• SMEs lack confidence and trust in new esses, usually with no technological sup-
technologies. port.
• SMEs usually have low bandwidth Inter- • SMEs show a much higher appreciation
net dial-up connections, as their under- for any support that would introduce fully
standing of the connectivity value does developed business relations and help
not justify a more expensive fixed line or keep them stable.
broadband technologies. • SMEs suffer from insufficient knowledge
• SMEs face little pressure to drive down of marketing principles but show a rather
their operational costs (typically reason- careful spending for consulting or gui-
ably low), but show a more careful ap- dance that could increase their market-
proach to investments. ing impact.
• SMEs lack experience/education/under- Figure 1 summarizes some of the drivers
standing of e-business possibilities. for e-business and several other aspects typi-
The most important of the above-stated cal for SMEs.
barriers are the lack of confidence and know- Driven on by consultants, larger companies
ledge of new technologies and their applica- made high investments into information sys-
tions, their contribution to SME business and tems based on "new advanced concepts" and
increase in added value. SMEs must be clearly standards to manage their operations better.
aware of the economic effectiveness they can Most of these concepts were replaced by com-
achieve by involving themselves in e-busi- pletely new ones (Kadlec and Mares, 2002),
ness. but those companies that were able to distin-
On the other hand, there are many cogent guish between the hype an~ business reality,
arguments why SMEs could be in fact ideal par- based their strategic thinking on the following
ticipants in electronic trading and have numer- cornerstones of the IT/lS business benefits:
ous opportunities there. The experience of • Information technology is not more than (2002), a web based Czech busi- a technology for efficient sharing, pro-
ness portal, reveals several specific reasons for cessing and managing of information, and
SMEs to become motivated participants in currently it can neither become a new
B2B e-business. They are as follows: sales channel nor a vehicle for completely
• SMEs typically endeavour to expand be- changed business principles.
yond the territory currently limited by • The latest technology is not the key driver
their inherited business activity (munici- of success in itself (especially in terms of
pal or district) - the majority ofthcm wish return on investment), but it can defi-
to break the barriers. nitely inspire innovative business ideas.
• SMEs can usually react and make deci- The Internet is an extremely powerful

marketing channel only in cases where tify e-business opportunities is to focus on the
customers recognise and appreciate the 'Critical to Quality' (or CfQs) factors for each
benefits of the services provided. step of the buyer experience. These steps in the
In other words, the core decision concern- buyer experience (Chan Kim and Mauborgne,
ing e-business implementation is about setting 2000) can be broadly defined as follows:
up a business model that adds the highest value 1. Purchase experience (information gath-
to the company and its stake holders. The tech- ering, interaction with company repre-
nology is only the enabler of the right business sentatives, the actual buying process and
model. Besides, as Cattaneo (2002) points out, mechanics).
in choosing the right e-business model and sup- 2. Delivery and installation of the product
porting technology, one of the key factors is or service.
asset specificity. Where the value chain is ori- 3. Usage of the product or service (How
ented to products with a relatively fixed de- easy or self-explanatory is it? Are the
gree of added value - as in automobiles, - the benefits immediate? How powerful is its
value chain is highly integrated, and the scope functionality?).
of evolution in the business models tends to 4. Supplements (What is needed to extend
be limited. Whereas there is a greater scope the value of the product or service?).
for new types of products and services to ap- 5. Maintenance and repair of the product
pear in the tiers of the value chain, as in pub- (How simple is it? How fast? How much
lishing and food industries firms have an op- disruption does it cause to existing busi-
portunity to adopt a correspondingly greater ness?).
range of e-business models. 6. Disposal (Are there waste or legal issues
The method that business can use to iden- of product disposal?).

Procurement cost saving

Benchmark competitive position

Faster successful entry

Long-term partnership

Faster operation

Flexible reaction to competition

Opening new markets

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%


Figure I. Main reasons to engage in e-business (BMI Association, 2001)

These six phases of the buying experience The business should have an appropriate
can be analysed with a view towards determin- profile of e-business and certain characteris-
ing the customer approach to quality-creat- tics that lend themselves to web-based trans-
ing features within each of the phases. Qual- actions (Caroll et al. 2002). Some ofthese fea-
ity can be defined in a number of different tures can be the following:
ways. The useful way for managers to think • A high percentage of all transactions con-
about how new products or services may en- ducted via the phone.
hance quality is to address the following is- • A high number of relatively small-sized
sues (Caroll et al. 2002) that the customer transactions (e. g., average order value
faces: less than 200 EUR, meaning high admin-
• Customer productivity (Does the prod- istrative costs per EUR sold).
uct enable the customer to do more in • Average transaction size being low (e. g.,
less time with fewer resources?) less than 200 EUR).
• Simplicity (Is the product or service sim- • Average unit product value being low
ple to buy, use, maintain?) (e. g., less than 100 EUR).
• Convenience (Is the product / service • Many small clients disbursed throughout
easy to obtain, convenient to use?) a large geographic area (e. g., all of EU).
• Risk (Does the product reduce the finan- • Large product catalogue (e. g., more than
cial, physical, legal risk of the buyer?) 1000 product references).
• Fun and Image (Can this product intro- According to the survey of companies in-
duce an element of fun that did not exist volved in e-business (Lilischkis, 2002), the ma-
before?) jority of establishments procuring online re-
• Environmental friendliness (Does the ported that internal processes became more
product address a previously frustrating efficient: 16% answered "significantly" and
issue in usage or disposal?) 41 % "somewhat", as shown in Figure 2. The
The use of this approach can help compa- majority of 52% also found that productivity
nies to focus on the development of strate- increased (12% - "significantly" and 40% -
gies for the most critical stages of the buyer "somewhat"). Reduced procuring costs were
experience, and ultimately create exceptional stated by 47% of the establishments (7% - "sig-
value for the customer. Another important nificantly" and 40% - "somewhat"). Only 37%
step in the successful implementation of any reported that the relations with suppliers im-
e-business initiative is the development of a proved significantly or somewhat. The lowest
strategy to overcome adoption difficulties. impact was reported for the number of suppli-
Obstacles of acceptance can come from a ers: only 21 % (5% - "significantly" and 16%-
number of key groups including employees, "somewhat") of the establishments agreed.
business partners, and customers. The poten- In comparing the impact of online sales and
tial for buyer frustration in business could origi- on line procurement, the impact of on line sell-
nate from the following types of issues: unan- ing appears to be larger. This is a bit surpri-
swered phone calls to the Order Handling de- sing, because the share of companies procur-
partment; inaccurate, or incomplete deliveries; ing online is much higher than the share of
little visibility on order delivery status; an out- companies selling online. One could have ex-
dated product catalogue. etc. pected that the high share of establishments

procuring online is due to the fact that the com- try differences are influenced by cultural pe-
panies many positive impacts of this prac- culiarities - e. g., Finnish modesty, British un-
tice. Several reasons can explain the relatively derstatement or American effusiveness
low level of online procurement impacts: for (Lilischkis, 2002).
example, dissatisfaction may be due to the Some industries appear to benefit more
thinking that online procurement does not re- from selling online than others: while "public
quire a refined business model, so that the es- administration and other personal or social serv-
tablishments do not really exploit the benefits ices" are among the sectors reporting largely
of online procurement. positive impacts, "manufacturing and construc-
Companies from the USA and to a minor tion" appears to be less successful. Almost no
degree from Germany reported largely posi- relationship between industry and the impacts
tive impacts of online sales, while those from of online procurement is found. "Manufactur-
the UK and Finland appeared to be rather ing and construction" companies tend to report
unsatisfied. Italian enterprises often stated fewer impacts of online procurement than com-
moderate impacts. Companies from the USA panies from the service sectors.
and from Italy reported largely positive impacts Successful online selling does not really
of online procurement, while those from the seem to depend on a company size, but among
UK and Finland appear to be rather unsatis- larger companies the share of positive impacts
fied. German firms are in between. It remains tends to be higher. Establishments with more
unclear to what extent these differences are than 200 employees appear to benefit most
due to sample effects. It may also be that coun- from online procurement, while those between

Number of suppliers

Stock-keeping of goods

Relations to suppliets

Procurement costs

Staff productivity

Intemal processes
m ore efficient

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

[YJSignificantlY • Somewhat o Not at All D don't know .no answer I

Figure 2: Impact 0/ procuring online at establishments in Germany, Fill/and,
Italy, the United Kingdom and the USA (all countries togetller), %
0/ establishments procuring online, 0/930 sllrveyed companies (Lilischkis, 2002).

10 and 49 reported the worst results. Consid- We can summarise the situation for small
ering the finding that multi-practitioners tend businesses as follows. SMEs want to use ICT
to be the most successful establishments, the solutions as tools, but they would like these
message is: though small companies in general products to be intuitive for the user, instead of
lag behind online sales application, they can being highly complex and requiring specialists
perform successfully once they apply e-busi- to administer these products. The training ne-
ne ss comprehensively. cessary to generate the expertise indispen-
Overall, the findings presented by Lilischkis sable for SMEs results in exorbitant costs and
(2002) give the impression that it is beneficial a long-timed investment, both of which impact
for selling and procuring online to apply ICfs heavily on the limited resources available in
and e-business practices jointly: use as many these companies. SMEs prefer buying pack-
ICfs as possible, target both businesses and ages to components, because the customisation
consumers for online sales; procure and sell of such components when combined to pro-
on line simultaneously; use the Internet not duce a specially tailored system is often more
only for information presentation, but also for time-consuming and complex than simply pur-
data exchange and joint business processes; chasing a ready-made solution. The implemen-
make use of intranets, EDI and call centres. tation of ICT systems demands that SMEs fo-
While there is no extremely strong relation- cus on long-term returns - a way of thinking
ship between any innovation indicators and the that is foreign to many fledgling businesses.
impact indicators (the largest coefficient was The use of new ICTs will be the key for these
0.475), there is at least, no "negative" relation: SMEs to expand into new markets; they will
establishment,) without a certain ICf or e-busi- build on and drive their future competitiveness
ness practice do not perform better than those (Weiss, 2002). An important aim is to empha-
having this practice. The conclusion is that the size the role that novel innovative ICf solu-
"winners" of e-business appear to be the multi- tions, especially groupware systems and stra-
practitioners. tegic business development applications, play
This finding has implications to practical in the emerging global Internet economy.
policy. Above all, the companies themselves • SMEs must become web-enabled if they
should re-consider their business models: e- want to be able or continue to be able to
business should not be regarded as an addi- supply large firms (i.e. allow buying and
tional practice parallel to "business as usual." selling to be done via processes with web
Companies should rather integrate ICf use as interfaces).
well as selling and procuring online in all busi- • More support must be made available to
ness processes. successfully create and manage business
SMEs did not report significantly fewer via the Internet.
positive impacts of online sales and online pro- • Cost-effective packages (in terms of
curement than large companies. However, the money and training time) to get SMEs
share of e-business practitioners among SMEs up and running quickly and with minimal
remains smaller than among large companies, resource commitments must be found.
so that the "digital division" between small and • New software should be deployed in
big businesses still should have a place on po- small companies in order to establish re-
litical agendas. ciprocal links with each other, building

smart organisations that encapsulate the term, cost-trimming measures in these crucial
basic concepts, which would transform areas where it has been proven that the invest-
SMEs towards virtual organizations. ment will bear fruit (EITD, 2002).
For an ever-increasing number of enter- To implement a successful e-business strat-
prises, the creation of knowledge is the core of egy, SMEs have to provide interfaces to link
their value-added services. The use of ICf to to larger companies - suppliers and custom-
improve products and services by providing an ers alike (see Figure 3). The actually imple-
increased access to knowledge and information mented ICT infrastructure normally is based
should contribute notably to the competitive- on individually tailored ICT systems and solu-
ness and success of SMEs. IT offers an infra- tions grown with the years. Last but not least,
structure for companies that provide content, SMEs face problems to keep up with rapidly
knowledge-intensive services and traditional changing technology cycles due to missing fi-
products. They must be able to process huge nancial resources and ICf skills. The growing
amounts of information and be useful in estab- application of outsourcing market (e. g., in
lishing and automating business processes. The Germany) will increase collaborative work (es-
costs for SMEs in implementing these technolo- pecially across enterprise borders) in the com-
gies are a big prohibitive factor (Weiss, 2002). ing years and will determine their business.
Most of these enterprises try to keep down ex- Small businesses must be aware of the true
penditures on software administration. value of how the internet and e-business can
Due to the complexity of these systems they contribute to their specific needs and require-
must adopt long-term visions in terms of re- ments. Therefore excellent showcases and best
turn-on-investment and abandon their short- practices are necessary to encourage invest-


Full illtegratioll betweell

Collaborative planaing and
product development
Supplier consolidation


Figure 3: Stages of E-bwiness Development (ElTO, 2002)

ment in e-business applications and technolo- how technology can stimulate SME business
gies. Nevertheless, e-business is not going to to increase the added value.
replace the existing ways of doing business, but 2. Upon summarizing the analysed surveys,
must co-exist and be integrated with the over- we can conclude that the main reasons for
all business strategy (EITO, 2002). To success- SMEs to become involved in e-business are
fully implement their own e-business strategies, improved service, procurement cost saving and
European companies are searching for what cost efficiency in general, improvcd relations
their needs are, where Internet technologies/ with suppliers, lower stock volumes, a more
e-business can be of benefit to them in their
flexible reaction to competition, easier attrac-
external relationships with customers and sup-
tion of resources, and, finally, the opening of
pliers, and internally with their employees.
new markets.
3. In order to become successful in e-busi-
Conclusions ness, SMEs should review their business pro-
Based on the analysis presented in this article, cesses and identify the elements within their
the following conclusions can be drawn: business that are the most suitable for online
1. The main barrier to e-business for SMEs operations. Examples of such operations can
is the lack of understanding about how their be the high percentage of transactions con-
products or services may be traded online or ducted via mail or telephone, large quantities
supported by Internet technologies. In most of small-sized transactions that can be pro-
cases SMEs are missing technical knowledge, cessed by computer systems online with
and the cost of engagement in e-business is too greater efficiency instead of being handled
high for them. One of the major problems en- manually, the large range of products traded,
countered by SMEs is the security issue of e- and the like. SMEs going online should focus
business systems. Small companies are short on operations that are critical to service qual-
of know-how and are not aware of method- ity so that the client can clearly see the ben-
ologies for correctly developing e-business efits of accepting these services and would be
models. Generally, there is a lack of confidence motivated to use e-business solutions applied
and knowledge about new technologies and by the SME.


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p.109-116. 90.
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Change in European Organisations. eBusiness and 6. EITO European Information Technology Obser-
eWork 2002: Conference proceedings Challenges and vatory 2002. 10th Edition.
Achievements in E-Business and E-Work, Part 1. 10S 7. Kadlec P., Mares M. (2002). eCommerce Bu-
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and E-Work, Part I. IOS Press, Amsterdam, p. 195- for SPI, in Proeeedings of the EuroSPI 2000
202. Conference, Copcnhagen Business School, 7-9
8. Lilisehkis S. (2002). Determinants of e-Business November 2000.
Suceess in Seleeted European Countries eBusiness \O. Weiss P. (2002). E-busine~s And Small Busi-
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Petras Radauskas, Tadas Šarapovas


Pagrindinis straipsnio tikslas - išnagrinėti elektroninio ir juos pritaikyti savo verslui. Kita vertus, remiantis
verslo jgyvendinimo problemas smulkiose ir vidutinėse atliktais tyrimais, galima teigti, kad pagrindiniai mo-
imonėse. Darbo uždaviniai: išryškinti pagrindines pro- tyvai smulkioms ir vidutinėms imonėms pradėti elek-
blemas ir kliūtis, su kuriomis susiduria smulkios ir tronini verslą yra tokie: klientų aptarnavimas gali
vidutinės imonės, plėtojančios elektronini verslą; re- tapti efektyvesnis, mažesni veiklos kaštai, operatyves-
miantis analizuojamų tyrimų rezultatais, identifikuoti nės, greitesnės tiekimo procedūros, mažesnės produk-
esmines priežastis, motyvus ir galimybes dalyvauti elek- tų sandėliavimo apimtys ir tam reikalingas plotas,
troniniame versle; nustatyti pagrindinius požymius, ku- lankstesnės pozicijos konkurentų a!ŽVilgiu, didesnis
rie turėtų būti būdingi smulkiai ar vidutinei imonei, rinkos plėtros potencialas.
siekiančiai elektroninio verslo efektyvumo. Smulkios ir vidutinės imonės, siekiančios sėkmingos
Straipsnyje naudoti teoriniai ir lyginamosios ana- elektroninio verslo plėtros, pirmiausia turėtų išanali-
lizės metodai, taip pat analizuoti tyrimai ir apklausos zuoti savo verslo procesus ir nustatyti, kurie tų procesų
elektroninio verslo tematika. Atlikus analiz~ nustaty- elementai gali būti geriausiai pritaikyti operacijoms
ta, kad pagrindinė klūtis smulkioms ir vidutinems internete. Tokių verslo proceso elementų pavyzdžiais
imonėms yra šių imonių vadovų nepakankamas supra- gali būti didelis užsakymų arba transakcijų kiekis, vyk-
timas, kokiais būdais jų produktai ar paslaugos gali domas telefonu arba paštu, dideli kiekiai mažos apim-
būti pateikiamos internete arba kaip jų verslo proce- ties sandorių, kurie informacinių technologijų ir kom-
sai gali būti susieti su internetu ar informacinėmis piuterių pagalba gali būti apdorojami efektyviau, negu
technologijomis. Dažniausiai smulkioms imonėms tai darytų darbuotojai ir pan. Smulkios ir vidutinės
trūksta techninių žinių arba per dideli su elektroninio imonės, pradėdamos elektronini verslą, pinniausia tu-
verslo idiegimu susiję ka~tai. Taip pat viena iS esminių rėtų atkreipti dėmesi i tas operacijas ar veiksmus, kurie
problemų, kurią nurodo smulkios imonės, yra verslo nulemia paslaugos ko~. Elektroninio verslo modelis
operacijų internete saugumo aspektai. Šio tipo imo- turėtų būti suprojektuotas taip, kad klientas pastebėtų
nėms trūksta know-how, taip pat jos nežino metodų, aiškią naudą ir kad tai ii motyvuotų naudotis imonės
kaip sukurti efektyvius elektroninio verslo modelius teikiamomis paslaugomis internetu.

lIeikIa 2004 m. sausio mėn.


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